Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jul 1898, p. 1

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Our Cash Coupon sys- tem again in operation. Coupon showing amount \ of your purchase given Z,~-w.ith everycash sale. Save them. .3 KINGSTON. omrnuu, TUESDAY, JULY :3, 1393. nun.` nu-u-. - v--u-.-.:-u,-cu- Sr. J0u.v's. Nd..Jnly 5.~-Sir Jemes Winter, premier. end receiver-general Marine. coloninl delegebes ho London, wire blnt proepecce are fevoreble for e uninfec- taory conclusion of the negobietione for a royal commission. Joseph Chemberlnin ooncedee the right of Newfopndlnnd to in- eish nponerevieion ol French cleime on the west coast. of the island. and upon re- questing e slzrictmhaervenoe by the French oi their treat-y egreementt. ML. Chem- berlein also agrees their Newfoundland is entitled to membership in the commiesion' Ippointod Mndjneo the dierencee be- tween the United Stebee end Canada. The British government will insiet upon the preeence of 1 British consul so So. Pierre.` TUW II? IUZJJ III HOYII Illlilfy OOIICKQ `The piano. 3 Briuilncud English grand, I with {all-inn Inna, will be sold booluon . an and Inn nhlnnk- WIIIII `IIPIIUII "I1. I I N10 and two o'c!oak. U1 upwuer or me early pun or novem nor. Iu`>is understood thub the government has decided not to hold any dominion byeolectiona until the fall. They will all bake place on the same dny and under new lieu. UIJU UUUU U! LI'UIS|lIIlJUlICn The state department: and clerk of the crown in chancery are busy preparing for the prohibition plebiscite. Although no- thing has been decided on to the date of voting it: will be some time about the end of October or the early pub of November. Iniiunxndnrahmvi than him annummnnt. KIND pruluun UH CH5 V 1'. `BU `I (U. The stars and, stripes we carried through the streets to~day along with the union jack, by the 43rd risa, the dragoon guards and the eld battery, marching from the train to the drill hall on their re-. turn from Burlington, Vermont. Tao bnndemen. drums and cerringea were orna- mented with little British and United States ags stuck side by side. The moo, report a splendid time in Burlington and the best of treatment. TL- .0--0-.. A....-.L.......o. ......I .I.._L .: AL- Engineers May J In The Omen: & Parry Sound Railway Strikers Orrmw-A. July 5.-'l`he strike of section- men on the Ottawa`! Parry Sound railway and the Canada Atlantic railway systems is still on. Mr. Chamberlain, manager of the road. has returned from Parry Sound. It is understood thst he was endesvoring to get the men to go to work along the line. There is some talk of the engineers joining the strikers. A prominent official of the CrP.R said last night the rates to section men on their road were 31 25, 81.15 and $1.10, according to where the men were located. For instance on the Parry Sound road the C.P.R.. rates would be $l.25 and on the` Canada. Atlantic $1.15. This remen on the C PR get $1 75. Thu Inn: and ah-inns 1:59;: an-piarl UTDW. SIBONEY. July 4, via Kingston. Ja., July 5 -The men at the front wno are manning the batteries that: frown upon Santiago from the heights around the ciny are eagerly awaiting the word to begin de- molishing the city. There are rumors that reinforcements had reached Santiago and in consequence in would not: be surprising if a sortie would be made by the Spaniards in a desperate hope of dis- looging us from the positions which we have secured. 882 King Street. Corner Brook Street mu uugius. . _ ARCELONA. 0nh.. July 5 --The Disrd publishes a strong nrhicle in favor of peace in the course of which it) says : National honor being satised nothing compels us to continue the struggle. Those who direct: (the combat: ought to pub an end to the duel before ib becomes naturally im possible for one of the combabanbs to with- drew. Qirutxnvwwli T..I.. A ..2_ I7:.....-A.... `I - T..I.. 'lhe Programme To-day. Nizw Yunx, July 5.--A Sibaney special to the Journal says that) today : pro- gramme is than Sampson shall silence the form: an the enbmnce Dd Santiago and blow up the sub marine mines in the channel and than the bombardmenb shall begin at noon unless the Spamyida ah the last: moment) change their minds and surren- der. It: is expected Senbingo will be bnlren within a few hours after the tire on the cibg begins. .n:mu.n\u, Dnh, In-Iv .K.