Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Sep 1897, p. 1

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with the gmnenta you buy here or you mustn't keep `them. You're not helping us when you keep ajacket `or Cape you don't like. ' Simply bring it in and say,` "I don't like it. Will make you`-one or your money back if you want it. No trouble about it. Just say . IQ. Another shipment New Jackets and Cape; LONDON, nopn. l.-A uufnwn in `Daily News from Tab:-on conrm: {be non of bony ghting bounon the Kurds and Armenian: on the frontier. The com- mmdor of thocavalrj 0! the Kurds wu killed. and his son mu-only amped. Tho local of the Kurds in nrionnly antinu- tod It from 300 to Q00 killod and wound- ed. Tin Armenian; claim to have lot only twenty. * 1.-n -__-.g ..n A__--Ll-AQ [NEWS III THE WlJR|.ll.I |mnnEusEnf_nAcRArns.| Alnlnwn rug poouuion. Q_-A -. What Comes to Us From All ` Quarters. TELEGRAMS FROM THE aurrws `I=oun QUARTER8 GIVEN. Ural I0 WWOIVU cant: I IOIY. The Spanish government in formulating a plan to bring nbout. the banilhment. of all anarchists from Spsin. -8.8. Sibel-isu, Allan line, from Phil delphia for Glue w vi: St. Johns, Nd, arrived one on odnudny morning. Th. nnninh nnhinnr. hu dnnirlad to DA .......?.'.a`.;`2.a'.'eaz.o ;....:oi:ii;..;.';;;;a; 01100:: ` and Col ou- Erm.-- -AngnI"E bl`. Afnnin nrnvinnn nf manna OUUOII hunt you iieyer,` recently hit` ofguin. province of Bentiego ds Cube. with the intention of attacking en insurgent force which occu- pied e strongly fortied position et Bebene de Booorro. The troops oemped nine miles from the enemy s position without bein observed, end during the night the Speni commender ordered two guerills compenies end three compenies of Spenish infantry to surprise the party. The Spanish forces epproeohed close to the insurgent oemp end then rushed u n it under heevy re from two sides en oeptured it. The in- surgents were completely tslren by sur- prise end fled in disorder. with the loss of sixty men killed. ecoording to the official report, and oerried ewe their wounded. The insurgent generel strede is seid to here been wounded in both legs. The -troops lost fourteen killed end thirty wounded. S DIZIIII-IUIIII Ivupuu-. Barf/n.0, N.Y., Sept. l.-'l`hu many Cmudinn nurses employed in hospitals in this city feel much hurt over on ham which nppestod in 3 number of B38310 papers luau Friday and which wu solo- graphed to C-mndinn paper: to the effect that they hand refused to ndmipinhr to onnll nmv vnmnnn. Thu Cnnndinn nunoo 1 II uni: yuu uI1vu' 5ook Stove am. am. men may nun rlnuaou [0 Illilllullllwf w nd army veterans. The Cenndien eve nned I letter of probes . against the publication of the etory end deny its truth. "In tech." llid oe well-knpwn lady, the Cmadiunl wereonly too led to be of ueinunoe in every ,-way no 3.. old wnrriore. ; I LIIIIO Hlttlll `lint nuns! luryboIy-- loco: Iron All our---Llttlo of Ivor)- thlng Iullv Bond and Ionnpbondbr -nu Dar Public. 1 Ottawa bakers have ruined the price of bread to twelve cents a loa!. 'I'\I.- dn.-I-L tpnnrnnnrnnnf. in In-rnnlnnn nmvoa OIID on vveunuuly lnurulug. The S niah cabinet bu decided to call out 80, men belonging to the next clue of nnnl-Inn, Of thnnn 27.500 Will I36 sent 3:0 out uu,uuu man Belonging M.) on: mun units (1.. L- of reserves. or these 27.500 will be sent to | Uubs. - President Feure II'l`iV6d at Dunkirk yes- terday. and both there and in Paris. when he reached thet city. he received A very hearty welcome. A. F. McCu|lou h, civil engineer, at one time professor in oronto university. lost his right hand by the premature exploeion 0! I meat recracker at Mine Centre. Vnntnrrlnv Afternoon. while nreeident 0! mane nreonoxer on mine uenuru. Yeaeerday afternoon. while presidents Famre was driving be the Elysee. on hie re- turn from Russia, I bomb was exploded but ibdid not hurt any one. Vice-president Shnughneaay, of t e C.P. R... who was in Vancouver, B.C..yee rdey, said that his company had now under con- eiderebion the queebion of a direct service to the Yukon. I .._.. . . m A . ...I-. at nnnnnn gum Imninn nhin. to the X