Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1897, p. 2

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Iy uunun; In mo DIOI country. The Brookvillo Rooonior up Guy Our- tin may likely play with tho Brookvillo III byicoo this season. Not: likely. ha lnllimr vnnhh u-(la -will hum in . Dyflllllll, L`. 1 o Min Etta 0 ReiHy and Min Norvn Moaier. loft. yesterday to visit tha Mina Risgoy. Maborly. . rh of All kinds. rubber: for nolf-new en, bootling wax. at McLood d drug soon. A party of hen young men no oampin to Rocky Point, Pituburg. They upon the timn shing bud shooting. Goonro Bhnnnnn. drinr fnr I-.hn nnaman nun ullnon ninln um Inooung. Goomo Shaman, driver for the Onurio abroeh re brigade. in enjoying his holiday: by hunting in the back country. Th! Bmokvilla Raoonhr min Gui u:-. IIIIII uwtuuuu. Mile MoCorrneck. visiting her perentn. Ordnance ntreeh. returned yeecerdey no Syrncuze, N .1 Mill Fill: n RAiHv and Min: N .-mm `LII. Kellihor, visiting her rent: for the gut wook, has returned so when- ter, N. . A ._..-L:..... -I AL- -:..:_ _-_.__u.., , wk `:x'xo`o-ting at the civic committee on wntor works wan qallod {or four o'clock this uloornoon. ll:.. u..rw......-..|_ ..:-:u_.. I.-- ..__-_A_ uwv.) vv. .5. vvooa. untuu. J. Moyao, viaiting friend: here for A few dnyl. hag returned to his home at Rochel- tar. N_V_ Nun: Paragraphs Plokod Up By our Roponon on Their Bounds. Get your spice: for bomnho ouuup at Mo- Leod : drug store. Mn. Anlzinn, Kinmem. a. ..;.m.... M.-. noou mu use puma liner own pursue In the ordorlv tent. The theoretical exuhinar tion of the 47011 bath. will take place at. 8 p.m. to night in their men keno. Bv nrdm-.R.. (hrhwriahh. mninr, In-in.uln_ X nho for lorlnutlon. Benin 3| opening .' I pullhlo. Bpoolnl nut to Ian you un- _I $80 olnbn. A ht_Aunn;nn I - ----- p.ln. no mguu In weir mou uono. By ordor.R. Curnwrighb, major, brigade- major. uuou 5 urug Iwro. Mru. Ackina. Kingamn. in visiting Mu. (Rom) W. J. Wood. Ottawa. J. Mnv-A, Irilitina In-innrln n-u Inn - Cg-p uuoury. The (5th bath. will parade ab 7 mm. to- morrow. the 47th at 7:30am. And the 560!) at 8:30 for muster. Every otiioer. N. C. oioor And mm demanding pay mum be prount on this parade. I Thu nnmnnrnlivn nmninnnv nrnlninnnnn J PTUUIIIU D Full PITCH`- Tho oompnntivo ooionoy examination: will oommonoe tomorrow. The 451.11 bath. will boonminod from!) to 12 n.m.; the 4751: from 2 to 4 pm. Enminnbion of book: will take nlnna nfmr mmh nu-ndn in uuu Irum as no 9 p m. nnuunnmon or book: will take place after ouch purude in the ordorlv tent. The Iihearanioal arA.i1'nn- Iuurruw In 0 mm. ROI. 0 Iuu-1 U0l.. 56%|: ham, to 1:30 In. Oioort oommnn ing oorpo in camp will notify captain: of ooupnniu thus oompsny target pruotioo return: are. nuoon as com- plotod. to be forvnrdod to the instructor 0! muskobry. Thn lllh hnth, CHI nnrnn main '7 n m On. next 10! III . ulna ol oolnn mu. N00. 6 An 7 000., 5651: how. will pur- ndolor aiming and position drill ho-mob row at 9 3.111.. at were benb. Nah I. Anrl K nan Kill-L Iunf unv nu U I.Iu., uu Iwrv IMHO. Nos. 4 3nd 6 003.. 58th bum, will pu-Ado lor targets prtotioo to- morrow at 8 n.rn. Not. 6 and-7 000.. mu. bun .0. l.Qnv..... `C `III illl I300. WlI! l|_ll'KllIII 50 lull" . % llltd, to mount 3!`. 6 p.m to-day; non for , My, 60th` hum. ' I The 45th but. will turning: the brigldo picqueb. to numb no I"otrut_ to-night; next for duty, 47th butt. Field oioer of the dty t9-non-ow, Major Hobos nah bout: me Iordnt. . avor Evin. ml: hm. Medical 0 on that `day tomorrow, Surgeon-Major Dn", 45!: R|`mnri:`- next! for duty, Surgeon-ajor Mooammon. 58th but. Modioal tango oicor no-`marrow, Surgeon-Major Dulf, 4th Huonro; next for dul:y.'Sur n-- Mtjor Monqmon. 56Ih..- ban. Ban for duty 0-monow, band of 47th hm; next {or du band ol 66th bath. N... R... '7 n... Imn. I... .1 ...- tle U iivre ' . pointed out 11:55,`: good-{oi `, r no would 'be north of he " a camp ground, providing the government would purchase the line o! term. If thin were _done it would allow of M! the dietriel corps being dr at once, :3 the site of the 0 ` oanld vbe heed to : nnr A nnnnn Mann! couaaa. . jLIu`.I:_vI|.|.e. out. , LFIIIUUUIUIQD = u ' HI Sliiqopumier Lin t.-00 ` Ildlitditlho "ooIumdingbamp:`u' ` The 47th on. will furnish tho mniu {unusual in vnnnnt. at R r. you OAJI-an n-wt. hu- INOIDENTS OF THE DAY. T iG:;7'W. snvrmmn 22. nu lounwl: nrnnuis uuna. "um run- lmrg. 8260; `Danton. 8150; uknnlo. NH l|"'0'Ci5. N50: Rollin and Thur- low. no; `road. `$330: Zion church, Llhl in nu]: nnnninnn . FIII UHF` Ill VIUW. The oouvonor 0! the nngmonhtlon com- nmu pnunud My report. '10 sun at- od out ch: in mm ouu thouup nt- otl to whit` onl noodlng aid had not Goon Io. u not recommend- 5r;igop1.