gNlnganuuowor.Iun uoooowhoknowlnct wlllllnmodlciolyiqy llll V-7:! \- "WA ., ">5 " ;-" `U . . " 953* ` .4 . ' _ . . . v . ""1 ' .. -u--I ' M , :. . .- ~~ v 4" _;--1-xn~ nun WHIG5" winxssbmr. ;s'Zl!P1`lM'Bml ti}: MEM E'l;TO OF CAVITE. JIM` . kmghtly rL|_V'~ L. A FAM6N. C Pun-n-n iIxrut.nuu)nu\u1VhoI$h .._____.___________._.._____.. --_-_-- no. --` u--_. -:v I Having n-canny r.-hm:-cl the (man! [Inn 1 l|uII0(!hs|ocIo(Fl`V[nrt_\' Bl'tl.,nfMonu'!I| 9 Moe nnhe Inrgn-at mnnurartunn ur Boots an-1 |.-aumnluubnadmnt an vrr; luv nxnre Inn not In 3 pnduon In ME: to the pnhk the guns: in in H-use linnu evw nrpd In lngsmn. . my I.-3nurumv Inmseutvnn I have an arm: runnlnc In Raun- Clumlug uni uennn Ba. Business College. III ! II` FIG W1`. EU ii w Il- hc with irriutioo oi Ibo skin when Ihoycunucuonliol by thonloolllndnn '3 llidicino. A numb-at ban bun Ilcccnhlly trusted for npotnou` hair. Ilanonlhr the hood treatment no and on very nlrcvling, to I50 Indie: my. lat to Dr. Ryan's. on Montreal St. pptunnllon by no nunnusnunnvoculoa I duri thopun week. Nona and Ind- M Dihh irrihglinn nl Ihn akin -Inn-u Nails uunicnnd Friday and Saturday for 25. II make! the nails Innllhy nnd utong. and add: grnuy to tho apponnnoo 0! (ha hands. [Adieu have shown their nppncinlion by tho nnnhulhnhnvocnllod during lb. nnn -nab Knnn nnnrl Is. :0, ?MoRE BARGAINS.` llg.p4_--__._ _ __. .5-.._ -L- _;. LADIES and GENTLEMEN, Look at Your Hands. 'I`1u~m rmvor wan a lime wh--n M mnny Io- nlgmur l`:uInr T.\l)lf`a` wen` being umdv. We huvv .~I`le(`lA'l| the mwwlt. mud pr:-Hlvxt of that- fur this mason`; xrmlv. The nr1-nuvulr in oak, Curly mrnh, \lxm~>gmx mu .\l tau-Mia woods. Home hr? vn-r_v mm \n s mpe nnxl mItern.hem1- llrullytrnnnmd an-I rinhlw-I. \'x- think we hn n- Hm nuns! mm M u-r .~hm\"u lmru Prlm-s urn nun!--raxlv and hm", nnywhv-rn (`mm '.`.'v~ up. '9 have some lmlnhmum sly]:-.~' at 1.30 and $1.}! .~u!lnl)le fur any parlor. (Ill Iml we lhv~ new Hm-s \'nur~, T. F. HARRISON CO. nal. from Cunduln. the nu nun cure. which mm; and beam! by`: nun. scalp A hair. and remow Nemluhes. oovulonqd y Imperm-t rrleanslux and no continued mo ot impure snnpl. ..,.. .._,_..g.._. .n__ _-_m n.a..- rwv-In L \J _I-l\J-i-.I_` _ Two Hundred Thonnnd Dolllrlin nlnl Irouomtbounndhohouhhonnunddollsrc. For purticdhn apply at Oodwln's lusurnneo Emporium, nvnr Inrjfjnn \l`.L_o u._.-._ And light dressings with CUTICURA, purest of emol- lient skin cures, will clear the scalp and hair of crusts. scalesanddandruff.sootheir- ritated and itching surfaces. stimulate the hair follicles. supply the roots with energy and nourishment. and thus produce luxuriant, lustrous hair. with clean, wholesome scalp, when all else falls.`..Q For Golf Rash f:"- M: ;-,3 Heat Rash `HE-,.*`f'-=.: *'*' it 395. fonalve pa-Iplrluon I Mon: `an: as nothing no 000115`. cool . 1 an to but u 0 ha with Cmlnlm -`TAP (ho must er 0 purifyin and beautify-i coup In wodd. u we on pun: llwotesl lor tolled. huh and nursery. nnnlyun \. vag- Sold throughout the world. Prim. GIT!- (TICA `UAP. 25. 0UTICl,'n.\ toinlmcnt), 50, }*01"l`l-` DRPO AND (WIFJI. gnu . sol Pront. Baotou. Brilh Depot. \ In Edwin: 0%.. Lunch. "Bow to But You PRO)! T112 noun: OF` B1811`! nu out can t In not _I tho purest. uncles! and nu rt-rn-china of nnnory soaps, but I counnm an omollhnt p In obtain Cancun. `:10 1 n wblc `null; buuur std mlr. uemllhec. onvnjooqd 1 Warm Shampoos With; _PARLORT TAZBLES. SAVE YOUR Furniture I 9 and Undertaking. ___.-:,---- Every Inll should have ready to! II 0.0- O'- ----. ---up vvnuyuu 1 . Fund: over mom). In sddlwn In which the lc lmhorslmvo It): won Ky Inc an- U I llltfnrnll the ntoclholdern. FARM AN ) t`I'l`\' l`lu)l'I:RTYlnmnd ll Iowan pnnnlblo nun. Heron nsnewtng old or giving low lm.ulmm.~x I ruin (mm. zrrluxu ABTRANO Again. w.J.r.u .11 3, 1 smut,"..`.`{T"` M N nn-nu-run Q..-. uug uuulf hwuuclillt u,u.uu.zaTu.1. nu. uvyu. I-I ---III III Uuihd Sula dink! court, jndgl Bum Icy boathi down a dniuion oondunn thoBriIioI ahuulip Nowlundlad its cnljotoiwhnlouuhwhl nri-no 0! use. Thouluip vul nptund by the lay- tlovct while Iuniugly nuoupliag to run thobloehbollnvnn on Ihoanoingol July 19: mi not has ' IX XCTIKCC Wlf voiced tho nun. who had just mivod from Svinutlund. shouted. "Long livu much- inm." "Dough In (ha Hun." Rama of him W!IT'Bll0. ICIIICI. " IIVI IDIICII` inn." "booth to tho king." Scmo 0! Ibo people in tho acid on tho lino ol tho urooc into: with tho polico 0&- cen who Inodotho coptoro. ond novonol ponou weroinjorod on both oidoo Iioloto thn Annrrhinh -nu Indand in thn nnlion WKIIIII WU!