Substitution In hunt: `no Qua. ' The J`ubiloo picturu vhlch will opus A gzurulghug ongnfzualrnt {ha angling n o one 0 not sum . an ex:~lnl:gon an that moving pietunnglthc aft diamond jubiloo in London. n.. Juno 1397. III `lithe urn`- onou Inn at y proton: at upload W? of the om:-ion` Tho prlmlpl N oonnmvutbo puolgg of the quota`: cuttings; drawn by at t cram bani. IIAHIIIIAII dnonpnhll A nnnulul queen`: amigo; drawn by 06 In honor. ohbonuly doeontod ultondod is her nlcuromi sludi an I \\aIn.":Bo dun. nu o..uu.T":':.:. u-wu-wv-g vv bone; also. :1 nan-Li An BUG": Thou tho orohbiobop oorrios with him the approval of tho mojotily of tho Gatholioo. low lotootonio uood boliovo. No in on old mon. ho ho: olwo II boon in mum of ox- bromo viovo and vio out tompor. ond hio origin ond only lilo probably ihoopooiluod him when he onmo to Conodo from oponiu hio mind. if`-Xi` 5 hi: bout, to tho poooibil - tioo oi A 39 no brothorhood of tho Cunudion poop o of all onodo. Ho mu well on in yun vhou ho lolu lrolond: `ho ovidonbly btought with him hum lroloud o ronhlimz moznory ol mhgiouo non-ictionn mid injiunioo thoro: ho loo! not toolin- that both ooono ond timo hon changed. Ago. which iuollovnl big honrtod mon. hon lolt him oppuoully moro narrowly inlomo and bitter thou ovor. Tho pity of it in that hiahinh pooibion in the ohurch and oioiol oiithority givo his unohrinion opim o iorriolo patio for evil in tho mm` umnity. Iy. - Ottawa Journal : ll orohblohop Cloory won to ouqulro ho would and than on Ca- Iolmon ond throughout tho burnod dlotrioto. tho grout majority of tho oulfororn on poor Catholic rouloro. you this two hon not chillod tho lnoorto ol thooo l`rotoouuh lol- lovmitlnorun ond follow-chrlotlano whom orohbinlmp (`Ioory rise! to ohoroctorixo no hothou. 'l`L-A AL- -..LLl-L-.. ....l.. ...:.x L)... AL- IUTTU I'll-II IWIKKUT In Inutnunui. Ottewe Free Preee : Preletee in the position 0! erolibiu.-hop Cleery ehould ex- eroiee more moderation. end it in e heppi thing that ho etendn elone in the oonree he he followed. in thin. ee well en in other euee. Mutuel good ieellnge ie the order of the day end all religione oolnbine for the fnrtherenoe of ood worhe. In oo- treel puiyore were 0 ered for the lete Moh- hiehop Fnhre in Englieh oethedrel. end for hleho Bond. when eiek. in St. l`etrioli e end otre Dune. The Romeo Oetholio vioer-general ettended the Iunerel oi hie- inop Bethune in Toronto. Thie ie the kind of eplrit which umet veil. Montreal Bter : Amhbieho leer 'e utterenoee will probehly hove e leeet n- ilueeee where he ie beet known. in bi: own diooeee oi Kineton. but hie eooleeieetioel oonlreree in ot er perte of the dominion ionet regerd them ee rtieuler unfor- tunete et e time when t ey on log the eympethy end eupport of thin ednlteroue gonerntion in mettero politioel. Nor ere eooh iulminetione eelouleted to promote the iniemete of Romen C`-etholio bneara end other ohnrltiee to which Proteetente end their edulteroue oonouhiuee ere in the hehit oi oontributing freely end generou- Ounun Jnnrngl 2 If emlnhiehnn lnrw IIWI. ' Toronto Telegram o Proteetentlem ie not ineulted by the opinion: or theta ol etch- hiehop Cleery. Proteetent em will name itechildren in