Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1897, p. 5

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THE HEAD OF A IIDODIIOUND. an armed and donpernto mun. Dlrootly the ox-lmo I: discovered the neuron pack qf hound: In non! for. A nhnrl or his deputy or other omoor hooonmu the master of tho hunt. no to upeak. Three or tour oth :11, or poulhly A domn, may nocompnny him on horseback. although In mountainous regions they may be compelled to Abandon 1 their ho:-nos at any moment. In n-us. mm]; no |........&. LL-.. u- ...... _a.. umnuu nun w pluuuu. It I: a very wrong impression with little face upon which to huge it. but It will take ocveral decades to remove It. Still there a In something dreadful In the moroghoughl of men being tracked by dogl. 'l`hnm nrn nnnnnllnr nrnnrhnnn and un lolIl'L'lBUll.l[( UUIUIV [I9 Will DICE. Very often it hnppens than the blood- hound il uttnokod by tho trailed men, and than the animal buomen savage and dreadful. Hi: very main inlplrun terror. and his nhnrp lungs. hll powerful Jaws. and his rod and nngry eye: make him up- puurmm of the mun fonuidnbio of beams. A "Innn hunt: In In nu-v nvnihina thlnu It ]Jl?llI'v`UllU Ul uw HIUIIE lUl'llll(lIUl!) OI 9901558. A man hunt in u very exomng thing. 1c is cnllud upon in some plnoon. Very often I: II dungurouu. for thu orlmlnnl may in llll. The true bloodhound never wentonly tracks a victim ho hue run down. It the men reiunine pnrfootiy quiet, the blood- hound will let him alone. but It the men attempts to run on there is bound to be trouble. Even then the bloodhound pre- fure to frightun mailer thnn injure tho oi)- Jpoc of the chase. He will make 5 deal of threhtuning before he will bite. Vm-I nhnn H. hnnnnnn I-.I\nh ulna hlna-mi. llllll UlllllJ|ll'|K'lI Ul lllllllllllllclllllo . H0 is us noble and us wonderful as he luulas. You cannot lmnglne n bloodhound of hlgh brood nttnoklng n llvlng creature wlnhout provooatlou. And thll II truo of ~ Mm. 0| lllll IJIHKI. illliru Hy IIUEI. There are a peculiar grandeur and an intensely sage severity in the bond at the aristocratic bloodhound. There Ila aun- geation of latent power and nupprelsed io- roolty about him. His cnlm dignity and umjesbio. thoughtful air show him ancient breeding and lordly annoclni.iorD- His wrinkled brow, his weary, mourntul guns from deep set, bloodshoc oyca. belpeak years and centuries of meditation. n.. n. ....s.|.. .....a .. ........u...o..n .. L...` IIIII Iuuln II vary [runs . The very name of then dog: conjures horrible picture: of retention bout: pur- suing a victim until fatigue weights him "down and than wringing :8 hi: Halo and M tearing him to plocu. In in n van umnn imnraninn with Iltlln `rho bloodhound has become thomocl important member of the police snd demot- in force in msny parts of this oountry. Mon hunts an more common than they mm in slavery days and the tenor which * tho dogs hove inspired smong criminals In she south is very great. l`hn was-v nssmss nf ah... slang ssnnlnsun mm man. an vmun um: um):- .a-wou.:m at the run: ` -o;,_ -_ `g- -._n q-, ALLAN LINE] "ma non imeunynoon noun: Hanna}: Fugitive With dogs In Exciting Work. ION AORIMINAL S mu In linnty Dun. . WEDNESDAY. ._ OCTOBER. 