.`_",' ' hr Ibo non olootlon than will lone VII:- I` an (no to oxoroiu rights u n ._ -vvvV'<- VT` `II M ,9% Ilcnnll wu lIp`:i:h.uHl:I;l.. It in -M hopod lb Ito result will be I nor . '" ""k" I:.'.:.:.-:.-..-...-":.::' - tho ridcrwu the supreme vlotorolwh ......, mu wry nu-mlossly conquer-ed.nndl hy.--Aruonunt ` V I V n5-nu all again DO topped I3. and `hll muster turned him and made him go at It once more and surmount It yvtanothor slmo. So It went on until the horuowu may but very bu-mleuly conquered. and Iunlmnn vlnmpnlnoh Olodltono an z IOIIO Brochu- Tho famous Amnrlcan borne tamer, Rnnhwhen he wu In England. spoke of Gladstone as on of the linen and boldest riders he bud over noon. Once. when chum- oellog of the exohoquer. u be In: taking lrla usual rldo In Hyde park on I nplrltod young hour. the ho:-no plunged and got by rnllwuyn and gates of slender Iron. It wont mulch: over one of the gsceyan Glndmno nu dewnnlnod to gun the hot- ter at that bone. The moment the horn leaped the gnto the rlder turned hlm nu-onnd and put lilm at tho giu again. r muuu I "ll-I131 Ieenth Century. nu mum I.f_lQ Ions or in hunt or o mun. 110 said in Jest that ho had singed tho bonrd oi the king of Spain for him. in aohor prose ho hml done tho king of Spain on amount of damage which I million ducaia and a year's labor would imperfectly re~ plnco. l`,ho during rapidity o! the entnrprino nstonishad Spain and astonished Europe mom than the storm of the West Indian towns. The English had long teeth. as Santa C-`rm had told Philip's council, and the tooth would need drawing before mass would be heard again :5 Westminster. The Spaniards were a lnnt race, and A dash- ing exploitthoug at their own expense, oonid be admired by the countrymen of Con-antes. "So prnisod." we road, "was Drake for his valor among them that they said if he was not A Lutheran than would not be the like of him in the worl "- Frondo'| "English Seaman In the Six- Century. " -.---uuuv nu U0 IN CIOIIDCG. Why uhould the tuberculin tut be aban- donod 2 In lo not: an inhllihlo nuohhod of dinolngulnhlng dluuod animal: ? How unlhoy ho dlncovorod otherwise, and ico- lahod according to Mr. Fisher : Idea 3 Granted that tho number of con aootod In smaller than wu nppnhondod. the face Phllnl hlh IIIIIII A-A 1.3---`J ' " . .muu.g mun ummug. Drnku hud no in- tention of landing. At iiinnxtmmn ioisum ho took possemaion of the Spanish shipping, so.-imhod awry vessel and carried oi! ov- uryching that he oouid use. no domiued as prisoners tho lawman that ho found on board, and then. alter doing his work duiibcram-iy and oulnpioioiy. he not the hulls on ro. run the cnhios and loft. them m drive on the rising tide under the walls of tho t0wn--n continued mnss of blazing ruin. (R: April 19 ho had sailed from Piymou . On the 20th ho onimmd (Judi: harbor. On May 1 ho pnswd out ngnin without tha ions of boat hnti ninnnd oi... I.....-.a nuulu] uunu. 1no cmws of the ships osoapocl in (hair boats in land. The now vrnor of Cadiz, tho sumo Duke of Medina Sidonia who tho nut year was to gain a disastrous inunorcnlity, od "like a mu gentlonmn" toruiso troops and pmvvnt Dmkcg from landing. Drnku innriinn Ai. Mu ..u......... .A.-__-, nuns never Mram to follow. The vice admiral ploadod danger to her majest_v's ships. It was not tho business of an English eet. to bo particular about danger. b`l.might. in they went with a fair wind and a ood tide. run past the hatmrios and under` a storm of shot, to whivh they did not. trouble thunisvlvc-s in wait to mply. The poor vim admiral fol- luwod mluctanmly in tho Linn. A single slim. hit. the Lion, and lmmlgr- away out of range. anchored and drirtml to son again with the ebb. But. Dmko and all mho rust dashml on, sank tho auanlsl|ip-a largo gnllmn-mnl sont ying n out. of galloys which vvnt.ur-od boo nun!