heptinn; join chriutlene in holy wedlock; epeek worde ol eomlort to the livln at the grove ol the deed undie- turbed y anything which hie (nee ol Kin eton may do or eey. Proteetentiem him on to tour from the re ulelve Roman Cetholiclem ol erchhiuhop leer then from the more nttrective Romen Ce olieiem cl Moneignor Merry del Vol. Montreal Herold: In one respect hie reoe of Kingeton enjoye en nnenvlehle intinction. in prohibition of hie people from ettnndlng the lunerele of Protentenle ivee him on eminence in intolerance which I unepploeohod by any other prelete that we know ebout. Catholic or Proteetent. in thin country. ' ' ' Hie grece of King etcn eervee on I mile stone to tank the die- tence et which we, both Proteetente end Ontholicu. hove elreed left behind that old school of holy hnllios y whom the goepel of love is recommended in the guise of un- lriendlineu end euepioion end the teaching of the prince of peace end good-will in en- forced with ewegger end enethemee. Ohtne-A II`:-an Prong Pmlemn in the man or an. nary! ounoarur. Guelph Mercury : ~~ProviouI musdoeu of thh prolauhuvo boon oxtromo onoigb in their lnlolorunco. but him last one onpu I|II_ ollmux. mud in this lunar put of the nine-. Month contury.wIMo tolorntlon und Mond- ly fooling bourcon thd dilbront. mu sud oroodo are being onoourugod. to have this nbrsnd thrown in` among the pooplo can only oxoito gouornl lndi nueion. Arch- bhhop Clary hu com! mm the world too Into In the day to incubate and on- forco Inch ontrmoouuly nurrow nnd illibornl views. mnnAn.A Tglgnnam I nnntgnnnnnr la nah n dnto {again we illlboril (or thin on- llglmn ago. In Halo community 0|- tholioo ooonlonullv sing in Pmuut.onh olmrobol and Proiootonu in Ootholio olmrohmo Jovnin both. The Oatholio but of mllton. I luv your: ego. prone ed a opuisl some to tho Prom- hnnu whom he obmvodin congrega- tion of 80. Mary! cathedral. nnlnh Mnrmu-I : ~~'P|-nvioul IIIIMIAMI of lIUCIIwUlKI1 Ih1$ -Ix! -CU pic In Dlqnulcu ' Hamilton Ipcuton I! "roll " in hopb out of the coming olootlon amigo it won't ho Archbishop Okay : hulk Hamilton Eonld: Arehouho Olen wolfolnha y until he gothon lo iloo lmonun bi spiritual ponitoubiu-y and hop shun on undo: Illl wniohlul on. Bollovlllo. Iutolligololr: Arohbiuhog Clary will learn oh. I ponrlul thong he may he in tho diooou over which no idol. shaman thousand: of his own i who have no nym-pnthy with. nor will lhoy obs hll bohut in mutton ulfoohing their relations wish P:-oimunu. Hamilton Timon The Klnglogn mun- ll-gilt! thin llnhh-.. TA IJIIA nnnnnnnlhu nu. 6lR'|'lR'S aiaunnpdaauu munch nun on- his lap lnumnnlnn wan fut PRIII uv.-3. "GR.Af `TWINS Ilupm! JAMES REID. '*'*j"=-33,-_-3-g;g.g_' lixsr wan YOU ARE LOOKING FOR! I-1 -A X1 KHA- -We have the largest assortment of Stoves in the city. Examine them before purchasing. Iooyouqotcanorh. Anxtorou-tu~'|. nmnnnddoznund 75 8: 77 PRINCESS STREET` The Art Amherst Hall end?Parlor Cook /Stoves are fitted with the dup- lex Grate. Powerful Heaters, Ec- onomical on coal and handsome in design. `SHIRTS FOR MEN. When a Shirt ts it wears better than when it doesn`t. When a Shirt ts there is no unnecessary strain on any part. The necessary strains are provided for. Every one of our Shirts is reinforced where the strain comes. We carry three specials made to order Ifor us. Every one ts or you needn't keep it. TT..