Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jul 1898, p. 1

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HOIIII WOTU WOIIIIUBII OI" [HIGG- Tho Msdrid cormpondenb of the Lon- don Dnily Mail conrm: tho ubabomonb that Mac powers. with hho oxogpbion of Great) Bribuin. bud arrived at: La ngroomonb on the queabion o! the Philip inoo. He says there no rouonl for beleving the powers hnva come to n forms) agreement on the future of the Philippines. The will `oppose their rvohenoion by him Unite Sbaboa. TL- '\n'nt\I| in -Iu'nIu nan hglpnn Inq- DOIIIJIIUTI In DUI IlII'D0|'. A Path Gueulca. Porto Rico, deepebeh up the United Sbetee militzery expedition. which left Guenbanuno on Thumley.lend- ed there successfully to-dey Alter e eklr- mieh with the Spenleh troops. No Anne- ricene were wounded or killed. VI..- \l.;I-{J an-nnrsn-nrlnp AC kl.` '.Al\ IFOUI Dplll II TUWII-lg morn ICDIVI. The cruiser Monbgomory, the mouiborl Puritm and Ampbitrito and the collie!` Southery have just) arrived Ah Cnpo Hny- bion. The wsrabip will coal {mm the Soulahery in the harbor. A Pnrh nnninm Pm-tn Rinn. rhnnnbnh his belongings in 3 high Ihuto of unit- monh, ohnrgmg before bho obhor obuochen of Shaw . camp that ho hsd not been in- vibod to men. And, therefore. In: loving in disgulb. Ho hhnl bdoolod the other touignou. Captain Pngob wu loud in his praise: of the actions of obs Amoriunu. both on wnbor And land. l\..I.- A I_....l.. .... A. Di. ...:_l-A-_ _I In. IIIIUUU UK U110 UK!"-UH DUI?- In is rumored in Madrid bhnb Manila bu surrendered to the Americans. It in oili- oinlly edmihbed than the American army commanded by Gen. Miles be: effected in lending so Guanine, Porno Rico. The queaeionof ex polling foreign correspondents irom Spain in growing more ecuive. Tho nrninnr Mnnhanmnrv, tho mnnihnrl u-cum; -av;-an; --nvul ZIIIUIIQ V.\N(`0l'\ KFl, July 27.-'l`ho governor- vlnrnl -nd Inv Aha;-'In-| nnlmrnnrl Iran: UUIIU OD WIT!" Ill IIIMI. Duke Almodonr do Rio, minister of for- oign affairs. conrm: bhtututomonb than negoolwionn an prooooding wibh the United sum. Re any: tho the prinoipnl object of the nozooisbioua is to discover the de- munds ol the United Sashes. In R. .............l 1.. Il..l...`.l Al...s ll-..:I. I..- Boll: Bonn! lnurulnod. ...... .__ I._|_ n-v nu _ ,,,_ DENIED ADMl83.0N. Danton !ao'IIrQi'." " AI llonlnnl 9; I I nlnnInK- D-an-(J.-pg` What s a Dress mt. Ayuvwuz, guvurnlulu angular, inlhocilyfwuhopoutwovookqhlllu Sharbotlakohhia Inning to the tho CP.R.!ottho run. B0 In haunt- IauuLinnm|:4nn-nn.J -n-bah KAI`.-g. UI'uI\-lIl'jWTB II'W- IZUUVC lookinglu-onovrond wotkuoltuus I00. lnukvIlInnnl0tdcuIuw.l*rIy. v -VIII llll ldlIa H Wxxxxrm. Mum. Julyb27."-LuI 1:! I Don |uPilgriIII.I[0dcig a yawn. goo hiudopth {nib Rod tint wlnilo thing and vs: drownod. A young Englinlnun, unyiugnt an howl hon, tied ycncdny to commit nicldo by placing 9 towel Intunlod with chloroform onthinhco. Ho Inc found baton lift III cxtinoi and nvivod. Tb nun undo g nu :-Slap :3.-uu n an: Ann A I- n I I."uI{&".u.n' "I"{-L}I'&.,I '..';C"n.' eonlnnod opium sud narphino nor. LL IlDVDlI'T'V'DUHll.U% IIIIIUTIIICII IH IIIC colony and will nation a nun! ruining ship lot boys in 80. John : hqbor. l'l ICIIIIIIK K II IIIIICII UK" TUI- "l"ho Bntinh admiralty `will uhblhh A ngnl 1&1-vn unnnp Mu nhnrmnn nl Ah: without suitable Trimmings? We have secured the entire sam- ple outt of the largest Dress -Trimming House in Canada. The lot contains all Fall Styles in Ornaments, Gimp and Cord in LI-`-In nlr` `nnnu nA`nI-n AIAA C-u. LIII DKIDIIII IIITIFIIU Will wunnuuu I nonlnutvonnoogbho sherman oltho nnlnnwgntl DI" nfghinn A nnv-I mninlnn IITIIIKUEUIII VICKI III. UNI UIAIU. The roynl commission to invullguo tho main of the colonies will come no Bu. John`: nut Iprin to begin the work 0! the onqniryinoo ocoodution oi the at- Ohn roniclingon tho lunch truly cont. Th: Bnhinh Admin-nlhv bill ndghlhh A HITXIL LKIC LVUWIUIIHUIIIU (III 3 while in London. omphuizsd the right 0! the colony to puticipnbe in the proced- iogo of the lntornnhionnl covxuniuioa and to discuss conoumntly wish Canada. the iuhu-in sud reciprocity nations. A: on alternative Novfoond will inninh I but right to biota on indopen I Irnngononh wit the Unilod am-. Thn I-ninl nnnnninann in in-nnhhonl-.A hI\A Will Be lutubllnhod II It John`:-A Ion! Oomnlulon. 81. Ju|m's. Nd.. Jul 27.