` them and won) na-var soon again. F urthor resistance thorn was nom>-ulmo- lutnly nono. Tho of The u-nu. u; go m with him and duntroy them! Thom wvru lnmvrlrx-s M the harbor mouth, but Drake's marines bud mood Spnnlah bnttories as St. Domingo and Unrtngvnn ` and had not found them very furmldublu. Go In? Of cuurso they would. Whore Dmko would INHI tho oormlrs of Plymouth wore never afraid to follow. ']`h vlnn ntlnulnul -.I.....l...I .I_._- V A - uuunu uuu run mo own risks i. Cadiz harbor was throngod with trans- 37. ports. provision ships, powdor vossolo--a 3,, hundred nail oi` the-m-many of a thousand `|_ tons and over, loading with atoms for the M armada There were 50 sat! of adventur- bo ors, the smartest aoat on the ocean and `I nailed by the smartest seaman that over `. handiod rope or tillor. Something might _ bo done at Cadiz if ho did not say too much about it. The ioavo had been givon him to go, but ho know by oxporionco, and Burghloy agaiawarnod him, that it might and probably would be mvokcd if ho waited too long. Tho moment was his own, and he used it. He was but just in time. Before his sails woro undor the horizon in courior gailopcd into Plymouth with ordors that under no condition was he to ontor port or haven of the king of Spain or injuro Spanish subjects. What ciao was ho going out for? He had guossod how it would bo. (`omody or oarnost he could not toll. If oarnost. some such or- der would ho sont after him, and ho had not an instant to lose. Ho sailed on the morning of April 13. OH Ushant ho toll in with a northwost gale, and ho iluw on, spreading ovory stitch of canvas which his spars would boar. In ilvo days ho was at Cape St. Vin- cont. On the lsth ho had tho white houses oi` Cadiz right in front of him and could sco i'or himsolf tho {orosts of mast: from tho ships and transports with which tho harbor was clmkod. Hero was a chance for a pioco of sorvivo it there was com- for tho vonturo. lie signaled for his oili- cors to Colin) on board tho Buonavontura. Thom hoibro thoir oyos was. if not the armada itsoif. tho materials which were to (it tho armada {or the sons Did they dam to go in with him and tho hnrhnr mum). 300301-c A -hdn-cu. N. Jul: 0' IUL- :__.n_p,. vuu uuauo or .-.spam and me what was going on. He was not to do toomuch. Sho who a vice Admiral with him in the-Lion to be A chock on ovomudncity. {Drake know ow to data with embam-using vice ud- mlrais. His own adventurers would sail, if he or-deny]. rn Hm mmn.o..c... -1 ALA nuruul. ma adventurers ordered, to tho mount-ulna of the moon and be quite oortvnln that It was the right place to go to. Once under vmy and on the blue water he would on his mum I nnguu puwl`! to to. Unce under would go his own course and run his risk; Cadiz Inn-hnr nlnn n......\...va --uL A~ ...uuu us. must, one could still bo dangerous Shaw had lost nothing by the bold actions of Dmka and the prlvuteers. With hall a heart she allowed Drake to M thoxn out ` the coast of Spam and what Shn mm -nooooa onlnnln you may very noon grow; ly loooon ohlo dluuo. which has only as yet got I portlol foothold in Cmndt. Tho Farmorf Advoonto say: oh one by one about And counoriu chub ombnrked in oho huboroulln out ct-undo have abandon- od tho foolish exbrungnnoo. and are work- lng out the problem on morn nhlousl llnu. In which proper nmlonry condihlona pk] an lmporhouo pnih, The Advocate onghh to know, and you nho ocourooy of in unbomono In to ho douhtod II... .I....-I_| .L, . -- ,,., .. v......u.uu U uuu uppUl|l'l|llC0 OI ll Hill]!- bcr oi` starving wrobohes who had deserted from the garrison: them and had come across to clamor for their pay at her own palace gates. If she had no troops in tho acid but a mutinous and starving rabble, sh might got. no mrms at; all. It might be well to show Philip that on one elu- ment at least aha could still bo nothimr luv the hnhl nnflnna HIUH ` .