__'l`lm Thin-:1 Ohms Iuglnru lo. Don ta for at thin important uh tomor- ow st 10: 6 Rays! will H0 H1: lignn. n ariilancd UETIIUHU fJlliJI'UB UU BUULIKU IHUFU |4l'l.Illl!PUl'l.1F. Lo;in0N, July 4 -The fraternal senti- ment) evidenced here during the last few months nds venb bo-day nhrougbouh the united kingdom in an unprecedented dis- play of the scars and stripes in honor of July`4th and in hearty expressions of good will everygghero. The afternoon papers are unanimdhs in applauding the splendid courage of the Atneriosns before Skntisgo de Cuba. and in congrstulsting the United Santos upon the signal successes of its arms both in the east: and wash. msue uuiy `sou. WAsu1N:ToN. July 5.--Efforts to hasten the departure of the fourth expedition to the Philippines were made by the war de- partment yesterday. About 18,000 men are yet to be sent there and the depart- menthsd cometo the conclusion thabablesst two more expeditions would be necessary to convey them. For some reason the de- partment made enquiries and began pre- parations looking to sending all the 12,000 at once. It is mid that this sudden change in the plan was due to a telegram from Gen. Anderson at Cnvibe. Despatches were sent yesterday to agents of the gov- ernment on the Pacific coast to make earnest efforts to secure more transport:-. liwnmv Julv A -'l"l\n frnfnrnnl nnnhi. nonor. Harm, KONG. July bl:-Advices from Manila are Do the effect: than the actual date of bhe declnrabion of the sovereignty of the United Suabea in the Lsdrone island: was June 22nd. The general baliof was bbau blue nal attack on Manila would be made July 4th. \UAsuIIm:1'nN Jnlv 5 _.F.H'nrhn fn hnnfnn Dplln luau LIBVU IUIIIIIUU HUI" UUI|KIIIIlUlI!p Lormos, July 54--Tbe London and web European newspapers as comment: on the destruction of admiral Cerveraie squadron ` advice Spain to accept) the inevitable be- fore woree happens. Even tboue papers which are most friendly to Spain my to prove how amply abe hes vindicated her honor. `I Yul.- Linn `llnun have been put out from Spanish quarter: with In view toescerteinlug how the powers 3 and the United States are likely to regnrd the terms of peace that Bpsin is willing to propose. These are stated to be. first, the independence of Cube; second. that Cuba pay a tribute to Spein for twenty years: third, that Spain keep a smell garrison at a small part during that period; fourth. that other power: be entitled to maintain emnll bodies of troops on the ielend for the protection of their ow n aub- jaete; lth. that the Philippines be declu independent of tribute and that the Spanish occupation `on one island be per- manent. and, sixth, thet Porto Rico be occupied by the United States as a pledge for the punctual payment of indemnity and that the island be eveoueted after Spnin nhell have fullled her obligations. LONININ. Julv 5 --Tha London and such ITHE STRIKE STILL ON. We can {tunish you with WUIIII UIIU KPH`, UU IJIIU EIIIXWIII WIUII IIIO view of looking over bho country and him; tho lino bhrongh thq oolobnhd nt- h--nn irnn I-Anna. I nu. -uv uuv vIluv-' huwun iron range. 1 Icon B:tvnI lot-nomad Qloll. \ Nnw Yon.x..July 5.-'*oddy Goodman. (rho "Unpoood King ? of bicycling was on load: rdolonutl in two one mile Inna ~v "B-32" --- -an Li Inhuon land Juana: Ah Pom Amman. OM57, July 5.-'I'honne H. White, leoe chief engineer of the [Ate Teelin _i-eilwey. arrived in town yeeterdey. Heb been eppointed chief engineer 0! she nrarioan Rainy River railway and will immediately commence the work of locating the eonebrection line between Porn Arthur and Rainy Lnke. Mr. White went: out to-day to the Meoeeveu with hhe via: nf Innkinn near Mm nnnnl re and DAL Gendenr Wlne Aanln. `I VA.\'(.`()l'VlER.B 0., July 5.--The Vancou- ver postponed championship sculling rsoe was rowed last evening. Gnullsur. on the inside. gob awe mrsu. rowing twenty-eight strokes to the inut.e.nnd Johnston thirty- six. Gnndaur turned three lengths Ahead. The race begins at this point. `Qaudenr rows twenty eighh nnd Johnston thirty, Johnston keeping up well and rowing splendidly, and Guualnnr not) so cleen. At. the lneenhh minute only two lengths be~ tween; Johnston struck drifb wood ond was pub beck About s length. He picked up to within chm lengths, but fell heck in. Time made by Gnudeur. 20:26 4-6; 3!` Johnston was four Eghhs behind. auuu `Irv-nnllipnl -as-u--uu-.u. . HAlLlL0\\'H)llTll, July 5.