llo Loud uh an Old Soold on III Way to The ltnlon. Bum Paar. Sopb. 2l.-AInong tho Incl- donu in oonnoocion with tho arrival but yuurdu of emperor Wllliun of Germany Aretha oowlngz On hh Inv an ab: nllrmd Ihnhlnn an ll IGUDIOII. Advocates of the discriminating dutiss ` srs dotsrmlnod not to lot the msttsr rest on the sttornoy-gsnsrs|'s decision it it is adverse to them. They will tsks stops st once to bring A test osss under ssction 22 and carry the matter to the courts until they obtsln sn suthprltstivs construction 0! the section Iron: ths suproms court of Mn Unimd Slum-. UK DIJU BUCFIUII IITIIIII bbo United Shoal. DU IlvlVDs ruidonb McKinlo himself does not agree with him legal I visor in this mnbtor, And bu tried to convince him than he has taken the wrong View of the moaning of the notion. A.-n......-A-- -1 AL- .|:-....:...:..-n.... ..I..A.'-- Two queetione were eeked the attorney- genenl. the Hub of whinh wee, in eifeot. whether the dieorimineting duty of ten per cent. provided for in eeotion No. 22 ehould be eueued Against en invoice of tee from Chine which bed arrived at Vu- couver in British veeeele and thence Ihipped throu hcenedn to GM 0. The second quelt on WI! whether t e die- orimineting duty ehouid be ueeeeed egeinet e oergo of Mengnneee ore from Chili.whioh recently errivod in eBritiIh lhip nt Philndelphie. Both these quee- tione the attorney-general uneven in the ne etive. ...l.l-..h ll..'I'{-J-.. '1"-nun`, .81.`. run. If` IIUU IIIIIJUUU 00 VIII ulluflmlll llllyu He believes that the verbiage nu alto- gothor too vague to jammy an intorpream hlon changing in any way she law an eon-_ ulnod In tho rovlud statute: u far at in ulna. lnnnnnb. n.........|. -4..- -m.-5.. .- FIIIIX Ill FIIU TUVIXU IEIDIIIUI II III II I0 affect: Import; through ooun port: or bhrouh oontiguonl oountrlel under consu- lnr III . !l'|_- ....--u....- ...-... --|.-.l LL- -Ls..-..-- IWIII UITUUII, IIIBU FIII UIIIUUV-I D$WI in-om oroign oountriu through Onnodinn porn on not ouhjoob to tho diocriminnbing duo of son par oont., and alto hold: than fore in good: ohippod from countries other than minh pououionn in British vouoln uo not Iubjooo to the discriminating duty. verblon Two gnutlonl Won LIIOd.Io|II of Which Are Anlwond In Inn NogntIvo-0n from OIIIII In 3 In-um: Vuul In Hot lubjuct to the Addmonnl Dnty-'l'ho language of oongrou In Vague and In- oxpnulvo--'I'ho Prnldont Don Noe Oononr In tho Daemon. WASHINGTON, Sept. 22.--Abtornoy-gono- nl Molionnn nnnouncu his opimon in the matter of nation twenty-two ol tho now tarllnwu. Ho holdain oocb that oodn Annnlnn .u.....n- l..L.. oh- Han-..I gnu. IIIISERIMINMING nun.| And you need not take our word for it. The thou-. sand: we have made for the past eight years will tell you Hardy made gar- ments t right, look stylish and keep their shape for yeare. ` -Foreign Goods carrledin British Bottoms Exempt. lrnvons cnumunu mums. 41 JUDGE MGKENNA ANNOUNCES HIB DECISION ON THE CLAUSE. '55-fz'r'i.'.f"ii'."uS13'iI."&Sco'Lu2}' o"o'a". oolnln directly into tho United tutu from onion count:-In thmunh Gnnndinn THE LATEST avNT:TcA`r:. AN ANGR Y MONAROH. A Ilignlar Ilnlulo. ._ \V\! -._A nu I1 KINGSTON. ONTARIO. wm_o1msoAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1897. uuijucuvjn nj `lob `I'll DWRIJJIIO IIOUIII :31 P-I-I1 Qh Ion: rl Inst. n.u.hn In lO'::OVLIAl)?.An3 IVI luirl. nmuwuu. uu. woouaouo I I . `Tanner. 89']: I2.--Dnhn has It rcgiuonuolca has but In igndunndyht lpoulhlndls ' -IT'w 1' CCI'IlIIW" Lonnon. Supt. 22.-'l`hs Times corres- pondsut so Visnns ssys: Dr. Adisr. lssd~ st of tits Ausbrisn socialists. sud Hsrr Psrnsrsiorisr. so ox-sooisiist Ihsnhsr of tho niohstsg. whils on their wsy to st- tond s ooofsnnos oi Rsngsrisn socialists ss Bsdspsse. was by tho polios sod ssni. hsnh to V as. The ssir osnssd nsoh indignation snong ths Hun- Bsrisn socialists. who hsid s nsssing sh sdspsston Sunday in {nor 0! ssivdrssl sshgs. which was slssndsd by 20.1110 wothlsgusn. ...;_-_: VIKI I Kl IX WWI` IQ Inn 0 trihonou, 3 ed tho may of Goo. Blend :0 duo o'clock on Ion- IIQI nun-In-n Finann Inhgg -.Ll.L I..A.4I UT- 1. Piano u vhhlhoutl 4-nv-non in!--aw In turn. bllond. (kn. -manna:-In -o-ndl, loin Inn Inca. Emu. Sept 28.-'I\o Enddoh Mullah. with I large and I0|l- font of lnxvannl tolhnnnnn. a gal LL. an... 3' Olueot To The Treaty. Ariinss, Sept. 22.