Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1897, p. 6

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JXUWVUTU III` I'll uoxnolt. aupu. xx.-Lnuuntumulo pnuu an utiolo this morning using the II in inloruod on good authority that pnoidont Krunt. ol tho '1`:-uuvul. u oua-in tron .?".a".r....'`.".';':'.`.`.'i.`E.5'.';".?.'.1. Brig I : diuuo n nu ndnnood tugs. Ono nhvddnn than Huh 1!): lmnikn annual. -IIJUICUI KIIIIIVPII IfC-Il. Bn.x.:vn.u:. 80 22 -E. G. Ponton died Inn owning torn consumption. and torn pun. Ho In: I non of the Inc Col. Arohbnld Pontaon and III by prolouion 1 lawyer. In the rebellion of 1836 ho was ndjuunholtlro Mldlnnd bnculion. Hoio ourvivod by hi: wife and throo ohildron. hi: mothor and four amen. namely. Mn. J. D. Armour. Mn. Llontiumbort and Mn. Sanity. of Toronto. And Mrs. Sharpe. of Chlongo. and am hr-ot.hor.A. D. Ponton. U I. H. nl \IHnnh-nan ' Hnumm. Sopt. 22.-'l`orpodo boat No. Shllbun upuinod und monk mat the utilghhhl olcnxhuon. E5 in of hot crow. inhlni bot comm or. date Fndorlok W Iiun of .MochIonbur;- Sclnnt-in. won drownod. TH; An`: 1AA Hausa In `I . IA I-nub acuwono. was urownou. Tho duh vu born in l87l.h0ld tho rank of lintpnun in tho German nu , sud wn - I.-..oLn- -3 IL. -.-.-ml 4|-`LA ll `IAQLIA-L u`s$'.Ie"n'ZSs"sZ"r'.Z'}':."r'..I.".i i.'.2'v"'.' -'35 '3'}? I brotliotollho (rand duh o Manhun- hmg.snLnnrin_ A ulna: manna: bu or u Olga. nnu OIII Ill D. 1:3... of Winnipog. UI'0l'UI ID. `TING III III -TIlCI| :nrg- Darin. A nlup manor bu gone to the room of the dancer. lnglo I'll! Jottlngl. Emu H 11.1.. Sept. 20 --John Irvino.ono 0! than Iucceuful candidates at the menus onsrsnoo oxnminntlonn. left [lubwvook to Amend she Nupnnu inntit.ut.o.- somou in this place no woll attondod.-Miu M. Connor nnd Min hhud Irvino I nt. I very onioynblo do lub Saturday at . in-vino`a, Plcuat. Vul oy. Boning and other amuse- ments won provided by the kind hoot- Mr. and Mn. Williun Kerr Iponb Sunday at Wllllun Ballnnh. "wnen emperor Wlllllln Iaoinuuu IIIII Ear eoue eteirceee of the perliement ui ding end entered the superb eupole hull he vu overwhelmed by its magnificence. lie stood eilent for eome minutee end then said to Steindl, the Architect: `I heve seen many no things in the world. but nothing thet cornperee with this. If I hed been emperor when the Uermen parliament houee wee built our reioheteg building would not hue been like I pecking one. and nobody but you should have been in erohiteot." __.__---v riIt16v9t44?f5.2~_ I... _J unomgy. At :57 the jury undated nvordicb of mamluugbtor. outoongo men In lngnllloonoo. Lmmou. Sept. 22.-Aooordlng to I don- putch from Bud: Push to the Chronicle: When emperor William seconded tho any-annnl nhnirnnna nf thl nu-llnmonh Auelatlne Pang:-aplu. Adana`-rmn. Sept. 22 -Mr::. Fallon has returned home aocom anied by her daugh- ter, Mn. Wilson. and amily.-A|bert Hart- man hat the sympathy of the community in hie lad bereavement in the death of his father end aieter. which occurred within a week ol each other.-Arthur Fraeer spent last Wedneeday in Belleville. -Mr. and Mrs. R. Ayleworth attended Tamworth fair and report it the beer. of the eeaeon.- Donald Thompeon ia uaieting 8. Bond with hieoanteen at the!uira.-Miee Mabel Hamm. Erneettown Station. spent last week with lriende here.-Mre. W. Hogle and daugh- ter Gueto are Ipending aweek in Montreal. Viaitore: Mr. and re. George Turner at R. Aylewnrtlfa ; Z. Storm: and F. Con- nolly at Donald Thompeon e ; Mre. e Hemm and Mre. 8. Sproule, Odeeeo. at . 8harp`o.