ukon. Large amounts of money are being ship- ped south daily to help to move the crops. Altogether it is estimated that fully 85,- 000,000 of "crop money has been shipped from New York within the put. fortnight. Mr: I`.F`. Mi:Id|Atnn_ wifn of nChi0AIO to an lump powen. In the chamber of deputies to-dsy, M. Rnlli, the premier, presented A bill for the retention of I portion of the current crop. docluring that the government would treat the vote on the question as one of con- denoe. The bill passed It first reading. / Ul {URI b.mu's enecuona. A number of friends assembled this morning at Waterloo reilwe nation in order to bid. farewell to Rio nrd Croker and his family, who left London for South- ampton, where he will embark for the United State: on the American line staun- ehip New York. Mr. Croker was in the best of- spirit; and of health. tnmnnn's Armtxs, Sept. l.-Tho govnrnnzont n reply to the powers offers the sump rovonuoa. exceeding ll.000.000_ dnchmu AnnAAl|_v, for the norviooof the indemnity loAn An A gnnnntoo. The government propoaos club the representative: of the cont.rActing patios AhA|l Aix A IpeciAI ml to All lump powers. In Lhn 1-hnmber of rlanutinn to-dAv. M. lrom New Iork wlnnm me paw wruuguu. Mrs. F-E. Middleton, wife of a Chicago theatrical manager, etabbed Belle Carmen, a variety actress, laat night, inieuing nix wounda_ which may prove fatal. Jealousy was the cauae. Mra. Middleton claiming that Miss Carmen had alienated her hun- b.md s affections. A .......|\gp Al Cu-inn-`An A-nlnhlnti this CAPTURED INSURGENT CAMP. lpnnlnh Troop: Burp:-Ind u lnuny Dur- ing The Night. HAVANA, Sept l.-A Spuninh column. oouiuin! of 1,900 man of All ulna. under nnnnhnnn Al-hnu 'Il'IIQ\. CnL -I'-I'-I--- IIUIZI ZIII'\l- Loxnox. Sept. l.-A donpntoh to the kiln Na-A In-nun Tnlu-can nnnrlnl tha WIII Innbl All Annlvehlou. n . u dnn_a,__2_|__ Paued In nut Rondlng. 1 Int. ,,_._____ Armonlun Dotint Inll. , _ - u A .l--__A-L A lcandnlonn llopon. . \v Ir n_,_._ I `I 0. uvmcsmn a BRO.l Ysr. ' L39 u:-:--n All Well In an luloon lay IxpodIIol-A l\_-A--n Xgbnunjl Jnnouon wnny. uovuu WTU ITIIG-I with w on: and other punpbcrnnlin won bu ly wncked. The can losdud with Ileplunh were ovorturnod and numbed in no one and. The @I'l"Ol'O unubod open to allow the nuinnlfto at out. They were then hordod in snout y putnronnd are still there. loom YOU? -IIX-IIII'IIIIC1CCjlZ ZQICIII-cc: -- _ Outopn lhtcggg. . Orrivu. 8opt.-A min of room: ha been reserved uh uh; Ruuoll for Sir Wil- (rid and Lady Lmiu-. Th. mmmininnar of cunmm; iiauod I To-lqgrow Among tho I000 inland: on Itanlnu EupirIBtahn&3p.u. 85oonu. um and may uunor. 1. _ The commissioner of customs iuuod circuln; yaurdny to oollachon throughout. the dominion enumerating the countries -nlitlul on tho hnnnhnf tho nrnfnnntinl one common enumerating Inc oourunvu entitled to the benetof the referential tariff. Those ere: Greet B Min. New South Weleo. Germany, Belgium, Fr-unoe, Argentine. Auatrio, Bolivia. Colombia, Demmrk, Persia. Russia, Sweden and Norway, Switzerland. Tani: and Vene- zuoh. All theae in is] understood are ed- rnitbed by virtue of Who fnvond notion srentiee of the another country. ' 'l`In dnnntw minimum nf mgrina and ll)- treauea or we motuer country. The deputy minister of marine and fish- eries. major Gordeeu. received a deapatch from Halifax last evening announcing the arrival of the schooner Maggie which had been dispatched several weeks ago to Hudson straits with a cargo of coal to re- plenish the stock of the steamer Diana. which left Sydney. C.B., in the early spring u nan exploration trip_1n Hudson's Bay. e captain of the Maggie reports that hewent to Natchvsck Bay and trans- fer cargo of coal to the expedition stesm Commander Wakeham instruct- ed the c ptain of the Maggie to report all well on the Diana. The mails from the Hudson's Bay e pedition were dispatched yesterday from alifax and will reach hers Deetroyed By lire. .81-. Jorrx s, Que.. Sept. 1.