Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1897, p. 3

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VICTORY FOR EAST SIMCOE. : x. w. sans . Pulon I '_hIpp_ 'x. vy. smnux --- vvv srvuuuauun Isnnsndfnmth P.:of`.ICQlI: no notice so dovnknuon 5! , will >68 30.11!!!- .. -- lcmr W.992A~n% 945 mn- uonvonnou or ovary u JAMES M URNEY, .1 Printing: at:-`.0. `FLA I I "W "W Sktbjsj Acc__I__pENTs I"II I-DI "H-`W. 364 Princess St. - St:-at!otd'I Old Stand 7 ` FINE {Mal thou. 563.947.6054 Canadian lnvutmonts..$5.600,000 AGINTSI JAMES BWLIT (luau. Jan. Swift & 00.) And I180 ILANAGAN (City Hall). It you want the Cheapest and Best FURNITURE .-.-_ --... lnnohnoo-uwollllcioulhuit Wm. Allen & Son, H; I-%7 `1ViE 8l 7 Best. }ALLEN'S SHOES. . .. unnrzo gsnd lot, out. of George And Stewart l0. 1 . Earl St... near Gordon Sh. donblo brick bolus. -516 Johnston St.. new house and lot. 8711. 414 " frame houno. And Ibo other propertionln city and count) (or rule. to lot or oxchnngo. [0ARDlNER s Real Entnto Agency. `KI Wnlllnptnn It A KI-uoutnn Wear . lit-rout. MXMO. ' 438 Alfred 812., home And lot. 384 " house and lot and burn. - " non Prinoeu, 8 bonus. King and Gore St... 3 home: and had 1001111 King St. non Gore St. vacant lot. 65:18). I frame 1:ouaoI(iom e 1-`amen. 11011530 gnd lot, o (horn And Stuart I0. . North British and Mercantile Insurance Company . - OFIDIIIIIIGE "AND LONDON. - . - vnrnvvlql Roptmng a. Specialty. Own an 3 0:11. ' A . B. HBROD. BIA B-A_._._ Q. gA__AA-_4I- An; 1.4. hot. between John St-root. uxsoo. hon r hon - v. --u- v. ---vs-uu-.vv Lot. between Johnston and En! on Goidom } St-roet.Mx!00. mt .E$T&TEJ10WW"' Ornamental and De- corative Palntlng. We're busy--nlways busy ; yet never too busy to talk a moment con- cerning any painting you may like to inquire about. Attractive Signs, - 0111! $2.50 pr cord. dating-.4, -..--`yu -....` .7 -\v-- -.ur--ov 1-. 151 Wolungton BIL. Klnfltoll. Money to loan Lt. lovnt -MAI -VHO KHVHBYB, DIIIUUUT or urlnry Organs. Baclmehe, headache, difzinel.-5, diabetes. Bright : disease, gravel. ebc., all yield `readily to Don : Pills. - Price flay cents per box or six boxes for $2. 50 at all drug- ! giats. l .__._. At all Drugglsts. Price 60 cents per Box. or .3 lor $|.5o. Sent by Mall on receipt ol prlco. T. MILBURN & CO., Toronto. \ ml. 8PARKb. 1` D8. L.D.8.. l.D.. DEN- TIST. Oloo. I80} ftlnoou not. But- donoa, 18! Onlvonlty A onus. Ollloo honn. ls.n.6oI. .n.Botn:-`non now. lhlcphono . 0.P.humAn.D.D. ..LD.S.. Aulntnnt. uourl rm: um. . V 9 The Ipocic and direct action of Dom : iKidney Pull; on the kidneys always re- . stores them to a. healthy action, thus cur- 3-ing all diseases arising from disorder of lube kidneys. bindder or urinary organs. I Bmimcha. headache. dizzinau. dinbamn. llllu ) Mrs. George was quite enthusiastic in her prni-e of the new kidney conqueror, `end wished every one to know when a re- markable remedy for all kidney troubles Donn : Pills are. | rim- -.....m.. ....I .I:......o ....s.--.. in n..-..v. IHBLIIUIIIU IIU WI! IIIIIUIU I4) DDBQIII YOIIQL g I have started to give him Donn`: Kid- ney Pills, and can say that it is truly won; derful how much he has been helped by ?their use. Heiu now rosy and vigorous, ` and seems 4.0 ht getting better all the time`)! . II; {Inn-an uunn nnibg 4...AL..'_-..L.'.. 1.. vary mucn urunwu up Ill uuulnu, unu uosylw , the use of a large amount. of doctors medicine he was umble to obtain relief. ...... Dnl. .....I ..... can ol..a- :5 4. s-..I.. ...-.. A Bsllevme Boylv-nnExpor1onoa-|'x-s. I . E. Ge9rie.* BeJleV!11e._onL. 'r.ens the Story ottho Raosctxopt Her Ben Fred From the Ojlitchasot Kidney Diseinpd. Ba 5 Mn. Goon-go, My, Fred, nbw thirtgeu vojrq of sgp; bu l:mon` troubled with his Kidneys for some time. Pain: in the back were frequent and aovero. and Ibo also had urinary dilcujtaiea. He was very much brokelrnp in health, and despite the uni nf' n In-we unnnnt. nf dnntm-n NVII-\l `III YIIIUI. I In Pain Itnot. no Incubus with tho vino windows. Prlnoou mu-ot norm: 0! Iydumnll my-an Imnnm F0-lIw.\:V-EA!l_ E(n_P1. Robinson Bros.. Brock Street. I 1h lodlonl Buporlntondnnt Klnutoli Gono- agggapltnl. Ooronor for city had oonntry I b \holntoDI.ln - don bglgno 3?` .' u Laxa Lifer Ping c_:ure`who!'e others 1 worn and cu-Imhod In who of the but of mu. 3:! than have Ild wo'llm?.Itnn oghom We've I OOH] Q Of oonvoypunooxsl oven duuipou. Itc I A`I'IIlIml'\I mu 1: ml vohlol Moo an 3:: cu-ntahod In 333.0 11: V r Palntorl, Doconton, Glallol-I, 275-7 BAGOTV 31-3:-:a`.1'.' 1.1-r'!?'L,E_ FRED. -:------- T %;uo:% _i_`5BV5 P"-F-5% You'll know It by the tag. -F-01` Sale or Exchange. -...._ 1..I...-A.._ _g-I Il__I ..._ . ORDERED 2.01 ......OALI; AT...... lino! ol 8 Nu The "i566TwEAR. 0! All Ducrlp {Inna 8 f * G`:lI`i:nBoot. 