-A little visitor haa come to stay at the home 0! Benjamin Hillier. very eloquent. PIOI lor mo Igou prisoner. Mr. Lounn opened with I rqoumo of the luv regarding murder, and in eloquent wordl asked the jury to romomhor that the young man Front had also A lib which was lunch to him. und than the law 0! God and man oallod (or I life for A lilo. `I ..J_4 I_4JlLI. - _.I.I-4-. anon nah All, U00 IIIII IIIIII OIIICII If I IIKU lDI' I |IlIa Judgo Morodiwu uldrou wu nob on- tiroly uhlllnchory to the prisoner : oonn- ool. Mr. Nubian roquutod his lordship to note I number of objootionu both an to the luv luid down I: hit lordship mod on to the uannor in whic ho prountod the facts to t o ju . Ar. -57 Mm im-w mndnmtl nvnrdinh of common or nnnnluvtlmr. Woons-I-oox. 0nb.. Sept. 22.--'l`ho ud- dronol ol the counsel Ind judge`: char in the Convoy murder cue occupied t. 0 whole morning. Walloon Noublo undo I eloquent. plea for tho aged prisoner. Mr. llllll nnnnnd wlth I ruuma of the 0,UUU IHIIII. Since the outbreak of the present rebel- lion_-in the Philippine Iulendu. the govern- inent has sent: 27.700 noldiern, 881 oioere. oi whom nino were generele. 43.100 ries. 21 eennom. 24,910 kilo remmes of pow- dteril 71,720,585 cu-tri gen and 30.000 3 e I. m grog:-eu m moae quarter-. etween November. 1895. and Hey, 1897. the Bpenieh government. sent) to Cuba l8|.738 eoldien, 6,26! oioere. of whom {orb were generele. 2l`2.M2 riee. 320.406 klogruneu of ' wder, 92,088,670 onrtrld en. 10,712 avers: 91 cannon: and 5.000: eile. Rina` eh: nnthnnnln nf Mm nrn-Ant I-Alml. lorooi llnployod By lpaln To Put Down Inland lnlnrrootionl. Mlmmn. Sept. 22.-An olclnl state- ment hm boon` iuuod. showing the num- bon ol men and the quantihiu of muni- tions 0! war no to Cuba And the Philip- Fino inland: during the insurrection: now 1 n rogrou in thoadquurtorn. alwnnn Nnvnmhnr. 1895. And MAI. Ann` M; um-A lulu- humans. 1.'....._;_ A A an I\_A_.Al... enoun umvuu In en. , At the general eeeeione this morning John Inglie end Son. machinery menu!- turern. goo e verdict for 8700 epineh the Hunilmn, Beemvalle end (lriuuby electric reilwey. being the belunce of eccounbe due for mechinery eupplled. The qompenye cleirn wee dleellowed. 'I UHIlU`-I0. VIII Dpllu `J3. -Lllilnlvw Wuaon in suing the Ontario medlonl coun- cil lot 810.000 for the low of his wile, who was killed noun Mme ago by falling down the elevator gum in the median! council building. _ `P, H. Km-r. A hnnlmr ning Imninnnl in DIIIIGIIIR. P. 0. Kerr. a broker doing bueineu in the Arolde. end e men of reopechble eon- necelenl. was arrested thin morning, elm - ed with etulln e bicycle from I bieye e livery. It in el aged nut. Kerr [named the wheel efler renting it. The: Game: think her: [man given out WIIU| IIKT I'Ull5"I' IU- Tho um-on which have toon given out In regard to the traffic on the Grand Trunk nilwny Iyuom dnrin the exhibition show that All noorda were ton. The middle divillon of the road brought in 29.000. the nprthorn 15.000 and the wulorn 26,000. or about 00.000 in all. If. lm nnnnrnl nnnninnn thin mnrnino MEN AND MUNITIONS OF WAR. Indian Inger uugonndy [IL Lo. Sept. 22.--The Ch iolo .n AI-:.l:?n'.I.hln mnonina nfAl.lnI:nl.Intq:n: Toinno; 0:26.. Bepo. '. 2.-Deuovo Nunnn In aulnn hln Onnn-in madlml coun- Duke Drowned In A Oupuu. I____.I- I.-- OLMM D{IAI..l,OWID. Adjutant fontnn Dona. .._ __A an I? n u......{.:;... u... I Wnlnovm. N.Y.. Oops 1! -AMoI-my Bongo I. Wsllor in ptoountl I judg- nontounoiouu ndnloln than cl |In0|III-II Ind oomph olNovYotk.A uboodholtlamapluo Wot:-town; nd null:-and nmnnnvnndl Ih W302-. -r. ' ' At. rooooon an mun-u. "o`....'.'.::.""'.::.'