Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Sep 1897, p. 2

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E YUKON I.lU|'U'JU Ald. Ald. nova. no out; noon. M. uu nlu. Ihurhhlb and ' fronbdius `o. . _Tait-Are you I stockholder 3 . Walkem-I don't know that l . Taib-Then I am sorry you are so mt. of vour own business. '0 Hill!- .I__ L- IIIII` _. -TTUISDAY, `~:_8EP1`.EMBEB 28. 1897, PARAGRAPHS PIOKED up av oun susv, napomaas 4 / __.__. `rho Iplou of Ivory uiy [alto-WIIO SM Poop]; Arc Talking About--)lothln: ll capo: the "Atuuuuu c\t nun Win At! Och!-an ning. - - TBA! I RESIDENCE ON NONIH Iidoo .0 mean Screen am; home went of Dunn smug. with furnace and other Iqriul .l"W-I- b Git your spices for tomato when p at M0- Lood I drug atoro. Duniop lor durable duds. Mrs. K k and daughter Eve] n, of Port. 0 guest: of Mrs. (Rev-) DR- sdiun minke lined kid glove! 500- nn HA. ` roaanea nouwoen nsrneanu uwmau snruutr.-. Spectacles that relieve eye strain, neat 1en'oiaI,andsn style frame. Satisfaction assured. E. .Mitchell. An -.-5. anhnln-uldn bu. fnllnnnl-an A0`. Hull. Judge and Mrs. Wilkison. Napane were in the city to-day. . Work man Ara ammcmd in mnglntinlz the \fn.ulHn IIIIUU lllllu Klu KIUVVU, VVVO On an the may no-day. Workman no engaged in repainting frfght sheds of the K. & P. railway. Nan: fa nlnnkinam than varv latest [reigns moon or one A. a r. runway. New fall cloakings, the very Icylel. at R. McFuul s Kingston carpet; warehouse. A `Any nAvInl|II|:I\I\ nnnnlnwnan nrn an. WII'UllUI-IEU- A few corporation emplo eon are on- gaged in levelling the illiam street, roadbed between Bsrrieand Division streets. u.`........I.. pint. ...H..... mm nfrnin nmt. IIBIIIOG. 1'4. U. MIDCDOII. An art: scholarship, for full course at; Queen : college. end he purchased through me Wma office, by inquiring of box `2. F`nll- and winmr nndnrwanr for man. NIB VVHIU UUICC, Dy mqulnug Ul UUA -'- Fall ' and winter underwear for men, women and chdren in great variety and as low prices at McFaul s. The "Gn'rdou t.wo.buf.ton lined cloves. [OW PFICBI I0 I MUD lll H- Tho "Go`rdou two-button 30. Oak Hall. VIVL- Dl.QII:I'l\ Run nnuvn . I DUC. UIK Ell]. The Bellevie Sun says : "Kingston is evidently determined to go ahead. It is thought that the bonuses she recently voted will elevator. 11-.. - l:....A and ....I2...ul Inna. C-nun Kn TH`! E RESIDENCE UN .NUu.'l,'2! V of :10 Street. with and ru oonvonhnou. Also tho Stony Dwai- , Q Barrio Strut, w th {nodom immova- ta. Awlyto Joan umx. \ i Wlll 8lBVI\':0l'." Men : lined and unlined glove: from 503 to 34. Ask to see the 84 ones. Nothing like them ever shown in Kingston. Oak Hall, King street. - Jnnnnmuu |nrmnn_ u nnnn while thev last. Hll, kin` BUTOGU. J apnnese screens, a. snap while they last. four fold, hand-painted, 3 feet. high, $1 01:31. E. C. Mibchefl. 11...... 0 TD :3 .n an-`u.-nnnfn OIOH. lb. U. MIDCDBII. Manager Hays, G.T.R.. is an advocate of temperance. Employees are prohibited. on pain of dismissal, from using liquor. Pratt : hnndnnhn nnwrhrn aura aura for on pain 0! unsmlaelu, Irom using nquur. Pratt : headache powders sure cure for neuralgia or headache. Three powders in each packet for 101:. at McLeod : drug. store. 'I"Lo. n...-. "`I!`r -4-nun: bun In nnnfnrnnn Th.e new Tyke merges for fall costumes in black. brown, blue and grey at R. Mc- `Faul'a. nu- ..1....I. n............ ..-..o.....J-......~..:.m.l fhn Cit); clerk Drennan yoaterdayreceivod the printed copies of the auditors report for 1896. They will be distributed throughout the city at once. Our man n nuita at 86. SH and SID are we may at. once. Our man : suite at $6, $8 and 3l0 are value amaehera. See them. Dunlop, King street. rm.:.. ..........:.... . ..-... ....n...o. ..)....-n can Inn BI/T885. This morning a new patent churn to be used in connection with practical instruc- tion in butter making at the Kingston dairy school, arrived at the Grand Trunk freight sheds. In : too early to light your furnace. Why n-eugnr. snocla. nob try An Asbestos front. gas heating above! Just the thing for this season. Cheap and eecbive. See them MJ. W. 0ldn a. market aquare. Raw: A, H. Lnrd. Wallincrtnn. has been Ulunn'u. l'X1Il'KOE aquara. Rev; A. H. Lord. Wellington, has been tranlforred to Quoenuboro. diocese of On- mic. and Rev. Charles Wright, from Tens, appointed to Wellington. All whn hum mad the A.-abuatoa hantzincr Ill`. NEW RESIDENCE ON um. non Division Street. Into by vid .1. _VV_hltgh|n_d.A A _I_m_| Woulll p0IlFIVOIy Ill! IIID. We have I wonderful ne lot 0! men's gloves for walking and driving. "Gordon," "Denbc, Fownae English make. lined and unlined. Oak Hall. ur x.l..n............... ......I.-c ..l..-I. nu! Mn "tens, appounwu to W eulngnon. All who have mod the A.