-At three o'clock this morning re broke out in the kitchen on the eooond oor in the reer of Min Chegnon e millinery were on Richelieu street. It might here proved to be reerioue re hut for the prompt action of the re hri de end e bountiful supply of water. t communicated to the reer oi Mr. Arpin e reeidenoe. completely gutting the back roome. Mn. Arpin wee eroueed by the felling of the window glue. broken by the heet, end with greet preeenoe of mind cloned the door. and rushed to the other room crouc- ingthefemily juet in time. Mr. Arpin wee any from home. The loee in the etore nnderneeth. dunnged by weter. will beheevy. Loeewill be eererel thcueend dollere. IIIFUIII IIUTI VVITV-K. Muoxn. N.Y.. Sopo. l.-!`o|-opnugh & Boll: Broofcircu val wrecked non Ellonbnrg. just after leaving Moon : junction todny. Bevan] can loaded vith Iurannl And oth lnllnhnllil ;:.:W%l Vxc'roxuA, B.C., Sept. l.-A committee has been Appointed to rooeive And enter- tain the members of the British succin- t.ion now on the way to the coast. Tho Dunamuireo are providing: Ipocinl min to take their quoata to the mine: at. Wel- lington and Nmimo. pnnumunrn lnr MIL `Ar nnrth hv thn Bria- Imgbon and Nsnuno. Passengers for me far north by the Bris- tol snd Eugene are dissatised st. hsvinghto pay for meals on the Eugene. and Is as she sgresmsnb was that `meals shou d not bssxtrs. They obtsined legs! sdvice be- fore leaving here this morning and threat.- ensd to seize the Eugene st Dawson City for breach of oontractz. l'1-..-...l -...--.e I. hulk in \.7hstns-u'- nf. I-LA I01 DPOIOII OI OODDFJCG. General regret is felt in Victoria at the news of bishop IJemmen'a death. of yellow fever. in Guatemala, ae the biehop was highly thought of by all olaaeee of people. He went south about a year ago. rtly on account of his health, and spent t e winter in the city of Guatemala.` Bishop Lem- men was born on June 3rd, 1850. at Shim- mert, in Holland. nuasonm my 0 poomon were ulipuwuvu by tomorrow. ` _ Thu rannnhinn nmnmittan Inn avarvtlnnz ny no-marrow. The reception committee has ever thin in readiness for receiving Sir ilfri Luurier to-night. Mn"inr.(}en. Gucoizne mile from Enn- THREATEN TO SEIZE lot Busch or Contact-Death Of Bishop- Deputy Bhoru! clnlmod `rho In Ind nnlnud BI: Ihughtot. Mnmnroua. Idiom. Sept. 1.-Thou In 3 ooontiooolphootiog may :6 the oounty jtil shortly nftot midnight hot night. Juno! L. Murphy. I do uty that-in`, succeeded by virtue of hioo cinl mition in getting nooouto tho jail. He ught with him I womn of the town. who he said was under unit. and sent for matron Woodburn. Ewing than cleared the wn. , he entered the Inter`: apno- monta I d opened re on her husband. Clovis H. Woodborn, who wu uloo in bed. He red olovon shots, ve of w ich ontorod Woodbnrn a bod . oxolniming, "I'll touch him to ruin my nughtor." Thu unhnlunnn rnnlmd in and nrnvnntnd up Inu ruuaou to uluuuln inc ulu. EXIJBPD to any tint. be In: I Kontnollnn and had shot to kill. Woodbnrn in dnngorouuly, if nnt fntnllv. shah. Ha rill nnt tnlk. uumer no-mgnu. Mijor-Gen. Gucoigno Eng- land for Canada on Sept. 4th. "Ill DOICH [III]! 30 ruin my (IIIIKIIDUT. The watchman ruehed in end prevented Woodburn. who had b chie time secured his own weapon. from ring at hie now re- treating enemy. Murphy gave , hnneelf up and refused to diaonae the cane. except In any aim. run an I Kant-.m\Hnn and had ITI AY ID 000. .`2`%':`i..~ %`l9% IIIUD 50 Illl. VVIXNIUIITII ll Illll KUTUIII not fatally, shot. He will not tnlk. BOY5-f aunusmsunnur; uuunnnuauu. A. SENSATIONAL SHOOTING. Tl)-I9 E cA;n'.AL rivvs. circus can Wmlod. , `1 Ir (1, A I - We invite you to come in sud tell Inwln! you think of our 85 SUITS. We know you will like them. ' May be you have not 85 to ` Then look at the 3 50, $4.00 and 84.50 kmds. they aregood loo. From eleven to fteen years old like to be well dressed. wau-Inn c Janina. ' cuss-onuuuun"O@ULIu'n -ml...- AAAA If you want "anything glut would be sold In a flat- class Jewelry store down to if-LJ !N3T_F `QM. Ivn. I; UIUVI I St. Louis. 5. an vnuuluuttu. Ia Bcnmon, 8; Syracuse. mu lcbownll, Priuenu tent. in H- ing lriando us Back a National lune - At New Yul. `la. Cincinnm. 6: nbond guns. Nov York. I; Qinclnnnu. 1. At" Baton. I;chiuI.I. At Philndolphia. 5: Louisville, 4. AI Wuhington. 