` IIIJUTT K XIII] III: TC" thounrcbin III Iodgudvin the 1-nnrt ccnn. D WEI] Wllll IIIU VII.` WT I VICWII III uhoill-hud IA Bourgogno. on bet way from New York to Euro. on July Mb, was and ll a millionaire. Tho ostilnuod value othiaushlo by his partner. INC? dumb. wu bureau six sod uvoo huudnd thonnnd dolhn. The inventory 0! tin acute. now nhnon complete. shown that the canto amounts to over two millionn.n.lI of which, with tho exception '0! unnll bo~ quest: tocorunts. will go to the niccu. residing in Pain. An anorollot In lo:o. Rnll, Sopt I4 -'l'he lilnn polieo you- hardly uncured an ltnliun who Inn dis` tnbmiog so Inurhiae nuilalo oignod by Ihn I-nu-ninninrv nnnnultlpg Whn: London. Liverpool and Globe Plrc Insurance Company. In-..i. nuvnp axn nnn mu 1.. -_ __ . _. . ,. tlh WOIII I3.000..00o W.\sI!l! Sept l4.-Tho Into Anth- ony Pollot. the well known potent unor- noy. who with his wife. In: I victim ol unilllgl ul IA RIIIPDIZIIA nn he -3` ll'lBll(llI In L` ILNIUOE. Grace Ward. daughter of Dr. 0. T. 7. Ward, celebrated her lth biri.hdn' you- terday. Her grandlabher. John F. ard, celebrates his seventy-ninth birthday to iley. Mr. Wardie still a hale end hearby man enjoying the heat of helllll, with I step as sprightly as many in man ten years his junior. He was born near Kiiigaboii and has a vivid memory of the country when it wiui one vast; lr seen and blie made were corduroy. Mrs. Ward alm enjoys the beer. of health. Bi ha year: ago the Hub of next: Ocho .- ihey celebrated their golden wedding, and two years more will not be long pauing, when they will, it spared. celebrate their diamond wedding. In in not many that are privileged no Journey through life to punch a good old Age ae Mr. and Mn. Ward. and enjoy the hleceinge of this life together as they have done. Both are still smart and active. and will in all ro- babiliry yen ppend many years ingot or. hire. A. R. Boyer. Montreal. in home on a vieil to her parents. hlr. and Mrs. J. N. McKim. James Fellowe,coriYlned bathe bone fer the pub month, ia improving. Ir. Ann Ilrn. John F. Word luv fol Cele- bnnte Their Diamond Wedding. NA:-Assn, Sepb. l~l -Johu Grange. A well known end prominent resident: of table dllbtlcb. died reoenbly in London, Our... where he lies been living lor the put eight years. Deceuecl were aged about: seventy- one years and leaves. beeidee an aged wi- dow, one son and owe deughuera. Mn. 1). C. Mceury. Nepanee, in A denghlser. The deceased wen a cousin of A. W. and John '1`. Orange. nnd win in buuineee eh one time in Tamworth. The funeral book piece so [Auden on Monday Lub. Yeeber- dny morning to three o'clock Mrs. T. F. Bell pureed nwey after Almost: a year's Ill- ness of dropey. Aged sixty-tour yeen. Be aide: in huabnndmwo none ere left: to mourn A loving mor.ber'e cue. The sons are Wil- liam, of Colborne, and Carpet. 0! Weber- cown. N. Y. l)rceesed e maiden nune wee Clara McMichael. She was born eh Cabe- raqui end over einoo her marriage, over thirty years. nhe hue resided in Na panee. She was is kindly and contiderne neighbor, and mmy will mica her gentle ways. The lunenl ukee place today at three o'clock. Mina Josie Davy. Toronto. in viewing her grandmother end other friends in Nnpanee. r:....... lL'-..I ,l......l.o... at n. (1 1" " Cn.uu.n1'o.v. $0.. 8091. 13-1: ind-n I (IUIIUTHI V BIUUUUFUU UI DKIU CUYPUIILIUII. In view ol the fact that: special refriger- ating facilities have been provided by the dominion government: whereby perishable products can be transported in perfect? condition from nho source of supply to the leading eeaporhe of Ureut: Rribeln. there done: seem a brigho future and good dividends in atom for the new enberpriz-e. and in i-hould prove 5 loading (Actor In the development of the rgrlcullural and horti- cultural resource: of Uanada. Winnipeg. As can be madily um-mined from the name of the company. in has been organiz- ed Lo provide better (militia: and be open l up larger rnarlroba lur the produce of this cxuntry. in is their inteubion to buy di- recb from the producer nnd coll direct: to the comumor. To uccomplirh thin they will open up a large number of wholesale and rnbail eabnhliahmonbs in the ciby of London to deal exclusively in dairy pro- ducts, iruib. mono. bacon. tiah, canned uooda, dour, eggs. etc. These etorea will be modern in all their appoiunmento, thoroughly equipped with mechanical ro- frigorahion. Special efforts will be pub forth to cater to the want: oi the co- operative stores. with which England is honeycombed. the army and navy contrac- nona, hotela and other large noneumoro. Periodical auction sales will also be held at central warehouses of the corporation. ln vinm nl M-an funk Llunlh nnnninl rnfrianlh euauumg. The bond cica of the compony ie to be in Montreal and the following will set. as an ad vioory bond for Canada: W. Mann, D. M. Macl`heioon. 