--Racoivcr- zooonl Monno behaves tin the ucmcy in the colony ! ropruonbotioq h the lorhh- oomlng Qooboc eooloronoo. M bed by the wibhdnvul of John Chu-ltoo', `ll be lled by Six Juno: Winner. the premier, or himulf. The Nowfonndlud dologoou. while in Inndnn. amnhnizgd aha rinhh nl I U UIIIIIIUI - U UIUKIIIIDKI U I Ul' UUIUIIUIII II. E. Bnmmudminiatntrix for oaoaboflnto H. Bruno vs. R. 'l`nooy.~Accion on no- couno of $76.10. Judgment for phinbill. 0. Fallout: VI. H. TrouIdalo-Acbion for rooovery 0! account 0! $83.90. Judgmont lot plsinbi. UT- The Oiby wood And conl yard vs. R. R. Decker on aI.-- Action on Account: of 888.36. J ndglnonh for plninbi. H. lu-inhnnhnr vs, I-`. Jnvnm-.--Antinn ponnu. uuugluuuu Iur uluuum. H. Chriabopher vs. E. Joymr.--Action lor dnmngoolor wrongful diuniuul; 836.- 75 chimed. Judgment: for delendunh. I` D.._.. -.l...:..&-L-......'- l..--.t..A..\lI.- 8InI|t(loII-hinu".8wih Ivinrll .1 -II-nan.-........ ggd .-A.L-iII- 0. Drvuon. ulamlouou. W. H. Godwin vs. C. F. Barber md C. J. Unhnm,gnrniahoo -Acbiou for recovery of value of a note for $38 75. Judgment against: Buber for 838.75 and for [ur- ninheo. VI... (Vic... _..nA _...I .;..I -....A u. D D juugo VVIIKIIOH ll HUN! BVIVGII H. Skinner & 00. vs. Kingston chemical engine company~Acbion against; J. How- ton und J. Bredon, stockholders. for re- covery of Account: of 829.90. Judgment: for plnintis nimb engine oompony and acbion ngninah cfandnnha. J. Howbon And J. Braden. dismissed. KB I! f1..A_:.. ... P I` D.-|.- Ant. (` T0-MORROWa Mr. gonna-3:0 ongintot. nlhnmlvfmnnnl-nuanlglnlt hu- Oonollnlon 0! Thu Dock Oonuldorod Yol- unity. The bnlanoo of M10 docket of the first division oourh considered yesterday by judge Wilkilon is here given : H, Rlrinnnr R: (`.n In. Kinollinn nhnminnl n n clay. The bebrothnl is nnnounmd to be forth- coming between the Auabrlan heir nppm ronb, nrchduko Franz Fordinnnd. and min- cess Mu-is Louise. oldest: dnnahhor of Mao duke of Cumberlmd. whoiasgod ninoboon. It: in said that bhlolonlovo match. and tlughhho wodding will bake plant In No- I11 I . unor." The People : bolopbono compnuv which bu secured charter: in London. Windlor and 8b. Thomas, bu writbon Brunhford bhatz they nlno want: to secure in charm: in thnb oiby. Th. lnhnntl-ml in nnnnnnnntl On [in Uni-Mm. nor. II: is a coincidence bhnb the mobho of she now governor-genenh the earl of Minbo. in the name an blush of 0110 lube bilhop La- echo. of Three Rivers; "Bnnibc: 00 For- tibor. nu... u......I..b- s.-I.....I......- nntnnnnn -l.:.|. UIHODOH FIIOG I UOIUIY uuoruuuu. Tho will of tabs Into RoberbBiInpoon.own- or of tabs big deparbmonbnl more. Toronto; was probuhod Tuesday. Ho loa $347,000 to be divided bebweon his wife And daugh- CA: I FOTIOI OI DIED DIICIIII. Nelson King. generally Inppolod 00 be `implicated in the Blair poisoning cue. Ina found lnnglng to I tree on the outskirts of Csrlobon Pltoo Tuesday nfoornoon. "FL- _.:II AK AL. Igtmnnkgv-hninunnnn n-n_ noun no we memory. A woman ninety-eight: are of ago In: recently been incsrcorn in the jail to Charlohhonburg. non Berlin. Germany, for lril ol pothy bhofu. Nlhll `(inn annnrlnv nnnnnnnd ha `)3 no ll non me man. Tuberculosis bud broken out: in: herd of cabbla in Elgin county, of which bho milk has been usod innfnmily and IIIO not too the luctory. A -nmnn ninAhv.Qiahh VXPC of III hll 010!!!- A den! and dumb podlnr from Woabon. named George Allnn, wu run down by An up;-on hnin near Bolhon Tuuday and killed. . NVL- A..- I-....-A I---an nrnnnm ha OLA lhlluo Averbal description would not be satisfactory. We therefore in- vite every lady in Kingston to visit our store nuoa. The one-logged trump m-bod by tho Duulu police. on suspicion of being con- ahoblo 'l`wohoy n nuauinmill be rolouod so he in nob hhe 'l`..L-.....l...X- L-:I I-u-nlunn nub: in I KAI-ti IVIKDIDIDH Dy 611 UUIIDUII DI UIKIJ place. Ebb: Baxter. I Bnyhun girl. only 8!- teen year: old, gave birth 00 I loo at: tho holtpihal in Sb. Thomu on the 17th lnnb. I I G..--tn|. Yang-uillg An. ad QM` Ill! DUTHKHI. ILIIIIIVIIIU` UIIU Ul III]. largest (1-nib grower: in western Ontario, had 800 pone trou blown down by 3 cy- Inna, olono. A A. ulon IDI employ: no people. 0. L. Schmidb. known as one of the mono nuooouful high school teachers in the province, died Tuudnv uh Bhntford. Chin! nl nnlinn A. H. Bkirvina. Imme- vluw, U111 LIIUIIIV Ill D|ll'IDIUI I-It Chief of police A. II. Bkirviog. Inger- uoll, has been requested to hnud in bin muigmtion by the council of him: place. EMA Bnxbar. A Bnrhnn air]- onlw M. lcunnnussn PARAt}RAPllS.I Little Innon nun Inlet-cu lva1bodr-- Iota Froln All O!!!