Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jul 1898, p. 2

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IIJ Clh-I-I- ' by my or Week. lI>u:nu."`I2A1`I!s, `I0 PlNIc', ax- .v cuurou AND PRIVATE "~ 2 PAR11B. , bl` IOIIII nddreu ` 5" ' I`. J. CRA!G."lII[Bl.KI f@. .v may. The bioguph and the high diver were bhe ahbrecuione ab Lake Ontario perk lash _evem'ng. The entertainment: was free 00 the public. but the ooolneu of tabs night air was the cause of a small Attendance. The same actuation: appear so the park obi: evening. Willinm Wnnrln at D...L.....-..u. -..Ar-_-.I um.-uuullu were captured by the police. Alderman J. M. Shaw claims the council is guilty of class legislation in refusing to open the fair grounds to the horsemen wibhoub admission fee. They are prohi- bited lrom running horses either on park tracks, streets or` anywhere within the city. Ill nun city. rm. I uuu next.) Ineemng. Complaints have been made to the pol- ice that boys are in the habit: of laying baseball in the streets. Yosterry the police visited Main street: where ve base- ball matches were in progress. The five baseballs were captured by the police. Shaw nlnimn nhnm......n (luau wns Iur uuuee Iurmaulngs. Ah the council meeting luau night) alder- man Minneeiaeked the mayor why the cob- bon mill bonus agreement} had not: been submitted bo council. His yvorahip replied that in would be randy for presentation ah the nexb meshing. Calbllnfil hnvn hnnn nnnrdn in wt uuai, p1,0UU.60. Three hundred and fty pairs of chenille curtains. prices lower than over; new grille poles, new picture canola. new silk piano and cable drapes. R. McFaul,bead- quarters for house furnishings. council mnntinu hum ninluln .14.... IJUUBU. The Kingston yacht club met last even- ing and charted active work in connection with the coming regatta. The collecting committee mob at) noon to-day and began a canvass of the citizens. , The market: fees collected be date. as re- nxted by the ciby treasurer, amount: to : I vioualy reported. $1,563 21; collected {or fortnight: ending July Mb, $16.15; total, $l,609.36. ' Thrnn |nu'nrl.--.l .....J an. ...z__ .2 J -N IIIUU llu Ha Though arb blinds have gone up in price we are still selling them for `.350. complete. Two thousand new blinds arrived this week. R. McFnul, Kingston Carpet: Ware- house. rm..- 1z:..__.__ - . ILIUIIU. The city council will hold 3 meeting on Monday night: next: to receive) the cotton mill bonus agreement, after which an ad- journment) will be made for the summer monbhs. ` 'l"|......-L __L LIL J I I rIlu:Bs BWQGD. T. McGuire. butcher at Rockwond ny- Ium, and Mr. Crimmene were out shing yesterday and landed several four po`und base, according to Mr. McGuire : shaw- menh. VI... ..:L._ -__,.. ,2: -n u . . , ,,_. _. _-..... ......... ...... MP. Ianobrlok dwelling awnnwndatlou; ll modern lmptovemonun ntzonenables Ow. Ground: well plantegi w th ornnmentai tutu. lxhnuvo prdonn,orohn|-d.ew. J. B. WALKIH, Klnpwn, on-F. P. Betta, London. nmgawn uarpen warehouse. To relieve than headache use Excelsior Headache Powders, 10c. and 25c. boxes. For sale only no Sills drug show, 260 Princess abreoh. In M..n..:.... L..A.-l,,, . n may xorumgnn were examined. New patterns in union carpets, very heavy goods, weighing aixbeen ounces to the yard for 30c. and 350. R. Mcffaul, Kingston Carpet: Warehouse. To raliava nun. h....a...L.. ...- v......:-:.... I vuuuu U819. The civic committee on nance met yes- terday nfternoon, with the majority of members preeenb. The account: tor the lust: fortnight examined. New nnhfnl-nn in .....'.... ............. ..-__ uuuu on xnnrsuay nexc. H. Cunnin lmn,pinno tuner from Chick- oringh. 0: on received an MoAuley s book store. Corporation employee: Are engqod in opening up Sixth aoroob. An _o_ld well ex- ist: in the middle of the road and this will be lled up at once by uhe city engineer. Fruiha, "Gu1ong'o coniecbionery. Fron- tenac Cafe. Tl`; n..;.. -....__.:._r_, . I` Played " rug" l`or"l'wo llonrl. .o...I.- H - . - - - - - A 4 - u \IIlU.. 'l`ho"E;.)vro1-`I : ICQI; of ydenhuu: ob:-ooh church holds in annual picnic at Kinguhon Mills on Thursday next. Cnnninnh-m. ni-nn 4...--. 5...... |.:..I. hlllll Onto. . VIVA.-. roovlo An min; Abouh-loaning In upon its Attnnllol at `thou who An taunt lot...` I .._.I.-A _.,_I - u . 4 -- I TIC spun at Ivory nu l.Ilo-Wlut um I J ranaunhmia Pupxzo 1): av 0}: I % ausy REFORTERS PERSONAL MENTION. 2?}:- .____.___..________..___.._. KINGSTON RESIDENCE THAT PIC- Inruquo residential property known as 0aldorwood." about 24 acres, olnlng the gig. brick dwelling. atone ndauon: mcmEHrs&oB,m1; nu. "" PWU-I`unuu ugulueu eecnaenul no H10 l`03}IlIr_mun. In cue of e breek in the ml"! pipe the aeeondery main could he n_oed. and time avoid the necessity of cut. |l|:g.n_l:>g d t|:e Hcity. b wetegm supply. I: on out a `and girl 03 the duplicate 'hw`elv_e-inch .. =:..":::::.;':;':.::. ' I Ch Hm. "I. I `over un- nfzum moat", `lunacy. eonumbtee pen .A|dOfInIn White : petition {min A. F. 9507!! Ind 9 en eating for [tee Into: for lewne yea dncc at some length. hub no action taken. 