--Mre. S. F. Stewart: has gone away for (me benefit) of her healoh. Her son. C. Sbowarb. accom- panled her. A number went: ho Gammo- que Friday. Mrs. 8. Hunter returned to Picbon yesterday. Miaa Minnie Sprole has gone to Picton to epend her holidays. Mr. Millar has returned from Renfrew. wliere he apenba week or two with his sister. Mra. Roberba. Rev. Mr. Boyle preached in So. Peter : church Sunday even- ing. Miss Annabell Lyons, quite ill,iaaomo bebber and able to walk oub. J. S. Gallagher is shipping more boge. Mrs. Hearn has been viaimng her sister. Mrs. M. Davy, also Miss Mackenzie. nuree-in- training, of Uhica. NY. Thomas B. Townsend has been ai painted a deputy organizer of. bhe C O 0.): . for this district. \!e('0nu game`) vvimuauurru .1; Luuuuuau 1. Nationalleague--AbPibbeburg(firatgame) 9; Sb. Louis I; (second game) Pibbabnrg 7; 30. Louis 12 Au Washingbon (first: game) 3; Brooklyn 4: (second game) Washington 9; Brooklyn 5. Ab Cincinnati (Grab game) 9: Louisville'4; (second game) Cincinnati ll; Louisville!) AbChicago (nrabgaine) 2; Cleveland 1]; (second game) Chicago 4; Cleveland 3 Ah New York (first; game) 5; Boston 6: (second game) New York 3; Boston 10. Ah Baltimore (x-so game) 12; Pliiladelphia 5; (second game) Baltimore 11; Philadelphia 8. n--uwu-u n D-It] nun; a Eaahern lemzue-AtSyracuee (first game) 5; Rochester L ; (second game) Syracuse 0; Rochester 6. Au Rochester 0; Syracuse 8. Ah Bn(l'a|o (first) game) 7; Toronbo 13; (second game) Buffalo 7; Toronto 4. Ab Providence (drab game) 3; Springeld 13; (second game) Providence 5: Springfield 6. At Wilkeebarre (first: game) 7 Monbreal 9; (second game) Wilkoaberro 3; Montreal 4. Nurim-mllam-pun.._AhPin-.nhnro(rntaAmn\ I'll EHO no KIIUHUY WI! EH00. W. Manvoll Collins, an unregiatorod doc- bor of London, charged with causing the death of Mrs. Emily E. Uziolli. a society favoribe. by an illegal operation. was found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced ho seven years penal servitude. HQXC UUUT. l4")Xll}UgUl)U. Mrs. D. McDonald. Cornwall, received a letter from a fake friend of her son in British Columbia, asking for $250 to pay expenses for an operation for appendici- his. Enquiries fsiled to conrm the re- porb and no money was sent. \.V Mnnmll nnllinn. an nnrmristnrnd don- A Fine" ggsidencel Lmroy-uwo oaraorage. A fire wzich broke out early Monday morning in the factory of hhe Gale manu- fncliurinq company, Mlncing Lane. To- ronto. deebroyed than building And partial- ly destroyed the Cnwan-Ramsay building next door. Lo&8l00,000. Mr: I\ Mnl\nn.|R {`.n-nunall I-nnnivng HIITBEU young IBUIUC Ul LUIIJ CID]. A and case of drowning occurred last week at Portland. Little Harry Howe. while playing on the dock. accidentally lell into the water and was drowned. No one was near to observe the accident. A -...l.I.... .d....L|. omnl. nlnnn Qahn-Jan un(y ny jumpmg mm me wnwr. laorgo W. Mob/Iibbie. eighteen years of age, died an Hsmilbon Monday of lockjxw. A nailran inoo his foot huh Wednesday. A lfnrvn at Kaila : (`mnnn vrinbn Rd. A all ran IHUD "IS [000 IIIWU VV uuuuauuy. A storm at Kelly s Cross, Prince Ed- ward Island. resulted with death from lightning of Thomas Monaghnn and Owen 'I`rainer., A r`:i`nnhl'nnnI' nf Rriinh h`IIl\.;tIl"hItI '1ramer., A dqfachmentz of British blue-jackets have been landed at) Montevideo. Uruguay, to defend the British consulate while the revolubion is in progrean. 'l`hn (`AI-hnrrv Man. hqnrd nl In-ads is TEVOIUDIOYI IS IN PTDKFBHF. The Carberry. Man , board of trade is pdvertiaing for bids to erect) a our mill and elevator ab that: place, for which a bonus of $10,000 is offered. n... (`Dunning Mona] Inn-rnnv-In nf Ilnrv-In. nonua ox wu,uw ll onarau. Dr. Charles Mead. formerly of Morris- burg, was recently married at: Sb. Paul. Minn., to Miss Elvzabeth Litale. one of the fairest) young ladies of that: city. A nu ! mun nf (lrnwnino nnnnvrod hub one was near to onserva we uucluuuu. Aaudden death book place Ssburdav near Forfar. the victim being Patrick Downey, a brother of mayor D. W. Dow- ney, Brockville. Deceased dropped dead while at: his work. He was only aboub tbirby-bwo gears of age. A ma :1: inh hrnhn nnh anrlv Mnndnv vme yeateruay. An old butcher of Berlin. Onb.. tired of making sausage he said, suioided on Subur- dn(y by jumping into the water. inn!-on W Mnihtia. nisrhtaon Venn of Ill CBITIUU UH. hill`:-aukie Wardwell. aged seven. was drowned in the Welland canal ab Dunn- villo yesterday. An nld huh:-hnr nf Rnrlin. 