-buatoa heating: stoves ting thoir praileu See them at J. W. Oldn 3. m...:.. -5 |.:. ..l.... :. nnnnn" lulu night w. uianmy. Twice as his place in council last night Ald. W. Robinson declared his intention of withdrawing from municipal politics. He said the reunb term he was serving would positively hehia lub. Wu I-uum n wonderful ns lot man's and nnnneu. Ux nun. W. Mocummon. market clerk, and Mrs. McCammon returned this morning nfber n brief visit to George Moore, Pitbsburg. Mr. McCammon reports great activity among the threehern in that. township. Wn urn lallinl lot: of enicee. corks. wax Mitchell. This morning I new horse power ma- chine for use of threahera on Wolfe I arrived at the Grand Trunk freight sheds. So Abundant bu been the harvest. that the old power machines are not adequate for the demands made on them. V-.. ...-a -4.... Innnntv unn tnknv vnnr I 101' me uemanaa maue on menu. You pay your money. you take ' your choice. What. do you intond to do about. that overcoat or fall suit ? Pay SI5 to 820 n usual or buy at Oak Hall and save $5 to S7. 336 King an-oat. A mnntinw of the license commissioners 31. 0.50 rung asruuu. A meeting of the license commissioners wu held lesh evening boeenchion the trans- 'er of the license of the Anglo-American hotel to A. Stevens. The matter of trans- ferring the license of the Albion hotel from J. Huotonto J. Elmer was also discusssd, but no nation could be taken until such time as the hotel had changed proprietors. Therm in nn nnnrl enndimr vnur nnliahad timo the hotel nun cnangeu propnenore. There in no need sending your polished bmu gas xtures out of the city to be cleaned, J. W. Oldn has the fncihciee for turning them out as good In new. 'PnnnInwIm have never crossed our three- among me bnreullern Ill Luau uuwuauly. We Are selling lot: of spices. corks. and Ielf-sealer rings than days. P). C. Mitchell. ll!L:_ ....,.-..:..... - ngm Ln.--g nn-A` mu. turning them out goon In now. People who have never hold before no coming to us this fall in scores. They want vaiue for tlir money. And Dun!op s is the place to get it. (`hnnna inn bid Ah Woodstock from me. lor Oollogo Oalondnn and NEW ILLUS- TILTID BOBOOL OALINDABS npply to I`. W. PRITB. ESQ. Dun.-an Y..-unnwullln ma Ullnlopl I! we place to gun It. Cheoce was bid uh Woodstock 93:2. to 9 9162: Perth. 90.: Brockville, 9.}c.; Brnntford. 9 5 16. to 9 9160.: London, 9c. to 9|c.; Iroquois. 9.c: Cownuevilie, Quo., 95-l6c.; Canton, N.Y., 9 3-160. to 93 ; Water-town. N.Y., 8';`c. to 9,',c.; Ogdenaburg. N.Y., 90. to 9c. Pnum. Ihifa nnntila. 30. for 3-bound ugaenanurg. n. 1., we. no ugc. Pnrut white caatilo. 30. 3-pound bar. E. O. llitcholl. (1-..- ....I _. ..- Van rInn t nnall tn ber. 15. U. Iuucnen. Come and see us. You don t need to buy. and if you do urclnse. end ere not uetiallecl. we will c ooi-fully return your money. No Iquebbling About it either. See Dunlap for tell clothing. The St. Thomas Journal ieeuee A special Beg on endeevor work. A picture of Rev. . . Blend in given with these remarks : "He he been e warm friend ol the move- ment from in. commencement in Ceneda, having elded in the formation of one of the eulieet qocietiee in Ontario, that of Queen etreet Methodist ehnrch. Kingeuzn. II In Inuplrlng In the lporclng Anna at this [any city. Vicky Wilton in pl: in. Ml!-hack on cboolhn city Inn. candy and not ouu. uh . Ph| AnlIi-nnlnnyof 0nnn'I. in enohln ol IE l`IZ'KI 0 Ell Ill] ulciu in un gumu. Why is it shut Bdlavillo. that so-cn'l|od town ohputn, cannot 8 an inunnodinu or junior rugby Iooohl mum in the On- hrlo Iuquo 2 On Bounds Othwn city and Broehillo playod an ax ' tion ostthoonpital city. Own wu by - to 1. Ga: Curtis. iho phyd lad!-hot ith Beach lo, up 030: III no! up to tho Iundu-d. ' In :3. I-nn.nnvIncinl'otf match play- Iucmms or m M. play on uumruuy. _ maniac. his of Quoon'o. to e-W-|n_ tho Pucboco rugby team. Old 3 ""5""! the Pouch:-o Inn an t-Nth! 07 I0 limi- win a. an QL-A n.n..iII that nmcnllnl unavu In no: Ip no In uunuu-n. 'Inl.IIi - '1' "hell . ca .. u..'.`1'.: 2 a`s'i`L`.a'E`;'.':#'1`.?:. c."" audJ.B.Cattuthorsuh-onqubeno the M ugwhcsauuuqawtenw. Ily-tlotohvon -u A.hnn ulnnvul Ix-on"1':ro'Ir|o`:OiI XII U -I - X . _......"""'L ...:...:. `.'.:"."+':..*:...::..:. SPORTING PARAGEAPHS. `again for Information. Bush: at opening If possible. Spools! nun to Inc you stu- Icliolldolubn. A nungununnn J 11 ||ngAy_ lined gloves. but-hgcrjul All sizes domestic coal delifered) tafnny part of we city at $5 per ton by . G. Craig & Co. ' -.;__ - _, --4-- They Are Here. A lot of boys . girls And uomen a boots`. bought: At 753. ontho dollar. to be sold cheap qt Abemethy s. 127 Princess street. mnnc tong uoueocoa. At thepity council meeting last night city chemberjain Ireland reported as fol- low: to the collection of muket`. tolls: Pre- vionely reported. 867.89; collected for term ending Sept. 27th. $242.96; tote! $310.85. 7 run And that lmpornmon. 1807. . Ptovosb, at the New York clothing store. Brock utreeu. has received `all his importa- tion for ordor work in his tailoring depart- monc. `A nk-chat t guaranteed. Here`: A Barpln. ' A child : kid button boob. sizes 3, 4, -A5. $1? 1. - Men's ne lace or guitar boots for $1.25 Ladies kid button boots for $l ah Hainee & Lookottia. , KI -ISIIUU I'll IIIU IJIIIIUD Yesterday aftornon ten members of the 14th bath. band drove to Batrieeld butt: and held a. protable practice with the new ries. The team will enter the competi- tion for the Power's trophy cup. The band team has had the trophy in in pocseeaion once, and now entertains groan hope of ne- curing it again. - no rule n1c.