0 was decided to ask for teodeu for the no pl, for the we. her we kn ho mod bly JE|nyu1`:t.h.n "m !` b' Tnllrlng of A Dupllcnte Ilnln. Chairman McKelvoy,nldermen Donnelly, Ellioth, Wright: and Bell were present eh I meeting of the committee on Inter works yoeterdey afternoon. The committee pro- poeee $0 conetn: I reeervo water-main leading from the pump house up Weeb street and across to connect with the mein eh the corner of Ben-is end Union streets. ue precaution ageinab accident: to the PORIIIII main- In tuna nl . l.p..|. .'.. AL- rruuulga 0! me DOUEB. Mrl. Williamson}: letter re open drain on Collingwood abreeb was referred to the city solicitor, engin end medical health otlicer. The engin was instructed to report on the condition of the .welk on Bunch street, for which A petition largely signed can to have removed. Action on the petition for e sewer of King street, to bebuilo by contract labor, wee deferred until next meeting an other similar poti- tions will be received before bheo time. : no nuuru Ul IIOPIln At a meeting of the board of works held yesterday albernoon in was agreed bo build the walk on Collingwood street, petitioned for. `out. of Victoria ward a appropriaoion. if possible. J. M. Machar s lebter touch- tahe accident) to Mr. English on Montreal street: was referred to the solicitor and chairman of the board. The board will recommend to council than Peter Lowry be allowed to connect) with Division etreeo sewer on payment of sixty cents per loot: frontage of hie house. ' Mn` Willi.m.nn'. |..u.... -- -..-_ -1-:- Effe V ABBEY'S Mrvescent Salt Ulvfly U. gnrding I nnnnlnri r. In emorlnm. On Sunday morning, June 26th. the spirit: paeaed away. at: his residence in In- verary. of George Morah. Deceased had been ailing some time and way very ill early in the spring, but: gradually recover- ed from the effects of in until about a week before he died. The last; attack was aeri- oua and he reluctantly book his bed. Ow- ing to the nature of the disease bhe docbor could render no help. He was no ebirrlng than he was on his feeo less than an hour before his death. The funeral took place on Tueeday morning to Railhon church, where male was said by Rev. Father Brid- donneau. and the romaine were placed in Railton cemebery. Heleaveu mourning a widow, a son, James, and bhree daughters, 4 Nancy, single; Mrs. Burnash, Gananoqllg, ` and Mrs. Donognue, Cape Vincenb. " Inn mu ` W urnv -mnoqcu un. HE S K)NE RESIDENCE, 240 QUEEN ST., . near Clergy Sweet. heated b not water; 5 I modern conveniences, exwun on kitchen, etc. Applyto CAPT. Tuonms F. TAYLOR, on thopremlueu. - Cnniadlan l!`lotlan' Augelutlon. O. (l. Johnston left for Hamilton today to attend a meaning of the executive committee of the Canadian orieca associ- ation, to be held in the Normandy hotel no-morrow. Arrangements will be made for the association : first) annual conven- tion in Toronto during September. Hither- be the Canadian oriabe have been identi- fied with the American oriabe' g|peocia- tion, bub they think obey are now Webrong enough 00 come out and form a Canadian association. Home sbo Prlnea. Ladies chocolate Oxford's vesting ht $1.50. Men : tan colored lace boobs. $1.25. Childron s ne button boots, 8, 9, 65n. Oontlnned In Full Strength. The business of the late Henry Breme will be carried on by his aisxers in the name of the Bmme eetnte with M. B Malcolm. long Mr. Bruno : ,pssial:nnb, as manager. He is 1 grnduate of the Chicago embalming school and highly capable. The furniture and undertaking departments are again open, and will with the cnbineb shop be energetically conducted. -u-ovuvu nun HIIII morning. A number of the ehovellern out on strike attended the meeting of the council leetn night: to heer the elevator committee re- port. recommendi the gnymenb of the M. T. compag_y e e, re and adopted without A dissenting voice. They were prepared to speak of their grievance if an opportunity had been offered shem. Grout Ogolrlng Bale lot one Ionth. Provost. of the New York clothing store. bu made I great reduction in his order clothing department. His Q16 tmiba will be made for $13 50. His $18 suit: will be mode for 815. Remember the above suit- inga are Scotch weed and he guarantee: 3 first class t. - auu xuuv. uul Illu I00 I! more ll you want. 127 Prinoou throat. Look out for It. A. Abernathy has purchased a bqoo and shoe manutaotm-or : am at lui than ht}! priea/Ind will offer a to ho public an grout br-gains, commoucipg Saba:-duy, 2nd inst. Call and no if there in nnyching threat. _.___r__- The Board 0| Worn. --A.:_._ .1.| , n I ______;____ untonod But Bum Naming. Ilmhnr nf Mus .|..