11$ 115710. III|- ~II'llI: HIYII. EIC Benin Konnody. Min Eu Smith. Olntlol I`: minh, -J. Aldxnndnr Rlnbnnlon. J.`G. to Perform an ` Operation. TWO BANKS AT LAW. Much Admired Pllnunxn. Inlun Going To Leave Ploton. ._..nn LIST-`OF aiu|\}A_Ls .v- -- v----- -f ,aran.Lou;.uI1s nsuon, MIX 13 W` ' ' : . ~..~ ` E I Acnuncnscnoonnuutmn-uupu B" ':.-.t~.:.:a-.2`-.':'a=.::s.*-V- -nu rwuv ------ .-. -rr.J Oydwlnh Insurance Emporium, Over Expruan Omce, Market Bqunro. -'FAmfKv3u.-- Jomcsron s1`. lI'A!.l.'l'I.'Dll nivzrrmansup C %lI'lvI@ &V$I 7 I `III \ar\I-gnu: OME lxCF:I.[.EN'l` BEOUNDHAFD PM- K N08 at: bargain. Apply Lhrt-~4h wulo Otlm. Inna-mu. kingsi rvlrrvnlwrnlurunn .|__ -_.% .4 A. Blanchard. QM, J. B. Malay. ` mnoapu. Pnudenh WANTED--Y0 NAM {`.i`l}.`}'.`, :,~,,`?I',`; Innl0I"I Mnmu. " lnvnnuona wnmed " am `Prime on 1-mm." An mo. mnon a Mmon Dunn: nuclmu. 'lV-mule: llnildlru. Mmm-ml For Charter by Day or Week. SPECIAL RATES T0 PICNIC, EX- CURSION AND PRIVATE PARTIES. Inn. A......... ...|. ` Prlua Puonbl." All how. Manon Rnlicltnrl. Building` `STRACHAN`S Hardware Al-It Modlcnlupenntendem Klngnwn Gene- Hotpltol. Coroner for 0 my and Oountry Omen fhrmerly occupied tv 1. 9 Into Saun- don. Telephone N0. M2 S_TB. JUBILEEI Thl.-ch: tho nnost thing on the market for , (`8nl|WTH or In use In tho homo when 0308:- alonnlly crowded fur space. A Fine J\lnLtrass, all wool, soft nml comfortable, [0 gm with ll. Ar C-I in BARGAINS m Bicycles .|lI lullh OurSpeclul-Camp lied. mvered with heavy I hm-lc, nmgloufnnnple, only $1. (Jump Clmlrs, Stools, El('.. 250 up. Our Vvrnndnln mu! Deck Chairs are worth looking at. Yours, e!c., I This \Vm'en-\VIre, Bod-Folding Legs, extra strong. only ' $1.50. ' I T.F.Harrison Co.` rIII'IIIalII'IVI ulUIlN I V - rIr\- new: For lvrnm mldrusn T. J. (IIKAIU, .\Imm;.:m, Klngumn. Its supreme merit has ` been proved and is ac- knowledged by thousands of the most fastidious eoee consumers through- out the lanrl. Grocers Jegerywhere sell it. its purity and its strength ; being guaranteed by their ` seal. '3 E. ARKH I). D. H. 1'. D. R, D, N- in '1` 8'1`. Odes may l5rlnoeu street. once 132 University Avenue. Omca hours. Clear as a. crystal and delightful in its invigorab ` iug and aromatic odor is ' the coffee that comes to you in pound and two- pound tin cans from the famous coce importers, Furniture and Undertaking. CAMP BEDS. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Chase 6: Sanborh 0 3%---in-ur- HARDWARE. Tlmtwehnve Marge stock or Fly Nets, Lap Roma, Whlpa, Hanan-u, Brushes, ` :-Spmmes and Stable acces- sorlcs. Ylnutnnns at. the nrlna nr SOPICK. Houmms at. the price or clwupuouu. ' EDUCATIONAL. TO LET YOU London. V Liverpool and Globe Fire insurance Company. hlndnoverm. 000. In addition wwhich the lie hnkcrn ve mr security the un- lim iedn lliiofn ihusimkhoidern. I FARM AN CITY PIMJPERTY lnsnnd at lowest muciblo mics. Before renowlnx old or ,.Cf`FTT'3 on uoxmnr JAN. am. fess rur Do and Even Clu.aaes,h1 BUS] sno HAND AND CIVIL SERVICE 8UBJECl`& Indlvldnnl Instruction. For null lnrormsuon can :8 Col- lage Omoo. Oddhnowr Block. 'I']HS WEEK AT FOR SALE. mt I wanna I3l'P(\1\\vv\ r KNIIW I MONDAY. JAN. rur Day Evonlnz -XU|'fl III! WWW. VIII 1 up . _ `-II V I: J. IAIIVI: lb 1'. at Ddhvib LL & quite a nuns! resort 30 Paint aunt. lot; yuan -IQIOII ., .....`2'3` so` l:<:I'Iig;ubIhrm.. 9d,.Olhs:: Phnonin homo laruatjou. . `flun- lon. injund st Bollovillo `up, In mort- iu. Don thoqlnr on Ihollcusrh g.-.. ..`:v~;....~V*'-*+.:...!~:-._.-:l:_ outnoilumf no. Vihiton: ,`.Il. ny.m..p_ nanulhu mg 1.n.|.u.'|nn.. / __, _--_, -VAsaxaN:a;ms IN TRUST. or `mm: was BA- [ot Street. Anslgnment sol cited. Urapuu: won. wo_h|ttown,`bu rotumpd . home from visiting her nlnur.Mrn. Williun Duh. Walton: lhaod In.C `Forward. II GooI'n.l'orvud'n: `Nil - 8nith,- Noct- vll .a1l'..1`hon'a_; Mg. and In. June. Sui Wulhooh. Monday, at their non~ in-lawn. Juno Doywu; ' own an aluunurau. uoorgu rurwucl ll qonnod to his bad lth an shtick of lum- Dr. Kenmdy in In Ibtondunoo. Tho at 8_uuday evening lovallod tones: in Idireotiana. Owing to Sb: dry weather ban-loo no not plentiful. Michael Cliffqrd balanced the Duly hrm forvo yeah. Monica lilgunoohu uh:-nod homo to uuibnlthl Mbor thxouch bowing and hu- . _ Enduisk Daly and can and Mr. And Mn. Hnrlnrh hula-nah nu! ma VHO. III, .l_l'I|lil'l5:l UAW I00 IDII MIG Mr. and Mn. Horton Babcock and non have gone to Boohuur to viuit their Ibi-ouaon. lliunlhholliilgunnon hangout` to wmno to visit lrionda. Mn. Staphcn Ilia I, Wo,tnovu,`hu nturnpd ` k._-'l..._ '.a..fn..- I... 4.3.. tn... ur:n:-__ zunu pt.-nuons U) congress. hen Emerson was asked, "What. 