Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jul 1898, p. 2

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Bnnqms PERONAL Nir ToN, +...f.: In-. Ind At nu-overt nun. A putty nodding cook plneo at 10:30 o'clock Wednosdny morning in Si. Burn:-_ by : church, Bnwdn Mills. when Mug:-. I, dnughtor of Mr. and In. John Short}- I. van nnibod ho Hnnry Doyle. The bride wu hndnomcly nttiud in a car. qnoino blue` gown, ta-ilnlnod with whim cabin and pearl ornaments, and wore n whito but trimmed with ostrich fathers. Tho bridognnid, Min Jennie McCarthy, Walla Ielnnd. won : nhoo blue gown. lelllldu with crqm milk; white hat. I'7lIImId Viwh pink owers. Joseph Doyle /named his brother, the groom. Mica Anni-Dis Bhuttoll. aiutahof be 3:50. pnlidodat the otgnnond dark Il mm. nmnnnrigh Innln. miss nous: vvllxlneon. noun 0! nlugeton. The auoceeeiul Itudenta are all piipils of Min Norma Tandy, Mus. Bap" who bu been benching Maia you at the Kingston ladies` coI|ogo.- Miss Tandy. who is now taking the summer courses in orgun, pilno and choir directing no the Toronto consor- utory. bu reaignod her position ,9 the India's college but: will rotnrn to the city in Augulb. u|uuuuuLu, uuu MID! mnry l'&l'l'!X)gKa0ll, _ 0 stock. Ju ior history of music And rudimenta- Miaa Msry Farrington; history of music, rnditnonha anti hnrmony. Mina Agnes Ms- bhewaon; piano. Mina Muriel King Ind Miss Ethel Wilkinson. both of Kingston. aueceee{n| ltndentn um all nihniln nf \ , ._.___ Results of Ilullc lcxsmlnnclonn Held In Klnguton. Full results of the Toronbo conservatory : branch examinations in Kingston. are as follows : Primary theory-Miaa Agnes Mathewson, ortamoulh, and Miss Mary Farringtou, oodabock. ll Uul HUI" BLUUKIIIK. Ah the police court this morning Mary denied all knowledge of the money or linen, bub said she had picked up the ring and carried in oil innocently, non intend- ing to steal in. Mrs. Duncan would not prone the charge concerning the bowels and money, as the was not: sure that Mary had taken them. Mary pleaded to be al- lowed no go, but: the magistrate remanded her for a week. saying he wanted 00 learn something about her. She said ehe had no friends or relatives. The propriebor of the Sb. Lawrence ouee also laid information against: her for Emlxng from the hotel, but) he will nob the Qharge. _._.._` Mary shew Accused of Taking Articles Not Her Own. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. A. Duncan, William street, reported to the police that she had lost: a plain gold ring valued at $6.50, a couple of linen towels and $1.95 in cash. She suspected a young wormn named Mary Shaw, who had a room in her house. Police cmstable McCullagh located the young woman at the St. Lawrence house where she was employed as a cook. She denied all knowledge of the missing arti- cles and volunteered to accompany the constable to Mrs. D.mcan s. At the house of the last named she still maintained her innocence. but nally consented to pro- duce the ring if Mrs. Duncan would accom- pany her to another room. This Mrs. Dun- can refused to do unless the constable went along. Thereupon Mary produced the ring from her stocking. Ah than nnlion nnurt. Hui. mm-.-.:.... M... uunmrcwu Winn me mlnlila aeparumono. North King leave! for Alexandria Bay Sundays ab 10 a.m.. and for Rochester am 6:45 p.m.: Tuaedaya And Thursdays Hero leaves at 3 p.m...connectiug with North King an Brighton for Charlotte. J. P. Hanley. agent). Itis fully expected that the 4Thh but- balion will go into camp in Sepbomber. Alobough nothing ofcinl has been received to this effect,` until! the matter has been menbioned more than once by the oilioials connected with the militia department. North Kim`: lmumn fnr Alntnnrll-in Run qlllflr [Ur 1101155 [uI'nlInIDg9. Last: night the inhabibanba of the uppr portion of the city. in the vicinity of the _Union street: junction. were startled at) seeing a lady on horse back riding man fashion. She seemed to be porfeohly ab home in the saddle. \xI:n:..... nr.....:.. .: n....;_.__-..u. ___n~___,a LIUIHU Ill IIHU Huulut William Woods, of Portsmouth, suffered with rheumatism in the buck (lumba o) for tzwenbyyears. Four bottles l)r.Hall a heu- mncic Cure cured him completely. Fifty cents a bobble. For salle `bu Wade's drug, a core. TL :. t..II_ -____-_;-.I LL-L A|,. .-.u u . uiu IIUII IJHIPSH LITHU- Threo hundred and fty pairs of chenille curtains. prices lower than over: new grille polos, new picture onsela. now silk piano and table drapes. R. McFaul,hoad- quarters for house furnishings. Lash niohb the inhnhihnnlzn nf hhn unnA'r uuuu unu 0!-uar aovraonione. Samuel Harknesa trotting horso.D L.C. , met: with fast company in the 2:20 claim an Windnoa yesterday. The race was trobted in 2:11,}. D L C. nished third. Ib ia the rsb race he has entered this year than he did not) finish rsb. 'I"tu-.... l......l-...l -....I cn_ ..-:.__ -1 -L,_:u- The annual picnic of Sb. John : church. Ardgcb. will be held in Mr. Tapping's grovia on Tuesday, July lflth. Baseball matches, abhletic spans. games, 47th bath. band and other abbraoblona. Q.m..n! 