-.....II.._.. ....L -- .0ITY Ar_o`vncmrrv. Cnosnnunn FORMERLY mm musl- m dmce or lion. G. A. K1rxpamck,boauu- fluted, opposite Macdonald Park. Ap- nxr ply ATBIOK & Rooms. Ontario St. Ulll msumul. ~ Diunond Dyu an no any to an that p child can dye an luccoulully an n grout ponon. _ Bum-o ol cqlnlnon and on dyes sold lot tho uh of largo pfh. Io- nm upon lining the Diunond D100 and you will Inn happy nnlta. . / 7/N nnu mono unsung colon. Diamond Dye: are the afoot to an in the home; no polnooal ingredients to ini- toto the hand: on our and in tho compo- aition of these tuned dyes. Common poo- kngo dyes on lorgtly compound oi danger- ous mstorinln. ' n:.........: n.._- -.. -- ---_ L- --- -I -- Diamond Dyoo are the popular dyoe in every home of the civilizsd `world. They are aura Ind rolinble under all circum- stances, giving the choicest, most brilliant and dob lusting colon. Diamond him: An: thn Infant tn nm In. Sun-e,FSafe, ` Easy to Use-. um: um! uluonnlng voice. The roporo of the omminteo on ci / property was oubmi .-ed by Ald. Ryi A report of the discuia of which up I-I elsewhere. Council `owned lb 930 o olock. E _ v_/ Ilvlllun Ald. Donnelly rend the reporb of the elevator committee briey describing the 34.1`. company : new elevator and recom- monding_t,.he payment of the bonus to the company. The report: was sdopted with- oub one diuenbing voice. The mnnrn nf aha nnmminon ran an`. uuu mu wurunlp Igroou I50 (10 B0. Ald. Car:on-"Thut.'u right, and you will find that he will say as I do thnb ro- porhs should be signed at the council board. AIA I\-__-n__ ___; .L_ _ - - -- Bicycles Uullllllllal can uuu no reporw E0 PIOIBDD. Ald. White 5!: this juncture Mind the mayor to secure the soh'citor a advice as no where committee reporbo should be signed. and his worship ngrood to do so. CAnnn-"'[`hn|.'n riahh, anti Ivnn loun no ugn It. "The water works, prinhing nnd pggks committees had no reports to present. W'hit.a 3!: thin iunntnrn Anlzul um IUUPDIU. . The roporb of gm board of works. pub- linhod In Inuoher column, was not pro Iontodu npb enough membets woro ple- oonb to uign it. "THC UAOAII Ilnrlzn -n-inhinn-_n.l .....|.-` puuuuu III we IDFBBBI. Ald. Donnelly thought: in s libble lube no otlor opposition, as the gnmb had already posted the council. He wns always ready to ssve the nances of the city. but the grunt. In quosbion was toward an event which would brim: money to $56 clay. The coming rogues would be strongly sp- prebistod by the merchants, nod the money will be well sponb. The report was adopted. Thsu I-nnnrh nl Dlnn Inn! at _..-I.- .....I.. no EIKIIUU III UUUHIIIIIBDB. Ald. McKelvoy did nob sign the report: and opposed the granting of $100 to the yacht: club. He favored clean healthy sport, bun the money could be backer ex- pended in the streets. AM, l)nnnAlIa nm....|.o. :9. . nun. n..a... .. Uslllfn I Ald. Elliobb probestod n ninsb bheluab statement and declared that 0 had only missed one meeting of the finance commit. Leo held this your, while he was in the city. Alli, Wrioluf. hnlinvnrl all -mm-u->. .l.-..I.:l Uwyld. Wright believed all report: should be signed in commibtee. Alli. MnKnImu1 did nnh ninn Hm ..n....o. nvpuna arguuu, now In commwwe. Ald. Ryan thought if Ald. Elliott was so anxious to have his name appear with the report: he should have been equally anxious bo be preeenb sh the committee meaning. Hie attendance this your had been very ir- regular. Alrl Rllinhh nrnhnnhnl nu-`In-6 5|`- I....L uuu uwluuera In uommluwo. Ald. Elliohb informed bhe mayor bhnb H: was his dnby to see that all members had the opportunity to sign reports and Ah the councnl board was the proper place to have reports signed, nob in commibme. Aid. I-{van hhnuohh if AM Fllllnth Iran an ou nmuw uue reason way. The mayor assured him bhab it via an oversight as the report had been signed by the members in commitbeo. Alp! Fllinhh ...h.-.......l LL- ...-_-_ AL-L IL u K111: street. Etxwtxllon ::idfi'l'rE& eon n noes. Fun In era py . iloommna: mom. P Ill!) 50 JUNE 2530!], UIUU. If. The report) wu Iubmihted wilabonb Alcl. Elliott : aignnturo Ilblchod and ho vnnhod to know uhe reason why. Thu mnvnr nnnu-mi him 9-.|~..h H. -4. .... wn.oa; nungauon yncnv clun grann. NUU. Water works-T. C. Wilnon, horse hire. 843 50; J. Offord, rubber a-bump, 500.; James Lnturney, paintin.$6 35; labor ply list to June 29th, $100.14. Tim I-Ann:-h -... ...L...:u-.I -.h.l..._n. All IIUUI WIUH PUWUI LU BOD. ` By Ald. Carson from John Boom: and others -conatruobion of eewerdreinon Bar- riefeb. Referred to board of works. uicr-ours HI IMITTEI). Ald. Ryan presented the report of com- rnibbee on nanceand acoounoe, recom- mending the payment: of obese eceonnte : F. Partridge. letter box, 90c.; P.Walah, lirne.$3 75; R. M. Horsey, coal oil and stoves. $7.06; N. McNeil, repairs. $8.78; Robinson Broe.. inning. $2 95; J. Bhop- herd, registry olhco. 