I. ugnow a 0;: m..;`.T... sun. Friday and Saturday. Dilcountl 20 to _......___ Told u lrlondl Bo Had Talon Pollen an The: [Angina Al mm Philadelphia, P3,, Dec. 29.--John '1`ownacnd invited a number of hi friends to :1 card party in his rooms t NO. 1,804 688! Lvhinh nvonnn nn .'.\('. The r-nsc was ropnrlul In tho rurnn- -1'35 nfco, and Dr. (`nth-ll Went to the nnrpzuo and porfnrnml an zuxlupsy. 10 found that 'lo\\'mwnd mm dim IIPUK had up in` U1-vrnw rno worst. di MM haw` (`mno hvrv 81111` nlnvn-\ vnul.~in.u ` DIED AT CARDTABLE. .uuu- m-rv In nrlnp 4-} rmIl\'.`n;.', \'i<'o~prm mr an the-v mm inrn nu. Ill!` HHH'l' [Hill UI is mo of thv unmet dis l in tho t-ity to lay. ~' :1 hrih to fhv (`I4-Hz) months: in I`l`ft`l`l`n(`(` tn (-ml\' dorm on tho sly, .11-(I fur in lm`m-1' dos;-.x in odnvntvd to it, nnd/" 111- . gzluut-cl. `mm:-\' I shnuld ft-'1 its ,1 .. .. . ,. .I In\- I ` 1u\\nH(`n (-id poisoning . ...#~_.__,._._. Ill .`lI'('IlIlHll(l .I"l'KS, $5/.2150. Mr. lhxssvll r In Manitoba and no ahe that it is his in- in the spring to re mnnnntlv, A t Hm We have thern in a great variety, an them let. us suggest the following : ` The Latest Pun` Tie--the Fashoda-5o cents. Beentifnl Neck Scerfs 25c to $3.00. Silk Embroidered Suspenders $1.50 and $2.00, . Fleece end Fur Lined Gloves 5oc to 3 5 oo. Initiel Silk Handkerchiefs soc and 75c. Artistic Cuff Links 25c to 32.00. "unu-n-. '. `29.-'l'ht' bun r-ussml but!) far 9 run jndgv Hm 1` <-oI`l`o('tly thv n. rv\'m`s(= at Hun.-unll ._..\lrI |.:., u;-4,, \1('('~pr()tlll e-y-m1,intnH hv nth:-r half A F flu. ......; A: HIHHI NW`! (-v`v r-lwnpl_\-_ 'K(`1f fur` 1| ' III \I bring i 'r`~nl'nt]|| MONEY, C1100 r ` I L The club Home AIICO Shortly after six o'clock lent evening the club house of the K U.. located on Berrie screen. was discovered to be nre. The I brigerle WI! promptly called cub, bub be- r fore the remen arrived tho ame: were pretty well under control. A portion of 1 she roof surrounding the chimney was ` burned away. In in oboughb the tire mu;-hh lrcm a defective Ilue. The lone Will total eboub 850, catered by insurance. Ireotnred Her ulnll 0.41.1`. Onh . Dec. 29 -Mre. Wileon. wife of Cornelius Wilson, lute trnveller lor the Goldie & MoCnlloch Co . accidentally {all while going down eeller no ber reeidence fun night. Her eknll wee fractured by the fell and ehe died this morning without: recovering ooneoiouneee. Mu. Wiloon weeebonl ll; lnnbedd e grown-up bully eervive i I B l (arty In yeere ol ego. Berdee " U U him [or hn had .......m~, ucu z5.-Uul' snow reached I ma juala one day too lube to unto sluiubing for Christmas. Mm; Hagszerman, Water. town, viaimd at: her uncle's, Edward Hug- germnn. Mr. James Wright: has return- ad from viaiting in Mtntreal. Jumps Mar- tm r-punt Christmas an T" Y. Donye:-'. George Brndou and (am ly, kmgqnnn spent Chriabmaa no Marshal l'Arroch'a. Quite A number amended Miss Fox : cwncero last, Wzdnoaday evaning Svdnoy Fellow: in quite poorly. Seldou Ketchmon. wife and family, fndney. were guests no Jnmoe Don- yu luu week. 1;; In uluc ) the `Ir l\` ouu ona; market um. Quouunn-:"}; ":0 hum 3&1-[Ho $4.1 ; Patent Sunny, 34.10 m I `:0; Straight Rollgg.1&}0_u) saw: Extra. 33.10 J on -m. n.....-_..-__ `gin 11.1 I. Ill-\l" and dil" Dr. thv u. u uuuncu. uuntlllurll. A refedos with panelled side wings of antique oak. beautifully designed and ex- ecuted, the production of the Oarnovelry workshop, has been erected and was in 1 place in the chancel of the above <-`iurch on Christmas day. A carved cross pro jecca from the face of the central panel. Beneath the ` brackets supporting in are the words . ` "Holy, Holy. Holy." The altar also is ` ` new. the humble pine box which seruul for the holy table, having been replaced by a stately structuie.carved and moulded of the same material an the reredo-. The front consists of three panels; the large central panel containing the Agnua Del, the side panels the Alpha and Omega monograms. Between the panels and at the corners are round columns with carved cap! and moulded bases. On the projecting base ol the altar there is the following simple inscription. "In Memoriam, Oct. `Jud, 18953; Oct`. l`.. l,h. H915 These hand-some and valuable church ornaments have been presented by , the dam hbers,:n! the late Robert Neilson in memgly of their father and mother. Follows`! l(t.on. F'si.I.m\~', Dec 28.