'is civilization," he unswered, The ' ` power of good wmnon." i\ow, how can wgnlrd women acquire power unless through a vote by which they may take suine part in the guvcrnmunt of the day? . i In the hull ventury which haselzipsed ` since its origin; the movement hus grown to be in national one, and is to- (lay in world movement. The work has spread from its native countries to Na- ltul, Cape Colony, New Zealand, Tas- `umniu, Egypt and this yvzir in Alaska. ` The great growth must be due to UN) lunliring energy of the workers, und in tho in<-reusing intelligence of this ' people. - Than whv will mnn 1-nniinur-. In un- A Noble Example. Lady Mncdonnid, wife of our late 19- -onsod prime minister of Canada, Sir John Mucdonuld, is u slnunch total ub- stuiner. She said she was led to give up wine drinking on (`Jirisiinas day, 1R67. She had llmught a quad deal on the subject, but ever made liny decid- ed rosnlutmn uniii that day. Cunvers:1- lion at dinnot` turned to 101311 Mistin- ence, and :1 ggest. said that, pmuticuily, total nhstinence was ixnporuiiiila for nn_v 0116 in society. Lady V.-urdon.'\ld combntted this, and. as it result nf fur- ther discussion, she was cba|l-.ngod us to whether she would herself give up her glass of sherry at dinner." She in once decided to t.r_v, saying, Henrie- lorl.h I enter into the ranks of the (.0- lnl nbaininers, and drink to nur success in water." Iler ludyship`s testimony is this, Since then, thank God, I have never found any necessity for wine." --Youug Soldier. Attended `rho cc-tonnlnl. Enn as-rmwu Sumos. July, 6 -A num- borne attending aha cont.onni;l colobr uou uh Bnudhnrah. Goorgq Forward in conned M hfl had lth an Ahtnnk nf Ium. llllll. ' Contrast a conversation by a mun- her of women with; that of {A number of me-n-e:u-h on (L topic of generulin- tt-rest. The fnrnmr is always davnid at my kind of profanity and the higher- minded the cmlversmionists the more marked are the characteristics of the Indy; while on the contrary. the luttar conversation is almost. sure to be undo omphulic by the use of oaths. But these are the men chosen to rule our state, while the women, whose influvmuo is of so much purer utmosphere are ob- liged to slay ut home. Thu nnnitinna nf (Int-inr lnwvnr ngon [U Bllly Ill. IIUIHC. Tho positions uf dnclor, lawyer, Imok-keepvr, m'lmol-te-uclu.-.r, ::tc.. form- :-rly held by men only, are rapidly giv- ing way to hoing occupied hy women, hithorln claimed in he Hm \\t'JIl{(`l` sex, but who now thruugli llwir sell'-efforts um coming to the front and um show- ing lliemsolves to be equally :15 intel- lc-vtunl, if not more so. I l)("llPVP thvrn will never he it perfect. mlministrzntion until the vote of the wife and mother is cnuniml in its dale-rminution. What was our jubilee? It has been :1 murk of the greatest and most pro- gre-ssim reign of any suvt-reign \\'ll()ll.'lH worn the crown of England, :ipprecmL- 1-d hy hnlh men and women of ull parts of tho univeri-w. This saver:-i;zn is :1 woman who has held Lhe British crown fur over sixty yours with umlinputed Buti.~f:1cl.i0n. Why not give nlher wu- men 0. chance _l0 :1 humbler sphere? ` ~-Amrnh. pvupIQ'. ` Than, why will men continue to up- poso so emphatically this great work? This nineteenth century is not an age .01` lmrlmrity--we do not belong to the eastern countries, where womun is looked upon as being 0. slave to man. God made woman to be ll. help-meet to man and she should. tlierufore, his plm-1-(l on 11 level in all things. 1 think the mother and not the futher is the star or centre of every family, and that slur should not he 11 fixed .~it,:ir_ but .1 moving planet which will sprecul her influence, if she gets a. chance, liayond the home circle in this state its:-lf,:Lnd which will rctict on the rising genera- tion. ' f`(..~.I-uni n nnnun-anll..n I... n nu. l D10l]lI'(`iLl \\lLIIUb Dear Editor 1I0me,- Having read with. great interest the various edi- toiiuls on the subject: "\\'unien'u Rights," I beg leave to offer LI. few ideas. The term Women's Rights," or \\'0men's Fruncliise, means the ad- mission to certain liberties or privi- leges. This great movement origin.1t- ed in the United States in 1818 and in England in 1851. The agitation quickly utuiinad the (llu.l`-DSl|)[lS of :1 political niovement uml for nearly hulf Ll. cen- tury has been one of general intemsl. Tim history of U139 ovemont hus been one of conventions, Ggislutive liezuings .und petitions to congress. l \\ hon I7.nmr.:nn wsm n.-dzml "\\.'h-It In IVIBWLAHLVUH, i\I\kl'llllIo|.z1 III`! A W minor come; or Brook and Klngatmel over we`: brug mra. Entrinoo 0 King Street. next. to OAK }{A1.1. `Who oer./ea\to-duy upon the list - Beside the served shall stand; Alike the brown and wrinkled fist, The gloved and dainty lumdl The rich in level with the poor, _ .J`he weak is strong to-duy; Add sleekest broadcloth counts no nnnrn To-day let pomp and vain pretence My stubborn right abide; I set a. plain man's common sense Against. the podanifs pride. To-duy shall stmple manhood try.. The strength of gold and land; The wide world has not wealth to` buy The power in my right hand! '*' \ .