37.50; J. H. Henley, pauper pus, 81; Bell telephone company. rent. $25; city registry olce, 853 60:19. Niabeb. index, 82; Timee publishing com- eny, '22 75; Daily News, $13 05; Edw. J. . l enae.' 33H 60; Bell telephone oom- pnny. rent, $16.27: Gotta perch: and rub- ber compeny. hose, $351.30; Li hb, heat and power company, electric ighbing, $1,977.83; Milne & Milne. laundry ac- count:. 812 80: S. Grimshaw, eidewellre, 390; W. Sbulebotham, atone. 818; Robin- eon Broa., peinbing, $1; Rathbun Cos, lumber, $979.07: E. McFadden, earning, $98 78; J. A. Skinner. repairs, 824 34; Rebbbun Co, plenlr, $144 44; R. McVet.y. repairs. $81.35; lebor play list to June 2901:, 8737 21 ; J. Laturneya-epaire to certs, $241.89; Dr. Nichole. V.S.. exeminebion, $5; labor pay list: to June `2Slah. parlre, $51.39; Kingston yeohb club grant. $|00. worke-T. C. Wilmn. hnr-an him umuu. UU|ll'D UK l'6VlBl0n. From Catherine Morrison. calling abbot)- tion to the foul odors arising from newer grate at corner of Brook and Clergy streets. Board of works with power to ace. rrmnoxs runsmnrne. These petitions were presented : By Aid. Donnelly from Thoma: Thompuon and others, asking for the removal of I portion of sidewalk on l<`rom.onao abreeb. Referred to board of works and oiby engi- neer with power to act. BV (inrann frnm Jnhn Ankh nrul nuuuu OI muuanry OOIIIIIIIDIOB. , " From A. Barton, applying for position of second engineer in tube water worlu. Water works. From Stevenson boiler works, Potrolea. I iciting orders. Fire, wnber And light). From Kingston ladies` college. to ex- ompoion of taxes. Court; of revision. WI-nun R (hllunh R..n..|. -s......L. .... -..---- uurpuxuu Ul uuxes. U0lll'D OI rovluon. From R. Gllbetb. Brock street, to sauna- monb. Court) of revision. ll`.-am ("..oIm.:... M.....:..... -..n:.... _u.-.. From June: Anthony, Forb Staewnrb, 0nb., asking for advice regarding method of unending poor person; to the poor houao. House of industry committee. B`l'OlIl A. Hnrlann, Allnluinn nr nnIH*i.-un u lu us worn! and clay eoncnor. `From John Macdonnld. secretary board of education, again calling bho council : attention to the nooouiy of I sidewalk on Alfrei street, near nion. Board of works. ' h`....... T._._ A_,.|, `R . rc- Inga were oonnnned I8 pfiid. City plerk Drennan read the following uummarizod communication, which -{egg rolornd be the propii` oommitbcu : From John Ran. nnlinihnr I... n 1' n M ruurruu no mo proper commntbcoo From John Bell, aolioibor for (}.T.R., re local improvement sewer on Queen atreeh. B rd of works and ciby solicitor. (0!!! John Mnndnnnlrl, nnnrnlmrw lmnrrl 11 non Street glzdonham Stree King Street. ._ --- --.... ca-nu-no. Auauuvvg unu- Kelveyl R ar.I: C'l`o o. Wubmr, Whine. w"i8h0. coke, cCurtnoy And Kent- T50 mihutpn of the In: two council moot- inga_ were conrmed printed. CIQV clerk Drnnnnn I-and lhn fnllnnina oommnnnofcou looolvod And new with -Bou-d qt lducnllon Auk: For K Row y lldownlk on Alfred street-Potltlonn llmdod In And Report: From the Vul- ouo Oommltqga llodrd. A regular muting of the city council was held lutz ovonin rich the following present: Msyor winguton. Aldermen ` Canon, Donnolly. Ellioho. Minna. Mu- Kolvey. an, To Thn mihnt... at cl... I--. a._... ......-:I ...-.4. cm! couucu m SESSION us? I RF.CUl.AR ppjlc BUSlNES&| EVENING. -%mnmvoun NAME: nn-uni)? U-IA--M It Costs less l~'-I.`YJ3__1!1?.E114 which is eq/i1`al to the best in the city. Every new design is here. The stock of Piece Goods which we purchased from the Grand Union were all imported direct. $16.00 Suits now $12.00?-.. 3 18.00 " _ Sr 3. 50. $20.00 81 .00. $25.00 " 81 .00. $2800 $20.00. $5.00 Pants now $3.00. 06.00 " ' -sum. wonx uuniuxriln.-n __-.__..._.__...___ HQXIKBE oocupmn av Ma. mcnmox. my street. Extension and all modern gonvgnigpoeo. _Beul. moderate. Annlv mu sunmes. mowsenmes. ~ Em. ETC.. ETC-. .--l. 2 _ uxgu Lu lulll uut 3. I`ll'8l'K;Ia5 SUIT OF CLOTHES for you. on which you save ve or Si; dol- lars.` We have an assortment of 'Th;it's why w are telling you again that we are in a posi- tiqn to turn out a. First-Class SUIT` OF (`I (\'l"u'no t-_ -,,V Everybody Wants to Save. Wf, , ,-, _. __-_..-.--..----.1: The men on the man-0'-war : bridge have I: tremendous rospounlblllty renting upon them. They are the brains M the grant machine. we hold them strictly mncmunl. hr the usual or vvsry ball la. ' W1 want In h('(!(nlFl1df`J 91l In Iclnnllcally the mine light. with respect. to the WOOD you buy here. We wnnt. to he held personully and strictly l`(`!-lpllslblt` for Um result. Al`|In'lu1nIMn H11:-l1\l n n..... -.-.. A, - - .-.......u, ...1,,u..n-qu-~ nu Ln- Art!n'L we the sort 0! n 1 business with 1` The host 0! Responslblmy. In In Foot du'ee}{t'. Bilnuoun n 131` Princess` street. ...______.j.::.___ HALF OF THE FLAT OVER THE . '5 Clothing Suns Kin street, 0 new Pnn Ins Olco. pply at 1593061-InIaIlIu`l'u|dhlI`aI Ivnph mmnu-y unnobo drbodll MIA noun:-phunrd wAv-Il1ontu|iII,V ""'3:"`._" , [~ .