--Lllo 0! Ivory I Ihlnl III!!! Bond unl Bunnnlnrod by that Door Public. Mudida circulating libnry in London has 3,000,000 books conlbnntly in circula- tion and employ: 178 people. 0. L. Rnhmidm known IA (mo of Mn MEWS [IF THE WllR|.ll.I what comes to `Us from All Quarters. VS GENUINE mums $1 6 TELEGRAM8 FROM THE EARTH`! FOUR QUARTER8 GIVEN. `mgigl in {Ho i7kif:EioI" ll Scratch, Ktnpvillo. one of tho nu-an-h In-nlh nu-n-at-n In wnnfnrn nnhnrin, FIRST DIVISION GOU RT. A NAVAL RESERVE nd Ila nu. .. ........ _. 5-..... Thousands of our Shirts are worn by gen- tlemen all over the country. c.~u%vmasroy mo. L"~lothlers and \ uuanI}'oc_suu -v `av?-Q - savuuu v-v Irriv 7 Tnko Lsnuvo Br0mt>Q,uln|n0 Tchldl. All ;l`r:uuuromndthomoncy Int nun (nun. HAKING has become cefbrated because we are,giving Shiidllu" 8FJs'.3c "A'r'coI::'wiE .}"pTi'J for three months. bu and for the arc- Iinn inland: lUI' UUFUU lllll lino islands. nnznnr U liUIlly.ll)]Ill10 yuwruny an M10 schooner Eliza Fiobot, in doing nicely. sad, it in expoctod. will noon rocovor from his voundu. Those who nw the full oxpootnd to use him killed outright. pun-ow uwu uu~uny wnurm Gnu ruporl tho king In oulhrin from Inoulu. Muck in following nun] count. on -vs nnlvv-til Lmznou. July 27.-A don Itch from N|guki.Jnpn. up that h Guano third-ohu cruiser Arcom. with an pliu In: three months. In: nllncl hr lm urn- it can a Cold in one Day 'lhkn Lnxnuvn llnnnmnnlnlnn um`. All vv-r--u nu: --v -ru--q-v Iv-J. MADRID. Jul `. 7.-Inquiries undo at the palace ban to my conrm the report that hhn kin: In nnnrinn lnnn nnnnlnn `PS. \nvllI- 11-: any Ivlliuvuuaun Tononm, July 97.-Forty man employ- ed M checker: at tho C.P.R. lrolghu nhodl have have boon dinchngod on Account 0! diicnlticn with him now muugonont. I60. Dupe Vincent. Saturday. Inc. Swift. electric lighted yahoo Imus: "Caspian." Swift : whsrl, Saturday. Nth. 2:30pm.. oonnoobinx with R. 3. train. Ono and 1 half hours ab Capo. Home 8 pm. Supper 35. Round tp only 260. J. P. Huxley. agent. Want The Body ldonullod. Vuu-nus-n., B.C. , July27.--Mnyor Cope. Vancouver, won drowned in the Yukon. A hundred dollar: rownrd woo oorod for tho finding 0! the body. A body chimed to boCopo wu lent: to Vancouver I luv days 330. The lnunrnnce companion wont the body idonhiod. u 5 huge nmouno in so such. The onohoritioa IIIO wont the re- mnim idonbiod before paying $0 M00 reward. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. AVIUTFIIXIIO. They met: olghhoon month: Ago Ila Nor- folk, Vu.. whore the u bridounaid And he II but man were Attending A wedding. IIIIU IUIIUWI 2 Min Louifa Oink. Oungo. Km" who in vilibing hot uncle at Main plnoo. bu `nub announced hot ongogomonb ho Lioub. R oh- mond Parson I-lobnon, the hon of obs Merrimno. Mil.-- _.-a. -l._La.--_ ._.__LL_ _._- -1 \V-._ IIIIKIIII3 . - Chulos M. Hsya, gonorul manager, will lane in the course 0! I luv dun for Now York to meet the viniborl. nuuuuv--nu unvuuvu nujnjvu. Nxvy Yunx. July 27.-Undor dobo ol Nobloovillo. Ind.. July 26,0110 World print: the followi : llIl:-- Y -1 - l'VI_-L I\._.... II`... _.|.. .1- In llouto To Canada. Mcwrm-:,u.. Quo.. July `.27.-Sir Charles Riven Wilton. raidono 0! tin Grand Trunk. and Jooop Prioo. vioo-pruldlnt, are on bhoir wny so labia country from Ing- to pay bhoir annual visit; of inrpoolbn 00 oh road And will arrive hero by wsyol New York in a few dnya. nil` Phat-Inn -i hnnhln n I.nLn I-In!-In in LIDW l.U|'I III I [OW ulyn. Sir Chulee will be Able too who put in the opening ceremony in oonnoction with the Vicoorin jubilee bridge aomo time in Augult. FL--I... II `Elk..- ..-..---I .__..___.. _:II Bun Act of In. Beverly Robinson at fair Ennn,Vt WHIn:Hu.L, N.Y., July 27. -MrI. Bov- orlay Roblnoon ahob mud killed her child Tuoeduy mind then killed honoll M. Fair Huron, VI. Ho: lmnlund bu bun camp- ing ab Luke Catharina, DOM` Poulbnoy, lot the put three dnyu. Bin niche:-In-law. Mrs. Mohhcnoy, who formerly rooidod in Philadelphia. And was wibh t.ho camping nu-lav. omnmlttad nnlnida Mnnduv in mi. I IIIIIUUIPUII. lull WI. WU"-I Wu` ullllplll ray. oommlttod Iulcido Mondny by uk- ng oarbolic acid. News was I000 00 Mu. Robinson and it In an upset her mind, cunning her to Hi oral! And baby. Arthur 0'Rdlly.injnrod yuoordny on tho nchoonu Eliza Fillnr. In dnino ninnlt nnrl, WIIUIII LIB WIHIIU I IHUIJI-III} Luo Wednesday morning bheee two in- dividnnle oluped hands at the C. P. R." depob. They had e long bulk, and elber a while Mr. Stewu went to megiecrete Dohle and bought e license. in