~-J. G. Whittier. Wanted-The Homer : Vote. Montreal Witness Ikxnr Wrlilnr Ilnu-no __ lhnirhxn Tharoorvanuonllvouoonor. The proudest man is but my poet, The highest not more. high; To-day, of all the weary year, A king of men m I. To-day. alike are l M. and small, The nameless an the `known; My palace is the people`: hull, [he ballot box my throne! KIIUIQ5 Thu" hm3DUn frgzk of grey. -- - vw-v--. V-e-I-vwnw I have more faith in Dr. Ward`: Blood end Nerve Pills than anything else _I have ever used. Since using them I have reconune$d them to several of my friends who were troubled as I was, end now they are in splendid health. I had been n sulferer, like a great many other wornen, with e` disease peculiar to my ea. Itried everything I could read or think ebout to help me. but was getting worse instead of better. wee terrible~-I wee losing esh and color and my friends were `I consulted n doctor of tlie town end he eeid I would never get better; that I __ would elweye beeieklynnd delicate, end that medicines were of little use to Inc. I I-leering what Dr. Ward : mood end Nerve Pllle had done for otha-I, I de I waited to try than myself, man today hundred end forty pounds` while before I weflelyoee hundred eedelghteenpeu _ seed now llnvee eoeetililtion that in I not inlfered eny peln In months, earnestly hope that. Dr. Went : 3 nd end Nerve Pills will reach every venue eulering an I did. Sincerely COLE,Simcoe,Ont. Dr."'W___erd'eBlood eedlerve Pill: eneo nse. 5 boxes for $3.00. ntxglreggiete. or H onreceiptofprleelry THE DR. WQRD CO..1l VictorleSt..'l`ereeteu leekel_ I-l--nAl.-I-- ' A My condition . `to bait. I In\,- Dr. W. E. Benny. Toronbo. has had hi: name erased {rum the Ontario medical council : ragintnron rovonl chnrgon. Dr. John Kirkpatrick. Toronto, was given consideration and his name retained. IIUIU II? lILllUllI- HIHYKI l'Ul{|llfUlW UU PIII 500: Incz Stafford 817. Ellen Gavin 790, George Hutchluon 748. Jonnle Guild 744, Annie Doolan. 725 Melvyn Walker 7l7. Lottie Wibherill 677. Lizzie Kelly 673. Ed the Younge. 867, Norma Davie 566. No no Orurnmy 655. Ade Joynl: 651. Edith Moorelmnae 651. Alice Herbieon 610. S. Tichberr (M0, M. Kelly. 622, Lole Ken- nedy 614, Annie Celdvell 609. L Thom- eou 607. Bernie Hall 607. Minnie Much 599. Elmo Judson 507. Preley Clerk 5 , Elle Davie 590, Hurry Barney 589, Sbelle Kllborn 587. Fannie Montgomery 586. Grace Wing 58!. Gerbie Ledd 580, Mabel Sleek 577. Frank Bullle 577. Meroue Ete- veoe 576. L Drummond 576. Herbert Shor- Reon 573. Edith Stineon 570. N. Powell 566, '1`. Roberlulon 565, Alma Lee 582, K. Barney 56!. M. Wilbee 560. J. Robinson 559, Annie Brown 559, H. McNeely 557. Maurice Stevens 557. L. Williams 556, Sbelle Jovnt 553, Lizzie Congrove 55l,Meud Brown 551, 0. Chant. 550. S. Oonnerb 550, 0. Monloon 550. Eve Bates 550, win Hort: 550. Tubal lby-three. van: a son Akoifrrmors, MER- ohunun Bank Buhdlng,corner Bxook and Wellington streets. `Phone 212. l'l'I|l.l(' BUIIHUI; hEA\l.` The following is 1 line of the successful oandidnboe on me public school leaving examinations. Marks required to pans. 612: " Y..L._Y-.._....|. -nn 7-..- \l-Il...... "no UI. .I John Laaoock 749, Long Mallory (lorhio Hornick 688. James C.-ummy Carrie Williams 637, Maud Connolly Edith Taylor 620. Lillian Connerty Herbert Booth 618, Mary Derrlg 612, ` liam Foley 612. Thn lnllnwina tmndidntnn hnva mhhnl Illll DUI , [115- The following oandidntga have obtained entrance standing off public school leaving` papers: Dob Loader 589. Robbie Leader 567.Elber Good 553, Ntm Lsodor 52l, I (`.1-nrnrnw SIR Rnnnnn Rllinhh KIK Run UUl| IJIIUUI LIKE) U310. LVUII IAXUUT Ul' IJ. Crummy 516 Benson Elliobb 515. Ray Willinmq 514, Mabel Mills 400, Maggie Morricy 442. 0| IIIOKIDDI ID DII mu IIOIIII. Georgo Wilkinson, an Inunto of tho Brockvxllo nylmn. nbouu lorhy-llvo your: at ngo.snd who wna rout up lrom Cornwall. "on Wednesday attacked on. gutrdl with -b_wo pieces of gal mined iron, ground to I slurp edge on 3 stone. In 5 truuol with n guard and another patient; Wilklnoon was roughly thrown to the gmund. Then ho was conveyed to his cell. where lteon minubee afterward: he died of the rupture of an nrbery in the bowels. . ---.w--- .--u- --vv ---....---.v-- The following oandidnboa have success- fully passed the entrance examination held ab Athena. Marks roquirodv bo pun 500 2 Inn. Hhnffnrd R17. Ellnn Gavin `Hm, I|l'DO WOIK. John Quinn. who into his home In Ar- mngh. Ireland, tmoon year: ago Int May to unto MI homo In Oonodo. and who over since bu bun o rooldont ol Tlvood. where he has built up n prouporom buoluou. will Iowa on the 20.2]: Inn. to Ipou I couple of month: so his old homo. 11..