Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1898, p. 7

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j"- I Wn.'rn:~'. Doc. `28.-'l`ho hoamoobing in I bho Methodist: church lub Thursday evan- Iog was 3 mccoos. The proceeds amouno- odlao nearly 8.50. ddroeros were man by Reva. Adnxns. Nor. and . C. Brown. Kmgabon. R0 . W. '1`. Brown untrained obs uudienoo `with some choice I -oloctlona from his gnphnphono. Mrs. E (R01) Adams. Ynrkor. who wu to have lllll. vu nnnble to do so, so her brother I in-kw kindly oonrontod to take her p'.|CO And favored the nndionco with a C0llp.'8 0! I recitation: sad a solo. which were highly | Ippciltvu. Tho room of the programme ' nu furnished by the choir.-Mr. and Mrs. ` I`. Blmnorby and lnmily. Sudhury. um I opondimz tho holido u wish her lather. I Jamal Fonyth.- . R. Uordnnior and null}. Nopnnco. And Mr. and Mn. N. C. Tooter. Bmehvillo. spent Chrimnu so! - NIi|IIIn`I._--John Davy {I m.-Ilr. | in up inputs; u could to Will!- Avlc $101) 1 .)r. Now In fine condition at It is the purest and best. You will llke It. CHAMPAQN E CLEAR THE FIELD. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT 39999999999999 99 999999999 99999999999 9999999999999999t I Y , , ' 00000000000000000000000000 000000 0000000 0000000000000: One trial ensures cont-Tnued nae, an1-(see to-mortow's advt.) Made and guaranteed by ~` THERE ARE OTHERS El Padre Cigar Why in Cnnadn like courtship '3 Because in border: on the Uniud Simon. 8. DAVIS & SO-NF, MONTREAL I -.......4 Fl--- |l-....J__A--.__.._ 1.. tv-___n_ w'>v.-- . vv-n-:1: Elgar Manufact;1r-e'rs`;n- Can;d\a. / Who have! not yet tried the I! you once bry Cu-tor : Little Liver Pills for sick hndncbo. biliouonou or constipa- I hion you will never be without: them. They I In puroly. vogopabio. Imqll And any 00. ' uh. Don ! fol-got nhiu. I Thncrnnd dnnhnnn Ynnln sign. A: AL- l i~;i<`ru, lloc `.37 -Hugli E. Hondry, Al- ! monro. Thomas Barrie. A. J. Henxlry Orin Sammerville and R. Bryaon. Ootawn, upenb Chrwmn :0 their homes how -- Saourdny was A very busy day in town.- Ab bho nominabion in bhe town hall Mann. Bulderson and Shaw stood for mnyor and four new councillors were brought: our, making nine contestants, six to he electod Wilson J. l)ettrick, B. James And Charles Fay were brought: our: and Maura. Code, Smarb, Shaw, Conaith and Benrebt: will run ngain. --R. Richardson's family spent: Chrinnmua with Mrs. Richardson`: oi-tor, Mrs. J. Cunpholl, l`crth.~-Mrn. Woods. of the high school ebsll", Ielb last: week for nor home in Toronto. L Szernson. principal. epondo his holidays in Loudou.-'I`hera are thirt -two men nnd four women in the Port jail :0 present. They were givonnChriatmne dinner.-Frnnk Hicks returned from Calgnry on Saturday; he oxpocbt to be home nboub a month. an noun Ion-goo unis. The gnnd ducbou Xenia. tiIQ,or of the cm,Iu van Hm: to 0 non. So many cums have been curated by the use 0! Dr. Hall : Rheumatic Cure that i in`: the town talk. I! you are It sufferer i from that: horqibio malndy go to your drug ' store and get A home. Willinm Tait, lll|IlO|'.'C0"Inl Buy, In: nticted wiv.h Icinbic rhoumsullm for bwolva months. One 1 bobble 0! Dr. Hall`: Rheumatic Cure cured i him comploteiy. Thin praparntion is uhninterully. 50. A bottle. For sale an Wadi: drug store. I I UIID ll` local year.` F LIAU HIla|4U|- ! Naturally local polibiciana found their I way to Sunbury and later on Bnrrieliuld. Willi so many candidates in tho lield them will be enough excitement prevalent: to keop the political pot boiling. Alex- ander_0'Uonnor, Watertown, is spending his holidays among Kingston and local friends. and renewing old ties of acquaincanceebip. New local resi. deut.e-au least: new within the last: month -araJabn Duflee and family, from the ciLy. Shannon Caverley, one of our for- mer cbeeaemakerr, is running alarm on the shores of lake Huron. ahlznuu three miles from Kincnrdiua, and ge ing along well. Viaitora are numerous at this season: Mm: L Tiadale, Bnrncold. ah Jam .