'lZl ...l....-..1 o..,.LL:_..... L_..-- n I n c6\Ns'Rv'}o.Tom EXTENSION. unpmvau in many pamculare. Lean evening an old man named Turner became exhausted and fell on one sidewalk near the corner of Princess and Wellington streets. A cab was secured nnd the old man removed to his boarding home. Tbouarb uh blinds hnvn unnn Inn in nrlnn It In wnmnbod to produce an unaut- pnlnd poliah_. wiohonb Injury so the uent: umu ruuiuvou w nus noarumg name. Though nrb blinds have gone up in price we are still selling them for 25c. complete. Two thousand new blinds arrived this week. R. McFaul, Kingston Carpal) Ware- house. ` ' FIVL- . _ _ . -_I -:-__:_ -1 on 1 I 1 n u IIIR. AQEIIBEIOII IUO. Ind 00. New. phterns in union carpeha, very heavy goods, weighing alxboen ounces to the yard for 300 and 350. R. Mcffaul, Kingston Onrpob Wnrehouee. Thil mm-nimr Wnrklnnn hnnan nnnlrinn nmgauou uurpou vvnreuouee. This morning workmen began making repairs to the ebreeh railway tracks All the Union abreeh junction. The track will be improved in many particulars. Lust: avenino an nlri mum nnvnnrl Tulrnnr IUI-IDU \JlIIU- Prof. Seabury s last: appearance ab Lake Ontario Park Sahurdnyaloornoon and oven- iug. Citizens band in nbteudnnce. Dunc` ` iug. Admission 100. and 5c. Now nhrnrnn in unit... mu-yum. um... INK)` IEUTU. On who 23:-d inst. qbouh a dozen mem- ber: of the K. U. will go inbo camp at: Jones Falls, remxining there for two weeks. '`....'L_ lIf!.........J-n .._.:_.L:.____ I:,_,_ WCGKIn Fruits. Ganong a oonfecbionory. Fron- henm Cafe. \ `I)....l C....L......1.. I-_L -_,,_, , ,_ A Y | IIIUU Iunuuluubururl. H. Cunninghnm, piano humor from Chick- ering a. Orders received otr.Mcu1ey s book store. I'\... 5L- 110.1 .'_.A. _I__,,; , J, U.KU Mina Addie Johnabon, Inge:-aoll.ia spend- ing her vncntzion ah ha` mdthoth. Eul atroob. L. B. Spence:-has pumhnsed the stock and plant: of McDonald & Allen, lock and knob manufacturers. ll (`.._-..'....l..... .4... A..._._ 2..-... nL:-|_ PAR'AGRAPH --.---q_ 8 mcxso ur M cur: BUSY REPORTER! mmnrs ms nu. If`?our Dealer Does Not Keep ) Lunches and pibnlo butch. Frontenac Ala, I-3OB`IlE8TlC IN T ROUBLE. In.,!a|0 0* `'9?! on. 1.uo-wno an iconic no run:-qua-no-louun In up-nth-Anqmtnnozrnnu Iuuuo rnunxlouu, unuuu uunnty on ma noun. no wlllllo bud'nhouIl|vynn.{ V, 2 .. ..___t ..- -,----as----*-`-- c.....`" .`f`.`n'1"q"...?'?.}':.1.`a.",2?.`;`.~ 0 Roll Winder would have been of non October. when bin mount: in- talxojihouaodlliul to onhooL Bonn": height I107. Plih. and `t hvorilo with all in the vicinity at his homo. Ho will In nin `AIL. n. -L-an ovyl Illonol . I-60:0 OIIOOD. .>u..._. `VIZTWJ wan iueornot. _, ,- __.AAg --ouus-nu no-uwu-an-5 -en-I51; The eeaean hug` opened with runny oeeueltiee on the we er, end Kingston/. ep- tly. ie being vieibed with we share. he drowning eocidenb yeeterdey in in- deed en extremely end one, for in use the death of e widow : eon. Ron Winder end e eompenion named Pnrtell were hleying elone on Crnig e wharf, when the little led fell into the water. Ineheed of notifying the whunger or tho eunployeee o! 3 mg close by. young Purtell run up no Onherio street. to gee eeeinence. When the: wee procured you ng Winds hed gone down for the hut Mine. The body in are pled for end brought to bhe eurfeee by Er. Murphy. and Dr. Kilborn being no- tied decided then any inqeeet wee unnee- ur` . The body wee token to Gorbewe "3 int! |. InI. vine is weedreeeed, end thence in taken to the bone of the bay : mother. can street. M Windnp -nnI' learn hnn nu u-`nu Bhlpplng ore from Here. There ie every possibility that iron ore will be brought up to this city from Udeeu cAnapointe and from here trenehipped to veeeo e and conveyed to Hamilton. Au ex- perimental shipment is being made. a couple of bar e loads erriving up today. The ore will likely be dumped on Booth a C0 : whprf in the west end. and from there loaded to veeeele. If the experiment proves that the ore can be conveyed to Hnmilthn by this route cheap- er than by train the work will be con- tinued. Itie hoped it can be, ee it will furnish on unlimited nmount of labor for 1 large force of men, end the days of pros- perity among the iron ore handlers will return. Port:;)nIh Village Donnell. A meeting of the Portsmouth village council was held on Tuesday night, when Andrew lfnraybbe was awarded the com tract. to supply and spread macadam ab $2.25 per boiee. A petition was received from Rev. F. W. Dobba and twenty-one others, asking that the council undertake the bank of placing Rear street: in a pass- able condibion. Action was deferred until such time as nhe councillors view the road for the purpose of determining what repairs are necessary. A number of accounts were passed and ordered to be paid. .Victoria V Silver Polish] Kln glton Presbytery meeting. The liingsbcn prosbytery, which con- cluded iua sea-eiou Tuesday an SD. An- drew a church, Bellevillo, will meet ab Doeeronho on Sepb. 3rd. Rev. T. J. Thompson, M.A., wan elected mdderator. Mr. Taylor, is