`.......J..:.u-I o\.- I-An nnnr`o-:11:-` n FDFB n`nnl; IUI |.l.`|. .I.4V\vI Uuu luau vn Unlaundried at 50c. at 75c. .Black Sateen at 50c. ` None better for the money, very few so good. . Starr & Stclie, I Iuvvr not I I IUIJDRIVIJ-P II` Uhil-A Reliable-Perfect-Economical Consider price and style, and then come and tell us if Millinery and Mantles can be bought to as good - ad. vantage elsewhere as here- Quill: re each. Wings roe, 15c and 25:. n h V _ ` _ Ostrich Tips 25c. 50c. 75c," 81.81.50, 82. has. ~ - ` Birds 25c, 35c. 50c. 05c. 75c. $1, tug. ' _ New arrivals in Feltvsailore and Walking Hate. ._ Mantle: of Black Nap Cloth 82.75. $3.25, $3.75. 84.15. ` Six styles and clothe in Mentlee at $5. "ix. ' Black Nap Cloth Braid Trimmed Coats at $6.50. , ` Seven et les in Mantle: at Oz and $7.50. Four sty es Mantles at $9. ' Eleven styles Mantle: at $10. ` And a splendid range of styles and cloths from $12 up totes. av l ELLIOTT Bnos..` Sole Kingston Agents. HIQTNES Q LOCKET1; HOT ` mm Ell IIID. lancer. ~ tau`: :3: onwun; non ovum or (WW0 Ind-olllu of um uunpsny (d)`l`tnou`uoMho nnnorhul mu 0 ; * .':.::::'::...' :.a': ...'::..'r 0 It!!! not Fan 0! ml on w kl \ 0 0 on?! to auto: w 5 d or Manor no out ah`): ..*:f:.'::'. .-.r.:'. .1*.':*:?"?.'.`.- ~::m; Inns 5 n we 0 C r up or on Q: vhlswumh .:'.'c. I not lino. II won note. man or usual). Mrxvulln c on man 0 IIp`I - coupon raw! noun 0 mob dot 5 Monk V: In nmmo MI! 5 alums what- vuh no oompumr. mm II Mch an I h lnlo \n-wan moi Innlnou tn- ` twuvdollnn on who am` 0 litmus of nnnhllnn nnnmnn. -run: In A rune. In` I ma FORMBRLY RICHMOND & C0. 118 and l2O__PI-incean `Street. sjt \ I ,.._:.------r-' _:r!1.0U_SAPD5'!N USE. DIBTRIOY DASH!` Shoes for Showq \ .g OAYI KOCUI VIII \ J --mede to look well in e window-mede for an -thin but comfort. Such an the kind t at p eese ur eyee et the expense of your feet. 1` e ehoe which doee not fit your foot the met time you weer it lace little comfort for the twentieth ime. it cost: mote money to secure the foottti 1 - of the Sletet Shoe than for come entire ehoe acct; That `a why they nppeennce. then ot on the sole $3.00. $4.00, 35.00 per pen-. ( as more foot comfort. weer. and shoes. Goodyeet Welt. Btnlllpd i The Slater Shoe? They will not lat long. Conn and got v._.u__ II_A._A.g._ ._.A 1 ._;A ,___ --, KOBE; O NOTIOI gala!!! an IKE`): 'l"ll&'l` 0 I o o o 0 3! or thgnv I I clo mp|nlu'AM. own nomounr. am lN00|mblA`I`I0 M on ummu nut Am~nm|- I`l":`0V an $121; nr inn` |.|:uuh:'1t: I olgngrum, V 0 n r o o u o ovum- um 91 rfuon m$'In Onnl`-P. '""'r'...;:. ':. *.`- '3; .: o o u - " '.'mh ' can-yl on` or Inn. 82Es '."h.. a3..a .'.`.'.}':!.?.`...22:. A --- 1 17 - tun 'Fn'Is-IinuI:s ma aacom. Antique Oak niah. with British bevel plate mirror. Exactly aame aa cut. " ONLY $18. unlnuhuwu `Qt out I ofwlnonsoo I II Hula- nm?r 0| 0 13%|? ou`or olhn my ovmn 0. % an 5 0 tutu! tumult o 1 o as old II! pp nnunons. n 0; `mu. show up no to nllmo \ 0 uonplly. ( 2? undo: vhnl npnlslor mum! Au . ` 0 amp: was: ootpon . um m An unudlnn an nnnlu an Extra `Provincial oompaulos. (Enjoy uneoutonot mm MA.l._.. QIJAEQ `ID. _.2II L.I_ ms 3. o. RBDICK. .