--n u unll I 1.. x mm you want. to do OUSE N2 WILLIAM STREET, wnlfon Kitchen, rem. moderate. torlucr & Hrnucv. l.l GW- WE HAVE TWO NICE HOUSES ON JOHN- aton to rent, between Ole and xd_o_l_1harp Streets. Apply in Bnrrn mu, -2 [HE STONE RESIDENCE, ` neg: Clergy by water: ,. `..--_. .....V.._ ..__...____.___._..L..___.__.______ ` DWSEBITRN _ __ degce _o( Klrkmtrlck.baant.|. ZZjji IOUSE STREET, __ Kitchen. modomm. ; Its supreme merit has been proved and is ac- knowledged by thousands of the most fastidious coffee consumers through- out e Laind. Grocers e ver here self it. aorwood." Semi, :2 Lone ngdorn lgnpmvomonu. ism sou IIOII street to Clerg lonham Apply Bun]! . King its `purity and its strength being guaranteed by their seal. * I -*3" Clear as 9. crystal add alightful in its invigorat- ing and aromatic oilor is | the :co'ec that comes to ' you in pound and two- pound tin cans from the famous coee importers, -"_ NT OFFICE 0 FIRST FIDOR I`!-minors` Block. Apply lo J. n 0, IRS- SIRACHANYS Hardware Chase 6: Sanborn FOR SALE. TO BE LET. 3043-` "'0! can And I-pin." The nhlbmon of the famous oil paine- ing which round on of hot Inaionty "n d jqbiloo pl-cunt: opcnn to-normw in 8'0 ' 0 |nl|,oO2:l)pm.,nndvill In t unlined not day. . un III Illoulu In onrgoa. At the nqlnli oi tho council Ald. Ryan withdnw Ibo clnnu in the report contain-, in: the noommcndatioaod the remain- dcr 0! the report In: ndopcod. .. v -;I"?'R. JUBll:E i ll...` nL.-`....*n..- ts--. ..._ uueunler am In n wuole yeer. Ald. Minnee favored the recommende- tion of the committee and eulogized care- taker Orr. who had ahown himeell n oom- petent employee. Ald. Ryan an ted the report. T40 committee wee o ear in its recommema- tlon to nllow the honemen and bicyclists the use ol the grounds, but not the R000!`- el public. Ilthe gnteewere thrown open too much loitering about won Id be the remit, which would prove dicedvanteaeouu. Citi- sena having epere time to enjoy reurention would peelet to vinit the patio rather then the hit grounde. There wee no reuon arty the recommendation ehouldi not be auptted. A e. Weheternnd Kent opposed n he` no of ground: and thought en Admin- eion fee Id be oherged. Aau..........a -1 AL- --..._-:I an r-- null uuuuuun uuunuuvea muoreu on its meaning. Ho robtodwhear Ald. Boll continually uni ing caretaker Orr. If` the mm Inn A medical mun not A word would lie nid against him, but be- ouuo be in I hudworking man he was oomurod by the nldonnau. who received as much pay for one proleuionnl visit: an the caretaker did in whole Ald. Minna: hvond ml. mmm.m.mI._ mere sup 0! one tongue. Aldermln Donnelly moved on amend- Inann toono clause in the sgroemeub so that the grounds would be open ho all. Ald. McKalvov an-in lnamnnfnul unu um grvnnal Would D0 00 Ill. McKelvoy agnin suggested Nun the committee withdraw its report an the mambo" hholnlolvea differed its mnninm `Fla mnmnsm mu 1.... LIA n-u uuvy uuu nue grouuua. Ald. Boll-"'I`heluh speaker bolls Incl do not know whabl um talking about. He says tlnh $5nweok is equivalent to 860 a you-. evidently he in somewhat amiu in his statement. Laughter. Alrl Ic`.IIi'nM. ...--..o. Irmn -1 ..... _- . Iu um uouwunoun." Laugnner. Ald. Elliott memo $260, of meta slip of the tongue. Aldarmnn nnnnnlln rnnum-I an uuu give lane piece more auzeumon T Ald. Elliohb pointed one that the building: were in n dilepidebed condibion` before the citi took over the place, and oereteker Orr ad epenb much time in re- iring them. He asked if the committee enquired as to bhe eifecb the opening of.-.-the ground: would have on (who insur- ence racing? When Aid. Bell says that bhe caretaker is not looking after the place, he does not know when he is talk- ing eboub. The cnretnker is e cornpetenn men. end hie eelnry 363 week, or 860:: yenr,Ihonld bephid by the horsemen if they use hhe grounds. Alli. Rnll-"'rhA lnnh nnnnluun hull: an- T can place anoum no given unem. Ald. Bell was rubber grieved ho see the dilapidated condioion of the fair ground buildings. In wu heartrending to see the war upcngled" nppoonnco of these, when the oiby paid I carenaker to look nfber the place. How in in nine the caretaker doe: not give the place asteution T Ald. Ellinhh nninuml nnn that M... ouInuuur.ee'l reporn In lull preseno lorm. Aid. Ryen recalled the items of expense etteched to the grounds end buildings since they were acquired by the city sod these smounted to quite a surprising sum. Tim expense wss incurred for repairs even though the grounds were not open to the anblio. Are the notes end buildings to forever locked and the place allowed to go to rot 2 There will be no fsir held this year end why should the grounds stend idle when citizens, even if only a smell por- tion. might enjoy their use 2 Horsemen snd bicyclists cannot speed on the park trucks or on the streets sud some conven- ient plsoe should be given them. Aid. Bell in rnhhnr an-iswui hn