~.-manna aka-st. " Jiohnnton strut. Good locality. ' rllnuo. all modern conveniences. Tho I!n:k_;u Liberal Treatment. The bank of Montmezil is noted for the liberal manner in which it deals with its employees. A case in point; is the liberal- ity in extends to the widow of the late F. J. Rogers, mamwor of the Peterboro branch. In addition to & gratuity of $1,- 000, Mrs. Rogers is grnnbeda. quarterly nnnuznnnn fnr lifn UUU. LIB. IVUKUIU allowance for life. occur: I nun: an: :1- Seats are"now on sale at Sawyer: boot and shoe store. opera house block, for Guy Bros, mammoth minstrelr which come to the Grand opera house, Tbirsduy evening, with a greater and bigger show then ever. Every one should see the big street parade on Thursday noon; forty people taking part. It is worth going miles to see. Prices '.!5c.; 50:, and 75a. Commissioners A djourn. R. J. Eilbeck was seen in Montreal last night when he stated that the commission- ers appointed to look into the past doings of the St. Vincent de Paul penitentinry were enjoying A ten days rest. The object of the adjournment he would not disclose. When asked concerning the recent howl raised by the convicts of that institution he replied that the reports were of u more serious nature than the actual disturbance. Peace reigns again among the prisoners. Quarter-I, gzlectlon or Omcers. The mutual aid society of the Ports- mouth Methedist church held its regular meeting last evening at the residence of Mrs. Culcheth. , At the close of the routine business the society proceeded to elect officers for the ensuing three months. with this result : President. W. Convery; vice-president,Miss M. Vanorder; treasurer. Mrs. E. Culcheth (r - acted). The meet- ing was enthusiastimk healthy sign of prosperity. Before a journment. fruits, cakes, etc, wereserved. Collootor Thompson`: Report. At. last. night : meeting of the city coun- oil tax collector Thompson reported as here given : Tntnl of taxes for 1895. S1-l0\33U.06: col- Total of taxes 1895. 81-10,330.06; col- lected. $l3|.555.7l; remitted. $7,066; per- oent-ago, $1,500.52; balance. 81,708.35. man . 'l`.-.o..l nf mun 9130 RIP: 14: ml- | nero gwen 81,708.35. 1896 : Total of hues, $139,816.14; col- lected, 8ll0.46(i.46: remitted, $5388.63; percentage. $673.72; balance. $23,361.05. 1897 : Collected. $34.9l(5.7`.Z. Street. watering. 1896 : Total of taxes. $1,775.50; collected, $1,376.35; balance, $399.15. vvlu n-run urvn an-:u.-uu. Asked this morning if he would again be a candidate for re-election to the Ontario legislature, J. L. Hayceck. M.L.A.. re- plied that he could not say that he would. The "atrene of the count had not met in convention to consider the nominating of a candidate. That meeting would, in all probabilit . be held within the next two weeks. e would give an account of his stewardship to the convention and if iwwns considered that be had discharged his duties faithfully and satisfactory he thought the nomination would a ain be offered him. In any case. he mi assur- l . there will be an independent candia dyate in the field. When reminded that there would be a three-cornered light if such a course was followed. he said asauringly. "I think not. I know the conservatives hope for such a fight, but I don't think they will meet with Ln A l"nm|Iy Reunion. Dr. Cowan. Nspanee, has been stPrince- ton, 0nt.. attending a parting dinner at the old homestead. Seven of the family were present. The father settled on the farm in 1820 when the place was a wilder- ness. He aided in building the first school house in the township. starting the first school and Sabbath school, ineugureting the first temperance society in the town- ship. Mr. Lowan was the tint clerk of the old court of request sfterwerds the division court, first sseessor end collector of the township, ret poetmester and station- mester in the county on the Greatwestern railway. and ve years feeve of the town- ship and member of the county. council. He wee at all times a liberal in politics. The oldest of the {easily ls Col. Oowen, of Woodstock, eged seventy-two yeers; E. F. Coven and lies 8. U. Coven. the younger branches 0! the lamilypwning and still living on the old homeetsed. "I'll! IIOWGD I016 IJOOI. Inu pruulm Imus but of the your. in upon medial 3 IIlI'- gicnl gynmcology. for the not 0! mndonu and pnctitionon. by Dr. R. W. (hrro. professor in the medical faculty of Queen - nnivonisy. Iildhgynx;-`oltflozliat. in the King- ueon genera oopi I oonhinu 420 pnge and I00 illuolntiou. The telling ngontcnro J. Gurvuth &Co., 4l3 Pulm- nonl. strut. Toronto. Then is probably no hunt irdrqsn of good book-making is your in uydiosl nnhon Ibo oontinont. It in creditable so all can- oIrnod. 