\I II A non; or Wu -nu Auonunud nurop. and ilond the Bravo Briton to Jutingly ` nous `nan no Hod singed um lieu-d ot tho King 0! Spain. Burgbiey and Wulsingham. you can see from their lemurs, believed now that Eliz- l[!\)(.`th bud ruined herself at last. Happily hm` moods were variable as tho wmthcr. She was forced to we tho oonditiun to which she had reduced her nairs in the Low Countries by the appearance of THE ENGLISH HERO S DARING RAID INTO CADIZ HARBOR. DRAKVE S `BOLD msu. :11! us : u 5 running M an ununnd noun with wn inland L. n-- hr- I. -ll II I41`... 9 Lu`\`hos_, July 2: Jr. Daily Chmniclo that that Emil: Zulu, nuyinafor the path but dry: at 5 loading London hob! under unnunod nun with Inn .4. o.:...I. mu oumpuny and unporl nlhoritioo for the "Icon Innunor In which they dealt in primers. The Muitoln wn recently told no the Unitod sue-o govcrnnom by nu ma noyu Alton dock: on Jul 635. the jury bu nndttod I verdict dam is who occidental. but u ridur Inn added :0- uohlng wrong bluno to tho Wlnchcotor rie company and uh. port Innunor In Ihinh um. Ann :- -_-----w- UV VIII Ila method: of combating thin dioouo. It will, we hops. dccuuo vary mo. Uu whito such in your aublu. he then: swab and clean. and WM: are an: the isolation of nlfoobod onhmln grun- dluuo. which hn nnlv .. 1.n.\no!\'. July 27.-Ao a vault of the inquonb into tho death: count! In primm on board the Amorlosd nhunar numb; no the Royal Alboro dock: Jul!` ill ! rendnnd A handling 5 -n H v " * -r"l'\"' 'I""" iog money frooly and lmidnoul Appal- iog to rocial pnjndieq. If ho uld In roturnod with 1 majoriuy in tho uulnhly. South Africa would no hnvo long to II for utimng cocoon. His mission: with Londonu-0 more cordinl than shay worn during the day: that followed the Jameson raid, and Ibo Imporialin puny :0 home looho upon him with nndiegnind nppmnl. _______...__ we UWO programme: an Ihnrply diaffnob. The return of Rhoda to power would in- vornbly land. soon or Into. to friction with Kruger. His avowed dobrminnuon in to end the Tunnvnl ollgnchy. it ho poulbly can. Tho follower: of Rhodes In conductin tn olubonlp and vigorous campaign. upon - iog ion nnindim n 5... - -..u L PUIIU a Rhiidu shade for an imperial South Africa. under aha Inuence of Capo Town -and himralt. Schrainor boliovoa the real moon: of Cape Colony depends upon the maintananoa of friendly rolahiona with tho Boer: of tho Transvaal and with Dumb inatitubiona tbmughoub the whole rlgion. The two diamnob. to nmnnr -m..|.a :. n v-- [cult 0! mnlooocou. I.u.\`D0.\' Ju| 2-'__A mu... s..i.. .5. .a.`...... .'._"..E"1'} , An Attempt Being Ilene to Prevent Him lrom Returning to Power. NF. \'uRx, July 27.- l`he latest des- phatchesand mails from Ospe Town show t at a bitter liticsl stru gle is being waged there inpghe Cape Odslony general elections. Mr. Hchreiner heads the party bent on preventing, it possible, the return olOecil Rhodes to his old position and pater in the Cape asembly. _He gas been ma mg savage speec esuvarmng t e conn- hry against repeating"the blunder oi I890. by which he refers to the resuln that gave Rhodes his premiership at hhe Cape and a platform for the vast: eohemes he has since cegiedsouu with more or less success. r. chreiner says there is lent of space for Rhodes away in thepnort at Bulawayo and in Rhodesia. There. he ar- gues. the Napoleon oi the Ca _" has ample room and verge enough {or II most daring ambition; and them. too, all that he does would be of service to Cape Colony antlll to all` English-speaking People. as we as to t e Duooh residents 0 the Oepe What the leader of the anti-Rhodes party wishes to avoid is the resumption by Rhodes of his old control