-nev. Canon Adams. D.0.L. i L 3 Inuuuuuvu nut IIIIG IIUV l'IL1lIIlIIIIl(l' zlvui oondi an on the dppolnunonh hint within the next two or thno a. `nu grant in In unit an an follouu: Arnhont Inland. SIG): Plun- hnn I-yen. 0l|.....;... nun. u.....-n- I .. A motion was nude looking towards withholding gnnu mede to e>ngrtpt.lonI until the 18' of tho church regerdmg con- tributibne to Ichenee wee compiied `nth. Alter diecuulon the mover agreed to wmr drev it in the meantime. I: van thought that the diecueeien would `occurs once: Ih mu. m llnn ll. ILA-nnonenlelnllnn nun... u cum: ulu prwoytqry I0]0|ll'0J K0 exgnu. I Afeer reading the minuceo in the oven- ing. in nccordnnce with nooice pmviouniy Ivan. Prof. Forguaon undo I motion to I. eeffocn cm the preobytory should in some my rrovido for the payment. of the oxpnnoso comnaiuionors to tho xononl ullolnbl . Afar dilcnoion, during `vrhfch 3 was mad elm before unyuhlng oduld bu accomplished a reduction in the nulnbor of commlnalohon um: must be made, it was ugrood to appoint I com- mitbo ooniictlngol Menu-I. llcillivny, Mouth. Gutsy` and the mover to con- uidpt the math!` and upon to next moos- inn. ' U|o|lBl' JBII. |~'} LIIII DTUIHIOU lIIllIlDn' nrioo be oh, if pouiblo. for Shnrbor. Luke and for rlow And Mayo. (3.) That. the cause of the new church on the Indian re- serve be recommended to the libonlity of the people in the pt-ubytery. It boing six o`cluok the proobytory adjourned to eight. Afmr rndimr hhd rninuual in thn mum- me am: or one ear. uuuonseoon and Hillier. An or ained missionary here. Good work here, ([2) Poland. 0A number of stations. Au ordained missionary. At least six preaching places. A manse was built last year. (13) Portsmouth and Col- line Bay. An ordained missionary here. Good work done here. It is the first time that an ordained missionary was here, end meek difficulties have to be overcome. (I4) rnesttown. A number of stations. In fact at present there are two elds. It is hoped that an ordained mis- siona will soon be settled over the field. (15 ) olfs Island. The ordained mirsioxr . ary doing well and is hopeful. 06.) De- seronto mission. No report in due form, but there are favorable re rts of an infor- mal kind. Ground, has n got for a church on the Indian reserve. It is hoped that every minister in the preshylery will ask their people to give something to hol p the Indians in getting a church. The re- rt is one of the most hopeful that has n presented. It is recommended : (I...) That Mr. Johnston be appointed for an- other year. (2) That ordained mission- riots cause of the new church nn thn Indian m. Illll uurnun. In accordance with the order of business Mr. Msolean then presented the home mission report. He reported imietail with gures on all the stations as follows: (I) Carlow and Maya. More progress during the past eighteen months pest than for ten years before. (2) L Amoble. Three stations doing well. Arrears to Mrs. Porteous near- ly all paid. Plymouth Brothronism that has been active in the whole north of Host- ings is reported to be waning. (3) Wilbur. A` number of stations. A good report presented: winter supply is needed to keep the work in good condition. A horse kept at Levant for the use of the missionary. (4) Canonto has been worked in connection with Wilbur by a student who is teaching within the bounds. (6) Ridge,Thanet, and Coeill. Prosperous. (8)Demorentvii|e. A favorable report. (7) Sydney. Onlyone etu- tion. (8) Marmora, etc. Anordaiviedmim sionsr here,and most eaeonragin work has been one. Some have remove to other places. It was hoped that the grant could be reduced. but owing to removals this cannot be done. (0) ulatawatchan. An ordained missionary here. Two town- ships. Good work done. but times have been hard from the financial point of view. (lo) Sharbot Lake. Three stations. The ordained missionary that was here has just accepted a call to a congregation near Renfrsw. A student has been sent until the end of the ear. (ll)Conseoon and Hillier. All Ill` ninnrl rninlinnsn-u LA:-A """"i"' ';"'."` A nttlhhun in undo appointing L DIIIIMOM vltil Ihnnhnl-pl: and TA-- e lo vvnrmly In tutor at renevmg Mr. allantyne ol the work of that station Alter the representatives of the several stations were heard Mr. Wilkins recited the history of the diculty which had been some on {or several years. Mr. Leird. after speaking at length on the whole question, and he had been on the eld and knows all the circumstances, moved that the request of Mr." Baliantyne to be re- lieved be not granted. and it is recom- mended that a more vigorous effort be put iorth to improve the finances. He showed that it wee the duty of all to relieve the funds of the church at much as possible. Mr. Houston seconded Mr. Lnird s motion. Mr. Bslleutyne and his friends expressed themselves as wholly unwilling to continue present in-engements. Mr. Grncey moved in amendment that the convener of the augmentation committee be instructed to set lor 888 to make up the salary of Mr. Bnllantyne to the end of next October. Mr. Mackie moved still further that the petition of the minister and people of Tam- worth be ranted. and thlt the people of Csmden ifth be restored to the congre- gstion of Newburgh, and that a grant be asked from the augmentation board to make up the deficiency. Mr. Msclean seconded the motion. Mr. Graoey withdrew his amendment and sup- ported Mr. Msokie e Amendment. The amendment of Mr. Msckie was then put and carried. ` In -_.......I-..