8: Htubulx. 4. AI BUOV I lvn. 9; Cleveland. 4. BIMICI. 13; Hi. [nah K, "n...`22 Lu... s..s...ua n -1 mac. 15. Au Providoooo. 6; I._ At. Wilkuburro. 7; Manual. 0. AI Inunnhnn In Int-an-an I BIOK H()U8ll.ll`|'I`)lVIlI0lI D. . my woman oocn Prot. . g. Convonlouou. H3: W!n {orl`nnAo:. Po}- Ilznwno sopmnhor. Apply non door Col- ncn. ` _NEW IMPORIATIONS |Sleacy@eacy s. ltlll HIIDZDQ UIDII an innum-ll uuG. 0:11:01` By`d.:|hun nu-not. IND phono communication 'Red Fire -- may n-nn Cux~nu1mu.uI-GonnoN - At St. George : cathedral. Kingston. Ont... on WodnII- day, In September. 1897. b Ivory Rmml-and the Dunn of On a. unhhd ..v'v--_v- D""{{B'oTh 3'1':T|o "dd bu " Inod:rn oonvoI1on'cou.`:t m`Quoo:|o UAEDIIIS CAN III AUDIIODATIU with roonn.or rooms without I! I! rofcnodmuulnrook Strut. llootrlo is n ovary room. Use 0! Oslo hon: and CV01`! modorn oonnnionoo. `bun onouo. IUIIIAL DIIIOIV oou urns. block a an. an: u. .J;'1'.`at'n 2.'u'?o'.{L"ifz'1`f`o.u"'6.3`3.K:fB%1' HEbP~EELIABLl IIN IN EVERY ID- onlitplocnl or tnvolllnq; to lnttoduoo snow dl-oovory. um hop our show Judo tucked no on tron, {cocoa and i dqu throughout town and counts : Mood! In- plonnone. Gommlunon or uhry. 3]) month sud oxpcnuo sud mono! to odln on bank when shun-d. For put nddnu I Won. Innlou. luau-no .. London, On , Canada. . The Handsomcst Lot of New Autumn Dry Goods ever shown in Kingston can now be seen In our storo. NEW SILKS in elegant dcsignl from`France and Switzerland. NEW DRESS GOODS from lGe:lmany,France and Eng- an . ' NEW MANTLES from Berlin and Paris. Etc.. Etc. E'I1}ppeotion invited. S;-F3i(e;;YnJviEACY. R1mt-In Kingston, Augult 3100. OIIIYI; beloved wife of tholnto Junu Ryuulptl chm -nix , F "cukofcqt 1 nut`! ".':i3mco. 2181233` it:-at `Io-$'rtIW to 2.20 `IF:-inntln and nnnnnintnnnnn can Ij JU$Di. HUI vI-l- -vIu-u-v lotutfhonodvuhv. i Ixounlonyog Japan? Pulls Thnrldny. `ginpau um. man; up much '.l`lin;I- L (`AI ns). ' I"WFlIIIl IIIVICT W -331 Lnrcu-In ingnhoo. Sept. luv, .Wll!t0d. infant IOI of Mr. and Mn, J. Lynch, and two months mud unity dun. Funenl pl-into. ' . B ABDEIIB on! B8 AOIXDIIODARD with both ninth llld donbln 103%` it madam oonvnloncu. at 3 Queen ` DIAMOND AND RUBY RING ON 1%}: to Lomulnfn Point. nd" will llbenlly rewarded on rotnrning to (Na ooo. `XPIIEIINOED 000K. GOOD WAGE 1 no wuhlnq. buvo nddnu at CU: ollu. W. I. DBENAN. Mu I `vnld stand. OARDIRS CAN BI LGDIIODLTID with roommor room: without board If BRICK HOUSE. 131 DIVIQIOK I nrnumt nmmnhd bIProl. I DTOUCH Uunlxll. OI UWIIU I'll". bcrrietor-us-law,to Knhloon Iloomoldolh dnu hear of Llonh.-Col. W. D. Gordon. th I I b C Id! In! atom.-,ny:m `: mania?" "".."I'32..c'2"2:3'E"I`Tr'..Z-'sT.'.ii'; 5'..{'s."'.?. 3:30. Iriundn and ncqndntanou. an rupootf II I Vitidio Maud. T.vlnn_l: in?nhnn_ n.nQ_ Id. WllhuI_ "*1 - I;vncnoo- 1 ).-Ilodo- NI I'Et'.O.'winds.If0w(If::lIlIoVIl'I. huh mast`: kip Innth. ' u-:----- no nan: Uobloai mwuunuuu Ihnnlfhnmnnllxhf. vuuuvu-.u--' .--"nu-vu. v---up Icua uvw .1 ,ns. tembor. 1397 mv"{-'y R;.eyreI-ozad tire Dean of Oniarro. utiltod kn Oh; pnunnnnll I} R Rnnminh Lnhlnn l1:OVDl'UI'||I EH3 LIUIII DI LIIIUI-I'l0g T33! by the Ravu-end G. R. Boumiuh. Arthur Bredn Cunningham, of Oocoodo Hull. hgnintnr-nt.Inr_hn Knthhan Ilnnnnjldnnh mo noyu nagllllunn Ulnlllllll LIIIIIII1 district omen: commanding. Ionlnnl. ` IAMOND AND RUBY KING 0)! $11.) to l.omulnn'n Point. than will {El;P-BELIABl;I `IN IN EVERY ID- nAlM.v.ln-Al or tnvnlllnl: tn lntnulnnn KROUSEIAJD. APPLY THROUGH `III! Otoo. GENERAL SERVANT AT KINGIIUI Luna OOLLIOI. 196 J oluntan um. .__j__ 1181.8 WANTED AT GEO lcGOWAl I- I Own he-mu. Brook Strut. WEAT:R PROIAI|LITIIia T REMEMBER ;to*-day ; it : .a good time to pick an_d choose when all the Itylee and kinds are now. Get first choice. Very little money required to Price: fun $3.50, `bug. $4; 0. $5, $6, $7, $8 and up. More Now_Dress Goods to-day. Beautiful stuffs 25. 30c,40c, 50. \Y-_. YT-.114;-nonnv Fnr any-Iv 4 P. M. EDITION. ,0pening out daily at l'I`.`Wll|Ul. I IUV Mil I has mostly Mr wuthc. HINBY BLAH]. I-nnliniin AIII Inn WANTED. [ lnvitod to nfauud. anmoo. of 11. .-..LL- --.l a_.