6| 3 1.397 ' Ills Answer. A New Orleans man who wanted to ho a pollcunun and made pnparuunn for tlw civil union oxunlnuloa found that hohndutndlod along the In-oagllnos. Bo determined to make on ot IIII newly acquired knowldn. howovvr. hon In ounouonquuuonthnt attack In an lsdnwud II I well And]: an-an nooadstou-Inn nu-lkoth . haw urhltholnthotopoltho wolllotho umhooofcho 2" Thoandnb UHF!-' Taking it all round. tho artiory. un- likn tho cavalry. was a vary strong arm. hm like the cavalry is was never made sunk-ions um of--the but work being done in the corps artillery. which act!!! under the onion 0! Rio Pasha. who fro- qnentiy meal to honow divisional hatch in when he had mad at thoIn.-With the Turkish Army in Thessaly," by Olin Bighuu. I urn IIII nruue-rye Artillery. which was very numerous. woe excellently horned and gunned. but poorly trained. Six cannon, no men and 60 horses were tho complement of a battery. The mine were 1% centimeters (8 inch) Krupp-Manteli. all in ilrst-elaae condition. cased and clean. the limbere and gun carriages of the ordinary pattern. The shell weighed 18 and the shrapnel 14 pounds, ilred by time or percussion fusee. The horeee were for the moat part from Russia or Hungary and ran bigger than thoee of the cavalry. Then men. recruit-ed i`rom all parts of the empire. did the manual port of their work well, but there wae very llttlo technical skill. and a battery had ri ely more than one trained artillery oillcur. Three batteriee or horee artillery armed with nine peunders were attached to the cavalry divielon. Theee. however. were ahort 0! sparc harms, so the gunners eat on the llmhers and can-iaqee. Accordingly the eueedwaenot very great. There were also three hatterlee of mountain guns on mules. ilrst clans weapons. but the pun- ners very slow. Eighteen howitsers came up to Seriljc. but were never brought any farther. as there was no need for them. 'I|..|.|__ Ia _II _..._,I AL- --.n\ STR. "NORTH KING" Woony Kingston and Ionhoulor NJ. M 0 a-:..:'~..:.s=-..- 1.`.-.'.::.'.':.~*.::.-.-`.**.2.-:-.. IIIIIH EIIVUU IH Vllly UUN|IIIl'.(L A plcturu should nova-r be divided in the oontor by any prominent. ohjoot, like as cm. a house. otc. Pictures of this kind am very trving to look at. giving the _ol'!eocuf two pi:-turns on one and.- Hnrper's- Round Table. ur nu nrruugvu In ll pynunlual Iorm. If the lines run diagonally the tallnat objoota should be us one side of tho plo- tum, and If thoy am to be In pymmldnl form have tho fallout polnt n little to ono aldu of the ovnwr of mm plotum. By movlng tho mmomn tow feet either way this eeot ls onally ubtnlnvd. A nlntnvu nhnnh! nnx-up Im all-hlml In IIUJUUII WIIIUII l'lUU IUUVU IU- Aocnrdlng to artists` laws. the llnes of a plenum should either run diagonally or he rmngvd ln 1: pyramidal form. If Mun llnnc I-nn rnannnllv Hm onllnnt pnuvunl lI'Ulll ll Il|Ullll IlIfllElVH. Tho line of the horizon should never run straight across tho picture. but must be broken up as much as possible by object: which rise above it. Annnildlnn in nu-Oinl-n I-nun 0|... II-u.n UL VIUW WUIV IIUU VVGII CDUIBIL In In general lnndnmpo View the onmora should be adjusted so that the horlxon llne wlll has about at thlrtl of the Wt? from tho top or botton of the picture. f the horlnon line in nanmr the bottom than the top, them should be plenty of clouds In the sky to ulvo vnrloty to the picture. In case there an no clouds In the sky they can be prlntod Into the plotum from a cloud nagatlva. 'l`hn llnn nf lhn hnl-lnnn nhnnlal naval!