-Our reached lush dav ton hm. m ---in -I-:--I-=-~ retable and between the i 'l'lH but ling-.. l' HIV Hunk ` Lu`. ne claimed sen-defence. Major Lord. who has just: returned from Manila, bells how a Philippine band, being requested to play the American nabional anurem, struck up There ll Be A Hot Time In The Old Town To night. The Yankee bands played Lhab air so often bhe nabives book it: for the national anthem. Mr. Roberta. bbe Mormon elected to congress from Utah, against: whom some opposition has been raised at: Washington owing to religion, writes to say than he will be on han-l an the proper hime no de- fend himself and his creed. He says poly- gamy is not adultery, and therefore not a sin ab ell, basing his argument: on the ex- ample of bhe ancient; Israelites. uuuu was racer noblnaon. Edward Fa: a bartender, who shot a msn named Rollins and a deputy United States marshal in the saloon attached to bhe Royal theatres!) Slmguay last) Janu- ary, has been found xzullty of manslaugh- csr. He claimed self-defence. Mninr l.m-A nrlnn L. :....n ..-A.A_-~J I nuu ms sxsoer. Miss Alice. The hockey game played at Orillie last: evening between the Aberdeens. of Outlaws, and Orillin resulted in e viooory lor the visibors by a score of eight: to one. The game was A very poor exhibition of ohe sporb. News has been received of bhe death so Sorrento, Italy, of signor Pier Delasco. the well-known Toronto baseo and musical instrncbor. Mrs. Dalssoo was wioh her husband when he passed away. His reel name was Peter Robinson. Rrininrrl Wu. n L.....L.._J-_ -l~ ' puuuuiuum 10!` some mine. The London Daily Mail announces Ibhnb the chief beneciaries under one will of the late baron Ferdinand de Robbrchild, are his brobher, baron Albert do Rothechd and his aiaber. Mina Alice. Thu i.....i.... .......- -u-_-.- A n ---- c t:Ul.`U U! we parents John J. my, Q C , the oldest) lawyer connected with bbe bar of Moubroal. died this morning no the good old age of ninety- {our years He had been suffering from pneumonia for some time. Thu Lnndnn llmlu M-.'I . * _ . W V-- '-' uluuuu bu wacercown on Monday. On Cbnstzmas day Bruce and Alice, cboldren of Tvlmnn Milka, of Maple Grove township, Michigan. were cremated in their home, which took fire during the ab- e enrro of the parents John J, Hm III`. M... ..|.:,.-; I__._-_ VUUIIIIJUU unpuuln BOG IICIJUYBHU. F. Evans and wife, Waterbown. NY, and A. Evans and wnfe, spending Chriss- mas with than parents at: Portsmouth. xe- Lurned to Watercown Monday. dav Bmm and Alina Hum one woman: pldge. Cape. Lennnx Irving. B.A.. Pembroke. a graduate of Queen u, has been appnintod major of the lml babbalion. H J. Maokie becomes captmin and adjutnnb. and wifn Wnhnrnuun M \' MU UU LUUTFOW 6VF[]|g`. Rev. Amos Fair, a Bribiah Cnmmbia c'ergymzm. married ts couple ab Vvcboriu lash Smday and omibtned the work obey from bhe woman n pledge. Cane. Lennnx Irving R A u,...I.-..I... - guuu wine was epenn. See Robert) Mantel! an the Victoria thea- tre to morrow evening. Amos Fair . R.;+.;.i. l`nl......l.:.. nuux vu Luu DIEVE. Miss ]}aunb a c'aas held an assembly an the rooms on Wnlliam atreeb last: night. There were a good many present), and a good time was spent. See Rnharh Mnntnll ..s H... \r.~..s--:- -L-- uulrl u U. ualcer. I0 is said that 80,000 persons in northern Bohemia have turned from Catholicism to Probeauantirm because of political nnbagom ism be the Slave. M.'.. 'I\.......u- A-" I -- I) J. Irwin has been appointed chief of the Brnncford fire department). to ll the vacsnoy caused by the death of bbelate chief 1) G. Calder. In in nnlnl LL;-A um nun , _ U: nuuuuuun. I Ull See Robert` Mantel! no the Victoria thea- tre to morrow evening. Senor Romero. Mexican ambassador at Washington, has undergone a surgical operation for append c't:is and is in a cribi~ c.l condition. 'I\ 1 n-...:.. L__L.- - A ` umuaa. ne auneren n-om bho grippa. The hockeyiats of Preston want: :1 match with Frontenaca on Tuesday night). If a guarantee is given the match will come off. 5 Per Cent. Discount; vme. n I , lash mghb. Chief Horsey we: able to return bo hie duties this morning after three days of illness. He suffered from bhe grippe. hockeyiats Pxaston want: In mnfnk LuHWuKt'8 Judge Hamilbon Ward, of the moreme court) of the Unived Santos, died an Wel?s~ mile. N Y lash night). Chief Harpav was .51.. 4... ..o..... a- L:. au. Julia, 11 u . is dead. See Robert: Mantel! nl: bho Victorin thon- nre ho marrow evening. A broad and butter dance occuxa at Hotel Frontenac this evening. The theatre Sun Carlo. one of the larg- est: in Europe, hn just: been ppened ab Naples. ' The mesh Yankee bum: in in anther. doors ard blinds, with heml-mrbors at Milwaukee I ...-I..- tl'.._.:u_, an . . .