\1artin'E: John Derry. Kmgetzon. M W. Woou`s. ur.; Joseph Donaldson and family M, W. Wood}, jr.; Mrs. S. B. Sparks, at W. H. Miller`i-: Mrs. Ueogo Clnxtr-Ii Milway, Mnn.,'l`. Shark and fsmilv, (`I `Mrllblalld and lamny, an H. H. Fran(- lin a; Camp Oliver, Brockville, uh Rev. B `Oliver's. also Mi:-a Knbhleen 0llV5l`; luau, l but not: loan, the Whig an several more homes Him in was this time last roan nun, rpuurners uexng made Dy VV. H. Franklin, F. Auglxn and others. The Kingston merchants find many local cuet<*n.era lately for gununmmumtnon anu padmcka. as n guud In future agunwt tho Cbl(_`k()l| [movers who were so successful hm: week on hzml farm yards A specml mcotmg of Urnnge lodge, No. 71m, occur- red on Monday evemnLz.l8'.h mac. Sever :1] are drawing wood trum lirewon Mull and vncumy. School No. 9 clon- ed on the 2251-11 Inst). for Chm-L mas-Ludo. Un LLO ptocudirg ufttruuou forty-eight; prnzau were dnambubed to the scholars and a programme remlorul by i the latter. n \'.a.......I|n IA.-Al malls. L|l KIIU IIIDWIIIK vvuuu uulu Imus-ndo. pieced t....... .....Lm .......~.. .... -.. The Whig More In lcvldeuz-,e-lherzy News Letter. CI'\lllG\'|1\l.l., Dec. `.27. -- Although wo have non much snow and convcquencly lib- ale sleighing Ullristtnastido was as merry as over. A succeenlul entertainment oc curred ab Zion church on Friday oveninp; last, the programme being supplied by the Sunday school Pcholars and each rendering: their part: in 8 most creditable and capable manner. During tboeieningupresentation in the shape of I! handsome oak secretary wan tendered to Gilbert) McClymonb from rho mtepnjors of school Eochion No. El, lctsburg, the address being read by Miss l`nuy Oliver. Tho gilt was a pleauam aurpiiao to Mr. Mc(_Il_y monn, who has con- ducted fur school for four yams and resumes the post: for a lth year. The chair was occupied by Mr. Law- eon, speeches being made by W. n p,,...1.i;,. is .:....i... ....,i r\9hnv-u viuuiiu. uie ucrenmmce W38 Emall.- S. J. Dargavel, l\lc(ill univoriiity, and K. Hixllniday. Qiieona, are under the parental ruof.-Wlieels have again taken the place olruniiere.--A. Perry has returned from lirowor e Milla.-Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearson speiib Cliriaumas ab East;on a Cor- nere.-J. Stuart, Morton, is engaged at) tho aaw mill.-Tlie cienmery conninuea in operation with a good flow of milk.--C. _ Hrilladay, U. 15. Murphy nnd Misses E. and C. Hallnday and L. Earl, pu- pils 0fAtheiis high school. are home - Mien l eveily spam. Uhiii-luias with rela- tivcn M; lirockviilo, and Mrs. L. Coon wii.li her son. S. A. Coon, an Atbemi.-J. Dimcy ii; on the sick lish.-\Vci-lay Toppiiig is children, ill with rcartgli fever, are recovr- ing. llull. Lu. U. DFOWD, UD&[l`y.-h':eV. H. E. Warren filled the pulpit: of tho Mebbcdueb chuxch Sunday evening. The entertainment in the Metbodnan church on Saturday was ngucceaa. After an excellent: programme A massive ever- green bell was lowcred, well decorated with toys and presents. Over 5.35 was realized. Uwing to sickness me- valonb. the attendance emallw Pl .1 lhxrn-anal Rlnllill .....'.........'L.. ....,.I I) El.tIl.\', Dec. `.37.-Among Ll? Christmas visitors were nobiced Rev. I. Warren, Hintonburgh; I . W. Brown, Newbur,-11.; Mr. and Mrs. I). R. l{eid,At.heua; Mr. and Mrs. F. Munroo, Imquoie-; Mr. and Mrs. Wright) Shuldon, (lhuntry; Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Brown, ()hantry.