- 1 Tho oomponltlou or a landscape photo- graph requires: an muoh cure as any other plotura. though `beginners in photography usually thlnk`- that a landscape. being composed of Itatlonary objects. cannot be "arranged" in any special way. This In true. but If the landscape cannot be movod tho camera can. nnd by shifting it a llttlo to the right or left an artistic picture may be made of what would to a moat unlntumatlng some if the point 0! vlow were not well chosen. `In - gunuunnl In-..I-........ ..I..... AI... .._....-_. llflll LI'|IllHll'll VVIUH H103." What in world of opportunity for crush- ing repnrtee the new order will afford! Thus, in the h(`l\ii of forensic debate. shouts like this may be delivered, "I dissent, your honors. from the position taken by counsel for the other side, whose hat, I runywenmrk in passing. in not on straight." Or: May it please the court. the precedent which opposing counsel has cited no more {its this one than her jncket me her back. Her deduc- tions. like her iront hair, are false."- Chicugo News. 1 I IIIIU IICIFII, ]K'lH'l UI`HlHllUnUH.)" , The journallstlu nncounb of the trial will any: "Counsul for oomplnlnnnb then arose to reply, wearing; a lovely uatln dram! trlmmml with lace." limo .. um.-I.I nl .......-...g....u.. 0.... .......|. UllIIl'lI;.\' IHIII. LIIIIII? Opinion by Juggerson. Ch. J. (Black silk. out high in the neck, trimmed with jet.) "nInnnnOInn nnlnlnn hp Duunnlnw T paw.) "Dissenting opinion by Pugsloy, J. (Tailor made gown or blue cloth. full in tho skirt, pom-l ornunmntm)" 'I`hn innrrmllatln nnnnunl-. nf Mu: tn-lnl --u- --juIT Dally lo:-vino on the Ploturuquo any 0! Qulnto. ' GM 8 . d ' ..w;;.-:.{.. ;.:.::-.."m -=-M Uurpurnluuu uuuuuu was, In HIDE, B nunu of formal notiilontion that the law in even now in the process of being invest- ed in shirt waists, gray skirts! and the other mysteries of multifarious feminine hubiiimentl, and that due ,egurd must be paid to that fact hereafter in the liter- ature of the law. 'l`Ln `n--uI.n1nI-1.`--III l_ Al..._ I... _A_-..__ IIJMPU Ul IIHU l(l\Vo The lnwbooktrwlll in time be strewn with the descriptive sentence: of the sort used In reporting those present an the charity hnll. '1`hua:- nn|I\|nv\ hv Junnnnuann (`L I llnnb Interouing Legal Ponlbllltiu. When the learned unlntant corporation counsel come into court the other day wen-ins .',`u gray skirt, non-ow white leo- ther belt. black and white chock shirt weilt. standing collar and black tie," it was at once apparent to the chroniclon of the proceedings that the time tor as departure in tho muaty nmthodl or set- tlng down the evolution of the law had urrl ved. fl... .._L-...... -1 LL- I-....._-.I ___I_L__A III`! Vlil-In The ontrnnoe of the learned aulatant oorpornblon counsel was, In (not, a kind nf fnrmnl nntlnntlnn thnh thn law In FIONTINAO OAFI. Lnndumpo Phutozrnphp. `I'm-klsh Artillery. u nohlnk --..- ....-.. uu_uu.. man an um: In anon mo -1 not ouur Immdn. nu eon. .an.vII: As on an olvo Diploma in? boon awarded this Ala and ate`! at u o t owl : xhlbmonu : As hllnloluhln. USoA. 1618; mm MINI; Bydnoy. Auuinuu. 1811; I. cl}:-::oB.jl!;7fO:J::1||omWuI:u.ndlqo.lu3l;0hiouo. U.s.A.`.ma; and Bug Fun- I . OH1 . . - tl'No othu Rdt$5x-nun: on this continent have nooiud not unlu- ont tuttmohlulu. Brewery at London. Canada. muss McPARl.AND. - Kmesrou. jrjjarj. n Xj ALE W STOUT. llru--EnnIl\on . `O N. 6 . I150. IV '80: m lulu lnolu nnouuonn n made :6 Kc And Mm Innnnnnu -=1 mu:-u; as nTy-nypu-n. lyonwwhkonguthmr ' .