--'I`he politioai situa- tion erising out of the condition: of the e convention ie serious. M. Delyennis. ormer premier and leader of the dominant pert numerically in the houle. hae assert- ed t at it the roposed scheme of foreign control shoul grove to imnl an n- terierenoe with t e sovereign r g to of the state he would not hesitate to advise the ohemher to reject the treaty. The tone oi the press continues lndignent. The Aety end the Ahropolie deolere it the most iniquitous document of modern times. Many ere preparing to demonetrate egainst the treety. M Cone-ran-nnoru. Sept. 12.- The lininary treat ol peeoe between Tur ey and Greece. w ioh wee signed on 8etnr- dey h the repreeentetlvee oi the sulten anil o the powere. hee been ratied by the su ten. Inhdl Au-ooo Not to Oppooo lrmoh Ad- vonoo-Iionollro Promloo. PARII. Sept. 22.-'l'.`ho Fl ro onnouncoo that o trooty hon boon oono udod botwoon Slotln Pooho. roprooonting Grooo Brition. Ind Zoboin Pubs, roprooonting tho mohdi. by which tho lotto: will now oppooo tho ndvonco of tho Anglo-E yption oxpodition oo far no Khnrtcum. on Ootnon Digno o forcoo will romoin ot tho Born rivor oo long on Gioot Brition dooiroo. Tho mohdi rolnoino king of Khartoum. ond Zohoin Puho oontinuoo to oxorcioo the functions of govornor of Dnrfur. undor tho protection of Grout Brition. Tho miooion of Jomoo Ronnoll Rodd to tho king of Abyeoinio. ob- toinod o prornioo of noutrolity upon tho port of king Monolik by guorontooing tho wootorn frontier of Abynninioin tho nomo of both Groot Britoin ond the rnohui. IIUIIT IITIUIT WI. '3' W WC`: Gnhun 3;: JD! /7 ..9!lLQl_ this lilo out-noycl or country. Ho 35:! a bound ul road lined with ma]; Ina. Bhutan of music were in the air and be any: that along a pathway his fat. or cum: to mono him. He toll: of bkghn nu-`.54.... ....I .u\....-....H.... ....l H... lII'0IlII' UIIIIG I30 IIIIIII Illlllo III III OI their rooting and oonvorutlon and than 0! his in; torn away, onllod book to his worn And Aching body by tho luniotsnb calls of his wife. Graham is Ieillnllvo. but he onnnoo luo more than a few days. Oonounptlvoo Alwnyo Iovo alorlono Vla- lono of Olhor Boolmo Burn Mozum. 011.. Bopl. 22. - William Uroholll. o consumptive. and hlo wife. livo In o ooltogo horo. On Soturdoy nl he Grohom oppo- ronlly dlod. An a both: woo collod in And roporod tho body loxgburiol. Tho from od young wllo no nly ollowod to go into tho room. one! in o poroxyom of grlol oho throw hotooll upon tho body, on-oining it to ho!` hum ond oolling to hot lovod ono to oono book. In woo oomo mlnntoo boloro oho could ho lod Away and thou lo woo notlood thou A slight shud- dor run through tho Ina : body. Baton- ulvoo and moooogo Ion oppllod and in on hour Gnhou woo oblo to opooh. Gnhom -YI -Eh run out o! hhlo We Make To Fit, A U` IIlulll'I""`o "Union Spain can It a very only data rutoro peace to the Inland undo: Bpsninh rule the United St-I000 will take atop: to he peace to Cuba In the only way it in conaidorod that poloo can come to u poo- glo struggling for lnodom and indepen- enoo. ,....... "The president in pomothin of I diplo- mat himself. and II but boon in policy so than ovary consideration poulblo ho Spain, but. At the some than, be arm in bi: do- mnnd elm tho Cuban var mqub come to an end. It: in also I'D of minlutor Wood- ford to show that in has lost control of Cub: nnd that own with the mono bar- barous wulnro III: bu boon unable to pro- vonh the spread of tho power of the in- ourgonu. It wlllnloo be him miuion to about the Spanish ninluoon that the close proximity of Cuba to the Unitod Sntu makes in impouiblo {or this government to be lnditforont. MITnI..- D-`gin nan -h - up--n AA-ID A-0- III II` III! - HIT "Gen. Woodlord wont to Madrid better equipped for hi: mission. with a moro no- ouroto and Eooltivo knowledge of tho ritu- ntion in On a than anylormonniniotor who over took up Inch 5 doliooto one for rattle- mont. Ho ha: 1 bobtbr knowlodgo of tho oituation in Cubs thin have the S nloh auahlorltiolil Gan. Woioclford iladip omot an 0 vi not prooptoto mutter: an provoke hortility by prounting an ulti- motum until ho hao given tho duke of Totuun falrwornln and ollowad him to prepare for the ilon that mutt be nlvan. given. ||'I"L. AIIIIHIJIII puupw. Inn. wooaloru an In- struction: to make In vary clear to the Bpnninh lorolgn minim ` slant the United SCI! will now IHOI the Cubgn g: to can. than u in has for the Inn two yearn. Pruidonb Moliinlzhu nlwuyu been 1 - tiono waiter. And ha been patient 1! uh this Cuban auutlon. Inmnn In unntnd to THE win MUST sun. And It lpnln Wont B0 II `rho Ullhd Ina: I um. ` Cmcmo. Bopt. ihl.