- ----mg: `rho Very Intact tron: city And Oounuout -'l`bo Gnthoroa] Llnol by lhponon And the Would : Foil Wife. to the Canadian PI-cu Lieuh.-COL. Drnry in conned 00 his room with illnoea. C A Stockton, A wollknown lawyer of 80. John, N B is dead. Han Rnhm-m |A...s..n ... .n.- 11:-..-, .- {ma AFTERNOON EVENTS AND THE NEWS TOLD IN BRIEF St. PIITIVI Church. Bnndhurlt` 3-a9ml... ...:LL .. ,n,. -- VVIVHUU H37` rUrur"- ,ntrenl. '1` n Kmrhmnn ...`t.. .....a FASHION. ml on m-- In HIP mutt, nnrl bow-"peak fl}? I-`. T. Phllllpvl l co. your hourly suppoitln the ruturo. ' N Ell. MCNEIL. Plumber and Bloom mm. King:-unn, Dov. `Jlh. NW. I COMMERCIAL. IUNIIILI. IIOOI IIIIIII. _ _--- In-'l\\IlVI. A\`lNG BEEN I-I.`4'!`AHl.lBHEl) IN BURI- nnu |n thin:-ity I!I\'N'Ir'~`, I lmxr II(`<'ItI4-1] lnrr-lure, untl have this IIMV will In) Hl.f'(`I(, ltmlv-' um! gum! will [0 MCM|l'k'. F. T. I hilllpn & ($0.. :.'L`n KI: K Ht.-u-I`. I thank you tor I hv- lHu-rnl pntronsum bellow- ml mulntm-p1Lnt,nnrlbo1-peak fur Metsrn. I-`.AT. heart)` sunnortln Lh- ,._ :-our-O j\I\J.\III for rhrnnla` mrl nr-rvnus dL-:~n.~aos. N4-mlbln mm), whu In nut Iv.-drv mlnvlhlmz for nnlhhuz null whn t-nnnlovnn llw rm-kl:-.-pa 1-lulmu and zlurhuzml\w-rile:-nu--nlu ut ltlrlll by an many mt-ll:-ul run:-v~rn~4 r-Imu (|\\`I"|1-loin . vnhorlz who Is w|dI~l_\' nmIl'n\'ural>l_v knuwn Ihrnugh-, um lhv hnmlnlnn mul whom Ir:-ulnmnt |I-u-nn- vu-alr-d mm an-|I=IIl`|n'nnvluum-osuml. lnatrlctlvo ' L'0Slll")d. booklroe. Axldrmu-a M ulmvn. Hm-rm` `j: Plun `. 8lvh.11 V -- -s:`<-IV II. IIWIIVIII `-1 am wooamua Ava . DI-."rnuI1'. I'M-4. lmx Ivy his grt n1 MI1`('l'.sH prnvml hlxnsvlf I0 I A p. An enormous Iron and steel auditorium, neat-ing 5,000 people. will be erected no Oberammergau for oho proaontabnon of bbo "l`auiQn Plny. - 'Dr;.j}iistav H. Bobciffi 9l'.IlII....A...__A A_._ -`--__._._ ._. -ulslilruu H |IIIIlDUl'o (.'lll`A(.'H, Doc. `J9 F.Abhor \Valal. A Catholic prioab 0! this ciby, has been slush- ed a member of A local lodge of Pytahlu. Board 0! uonclmulon. Loxnrm, Dec. `IN --A board of concilia- tion, formed of representatives of coal owners and coal miners, has been formed no adjudicnto upou {uluro mining dia- putea. Lord James Hereford hue boon invioed to accept the chnirmuuebip. llactod A nlnmhar. I` . . . . A . . . .. n_- run vs .. --- - - vnuuululll.-I'llll'. NI. Ymnx, Dec. `29.-Tbo Herald lays: The engagement: of Mine Virginia Fair and William K. Vanderbilh. jr.. was for mully announced yesterday. Muse Fair ianaiator 0! Mrs. Herman 0 E|ty. She came to New York anon afber the mar- riage of her sister and with her mother peeved a good deal of her time with Mr. and Mrs. O iilby. IL DAVID HALL, `I Plumber. who has I ploy hr many you-n.I 1 ` Klngnwnh Lqnding Book, stationery if and Funny Good: xcsmbusnme nt.. '0 ` .1 aurgenoa. Tbelatter entered Iloilo and occupied tzhetroncbes on Monday at: noon. Tnoy immediately established a municipal gov ernmenband placed guards over foreign pro- perty. Tho imurgantawore fairly quiet: and orderly, although fibers was some looking at nighb. Lint. five of the nahives were ahoo, which had an exemplary effect upon the mob. The only foreign warship in bhe harbor was the German second-class] cruiaor Irene. I Kuuuu III VU Jill!) D T0001 V60 DOTS. The American expsditaion commanded by brigndier A general Miller ar- rrved here early yesterday and found Lbab the Epaniarde bad evacu ted the place on Saturday on board the em m- er Cburnea and had been brnneferred to the iand of hndanao. in accordance win!) an agreement arrived an with the in- eurgenta. Tim Ian... ..-.on...,a n...-r- _._.I ....,,~,: Evacuated The Place. M.\xu..\, Dec. 29-Debaila regarding bbe occupation of Iloilo by the insur- genbe have just: been received here. The Amnrinnn .....A;m.'.... .... ....A-.I Plumber. h;'s VIII II I`. notice. I 3": HAL] TIIIW Owl, n ?!.'"r_many 1.09-.30 inn 014' hi: fro my PATRONS: UULIIlB- In is nob known here how Mr. Hall loan his daughter. He recently raburnod from California with her and claims that: some wag of a bravellmg man has added a touch of romance to an ordinary visit. The preseno Mrs. Hall in not the girl : mother. puruu nu U6 U630 nwemy y8I'l. She had been adopbod by aonbo sennbor Balls, of Lou Angelou, CAL, and lived with him until her marriage to I man named Ueppard. "Mr. Hall denies the romantic path of the ubory, bub Mrs. Geppnrd does nob. However, she, in common with every member of the family, roluaoa 00 give any details. Is. :. ._..L I._,- H Pretty Story 0! Loot Dnnghtar round ll Donbtcd. PEUIJA, 111., Doc. 29.