0nh.. tired of We loan money at a low rate on city roperty. McCAN N S Little letter-e `nut Inter-on Iverybody-- late: From All Over---Little or Inn- thlug luuv Bond end Remembered by The Deer Pnbllo. Mobormnu George Tenry, London, was crushed between two cars and seriously in- jured. W `H `Hall nrlirdr nf ti :2 Markham Sun. ]|ll'80. W. H. Hall, editdr of bile Markham Sun, died Monday after an ogieration for appen- dicitis. " ` L xi- ...........:,;...I .........|. 3.... H... ....`...l..-..- A! dicitia. No orgamzed search for the murderer ot policeman Michael Twohey, Landon, is be- ing carried on. _....|.:- \lT..-A _...II an-and nnunn urn: NEWS ill IHE WIIRLILI What mes to" Us From All Quarters. V TELEGRAM8 FROM THE EARTH`! FOUR QUARTER8 GIVEN. Barrovnmlth E1-rnldlnga. `l,,I_ 2 ll__ To Begin i .NSEn_RM:RAPS. llnobnll Yenterdny. I, . A.n__._,,-- A Millinery, Dress Goods, Furnishings, all at cut rates this month. . .`h1r.;}=ur..,.,,,_ |a. LIVINGSTON & 330,] Vi`; Cure a cm in one new Tnkn l.||ynl.h1A Rrnvnndlnlnlnn 'l"nhlAI.n_ All 1w QrUIlB 1 141133 II. trivia -71- Take Inxnuv Bromcyqulnlno Tablets. All Wm refund the money 1! It mum to cum. Vpmn-:cI SHIRT. Abandoned At A Stnllon. BRAMP-ro~,\ Jhly 5.-8hort.ly alter the two o'clock pfhx. peoaenger stein of the G.T.R. had left: the amnion bore for the wean one'ol the employees picked up I parcel from the Boot of the lediee waiting room, conbeining e lomele child. Aged about two months. The person who abno- doned the youngster in euppoced to have been a passenger on the train. d Obtoman (Dominion line) from Liver- pool, inward, 12:30 p.m. No pneengers. Reply To " IIIO" Dnvltt. Loxmm, July 5 -!Replyin to Michael Davina. member for Soubh dnyo in the house of commons, the parliamentary nec- rebary for the fareign office. Gear 0 N. Curzan, said the government: In nob heard any complaints of war supplies be- ing provided no Jamaica for the Spnnierdn. He added that no representations on the aubjecb had been made by the Unibed Sauce and he asserted than the governor of Jamaica may be depended upon bo ob- serve the terms of type proclnmucion of neu- trnlity. 5- - u-nun n vuusugvuo Q1'musc.Que.. July 5 --Messrs. William Simone, port`.-werden, and E. 0. Fry. Lloyd s agent. held nlpreiminary survey on the SS. Livoniln in the graving dock yesterday nlternoon. The vessel is badly damaged under the fore mush, tzho bresk extending from~ there some ten feet) in lengbh. Capb. J. Brown. of bhe SS. Livonian, has lodged a. oompleint wibh the harbor commissioners Against piloh Charles Vezina who wins in chnrge oi the vessel when she nn ashore on Red island roof. This is Mr. Vcsins s rsb accident after service of over thirty years as A pilot). FA'ru|r.R PHIN1` Dun Jnlu 5 _HR A-nu. JUHIB U5 3 PIIUU. FATHER POINT, Qua, July 5.-SS. Anny- rian (Allan line) from London, inward, 9:45 A I'll. O`me Direct from Dnwlon. VA.\'Couv1m, B. 0.: July 5.--The reb steamer to arrive from S0. Micheal : with gold dust: and news from Dawson direct it the tug New England. Ab Dutch Harbor many river boats are being built. The Yukon river opened eh Dawson on May 6th. A party of eighteen men left Daw- eon Ciby on June 150 in small open boats, reached So. Michsel e onJnne15tn,ocvering the 1,800 miles in fourteen days and six- teen hours. The Yukon is eight feet) higher than ever known. Therein 3 green deal of sickness at Dawson. the death rete being bhree to four daily. Typhoid. pneu- monia and scurvy are bhe prevnilin sil- menbs. The hospinclgnd church eh cw- son were burned down to the ground on June 4th. A- |.....Il.I.. I........_A ..L----____ 1- -_:A lI.4DY& 6'0] aunt! `LII: An English bu-ouch. wbooonalno In said to be Sir Arbhur Curtis, is reported by captain Robert Pocock as having been low on tabs trail between Aahcrofo and Glenorn. The barons!) is givan up as dead, and Po- cock has left for England no break the news to his fdmily. IIBIII IU LUU IIUHU Ul .l:OU.\JUU. Judge Wurhelo bu bebn./1`p{p3nbed chairman of the Credit: Foncler in pluce oi the late Sir Adolphe Chaplouu Ind Hoary Barbeau manager of she Cicy and district savings bank, has been appointed to the vacancy o/o/ttm~ho_ard of directors. who Is Sold To Have Been scheming To "Do Up" some Banks. MONTREAL, July 5. -Somo well-known Monbroel wholesale dry goods and millin- ery rms claim he have been made the tools of an enterprising Londoner to do up the London banks to the tune of several tzhousand pounds sterling. Among those are Cnverhill & Kissook and Oursloy. Son & Co., and with them A host of Toronto rms, such as S. F. MoKinnon & Co., Cockbnrn, Drake & Co, D. McCall a C0 . Reid. Taylor & Bnyne and T. Eaton & Co. None of these firms lost: anything through the operations. 