-'.b'- -I.-. TO LET. BOARD. 0 nannlib ,.AA__,_ A. us. mum. I lurnll-A Inn_ T0 CONTRACTORS. Tundm For Clllircll Building. -` Tnnnnns WILL an nucnrvn-.1) at 1-111: omoo of the nndonlanocl until FRIDAY. 80. and, st 6 RI, tor the auction 0!: Chancel at and for rennin And unprovo- moun to am. lurk`: Ohm-ch. Bauloold. The Iowan or any tender not moounrlly scoops- od. POWER & SON. Kingston, Aug. 28th. 1391. Architects. IT-r7 let With I Ievere Accident--Death of a Little Boy. Wm-rrronr, August 3l.--Farmers are al- most t-hrou h: harvesting in this locality. William \ eetherheed met with a revere accident last week. While driving down the mountain hie horee rook fright and ran away. throwing him out and breaking his arm, and otherwise bruising him. He will be laid up for eotne time. B. Met- calfe, mail clerk on the B. & W. railway, hae received notice that his services will not be required after the 31st inst. Maeter J. E. J. McCann, Ottawa, visiting hie trrandfather, M. J. McCann. returned to his home on the 30th. Mine Margaret Mccaun, Watertown hoepitel, spent a few days ` last week Visiting her father and other relations here. J. 8. Foley. of the civil eervice. Ottawa, was visiting his relations here last week. Robert Weleh left for Michigan last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hogan left last week to visit friends in Saginaw, Mich. The steam tug Quebec arrived here last week with 1.000 ties for B. &W. RR. M.J.MeCann haseome. specimen of cabbage growing in his gar- den. One cabbage has four well develop- ed heads. while others has three and two. I I hnnnolnnm Imff. fnr "nrniall Ij M |mmmmm| ed bands. while omen nu sumo Inu iwu. J. J. Don he left for Jormn Int to attend 0 Annual mcotin of the pro- Fnoinl court 0! tho Unthoic Ordor ol otqhn. Dub Outfo libhlo hoy died on tho30t.h. ght month; This in the fourth nndlutolhia little children gone now. Ir. and In. Cu-ty bun our uincon nym- psthy. Ir. and In. Rohcrt IlcGrogor. Bloomi ton. Illinois. ailing nlnivu houfor Int month. ntu-nod home to- day. The-Roman Catholic `tic.-nic. Bod- fonhwillhohold on tho 4 , and pm- ninnoho to than will ho horn non. In. iuonvu noeiod by solo- on Sunday owning of the donh. by rowning.oh,nnr nlnivo. Bho lots on Monday full Station to utund the fungal. In. '01`. A1508]. N.Y.. Uliluuauxun I53 Brock Strbe-t.l n..... 3...... nhnug ll.-nt Rtl-Ania, .::"c`;+.2;;.;:a;e.-1 A ____I1l1!_|;_llYAlIl0l'EllElI J O ry. P11110080 Strut. ALL NEW AND UP-1'0-DATE GOODS. cum 1: -s om Stand. 0990519: H. mu. mm sh? lviirlillviiiltlvlil-Ila`!-Zlvlflililiill :j-?_:_ Miss KEYE Dmnmnaker. . -fl \a-` uu 7 Four door: above Buot Strut. Loom. umonnubn. WESTPORT WAFT8. Jnl A.I.A.J .n. .-4 Droaamaker. . _ _I_ 1&4... my Rrnsn .`WI-116% I `Mullah Refused Asslstanc g to th: Mrldls. Wmssng_u__InsHsnsIau.| You Shall Be SatI sfied% |sIcns or comm: mounua. Wofunllull IUIKIVX IIUTU IIIIU III`: Guns and hor four ohildron no sofa at the Marco Hill ototion. when oho hm boon oocnstomod to rpond tho heated torn with othor Britioh roeidonto. Tho haul population of lluroohunow boon nnmnontod by all the wouon and childron of tho Britioh Ioldiou in tho disturbed dis- trict. Prior totho Iooont troubles. Mn. Gnvoo won with hor huboncl at Fort Piohin. Qootta, which in only o very short dietouoo from the Mghon border. The li`noo_im.h muimnnL of Pnlzlunn. M which menace xrum me nrguen nurvur. enw Fortieth regiment, of Pethene. of which Col. Grevee ie the oouunender. wee entire ly reieed by elm ooer. who ie very popwler with the netive werriore. Col. Grevee formerly commended the Forty- eecond Gnrhhe renimeot. \ end he let: it in order am he might iee the Pelhene. which he weeeninen y euooeee- fel in doing. It ie interesting in thie con- neetiontoootechet.oeroeh|'egreueoIyee- Ierdey chronicled the feet. the: ell the men on leeve from Gel. Greta regiment- loheemedeee every one ol Ihen-re- hlnndehnirnnlmrenn tlhnntlndkollhe -WKEwK UV" WK 0| 13"!" jduodphoit cola-non thoonthnskol the alidnelnnnd thnnph thin vnmnnllln ml TGIF IIKUIIICTIUI `III dicta-hnodthon slain vuonoultho Irihu revolting. nuiditiomunny nun- Ln:-nnlthn I-1:-unt-in HIM: ruminant OOVERNMEN/T RESORTEDTO PE- OULIAR MEASURE. No one lighted Greater than 800 Yeede will he Ad-med-luueh to Attack the Ken of Dir-Dhqllellug lewe Ieeelved -Ienr nneetroiee-People luet lien Pnllenee-001.61-evee. of London. lleleed an own Iagueent. Bonner, Auguet 3!.