-}{ev. H. .E. Warren llnd Hm nnlnih M H... BI'AH'm.|rm. Dec. `JR -A number of our young people took advantage of the line night: by amending an entertainment given an Peron Road.- I`l1e election in cann- ing quibe an excibnmelmbut R lllclulden WI surely be tho successful candidate. Mine F. Rutledge is engaged M touch- or for the coming year. -- 1'}. H. Pixluy and E. Valliur are min ing eucceedully in "Klondylm.-v The iongwinhed for snow nborm came M0ndu_'.' night. bub all would have welcomed iv: more bad in comes few days sooner, an bnd roads at: Christmas are looked upon with much displeasure --\V. II. Bower has purchased A new cutter from H. Shou- 055. Min; M. Brawley is expectud to spend the winter n)nnt.ln~ with her brochcr in Wntorlown VI!llOI r-2 C. Worden, uL Inn ulster :-. Mrs. Ezra Pnxlev: R. Sbonuwa an B. Buck :-; M. W. Spallord an H. l>oare'i; I) lirawloy ab W. Buwor s; M. Spallord and family at J. Moore's. .--j:. I uugnuy :5; 11. l.Ullflf!(', Aompernnce L-K0). an M. J. (jonnollgs Miss A. Ferguson has returned homofor the holidays -Mra. lrn Andreas, near to deu(h s door whnle suffering from appendicitis, is very much Improved. and is again able to be up - Mra. William J. Buell left for Moore Greek to day, where she will pclnl A few weeks an her old home ~ ~Chorry White. .\lalloryt.own,puaaed through here with his fine carriage horse on route to Athens on private business. CALVTOWN, Dec. ` 27 -Nolawibhetanding the very bad state of the roads the Cumu- mu entertainment in the Methodist church wuss decided success. M. J. Con nolly lled the chair, armed with a very lengthy programme. M. B. Towrise fa vored bhe audience with several selecbions on the violin, while everybody enjoyed the soles sung by Wesley Towriaa, (llen Buell. -The Chrisbmas tree in the Presbyterian church on the `Hub was also well attended, uhe church being tilled to its utmoac capacity. A good programme was alao provided.--Mr. and Mrs. John Frgrer and Master Howard Fraser. Aultsville, are spending a few days visiting friends here. -Willie Graham and W. tlbepheneon ac- tended the concert an Escotb`u;_Q,`h_L;,vl(lay. -\'i-itore: W. Hunt, Holland, an A Etlgleyhs; B. Touriur, Temperance L.l;o). an .l. (lnnnnllL .a in A l4`m-nnulm ed.--Miaa M. B. Emerson, Miss Emvly Summons and Mordy Sborma am home {roux choir schools. CU8HvE7NfDA*Li.CULlA.|NG8. ;.;.;s `It; 1: :/u,aa. vs. /j \./ ATTEMPT8 M I UANECDOTES l I But. She um um Majesty Una of the WorId-'l`h: W9; Revenue-Hun All. The queen ls p( be me of the : I \\'m'l .\!l.yS T. v\'w'kl_V, M,,\.l . of her mu_iesty`.~s' known only to n. i pr-rsnn.~4. .-\.-4 non: wuud lw llkvly Hg} llos ilvm val lllJj(!r`l. and t 2 ` 24 luoyon the jut ` flcluls ul S:,(nt*rs dotnllu on this re point will prohnh LA.` No. But lrnm rm (1(`.`\in HIYHHFY n_V {I T"|T(`I(`, Her parents, the duke and dll(`hl`s.< of Kent, hnd takvn (hr royal child to Sidmouth. Dcvonshirc. for change of air. ll`. A boy shooting sparrows acciriently riischnrxzmi his gun opposite a window. at which a nurse, holding the infant in bet~<~n.(ms, was standing. Thv Stills was comnleteiv nhntbrod, Lnnuun lm1._v mum. (irmhmlly the truth is ivnking nut (`0nl"L`THil1{.', tho rm-cnt zu-ridcnt that occurred tn the (-nrriauzv in uhivh thv Qll(`l`Yl and ht-r eldest fll|'lRhU`l', the mnprt--~x Frvdu-riv, wore (lri\'ing, uhivb, ulthmuzh minimizccl ut thi- pprimi, \\':|.~4 vxtrcmt-Iy nlarminu to H1 rnynl n('v'upnnt.~: uf tht` l`l|lIi[)llL{(', uhn prntmhly uvvod thvlr liu-.~ tn the skill 01 thv 1-um-hnmn. C`nntr.\ry tu gvnvrul belief. the quot-n has cxpvrivnvonl nmny rl:1n;n~r.