Into of the Peacocks. A STATESMAN OF RUSSIA. _A1,y}gE FRUIT`. E1135 {..".`:`2"..-'al". !l.'. I-ITXlI.KIl` JIIIIC OHM "dial W ' `r";':;-:" "o.i*...*"'.':-..'.':.'* "~'" " N0 D00 L Othon present won Ibo u-ohbinbop ol (pug-. hit}. the -rehbinhop at \'ork.| cardinal mzhan And tho duke o! Wu|m.au_ Tbodukod Suuhnlmd In opunin. ch. Fwillgl hid W`. `n qugu spur} from ordinary paling, 5. gmuhn Mt: um: tho htling my I 1 uinto buvggn :5. pic of Gun Brian: and thoUnitodShpt:t melfon vllichhobolinvod would be up. goal` ed and ncigxocuod ` Ancncg. notiouollotd Bnmd. Lg: sud: unpin and .1 lot In London Ln: Night -cordhl And oonnu co-Operation Wanted. Loxno.\', July H -The inuugnnl uncal- in of the Anglo-Alnoricsn Ieuguo wu be (1 Int ovouinz at Stcord hon-In nut`- n v\.-. pones 10c dozen. Leather Covvrwrl Boll. Grips 50 each White Metal liolt Grips .50 each. Pearl Cull" Buttons 20c pair. Leather Purees 250. New Idea Patterns 10c each. Colored Frill Edge Elastic 100 yard. Silk Tassels 5:: dozen. Silk Pon- 15. I1` 200. w. nun yulr. I Ian's Blwk Kid\Qloves $1 for 25:: Women`s Tun Cnton IIose_20c for I pair. ` 125:: pair. Colored Border Haunlkerchiejoc Black Satin Merve 50c for 25:: yard. ' for 5c. Plsid Silks 45a for 33 yard. Men's Neckwear 200 and 25 for Shot Silks. light. colors, 65c for 250. I240. Whip Cord Silks $1.25 for 600 yd. Men's White Cotton Night Shirts Stripe Cnvouetto, 54 in. wide. $1 500 for 8750. for 500 yard. I .\lcn'a Card-"gun Jackets 82.50 for L|dies' Cloth. colored, 50 in. wide. 3` 81.50. 750 for 50. I Mm`: Overalls 50c for 25c. Black Serge, all wool, 20:: yard. ' Men's Smacks $1 for 65. Only a limited quantity of each line. The time to _act is now. The last selling day is July 23rd-the last chance to buy from the our Burden. I 1 I I ( I Tho question Is asknd by many: bean - Ililcine Collar Buttons 50 dozen. Shirt. Waist Sets, with blt grip, 15c set. Leather Belts, with purse, 250. Leather Bolts, with harness buckle. 200 Avv JEII-Iv 68in. Bleached Table Linen 760 for 500. " 68 in. Unbleached Table Linen 250 ` vnrd. Glass Towela 10c pair. Whiie Dimity Muslin .200, 250 yd. Open work Stripe Muslin 50, Be, 100 yard. (`J-I in I)l-....l.-J In I u - - -~ uvu `Juli - Crash Towelling -10, yard. ANGLO-AMERICAN LEAGUE mcuuunwu qllllw, mr and 81.95. Linen Huck Towels 35c pair. nrnnlu "`n-...II.'.. .. A- vv l\lI -UU _\'I|l U. 72 in. Twill Unbleached Slleeting 250 for 200 yard. Crochet Quilts 81.25 for 90. Maraalllea Quilts, large size, 81 75 and 819. . FORMISRLY RICHMOND 4! CO. H8 and I20 Princes E I ...)u. .4 72 in. Plain U:1l>Ien.chod Sheeting 350 for 25 yard. 79 in IV...:n n..|.u-_-v , - ~- Wilk De Chine Pumsols $1.50,: 81.75, 32 each. 250 to 400 Muslims and Crepons for 20c. 20c Printcd Dimity Muslins for Inl , an [0 Civil. E. as T., D. & A. Corsets 51, 31.25, fog` 750. 50c Conets for 850 pair. Child's Wnists 26c for 18. Shirt Waists $1 and $1.26 for 750. Women's Bluck Cashmere Hose 206 for 15 pair. wnInnn`n W`-.. fV.AL-_. `VA "A ` nuu \ 1243c. FWII ` Mffowelxod Metal Belts 500 each. Shawl Straps 16c. 200, 250. Circular Fuldiug Fans 10c, 15 50 _ .-..o..._., uuu av I Creme, Satin and 50c. nqu l\ n. . _ ..... ; uuu numb mum not 830 yard. 750 Silk and Wool Stripe Dress Goods for 25c. 40c Black and White Check Dress Goods for 25c. 50c Tweed lects for 250. 650 Tweed Dress Goods, 54 in. wide, for 850. 