-A paper pub- liahea a soory to bhe effect: taboo Ca ta. Wil- linm C. Hall, a conducoor on 0110 (ghicago. Peoria &. Sb. Louis railway, has just: dia- coversd his daughter, whom he had eup- porod no be dead twenty She had been ndnnhui ha gum nn.o..~... LjA."coabm Is it any wonder we can sell High Grade Clothing at a s 50 per cent. over your cutozn tailor 1` O AK IIALL- H. D. BIBBY ?R.Uglow&Co., Our methods of doing business are well known the same during the in coming year. FAKE OR ROMANCE, WHICH `? ;__._________ _:.jj.__. __. DIARIES, Era, FOR 189 -7- ; _E_aTT._oN TBA Sealed Lead Packets Only. By Groers Everywhere. MT REPRESENTS Office and Pocket Diaries for 1899. l cloubet's Notes on the Sunday School Lessons for 1899. Sunday School Reward Cards, Etc. Canadian Almanac, 1899. Art Calendars 1899, at half price. Vanderbilt-I'nIr. r\ n. . `[?Cr`V"?U'%`\ \v ',`?',vvo Days Only, All sales for Cash. One Price to All. Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Money Back if you want it. Everything that is good, healthful and pure in tea, hence its enormous deny sale. 51 j j -- ml In I 336 KING STREET. KINGSTON. `va- N.B.-'l'l I 1 an am who an n; '-to-d I9 I Plmtml l"ll`l:ll:lI M UOOIIM, ml!) Itnmt gun Want a (.`n,lIlPr|ncu uI_y. ununnr " ll telephone 302. I We know you tune the but obtainable. We know thus by giving you/tho but we will get: your trsdo. We promise to do 5 ohm. lame-on more customers for an and good work for you. Tech on. Do in to- ! day. Laundry called (or if you will kindly `. telephone _ ,__ _____'___, HM-`W I 10 return than: guurlu You got the |. IA am! we hop!` to hnvu nu plmlaht lH`s|u(-. `Hut {N lhomw who look mo Imnher 5-3.0, math: r. #W_r- arr urmr unonwr. uml unlo-5 um W .wnIIIrI"` '||rI":'!1l with I'wu-mmhlv- nu-.1... on Ir Ill uy run want. In pm? for pu 2 |I'l`.\Illl|ll||ll0l| I1 poll:-9 1-uurt. xoung, l'\ A 1 n ll'|l'!1\ r~ n ` A _ ,.... .u- u-uurm-u wlln rI'uHIImnIt- 1-xq-go Thur `W"` M y on pg-9 R. f plI|IIII'!'XIlll|ll||l|0n KI poll:-91-ourt. \93nr,.'0r ,0. A. WEESE & co. N.}L-'l"hIA Iujhn llll Dhn nun .... 4.. 4-... 1.. uauu mnael [Jill nary). 42-46 PRINCESS STREET. -8 H434 QQGGIIOQQ Bx You Have (iot Ihree Day In fnhn-n II-......n .-....4I.. \'.... lIt\` lllmperial Steam Laundry 00., -. -u- vvrn-VII-I \II \J\I N.B.-'l'll mean Mru -to-d `F"lmln|_n_A|l`]!';|';j QE_I_Av 900th`. n.n0` let Us fake Charge Of Your Laundry. giggm laundry, ;m and 2:; Prlncosu I-ltrm-L. `Material absolutely uninjured. Delivery prompt, charges moderate. Shirts rcbamled 100. All other to- pnirs {toe of charge. n_n 9 n- - - take charge of your Shirts. Collars and Calls '2 We give you a guarantee of skilful worlt, work in- variably tlawlosa, perfect as scrupul- ous care and boat facilities can malm it I nuya VA hlnullib ICU.- We put Skates on boots FREE Can t any foot. W. A. Mitchell, This is no talk, but we really mean to do so to make room for new goods and stock-taking. We have agood assortment and all sizes ofskates left. III. __.A (`I . I --~-`- GHEAT ULOSING YEAR; EDISGOUNT ; SALE. All Sleigh Bells. Skates. and Horse Blankets- r. \r \ Iv\J\lIII l..I.lIlI z.`.:UI (hnln Model Laundry), `D'DT\1r~1-Ina nrrn 85 PRINCESS STREET. e. 250, 800, 400, 500. 6 and will remain ssuviug of 25 to t._o_ff VU DiF` iiiiiii !'I% IJVIIPOOI. .`IKITI_ N. "ll. n:| `lI_BI|..o my Inln nounuun nun. ) 1 REMEMBER--8alo 2 DAYS 1 ONLY, Friduy nod Sttnh ' dny. 30bt: and 3150 inao. : Opooinuou Friday morning ,., so NINE o'clock. ' nrkomombu the Discount: 20 ha qv 50Por Ounll. of). 1' Follow the crowd on Friday. 3 Frlday and Saturday, :n.~uu1'.V'r74 rln mg Irom TWENTY to HFTY per Man. The stock. recognised as one 01 the out) in Ononrio, in- cludes Standard and Mince]- laneoua Books. Bubloa, Prayer Book: and Hymn Boob. Sbonlo and Fancy $0abionory,Arh G Jods. Dolls, on and Games. Framed Pioburu. Fine Fancy Goods. Fine Leather Gooda, Purses and Wallets. Evening Fans. China and Silver Novalbieo, Guard: and Calondau- (all cooduin not-k ancapuWabor- man Fountain Pena.) REMEMRER._AIn 7 DIVE R. UGLOW 4!. CO. have decided 3 to clone the your wicha groan, 1 bonn de Diacouab Sale of V buoi: magnicent: shock In !)I.*il'()['.`J'!'.~I rnnuincr frnm 9 20 T0 50 753'-2w.'}Z`"`"}'" a..;""?ro3 ; per, um; nu winter, as M. X~'T'r>.'l`Ue].'. 0: 0d, eon-mold. mod, . now. 4- od.