01ehouuIhor uwor|bhrowillbo unlimited pain. Dr. Guru has studied all thulngood In choir. Inching: and no tbodn. His gt-up ol the utlIdy.u t w9ll.b'o.nnIoutooI hon Na nun:-'=mL (ll III OIIIDI. `L ll-A_N0IiAlD. J. 3. Hunt. (intend Accountant. nu, V, '1, DIN] 600. ,, Boys tan lace boots, worth $1 50, only :1. The news text book. and probcbl the ...m .1 51.. can in nnnn marlin-nl And nnr- CITY "AN 0 VlCliiTY.' Wlll Agnln Seek I-Election. 1.1- ,,,. _:l L- `_.-..I,l.. A Ilnnton Iodleul Work. _...__.A A-._L I._-l. __.l ..-`L. PI-nctloo A: The Buns. .,, _,,__.-L, Secure Thom Early. 1, L _v,_._. Ht;-u ciggaunn rotuummr THE BR81- ; . an of don.u.A.xmpm1ou.bunu- , lull: Mtnstod. opposite Mwdonald. Park. Ap- IA vERxQnIi_:?_k;ogcuRmczf A FEATHER BED'WlLL not RE`-1 MAIN QUIET. BED WlLL NOT na- Wlll Make the Knlr Stand on Ind- S plblm Prevented the Aotlon BOIII Boponcod -3311 u Oomtortnblo Sloop on the B04 -0ontlnuoI Tumbling Over. . 0DI:ssA. Ooh, pi. 27.--Unclo Joe." of.- ehe Dominion ha I, hold me I remarkable awry About on erratic feather bed which is calculated to raise hair on the now bald- hendod. and not in motion than clinging, creepy creeps along the moat at-urdy book- bonsd. Not putting much hihh in the scary I interviewed William Henry Smioh this morning, a gentleman of unimponclh able character, who gave me the following for publication in the Wmu. In that-A nnv truth in this faathor yarn. Mr. Smith? . "Truth. every word of it is true. eai d he, "and had it occurred anywhere elee. I would have gone twenty-ve milee to have BBGII it; "What are the facts 2" - "Well, I live on lot twenty-ve In the fth concession, Ernesttown. My mother- in-law. Mrs. Lawrence Hartman, a respect- ed lady of eighty-two `years. lives at my house. Yeeterda , Sunday morning, I went down to unc e Joseph Smith's, _York Road. and when I returned home grandma told me, and it was corroborated by the other members of my household. that the feather bed (a big heavy one), the bedding and pillowe had rolled off the bedstead to the floor, and that they had replaced them in apple-pie order. turned their backs and heard a rustle. They turned quickly to eee the'feather b_ed, ete , rolling together and landing on the oor again. A dozen times this was repeated in bread duylight. Then we removed the straw mattresa and tried the feather bed again, but off she'd come. A testament was brought and laid on top of the bed. The feather bed eringed and wriggled and nally dropped on the oor again. _ "`Hrimr the big` familv bible. said I. for publication in the Wma. "Is there any truth in chin feather bed Mr. Smith? "'1':-ut.h. avarv ward of true." again. Bring the big family bible, I. and that was placed on bop of the bed. By-and-by the feathers became uneasy. a. few mighty upheavals failed to dislodge the bible; the feathers tickled the corners of the tick, nnd they folded over the book, but that : all it could do. The bible taken othgain, the feather bed went; at. the per- formance as usual, and kept; it up all day. i-Mink? nnmn rind I unit` tn thn fnlki. lormance usual, and Kept. ID up an uay. "Night came and I said to the folki. `make up that thing and I'll hold or down to night. or tumble off on the floor with it. So after all the objections were prevented and over-ruled, they made the feather bed and before it had time to get is wriggle on I ...... nn H. hnlrlina in dawn in stood and nature In nnu Luna uu gun It wrlggiu un I was on is, holding it down in good shape. I wo.9n t. a bin timid and beyond being mvakenetl once in a while, by the corners of the tick, tickling my face, I enjoyed a comfortable nightlu rest; and had the feather bed under me at daylight Mon- day morning. but as soon as I got up the bed tumbled out: too. I havn t. been home for an hour or so and can't say how it is n`cr,ing since I came down town. Yes, air, this is true, every word of it. The bed- room is immediately oil` the sitting room." Klr Rmnih in n umlllmnwn. well-to-do In Immealurely on we awning ruum. Mr. Smith is a well-known, well-tb-do- farmenwhose word is n. Allin the township and with everyone acquainted with him. Besides this Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Johnabon, near neighbors of Mr. Smith, and also peo- ple of high standing, were eye-witnesses. It will he recalled that some years ago Mrs. Hartman : husband died auddenl in St. Albau e church during revival serv oee. Who can explain the occurrence? nlnrlno loomo Picked Up Along The nur- bor Front. The ateambarge Drake sailed from the M. T. company : dock last evening for the upper lakes. The tug Active left for Montreal yes- KINGSTON BUSINESS ~ COLLEGE lakes. The tug Active yes- terday afternoon with three barges loaded I with wheat. A.. ....i...,...A Honk nf amin human will with wheat. An enlarged fleet. of grain barges will be found at. the M. T. company : dock: with the opening of navigation next. sea- Inn son. The schooner Flaobwing. Charlotte. ar- rived thia morning with 350 tons of loft coal ecrceninga consigned to James Swift & Co. mums: Q u.-mu}.-.ln nfuar dinnlnrnina n & U0. The 8.8. Rosedale. after diechsrging a cargo of grain hero. cleared last evening for Cleveland toloud railroad iron (or Fort. William. VI` ......