750 Tweed Dress Goods, 54 in. wide. for 500. Fawn. (hey. Drab Sergcs. Din- gonnis and Debaigo Dress Goods. short lengths, 350 to 75 yard for 200. Shot Pnrnsols, Clearing out goods from 'Our Semi-Annual Clearing Sale. Summer Goods. Rather than _carry over this is a favorable time to buy. These liin Friday. Don't miss them. 450 Plaid Waist Silks for 880 yard. I Toilet Soap 100 box. Silk nml Wnnl u...:.... n..--- n "' " " es are on sale What is the Reason For These Prices ? {SEALED LEAD PACKETS ONLY. i Tlfai is, of Blnok Kiri Gloves, sizes 53, 6, 6}, rognlnr 750 and $1. for 400 pair. White and Creme Kid Gloves 3], for 600. Colored Silk Mitts 250 for 15 pair. Woman`: Hnlf Sleeve Vests 60,100, 1250 each. `I7 l.'Y\Ll" . uuu "mu. nuns lot 330 yard. 25. Printtd "Iootsarnt" for rilis It In: many inliutio [far as to collect d"lontemt" bodies and :1 course. providing yotl really want the Best Value on the Market. 20c, 26c and uuvo l`.!c. CEYLOEIH 60. 70, 9c EBUYERQ Say our Prices on the I GUINANE I I A ropuunuuvouoonlinolthluguo lvuthon nppointod. 1:" Line rm`: nice. an All 15c. nu I uu, Jul}. 100 lufaulfa xvimo Wool Vesta. button fronts 360. Infant's White Union Vest! l2o. \\'ouieu'a Silk Vents 900, for 500. Black Ostrich Tips 26c and 850, for 15. 5`- VI l!Un l.. A'....u, Iln -. II! . -- 450. Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs 10c, ]21c. 150 each. 850 and we Veilings for 260 yard. Woman's String Ties 100 each. Women's Crush Ties 250. New style Collars 2 for 25. Susb Ribbons 36c and 450 for 250. Plaid Neck Ribbons 50, 70. 100 yd. Men's Cashmere How 200 pair. Men's Linen Handlrercbicfa 12430. Men's Unlaundriod Shirts. linen fronts and bands. double front and back 500. Black Sateen Shirts 600 and 750. 4~ply Linen Collars 9 for 3350. Cloth and Serge Caps 850 and 850, forrl5c. v\|n ()`;'i`3:tn1:luLaces 150 yard for 10 yd. Cambric Embroidery,colored stitch- ing. 100 and 150 for 50` yard. New Vnl Lanes 200, 250, 86c, 400. 500 dozen. II. 8. Lawn Ihndkerohiefu 6 for 250. You can buy at the Clearing of the TAYLOR & CO. STOCK, and only Ten Days to do it in. Satur- day, July 23rd, is the last selling day. DI--I. l.`:.I nu, ,, AUIIUU DUB`) IUO D03. 2 prong Shell Hair Pins 8 for 50. 2 prong Black Bone Hair Pins 100 dozen. Corset Banks 50 set. Wl_1iek.a 60 each. Your1(ll-ocery order And do notfail to inglude :eaa Street. 350. 30C. 400. 50c. 60c Herc Arc Some ofdiclincse Nearest Agencies-D. -D. W. DOWIGEY, Brockville, THE KENNEDY CO., Limited,Montreal. nun pun ullilo n rouge. Thu unwusln u wudour Inquiry onrbudooa. uuh In sum. "what shall I do with my burdens?" Thu-e unwon are foundlo the inquiry in the Bible. Thorn. for lnst.-unco. we are told lirsto! all, that every man must hear his own burden." There in a human a! personal Impoun- ] him: which cannot be shifted or evaded. \ II must be homo with delity. * and tnrtltndo by everyone who Donald 5. Aucua LVCURWCGI ZUO Ind 350 for . I . ` ` I Smacks qnoson asked many: heavy lad. u soul. What shall I nm fnnnd u. up m :. owns two xor 2Uc> Men '3 Twee ts 99 pair. Men's Linen an Celluloid Collars 15c for tie. Kid nnln loves WlV54Ji:.I.)resa Tweeds, 750 for 400 yd. All Wool Plnids $1 for 500 yud. 250 Velveteen: for 200 yard. 500 " 860 yard. 750 Plush. 22 in. wide. for 850 yd. Lace Curtains 60 . , $1.25, Light shades in Cnshmeres. 25c for 150 yard. 54 in. Dress AllII7--I `hi -1 A- - -- LIIOI DOQIIH Cull. ._ .__-_n,,, -- & 250, quuI'unoIouldIohudu.uyIino. so 1 Itollohholiooluun Irish. luuovuuiruuuun-but all thit- ghhununllutiun. I:.Eiy&upI hpr nip in II: ha 0! 023-: ad '`"'o- '*--v--. -cu cl I-Il` -a---xiv-n cw`-cu... ...;.a.] *juHnLn.