Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Oct 1897, p. 8

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uu-I---an on-II .uu'Iury Iulll . uo..onnioIl out 5.: dunno I; annual TnIupunni;i2il,ycla nditu will euuhly to ca iuunuliuc pain--Anon. m\.I?\honI salinity mun otblnca it cant within Ila mint`: luovtldgo Int The Only or Andlton. Rn`-..~rm\". Oct. 9.--q`l`o the Editor): Your very able erticlo upon the dntier of en euditorehonld nerve an e note of turn- iug to everyone lining otlice in e public, capacity to no that the enditoriel work in not e rineeure. It too lrnquoutly he that auditors perform their work on y in the literal suite in "hearers" Surely en nnditor ahould not only verify the account- ency of the work put before him. and certily "ooniperedvnthhoohe end vouchers and found correct," but rhould nnhehilnenll thoroughly ocqunirrtod with the huainen with when nccounu he in enrnining. in- cluding e hosting of the portion concerned in the remit of such ulninntion. From e nninhor ol yeerrexperiencewith ecconnte and euditi l oen truly say that Ill may eolelen e it-ielittlo hottortheneluce, hut in hirnernto the liuootonocity I won't! uddtheeorouerheuenotintendd toep- -` plytoit. fennditor lnehee e juot. reeronehlo. lnll end leir uerninetion no linhility nhould uzcrun. but unless in does impertiell end thoroeghlyinortignto torn oertiying to tho corroctnnteof ne- cznnte. end through ntpligonoe ellowe dio- to e'ndeteored._theehe . `rhonld nut artoinlyhe held perrenelly liable. \lP;nI....s _._e.t_..;__ _____ -_xu-_-_ -- ho-` _ IIW. Truly. A dA_v hndly pueeewithoui. in being reported in the prone t.hAt. A tru- ` aurer, A collector. or A book-keeper is are ~ ing. Private concerns And municipalities .Aro Awakening to the {Act thAt. new blood" must. be introduced. And the result in the sudden depArt.um of An oliiciAl belore the enminuinn in rnAde known. An Auditor who understands his duty And peiforrne it with An honeIz det.enuinAt.ion to do who in right And to mnke known the wrong. Aeehng no [Avon And Aaking none. will present. A Amtement thAt. ehould ceuee him no Anxiety. no mutor whAt. the verdict of A court may be. rofnrding the respond- bilitioe oi Andiloia. n ma vase now pend- inc.--A. BI.\.\'vi|.uw. L The Work Given to Friends And the Bad i Results. Klnaisnm, Oct. 9.~-- (To the Editor) : Your leading editorial of yesterday. re- garding the personal responsibility of an auditor, brings new light to bear upon this much-neglected ollicinl. His work is ueual~ ly performed at night and a mysterious darkness eoems to steal in at in very late hour upon the many trans.-nations he nds it impossible to unravel. So it is taken for granted that "that's the amount it was lastyear," the audit is completed. the re- port submitted and passed. Appropriations and ahor are now in order. Let us look hack for a cause. Too often the tteusurcrs of municipalities have not the qualifications neceseary to per- form the dutioe. The ition is too frequently given to n lrien . or on account of influence. Social etandinq is now put to the test and the tieaeurer kinda the otlicial remuneration not rullicient for. his needs. soatemporory use is made of the trust funds to engage in some specula- tion. If the venturee prove a suoooes there in stomzer temptation to make another " call:" if a failure the loss must be covered hy borrowing froma friend." There is no safeguard of the public money if the audit is weak. and the treaaurer not acompetcnt hook-keeper. If the `_incom3 ` potent treasurer must be retained in hie otlice. let private and municipal corpora- tions ap(point auditors who thoroughly un- derston their duties in regard to sinking funds. bank account. special rate account. shortages in receipts. improper payments and neceeaarily a knowledge of municipal 'I`...l.. _ .I__ L__.ll.. ....