-, uml it is quest-innnhlc if then` is any lady livinpz at the present timv who has had as many and 'il\` varied escapes from death as her nmjr-.~t,_\'. Frnm hr-r hnhvhnnd nnwnrdn hr-r Hfn lrmn nontn nor nm_)r-.~r,y. From her hnhyhnnd upwards 1 has boon cnnstnmly imporillod. only six months nl (luv she ( doah nlnmst by {I miracle. Ilnr nnrnnfc Ohn rlnlzn nI\l' 1` ANiiu;.~..~iu'i:::Ii, Dec. 26i-Farmers nro busy cunning wood.--A. P. (lu'_d. on the nickliamingrndunllyimproving. Tlieinfanl. uouol l'.Androaa is very ill.-- in Annabel Koala. llooliporta. in calling on her many lrionda in Dlll place, nounbly Mina Leah AdAmI.-Thoinsa Powell has been engag- od drawing my to Mnllorybown for blm Inab week.---T. S. Inwslny trailed horses at: Yonge Mlll quite recent-l_v.~ lilnko Hnwea was calling on friends in Cainbown last: Silurdayi~-Choiry White was in Athens on Friday.--W. 0. Leona still drawing his milk to Masllorytown cronmery.--William R000, Roclxporb, was 3 guest: of the burgh on Sat:urday.-Mra. Norman Hawea. on the sick list for n while, is some bother. A large crowd of young ople gabberod an Edward l)ior`n :1 low niggllia ago and all roport: a good time. 3 1|.\ \\ lll'H ll \\?l4 [lIlll'IHl\Q'lI Ill 1-`*1. T The` quvvn had another strnkn or luck in DH]. Whvn, by thv ud\`i(~- M lnrzl (`rn.\.~x. lnrd Shim-y. and Hm lntv Sir Arnold \\hifv (hor . slw hmuzhf outright smnlf pr:-p(`rt_\' Ynr 7:-%,()(H). 'l'hv nmrkvt vnluc` of that kpur<-h:\~0 ix nun` rm-knnvd at nhum l`l"l\f\llI IHFHKIII \lllll l`7H.()m). l'h pur<~hu~0 `) <:17n.nm. A Charmed Llfa. Lnndun Daily Mail. l1.~..,l....ll.- cl... on-`oh :.- I n ner<~n.('ms, sunning. The glass was completely shattered, IATTEMPTB MADE UPQN HER LIFE. Mll-aculoully Esr|pod-Rer Majesty the Kitchen: women In World-`the Source: of Her Vast the lfxponultnru of It popularly reputed to one l'lCllc6t women tn the P. ()'(`u)nnor .~' new .," but the amount privnto wealth i~' wry snmll i-in-le ht none mi heme persons won vi to iliv xle even the sn r9t'inlni'n1.'1tlun on the 2 will of the .~m\'eI'<-l;;.'1 Jr-1 jttTlN(ll(`tl'.)n of tho ml Rimtorset house, fll1i .h(`ntlC nn rvully vry intorvstlni: prohuhly novvr hevume pul~- ltv. srxutct-s that are uvntl z1hl0_ in may he ohtninerl ti-nrllnz tn .~4hn\\' that tlw pnpulz1ri is tn II, r,'r<`ut vxtvnt, justitit-rl. Tho nlIm\'an('o [ZI':lnl(`Il to ho!` nmjv.~- t_v by the (`mmtry amounts to C38:',O0(I n year. Of this Him. the qll(`t"l1 is nl lowed lnr lH`I` privy pnrav, t.'l0.0l`0: fur vxpomica at thv lmu.~:.-lmlil, 172,500; fur .~4:Ilru`i0< nnrl n=tiI'im.: nllm\'nnP(`.<, `131,260; and hit rnyul hmmty, nlms-. .....1 .~.w.:ni \nr\'il'f` t`l:%'2(I0, l'ho<- I ANECDOTES_([_T_E QUEEN;y THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1698. a nor mo . When ~ vscapcd 1 her life xnmn - runn- "\'-{:o..!'."`...""` .....- Iumua Dngghu. :1-.g.p.,u-I'u.L.rA.. A. Biucwicris Mums Dec. `2.`%.-We were visited by oho beautiful on Monday but non sufficient: for good eleigbing.-(Jl1rieb mas passed cllquietly; not) even the jungle of the sleigh hells was heard -A number of men are engaged repairing the locks - John McKenna and P. Milne have return- ed arer their long season on the watcr.- John Murray. jr.,has retmrned after spend- ing the summer in Buffalo. ~Miss E. A. Berrigan, accompanied by her nephew. J. L Dunn, is spending the holidays with hot paronba.~Miao A. Roach is spending a couple of weeks ab her bome.-\'Iaibora ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Orr ab Mrs. W. Fisherhw; Mr. and Mrs. W. Milne at J. McKennn e. flkinlen English Dlnnll BI-cal. ENNYROYAL PlLl} Orlclnd mud (in!) Genuine. [41 K :L'_`-. T.."_-:'. .'~'.""' _w.>---_--1 A hurt time` u'H-r nor nlrlrrlruze an in~'un-1-rhny nzunod Oxlord Ihod` twlvv nu thv qu-on in Hyde Pfk. 