-J .5 .._ ..~_.- .- -, ._ ._ .-..-J J:--, Ill lll [D3331 ol eunotablu in election" may ho undo the ground for proton nqniutillqnl ptoudinggundudltho conntnbhnvohtxu itvu hcliovod shay IInIlur"Mtodo.uIr.Bu-dynqynhow Ivyhd I righllmit noun tbltbir Ihtuddlhdupodbyth hginhhn. IhItb-ku'IoltlnloIohdldoItInino Tiouccuuilyolthinnclioa ilfwlll jutiogndiuotdttoswid thdoxpuno ihitdII|ilyIt.Al'dylI`l tIOq'IutiuIhic|bnroUoIritoIpau` thuinlulu -ny pnluh. DJ J |hOIfI0lImalInd"|0 ox- pcaiu-guhdoniuoceouu:-uouLI.ud othurptovicauiqu-don Buulocmn ubndnelindh neon:-`I it vublly. Wu. the sea judgolvini .` ganu.p?nif duim!: .-v r-uuvounusu Ul XIII]. Horoovanit in importnnt that: quot lion. Q-iounly slacking ptovincial elec- tion: for the tint time in many ro. ubould be towed nomnnd total time Tllnqncntiouialhorightolo ` ucu-ucvu nu nuu I110 I tho proeoodingu of each. among. :I ..--u.--vu u, cu: in manners. thonnhould nob bocolliaion in between in and the courts. md AL- ___---J` ..v--u-Jug The Globe. of the some dete. comca dong no A real enlightener. It contains I copy of the memorandum which Hon. Mr. Herd] eddreeeod to the lieutenent-goveh nor, end which contains hie reasons for summoning the legialeture. It relate to the moon: general elections, and the nnm hero! petition: that heve grown out of them, with appointments by the judge for the triel of about hell of them et dilfarent detee. covering the period between August 29th end November 3.-d. Having reference tothenmnher of the Inca thet there me] be eppeele. Hr. Herd] feele thet ell the trinh end eppeele cennot he diapoeed of before the date on which the legieletnte is null] convened, in Jenn- . ery. It ii important that the home should 1 heettended by ell Ite members. end thst ' thxnnhnnld nnh Iy......n:-.~-_ :- - ' ,,.,,,, ..` ...- ...-u-aw---u nouns iguana this. and the inuentinl ocction of the party was demanding their retirement. All moonshine, but all the kind of shine tho good old Mail is capable of shedding nowadays. VIVL- nl , L , LEGISLATURE MEETING. A great deal of speculation was indulg ed in by the conservative press when it was learned that the government con- templated a special meeting of the logialn tnra of Ontario on August the 3rd. The Mail, in its usual wise and condential way, announced that Hon. Mr. Hardy had adopted a courageous policy. that he was bound to know just where he stood, and just what his majority was. "The politi- cal situation at present is uncertain," said our contemporary, "and it would remain so for a considerable time were it not for some such policy as that to which the pro- mior is having recourse." According to the same authority M r. Haniyhad another reason for the meeting of legiolasure. He had ministers without seats, there was a feeling in the ministerial ranks agairt ( this. and that inn...nn..| ..--:A_ A -- l l ( I ...._..uJ . The one will be bhe bebber judged as the correspondence bus been publiehed. Now, end only now. can the premier be judged luirly, and upon hie own interpreta- aion ol bhe cue. Enough is known el- reedy bojuatily ohe remark bhnl: Sir Wil- lrid Leurier has not: oomqnitbed any breach of law or ahiquebbe. Ho bee non expelled any alien from Canada. loasbwiae any alien of the Du Boec stamp. He hes, in aeome, simply informed that gentlemen tbnl) while he has nob been personally offending no the colleegue of Lieub. Cxrranze. end the Acknowledged head of a spy ayecem,be hd behbcr move on. Public opinion will I I juabify the premier in when