` W TOW U-I.-K II ? In! won. ' E3: I:-u... I-no-yuan; CIpn-t haul thnllunuun IILQ In-onhdwanuhhuta. 'cn.n..xm mu 1 mp` u..._n.- 75 cl 77'PRlNCESS STREET. to have your Stoves and Furnaces tted up before the rush. All orders promptly attended to. We have a large assortment of Second-Handall Heating Stoves. M Examine our leading lines before purchasing. NOW IS THE TIME Immaslonsxoau AND HAMIL- TON. on Kin comunmon. Toronto mo ":1 .3! oltho 83. Lownnoou: Ion- loan Klnnton Tanning and Friday :- (iolnn Int Al I mm, \u____:_------- THOUSANDS IN USE. llelnable-Perfect-Economical Iipj; Ann :11. on up an ac vu mg. "That In. aha-pughmlvdniutj n nmnl." ' ' I mood don]. doen'| ho!" ' Sole Kingston Agents. HAI'N5s 1 HAPPY HOME RANGE? MOORESa ` if E made in sixteen dif- V RAN ferent styles and i ever) Range guaran- teed to give perfect satisfaction. -HAP HOME` These Ranges are` -.1 I .H.'-`."- ,-"s:.'J `runl Ic A run: In I ma %!`3..':.!-..!.9I.T BR.9:-. j.s.x;:s's.=:;;'a j mmr '8Irvft0;-()-dm'monotbg nou- 1 "-'i"..".'a'u'.'.."'.'.';";'}';'-'.' nm as In 3 pus"-n-non Nun. V ".'-*2: Inc! its uuurpulgu I 1 good dcul. `I _u_n. Ha : I ulnasroufour mmuou AND normuw. uua. " :IIIlg BI. IOOIII III 3 nu ma n mum i\..-ma...-.. `a-1nno":n':na m' SOUTH- III. mild. Ilnptlnul Wan-gain D- ._._...._._....._.......-......_..-_._._..._.. 'I'RAVBI.LING-BY RAIL. mcsmn & rmnxoxis Canldq _P:c_lf_l_c_ Railway: wgsrum gxgunsaous 37' IIIIIIIUUII l|lII|lI' III ITIII "oo:.`: 7::c':o 13:in. r9:`\3?'g'I7o`o"\'32?s";T,acf"?lo3`h':I".'u' u--y_---`- ww-- - -`v-v-. YlA1lFD0lDI;IY. liliiu. honloulualu honluboo. In-nun-, M II Ann-In, n.m.mn._ IA,In ' ;.._-::*:; your run 1-nu. W 3 omno Nmgmon oolpuy; in: some LINE or AHBRICA. .8TR-ftH.Ef9.`: ; L. --.....n-_ i6"|I.T`".'i'?Ta6."'l'l T"'I3"'"Inn". `L mid 133nm? bourwn . n6 Kontrul daily or n Ind u Iuunu. D. nnn.n'v_ .un awn-M. nn IAII` `III VIIT. Kl EIIIIUTC HI I E93030 `gum had: M I! win TICK!` No I e um vmhonl nwnVn---r u-no-1:331. Wlnuhluo vlncomboumn curl vmoun um HIV roux. plnu mks. ti-n nu. nun ..n-u- I - Iuvnnlvi nan;-no 7 H O lmo. an 1.3.3:. unit. To UIVZ -CI`.-`I . IIWXUXTO '`.'..'.'.:o's.`3:"-?"" ` . "2 3:: -I :: -. :: :: -----A ':Ja"un '3` Nov ott'::.'= 91.: " '- `-` " 'uu-Iona % nu m nu: mm mm B r ml: hot And lull ovonbu. o- In Londnndnnr on Io y -10- Nlaara Falls. 0: own. cum. nu us pan. (uunanrn oloophd) 51:11`: and Saturn! go- I 0 aroma and Bollovlllo. M. LU. III! Inlu II. Inj- mncr gs? Lina` an. oqfohx cm. '1 var. VIIIV-IVA any IIIW `UB5. '.-..`'-'.:-'1`-`" "137.: "'"""' .. Wnhd `ftkksl: .A.n. .ao.lll..anuuo.u.v. tutu. allow: III . EASII`. -CAL-`AI an 91 III II INN lllll J. P. omonlono. an. A! lnnnnna IA. ":13 ;,`_'.{5 .l.'.L'~ `M Ma 9 CA ..'.:*"..::;a..... .:-.::. an PJL. noun 3 M luau trains to 011 pound tho UNI TED STATED. 1-1:: `IQAA .InAnInQ A... L_A-.