'l`u- ,\w-an nth-r\-"nrd~a, us thvq1l9m1 nnd nrlnwl Allmrt wore rlrivimz homo [rmn r-hurrh. tho xvrinvv r`nnsm't HIIW 11 man prvwnt :1 pistol and re Quint` H.'1nk nt ht-r nmiv.~'tv. The we-upon, furt11nuh-ly. ushed in the pan. The nut lay tho snnxv man, u. [(-1- 1.... .m......l Wrnnr-ix nxmin red at Hm his arms. (`urInu.s|y enough the soldier was not nu-nro until ttylonr yours hm] pzlswd that the vhild \\`h()He life he hzul smvecl hrvl grown up to he the qum-n ul England. No tow:-r than Hl`\`o`H nttmvlpts hnvr` lo:-n nmvlv npnn hm` nmjosty's life. I-Hf" with thv ?\'r-ominn M n slight wound nn her r`hN~k. Rho Mt-nped s(`nt.l1le.~9 from all thvw lu nttncks. rim u't-r hor nmrrirum an . . . ; ..4...m.l vlnnl rm! zlswn tnnr rm- pa Emzl:\m I 7\'r-omi` S (I; xhnrt time` u inemw xx-r lmy um`: uflv ..-`.1 nu-In:-n Allmr ! hr`l' mm 1! now; been lol` [no Pl'UHl}Jl- 1 nr-.-4s with which 11 snldier, who xvzm pzlssinfz by, seized the little girl's whitv frock and tossed her up into , his (`nu-lrmglu nnnnoh Hw qnldipr wan and the nnrse s sleeve was riddled with thot, but both the nurse and ` the baby princess esca od injur . Four year`.-I nHc_r\var s the pr{ynr-cs.s' : life was .~.:v.'n-.1 hy an Irish soldier. The pony r-urriagzv in whiz-h she was drixu mg l1p' and uould have fallvn on hnr mu! it not been for the prompt- I'\t`IL'L' u-uh u'hi(-h n qnldior who o other. I:r_mn danguvmu nu trim` nl, laid um ; blue ribbon. do ` I dam and lnjtcni-._ AI Drnuinl. Clan: One of the German cities bout: a street kill with ntjrhc. Chu-lea," said Coleridge one day to Limb, did you ever hear me preach?" "I never heard you do anything else." and Lamb. I __j-._.._,--__- HUT. A UUIJIUII I: And Ethel hea;'ed a dab Ind aemad ` down contontedly. * R0<'l{I'()IT, I)cc. 47.--The annual Christ- mas tree on Thursday evening lush proved as grand success ~Mn-. William Edgloy Hi very ill.~The oliicers of the (1.0 U F. were elected on limb Thursday evening as fol lows: Chiefcounclilor. Alberb Feruunnn; vice-councillor, DowicbWilliam:-;recorder, Amman Seaman ; prelato, Frederick Huck; marshal, Hulberb Root; warden, Frederick Williams; guard. Abel Root; sentry, `George Kahnt; trustee. (Jhancoy Burtch; I treasurer, Albert; Knob. Visitors 2 Fedor- icll Dixon. Lihbla Frills, an S. Seaman s; Miss L. Laney, Hmanoque, at: J. Cook's. Ilusalnhs hnvn long but bonxxtlfqjly nhnped hands, while nhoseof Spaniards are onen spoiled by the thickness of the n~ gets. whiqh are Apt to round at the tips. \ Doing In. Best. ' Do you know, Paul," said Ethel trem- blingly, I sometimes {ear that you don't lovn me any more?" Right you um," said Paul, embracing her. Iconldn't." Ana. !.`n.....I |...-.....a - -u_I_ .__; -...n,; u, - nu. us.-v -. - When Miss 1-Jllon Terry was to appear at a theater ln Bradford one season, the place was crowded hours hufuro the commence- ment of the play. Just bofore the adver- t-i.-Iutl mm: to begin a workman, a regular Yorkshire typu, wlth a hammer in hls lmnd. was noun nt the hack of the gallery, trying to get down to tho front. 'l`hinking ho was on buslnesa, tho gnds" re-spondod readily tuhla, By your lt~u\'v," and alter great trouble he worked his way to the front seat. All eyes were upon him to 500 what. he: was going to do, when amld great lnughter. applause and groans he calmly crushed lnto a seat, and all eorts to remove hlm were frultloaa. mun u.-I uxu _vuu `JO /1. 11., 1nd how um xnutyturs of run, lutails hnvu boon lost . in th. nes.-Exchanuo. Thnre are two 5zz|rd=n.~I nf }.nglnnd- ` tzmnuly, K1`llll und \\'urvu.