--L-g-n nu-nun Ann Innunnj nu uurnaubu mum. II I`?! I I IIOIIIIA `flu o! onthlln eompnr I II o MIR) VI 0 `hove wovli Mn. nu ma upon up button Qo tho under I "in" an :.`:.'.'.:;:.:': `:.::.:.'.': "' unfit` Ac`: sanding mo` would of a..!2!....L_L-...I_-_ ._A.n . ,_,.,__.._ Limo uvor Pm: \\b \\\ `\ \\ \ 19$! WK w-2| MS. JDIINSNN & G0.` -3 0I.IthuuuIInu8u.' vs-u Ibuunnopthoonuul Tnnopou` hkionoompuuouod to build melon ! mu ghnunhcomomdtroodon I Iusqbuuhirohr wunotuhmorm q:motH\Il tan in voguo. Thain- nuuunI|Id|!P\W\N5.*IXi.hoddu givinghdonfnu \nntion.totlhoob- am. A low you-1 ago c omna thud to endow I obulubh id in Kingston with 89.00). with our uhcudithu. `no discussion that tol- Iovulwu not liudlyndhtaowwu pluulohovhn. tlughtho iuuuuon hdlyuudulbuhlhuouqyndilnpod onnphluohuuguonupnpul to -hlulnmlk-sL......)...L.L....n...a 'vUZ?vvl -vvvIvUIIUUGVCI WI $ nlkul who pools to boluutlud wlohvouu auhdsbovotho ulhdut .___.I.)..__ -D _._.___I .._ _A.__- w-v 1-uvvu-ww in xv:-w-vvv CCU uagidoudpuuulnohns. Vifftww ;t.culbII|II.unI nthuuoguh lbnulhlvqhn In In-Hui land than: may uv--my -u vuupuuv. u` Iuuuurl WI!` ""`_ "" """'uI "` " `""" plid I|.600uoh put you immd or no ";`.;' *'d$;.~ *';8"'I nob. Tho inditfuonoo paid to an ohf. 0! L, o;` `3:,.:`n~. arm M, ,',`,"';_;,," '0 `NW 3'9"` "9" N Pm0s NM sum may oluh,u:o not nu-lot umutosm, amok In tho (Brand Trunk brewery. at IN` MN! 90* |0V*'-`RN`0- ow -- cw - "-*"|*W` " "'`*` l"P` um. Fiugibbouo. Iocnurv fun too at I much higher limits. and now than In I `|:;`lI utuhmn attondinip to tide mmut an ugly haul in unpnpouuniua building: g 0 cm tummy 3 nos nu 3 5.... p;,.,,w, uwdomu P". `M ; mrndownot the Hnnmo. is was moral; mod on that ho` did not portotu In '5 `m *6 5` ` """' 5`"`` 1 union In 3 muunr oxpoctod {mm (M iv: vud\ Ioumbont at the onions It in mm use Nut you. up an Mumgu hgmpu. 5 Gemini MN mmplnintt iqxiutond nu mp om, M N .5,` 0115!!!! him. no nor: ` amino. givunlno mo and tnodou MT` "0 'm"' "mm "M mm. in ms: oh: nu noumn. hr . ! f'. ......`.'3 ..'3.....`.'.`?.`.."i';" .12 ..f1`.'I`?I.`;' ..' nu uvn The puduony 0! cutting down tho uudltowpqy by an county ooumillon till my indionnt uuvico wan oovond Mn out the uxpnyou ovary com 0! |hoduI|oi\oN3|.380. Tho auditor: won ..-l.4I .I In\d\ _..AI. _.-_ ~> ` roonoro to bo ohooon to cull ottontion to thingo in tho poporo oi opoolol intoroot. A otot oplondld plon. ....-._ A OOSTLY INDULGENOE. Tholittlo boqinningo oount in tho long nohonlngo. It woo tbo brooding oi on oppooitlon on tho Kinpton horbor lorry rouio by o ohoroholdor of tho Rioholiou D. Ontorio novigotion compony. tho ongqing of o ooptoin of thot lino in tho oppooition. ond tho nohing idlo ono of tho old lino`o ttoouoro which orootod tho Amorioon lino on tho Bo. Lowronoo to Hontrool. A no boot hod to ooouro oooupotion and o pro- jootwoo ouddonly lounohod which hod boon 1 incl to In notioo to tho (lronitoo it muot bo thot no oortiiiooto oi 8oolo'o ogo woo nut in thio yoor. io nomo woo plo on tho junior liot by tho ooorotory oi tho union and tho (lronltoo pl od him oo o junior in good faith.