__ lllll II II El 50 U0: Going went over the Cenedien Pnoilio the other night iine were bleeing {mm the Portejo to Cerborry, when the ell- -wheet tollowe wen burning the etrnw from their than-shore to got rid of it. But outeidoot that been dnirying is more or leeo gonorel and pen well. There are now 06 oheaeo tnotoriee end 85 omennoh ioe in the province, owned an in rule by tho nu-more thomoolvee. who oraenioo oompnnioe under en not 0! tho Legisla- - tun. end opareted in moot oeoeo mm lay to October. In the three yoere from me to 1890 50.000 had of ttlo woro exported end 40.000 hoe; e reieing in nleo becoming an luoretive buoineee end ehipmonte oi poultry en mode in the fell to Eeetorn Cenede. Tiruee hevo in- deed ohnnned sinoo tho llenitohene neat! to import food. British Columbie eilorde e onpitnl market for the dairy tennor and etvook reins. but when the demend theroheoboonunotthere wlllboelel-go end conetently growing" eurplue for oz- to Old Cnneae end tho United lnxdonn. Forming in lenitohe. in ehort, is no longer on expemont but e bueineee whoeo euooeoe hoe been determined end to whoeo oxpenoion it would be dimoult -to not llmlte. Then en 8.000.000eo1-ee A: did in e pnvir-no letter. the term- on on mote then eetieeni. theyere jubi- lient. I not one et Brendon who heal TIM 01:11:30 In Fanning. Brandon, tho Portage. Cu-berry, Mor- den, lllnnedou and other towns outside have made good progren In spice of the.` low prion since 1888. The people you you that on their one on no longer In on butch; instead of tell when there In new mixed farming. on that A bad your tor at-oln dose not mean unlvex-an deprec- nlon on It mod to do. nnllen -..a An... Al... n-.._.u-_ n-_u|_ Ul`U||llIUl'lUI II II II ` ehesse teetories. . None . 100 When! coop bus. .. . 0,000 01,000,000 Figures like theue ere more eloquent than words. In 1870 Winnipeg was is struggling collection of log buildings built along the cart trails that led north and west iron: `Fort Gerry, with n popu- lation of 300 souls. To-dsy it is e pros- peroue city of over 40,000 with property Assessed at 000,000,000. The after-claps of the boom of 1881-80 have long since ceased to reverberete; the town is new on a solid basis end the people, once bitten, will be twice shy of any future attempt to inate vniuos. "Main street, 13: ieet wide, is lined with well built Itone and brick stores; the residence por- tion of the city contains mnuy handsome dwellings; trees have been planted, there in a line park. electric light, electric rail- wnv. good water, while it in clear the poorest of the people are doing well; at least, Judging from their appearance. they am all sure or their three meals as day. As I business center, the locus for reoeivlng' the products of the vest region to the westvend distributing the menu- tsctureci goods which the farmer; require, its prospects are brighter than those of- Iny other piece in Canada that I know. The Ihipments mm the city for this month alone exceed in value the eure- gete shipments for the yeu~1875. Besides supplying the hrmere, who have "money to burn this tell, the merchants are doing e roaring trade with the mines in British Columbia and the Lake 0! the !___n_ HUI...--.cn.--... Creamer-Ion n n d nhnn-n lnnnulaq uuau lounge . . . . . 1u,uuu Popumlon. . . .. 18,000 Expom. . . . . .. ..l80,000 Railway mlleum. . NH Pout-oloo......... 8 Hnhnnln I A Schools. . . . . . . . . . . lleutor unpack} v--- -'- vv-an-nu-vu uvvv an nunv nvvvnuing ; inlnblo. The following Hble Ihowi at. I glqnoo what I wonhorful transforms- Ilon bu token ialnoo:-' 1 1 nun nnni `filled not-use ` Pnnnlntlnn nvviluv uauu ;vc-am av '11 uuun in 18;, when it boouno pan at Confed- _ention, and compare in condition thin with its condition how in like recording - -ni..'