Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Aug 1897, p. 4

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`Robinsbn Bros.` DI CIIU uIIl'y I500`. In ordor that tho importation of French goods vio Britioh porto may not be din- oriminotod against, tho cuotoma deport- mont hon ploood u liborol oonotruction on tho ulouoo of tho toriff out which limit: tho application of tho uroforontiol duty to diroot importotiono. no docioion in to tho olfoct that Fronch goodo oont through Oroot Britoin on I duly through bill o! Iulinn II" he troatod u |lIl'U|lIlI UIWII DTIUIIII 0| hill 0! landing WI din-nnl. nhimnnntn m- if X B0. Goorgo Hawkins. oolloobor 0! out- toml, Lmolnl. ha been removed for gian- nivo pu-tinmhi C, Hnhmihar, nnnhv mining: And nhinl IIVU PITEIIIIIIIII - C. Schroibonsopuby minialor And chief onginoor of nilwnyn. will be leaving Om- wn nbouq the middle of Sopbombor for l trip of innpoolion over the Crow : Neat Paul rnilwnv. u---... n\ A 1)-`-.. I` n 'n-..-:- _...n nee reilwav. Meaere. T. A. Peters. L. 1'. Ferric and C. L. Smith are making a tour of Ontario. commieeioned-by the government of Now Brnnnwick, to purchase aeloot dairy stock. The three commie:-ionere will proceed to Rockland to look over the famous herd of W. 0. Edwards, M. P. Thereafter they will go wont to Attend the Toronto and other exhibitions. It in tho purpoeo of the New Brunswick gov- ernment to purchase 5 numberol thorough- bred animale. which will be distributed through the province for the improvement oi the dairy etock. In nrdar that tho imrnrtatinn nl Fmnnh The uovu-nmont Ann Them to Step Down Ind Out. 0'l`TA\VA, Angus 30.---JMIIOI Robertson. Hamilton. in: tor of militia clothing. no work no t o and of next wool. and W1` !i_un Sboddurt. 0! Dueronw. taken his plus. Tho position in not 3 pormunont ans. UK HIU I]IlKIll. Cunon Adnma, D.C.L., bond of the Don- noxvillo college. in an in; in Kingston with dean Buxton Smit . D.-. Adnma bu bun attending the Toronto mooning of the British nuocinion. which in ndmiwod on I hand: to have boonnbrilllnnuauocou. Dr. Adam: has been I member of the II- uoomion Iinoo I879. and was loqal necro- uary at York in 1881. II9llldUB0l'y IITIKTBII FOWITQI l'UO0VOl'y. On Sebunsay e youn English led fell into the water from the oak of the enem- er Pueporo. He wen unable to who end would heve {ered badly had not. tome of the crew of the steamer gone to hie reeoue. ,',Conduobor Sinclair. in the employ of the street ruiiwey company. having mucou- fully peeled the neoauery exeminauiou queiiiiiing him for the position of motor- men. In been promoted and pieced in charge of e our on the Portsmouth bunch of the system. nnnnn Arlnmn I) I`. L Ia-nrl nf Hm Inn- uurnuu 00 CD0 Cly On Ullillfllly mgnu. Mre. Linbon. who was tshrqwn olf an electric m-eeb car at the corner of Union and Barrie streets a tow day: ago, hu ro- oovered ooneeioumeu, but is not: making satisfactory rmgreu bowerde recovery. On Sun av A vannnv Enulinh Ind fall IIIU Ill-ll H0000 KVOVCTIIDCT Illio Frank Abornobhy loft to-day for n trip through aha wan to attend (Al! rnilllnery openings at Toronto. Buffnlo. Roobentor, Synouno And other leading oiuios. `R. Lumh. A. E. Donn nmrl nnrtv nf P!-% B'KiS"E S| mu. -1). nnuon. rrmoou uroou. Dougluhowu-0, inlpoobor of penitenti- nriu, on buninou in the city for I {ow dnyl pub. roturnod to Obbnwu to-dny on the nbumor Juno: Swift. Dun. Ant. I`-n Xfhu-J in llunnnnnn `An IIOUIIIIIT UIIDX DWHE Prof. and Mn. Nicol. in Germany for she pub Into your, are expooood home only nub week. Thoy nailed from Ham- bug` on the 10th imu. A nbngnnnn KY..-nL III...` _.III _.-|.` An... uyrwuu Iuu 0|'IIIOl' IOIUIHK OIUIOB. `R. Lumb, A. E. Dean and Party of twenty. onmping on the shores o Lough- boro luke during the past two wake. re- ournod to the city on Stturday night. Mrs. Linton. who was hhrmvn off an UHF UII VIII IUIII In.