-..- ..._2aL-_.a ta IIIVUIVOI. In home politioe the moat noteworthy event of the week hae been the unanimous harmony with which liberal leader after liberal leader has given rominenoe to the houee of lorde queetion In their addreeeee. Morley. Aequith and Herbert Gladetone have all inuuted on its first importance on the ground that no long as the house of Iorda retains what some one once called a mere appendage of the C nrleton club.where toryinm haa ite heedquartere. the liberal meaeume are permanently blocked. `This concerted resurrection of the lame quee- tion may have an important bearing on the future of the liberals for everyone re- oelle that it wae on this rock that the eplit between Lord Roeobery and other liberal leodora beoeme openly dangerous. zou,uvu men. ` Death he opened another Engliah con- etltuenoy. the Middleton divieion ol` Lau- caehire. Lanooehire being Hon. A. J. Bal- lour e own political preserve. the election `will have a peculiar intereat an_d__import- anoe just now. for. however big iita mn- jority. the En lieh ' ietry ie alwnye pe- culiarly aeneitiv `fllmhua of changing po ular feeling. o,une can move among even the ardent miuietorialieta without feeling the mie- givinqa which England's deal in Tunis. her poeition in the near eaet. and the whole outlook in `India have ci~eatad.' Perhepe the woret feature of the Indian outlook in the position 0! the Indian treeeury. The situation must he grove to name e journal like the S tator to call earnestly for the din-p acernent of lord (leorge Hamilton at the Indian oico b Goeohen or Hicks-Beach and the despato to India of A really strong nancier no vioeroy. "He will need. aaye the Spectator, "ii in crisis actually arrivoemearlyabeolute power and a tiger`: will. English politicians do not seem to know what the reduction: in the army of India or fresh taxation really involvee." 1.. L.....- ....I:L:..- AL- ._--a ._-a-_-..aL.. eokon unoll tho non rohurn to work unconditionally. Tho manifesto roundly donounoolthe otnplnyon rojootinn of tho ovnrouroi of the nrrikon. and thoir inoiltonoo on the nbooluto inbmiuion of the workmen to their touno. The ro- nounoomono dooluu it mum the amp oy- oro intend to crush the entire orglnintion of trade unionism in tho oounor . The dead look in much that n strike t. rough- out the chip building yard: of the oountry non wool: in prohoblo. It would involve 250,000 men. nnnth hnn nnnnn-I -nnunp Rnnlinh Man: UNREUAEEE AUDITORS. ----cu nu Inintion mi. e I glioh nof L import- * in lvnyo zhanging no aho .`unie. be rutlook ry. neatly (loo * Goaolllgron 1 or, if ate icione notion: on mllv UIIUBl'WBdl' Better Values Than Ever at . V ._ Children's_ Combinations. all sizes. unehrinkable wool. very soft. 500. 600.750. 900. Children's Vests and Drawers. wool and union. ex- tra value, l2o, 250. 80c. 850. 400, 609. Ladies` Wool Vests. long elmeeves,4'ery soft and hea- vy. regular 40c now 260. ` Ladies` Vests and Drawers. natural wool. Ill sizes. 50c. 60c. 75 each. .. Ladies Natural Cashmere Vests and Drawers. tlno English goods. 81.25. $l.60. $1.75. Ladies` Black Tights. warranted fast dye and pure wool. only $1. - Ladies` Combinations. the best value in the city. see them. only $1. . ':l'1`*4~l!*3"'!`1 6l 2 'l 1` 2"! 2 t 1.3"` W. A. IIICIIBLL. n _..L Q. IC ji 3 3. ` San Francis-o;'Ortol:r 9.-l~`. 0. Fan- han. n mining engineer. of same. In.