~'tmrl1in. That of Irvlnntl is nsmnlly H.'1ldlulm(,7nrlnW,in ` Iminstunr. Italy und Iiolulum nrn lmlh rnllod Llm gzsrdnn of F.ur<>pu, whllu than of l"rnn(~u ls Anllmisu, in tho (lcpnrtmnnt of Indrn otelmlru. The gnrdun of Italy is Sicily. and of Spuln Andalusia. In the east (3e=_vl)n nnd Burma hnvn hath ro- (mivml the titln, nnd Lhn llxtrluc of India Rn honor:-(l la (lude. In America Illlnnis und Kzmsna dlvldea the claim, while (.0 the rvglun of the Mlsllppl thu title garden 0! tho world" has ln-on given. Gl.'unnr- gunnhlro is often spoken of as the garden of South Wales. I A good old bislmp nnmvd l'el(-sphorus. who livml in ltunm in thu ym-:\r 137 A. 1)., nnhl.-I the lmnornbln rncurtl of bring the : irst pvrsnr) to uniuiully urdur the celohrntr ingnf (.`hr1.~'mm.-1 duy. H0 gum lnsLrnc nuns to his prh~sl!5I and his congregations that. this day, mrrcnpumling to our Dow. 85, should bu kvpt as a Hululnll fn-mat, with me pvrfurnxunvo of divino survive:-1. While l'wI(-.-zphurus ucvuph-9 this unique place in she history of tho mmionts, it appears that Thrismms day was first Obrxuvl us far onvk us the yvnr `J8 A. 1)., but by whom mm,` ture. Thonn lost hhulo of the u-nan _Il`vnhnnno lilull IUIKILUKIU uuu PIILIUIICU llllll VVIJDH lll8 end drew near she gave uumistakeable evidence that her departure from . this world would be followed by a happy entrance into the better world above. The funeral service was conrluctul the follow- ing day in the Methodist church here ltev. T. Meredith preached a very impres- sive sermon. Uiidertaker W. E. Lillie furnished the hearse and beautiful casket. The remains were conveyed to the Sand Hill vault. The bereaved husband and two little girls have the llympathy of tho coininuiiity. The Christmas tree entertainment held in the Methodist church on Christmas eve was one of the'liost that has ever been heldin this place: the large edifice was crowded to the doors. The two trees were completely covered with presents. and the programme was exceptionally well rendered by the children and other: who assisted. Among the latter were the Messrs. Putman, Seeley`s Bay. the Misses lnuclxs, of Keelerville. and Miss Campbell, of Sunbury. The proceeds will be applied towards the running ex- penses of the Sunday school. The band concert on the lilnh inst. was fairly well attended. I)r. Sands. of the city. presid- ed. A very good programme was pro- eented. About eighteen dollars were taken in. Our local sports had their Christmas hunt on Monday on the lake; the hounds were let loose and in a short time Mr. Fox was started. Harry Lake got his eye on him first and soon hushed him into his last sleep. Ross Hartley and wife lately returned fr um Holyoke. Mass., have been spending Christmas holidays among friends here. Others who spent Christmas here were: Mrs. W. Merriman and son. lnverary; (l. l ixley and family. Spaflordton; John Hughes and family, Kingston; Samuel Anglin, Bellevile college; Miss Abbey Mc- llroy and J. L. Thorne. Kingston. Irwin Knapp, engaged in teaching in Manitoba, is home on avisib. Mr. and Mrs. Drum- mond, Manitoba. are here to spend the winter among friends. l.lJU|lUy W135 PXVUEUULCU Uy ISILHC LAHKU. Early in Lhe morning of the 22nd inst). the spirit: of Mrs. G. E. Clark winged its ' (light: to that lmppler clime where 8lCl(l')8EB cannot enter. For more than a year lm ' had been :1 i-'ull'arer from lung trouble and although the best: available medical skill and nursing were employed, the dreaded l disease slowly but surely gunned the maa- l Lery. She bore her Plll'CL`I0n with chris- tian fortitude and patience and \l'hon the nnrl rlrnw nnnr nhn inuvn nnminlnnlznnhln Av u. on v-uuuvwuo BATTI-:n.~i:.