`- `le Iteamer Norah Kin will mete owe more trips to Alexandria ay't.hie season. She will continue her daily tripe across the lake" until! about: November ho. II`-gulp Ak....._eL.. I-ls L- .l.... I... - ea}... was an In: Bayou-an ouuh/0 on the ? 'I'o Bhnloy Run. Byhcuno. N.Y., In ' mu- _In his nu. Queen menu. in air. vlming (Hand: in tho city I-up gang- -..|-- _.A....l-.I s- L-.. Lg..- s- III IIII `HUI; `Ilwn 'W"Ua ' `Mu Win-. friend: for none wookc. resumed to her home to- duyrn Sydonhnm. ' - ' In nmnmnhln Mun: Ian nllnd {mm III IF D U'I'||'IIl1'Io "VIM Iunmnhip Mum hn Inilad from Sydney wm: nix hundrod tahounnd lover- Iii}! for San Fnnclnoo. an .I linl-mu Igln can-AnnI..n bun l`|.l. ago after a plenum. vim:-wish Ul III IUI' Il| nrlnclloo. M. J. Gnllivau loll: yut.ordn{ lor`Uhi- 101' I nor. Mn. 1). Fallon. Priuoou strut. ]\nnD|nl.QDA-n-O. in-unnrnn nl nnnnn. Acvnulvo , | `Photo II no um. dock In Kinton. In no glad to ooy,ond no ouplolonol Ia. Horo tho rollo an upon to an pooplo Illd to all Iluomblo impaction. Boto tho rovlooro court in public. um! All who no lnhorootod In tho pt-oooodingo no oneltlod to ootond. Hon ovorythln; in dono oponly and obovo Iaoord. Bub horo one ohing more gould be dono. Tho oity o uoooomone oould in pa b- llohod. In tho prooo to tho ohoopoot torn. out! word by word. Tho Wum hu olroody odvoooud mo and thoovidoooo In oooumu- lohing elm chin com-oo in of who and Jodie!-. nun: A-- and to use It; 4| Mr In-an ' ` to do no imitations . Color Wroppor, CIVIL BERVANTS QUIT. Wmia's wmo warn. fhihthjnl. ._.... X__I `_~IQ L.__. I-Jxnuws U] And nomoroholu. Atchoulthb nuphhumoundu-wannnothuuvon. and No ardnud `'8. Clay lint." no hjuuotnrgelblo old Bowetyuquhh nnanuoepc alonguhoulohonon line. A nnurhuvenhownuury lnolddlll Irlpbahn In 0 hhpb In 3 ll oonnnuon. 0 run In I hduonu bohlnudrqluuunl nlollovl: "8. Oh) II:-r and valet." A Duwuywit who can CIIIC put Inch undo the ct- ungnunonh alpha. "P. In)! nnllvnlllo. Thollnunuunhun nntottnnl Issuable addition to Councils abluuuoclennwui. mucosa! ..._ . Abdul and time It. Illnor moved up town. He left an Bowery. when away on oolhd hlln Harry. and bought 3 Inc homo on ladlnon emu-In that oxollulvo notion borduln on Madison nun. Then he want In politics and In an to run. Eh old friends dlacovucll that la a noun wu Hoary C. Ilnu-and that they mama : an Inn Bu-ry. Bung I congnnxnnn somehow nuuud to him the propni` lug Into ooohv. so In uoqnlnd one olothuud a nut. :hnhlIhnhnIn kn hllnnnlf Qhnnlnl -WT W Ulaw I VIIII. lhohuhlyholm In uncut noon `hnllhrnlnll: \ AL A`. n__,___ .L_ nun`- _ -- gs--- BVIN III will nanonv ll olrlcnva vou mom. ALWAYI annlnlal "mu Douro PILL! CUIII ALI. Iuonav nou- Iul. Mn IVBRY noon nun `run IDIIUIII III 500 Ill` Illlllilllfyt Although Mr. hliner will probably not take up his reeidenoe in Greenwood (or many years yet. he he: anticipated the end of It ceroex which he: thus far been I mnet piotureequo one. The public lint heard 0! him many were ego when a big sign- bgerd on the Bowery wee put o boning the inscription "Hen-y Miner`: better." So in time Harry Miner became one of the most prominent men on the Bowery. and hie theater become in iendmerk. Be mode money by the beehettul end kopt getting deeper and damper into the theatrical booi- neee. Atonetime he bed nearly belt 0 Moeontbeeten on the out eideot New V-tub ,I;Qn- h In-Anal Q `Inn-alznu QLAQ- IAIIRT INNER ! IlAU$LlL'll A1` GREENWOOD. sleep in ntylu. for ho has had bum In Greenwood. when only rloh New Yorkers nroburlsi. n mnuooloum which 1-lulu in stable richness any of the mortuary habh htlonn In the big oomohory. Alumnh Mr. Llhnr will nrnhnhlv nnl (Till IIIEXII U IIIIU Ill AVUW ll IIIU XII York, -Lou!