--Tho Into:-Donn oi to-duy bu the following opoonl iron: in Wuhington con-upondoni : , "Tho Unbn policy or tho Ilclnlo admlnlitration when iully hnown..u 0 promise: to be soon. will be entirely utlafcctor to tho Alnorlonn pooplo. Gen. Wood! bu in- nm-nntlnnn to mail In vnrv ulnar in tin IIIIIU WIICUF. Ill I III. Olin PIIFIUIIU WIIIII this Cuban quutlon. because he vnntod to nd tho may to and the war And mboro nnnnn tn Izha Inland in Ihn nnnnf. nhnmul And llll HII WI '10 Illll FIJI WI!` Illll |'$|o0l'I co to the Island in the moat otfootunl und siting munnor. "Gan. Wnodfnrd rant tn Madrid bathnr SUCCESSFUL DIPLOMACY. cmrnmrs IN A BEAUTIFUL LAND. noppodlrnorouoo. 9-..; 00 $L- 1.1..-. Iloyuoj. __.I __ I. .'.7:'3."'s'n`1' "I.'2..'i'......."""`.".'i.".....a""".'n3 Ihond but plnlnolr had nu-land bu hnnnd in KL Phnl- Ilium- in I. Th: IIIIXQ III UK (III. -|I|U-g III IE3 I'll` Chnhndnuhu-mu hliovothovononlo opuHmthottuIh.udnnnnunuin- a.'3'"a."3`a"3aT' "".upmoa"'u a "' I i I And whih. in :n'n:.nn-ant Aha ABC XXIII , OI IIII WCIIFII `Till! Iundu-d|' board. Winnipeg. has ncdvod instruction: from the Inlnnd nnnuo do- no Otuntolom-dulcrpn aunntity 0! tho a standards to pot- ..:'.`. .` "s.. "...`.2..".:. "".'.'..'...` u burn. at _w to n to Englhh nillon. Mu. Baker. Iomorly ot Ohstlnn and Tnrontm Onk. and nmnv u-nnhd in Wall, there is not much dif- ference in the general ap- punnce of Con . But buy aton from us and com are in qualit , its freedom rom din. In the delivery with that of the last you re- coivcd. " IKIIIIIIIF FTIIIT III IIITTT huolnod in 88. Paul. Ilium. in I803. Tho Clnnnhnd nnlhnn-lung balloon (ha hangs: In KI IWII C,VVV Iilll IUIIIIIII IGII IIIII `D. no fun look! to work. The ninin situation 31:: bizoly :0 bgouo am: sin an inn ng nut . at w loll time the minor: hop to mup dimmnou unionbly without the annuity of I nrilo. DBL- .....A-... -1 AL- _..A-.. ._.I_ -..-.-.- -..-..,, ,..-..-...., ....- ...... .. was not bind by l mob of poo lo. but by some moubonot tbo Ciby of oxloo lioo loroo. Tho government in push ng Ibolnvoougntlon and bu oouood tbs or- not ol Smpoohor Vinoohio. ol Ibo Iooond dintriot. Iunpooeod oi boing lmplioaudin the plot. Out o! nearly 10,000 minon on Hnolton. Pu. about 8.000 um remain idle sod they Amino onklnp as worn. Thu minlnp IIIIIOVI UIIIIIKU WII 00" : A London oeble up that Brmeh emp- pen ere din pointed theta the preferen- tial oleuee in 0 o Cenedien sum luv ie nob exolueively in {event or Greek Brluln end they are eleo enxioue no know when the policy of Oenede will be when we tmeetiee with Genneny and Belgium expire next Au :'ue_t. -_. I- -e_..... _..|._|.nu_ AL-A A__.__ aonil wrong probability that Arro y noun mambo:-col tho Cut n! ulna no- IHIDIIIIIOUII HUI` llllllllu The bnbcluhip Monte:-0 . bound south. from Puget Sound. nu as on in I fog nix milu north of Point: Aron: lighthouoo Tuodiny Afternoon. The Manor oo three-quarter: 0! an hour [nor An oon- cinuod her voyngo. It in not thought shut much damage was done. A Inndnn mhln nnvn that Hrithh nhln. HUI UUIIF In [Our In. UTOWHE Mre. Elinbech MoRoberoe.Bu elo.eixty- the year of age. bhrew hereelf into the Ningere Iivor just. above she tulle Tueedny efoernoon. Her body seed over the fell: a moment. later. Mn. okoberte hed been in ill-heelhh (or some time and thin probably unbelnnoed her mind. `FLA Intel;-Ll... ll....L-..._ L4...-I .....AI. EIOIIIII. Hill) IXIOII IIDIIINOD. During the pub few days 5.750.000 foot of log: have nrrivod for the Holland-Emory lumber com ny. of TIWII. ho ho Mwod st Buy City. ioh. There hu nrrivod also 2.085.200 [ooh tor Edward Hole, and 3,- 463.656 for Alger. Smith & 00. The shery non of Nowtoundlnnd con- tinue: moon dincouraging. Incl tho vessels are returning, and some empty. having given up work. l)m-In tho Inn Iortnlghb three vouoln hue been on off Lhc Laba- dor com um! four men drowned. nu Ell-gkgnl. ll-D-L-_A- D...l- -l-A_ III II VIII IIUID Illu IHIBIIIVII INK. $30 atop: will be hclun by the United Batu government: lookin no the relief of mo minor: In the Klan in until um nnvigntion clout ind nfbor bhe govornnont Int-nod through Capo. Ray. who in at B8. Miohnl. tho ouch Iiuuation. `Mu-Inn Man nnnm (Au clan: K `HUI nnn fngt wAnl;umudu, Mexico. via vlmod by I rlblo ood on Tuesday. Women And children were driven Iron thoir bola und hndbocuhof iuh hih ad wlbh their houghuo .3.oa.f I `N n QUEEN ST. lIVUI' UK I IIUIIIIIIIUH DIHITUPUUI lIW- The Onnrio government yesterday do- oided not to enforce the menuleoture in On- tario ol timber out under the government license. at lent during the prouent license you. Rhm-HTJnmnn Martin Ami On:-hr rlnnnolnn nun 00 (III TONI`. In IO lllgll with their bouuhold ooou. Whilo Wllllln H. I mull. hinnhmdahh. an uni no In u` VII |nllIll' IIUUXIIUIII 'llXUUn "wan. and twonby-eight. wu nth` SENMJIII 1 bolbinnnlnnlnn millnl I Mon. (ML. uwunoy-ugnu. wu uuupun In bulb in u plnnlng mill II I fenbordsy ho wu hurloll` 6 y in n by the bolt und Inaun n ltnnn will In Inlrnn hv hh. .