-- ....ia|_ Al- -__|__. ,1 |_,,.,- , ON TUESDAY. Al|nlUN_l' Illedtc I5 Believed oil! In. polotneus-1'ho Preebytery an-ooa-A YO?! l'{lD`a`llepn!t Ylloni TIN Home Ileelou Ilounulttee -- Auamentetlon lone lpproprtaetene. ' The reehytery of. Kingston met in .55- Andrew a church, in thie city, on Tueeda at two o'clock. There wee, a pretty ful attendance of minietere and a few elders. Rev. Jemee Binnie_,of McDonald : Corners. wee moderator, and Rev. W. T. Wilkins, of Trenton. in the etetedclerk. After calling the roll the bueineu of the meeting wee gone over end "the more important item: noted. The lint care `of importance thet wae taken up wee the propoeel made by Rev. Mr. Ballantyne. of Tamworth. to give up the charge of the `fth con- ceeelon of Camden. owing to the extent of" work and also that in epite of to much more work his "income in lean. The leading people of Tamworth e to warmly in favor of relieving Mr. allantvne the work of that station THE conrsnsncz lN`THE cm! KINGSTSN BUSINESS COLLEGE HRESBYIER317 of KlCSTON.| Iivuul. ADI nnu ml lung! in all duo to his ooru, nut! throughout. lkrundoneohovu nu:rdialnndutoom- ed eonponiou. The notion of Grand Trunk omcinlu in` ctowdi out A faithful [Doll `HAO Otplll to "I. Vnnlnvnn and hnllt. `flu mid...- vvlurvlllll. VI! to none!` uaonara VIII- luvan, on the eve of hie departure [tom the village, where he baa eerved the G.'l`.R. company. an Itatlon agent, faithfully and with much acceptance `to the public for eight years. An addreee and paetmaate:-`I gavel. on behalf of Lord Lorne Orange lodge. and an addreee and handsome silver- taa aarviee. on behalf of the e. were peeeeneed. The an or, . 8. Gale. bavi been elect chairman make ap addteae. The lodge ad- dreaa preaen by William I-Jdgeoombe, ' naacandl. H. Barnard. aaenhn. An. Ill! :1. u. nornuu. Icnilty. oc- knowlorlaod Mr. Vnnlnvolfo not-vloou u in oepnlut And nucleus ooot in oovoral Ilooo. Tho lull the lodgo nu y to dork, MA mnidnnen ha has n nnnlhl Ant` -gnu... WI WI '3' IIIUIO lllllll U I`. km-n Vtuvon and hail . Tluoddnnl maa`: non` - `Ac F A IT FTUWU U, VVIIIIIIII minor and H. H. Bornud. I knnlalnnrl up VnnInnn:'n ` 11ni:g_qrgity.ang% gm at __.v...__.._ _. -_----v--. On"!`uosdn . so xn-l-we;-7th. a nmnotoua 3: in the On go lull t v3':u::l tn.. Qua. to honor Lognnrd Van`:- Invnn, nn tin can nl kin Ann.-9-... 0...... elm The "New Wlng." The farcical comedy, entihlod "The New Wing." which will be presented at the Gnud opere house next Saturday after- noon end evening. wee performed three hnndred ni hes en the Strand theetro. London. Tie comedy derivee ice neme from "The New Wing 01 I house. which acquired the ettention of en enerchiet. The chencter of the above end the paper- henger. George Sleh, on whoeo lunny ed-. vencnree hingee the play, is euro to be greeted with shouts of laughter and ap- pleuse. The plen will open es Sewyer'e, opera home block, tomorrow at. l0.e.m. Prioea. evening. 250.. 60c. end 760.; meti- nee, balcony. 259.; lower oor. 50c.: chil- dren hel! prices ` The Evans or October. The children : aid society are about to produce another great entort.ainmant-~tho Military Encampment). The City and On- 'tario halla will be used; the dates, Oct. 27th and 23th. The large force of campers will be under canvas, making a veritable field day. There will be a mean room, an artillery teat. infantry benb. very mild can- taoan. ambulance corpo. n corpa of Guard: and visit from the Queen. The ladiea of the city will give geuaroua help. Were Playing Truancy. Yesterday the police found is necessary to look after a number of boys who were guilty ol playing truancy from echool. Some of them made In pnctice of e ending their time rldin up and down on t e Williams- ville hum: of the street railway system. Other: indulged in baseball. Parents are reeponible for the attendance at school of their children. They are liable to 3 fine for neglect in this matter. Full Undorwur. Cold weather is coming on and we hsva laid in I heavy stock of ladies Merino, cashmere. ne natural wool And hoovy cotton undervssts: men`: Merino, natural wool. Scotch lambs wool and heavy cotton shirts; children : underwear of every der ori tlon. ' Camsdisn and English blankets, comforters our own mnhn_ R. Mnwnnl on non. uunsulln unu nngnan nmnxeta, botfcomfortern our own make. R. McFaul, Kingston Cnrpeh Warehouse. gnu vvvnn nu I lvvtuus Samuel Rogers. Toronto. president of the Queen City oil company, in in the city in connection with the conntrncbion of the company's new oil sheds. All the con- tract: have been signed and the work will `proceed. trnngemgnta [Ewe ben gxoviide ornbrnnc s nrto olai to t. o I s, to connect: wib both the K. & P. and G. '1`. R. systems. pruuy l.