--Greet relief it felt in otlioiel circlee here at the new: that the triheernen who yeeterdey hlooheded the Kohet Peee heve heen diepereed. Oolonel Gordon e oolurnneof troope proceeded to- wude Kohet from Peehewur thie morninj. Deepetohee from Peehewur to`-dey my that ell in quiet here though oooeeionel ehote ere exohm ed between the edvenoe poets and t ineurgente. A oevelry re- oonneinnoe wee made et daybreak to- dey in force eo {er en the entreooe of the Khyber peee without the dieoover of my 0! the enemy. The notoiione Mn - leh. o! Eeddeh. who he! been et the bot- tom of e reet deal of the present trouble. in repor to heve refused to lend eeeiet- enoe to the Afridie who begged him for eid. The Mulleh ennounoee hie intention of immediately etteoking the hen of Dir, on eooount of the letter : friendehip tor the Britieh. ml..- Iii- n.aO.nI\nnl Ann A -nlmluinn Lh me nnmn. The din- u troops ere ell watching` the frontier. The Mulleh has been joined by large number: of t.ribeunen' from Afghan tael'ritory.' Dieqnietin news has been rooeived from Queue. the ritieh militer poet: in Belu- ehiuen. The tribeemen eve eeeemblod on the hill: about the Mech Muehhel Bolnn reilroed in Inch number: this the enthoritieq have hlegre bed to the gover- nor-gonenl. the earl of Igin, uhing for reinforeeuenu of infnnu-y. Other tigna of coming trouble in this region are lound in the ight of the emeer ol Afghnniehen of twolmporheno ohieflmhe bend: of the Bungaluel end Behri tn-ibee. In addition. In bodies of the popnlntionol the Piuhin vil with their fnmllieu ere otoeeing sh. hm-dam. Two nnillerv inner: and four UIIIIWI DIV! IIIUII llllul Ily Uuunu. The civil and military Glut, I paper of high ahnding. nyl: "Tho umpire in wnppod up in Nd Mpo. Oolouol Wuhan uon when Inuence In tho Khyber inn grater nnnuo ol puoo shun lPIl`I0n, oorod I: a sonic: when the outbnsk oo- currod and was-roiuud boouuo ho had paced the age for active union. The mobilisation about brohuln` and the hoI\&fC"wIl Ihollor wont qftriul-' to. Order: to uruhlio animals are just. in inuod. " 0 known ufnoh that LL- l-L...L..I- in Oh; Hknlu-Inn: nk}. nnl-A Vllllg VIII! MIDI!` nmluu It'll uluulug tho border. Two artillery luoun ooolloo who were working upon I rodoubb not: the Hunt nilrond eight miles from Qnouu have been killed by Ohuxis. In... aid! ma militnrv mung. n moor HUU, UVU, `Ivy, uvwo New Underwear for early Fall opened up. DOI ICUOG. "W0 KIIOWII III00 Ial: the ohmlnqgin the Bhnbahr ght were mu-ly M-mod Ith Loo-Mobford and Mar- tini riu and than the Huddnh Mullah paid than. each ghter receiving eight. nnnu in ouh daily. In is rumored that I day was and for the tribes to Attack simul- taneously. Pn.vuu\\'m1. Anaunh 31 .-Khnwnclnn. LIOHI I0 BDQ ICODO 0! I00 ITOIIDIO. LonnoN.Ont.. August 3l.-0no ol the principal participant: in the work of lup- pnuing the diuurlnncu on the borders of Wonom Indig. in Col. Graven. aon-in- luv 0! P. E. Bach, of this any. who oom- nnndn the Fortioth regiment. of Pathunl. Wot-d bu boon received hon that Mn. 11...... ._.I I... In... ;-Lihl-an an` n.`- Int Nvllllu. Ill Inuluw. xny mam I-unnoforco um. uni vulnhry pnunlul thcanlnn on- lining; F` uWIIIFwUI'W-U--'TlI dined. ' Ildltiopi ' Inad- Ou utlunndth yuh I tutu; do the our nlnotlvo and duwqundiuobalul. ush. mnoouuy. " Pl'..'4llA\VUl1, August 3l.-Kh|vnuch|n. one of the moabinuenbinl Khan: of the Afridia, bu joined the tribes in the Khy- ber Pus. His house hon ha been seized by the authoribiu. The Ublon Pass through which the Ponhuvur column is trying to reach Kohnm. is reported to be strongly held by the Buotia. Honvy fighting is A! nnntnd , columns operating Igllnau Lne enemies. Loxnon, Sept. l.