|l`I'o|-Iff Juno: Martin and lorty doputlu, Wllkubnm. Pm. have been nonb up for triul charged with the murdor oi twenty- haur nbrlk ng minou, ab Lsbtlmor. on Bopt. 1 ch. . AL...--4]- \l_-l-- --- ..l_lA-.I L- _ L-_, VVllIlll`DUlI (DI! IIII. The report that Meior-Gen. Guoolgne in About to retire ie not: credited in oiolnl cirolee in Oshawa. The deputy of the de- pertment. enye shut. it unfounded. . Ah vanmrdun nnulnn nl thn rlnmininn pIl'DlIJUll(v Illyl DHIF II? unluunuou. Ab yestaardayh aoaaion oi the dominion cigar manufacturers association in Mon- treal a roaolution waa pauod declaring in favor of a dominion bankruptcy law. Thu Ontario onvnrnmanh vaanm-aw In. D,UVU.UUU q|lIl'IUl'Fu Sir bout: Davies in likely to ropronnt Omndn in she omcjnl enquiry into uni life In tho Bohrin sea, which will be held In Washington t in fall. This mnm-t. Huh Mnim-Jinn, u-onion: ".':'C'.'.';'i.1 from Madrid any: the Spanish government: in negotiating I loan guaran- bood by the porn due: for the purpose of new nnvnl works. 'IVL.......l. LL- l)..--l-.. ...L-_L .._-.. I- .._.I-_ IIUW IIIVII WUI'IIu Though also Ruuinn wheat cm in under the usage the but judges 0 lb Ruuis with baino nhln tn nrnmt I nnrnlnn nfnultn . We no willing to leave the vordict to you. UIIU IVBFIKU DLIU DUCK! JIIUBUI UIUUIIJ IVIIIIII with being nblo to upon I Iurpluu ofquito 8,000,000 quarto". Sir lnmn Davin in likglv m nnrunnh Qllilill In UUDI I0l' I300 IlII\II'KIn(Ia bub evening Mr. Whitno . leader of tho. oppooihion in the Ontario ogillnturo. ud- drouod u largo mooning In North Buy,0no. A dhoovarv of A menu nnnnoud an be UIKIUU I KIT`! IIICIDIHE III LVOPDII DI,,UnIis Adiooovcry of I noun Iuppoud to be hard or anthracite coal. in re reed by Rev. J. M. Douglu. M.P.. of t o nonh- wont. :_ t`1--:._2- l'\.._.--L.n- L--Il.I. 3- ..-._.l.II_ "8'; Oaaimir Gzwoakh health in rapidly improving. and his appearance indioaboa a com lobe roodvory very soon. He driven out aily. A nnnninl {mm Muir-id nun lm nnniah wzwurd Fu-nr. the wall known journnl-, ht. arrived at Winnipeg on Tuesday ao- compcniod by his wife. Qinna hhn nuhhmnh Al nmnllnnv In Man. cumpomuu Dy me win. Since the outbreak of small x In Mon- treal, on Jul 2nd. there have n twenty- two ouel. w on nine cleethe. Tho nnnlnh hum; In NA: Vanni an- [W0 OIIBI. Wlllll IIIKIC uonunu. The B ninh junta in New York In- nouncu 0 info arrival of three big expo- ditiom in Cab: for the insurgents. hub annimr Mr. Whitnov. lmdnr at tho. IEONDENSE__l1RAERAPS.I 1898. um: Intern run lnlol-on Innbodr - lotu Inn All our--IJIIIQ 0! Ivan- chlng Iullv load and I9-annual In `Inc Dan Public. Toronto warm the 0. E. convention in H'-I-..ul I`--..- AL- --II I.._-._.. :-......-I, MEWS Ill HIE WllR|.|l.I All Goal Looks Alike to You. `I ELIGRAM8 FROM THE IARTH'I FOUR QUARTER8 QIVEN. 'wnat comes to Us from All Quarters. .'aa3?n' "'L"a1Io'o"i r:'..::% . Inatnnb A-I.-.. L... LL- n..u..I In uvmasmu ma] We hsvo the latest and the prettiest Ties in -fall noehvir of all kinds and at the lowut prices that good qgslity and new style and -Handsome. lsoft. Rich Hon. W. Barty. accompanied by Jun: Crawford tad John L. Whit! . MI this afternoon for an outing at no! GI-avg ' ' %THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. % UNIV` Gnnd mill! cry oponi . Thursday evening. 8 to 10280. no Abo::hy" & 0o'o. Innunu wrncuuy on my jun rilluou {am not hbou-hood w to an and. A {tally of 3 children om-viva. l2iT5lTFT5 Dan 0: In Old lulu. BIDCIVILLI, 80 t. 22.--lII. Gerrard Irvine. one of the 0 dub nddouh of this district. diod Monday night at her home in Algonquin. Bho was in but uiny-no . diet I am your: idea .."f..".'..s.:.n.':.. a 25... . .5. an: A Wlill DEC OIIIIIIII OI IOIT DBXII. IIIU IIII inutruchd Collingwood Bohroibor to ur- nn 0 ubnb choir deal:-on shall be (unied il a on an no imurmonnublo dimoultlu In the way. -,--g ...- _.--.,.--,. Font 81'n1.u. Sopb. 22..