|UlIV_V. Why don't vou bake ndvnnbago of the low prices we're soiling boy : school shoes at now. Extra value: for 81. Hninoa& Lockets. n nu-I! III! I. They play hard and wear our. lot: of shoes. \l..\...- Ll... ---..:.. A- AL- -..._-- _A_:_.___ Pnocuhtlon `to A II-ontonnoor. On Tuoodn tuber 7th. nmnnnv In In 04- (Io-nan L." .o [no canon colonam uaunw mus :> Inn eouoox. oumrmns apply to j--.___..:_._._. A Oamlug Event. The ladies who have the interest and success of the children : aid society at heart metlast night at the residence of R. T. Wnlkem, Q C.. and decided to pro- duce a rand military entertainment in the city an: Ontario balls at an early date. The undertaking will eclipse the olde Eng- lish {aim of two year: ago. Makea the attain on the purse strings pretty heavy. lbw rInn h vnn Quin nrlvnnlmn-n n! th- llluipnleed The manual. About: ve `o'clock last evening the re brigades were called out to extinguish A small blue in II house situated at the mouth wees oornor of Clergy and J ohneton streets. The re board covering an old fashioned open fire place took re from some soon. There was not any damage. - vanvv Until I" IV Iuuviuyo At the police court this morning W. Commic was charged with carting without a license. He claimed to have rented a stone quarry from Prof. Carr-Harris and in dmwing stone. therefrom did not require a license. Tho matter was Allowed to stand, pending the opinion by the city solicitor. KW L. CI"JII-II QIKIII. Chsrlee Smith. jeweler. who underwent an operebion in the general hoepitnl a cou- ple of weeks ago. hue IO for recovered as so be eble to leave the lnenitution. It will be some days you before he will be able to Attend to business. Sale or The Stock. The stock of Weldxen & Meder, general atorekeepere, of Kingston; valued at. 83,- 300. Wu sold by ueignee Clnrkeou. Toron- to. for fifty cents on the dollar. The par- ohuer wee G. W. Baker. All sizes domeutic cbel delivered to any are of the city at 35 per ton by W. G. 5.-'z&o<' . . rum and Winter lmporytutlon, 1897. Provost, at the New York clothing store. Brock street. hiis received all his importa- miogn (on: order work in bi: tailoring deput- tgono. A rab-clead no guaranteed. of the bouie` niuion oomuithe `dot to {by grant: to tludente until hhey give in their greecribed` exercieee ` In in aid that etu- ente of ohher college: gene:-elly go any at the end of the summer and din-egnrd the rule requiring written exercises. The preobytery adjourned an eleven o'clock. The next` meeting will be in Belleville on we 2| of December. IlKWDljI I'5CY.buA. ling cuhood than uotiunou unknntnnn-In-mhalthnnmniun Polloo court-Wcdnoudny. L- ....l:.... ......_L A|.:. _.-.__... vv-.--cg v--1-uv -nu Ira `l'l'A!'l' of Univ It; Mansion cu-on to It v:'n."'$. hit te::::o: N Ills-From to VQITTAND vacrv. The Work To Prooeod. .I I1_,._,, In, , . no 1: Around Again. fl-_loL 1.....-|.... ...I.- _. Thou I-Io) I. L-....I -...I __-- xi: s wxnm ix ISLAND HOMES: uwunur aqua. noun wuunn loK|ng- oton. wheat; Jana, Chicago to 03:- burmgoncnlcaxgm Port Dnmounn. 11. - Down: shunt Inurooun. `Io Oghno Imj. nu; harp Winslow. to 70360015011. cuurolpnu CN- flirt] tutu nun I cncuu IIIIII VIII `I90 n ld oltholoroo of the Pomnnnhly thobouwulnotinjn .bIIthodockgoc nrougihondling. -__.; `lilo Yetta-day the scanner Corsican : Inc uuckontbocontnnndnninto the t at Brockvillo. From the plunkin of tho dookeotho edge of thowncor an `four timbers noun foonqun each. and thofnctlhuithothnrphow wont than I: than like 3 cheat lnih will gin an 0' 350 MC rmtnnntglo vunnuwn. uuw zwuuuuoo OI AIOIIIIGOI " A Ouan.JohnIonsu-cot. but Iuoulonnl ndnnhun. with '-.;3a'H`a`l"o'..``. s'.`."< :'.'&:-'.`!'.`.`s `. .`}.`31"5i`..`.`. i.`i". Inl-_|l'.*'ilu-n 4; u...a_-.__..._ ..*.