the even- ing while the ehedowe were falling end wioh their reepeobive youngebere grouped around them. &he were mede men end wife by Rev. Dr. urray. " They left) im- Inodietoly for Rainy River. Mr. Rhnunrh In A nrrnnnrnnn CAI-mar and Furniture and Undertaking. Iuvulnwny ml nanny nuvur. Mr. Shown-b lll rolporoul former and a sensible Inna, no he will unto 0 good husband. Mn. Hugglnnon in o Itnrdy wo- man. who has rovod henoo good ho- bher. When I ocuno hon lth in vol cho! no the Algomn. snd mango: Boddor given her I good olnnchu. Port Arthur Journnl. Some wooku :30 Robert Bbovnrb. A fu- me: of Rainy River. living nut Ion Fun- cun. having mom-nod his wifo for :4 con`.- donblo time. dooidod too you I aooond hOlp- nnbo. Ho advertised in I Inoduh vuy in n looul papal`. Inching hi: ago. upon-lonoo. etc. 1.. . .|....t. 0.8.... II. ua.._-..o. _....lu..l . CID. In e short; time Mr. Bbewer received e lebber from Mre. Huggineon 1 Port Ar- thur, who ebeted. in e ledylike rnenner. than einoe her huehend e deehh ehe hed been yearning for mother better hell. She referredoo her four children end to her a hletery end eeoompliehmenu. Mr. oewerb reeponded eh once. end mede reference to e number of pertaineno deteile. Including hie three young ohildnn. for whom be rented e mother. 1' ..e \v..:.....:... .........a.... A|.-- A`... 1-, Widow And Widows: Join Izortl. Hllldl "And lnnlllol. trope A -4|... I.u......._| it for granted that you want the BEST SHIRTS for your money, the Best Material, the Best Fitting, thebcst Finish- ed, you cannot do bet- ter than call and ex- amine our goods. TL .... ....A.. -1` -___ Worn than Tho lurluqu Var. I.-.-.n-. I._I-0'! '.._..:_.l__ ___J_ ,1 KILLS HERSELF AND BABY. RAINY RIVER ROMANCE. Lloutonnnt oluon lngnlod. _.. \7,_.. v..|.. on IV___l__ .1. Going OI! ll) Wholesale. ....... 1__I_.nn 1:1,--- ___ 65TH; ._ _ nn 0!! for `tho Carolina. I I A J, , uuuupu unuuu, nlng I01! WQI. 01 CI] gobtofomoluho ownotolo runrlo onoy cow. Au only down yootordoy gun birth to win colvoo, both 0! Illo some sin color sud oyoo. Ono cl Ibo twins in ohthlo nook ond will roqolno toq- dor nursing. but tho votorlnuy lagoon up it: will livo. Tho othor It may Ind `honey and nblo ho stood at in Iqi. tondin I ulophono slum. onl ;'nd thsI"oho line in in Iu0--uld lno Hing utilized to the mount by some young In!!! "making a dubs with his girl, och neighboring houowlfo cnlliu I HAD gn-ocor-h not of oh: no lily n . aough it may be at I highly dinrng. : I-uuu not won IIII out non II cum 3 no pod too quickly. The ploturo of an axe bod noopnyor vainly ooduvodng to to Ind lhnl "hhn Iinn In in nm._nghl I In: LA..- uuuwl UH lln. The Ida ol Bro nation tolophonu being mod n dead-head holophoning shalom by the public otriku one u pooullu. and If mob bu boon the out hero ll cnnnot lo ntounml too nnlnklv. 'I'hA nlnnnrn at .- Whore rnood-Honda Flourish. Utluwl Cltnmn. mm. 1.4.. .1 01... -.-n..- .-|-_|.....-- um-ueun~;n noon ,WITH OR. wI'rnou't hoard, at No. 430 rluoeuu street. Vaughn Torrme. :-:-ij FURNISHED ROOM ,WITH OR. WI'l'HOU l.` Tarmac. TAUIJI BOARD. ALSO l l.EABANT R00` (rmnl: with modern couvolllonoa. Cen- l.rnI Iumnl Iv hnlni, M1 : In-I nlnxnn - 'Au|.r. nuzum. Amsu I'I.I~:AuAN'r IUJUII 1 (front: couvenlonocu. lral Inca] ty, (gum. H15 Eurlr-Moot. SHOESALE O Above in the outeide of our lerge Wu- roone. The inside. we think. is worth of an impaction. end we pu-biculnrly win you And your lriendu no remember that thin in your store, to feel tree to run in en Anytime. to moon your friend! here. to bring your viuibore in to no the neck, etc. Visitors ere never urged to par- nhun. um: rs.-'rm: ONLY (TANAPIAN mun ofulldnona" In I Oahu-ll I Ppklnla fou. 0. W. llosmand Sir \$ ;|n'ld [All or. A Ml.- lug monument to the groin man Attila (`inl- dlnn llwmluro Beware of Am rloln (unh- ponny boon lmmllod lay (Inn `Inn Houses. ourhook huhoon In preparation 15: years. Hand.-comely bound. Prumwly llllulrtved. Blsz 1-ummlualon. Prplpmhu {roe th canna- ner. }"r0|[Ill.DI|ll1b00|Hul|UllIO. Win. In nu muuu-:3 uuulu. rrululwly ullutruwu. ranv :- Freight palul ; boots on time. With do- hook yournn down them all. BnADl.l:Y-GAB- m;'rm.~A Cu., l.1.un1cn. Tmmprrn. II. 0rHlsum,oue"mnv remly. Bend fnrot plum out l. Ever body will uublorlbth curo tor Iory. Ll ml oummlulou. on time. IIALADLIY-GAIIll1'l0zl 00.. L113: 'I`ouuN'r0. 0ll`l'I.-M EMORIAL EDITION 0IlaI FE 0fHltulnl,oue"|m\v ready. send for com- Iem L E bod Ill buolbo. Be- g|:ro lory. VET m1"u".nm'i`.'.1m.'