--'l`bo plo ol Fore Stools have boon pruning 0 minin- tor of railway: md canal: to tooth the projootod rouu ol the Crow`: Noah Pun ruilny in altered. to u to pulolon to unit town. Mr. Blnir Inc a mpnbhiud with the china: 0! Fort Shoo o.And bu innknmbarl Cnlllnanonnal Rnlmnilnr tn gr. ITIIIUF III, WISH I IITUW 0' 0. ma OCff' ing lmy Anon-Inn pueengere. wee enaering the pore eh Flume. on bhe river Fiumore. no eeven o'clock leer. evening while the Bore use blowing herd. when-eh collided with she English steamer Title. which wee leaving. . This how: nl tho Iln `mun mini. in nu! waving. no how: of the nu mm. min in and the uni in we minubu. nu-mt: Inn-All-u nut an, `-3 _`-.;I ALA IIID IIIII In DWO mmunu. Bonn hublly pub o` And and thd napkin nnd uvon oehon. but most of the puoongora perished. TIC aria: nf thn drnunlnn Dunn mnnh rlln- punngorl ponnnoa. Tho cm: of the drowning were moat din- trouln . Tho cuunlty took plsco In full vlowo uhouundu who crowded the pin: in the greatest uoitomonh and alarm. humor lknlunl no Ilunc on the Mn: Human. v_.,, _,, n . an n . I . . uunvun, aipn. xx.-A uolpuon to Ian! Dnil News from Vionnn any: that the not or In. with I crew of son And curv- hl `..I `nah!-inn nu-nnnnnuu -9-. Al|.AI`n1I wuruuu w III!` mutiny unrougn we colon- lnl oioo. The uddrua is superbly on- grouod and Illuminated. It will In this rupoob. Malena, booooond wnono that hot mujut. hu ncoivod in commemora- hinn nl thm th vnr nl Imp rnian `or. an: nu--u. nu Uvvvllu vv uvl coma bion of tho ch you of hot reign. IUI' DI'lI3lIll UIlIIlIIDIIn J. G. Higglnoon. chairman of ammo of tho united oountiu ol Pruooth And Run- ooll Ind E. Ahhouh Johnlon. oounoll olorh. have hundod the Hon. R. W. Scout. non- nry oi um. tho oounolu oonnoll juhllu nddrou to tho quun which will ho lop- vnrdod to hot mnjuay through the colon- lnl oion. Thu Add:-nu in nnnnrhlv an. To Take Up PI-ovinoinl lolltlal With Dubl- can lntgntlouu 0'l'l'AWA, Be 0. 22. -'1`ho Oitiun says 0. R. Devlin, u- .1 . for Ottawa `county. in- land: returning to Canada lwih Irclund to contact Not-oh Ronhow no the non pro- vincial campaign. Mr. Dovlidiu now on- grgod in tboimmigrntion do rtmonb in t. 0 dominion govornmono. ho idea 0! hi: ontoring the Igrovinoinl politic: would be to join the ncly gonrnmono in the plain of Mr. Hnrty An Irish Catholic repro- unutivo. HI. (V|.-..I-- |l|..__... 1-0. AL}- -u-..-..- IIIIIUIVUI Sir Ohu-lu Tapper Mo this afternoon for British Columbia. ,7 (1 Illnnlnnnn 1-Lgl--g.-. -0 l_-_.. `I IIIUU. Chief detective Cerpenter hen discover- ed in the Bonaventure -teticn hegneae room the trunk of Mine Werner. the re- cent euicide et the Hotel Cedlllec in thin city. The content: included e letter ed- dreued Min Belle Warren. 7 Jnooh utreet, Troy, N. Y..from I Philadelphia puhlilhing rm. echnowled ing ordere end ex reeeing eeticlection et er eucoeulul wor . The identity of the women, eccording to the olioe. in eetehliehed beyond e doubt. or remeine will be leid to reet todey. R. B. White. collector of cuetorne. etetee that hueineee than n Inerked improve- ment ll evidenced by cuetome figures. The receipte eh this pert for the ret hell of the greeent month were 048,000 in ex- ceu of gum for the oorreeponding period of Int yen. ClotIIenudPu'nb|m. mun:-uuuu. 61TH YEAR. NO. 220. Tbo annual tourney of the Royal 0 na- dhn golf auooinon In In prom-an to-dny no Dixie, non thlo oib . Plural from nearly every Oinsdlnn any It in Attend- IAICIII lalbclill DIG IOU KIIQI`-III`! I .' -1.- In um II.-h . Him IKKIIH VIC 39' XWXUI`I - u'lanhtIo0nh.'. Mom-u.u.. Qua . Boph. famous Tutu-Gronlor out Inn, to: ocoond time. been poaeponod. It will ho hoard to-morrow. Hon. L. 0. lfalllon. ox-pro mlcr. Hon. E. Iablnno. 0`: uponhr and Hon. '1`. CIIIOI Cugnin were innuend- onoo. Tho liberals summoned sud who did not: r were Sir Wlllrid Laurlcr nnd Blr var Mount. Judge Wnrlolo will pruido no the trlnl. Ynuno Mnnnn. who run that All Wlll PIUIICII I5 DIII EYIII. Young Mconry, who can that an Ropnigy by Jscquu Prudholnmo coma nix wake :30. In: new noovorod. Ind bu pothlonod the attorney moral to Abandon n_ll prpooodingg |n_lnu_ n_ud|oIna_:o. ':!`_ho pouuonou mo utomoy- onuru w Inlnuon nllproooodingn ugnlnu rudhommo. The ohoobln wu donoin the dirk when Mo- Honry ad broken into a widow`: homo. 'l`hn nnlnr lnm-nun nrnnntivn nnmmlhhn HINT IIIU DTUICII IIIW I WIUUW I lllllllo The Ienlor lecroue executive committee mute twin to decide whether the llnel metal: can e played Beturde or a week later. Oeptein Stewart of e Cupltele will recent the idea of my poltponement. but it I: expected thnt the Torontoe. Oom- well And Bhunroch hold other views. It Vla uld Duty Tenn . ol the Shamrocks, will play in tho orontoe in the ue! mulch. il||.