0. M. Gould. Mont- real; 8. M. Brookold. Hnliiu. J. M. Bigolow, preeidenq Nov: Soobio lroit growers net-oclition-; E. J. Wolvertoo. proeidonb Niagere fruit: growervnaocim Lion. The general rmnnger for Oanodu, major William Clark. Hahfnx, will arrive in this city in II low days to take charge oi the company's afloirl here. James Mo. Gregor. wenornl agent for Ontario, in at present) here arranging some preliminnrioe. Besides the Montreal ullioo the company will have agencies in Halifax. Toronto and Winnipeg. Au mm ho mndilv mrmiaed from the Dlllrlll CIPIIIIIIIUI. The laoeeb is we orcaniznuion of the Canadian produce cor ration. limited. with u cnpioal of one mll Ion dollnrl. The capital has been almost entirely sub- scribed by Englishmen. but a few thou- and uhareu have been roeorved for invent)- menb by Canadians. The board of direc- boru includes Ool. J. Harm. Dr. Far- quhsroon. M.P., Henry Heaven and R S Ghdsbonc, all cupibaliaha oi reoogn-zed sbauding. Tim hmul nfr-,1 nf Hm nnmnnnv in to he BI-Itlnh oapllullutu aw lublorlhod for loat ol the 0npItnI-`l`In ltonoorll Wm Deal mm the Producer nod Ball to thy (`mnumer-A Bright Future for tho Enterprise. Morn-m.u., Sepb. l-l`-Evidonce in forth- coming alumna every day of the growth of interns! in Osnndiuu alira on the pub of Blitiah cnpitalnnba. Thu Ismmm in him nranninminn of tho l ORGANIZED TO DEAL EXCLUSIVE- I LY IN CANANAN PRODUOT8. 1|. T181`. Umce RH Princes nu-mt. Real- doncc I83 Unlvernlt Avenue. Omco hours utundo 0.31.11). 3: urday ovenln . 8 to I15 olopbano It C. P. shomnn. D. 8.. I. I). ll. Anlnunl. " jg` $l,000,00NTERPRISE.M|' A 3000 OLD AGE. IWUIITL Yawn truly. `l"0& l`I.YN N,p iinst. llgbqb. I} Dr.'ul`b!IloodndN voPIlhu'vuuld dgnauupuu-bun.3IoxuIItOo.a:: Sir Chule:Tu;`)por opened the provIn~ eh] exhibition at St. John yubordny. Izod While Ian Lynchext Llnmn. Mo.. Sept. 14 - Benjamin Jones. a gray haimd mun riny-eight: years of age. baa boon hakon from we Ulay conn- ty jaul by a mob ol aaventy-ve men and lynched. Jones commiutad an aaaault on Annie Montgomery. an alovon-you-old girl. Saturday evening, and confessed hia guilt just before he was hanged. Vll. IKICII TIC DIIEG Ill]! IIIC VCIIIS. Ana the nerves tingle with the taxation of youthful life and nnnmulummnljt. Aungtuunnrnqya vlutnvlnmn. Attempted I llhelmlnni; Ute. Bnnnm. Sepb. 13. - Persistent rumors are current chub an ubbempo Ina made upon the lilo of queen Wilhelmina three week: Ago. An Italian hnet.ic,ib iaell , red thrice from the wooden w ile we queen. with three ladies, Inn driving near her residence no Boenbdyk. Two ahota wenh wild but: who third lodved in the um of the cnunloaa Llmborg Stirkm. The queen preserved hor prm-euce of mind And ordered the I.\ll` 1 atricb oecreh. The would-be nun-in urn aneuod. no the army goes. and confessed himself an an- urchin. Aon((k~t Remington suntan! mpwnlur. Ihr mu lnnrunuon all uoolkptdbo or nlulrm Th: of buoyancy by the action of . Ward 3 Blood and Nerve Pills in remarkable. One feels bright and active. energetic and full of snap And vim. Rich red blood lls the veins, and OK` moo-non Iinaln thh IRA nxullinn Al C.I.; VV. l.)IIIU|y| Iola DOOR}. IV PIcoon--J. Heffernm. p : T. Heormn, c : J. Twnddlo. 1b.; A. Chadd, 2b.; 0. Kidd. 3!) ; H. Sullivan, 53.; G., r.f; E. Fraiick. c.f.; M. Thurston. Ll. Score. I5. lllnek Inn-r Ilrlnge Breetee Bun`: Rivim Bmnun. Sepo. l2.