- jmt returned from the cut when he succeeded in otxanini n company to build I mean rulrond nu Shana; lo Luke Bennett. over the \V-`nine Pun. He any: that the empnn: has been incoh led nnAdet`l:e hr: fol New Janey y June; . c.'nn I.. when: years aoiieilnr 0! the Sonnet: Pu-ilie nul- rmd: senator Wnlnun 1`. Sqnil-en. nl Wnnhiqvon: John A. Stewart. n pro uinent naiq Inn at \\'uhin3ton.nnd Jana G. Inluril. ol Xe` Jersey. The rmdl will he Inow gr, '3 expected mu:-1I|5I.mnndn inpropnuedto runplete lye and by June Isl at next year. I IOITIMII Hill \. I-I&lIl SIIIIIWI r (`.P.R.. [or Queen Clurloue Islands 0. on \\'eIlnesda_v. her father. J. Lur- son. accompanying her :3 In As Ren- fnmr: John and George Porter. luck in [he excjngsion to New York; llilaelinte Noble left for Ohio on Tuesday. Visi- tors: Mrs. J. Homing. Glennie. nna! Miss McLean. Pittahn . at J. Lethar- |an3's: `Mr. and Mrs. Rory. S)den- hun. at \\'. I.nnon`a. . llglnbur-3 In-llnn. I-Zlginhurg. October 9.-Mung prints from th-- county and township airs fell to the lot of citixens of this place. Among the winners are A. Crztnston. J. Kutghl. J. Porter. J.B1-cranes, H. Counter. T. sum and others. (Grip, ur some epidemic of that nature. is prun- lent hennbouu Recent swore frosts have ram!-d an early downfall of am- tumn loans. The potato -mp in this at-rtion. though aomtwhnt injurt-d by axtrrlnes of drought and wet. in not Apmnnlly far below the an-rnge. (`iti- ue abroad: Mina V. Lawson started nan I` D D fun ling`- "L-nIa\ll- I-I__A- ' Gentnvlllo Allnlrl. (`entrt-ville. Octoher 9.-The farmers ant through threshing and are now en- gaged in dimxinu potatoes and huskin; corn. E. 0`t`onnor met with a painful .~u~vident hy falling through it tlistnnve of about ten feet. lle hurt his` hzwk. .\ pleasant event took place in the Ru- man C.-itholie churvh here on Septem- lx-r 27th. when M. Quinn and .\li.\~z M. l.ynt-h were united in marriage by Rev. |~`.-ither llartimm. Quite a number from here attended. On October Isl. ll t)`t`onner nnd sister. of .\e\\`hurg. Have a party and a great number from here attended. They all returned home well pleased and render sincere thanks for the hospitalit_r of the limit and hostess. P. and Mrs. Ffvana nttentled the 'l`\\'eNl fair. Miss J. lngoldshy spent 'l`uesdn_\' and \\'edm\~xday..tn Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. (`har'les llewey and Miss M. -.\lc- t`nnne|l spent Satunhi and Sunday at Railton. Mr. and . rs. M. \\`illi;ims. t`ro,\-den. were the guests ot \\'. t`.~i:mid_v. Suntlay. (`. Lovhead lost a vuluahle cow during the past week. Rain is nmvh needed here at present as water is very svaree. Some farmers have to drive their cattle in long distance to water. .\I. llonnhue spent a ten: days here this xu-ek the guest of his sister. Mrs. I . K\`:InS. xuagunucwnnlnruuu Sn Ynix. Out I--l`|ao Incan- na-I 2:-uh. sham M;-. II.I.. n...u `I10 I'll lWIy- In the session: this morning judge Mo- Dougnll sentenced the prieonere convicted during the present sessions. The terms` were u followa: Herbert Cnttin . theft. one year lose one day in the Centre prieon; Alexander Holland. neeault. six montha in the Control prison: Amos A. Roberta-. theft. one year in the Control prison; John Bold win and Thomas Spenton. eeeaultinn police ollioer, each four month in the Central priuon; Arthur Armstrong, assault occa- eioning eoluel bodily harm, {our monthe in the Oentrel prison: Albeit Pickering, an unit on I child, two month: in jail; Harrie Hermon. theft. two months in jail. Cutting. the boarding-houee lneols thief. received a moat revere tongue luhing from hie honor. Although he hul only been in the cityn short time, hie honor said. ho had evidently entered eixty lending houuee according to the evidence. He mu evident! 