. Bonk: ulna. nanu, In: Lunum Uunln-rAln-l5l ?.'a5` 31. Telephone ll7A. Open Day Nltht H.uuu;u-Ah Glenn-lo. on July 23rd. John Hukor. aged 63 yuan. : IR.B'l`-(`LABS WAITBEHSES, limp etc. Must have mmro t0A. I. l '1u.1.I1:n.(lnnnuouueInn. ' lSTEAGY& STEAGY. . T. B`. HARRISON COMPANY. Undertaken and Embdmerl, III Ind II Princess Street. `Phonon:-VVllII'00!I1l. 00; Residence, 91. Open day and night. Y on?! 8- B. CORBETT. FUNERAL DIRE(7I`OR. an IRINOX H1`! Klnxlwu, uucoeuor w W. M. Dronnnn. BRAMI ESTATE. THE nnsmmss or `nu: LAT! mum Brame. Undertaker and Upholauror, wll ha I-Arr-Ind on :0 Hun nld nlnnd nn hahnll nf Duh 'l`liE BUSINESS OF THE LATE HERB he currled on M. the old cum! on bent]! of MI mum. E. Bxuun. Aqmlnlutrntx. GINO Bltth To `fill OIIVOI. Jonoph Danna, King and Inst. of Gig )0&Ia0 funn. ii I nuns ol A I-ulna:-in BONNETS, FEATHERS and FLOWERS and other articles in our NEW MILLINER_Y_ DE- PARTMENT at ' - Onc-Half Regular Prices. {Blouses and White Undemear To-marrow Wednesday Morning We will sell between the hours of 8 and I0 o'clock all HATS. U-unnxvxvunpu-on IllUu`WXFCl'I WKI\II.IIII' Dull VUl" warm. Than or storm: in many looulibloo tonight and on Thursday. 1. NO. 174. -:-_-j-- [{0()MH AND BOAILD, W WILLIAM 81'.` . with all modern woommodnuun. uumu AND no/nu), an WILLU woommodauon. _.__.__.____.____..__. WFA YHER PROBAII LITIII. will be sold at special prices from I0 to 12 o'clock. 4w 1`. M . EDITION. ooum And 81:. lawman (upper) 10 n.|n.-Modonbo Iollborl nod south-wutorl whdyno an very --rm I'hun ll` nun-Inn in mnnv etc. must. have mmrv . Apply unmm, Ummnoque Inn, nnsnoquo. WANTED. "6X D." JAB. REID. YYunI-Iarr A I I-n_ ,,....... ..... ... coooidcnblo d nl homo: Ind by hailatonoo, :0 bone` egg: proving hi; to: up moi. G proving his in pnilgg, rv nr .-s- I -Alia. think bun. :8, XITOHE sronool. Ann IIIC Hllllly $CWI DI II l'I'CU,|?CTIIII song:-option ol Nowlnrph hold its annual picnic but took on Goo:-go Gnniuodu `around: :1 Vu-Iv Lnkg Han" Wnndrn ICIVIIIVIZ` TCIWUIIIT I ICC KIWI I I`,- nc -spending their Vncaon. Counnoox. July 213 --WosIhar very hot and dry. A revere thunder and hail norm over this plan: on Saburdny. doing dump to grain grape. Sove- had more or lens glul broken some of which were u largo eggs. Charles Woodruff in im- rooidoooo by putting on a cot- lun; mnl, (lidnnn Pour: In: boon im. ICKU WI. UIUWXI IUITU IIII "ill Ill]- nnidonco with I new con 0! ping, eohrpriniog puhmuou ' ""r' 3:; and building new board- vnlh. which Inn my much ncodod. The Sunday school ol the Prubybotinn annnrmrnnn nl Nnihnnrh hold its Annual PTUVIDK II IUUIUCIX U] IIIIIVIIIU III I 309 Gideon Poser: has been in- nrnvinn his nnnirlnnnn with A nan anal nl Improving lon|douooo-1`ho Annual Plo- -I._II|ontlInQ ?LAIo W-satin. ogpacuy mun. mo nnest, Largest and only Zxcurnlnn an-mnvr with tour dnrkaon the rlver,Is arallnblo for -xnurnlonn Adnlroua (`A PT. 1'. .l. URAIH, Klnpuon. Om. -:_ The R. & 0. Steamer "Colulnblan" (vnpaclly I ill). the Finest Largmt and only I-Ixvurninulfatn-x\vuwr with` 9999 suIHnuuu's %HnPQAlPf N01 Wnldn. Inn! in uulcl VIII: I14 WOODS BROS. --..-_ V V \J\/\A cl-IL \JD. J.I.l.U| cu V QL V C The nnI_yln=l|uble Bivycle Vulvv nmde. Hm: been I long-felt want. It In nolid hrnns; no rub- hcror lprln u logut out nrurder. Hood for um g(`{\l'.`H|(`l|ll| um. l ump.~ easilymulls-lrlluln-I y xlmpl giving the screw up two lurm buckumn s. Prim compare: woubly with that or other VIU-'l`!|. \nr\r\r\n nnrxu ItI|IIIr\rnt\nI j'_L2..J Wood Bros. Me_tal va1ve[ 'l'hA nnlvlrnlluinln Dinun|n\ I rnunln Ila: Women : opportunibiu for developing beenby ere iucreeelng every day. We know the health and beeuby go head in -bend; that bnghh. rosy cheeks; glossy beir end supple. well-developed bodiee can only. be secured and kepb by peying amen- tion to bhe lawn of hygiene and the use of Modem Kennedy's wonderful medicine and heir measure. A ntending offer of $50 for my one of skin dieeeeo laheb cen- not be cured. A girl wanted no treeb free. Heed Dreetmenh given for the balance of the week for `25c.; eleo neile menieured. Lut chance to try our manage free of charge. What Ladle: Want to Know: How to Keep Cool ? By Having Head Treatment. place. If thesedlrectlonn nre strictly followed and i-`laischxnnnnm or fresh homemade Yemu. ls used. fnilure to produce a bright, Iparkllnv, lfoamlugund rvrrvshlng drink ho nu In\poss1bll- Ly. ADAMS GINGER BEER No other glvou the name results. For uale_by GI-ooen only. Ibo. loo. Goo. two and Goo per pound. fhollnlly louoon rocwua-mac: K Dani Th.