-. Ill IIIIUII Ulfl"I `KIWI lUI' 171C . Tho ochoonor Two Brothers loaded 4,000 bushels of pen :8 Richardson ch Bonn Qlg. unto; yoaterdny and than clumd for Non. tron v.....a-_' AL- -A.._.. n_.._;__ , u, murnmg wlul uwo nurgau Iluin With . The uoomer Mnrqnotoe, gain laden from Toledo, tonchod at this re this morning sud than cleared spin or Prescott. Thu mhoonnr Tan Rmthnn Inna-I A non The tag Walker clotted Int night [or hlontnpl with six (min laden barges. The ma Active` nn-Ind from (human om. DIUIIKIIII WIIJI DIX `TIIII IIGIII DIP . The tug Active arrived from Oungo thin morning with two barges laden with coal. Tho ngnmnr Mnmnntnm at-gin Ind... 0...... MAmNE m1'LLIa:Nc. In-In lulu Plelul Up Alon; Thojlu-boy Drank law any! DIIOTI no rules eucnulcuon. He joined the force in 1883 end einoe blunt date has been employed noerl elm- gebher on detective work. He is e e rowd, but easy going pereon, uneeeutning but e clover detective. Some of theclever cepturee which chereolnrined the force in recent. year! were due to hie fonethought. In his departure the Mb Husure will loee their eerixeanwnnjor, a position which constable Aiken Ime lled with credit. to himeelf and honor to the corpe for the put. ve yeue. uuwn on a V0 unyll IGIVB OI noeence. The police force in nice likely to noon lone the aervicee of constable Aiken, whom it. is expecbed will soon nuunie the duties olchiot of Nnpenoe police force. He has not yet. roaigned from the local force. but it is understood to be only I matter of 5 low dnya before he takes Iuchlnotion. Fla ininnrl fhn Inn-on in `EH3 And ninnn Oonstablea Kennedy And Aiken About `to Leave The Force. Police constable Kenned sprung a sur- prise on his companions this morning by handing in his resignation to chief Horse , asking to be relieved from duty at as ear y a date ns` possible. He has secured a position in the militia department of the dominion government and hopes to begin his duties on October lst. Constable Kennedy joined the force in May, 1895. and during....his oonnection therewith proved himself afsarloss and capable of- licial. One of his superiors said reoently that Kennedy was as good as any two men on the force in point of efficiency. Not only will the lice force suller by his departuri. but ucen s football team will feel the elfects of his absence. For a num- ber of years past he has filled the poet of centre scrimmage, being counted the best man in the dominion inmthat position. His equal it would be diicult to find. He is an all round athlete and will rove a valu. able acquisition to Ottawa at lstic circles. He will be found on the Ottawa city foot- ball team this season. He left to-day for Ottawa on a two days leave of absence. The nnlina form in alan Iikalu tn annn Welland canal Input 1` in ,Go1.uox.n. Bcpt. '2]. - Do : Marat Hill. Ion William loK'|a:- too. when: Juan. Onion: 3; and.-.- LJTIWIUIIULL But what splendid reeulte wealth can ee- complinh. If you want to see these island homes at their best get an oareman to take you around amongst them, so that you can get up close to the shore: and eee the bean- tiful etonework of the walls, the rofueion oi owers. the beautiful lawne an (relight- iul little vietae looking toward beautiful views under the arching trees. I noticed one island that was a profusion oibloom. and the owners of it have had the good sense to may and enjoy it. The winding walk from the boat house, the encircling walls and every nook and cranny among the rock: was killed with color. There wee the bright phlox, which grow: eo easily and blooms perpetu- ally, end petuia and gladioli. ae- terl and dahliae, and I don t know what else, but any rate the inland eeemed in a flame of color, beautiful to look u n, but you don't see all these beauties mm the deck of an excursion eteamboet; you must takeasmall launch or skill to get close enough to enjov the full beauty. and Ieay "much obliged to the millionaire owners oi theee islands. and I don't care how rich they are or feel one trace of envy. They make all thin beauty and they can only look at it and I can do that, too. and [am at no expense for it. In fact. in town or city. or in countr resort. who- ever creates beauty in a pu lie benefactor, and I am glad that there are rich people who can create it and I he there will be more of them and they wi I grow richer, for they can do nothing for themselves without helping me also. They cannot makeabeautiful picture and prevent me from enjoying it. ,-,;~_-,,_ Yllntlu htronuo otmn Once the ,_. -`" llllllllop old the You 307. the Dan } - _ or Ontario. r; guinnvn. not immune at Aluundor .. *3" ' 9 (Mann. .`l'nI-mun. op;-o gm wnou sown noueee ere in new !orI.. hila delphie, Pineburg, Clevelend end Chic oeome early and any late. They can 3 ord to one the full benet of e long- er aeamn. They heve I society of their own. They make cello and have belle and dinner pertiee among theineelvee. and thin last eeelon have put up a splendid club home. where they meet in common for dancing and games or social intercourse. But. you hnve to v'n-ire` your mime with I figure 1 and in number of eiphore before you wiil be able to be such an ielender end e worthy reeident of this Venice 0! the 80. Lawrence. D..L ...|...L -...I-._.'I:.I _--._u_ _,.nL ___ _- IIIHIUIIBI unu IN` IUOIID yloaag Wu"-3" are the liver of tho establishment. Having done I I this and filled your homo with guests. you can some down and be I rospeccabloislandor. Those kind of poo- Bio whole town homes are in New York, hllnrlnlnhin Dittnlun-.n l`.l`u-4|-nul and A Inllllb All VI IZXVOWII IIIIIX. II: in: greet` deal of 3 luxury to been iehuder on the 80. Le\vnnco- YOU 0|! 