an Cape Town and the restoration of his old antiBoer policy. hnan `Ah -` ""' ' I H VUUII nave am: a machine gun which they had taken uhore with them. The Span- iah fire was nall silenced. In is known t at at least) lour 0| the Spauiarda were killed. Not an American was hurt. The landing of the troops from bho bramporba began `use before dark. The men were haartily g ad to` leave the Ihipo whore bhoy had been conned for so many day and the work of getting ashore wan accomplished rapidly. They were all on land shortly after night had not. In. 0llO|l' -|. Ll IIUIIN the 6 m we unenge In the plea of inveeion. When Muiwhreneporbe arrived it wee found bhet. there Wu 3 etrong Bpenieh force eh Guenico end an attempt wee undo no reeieb the lending. The Meueohueehoa end Celumbie ibeerned in shore ee {er en wee comidered safe and dropped it few of their big xnieeilee among the enemy. Ah the same time the Gloucester. whose lighb dreughb enebled her to approach much closer to ohe chore than the heivier wer- ahipe, opened the with three and nix poundera. The Spaniard: replied with- out etfeco with bheir Meuaer riee end nelly- retired. The: Hlnnnnnlgu 3-..; - ---AA ` puruunu. worn round to be Iboood. poo lo bocono oduonood an to oho untied 0 ` hono. dunno nn 0... n.- -- uuuumnu or uen. Brooke, to inform of the chnngo in the plun Main hrnnlnnv-ha ...;....a u p-b-luv wm oe continued en rapidly ea poe- II c. 81'. Tuonun, July 27.--The American iorcee under Gen. Milee ere in poeeeeeion oi the little VIII of (luenieo on the eouthweet coeet of orto Rico, where they landed on Monday night. There were twelve veeeele in the expedition, including the werehipe. Among the letter were the battleship Meeeechueette. the cruieer Oo lumbie end the euxlhery gunboet Gloncee- ter. The veeeele end the treneporte. con- veying 4,000 troope, artillery. horeee. etc . from Guentenemu. errived oil Porto Rico lete Mondey elt! rnoon end. in eooord- ence with the pin reed upon et e council of war hed et see on board the Yale. proceeded to Ouenico. where there in en excellent beech for the lending oi troo . At the council it wee decided that nenico etforded e much better lending place then Ponce, which in come dietence to the eeetwerd of Uuenico. end that the troops could be put eehore there without meeting with my Ierloue reeietence. It wee errengeu at the council to send 1 veeeel to intercept the expedition from Newport News. under the commend of Gen. Brooke, him chenne the mm M I-u--In- AoAINf 6Eb'iC'ni{oos. uni culngea ma plum and landed at. (lun- moo. It in not: the intention ol bho govern- menl: to in any way clnngo the plum In regard to Porto Rico on Iooounll of the ovorturu for peace which hue been undo by the Spnnlch govorumont blrongh the medium 0! the French Ambaaudor. The prcpuitlona for sending o to Pol-ho Rico one run ol the army deaignutcdlor than plbnlce will be continued once on the short. WASHlN(.`TO.\", July 27 ---0tci|l Wuh- ingtoqia excoodln ly aurprinod at (Ion. Miles notion in unding at (Jnunioo do Porto R-co. It In: undontood by the ad- miniltntion thnt Gen. Mllu would land at Fnjurdo. Bolero ho.lolt Bnntiszo he never in any WI] intimated to tho Moro- tnry of Int uhnt he would land at Any other place than tho oho selected. The otliclnla were inclined to doubt the reel dupatohou t9 the effect that Gen. Hon had lsndod at Uunnioo. Tho conrms tion of the report received yontordny anor- noon through the prom huv forced thom to bclicvo thus for aomo rouon Um. Mile: has chnnged his plum o moo wu nbcom; `run with: Imullbod,` stationed she WAsHl.\n:'rn\~ Jn|- " ...____ The Ixptdlzlon an-inn Porto Iloo Inn mu. um. Ioolutnnoo. Gunmvo, Porto Rico. July 25.-MIjor Gen. Nolnon A. win. with: roion 6! oh Anmionn 0|-oopo to munch in Jun. u-rived of!