-..- urn|.t....... .. I.u...a.. ll` nu CI?! 5 DIG. ev. John McCarthy. Tyeudinaga. nil- ed from New York on Tuesday for [re- land. On Sunday previous to hit depu- hure he wu preunhed with an sddrou and Hannnl Cnmnha". born in Greanock- UBDTKU ualnpouu, UUITI ,lll \1l'UllUlJI. Scoblnnd, in 1825. died in Blockvillo on Wadnesday, am: 3 longitlnua. Elolanvoa a. wife and three clilldnn. among hhe lut- ner being Rev. Dr. Campbell; Raul:-ow. Mrs. J, W. Eumrbrnnk. Turned. in in VIOY D3108 EV. U7 . UICPUUIH IVIIIKIVW. Mrs. J. W. Eaaberbrook. Tweed. in in receipt) of a letter tram her husband. now so on hospital in Derby. Ah-ion` under - iug an operation on his ear. Ho nyn (ago he does not inbound returning bo !`wood. but: will return to Lorenz) Marques and I1- uuvno work. l..L.. t\_..'.._ ..|... I-`A Ll. Inn..- In An RTHUE ELLIS. AHUHITE Exchange Chambers, 0!! lrook Street. Kingston, Ont. Inonnn. Rav. Father Kil!oar~,'(o, win: you no Pnown to ash oh:-go of ` Bunch lic pariah for the uumm nohI.~ Rev. Mr. Drummondn fnmi|y.'l.`o1odo. hwe taken up their abode at camp Lo'ok- oub, Charloabon lake. tor the month` of :r..|.- ` place. 0.: Wednesday John S. Floyd. Nlpr pissing. and Miss Jonnie Mills`. olden daughter of W.J. Mills. :1-oaeuror ofbhe muinoipaliby of Wilberforce, were Inu- rie. \m.n.... c:.:.:.... .. n........... 1.1.. m....|.. unua. Ezabetah J., wife of C. A. Gardiner. Foyboro, died on Wednesday after A brief illnbne. She was l:wont2y1I'x yap: old and lenyathrm children. one of thnufow dsza old. .... `Ah `Il-f`._I-luv Tmnndingnn -nil. -jr lovl or the Dlntrlos Oaddonud from =tIo ZLl-I- Z-4LQun-A- Ivanhoa. \ 7 ` F -- , .N In. J. If. mung. Ion Athens 1; west I; join horhuahnnd AI 30. nh. '3` ouu, \ | `'.`i'.-. dlll '. him Tolls, daughter of Lorouz 1, Bench, Athena, Inn on Wodnoodty united in marriage to Edward King. of the nine place. 0.: Wadnandnv John S. Fluid. Num- l'|9C. While!) fishing on Coneeeon lake Cbnlee Sulmnn bed the luck to cepturee giant: black base. In meeeurod taweut':y- inches in length. and weighed elx end one-half pounds. F.Imbat.h .T.. wife of C. A. Gardiner. "Sud Unal. 0. Brookon bu purohubd aha pho- tograph buninou of .H. H. Bryant, Brock- 'll0. Jack Fdooner will rotpnrn.to.'1`IuId M from the Crow : New Pm some time next -nnnhlr. W- D.;.`1 In 1:: I vnnhoo. Ito. `I ` puma 01 we. George Campbell, born in Groenock, Innhlnml in HR-35, dind in Rumkvilln on VIC. 0| Uni vnuunuuu vow-uu-ru --vu- v-v Whlro IxohII0I~ ` mu non:-gm nu main; forth an fvgnhnn. . Athens Intranet Inmlnntlon. Jun - --n. I onr5lf& before `hent. migh GAINED 22 POUNDS. DISTRICT DABHE8. 0..., 819, , Wil- um, 665,' Ann IONEY T0 DOAN IN IAIKJEOHHMALI. an I, at low rates of Interest, on City and In Lonna ranted on Olty and Uount. Do u urges. Ap toTuo|uu Bxuuos. Man` to Fmhwlino an and Investment. Society. Omce opposite the Poet Omce. '|tC 53:. Loss i.~..%' ,`f'x-:.::.' BO0TH & cq s wheka all kinds ofwood is to bgq had at laweqt prIcu..- _. - I IXUIIHUUJ Ila um IIIIKIUIIV Itlll WQUIIA Our wonderful Hsir Restorative giving great satisfaction. Ilond treat- ment. Friday and Saturday 26. Free Sample: of MADAME KEN- N EDY'S Wonderful Medicine given away for the balance of thin week. T.nRna nan nnnnnllt wet}: Mnalnm A EXANDER BLA NCHARD CHARTERED Aoeountant. Boukao reued posted, audit.- Trial balances nncl nnuc al statements 0'1 miunh. uunm conndenthl. Addruu Km.- lion Bun new College. 9 Montreal $tI`_e Aheat tn the ladies of Kingston. uvvuy IUK Ipuu uzunuvu UI uup vvvun. Ladies can consult with Madam Kennedy at the Parlon this wqek. nnr unnrlm-fnl Y-Tnir Hnnlnrnvn Forget it Not. ciiihibiisLPhoii6;;apnLco.gnepi.so, 313 Main St . nutmo. N.Y- NEW Yank. mms cmmuo. HT. mun-1, :'uh.An|~:I.P1IxA. BA1;r1Mo1u.-L WASHINUTUN. nurnuo. '"'id' V. (I111! im hnvtnn INDAPD. III urnqnu an an I.. ma w sand It pl-opal I 5'0 u 5. I900 IIILDY 00., Prep:-I, Qlllp. Ill. dill` Mj Hmnr Wm.h- nruxullt. b'.l!.\'t._iSTUI\'.oN l` HI PI UCII TH ADO lg: him 30 ll . F01-go O V I K . m Eulltoulwp `K? by 33:: nbunu given on-.0 ..':nnr . V110! nu value 1.0 ulurunhm or um um! quickly I c I: review: Lon! Manhood n oh! or young. Il)' nnrrbd in rent moist. Prim {L005 Dada all !or 0J.0uonlth 0 serum. guuronluooun money rohnulewl. [)0 "I I All Ill`! 1'] . 3 tan on INDA . nun` dr It II , an I . Dingo. P`r r:u?u. Qhugqlmggurlgi ._ul;:;Ind'ulliIndIp _lIntun'iuuu. s. R. Mocnzu, ACCOUNTANT AN! f lgalmmw Ant. Rents and account ooloe . Money loan at lowest rates. Omoo 882 Klng 51., over wade : Drug more. `**-"" monuusololsu. Tnm-on nothing like It for an evening`: entcrmlnmem. Other srH`u|lcd mlkiitfx machines reproduce only rm-nn1sol' out-and rjt-d nuhjecumpeclally Prvpared in n lnbommry, but the Gmpho none .9 not umluad to such perforrnnnoa. n the umphophone you can easily make and Inatnngf r(`pr0du(`c rvmnin of the vmco. or any loll . Thus it mnsumn uwnlena new Inwrat and ma chunn is over resh. The reproduction: no clear and brilliant. zirmopmcs an and ur no -5: .