-holuud I In-ondway than-I III : Hurry nllniu-'n Prom-on From the Bowen to Greenwood. Hnrry Minor. who lx-gun mo. on ma Bowory and lived for many years among surroundings which were modest if not actually humble, intend: to go to his long I611!!!` III ll EUAHIIUI llllh Since his appointment on conml the newspapers hnvo been saying humorom thing: About Kl, and Frank L. Stanton In tho Aalanta Ctmltltutlon pay: MI reapeou to the how oonlul In tho following vorlu: Onco was A Gudger. nuns 0! K1. Down In North O|'lIny. ~ Beard tho noise when the had won by. Down In North Ca`llny. lode I mm for the wagon high. Down in orth C4\'|Iny. Oounht the bond is-lulu it brhnmod the I70. Down in North Cn`Hny. llillllg (YUIIIIIIIII. He became noaivo in politics on early on 1870. Ho was in Democrat then and work- ed nighn nnd day to elect Vance at gov- ernor. Iiu wanted the position of unper- lntcmienc oitho institution for the deaf mute: and the blind. Vonoo was elected. and Gudger gob tho plaoo. Ho also hoigi um-rui other minor onioeu. During tho Int prolidential campaign he cum on! Itrong an n McKinley man. innn hln nuunnlntmnnii an onnnnl u non. II GUDGIIL Cnronu homo and tent to Panama to Iervo his country on United emu oonlul. And now the loyal Tu-heel: sing MI praises In and wide. "Nun nllnllnn on Mr. Gndnnrnl K1 in on]! RTDIIBI III` III W100. Tho allusion to Mr. Gudgeru Kl in only 3 playful tuulllxrlty vphloh Itnngm-I have tnkua wlth bl name. To the folk: nt homolxe I: known on H93, buuln tho next odltlon of the Congressional Dlreotory lno wlll be deolgnntsnd II Houklnh A. Oudger, which in the way lulu name ll printed on the voting lists and written on omolal documents. L ! A-.. o-.\|..-I -nn .0 Munch F.-nllng 01110151 KIOOIIIIIBIWB. K! in typical son of North Carolina. Not that he has spent all of tho fty odd year: of his life in his native state. for he hal roamed abroad. He has soon things. has KI. Ho hogan hls carver by entering the Confederate nrmy as n drummer when- lmt 15. After the war he went to non. R0 was In Brazil for n tlmo and then mode a tour of the world on various ves- nola. ma wnndorlngs over, he returned to North Carolina und became Interutod In real estate don]: In Buncombe and and- joining muntloa. Ha hm-nnm nntxhm In nnllnn nu an-Iv Al Vii` TU CT Cw ` ICC on-I1 on Inna ' The Clowhnd-odnlnlncnolom land It Dink Bola. Icktnlorn bu In K! Gadg- 61'. But the faithful Dink wont unn- wudod nntlulnly pinod tor omen unit! the wilds of Dahlonilln (in. Not so Kl. away hon Inn North J=k` n _L1vu-Pm jlnnomhu. nunuuuisxuonjnuauun lI.;IA-`Qnj, was eubaari IMTMqiiTALizbf A PICTURESQUE CAREER. Ion-Iod the pmaidont night and (In. Down in North ()A'lln,y. '.l`lll,ho said. "I'll tend the chap sway Clean out 0' North GIl'lnyl" 80. he shipped him 08 to PIl`l1*mI. Fur. for from North (`n`lIny. Oouldn't an rout no other way. Hm-ruh for North ()n'uny! A "" 'p3"'f""-nuns"-I. a u.. I'i-mien. hail). lb label II:-Ii: Ia. hitch-I. jr.. cuppa :..'r'z.;3:` ::.".2."....,,....'"""m hunch, `novonl town, In coon or wmou umnoo nod boon orochd and thogrty wgoroooivod by clgooring c_rov_rd_o.>_ yhi bondo'p_loy_od _Il_Id In Illiuuuotwpuuluu VIII nu ms Ilnmho he an :.upuu.. `hon they ndved tluo curl of Konuu. they will be :0 Kllhnuy `'`'`"S`.`'`' M r q-I uAdIliu[ nuyh O W` T1 WI IIIU IIII VII III IITUX. I$ whot|ouundndnnuub|ududwatoh- odthtuininullonhiloooo an it thtougluuop ' `. AI Killnmoyiur nonuerovb gulnndud tho royal vhihu wotqglvcb on onshuiutio gnu- . tho In Thmvcgpunntozby I01: I "." i1T."'