2; Avjbsf J;7} `i893:; I fail. inrougn a. COIIIIIOII and tau. Murra . or "door little 49" u the irls cal ed him. was one of the favor- ites. He in 3 fast rider for short din- tanca, but has not such slaying povnr as was exhibited by the older cantata ants. nnd in every case. while starting out no well, was overtaken andxnood in the final round. But Angus Lood --prolaiclonnl, was the hero of tho attor- noon. Whilo any at the cyclists took the noon. "on [road I Itioux." Xcnooul, lnnrhhly emu oil the truck unlliq. ` If W3 so-nu tau--5; _A'7 1 until an: wucm Lno ucnung contest. The credit of Kingston was maintain- ed by Smith and Porter. although. in the race w`on by the former, while glad that one! of our own boy: did so well, we oympnthiud with Bonner. ol Picton. who took Inch 5 nplendid ncond place in npiu ol the way he wu hnndhappod through a collision and fall. Ill"-rut. nr dour lillln All an on. IJIIII I-III-1 II I-lVh \IIIlIIIJI. IIIWNIIU IN TRUST. OFFICE : :35 IA- Ooi t:-not. Aultnmanm nouolhd The bicycle races drew great crowd: to the ntkhletic round: on Monday afternoon. Long More the (int race, the door keeper had to refuse to admit any more to the grand Ilnnd, an'd hun- dreds of men stood "from two o'clock until nix wntchiug the exciting contest. The credit of Knnnmn nu lnnlnlgln- eye EOTB I0 DIISSBTB Dy. ' Another point. that needs attention before Kingston can hope for popular- ity as a summer resort, is the untidy condition of some of our stores. I any some-," because th re are many that.` are all that the 0st; fastidious could desire, but some-the fact cannot be gninssid-present a hopelessly uncured- for appearance. It is not on! in the ointment of the npothecary" & at;"dead flies" are to be found; their presence is frequently discovered in even more ob- jectionable places. A change in affairs, along these lines, certainly means more work, but "cleanliness is next to godli- ness, and goes a. long way towards making a. popular summer resort. [)Oplll8..!' HUHIHIRT FBSOFI. Many compliments have been paid us regarding the steady growth of our city, and the improvements in our streets and stores during the last. few years; but is therb not. yet. room for much further improvement? 'l`he eye gradually becomes accustomed to blem- ishes that. it sees day after day, but which at once strike the tourist as being strangely out ot' harmony with the oth- er surroundings. It wouldbeatremen- dous undertaking for one "man. or even a dozen men, to set. about making such reforms as are actually needed to bring the city up to the proper standard, but it every one. figuratively speaking, swept. in front of his own doorstep," what. :1. wonderful change would speed- ily take place in the generznlhppearunce. When excursionists come to town and drive through the streets. or ride around the belt line, their remarks about what. they see are not always flattering. There are boulevards and vacant, lots that. have been solong nog- lected that we have closed our eyes to what we have deemed beyond our pow- er to reme.dy;-not so our critical American cousins. They cannot. under- stand why the owners do not put in proper order what would then be anor- nunent to the streets instead of an eye sore to passers by. Another nnint. that: mmrln nHI>nHnn IIPIIPF IlOl(`l Il('('()H1lX]0(lil.Il0n. If some friendly genie could only lay his finger upon the spot which is spok- en of as being suitable for our summer hotel, end, in :1 night, could erect rt building such its (iunanoque Inn, as lieuutifully furnished, and as excellent,- ly entered for, its isthutveryndmiruhle hotel in our neighboring town; and if, at this imugitiau hotel of ours, the guests were elmrged reasonable rutes, it would, without any doubt, be well patronized by those who now only pass through Kingston as they take the bout here for Montreal or the Thousand islands, or by those who would make this their hendqun.rters for the season, n.|lured hy the good hoisting, fishing, ete.,--for we have good fishing nrouurl Kingston, although people do not al- wuys know just where to find it. There is It her at the head of Garden island that is famous for black buss, and Snake island and The Brothers are known to have excellent fish in their vicinit '. But as no genie of the lamp is likeiy to muse :1 hotel to spring up, there is, nevertheless, ll. prospect of some of our wealthy men contr huting towards the erection of that which is deemed so very desirable for the growing popularity of the city. Cohourg has its summer hotel, the Arlington. \Vlllt'h is wet! filled; the Queens, _a.t. Niagara-on-th'e-|.u.ke, is thronged with guests; and what are the surroundings of Cohourg, or Niagara- on-the-Lake, compared with t.h0se of Kingston? Trusting, then, that those who are interested in the erection of the building [nay meet. with every suc- cess, let us look mt some of the other, i-httngee that ought. to he mnde hefore we can hope to pose us residents of 1!. popular summer resort. iMnnv r-nmnlinunntn hnva lmnn unit. not ,, Thursday : Whig contained the views I of a. merchant on the subject of adver- tising the city as In summer resort. The movement is being-agitated, but, while , it is not expected that much progress can be made this season, it is hoped that the mrutter may be taken up, and the city put in such order and condition that it can be so sdyertised that tourists will knowyot first class hotel no 0 - modntion. charming excursions by nd or water, the comforts of home und eity udvantages combined with the benefi- cial effects of sweet, pure air. and lake breezes, which may be enjoyed at Kings- ton. In order to fully socomplish all that such an advertisement would im- ply, we will hnvevmuch to do between this and next summer but there is no reugson whatever why this description of our city should not He fl reality. Po- tentially, Kingston is an ideal summer resort. Situated at the foot of Lake Ontario, at the head of the river St. Lawrence, withits countless islands. and at the mouth of the Cntaraqui river whose tortuous windings lead us to the picturesque beauties of Kingston Mills, there are innumerable juunts that may be taken by the tourists who love the wi,i_ter; or, for those who may prefer excursions by land, there are the drives to Le Moine`s point, on the shore of the buy of Quinte or to Kingston Mills, along the banks of the Cutarziqui, or down the Ganauoque road, following the St. Lawrence, besides the ever populatr ride to Lztke Ontario park in the elec- tric cnrs,-the water throughout these l.-ind routes being close at hand and ul- most. constantly in view. Toronloniuns have ever envied us our splendid water front. and beautiful islands with their shady groves, but the Queen City has wisely made the most of what it. has, um} the little. sand hnr." us its island has been called, has hotels that pro- vide :1 summer home for many who, while unable to leave their daily occu- pntion, send their families to this re- sort and join them there in time for the evening meal, returning, in tlie'Yt!lorn- ing, to business i the city, by one of` the ferries which t`. oss to and fro every five minutes. Wha.t zi summer resort l`oi'onto would be, had it the environ- _ ments of Kingston! But. to'return to the subject fr0m whivh I have digressed. While ndxnitting that. Kingston has M wonderful possibilities as ;i delightful 0 summer resort, these n:1.tur'al attrac- tions alone will not suffice. '9 must f In-stir ourselves if we are to expect out- ' siders to spend :1 part of their Vtl('. lll0ll in our midst. And, first of all, we want C l)PllPf` hotel n('('omino(l:iti0n. 3i H` cnrnn 0'.-innllln nmnln I\l'\IIll` nnlu Inn :1 I L mm 2. . . u.c;....; [.{.,.........`%..;.. All comets have been com- fortably accommodated at this~P9vu!=srv?=v=v*vzv'=s==~ CALEDONIA srmmssl There has been no lack of room at \ hxw` .K\\ N` N 1 (hadron. Ontaloguoo Ibo on 5 cutout ofnndrlu I Aluminum nish cc be found ma ondo Gent o in to nut. Inn to low vhuh, 0011 I00. ma aenonon 151 at sas. -- -no at :15. RAB|! at 390. :7` aauanca at 565.00. _; w. J. MOORE.l An. I. mlml T During the but month: of the not rldo the hut. -on poyniu Bunion {or `it. Iilendmn and Heliancel "Cough chaser" cu-an Coughs, (`oldt llooroeneu. lore Throat. loo, all on-ugclnn. ` B01114!) Alllp vhmoou `Blanch. Dy D. U. mnccnen. Keep the blood pure by using Amot I pills of Chamomile and Mandrake.& U0. or Twenty Years Ixperienoo 'I'elle What I llleeeing lndlen We-ere llelrn llee Been ee ller leny Pe- tlenu. This is to certify that I have been e ledien nurse for the nut. twenty years and I run pleased to mu het for the put five years A number of my patients have need Indien Wo- man : lielm and it has raved e. (rand mcceu in every one. I would eertiiy recommend It to an indie: dun-inf {are nency.` IRS. E. I W N,Onneviile.Ont. Ida J. Fisher, 553 Yon o at.roet,Toronto. says: I have taken kllorn Compound Iron Pills and find them good. For sale by E. C. Mitchell. Khan than hlnnrl run-4: Lu nu`-an A-nab - unnllnrrs. h.D.l. numm $17 0 nmuurone onion w eon strut gilton. .nmbu.nod in no Iuophono o. . Buldonoo IN King ntnoi Int. uvvuy uuulpuvxluno The humane lsce should always have a hoalthy. nos low And this is attained b the use of hill er s Iron Tdnic Pills whlc strengthen the ndrvoa, purify the blood and tone up the 3 atom. Fifty pills in I box for 250., at odds drug store. Onneer can In 0nr:d. For nix years I -euffe d from cancer. and got. no relief until used Burdock Blood Bitters. I used eeven bottles faith- fully. when the cancer gradually dried up and finally disappeared. I An now entirely well and rejoice that by using B.B. B. I have escaped death. either from the surgeon : knife or from the cancer it- self. Signed, Mm. ELIZA J. Tmrronn, Paris, Ont. '00!