- 0 Cut holncvforu to UlllI(|'ll I0 pruuuoo. I On January 1. i895. the system wan oetabllehed in tour pt-nvinoca of the em- pirc. having a population ot 8,000,000. or 10 per cent. of the whole. On July i ' last it was extended to nine other prov- inoee. with a population of 81,000,000: ' on January i. 1897. it wan eetabiiahed in another eonn. with io.o0o.ooo in- I hahitante. and on January I 1008. it will take in Poland. with another i0,~ 000.000. By 1908. tnczctol-e. the qntem will be in operation oter the moat popu- loni pan: of Rneeia. and will apply to 40,000,000 pet-none. The price at which liquor shall be cold it Ind by tho Im- perial Council. with approval of the Inn- percr. and variea eomewhat for diluent provinoee. At nhereit ie ex- poeedtcl-eale. it can be had only in cioeell hottlee and aeha hearing tho wax eoai ofthe Shte. and a ticket. indicating the quantity. the damn I ettcngth and the price. The liquor cannot he con- anlned at the place when it to potchaaell. .aL..___j IMIUIIUIUI. HI]! }lI'll9 10550 l"lBI'IIlIL The Russian Government has set about this business with s full apprecia- tion of the magnitude of the problem it hns attached. It the business yields so much as the existing excise duties. say $150,000,000 n year, the experiment will be deemed a success, but it is not expect- ed that the Government monopoly will he universal throughout the empire in loss than ten or iilteon years. The im- medisto purpose is. tlrst. to provide I guarantee that only pure spirits are sold, snd, pen. that they sre sold under conditions least calculated to promote drunkenness. It is proposed to discour- . lire the country drinking shop by provid- ing that spirits shall he sold there only ` st the price st which they are purchased mm the Government depot. and to re- duce to is minimum in the towns the places where the sale of drink by the glass is the chiei business. Russis eon- sumes annually ll.9h0,000 hectolitres 0! alcohol, or about 80,000,000 gallons. This is rather loss than the average consump- tion ot the United States.` It is calculated that the consumption may decresse I0 per cent. without sectlng the smonnt oi` revenue which the new system is cai- eulsted to produce. (in Jnnmsrv I mos, nvntnsn -an an lalqlllir Ill l\lIlIlRo Probably Ignorant of the object follun of the State of South Carolina to make II success of A government monopoly of tho llquor business. the Runalnn Ad- mlnlstratlon hos undertaken the control or the nmnufncturo and mule of nloohollo beverages. Wlno nntl boon It does not touch. but all forms of nplrltn must be dlntlllod and rootlod under In mph!`- vlnlon. and sold through its oatobllshed Iuzonoloa. says The Boston Herald. Th. nnnnlgn [In-nvonvngn. has nah I. "{l[!'I' IIIIU IK\l'5\'|l UH III II IIIIU l-l'UI- The beraagllori perform nli their ma- ncuvora at an run. and for two hours. moat of the time with hia horn at A gallop, General Grnnt. kept them moving. When he returned to the hotel. his escort. them- avlvt-: rather ruiod by fatigue, were loud in cxprouionn of wonder and admiration, 1 and the great American was sum as calm an i! ho had not been in the saddle at all. | UHUIW C IWCKU HUI? Ul4 UTUIUIJ. But General Grant looked at the horn, I and hi: tune light-ed with admiration. . Whether he was not well. or merely M- _ Iumed a sort of helploanneu, could not be a determined. but in mounting he nooopted tho aid of two oloorn, and horn an ap- parent Itineu had aomo difficulty in [ct- ting his right 103 over the saddle. - nmu In. Mm amt. hnwnvnr. he nmnnod ml rlgm. mg over me Imuuw. Onoo IQ. the sons. however. he grasped the mini, nomad himself. an-alghtaned his form and summed so perfectly the air of n horlemnn that u about of applause went up from tho crowd; The ho:-so. after 1 tow plunges. discovered that he had found his mnator nnd au.