student in charge no Coo Hill. asked for $100 on aid in building: church shore. Rev. Mr. Peck. Napaneo. promised to send seats. He will likely be given the money. Stepped On A Busty Null. Last evening Miss Grace Sullens, Toron- to, visiting Mien Jean l`otter,Centre etreet. stepped on a rusty nail. exposed on the stxeeli, which cut: through her shoe and penetrated the foot for some distance. The injury caused her such keen pain that medical assistance was called. Dr. Camp- bell extracted moeb of the rush from the wound, but the fool: has swollen consider- ably. vvuuuuuu nu :: uu utluutu. The business of the late Henry Bmme will be carried on by his sisters in the name of the Bmmo estate with M. B. Malcolm. ldng Mr. Brame e aeaiatanmas manager. He in a graduate of the Chicago embnlming school and highly cspnble. The furniture and underonking departments are again open, and will with the cabinet: shop be energetically conducted. Aw m-av a ulluou Ivnlcl. Besides making 3 mos!) delicious and healbhful drink Abbey : Ellarvesoeuh Salb puries bhe water, in which danger often lurks. lb quenches the thirst. Try a tea- Ipoonful in n tumbler of water and you will not. doubb. Sold by druggists every- where M: We a large bottle. Trial size, 25. Fire At Cape vmont. The residence of S. M. Posse. `general manager of the Cleveland seed company at Cape Vincent. was partially destroyed by re early Tuesday morning. A large hole was burned in the roof, and the house and its contents were deluged with water be- fore the remen succeeded in extinguish- ing the blaze. uvvvu r no Juliet On the large. popular steamer America Saturday afternoon, leaving Kingston 3 p.m.; one hour '1`. I. park; 350. wuuvnuluu uuutllrun Every Friday evening in July there will be free public looturee by 1)r. C1arke,of Rookwood hoapibal, and Prof. Shorbb, of Queen a university, in the Ca:-rubbers science ball an eight: o clock. The public are invited I20 nbcend. Subject. of first lecture, "Evolution and Insanity. Great Oleurlng Sale For one Month. Prevosb. of the New York clobhing shore, has made 3 great. reduction in his order clothing deperbmonh. His 315 wine will be made for $13 50. His 818 suite will be made for 815. Remember Che above suin- ingu are Scotch weed and he guarantees a ren-clean n. anointed Teacher. Mira Gertrude Fortoecue, Mus. Bxc., has been appointed beacher of theory of music in the Kingston ladies college. She was prepared for her degree of bachelor of music, Toronto university. by Arthur Fisher, at the Kingston Indies` college. Look out For It. A. Abernathy has purchased a boot: And shoe manufncbures samples at less than half price and will oer them 10 the public no great: bargains, commencing `Saturday, 2nd insb. C4" and see if there is anymhing you wanb. 127 Princess abroou. luhlonnblo Bummu Bhocl . Are nub brown color. The onlorod shoe is recognized as being much cooler and easier kept) clean than the black. We are showing a large stock of them made on bhiu aeasou e lube at) prices from 31 00 $2. Hainea & Lockotb. 1 _,_,_,___.____ `tho Al:IIll'l0l" On 8nbu{dny_ Afternoon nmongialands, 3 p. m.. csllmg T. I. park; 35c. CIIIIIIIII IIIIFDIIIIUIII G rd Mstbhowr, Kingchon ponibonti- ` ary, on tho iqatituuion this morning vial: aauopension tikeu in his pocket. There is B chnrgo hgainnb him also of visiting convict: Hamilton. ,____. one lion: At Thousand Island Put On Sdsbnidny Afternoon, ..AInerioa." p.vnJ.(; 350. _ -_.. .___.___ `Illa-mull. -nun -n-uuaagul Qllll ll-IX Au Lon Island Park; Frid night. navel or adock Bpm. Tick 25. _._..:.|j_..j--.- L Second Drowning l'ntol1u.\ ..-_-_ L_- ____-.I __.L i))luzena' nun! loonnght And Dunn in T`... l..I-_.I `I')--|. II\.:_I__ _:-L. Continued in Full Stragth. L ....... -_ -1 .l._ I_n. 1"I'_,,_,,1 It Also Purlth: Water. AND K nu'1UN um!-JLIJIIJNUIQ THAT PIC- uhzronquo renlduntlal properly known as Gal rwood." bout 24 acres, ndlolnlu me any. Lurgebrle dwelllng utoneloundnlon: ull modem lmprovememu. lurre slnno stables 01.0. Grounclu well plunwd with onmnu-ntul trees. Exuanulvo-gnrclnM.orchard,ow. J. B. Wqatll, Kingston. or F`. P. llama, London. 1 Bclontlllo Lecture. ,,__ . 1| , . Another Hmponuon. Il_LAL-._- .'__-L-_ . Down The luver nnar In uum. The engineer constantly enirine. Rn -Anlinnn ennl-ha-zulaul Be cautious, cnnl-hesLdc-d and care! '6 must under no circumstances In - nny accident. Yours truly, (Signs ) Howard 5. I-`olger, general munagl-r. I ha rapms: will stand in front of thei The caplui pilot huns9_ y his hells. The mm at the tiller with fuur men. The 0nd officer on the main deck fmwn'r, with d(.