` Ylfdt . James Campbell. cornor of Wellington nnd Barrack Imrooto, always bus on hand I good stock of but maple. out and uncut, W slabs. pine and codnr bloclu. All cheap for cash. Telophone 116. wuru Ur uuuu, Ill one company ! nmnrl. The ten of the writ covers everything that can possibly be construed into an infringmeno of rights of corporations and practically prevent: all future agi- union in who vicinity of the Monongnlx mines. Debit Et Al. Io:-molly Enjolned. PARKERHBURG, W. Vu., August 0.--Up- on the application of Jamel Sloan, jr., of Baltimore, a stockholder in the Mononzeh coke and coal oompeny, mode by ex-gow ernor Fleming, his counsel. judge Jeckeon in the United States court has granted is sweeping injunction reetreining Eugene V. Debs and his eeeociatee in any way in- terfering with or molesting the mane e- ment or the conducting of property of t Monongeh coal company or its employees. either by trespassing upon the property of the company or approaching thereto, or inciting its employees to strike, or inter- fering in any manner whmm, either !by word or deed, in the company's ehirl. The text of the writ nnvnrn nvm-Inhiinn Bo!d Ki be h 3.0.1:: at -rmooiuau-:3 c `mu .-u : uvn-Qj AOIIT. ll IOITIICL ITIIII. Stood out In Great Bend: Upon Illa Inn- A Victim of Heart lllanue Inntched From the Grave by the Prorhpz Use of Dr. Agnew : Cure (or the Heart.---Belle! In All Cue: In Thirty Minutes. Dr. Agnew`: Cure for the Heart; poaiive- ly gives relief wihin thirty minutes after me lirsb dose is taken. JumeaJ. Whitney, of Willianiaport, Pa... says: "Cold eweub would stand out in great beads upon my face and I indeed thought that my end had come. But relief was found in Dr. Agnew : Cure for the Heart). After using it for: short time I feel now tlmh the trouble is altogether removed. Its effects are magi- cal. For sale by W. H. Medley. Lora, (01 L(lll U-C), a,L zit. t':1lrIck's. I` Mr. and Mrs. C. -Valentine Schuyler, of Brooklyn, N. Y., ure amongst. the arrivals` at the canoe camp at Grind- smne island. Mliuu \":lann at r\u....... .'.. ..:-:;:_._ muss Luurml nmgnr, Aura street. Miss Ethel Wulkem left. on Thursday for St. Patrick's, and Miss |<`rod.1 Bart- lell leaves lo-dny for J-Echo` 1.04139," nr-n.r Alvxzuidriu Bay. awn A 1' Inma siuue ismnu. ` Miss Wilson. of Ottu n, is visiting Miss Murinl Knight, Alix`-E slreei. Ethel Wzilkmn left on 1'hm-nu... turneu Irom NB-W lork this `week. ' Mr. gmd Mrs. Mclnt 're and Miss Etta. Mucpherson, left. on Vednessay morn- ing by the America. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Intyre will tukeihe Saguenay trip. and Miss Mucpherson, will join.Mrs. Rut r- ford, (of Que-bee), at St. Patrick's. NIT. nml N/rl'R_ I7 .`.'nlnnHnn `~`nhnu'Inv- L80) unx'LwrIgnt."at "rue Mlples." Mr. John Innes. of Montreal, and 3 Van Lesslie, of Brockville, spent civic Igoliday here. Mrs. Geonre S4-.ar.-I. Earl nfrnnf. Lurneu IO `mronw on '1`nursda.y. 7n.ptnin and Mrs. (`:u'twright., of To- ronto, are guests of `Sir Richard and Lady Cnrtwright."at "The Mnplas." Mr. Innes. Montreal. and Mr. l.'lV'll'- l0|lGHy Dare. George Sears, Earl street. turned from New York this `week. Mr. nml Mm, `l\/I nTnm-. ..m| \,n.... I: uu IIU BL: 1151- 83(30- r. and '-`Mrs. Lepgmr. of Boston, are visiting Mrs. Leppers parents. Mr. and Mrs. R; Mdcphrson, Earl street. . Miss Olive Rnlanr Inf!" nu 'l`una:Inu fnr Mrs. 11.; nmcpnerson, Earl street. Miss Olive Bolger left; on Tuesday for Stoney Lake , near Petarborough. `Miss Hi". who has hnan Hm 'DIIAf nf mon_ey 143188, reuarno;-ougn. M1ss_Hnll, who has been the guest of the MISSED Sean, at Heathfield," re- turned to Toronto `on Thursdxmy. Tnptnin and (`xu-twrisrht. of To. '*w1nuermera," musxoxa. . Mrs. John Muckleaton. and Miss Hel- en Muukleston. New York city, are spending this month in Kingston. nMrs. enderson and Mrs. Drurv nnrl spenum [ms month In lsxngspon. enderson and Mrs. Drury and family, are summerlng at Echo Lodge," on he St. Lawrence. Ir nnrI.Nfu-as Tnnnnr nl` Dnuinn nun l%LI'-I-ILUAILNAIKP WHI -HIIIXIIIITI. `I, tuna Id 1 I own -'r.*.:',,..-""-'_'_:*.;." .*."i".`.?'.3."'.'.':..." In! data 0! lninnuo aloud ' HTIJZC L All BQ0.K_B!ND1NG1 Mrs}. Briggs retufned fastywoek from :1 dell htful visit at Buffalo. and `at Win eru_1eri." Muskoka. Mr: Jnhn Muunhln-Onn and was AL ' V3|l',L9:!'$do" 7 '* R hmfever=`!i_!erent`rl . he guy he? e . , V , . T . ' Wheels. three deep. were lined I; K alongsideethe fence within the zeta. V ~ Montrealer was surpri d at `nbt being able to have hie check for the after- noon. ,. If some enterprisin boy had un- dertaken the task he might huge reall- xed a fine pile of ten oent pieces from the many who would not have grudgad the dime for the assurance of the safety of their wheels. 0 O O * . 7 BICYCLES. D.EA:|'H'S COLD SWEAT. Lovuly Complexion. .....- I--- _L-_.I_I .I,, ' GERALDINE. the-I .`! .`..'.'..`.". ."..'.`1'.`' !},."f._.` I. NIWLANDB. Anourmor AND Apprai , no or of Brook and King nu-um`ovor uh : store. Intnnooon King I nut. next to Will oco. l'.C.IlnnlIJo ' 'i&}an'g works. Cu-you Child. Mufti. W and Isl` 1spcIAtIIsFE'-. some n. -2:?