50 one for a few hundred dollnrc, huh you can- not be much of A one Ihorl: of I 050.000 In- veotment. The island is only I beginnintz then it has to be wdled end dockl made. end beautiful atone work lined up the walk-,and a palace put in the centre of the island. Then eurth bu to be brought from everywhere and beautiful lawns and terre- oee made and owers planted end erbon end -cosy nooks crenbed. An omllnenul bout house has to he built. to hold row boat: and sailing yachts and naphtha launches "and big emm yachts, which are the liven of him umblinhment... tahllnhud lulnudol--l`ho Way to the the Places at rholr Boot-They -Iain all the Boautnnd tho tonnuiu can In- joi It. ' Touuht in Wan:-Gown Thnol. h. :- - ..__--. _n__| -1 _ I.._...._ A- I..-- Tho oqulronuu to Become I Wall 31- I I BIG FIGURES REQUIRED TOCUT A DASH. VkOANCl ES OCCU RV.` |'2 -1.u`LA an. 3.4. _-.45!) 1.1.1.; ACCJPFNTS You can get the best of Tools attack bottom prices. .. , " 'I0`vAl-ululn-X Sn i -Oh; [Jamal-mg hC_l}iQm POI '71':$.}"'j"':"h3.'.iin:dv!:ar- line at right pmu. Get a Lnwn Mowerlbwn to cost price at A. STRACHAN'$. mm Up vou7_ardea. Beautify Yong l.a\yn. IUULDINU, Inc. All tho Invent Mal and unto. Pnpor llungtn And Painting in All I bnnohu prompt. and proporl: ououhl. Ilnnton nine llhop and soon an moot con. noon 5 nears-run In: uhupfotour n. 3 Pmaoon noun nu. . ' 3-:r`l.....%' :: *---........`".'.-w.... an I the noo:In:udvdy. l I a Wlndduinuln onrstoolntthol , oumot got oluwhon. HALL PAPIBB. DAD(. HO IOULDING. lite. All tho Invent turn: n.___ Il___.n__ .__.u lL-n#AA__ 1. _ln :4- Wm. Allen & Son, Brock Street. %.,,,._ ALL! A cuulzc SCHOOL. Iwcar lSutherland s wI`f`ou want Shoes to please you and stand the TEST in the cru- cible of wear come in today and see US. IUI lUo We have always given more for the money than any other Shoe House, and now we're ahead of the best in Latest Styles, Graceful Lines and Fine Finished Foot- wear. vr _-- ,____.A (`I ._ a _I_--_ _--.- than ever. Our Fall Line of Shoes eclipse all our previous ef- forts. - 1:1- I.____ ._l.-...--.. ..:-..... _.._-_ 1'..- Stronger, Bigger, T. McMAH0N & co.. `r ggrrzn bush i URCHA8BR WALL PAPER The Albert Toilet soap co., mm. ' Montreal. 71 H NEW usmnuoni ON :.r.:::::.-::.=-2 um oouinmo it. La} ndlolnn paaasnaenpa Manylmitatlom; of Babyfs Own oAp. _' look like it. but baby fzel the difference. Baby when ha has once been treated 1 to abath with BABY'S OWN SO3P " I - --wants no other--bcc:u'sje heknowa 3 no other makes hrn feel so nice. I --.- an, 11;}; E`o'iE's"6t'JXI<'1:' BREAD. nnilv alivnrv ha nll V PHONE ado. WHAT VVE HAVE 1VE LL HOLD. Daily: `delivery to all parts of the oity._ 3 l This is easy to do if `you I,-__, '1I\\7l'.\I(W l\l1'A1!r.1I'\ I II??? 39%` i(:e_o:t:u:t-(:t:t:I.I~:t-:1-t:I:t:t:-3' by vid J. WMt.ohnd."A' imi V w .oonplo`to ad V ' I-onn . Eat 3 Meals a Day and Enjoy Them All. Popular Shoo House. [:'(~:l>:Iv:l>:(-:I-ll-:I>:lIl>:l-ii!!!-.I~:l-:l>:ln'% (`-4 1) |l....I.. I .EN 8 SHOES. . .. You'u know 11. by the lac. The Better Best. 0 Bond. with fnrnnol IrIi1ToHi8i nvon on. Also tho 5% 0 Dwel- t, with nodon prov < ` Joan Iuml. A ` V `EVENING cLAssEs;* % olEon.G!.A.xKlFEM;ri?.b'oTi'l '5 $23 `.:`..'6.`:t:`s.* 4 . ' 0 I pjb F` V ; J ifu/., I` argue-we mu --I BLIND AI00IA'I'I0)l PROPERTY of thotonond no dz. The aun- Snrtw I run notly thtouh 0 on olooom agrowln no- al. I toJ.B. tiggzvt II. 83... vuxom _ 1', wv'W-W'Y.7'!U!` ?W! IT 3 T blotchI 1zlnokiIoads rod. ;. . V . ..In.lumm oeul}oou1,':'1f-yj ' T ME ~10 5-hr bum.-nu .V In ' 1 93%. `A };m`\':3{';lg?, #09:! InIlVloodYnrd._ V Opory Scpt. Isth. oavmnhhha Hamming ON I 53313 per ' unmun. no I out rd umn ol clear 1- 3 M in full orlnin uppl) to AlaIa.I.A-.PrlMlDtl. ` 7_` V c--u-:-'n-n f a._'ax=.%..' % 3.": .. - I . 0 III gt; nqQ,oppo1lo9_Xutxi4I,:nld1`|'rk. " l3i`sE6I1 sTc'o6i." "|;.Eu`~ox'_ mic, ou`E.`,' o n v `. Ho 86 g wluinlnrnal IQIVIIIHIIOOQ. Alno aha R1 ' BDUGATIONAL zw J __ _ _._.,,,_,,_......... ' "'1 la rod .1` 5,3"): 0 nn'na:s.n II! Division an . vuuxn. liaq . Dunn. Lonnoxvnlo. :-- DI` mdnnghvmnzl! mood: on 9 13:0 0 In t 0 . E...".. "31: .... Mun. J. I. IOKAY. an Ivy! IIKH. 'i(wru wont other ma Dvnl. uuvulx IUIIUII [DRUG INC YOU'D. W` M N. ho Ohriuthn I-donor -oososy ofByd- oolun stun Iotlodbt church oouduuwd nub lghvlinoo 9!. sh noun has. In! UL . TR 0! $0'45tlI`Intl. n `givi 5 oonoud wllhh their Ina t.on?:hu or Io-not-row night. The regi- ncnt pontoon Iono blunted younguncn. OI! I unupnythopraoulnngu an |?Ii"tiv:ly dnngotouo and sooner or has I Ind aocidonl up from us. Every day an `I in 0 the Iouyonl-tho oanpnoundeoshononh ollhonnduono thin I plan.