- .... ..I e;..._-..- .-C 5L- DA-`I (1 mg. Lennon. Sept. 22.-A .dupctoh to the )nilv News from Vinnnn nu than um Omnu Duh-0 `rho Bonn Anond. OVER FORTY LIVES LOST. NOW DEV LIN I8 `PROPOSED. IIX I O -1" _':.u I no man Is the Tie that is AGAIN PO8TPON_D- was-Inn C bring` mix-dhIIu1W QA-.4A- A A A. a Jous1_m_u_m, -n._- # _,.A_- ,, -on-t|n'nc`I-I-170!-'|0bII| and Into But pussy wuiuqnintl cu. rig hudcomolotho_I'ihtdoto_lnI&.:`= (MGIIII. me. It in tho laud" Pnunt bnycn. Thy how (III CON` El Hllufl IIUII mo 1300 much in head Iron QIeen'e. but de- pend upon It the Preebylerleuwlll berth m In up no the lnndlewlnn eheeeeeoelele ug oeen'e lilzlsou.` h Q hen egleed weoeell uohevetheongeode I! end QueeI e If gene eohednled for the pleyed on` bete on the not chime in with the II in Eoeelble thet the eohednle will Ieve M it Q` Anna` in ~ Wum-Inolou.obosp.ud loud in. J. On!` 800. Ohctlo Inn bid at lollovillo, 050. D :&l::.t Ilguloll. I51; 0097-1004 II- No Jolly povdcr. 100. J. 8% Thohuotlu haluulnh I. TOPOIIO (N000: mm the man will be moped u my don'o but Quota : non mush. nl mnnh In Ilnnrd luun O-non ; but Ag. azm. '.'.:.~...$::...':.:?.':':`..,'...`:..'. ...."" oonun duuny. In. '1`. humour. BrouI!o:d.0nt. E '3'-'-'c'l:'.`. 3&3`;-3 "W-'-"-':.:F.-.-F--..... I i Toronto Gloho. I`hnh Hm an Auruu-~lr YOU HAVI UEAIA fnlr odunnon. (food appearance. oonnrn fl-uly. no In union: had not . in nu monorlyou lulu wrluto Inc. $01 you how hon ho pod noon: 0! and tom woman. to (my! Marl hum lino. The `In carat ouuallw out .'.`.?....:..a" ".a". ..'.`.'.'.'_' 'n'`... 31 n.........'``'. :.':.:"":.".' a';.7.':.r"r.::'.':..:.'".I. "` 0 . u o . mom and 01 Inc And can GU30`: ' 1:.:'..::'r.::'*ev:.:`:-.i.'..'*..!*.. x:......'""3.:2 tendon. nt , Oanmlo. AGBN ('8 - "KLONDIIII GOLD 3 non ohu ulunblb hook. umncl 5 whirlwind. nful prospectus Oval 7- llvo roan. Book: on no. In Dunn!- unntsol 00.. Mumnd. `bronco. Ont. I II.PoRRLIABhI MIN I11 lV:IY ID- o.my.Ioo.1 or urmnlltnc; to ma snow dl-oovory. and hop out 51:07 tacked up on Sun. fonou and throughout town and country I ploymun. Oonunlulon or sultry. month oxnunu. nun! WANTED--Ir YOU HAVI OEAIA ood uppouuloo mmvnna hoalv. Ara In n-nlmn Anal ant Ln _ GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY IV I OLAIII nookwood Bolus. Int good cook. No wuhlnc. UUAI4 BALISIAN I03 KIN `I01 '10 1 all Grooon. Hohln and (Inn ooolonou. Uuamnu Own 00.. London. Ont. FUR . W Twlgarnflln r uzgxuuin wife In on 01$: f Addnu " .3 Willa ollloa. TW'1 UIFUIINIIB Burgbfgv man tn VI 4 Wane emu. ALLIOI UNFURNIIHID IOOI II I0 with nodm: oonvonlonou. with or V out bond. Addnn II... this oloo. Ahtlul UNFURNIIHID IOOI II I0 ' Addn-n 3.. this olloo. oou. BLLIBIAN Ion [$2,101 to 1 (lo lluarnlnn nmnn nn_. Lnndnn. mu, A"n . cog; don u.f`C.c GENERAL SEEVAICT. APPLY I0 mood nook. ownhhm. VANWnzouL-In Kin nbon. on lupin Silas, Minerva Juno dvm-do. blond wile of Jnoob Vnnwlnokol. Apt! 48 - years. The runml will Inn no: mo ...ca..... 190 Oolborno lunch. Thursday Afternoon . Ah bun o'clock. I`:-land: and nnnnnln. -. UIBI IIIAI1-I p.: "............o.?.`..'.'`a.a..a." .. .s...s.: phono oolnnnnloctlol. A8.`. 5 Jnguvu -nIJll WQIIZIILVJB III. I` II. X And to; Good Looking Jacket: in cloth nil " ntylc II. 03.50. 04. Mb). Inspection Invlhl. ' nu. NEW nu. um wma} JACKET! .4 W0 have tho Jack you wins. provldodg Ink and price an oonnldontlonr 'I`AYl.l\R Illlil llAIIlDI'I`i Al no it 1 STEACY & STEACY. ' IUIIU III UUIUI NFC UUIIIIIlUI'CUIUIlI' TAILOR mm: unumrrs as. on. 01. a And In: Hand Lnnhln-v Jnnknh In nlnth And - umnnu. snvurr no wasnum on J Irontn A pm. 'un.1-. snnn. no A" tltnofllu In the owning. isomethina IUU UOIDDTHI INT. 1 IHVW IIKHITI so two o'clock. [clouds and ccquln- - unccc no mpcctlully lnvluod Ion- tnnd. OOD GIN! noon roqul AL IIIVA in A931! so W }lIBAL SERVANT WASHING: roninz. noun. '|ln. P. 3-nun. 1 KCDIPITINT 000! A1` I1`. Hotel. Bi. hwunoo (u wilt and wont wl Mr nod wumor. fan: lh-III. EDIPITJ H oral. wntcn 9noaAaILIrii; NOT BXPBNSIVB.` ` lII|' Illll WIIT tow ahowon. 4 P-. M. mn1uo1I;i ' reunion "loco? C. HENRY DELHI: in-I-A--n Ann -un WANTED. : UIDIIIA ono MIA. JAB. BIII). IYIYIIIQA :nn_I BIT W-5' TI. IN - [ya as and n.u...o;5:=- 1 at 1. `AscIoa; cm-co. 7. as .3 God nu. II. A N Y-I. I':$||t`1uat.