-'"".`'u'2 9| , Wulinddulnui stock that tin oannolnl mu. urns n.u)oI.' our nc(>1tJc._ptI`)tu. mo. in the lung 30000.0: In b.'.'.2.5 ,?.'..'.`.`.o.$."&;`1'.?:,....u""";"..u.V" _ "' Electric 5 (`A-nlnnllnn an an` HI.aal.1.A-.... -- ---V-v----`raw to $99 Ulllltonlslnllhop dlu-gg (XII-lll00l&;:00I'l'I`.,\,., ` ` =- Sold in xii o - a ad: by all tJnm ARTHUR ELLIS. ARCHITECT}. OFFICES- Exchnnu Ohumbun. Oord | Block. G Brock much. Kingston. Ont. - v-v """ v""aauw,uIunlooIlIllI- nnuy.!Maulv.GoIuuq9dovqulaucrlygvaII. Bubeenynla-lbodovar Ilyuulnlhounndld cum In the only Reliable and Roam! lnlldu I-noun. AnkdrIIu|IIfoaWool'IPlIbibIoIInO|I hooaoruomoworthluu nuulclnolnphoo otlhh. lnolou prlop In local`. and we will and by I-oh!- null. Prlm.onn nnnkn:n.l`.lnnlh._ lhnull IIIOIIX III HIIWT. Illll WI Wlll ICE W mu. Pr1oo.onopnakIto.01nlx.0I. oust! puuumlanuloun. Puaplnuofruloqnyaddt o The Wood Ooulpnny, Wlndld, Olk, OIIIIL , Eefore and After. woon-s Paospnobrttm. `Ibo bust Inn;-lint Remedy. 81.17 Packages Guamuu to promptly, and pm-mnnently "A. 4 cum All forms of Nu-non: Dodd .s Kidney Pllls Always Cure Gravel ' " V"""`|""7 `nu 9'99`!!! IINIIC. 1*. mcnuubu a $0.. lnnnhnn lnlllung `-1 I..- Q__.. Is... DODD S i"f13'iT1Ev P1123; I539?) ll?! ?'I3`I5`l-`I II!`-1' Iv unuulun Ilqlulj IFIGT T sfngkrs. you will nd III. emu IVIO _ LIISEED Ill TIIPIITWI Wlitlvo and tnanenf `cure. Teupoonml dole. prions cut, Edpmnson. Huge: 8: Co.. Iolo manuhctuldl for cum. LunhIId|t.mI.Tuanh. _ L IUCI'-Il-I IT QFVIITCX 15" W` a V (am. Wehe_hnIdU1;'.`~ ` public speaken. |in;en.' Iniiuli hthl. One rev. gentleman Ilyl: " I IIUVI entering my Iii; If Linseed and at my ilk" Such alnnnolnnn 0'-nun Din In-I-ulna-an .rI'u..'.u -inn AQL UNIS! Tu 1401111 IN Luuix OESIIALI. man, at low tutu of into:-out on City and hm Property. Loan: nontooi on City ad Oovtr DOb0FtIlOl. Apply to THOIAI 1100!, cancer rontennn Loan and Invest lnont Society. Oloo opponlu bho Pout. Oioo Aalllu nun lKFFClw_ I13-T dorsatiom from thn `watery (sound [In an- dencc in Dr. Chm`; Medicinl. up ____. __, ._-,_a_u_.: __.n.|. `.L_. .n_|_u._._ _..__ After twenty years of most ex- cruciating pain caused bygravel I am leased to make it known that lilave *been completely cured of this long-standing trouble by Dodd's Kidney Pills. During these years I have spent hundreds of dollar: without any permanent relief. Had I heard of your wonderful remedy ears ago it would have save me months of agony and hundreds of dollars. Jorm NICHOLAS Baneocx. Sharbot Lake, Ont. |\A\uI\-U on awn. vu-u u unvunuuq lfyou nan-ouhlod withilnIIlc|I_Qi K.-uni an Annnnnnn nlnnlhn nnnnhnnn .81! GRAVEL pnauuu 'on'y.uuuuIIIU , aflbbaooo, Optunoruwn ` lautgvahnoonlaadcolhu nunannsa-J nu Janka nu.-n -2'J31"?" "f"".` I. B. IOOANN AOIDUNTANT AND BELL 4 o_ In to Acon . Bdntl and sooonnta nol- ~ noted. one: to loan at lowest nun. Olico in King nf... our Wade : Drug Store. "vr -. A man; no 33001 smnm, rai o ludlnz luck nnduvornublolnthoouy uloohona No. am .___._ nnrrnn I LYON 1 n.`2f-.'a3:a$'.$.if" ` Io. miums and Interest accruin there- rnm used ONLY FOR PA MENT OF DEATH CLAIMS. 1'orfur;herin|`ormation write -nu`-on-v~ Anytime 1.... -4 A..---l--n._ Pownnx sou A1:-o-1fErs. xii. shunt: nk Building. oornor Brook and Wellington Itnotn. Phone 11!. XRTHITB ELLI8.A)lOHI'1'l'r. OFFICES- Exchanu Chambers. Oordh Block. 31 - own To LOAN IN LARGE on SMALL mml. low tutu of lntonut. on any =vlI I0! :=ln0000t 10900 f'r.o..u' 1.113: A munch EE EN ID. 101.88. LATE 513290 ' I. In Media rlntontiont Kingston inapltul. -autotmorly otzounlod bnho Into Dr. Sumn- . II 9. "E7: " |I-Zlith year of its history only , > 2 M,` ` I. ag; rfer {surplus on hand for each ' ' rsk than any other Society of In Canada. 9 IE; IT! OE INVESTMENTS. Not I dollar of out surplus invested out- de of Canada. miums and Interest accruln there- ONLY FOR PA MlN'1` air dependents gtce rganizatioxzgl u, medical Ielection. Death rate` SMYTHE I LOSCOMBE. HIVZHIE IN 'l'llH"l'. nvwnn - an I _ T I I I I 1. Purely CANADIAN. I. National in In oluuctnr. . 28.000 1 on 2. Fixed grromyum. No death Aueaaments. 5. Gtvul. llao -500 at 33.000 in- Illflce . 5` UIVFI . `$0 .050`! IIITIIICG. 6. Over 8l,500.000.0 air dopendeu H79. ul .6. Over 81.500.000.00 ml to member: and . elf:"dopendenta g _ce ror_n1rmer Jlll0l'lH:ilI|Jn wnto HIST GAITIHIG. Supt. of ornnlnuon. IIAITIOZD. 031'. Gothic`: Innnnco Empotinm Imovoa IoAIOurlunI1.ova- RE.mgvA1.. nunnuun uauuuu `automaton pupa 0g.E.Il!uu moot. _ .v ndlntjsn Prlnoou). Zj ji $113103 `KILL! OUININGEAI Iohunu. manna-Lo. vn. uuvv. WELLINGTON STBIIT (NEAR 4 Tolonhono. av. MEDICAL CARDS. Abia 1_gf_I.:g_1y_nA L. DR. yw vv---- ilnlu-luau 13::-& 3. `11.. .-.. RAISAY DUFF. III BAGOI 8'1`. lion: 9. #3-T6335: LIVERY. _.-._...._ INSURANCE. k LYON. BARBIBTI ,. Ontario Ohunbon. III. 0.0. FINANCIAL. DR. BE60. .T\YlI"l`\l EU` I ` IVlIlIIwIu|pougq|n,..