` Gnnnico thin morning Ind the ` American ag now oat: over who pan. This l`lD landing of the Amorhn force: In o Rico nboompliuhod after I brink TV! With I lull" bmlv fl Qnunhh [pann- LANDED AT GUANICO. loan Juli :0 `dun-ban .44.; .L :51: `ca. Mid hi nI`IInA- hordn, with 050 roiulb bh`J' )n|"'A-`I;-cu`; poroono. found 1 ooood. pooplo become odunnul .. o- .5- mu uuuomplllnoa IIDCI` DIM! Innll body of Spaninh troop: I A cool, airy store. Comfort and bargain 1 len`t)y of`ro6}{1' and light. 5 go hand-in-hand. -. i\J .......w. xuu KHOW mere are 5,000 families in Kingston and suburbs ready to pick up choice re- liable goods at such reduced prices as we are now of- fering, and you want to move rapidly to be in the swim. We are not goin r to carry over any Summer goods if price will close t em out, so watch us. People talk, but it is generally after goods are sold. Fancy Stripe Zephyr Ginghams at 5c. Best I~`ancy Ginghams and Muslins at 10C. Light Prints at 4c. Dark Prints at 5c and IOC. Crash Skirts at $1. Shirt Waists at 25c, 50c, 75c. Parasols all reduced. ...\..., gut. .1 ucttcr SClCtl0n to choose from than you will get to-morrow. You know there families Kmgstqn ready pick nn rhnir-n m- W and those who take advantage of them reap the benets but ifis necessary to be prompt in reaching for them. The people who came thxs mornin for the special lines :lil got a better selection to c oose than_y_ou t-lnnrrnnr van `pun... LL-_, Just Once in a While These Chances Come W Nearest Agencies-D. W. DOWN EY, ...- vvv---v III III! IIIIIIIKI III` i . "You must: have healthy aback. A scare woo ouubod some time Ago about `tuberou- looln. People were oold to bo in grub dnngor from nootod stock. During tho I: oighboon month: No have boon coro- ull watching it, and hnvo toohod Inony h , tho ronulb blnh onl oboub Bro In In . ......a A. .,.uu;.41I. s)llllL VVJISIS. reduced. Ncgligee Shirts 39c. V Vomen's Underwear reduced. Trimmed Hats $1 each. Hundreds oflines at bargain rices. A cool, airy store. Plenty 0 room Comfort bargains hand-in-h -D. Broclville, THE KENNEDY C0.. Linte For I >.. umliedmomml. - Street. ..----vuvvii av nus Iglllloll Illlll qlll no rcgnlnbionl, Mr. Finhor hand; hrmon` fnnmutc in Lannrk county. Inldo In Iddrut on about raising, an the noun of his remarks uid NV..- ._...; L--- I V -- _. ..,............. uuuununnuy ll nu ugog. Boloro leaving for England, where he in doing yoomnn'u union in the inherent of M10 buhtor and cheats buds. and lending inlluonoo to the agitation ngninnt quantu- D. YXIIAHIIIII. Mr I?`l.|\-- -u__.|-.I , {:? } ' GIVING GOOD ADVICE. For the Hon. Sidney Fieher, the minin- ten-of Agriculture, the Oenedien farmers heve I treat reapech. This in not: so much on ecoonnb of hi: ooe M on eooounb of his ueetulneu, his knowledge of farming. hi: ehllihy to forecast and direcb the legiolr oion thee in helplul to the people whom he serves. Hed any one else referred to the beberculoeie eoere no he he: done the el- Ieoo would not be much. but when he minimize: hhe danger from dieeue in cobble bhe egrloulbnrel community in ell 1 lenvinn lnr li'.....|....a ...i....- m- ' THE_ DAILY nun am much on provonhinl at opinion no the polln. 3 had dulinn um. um . J. R. c. Columbias. l[2|_r_{fof~c'l; STEADILY: GMNING EAVOR. "opitor par Orbau Divot. and ignorance. V din Bevel-Eienr Ohmnleu Victory has been the easiest and greatest of our career. as evidenced by thousands of Oolutnbia Chainlesa which we have sold and unqualied satisfnetion diroughout the world. In our 21 years` experience we have Vments in bicycles and,have oombatte Our Bevel-Gear Ohn. e Unlnfnhin (`.l...:..l..... ...|_:-|. _- -, DOPE MANUFACTURING CO.. Hartford, I'D -.4;-n1; - _ ....,,.-...u.uuu. vuu um: no dioouod, and their nnod {or domestic pur- nouns & co., t'oi'J.n"L'i `Balers, KIN GSTON, ONT. puul. nvnry the govern- -wv- -.