\lI|I|I|fIu'lIIrml under the pawn: of Bell. Tunugr, V f- ` mow ;l1un uwuu. ` \ . monoaital on - ' for thh; heart .- what the need. Ind MiibIrn I Henri nd , News Hi I is the very remedy that mists all the r uinamenu ngqeuarx to give them bonn in health./' ` To prove t am an ntu we glvonn nnnrmnt of her daughter nun. nmnlind nl " 1'0 PTOVO V0080 III XIII WU lVU CI eooountofher deughte eure.|u pliedvzl Mn. Jae. Scott, am Bmeml Street. amllton. 0nt.: "Five yesre ago zg da liter-beds severe spell of Ilcknoul V has on an invalid ever alnom. She had nonrength angl oould nub. sleep at nlght, often having to sit in I rocking chair all night on account of the elxortneu 0! brgsth. hdsulfoted greatly with plan in the Kent to well II pllpitetlon, and was very nervous and easily ntu-sled. I0 much so thin my noise or excitement would make her tremble like a leaf. N Qlun nnrninnnnnn Onbivan Illlknu-n'n null` WOUIQ HIIKO H81 UFOYUDIC KO 3 I8IXn ' ` She oommenoed taking Mllburn's Hell`! and Nerve Pills and has now taken three boxes in all. Constant Improvement has been the record of this medlolne in her case. She nds-no dileulii in wslldnu down town and bsek, somst lug she nus unable to do for many months. She sleeps well. eats well and is not tronbhll with the distressing shortness of ahtealh which nlioled her before she took the pills. I am tlnnkfulws trlnd this vslusble medicine as the results in my daughter`! case have been gntilyln in the high@ degree." (Sqd.) Mus. Al. Soon-. Milbum s Heart and Nerve Pllll Ire 500. I box or 3 boxes for 81.25, at sll drug- gists. T. Mllburn & Co., Toronto. Ont. HIE BESI IS IIIE CHEAPEST. Ono Ian-Izlvor Plll out-y nlght for 50 days Illl our-0 gonntlputlonu Price 250. Imcmmen Ltj COAL that is COAL at I CI U UVIC IWI VUV F.dm--n and Mrwclunukl. 2m Qtlwtmaru it Hold- Tuarmru of the wnrl -10! Ta nu uhlnu and "ulkmg Mm-hluu Huppllu. Write for catalogue. L gg:!`uay ff ustohdmw` ~ oil 3 .9 ?`*r :a{r n%{_{?"`* A :--2..--.!:- *4 ` ' ` ISBN! 1" UHUIIBIIIKI IIIIIIUI IBI |KlI3'o Mn. Richard Gilhnnk. Goldwater. Oum, lays : I luv: mod Dr. Fowler : Exbuch ol Wlld trswborryvnnd found in A reliable roimedy for summer complaint. dlnrrhusn, dyuntery snd oholan morlm. I know in to ho a grand remedy in the one of chil- dren nndhonrly recommend in. -j: 33 umr; -Iuu ulllli uulnw IIIII Im- uo _' dn of live: and many doctors I93`; ;_ V be without: it in your bonus. I 0' triing, only bhlrby-u ants. but ,4 pain And wookneu, you. even doot.h,'ll any love you from Iolno day, or some at your lunily, is worth more to you than hon thousand times its price. Mn. Rinhnrrl Gilhnnlr. nldunhnr. Onm. It in orpdllng how mun pcoplo in the noun! 0 I year no hurri into untimely grant by an quack of d untory.. - In mun-mm mdduu 1. inc count it no lb IIIGIIQUI]. WI. quuru II no npld."in notion ontls nymnuo wann- Ing, its culmination to quickly hhl, that any tnaluibot mush ho nllalnilhorod promptly Ind the discus checked effec- Mvoly no the outset. The only rcmsdy that inyono would think 0! rolyln on in such nnpmu-gonoy n that is Dr. OIl0I B Extr ` Io! Wild Suruvberr . For I V ` `I. and: ball in bu nearing *"_fj`,~,- ibowai oonpmnuu children -sud duiuc ithw time but Huh 1!. Checked and" the Inammat- lolr nllayu _by Dr. Fowler ; Extract" ofWlll Strawberry. M`Y'I`HE at LYON, BAIIRIBTERB, `SOLIC- I rs an. Ontario Chambers. ,r . Bun-u a, Q, C. H. I. LYon. :`B`YSEN1`E`RY.~ K. ILBOB. M. D.. M. 0 Pa 8.. TE 0 M cal Bupednmndem Kingston ene- _ mm fhrmerly occunlgd In Ii. Bmnws m\(Em' OPEN Eur AND NIGHT 'Delophono 201. ' I 'I'O LOAN - N`.-us n-ul-`A 'l`|..._--...I T\..II_... I- -..... xnmvn ELLIS. ARCHITECT o1r1~`1cms- Exohanzo Chambers. ommh Block. 31 IONEY IDAN IN LARGE OR SMALL V sums. at low rates Interest. City ........&"""1'.-.'i_...."..."' .....""'._."....._. "`:_._."" _ ONEY AND BU8lNE8b. SMYTHE & LOSGOMBE. .3IVICN8, Barrlnwr, ollclwr, over Mer- ants Bunk. Money to loan no and 6 p.o. , dl llfutlhllnd Itylllh lllnnu-ytlnntoln dnuodlnug unlhplaunui war-uyonroulu-n QUIT. o-I~~-. . ,. Call and see our samples befote ~ buying. Cabinet Makers and Uphol- . NEWLANDS, AR.CHI'I'EC'l` and A artisan" co;{ue5orBrook and Kin atne brug King _ MaD1cAL cums. _ARcH|1`EY:7r:J:RAL. ORA TBS AND TILE. HORSE LIVERY Ia: olmuilo 51'. In ;_ - gown DuuuhnnIm~ JESURANCE. ..L.._.. ........a_.__. DENTAL. LEGAL. yuuwry. . 1. don:-no {nrnh In wulxan. Tilt; Carnovsky Wood Co., g..,._a\--..a. L'AXPB`0F| Idi- IUW d` Eiqjj Mn nap!