` Thoro. plonty oi othor unil- oblo mon. ond hocl it boon known that ho woo ovor tho ogo limit. ovon though it woo only by two montho. ho would not hovo boon ploood on tho junior tonm. `rho roooon tho uronitoo did not oond o ropro~ oontotivo to doiond thnnoolvoo it tho oxocntivo mootin no booouoo tlioy wcro quito ootiood t oir ootiono won logiti` moto. opon ond obovo board. Thoro mu no intontion to notioo doooptionor imid. Mon rogtou that ouch n ruling oillmtod. but in ootioiiod tho .|.5.... 3.. pm T1,. 0..., .0 an old ` oxocutivo did right in tho inco oi tho ovi rivor oonapony hoo boon o hoovy looo in poo- oongor roooipto ond now tho oxpondituro o! o quortoro! o million dolloro far no booto. to moot tho oppooition oi ono unoll otoomor. It in woll to put o ooorohlight on ovon triing oppooition boiono lounohx inn it. $L- .......l_.-.._ -1 _....L_._ 1, 1 donco. I E oi loooionoliomi Ipnrtlng Notoo. Tho '1`. AC. toom hos proiootod Riploy. tho Tiaoro, on tho gmund of pro- llo took put in gun-loo with prnfoooionolo. Tho union will moot to ni ht to look into tho innttor. ho tol In woo cont "oolloot." on out |.M|.--A- u.. ........I At 3.. ol.. ....L... ......| ...._ A WORTHX INNOVATION. J. hi. Groonwood. ouporinbondonh of tho Kama City oohooio, hu nooiod oil tho school tooohoro than Ilvo minuhoo no to ho ooh opuh oooh morning in tho middio and L qppor grodoo at tho word ochoolu for tho i dioouooionoi nolnpopor uopioo. Chiidron i orotoho onoourogod to clip from uom- * poporo uh which intoroou thorn. ond` oopooioi utontion in to ho ooliod who I: nowopopor on-tioioo which rolotio to tho i c oounhrioo that piipila on studying about in I goognphy or hiotory. Two pupil: in ouch : noon on coll ouontion I I 1 I I l I!?!""""_`. m7i:;'s5as. yoldolhb. Clllndptuptir. loot hm. In)_ )-L A J `THE DAILY WHIG.` ow per Orbm Dioov. J A: to tho Proton Anlnno the (Insulin- d one count only Upon. In roprd tobho notion of the Ontario rugby union football union in out ndhm L. tho juniormniton. pruidont A. . Fa toy" nzotho; tturulgvu open for untijon IIG` c::1oo:umi.II;oi`o:':)roeol:c`I :n`:r.i`.)':`d aid ' wlththo dam-minnlon shot who rule: of w-- bho union would be urlooly onforood in * - ...'.?.'..'.!?`5.'..3.u`.}.i'.`.."i'5`1`"ar'L`:{`v?2 `' rooonood Bun: Tynor and Sonic. Elmer onon. npmonoin the Brookvillo club gm on tho oxoonuvo of tho , union. we L:'...:':..`: ...`.:::. *:.":::.`:::.. ., `.:.::.:.'..::`:::: `h from tho noun g! Fmntonoo found that fhildron John Goor ' In. non of John Soolo. . oounoy_of rontonoo. mu born on Augunt. =- -~ A :r.:::.Z;. .:'.:'::.:':.'::::..*::..:'*:..'r.`::::" ` "5' _ who turnhhod r. Jonoo with A 0OI`NOi M mm. mm. .0 sh. ........I. n. ....-.n.... nun. ALl_ hnov::w\I:' 8on0 at ldao ol lmnsauuu gun III OIIlOl`|tin- can in tall dunhdin an tho Onugo mlbgs The am: in vol! uuudod. Show uctingu chin-nun. `I'M pregnant III about oxeludvcly con- ol auction. I! m instrument. planing . IoI|Ron\\`.0.Bn tkuonwhllvudddmm. " Thoptqnnno tuduul byth gn- Oonoltod to do Irwin at Imitation: at aunt color Wnppun. [Ill llllll I, DID OHIO. Illll M10 ` sanding pmlculu-s of the unsung I which Iln Bmclvilln nrotnt nu mnnin ` Imam. pwuuulu-s 0: mi III-lug II which Ibo Bmclvillo Ftotut wu wouincd muuago um: man no as dimnliIad."":l`hn L3... am ....".:...' .'ii2..'