|....J .5 q...:n. b On . wharf - Flfmm. William. Touched at Swift; & Co : wharf : Steam- ers Corsican, bound for Brockville; Hamil- ton. bound for Montreal; Sir L. Tilloy. Prescott, to Toledo. light. rm... -nhnnnnr Fnhinln. alter diechnnzinz Prescom, to '1oIono. ngun. The schooner Fnbioln. alter dieohnrging fty tons of soft coal at the Kingston ni- tentiary, is unloading the balance 0 liar n-rnn nf `)7.'lf.l1nI It JIDJBI & 00,3 wharf. _ mm .. In attmnpting to pass a raft. near Alex- andria Bay the ate.-Lmbarge J. Spencer ran-on the rocks making a big hole in her how. The pilot. beached her boloro she nnnlz UUW- sank. TL- sank. The tri-weekly service of the Richelieu and Ontario navigation boats between To- ronto and Montreal will likely close with this week. The L-benmerCoraican will then assist the atoamdr Hamilton. running bo- tween Montreal and Hamilton. A l....-.l.. 0|... pmnmsn-inn nf J. I. "l'.u't.a `tn bum.mr_y, | cargo of wharf. 1.. -56.. 1! moooulnl. 0! this your`: clan 8 lot Inotrlonlanu no moouufnl` of llnoniof lid Iooom of lnnlnuthno-0! 81 ntnrionlnnta as nuoco-ofnl ; of 14 senior VIII VIII I uncut-ufnl: of I! junior having All I. math: 08 for can of snecouf neon- lldl Oommoroiol course: Ohorona col. at mod: to me; `Hlnntrn dIliI|. Addnu RINOIPALD IInigp_r`it) _ .811}! ehool of_ Montreal and namuton. Alrendy the concession of J. I. Turbo {to the citizens, in reducing the tariff at. the gnvernmonb dry-dock, in bearing fruit. Vessel: do not now pun by to to it at St. Onthnrinoa and Buffalo. A t in entering the dock Almost daily, including the big boat: damaged on their way no Prescott. VIIIIIIIIIJ vnuun uuvyvn u. Pom` COLBORNI. Sept. 27. - Down: Steamer Murphy, Dnlubh to ennburg, wheat; abeemer Merle , Dnlu to Pres- cott. when; berge oruvie, Duluth to Ogdenrburg, wheat; steamer Frost. Chi- cggo so Ogdansburg, general cargo. I-an I)n.nnr.-um. Sent. `!7.-.Down: cggo Io ugaanwurg, gunurnl cargo. Porn l).u.Horsm, Se t. 27.-.Down: Schooner Albacore. Ashen uluto Hamilton, coal; stunner Hslo. Chlcugo to Prucon, com; uaoamor Arabian, Superior to Kings- ton. wheat; humor Bumookburn, Fort William to Kingston. Jrhoat; barge Bol- kirk, Fort Willinm to Klngotuon. 3 bcgze lmnmoro. Fort William to Kings- mo, what; ucunor Niagara. Lorain to Prescott. nilwny iron: Itulnor Blackrock. Duluth to Pnocoth. what: tunnel- Knsbdin, Duluth to Ogdonnburg, when. _.._..._.._-...____: VIII!) IAITII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIU Lord Anhbonrno, who n... I}... 1...; clnncalk: ol Imand since l895.aud in now anggu-he as next governor-general of Canada, was born December III. 1337. E0 was oducutod It Trinity col . Dublin, ind admitted to the [rich bar In mo. liq; was appointed (1.0. In 1872. lo upyuuutol Dublin university in the noun at unmet from 1375601888. has `lflo Imln mIn In-`I:-oInnl.ud|utI MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ___......_-..._jj who lard Anhbonno II. .,LL__.-_._ ...I._ L-- L`. nuenr coueee. }.,,.,,. ,0 M. naI.avu.La. on. "" , - -n____._-__.`.__ A: on is unloaamg nne nuance 01 nor 275 tons at James Swift & On : nus.- Welland canal Report. ru , __._ 3-..: n- Stronger, Bigger, than ever. Our Fall Line of Shoes eclipse all our previous ef- forts. . ~ up. L...... ..|.....m- n:I1An mnrA fnr torts. We have always given more for the money than any other Shoe House, and now we're ahead of the best in Latest Styles, Graceful Lines and Fine Finished Foot- wear. If you want Shoes to please you and stand the TEST in the cru- c.` ~ie of wear come in to-day and | see US. )Sutheflqnd s Trim Up Your Garden. ALLEN'S SHOES. . .. You'll know it by the Ma. ....__._.:......._._ :_.._. nu, gm: um. l_1oi`ni ._ B_.L4--n Wm. Allen & Son, You can get the best of Tools at rock bottom prices. t:-._...Ll.:.... 3n Ila: I-lanlumrg No aperient medicine is so effective as the Duncan Water of ` Caledonia Springs. No `bad after effect. Sold by all dealers every- where. -- -._-_.._,_ , ling-con Paint Shop sud Boom Papa Dopot 0011. BROOK It BAGOI STREET Beautify Your Lawn. Get a good Lawn Mower, down to cost price at A. STRACAN S. at IOCK Douulu pubca. Everything in the Hardware line at right prices. - -L` &j' jcjjjrxz Elodtrloldn. combination on IIIII Blcctrlolilxtuol and Electric Suppllu In stock. SPEC|AlT|ES:w-f3:".:".1Z`.5=m::: Bopdn of all kinds ptonptly hub! to. saognmsr. *"*"*..,, "l'|llPl0[H4 COAL Anpwgoo, cm wqqigaho coatxxno. on. cowuNu's n_Aan.A. Q.'_n.An..n x;_'\7f'siur-n-r-."_ `my ; Parlors Anjjwnunl ONLY in IEVZIW TIN ems-5 FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. _ Ind ` PM hmn We-rcrruuanmu} ` Bunch oIoo-_$rWolll& l. ,, - _ _ , , , , , - , :)hll=TENDlNQ PURCHASERS % up man woman. :m.1*2s'.t 5 L LIA nsidouthl nchoollor YWII Will nd dulgnaln our stock that they cannot. not Iluwhlro. u I I I. DADERH DA. 33*!-`II`l1`I2'I-`I?`Ii`.I-I-"I Brock Street. ?,`gf:,:;,oo,_ Popular Shoe House. \,-_.. Quality. Love} ` price! ,_ _ .; au""'luio".3' i'u-('59 E" tor. Tlvingnllnhlo a Inn at In uluolil ._...... nI-_4$-L. vln rounhlo and sin ICIIJII. an-nu womnn. U1 and O I to Illlll . The Better Best. ._ . -'..