\r=d on In u gentle trot. Th; Inn-nAn`lnlII nnlfnu-In nll t.hnII- ma. N low.the General Aaioniehod Thou Dul- ! . In: Italian Ooer-I. A writer in McClure : Magaline nay: thetiu the eprlng of 1878 he was in the city of Milan. and there, before the hotel where he was rtayinu, he saw an immense crowd about a beautiful horae which three grooms were holding with dlilleulty. A group of Italian nilleera in full uniform were waiting near on their horses, and evi- dently some grnnd ceremonial war about to take place. Presently he was told that General Grant was to review the pride and ower of the Italian army. the flying beraugllerl. and in a few moments the general appeared. dressed very plainly in e|v|linn'e olothea. I.l.. _...l|....I nus Al Hun hntnl unit; nnnn- umnane omtnes. He walked out of the hotel quite unno- tioed, and presently one of the officers. who had dismounted and was standing in the hallway to receive him. remarked: "Why does not General Grant oomei" There he goes." said the American, pointing to the simply dressed figure. The Italians gave a doubtful laugh. No," said one, that cannot be he." But as the general very evidently stood waiting for them, they advanced. received a him and tool: him to his horse. which was making frantic and almost successful (-1- iorts to escape from the three stalwart grooms. A more wicked looking creature it would he diilloult to describe, and from the sly looks that passed among the ele- gant young oloers it nlmost seemed as it . they had. of set purpose, assigned their guest a steed not yet broken. mu. Ganprnl Grant looked at the horse. I FIG 'IK!lI'III llnul min no! dopohd on gutting the . ` ' `nu ` . I ` L :0 in III ndvortlood In '3` I ,"I|,lI. n.Iuro Ind: Ii. ` . ' V ` ` GRANT'S HORSEMAl;lSH|P. Liquor In Ruuln. `china-`tn. nl oh- -I. ` BAIIII. Ut:..`::pI- II.-It V:-':z=** idngghu. huh lhnuunlnhnnln I1 ndnggivu. much: 1 uqvndaouu nu-up. Q :'aa and 90 Prlnceoo st.. IaI55_p__on. |E'Inspction invited at Every Remnant to booold at such 3 Low Pco .3: will Clllllll I ___- 1-. __I_ : Remnants Tweed. syuuour. zimuna. `vowoan ..`:1'a1'..:.".:`.';..."'.:.:.*.%`..'.:'a'..-.::` lip your: ad I Inn if nlouo. A him now: din- Id in. Baton Illnn Bun- !Remnan1s of Dress Goods. I Remnants of CIAoakinas. {Hnnnnens on Remnants to Select From. ' Heavy Ribbed, worth 75c. for 50c suit. a Fine Plain or Fancy Stripe, worth SI, for 70c suit. Fine Scotch Wool, worth $I.25. for 80c. Extra Heavy Scotch Wool, Double Back, worth $2, for $1.35. Fine Lamb's Wool, worth $2.50. for $1.75. Boys Plain or Ribbed, in 3 qualities, at cost. Men's Cardigans, worth SI for 69. $1.50 for 8!. Men`: Top Shirts, boc for 39c, 75c for 45, 81 for 69, 81.25 for 95 iAT WALSH S GREAT CHEAP SALE. lWALSH S . . . . N lduoddolfj Baum. Ont. Boot. II.--Th *1 1-0 [ALA H LIE bin. j .1 %1e::a@;i;@i+ sn TAYLOR S,L E%.'.Z."'E *`:'.'}%::`:u..:a JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. Fancy Shades, stitched backs, with 2 large clasp fasteners, for - - ' 90c. Tan tints, also Black, fancy embroidered back}, 2 large fasteners, a new make, - SLOO. "La Premiere," Perin's ne Kid Glove. in pale grey, lemon, white, black,` with fancy backs, - - - . $I.25., KID GLOVE fS`\ll of the above goods are guaranteed. SALE now going on, rv_ith the largest Vand~mos"W` 1 ` plate stock of Firie Frulfch Kid Gloves we havgl ` ` gathered together. 5 (I. 4. Romnan-ts Flannel. FBIDHYM AUTUMN For Good Underwear at Littic Prltcs Table Linen. Kr Remnants Towgll nu. -.:_..1`"`V hon smmtur. j ihvoimna-ntvs of Linings. `\ excellent vslnol. I lmyt: .511`- ucuu... , II 15 III l'|IVI|' ll` Md ` Bofou Ill Bun- trl ` -dilbnnl iln a but A nah tlnnnlul nn unnlna an uuor. not-Von. nu mu: ma (3 um to 8. Y, Joyce (or IIQ V lltlne has opened In the Iaokunith shop at y. own In It so may of find It. to their ulvnnuge sq Gollinn Bu,` to exchange Hour! ' `we. `Till ltolo MI, gnprd to new yogg ovary A dug want in shaman llllo lunlinoxpolr dvl_ ppulblo. ah Z--:.w.-.-n:--1 -n NI. `. i; Janus. until 11'. . W m.