-\, Dec. 27--Afcer the general prayer meeting in the Methodist church last Thursday evening a very happy event took place in the presentation of a purse of money by the congregation to U. S. \'anI.uven. Mr. Vanbuven has for many years been a local preach- er connected with the Battzereea church and his ministrntions lmve been sources of great enjoyment and helpfulness to hie many listeners. and it was indeed with great pleasure that they gave him this when of their gratitude. An address was read by R. 0. Davidson. in behalf of the congregation, after which the purse of money was presented by Isaac Lake. F`-zrlv in Hun mnrnina nf thn `)"ml innh The Methodists Of To 0. B. ` 'l'ln Ivontl of tho Wook That Oonoorn the Ioildantn or the Mldluad District- Lntlo locapou Notloo. And loch LOCI- lny (Jun Find something of Interest. ]'()lN l' Rom), Dec. `.!8.-Miaa Trotter. cioy. in Vlsiuing Mrs. I`oner.-W. Draper. New York, is visiting his u1oLher.-1*'. Bdglra intended the Sunbury dance la:-I high!) and reports agood time.-H. Bar rebt has reburned from Napanee, where be input nded the funeral of his brother. Used largely by Lord Abe%r%deea,n during his residence in Canada. DRY ROYAL Agents, J. M. DOUGLAS & C0., Montreal. DEALE To be had from J. s. Henderson and W. R. McRae & Co. REMEMBERED A FRIEND. The Find (`hrlnlunm Butte ea (ilve Money I }ALE AND STOUT. J 0 H N L4ABA 1"I"S LONDON GOLD MEQAL Little ones aurc always delighted with new Shoes. Why not send Santa around with a pair ? Mii.i.ii.\\'ii:N, Dec 28 --Tbe mow storm on Tuenday made the aleighing good and we hear Dho merry jingle of obs sleigh belly once innro.-BliAtiing is the order of the -dny.--Mra. William Miller is on the sick lli'nb.--Mr. and Mrs. A. Arney visited at. William Armsbrr)ng's recenclv.-Mr. and Mrs. Hinbon and daughter, of Stella. and Mr. and Mrs. Lee and daughter, and H look mid brollier Preston, Kingston, client: Uhriistuiina ntiMr8'lriiiiiig e.~ Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Baker aiidfamily iIpenLSunday at Mr (..'liuk n --The teacher had 3 treat for the children on Thursday. That ever recurring pleasant Christmas perplexity, WHAT SHALL I GIVE, is here again. It's so easy to give a present but so hard to select on. It's well to remember that something useful gives the Yreatest satisfaction and pleasure to the recipient. \ Our stock of Footwear offers facilities for your buying just such presents. There's beauty in them, too. For instance, iftheresa gentleman in the question, we have Slippers. The famous Slater Pullman Slipper, Plush Slippers, Moccasin Slippers, Carpet Slippers. For ladies~-Party Slippers in new styles, Skating Boots, Leggings, Felt Slippers. Hainest L0ckett s `All Holiday Goods in the shore have boon placed on bargain Cables no pricol which make them very interesting. Come see for yourselves. I0.-.!3e ~9.a!1t.1e%bt.I.1:y9 long. A ..-I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . - [U0 1.50 . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$l.00 We wish hero to make mention of the we erlul trade we have had in Christmas Cards. Booklets and Calendar. We have sold a tirely out of Christmas Cards, but for New Year's trade we have a mosh complebs stock of NEW YEAR'S CARDS of equal artistic merits and of equal values with our Christmas Cards. We always purchase a large line of New Year's Cards, nding from experience tihaothe demand for them is very large in way of parties wishing be make reply to Christmas Cards received. Then. too, Calendars make the choicest: of NEW YEAR'S-CAR.l)S. They are an ap- propriate reminder for each and every day of the year. We have provided for the New Year s trade in this line by procuring an additional line of choice Calendars. just) to hand. prices from 10c to $2 each. We are doing our part towards making the holi- day week a busy scene so Fairyland. We are making things interesting. In Christmas Illustrated Papers we have over 9 London News. 9 H lraphic. 