-pou,'-u tom, mu the open Ilonee lie Rebuilt 7 This however has nothing Do do wibh the hot than lot two week: longer Bnkor will continue hie ale 0! lmoke damaged genh furnishings by bheo time we upoco -hum whole stock will be min; prices! lower than ever. great and among kst the fhnntxrinn - RH` ml; 175 :72; 114 } an 2:3 110; 173) cuvon uonu snore. B and Gondron bicycles. Nnw Attnctlon. F. A. Pnronb. lube 0! the open block, will open for business on Sam with Id up no dabo bowling alley, bi nnd pool room, Wollincbon nmrooo, bu Sovon Conn shore. B:cyc!o repair and (Inn:-Inna Li---'-- . uuu-mu nrrnngomontn. The comtniooo.-on having charge of the reception to be held nexo Monday night in the Wbig hull, under bho auspices of the young men of So. Jnmoo congregation. moo In-0 avaniug and per_loc(ed arrange- ment: (or labs event. I a uuuc ecnool luudn. It is expected that the board 0! educa- bion will nd it has only A low oenba on land as I reeulb of ibe estimated receipts and expenditure. The public echool de- perblnenh will heven eurplue of $200; the colleginoe inaoionbe branch will have e de- cit ol 8200 secure Your Beach lcnrly. All who intend seeing Roberta Muntell, the great: romantic ache: in "The Face In the Moonlighb," at the V:cborin hhenbre, tomorrow evening. should secure their aocba ah Sawyer`: without: delay, as a pack. ed house will no doubb green his ap- pearance here. The BI: Bale At ralrylaad. All books and holiday goods to be sold out at: once an the lawn!) pricaa ever known in ohe book and fancy goods omde. Hoods all placed on bargain bablouw such prices an no rush ohom ofl wiobouo delay. We aim no make holiday week one of the busiest) weeks of the year. (I. B. Scalable- bury. IIIIIUIII Wlrd. Jemee Knapp was nomineted for elder- man 0! Rideeu werd olL__Mondey in his eb- Isnce from the city and wfhhouo his knowl- ' edge. On Tuesday he Ina ill end neglect ed 00 notify bbe clerk of his dieinolinetion to be D cendidebe. Hie nuns must go upon bhe balloo paper, but) hell not a candidate of hie own vneh. ueuovmo omco onus bh bhore Addressed be him. 5! DUI I I73 XOIIU. ,1 Harry Boyle. wine clerk all bhe British- ` American hotel. has juen received a percel sent him ve years ago. The parcel. con- taining I smell silver cup lor Mr. Boyle e eon. wee meiled eta Woodeoock ve your ego, eddreeeed on Belleville, where Mr. Boyle so than time lived. Nothing further wee board of she parcel unuil a day or bwo ago when he received nobiceoion from the Belleville otlice chub there was a parcel no i new I! I query. , There is I growing foolihg that there will only b-'\ two candidabes largely eup- porbod In H e umyumlny conteab. One of obs bhroo wih not: get: over 250 or 300 votm. uuu waru. now Wlll no end`! In Vicboria ward hard work is being done by all hhe candidates. Who will be left is a query. Thorn in a an-.m:..... :....n:L.. LL,` -- am a contact: lub year also. V ' Two straight: bicketa are out in Fronte- nac vnrd. How wnllib end`! In Vinhnri. ......a 1...: ...-_L - - - ula campaign much." Tho race in Ridoau ward in between W. McCartney. jun, and Henry Taylor. They land content: lub lfllhh Mnknhn Ara nnh In I7'---L- uuu Lup. MB "Dr. Bell in I sure winner i: said I cimsn. "The papers I his campaign much. Thu rum: in Rizh... ---A -`- What In Heinz Bald. In is said bbnh Alexander O'Brien will make: big run in Csbaraqul ward; John McLeod, in in remarked, will also be near bbe top. Maybe. "Dr. Ball in A nu-n mi....... :. n-.-_. 1 uura truly, J. 11. 15i:Lr. chairma.n. Whuh a pity i0 is than obepublic officials do not knowwhnb is tranepiriug about and within the city buildinga.-Your!, IRA. ___j.j.__j__ "1\i.\'~To.~', Dec. 20th, 1898. DanrSir--Tbs board of directors of the house of industry begs to inform you that: provision has been made in tube cioy build- ings fora nice lodging for the transient: poor Coos, blankets and a comfortable me are available. In is non intended chat this provision should be used by tramps, bub by the deserving poor. You are invited to send any cases that come under your notice to the city buildings with a. note no the sergeant in charge - Yours twruly, J. H. Blair. chairman." niliv in is than ply... n..|..i:.. ..u:-:--- gown to 31.10; ununo , 1.70 00 3C vwuu Grtln--Whent, No. 2 an tuba Hrd . 7.10 to 7 ' .420 boHo'Peue.6`*ow Tlo; 0:1: .` "IEWL; Barloa 4354;140:370; Rio mo tub-H : m 5mw.e;onuneu. 1.`7ows:.w; 0otnmool,96oLo L10 Por ,sl5.so Io sm0o- bud, 7c to n. ma to 12: Hum. ion to 123; o to logo; Bauer, lownnb|pI.l9o In2Ic; m.lnw1M: Ecru. no to 15: man. 24.. Instructing A (my Ololel. K1.\'u.