`(`kh-'|lMiS, to keep the boat In trim. ' Tho (\I\1):nn41l| non-lnuflu nlnnnnioln Min lIUulll('. ' Iltlvr -'Ill cirrunmtznnccs k(`t`p in mind that our nim is (ur lhn safety of our p:~s~'ongor3 and protection nf our pm- p9l`|_)`. We` do not wisll to create the- impression nmnng the public that we urn racing our sIe;imers lmui m`h rapid-a each trip. In all cases of doubt give way rather than lako any chance of uv-ridonl, collision, ur anything ut the kind. ll we can keep in the lead by lln superior spw-d (it our slo.1I1lP.m, well and good, hut we must. not have uny (`luau quarters, or cutting nf short rt-vn<~rs_ with liahility of trouble. The following regulations I wish to he cm ried out strictly 0n the trips down the rapids: J l'hA rnnI.vu' will gland in fronl nf the ii. 5H`ilHI(`l`. On .'n-(`ount of Hm growth of our |m:~'imx~s, we have in:uuzurul<*(l the-. m-w .-\m<`Iirun line to Muntrml, making daily service, rmnlm-nciug Monday, July -Hh. We wish l1>(`u|`ry our record into this e.\'lensinu of our husim-ax, us forum-rly. As yuu knuw, the compo-tn lion with the ateauners of the Rwlu-.lie-u &. Ontario nzwiguliun cmnpun_v will he- u-ry keen, and ('00! In-ads and good juugmmlt wiil he requined to avoid trouble. I ..I...- ..II ..I...... ...p.....u-nu lrnnn in n.i...l K 08'l\)N RESIDENCE TH 'l` PIC- uo I ronquo I oI_gy. dwemngl ntoneloundn Inn: CI:1_vfon, .V.Y., July 2nd, 1898. Capt. .-\mlrow Miller, an-.'um-r Elnpirv Sum-; (`aIpl. (`uh-mun Hinckk-y, sh-nnn`r New York. " Do.-Ir Sirs, -- The '|'hmIs.'unl Island Il(`. 1n||m:|l rnlnp.-lny, us you know, h.n'* lun an llm t. Luwr ct-. rivvr fur uwr I\v~nty-fivo _ve.'u's. n that Linn`. \\t' have humllotl Ilmuaunrla of pus.s-ngm's 1*:`u`h Souaml. zunl have u 14-ur(i of nut. h:-.\in5',: iIl'_jur1-(1 -L single p.I5.~A-ngvr, nut huvim: wet .1 (out, and not hmiug lust :L t:ln:unnr ' The lmtruo Ion: lunoa To Ollloorl 01` The American Lino. Kingston. Ont., July 7.-(T0 the Edi- lm); J'uh|iq-ily has In-vn given In mie- .\p.'Il(h (lutwl (,`0rn\\u|l muting Hut the r~w:uncr (`ulumhiun hon sin-, uu-t \vi'.h her zn-(`idmxt was racing with H10 H(o'un- cm of tho .\m-ri<-un hm-. 1 1-m~|nsm' :1 copy of letter of inst1'm`lim1:1 lo nur cuptnills in order that the pulrolls may knm-.' (hut Hm utluual caution is used. l*'urIlwrn1nre, Hm slcunn-r .\mv Ymk when leaving A|(`x.'1n(lrm lizny hzul uvm` 300 passe-rxg-rs on board; lhu Colum- hiun had less than twenty, [nun whivh you ill unwlcwslnnd nu same man unllld :s1.<'v(i. I have no dou.|)l. that. the K. 8:. have tried to mnuwte in the mall;-r of (). munugvment. regret as much as I lhoso solmnlinnznl rcpurl.~+ that. [riglmm Hm people V_:;Q 1n_Jur- Hm lmsilu-as: Sin- ('4:1 cly _yoL{rs,` Henry Fulgcr, plusidcm. The band in mnkin a thorn tour under the direobio I H. ercy Hill. and after playing at. a fe aetern cibiee will proceed direct: to Winnipeg. where in has been on- gnged for the exhibition. CUUJEMIUIUU U IJLIU `IOLH DIUU. By way of diversity ipe-major Benton and aaaiataub random? several marches. I-nn`n npul -hr--O-Lnnnnn an hkn k.nn:;\4- npul llllll IIIIIIBIIHIIU FUIIUUTUU lUVUrII| lllrcllelq reels and abrebhspoya on the bagpipes, and they were called back for an encore.` The C)ck>o -the-North was well received. Altogether bhe audience enjoyed A musical brew. flu... L-_J :_ __-L:_.. - _L__A L _ . . _ . __..I-._ .l`AlUU|. ILIDLIU II lllllllllx UlUBU- The solo work was when by 1). D een on the piccolo, and his selection. "hkghx Des Batyrs" (Lebbiere), called for rapturous applause, and an encore was necessary. In a bsribone vocal solo, George B. Mclllellsn displayed nurses and well modulebed voice. His selection was Stewart/s "Bsndolero. Bessie Gil- berh. Arnorics s greebesb recognized lady comet. virtuoso, appeared in Liberebi s "Souvenir do ls Luisse, end her manipu- lation of her instrument: was marvellous, calling for repeated enoores. She was ac- compsuied by the 48th bend. RV Isrnv nf ivnrnimv ninn.mn3nr Rnnhnn WHIH IIFIIBDIU LUUUII. The evenin e programme opened with J. Ord. Hume: patriotic march "Soldiers of the Queen. which is ouiciently enixne ted to reuse the attention of the listeners. Cuncert Waltzes. descriptive arrangements and short catchy compositions by leading writera were also rendered in eble manner. Albion a grand national fantasia, Rene. Shamrock and Thietle,(Beabon) A descrip- tive iece covering many popular sire of the t ea countries, and closing with three representative air: being played at the same time in perfecbhermony,waa well given and received the greatest epplause. The "Hunting Scene, by Buceloeei, was also strikingly interpreted and received the ep- precintiou it merited. Every band num- ber un the programme wee excellently executed, and Sounds march "bride Elect." made a fitting close. The enln wnrk nnur rmhnn luv 1) Dlnnnn IIIJU ulfllllo _ When one stage curtain rare the hliirty bandsmen, with red tunica. dark green carbon killssnnd shoulder sashes were ab- brecbively arranged on ohe stage, wliie bandmaater Blabber sbood in the loregre with his mystic bnoon. The progrqrnme of bwelve numbers was well arranged`? fur. niahing n vnrleby of selection: which were largely of the light and onuchy music, well adapted for the band. As a musical or- ganizshion the kiltie band enjoys an envia- ble ropubabion and its work` is well known throughout: Canada. In coubnins name of the leading solo player: in Oncario and in fuel: each member hindlea his instrument. with artistic touch. "I"|v.n ....nn.