%m ,IIuIoI9Ic| III T um Bought 00.. u-troupe uladulhhunohr "J.P."otur Iucluvuuphbu ,Ikw.uvuu Ihounoulul. IVUVIIIII, 6 B0 lU:o1U -Mlee. Elle O'Donnell. deughter or P. `O'Donnell. lete of the ehelf et the Kingeton penitenbiery. hee gr-edueted u I treined nun-e from St. Mary : hoepirel. Rochester. N.Y. She won e gold rnedel for efficiency "end was werrnly complimented {or her pro- ciency. Mite O'Donnell in eh preeent en- jnyirngefew holideye with her perentu-, Arch street. A. A..--up. marl In gknnal -l......l .5 LL- Vocld [Ah the Iunpspon Inn. A lcrgv Id II! no cl nulzlo ;lo'::':od'I:I |bon.ovOi;: 5:1 ;..."':.".' " "' """ .'3"'" ".'.ai" uovqnpun intern. in than and n tho nbool. Ibo puallc van Iurnuinnbouuhdc oonoouncry and Iundhlo surrounding: than t! mild n {Inn uni min II WUU FIIU WW II" III)? ECUUIII I"'\lIII" I now, but whon tholhno comoo notion lodgoo will Inooo. and no olfootuol on` orgnnlonon no ovor do 1 king or- ronpod. Thoroooon tho: pnlrono in oonvonhlon oITotonoo rooootlydnd not oloot n vioo-proo`idotpn:'i`:|'.ooo:)l '1`; 0. Corrymho oooopood on an gt-otion ogont undo: tho dominion govornnooo. woo ho- oonoo tho Iooolog woo only lot gonoul hooinoogond ooc for tho olocuon ol oioon. Tho lnoodng for thin hooinooo will ho hold In honor)` it. Boyoooh ooid that at Iholootlngln Tomato thou-o wot-o noro n pootonothonhohndu- thaw warn nnlhndnnn mun- 7..'.c"'S a'.'.'.'..:"'.'s.,"".I.""..' .`.'.'&'.3I.u'.?.13 Ihoptoopoohol canon In tho ooqin; Toronto loll. Tho lmproolion ohrood chub tho patrons no hoing dloorgnninod throughout. tho provinoo of Onuorlo is erroneous. oo coding to tho viowo of J. L. aoyoooi. ll.l'.P.. loodor of tho pou- rom In tho Ontario logioloturo. Ho sold glut ol tho non provnnojol oloctiono tho posrono will ho lound vory nmohin ovidonoo. Thoy on now no woll orgonlud on ollhor of tho ouhor polmool pomoo. It in Mao tho lodgoo no nos mootln rogulor Iv nan. huh Ihnn Lhnlhno canon ontinn Al IIITUI. An Avcrngo Bond In cbond signed at the termination of 5 vcyngc by all parties in- teracted in nvoucl nnd cargo, by which bhoy bind thomcclvcc to pay their rupee- tlvc chm of anynxpomoc which by ren- Ion of hen wcubbcr or an accident the vocal may on been put to for thc ufccy of I intcrcctc conccrncd. Thccl docu- mcnu an pnpcrod by _J. P. Gildcrclocvo. notary public, 42 Clnrcncc Itrcob. Ir. Iuyooot Inn Tho Patron Wm Ila You Inch In Induce. M.-4-A- n..n V U Toronto Inn. TIA` hnn-zonal oomo. `Workmomhuvo been on god for name time pun in cleaning up t. qynrdl at hho G.'I`:R. ouhor union. Lumber kept on Inndlor rlpllrl and other `property in min: lhippod no Bollovillo. Brookvillo and Montreal. ..._- ox. .. an. A ,1 n..:.. .6 n... Montreal. . Plumu. 359. to 500. J. Cm`: & Co. The day following tho voting of the elo- vntor bonus property us the foot of Prin- oou and Qunn ntroou wont up with a mob. On one roport. the ownor Id- vunucl 23 mm am: I will mmrrannh. VIHFCU .a'I.l.IJU- DDIIIUUOIl].W|lI OVUTIUIIUIM On Sunday laot aomo miaohiovloualy in- olinad paraon damagod hho natal shooting on A. MoLoan'a now pork packing oar.ab- liahmanb. lowor dapot. Tho maul platoa won punouurod and torn. I-ondorin; hhair roplaoing necoaaary. Jaulwu-v, all --ua. J. Craig & Co. TN: Iamnlln tho bandagoa more re- movod for tho roe tima ainco tho oparabion from tho foot nf Robots Fogarty. It can found tho lloah woo hoaliag up niooly and Inloaa aomathing unloroaoon ahould happon ho will bo ahlo to Ioavo tho hospital within a low daya. Only the forward part of tho foot waa ronovod; tho hool romaine. A -nnaalnl (nun:-llnn in A-In-align. tn QLA III `III [XV WII IUTUVGJ; WIU IIXI l'UlIIIIllFu A npoolnl invitation is extended to the gontlbnon of Klnglton to attend Abutm- shy I Co ; millinory ioponing. tomorrow evening, 8t.ol0:30 *1 .Mhn Ell: O`nonnnII_ dnnnhtnr n! P. CFORIIIPIT. 