-'Jo"pn-and" ""'i"& 'um."" ogdhb an an a! volcano. so -huh Aluntlnhn nmdntl -ML I nnnnnk I-(lI-VIIIIIIII wh Ibo duh II u'I(lX,WII(IlIHlI\ j$TBIlWIl5jlUl.' roll. Exu-sordinnrynmoonunu had hon ulontoinountho, yotdnmyal pair. Their train wan lnnned by doucttnnnd 'uuohod I) an i i and :5 rlhuint. uh AlI'l|.h.h.:d:n*nInna III tlvnul nyun puolwlult IIUIUI Inch disuiot. and all an hridpv along the main won gnu-dd by ooouoblu. No atop vu, undo at Mallow, county Cork. whpn `tho prime 0! Wuh- wuhoohdonhlolutvidItoInlmd.nd -Lang hhnnngntln Vlnnal njhlntl and -ghuL_ Duke And Dneheee of York Were letha- eleetleully leeelved. ` Dvnnm. Auguet 30. -The feere thet the warm welcome accorded the duke end duohern 0! York in thin city would not be repeated in eouthern counties. where, the oppoeition to the vernment in new hit- ter. were diepell on Setnrdey when their to el highneeeee nished their virit to the I eh cepitel end ed. by ` lel train. 900 mile to illnrney. A Dr Vina rein norm prevailed during the Dgreeter put of the journey. Btope were mode in eeverel tovme, in eeoh ol which erehee hed gennbgal nnrl Olen nae-O.` nnnnnnnhenrl hi ounumuuu Inllun Iywglrvuilvvll Dy choc:-in crowds. vhi bsnddployod and whine othod ohildun pnuntod Ibo data And duchuo with owon. $Lg `nu :-I n--In -A1 nnaunnlnl to: OK` I\|"I DIICIII I$IlW) Ill IIIDIIII II, ICU` I Iuoluncnt of ooldion. Their u-rival at tho gagti-- -nnn gu-qibgll Ind" Ill`:-nnnnnnlglhn-n W5 0! TIUIUII `HUN ITTIVII I` 5? station wu aniud by 600 ropnunuuvu ol tho military. the vvu-ioin ptohndobu and lunch; uhnhndnnthhrlndlhnmkm. In In. Inulury. IIII vulva: pmvlouu nu Indu, who Ind gugbhnd to bid than fun wall- Eu:-nmdinnn nnnmunn had hon TEX Wilda -II`-nun-uun -u---u A IIAVI YOU ononv. KIDNEY on mu- Mnv 110031.39 on ANY mm :9 no. non-nmu win. was You. __-__...---._ --.-_--. mg.-nan-nn Ina UWCUW Wllvll HOW?` The royal puty won second to tho King`: bridge nation in Dublin by ado- hnhmnnt. nf nnldinn. `Muir u-rival at Lin JAMES REID. lst. Worth every cent lyouypny for znfl. Likely to satisfy you completely. Every interest of the store is against selling you goods that will not please you. It would sim ly mean cost to the store to sell you such a thing. t might mean loss of custom. And so the only thought is to give you good money's worth and goods that` you will welcome in the home quiet or with friends at your elbow. - It would be tolly to charge you too much. It would be folly to sell you too much- ` It would be lolly to decelve you In any way. Either as to style, or tness, or value. The money back" policy knocks every selsh reason for sharp dc :- ing out of storekeeping. A child can buy as safely` in such a store as the sharpest shopper of them al-l. Our cash only and one pripe method `insures to you the lit- tlest of little prices. Starr_& Sutolie, Q bgying w}i(e1r '-`mioney Rranclg plan` is] to. 0t 11 con sun` er. of. in co C sier. Pick {lag goods as care ully as you cagn, get eve-`:3 105` sible help from thesalcs person. YOU KNO ` that no one has an atom of interest in selling you -a single thing that is not. `n ~ - . 118-120 Princess Street. Sole Kingston Agents. HAINES 5: LOCKETT ROYALTY VISIT IRELAND. ` THERE Mo msxs i i Etctzfjt ' vVwI-vI--nu -v nuucnn. ouunu. lrllIoI;'I`PUI. nuns. omunuo sun. nowa- _II. FOIOITPULNIII. OOLD CNILLS. IT.. ARE OFTIN CAUIBD nuunnnnnn nnnnnvn, FORMERLY RICHMOND & 00.. II II 0 H080! dflllltlli Illifjlo ,`.:l`. .` .:`.II1I Ilglllol IIIIOO. .II|I l\lIIl\l|IV \IQL'IIIIHII. 9`. Boat Chain. Onrumonh .6:n`om:o.tI, Cum Cot And Stools. Pillows. Mnttrnu ,md nntlo Bed: us great reductions. GREAT CLEARING SALE aunt nnu nuuU3Iu 2 .il' This; fiedroom Butt. in ma Century and Antique Oak Finish. only $18.60. nk (nn:bn nnvnvnAn'n (1.... an`: Thcnforctntnont as usual Drhhun Lg}-an -......I ---w-w-v`t -1317f` I 2 Printing. pupae! 09-` FURNITURE VTJUTUE -IV IIIUVI 'u'v'monouao xnomm. wuuuuuuy nun. raucous -nun. uno Cur.M. lhoohnmlho lunch a min- di 013: "mpg urn I . an n- .m.'