8. F. McKinnon. of To- ronto, is now in the old country. and will probably be called upon _to testify against: William Rees. who is the enterprising Londoner relnrrod to, and who is alleged to have done up the London Joinb Shock h kl tbh l.85000. a.l1]...|..o. St/...:?EIE i..'. |..\.../_a.("..):..s..I IJIIEUU. A ag parade in which there were nearly 8,000 mnrcbera. was one of the Ab- motions at Baltimore. ! AN ENTERPRIBIN LONDONERI V Bow Dmoront Linux (lulu obsornd The Nnlonnl Day. NI? Y July 5 -Nob since tho clone of tho civil war bu the 4th of July been so generally and noenbhuainitionlly colo- bvrg 5 yesterday. Lu` crowds gibber- dfrin Pnmmnnv hull Mn N: Inn tn nnuhnrl (HG DTIDIDII DI (J10 Uly- The now! fronwsnnoingo enthused the people celebrating At Omaha. Nob. Every nation under the run wu ropruentel in t.h%'.pnndo exoepb Spnin. ` Rniln I MM! nnhnnl nhildrnn warn IIIJ [JIIIUU UXUEPV 5P-IIIo Builo 14500 school children wore gro pod in 1.53 form of A living our and sang patriotic airs on a grab procouion paused. A an nm-in-In in which than ware UVTI: I "DUI/UI'|lBy. LJIl' UIVWUI KIIIIIUI` rd in rammnny hall to Ii: n to apukon of n: oml prominhco. In Philnrlnlnhin ununnnl nnrmnnninn on- UK FIIBIUHII PTOUIIHUUCU. In Philadelphia unuunl ceremonies oc- currod._; The old ante house. undergoing reeboretiou, was turned over to tile city. Ex eongtor George F. Edmund: delivered the Bflhion oi the dey. ` The nail frnm.>`RAnhhum nnthnearl the Summersale now 4 Going on. Shirts with these essential points can bought at a reason- abie price at must be perfect in every detail, the ma- terial, the cut, the t, the sewing, the style. " THE` NAndN cauannao. I." A Vessel`: Dnmngol. f\..- 1_.I_ E II.___. made of sterling silver, ` plated with gold, having` Canada or Great ritainq goat of arms ind ap? Lea; ficbly enamelled' in different color: on bundles.` A Verv stronzlv made. 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 DWI!) IDCI MIIIIIOII. Thin afternoon the childnn 0! I350 Bun- day school of 86. Andrew : chum` enjoyed their annual oubing to Long inland park. A portion ol the 14th battalion bond won in attendance. D:..... ......I:.. In. mL.._.1_.. -. III ID!!!)HINDU- Piqno mmlinl, 100.. Thlldlio I9 Hardy ; A Ron series In: continued on Lee loo lslo off Dorvnl, the new yuoht St-nohoonn win- ning ovary nee. Three races won sailed, the yachts winning in this ox-dot: Sul- ooun,-0knpnirn.Spoculntor. Avooa, Old- owon and Mnnitou. 'l'|.l. -n_......... .L- -I.:n.I_._ -1 `L- a... On Saturdny afternoon I-min In UR.NIHlIEh MP, WITH OR WITHOUT T board, at. N 4:!) Princess 8l.rool.,_Vsu;hn GITBGE. WANTED. HONEST. EN ERGET [0 yuuml men; farmer! sons, anchors. sludentmclerkn and others who are udmlrerl or Mr. Oladsume, and would llke to Ipond tho next three monlhnlu mlllng the mntchlen nmr nrlnln mu. welewch you how tndo tho wor and guarnnwe succeu. From to $5.00 a My absolutely sure. There I no war ofrullure and II. `will be an oynble work. }{n.rl-Iculars rurnlnhet free. IMDLIY-GIu|!.. b RETSQN Co..l.mITr.n,'I`oR0n'ro. It pays to buy all at this store. ABLE ARD. ALSO n.EAsA1"r `noon (n-ont) nu modern oouvonlanoea. Oeu- tral locality, quiet. I96 Earl rtroet. ROKIGS AND BOARD, an WILLIAM 81'. with all modern accommodauon. AI ONCl-FIIidT-CLASS PASTRY COOK. at-vnrnlcxperlenced Wnnresawu and K :- chou Wnmcn. Anglaly In A. 1.. FU1.1.lm, 1 prlevorunnunoqun nn,G:maI.I0que. HIC 33.11 lin :1 onces. A ply IOMIL`-L B. V I low (founge, lung Street West. uuuu UUUK, Ausu AN Hnusmnnld. Ap Iv In Mus. W. 11. hm-1sI.n:, M17. AIIOUHE VVITH STABLE IN CENTRAL part. or the clty. Apply by letter toB.," cure Wmu. HOLD HEAD BRACELET. ON MARK! Square or nlreutu adjacent. Leave Wmu Umco. HOOD REL] ABLE NI 'RSE,Wl'l`H REFE -`i A ply IOMIL-4. B. W. CAMP, WI - (founze. lumz ` ANTED. AGENTS mm. mm QBEA17. esutnnmllnn hook Life ox'(llndulaone," mnmnrlnl 1-.dlI.Inn hv hnnlzh-an r`,nnun...m-In Chairs.Silverware, Book Racks. Desks. Parlor Screens. among the premiums. _ I um HUBINEBB UP` THE LATE HENRY Bmnw, Undertaker and Upholaterer, will be carrlod on atthe old stand on banal! of hll estate. E. BRAME, Admlnlutrutrlx. HABBIID. ENnLIsH-SAI.'rIcn--On June 29bh, at the residence of one bride : !euhor.Flreh shrub. Ganenoque. Anthony En Heb. EIq.. ho Min Flon E. Beleer. eduo daughter of Willjnm Seltzer, Ea ., of Geuenogueg by the Rev. W. Pin: oho, uncle to the In-MA. . . uom) mczm BRACELE l`.ON' MARE Wlllu ()fHcv_ ISTEAGY& STEACY. ?