`nn n n..n..........._... ...._-__.I _..:4L DU TUUUIVU uuuln. _ The band arrived in the city about: half past: five o'clock and registered an the Brib- ieh American hotel. An eight o'clock the members, dressed in lull Scobtzieh military costume.` with the Davidson turban. um-ch ed no bbeopern house. headed by uhe l4*;h -bsbbelioti band. and tho atfeete were lined with pea le anxious to nee the uniformed body of ootchmen. They looked A line lob of men, well builb and etepped well on the march. (Uh... Mm .9... ......o...'.. .....-.. n... n.:..a... The Announcement or Their Oomlng Wu lllellectlve -- Ieleetlone Given -- In 3 nu-39 and--wiu may on running nxuibiuon The Highlendera come and hove gone eggin. leaving I fair mine behind. The eonounoetnenb bhab the Highlendere. or uhe kilbiee. were me pear in, the Grend opera. house lneiz even; 1.: use rehher vague. and many people were at e lose to know whet the nonicoe mennb. Hed- nhoy been informed that the celebrated . band of the 4321: Highlanders. Toronto, wee to give :- imilihery bend concert. it: is probehle than I larger audience would have been present to receive them. VIVI... I...-l ....-:.....I 2- `L. .:r_ -|.__. L41: um ISIUNM uu;s1lmNUl.c, 2-I0 QUEEN ST., maul` Ulorgy utweb. heated. by hot water; oolfvnlnncbo, extension kitohon, . Applyw GM-'1-. TIIOIAS F. TAY1.A)R, on lhopwmlucs. W3 H1cH&LANmms*% mm 'EXOELLEt "pnpaniwue PRE- 8ENTEDl!:l,OPERA HOUSE. ORDERED NOT TO RACE. 25a. for hats that was 50c;, 75c. and 81. Hardy : nillinty `Ill! begmning alongaitle his! !J. IWEDDELLL which is equal to the best in the city. Eve new design is here. The stock {Piece Goods ,which we purchased from the Grand Union were all imported direct. $x6.oo Suits noui $12.00. $18.00 $13.50. $20.00 " $15.00. $25.00 " $18.00. A. $2800 $20.00. ` $3.00 Pants now $3.00. $ .00 $4.00. -CALL wonx 0u.uymnnn._n SUlTINGS.,, TROWSERINGS. ETC.. ETC.. ETC-. That's why we are telling you again that we are in a posi tion to turn out a- First-Cla SUIT OF CLOTHES for you. on which you sve five or six dol- lars. We have an assortment of Everybody Wants to Save. . Sand I0 CENTS For Sample Box. u u-v r vvs VI Iuvwyvunwluuunly 0 The men on the man-o'-war'| hridgu have n. Lranwndous rasponsllmlty resting upon thorn. They am: the brain of the great machine. We hold them strictly l0llC(`,()lll)l fur the hmuun of wary hatllu. uy.. I1\ 1... ..n..cm......| u.. hlnnllnnlln u... \ \ ..n_y ununu. W1`\\ t|l)LlA\hu(`(`Il1S|dl`l`e(I In hlcmllvnlly Ihu snnxe light with I'c:-npex-L to tho W()()l) you hny herv. We want Ln Im halal pumonully and :~`l.rl-lly |`vspo||n||)l1- rm` Hlv rc.~4ull.. Ar:-n'LwuLlwsurtnfn Iirm yml wnnt, Lu mln I.nuI nnnu u-Uh ~I an n I! l\n r\r||rulI|I :- Ar:-n'L we um sort 0 bux|m~aa with 2' `Li5,`?.f!!! The Post 0! Responslblmy. 'I"|\n nlnn nu Hun vnnn_n .u1nl-`A ||!`.l| gswmrs :SCRA zrsw COAL, 3oooooooog 3009 999009900 Iumrn g , HUIISEWIVES P110111: 0. vfovoi '(iu`ce`n`St. -u-.1`:-n II mm--vovn NAME: Iumnl 04 h.....u I} & I Corset: Wear u well an (hay lit. (1) sold by non drv good! homes. An innocent gaiety prevails at Caledonia Springs thaf goes far in assisting the Baths and Watex-s to a cuxk. Orchestra my employgd, g _ V 131 Princess Street. JAS. SWIFT 8: C0 It's real economy to use it Know the value of ` HE STONE IIESIIJENCE, 210 Q,U.EEN ST., IIBIPUI I bhbuxlb IA)` ml`Ilol:gIl{ir2l|la`l ?It.Ihl.entfnnunnolzun:' ATE , ` BYBM Kl! USE.MO co: noon. uitnn Johnuon 0 0. ovpome Blshoy'l Palace! 1. cmunronn. foot orqueen Stree . Bicycles} I '-Iugistnot. summon Ind cu Mo- oollnnionool. Rent. moderate. Apply . lqortohrmn Pawn. _ pooutm `In: HR. iamoc. gxntonnton an 35. `aonnnienoon. Annlv next. A I`: a mmo. place: `or pin-n:` r Cfnadlnn testimonials dz "I36-p _bo_9)p..- , wt to Dcgt. 18. Mason Muucm: C0,, 577 hcrbourno trcct. Toronto Ontario. msnBU1}N FORMERLY Tl-IE RESI- T qlenoo 0 Hon. 6. A. Klrkpat.rtck,beu.uI.I- I|tuMbd.oppos1le Macdonald Park. Ap- ! Klnlrnnxox a Rooms. onurm St. UBEONQ,Ul!mN`l'!ucl'1`.w1 1`H| .,1m.nro Jllnm xmmnu: . axwnuon. UL C 3 |'.Phone.`wI). _ ' W V '1' 016103 vans. _Joim- mm 'X'::I?m s'"K31d. Tasty Things. California Fruits. Peaches. Pears. Apricots. Plums. Etc. Sound and Julcy. /` a run`: Ipngru Qua mldn-an .. J. CRAIG. Mnnnum, Klngulon. I`n- a\n| Illnlllni Ulla, LLIHIICII B1/Brook Bt..Klu2ton. CANADIAN AGENCY. : fgunodltu. .nun I ..I-Q III`. II.` OI I'll ILA ! OVIR` TH! IIRBY ;,.9:.2:::.. 0 .,. -33:-$94: THIS WEEK `UH NHME to-aa""' y'?'<}}'J.r '-'~'.'.'. Invention Wank-1 " Au 0. "-All mg. I I shuto- I. `NOON llllltrlifmonlr-al nmopposne uamonmu Part. A; uwuuox Boeing. `ll. -All tron. Ilulon lhrloo i Iilldlll. Honk-0 i*"' ron sAu-:.` lfuoiuoucun. I And Tumor! cured to slay c u r e d . a t h 0 II) c- n 0 knife, place: his & `no'.nnm `f`!ul'l`.W1 1`H .. wanna. kl!- Ill 4u:_; uuuuruou not Iuppllil lol` no mug- uon pcniualiuy have ban awarded 5: follows : `Ul00C'|U. A. R. Innin pad J. Onwfotdz Ion. Hunt Btu; leather. J n!