-'l'here was quibe I heavy front: on Samrdny night; latest. reporh Jaye no dnmzmo done so my root) cro(pa. John Dewetita, Poinb Traverse, occupie tho pulpio in the Methodieh church on Bundey leeb. David Hughes has: tomato vine of the yellow variehy which has on it: 347 tomamea. If any one can beat. hhab we would like no hear lrom them. Wilson Hobbs. Pioton. in spending his holidays in this vicinity. The prohibi- bion plebiecibe has not yob aroused much lnlorentz among bhe temperenco people of Milo section. John Minaker. Manly Dan- erd and Harry (lrimmon attended the in- dnenrlal fair no Toronto last: week. There was a lively game of ball played on Sunr- day lash ab Pucton between a combined team from Milford end Black River Bridge and anine from Picbon. The game was hotly contented throughout. Following are bhe players and runs : MiIfnrd-_M. PAH, n - I. Hnalnu n o E `(U U". ')I.yDI'U IHU I'|II.Il` C I Mi|f0rd-~)l. Call. : L Hughea, c : E. Ouhnndar, 1b.; H. nox, 2b.; A. Colo. 3b.: J. Colo, u ; W. Scoot, r.t ;J. Koogh, c.f.: W. Blsioly. l.f. Score. I9 Pu`hnn_...l, Hnonrnnn n c T Ilohrnnn Inrrled At lalloryluwn. l MAl.l.0R\ TOWN. Sept. 10 -A number ol our young people attended the ice cream eooial no Echo Lodge a few nighbe ago. Miss Floesie Hickey has returned from Bainaville. where she has been visiting lriende. The high echool scholars Ielo Wednesday to resume their studiee. Miss Nina Buell intends taking a course in Al- bert college, Belleville, She loin Monday. Messrs. Hickey and Beeman lelb this week for Mont-real. A party of about twenty- tive of our young people chartered the steamer Antelope on Friday and spent a pleasant day ab M. Teunnntfa cottage. A dilapidated form of a wheel was eeeu Bun- day morning on the vorandah of one of our citieene. Io had a sad. forlorn look as if to say, ``I m out ofthe push." The infant child of W. A. Guild is very ill. Many of our citizene attended the Toronto lair. A happy e\ent took place ah the parsonage this week in which two of our highly respected young people were united. The groom. Thomas lluilie. comes lrom Riverside and is quite popular among the young fraternity. The lair one which he has ciioeen from the village bellee is Mine Blanche Rooh, one 0! Mellorybown'a moat respected young ladies. Congratulations are encoded. Malcolm Mallory, Brockv ville. in home visiting hie parents. Miee Helen Kelly has been on the sick list. 0. Gibson returned this week. Miss Yonn . Broclrville, is visiting at (l W. Mallory s A load of the Sons of Temperance lelu Fri- day to attend the convention at Ellieville. G. W. Mallory lelt last week to engage lndiane to pick his ho harvest. Fre- derick Glow, Kingston gave u- a call last week. J. B. Buell. r nding hie va- cation on the lakes. returned Monday. ' Teen: lermer Illle llle Wife. lle liner- In- Law and llmeel I. Gnexn Ruins, Mich , seph. N --Jewel Bedgerow completed e terrible tragedy by ehebbio himeelf to the been. no veee youn: ;~ enner of Georgetown. Ontewe eouety, ebouh Lea milee iron) hero. Hie reletiooe with hie wife, whom he nerried 5 six yeeye ago were unpleueanb. A week ego she returned to the home or her father, John Aleeworih end took her ova-yeer-old eon wioh her. Seimrdey. eeoornpeuied by her eieter. Lucy Aleeworth. eged eeven- oeen. end her behy. ehe came back to gen her ehere of the household eeete. There wee a dispute over the divieion. Bed - row euoeohed hie wife wloh in long dongle edged hunbimr kniio end killed her. Then he emeched her eieoer end inllucted wounde from which ate died. Oloore (need the murderer to hit: brother : `barn. end when they entered he drove the knife into hie own heero. yuan uuuu,- I but upon mm a Men. In cotton Ia. uI to no avail. Thou Pius actual to h lhounkol dinonscntonegnldlhty Llsoueemed to pomuanrenuriablninlnclco over me. The violent nnbiuthn at the Tj Tuvalu IT `rant: Oslo. ' R K. KILHURN M. 1).. M. 0. P08. LATE u Iledlmu 5 hnend 3 Kingston Geno- rnl Hoaplul. Cglrnor lbr Sly and Country Omen mrmorly oooupled by the law DI . Bum- dorn. Telephone Nix us. 88 St. 3. 1.. 3-nuan 4 co .Qm_.L.L TOYPS, - KING SI. loom" MISS IT. IA PEACH CHANCE Call and see ouf samples before buying. n |2_,. |n-I_-__ -_J I1._I._I JCa:tl:inct Makers and Uphol- sters. The Carnovsky Wood Co., I32 ONTARIO ST. IMANTELST ll. NEWLAND8, ARCHITEOI` Ind A &n\Iuer corner or Brook and King Itroe over ado : brng mom. Eutrnnoo on King F-moot. nut. to our H.u.z- I300 r/1 & co. `Piano Ff. 5:3 Maln saf. tiurmo. N.v. mcw YORK, PARIH cmmuo. 9'1`. mum, I'HiI.AmcI.PnIA. n.u.'rx.\mm:. WARHlN(I l`nN. HUI-`IPAL0. [COAL AND WOOD o;.1.;.;;um.'.;g;apn 00., Dept. 30, I If You Give- """"" mouml pulnllla. 'l`herMn nothing like It for an o\'vII|npz`:9 enu-nalmnenz. (mu-r sH'nllol talkln Innomncuc repmduco only mmma oi rut-and ed subjects. Iperlul y n-pared in a luhommry. |n1t.tho(}mpho[-hm o s not lhunul to such pt-rlnnnnnvm. On the uraphophone you can easily make and In|mnI.