$n:'n'1a boon nished. but it up do- to pogo. . chad to,` I clan. vhlol|vo.uhl.d non`:- .iI:l.z:nt.n;"::u won this o|noo:rt.ho nu`: lIInA;Mn-u An` gll Aim. -14-) AL. Ii! II vnnlr. ntvuqy Iuvuuo Pnua. Angus 80.-'l`ho Gulch pub- lishes dotnlla ol the tin! of the hut] hoswoon hues and En which It do- cluutoho siotmnholbnlivourd dehu- nlln L `PL: mun- Qhn unna- UIIIC W I I Ill'll|Ilg XTIIVU IIIII CUI- nlvo ugnolnonl. Tho Italy. 850 pupa` yt, no concluded In tho Study in tho Alexandra polcoo A0 `I'M! on Wcdnandnv Inl Pnddnnh Jinn tho In EDI Aloxlnarl pucoo II nurnu Wodnondny Int. Pnddont Jinn. the CILLM. Hgnnlnnrjln fraud: hndnn min. IIIIOO llotnllo of no In rnnylvu. DA -9- A ..m...L XI EULA A M `....l-_..A The l'ortho|.nge&laI"|u orthosudautihlp. SIGNING OF THE TREATY. Gmm JULY AND AU0l)JST: ~ : `mu. cunt vou. ` -- novouluwnnoansr swamp -Inovou mwn WIAK xnuunvn. now: nu; mu. ITIINOTIIIN `mm. ...`-an mug`: nnnannu nonhuman An IIQL ' ""I6i' iii.` 'I"5?ii'o'a;i "_:f-.3 ". wk r-*:.a...2:3 at um um mu. riuwo .. .. ..,. lo! cl Wood. In Add (1 no um um- ol ml: (1 moo. turn. Ind ovum mu arena In an full r- NIP! map In obtain roln cumin J1`- Moltnwmnml so all "moo othlom. u. outlnmhon. mm nu Oomnndlna. ngnomwho will nu-nlnu up mho-nryIn- 1: g: n :u I.d0.I'|. 'lM;ul\:i: on In do , o I o 3 on n L-an Oh I ): I-Imam, nrln! mm 0 I to In an III VIOIQVIH , min mm be comm who! by an un- Mon Iohulohd snudlnn Bank 7 I snout oqwlgx tlvo an M. at who to Vanna` Ibo 0 hndorod for. which I I orfo Md It tho burl) muting vh eon- mol note clan as on can uhonlul 0 be I I I n Qo do In h 0 under be not us- alnnnn V: I1 nhnnod. 4;:S,ubstitution humus Dooonloro. (union. O1!-`I Iago: In-out. -Hvnnvru by .w,,.,, `LUMIAOO on ' lIH|:uMA1-usfa. l{IoA`ig_-__o_' Iunnlv PILLI 'Fu"1nIne wonm xidwIua._ unA-Anu-n ununnlnnn DDIIIHUDII tondul I oulnqno V II nlnrmd. {Lino M ulna can uhov I nulnunt does not Mud In '.'u'u.nnAu.nnuonoItIs. Ila nhoqno will In nlurmd. urnnuns do molt $0 to- Iwt 0 ovun or can under. A nmunvvn n_._A_ A- rm . _aim'..3:._a.11a\;'ni1bxv. T.'&`?.....| }.'.!'I:..l?.? u.'.'..`...`: .'...'.".'r5?.`5 may have gold for the digg- ging.but sure results and dollars await the mar. chant whose place of busi "nun bu a bright. attnc ti 1 . r:`.nlEEn an O R `up IIVU CVPUCI IIIUVI Plate Glass. catchy Signs and exterior Paint- ing no apociultiu with - Liver `. ro can to no manual non: 2:0 onvolopo x 'I`on- I NI (I to tho lin- tn urn. 2:`. -1 29.n_\*9 anus!- fwnx net? I AI-I `L3H I I'D!!!` riwuuy um? uc vIAcKAcHIo nrvou LHAYE ,S|debnards Far Away Klondykc Atcn Iulmum Suites. Somo Ipecill blip!- ,`,;g.- g,?;?:=:` 5:710` '.1-`}`'.'%'u"5s"m 3.. II III Dlalalll I'll` nun; othuvln W1 maul ....L' '` ii."":.....-"2F"o.......' " `:2 bumnltlnhnulnul-Dani The Journal and no am. in any of tho Amotionn trade ram-iouonl. md upoolnlly not no IOIIIO In 3 hostility bowu-du Eng- land nod Onnndn on nntloml or antimon- ul grounds. toning thus they have A nox motion and Injun Auction moat. Prooood- lnp In romuh : un..- -nn...l- A- n......I- _....I.l I... n... or oihitudooo Onnodo would bo un- wioo woro in nothing moro than on op lico- tion to tho dominion of tho gonorol t. oory oi rootriobing ilnporiooiono. Butib in more than aim. Tho politicians who no now onryin on notionol oilhiro dooiro to injuro our o with Oonodo on oomporocl wioln obhor count:-loo. Wo on willing to moko rooipmool undo oonooooiono with oil obhor Amorioon oounhrioo. but not with Oonodo, odd you in opibo 0! undo obotmouiono Oonodo in on good o cuotouop on oil tho root oi tho Amorioon oonti Wo oro willing to onbor into uni Mud: nhninnn with tho amm- IUUINTII IIIIII FUIIDIOIII WIIII IIIU OOIHI` trioo of oonoinonhl Europo. but not with ' England. by for our host ouoholnor. or witn Oomdn our but oinbomor on this oontinonu. W0 no trying to i _uro tho notion that buy hundndo of iiiono of no. and