..I.. ML- l-i|-.;;_.. A_I.l_ _|._._.'; _. [II-`om our Own Commandant.) Wlnilpog, Oct. 4.-MAnltoba hu had III ups And downs,-but on the whole it: bu him menu-table gven d_ur- Inn ah` nnnnnl I..- -.... II. .. 5.... '-v..v- nun: vvvll till;-lplivow vvu ulna` in` tho noon: lean years. To so hot In Inl ._|._- AL |...`.'..._ __...n. .1 n-_A_.I t Churn II -15:31:`)-l`h_o fooling Andy; the lnrnu-9-`Ir. OI-convu- `u W_OIl|l'l Country. mm NOR -WESTLETITER ~iAm1'oaA's REMARKABLE PRO- anus IN RECENT` rum. m,'o'io . NM N91 0,000,000 900,000 019,000,000 1,800 mm 16,000,000 I sum.....m\hDot.....................alut lot notch uiqovory Information apply to In Po I Y. - Mutton um. UUV 1,050 ` lylilowlllmlv.-r. lolavoynulwiiuhcn. Ahydu Iy(Pn.)uuInlhard atyud `ahptrolntbu: 9"!`noIIn I not an: Inn with onplq In bani-Iudvutzculodbouxn. llnvi :00! an . will b unluu I lbihn` hr Nada Inna. uln- VIIIIII {II wuupumwqnujuullmm Inc IIIIQIIOIIO Iron. Atcnigurynndlidmontonthobw iidpnniiuthat an-gionuriuh niche Klondike exist: on the Peace And its numerous u-ibuurln, and in-. Hmhmu. who know: the place well. tells me his shun-nit. that he has nongoidhken out with his own eyes and in condant that won with a link: capital country on shown:-kptoporiywouidmnkoohcnpol money. Wharton: the mineral resources at Northern Alhorh mu be. than in no doubt at all that In cuimni recon uuuuuuu III on sun rlvaru um CIIIPII on thowqy. Hen uomaklngts udu by cradling with vary crud; Appliances. On the North Sukatohovnn at `or near Ed- monton [old I: washed from the black and on the river bank and non: Ameri- can an tuning the and by electricity touepanuwhonoldtrom the magnetic mm. Al ml-an Anll ndmnmnn lhn ha. Tho Western country. Gommldaloner Ho:-ohmar. 0! the Mounted Polloo, n ue-rota officer and as alngulu-ly well-Informed mun. expect: to no a big man no the Paco River country north of Edmonton. Tho police on trying to oomhllah on overland mum from hlmonton via Lake St. Anna and Luke Francis and down who Polly to tho xlommxo. and report so mm mm gold abounds In all the rivers and creeks on tho wnv Ilnn Ann -..b|.... no .. .|-_ I... IJUHIIIIIOII. The old~timers nre growirg snnroe. Cups. Donnidnnn. Mr. Jnmea Aahdown \ end Dr. O'Donnell are nut-ly the only ~ one: left. The hoom" millionniros, Cooliesn. Tuttle. et. sl.. hove gone so other pastures sad is more solid genera- tion has taken their place. In the coun- try the misllts who came here to farm. fteen years ago have been wooded out. They used so tell 0! 5 young Englishmen ploughing in what remained of n plug has and dress cons and shouting to the oxen: G09. (00: no. I really bog_your pardon, Whoa!" These chaps had lots of pluck, but did not know how to farm and have i\000rdll)gly..I\lO6llnibO(I. Them in I hi-is_k demand for lend just now and they expect 5 rush in the spring. It in surprising to see the crowds of young follows going west and south on the Can- edinn Pnoitio in seamh of homesteedn. uniieisne from the northern part or Austria. who began to ooms when Mr. I)aLy was Minister of the Interior. have boon pouring in all summer and M19 turning out well. Welshman up coming to work on the Crow : Nest Puss nnci most of them. when they have saved is little money, will take to farming. 