(ley repmduvv remrdn of the vnlm. or my noun . Thus it mnsmullv uwlkonn new lnu-rut and its charm is ow-r (web. The reproductions no clear and brilliant. raploplolcs are sold Ior $10 -.:-,9 .\|.-n.rn.~xunM, nndqr the pump of n.u_ 1`_ahh_r. III. -II EIIWEL IIIIIUTLHIK I C U! Olllldrcn or Adults. Price 35:. 1 bottle. Beware ol Inluuonl. Many 0! which Iro_ hplvoly dangerous. oouo. onouln. - OIIOLEIIA monaus. sumlrn compumr. nummuoza. nvszutanv, Ind III BOWEI. OOIPLAIITI cl hlhlpgn An Adnlln Phone 74. ; SMYTHE & Loscomne. A unlnucn :1 I-Ivvstv.\In n-..-...-. ... - Something extra nice for put- ting up. Not how cheap but how good." Fifty Baskets of the choicest CRAWFORD PEACHES obtainable. `II If-V -V-VG `I V CVIU IVI CCU I. P hlunnrn-~luN1\ mm I of Rt. hwhr. l'. nuIul Mlrdonu . 0 I` uvumk (- mu-I:-nl of (Ian world or II": nah wand ulllun Macullus summon. Write lot onI.uu|us. L ' uiurlt-I-I fV"I0 wrltl for hliillvylhih and hmug Suppllol. on!-nouns. this Fall there will be 9. hot time in Kingston. as they are selling the best Coal and Wood in the city. There is still time to visit CALEDONIA SDRINGS. the great Canadian Spa. Due notice of date of closing Grand Hotel will be glven here. ORA TES AND TILE. Your Order for Anni -nlj -L g81-L; F001` OF WEST ST. UN In To LAJAN IN LABGEOB SMALL nnnu. at low mm of Interest, on Guy and Fnrm Prnpert_Y. Innnu Frank`! on City and vouutyl xm urea. Apgi y to1\1mns Bluaoa. Mnumguro Fmntanao Avon and Investment Hnolt-Ly.` Oloo oppoalto the Post. Otlloo. _---- CT? ` T` rcljl Carpal honar mom II. RTHUR ELLIS. AH.(?HlTE(` 0]" CES- Exohunp (`humbem Omrdh 00k. 81 Brook Street, Kingston, Ont. )0Wlll a so'?:'-.uwnm:c'ra. MT chanu Bmk Buhdlng, corner Brook and Wellington streets. `Phone `Ill UN RY To LOAN IN LARGE OB It`|rm Prcmnrtv lnnm. Ivrnnltul An nu" .....a LEXA NU!-Ill H[.AN(}HARl') (`HAR'l'E.'RF.'D Aooounumt. Bnuku3>eueJ poul.ed,nudN ed. Trial balnnceu and nanofal statement: taken. Buntnoun oomldenunl. Address 472 llmok DI.roal,0r R4-giopollacollege, Klnzswn. `__j.___._ . - . I B. R. MOCANN. ACCOUNTANT AND I a Hail Estate Agent. Money to Tonn at lowest. nus. Enmwn managed. Omco 332 King at... over wmevu Dru Store. lowest nus. Enmwn managed. Drug .j_--2-: lBBY`B LIVERY OPEN DAY AND NIGHT one an. T0 I-OAMT 'I"-n II....4l...l Il'L..._.._.I n. _. {L SPARK!-k, D. D. S. L D. 8.. M. IX. . . T181`. rlnceu once Unh-ennltv mm. In . SMYTIIE a LYON. IlARluB'l'ER8, SOLIC- Iwra an, Ontario Clmmbers. ` It. H. HIlYTuI,Q, C. H. 1. 1.1021. ` -..- - ---1 an --vuavvnuunrn-Q \Bl0NEE8 IN TRl.V1-3'1`. 0l'l"lCE: 88 BA- mt 8l.neL A-mlgnmenl solicited. r gooxanunmc 5 will no mullonl vnuou nonnmuon to ' V Ill)" KKVCHIIH. Kl*ILL\'.V-6., D!-an. : A. GlV E>N_l-.'i)amsIar,.Ei)lI:Iwr, our Mei- chant: Blnl. Money to loan It 5 And 6 31.0. Lnnunal DALE `. otnny Patent Nlodlclne In the World. - KLEXA Books opened. nomad. mum. . __':- --v-wt XIII I` over Exprc Once. Mun! square. -nu-azn '1! III. taken ua.ulrooI:- ml. wlllqui rt'Hi.0l'0 amnion to com- plnto Imnltp. They ` promptly remove when-notions nrirmaulnrltioe of the sys- tom and ogre ouch lleulnoho. Eon; Weak Stpmach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver In an-u unnnncu an Ann nnbu .v.- uuuvuu nu -uuuvvvn uuunq-uuu Much as Wind afu Pain in the Stomach. Ulddl 9.. Fuluoss after meals., Head-`I mane. lzzlnouo. Drowsin 3. Flnuhlnus 9! Hunt. Loan 0! Appotlbo. Ooatlven-.-m- Jlotchea O9` ' IJI1. Cold Chllllh Dis- turbed Hluop. hmul Dnumw and HI] Nutvou:n_l -Trembling I-sensations. Tl!!! 'MI'lIJl71'ff 411110 Dtvv Inn LID llll UUH.D"W1LoLl UlVh Bbhlhf Ill TWENTY IIHUTEB. Every sufferer * will nc,knowloIu9 thun} I ntnnlu-nu-nu H I-nunnr ronvnxmoua ANl1~lB'V!B maonnnns { Wlr_:_d _a71( Pulinl Beoy_mch.. , EUUYl'PlIllI'.U VIII`, I76 Without` a` Rival A _ A L . . . . L- _:..____.jj,-#.._.- mom-:v amp BUSINESS.` ..... -9.-I u up uv quyu? yuugu .gv. ' I 'X'wononru_1._ EnIc|yu:._ nuawn-n A nag- --- MEDICAL mzoa nu-nun ruuep. nutmrul urmmw and HI] Nm\()u -Trembling THE D085`-WILL am; nnnmr Tl mwnumv unn-mmu 121....-- ....n......- ` __y_pq-w- -uw- -vv- -4- vwn IN MIN...WOMIN OR OOIILDRIN Bee.<}ham _o Pllln. are Ill:-I-l..-'`.. ..|-` .` n:....| . .--.-w---u Inrmu: nnnufmon uadlroob rd. nlnto hnnlth. Thaw Imnmntlv rmnnvn Annual Sales ovor0.000.000 Bonn __..-11nn- jg-._ -u-vszuyujw-`owj--. KINGSTON .._, .4 -.... __-.,-_._.._ EDUCATIONAL. ARCHITECTURAL. I-OOR uvsnv .