-nnnlnnn 1 T.F.Harrison Co.l 4--u-9-any -vow anus- -1-: win. uuI-u-- lb Pool rhonnlvcu D1. Frouhuno Oifo. opon day and night. Auction ale 0! oondomnod milibin stores on Thundny so 11 am. on Barrioold. The Turn Rannhnrn Frnm Wnnhinntnn" WI" IE Ill IJIIU UIITFIU PITK IoU'IIIgIIUu Citizens bond excursion to Clayton Thurodny. per ntounor Cupim, 2 and 7 nm. Pngoomn James Smith for Obhwn ovary Mondny nnd Thu-oduy so 6 run. Band for Guide Book toJu. Swilb & Co. mnnonlann Ll---I- ..I..L ....lII L..I.I - nun Ulllu D001 F0dIU- DWIHI G U0. Kin uhon bicycle club will hold 1 run Thungny per steamer Hero Ah hhno o'clock no But. thonco to N 1. mac ovcning bicy- cle moon. or home by ooruu' Corners. (III IIIIIIUUII IF ll I.lll III DI|'I'l'IlUIUo The Two Senators From Wuhington" will be at Luke Ontario park to-night. Cihinnn hand nxnnninn tn Dlnvhnn insist op Y_'qur Dc}_a_l_er `FOR CHARTER. [Iii-Iliiili III?!-56-Ivl-iiixlliililifiili` nu . n_u|_ n___|_ n__u___:____ I `The Battle Creek Sanitarium Health Food Uompany Howe given us tho Agency for um mun orlhelr goods. These foods are the result n1 Ima- tlklnu Invn-1l.lgm.lnI|n curried nn n Illa vxtonnlvo l.nh<-mlnrleu cnnnouu-.1 with Ilm Hnnllnrlmn. Ind haw harms the I Don't stay away because you may not require them now Come and see the new styles, hear the prices, note the saving,as of course we c|n't duplicate a lot like this again this year. IMDY& 6'0 vxlonrllvo l.MIu'llnrl9u cnnnoou-.1 wllh II:-v Bnnllarlnm, and huw- home the teat. 0|" many years pmvllcul uxv by Ihmlu-mndx of pt-noun, lmlh um: and we! . :10 PRINCESS ST. ioaaaauaaaaaaaaaua-manage; THOMAS H. JOHNS, COLEBROOK (_3;.JLL|NG8. Zivtvvtjvjj rnlunn. Juqnntin no- jliiuldntojuq in Lj j `int LOCAL MEMORANDA. 3PPl|Dz you with nE'i5E.' KINGSTON. ` Take a look at the New Black Dress Goods when you're in. Gan. Ilan-nnhootdu-ad no Lug- Iltlonrvcy llonoluluhnrhotuthonnnv uivodfctiuuionplnnn. MhhAh`mdhm UIIII Illa ; 113.11 DUI U13 I'll` do: the Spanish n .- 1 L kindly fooling for eotolyngnothn in bu loundesuno fur puuuuu Iu nnsuunu-I III pvwur. Immun- luolynhotthonrrcndorol the ith. innnhnninndluskn nnnn:-tnmnn-nu. Wllij IUITT T U; WU` iaunlunhlondlnch npputunongCI- hnnluuu|va." UIIUII II III II 1 TUIU U IDVIFIIIR mm W Inpnaonlqo bhourtondetol Suningou my guest He declined to come, sanding Ihismcnnzo: `lonnnotln ocrguotnm tlnr III. Rnnninh HA1 I Ava mh. I-nnnh LKIICU IIIIIDI II! Ufa " I IIIII Gucin at far on I could by invis ng him he ha:-urn-nnIAhQ.hn-n-uularnl Rnnninnnu AI UIII F33 IIIIIU. 1 nuuuu. Ina IOIIIII or the pnnidnn proclnnntion undoubtedly would be Inudogood. The lento: In: not- tend, and vnry friendly in tono. bub Gan. Gnrcinlnodo no reply to it. The next novulhnud oihim wubhuhohnd with- drawn with his Anny In Holgnin. non tho north cont. Thofncl iuhul did in Goa. Ennis A -5 AL- .__.._J.. .1 u_...:-.. -- DUO Ill IIIIUGKIU [JUNO] Ul IIUU Ulil Staten. :CubI I told Gen. Gucin bhnt we were ab war with Spain. that we wont! be bold raponaiblo before the world for me ndmiuiutntion ol the Inrrondond hr- n't.ory. md eh. pending the conclusion of the war. the Cnhsna could not rouounbly nwnnnl hn runanihinn Ihinh ha nnnnhh \I\lII VVIII II? CB3 . We bought" the lot ata large discount, and therefore will sell them at "`* IIIU W". 511 UIIIIIK UUIIIII IIUU rwzuululj expect the recognition which he sought. Al the propcr time, I nddod. the henna ol the nrnnidnnn nrnclnnnlinn undnn hudlw IIIP lull IIUU UUIHIIJIIIIIUI III KUIIKIL " s to the political situation I have In Me to add to what: already is known. I regret that Gen. Garcia should feel offend- ed because he was not permitted no he a signatory pany no the Spanish surrender. In a letter to him, written in reply no his test, I have made ii) plain that 0 ecerernony of the surrender and the retention ol Spanish municipal oticers and taridutiee must: be treated as temporary meuuree. quite apart from the nal narrnenanh nnllnv nl hhn Unied ll wlnpornty mualurvmqulw Ipuru Iran: the nal b policy of the Uniuod :1 Cuba _. __-- -5 _.- -:oL I-uh. LI.