` lunacy: yhloo E9 I `lie nul dual in ndirooinovilllho codboluhi .:""'-,,m In _In any Inn Maul-lkl. I Thounoohholoah mi ooaaiupuua having amok : panda altar utmost to- nigh. uvciuu wlon MIC sun II quucormuur. The 45th in tho But on and the law oi parade. Ool. llughu in fun bringing his splendid ruinous up to I condition of porfootion. . "IL A (`n mm. L. 1...--- -- .:.- porucuon. No. 4 00.. 47%): hm... known u the Napalm Tum. iaboi won driuod by 2-::..% ~*;:=e.~. rm... -- -aw 51:15.. olubzlmtno moot amount :31. C`.hCn In camp you A . [nut pt. noon. In. ocnu-opal eudoy.3hrnoon in` map with Liout-(b{.B . Tlouuaohhmsh Inn man-...|.s..| IIIIIIIN qlllllilfo Ohio! 0! police Horny nnd tax collector Thdmpoon were [canon of Col. Hunter nnd olcon of tho 47!. but. yesterday um- noon. Mr. Thompson was at one line con- noctod with we 47th In qnnrtormutar. THO 45th in tho nk nn and Hon hub. of X!-3: '5-Pr:5:'y':'-nrd.y afternoon Col. Hunter complimented the men of we 47:1: upon their adnnoomons in drill nnd their Ioldlorly qulibiu. Ohio! If nnlihn T-I'M-now nnll Ont nnllpntmn GI- Thoro will be I bri Ado street panda on Friday afternoon. 0 rogimontu will ar- rive as the nation I euro in time to win- non the oonmony o the pm-onuhion ol the Royal immune aooiayh medal to Staff- Sorgt. 0. Long. A llold battery. The military will form three tide: of A oqnuro, and thc pruonutgzn will bo mndou im- pnuivo u I . Afl` mm wnnnnlnv AMA!-nnnn (`Al xuruvir. nowuvur, III II hover lnown wnpn the four will brook out In all its violonoo. The Iufforora broughh the germ! of the dioouo to camp with them sud will likely any about home again to be then develop- u-we III III` won Haw. D} "II ourlllillll en- d eocieb of Cooke : church, III or Iowey ren cred a solo in on nooepm ie manner. On Tncedey night e member` of No. 7 00., 47th hen... loch hie watch in comp. He did not mine it until leaving the oicere' meu bent. wherein I religious service was conducted. He does not know whether or not he loeb it within the tent or before touching in. On rude yeeeerdny Ool. Hunter requeetod 3 e nder (.0 leave the mining nrticle with the edjutent of the mom. hree or {our one: which threatened to develc intn typhoid {ever have been luc- oeeetnl y treated no the Gold hoepiultenh end the fell dieene stewed off. it is hoped, forever. However, it in never known when tho favor rill lunch mm In gll In. ..&..I-...'.. Ill` UIIIII HUI`: hora were {our potions: in the mid hoapilnl bent) yolterday. They uulforod tron iuolpionb complaints. Onn nrinnnnr nu-{nrmm-I fnhlunn Annu mnswm Doll. Dom _ hf SA]: in Ivnhnnn, uuu uunplunn oouplunu. ` Ono prioonor rtornod fatigue duty yesterday. Hi: 0 once consisted of drunk- ennui. n....a..- 6.L- ..-..x.. --_.I..-;_.: _.uL2._ .L- yerue no omnnea one pole. Yesterday a board of medical omoere ueembled so exemine the one of Pce. June: George. No. 7 Co.. (7th bum. ill in the field hoepibel tent. The boerd report- ed that he bed eymptome of incipient typhoid fever. end recommended theta he be ioetencly removed Do the Kingston aeo- erel hoeplbel lor breehmenb. Aooordin ly Col. Moumemberb ieeued on order for removel. which wee oerried out; by end`- eer ennl Meek. L-.. .....- 0...- ..._u__- 1- u__ 13.`; Illllfv Darin tho oorvloo. conducted within the line: of I 47th bath. by tho oh:-Minn on- damror music of Choke : nlmmh, lnnhnl uuuu DIED. ulll FBIIIITIIDII W0]!- A night or two ago one of tho men do- in; guatd duty, In: ordered to lower the ag from the and ag polo when re- tract sounded. Instead of using the hal- yard: he climbed tho polo. Vnnfprdnv - Iva-A nf -nulinnl ..m...... pulluou xor one nuance 01 one ounp. In spite of the strong wind blowing acres: the range yesterday, Cnph. Horn. musket? instructor. report: the men mak- ing goo Iooru. No. l and 2 oompaniop, 56th but. did remarkably well. A niahh or um um nnn nf tho man an. group-. uumpunlu, ow. Son-go. Thompson. having served one week an carver tor the nan`-sergeants mos nroliovod from further duty. Cor- pon Chum has been up ointod to` the position for the balance of t 0 In mice of tho In-om: wind hlm-inn 0| all VIIID N) in. l'|0`.