----. Civil Service INsum\TJi3 E:7 LAn3`E"s""F""sALe' Pntont nd]:-Inn In Hun W DENTAL. J. 3. ICKAY. Ilni. OIII. .:2 C I: III I3. KI cuunlnundinndnylan Chub. -nydIioIuyIhnn hlllu Lbujnnnsrn wuuquu. Iiinlicillifk Dzwun Cqnxus. N.Y.. Supt. l3.-A_` .el|erwerde enameled to penel [lone leer-etery Aeled to Recommend to the Queen e Per-don. Loxnox, Sepo. H -A few eernecu lriende of Hrs. Meybrick vieiled Sir hlelhew White Rldley. the home secre- t.ery,thie morning. ehorcly efter hie errivel in nown from the continent. end egein ep- peeled to him to recommend no the queen e perdon for the nnlortunetae women. They claimed theo offenders egelneu the law, In lees deoerving ol clemency then Mn. Meyhrich. here, within e few weeks. been releeeed from prison, end to support their contention they celled hie atten- tion to the record which above me the eecretery ol mete hee releued from Pukhnrsc prison John Waite end Peter Dunegen. The lormer at Meneheeterin I888 weeeenlenced todeeth, ' lervibnde [or me. for willel mnnier eh Beenps The letter et Nowceetle on-Tyne, fteen yeere ' ego. wee rentenced Io deeth Int wilful Inerderinlhet town. Hie eeulence. like Weite`e. wee commuted to penel eenf. , trade for Me Another murderer. who hee I ` nnnnnd Iii. In-A-n-Inen in II-rial Del-noun. {non A uuvuennnon mama coco: nun. uny- Iltick. B0. honour. Added that bind mantly pine eouidenblo Attention to Ihoeuool In Kubrick. and that ho ludjust remind: oonnnniontim with than that the Dub 0! bar halal: was ouch uto nndcit dangerous to hopbt lonprin prion Hodid not disclon the nut oltho mind. The Hon ntiodwilh Ihoinpnuion Ibntlho one ' ooetohry will znomulo an inquiry into the condition ol Irv. Inybrich. and if it in lcundu nptuatulohovill no doliilh libontcd. has u-nnrgu 01 um Buulneninn Count. (`all at tho PM aw (`ah-ndnr mr IRE-I3. or II will he mullet VIZIY Kl-:u.\'_v.n., nu... IIIIZ III MIC. (100531 QUTUUTEI. W30 III. gunod his lnodom. in David Prlmon, julh nlcuod tron Ponlmd prison. The can- tonco ol doath unpolod on him in 1588 for Illhll murder at Pontifnou van Into: commuted copooal Iuvitudo fot lib. `Hm ham. o-mun lingngal ..n...n.'..l- CIIDGII. ma IBII IOU` VII D0 flll bohmenthon undtbo canto! Mn. lay- brick. in In... nun: n... 1.5.: commuted wpoou uuvnuaao lol ms. The home mercury liptonod ntlonlivoly tolhougumontnot Ihodoioguiou and in nplying odd that than Inn many uten- usuing circuncuncoo in Ibo can cited. nding to inuence Ibo scon ol tho gov- Ilnlnnnt nnd that than. an no nu:-nllnl prvpuiltu vlrluo. Cnrculus have been given oub. and some little tables of statistics. showing the amount of uvinge in the dierenh lehoole. The inetencee which Accumulate. coming from school teecheru on d principle as to the use made of the children : innings. or the portions oi them they from timoto bime withdraw, onnnoh bub prove the eiTec- twoneee of this training. One child with- rinwa money to buy apron: and thou for Chrintnioe preeente, mother lowing school to equip hernell for I normnl school. Another to help in 00 I paying home rent when her father In nick : end eennot work. A whole chapter of : nheee pnctical iacte. to be gnined in any community where the system is in force. coupled with the accotfnte given oi indua~ try in earning end Ieiidoniel which leads to better habits in caving the pennies that smount to dollars Ind permit wlhhdnwul would make 3 helpful volume, but: better than this they are voiumee in real lilo and the loll-dopondonb. happy young people coming into mound womanhood who hue knowledge of economy in store And each A ne deposit: in bank, will prove to on by their more equul hnd sell-ruponeible citi- zenehip thuh there in roll hope of stem- pento iuture when th 9 trnining in more gon0l ll.-[.`%1'l2Rl~2.~A1'ID CITIZEN. IIIVU IITUIU ylllu CXCOIIUHU ICIIIIUU in thin diroction. The oyulem tends vo ton-no panporiom. crime. prod! nlity an various vices md to make nhidron thrifty. orderly. economical and discrimi- nuting in each use of money. It has in. mnenco upon all nhnoa of economy md propagates virtue." l nlrnlrl HQUQ Mn 0 nh Ind I"I. The school savings hsnks instill econo- my. They develop individnel responsi- blllly_ and good habits. They are in- snrenco sgainsn eurevsgence, inteIipsr- snce end peuperleln. There can he no bother and more ollective manner of solv- . lug the lsbor problem by the distribution i or property then this method 01 training eech oliild no save his pennies and making him I regnlsr hank deposinor with incen- tive