[ lautnanoxugu 9 ')'@`i'F>TII" STREET Ll Tolophongrgl . Ins. somat- ' K. 1. Lvoll. worm lollmroo, me nun 0! wmd-umn a nation ot wd crashes nnd shrinks and all vu silent can here and there when um and its impqdiments locked horns lot supremacy and u the want. foun- Llqilc. urugnlinx. nin- 4 to by an slutty nah, cunt true: and nlluu has at anti vcuquvqt _v ILA 1 It: chili sq, m '0' "e ' ".. IDAIRO uuuonnllo ml. h d d art her: I i .anann IIOUIII Qjgk all uvundlam Gray and Altai Freer aurtod up the trail; they had Al-"out ruchod the top-when 3 cy- clout loud to talk! tlnms a heavy bonnorour lliothooollpsiuot :\ world tollawod, the rub \vind-Lhe|i n nth: cl -Hal at-nnhnn -..| .|..s..|.. -...| wno and neon main in; down at Tom Slupoion t burn a slowoddown and put on t. a brake: w they came to the Buthnnoh tnll. Anr lhnrnl .b..|.:__ l.....A- -...| hungry ugers in search or prey. Tom Shn.rpe'e house was crammed and he was happy. 'l'he dinner was served as promised; ten immense turkeys, done to e turn. ornamented the middle of the table. Tom's wife did the curving, and she saw to it that no man left. his sent. without getting a slice of the re '11! bird. As the night drew on. the un became loud and boisterous; the storm without increased in violence, when :1 mm rushed in and said the water was rapidly rising in the rocky canyon. No- body seemed to pay any attention` to him or the fearful warning. In the party that night. were two young min- erl. one named Sum Gray and the oth- . er Aleck Freer. They had made is lucky strike in the fall and it was thou ht that they had 1 goat dent of gold id me: It their eehie, sthteh-etood on the edge of Rocky Canyon, Jnet above their clelIn.' Finally. ee it got aldng toward midnight they went up to Tom- my Sharpe: it yllemnd eeld they ' meet (0. ` 1, wee adduced the: wee youth to have then remain. but it wee in vein.` `They ehook hende with Tommy end hie write and departed. trell fren `Pen Sher `e hotel to the "nu" :5 in nu." M ' ti" o . V wee eeeroe y few me me: to l_t :3 and rugged. en minere hide! in down at Tom `I r II nlmendl down 3 place. u I)own in the hed of the river, right under the flume. the Chinook comp-my struck mn immense boulder; the gravel around it was very rich; it was too big to blast, so they would mine around and tuider it, and if the ruin caught them they would mark the spot. where the big boulder was am? 30 for it the fol- lowing spring. On the afternoon of lie- cemher 24, the rain, which had been lit- tle more than a mist in the morning, now changed to sharp and heavy show- ers, followed b{| fierce and angry gusts of wind. whic ahrieked and howled through the gulchea and canyons like hungry tigers in search of Tom Shanna`: holua in-as nrnmmml nml nn )3 u woman [or a partner. he dny broke with a dull, heavy, Ieadon sky, pox-tending on storm lung .19. hyed, but it was Tom Sharpe's lust lay ns :1 lzmdloul and it was It turkey din- ner free 10 all (`.umvrs. It, was Cl1'rist- nus (we, too. nnd all the boys wom out, for 3 gum! lime. Norma envied 'l`om his good fortune. They only hoped than may could find as good a man to lake his place. llnwn in Hm hot! n! llm riunr riahll ne SOl(l ms note: tor an,uuu, nut. nemre surrentluing possession he said that, he would give u. turkey dinner to the. lmys, it turke 3 were one hundred dol- lnrs apiece. nvitations were sent up and down the river for Christmas eve, nnd wllile turkeys were on the ma-nu, most. of the company regarded it. :t.-`. one of Tommy Slm.rpe`s clever jokes. Tllere were plenty of good things besirlt-5 on the hill of lure to warrant 2: trump of twenty miles of rugged mount.-nin trails with nnunny musk at the end, and per- lm )3 a woman for partner. he (luv hrnkn \l'ilh n nlnll ha.-nvv xnzuorny 01 me ground was nurren. A man named Tom Sharpe kept an hotel on the lmr, which he called the Miners Rest. Sharpe was a. good, liberal fel- - low, who never went back on an hon- est miner because he happened to be dead broke. Many a miner 'l`om Sharpe staked, and he came very near being (lend hroke himself, when Billy Jackson struck it rich in the Dandelion, and as Tommy Sharpe had given him his stake he put him in for n. clear half of the bed rock. and Tom Sharpe's fortune was made. In less than :1 month he sold his half of the Dandelion to an` English syndicate, for 350,000 and be resolved to give up hotel-keeping and go luck in lcnglamd to pass the remainder r.[ his ' (luvs. I`; Ilgn. d:Ll3;:.` 81' U8 IUTKIILLEH VVHIIU lIl(`Hl()I'y TE`/IIHIIIJS. It reminds one of :1 like disaster which oracurred on the Fesnttier river, in Cali- forniu, in the winter of 1855. The river had been flumed for miles. unu, for the benefit of those who do not untlerstnml what fluming means, :1 bed is m.