-----i- BRAME ESTATE. THE BUSINESS OF` THE LATE HENRY atthe banal! [ill an u. uxznvsvauwlv \J\l.|lL4r&V I p Undermkera and Embalmeru. 288 and II Princess Street. 'Phonea:-Wo.remoml. K); RAasldence,91. Open day and night. I. ---------j----+-:----u B. 8. CORBETT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. ll PRINCE! HI`) Kluzawmsuooeuaor to W. M. l)nnnuI. INEWGOODS NEWBLOUSEand SHIHTWAISTS Ladies and Child's Underwear, ll l'D~olluu|ug 01 mo pnsyuuuu wn IJIHI laden ith dz 300! `gun .l...1:- 11.8.:-m TDn`nntn I Oer of her Celebrated HE1lBAL TOILET SOAP at 60 cents per box"(3 cakes in each), or 13 cents I ample cake. hold: good: until further notice. On all cash received 20 per cent. will be donshd to tho bnilding fund of the Kingston General, 11 `ml townrde tho to-building of the p poood vnn `V I Coil. I-Ran NM 015;: AD?! in ' LADIES LINEN SKIRTS, Lxnihs READY T0 WEAR Print Wrappers. A. (:.J9l1nston,& B;o. I silver,: .plated having` ncanada ritainq >goat aph; ' enamelled' :di'erent handles. , Very strongly ` ant). LVIIIIJJ, ` nl: LEADING Uxnxn'rAxnn~-64-In Primal 81. Telephone 147;. Open Day and Night. 3RO0M-MAKERS, GUOD WORKMEN. Apply TAYl.0ll,SC()1'l` dz Co , Toronto. GOOD Cook, ALSO AN EXPERIENCE Annlv In the avamlnp I ;; Occur: and 80. Lnwnnoo (aw) `T 10 Lin. - Light lo. mod to windn. lino. noo much" clung: In jtompouturo. To-mouvw ne and liM.InbAI mm-, Coupons Coupons WE ATHEH PROBAO|I.rlT|I.I- Opening out daily. Inspection invited. 500 and $1.60 each; New designs, fast colors. `well made, $1.26, $1.50, $1.85. 5, 6, 3, 10,12, 15,1e,2oc. BETTER GRADES--A25o, 80 to 750 on`;h.' $1.25 and $1.50 each. '1`. F. HARRISON COMPANY. rInr1.n.lrnI-n and `i`vnhnIrnnr- on nal 4 RM. EDITION. Kai us. mun, YY univnm A Ir -n_A "L081. Austl) AIN E:`u`llll%NUl! v n to evunug .nc, RN17. The Only Place in the City where Picture `Framing is done, right. --:j___:_.j. 270 PRINCESS s1. UI'*I.~IrI. M THOMAS H. JOHNS. Prounb low prices will that Ian. Remunbor the only bird, etc. Real Estate and Insurance Exchange, can I-u.I-w.vI up -u-- ----wv- up WAITED non Tn: nUn.m.~m ` Vnnou-Clmrohln sharhot no Fhninud nation: on seen one In print Luau. up to WIDE DAY, July _IIl!lI nuuu \wnu uni Duiy `sun. sauna llndnn1dIrol_u.nd'n loru molt Sh-wot, when It can be w`...--.Ig_-A4I L-L-4uu-; `Inn tinny. cut; up` FED!!! tori gauze; ,Buy or _Build a House want to 3. NO. 155. . new cl ' n 's..,..'."'sLf'Ji'.'Eu7s.e cone 3:: I&II&uw sign. as. . [What about) Kioglwn soil for lion- tunnbgovomuo. when Sir Olivorimmr dhhly ahead: Sir Gouge in M2] um-nu: uauu J. O. Pugs !-ton. com-orvatiro, an spins ILO. Cameron. libonl. in West !l_uro_n Q18) _snd do_f_oatpd him. Then IKIIIII ILU. Uullron. uuaru. Ill vvuu Huron n 1890 um: debated Mr. Paterson boouno liontomnlrgovemor -0! "IBM. `ti the next:-nootion Hr u l\.-...- --. -L..-.. --A ..4.- LA I. \RWC'f WII ouuuu. Inn HOW DO II Iiouhonnb IOVIPIIOT ol tho not-uh-wont hr- ritoriu. Ir. Puma:-Ion : near uoighbgr. Wat Bu-on loans to grow liouunnntr nnvn-nnn. ' - lI!l'I,I lII1$I DIl'UUIj UHF V fiunhuqtuntwoon tho lioun of!) mm. W .9 P-|.I Not Io Von odd. Dnndu Banner. , IIIII vynwnnvgvnru N THE l`()UN D ON L01` 1.3. CUNJ. 'l`I>WN- shlpol` Kingston 0nJulv lwl, Hevvn Hand 1-l'\'ornr|i~.nx Wattle, .1 km! 11:51:?-rs. Jl'l s(`y Hw- fr-rs,Jors0 ' Hull. Illm-k Heifer and Spourxl llelmr. I non-lu1nn=-d by Jul lfnh they will besold that day at. the Pound mu an ID mm. JOHN SMITH. Pouudknepor. Cataraaul. July ma. 1&3. Ullbwl Ul mcuarn. lzutuuunlu ml Allvu Wlrl take place at melr Door Knob Fncmr ', Vin Strvm. Went, Cltyghf Klmgutnn, on W DNE.. DAY,.lULY am. 7898, at ll0`c|ock n.m. moo}: lluncanbe seen on the premises or with the undersigned. _ J J. GARDINER. Balmf. --vw--v-u y.---. . Y.... .......... HE AD.l0URNEl)S.\I.!-I FOR. RENI` AND l`nxen of the Stock In Trade, (J:u)d.~I an Clmtwls of Messrs. M:|c1mmId& Allen wi Went. (`wwhr Klmzutnn. 