so honesn indusbrv end self-supporiaing 5 independence. This knowledge given the _ child. influences as well the pereno. This ' school savings system. need wioh silent throughout Frsnceend some other countries, has the epprovel of our edveneed educa- fore end is elreedy in four hundred of the 9 United States po hlic schools end is seems but wsitimz the impetus 0! lsibhful oerrlers to l beer in on. Dr. W. T. Harrie. United. Sbetes commissioner of oduoetion, forwards l and gives notice to the work in his ennuel '` reports. He says: "I! every child csni he lninsd 60 save, es well es given ihe' knowledge which sssuies his eernlnmmuch Ii will be done tovisrde protecting the very poor from the lempteiiions end suerings oi poverty. The school Ililn bnnh i have slresdy yieidid excellent results in thin dinsniinn, Thu svnens-n Qsmrln ` unrougn lnlllll Inu Cqlllluzauuu. I The In-nagle of the present is between labor and capital. luxury and atnrvntion, honesty and vice. Thruo and economy are the paving and urn-inn forces of |ndnvi- dunl and nation. The lrugnlnnd induutri- one In every land riu nbovombeir follows in the scale 0! content: and morality; while those who dehulb in those regards are the inhompernte. the criminals and the pan- IQII. l UUUVVII IJLI I H` ll) UDLV lhl Bpnnloh Document oaptuud `Hun llndl In Wny Homo ARE |NcENTwE To lNDu8TRY `Miles City, Montana, Journal. AND THRIFT. 'rno1.lhv_o' Ibo Aipmni of no uunood ldnonton 0! the Day-luvs Been` In- troduocd Into nndfodl of Schools- 'lho lloncmu of TM: Iyotom of lining. }(i:m|'ruN, 0nb.. Bopo. l3.-(To the Ediooi): Amellct in rich in hasty mccou and compare: malt. hivoinbly with long ontubllnhod nutionl. Tho Viceroy of the Orient recently, in paying visiting tribute to our civiliution. wondered lb our normal incomes and fortunes. We have Inchog our prerent otaiun through quiet: nbili y and Rllz and if we keep in mud lmpi-0L tho condition of our pooplo is mun 56 through thrill: and equalization. present: labor sndlcnpital. Inn .11. , .1 W. A. Kelly. manager of the est- ern Union ofiioe probably has the first momenta of the inn` in Manila received in this city. Sundu)'.~i nmil brought him a letter written .it (Invite, July Zrllli, hy J. V. Rl(l, an operator, but nt present ii IIl(`Ilil)t l` of, the On-gun volunteer regiim-nt sent to the Phil- lippiiws nmnng the first troops to ix-. l'orwziril-d to ndmirul Dewey's reliuf. The lotter contains ll` I`(`_\' di-scriptloii of the c nditiun oi" ulfuirs us they ex- isted n he time and enclosed was :i b'p:inish document of some kind. which us yet nobody has been able to inter- pret. Mr. Reid S.'|_V that pupers of iill kinds were scatters-,d .il)out and he ph`k- ed up the enclosed ut rzuiilom and sent lit to Mr. Kelly as (I. specirneii of Spun- ush vl.irngi':ipliy. 'l`I-m (luv h-xfnnn he wrnln hp. and sev- SCHOOL SAVINCS BANKS B ARE M MR8. MA;BR|UK ILL. Business Couxge. V shorthand Course, -*I' -`Cw h.(i`sKihq~l.ivcl'&.IkpenIu $90-ydI`npuIxin&p|pb tqtmhg. Ali 1'nuu-nasoc mun _nena:uu. huusrmul. Nos: bounnunvuto puience_lhtsI&riugvhichIhz_v conde: oihvithoutlookingiuotheamn.-ot irnlini Pondcnnnot tlireuvittlrn learchl [Women's Wlorst Enemy . Iain repannd than the papal ncnhry ol mu nquoatod Sir Willrid Latin to nggah successor to oudinsl l'uchor- can. He nnmod Archbishop Brnchoai. Tho archbishop Inn ouggeshod Mgr. Begin but Sir Willrid will not: second the neon- Inooduion. Ho undone: Brnchoai. WIII X CIITIUI on By [LII IIIUUI1` _I UHU nuna at the Bruno estate with M. 3. Malcolm. long Mr. Bruno : aniotant, aa manager. He in a graduate of tho Chicago alnhalming school an ' highly capahla. The faruitura and undo skin; dapartmanln an 'n opao, and ill with Ibo uhinot shop gnu-gatically conducted. IIIIV Hl? llI'(l Illllll Ill!` .'4KIY`.'4_ And \\1`_ wilhnut r(`|)l`(mf. may gun'- I p into hv:uvn's o`_\ o`\'_ .\ hunt (Iwir phnmxq and h:mno-ra :4h.|kv In Jnust nilh lrr.~z\.~n huld, .\n-X puldmn-rnd'.~A bright chunpmln mnku The hold of the vlnlh 0! gold. The` hutterflirs with lfmznnml mngs .\l'Y` h(`r:|M.~x fur tho` fight, .-\ni many It lowly Luly {lungs "or lnkfn tn hor knnght,. And so, amid tlwir pnrgmuls .-mm`. \\'ilh pump and wrullh untold. Summe-r and autumn royally mu-r I on the field u( the` cloth uf gold. 10' ouun$ OI UK IIIII K1311 , DIIEC will be carried on by his ainbon n the nnlnn nl than R:-nun n-Int: -ihh M. R, Fur uhvu tho h:\..e nf sumnu H.-In nwltod from Hm ski:-s_ J` \...l u`. ..