&.: froth lost. J. O. Iofcnlfog . A90 Shrub and R. Ornwtgtd. pooh! 8.00.. Tomato. Inn lnunInrd- odun doninct iorhlnr npplih lot and British 001 Illrin. King-hon. Manitoba, NI! Bmnlauk and St. Vincent do Paul In-ning 93!! I003 ll) I'll]! DOIIL `Arrinls--Schooner A. Falconer, 0s- wogo, coal; tug Jessie Hall. Monbronl. vobu-goo: sloop H. M. Bsllou. Os 0.. 100 tons of cool; bug Thompson. 03w o, no oosl-lsdon bu ; sloop Msggie .2 Picbon, 3.000 husho s of peas: sloop Laura D.. Wellington. miud corgo of groin. xn-neon nrmro llipfly enema to no Ilnglton Ponlunun-1. Thg contract: for Inpplion for the King- ptniuuinu ban linrdqi .- VI UPFUH IIII-I IUUWUE Pmz-r D/u.norsu:, 0nb., July 6 -Dowr5: Bu-go No 8], Duluth to Boston. light. ntaunor Pu-tom. Huron to Ogdombnrg. Pon.1'GoI.nm:xI. On. July 6 --Down: Radon Inn I`nlnrIn kn n..I....L...... ux nor cop Inuw. Tho otoumor Cu-pian which left here this morning for Moon:-cal. ran on a shoal above Thousand Island Pnrk and - is out about three fool; fornrd. Auiamng. ha been me no um boat. I -pl--In _ -|un.-.-- A I`- huh.-- A- W [16] I lflllg VIII FIOFOII DII'DOl' (`DO other day I1 0 schooner Maggie L. ran in- to I olnsll cod ahubo Lnd carried away one of her bop mute. Th: ntnnnmr nnninn wluinh Infh Inn-4 I0 IHIIOBLI [DB EIUOP DIIIOII. The Itouner Armenia will row for Grand Mario. Mich.. her for the Calvin oompuliy. ntn A nit.i1.an Ania fnr him IIUI III" VIII DDIVIII UUIII H o A citizen asks for the ate of the burn- ing of Berry : elevator. uicnnbod on the site now occupied by the M. '1`, company. What anhnrlmr than Pintnn hnrhnr Hm Iluu uvuulug wluu alx gralnlnuon Barges. The steamer Bobhnia has cleared for Lake Superior ports to load timber for the Calvin compsny. The mhnnnor Tum Rrnhhm-n. (human in C'I;l;`t0l'T!y Day or Wcck. SPECIAL RATES T0 PICNIC. BX- CURSION AND PRIVATE j 4 PARTIES. toque mklrosn ' " T. Mnnnxm. Klnnmn. UIIVIII complny. The schooner Two Brothers. Oawogo. is ab Booth and compmy a wharf wibh a cage of coal rcroeningn. Jnnanh Hnnknth wuhh A nnna nf lhnn 0 0| 0051 PCTXIIIDKE. "` Joseph Hnckotb win!) I gang of man went: over to Garden Island this morning to tmlond the sloop Bnllon. Tho ntnunar Armani: will nlnnr hn.mm-. Tho Latent Nun About Veuou sud the Porto! Klnnton. The bug Bronson cleared for Monhreal mo evening wiuh six grainlnden barges. The nlznnmnr Rnhhnin has nlnnrnd Im- UI urulnluy. Among his many good qualities might be mentioned his musical ability. He pas~ sossed a thorough musical training. and as a bass vocalist had few superiors. For many years ho was bass soloist of the quer- tette choir of the Rochester Brick Presby- terian church. As an interpreter of orntorio music be ranked high and his services were elwsys in demand. Kiugstonians have bed many opportunities of hearing him and always with the greatest delight. His un- timely death is grestly deplored. and to his so:-rowing relatives heartfelt sympathy is extended. He was unmarried. but leaves "to mourn his demise his parents, three brothers and two sisters. In his death the firm of Sibley. Lindsey & Curr loses a lsithful employee, one whose place it will be dillicult to ll. IMIIIJ WI! UIIIU HU uuu HUI) DECK! IV3u- H. Spencer Orumley was born here on Ootober3 oh, i859, and was therefore in his thirt -ninth year. He was is son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Crumley. Union street, brother of Edward and Henry Orumley. oi the rm of Orumley Bros, and of Mrs. (Major) Galloway. When a mere lad he entered the employ of the late Alexander Ross. serving with him for five years. Nineteen years ago he left the city and at once entered the employ of Sibley, Lindsay it Curr, serving as a junior cl in their big departmental store. S p by step he arose. his in- tegrity. sound business qualities, grasp of the requirements of the business commend- ing themselves to his employers. until at the hour oi his death he stood.with one ex- ception, at the head of the staff of 700 clerks and emplo see. The members oi the firm impose every condence in his judgment. and under his able management the business prospered until thestore space was limited and additions were frequently being added. For men years he was the New York buyer of the rm. but this new son his employers determined to send him to Europe to purchase goods, and he had just set out on the passage when death overtook him. By his removal the Cana- dian contingent in Rochester loses a warm friend. Many a Kingston boy owes his success in the flower city to the friendship ; of Spencer Crumley. 1 Among his mnnv onnd nimlihim minim UIIB OCH runuzu. Hie friend: here did nob know the!) be was 3 pueenger on bhe Lm Bourgoyne un- til the Wum oioe announced the tidings to Edward Crumley. While telling them of his oonbemplabed hrip, day and hour of veiling, he neglected namin the ehip. However, 3 telegram received rom another brobher. William, from Rooheeber. convey- ed hhe intelligence that: Spencer had eniled on La Bourgoyne without A doubt: and no word hnd non been received from him there was little doubt: bub bhnb he was numbered among the drowned. As he had plenty of time no send his friends word of his safety, had he been rescued, bhere was only one conolnoion to arrive at, and bhnh wee bhnb he had nob been saved. Ll D............ {`.......l.... ....... L--- L... ._ us: now ucouplou Dy we M. 1 , company. When 0 toting the Picbon hlrbor the ulnar dn I: Q mhnnnar Mnmrin I. mm in. V 00 IIIFII W|lll.llIl IOU BIISU UOIlIlllBIu Only a dry or two ago he wrote to his lrlende. telling them of hi: oontemplnted trip, how pleated he wee no 'the]fI'0/eagct of enjoying the ocean voyage. is usi- nele would take him through Franco. (lar- Inony, Swituerlond endthen through Eng- lend. He would be absent three months, end upon returning intendvd spending a oouple ol weeks with his relative: here. But, ulna, for the nppointmento ofvgmen`. The future cannot be enetreted. and men knoweth not the late that destiny hes in store for him. The pleasure: of anticipa- tion are oltime more tweet than those of reelization. In illness to contemplate death is end enough, but to be when` with- out I moment : warning in the midst of health and pleasure is the saddest late that one can realize. ':- l..:-...l_ L.--` A:.J ....L I._-_ sL..n. L- DIDIU uunu, uunng suucluy Ignguu, III! boo removod through the non-mcoipb oi Anynbolligonoo (com him. md his friend: no now oonvinood than he shared the Into of tho grab majority ol ptuangorl Aboard. Ho nu one of the 6:-ab-oluu poucngeu and in all probnbilihy did not got: an opportun- ity uo loan hi: oabin,bnh wn curried down to duth wiohin in close connes. nah! - 4.- m. cm... -..... L- .......s- A... La. D X` UKIIIIIIU W-I IIILIIIDUKULI IIXIUII I . V unto! the II -hood Itonmohip L: on sgogno, wnckod in M19 Atlantic ocean. ~ `BI loinland, during Tuudny night, I: bum rumnvnd thmnnh lha nnmmnainb S:R'ACHAN S% Hardware ll XlIfKDI.II"II WIUVIIUV 0` I13 8 our Orumlo Gnu` numbered amon I _-hood noun-IA --`alum! III hhg, Ail.-.51- nag... . .. `T -lo In Inklnc Ila lint `trip to lurono . In `l'holntotc|u 0! Bl: llun-A Pro- luiulu Klnqllun I501-Wu In lua- unt Vacuums. All oonkclmuu up whether or not B. Quantum nnnlnv n` nnunluu-ml nvnnnn hhn via nduai Larf or FATE or H -.-::.-:_ [wits AMCJIHEA nRowm;n.| MA;NE |NTELLlG-;NCE. UIDLIIURNI. unn. July 5 -Down: Sum. lbhdo. 60 Ogdomburg, euro. GOT CONTRACTS. ioiznnd Dunn! Bopott. h.u-..nu- l'\_a. `l..I_ t! arzuczn - c1I.um._v. clear ho-mob mn In-) H... STR; JUBILEE For Chlttcf by UIUIF U0` UNI!" . to load bim- g the ln- - inc [Inn 0! uomcwr J. apouol. Liam.-Col. llontinmboro, D9 0:, has boon on tho nick list: since the rdoouh mili- hry can ` no in nlforing` from sciatica. liq bbio Orinmpoo. Min Mu-gvuoh Ianogsn, and Funk Hanna. Rochcnor, N.Y., span! the lab ol July viaitiug friends in Pottunonth and on`, 9 Jam. nanny. ]r.. o 9.. mad for the R. & O. ntvignuon oqnphny. Inn Man notied that his unions as no up ". unt.` Q tuna. Kan ,Lnn-u -L- _L.uI Iuuu. Ann union nag u lnoullnil. undtor thd chic! do In ouch work for the both Ln nvln-' minim-.nnu-an--I n......!...- WKIIUII IIIKIIIIWI CIIIDIIII \.ll'&Ig- . Caphin Lunch but still some of the life prenorvoru uo_o_d on hia_y@3gL Iovdnah of tho Pooplo - What Thu Ann Igulnn Anal nnln-_ -u--wt:-vu nu Inn uwvyIu- vvllul IIIU no uni; And Doug. His Chuio Hnlpin sud Mica F. Snider hnvo nturued from Now York on n visit: to WUIIK. Sir Oliver Mont bu coco bod an in- vihouloopon the Windoor Ii!` on Sep- tmm 2701:. - n....u-..a l :.....c... |....._..I_ --I Kinguhon. formerly col- loctorolinhnd ronnuo. ioin B1-nntlord the gun at oollccbor J. Spence. Llm.(`.ol_ Ilnnhinunbi-L T) O H- , In- `-" , V `_..DI_Ol|I rnndlu. M `thuwonu. `July o.-Miu Hmio Mace ' ninrnod hoIno_ Jud Wilplndn ` Tipdl : docki Ch" obi: {ni:?dhm...: A`- \J- KUIEUII Cu to do In Sir Oliver's opinion gera noted wibh fnir self-poeaeeaion during the tryin momenta. Ho wan eomewhuh aur- pr' Abbie own cbolneee. for he felt: um great danger {need them ah the time. In . was bhe first: experience ol the kind he liuil mob winh in his long public career and he has unveiled much on weber ' and by rail during his life time. He could nob uceruin at the time who won the di- reco cause of the accident, although he knew the engines were disabled in eome way. He was grieved er the injuries to the engineer and also to the misfortune which attended cupbain Craig. (`mnhin Lnrnnh he: nhill nnrnn nf Hm lira lulu EUIUUIII W35 Hull KI. Among the gentleman who remained on board until the Jubilee was towed into port; wore Sir Oliver Mownb, principal Grant. Rev. W. W. Peck. Rev. Mr. Hr-gnaw J R l|n+.m{.- :nt\r n ...:...'n.u. .. urnlu, l\uV. W. W. roux. IV-0V. (Stacey. J. S. l ot.be!;-, sailor : miuiom N. U. P I d R. . M Do In 9.3.0 :'\nIl;]..:E'. ....:..a....c UUU Ill! I5 IIUIU UU UU IIUUHU. Some of the passengers when spoken to described the experience with a certain de- gree of horror. The incident will never be forgotten by them, for they felt certain that danger surrounded them. When the llamee illuminated the heel: they felt sure that death was at hand, either by tire or by the only alternative, drowning. Thelr sensations when they felt sure that they etood between the two deaths was indee- enbable. The thought of loved ones at home. and mothers, fathers, sons and daughters on board to share the same fate wan suicient to un-nerve the most courage- ons, and it was little wonder that the fe- male scream was heard. A....