~i'roN, Dec. `.29 -('l`o the Editor) : Some days ago a city oliicisl. according to I report in your paper, showed a reporter a room which has been tted up in the city buildings for the accommodation of those who are unfortunate in their circum- stances, who, in pausing through the city in search 0! work. and without money, do sire I night s lodgings and deserve senio- thing better than Incarceration in a cell. The city ollicial aforesaid does not sym- pathize with the unfortunetes. so he made great fun of the room that has been tted up {or their comfort. He pictured its condition, and the condi tiou of the cats and bedding after they had been used a few times by the "tramps. IIe did not know as much as he thought he did. and for hie information and the in- formation of all who may have been misled by his talk. I submit the following notice which I received but recently from alder- man Bell. the chairman of the committee having the supervision of the: room in question : (Ilium. . ....... 1. , :\1\.I . A '._______IliE4 P. MTEDIIIEJ Pu-fuyrtod A rnn go;n;utl. nnmminuu I-- - Inbllo school luudn. .-.....n..,a 4|.-. .. . . LET WERS TO EDITOR. ;.;___jj;_ After Five Years. ..I.. -X_ A ' ' lildonu Ward. I\':.\'~Tor', Dec. iI'--Tbn hnnrrl nf rIi.-.uum.... .: .1 u sure wnnner In Uabnraqui, have nob nuro much." KM house Snbnrday billiud incbon back of shop as. r in Cabnraqui, 3 [Java nnh hnrh I III VIII EOKDIIIBKWN ad to nluogho clot. nnvuwuicl nnnu om Wollingbona, T1 roueo, for a much for Monday Inoruin out. but the Wclllughnn. having a nun -an: -CIII I Illlll. All bolidny good: In the about hufboon plnood on borgsin tabla ab pt-icon which will make them vory inboreaoing. Como And no for yourrolvon. C. B. Soonblobnry. H4 Prinoou trace, out to Hnineu & Lockout ; Fronhouoco uhd Nu Wolliogbona, To- Mtlldnv mannin- noJo-non or Beelgnntlonl. The low governing municipal nomine- uions. elections. eec.. reads blur. ell resiz- netlune must: be handed in to use city clerk before IWO on the day following nomine- iione. .ere the reuigneoione received by the clerk here enter that hour loge! 7 Had A Happy Rouepllon. Doepiho hbe tech that I pert of the roof of their club hnuao was burned off. hhe members of K. U. held I plenoenh recep- tion last: evening. Five old members were in nctendecce. The evening was pro- uebly and pleeunzly spout. _-_____. Pro !. Ilnrun Innquotod. Prof. I. E. Martin, of the Royal mili- bary college, Kingston. was banuueted In royal obyle ac bho Hotel do Quince. Pncton, on Monday nighb. Mayor Fitz Horriuan read an nddro-a and presented nun mth I cum from his Picbon frionds. Suppl; 0| School Neneseltlell. The supplying of school books for the past term has been very auccoseful. The secretary is now receiving nndmliqtributing 8llD_Dll8! for next term. The/dmall lee exacted has saved the board much money as hitherto tho suppliea to poor children totalled A good sum. The fee system has reduced the requests to very few. Broke [:15 `lien Ankle. While attempting to lift: car nxlrsl at the Grand Trunk {reighb shed this morning Alexander Sinclair, driver for the Shodden company, had the misfortune to break his left ankle. He was prying under one of them with I hnnd truck, which alipped,re- aulring in breaking his nnlrle. _-..... _... mu uuuacwl. A reporter met N. T. Greenwood. trea- surer of the St. Andrew s bells fund, and jokingly asked him as to the chime. Mr. Greenwood took the matter seriously and said that he wished the committee would calla meeting and do something "0 towards the purchasing and placing of ii chime of bells in the church tower. Mr. V Greeuwood s idea is to put in a Westmin- B' ster chime (ve belle). This chime is a y beautiful combination attributed to Han- _ del. The treasurer has made some enqui- ries and thinks the bells can be manipulat- Ig ed by the clock. ringing the chime each be quarter hour and striking the hours of the day. Mr. Greenwood has been instrumental m in raising the fund. and says: "This mat- )_ ter has been long standing, and if a meet- `Df ing of the committee was called at once ,0 this or some other arrangement could be completed by Easter Sunday, April End. This is only fair to the subscribers." ,,. : Happy Family. The annual gathering of the Hatfuer family took place at the residence of E Hatfuer. Williamaville, on Monday. The day was enjoyed with vocal and instru- mental music, also games of every descrip- tion. A Christmas tree was tastefully ar- ranged and draped with numerous and costly presents. At ve o'clock Santa Claus arrived and distributed the presents among the children and adults. Dinner and tea were partook of at the usual hours. Mr. and Mrs. E. Halluer are to be con- gratulated, as there is not a broken link in the family circle. The number of guests totalled