um. um yuuseuuu [Or any misdemeanor. Ald. Behuu claimed that the grounds had been acquired for the purpose of hold- ing (airs. and not for free and general use. The committee in its report was Actually favoring one class of citizens. which it had no right to do. The city is burdened with interest on debentures agsinst the grounds. snd if they are to be used, some provision should he made. whereby, they would pny s revenue. in would not be e wise move to sell the grounds st present, for there is still s chance to secure the full fair, sud no better place could be secured for such purposes. The citizens would justly con- demn the council. if it spproved of the committee's report in its present lorm. Rvnn recnllnd than immn nl Atnannn BI\R6`AlNSm gm-mus I source or revenue ror one tiny. Ald. Donnelly could not see that the commibtee was drawing e disbincbion he- taveen the people, for the grounds would be open to all. If is were onherwise in- bended he would decidedly oppose the re- porh. In was not the intention on show fevorlhism. He nhoughb the horsemen and bicyclists should beedmibtedbo the grounds even if only for the safety of pedestrians. Bnflslo and other cihies had wslks end tracks set: aside for speeding on, and Kingston should have the some. All citi- zens shouldheve lree access be ohe grounds, and being smensb`e to the lows of the country, they could be apprehended and punished for any misdemeanor. Ala, Rnhnn ..I..;.....A 4.... n.- ............s. utuux, Dun 1100 one M10418. Ald. McKelvey was very much surpris- ed that such a report we: handed in by the commibtee. Where was the fair ploy ;in ellowing one class of citizens a free use of the grounds while all others were re- fused edmihbence? As is retepsyer be dis- oinocly probeebed against: such a proposal. He suggested that: the oommibtee bake beck iuexeporb and insert) a clause placing e smell admission fee for the use of the grounds. He would like to see the fair grounds A source of revenue for the ciby. Donnellv could not: me hhnh hhn nun: Iulqu I60. Ald. Wright was hwonblo no allowing the horsemen the use of the ground: and stack, bun nob hho abode. Al;-I M..u-n..-.. .............. ..K-n. -..-_-=- wwu curtain uennea eupnlunnone. Ald. Elliott opened 3 long diecueeion by voicing his opposition to the recommende- tlon. The {air ground: cool! the city the sum of 817,000. and he could not recon- cile hinilelf with the propoenl to throw then: open for free use. The rulee drawn up to govern those using the ground: would emnunt to nothing, for experience he Ihown him that rule: ere cu-eleeely oheerved. That pnparty in e velueble one end B lice use of the ground: by the pub- lic moon: the destruction of sheds end . trampling down of the gran. If the com- mittee could not nd other use for the ground: they should bedivided and cold in late. so the city could again got hack the money expended. He thought that any- one using the grounds should pay a small admission fee. AM lt7.:..I..a. _-- A .... _.u. L JL 9 A A human: l`ot_';u Ignlnut the Proponl on the Gland at man l.egl|lnuon-'l'he Oppoeluog no luong `nut tl|iJl`c`lro- pony committee Withdrawn It: Be- eonneindnllon - Ii Almluhn Ice should be charged. The report of the committee on city pro my wee. submitted to oauncil Inn dig a by Ald. Ryan. The report elreedy pubhhnd recommended that Iocnl hone- men and Dlcyelms have free use of the fair ground`: in which to speed hornet, etc., with certain dened etipulanione. Euiohb onened A Inna dinnmuinn hv qi,:ouM:uma.`ru:: use or ` pnouppsrrpr; Hansen`:-:u. nu: mmmmy II In IIIIPUIIBIOII MIC I many in their power.` uwmpu 1- III!!! no lures it in an{ ny,why ofoouruataho masonry supp wil be Mkon "ho provoot it. The company in quite will- ing to" snow the nut to go under in Incl. but to pay hues for pining it than in no imposition they yill ruin by every moon: power. , V Uni company output has right in tho u! placa to carry aawar under bho railway without the consent afbha railway eolnmiutofof the privy council, and it an alztampi in Inada to form it in an way,why ofoouruhbo noeaanarv stem wil ha haknn VICTORIA TRIPOLITE (1).. Limited _ 81 Brook Bt..KInn . ; CANADIAN out -upvrvvuon OI` GIPQODIOII 0! HIGH` Oli- ginoar. but the to uk photo to pay for pluing bho newer than, n bhing they hue no mom intoroot in than I m 1 hundred Inilapwny. He wrote to give notice that tho iaolnpnny dinputn oho right in tho that plgco carry urn nnrlnr Mun us our urn onno In nll rooouocmon when I bion wishing to curry a newer no or the G.'l`.R. truck has not only said for fusion to do so. which work e 0 company has always been willing to allow, it carried on under tho nope:-vision or diroobion of their zines-. Iinh nlnnhnnni o..lm.-. on -.-- R-- urea sewer. The proposed newer. u be u dorsbondo in, is to be curried under the Grand Trunk line of railway, where it ontau the cioy. which is simply the right of WI] which the company occupies. It in the 6110 time in his recollection when cornonhion -i-hina n nnnrn . ...