3 regular sneak thief. the Inoet denpica le clue of crirninnle. CUUIIII UK I '-IIIDIILKI. The ohu-gee Against the Mimico and Me- mrpolium otreet. railway companion. of breach of the Lord`: day not. by running care on Sunrlny, were traversed until next. amines owing to the ab:-once of William Mnckonzie. president of the Mimico elec- tric railway. In than noninnn thin mnrninn indcm Mn. v ~ Saturday $1. JAS. JOHNS'l`0N & U0 S no Wu 3 llellltl and Bulgned Ila Olllee --A one 'l'nveru~d-'l'he Ientenoeu Im- paled In a Number of Oonvleted 0rlmI- mun. Tonoxro, Ooh. 9 --At the uuizo court this mornin the with of ox-bailiff J. W. Croaele . of 'ewmnrkeb. I brother to eun- geliab Jronley, ngninat forty citizens of York county. woe when up. Croealey is suing chem for Sl00.000 damages. assessed in amounts of $20,000 to $5.000 each on account of their signing A petition for an irivutigntiori into his conduct. an boi|ilY in the course of which position they alleged him to have been guilty of various acts of dishonesty. Inspector Dickey held an investigation and say: he advised Croaeley to reign. but Crouley says he resigned simply on ac- count of L"-hoalth. |'l\L- ..|.-_...... ---:..-t IL- LI:-min . nnpl Ll- OROSSLEY HAS ASUIT IN THE TORONTO COURT. * + r v v v v v v v t v V v V v V V ' 1 ' v ' V v v v 11 HE WANTED BIC DAMAGES. Ui;;::1li;:s.?: ;:`1 t:n l3::;vers. 750 T ...1:....- \I..L......l n....| .... .... 17....A.. .....1 n ____ .._/"n..- 'I:1";.t`:1.::\llhCnshmore Vests Dmwers,/"no Ellglish t.or':nn' n`nnlr "`u'n]\fa Inn!-u-nnlnr` Inc` Jun nu.` s-(nun I.'JIIEIIB'lI stltllly 'IoU. Q1-UU. vlsl Us fast pure ` r.nrnn'nnn.|\nnHnnn n\n Inna} In-ulna |'n ILA nn \VUUl' UIII" W`! in` city. see . IIII VIIIIIU, IICEU, `UV; Ill-IV. UUU. `UV; UUV-lg a_lPeeves,veiy r.n.'Hno' Vania ant` nnnuvavn nnhnni II!l\l\I A`l n:|Inn `SATURDAY. PWMMMM MM Io-Incl. mun. 9-I|oIr~-Igg-g. `THC: nnriolquht f| win-onerous: rain 5` .. KCCQIOHHI Ioly CO `him Qjlhu 1 Lh_`~ )AI WALSH SKGREA.i' '(:HEA"15'sAiI=. Next Door to siuaua Bunk. '\NALSH S Display of MILLINERY and MANTLES the ladies are all of the same opinion-nerer saw a better. Their Millinery is beautiiul. Mantles in material, t and nish excellent. Styles the very latest. Prices the most reasonable. Do not purchase before seeing their stock at IN REGARD TO XIIEIICML. I. Inga-ruunnn-u-... '3' '3 Leading M illinery Store, 0! of H bin sou-nun lam! It snub! lluppnnnm and on bad I l 1 hr.` u 3so'3u' III :nup.::::.. bI:loI`|I"1:OVI`D'i.|;I I ,3` `ll '0 WKIIIVI IIVI III III EIIDCI lllll" $0. $31!: of uoum I gnu nnno anon. .x ads ; 1`. I at uni can nuomnund `ham to I I '}'v.".": :"n'IL'.`.-olxf; IAl'oh::m.' `. Q- nj-|.L- Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear for zoc. Odd Lines in Plain and Ribbed. worth 50c. 60c for 37}c. Heavy Scotch double back 81. for 69. All our fine Underwear at cost. Three makes of Boy : Underwear at low prices. Hens` Cardigan jackets. 8r.5o for $1, ; 8: for $1.50. All our stock of Bov's Clothing at your own price. 18 Pairs Wool blankets, from $1 50 to $4.75. Tiedowns,$r foroc; $r.5o for 900; $2.25 for $x.5o. Hen`: Twceds, 25c for 19: ; 30c. 33c, 35c, for 25 ; 5oc fox SPENCE & CO S Saturday Bargains. om: SAVIOUR IN nu. `nu-an noeunqtl 'I'.:'.,='a' .i':3u_o mum. their daughter to Ian VI-n. nuunoas Call an sun II and In. Ttnnoun Ind ill be pub. Tim n-ulragn-h an! In 1!?` um um or m viii; old. and lllally injnnd Ilia wit llld duo shot and curiously 0.50 units of John Hinton. Ii: wile`: brother. "nae shooting took place at the bone of Ir. hint The nutrient Tiuunons his wile Ind guru Id and In. Tlnnxn n] -no In lion an tn-u_-Inn Inching Irujvuy. _Wk;athImtoII.- 0c'tohe_r 1-}:-ink _. t1l_a`roa mu tom Sandy ., . un- mous shot llld Hinton.` lain 'f;`Iihor-in-|:.w.labout oightiy-five` mu: . I . . . .z...'L'i'.`.. .`.`.. '..'........ '~* ""`'. .`.'...`.'.'..