-The government has resorted to I peculiar measure in relation to the uprising of the natives in Indie. The Birmingham gun manufacturers .snd deelors were notied to-dsy thnt no guns sighted at I greater range than 300 yards would be admitted into India, pending the duration of the rebellion on the frontier. r.......... 9-..; I 11... Y..- 1... --30.. uuilml 0" `I10 l`XIIl0II OII WHO ITUIIUIUIK LONDON. Sept. l.-Gen. Low has writ- ten a letter to the Standard, enjoining the public to have patience and condence in the military authorities in India. He say: it in ueeleeeto order an advance of the troops until the men are proper] equipped. Khyber Pane, he thinks, wi beeaeily ru-oaptnred, and he is 0! the opinion that the whole upriein will collapse at the (int success of the ritiah arme. He adds that it will take time to collect the neoeeeary troope and to trans- the animals. revisions and muni- tions to the acene o the trouble. `lnaunnu ne An.-not II __f\nA A. III: CI I400. here have been many sunstrokoa amon the members of the different Britia columns operating against the enemies. lnmmu, Rant, l_-'l`ha oovnrnmanh hu IMDY&6`0l xI15'GsTQN.o;r{m1:1o, WEDNESDAY. sn1='m.u mm 1. 1897. -Ivvuy Pu-nnono. On still ovnod by two young :-T"-309: 0|`:---An mioit non, Chouong hroportodtolnvohounodudby. l'lnalv. at inland ronnna donnnnant. II. 'nooa"'?'5:'?u:I.a"?.'3J.'."a.pT.I75.Z{ `ii ionllogld that tho Ilpill Ill voriod in I snap and that the two young Inca have nahnowlolgod in ownership. A Ooxrrunxoru. Sept l.-'l`ho ulna in following the ovum in India with the shaman an-ninn. K: has nnhnul Turkish IUIKWIII. "I. UVCIII Ill IIKII VIII If clans nuomion, Ho ho unload Turkish am in dilznnt In ulc- fn report: any in; band on nitration without doluy. . .' Flatt. Colic of but cl Lhtlg ll! Ih_QI Woman`: Bond Gun-do by: Union. " Panniwl. Vs, Sept. l.--Evi- dnnmd `n 'inun`I1l"And nnmnhion wu IT I'-I'II II""'U- ICC W-I Loxnox. Sept. l.--The Chronicle eeru. on the authority of the Russian minister of the interior. that the cur has decided to pertlv abolish the Sibetian exile eyuten and to erect large central prison: in Russia proper. The change will go_ in- to operation 3 you hence. 1.;-;::.-:-.-.-."~:.-.~"E;;--.~%....1 IIUIIW I miltllit Iuu urulnlncun Wu Ul'0IIM' I\ hits by Emily Roborbi. nine` T while passing through s anal potoholwoon nut her home. In thqputh Ihthluli woman : had. The littbono Aluhll hinted. but reoovorin hndf, wubtowlnro the head by an pialotlit up lllohuir. She will going with N ha neighbor's house and give t.houlmn.bu0'jn0I as she wu about to lean thoopots Illa appurod and com- nnndodhlrlo drop it. saying if the re- hund In would kill her. v TH Whiskey Ban Like Water. Kansas CITY. Mo.. Sept. l.--Ton saloons in Kansas City, Kansas, were raided by the police on Monday night and $3,000 worth of liquor seized and poured into the gutters. Saloon furniture and fixtures lling ton big draya were seized and carried to police headquarters, where they will be binned. Similar action will be taken against some seventy other aaloana. I-Iuuv VI Q uu`-vIu zinc: Pnus. Sept. l.-At 1 o'clock last. night o bond of 150 persons, with og! - ing. left the` open and proceeded in t. direction of the Elyuoo Ihootin : "Down with nunnnrnr fillinln, " ha nnlinn wppoa mo prooooumgu on nun - u,md the band disputed after l:::I?.:. `two of t.ho_ laden were placed under An-not Lady Blcyellet Killed. 'l`onoz1~o. Sept. l.--Miee Mary Williams, egocl thirty-tour, daughter of Thomee Wil- liams, gerdener. Bismarck avenue, we! riding e wheel on Bloor street. eat M]on- dey night. end croeeing in front of e belt.- line oer ehe wee thrown from her wheel. As she fell her heed struck on the iron bumper attached to the car, causing a fracture of the skull and rupturing n blood veuel of the bnin. She died in men min- neg. 'l.'ll1lIlI IITIUIU W U110 IICIU Elli-I` FBI! to the Iiulllt Ildghgor and V0 thulnrm. Inlido 0! an hour 1 big crow had collect- ed and they lion discovered A big brush 11, from which 3 Iickening odor arose. Oil Ind boon poured over the b0dy../Ippuh ant! and u 3 consequence notbin but Mm ung: nnnld In found. Th: mun? too. On , Illa III XIIRQIIDITCO IIDEIIIDK Dub bhoonuoould hotound. The mun. too, bud dinppouod. but from the ducription tholitlo irlpnit is boliovod he is n puddle:-w 0 won seen around Glenville withintholuhflwdays. The police he- lioyothohond Inlonga to the body of an AI-`shim woman who Ind been selling llninln In hh vinlnitv for Ivfll (lawn, Infant Lotion 0 Doorn.ep-ltI lnbuquent DQIHM Lnmeu, 05%.. Sept. 1.