-.`n|.....o r.... `l'\I`h.\II'I'\lI`\rI\x. 1- -run... . LVHBUH. Hero is nu army in wlnch tlwra is nu mu-staring out and no \\:Ar footing. fur thu rnilrmul army ml the I mtvd Stairs, larger than the numlmr nl ruilru.-ul Nu- pluyoes of any nth:-r country, is u-.x~wn- Ii.-ally am army of pt-:uv_ and it is .~u>:ul- ily grmung at a ram larger Hmntlw raailrwnls lhN)L~a9l\`\s_ tnkimz thv mule- ugu us .1 mo nure of their impnrt1m'r. Golden-Bod. .\l:nrllm llnrtfurd in .\.`<*pte:1n|mr St I`ho|l\.S. I know u fuvld, a sunny field. But nut in sunny l~`r;nme-; .-\n| there is m-illwr glint of shield \ur glvlllll nf pennumwl lam`:-; .\'nr dun-s the ind [Mali knight ..l ........s .\ll|l|UIl ilgQ'lllN_ -LDIIIII l`llK|lH'Q'|-W, .\l.:L-I vunducturs, l3,Th8 snitolnm-n. flcnglnmn and wntvhlnvn. uncl `.. |.4: n2 telvgruph Up`l`I|lurS .-and l<~spul<~lwr.-a. .\( the~pr2~.- sent ruin) of il](`l`(':IS(` -tho~ro' are now .`':()_()0() mum ruilway o1npln_u-ens In the Ullited 5(lIt(`3 than them` '4-re inl8`J5 -lho lot.-Al numlmr will nut Ir V4-ry fur beluw 1,000,000 at the lime uf the-newt . .u..~.-.1 .\|H ll|I'N INC.` \\lH1l LUSH } plunws, Nor silkvn lonl:1unfuld_ .-\nu! ye`! in uuumm it horn: '|-I10 held of lhe` vluth nf l`UIHll]!`r(` ('(|lI]lIl|l()ll, (`'ll_UUU ruHru.m n-mplnyeos in tlw l nits-I .\l:|h-s, hum- gl`u~&s wngus und .~ml.nrws uro nearly 1\;'.lKJ,()(X1,0IM I1 _\-nr_ or aixl_vl\\. per cent. of the uperulnng l`.\[N'l)S`.`?4 nf Hm A1uri<~zm r:|iI\\n).~. l'hv=n- are fuur 4-nyplnyoos, on Hm nu-r.ngu-, for vnvh miles of ruilrmul truck. Thar an-. 30,IH!| station ag~ut.~x_ .'L),(`li7 emzlm-9-rs. 231.1122 sun! rnhn nf im~ra:n-a\_t|mn- suns lH|\\` , 1m(`mrogr:ipIiy. The day before he wrote he and sev- eral other soldiers were detailed torow `the colonel of their regiment aerossthe Hhuy. They arrived ut their destination shortly after nine o"|oCk in the morn- ing und were told they need not report. for the return trip until 4:30 in the |' afternoon. This gave them ample time to do 11 little e.\ploring,` and they Im- mediubely proceeded to take. iulvantage of the opportunity to strike inlund to where the Amerit-an and rebel firing lines were. Before. they lllltl proceeded |tur an American guard hultetl them and told them the udvnnee posts of the lnrmy were only it short. distance uliezut and then turned them buck. At the first chance they left the road and run through the limzh until they eunie heroes the insurgent -intrenvlunents I und Mauser bullets were singing ll live- 3 ly tune. .\Ir. Reid und his (`t!lIl[):'lnli)nH !;Inude 1| run for it and got insideofnhe b trenches where they l`t`Hltlll|l`(l severil , hours until the firing Sli|.l`li(`.tl and then . started on the return trip. Before they ,lgut lmek to the landing they found it `purty of insurgents who had euptured ) 1| ennnon from the Spaniards and were Ilrn.-iking energetic` use of it. Every time < . V . . _ _ - . . "it was tired it would T9(t)Il fiveorsix | I feet. The Ameri<~nn.~, volunteered their so-rvims, whirh ere gladly ll(`(`.t-plt` ';und had the til|llHf:l(`llt)n of helping to t throw shells in the direction of the I eonimon enemy, lput with hut effect '.they did not leurn. I Tlu-v fin-illv out lmnlr tn tho wharf Tho Rnllro-Id Army. Tho lunuling nrlny of Hu>z.s'i:L is us- u:ilI_v pm at RUO,U()U mun, nf (hnn'In_\~ at HKl,lMill. of Austria at ;l75,UU'l uf (Brew! Britain at -_*.'5_n:m, ull on :i pQ`.'|(`(` foul- ing. Y0! there nre, it um-`us by the hmt published ropnrl uf [ho intorst:u.- vunnnerve (`(llnnli.\`\`i()ll 8.l).00U ruilrmd .l...-4.4:. in GI... . . 00.... u 8.... .x. um-y ma non u-urn. The-y finally gut bank in Hm wharf nnd rs-turned In vamp with the mlnm-I. Mr. Reid ronrlude-.x by saying that that wrm nll the onilmlwrit he h.idh'Id up in Hm tinw of writing, h,xHh.'il ho =n_jo_vml it immmiso-l_';. J \' H4-id i< n Nina-ufnni.|n nnn nf ooomd ii `riniiniu-cu` . Thobuinou ol the Inn Henry Bruno will ha mu-rind nn but his ninmnrm In hhn I_]l,_VI`lI `I IlII"I"lI5"I)s J. V. R4-id is n. I{ingstnni.|n, non of F7. livid, l'ninn slru-N. \`.' .\.l\'v||) Man :1 fnrmvr r0\I.|t` the Inm-- nlm (`il_V. \l \I I 'l ' v"'- -" l2P.\R1`.\lFIN'l%~-l'.Vl\ ElL~ (`()Ll.E- (late, and Bunlncsa and unonhnncl Thoma h (`hm-It-nl (`our-ac. Prep-mnuon rm- Mulrh-uullnn, 'l\-uu~her.-' rvruncuu-u Etc. Rmment suul or experloncvd 2 untitled High School Tumhcrc A (`hnrleren Accouuum h:\.\` .-burg: at the bunlnasn I`--Noun mr muumn