76 cents per bushel with a good chance of rising 80 bushels per sore being quite as temptntion. Others will go mining in British Columbia. IUIFI Ull XIII [U00 IIIIIIB. No doubt, like the rest of us, he makes mistakes. It is a mistake, I venture to think, to promise a railway to Duluth that is to carry wheat for 10 cents per 100. It American capitalists can be found to build a road from Winnipeg to Duluth and grant such a rate for a subsidy of Ol00;00o a year from the Province of Manitoba, how is it that the Minnesota and Dakota Legislatures have never heard of them but have for years been allowing the Great Northern and Nor- thern` Paoiilo to charge twice as much to Duluth for a shorter haul than from Winnipeg? It looks to an` outsider as it the American capitalists Mr. Greenway is negotiating with were after the sub- sidy and nothing more. One thing is quite clear-he cannot prevent them by any law he may frame from snapping their fingers at him when they choose, for two-thirds of the road, if it is ever built, will be on American soil. It would be pretty hard on Old Canada, after all she has spent on canals and railroads. to turn the tralc oi` Manitoba to Duluth; but the general impression here is that the project will fall through. Other Prominent Men. Another notable msn is Lieut.~Gov- erncr Patterson. That he discharges his high duties with absolute fairness and impartiality is. of course, what was to be expected. There is a belief abroad that when his term is up and he returns to the practice of his profession at Wind- tor. he will be called on to lead the Con- servative party. Mr. Patterson retired from the Cabinet shortly after Mr. Bow!-ll became Premier. He had the promise of the Lieutenant-Governorship in his pocket and accordingly abseuted himself from Parliament during his last session as a member. He had noth- ing to do one way or the other with the historic "bolt" and for that reason and also because of his long experience of Ontario politics. his great popularity and his high character as a man. the Ontario Tories an mid to be awaiting his retire- ment here to proclaim him their leader not for the province alone but for the Dominion. "VI... nl.Lal.....__ ..... ._.......I_a.. -__..-_ urr..aom.__g_c*r at. 253'. I III? IIU IIIUWI VH9 WIIIUI 0` `H9 :""mu- and ma is bull-dog tenacity, which he inherited from his Dovonuhiro snout:-y, that stands him in good mood when he think: the rumor`: condition might be improved By this change or thno innovation. Again, his - hands are clean: he has been Premier for twelve yoannnd not It shadow of a scandal rent: on hi: good name. No dnnhlx, "Ira thn roof: nf us In: nunlrnn Ur]?! UNI] II 0115 UK Ii llsnlil OI DOV` thorn Manito'bo,upec|nlly mu thorough- bred cattle. When Mr. Groonwq was in Oppoqmon he said he could gave tho provlnoo 050,000 a year by econommng and an a matter of fact he sand it 0100.- 000 I you-. He knows the want: of the CAI-vnnll nnrl hp: in hhlluinn on-man- Mr. Groenway Il,l unique ngun. H0 in a farmer, not an agouluurm who has to hop his form, but a farmer who inukol hll farm keep him. His place at Cryntnl Clay ll one of the sight: or Sou- than-n Mnnitnhmrnnnnlnllv hid Ihnwnnoh. `may lie or Mr. Sitton Ann tho high of him maintained his" ooiitnguu and by Parliament; -Blowing` oonlidor that their into:-ants i Into in the hand; 0!, Inch capable unborn In Dr, Rutherford. Mr. Rich- ardson and Mr. Jnmionon: Altogether Inn can may without annotation that no community in the Dominion in better otf or more contented at .tho pl-aunt time than `Manitoba. and certainly none hu a brighter tuturo. 