!.'F."a'. ~"rL" ""'.'aEa I..`.'.".'2'.'2 Inga til am: In velvet today night. QT` VIII K III 0 I` 'l0lUIONs The Mcuill univsmty football club bu written to the ncntmy 0! the amateur athletic association of Cannzla. charging Ihn Rayoido. Kormody and Wilson. torn` Orly 0! Quota`: ham and of the 0;- City alumna an invutigntion. III III III IUUI IIIUU IWIU IIIRUUKK hitherto on and of in the union, and one Cu which pnwidonu I-`on! up the century was won . Than an om or we face}: non out had on npmouion. Th: MMHII univnnmv fnnthnll nlnh In: 1 1 no Lmu. tum mun protuuu mploy. of m night LA 5.]...-A-u an... ....m u...n..n N .... ..-n '_ wnu nlrnilniu ml`. aonu Winn I OINIHIQ icop otoho roooniuiu quoation. Vviclnthia on once in went before who cxoouuvo and succeeded in having the (lrunitu dioquaxlh God. I . husk-` A- AL- n.....n_- n .....-g L- PM. W. J. Clark, of London. In mm with I donunonh In which ho ohnrgu that Kuwlohlnm-hoard hm oommwooh ago- ll "nobuloulln doctrine, myuclo In unbi- monc. unml in experience. Iubjootivo In oonooptlon. plotictio in mud. phnrunio in tondonoy and npuntm In undonoy." My. whnb urtul mm mun have boon alk- od an the pooplo! some pooplo hero wore very land 0! to though. ....__._.-_-...._ _ Boua nambara of tho praaa. in non- manhlnj upon arohblahop O,laary'a paasoral. dgolara that tho old gentleman la Ill or "billoua." or out of ordar aorna way or oohar. Thlaia uh. kind at can ha` ha an- paotad from an up-room or him alum. It In navan tho language of a gantlaman. Thonla ampla ground for protaau and orltlohn to ba found In that oumgooua aaaaulu upon woman of bin church and upon aha honor ol Protestant famillaa with- out raaorting to low ball: that ia not olavor by any _Inoana. vv-Iu WIUII .l|U'IIUv Irvin vu- .T..... u u uuuu to the dmulj; bddouuldn nu Roma Uuhollo urvioor. whore the using in M1; It gnu II In any Proulunh qoronony. Gnu public attack upon India In unworthy ol any mm. an name: what hlu up or condition. and is It comforting to Iullhnb tho pain given to than will III in oountubalnnoo In the dluturbod foillngn, for s In dnyo at Inn. of the party of who am pm. or -history docs not Always upon luo. _, I'll putonlohnhhluhop Oluryopoko olthodnuolonooltholhdy In-Idcolutds iudo! her bola; in of tho uocnuu In "th drum." Apart from hot mm hung tho oonnntioml dun of society. which DIM could with proprloty won on tho IIIIAIA `Q In nlnnllgn IA lhn Jnnnnnh A. THE Pn:8Tt3ENT'a VIEWS Thu nun warm}. IWEIDNESUA1. ouronnn V21. 1393. Taoonlr PC1100` 7 Wu DFXXT III'Il:IhTKi`. 0| wnum Io. uoguouun panning; |linI8Id0 Putott. Viol. I Stucco ahlohn 0lNO. Min Annie onythia in Oduuuuning In. Fathom. who in nu ulnqlk.) Booth`; Mm Scout Nul- uoahhnottou Iowan. houelnol hug olculonunoout oi uouloo. In Am Buidutdiul in` any `at nod:-aqua Embdont"':oto'cWvVulu;'-if: Rial? i put I-\hJ:ypnA-Qlo you friend: Scundq alumna. W._ 15:11:: dnvololiinptnn `rhnrodqy. bu had In Iuvounhornlhon. an is can unsold with iullunnuiou chit running the my, Raw. W. (.`.nnnln'n huh!-and -mu. ol WIUI IIIIICCIIIOII IIT IT! 1` UI luv. W. Counts`: tub: and Inounr.`:i Rn-gmnllg Ann annals an IL: nnuunan.