-Some time ago an ebendoned infant was Ian on the door- mp of A form; railroad min in this town. Obie! Bel soon found I talnporery home for the younphen endwhen set: about (racing the movements of the infant's mother, 3 girl about eixteen years of ego. named Henlip. but Ioeh ell trace of her In the not llborhood of Befaheny. Monday morning t elfeir eeeumed n more eerioue aspect owing to the death of the infenb. A ohergeol non-support lodged egeineb the girl : lather. Boujemin Heeelip. was ad- ourned, the nocuud being admitted no il. lath! Inn for The I ondllre. Wunmarozt. Sept. l.-'$` e firlb letter mail to be delpolzohod from this country to the Klondike region under `the new reciprocal Irrnngllnenb with Canada, of- fected by establishing an international exchange between Dyes. Aluh, end Dawson City, will be forwarded krom Battle lay I ntouner leaving there Sept. llth. From that time forward letter mail will go by the new service regularly once I month. `I'M lat: opportunity to send newopepera end vending matter generally into bhe Id region until next. spring will ha n'n ad luv tho "nnnnr mnil" the In]: BUTT!!! mnnuu 9 IV. N (and In would kill her. VIVLA `MAI: girl HIIIIIIHQI` AIIUIIII WVIIIIII WHO IIIQ 01!] I011! ticket! in the vicinity for Iovenl days. ~ Now shout Bummer Wood- ` we IIIVO I lot ofit-|elling it :0! cheap. Try 3 load. ltis jut what you need for the X IIIUITIIII II VII. " WI lllIll' 0110 IIBF of the Iouon. which vull be forwarded by the summer leuingnn Francisco Sops. 5th. V11-II -cur: w -u wuunn Loxnou. Beg. l.--A deapat-ch to the Time: from 6. stated that eemun uilor. who nabbed I Rnneien i 1 nblie dnrin the cm at ong3n:` sv_aan1..f`":".'H ` mag nnvql eourtuuu-t.laY ind` ego u Ioon u the Germnn equadron left the neeian waters. Another deepetch to the Times any: that a sinister rumor is in existence to the effent. that important. arrests were made at Peberhof on the night when illuminnuiona were planned. this face eooounting for the omission of the imperial party to drive out and witness the display. Peteteburg says it in` TORONTO. Sept. l.--Veeeelmen are very anxious at the rapidity with which the water in the lake ie falling. A good height was maintained generally through the season, but the laatweek or two the water has gone down. until Tueeday zero point was about reached. The highest point reached was seven and a half iochee on June 8th. and through July and August was nix and ahalf inches: the Saturday level wan one and a hall inches above. E'n'a3"{h'o"'3aCgib3"&ii1'}}Z}1';;%}{"Gift be sf ed by the "paper mail" the last nouon. forwarded by KIIITCFIOH OI WIDU DVW IIIUIIEIII Z "IJUIII with on William." `flue police zppod I. proceedings on Rue Agua- n.md Lha hnnd uliluannd after Ananln. III! loo can-at Anus lhmuox. On. I. - Jail: in gu II D D Knuth out-n-IL nnnin II!!! III WBIIII I_m nor. 'l`h`oli6Ilo the had and` ran :1 thy Iu_u'II_t nigh` _ r pyo ghulgrm. Am-iooxauo haaqzov. `lo runny Abollul the snap. .._._.. n__A I TL- lVL.._:-I4 DESERTED HER CHILD. We Have Never Burned Any Attitude Of A IIQIOII lob. _ _, . I A. I ,I_|_-|. Water Inning In The Lain. A.._- D_..A I `7-__-I____A -. `rho Iulhl Inhtulod ,_ :34.` u an, German lnuor was shot. n,.. n A I . 1 The "input saw can Inc: has popular tpi to Bmckvilb nud Ondcmhrg onlridny. vinfklnpun Miss. 50 (xii. ' VVIII II-l- -II_ -jut:--no-. human. 80 t. l.,-Tho spam govern- ment. in fauna in mplan to bring shout the banishment o _ all nnuchinn from Spain. It in innonn how that snatch- iuwwiil no you r be` nond to land in England. and! S tbulon the govern- ment ol Spain mm dopott than to some American tppublic d- to u dilunt Spanish Nor huvo we ever told ghost stories about our Fuel. We don`: need to magnify the qulitiu of it-uimply empha- ` lino them.

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