thirty-four. and amongst them were two newly mahried couples. __}._,__` Concert At ulen hurnle. A tea meeting and concert was held l-n evening at Hlenburuie. which proved a most enjoyable evont. Dr. W. W. Sands presided, and announced a very interest- ing programme. in which these took part: Violin solos by Wjuraiiz; solo. John Mc- Uallum; recitations, Eugene McCnllum, Gertie Craig, Cuthbert Hay and Alice Doyle; club swinging. Frederick Viinar num; choruses by the Sunday rchml scho- lars, and a couple of well rendered dia- logues. Refreshments were served during the evening. N V - l I UIILI. P Mrs. Cooke is also in `receipt: of a very kind letter from H. Farnell, of the British foreign ollice, London. detailing substan- tially the same account) of her eon s death. Mr. Farnell says Capo. Dugmore bad no first: apparently recovered from his mental aberration, bun while sitting with some comrades, Capb. Coolie nmoug vho number, the officer suddenly sprang be his feeb, seized a rille and red beforea band could be raised 00 preveub him. The shot: took effect: on Capo. Cooke, who was killed in- shsnbly. UHIJEUIUII. Capra. Dugmore had been in Ugandafor A very long time. and was bobber acquaint- ed wmh bte country than any other Euro- pean." N1:-n Fnnlznin I-.. :.. _--_IL -I fo '3); st? '~' nxuruv 83. to s4.13?onuno f2l|.7'0 :'Io"i'm anfmm Hark *1 7&3. Own. 120 00 H0: Pam mm In ~.u..'. '4": u... nuuululua auu ma momeno of aberra- tion shot: Cnpr. Cooke. The latter oflicer died shortly afner and as the re- sult: ()apl:. Dugmore was arrested. Ah the time thub he comrnimzed the act: Caps. Dugmore was an Machalme. He, infacb, was being conveyed more by his friends to be placed under medical treatment. After his arrest; he was brought: to Mombasa to await: his nrial. While an that port, how- ever, his illness became more serious and in was found impossible for him to plead. On Thursday, November lubh, he died, and was buried one same day. The cause of death was, in addibion to brain disorder, bomplegic and general ex- hausbion. |lr`....h I\....._...._- L- J I V V cur, Ely "The Central News says new has reach- ed London of A terrible tragedy which oc- curred at the end of September in the ` Uganda protectorate. It appears that , Capt. Dugmore. late of the Royal navy, and an official of the protectorate. owing to the excitement and hardships which he had undergone during the recent) Fganda campaign lost control of his men- tal faculties and in a moment of aberra- Cam. trnnlm The mom mu- \ mucmon in uouoh Africa : The family of the late Capt. William Cooke, 01 Moucton, are in receipt of fur- ther particulxra surrounding the and death of that young officer in E net Africa. The London Telegraph, Mail, Poet: and Chrom- clo. of December 1617!). contain an extract from the Central News 00 the effect that Capo. Cooke was not shot by A native, as no first reported, but by A brother ofcer, who was suffering from temporary insanity no the time. The Daily Chronicle. under the heading. Captain Kills A Brother Olli- cer, rays : --rpm amt... Mm... ..-.. ..--- L - - Cnpu. Dunnon. no [nuns lngllnh olllcer. In I lomont. of Aberration Killed ll 0omI|do-`l` o llurduor Dlcd Before. ` Illa Trlnl Oonld `Illa I|l('O--Thll Vol`. I I Ilon Conrmed. ' The Daily Times. of Moncton. N.B., has the following ibem concerning oho doubt: of Capri. Cooke, a graduate of the Royal, mihmry college. who eoughb dis` bincuion in Soubh Africa The fumiln n6 0|... I-.. n,,,L up..- CAPTAIN` coom nmu. HE WAS SHOT DOWN BY A COM- HADE. -:-i__. Ilnrtuln Tllllll. .. ......I- 1- .L_ _. Bolls lror st Andrew's. ...s.._ ...-.. IV In r- , _ __,.-.v..- Mhub use . my spout. wmwr swoon 34.00; p.;;`"'-"`" "" 34.30; Roller.3:uo .$',*,f,'."}.`.'tr*`- 30; an rnne,;a4(n.o32uu; m,'..,`,,l, ..3 -30-, , I0 - {.1 ' `3GrAln\UI:9;`on.\rr.`xo :I.3'5f'_.':Z,." . DAILY Whit-. 'I`HUB$UAY. DECEMBER 29. 1598. A Non Lltuo Booklet. The O.P.R. company no dim-ibucing Inna voty bcndoomo link booklets du- criptivoof their locum and ocmforbblo tourist Iloopon. In in entitled "'l`I-swelling Comfort," and is tastefully undo up on bung` cnlndu pupoywtlh I du cont. hearing a` putty ddp. I in Inutihlly inlumnqiudnq nndqblo. x mm MKHIIIHI, mu 1! (mo _]'ud;u- lvnti oi the puhllv 1')ul. prnji-(-r.l.~1 surv to lil(`(`l the polls. .lm1m. Ru:~'.~u'il sold his {arm of 100 acres to .\r(-hilmlri Parks. n. neighbor, [or $,2Wll. ` spvnt tho NllmlH(`i' well satised '83 he tention to return side there pornmnontly. At, thi- school meeting on Wodnmulny W, R. Smith was rt--ol(-(`ted to serve it third term. W. B. Perry, Moscow. is spend- inpz the holidays (it home. The nom- inations M the town hall Montluy pmmvd oil with n (l('[.