1'00 DODG ll [Of I'U,UUU. Mm: cry oponing. Thuroday, B to 10:30 p.In. ho locum American and Pu-inim nylon nhown at Abernathy ; All yol- oonlt. ` III--Lmgn In-un Dunn Ana-nnntl Inn nnmn :;:.."'o..";.:;' .;;;.;:.:. "rs; ;:...:."`...: wmood 88.000. Bonn y.will ovormwh. n. Emu-luv hut. u-mm minnhinvlnnnlv in. an . - ours. Ooorgo Richvdnoh. Alphouu Vnnluven sud, Mylu Frnllck no the cumin, for '1`. F. Vanluvon. county crounuror. The bond in for 820.000. ILIIE-cg: nngnlnn Thnrnnu tn in-Rn I _ In l (J1? B9 Nlmrl l'l|`|E. IDGFO ooull lib e be and grain coming In {or t omp1mt.ion`ia rather than u Una bet\oen buyers to the |IhInl- advu'ntngoo! callers. Those all-I01 but are George I. Perry,l-`. '-Van! vol). of Na hue. and D. Grim- Ilnv, cc Kingston. mpraaentol ive lathe non at A. R t . M Thugs`-men the ruling`; prniooa `d last not the `different `vuiot. as. No. 1 III ` Ill]. : Into. new. per bushel. 800.; I por unhel, 52.` hm-kwhuu. old. nlhol.` 40. In none instances (or cloud: these prlcuxwore raised I out not: And two to three cents for V.` Union faotory cleared out A o! September cheese on The duth 0! Mrs; William or E W. H. Crahhg. udally . 0. very I80 `ptaon hr lino time without nourishment yvbttevor. aakr. llornn. bu gold his (I nun-an in D3, Y, Jnrna (nu- name no now own p. Btu-ken of grapes. blue. green and mix- ed. 10 Ibo. {or 254:. at Ucrnovakyh. Dual nnnnn Anal J, R Cu-rllhhnrl Ii" ea. 1!) ml. [or zoo. Ill ulrnovuy I. Prof. Oappnn nnd J. B. Cu-rnbhora will take porhin tho golhnutohoo being held un- der one And icon of who Canadian golf noo- oiation. boy will go no Montreal on Fri- than Isngmn onpummu. , Onuurdny new a non ying match boowoon Toronbo. bit 0 will oaks plnca. Tho-plgoonl will be liberated hare by ex- prounuoongor Leslie. ` lllllinoty opgnin . Thundny. 8 to 10:80 p. .' 'l`ho_ hunt morioan and Pnrhlnn It Qinhown no .Abcrnot.hy'I. All welcome. in: hnhnl Wlnhnr rnlmrund I.n.dnv from It Ieunownn.Anerner.ny1. All welcome. `u Ieobel Fleher returned be-dny from Proton when ehe was the guest of Mine MoDou I". She will leave In I few days for Wu fhgton. D.0.. to View her brother. Pm. nnnn. No. 7 oommnv. 47th but... lol` wunrnguon. U.U., Io VIIIII nu on):-ner. Pu. George. No. 7 company. 47th best... when bone in at Wilton, in e very nick men so she genenl hon Mel. The {ever from which he euern be taken rm hold before he left oem p. Ilnnntn nl at-Ann-. hing. In-nan and mix- ::.'.;.`:..a:i. ' Yuuout blontcn. Oman and nnnn hnddiu pt Ounovnkfa sh mu-Iota. A ml: nl Hun ulmn anld mine il DIDG- nmcuu All uunovuyu nln mnrnun. A tale of tho Sultans gold mine in proo- tlonll concluded. The gure named in II. 000.~nnd Ibo reported buyer: no English capitalists. On nzurdnv noxt: n ninon vlnn I0l',"A"' IIIII homo to-dc \ Vgpnnnni `VII-Il'IllIll..l.AlIl|lUug I vnluuuuv -ou;v run- rial. Juan Undo. V.B. in Warm-n On- tario dark: the put nook buying honu lor,"A" an `'3' eld buyurioc, xoturnod Iuumn 041.1-I-I wooing. U t.olU:lU. II Ancrnuny cl uu 3. MI): Jjnnlo Cpnold. whiting at Mon- treal be come ` nah pub. tom-nod homo yubrdny. The Inn! Uppofu nlo will be con- tlnnod at 10 clock no-monowhy J. E. Inn-uhnuun nnnl.lnnnAr_ ' big (tin, 3. an m . oontlanbe n i men! l- advxn` nnhvnllnb Ila!-I uutonuon. nnouonur. Taylor Mcvnhy. Obtun. barrister. was united in nu rlago on Saturday lot to Illa Nome nrguriw Young. of Pnoeon. '1`. A. Wright. locgl mannot oi tho Imperial on work, has roooivod from lune `yotu-mun, London. 3 valuable Bkyo tor- Q`, 1" 'UI" IJIZI HUWI Uivwuuu out-r --v. . _ Indian o! luau. ` Bc_rtlo_tc pun. J. Craig & Co. Puohu for Pllling inblg baht: for 259. M Onrnonhyh. up. I. A; Iann Inn. to du for Buulo. o- bl Unrnonlro. Mrs. H. A; Egnn M: to day Buulo. NOYO. I hf I00. ' Bl! Wllfdd Lnurior hid the corner stone of St. Lab : hospital. Obtgn, this after- MI. Gmhd nillinory oponing. Thuradn wooing. 