no oolioiting trodo hv rs from tho poopio who buy hnndlodl of ohounondn at no. Wo hovo undorhhon to pmoriho our own ooumoroo it it oouohoo tho nil oi (hands. and oono oi our oitioom on onohling with dolight on: tho holio! that hhoy hovo normal I hoovy blow oh oho chipping undo oi o ooonu-y whooo por- ohuoo ol our foodotnifo uidwoooon on oboolnioly nooooou-y oogivo our fmnou ovon o I-oooonohlo dogroo oi prooporio . with tho porlootly ohviooo icon that 0 o oooootinn eionio tho onLy`Koooo- tiontho Eng! tumor hu,ond Hho Iovoorilio tho iooo thoto io dodooud from n.. n....a..... c.._.`..I- .....i.... .... L-.. "-;"ohvojnu nooivod . on-loud of idiots um wuauam ounowx muons. ...I_..`.A._. l\_- I-L.n..A- n-A --A-`I Iovnnuo my not sgmuo uoulouu non the Auction In-nu-'0 wood .1 Inn undertaken to Inch Ibo e:nnpnr\ ol lnlghuntun the Atlantic out non than lldounw. Wolnvom-ucknuhundo otovcryuuntrnwohnnumcdbocktho handliputholooholonr ownnndtimo out polmeiuug no (mph: INI lnntiunndoollcntotwupou unndohlwuhnthn wuodlnuddu on ago. and no In doing this: than our nuuhotuing plus: for uoudtbnqnlmunuol Ilnbonunun ht and of nmIho\lnonnox- non tallying IIIIIOI`. ndwlnn our human. In; an nup- Iluulyuullloth punch. hvononso thnont nu-:nbNn like an -an ammo-ct. "puny. at-ma. no Mommy. and QIIU VIII: Ilue Ieeueuvu DWI e Itlepointod out, in Ierioue end emu- mentetive lenguege, thet the elorm which eolne people meke when trede interoouree ie dieoueeed ll founded on ction. "The hollowneee oi the pretence thet Oenedlen competition would injure ue ie shown," eeye our oontemporery. by the tent thet nine-tenthe of the people of thin country would he porieotly willing to heve Cenede ennexed to the Btetee. which would wipe out ell the cuetom houeee on the frontier end let Oenedlen hey end egge end loge come in with no duty whatever. 1! Gone- dlen competition would injun no one in thin country then. it would injure no one now." u u_,`,,_ __n , ,IAI, ......____._...._..._..- .. -....._..._._.. .. A COMMON SENSE TALK. The Journal of Ootnmeroe. New York. in in lune 0! Augueb 2861:. contained en en-Mole which made In reedere Item. The Joumel le Amerlcen in ineunot. in in- spiration. in Inuence, and he rebuke of the American trede policy in. therefore. take more euggeetlve. The commercial re- Iaolone between Onneda and the United Bhebee ere eomewheb etreined. Why! The Jonrnel melsae-rep! y. In I- ..-l..A-.I -..A I- --_l....- --ul nnanee `III -WIIIDI II IIDIIIIIIU 0]] -0110 ta `union as 01 D you in Minna; . o on so. At an L 0 pop in ono oi tho but Job Oilou I: On: 0; rapid. niyiinh and chop work; nino inprond printing pnun. nnw .1 n vmmn. THE DAILY wH1G.] no no '0 an ponunoa mun un- cut: 0 to woo ooolo w ll?onl::l?ponoullv Icovollbt: to: o n or (In. cool. I! be hold nu-null: I001 loto um um: n1T'1nn wnrchi `..`.:";`:`:'?`.`.".... .".'} .. ?.`.:'.25?.`.``.', ... TH] It columns. In at It 5 n j Wjv W -u-ow vu-- .-vv 'v- :- Ou hhudnn Inhtl. :g,.;{:.*: ':'::.~.. *...-:'.::'.:.'.`.:.'.':-.:: I Hot Mvortlulnonu nnchnbi No no non poublo In advance. I am. 5.':2u `m mu no tub for Ion-Iowan ouonnun imbue '- ~' -*-~ .. ;:::..* II or I ha unouuuonc at coach or non Sun: to; E35375.` 03.5305 '37';'|:'y1n'"'t;o;":':3`;"u5i1}':': gmvx a mm 3.1:: V3": bl! In; '1'!-ON-1.10 Km |t::oIs.?l um I.. An In nnn..nn nnn rlnn. nnnln In "'."':"*."~."`-..*.T.'~'"*'.... ' ' '... `%"`-'.;`.':'2-'::::-..- up wit; Juncti- ONW' lnluuon moan 0V.II. L-2!-_-_-_-92` :_-..n-rr- ml nxiunn ware I `run. publluiod On Thu K mo - Au'x;uy:u.u pa dlnndunou oe OIW ghlutloa Tvmznd ovu.1I:.'puA|u. :.- .. ,"-'*~--e.--`"~- *2: :: II 0 #0 solid nub. t:3lvo {hm ' on luoruon. . *3`?-fu`?`z. 1:!f.':'.'.'a.`;".;?.': T :..'*."f:'*.';'!-'-I-..`." ?-13. .-I-"'.':;'.