-IIAIU Lllllfll abtandod `___I_ Eur; Iain:-n. wnxog guns a unit: at now Marga: laid spin the radon. thpity vudoo and chic! hope. and ianpoocor Suva-t in pdblng than to I50 ._._--_-i:__j ya--un on upmlou shop Ina who dealing: with mu) how that no mnld L. -. Catalogue Free. -,-..--.1. uuuu til Ihultboold mus -_r.-_. Stealing the old man .' How IQIIO men do trifle with bho memorion that oughn to be hold noted. In life Sir John Ihcdoonld In the lnfallihlo pride of his puny. Ho wu not declared to he ouch no my confer once or connmory of conlorntlvoa, but he examined the power of diocnlng to tho putty. "Follow no and nut no q B0 nntioipohd n ruling in oloc which VII oonbnry to his idon 0! common some and (airplay. and he had an act of putliuncot pulod disposing ol lo. Tim not was. thou. roprdod u the high ovidnnoo ol nuuunnchip. Now. who had by Mr. Hardy, undor my mini- clranlnuhuoonltlu prononncod 3 fraud, no nhominution. an outngo. sud Dr. Weldon. at 1 politioaloonvontiou. in the very thin nhndow 0! Mr. Fons. doclnu. 5 cynically. thn thg llhu-all an hryinglo h hl (ha nlll nnnn ' nations. `- Non can r-....J run. the manner - __.._.-.......... Iur oxocmon luudai Of creating condloionl irronpoobivo of their effect on Britiah imports`! O! looting bho favoured {ow dodno bho ones. and accept- ing their brief in in onhirocy? 0! "cost- ing bhoeo Brltilh imports ovon more than S-ruling the old policy! 0! making the tmitftouuit. bhe party, and bo milk the manufacturers for olocoion luuda? oondloiom in-am.....;..- -- -- - uu-uguu. on DB0 pvornnonh oould not In It In that light. They wanted to know how the pooplo road. and to ho In A pool- Ioa to all unyono our the cool: who did not nut hi: ballot right. The span was I . sod did much 00 provono I has ox- oplnlou um um. I-`-h-- _ _ ,-_-_ .,........ uuuuoomn so much the worse for British connection . The man who mobnphoricslly wrupped himeol! in the colours of tho mbion And ung the mhionll Anhhom daily. The old ag became to him like hho win of old clothe: which he Ina randy 00 shed on very about nooloo. n , ,,__...... - u-vuulull IIW Io in regarded in a remark- nnd in in remarkable. bubonly ccbncu and innppropriobanuo. the old ag .' When did it: be- como bho property of tho conaerubivo pub]? Whoa wuib ontruntod to chair keeping? It won the habit: of to imsgiu ohm they were no I would be bad {or the country ag ahould bhcir opponent: prcccdonoc. nbic phruo. for its lndlr Stealing some toriol oynl mm in and for in obi: pro- to um uid chub if the J nnbioml policy infurod Bribilh connection ' 1 mobnphoricsily wruonad ......u w muo ma mark. Io wu lofa for Dr. Weldon to go: otl` bho bright ldu of tho convention. It In: Do the 06900 that obo llboraln had stolen tho old ling Ind old policy of their oppononho. and were now crying to steal the old m|_n, having reluonoo to Mr. Hardy : quota- tion: 0! Sir John Mocdonudi olooolon luv phrase bubonly In-. u- L, I- 3 introduced many improve- oombatted and overcome prejudice I-Gear Ohuinlan vintm-w h...=1....... u.- ___-, .. .... ....-mguunea cnenccerletio, ie no be exceedingly regrebtaod. INSULTING A MEMORY. The coneerveolvee of New Brunswick have been holding e convenoion eh which to counsel how they can help she perky in bhe dominion beck Into power. Enlice Foeter wee the gross, bhe dominan- epirlo. He bu been boingly described on the ehleeh man in the petty, yet the leub popular, bhe rnoeo imprscbloeble. He eeld eevernl thinks, meant oo be catching. bub he lelled ho meko hie mark. Ih Inn Inn 0... H- ny . u --- ........ unuuilli no agreeably contem- plntod. Tho Ontario ballot, no In n his- tory goon. bu boon north, and in: oocrooy has been pruormd by all who hnn Do do with it. That I contrary improuion should be hit. and by one when Imparti- nllby in hit dluinguinhod chnnccormio, oxooodinzlv rur-nmwi --......;u. - -urunmy or me votes. each at the ooneerveblvee propoee. in order no truce and eaoerbnln, if peulble, how certain elector: voted, In 3 new experience, end one which cannot be agreeably Dlnted. The Ontarin hnllnb M -_- ~ -- or they Ihould be recognized and counted. A scrutiny of bho oonurntlna nmm... an ---In -- - __- .......u...u- ouln oughn to bio ad cry Inc II: rmgnrl Ln} nun A----" ` him into nah I might: hole. I : has Irgcd lino ad qnln bhn tho ballot: in not I not one. Mid should In changed. but tho Id on _..m_sn nun mm .......a.`.'. ..'I- ughb of imporinl trndo! policy. Not: much. In an ooneorvnnivo party. sbho mun. polihicnlly, The liberal: hnvo A .. .. .n :--A-- - , --_ _.-..-us-, uUlUl'lD.u ~ , hlnka. manna run In --MU And other Models at Low Prlcts. Ila. yinglol d, Conn. ro(I;ark- Io, ,,,.;.g-_.--- u-wind IUIDIVC .] I V anuhrvling duties. as Untuod Blunt. imposition `oi done by in An ox-oouduo zron Iho`IIn:|'I:ilny. Ill killed Tun ! Nil! bl: _m` gar howu . Why Inn: ooatonnoo hllod. 1.05003. July 27.--`u upon of tho Brunch sup: oouhnuoo about that it hilod Ihtonofhtbo refusal ol Franco and Rluainooj n 550 my In I Mn. 1 ---. v-u-u nu 'uv@'||jnu | of In ballot. Hoar him : Nlil ....... ll- rs :uK'l'lAGO DI Cum. July 27.- Gen. Sblfl` and Senor Ran. the civil governor o! Bnntingo. bun ma I carious oluh our diuninnl of Spanioh oicinlo. (`-on. Shaf- ur undid thoovornorh work. ohu-ply ro- nslly culled him 1 pro- nunlng ruoal." A: I ranlbol thin boobed intbrvlow Senor Ron nnnonnooo that ho willruign. The Cuban: an highl_yIn- dignnb on: (ion. Bhnfoorh notion. _.__.;_:.__-.j And BohoId-,-Kano Appeared. The other night 3 merohuno was called nwny on buuinou and lets his home to man the 2 am. hrnin. As be In: coming down street in heard a rnthlin noioo. And up preaching bho upon whore 0 o noioo origin mood lrom luv 3 urgent of the police Ioroo pounding a col nph pole with his bnhon. He was doing in boll: Do numnon 000 of she rogulsr policeman, but none was in nighh.~or within hearing dmanoo, sad that I'll not an annual occnrrtnoo. ..,. lulu In um-Ir Inrmer harm`, they stern- ly wfusml tn gun, and mm lhvy un- ns busy .I.-< only |n*0:s' ~-.`m be In l:nr.`in_u up proci0u.~s storm: uf honey. The` in- vidont is cm'l;ninl_\' n mm-I, if not Inn heard of, mo, nnd is wry interesting. Ohr nlohh n I-I--5---` V " ' J ..______._.___ Yellow Run II lotion. On ? or Mzxlco, July 95 -Dl l _ |hQ onnn nl oh- D-----I _ , .. .. . 'r1|r.IlY` [Jul Hlllll .`(ll(`- ms.-lflul o[[ so that mnf-.nmx`v h-nu nllmwd him In runin at. \\'-slum-nth u fuurlh ymr. .\ -'\\.1rm uf In-M up- purontly (`time tn Hm otnwlusnnn fhaf tho-y wnulal do smnnthinu tmsunl.-4 ml- ding to tho "s\\oNm-s.~4" of H10 Hf`! nf l\lr.nnd.\frs. PM-ver luring tho fnurth yvur. ;\'mriI'np(|) Illa`) look up Hwir IUN)(IQ\ in Hit` {up Inf um! of lI|t`(`hilIl- nuys of the p.'|r.~mII:un'. Hffurlx \H`l`9- nundo to imluve then! to lt'.|Vc` tml r1~- luln lo llwir former hUllH`_ Iv I(`flI.~zr\:I h. n... n--4. .. - -- ,--,.-..-vv Gabon lore lnoo|I;d. SANTIAGO emu. {hgfbor and Rog. ch. civil .........- _u-ms; rum ms penple put ~[[ort.-I, nu; fourth v.-..r \ _... Fife llonoy Ben` Poonllnr Aotlon. Pembroke ubsu-rvor. \ .-.......... -0 I ...w m uuu ropuru upon in to the do rt? monb. Dr. Woods report: commend the spline and spoke moab highly of in utility an well an its strength and durability. On the receipt: of this ro ru general Van Roy- pon decided to pure 0 a number of not: of the splints for tho no of the navy uir gonna in Cuba. Tho Dr. Gardiner rofered to is a Kings tonian. non of Mn. J. Gardiner, Uolborno moon. He in a graduate of Queen : col- lege and a clever praohitioner. ___.