=0. AI PIi|nd0|:INI..:: wlnnnnlu:-o-uu uuu `mucosa. on : ` I. W`: H fKTI IIII Ii Wlll CIT Illylllllll jl ring the lat 6 can Nona ot tho mfzr the Shun bd- Wooliu nilvn in to ho obalnod non lulu . Tho and Blah: will npply Ihoolooponmd locomotives. he rebellion In Ibo Phillipun um con- tinual. Anysldoouohujutlnouhnod Allnnlh Ankh!-his-Anon lnnnol ah (MIC. Alyllfljluulfil nllnnlln utborldnganov lnpouol II: 11Lnd nhmn an all nnsinnnl and IIUU C Iliu IuUIUll EDI III- dcnoo of I hand manager and nloo that o! the mango: of I not mm. and the polloo had to charge than with drum sword: baton 81:3 won dloponud. Iona! pooplo vault! and wouudod and numoroun nxagbn --J- B0 In ll I J in til 0 ` I India : that ut.bo.ricop cmp thin m will In uoopdomll good. in hot it In Send an in 1:1?! need anything non aria; nvcot you-I. \Y._A .1 LL- ...-A._.l- l_- AL- L-__I._l c...i'} .u'2'Z$'l. in. 19.33." .I.:.'.'2 3':"n`3'.'T""X mob of 9.000 ulnohd tho rui- dnnm 1:! I Inn nnnunr. And glue that o! u with roommor room: without bond 1! fund, nun Brook Street. llootrlo light n 0'!!! room. (In of oologhono and ovary nodun oonvonlonoo. Tslop one o. VAKCVUVII. D-Uup DC 5- XL--'lllI loll) KI-no oi Iudis u-rind mm the Orion. ringing the iollowing Advice: : Boriouo rich but ooonrnd in Nnnnno pniootun in Inna oi the dimen- uut his one the laugh prioo of rioo. A null nl nmn nnnnnn nnnhnd uh. I-uni. I) With boll: IHIIIO and double roonmwl` modern oonvulonou. at no Qnoon strut. N0. m QUEEN BFBIRT. NEAR Y.I (LA. Bulldlnu. mltablo for bonding homo. Elovon rooms. food ocular; rooontly oonontotl and newly drn nod. but model-no. Apply to line & Ounnunnl. TE! 9108! RESIDENCE, no QUEEN Strut nonr Olonn Strut Hated by boo Ink}. All mndnrn nnnvnnlnnnnn. -uunnlnn. an 8101.1! RESIDENCE. N0 QUEEN Olomystroot watt. All motion oonunlonooa. umunlonn klto on. see. A ply to Capt. Thomas I`. Tu- lor, on tho prom us. BBIOR HOUSE. Ill DIVHION STREET. AT mount. ooonplodb Prof. Day. Modern Oonvonlonoon. Hot WI I-Fm-naoo. Pomon- ion ht Sopnmbor. Apply nut door 60!. ll. Wncn. - .'.::::..'.~.-:...,' -:-.:'..::-.......,- "'- U. I OOOI 9000 (h- '.!-'.-x:."5-._.:.-.'........ ...:.-... onto Lion Io_\Io any. do: A A... I.-- A _ _-__ _., - __ ,.__, Fummuuw, noun muux HUUBI. ALL modern In ronmonu: hot and cold tutor. oood on lo and lighted by olaucrlolty throughout. Apply through this ofoo. 133 pnmonu uvnin-r. Thursday and Friday. Sept. 23-24. UBNIBHED, SOLID BRICK HOUSE. ALL winter. nood nu In And linhhd by alauhrlnltv rompuy uuwnunu no 5` also he I In on-ocl nlcun an New ood- Mi .8,W_If.s.,!".".".'!'.9'.v_.**"*sl WILL OPEN IN NEW PREMISES. an Prlnoo SM-uh. with I Inn bankrupt nook of ow Goodn. Ityon have my ant-on Olothln or I-loun Furniture you want to sun In oh. drop 3 and and It wulbo fa-omptly ntondod to no hluhut. I-ton paid. slur once! of Bacon -Hand Fur- nltun An Nuv nod: |r1:iju@;xu_o'".::'.g; aoo. o higher. |THE=f.!?!_E}.V.,\{_.)iV|NT0l --..._..._... ..-.. Br Anlwu H. Kumcnr. goo Nlglm strand Theatre. London. Grunt Cpmpnny of Comodlun. lIlIlTIlDIn1 Al .'l`IlQI RRIRHT 1. numnv Prion: Evening-I6o.l|0o.'I5o. Bpoolnlllm Mnoo ladies and Children`: prloomlbc und- ohlnlm-. jjf` 1' I Saturday natlnoo Q Evening. Sot. 25 Thu Successful Iugllnh Inch! Oamody.` \Jf-I III VIIWIIIIIIIII IIIWBPE IALTIIS! `BRIGHT `& OATOHY IUSI I HANDSOIE SOENEEYI lW'1v%&s%59'P%arl9'sI MUSIC. GRAND . . . IMILLINERY BPENING Moduli Plum. Parlor Oran, Winter and Walnut ntu Toblu sideboard. Boob. Ilrron. Ablnct litui Pluto In- ravlng. In Chain Walnut lxtonnlon um. um. gum: `Lamp. Ohonluo and mm oumm.aan d ea noon soc. Sprlnu. lnctrouu Bun-nun. Dada. Blunt Bowing Ioohtno ouchony (in Run 0. Writing Desk ouohu, Brunch Oupo o. nlmolt Now non Funuoo Hutu. Box Stovqoook Stove. dlunwnrmcroohory and other new I. `Tuna on . 6310;010:33- JOHN H. MILLS. lulu. OARDIIIB OAN an Aoooinfnum) with both uncle and double roommwlth nodorn oonvollonou. Qnun Strut. BO'l`1.tl`)`lR8 CAN BI AOOOIIODATID roommnr room: without board if AUCTION SALE n no Quit min: tuna. nnuonnn gnaw. --- of Furniture, Grandfather : Olockgiitno Oran. Gu Bcnuo. Hut Ra.ok.Ito. 9 _nn _,u ._ - -`---_..' _.__ ---._-._-` _.---' ,-, At the no-Hm. of un. w. BUEBOWI. no Bum um. tho lwoou. as follows :--- todnt. Hum. Pulor Ounn. Wiokor iii:-'11; `ET:-'o'o'eT'h'o' ""o'ti.'ao !31iinia Btodue Plum. Parlor Orun, Wlohr Oantu Tables. sideboard. TIC IJII-I) I000 Bolt IOI'WIl[I$dC'I Qnbnntfhnmninnlll. "IX TI? HUI IIIICI -Iii vI-l- 2'-uuu `to root rhanaaana Irv. Advarblalng la often bhaadvanoa agent 0! proapu-It . Taylo 0 Grab big remnant aala of the aca- ao'n on Friday. ` . Mina Smith : milllnorv o ning day: Thursday and Friday. 