he has done. : aubjecte so long as obey are perfectly neubrnl in their nbhitude. In is contended that Senor Du Bone has been perfectly neqtral, and that his practice] removal is a new and uncalled-for violnhion of the luv, written or unwritten, of the mother country. IIVL- -A _ - --........... ac uuaavipuuuulil Ina auvuere. The atealing of the Carranza letter, and ice publication, made a profound sensa- tion and served to keep alive an agitaaion for their removal, in which the American government, directly or indirectly, has eaten paro. The point in the reaaonahienou ol this agibabion, the right 00 continue in under British practice. The Gazehte cibee authoribiea ho show that aliens in England are given the protection of natural born long obey nanny-nl .'.. aI..-X.. .aa!- 7 I ,_- _. ...... .. annovlll-IVE. nuu the Gazette is inclined to agree with him Benor Du Bose was due of the emban- dor e ete` which found it convenient to leave Washington hurriedly At the out- breek of the wnr. He won the secretary who, with Lieut. Cerrenu. remeined in Canada when Senor Polo left it for home. The intention of the party origi- nslly was to proceed through Cenade expeditiously, but the emlmndor linger ed in this country. end when he went his eecreteriee lingered. for reason: beet known to thermelvee. but sppnrently in order that they might the better serve their gov- ernment ne correspondents and ed users. 4 I 1 TL. .G--H..._ -1 `L- n - J ____.j__:._.._...._j.--._.- TOLD TO MOVE ON. The llenhreel Gauche in very much 1! ercieeii became Sir Wiiirid Lenrier. on being eppealed to by Senor Du Boeo. of the Special: iegeoion. ldViIOd elm gentle- man boleeve Canedn with all reuomble deenatoh. The Senor hu sailed for Spain, but. before going be headed out) hie cor- reepondenoe with the premier for publicl- bion. He thinks he has A grievance. and THE DAILY _wH1G. am: if 3.; p.-'..}..-. .. ... vv~1:U|lP' conga. between ah session.-, I L-n__, DAILY wmu, TBUBSDAI. .:uLY 14, 4895. ___._._`._______""'-""'-""""" --------- moot Bhnchud; ,_; 665: Jana Earl. 06!; 3; Jinn Hahn- znx- n_. Join Mutiny, uuucullv. 012: W 505:0:-noadl PVILII` YICXDI. l.l.|\`l3I3 [X Al Roy Uruthic. -rain I lKA'IInu.1 on H: snail. uau; uuou Lanny. 580: Bk aky. .132; Con Kinl. 574; Lucy 550: l'n-ow Lswia. 583; Chr- rinun. 558: Klinhlh Ilurphy, 629; l|'!|); Lily Bhcvood. G51; . Blanchard. 579- \V"'*---' "` .u nary Uochnnc. 657 0 Florence Fnl|orton.'} Huxol Llnvd. 577; L3 Myrdb McKinley. 56!; Jean Moxloy. 1 565; Nm l`n.eroon, , 501- Mud Richudau 629. Mabel Sal, use ' 570; Edna Thounpon. | lm). I--...;- l|?-n,_- . DRIIIIR. `C UP THE !l030R.\IlI.R 1 luun: anu- IIII re, Ir. J 'l's.Il\yecck I.P.I'.. Artlnunt will on by u-ururmnu be an-wavy up... man annmx iron rmuu -cuann. 636. Dolhulunfnd Bracken. ll: Gortrnde Berry. 039: Laura Oolounn. 535: Harold Coleman. 617: Gcotgo Couinoon. $5; Jon- nio Davina. 7%; George Haley. 594; Iilnlnl Bull. 550; Hanlnn Hnchinon. 6239; Alton: Phelps. 838: William Rape. 576; Hanna Simpson, 63l: Thoma Wnaloy. 593; nul Wuhbnm. 572 s Novlvoro--lrcoo Burn. 58!; Hugh 1 lfotd. 6&1; Mshol Cathy. 580: Blanche ,. 5:`- [Juan I A- `VY ECIINID, 537: A Philln llcCann. 675. T`IlQl_AunnCn-cl D.- r anon anon, Dub; (ihdya Curoll. 6IU; l Mary Cochnnc. 7: Lun Ferris, 6333; Fullerton. 786; Lucia'Jack. 592; Lottie HcCslpin. 629; Myra . 035; Poul Mmuguo. 616: Ron Patience. 67]: Cassie Roach, Richardson, M3; Laurn Road. 636; Annie Shlnoman. 600; Edith Wallis, 612: Jnnnio Wallace, 621. I WealporG-EdInrd Adnlnl. TN; Ernest Clark. 