1 Black and White. All are 50c papers. We will sell them ab hall price-25c. They will nob lash long. What Shall I Buy? IUB LIIJIU, Ill` UIIIUHIK uuu [UH Vlllu. These 7.000 books on Falyleud babtlceld are 00 be fought: ab once, mowed down. We do not: wish to keep them, too many to feed. and during the holidays we will offer these volumes an prices never before known in tlbo hisoory of Briolnh North Amerlcln book buymg and book selling. Here are the publishers lists. Here are our prices. 35cbooksfor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . I50 50 " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 250 '-1:- n no -I. lllllll WU LHIVU (TIULIIUU UV/Ulyblllll Ill LHU HUI! Ul llllllly IIUUUHI BVQFJUIIIHK HOD Qnplo, The book men still on we eld are of English and American publishing houses on- tirely, while the authors are of many nations. A strong army bhia, numbering over 7,000 volumes. principally Mm Mia! oand sixteen mo.-.. Choice books in choice bindings, prinbed on choice papers and aoycbod from choice catalogues. WA (in nnh hnv hnnlrn ml nnnnln hnv wnml nr nM.l- Annh hnnh in n-lnntuul |..an....n Al ITUIH CHUICU UHbHIU`__'uUH- /` We do nob buy books as people buy wood or coal; each book is eoleclzod because of its title, in binding and its value. 'Phnnn '7 UN} hnnkn nn |`.|ir\Ilnnd hnhsnhl urn ha ha fnnrvhh ah nnnA nnnumd rlnnn WI AT OUR INDUSTRIOUS BTAFF UF CORRESPONDENTSWRITE. \ - --`-un- Forward March-and clear Fairyland eld of Holiday Goods. 10 will will continue. as in the pub, no be our custaoin not to carry over lrom you lo year our Holiday Goods, bub rather ho burn them over oven no a sacrice. believing the tirnu I093 to be the bebter. than we may then have {or each year an entirely new line of goods. Then, boo. ohe goods a merchant: has left: alber liia holiday trade usually reproeenba his prots, more or less. and why non burn the prot) inbo actual cash instead of allowing it; to mould and steadily become less valuable. Thmm urn nur irlnnn nf hnlinmln, nnrl an Inn nnnhinun fn I-i`lnw and milk hhin an- U1 ||UWlIlg IU LU ll-IUUHI IIHU Ell/Ulllllly UUUUUIU IUEB VHIIIIIUIU. These are our ideas of bu:-inees, and so we conbinuo to lrflnw, and with bhis an- nouncement) we open fire, a steady re. 0 hnrrl tight) wihh Dlm Fairyland I)ab!)lelloI(f, until we have cleared everything in the line of llohdny Goods, everythmg nob ample, I The bank men shill nn bha eld are 0! Emrllph and American nuhliuhlmr hnnnnn an. IIHU enquire "WHBTU HIU W8 50. FAIRY LAN1)'S successful babble leaves a much disturbed eld in the wny of very many missing men. very few wounded. bub thousands have neon captured And who prisoners by shrewd and happy customers. shrewd because 0! knowing values, happy because of nding what) pleased. Wnirvlnnri had A nhrnna nrmv nf Mm hmm man tn ha {mind lanlonh man) lrnm {Ir-nah UUUHIJUU UK UUUIUS WIIHU PIUIUUU Fairyland had a strong army of tabs been men to be found (aolecb men) from Grub Britain. France. (iormuny. Austria and United Sbaboa. Many 0! than man still stand on Fairyland eld awaiting the BUGLE CALL, and here in goes : ru-4-\ rur-s-4-`I c3"ii'ii'i1"s"m{' Now that the smoke of bbo great Christmas Babble for good cheer" has lifted and parmially blown away. we are permibbed to calmly survey tube econa, note obo reunion and enqulra where are we at: 1" F`AlRVI.ANl)'Q nun:-anfnl hnhhln lemma: :1 mnr-h rlinrnrhml eld in Mm uni nl van: AFTER THE BATTLE OPEN TO-NIGIHT. 1M l3ARL2AND'S%:@::- I I4 Princess St., Next to Haines 6: Lockett .-5'. TTINC-`JTON DISTRICT NOTES.

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