________ THE ONTARIO BALLOT. The Pollliolnn. writing in Evontzu, in- dulge! in I nchor unnatural Inil Agsinno Ihonhrio govt:-nmono and tho nnuorooy him ; Jul-goon.Oenenl Pnruhuu A Donn leti From A Brooklyn Inventor. A des etch from Wuhingbon, D. C.. anya: "Spurgeon general Van Raypon to- day ordored I dozen 1-eta ol pnbenb alumi- num epllnbe for bhe use of the navy. There apllnte Are the invention of Dr. Sidney Gordiner. Brooklyn. and one of one visiting lurgeonn on the Long Island college honpi tel. General Van Roypen. having heard of the invention ordered Dr. Wood: 00 look into it and roporc in nine do r Woods mmrn mm.......4- n.- uplulonl and Lance. V In April. 1877, he won eleveted to the bench. being appointed I judge of 0110 high court on me reoommendenion oi lord Ceirnl, when he alto received hhe honor oi kni hthood. r. Glednbone, in 1883, nominebed Sir Edward Fry to succeed bhe ex-neuter oi who rolls. lord Esher, in the oouro oi _ep- peel. ,_, __:__ Tho Oonolllntnr ,In `tho New loath Wales Oonl Trsds Dlsput.. Sir Edwsrd Fry, who has been appoint- Id by tho British board of trsde ss conoil~ istor in the South Wales cosl trsds dis- pute, wss born no Bristol on Nov. 4th,l827. 1-Is wss ths noond son of the late Joseph Fry. of Bristol. the well-known msnu!so- turer oi ohocolsto and uooos. His psrents belonged to the socisty of Friends. and be In consequently brought up n member that religious body. Mr. Fry received his burly education so Bristol college, subse- qusntly pnssing on to Unlvsrsit college. London. At the university of Eondon he ~ srsdunted B. A. in 1851. taking on honor egreo in classics snd also in physiology. He then studied law at Lincoln s Inn, And was there called to the bar in 1854. ' As an advocate Mn. Fry was never held to be briilisnt. But his laborious hsbitn grsduslly become known, and much reli- snoe wss consequently placed upon his opinions sud sdvnco. In Am-II lQ'."7 L- ._-- --- ...... ....w uuu queen 1" some an no free And some. "My Country. Tin of ' boo 3" Then. like unlohtorod birds. They raised again with might and min The old. unntudiod, Iwoob refrain, Nor thought about the words. CAREER OF SIR EDWARD FRY. tno Anglo-Saxon Ohorlu. Washington Star. "God save the Queen ! Country: _ Iig 'l`|..... I:L- ..L -- , nlonoruted. llamllmn Herald. lu now nppeuu that the poor qusliby of Spanlnh gunnery In not to much the feult of che man behind the gun not the gun In front of the men. The gun: in Senniego forte oouldn o do much harm even on wood- en ule. __________ SPLINTB FOR THE NAVY. A man concern in I plnco lover : too: 11;; trodden on. in and bile drums of both on by bho din of the Audicnoo. A Dollnmon. Toronto Btnr. Whnb in a band concern? A band in when 5 music ` pm troddnn nn. H. -IL. ......_ A ropnlnr lnpnulon. Hamilton Herald. There in 3 popular improulon blunt the Unibod Bantu Innood no make Cuba Iron in order no make free with Cubs. '_-'- Apart lxom thin tho advice 01 the mini :- tc of ogrioulturo lo vory good. Tho unl- tory ooudltiono at tho born: and otabloo ohoold be improved, oopoclally thaw which oonhin tho hordo rupplylng the milk for tho citioo, for tho dolrioo ond tho choose foctorioo. Vontllotion. cloonlinou; pnro oil` In thooo have their olfoot upon tho lilo and hoolth ol the cattlo. and upon the life and honlth of thooo who uoo tho lots ox- tnutod from thalr milk. Ioron0o;o lnurutlng Inutworn. Toronto Neva. _ Thou no no noooeaity lor Toronto cm- uu to sh! bard y. Tho ab came righo ins hhol: lbyrgonu. . .. vnuu uuuuuru u pnce where mulic var on. bin ribs wave can pub to sloop r upoke `i_b'I__ubili_t;y rm on-u.-..AL -...| J brlnio Tho Anglo-Saxon ILOII lnr WHAT OTHIRI SAY. 4 0lInInr n Harald, llonorutod. nhl A Dollnmon. tu u'.|V\' :`A}| nun`, I ..\-..l ;r .\..o .... ;'||m|n| that mm] ~ nllk nhonld not be not nan-.-