560: Educ Algnin, 79!}; Annie Bonlgor. 733: HA" Ann Ran... "at. mun --r-ny, aw; urnond Murphy; 619' nun-noxs Numb: olnuh nquind Io pun, 587 >N_dIou-Ardullu Chnrhul- an. n.-' uuuncquo--noroorb Dempetor, 558; Edwin Elm-, 610; Ford (hllonpio, 551: \Vv|liam Hale, 629: William Henderson. 559; Hugh Kur. 5.1`; Hound Linklater, 55`.!;John Linmiu. 552; Alexander `.\lc Donal`d,51il; Dan Paterson. 69"; Arthur Rogon, 556; Norman F-oavfl. 556; Chuloe 800. . n`.`%; Ethel Birmingham, 596; Et.holBonnott. 579; Sadie Brough. 58$; Nsda Buoll, 566; Ghdya Carroll. Mary Cochnnc. 657: Lun I-2...-;. 5:-2-2. Ullllllltyo The number 0! marks required to pun the oubnnoo txtmiuntion was 550. and one-third the muka given ouch aubjocb. Thqv, following no the ancceoelul candi- daboo ': Cundldntoo Vho Wrote at Entrance and Public school boating lxnmlnutlonl. Below will be found a summary. u re- caivod from the inspector, ol thocandidntoe who wrote at the recent: high school on tunes and pubhc school leaving cx smi- nuiona bold in tho dioronb p.\rta of Leeds county. Thh nnvnhau I\' -an--L - - - - - ~-`-~` ` wul uuu -u mm as vac pllan H-` _-- -..v_y gen picburod them. The captain ii in jurod in the wreck. Ind the crew was not upon in the clinic nnd forced to ghb for life. All the mo there was no discipline on board. no commnnd of the ship after she was struck. According to the sailors of In Bour- goyno they were not no bad as the pueon IICPI nirhurnd hhnvn T5.` --..L.-:.. .11`- .- Later accounts indicate that the Turner government: in British Columbia hue been defeated. Joseph Martin is the coming force in thelegieletmro. He will nob be premier in any one, end doee not desire in. He` will be attorney-general. if I new government in formed; and "lighting: Joe. I The American colleges have boon giving away a lab of honorary degrees. Prince- ton college makes Dewey an LL. D. Vary complimentary, bub eomobhing an admiral has reason to discount. Ic is nob appro- priate to his profession. (an;1ncquo-fIorborb Dempetor, dWin HUN`. 610: Ford ohllunh. =.~'.I. EDI PORIAL IDEAS. Hon. Mr. Mulock has had his wny. at the postal convention. and ponny postage is to be established between Canada and the motber_ counbry. Score again for the postmaster general. uvv-we Nothing could be clearer than this state document. It can be read with interest` aevonl columns, from beginning to end, and one risen from this reading aatiufiod that the attorney genorol is acting winc- ly. Of course the opposition will be very much disturbed by the proceeding, on- peoinlly as so muny protests appamr to be resting largely. if not altogether, upon the constable votea and their "illogol recep- tion. The Mail any: that there are many aurprisou in store. it is promiaing great things from Mr. Whitney and he ll have to do scmething wonderful if he is not to disappoint his friends. D I l I RESULT OF EXAMINATIONS. ..-. nu vuwn Mr. Hardy closes his memorandum thus: "The undersigned further recom- mends that aft` the disposal of such business as the aseembly may be pleased to entertain, its assent be asked to an ad- journment, so that the meeting to be held as aforesaid. and the subsequent: m 'ng of the assembly in the early part 0 xt year, shall be taken as but one see ion. In order then the meeting of th ouse may not put a stop to the tria of the election petitions, in may be necessary to provide by legislation that the ceiling of the house and its adjournment shall not prevent