2- lI_A`_:.- r THE 1 DAILY, kl "'--III`-t-Ilqtur-Q . ammo.` F-anm.a.tow-ou.ou..`,.. G; c-vuwvvj-(H; Ij A!`9ycnopnnQ(PI.)auIunIbuudho adapt-duh nuoluuu:>'l`uoIuI his cnplqd the out-Ind alodbonn. `hovhh~ "'7"! IIIIU IIIIII II | Inns` in will mm-e. n3:T,iatennuu&uguensnu:g'ny ] AID II. II. LXI. ~ . II? "D II` IBQI IIII IDIIDC IDC IPIIL It It uhonldahnppen that Iho tall in hot. thtlognonnttll whothorthofocmn hn punt! up down mun udtlnnlg uvonnohtllnu. Anhomilgnwnnrnutbupudnd enthusiasm of tho don lacuna: They will outstrip the pounds and rule: quicklytotbovlotlm. Until: the ma- tivocliuhnatncoralbou the top at I ncolfthcn In oln. htuhumcacr I 7 Invuuuwlllllll. WIVII ll. aging pvt. rlllllllc Iuwud as tugmvo wine thqy guy. you. 1. ll .::2J::-..-:..:::+= ---- -~ v - u-an III III! I uuuuulotnlngnoll qua ulodhoundn. with Imaging jun. rushing M NWIlIIAhIalIi\-nwhlh Ihandlvovnhnh` uujw II IllII!I\ Suddenly one given tonne. rho other: may ho` hr away. but directly they sun for vibe common point. rushing pollncll am: than than bu found the trail. I! In sin... I..-.-_-. 9b.. 5].. a..n I. 345 II IIIIIIK Hen who know that tho: will ho ohuod with dogs olwoyo mnko for voter. hoonnplt thoy know that it will throw them o tho tnil. It nucoeodo more often with I heoalo. or toxhonnd, than it does with o blood- hound. Directly o In-nun in noohcd tho don stop. Then the loader noun to dtzoot tho Inovomonto oi the pack. Some orou to tho other oido. Tho: run up and down tho hunk: of the sitcom liken shuttle. noduolly inonooing the dlttonoo oove-ted. Othon lnoko wide circles. Tho intuoot of tho dog: in intonoo. Thoy Item to tool 0 it will to o dlunoo to looo tho troll. - whine qoorulouoly and show thcir out at than. Qlnltlh non; nlunn Onnann NOLA ACL-n uu lulu (mu lap inur plus. The men can no no sign of the hymn. Thu cannot even an the Junk: that re- Inln I talus odor that loud: the dogs. AI they follow they wonder `then they than much I rum and It the bounds will be at fault an -pk.` I.-..- IL-A AI.-- _.nI L- _|.__..a IIIII IUUIII II Somothm-I tho dog: olrclo about for mnny minute: baton they no of! In full` cry; thou; Iwmly or newly. u the ml! in mum or cold, llmy anllop along. their noses clean to the around. giving kmguo an they run to show that they no fun of oondunoo. `II... An... A. _..L u..._ .. 0..-; AL_L AL |_ lllllllllllllh The dog! do not run no mo than $0 In ntmonll for a man on honohnok to keep up with them, nnd It the tall in cold one ` on too: can loop their pnoo. Thu man nun -no nn nlnn n9 Hm Cnnltlnn UIUUINII IHIF UK In UQIIVPI. It the pursued has left anything behind. that in given to tho dogs. and tho track: an pointed out us well. Direoliy ~_they nriko tho trail may give tongue. The" boy or bark of tho bloodhound in deeper. more muciml. more nignionnt than that of the loxhound. There in something porten- Iou about it L`...-unin.... ab... -0.... ..|..I.. -L...g n._ ululr llUl'l!`I ni nn_v momenl. In much punk of hound: thorn In one who old dog. who In tho loader. Sonmtlmoa hla soon! In not the kocnt-ah, but his mguclty V oxoocdn that of tho others. IO M.` an-......I I.-- Inns -.._u.|__. L..I.|_..I lot Lt (calling at Hovlllo for unndondcry 0 sum from Ion- uul. mllhg-:0 Quito. 1 nn-Q-I, 14- II-_4L.A

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