1 uualm-al nefl up uu 1:: 0`|'l()'..'K N04-n. on MONDAY, ho IILI1 Inst., tor the purchase or trim Desirable Dwelling House und Prmnlaen alumnus upon the west. nude or lfnlvm-any Avenue, Immeduuely sm1lhnfPrInce4u-I Street. at present occupied by M r. W. C. purbv. The lot. enxhrncesu ontage of 36 feet on f'niver- any Avenue and adcpth of nm feet. llighesc nor any tender not necessarily accepted. A. B. CUNNINHHAM. Vendor's Sollcltur. KlnmxInn.Jnlv Shh. IFGH. ENDERS'WlLL BE RI".CI`IlVED BY THE umlm-I nerl uu 1'3 o`-lock N->4-n. on MONDAY. filo puI`Nms0 Wlhh srzul. AT MY |t )()MH UN THU!!!- uAY. Uni 7th, uminu imurm-lions from DR. D. R.` mi '|`. A. DI-'PlTIH. Hlt`0ll0h()|(l Fnmliure, viz: Plano, Warrirolu Hnlr (`Imh Bonn, (burden Ern, Omov Tame. Lindy : Writing Desk. Book rnsen, Wull 1`alinei.. Wimtuot, Carpets, Bedroom Bats. Springs, Mnnrestu-x I-Jidnhmmi. Sewing .\lm`hine and other ariio es. For pari.l(`.ullLI`sI of Plano en- quireox` . .I()I{N H. MILLS. Auctioneer. T'rma c`hn1l. `7 Halo at 10 u cl0ck. ` tlountynf I4`rmm-mus,Hpmnlvr, ()(`0(`1LSI'(I. who lied on or about the ltith tiny of l\h\.y. 1891, at unl lmfnre `the 12:11 D.\\' 0l<` .lUl.\' NEXT. requlrwl to send by post. pre- pnhl. or do-liver to W. H. Hulllvnn, at (`lurem-as Hm-~l.. Klngnlon. Untnrlu, Hulk-lmr for the undn-rulgued I`:x(.`(',llt/f)l`N. u ntntomentln wrlllug conlnlnnng their nmnu~<, mlllrer-Hes unul full mrtlculnra of thelr (-.ln.lm.-1 nnul ofthu securltl--n Ilfuny) hohl by them. duly veried, nnd that after suld date mld FX"`(`|lL()l`H will dlntrlhuus tho ansets ofnnllldc-ca-uwd among the pnrtles ontltled thereto. hnvlng rofurd only to the clulms orwhl:-h thc-y shall 1 nen have l)HH('O, and they will not he llable for the sald nssetyu nrany portion thereof so (HBH'H)l1l(`(l to any parson or persons or whose debt or clulmstluey shall not hnvehml notice at the tnc or the llstrlbutlon. Ml(`n,\ RI. SIYLLIVAN. .v-...,......;-r--., \r\/I4. v-.., \'l1.:-Uprlght, Grand Plan0.l`3 Walnut I/>n.lher Back Clmlrn, of .lncquen A- May manunmlurv, Walnut Extension Table, Wnck Wulmn. Hiale- board. 2 Black Walnut Wm-lruben. l{t~frhw- rutnr, (-`mud Duchess Km-hen Hnmn-, Iron Hudaleads. Bedroom Hull, Bookcase nml Books. muck Walnuiall lmok. Sewln Ma- 1-nlnc. Cmno. Dlnnvr and Breakfast Sela. luau- wure. ()|lcl0t.hn,(hu':lon1`0olu. Etc. Hale tocmnmeuce M 10:30 u.m. Terms cu.-ah. \\'. \llH1R,\\', AumHnnam'. n . .ur nynn I . rttuwnuuuru. N. n -'rne muuo wlll lye sold between I and 2 o'clock. `To Contractors and Builders. _.....g.__..._ . _.__- ___ .4..- .....-- ..\-... clmrlbuuon. MIf`Hz\E'L SITLLIVAN, 'l`ll0MAS KELLY, Exeaubors oftholxut wlll of Annie Sullivan, ahnvo muned. Klnmztnn, Mnv Rm h IRSIH. 4.3`/\./L_.I.\J.L` |,ILL.lJL_J 0f llousehold articles. HE UNDERSIGNEI) HAS RECEIVED IN- u!`ruct.|ons from Cupt. EIIKIIHYI tn I~'('|I the fnllnwhm wnmln 11!. his rnsldt-,m-v ILM. (1 `llesm, THE UNDl`JH.SlU.Nl Jll HAS Hl`2(IhlV El) IN- following goods at his resldencv, ILM. College, Kingston, on IIIlII\KlIIRl'\A\I Illl \I LOI- JUHN smrn Catarnqnl, July (`TIC IIH Hl`I|H*jl{\' (il\'l`jN l l|.Hl|AN'1' M" 8.0., H97, Chup. l'."J. that ull wrsmls lmvlmrcclulum m.mhn~l. Hm 1<`,.~xLulu 1) Annie Hulllvun. lme nftlw (`ll ` I (lng.~'I.0n. In un- (`numynf Fr()l)I('lHl(3,Hp IN or, (i(`0(`:LSI'(l. who died lfiH1UxL\' ul l\[*1\..v. 1891. NOTICE TO CREDlTORS.| DESCRIPTIVE LECTURES AT 3 AND8P.M. 1!) Kingston, June 29m,1ms. vuuvu lulu I -u-v---.v v. Ienclee Lord and Lady Aberdeen. V THE l<`.\.\ln)US (f)RI(iIN'AL (MI. mIN'rINu On VIEUV DAILY AT ST. GEORGES HALL, COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, 6, .-_:.j. mum IHEI.ANl]"S`I \ Klngstou. July 42.11. mm. For sale by all grocers ln leml pX\0k(`!,H only. 26c. 80c, 400. 500 and 000 per pound. v Under lheMPntron|ze ol Their Excel- u,,_,n__ I -,_.n -._.u I _J.- AI.-...I_-_ I was QUEEN AND EMPIRE| (I0!) [UT 15173 YUUUIVUU u DU VVUUIIUUUI . Remember the Proebyboriun Centenary tomorrow at Sandhurnb. Steamer Jubilee leaves Swift : wharf 7:30,vn.m. Furs 400. :- nu .su n.m. For Queen and Empire." St. George : hall. Wednesday. rm Rnnnhnll _ Rnumnnvilln vn, Kimnmn. [IIIl' VV uuneuuay. '7 Baseball Bowmanvillo vs. Kingston. Friday. 2:30 p In., K.A.A A. grounds. 'l`nnrInn fnr Innnlinn Inr hrmrd nf aducm lrlany. ZIJU P UL, IL. ll. KIOIIDUI. Tender: for supplies for board of educa- tion for 1899 received up 150 Wednesday. Amnmhnr fhn VI-nnhvhnrinn nnnfnnnrv DIIG III II ab 11 mm. 6]-!