- . Magus lton|BIfIOI` Ac-no ondykc G0ld| "cu Duuionns thatwill burn ~ at Pl Ainliulo ASSOCIATION ruorm u.'1'x not o the` (mood grounds. The exten- non of Earl Stunt will run directly through I`). _whl`oh are close to I growing soo- galhb . gap] to J. S. Sxmtn. tor. Ki9e.s.me.di2 2!92,} vv._-_. ---`..-~ ...-- .-- um`. sun of Unlnrei a;au.o.. le eoton lion given to in lvlduel need! The renement end culture of In no ed with the highest menu! Quin Inc. A In 0 per . H l`!!EB-l`ro J60 on team m ` , ltomlm $0 mo per ennum. A olmto one-chi to daughters of clot :- --a. For full information lDD|! to lid. aborua. cos ,\ .f`lT, Plglllfl cuggg % 1 lira ' a . hliclllsy .n|r..mN':r ou."..X?.'m ,0?"- m Bonn , enno appuuuou or curmmu ,, F22: II own are noun R5501.- WIE. A _` pmun llllorcduo 4-.. . * in E-*~ iota: " "u-n `tin t.om1rln'g.dl- - 151: my and Iulyahlu and Iclip V on r.-Wnrm huh: withou- a 1"` ft Dunn ucnm-4 -um yn IEO RWGH ll-A740 % ;'. g:.'1`:)VIB inn B-BY ore Kin: cheat, u n- lncodloo. ' pm: at me .__._q.-_-.._ ._-,V,,_. A CHURCH scnioo T g----- wr-u II mm M 3 nm vnrld. turn- I. IIIF. Noll `nit-a.. Ila-clan. < up Jam Illa Dina-cu." freq.` . -Ju-n :1-nan` n..n....u -_A n-...ou|.A . but lidnnnuonnl navnunun. o canto:-0. and convenience. E . Croqnot and stating. .-..p --.n- -1 Il_A____JA_ n._J EVENING CLASSES. ll HAN mu`. NEW RESIDENCE UN :1) vid Whitchud. uns will opmploto it. hot. adjoin: II'n'I lieu grounds. Apply to B. V. Open Sept. Isth. ,10`John|ton strut. Good Iooauw. I10 0. [ ADDILL. %Bisl1oi1 "s College. EDUCATION Al... m..2.9`:1'::.?::`.'i.i!r'.'oa:1.';ne:`.:;`i";i.;!`- lB'.*.$.':.&:'i':`: s:*.:.`.f."...;. "" ` Wiilnuiaumbnt .'J'0_ BE LE1`. FOR SALB. "V"'5"' St.TmrmI. Ull- A ruidulhl nchool for women. De|$`-tinny muted It can nrk. the largest - . rnasn. mug" Bursar. LOIIIIOXVIUO. . awn-....-2 ..v-. ' my and nmmm y CuIu:o`IA Hrur. `ee one I Luxury Which `lhe Blah lnjoy -'l'I|e latter of 1'9! collection Die- eueerl-alhe Du. Doe: teen to be Adver- tllld Ileondcut. 5 In tithe! cpldmn will be hand the ueineee tnneected at last night : meeting l the city council. The diedunienthelecn all be louudbelow : Regarding the mloetlon touching advertieing olt drydeck fees. etc.. ytbe ceencil.ee per agreement. Ald. Don- nelly eeidkthe obgect wee one which com- mended iteell to every citizen, but he thought it A matter for the beard ol trade to deal with. Agreet meny veeeel moore- luee to patronize the local dock for many timp!e reeeone. A ehort time ago the opener heard I veeeel ceptein eey _he would not use Kingston dock because too much red tepe bed to be obeerved before e beet could be put into the dock. The greatest objectionable lecture wee that wbichccmpetled ndepoeit of $100 before eveeeelwae nllowed to enter the dock. Such A rule in really e hardship and un- reasonable.` When a boat has poeeeeeion ol the dock she in there in collaterel ee- curity. She cannot get out until the charges against her Ireeettled. At Buffalo and eleewhere the eyetem followed ie ret come ret served. To make the local dock ' popular the government must remove oer- - tein objectionable feeturee. ,The epeakerde clued me desire to we the dock advertised or suggested by Mr. Penso. He wee con- lldent it would result in more work com- ing to the city. Aid. Wnlhem thought it would be e curity of the amount cnargen against In. Ald. Carson objected to the council szrentlng eeum for the purpose named. The council did not derive any revenue from the "dock and therefore should not pay for advertising ite fseturee. The gov- ernment should pay for the advertiein . Mayor Skinner replied that it was on t e understanding that the city council would advertise the rate of charges that the fees were reduced. ALI u..l(.lmm infm-mad than alderman ing the city. Ald. Wnlkem thought good idea to appoint a committee to look into the regulations governing the dock, and to report no to those which mny be deemed objectionable, and in otherwise suggest rulu which would tend to make the dock popular if put into effect. The clause demanding a. deposit of $100 before a boat can enter the dock wn condemned by the speaker; the boat was sufficient ae- curity of the amount charged against it. Ald. Carson obiactcd reduced. Aid. Melielvey informed the alderman that while the council did not derive any revenue directly from the dock. it did in- directly. The council beneted by every- thing that tended to bring work to the city and give employment to workmen. He favored the suggestion made by Mr. Penee. Aid. Wnlkem, supported Ald. Mc- Ke|vey s con ntion. It was not In matter of how much t 0 council beneted direct- I.. |....n ....n|... In-nu mm-In Hm nitv wnnld ha Prinoipul-Bev. Canon Adams, D.O.L. ` H_ud`:xaAshr-lI. '1`. H. Potty. Esq. THE vldnr 0:53 Adxeo FOR `n-us GONGESSION. of how much we councu neneuwu unreco- ly, but. rather how much the city would be unlisted gonernlly. This was also Ald. Tait`: View of the mutter. AIA u.n ..