-g Wilton Ipllodol. 'l|.`m.\`. Oct. 97.-llr. Moulor called A moouug oi his pattern It Viototit ochool-M homo Monday mghl to I00 what could In be dam tovnmin paying them otf. la wn found cm the pnsmm would I.hf:iv Sophia nonqyalrig not 3 0 vi den: of Oowhothlou vyill In my alight oopnoinlly when compuid with Mr. Mot- n|or`n loan and inmnnnionm A um run when tr-the muting toga the uptu- non oi tho pU0[\h'I ruling concerning the to-building! shohotory and it wan ur- od unnnumouoly minor of I now ohm factor . The pooplo but had Mr. Iloulor so with no yum. and Mn ul- nyo found Nah I mu: 0! Merlin; qnulmu. no umnoono on to found In an lahphoo. At pnunrtho neighbor- ing chum function but lull van. In`: A!!!) nndn lnimo IVUUIWIQ Will I UK IKIUHCU INE- Tho Mro lulu. W. Turbo and (I. Am- man` charged with diooniorly conduct in ton of the open home and with throwing stoma at wncohmm Driaooll. won road a nun lactate. and given to undonund that nhould II: In own in the cum locali- ty slur nighlfal the will In unatod and native: whipping mm tho polico. with tho possibility at boingoonb to the reforms- `"' )`~ 7 > , __ nnu-.._ nn._|.._4..- tho You: Lad Ronni:-on to mm Ills Iol-Mu Ruined. Jomniah Hurloy wu ohurgod at tho polloo nourt thin morning with dInnhon- no. A lino of 85 and cow: was imposed, with tho rivilogo of nponding thirty day: in jail. 0 won nllovrod to go free. how- ovonhut. ohonld ho miuoondnnb himself again nnd Ml into the lmncla ol` the police the mount line will be onforuod. The young lad attending the oollogioto inntituto` uiltyol writing obscene word: on the Im n of Victoria ochool. wu unlu- od to rcooivo I round whipping an the hand: of the poliom The ptooonb ohu will Iund again him and should 0 main mlubehu-o hlmnll tho charm non- Mooniod will b0 and inguinal: him. Tho lmvn huh. '. Turban mad N. Am. CIIINII` UOHUIIIIIIIR RI": DIOR I Inwllllc A proof at tho bride`: popularity was t-ho muguioouu array of pnoonu. an entire mom boing givon up to their dlo lay. Many cum long dmanoon from men 0 ro- niding in ditlbronb plum of she Uuitod Salon and Cumin. TH: nnnnnn In nag Luau-n hm hkg nnnnn AI SIIIII mu Ulllllllo The room in non known in the sun: 0! upon. in ptlouhr lining being what!- ing. at which he was ominoutly uuooonlul. POUICI DI DIIl"'I OIUIICIIII. Tho room`: gift to the brido wu I buutilu wrought gold ndant thickly not with pearls. The Int 0`: gift totho mom oonmtod of n lnndoomo watch 0 arm, containing Mr. MoKny`o initinlu. A mm! M {In bl-kin`: nmmlnilm nu Mm Liv Pm `rate no othu. KHZ PITBOOK UK I Wlllllll UPIIIIIIR nomad in W. Baum`: mosh mpnblo mm- nor. and ab noon Mr. ond Mrs. McKay boarded an out bound tram. bound for Monlrool and New York. They will be nbaont. ton dnyn. und upon returning will an a residence on Johnston utroob. op- pooito I. Mary`: onthodnl. The: aroma`: with an Hm In-Mn nu A UIIUI I CWO OI Wllllu UVUTHBICI were wrought gariande oi over- green ioliage. emilax. etc. the deaign boin carried throughout thedonbie parlore an into the dining room beyond. the entire dioplnv creating a pieaeing pic- ture. The very home woe oharmin . The prinoipiee. together with the r eup- Eortere. ocoupieda poeition fronting the nk oi e