or interfere with such trials dur- ing recess. I "_Ll,`, --wit we direction of Sir John Ileedoneld. I The point et issue we: not the right cl oonateblee to vote. but 0! deputy-return-' ing oicen end poll clerh. The election In held on Fab:-uery 22nd, -1897, and en these otciele took part in it. end their action was objected to, pnrliexnent was summoned on April 12th, (before the election petitions were tried) end the point at issue wee disposed of. It affwted about nixA ry 6Ieetione. all in which the ma- jority wee under 100. The election not had e clause Added to it which wee deohretory, which removed all doubt he to the right of the crown oioera to vote, end which had the endorsement of Mr. Mc- Thompson. 80 that the precedent ie a attong one. u - 'lJ'-,.I, I I l I c Carthy and Mr. (eiterwerda Sir John) 9 E ( I :-:j---:- wat the diroooion Tho nolnh .9. 1---- __- 4,. Sutherlandisl asxoouixialy ;r:a';l`)o vgiyloased a ban 1 mng in Hun nnln nan-h A `E73 . `.`.`i can. I ..-- uuurunulu. -_: Sborthand is one 0! the arts that has never been lost It Is bellowed that It was pnrcticod in Phcrnlcln before the Gm:-kser lstvd an In people andhgqibly 51.90 at Bab- ylon. Ono nds no u-ma 0! II in China or Japan, primarily because Ihont named country has nlvrqvs And the Ianond until ncently oppomd all manner of labor time saving devices g nut:-ul nun. " `Why, dear me, he said, `all you do Is nhlft the stockings, which I did. put- ting tho holoy stocking over on the foot ,with the whole shoe and brlnglng the whole stocking over on to tho foot with tho holay shoe. and as I Inrveyed tho gratifying result I felt that I had indeed much yet to loam In the higher branches of the great an of adaptability to alman- Itnncm."--Now York Sun. stockings and Bola. Black stockings," said the men of modomto means. have always appealed to mo Ix-mum they don't show under A hole in your shoe. but when tho other day thvro came in one of my stockings a hole dirwtly umivr and coincident with a hole in tho lmthcrnhow it [didn't know what to do, 11 Inc: which I mentioned to a friend of mine. who in a nun of more modunto means still. IQQJK- .I.4__._l L, 7 II are the Lowest in the his- tory of Kingston. vwn nu-uy III nlrllto In Africa nlono Gormnny has mmrly n niilliun sqnnru miles of colonial possession. For 13 _w:\rs she has oxpvndml \'.'u"t. sums for the purpose ul giving the lilzwk people of ilxvsn t.vrriturio. thu snlnv minuto and pntvrxml mllninimrntimi that she (lls[|1`ll$(`:X in Ilrannlvnhuru nnd Pulnvrnnin. Costly lmildingsa have bovn eroclvd, in which ex- i(`n.~`i\`v uillcus have been provided, and pn- ticni. cl:-rks on very small mlnriosuro kept busy tabuimlng from .lny to day the re- sulls obtained. Gorxnnn exports to those African mlunios uru cunsidornlilo, but they any mainly in tho nnturo oi ammuni- tinn, beer and 0! her articles of prime im- pormnco to Gonn.-in oilicinls. Au Anny of highly trninod scribes is maintained in Berlin for the purpose of directing the (`olonl.'\l administration, nnd ll complain- ant parlizunont votes from you to you enough money to make up tho chronic do- ilcit. Yet tndny in All German Africa them am not a thousand whim colonists. -"\\'hito Man`! Africa." by Poultxmy Bigclow. puguv nun n lru.-I.~I'r|pl.: "P. S.