-L -4 _....l.l UUIIIHIK Iu IKIUIU Illlrlly` HIIU III IIIIUUUUT week there should be plenty for all. The health of we city in much better than I hsd nnticipatnd. Yet there is n groan deal 0! sickness and conaunh one will be required to prevent. the oprud 0! disease in the Army. Our troops have witahtbood grub hardships And the great diocomforta ol the heavy ruins. They are romuhbly well. Sanitary reforms, which now are baing inauitubod, I think will improve the cgmp and the community in gononl. "An ho Mm nnlitinnl nimnnhion I burn lih. pencil. "In the country may of the Spanish troops have gone 00 work. while hero in Smtingo, us you can see for ouraelf, business bu been resumed. ood is coming in more liberally. and in nnobber rank than muld ha nlnntv fnr All II-I IIIIU W00 Ull UTIUIWTC VIII IE over in noon on poeeihle end the onxnpeign in the rovince be brouaht to A clone. Col. Wood I been inetelled ea militery gov- ernor with full powerto act on circum- etenoee may vnrrent. It the occasion should urine it would be A simple nutter lor him toeuspend the operation 01 the existing civil government and impoee'unilitnry dic- tetorehip. It is unlikel , however. that any serious diiculty will be met. The people of Santiago ere quiet and orderly and they seem delighted thet the can peign in over. They hove been cooped up no long that whntever regret they may feel is oven-balanced by the cornpenentlon of ll, In lung. ThoBritiolIhunItZohvundupoo. vb-an-r`l`nrl'n&ntl. iv|InAn-inn DIIIIDUT. WUUKI l CIHULI I0 IIIIU PIIIUU III which he in now comfortably aihunbod. abut the situation in Santiago is much improved. Twenty bhonnnd Spsninh sol- dion in the province of Bonhiogo hue laid down ubeir arms, leaving loss than 5.000 00 boncoonnlsed for. I hops shun All of hho Spanish Army will have boon nocounhod [or by the and ol the weak. to than the work of Inndinn hhn hrnnn: nn hrnnnnnrhn will he ll, IIIII Ull III III!` WWI. U) IOUIU IOIII WUII VI loading the troops on bruuporto will be mmr n nnnn nu nnnmhlo nnd aha mmmian I TUKIUII IIIIDIIIIUOT. Tho following oiciol etotement in mode: The French nmbuoedor. on behalf of the government of Spain, and by direction of tho Spenieh Ininioter of loreign oifniro. ted to the preoident yeotordoy otter- noon et the White home A mouoge from tho Bponioh government, looking to the termination of the Ivor end towordo poooe. The propooition onbmitted by the omhoooe- dor noting for the Sponioh government we: general in termo and woe conned to tho one eooontiel point oi on eorneot ploo thnt negotintiono be opened for the purpose of termineting the wor end erriving ot terms oi peace. The communicotion of the Spenioh government did not Iuggeet any opeoic terme of peooe. nor wee there any reference madoto Cube, Porto Rico. the Philippinee end other Spanish poeeeoeione. The evident pnrpoeo oi the Modrid ou- thoritieo woe t-ot`to loom whether the United Stoteo would treat on the ouhiect of pence. end ofter that to tote up oeeh term: no the tvoipertiee might ouggeot. Neither one the In suggestion from the Spanish overngnent that en ermietioo be eohob lobed, pending the co negotiotione. It med noturel, owever, from the position the!) formol peooenegotiotiono he entered upon. thot nding their conclusion e ceeeation of ootilitiee would occur. New Yonx. July 27.-A Herald special from Sontiogo, Cuba. July 25th. eeye Major-Gen. Shofter to-day given me on in- tereoting interview on the eituotion here. Gen. Shniter thrown much light on his con- troversy with Gen. Gorcio, end now mnkee public for the first time the fact that he end the Cuban general bod hed some cor- reopondenoe about their differences prior to the open break between them. You mnv hall vnnr rnndera." mid (Inn. One-Third Off. " I on all" XII YURI" TUIUUIVE. Dlll \lU- Shatter. when I called so the palms in -hinh ha in nni nnmfnrhnhlv lihnnharl lpun Does Not Iuggut Any Turn: of Posoo--Shutter Thou: Llglft Upon Ill: Trouble With Glroln -- Our 20,000 lpnnlah Soldlorl llnvo Lula Down `naolr ArmI-!ood ll Oolnlng Into the Olty. WA.~uuNu1~oN. July 27.-Spa.in bu auod for pews. formally snd direculy. to prod- denh McKinley4,throngh M. Cnmhon. Izho French Ambassador. ml... l,.II..._:..... ..m..x.I .s.s........t :. .....I.. Through french Ambassador to ` President Mclnlcy. IEEN.SIIAFIER|N_IERV|EWEll| bsrnm sum rnnua, CONDITIONS IN SANTIAGO ARE MUCH IMPROVING. 0 (H5 OPOII DTUIK DGDWDUU LDUI-ll. You tmy boll your roadera," said Gen. lhnfun-_ whnn I nnllnd Ah tho nnlum in KINGSTON. ONTARIO. VVEDNESDAY, JVULY 27, 1898. On lanky Hutu Arthur Aihn. n- -oldunncldohctivotihmhlllrouu -ootnndlrnahndhiuthigln. own Inkanllnho pun! boluihl than Ibo Iilllouluchrudvkindoluhn. when the entire lot will be laid outaothatinspection and selec- tion will be easy, In klillk` 6`-mg In` A` in barn` VTWI In National |cngno-At Iauiavillo 5; Bl. Louis! Alclubon 4; New York 3. AIBaoohlya l:Bouon 0. At Picking (lira gum}; Cincinnati 6: (sound (Inc) Pibug I Clndnnni 2. noun 5. AI 10:-uuuuo; rrwvluonoo z. Byncno 4; Wilkulnrn 0. A0 Bclfnlo fa: O-A 7. loll By `Ibo `I'll!