8 t.ol0:m. It Abernathy l. Co's. , MM: Jnnnh Cnnold. vililinl unuou u" up uunwn w Butohuon. nnotlonoor. Whaling Ilnvnlhv nth: he vary x'as`ou'Idu'u' cmvaoa Into `u. I-nII1l (II I11. GENERAL PABAGRAPH8. ` READY FOR WORK. Im I WI!!!` Illp ly ll running law. 1130'] t woman: `)5 that Lennox await; ti`: not l1r:\k.th.o Ipell cw: u so near t e equ noxcia Enryt I about tho oilwell new Mqulet us; utachurch.There lvkno ` or alqg of returning lite. it comp e is atlll on the ."Tho coal as told to J. A. onto: thollelt t. a mill. -George 1. 15:13.7 lift on a_ flying business trip ioslont . He returns to-man IyIr.Ioruin. \ ` .. Fnur attendokj the fair at. _ worth IQ:-week. Muand Mrs. G. maturned Friday utter viaitinc flir\aL Toroul.o.'. They also tin Nhgnn mus. There 'nnnhIdInIl'hn luv and nrufn nnmina IAITI "CT; VIII Wflil hono oooond. The Bhnrooh, o! (h Vluunmuuds Iuoboll loan. of W lo Iohnd. played o,vIry ho poo. the Iohndon winning by u can at swan - Into wntytvc A. Tuluund . Wllun. an yd in lotions : dun ho- ary. the bounty. Ia tholrianlng In; TIC` `II I01 IUCICIIIX II WOUC Inland fair Tuesday. tho chilly Inulsor dob:-ring any tron going. In an on nllo bloyolo not. in luau. than was four auction. It vu won by J. , Wolfe [chat], with 0. Rudy Iooond. Bonn thlrdunnd W. Horn. Wells Iolnd. Inc. Be uilo 8:07. Tho gnu not. he l-I--J LA...` .-I- u... -.. L_ I ll- DITIIX II II XICEIIIU WIIHOIII IIIVIIII fen-and pinata without ltivollty. Not only but Kuwioh oonhnnoo incl! grown, but it has become the puont ol donut of other Iimiln oonfonnou in 0:80 Brillln and Ireland. {alt spring I oonfonnoo was bold in I. world : gnu umropolh. London, and it proved to In I gnhonngol very great spiritual mun. Ivllltll. `DI vv. lkils VVGIU LUCIE. Bo-I nil: `[4111 : 0.3.23 . `:35. XIII Ill IlI'll' Iplfllillll "IO. U". WHO has our boon no I Kuwiok oonforonoo willmvor forgulo. The my atmoopbon in potndod b mbuo inuonou shut nah one fool in in I'll npooialoonnin the divine nnnnon. In In nulnmnim uhhmn. Algvinh DIKHIII uuumn. VII . The Keawiok conference is intended to promote holineee in daily life. and. like other great religloua movelnenta. began In A humble we . About twenty years ago, Rev. Canon atterahy. rector of St. John'a church in the village of Keawiok, in the beeutilul Cumberland lake diatrlol. in Eng- land. invited a few olnlauane to come to- gether for prayer and conference about the ohriatuan life. This little meet- ing. begun aa a aorta of experiment, was hand eo helplnl that it was repeated the next year. and eoon became an eatabliahed institution. ` New year by year thouaaude betele thelnealvee to the little town on the north ehore ol the charming lake Derwentwater to apend a week in waiting on God (or the etrengtheninz and deep- ening 0! their eplritual life. One who he: ever hnnn Ah 1 Kmnink nnnfnnnnnn Able Dlvlnon lrom the on Land Will be ora. Thodcpucation of old country divinon representing the Kouvick movement will open their mootin bore tomorrow. The vioitoru are Rev. rank 8. Wobotor, vicar of SD. Thomu church. Birmin hum: Rev. Charla Inwood. of the Math in church, Bolfru. and Rev. John Sloan. ol the Pros- byhorinn church. Glasgow. Thu Knwink nnnfnmnnn in inmndorl tn 1 N . Ur Ill IIKIII XIII III IIIIIU WUIIIIIUIR ls tnot diacoungi . however. to look at ragged Itraota an ear tracks. rau- grown. when the city is paying oublo what it ought for carotaking and cleaning? But the above in not all that in chaot- ing. Queen : college bar A very largo on- tranoo olaaa: the mining school it growing fut; tha dairy school ha been doubled in size to hop pace with a aucoeu that bu dintnnood the woatorn Iohoola; the bunino.