-Thv|r {wt are frozen to the most-. "-\\'m Post. ,.._. yx'I|\'1`uUlI. 1 no nosc sent an order to one of his agents for n dozon ospcciully lino pmrocks. Tho agont. so who story was told mo, was a tritlo fomvtfui. and it was some time very into in the full, nftur the owner of tho island hml conm back to town, beforo tho mun rmuonlborod tho peacocks. Imlmsdiuloly ho hnd :1 dozen solwtod by n pouiturcr--at least. I suppose it wns n poultoror-nnd shipped to (ho is- lund. some timo inkur tho cnromkor no- n thoir rvoolpt. "Dunr sir. " he wrote to tho owner of tho island, "the one dt)I:om`.. )om`ovks nvoiwd. I have put them to most. in tho honhonuo. They nrn still them. The Weather is cold hero. Yours truly." Tho signature ful- luwod. Time was not all of the latter, howr-var. Down near tho bottom of tho [H5510 was a pm-at.`ript: "[`_ H-Tl|.\lr hm} nun 'l\r\-nun A. ox- I I\` be ...u or` awry nbural tend- ency and that mmph-to mactlnn which in in full form at tho ]ll'1`S(`llt hour. .:.._.:.-.j_..:j. |un'u umy In xcussm. This speech is said to have carried nll hofum it. As its hmnodlato result name the rotiromont. of Loris-McHko'. followed by his death, nob long afterward. upon the Riviera; the entrance of PobodonoHt- zo among tho most. clmrlshod councllors of the cmpt-.rur; und, as A consequence of this, the supprvs.-Ilun of the constitution, the mlismxlrngurxnulxt of_ Hbural tund- one) (but vmnnlnhx rnnnnn mI.|..|. 4.. 'IU"n According to the ohroniclcrs of the pe-` riod, Pobedonostzotf told the emperor that all so called liberal moasuros, including the constitution, were a delusion; that, however such things. might be suited to vs`ostern Europe, they were not suited to Russia; that the constitution of that em- pire had been i'rom time immemorial the will of tho autocrat, directed by his own sense of responsibility to the Almighty; that no other constitution was possible in Russia; that this alone was fitted to the traditions, the laws, the ideas of the hun- drcd millions of various races under the sway of the Russian scepter; that in other parts oi the world constitutional liberty, so called, had already shown itscli` an ab- surdit.y-sociuiisn1. with its plots and hem hs. appearing in all quarters, attempts making against rulers of nations every- whum, and tho lwst of pmsidonts having been nsnassllmuxl in the very country where froo institutions were supposed to have taken the most complete hold. Ho insisted that the principle of authority in human government was to be saved, and that this prlnclplu existed as an eiluctivo ion-o only in Russia. This nnnrv-M In nn|;I 5,` l.....- ----rI ' '- IV In us says: At his death the sturdy young gnnrds- ` mun becmno the Emperor Aiaxnndor III. It is minted by men con\'ercnnt with Rus- sian affairs that nt the first meeting of the imperial couuciiors, Loris-Moiikoff, bo- Iioving that the young sovereign would be led by iini reverence to continue the lib- erui policy to which the father had devot- ed his life, made a speech taking this for gmntod, and that the majority of the counciiors seemed fully in uoooni with him when suddenly there arose in the council this tail, gaunt, schoinriy man, who, at that very simply, but nniiy with burning eloquence, presented a di'ci-out view. A......_.n__#., .- - I How ConntantIn6 Pobodonootu Gounod the Grout Reaction. Embnsuador Andrew D. White oolftrllr utcs to The Cencurya sketch of A Staten- mnn of Rusnln, " Constantine Pobdonostr zc, procumtor general of the most holy synod. After speaking of the death of ` Alexander II at the very tlme when he was grunting llbeml lnstltutlons, Mr. Whlte says: At. hi: uh--u Hm -*---~`-- -----~ "' Gel-mun] I n An-Ion. _- .u, .'\ Bankrupt snoe Stock]