-I-ugidh illlolli of 1 - IOVIB`: ~ Wnouhh -uh!- Dcu Bit: Yum oi w-d-y-`mama and oonunuooud. luau-oh qunlmc nngnaa`-n-n-hnnuun unndimm Illlruui III on Iuyiq IIIIJII gun I lnvyc longu to thy nothing than any living hing. uiuion has not noon on- tinh lnlih. Goad-dnl.." - .. .. HVIII` TD`. W -IIIIi ll tiuly lltilo. Good-day. n -v xvyvu wvu -vo--on CNconoJoumoL A Ioportor woo ning to gel: on inbor- vlow with o lo . unoil ob loot tho lob- totooodawnoazirmolly -wrooo on tho following: , . 4 ` "Mr. portor--Door Bit: In roply to your roquou for information ohonh tho noota-wwhichyon rotor. Ihogloovour nmnloo can at th Ind that I . lunche- CIW"I'DWl|llI DIl ICC . I % IIIVIIII uppho you of the 1nd that I .hvooboo- Indy nothing to toy. I roitonh. I hue nothing whotovor to soy: thotofon I pro- uunoyou will _ sboidoothuldooot wiolnooo any . Yoin. oto., J inioh Bl tone. The roportor nod tho noto cuo!ully.ood :tlu out hi: nob book. ocribblod tho lol- wl : -hI- M AN TEL5. aunvuuuwru - uvuuwu v`w\n\llIl-. E1.i.isvu.u, July 6.-Mr. and Mn. W. F. Bracken end femily Attended the golden wedding of Mrs. Brecken e parents (Mr. and Mrs John Chapman) at Seole '5 Bay, on the `3 sh inst. On `Ind inet., hr. and Mrs. Bracken very pleasantly eutierteined e large number of friends here. Mine Ad- dio Pierce nnd A. Dillon nre in Athens this week writing on the exnminetion for the renewal of their primary certicater. Neerly every person in our village end for miles eratmd the ennonnding ry took in the dominion dey celehrebio In oeiey n Bey on Fridey evening and all report A very enjo able time. G. E. Ellie has gone " on e hol' ey tripto visit relatives in Uncle Sam : domains. Mina Floeeie Ricnerdeon. Kingston, ie the gnuat oi her cousins, Mieeee Nellie and Hazel Bracken. The Mieeee Willoughby _ere spending e few deye in Ganenoque with iriende. Many are improving the eppenrence of their dwellings by giving them. `n eoet of paint. the B. Sly end Ira. Munroe eravieiting Ire. J. H. Singleton to~dey. Despite the hot weather the berry picker: are out in greet nnlnbez` . V LIUTU puwu DUU H|llllUUI' Ill I,OUU- The continued exposure to the rain and heat: wibh the horrible strain of July 150 and 2nd is selling on she men. Nina hunrlrnd and lnrhvmix wounded znu II UBIIIBK Ull UIIU IIIUKI. Nine hundred and lorby-nix wounded have been handled in the general hospital. \VI'UCIU Ul Bullllflll UCTVBTI I sun I. All tabs foreign nbtnchos won or how the United Shams ship: were no litble damaged by admiral Corvera. The oioial reports of killed and woundod In Frida fights are not yeb in but: eabimnlsea in is 10 hospital bore place the number an 1,800. Thu nnntinnad axnnaum to the rain nnd IILIU uuuu. 1. l'o'/.0 HILL, NEAR SANTIAGO, Cuba, July 6 --The Sphnish have only ammuni- tion for three days. All the women and children who intend to leave Snnoingo bo- loro bombardment: have already lefo. In is oamutod than 31000 passed through the United Sbntos linen yesterday. Thu llnlhul Qhnfnn hnnnihnll Ara in arnnr. UIIIEDU DICLUU IIHUU )'UlhUl LII . The United State; hospitals are in great; need of aurgoonu. nurses and supplies. The nnionry conditions are worse since the bnhhlo on Account of the decomposing bodies. Many bodies are oating uonr tahe wrecks of admiral Carvers : abi a. All LL- .._..`:-_ -M.....|..\.. ...au. nu kn... pl... IUTDIDIIIIU Itllll LIU nuu UBUII UIJUTU IDWU Lllyl. `s in only one of many aimilnr ceeea. Sn 1: condlblonl are excusable in tempo- rary eld hospitals. but ere intolerable wioh as general hosgitel three mile: to the rur of breaches. here in. of course. no Incl: of men or materiel to build shelter for the wounded. In is simply a one of groan mlemnnagemenb and nbe surgeons reveal) any lntorlerence. The oommieury de- partment, boo. needs zhukln up. Some regiment: have not receive rnoione in_ three dnyn. Muuchneeooa me who were cnught shooting vulture: wunprimeud- ed u hhe vulture! are eervicesb in locat- ingrllho deed. Ilnun I1": nu. numinnn {Mu}... HUI. ` A special to the Herald, vie Kingston, eaya: The general hospital at: Shafter s headquarters is in a miserable condition. The sufferings of hnndrodeo! the wounded would cause a thrill `oi indignation to run through the nationnould the people wit- ness them. There are only a few cents an the hospital. The two large one: are till- ed with wounded Cubans: Our men are crowded in the smaller tents. Many lie unaheltered from the sun and daily showere. Yesberday I saw one man lying in the ecorchin sun on a piece of rubber pouch. lgle told me with piwous fortitude that he had been there own days. This in nnlv nun nf nnnnv -imilnr nanna, WlJU|ly UUBUI'|.aU\alp A Msniln special to the Herald from Hong Kong and Paris any: general Monet : oroope. some 300 in number. have surrou- dorod. giving