-`3 ANNOUNCEM BN1`. OPVNT M? OVNOI Dioov." uuuvl u I I WW IIOVIH lcndu man In ptuvvu pununj pnuu. mono '" `- : o"P`s'a. I 0 . mum `alum Inna? unmnpunm In l{lvv'n`xu n buua n - ititgudan 5?: u:l:sn::; CCII YIAI. Innnu Etna In on If-N u. H. I o I :..'.L! .P::.P: --v-u----w. -yr-- gnu` -soggy`-ya lllhhnllulorldiulonlb thud |Indm~l`uhdIIIII.hthIBoI|h 'hnsvHov.uporIIonnuoIhnl bluuyoluurpunItIut.b to -v v----v-' ---,f-v--u-v victo-on nuhninthuulvbuohukuoonnsvu an unit! as all. and with [annual pqumuotlwlthhuling mu. ova nub uumbpciuua ..n...n.. ggln jt IL. -I L...` .---(v, -~- v--.-v -u-- ---w cu`--I, and dbonntl the [nudi- Ithnpnpsrodnlidlndividulglrno ndouponliouwhiohhuo Innnonmoll unduly In: button or annual at Ignnnuuhgly no law. his and It clohholhnnuoh goodnnyhowu bhovcuhlynutprcuiuu dthun. on u... I. ..;.n...a -L... L._L -....._. _..- THE CITY'S ASSESSMENT. The Montnnl Bot-old demand: am the autumn: roll ohonld be opon to the pub- lic. to the and SIM the inconolnunolu in than. tho diuonptnoiu that my coupe the anchor. hodiooovond uud poinhd out. DEL- L.-.) `I _ __ 1.. Il-_A_.-I 1; noun. will not give my man infomuion in aqua to tho nuunont. rolls oxcopo In- sular no they oonoorn his own proponymnd In In oalyontltlod to alnuiuglhon. It In nlul. whgn No unanimous lohlgbnlnutln vsluoolthond cash. with n Ilolghlnt in for he nut not know. Injuloo any pnnil. has in \IO|I|EI\0fI0I O(`y.htI uhonld mm hue uhtod. ho Iain unt in allows and ouhlnly without ndlu. OIIL. II...|J A._..._.I. - -L-_... 1- `L1- {"*&':.::?'.;'::':::.:::;?.`*..:r"- are tree. "I heve every reuon to believe that tho Canned: Aclnno tub eteunehlp eel-vice in ebeolneely uaured. end them In will be in one:-etlon bolon two yet}! from now. Mr. Peterson has bad to overcome many dim- cnlhieu, u 1 mm with 8 new idea nlvmye he: to, huh I have everv meson to convince u:le:hn he he: eucoeufully overcome them a . `Halo is on indlroct and oloquont reply to tho orookingo of than who no not uuiood with Oonndo'o pooiuion on (who sori` qua- oion ond who have boon cirouloting the rumour that tho fab Aclontio oorvioo. no for on Poboroon & Tait no uoncornod. hon loilod. 0! hhio moro onon. Throo grab pbnonulitiu won not by Sir Wilfrid-thtoo our at my mnny whood mowing protonndly improuod him-the quoon. Mr. Glndntoumnnd the pope. And of the many whom they not it it uh no uy no om hnprouod than more shun Mr. Laurior. an In still like: to ho culled. `cg---J wuv-vs-v nu- Tho Build COCO`;-00510`! iuthh policymndlsdotuolnthopubliclnhnu. Ildhlthohotthl Innwuttudtyn hxpoyuf Inga in nude enquiry --J `Inn;-n:J OK; --'.A..A In.-J- uuavllvu ll.` Duuuu n "The denunciation of the German and Belgian treatiee made at the requeat of Canada and the other eeli-governing colo- niea. hae without doubt created a prolound lm reealon throu hcut the continent. and un an I run great y miatahen. we annll aee a great ow oi capital and population to Canada within the next few yeara. And yet it in but two or three yeara ago that that the Englieh government. through lord Ripon. relueed toconeider the denuncia- tion of auch treotiea. How do Iaocount for the change ol front. The anewer is not far to aeek. [attribute the chnngo to the attitude taken by the Canadian overnment at the lean aeeeion and the tar leialation then adopted by the dominion. y our action England wea placed in the poalticn of hav- ing either to advance or reoede. and ehe advanced to meet ua in the manner which we deaired. There can he no doubt ea to theadventagee which Canada will gain iron the denunciation ol thoae treaties. the reateat undoubtndly being in- creaaed ilocal independence for ua aa a nation. Theae treatiea were in the way of any eoal arran ementa which we could have made with t c aiater ooloniea. or even with foreign nations. became the moment any auoh arren lnent had been made Ger- many and Be gium would have atepped forward and claimed the name advantagee without iving anything in return. Can- adaioun thin out repeatedly during the twelve montha prior to the jubilee. when the government waa quite able_to aee how ite power wee limited by the exietence ol there treatiea, when it had oppor- tunitiea to act in a manner which would have been for the good oi Canada. Now we are free. all L-..