-D. 87. Tnoms, OnI..July?I.-111-I. Lamb, of Oootro lbnol. was the victim of I poin- ful and unnuunl uocidmb Fridny. The lady wu running I mowing unchino, when the needle pound through but Ibuunb, mil sad I". struck Iomu obotmctiou, Ind. burning and brunkin , again through the thumb. n. Lunb was bold but and could not mean bonult. Eur criuu brought neighbor: to but uulabanou. Dr. Smith In: nmmouod, but being I Iurgoon nod not: uncbiuiu. bad to have uaiuunoo boloru be could boot my ur- vicu. IIr.Wileox wunnl lot. And ho Iooktbo uucbino pnnlybo piooul bolero Mn. hub uu roluuod. V .\?\(`Ul`\'KH., Jul] Zl.:I.llU KUVUTIIUI" erel end lady Aberdeen reourned from icborie yeeoerdny end were royally re- oeivedon this. their lub omciel visit to Vancouver. They first new the Announce- menoin Vencenver oi the appointment 0! lord llinho no succeed lord Aberdeen as governor generel. The morning was open y cbeir exoellenciel quietly on the hotel. In the afternoon ledy Aberdeen eddreeled e crowded meeting on the Viccorinn order of nnreee. In is hoped he eeheblieh I home [or the order here. Thie evening I Hi; reception in being held by the memor- genenl, shot which n civic ed reeeend an nddl Iran the Sn Antlnn-`n nnnhhv KCIUIII, IIYUI WIIIUII I UIVIC I00? In no sddrun iron the Sn. Andrew : Iociohy will be presented. WUF'U' IIIIIJUVUH DIIIB WI! uallll nlm. Dnhecbive Dongherty returned here with Edwnrd l`oa0,of Rocheeber. who uh one time was a accbionmau on aha Buy 0! Qninbe rail- road here. Post: came here for the purpose of identifying Pare and Holden at two men who used to frequent: his house, which was up the crack from the railroad ababion. In in said then Mackie wan also ideuniod as being sometimes with the mo humps. Pare and Holden Are reeponeihle for a nickname given Post. They need to go no his place olcen for a drink of water and were invariably told to go no the pump in lrovib of the building. Alter some time they began to addrou him an Tub Posh and the name thick: to him yet. `JI'lEJ|lUI'__ IUIIINW VII` HIIUHUTIDI III II. crown e rney. The boy wee very much diaheertened. but he quietly ec- cepted ohe decieion. As he slowly left bhe jeil he turned when perhepe 300 yerde Iron! in. end eew his brother's iece Wench- ing him through e eteel-berred window. The recognition wee mnouel, end. el- hhough they could no!) speak. the *`boye etood and watched each other, Williem weviug hie handkerchief bhrough the bare until his brother jumped inbo one buggy of e friend end wee quickly driven ewey. This wan George l onbon a Ieeta dey oi enmmer vacation, and he eeid ohm he only wished to eheke heads with Will beiore retnming to his work in the were, bubevan this wee denied him. nnfnnleun hm-ml..-on e-nine-mgr` knra will: IIIQJIIIUUIJ I-IIl|lI'|lUo Ponoou | brobber cum bo Nnpunoo Tues- day And nkad permission to no bu rela- tive. He was told by jailer Vnnluvon that who Instructions given to him were be pormib no one Into the prooonoe of any prisons:-_ thou the nnohoriby of Mac 32. crown A rnav. Th: how run nu-v Damion. The palms in which Gan. Bholtor has out-nbliahed his hendquerbore in e roomy though somowheh enbiquabod building- fecinz bhe plazi. Geo. tslnfoer ho-day in- apoobed bhe camp on horseback. being no- companied by only two memberl 0! his ma. He was well received Along the route. but there were no cheers. Gen. Shefoor is I strict: dieciplinerion end he in rapidly bringing the several branches of the ermy into one ooheoive body oopnblo of coping with my Iieunbioo bheo Imy urine. The railrosdn will be opened to morrow end the troops will be removed to a healthier situation. The hrnneporbe ere unloading es rofidly u ihle end ere uniting orders rom Wu iugbon. Pontolru Brothar Not Allowed To 00 lnnldo `tho Walla. NAPANEE, July 27 --l)oboobivoo and the crown nooorney any mm: the story an no Ponbon being allowed, by Imnngor Bainea, to clone the safe. than giving him so op- portunity to leave the inner door: open, entitles the originuhor of the hole to another guou. The story. like Mm hold of letter: nub by Ponton be we Saucior woman, in Absolutely unbruo. Pnnhnn n hrnhhnr turn: hn Nnnnnnn Tuna. VI UCIIIUIIIHQ YJIIIP Il\I \I\II\J III black and fancy colors, also Setts, Etc. A __,__L_I J-__4:__A:-__ ___.,I_I __A

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