188 P nceaa attach. L WIII I'll UII FRIDAY. sapnamsen 24m, '97,] AA 45.. u--u'.....- .1 Mn ll! nnnnnnrn nun News from `no or-Ion. ` Vumuvn. 3.0.. 80 I. 22.--Tho Em- mm on! hull: An-rhrntl mm Hm Oriana. kl - _....... .. nxck Housn. wrm ALL uommn oonvonlonon. Apply at I6 0101': Strut. Tnunslinv evenme. ZIIIIII II I IV ICW W UII uuurluug rental value: on all national and slgpnntohnndhncahdnglhohland. N 1-uiiiou on 1-nfuonss an 1-:'r. 3 Put. Plouo return to Ixnrmmn NR. EVAIIDIES CAN BI AUCXJIIUDATID with without bond If uh:-rad. II am Ilrnnk lltrnnt. Ilnnlrin llnhl __E_coNn-gg_/_~_I_) Cl0TII_lNG. T gnucn . IM QUEIN SPRINT. NEAR Y.I Buildlnl. bouvllnn honn. OPBNIN G DAYS AT wuu nvvvv unit "I... AB?!-AMSO N. LOCAL MIMORAN DA. 8 to 10:80. Ill K8` V While we don't own the earth, we make hold to say that you areelikely to be better tted and better suited here in Mantlea than anywhere else in Kingston. mm on ZTION BI..B TO LET. aonnb. I will sell on g-an-rang aim T 10:80. Joml H. HILLS. Auouonur. ALI. WELCOME. -Q uljurv Ivr I VI-I-o Vuoouvn. E0. Oops. 88.-An ox- nlohbopolioo. Wanna Haywood. nhrnotl Int night from Klondike. Ho nnmhnd I lhl Illm In I nlnhn, Nu Ivurnvu IIII nlflu mun IUOIIGIIO. I10 round a third haven in uclniu. No. onbounnuul. and own: cum In nay rlolsolsln on Donlnlon ouch. w no In huohoothrlnurcold. The oldnon Donna and in boon told. and while HnyvoodrdIu0Ioa\|to|hopI'|colHnn- Ionlllbu bogo|m.(lI)loI-Nolnionu. lo lava Io-not-tow (Thursday) hrw Ycrlholuo Ilodul. Bqvoodlouqdn We have, ready for in- spection a great many gar- meat: of our own make, nioheand work, same as ordered. II III IIIIIIL III. WWII? DIG IIIIIIEDII` ads My toolleinlly dew-ulna via and how r. Brauhsn cum to his don , but the nppoonneo 0! that Individual nquirod ualnngo In the pt-oooodl and now be inuyingtolnd onlwho duduuuu. Bnuwusn, N.Y.. Sept. 22 -Whon Pat- rick Bronnnhnn iokod up the morning re :1 yuhrdny 0 was uurprinod to nd u account of his tragic dash by a railway uccidont Int ovonlng. He also learned aha hlnnmlnawonlyinglnndowntownmo no having been full idgntiod by two 0! in broehon. Mr. ruuhun bun-iod down to :11: :0? 0 to hhto :' |o`ak at himlwu can t re I I on n mag . from which the We has Inon cruhcd by the whoolu of s freight min undo: whlo ll Ind hllnn. Tho nnmnu Ind unmann- DIIU WIIXII Ul I Il'UI'IIU Ifllll IIIIUUT WIIIIIII had hllon. The ooronor Ind unannou- II .3 . x... .. ..n..1-n- .a-;.._a.. _|.- --.a nu uvvunvy all Innyulw at-III III vnlluuluu lood Produete. Tonowro. Sept. 22.-One of the lergeeb end etrongeet. nyndiontee that he: ever done bueineee in Cennde le being formed in London. The syndicate will inveeh in Onnedinn produoue. The lntention ie ho lorm direct commnnioncion between lerge honeeeln Cenedinn oentree end London. Eng. The firm wllldeel in all food pro- ducts except grain and our. bub princi- pelly in frulb end meet. The lergeJ)ro- duoe houeee will he pleoed in Toronto. on- treel end mother plece. The negotlebione ere completed. end the wont will begin an once. The amount involved le 85,000.- III`: Ill IIIII IIKIUI DI BIIU TOW- When the procession. bonded by the two elnperon, wu returning from the nilrond station the horse or the oennurod genenl became native end the general. nhenthing hie uvord. ordered the Boaniuna boopen their lines, and, before the impel-lnl party arrived, he rode out of night. evidently fearing the emperor would ngsin censure him. to Dofolop an Export Tndo In Onnsdlnn Inna! Diuulnnig. ll` UIIU IOIlOWIlI' 3 On his way to the rellroed ebeblon to meet the Oermen emperor.em ror Frenole Joeegh gunned A Boenien lvieion oom- men ed yegenerel. The emperor roee in hie oarriege and cried in a loud voice : "I: shut how you drill your men. genenl 2 Look et bhem. They ere e diegreoe." To e Boenien colonel the emperor eeid : "Teeoh your eolcllere the rulee, colonel. be- fore you let them meroh out. of borreoke. Ah thr-an nninhn nlnnu hhn I-nnha nmnnr-or HM" I0 I99 `HUT IIIIIUII OIIF UK DIHTCUIU-W Ah three point: nlon who route omporor Fruncin Joooph Itoppo his outings nguin nml nnarilv ramnrkod unnn hhn nnndunr. nl urunmn uuwpu lwppun nu ulrrlqu ngun and angrily remarked upon the conduct of the public. who poniuod In puaing with- in the lines of the ropon. han thn m-or-Quinn. Imndnd hv sh. tun ew Materials to Hand. ` The New Styles Are Here.