--- Thoy Poonlnly linfuu To Pay. John Bell, Q 0., Bolloville, solicitor for the Gnnd Trunk railway`, has lylod with city clerk Drooncn a rotoab againnb pay-` menu of tuna on to proposed Queen urea The be in- in to he an--in-rl --mi-- -0-- u uuuuu unuu nepon. Pom DALIIOCSIE. Onb.. July 4.-I)own : Steamer Cube. Toledo to Montreal. geueul cargo; steamer Tilley. Fort: William to Monbrenl, wheat; steamer Rugee. Chicago to Kingston, corn; abenner McViubie, Chi- cago to Ogdenaburg, general cargo; steam- er Trude Wind. Sandusky ho Bowinenville, coel. , Pom C0l.B()R.\'E. 0110., July 4 -Dawn : Steamer Miami. Clieboygen so Ogdens, burg. lime; barge Mnrongo, Toledo no Col- lin: Bey. timber; schooner Emerald. Tole- do bo Kingston. timber; buge CAae,'l`oledo to Collins Bur. timber. uu no nlngaoon, umber; Buy, timber. i nny ll Ul;II'Il0IlI In The storm. The Richelieu & Ontario navigation com- pany s steambtat Corsican, with about 135 passengers on board. had a trying time in the Lachine rapids Sunday evening when the storm came on. The Corsican passed Lachine at 6:35 p.m. with the intention of running the rapids. but in a few minutes after the storm came on in tall force. The captain and pilot. when near the head 0! the rapids, decided not to run them and the boat was turned roupd in the strong current. under full steam. It was with great difficulty she was kept in position for nearly an hour owing to the storm, but was brought back to thelanding place at Lschine. The Corsican was be- tween Kingston and Montreal. and the pilot, Alfred Oue1let.\ who had charge of her from Uornwall down. said it was the worst storm he ever had to contend with. The lifebonts were displaced by it. and several of the chairs were blown from the deck where the passengers had been sitting a few minutes previously. Some of them had their hats blown otf, but all kept cool and lost no time after their arrival at La- chine in congratulating captain Esford and the pilot upon their excellent management during such a trying time. g: k A The lhovellerv ltatement. Kmusrou, July` 5.--('l`o the Editor) : In a letter, headed "Shovellers Griev- ance." the writer tells how much money they made dpring the year. but this griev- ance only started ve weeks ago. Up to that time the men made good wages and were satisfied, but since then they have only made nine cents an hour. The writer of that letter says it is unfortunate such a demand was made during such a season as this. The season makes no difference, for whether a steamer receives $10 or $lO0 per thousand bushel; freight it has to pay the same money to discharge cargo, that is85 per thousand bushels. Out of that the company gets 84 per thousand, the boss shoveller ve cents and the men get ninety-ve cents per thousand, that is about two cents apiece. Now with regard to the foreman I would like to know where there is a manufacturing establishment in which the men have to pay the foreman. The shovellers have also to pay two other men--one to attend to the lines. virtuall to sit on the dock. and the other to atten to the leg. once in a while. Should not these men he paid by the companies ? The writer also refers to Prescott; the men can live cheaper in a village of two thou- sand inhabitants than in a city of twenty thousand, It seems to me that the men did not ask any too much for the work they have to do. If they are to be crush- ed down in this way it would have been better if Kingston had not any elevators and the people had kept the thirty-ve thousand dollars to thsmselves.-ONa IN- TERISTE D. guu. Capo. Fitzgerald, in command of the steamer John Rugoe, intends laying up his boat lb Ogdenaburg, as he has lost: con- siderable money this season owing to low rabea. As soon no the eboamer is discharged she will go to Charlolzbe to load coal,wbich cargo will be left: in her to keep her eehtled in the minor. areal: was repaired. The iron tiller of the rudder of |t.be Richelieu J; Ontario navigation compnny s steamer Columbien broke yesterday just after the both had cleared the Long Saulb rapids. The vessel was held by her anch- or: until the bend steering gear was rig- god. (`mull 17H>nnn-mI4I :. -4...---A-J -' " Inuualy IECOIVOCI. After passing through the Long Saulb rapids yesterday morning bhe sbenrinf; gear of uhe steamer Columbisn gave way. She was moored ab Cornwall wharf until the break was repaired. The iron hills: .-.I elm ....,:.J.... .: ILL- . uou ueuw n we owe eheamere while running dew the river yesterday. The Unibed Stntes revenue cubber Al- gopquin. now lying no Ogdonehurg, wee yeeberdey visited by a great. number of `Kingaboniena. The visitors were cour- boouely received. Aftnr nn-linnv tlru-m..