{l'(`(` of energy. The following: <'nnlir|utvn' nnmvu will up near on thv lmllot: For rt-ova, llirum llufimnn and lie-rnmn Monpz; for (`min- cillors, An-hiimlil Fairbnirn, William (iootlmnn, John N. llnugh. George R. Parks, M. A. Siils,,Ailnn Wnpuir, Wil- ll'(l \\'0n(l('o0k, livnlmnin Young. Tho ton nine-ting at tho Brit-k <`hur('h Mon tiny vvvning win it .~:u<`<-ow in every ru- sptwl. The u.tt<*nrl1ni<-v was lnrszo, tin- prn;zrnmm:- 1-xr-will-nt nmi the hill of fnrv mmrl, PI`U('(`(`flH $67. (ivorgo Pvrry huu twn hny [1i`('&M'.'~. in opera linn ..|\n..o - The Hy-Law Doomed. Fn-dt-rirk:<}mrgh, D4--. 29.? us by law is mnvh (li.\'('llSs(`(l and mznixmt, but if _]' HUI! nl thn I\IIl\n .1..|.... .. II I and ... ,.._) JIIIH 1llUnl`_V JUN tn shut thvir nmu thv villniny uln-ml nnd hl`ihL[ pr~pur<-(I when this r-Hy ( Hll`('hl1l'l'hI'\' an- it I 6. 4|...` (tum mm nuvv hr the sanw nmnv} rmIl\'.`n;.I imz f1l(`fiPx;|.\` Yarns the-y (`HY of \'nm'mI\`-I`. `Hm thv inufifniinn Eu nn.. ..r xn_y UI \ um')lI\`(- thv inutitunn is l'l`DllHllII(` dons This mnnov \\n-4 on -h..o H. _ In a -umrn, Dlll there v\n~` n rum.'in',: rn.~1r of 21p]!lunsc in llni1mr.~rn-('1 I\lvH:mii:t vhmvh un Sumlny vn-ning, uhun during thu ('um`.~4c of his Hcnnun, Rm`. Dr. liby in fanned his cunizn-gntinn that. ho hurl H'fu.s'wl to tnko the 820 pun prom-(` of the Snvny thvntrv 1-nu-rtuinmvnt. The llwntrv, wi;i_r'h is really in mu.-iv hull, gun: in hem-Ht <-ntvrtuirnm-nt n-alizod $120, whit-h nus girl-n tn riifr for:-nt (`ll_`l`{_\'H|(`H for the pmu`. Ehy ztnd nH10r.s' n-fu.s-I to [nuvh d-\'il'.~I nmnnv." Dr. Ehy in his: aornmn sniul: This V pr('H_\' IilH(- tlwnfw is .s-inmly un(` hull` 0! in twin institution run by lhv men who npomto the worst. dive in Viv tnrin hnvn nmm. 1....-.. 4.. I - 2.7 .. .....- uuternulllnl ant \'nm'u:xu-r, lS.(`., Dev. 29. - are mthvr unu.~umI in u thun- 21 llnmcr srxt-('1 rhu duri furlnnd hiq .-..n...~......o: - ~L VA ._v- . 5 nvuvvi llf `|1H'0||. Qua. Dec.2n,_ p-;,,u,_Rm, u lw5?3 Mil: market Quotluonl: pa nn tor mum . - - 14.30: nu-tum. nfnf... kszP.?."3 .PF...8.`.. \'_"5.'.`-. 3`-J9 V "WOULDNT HAVE THE _.:____ Rev, l)r.l:lny Refused A Donation Ftom A Theatrical Entertainment. V11 Ht'n`I\..I~ I11` n -m ....~.. .- nun u|.`\l'u\t`l'('(l that he was dead. `Hm men sent for :1 physician. who thought 'l 0wn.' hnd prulmbly died from heart (Hs~ ome. mun.-no mm porlnrnuwl nut Ho mm from Dr1x.x.~ m-id nuimmm. In` munn rnnr pru.x.~'it- no The conversation was then dropped, and the gmne wont on. At midnight. the players nrnse from the table. Their host was sitting in It chair, with his eyes closed. His fric-nus thought he was asleep, and were trying to zlru,-use him when it wn.- dir-x('o\'(`1`('d n nhvnh-inn .1... n...,, -A r- - ..... -uuvuuLClIIK.'L NH :1 _lU|i(`. You are only joking. .!nhn_" rc- nmrked one and, :40 Eur as yunr bc~ longing L011 .-micirle (`lulu i~ ct>mcIned_ why such a club ncucr rcully cx{.st~ ed.7l mu me that evening. His lriends, who had known I a long time, and unvw that J ` nothing to mukv him 1n1ruppy, the announcement as a joke. Yon :n-o nnlv inbh... .,...- 1 mm sun: nIyI.m't1 \'z-"vvlu Id as if I hnd hnngml nnywlf fn ox-k of rvlnrvn. Incuuu LO a cum party in his at 1,604 Lohlgh avenue on Monday night, and boro secretly _ mklng a dose of pruseic acid, he calm- 'y told his lrlends that he \\`IlH u mour- ` bar of u sulvlde club, and huvinp: ` drawn the rural card, he would end his life that lriend.~;_ u-hn hurl Irnntrn p.:... y,._ 8) `J InthProt..................... R Ii Onmmorolnlcnblo 183,; Rlohellouxnmoo.............1m; 10:-H Montreal Street Blllwny . . . . . .288, 281-1 Montroul St. RR. new moot. 46 2% : mumn moomo hnumy.... .131 mu Tomntoallwuy..............1m) um, llontroalau 2013: AN` goynl Elogtgiio :61 ; ontreal sun `H 1 Bill Me honc.................l7`I 1525 lhnkol onlnu.. .250 245 Jnurlonnl ..0U0 ll-1} Mellon ! Bank.. ....Zl0 n Bank of 'lVoronto .. . .255 25.`! Icquea Cutler Bun ..0IIO Merchants Bank Merchants Bank or Hunts}. H5 .010 1K0 bottom Towulmp . . . . , . . . . . . . .15 } :: uobeo . . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..0m 1;`: nIonBank.. . 000 out Bunk o!0om)uoroo........... `(U HI) Nort.hwutL|ndOo............ 56 6.3: Mont.roolOotton0o............m2g 1.37} 70 4:4; Domln1oh(XMon............ Hr: 11+; Warlnglom.................. Lin ; 301 -OHTIILL PBODUOI IAIIITI Dec. 21,- La, 500 murky; quleg. mu-no '.x.._,._ -..m.