up their arms to the rebels. The capniveu wero boken to Cuvibo. General Monsb commanded bha aoubhorn porbion of the ialnnd. He in an Aggressive ghhar and has frequently engaged with the insur- A nnnninl tn hhn Hnrnld. via Kinonnn. (llfllly. [III UQUII IUCIIIVUIL 2. Key West: special to the Journal says: The guahoeb Eagle. which broughs in the small Spanish schooner Gallito. to deyre- porta man the mosquito floor has been busy bloclredinz smell ports on bhe Cubsn south coast). A Spanish block house forty miles west: of Oienfuoaos was destroyed by 5 con- ple of shells and a force of Spanish cavalry gsrrinonod (here were dispersed with heavy losses. The Eagle bombarded N uevo Geroua. Blanco s Isle of Pnnes penal colony. but upon landing found the place wholly deserted. A Mnniln nnnirll In hhn Harald from LT - Two Hundred Thousand Dollars In sum: hon ono thousand to hon tahoussnd dollu-I. For pucioulu-I apply at lI`J_.I_'_ I._-.-__.__- l3___..I--.__ " ' j n;'.`'` '""' "&'."`......+'` 1Z & d" n walnut: Ill-In Glh . uomcial advises any Spain will sue for peace this week. At: Aha same time no such suggestion from Spain, directly or in- direcbly. has been received. `I. Knv Wnnh nnnninl tn Inhn Jnnrnnl Inva- uau. uompoa ll IUl'll.llHx I muuaary UIUIIIUU. The White house war conference decided not 00 storm Sanbiago immedinbaly, be- Iievingits downfall can be accomplished noon without. the heavy loss of men or ships! that: would result from storming the cit yV...J!!..X..I gala}.-. .--. G....:A ...:ll ...- I...- onu. . A Wuhington special to tho Sun nya : The governmont to-day received the first otliciul inlonnationol 3 denite character that Spain in anxious to and the war. from Llout-. Colwell, Unitd States naval nttncho in London. He cables that he has reliable information that the Spanish overnmont will _uo {or peace this week. he text of his I vices cnnnot be- obtained. but bin re- port wag I.-ulciently positive to chow that he had information of a reliable nature. Liout. Oolwell conrmed the report that Gan. Composl: forming a military cabinet. Tim Whitn hnupa war nnn-rnnnn dnnirlad an an lower or .: netrln wm Be nu-`onus ` To Ben `lo Protect lpe 'I unconn- ;ent-A ooI Jtoeelved any Tint ` Ipnln will Iue let [0100 Thin Week-- The Storming of Santiago Deferred. NEW YORK; Jniy 8.-+A ame epecinl to the Journey! uye: `The Austrian eet ie conoentrttod ' near Reguea ready no sure for Spain in one of dnnger to the queen regents. The emperor 01 Austria to- dny telegraphed to the pope indicating hie reedineeeso bring all the ponr of Ann- trie to. bar to protect the queen in any ovonb. A III.-Iuinnlnn -nnninl fn` IE; nun aqua` - Auamm-s I-L'a_`:1t `IR azionuau |wm~ Hm Agum. Attcndud A Golden Wedding. ._.._.__ *l,.I__n ll- _._J lt_. Pictnn (mnctto. During ; me peso week or more bhe con- grepon of 0. May Megde|eoe'e church have been are or less ngiteted in come qnenoeef I current re to than Rev. mrul dean Louch hed. deci ed to leeve Pioton. and than an ernngetneno had been med between Rev. Mr. Loucke. of Picbon, en Rev.-.A. Jervis. B-A.. of Nepenee. This rumor was continued when A committee Appointed by hiehop Lewis Arrived in town one day lub week to interview the` con- mgnhion in reference to the propoeed change. The depnhesion consieted of judge Wilhieon. Dr. Rnbben and mother petty. In in aid the change will be made Iomewhere About who let oi Septem- ber. omoo mrmerly occupied I: : The British 00Tl`l_l;biI provincial general elections take place no-norrow. Toomun gdootonu-otoo rod to an the Inilmylluyuonc-in Dd on tho alts: of I surgeon`: ambition to o - \.te who could he saved by the use of r. ` Chung : K -L. Pills. Thu can of MRS. " in? `E17;-_i:}'u'Jci'-'.' YES? 'h'o"B dooloring with nun! doctors for Inammation 0! Oh .BhddIl`10t out I `win lat homo igounm the doctor humid}! thzdid `luau gooloho would In nnmnnllod` In lnvn nn nnnntinn nap. . .unuu.\ ; n. a.|\I- A charming little oil landscape picture of Halifax scenery, (mm the brush of For- shnw Day, is on exhibition here. It is a view of Halibx from Green Bank. Point Pleasant, and makes a pretty scene. In the foreground are people sitting on rustic benches. the yacht club in the middle die- tanee, and Halifax city shows up well. The herhor is Alive with boots. In the same window is a picture of the Nouvelle river. a stream llawina between two high mountain ridges. with an Indian camp and canoes on the shore and Indiana shing in the stream; another pretty oil sketch of two men in a canoe angling in one of those nice shady pool: where the largest trout come irom; also an oil painting of the Dartmouth lakes. Mr. Day has the knack of depicting Nova Scotin scenery. He seems to understand the features of the country, whether it be mountain, forest or lake, and never seems to over-do it, but follows nature in all her beauty. \..5O WIIO count) 1 IIVE I) `I10 K V! LII`. Chan : K.