eona. The bride wore a gown oiw te rooadeduoheeeentin. and was crown with a wreath of orange bioeeome. The aocuatomed bride`a veil, which oontraetod harmonioual with the ruddy glow oi her oheeke. an darkened even more inteneel her raven iooka. com- pletely enveio d tar. and a boquet oi white ohr aunt ernume which ehe mrried were aym iioui oi her youn life. She wae attended by Miea dith Mo- Noioe. Montreal. who wae attired in a gown oi pale pink owered orgnndy aiik. carrying a bouquet oi `pale pink ohryaamiicmuure. William H. Viieon. brother oi the bride. aeeieted tho room, while upon Robert Wilaon, another rother oi the bride. roared the duty. at- tended alike by pieaaure and eadneu. oi giving away" the bride. Ah i. I oonnlnainn of hhn nqnmnnv that "guru: away" mo Dl`I!lI. At t. 0 oonolunion 0! the oonmoni the guuu pu-took of A nodding bro: Inc. norvnd in W. Baum`: mnnh nunnbln mm. `In. lieu: %`Nul. who live! Mal finlnh Hind Man 1:25: Aha: lnngl vu--ruuvvvl Iuulullu WIUII I-IlV- VI uvvyuwv ran. forminfaluoing contract; to the rid gown of white. Ovorhud DIM wmnnhh nu-lnnrln nl mm:-. an new . one htveheerl doth pa :1: man It hhelr breed circle of young mud: In Min Eva Wilson. youn oh daughter 0! the late ex-eldermnn W! Iem Wilson. end John hloliay. jr.. non of John McKny. lather no henmnend may end enrnen are the pet was let the mug oou le'e euooeu and hnppineee In 0 e ephefd nod which they entered to-day. Tho on-emonv um: nnrfm-mad by Rev. wmou may omonu to-any. The common no orlormod by Rev. Dun Onroy an 0 ml won at the bride`: mother. Brook Itmb. In the pmonoo 0! only lunnodhto relative: and friends. Tho nploiouo psrlor wu oonvortod Into n omry bower. Ono nido of tho room wu oomphtoly bnnhod with plnnu of dupuao gran. ride`: pawn nf whim. On:-hand Cl ll'|[l'|Ig MCI Inll IIDWIIIE II MIC {III of autumh'a. ldrmauh 1:`! `lich booing down hoolg on . may 1. luturo no otthz you J1. who thh morning-Awoto hound n ratio tho ol Oup|d a woaylug. Natal-o ookod horool! out in her Ilnooo apparal aa though to do honor to tho ooronony. Tho autumn lhwora vihioh Mood tho oooaalon ooomod moro boauollu than on tho annual-`a atoro that wont ho! No Juno day could hooo boom non `mount for aooh an oooaalon whoa oyoo oohod bright to oyoa which Ipuko in. omtall wont uuoml . Though rounda at thotuvoro al mo 'autumn'a approach Cupid out rum in thoir pothway and aont thou: forth In tho joy E! hopomarlalng from tho opringtimo of a not ` A-A Kan` `A-4; .4144}: .)'4.. A.ll.A-A-I IVU CU-U. 1- KW UIIIIPIIU1 ICU Ivor-Inch: Inn. A: bright. olur nnd glowing II but nn autumn : ldon In I loh bumod damn nal-.. - l-.- .u- Link us... 15.. union; nu 1-opus ommu {on an Incubus-I-n -Anhl. um IS snow THE LAO WAS WHIPPED. wlnoib `rm uo}muo.W I . 9. . 331 ollu `FEE INDIOESTIION and oonsnmnon jag. L_.___A._ A_4.;;_-;_.._ __A,_-_-- naught and York, whouo on hotshot. Tho guu 0! hot nnjuty III Inn on tl;|t:.ooounio`ru9.'uud In on` ` I pnucuuyuoononoocuunon u that \oI\ioohcMunllwhiupnn- nl bowlothophuditootlbo thong. hit an ambition which both 81:3-oung cuddquayntund with prot nnnomn. ts Mrronlcttol-\.in:~IndiugtII do dukes ol Ounlw naught York, about Th: nnm n! In: Innings. -1 `n""" " " g- .. ZNII