`.I `.1. v IIJV 905'; SI-5: _ C 33c , for 37: Aida-nnIidnl&ohhWidg. A Iii-I-lilo noon; handy. uni-IApOn- I\_O..L._ I `I. .l-- I 148 PRINCESS STREET KITBIIX to Iin ti` Kigtnd Cashmere Gloves in all the new makes. at TAXL.Q.Bi$. Childrens` Underwear, all sizes sud prion. I.adi,ea' Knit Underwear at nfc. 15. aoc, 35c and up. FOR SATURDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT! Ladies Seamless ~ Cashtinre Hon. 35 pair, or live pair for $1. CIpn's Hose in plain and rib.lv:_o`;5.,vn'_t lowest prices. CY):io otI.' 15. 35, soc, 75c and IHUWUII I IIHIII III` IMIIIIII IIIIIIOIIIII. 0.0.0 or Io nu-tum cm or III mun Ii` 0 . n at be n n I cum I box .-onunun s I:;!i',A.'ZTs.i.!JSI BARGAINS pononl snot may run . d. and Ar; uuually wool any an pomr. llcoqvlnlont rdurln the day And h It night. My mlkelite aim! at A hlnnlnn. Thaw an-y"s3`.-.a"'o5c2. ifi33. a..'}`."`vi~`.'.f may ponou utter they rue .;..-5: : :?;.::. ..:=:..:.':::::z.r"-, , a no bdn Oroitblod for aural you-n with In on bluldu dmloulw. showing molt , I Ionduo an mun dur- Ilhn n h .of coma I lllll nnnonnon. A V LADDER ROUBLES 4 In Men's Flue Donzola Bus and congrcs,_,Regu- hr price $1.75. 60?. Duncan Ind hoot Sta. otvonAL I;-ifnaanapus. 83flnnd` 90 Princes: Street.` I wvuuo-nun` Baud 87Prlaccutnct. Kldnoy PIIII. IIVO lot? ` l|'nn III nook. zlo `Oh: or you It hon to ro`u uxtu uhov N. noun: solo: to u-tloul it bring: uuv .-I nun--vu, Shoe Snaps] hl|n.Wcnt'ldnn`**l`llu.': ulhuud m.-.au.:'.. ` fyphounlllh ltuocyrcnou. Bax 0.-JnptuoII ul- vion um; I mag` utphopnaqn. 7el.Iho Rot-ungin lurk Alouyqwu Inner d.ndIIo8I-osunuaduiuoolthoonv '.2?nIy|nn0II killul.lI) lnjulll won and nnlyhiiopduuoydnulhlh uyssomnoos _ guuwu [jlultvll Q I lll W (l'IlIIlU' none without porniaion of I` vi v in in Ibo Unihd on living with anothot nu. Nut bognnhd no otdonoa wan tonpply forcliuocq Iron hot huohnd. IIIOI oh dounotund cannot livovithon noon! 0! an nqoscrmhlo uupor.` And thank alhin on life an an sins and nova. II In Douooo lb). ` ` TN: wu unruly donulio day at judge hicfgzhamhn lrtho! nloltho had to try ovrud on I biguny. No two wins bin; in ovid.:n'.oo. Thou ho cnnud pa-niuion no I nun to (under nun. mum:-In pm... nu-Ininninn at ngunu III!` mucn mnmqn nuoonnu. now- nnl auppond his line wife dud. not having land from hot for our oighuon Ot. Bo married I second in INN. Tho m I! did not want to have Anything to do with him. but the noeond wifo I'll nua- God to an him back. In the has oi the very convicting ovidonco. judge Prim had to odjudgo Howard uilly. and oontonood lain to corn nix non in juil. 008 OI ulx loathe. Thiu morning David Howard npponnd boforo Judge Price on I clump of bunny. Ilia homo it In Konuoboo Iowmhip, though he onginnlly cum from tho Iluokoh dis- trict. Hun nk wile ha been min; in Collingwood. bye appear- cd to day and we ovniouce apinothormuchmn ` hmbnnd. How- nnl nnnnnnul his limb. -if. plan! an; "(')'.'.'. ;iu from Hiwool to hum Wad- dell to Clark. who mound try. \\'o\ dol mind try. Gnnihoo. ll: Brock- villo. 7. Hum ondod hare. Rhnniulllgnnn Ifgnnu n `|n`An I` vuno. a. nun onuou non. Brockvi|lo-Back. Konny: hnlvoo. F. Smith, Simpoon. l owoll;qunrtor. E. Rich- ardson: ocrimmuao. Wither. Dobbin. Adamo: rifhu wing. Dior, Donnldoon. Ilia-oll; left vng. I`. Clarke: (Capt) J. \\'|Iluuns. J. Th L H. Rob` . C3:lm3..-".lnh. hnh-an `VAR. umnuoi--uIol. nuns: nun-on. ww- dol. Halon. Hurray: `nnrtor. lliscock: norlmunvo. Chown. Llarke. Norman; . nnn minus. DI". Vanna. Rrilbnno Hhnf. -uruuun . bnown. warn. Momma: vi u,.)f::Dovn||. Young. Britton; Shef- ol . Porur. Squiro. Lamb. Refono. (`\- dat Slnrunnrl. nun, rvrwr D an s......3a._ DTUCIVIIIOI Ill ll 5.0". NWO (h~u\ihu, 7: B okvillo. 