\Il' Since camp oponod I p wgnphor ha been doing lplendid business in taking portrait: of the men, photographing group. companies, etc. Sm-nu. Thnmnnnn, hnvlnn any-and nnn On 9. however. when the warmth of the Inn dispel: the chill of the atmos- phere. the men brighten up end are eeen at their beet. `They do not seem to he the come ecrnggly crowd that strolled into camp eight; deye ego. They have improv- ed A hundred rt cenb.. and their appen- ence in now I0 dierly, orderly and emert. It in remarkable the Inetemorphoein A little knowledge of militery dieci line will eooomplieh inn body of men. '1?hie very eetieiectery condition of effaire ha: been obtained only -through the seal and energy dieple ed by the oioere commend- ing corps. rom colonel down to the youngest eubeltern. Col. Otter will hue three ne, well drilled , and disciplined hediee 0! men to inspect upon the occasion oi hie vieib to the Pittehnr cernp. Since cnmn conned A n omnr-Anhnr Inn leepeotlon PI-ogretelng-A Typhoid Fever Petlene lent re the General nonmal- ' III" _ _ Ite'*IeI[ev'*leld `IU"lle lieu! mange lIpeeted-Lnteet , Olnp " ' ` `" ,'1`wo deye noyeol eedvo eoldledegind the ma now under oenvee no-the Pmaburg mill Olljp will be free to return to their Few of then will regret; turning their beohe to the com and end lulu ! llouewerd tobhe eoun o eweeb - nuuio. be cold weetherwhioh prevailed thle week he dieooureged the men. They do not relleh having to wrap ehemevee in `greet ooete heloee retiring in order to re- teln heel. Propoeed gemee have been el- lowed no lepeo. end the number 0! men who come over to the cit. ether retreat is null ee competed with Jab of lees week when the weether wee ne. Merchente feel the felling on in their brede end e few indulge In grnmblin . The oieere ere el- moet unenimou in it opinion that J one ig preferable to Sephelnber (or eemp pur- :----cl ONLY "Two DAYQMOFIE` or DDRIL FOR THE nova. ~ ` (luau. Uotgmcaolnl oou:`n|hotol.:= 0 In an n if `uauu P xrA;'.'$`'xn. mnnuu uIuIuII|,wII'IullnnIu join Illa within 3 hi days. Io`nvcrlIIIl.bo vat shoved. Vllj IQ!` ;-_}.z~.'.`;-.=:-..*.:.....:.-'--'-`-~- would .hov % - Yo not in ` I\._.LIAl.A.~L...4 h'__- ..._j_ A` g. I. uuuauyi. till)! lllll Tlrldlfl. Euro lam at 8 p.n.. connecting nth NotIK' OOBII 1! Ohltloth. J. `p.n.m" ' ' 0*.- YoI%I.I$0ioutohold0IoctIolP.W. Bo|l.Johuhuutnu.vuoIolduuction byl. R. Hill: Good priouwaouuliud htdlr If. loll it at I in ulhuvhnnhloh-i will inln hlm uilhinnhi than Il'Wo The board of ends will olcr I Inc uito mdcxou ion from nation to the Wort.- nn& An`! Iuuuhotu-1' mnpunymt London. to loosen Inn. oy tnum!oo~ tin mg-Znltuul iupknonu. Tho Ir: want}: no. A Nu-liking hunt for Racing: :0 5 En. Sndnyu, Tuudnyn And '1']: no lama as 3 n|n._ ntnnnnnti-n.`-.L pump to ruurn mun down wan gum. ] Chu-ion `Wilson, of loobboll has. left. to day for Ozhwn to take up permanent mi donooundtobooomonnomhrof the Ot- hn oily loounll club. Ha ha! hound :ponlt.ion at the dominion `uxporimonul nun. prurnlnenu IIW nrln ll jllnlol` partner. Yesterday 0. H. Carbon. '1`. II. Anoin- tino and Capt. R. E. Kant loft on A hunt.- ing trip through the north ooun . They were well u-mod. well provision and ex- pocb to return laden down with `Wibon. cf lnnhlnll 9...... Im. tn. 1-155`: ..-%.'.'..!.+--.9! -".-.--vs -'.'-" ' J at ha "a lulu I. houuud lolnlhn. n. uglow I U0. Francis M. Hugo. superintendent of the Thousand Inland nteunbont. company. is in the cit. . Mr. `Hugo loan: for Washr- town. .Y., this Afternoon to outer 3 prominent luv rm u junior partner. YOIfld' C. H. (`All-&k.L 1`, II Annals. WWII`: Nov lines of tinted nutionory for India and children : use. New \'i_nioing ends. in- viution cudmplsying cu-dn nndpupotorios. R. Uglow l Co. Frnnnin M. nun, nnnm-inhnrln-9. nl oh. uwy w nwuuu HID DIUIIUI 0! nor Ion. Queen : oollogo nuthoritiu wnnb an order to nomovo an oxocubor of tboluta Mrs. Hobart`: estate or for I uooivor. Tho oouro hu Adjourned the one for two Inch. KY`-u IS... ..I AX..A._.I -.-L.'-.__.__ 1-.. I_J!__ III III IIIIIU minutia- `Phe romaine of the late F. J. Roiera. bank manager. Poherboro. will be interred at. Kingaeon. Meantime they are placed in Little Lake cemetery Pew-boro. MEI. Faun-(.11. mnthni nf hhn unnnp man uwuu ullli COlllIloBl'y l.'QIAl'D0f0. Mrs. Fognrty. mothcr of the young man when foot wu unputntod at tho general hospital on Moudsy, bu arrived in the city to stand the bodnido of her non. O|IAnn n nnnaoa nnbluu-EH`. --..L -.. IIIIIVUI `AU UUVWIXI VI ingrin nine minutu. ho th In nlu nag ..-..-.. b-L--I name yuwruay. C. Powell unblinhed a record between the oi: Ind Rook Point camp. four miles. 0 covered tho diuwoo this morn- inn in ninn mu -snlgn IloUI"Un MrI.J. McIntyre und MiuE. McPherson. visiting Mr. And Mrs. W. F. Tpylor no Duoronto during the pub week. returned home yum-duy. C. Porn]! nnhnhlinhad - mum-A Lu.-an uu uyuwu HIII lelllon. NOD IIIDIY. gfhe Idling ynohb Gard: will leave in A low thy: for A cruise up the BAy of Quinta. luving A of young citizen: AboArd. I Prlhl nhn nn-darn mun mun tau nuvmg I D or young oluunl Aooud. Pnbthtgnoho powders nun cure for neuralgia or headache. Three powders in Mob packet. for 10. at Mound : drug ntoro. ,._,l..:`.._._.`- ----v v.` - . dd luau! ol Innulnutlouo-0! 01 ; hotoultntnl uuooouful :0! N nnlor . It nooouml. 0! thin nu`: one: 5 1 : nuriouhuh no unooouful-olaunlor ' 1 noooufnl: 0! I or i I , nukmg II For {:21 o:7.?.'oo..."" :13 d No Commercial oounu thorough 2 M. M modunh um `I! luttntod

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