-...... 5|... ......al.._.... ...|.._ _-___ .'__.I _.. HI I Dawlu. Engineer Flenngen was seen ab his home on Division anreeb bbie morning. but: waequite reticent: in bulking of the min- hnp. He weetuore eeverel burned than ab first: tahoughb. The rig in side of his facewee struck forcibly by the sheet: of flame. which burned deeper bhub the skin. The flash hung down below the right; jaw, theeye was completely closed, and all traces of the eyebrow and lube: were wiped oub. Afcor being etruck by the ame he scrambled about, and was as- eieted up the burning ladder. His hands were also blisbered. Frank (hllegher, reman. had one hand severely burned. bub he is able be be about). n!-\A rs` Ll... ..................- ...L.... -..-I.-._ L- WLIIIL The passengers who sought safety in the steamer s small boat had another startling experience. After they had pulled clear of the Jubilee they found that the aft plug of the small boat was out, and water was flowing in rapidly. In a short time the ladies were sitting in water almost up to their knees. and the thou hb impressed them that they had escaped death by re to meet a drown- ing fate. Master Polson used his hat to bail out the inilowing water while a lady utilized her umbrella. They were picked up again, however, before further acci- dents. The experience will long be re- membered by the passengers, among whom was Sir Oliver Mowat, lieutenant- governor of Ontario, who conducted him- self with a coolness of a long tried general in a battle. I`.nr-unnunn I`l..n-...... ..._.. ---.. -5 L1- VUUII WDTI Kill` I m5a"n`:'..'.""`r;.......,,..."'-"""`.'.'3';5*":.= -. oh. -on-'i'-ha .-g....C.nIs I ensue suguls nuuou so nne DIJDDIID. The cause of the trouble was a momen- tary explosion in the fire hold. Engineer Flanagao descended into the small sput- ment to rake the re under the boiler, and on opening the furnace door was thrown back by a sudden outburst of ames,which gushed out with sufficient force to draw a quantity of live coals from the re pot. The bright flash attracted the attention of the passengers, two of whom pulled the engineer out from his ery bed. Capt. Craig was at the fire hold in a moment, and he succeeded in extinguishing the small blaze which had started. In the meantime the smoke and heat had passed u _ the companion way to the upper deck, a d pandemonium reigned among the lady passengers, which could have been termed a panic, if their number had been larger. They rushed from the upper deck to seek refuge in the after part of the ship, but captain Craig calmly ordered them forward as the boat was head to wind, and if the re had gained headway there would have been greater safety at the bow. eat of the ladies procured lilo pro were and tied them on. while the men la no the Juhilee s lilo boat. It was lled ladies and shoved oil` from the supposed ydoomed steamer. A yawl boat frmn the schooner Maggie L , passing at the time, was sent over and all the ladies and children transferred to the schooner. In the excitement of the moment Miss Annie Boyd, encircled by a life preserver, attempted to jump from the upper deck of the steamer to the yawl beat below, and would have undoubtedly gone into the lake, or have injured herself in the fall, had not some of the men caught her as she was about to leap. The intense heat which prevailed made matters worse and made the passengers think a heavy re was re 'ng, but fortunately the boat was not dama ed to any extent. As the engineer was disabled by several burns about the hands and face, the en- ' gines were stopped, and the steamer drift- ed until picked up by the tug Reginald and towed into port. Several of the pas- sengers were landed at the Grove inn wharf. NH... |_L_fl ....-.A..._..__ _L_ _- V V, -..- -..v. .3"; - unwan- [I've Bregl on ljhnner J_nbIle- - " A their lxperleiloe. A pleelnub trip up the boy of Quiute on the -mm: Jubilee aontordoy. had .- very exciting ending. The party` wen re- turning from the McDowell centennial eer- vleee no Adel huubown end who puneo H were lolly uuoyiog hhe.benohlu ole In M ! moenllgho night: on the water. When the ! abeemer Wu, nhreeen of Conbre eereemehouu 200 yard: from ehnrfbhere ounee madden illumination from the lower pub of the boat followed by on intense heat. end e cry immediately went up that the steamer wee on fire. Great: ooniueion prevailed; the ladies eoreemed. children began 00 cry, while the men ran hero and there. some confused, but obhere ueieling capbein Craig in relnoring order. A eonniuuel boob- ing of the J nhilee e whieble sounding e_ die- oreu eignel added to the hnbhub. Thn Anna ni Hm h-nnhln um. . nnnvnnn vlcvoku nuroura co.. umncd 9'1 Qnnnb no tr ..... -_

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