7. Broc"-`:pviug utrongor game than in ue non`. Tao game in forood into On-min armory. Thirtoen minutes you to nlny. nu nun: ha-nn I-Hannah tn hnlvgn Ind. lu UIIC IIIIIIIIIZ IIKDT Ill! IHIIIO VII Cl|lIOG- Second hnlf commenced at 3:11 o'olook. Urnnitoa had tho wind. Amer oighu min- utes Wnrldoll kiokod tho ball behind Broakvilloh coal and Konnoy rongod. Rana`-\-315.. vino nlusnomn on-an thgn IUIIU I Bmqkvillo playing with the wind. Plmy conbimiod for oomo blmo in Grnnitdn noundo nndann grndunlli workod u to rookvillfa goal. Froo iok on-riod~ II to 0|-units territory non to god. Mo- Donnld dribblod tonnney-u yard line. (Juno was very rough st. titan.` Altor wonpy-oighh minutes Richnrdnon kicked over Gnmito lino nnd Wuddell rougod. (inning. 6: Brockvillo. I. 7 Thu hull Una Iuuin runhpd tn Gnnikn urnnwug. 0; uroclvmo, I. The ball was ngain ruched to Granite lino and Simpuon you over `for I try and kinhd tho gonl. Gnniuo. 6; Brookville. 7. Ono minute lntor lmlf time was called. Qnauuul I...IC ..n.u......`...I -5 (LII ..'_l..-L _ -- -- v-`_- Thu In no um: noon than Immum. A an In 6 can nah I nnwlnmlun mm-h. Incl houmulol. But I\`n\lonr Io sin I min-I nun 95 can mm ho a can u- roughly II in ulo. or worth 0 `ll torn. Th 1 than 1 num- Ql nut 00 about about ya. quality and `Vt. OICILOIIIIIIK 'It'nn Mn nlook. mu do Oh!` honto I an vn`n ontouhowlt. noun: OIAIITII. I ll 0. R4ynor.................Baok........ . . . . . ...fIau-ty Hummon f Hun: Luv] u .......llnl!-Bcokn....... Bonn nuo. J lcummn llulbon. . . . . . .....QlL|rtor-Bach..........Buko| lilo ` [Wanton Notion ........8crlmmno........ luaom Dohnnoy ` Oulcr 1` not 5 orwood O uri. J. 0 borne howls sing Icbovull ........WlnI......... Rnthbun Mnuhonuio - Ilooonhy Auohtlno I-{nu-riu UM Humor Bnlur plnyod 3 ne gums for ondotc. Uooghogun took Dohunoy a place while the Inn nunod vru hnving hi: can fixed up. Col. Kiuon Inc an lnuuatod spectator. For n lonin team the end: put. up I ma` light, and p nyod with lpirib to tho and. I III Uullulru III-III": The junior gumo bobvnou (lranitos ind Broolnvilln mmcl no 2:!!! o'clock. Play was in Hrockvillo linen tor nix minuboo. Lurnb had to retire. receiving an injury to hin lo . Holland took his place. After um in unto: Hlloock secured in touch-down which Wkddolloonvortod. Score. 61.0 0 in (lrnnlt.oa' favor. The bulletins to hand road = , Rrnnlnuilln nlnnlnn mil`: Ila; -3-ul DI`: I.'i'v'7'1".'."" L. .. Mnuhonuioj U a Mu fI_l,-,, ,,|, WXICIUIC Dy IIIIIIF 0 WIIUHFQ USIBOII IIIIUI the Gut touch. I cor ve'minutee' ploy. One minute before hnlf-time Urnnitee 7 ncnred eevnn pointc. (Intel making (our on I touch. Urcnltee had thirty-three polntc to their credit at the end of the Gut hit. The ncoring wee done by: Dalton. fonr tcuch downe; Hnmiltomthree touch downe: Outer, Deheney, Lcwleu, one touch down nch;,one safety. one rouge. one converted goel. Cndete mode one point on I rouge by Hemilton. Oedetn were ivcn eeven and Granite: three free iuh. Dehcne received` 3 out two Inchee long over in right eye. Beale went through the preeter pert of the game with one eye closed. A. B. Cunningham re- fu-red.|nd J. Gunn umpired the Inetoh. '1` e teem were than compoeed: IIIAI TIL I ll!` 0I:3TIl R.yn.'- I I 0 I \ I IHUCTIIIXIIUC UOIIIII III" _..l:lIC I'|3I'|0l' III 10!`!!!- ell opening the eeeeon. their lunch `being `on led at noon. There wee I; Mr eprln|:- ling ohm audience lined up on the touch line when the hell wee kicked oil . The mewu very much one-elded. Gmnlbee oing `ll the eoorlng. even going no In me to make the oedece e preeenh at one point. Grenleen put up : magnlticsnbcombinecion nmn. n mnnv n tin and eevan men urlnllul pun up`: Inlgnlnclnuuomuinulon me. as many u live nnd seven mon mating the ball on I duh. Cadet: mod to follow the sun: cocv.ion.buc were pruned too close by unit 0 pononu, Dalton undo vo minut.u' n` unhuutg knlnng |..Il.Hvng ll-nnlbnn us. cum Inn: 33...... by no um-ay l ommu This wuonldoai do lor football and oomoquootly the sol: nlo of tho Ontario rugb looobull unlon oponod ounptoloualy. The . I. oollogo endow And Gnpnieu lntormodlnta mm: bud _..tho honor of form- -Iln A-mg-ulna: ml..