-L. Pills. The one of MR8. w. B. AIKEN. of Zephyr. onc.. in one in int. Her hlubnnd Inf: that the had tlnnkorinn with nun! dunks: for Inuuux suntan nuns gouuuu worm: be compelled to hue en operation per- formed. I luckily picked up 3` ample of Dr. Chen`: K`.-L. Pill: h Ill.` Defoe : Iormou. 1 Iuoxuy pious: up I Iunplo ox Dr. Ohm`! K`.-Io. Hill ll Mr.` Dnoo'I .5... -53 Inn 23'` Innhuunn -n"lI Ilug DR. CHASPS KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS RIIDERED UNNBCESSARY. awvuy. muse usury Ul'D|`,`_\.IIlIIu|.IIl(lul|, N.Y.. irviaibing her fabher. William Greer. The sailboat; Wido-n-wake was ospaiaod-Iuoundny by `a sudden equ all. The crow were all uvod after l.l\ no tussle with the wind and waves. Vneibors: Ah the Donbigh houu. Misc 0. Pennook. Snake Orcehao hbo Chanson house. Miss M. Kelly. Mauwatchan. Io 'l`IL*'l'. 011160 21% Pnnoeu lpreel. Ilean- Unlvenm hours 8a.m.to 6 m. urdny ovenln . B to Id Telephone .C. P. Slwnuan, D. 8.. 1. D. 8., Assistant. ~ Donhlgh Dollbonclonl. DENBIUII, July 6.-Farmers have com- Iuencod buying. H. Gage, village bench- or. has gououo Kingston to spend non- riion. John F. Thompson sold his farm to George Slnter and be: gone to Manitoba. A. Inwood has also gone wash to try his luck. Dr. W. 8. Fadden hes returned from his hrip to Elgin. He intends mov- ing his wife and fnmily in afew weeks. E`. W. Lane and Mine 0. Lane have re- turned from Flinhon. A. M. Rodger was in Renlrew on business lash week. Buni- noea is rushing an hhe tailor shop. William Uhnteon ll` making preparation: {or a Big time `on July 12th. The proprietors of the Danbiglz grist: mill heye nished pub- blng in anew run of stones. A wee boy he: come to stay All J. Johns e. Richard Gluiloriu spending a few 32y: in town. after an absence 01 a you. Gueoove John, laid up Wibb n I mined arm, is improving slowly. Miss My Groer,gCannndeiqun, N.Y_- iR'IiAib'|nn\ her fnhher; Willmm nnuuu - Hullfux Echo. A , L , , ` , THE 8l|GEON FOILEII. ..,.u...~. ..,..,......... The bank of Hamilton and the Imperial bank have gone to law over th Q5 cheque which Carl Bauer... forms: 1: in the Grand Union hotel.a year ago raised 00 $500, and hed cashed. and {or which for- gery he in now serving 5 three years term in Kingston penitentiary. The bank of Hnmilnon. with which Buuer had an` ac- counb of $10, merked the $5 cheque good. Mr. Bauer wrote "hundrod alter the ave and added the top 0'3. Then he opened an account in the Yonge xnbroot branch of hhe Imperial bank. and shortly Afterwards. drew one the whole sum. The bank of Hamilton hnd honored the said cheque he {are discovering the forgery. o-day it: entered euib aguinen the Imperie bank to recover $495. The one has no precedent. Cheque Iorgod ll: curl Bauer undo the subject or A Law Butt. Thu-nnin Vnlnuu-n ` nun`:-any Turonm Telegrzun. "VI... L-_I. -1` El`... J. Ferguson. Thoma! Jlqllloo, ur. Thomas D. Road, John Mngel,G. E. Po , Mr. and Mrs. M. Honnn. Mfr! Henna. lac Jennie Hanan. Mia: B. Losueur. M1, and Mrs. E. G. O'Connor, W. E. Veoner. J. C. Baker. Rev. J. McOa|lum. Rev. J, Mquley. Mien E. Farrier. Phillip Holland. Mu. T. LeCleir. Min Teaernier. E. L.'du Domains, Dr. J. W. Mount, Mr. and Mrs. H. R Ives. Jeffrey H. Burlnnd. Mr. pnd Mrs. Frank J. Hut. Master Thorley Huh. Misr- Muriel Herb. Montreal; M.,Ge`ney. E. Hudson. Profeuor R. A. Berry, E`. J. Rainbotb, Otbewa, 0nt.; 8. Brock, A. Blackburn. B. A. Blackburn. John (hvynn; HMII-lteehory. Onb.; Dr. William J. Jonu, Mike Jones. Mrs. A. Patton, Proecoomonn; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hnmllbon. uhe two Mina lhmilbon. Quebec; Mrs. J. Bmrd, Mrs. Thomas Baird, Mien Lotte Baird. Ormebown, Que.; A. White. To- ronto, Onb.: Mrs. J. A. Whalley. Ilkley Yorke, Enpr; Hecbor N. Bou nu. Oth- wa; E. T. Freeman. Halifax. .5 ; F. G. Rogers, Banon, V0 : McNeil Manson; Mnnronville, Que.; J. Baird, Ormebown, Que. e DIX!` Ll. II.UI|DllI'.'.`.`n Klfll, M. Anderson. Mr. and Mn. `A. J. Ferguson. Thoma! Ihvfdloo, Dr. Thnmn n Raul. John M..m..(.:. Fl. Pane. l DIODE]. Mill IBVO llg UIIKIC I`.'8mi&h, "J. Axnmiorcabbonton. J.MG. uid.--Mr. and Mrs. ;D. H. llqhooun, 'l`homml'ynlu. 'l'..A. Gnuthiu-.3. Gow- A6l,`Ml'l. J. C. Canmum..E. "D. Baiiey. J. , Bunny, Miulaihy. Thoma Minn. Mu- tu Tbomwium. Mr. nnd Mn. Jormhw Hodgaon, Hon. James O'Brien, William Farrell, Mrs. Johnston, Mib Burns, H Qgvn` T. `Fhailhm-n. = (lam-an About! gum. lnlnxl. Jot `Ont lull`; Jnu Qtlu. . HIDDLVH. HiU.H`lI Hm-\DAYid, N and: Knnnndu Minn mun QnH|_ FARM AND CITY PIMJPERTYIBIING It poudblo mica. renewing giving new bunlno.-an 1. mass n'om. HTILANG . & STRANGE. Agents W. J. FA nroolal Agent. King Sues`, Onlarlo n .