|..A it 9.1.. rural nf the Kinu. '1`eit's View or the mentor. Ald. Bell asked it the rates of the King- ` ston dock were lower than those of other docks. Aid. Donnelly replied that they were lower now than any other dock on the chain of lekce end affording the some facilities. He felt sure thet the steamer whieh now occupied the dock would not have come here to receive repeire had the fees not been reduced. He knew of en- other which wee coming up to go into dock and which was induced to come here by the lame conditions. He moved, sec- onded by Ald. Mooers. that the sum of fifty dollare be granted for the purpose of advertising the government dry dock on the lines suggeeted by Mr. Peuse.end that the nance committee be instructed to carry out the matter. Adopted. It can moved bv Ald. W. Robinson. the mother. Aloplea. It was moved by Ald. Robinson, seconded by Aid. Minnea that the prayer of the union of James Marshall. for the use 0! ncurio bill, be grented. It. was moved in the emendmont. by Aldo. Allen and Elliott, that the petition be referred to the city property commibtee. Aid. Minnee favored grunting the request. The council in not deriving Any revenue from the hell. It. won promised thut. good litera- ture will be furnished for the workingrnen, end besides bhey would have eome place to go to keep them 015' the street. Ir. was intended to open a labor bureau in con- nection therewith. AIA ur-:..|.s o|.m...l.+. n.. at-ham: n necuon therewith. Ald. Wright thought the scheme A good one, but. his wu ol opinion that the property committee should be allowed to don] with the matter. In view of the {net that the council grnntod $300 to the mo- chnnicu inatitutefor a free reading room. he thought the workingmerfa wants in thnt direction were pretty well supplied. LIA TL-unnnllv nninlnd nut. hhlfa thf um direction preuy wen euppueu. Ald. Donnelly pointed out then there were men things to be coneidered in the inntter, w ich the council no A whole could not tnienp. Lighting end heating were two great. considerations. The only busi- neee coureo to be followed demanded the position be referred to the property com- mictoe. The intcreete of other working- men, whose munee were not. on the peri- lion. were to be considered eleo. An In Dnhinmn -vnnfnl` Hm nmmnil tn non. to be conslaoreu nu.-u. Ald. W. Robinson wontod the council to give on expression of opinion {or the guid- ance of the committee. The workingmen hod o right. to tho no of the hull and he would oupport tboir oloim. Aid. Donnolly would oppoco tho council giving owoy any privllogoo before tho mottor ponoining (hon-oto woo thoroughly looked into. Thin ohndwuo IIlp0fWOd by Ald. Tait. The coumittoo won I give the roquoou ovory Gonoidototion. Ho bod boon told tho: tho wotlingmon would hoop tho boll cloon and would ouppl thoir own luol. Ald. Ryon oontandodt. o coun- oll would ouumo mo bllity. no hull hod boon ud by di nloooioiiol for drill purpoooo oull tho woolly-mu would not do it. oomoch iojur no son who had mod it to drill in. B oo tboeouncll bod gruntod iu unto other oouiotiu. why noc IO opoolc. Tbocouncil Ind not Ihorihouortloopowotho nttliouooof tho llrootooni-body Inonloronin- doluito ' . wooourprlood oton PI ASSOCIATION PHOPE B/l'Y of dnn nf llul Benet directly IQ Iljplnln-er.nvu nnyuuqlgulht R hdnoghc that lb : UIHII[nHIIInt&'Tnnn- ihet exem; uon 1' II: me la` weelthy organlntiou slid the club house we: I luxury thin only the few wealth could afford to an joy. It. was of no bone I`. to the city or anyone in par- ticular. A`ld. Allen replied that it woe not e. mony-making orznnization of the eeme celibre en the ethlecio neo- ointion. yet the lull: mentioned institution enjoyed exemption from ten- tion. Ald. R en favored the adoption of the clause. 6 wanted to encou `the yennglneli ` hddbullb t-lwclub nee, out! use kl take them as low you; Lhiugnn hurl than nnblin nnirib ":0 0|": IID III! III [III DOT III!!! I now yum-5 itizene bad the blio spirit to put. up eueb a piece. he club house we: a benefit to young men in -merry ways. Beeidel, the club house adds to the at- tractiveness of the city arid help: to bemtify the Harbor. Ald. MnKnlvev. amended by Ald. on. Aid. Kent, a stock holder, was diasp- pointed in the club applying for exemp- tion. He held the some 0 iniona as Aida. McKelvey and Elliott. he amount was paltry and the club should try to pay it, even though it was neceuery to economize in other ways. At the same time he was aware thxt it was with diioulty that the club managed to nencoeo as to keep aoat. In reply to Aid. W. Robinson he said the club had about 200 members. Aid. Robinson gured out that the taxes die- `tributed among 200 members only amount- ed to twelve and It hail cents each. A paltry sum indeed for the rich young sports. Aid. Minnee favored insisting the club to th extent of the taxes. rm.