- nnnnnn hnlr Inntnh `hnlnn IIHE4 P. M.&EllII|_l!.l;l -I-I'I- Igul|\II|0|nlu\uy Moulndiot church h|n||dllov.(l. r. saunas; Q . 1'0-iuylhlhul Willhno` Into plriol hm td Inn with a punt connin- M I` this 0100. Di In An nnl-nan` --uln-A IL; IHOWIWII. IA II. IVODIUIEH. umnitu--lhok. Evnns: hnlvoo. Wu!- Inl nnulnk narrows. nu-pt-n Ilhuuuulu ~Tl-(I2, Tho Juniors` Isiah. : ;cAso*u `apnoea. mu-ny nu unuon haw pa-none. ammo: In 3 panic to London Iuolf unit root. for oidooooo in only on boat`: ride on the railway from the metropolis. The audio-I oxpuh frighten uao Loodonorc by tolling (ion as: London`; tour ouppl)`. uhon bond pfinh nut nonopolioo London- ozonry my doulv for this dongorou I` Illlldotobothovuotcompjnnjln thinking of in dividends and Inn lady to ` hootllooolollhn hontboopup hillod by Iuunilory `uolhop-piekon` Iotilolopoulilonoohohoouoo broaden: " no vonuuu nun omnu V3.00 no . Innllouolipou D|IIootlQouuI.'l`tqnnmnt , mhguvu [Inna and alidu u.wl.`6.A munna WOIllllCI`IlllUIOI ln\'Il|U& TDCU3 `CD add: that El Oonollnlto. louder thol funnies. in that "'-R71 " "`."` um typhoid ocmrp in an Kcntioh town 0! Iuiduouo. which pf ll ill Itriciut LEN) ponom. I Iltounhl 1 main In Lnnlcm nun" mi-`-2.? mo ncuuquuun or no nugtona nnauot. ltd by Amino El Oonaollniro, tn captur- od. Over 8,000 Brazilian Acorn won wouudomkillodorinnlidod. Thodoo sch nlhln than `I IV...-.lL.R_. I4.aI._ ..Fnl.- XIIII IIIVI Ill RVUI. ] At tho conclusion of the Ionian votes of ' thnnh won undated both tho npouhr and the olninnan. ` GU` HI! IEIZIIVUI I IIIWIIIII (DO vcrnuont ol Rio explaining tlnhnudoo. I hoodqusrhn of no religious fuuatioo. Ii hi Anlnn RI fhnmllnirn -an onnhn. lI$UC'I'Il\ Will? IIIVU total: but boon sand. AA AL. .._..I...:.... `C VIM In huuplrlng In the old I.uuI-l ulI- I col Ouuool. Loxmu. Oct. 9 --'l'ho Bruulian location honhurecoivodctohgnmfromtbo novnnmnnt of Rinnnnlnininn lhnlfhnnrlnn, IIUITK OK In? uluuppulruuu DONUTS` Tho bouoto rooultinp Irom tho Ontcoat London fund ol tho London Con nionol union woro summed up by Rov. hfr. why. Chnrohoo hovo boon routed to an increased iotoroot in t.ho_homo min-oion work. and . tho oympothy of young childron bu boon ovokod. llnndrodo of thouoondo of break foot: hovo boon given to dostimto poor; \-out numbers of poor homolou wondorors bovo boon vidod for. and hoovonwml irnpulooo mron to their Iivoo; indnotrioua rnon. womon ond young girls how-o boon holpod to find oituotiono; homolooo boys hovo boon gothorod from tho ntroota and ' vioion -Inodo for their bonolit: homo: vo boon brightonod, hooru bu-o boon I nlulclnnul. landing luv: Innn oh-nnnIJmnul_ HIV` $1 0fI8IIID|I&' IIIIYKI IIIVU I? glnddonod. bodies have bun cu-ongshonod. nnnln luv: lnnn nvnd. ` uouou nnu mun loving Iympuny. Picture: of tenement houeos in the poor- eet dletriote in Whireohepel showed some heerr.-touching eoenee. Old end young ere met with by the Chrietlen workore who do there beet to help them. d in muny oeoee wonderful treneformetn ne occur In the life end heppiueee or men unfortun- ete homee. A greet burden i{-ich thou- ende of London poor heve to oerry in to I-elk mile efter mile end weie weerily in the hope of getting e job which my bring some little emount to them. and in in I -vnmler ther. black do-nnnir does not. Vstuunho unim- .`.:_;"tl'.