-.l. LL- r__.. Gwyn corn [Or one M. '1'. coqnpany. The echooner Acacia in discharging a portion of her year 0 of coal at: Crawford : shed oh the Grovcnn wharf. ` Pesengere on the steamer: New York and ~ lumbiqn enjoyed the excioemenb of a re bebwrn the two nbeemere while ru_r1t_1i_og_dow the yesterday. uuuu. van in porn Io-any with n load of eh. ;' The schooner Fieetwing, Omega, is die- ` cherging a cargo oi coal at Junee Swift : & Co`e 'wh`e'i-I. ' The government dredge in still at work deepening the channel approaching Oats- reqni bridge. ' The bug Thompeon arrived up with six light bar ee this morning niter exchanging bow: at teocott. The iteemor John Rugee nrrived from Chicago ieet night with 50,500 bushels of corn for the M. T. schooner Acacia 6. .i:...i...-..:.... . __ _...-y. .3 -vv Tn; qh_i_n'g' Ehktla, 0 l-dupe Vin- cent. wu in port Io-day with load of sh. Ichaonar Flnnhwina nan...-. :. .a:. __. ---o-u nwwu unnun VIIGII IIII IIC Poptot llnllton. _ ' Vohuihur Wt `Id: Capo Vin-~ out to-dsyarilih u.__ of shingles. The statue: Jghng ilno pmvod from Riduu cum! port`: this morning light. The ohinz hm Thinla. ol (1.... va.... ----j--u K , `IEO [983 IOWIAIIOII VOIOOII III` tit . . Pain! `laggin- -_Your Dealer 1 Does Not Keep uuuu cum porn um morning light. -Akin": tug Thinla, o_I Cnpe enb. non Io-dnv wihh . Ima nr om. Tho Oonlonn In The Storm. `D:-l...I:.... I. 11.4. ,2. - -- Welland Olnnl Report. Wnlunu-nun (3-4. 1._l- I ' kllllv INTELLIGENCE 9 _ luau Ionian At Burnt : hi (ho 'Kiltiu' county an locus. bnorrowuigit. 250. and ..,.. nu... on-:u-n IIIIIUI D3301 their `on. E3; Kingston might as vol be without mpolioo u in An entry- ingonttbolnwnoldooonutu tuneup-, cu-nod. as tho atrou lulu . ll walk upst- utaud ptoniocnou botbqr on Man. In it not any to strut onoabahbor, for -it in up illqul indnlgvoeo after 7 mm. ! II is bent. bqwovomo alloiv bathing at all homo and tofu the Inning at Irunh. luau I I0 3733 " ' on: `:0 log; oppo- llh the ` in th airy inc: not oven tho passing of row tn cumin lodlu othncbd o_\polioo l__ ...A AL- I-_, - - uq-u "ID[' -11: two noun. Yeetardey it was Announced thnb the police were euppreeeinn ghe nude behhere within city Ilmihe. The announcement: in moomhine; the police like to be talked about I! doing eomething when really bheyereeeleep. They hue been,lhmno- lena over the enforcing .01 city by-luvs for yeere. Yeeterdey for on: two hour: 3:9 mama: `thaw 1:2. nan: llllulli SURF. Rev. Hilton Peddloya-eburnod missionary from Japan. Ian yootordn 1,`. for Montreal on route to his home in V rhonts. Whilq here he was the guest of Rev. J. G. and Mrs. Dunlap. Victoria Silver A Polish In xunguwn nnu vicmnay. A. O. Sntcliifo, at: one time connected with 3 local paper, is now editing the Ogdeoaburg. N.Y., News. a bright, nowsy litmle shoot. I)`. Linn..- I')-.I.II-_ _.A.,,, , 1 :1, III uguunauurg nrm. Alfred Hart. Boston, is visiting friends in Kingston and vicinity. Sntcliffo. III nnn Lima nnnnmn...-I -1-}- lovomonu of the People - What They An Buying And Doing. T. McCabo. machinist, is now employed by an Ogdensburg rm. Alfred Hun. Rnum. :. ..'.m.... :.u....a.. wul. r wunul system would D6 so excellont -a far ahead of other plncoa--ana so many of our other city doparbmenba ineffi- cienb and unambitious? The management: in seven] cases is ragged and fur from [economical and pr-Qctaical. uunlay, BEGIN). The municipal magazine, Municipal Engineering. of Indianapolis, gives the history of Kingebon e water works. and highly upplnnde the success of city cor- porntion managemenh. II) is declared to` be a remarhble instance of the possibili- ties of economy under municipal owner- ship. In it nob singular, indeed. that our war r works system should be excellent. far nhnnd nf nthnr nu.-. .....\ -.. HIJIITIS. North King leaves for Alexandria Bay Sundays ab 10 n.m.. and for Rochestr at: 6:45 p.m.: Tuesdays and Thursdays Hero leaves at 3 p.m., connecoing with North King ab Brighton for Charlotte. J. P. Hanloy. agent. Thn lnnnininall um...-....:.... Ill!---3-1-A' uuau glvuu ouem. The Kingston and Ogdenaburg baseball teams are booked to mesh again at 02- densburg sometime within bwo weeks. The Ozdenaburg celebration committee has offered the Kingston team $l0O and ex- peneee for I match, and the offer has been accepted. The Ogdeneburg team yester- day played three members of the Symcuee share. Two young men residing in Portsmouth were before R. M. Graham, J.P., this morning, so the instance of constable Don- nldson, for riding their bicycles on the walks, and a ne of 81 and costs wu im- posed. Kingston cyclere should have a dose given bbem. '1'}... Ka.....on.. ....,a n...J....-L.._.- L: o -- null! Bveuln . William Woods, of Portsmouth, suffered with rbonunbiam in the back (lumlngo) for hwonbyyonra. Four botmloa Dr. Hall : Rheu- matic Cure cured him completely. Fifty centa I bobble. For sale no Wade : drug shore. uunve I Sun` to CENTS For Sample Box.

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