- vnnnnr nu. nhnnh tn nix for an ax. beautify the harbor. Ald. MoKelvey. saoouded by `Md. Elliott. introduced an amendment to the report to strike out the objectionable clause. He was a member of the yacht club and felt ashamed that the members should ask {orexem tion when the sum wasso small, only 825. e would rather pay the taxes himself than have.the matter dragged be- fore the council. Ald. Donnelly thought the yacht club should heenoouraged by the council to the extent of the taxes. Ald. Tait taxed Ald. Donnelly with being biased, the last named being aehprehold- er. Ald. Donuelly replied that his stock in the building was only a small amount. Ald. Wright characterised the discussion as a big shout over a small amount. The club should he allowed exemption and an encouragement given to healthy, manly sport. Md. AIIen--Ald. Carson says the club exempmon." Ald. Welkem wondered what great in- uence had been broughf. to bear upon Ald. Elliott einoa Friday lost, on which day he had said he would euppopb the Adoption of the clause. The club house was open to the public and was 3 benet thereto. A m rl`..:|-_HA.-a nnn n ntnnlahnldnr ? ignorant of your D|l_3ln6Bl." Ald. Walkom-"PerhapI if [told all I know about yours you would not like it. It in boat. to let. sleeping dogs lie. Ald. Elliatn did not agree with Ald. It in boat to let sleeping uogu ue. Ald. Elliott agree Wulkem. The club houle is not open to the public. No one but members who pay their yearly fees are permitted to use it. He was surprised that the members of the club would consent to have the name of the organization thus drugged before the ooun- nil Ul'_lI cil. ?.7'L ?.' "1-`:":.'i-I'.-:"z`f:'.' Ala. 'L'mo-"1nen 1 am sorry 3 ignorant bupinosa. Ald. Walkam-"PerhaDI It is illegal." Aid. Dounelly asked that it be produced in writing, saying he did non propose to accept Aid. Elliott : conatmclzion of the city aolicitor'a opinion. AIA w.|I:.-m. nrhhnr nninbad out. that the Ald. A|len-Ald. says threatens to leave the city unless granted exemption. Ald. Wnlkem most extent or me baxoo. 'I`hn_,mayor..nu about) to ask for an ex- preuion of opinion on the amendment, when Ald. Elliott asked ii the clause in report. was legal. The mayor: I `do not rule it illegal. Aid, Elliott: "I have the city solicitor : opinion on the mutter uo the eoob that it. is illegal. AM nnnnallv nnkad that produced citv solicitor 3 opinion. '- Aid. Elliott further pointed out taxes had been id into the collector. They could only refunded by order of the court of revision or by a. special by- law. ALI u..Iz..!..... . nmamdmnnt wnl than law. Ald. McKe`.vey s amendment was then put before the council and carried. Yeas and nay: were called for, resulting thus: \'mn.- Aid; Bell. Canon. Elliott, Minneo, ynn, wngnn-a. Aida. Wnlkom. Kent. And Donnelly ro- fuuod to vote. claiming eomption from do- ing so under the by-laws `and constitution of the council, they being stock holders in the club. D-....:Hnn'n nlgnnn in than rnnnrl . of H18 the club. Regarding": clause in the report of the committee on nance, Ald. McKelvey uk- ed why the taxes had not been collected more systematically. He wanted the col- lector to prepere A statement for the coun- cil giving the reason for uich I hnlnnce of unpaid texee, nearly $24,000. Had the collector been inetructed not to collect cer- tain texee. Such a condition of affairs ehould not be I0W0d. The conncilehonld support the ellorte of the nance commit- tee in this matter. Ald. Donnelly mid thetif the nance committee would eug- ---A -Anna gahgma kn nnnnrn tlm mill and called 101`, reiulung nnul: Yena- Alds. Boll. Canon, Mooors, Mclielvey, C. Robinson, W. Robinson, Tait, Taylox--9. Man-_Mnvnr Rkinnnr. Ald. AHOII. Robinuon, Tun, '1'ayIor-u. Nays--Mnyor Skinner, Aldo. Allen, Minneo, Rynn, Wright-5. AM: WAlkn:n_Kenhnnd Donnellv Uhdoithohununduaruotho Anohhhhop and tho Von Rev. the Don ` of Ontario. llll. I-Mo Residence 01 Alexander Gunn. Johnson Street. but Ednnocionnl odvnuzuu. with honi contort thll if the nnonoo commmoe wouiu lug- goso some scheme to. ensure the total collection of taxes, ho was unto the coun- cil would adopt it. Who mayor won sure nothing had been donoto impede the ef- fort: oi the col leolor. nu u..Ir-|..... inh-Ar`|u\nf| n I-I-mlinn to tort: or we col Ieolor. Ald. Mcliolvo introduced a motion to ro-consider the lution puned b the council on tho 26th granting to the ooou olovotor company the use ol Ontario throes vlor railroad pnrpolol. The council Ind not tho power to rant such I coneouion And I009 notion ould he union to have such 3 rotolntion removed from thorninnto Lnnb M / Aid. `Elliott poinhdouttlnt in thereto):- tion rdorrodo the city was well protected. The mnurmut bo brought baton Ibo oonnil spin for nal ootslnmont. Ald. Donnolly` thought the resolution Ihould be ullowod to nimin. It might intotforo with sons arnngomonb entered into by tholiqoorl comghny. Ald. Tait thought that as tho oonncilhnd nosthopowctto gt-gut. tho concussion.` vs: no not in Iodzovingtholinttic lrolnthoboqk. tn. nngthrrnnnnll And void nlnndv. romoving mo rutneuon u-on no noon. `rho pasta: in null and void already. Tlioiuolntionwuloutonavou. Al_d. W. Robinlon n unclu- $'3n- n. G. A. Kirkpatrick. bunti- tnskd. opponiso I-nnwx & Booms. Ontario St.

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