\`.':3."I':.' III A lXC\0I.IlDA 1 III] onng some llwll Imoullu no uxam. unu it in I wonder thct. black despair does not. more fnquomly nttlo down upon tho heart: of those diuppointod toilets. Th. hnnnn mnnltinn lrnm Um Ontnnnt uve mrenere no rounu. The vieirm of charitable ple to eohoolu lieveeirredmenypeople. hereitwulound tlnh 0 children were nob properly fed. and so once preparetiona were nude to give breakfast to the pupils. Plenty in given touch one. Mnny and pictures are re- venled ah the hrenllut gnuheringn. Then egnin many of the eohool children were ineullleiontly ehod." Conferences were held and the result was than thousands of pain were supplied. Book. as well as hrenhfnu, are helping to odnicnte hoye and gi.-le end to bring them into clooer houoh and more loving eympatliy. Dianna: nl` tnnnmnrxh hmnnn in than nnnr. sunermg in me Iouen DIIIII Ill uuv uueu. Pictures were then thrown on a screen. "The Kitchen of e Common Lodgi House" wee shown. end the number 0 ; such pieces of eeeommodetion for working men. end their uses. were touched u n. Lerge` numbers ol boys heve been is t to shift for themselves. end not heving eny money oennot find shelter in these houses end ere left to fees the cold of e Novem- ber ni ht end sleep in eny corner they can llnd. `The night scenes of London ere me- terielly d `erent from those of the day. Eager. lively forms ere seen et mid-dey, end the seme forms et midnight on the bridge. sed-looking end eereworn. Many of them here not slept in e bed for monthe. It is herd enou h to see men end boys in this etete. but erder still to nd women. some of them very eged. exposed to the cold of e winter's night. On London bridge these poor women heve formed e colony, end sit together dejected. form- ing e picture eedly in contrest with London's greetness. Coffee steiis ere femilier objects met with in London. end often policemen have befriended e poor men or women by paying for e meel in one of these pieces. Those in connection with the Congregetionel union, who go out et night to [ether in weery wnndeiers. ere glad oi the opportunity elfordecl by these stells. Striking incidents of gentle- menly conduct of the poor men ere often met with in ease of ' distribution of tickets tothe hungry. The men elweys let the poor women end children go into the hells lint il them is ept to be e scarcity of food. The Uolliet's Rentsiilford greet good to the wondering, end their eccommodntion in elweys tilled. hleels ere given. end they ere mede cheery by hymns being song. which heve e mervellous power over the `poor outoeste. Nowhere min more etten~ tive listeners be found. URL- _:-ie... AI nkgnienkln nnnnln On nnhnnln A lpherc of Iori-l.etcro Inu- Ineed by Icroon Plcluroe-'l'lu Poverty or the Poople mm-uu-coo were of 3 ehelnndon congregational Union Rev. 8.. Meckey. of London. Eng, form- erly oi thin cl`? delivered eh lecture lent nlghtln the . .0.A. hill on "Outcut bcndcn." There wee A Mr audience pre- vent, and '1`. J. Bhenke occupieq the cheir. The lecture wee Illuetnted throughout by lentern pictucee. The epeekcr end it `gee herd to undeutend ell that was included in Outceet London." but it wee I London within e I4ondon--e Londonjof poverty. of wichedncu. of euerlng. end. toe large oxtent. of crime. The verty of London le but Mntly indicete in blue bookm- turne. There is awful eutfering outside the boundary of_ rich uelief. which is sought out and relevod by public charity end by orgenieed societies. There is more eu'erl ng In the south than in the east. Plntul-an um-a than thrown on LECTURE IY RIV. R. MIOKAY. OF LONDON. ENG. ABOUT ouggagg LONDON. THE CABLE LEFE R. DALLY TW]:lli'o FBATURDA I. OGTOBIR 9, 1897. ans}? spam. win. In an hon umrl oh

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