-ule of boards into which all the water oi the river is turned, and by this means the miners are able to work down through thirty or forty feet of gravel till they . strike the hetl rock. It wus the end of December; though it was the middle of the rainy season, there had been very little or no rain. It was. as the miners elulnised, very rich in spots while the innjority of the ground was barren. A man nnmml I`nm Shnrnn learnt n hntol (l("SlI'U(7llUH. , The proprietors of our country und seaside resorts had laid out for u long and prosperous season, but. man pru- ! poses and God disposes, and in a single night disaster like that of Wednesday, whera thousands were swe it away in a few hours, is n. calamity timt `cun nov- er be forgotten whilu memory remains. H rpmindn nnn nf n, Iilzn (liunnfnr u'hi('h Iholilrtoitln `flat 8! opt tho ll-Julian coo-rumor llfor mndoedrln 19552 1'ho..I_lno ' non .a may lnjoylng `rho-ulv mu-lstnlu lvo when the .Wsto'r Boso-l'.vunlIIug Iwept Awny-.- Qulll-A Woman Hun-lu HO!` 'l`_wo _lou-don-Novel Way u Doeolvod Thom. . _ .,< v - {Spools} Correspondence. Letter No 1,057.) N sw York, August (l,.-The wild storm that swept the eastern coast on Wed.- nesdny night week, leaving a broad swath of ruin in its train for the few hours of its resistless fury, has hardly been equalled in the present century. From early morning tillufter sunset there was a, certain something in the mtmos here out of the common, and al- lhougii at first there was neither flush nor thunder, the atmosphere wus so fully charged with electricity, that you could feel the electric current run- ning through you as sensibly as it you held in your hands the positive and negative poles of ii. powerful electric buttery. As night came on, the clouds in the heavens seemed to be n3. war with destructive lightning shafts. They dashed at each other with the mad spite ot demons. The wind was followed by heavy splashes of rain, which, in a very brief time changed to ll roaring tor- rent, engulfing and sweeping before it like feathers everything that had the misfortune to full in its way. When the morning broke, gray and L'ilf`.8X`it J!S, the shore was strewn with wrecks, while in the offing, far beyond the reach of human aid, vessels were being slowly ground to pieces by the furious und piti- less waves, that, like mnddened fiends, seemed to rejoice in their wild work of destruction. 'l`|\a n-onnrinlru-.. nf nun ntul nl.-u ..-"1 l The John` at Iona Knights of the i '4|;Elu|J\| Ill yuan uuo Lcunalllllcl nl ula Iufys. ie sold his hotel for 85,000, but before `nv-runvlnincr nnuanauinn Inn uuhl lhuo lnssrnovmyv nnsnms. A AonAsTE n"'r63Tir `vans AGO - REGALLED. T wll SIM _ runs uullnu-- LONDON. INC. W.J.B.WHI|'3o"lll.K1Il3t|- ii.i`ayseei;.H.i?::;:4:.%%n`e ii.-e. ~ ` sc Ccntury. . I 4, `ff ungwuvo vigor and I700! ruroulnng llopp. Are you. dour nndor. amongst the Iictod 0001? Are on hing in minty and ulhringnndlnlol rad and fun? If so, lot Ill point you to bhoonly modlcino that can Inouyour out wichouo I but of Minn. It in Pain Color] Oollapound. nuns : nodieinofor the tired u worn out hotly and nutrnng turn}. The vir- non o(dthiJnnodioin:..aci:dri"hthnO the ; "Out Inn qu cs i ng halal and hpphuu. It has I maa and at cup, 3 has and cumin! boo ` F wlrnu or H10 you`. It in almolt certain that such wonk- ly and broken down men and women have not yot hard tho joytnl new that Puma : Oolory Compound is ugmu fl unavoi- and builder. tho uodioino that union the wash wrong. that in: vim and true It!- tivity to tho Inngui and out, that gauthooddsinmd .thnt `vet twat '.v:iI`"dnr rndnr. nmm-um` `I it To be candid Ind truthful. I am mint- ablo, used up, riervoun. and ain't. sloop Ihuo doysal tools: though life was not worthlivinz. Ihawo tried country air. and Mn nu-iotly lolloind ny doctor : od- vioo. you her: Inn. has wanting sway." Thin confusion undo by n resident of onoo! our In-gut Canadian cities. truoly rlpnoonu the condition of bbouundn of inonuidwonxomoid "And young at. thin time of the yin-. It in Alnuni. an-Ida ol..0 ....J. .....I. There Are Thousands Like Him in Canada. [A City Man s Wail. , wn!.ertown,N.Y . Standard. The queatian of Sunday boat landing at `. Thousand Island Park is being agitated to , a considerable extent, and the various ru- more that have been rife for the past two I days, have lent color to the story. Such an action on the port of the nuocietion _would not be entirely favorable to the eottegereon the park. as many deeire that I the quiet Sunday, which has reigned since the orgnnization. be maintained. The charter of the park meociation would be lorfeited, ea it especially provides against the landing of boats Sunday. There wee no meetin of the olliciele of the park Sun- day, as it as been reported. and these gentlemen are rightly indignant (or the injustice that he: been done them in the etfueion 0! each a rumor among the is- lands. Luna` Blovclo Leggings- Wo have reduced the prices of ourladiea canvu bicycle leggings gp 65c. Haines & Lockout. can VII DIG London a Lnnjoathlro Life As- sunnco Company. I|AAu.i A nnunnnu nnntnn-U wr- aewmu unsu one vows are counted whether W. H. Bennett, who has represented the conetituenc with ability for years, will again be t e aucvcesful candidate. One thing Mr. Bennett is perfectly certain of. whatever turn the election may take: When attending to his duties in Ottawa two sessions 0 he was taken down with caterrhel tron le in the head. He used I)r. Agnew e Canterrlml Powder, and over . his own signature says that it worked like I chum, end quicklf` removed the trouble and made him titted for his parliamentary duties. Sold by W. H. Medley. 