` gag..- -4-- in Ianliaarn tlaali Han VI-II HIIVIVVUIUII VI unvuvn U: rv-up-u-u Oi himull. Sir Wilfrid. to the prou- rnon. refund no tnlk. bub he reform! to some hhingu of especial inherent to Can:-' diam. Thin country. said he, "in now beginning an entirely new career. not only in Englnnd, but in the whole continent: of Europe. He added: n-Iu.- ..|-........:-s:..... -0 51.. n......... Ant` III Ice Inn III -UIUIII. II IIUIIIU `cu-e `rho rocepuon he he been accorded by ` hle countryman hee becn non cordial. u went. on touching and ac cnthuulcgtlc u euythlng of the hind could ho. Tlicb he no placed to In home hgclu, euoug tho pcople lic know: cm; lovee huh. you without ceylng. The ud- dmeec ho had to llmn Jo whilc eblll nil- lnz up the Gulf. cud than which won im- ccnocd ln cnclenb Quebcc. of under polici- ccl cud porconcl memories. expreoced. no lo; M lenizucge could do it. tho ullcchlcn of the pcople. And Sir Wilfrid : replica wcro couched ln the ueual rcllncd end grucelul borne: bub ohcrc wu.ln eddltlon. thetrcmu- "lone voice and molotcncd eye to chow how much he wu moved by the grceolng of his frlcndc. No man could look for grater cvldcncce of hle populcrlty. of the regard In which he in hclg! by cll the people wick- ouo clloolocolon of crecd or politics. AI L!..__-Il EL. Il7lll_l.I I.` LL- -an-gm-. .BI~R WILPRID LAUBIER. Ooundnb punter. and ono of the con- uplouou gures in tho world : public lilo. having undo O wondulnlglupnlnhn up- on the npnuntutlm of All the nationali- ties in him mp shroud. In home qua. non. ......u.... L. 1.-- L... ..........|..-I L. Ill I0 Ila II WI! WIIIII the nu! cl Dinghy : calibre will ban to halt their !olly,nnd lo non chard they no. and the mom the government In In- vdlvod by their notion. the sooner the critic It : s polltlon the nnnoAmcrl- on will not willingly uknovluko. but In at do ll. 'lIul_no la approaching when as. ..... 4 -n:...!.n...-. -.m..... ..m 1.... in ` vw ---vv-my` --.- rv-uvvu x--wu `hm baud of uuuon In Montreal. is -___ _.III __A _x_. __._ ____ n_n-___.2-_ mun DAILY ware. mozwu. Auavsr 30, 139-: TC -I'T_ ICC; Inn. Flu. Aqua he-Huh. tho hum: dnqhhrdln. lruca Vain. Pan 1`.-pa City. Inn who Nah-nuusulnyutudny dlunoun. qiuuuy Inujui ulna IVCVWIIII HID] :3 print: which now nun var Thyhnboa uou Up All nu oval. Pialum, Pm. Augnu &).-B that and olnulwcolnllthooqnlinsho unop- halnrivu willnnnliadlv Ininun Inna!- an-uuwuuuluuuuquvnsuc nlouongl holurivc vnll mu; mam moi ol 000 8m. In tho ptunnl strike In- oldohn .Jonco And eon- gnnziqxotly bought cod onrywhro they XI nrinnn which now nun nrv DIII OI Illllllx Will 00 UVIWC II diroot ohipmonu or it ib con bo shown tho: tho good: romoin in the cor- rioro' lsondo in (man Britain in tronoit or lonvardod in the originol poohgoo. Evi- donoo of ouch tromponotion in tho form 0! shipping bill: ohould ho lurniobod tho collootor ond ho ottonhod to tho ontry invoaoo in ordor to W good: no tho roduood nho 0! duty. to ruling Inoono shot. goods may bo purohuod in Franco or onymrhor oounlr out-lhlilotl eobtho on:-` oi; roholo. on I o ppod y Bnghnd in tho otiginol poehogoo mtill roooivo tho rohoso. but in will oull pcovont tho of okod` Li I onuy goodoropo III vocpoo uEi.E&'-I;. 9` 5"?~*'~J-"*.1v":`3I-I~. 5`:3.~C7=`Z:.:`:`?..3 g x~.:=.-.- - .-::.---.;a.=.,~;-~ A no` 'bu`r`.'lIV. 'l.`:I.:d"onu: go muted`

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