-an college has n larger attendance than over before: the military oolloca ban a fraulunan clan at large as tho thrao Ionior olaoau oombinad. showing that its ro- organiution baa ivon it a popular nowlaaao of lilo; whi a Rogiopoliu college start: onita eooond Ioanon with a large utaif. and the foundations laid of a par- manont onclowmont. I- I545` .Il a|.l. nhgguhun 9 `Plum. 1."-.- lnlllinli UIIUOWIIIUIIIL Is not all thin cheering? Then, follow oilsiunl. you down off that back out and look hupp . Buulnoula brighter. money iuuior. I. 0 lumen are doing well. and prooporit. will grow. Cub gloom to the dogl ! lngnton in all right !'l cyuaug ;uIr nus I I Evtaryt :0 mi new qulotua w 3 e . "The ` gator the lllt L tylp-tmltont HI I2! -nI-nlnn I000 D.|'0|'O lnony lI|0| :llI- Every mooon in tho olty io engaged, ond no lo olmoou ovory loboror willing to work. Tho oxtonolono to tho Homo of Providence. | Hot.ol Dion ond congrocotionol nunuory wlll coot- 060,000. The im rovomonto by tho oxbonoion of Cu-oono' lock ond ro- modolling of Muohleotonh ohoro oro op- prooioblo contributiono to bllc oppoor oncoo; ond more houeohulding ond lm- provomont hoo com on thou io to bo noon onywhoro in Conodo. oizo of tho ploco conoidorod. The summer hoeol oloo will be A or oll oigno foil in thio woothor. lo h nnh dinnnurnainn. hnuavor. to lnnk Wllill IOVOTII OIIIIQT ONIOTI DOIICIGI. This in but one mull notion of King- Ibon. and in in not encouraging. especially. as the hosiery and cotton mills are work- ing in full force, And the Montrpol trunn- umrlmninn nnmnnnv Ara nnnuamulntino A lug In In IUTUU. Illu IIIU HIUIIIITFCI IuI'I|II' rorbebion company are contempletin I urge exoeneion. in view of the eneoung ng bonus voted? Work on the new elevator will be begun thin lell. and on the drill ehed before nanny moncln. lllunrv mnnnn in than nltv in nnannnrl and "861? uho wharf to the north the noise of many lnmmon toll: of I largo nu` on the two stool barge: for the Mont:-oul trnnr ' nm-t.n.lnn nommnv. I vnnhurn in nhinlmild- `TUCUII IKIUUIIFIBU. . To the south of the elevator. et the gov- ernment dry dook,enother foroe wne to day busy upon A wooden borge. caulking end repairing. On the next propert the King- ston foundry company were uetling to complete two iron bins for the elevetor. a great hoilor for Kingston hoe ital for the ineano, twenty iron pillere for {!Hotel.l)ieu. with eeverel other ordore boeideo. lI`L:- :- Lu; A n . . ._-II --ninn AF In :-nu. UWO XI DITKII I0!` IIIO EOINIFXI 0fIllI' F01-t.et.Ion company, e venture in shipbuild- ng of that clean which the first aucceu may greatly encourage. To the mouth of the elevnbor. the nov- T And `thou they mu loo Prognu `list In] `run Away `rho Nolnono Ion:-slug `rho: Invd Boon Inducing In--Illlltol Wurt-on An [Opt In). A .x,n-_ L` w.l__-A-_ I.-- A-..-...u..aI AA ms, Bnsmgsg nuumc. oAum.'rv Howuu snouua Wolf. Inland lull. Thu-ova no-sll uundcnoon Wolh ?.I.nuI kin Tnnnalnu AL` nhqtlln -..AL.. . - > T II II In `lo `An-lvo- Gun-an ltun ,II'odIIl-Io lbs". - $_..I- A Inning |.A_ DI `IL- `L "\}ii'r' +a:"irAE'raour, jj KESWICK MOVEMENT. -run ohm WlI1'(i.`W'E.Db1 8D'A rwsmprmmnmn 22. 1997. I II III I IFOIOIIOOII In "IO GIVNIO It In uulolnuicy without. slavish mnninnn Iithnm. t.-mm... Nnh Ibo Ixpodluoo loops. bonoox. Sept. 21-]: in kurnod that no Earth:-.ndAvruuoowiI1 Le Imdougcllut nglo Elan ox u do Nils. I? noognlaul .5 I stick upon Khartoum would hell at British into a mug undo Iotholtou lulndin wualnannnnn-cl nah nlnhnn gn ulunn In nannuuu rugs um ydohn than that the pt-uidons cannot vo looctt than ughuon month at tho ` It'll -uu|-I , par z|.-|'nu now. rrutty `xix and in some g f stv tor (snap yuatrtnning . V won ~ I ennox emtmg not {wank tha nuall.

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