0! One Thing W. H. Bennett, tho Connorva. tlvo Htundard-Bearer In East llmcoo, In nro-Ele Buttered From Ontnn-hnl Trouble Illd Found Speedy and lflxed ltellof In Or. Agnow Ontnrrlul Powder. In the coming bye-election it will not be nestled until the votes counted whebher W, H Rnnnnkf uvhn ho. -nu.-.....A...l LL- It Cnnnot Occur. Wntertown, N.Y Standud. Thu nunahi \n A Q:-npl-n |\t\nl> ,' But. here is something rs-n.lly new. At 310. Schermerhorn street. lives a. Mrs. Emily Trahnn. Ostonsihiy she Ines-ps hotu-ders. She has two. She has mar- ried both within at few months. To her first huslmnd she said No. 2 was in new honrder, and to No. 2 she said she was No 1 s housekeeper. Her secret wnsdis- rovered and her first. husband had her nx-rested. Previous to going she put 8`. ,t),000 worth of diamonds in her pock- et, and now she quietly nwuit-3 results. ---BROADBRIM. KIIIS IHU VVUIIIFIII (mu Ill? KHIS Hll]lS( .' Yes, yes. yes! they all cried in un- xious oxpeclnlinn. "Now [propose to vary that. Let the man kill hinlsulf first and kill the woman :1flex`\\`:|nl." The whole party rushetl Ill me with inkstunds, paper knives and wlmlvver else w.'1.~; handy. I lmroly escaped wi-`h my life, but. lhuve not been there Rln, uuuneLg,I\vn. _ I 'l`he other evening a party ob young knights of the quill, whose/enterprise and brazen cheek as interviewers make them the terror of evil doers, sat '8!) their room at police headquarters, wail.- ing for something to turn` up. Pres- ently one of the influential members of the guild started up and holding in newspaper in his hand shouted: Boys, l ve got it! lnsmntly every pencil was out and tn.blets were ready for the revelation. Then he proceeded to rend about an elopement ending in murder and suicide. Stop her! Stop herl cried all the hoys at Once. Do you ('ll.ll that news? Give us `something fresh. If you can't give us a. new thing, give us a nt v :t_V of doing an old thing." "l`ve got it, I said. This is u.hsolut.e- ly new, but don't give it, u\m_y." All the boys had their ears wide open. You all have noticed in cases like that you have just reml that when they have comes to the killing, the man invarinlily got through with the elopement mid it kills the woman and then kills himself." Van Van unul Ihnu ull nr;n:l in ..n me palm or your name. . , `l The American water company had` .~huilt.a dam about seventy feet high in ' . u. narrow rocky gulch, which turned a L beautiful little Va.-lley into a. lake about 1 a mile and a half long, 8. half mile wide, 11 ` and having, whentull, :1 depth of water '1 `between forty and fifty feet. It was 11 this dam that broke` on Christ.mas eve, I ~ carrying eve thing before it. Three? miles from t e dam was 11 ~no.rrow,;F rocky canyon and on a spur or bar Is; about forty feet. above the highest re-!]-I corded flood, Tommy Sharpe had erected 3 H his 110181. Which; was headquarters for` miners all along the river. The im- menee amount of floating debris got, ` caught in a narrow turn of the canyon ` I`! about half 3 mile above the Miners` p Rest. In a few minutes the water rose g in the canyon 100 perpendicular feet, and when the oistruction broke it left. no living thingin the track over which it. had passed. The stormnf last week has destroyed many dams in different parts of the country, two of them ill- most rivalling the historic calamity of Johnstown. . , 'l`hn ntlmr nvnnmrv n. nurlv nf: vnnhal More wonderful that all when the {ol- lowina summer the Chinook mining. company `tried to find the mighty rock around which they had worked the pro vious year; it was gone-swept away like sand, and (he spot from which they ' tool: over a. hundred thousand dollars, in gold in a. few hours there was noth-' ing left but the bed rock as smooth as the palm of, your hand. ' ' . comoanv `I, H(l YIOVV SHE --BROADBRIM. r j 5%: ii'ib1n:%! iE;~{i`oonlil was mean but the seething team of a rnahiu ` `ood. Everythin had diuppehre . Tommy Sharpe ; iners Rest and the, _IImdrodaAot joyoiu reulers all had van- u_hed like a.troublod~ dream of `the ight--:Ol` has a vcatige of the Min- ors Rent or its gunta been found to this day. - ' Morn wnridnrful Huh 5: when Hm fnl- Theuardianl

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