` 1.0- an B|Au1?|FuL_..1 WEDDING PRESENTS BU I I I.lIIo ' Sale at captain English a. Wednesday ab 10 30 mm. Ir..- ul 1--.... ....: l:'.....;.-- H Qt. n..-.pma - WILL SELL AT MY ll')()MS ON TRUNK- UAY. JULY 7th. undo` lmurm-llmlu {mm In Dally lots Boot Io`! WM; Icahn En Danni: Thnnnnnlwnnv III, AUCTION SALE III` II A ` - n 4 L A l J G n J . . I n `- (`TIC HS HEREBY GIVEN PITRFKUANT` Mr _H_()., N97, (mun. I21), that 1)(-rsmls mmvo mun Kingston. May 30th, 1898. Admlnslnn 250. AUCTION SALE PQSTPONED. |`lI I.` A Y\n'\Ivn\1 l.`l\El \ I I.` mix!) Dlv IV A \` BY` JOHN H. MILLS. Ii 31`, l""- -`" - -"5 VVlll' XCCCU-r `lo Pout Thnmului lav. Hardy : millinery sale in pro reu. Fronnomo Cafe. open day tn night. , Sale uh Maodonsld & AHon'a.Wednesday hllnln Kirkpatriek s Art Store, Um: of H:-r .\IaLjesl,y'n Dlmxmml JuI;lIm- Presents. snuul, uu WEDNESDAY, JULY 6th, 'I Y....l..|.o rv.......I nI...... III uy..I....o I .... You must ask for uml we Lhnt you get, SALE BY TENDER. .!!?.`..'?.".'.`{.'. .',-`F. .-. LOCAL M EMORANDA out four loch rum. From 2:30 to 930. GARDINER. BMIHT. 151 Wellington Ht, no Nth. INN. .\llY[l[{.\ Y Auctloneor. ..... I .....I .) mane ::.:;:'::,......g {trial-rlrlilt lzlvzlel-<'l:I`Iel-atelvelviii-'I~Iv.Ii 3 THIS ia\b\he Nine to purchuo were run uhoro. `rho Glououher. which amiuiuighed bong]! yoctnrdsy. V ! fonnorly tho yacht Comir. balancing to J. Pm-pan t. Manna. New York. Tho men of hbdnot In high - In thud: pninottho audacity whichxhd hceopnsodor to hello. without A no-' Ion : Inclusion, tho two Bpulinh torpedo : Dflln WII'll.|IP- The pursuit of the Cristobal Colon was kept up until two o'clock in the afternoon. She wise the fastest vessel of the Spanish squadron and would probably have eecnp edit it had beena question of speed alone. but her pursuere were constantly pounding her with eolid shot and shell and ehe nally gave up in despair the attempt to get away. She grounded at a point some sixty miles west of Santiago. She wan the only one of the S niah vessels that lowered her colors, w ieh she did as she went ashore. During the whole engagement the ring was very heavy. The Grin hy the Spenieh vessels was very poor none of the American ships were injured. One man aboard the Brooklyn was killed by an exploding shell. The total loss of the Spaniards is not yet known but it most have been very heavy, not alone from the American re. but lrom drowning and explosions that ocourred on the warships after they ashore. or-L- m........i... -|.h.L .s:.uu.{..:-i...s UUUUIICUU UI KIIUK/Ul'IUllJUU|LIUlUlIo LIJU (l.IUfII' ing was oalm end beeuti{ul.and the whole engagement could be seen by those aboard the wershis.. The beach is now strewn for miles ith half-burned lileboets and debris of ell kinds. Among which are many corpses. The hospital ship Soleoe has been ordered lrom Gusntnnnmo to care for the wounded. J est after the action a war- dhip ying the Austrian oolors appeared oil` Snnbiego. Seeing the Spanish ships on .re she protnotly pub to see. Huge beecons have been burning at Santiago for the past two nights and it is surmised that they had something to do with the Ads- trian warship. Thu r-mrsuih nf Hm nrintnhnl Pnlnn in FIB `Lorena Ina UIIUUUUAI L/UIUU. Immediately after leaving the harbor the armored vessels turned westward and proceeded atahigh rate of speed, while the torpedo boats made straight for the Brdoklyn. Schley s agship. Meanwhile the American ships were not idle. The Spaniards had hardly left the harbor be- foreaheavy re was opened upon them, and several of the Americans start- ed in pursuit. As the torpedo boats started for the Brook- lyn, the Gloucester, commanded by captain Wainwright, which was lying close by. started for the two dreaded little boats, ring upon them as she advanced. Meanwhile the Texas, Iowa, Oregon. Indiana and Brooklyn were in hot pursuit of the big Spanish ships. The Vizcaya and Reina Maria Teresa were hit repeated- ly but continued to re and run. In a short time the Almirante Oquendo, instead of holding her course,put her helm up and headed in for the beach, her commander having apparently concluded that it was impossible for him to escape, and that he would destroy his vessel before letting the Americana ce pturo her. She was run ashore at a point ebhut eight miles west of Santi- ago. Almost immediately the Reine Maria Teresa followed the Almirante Oquendo, going ashore scarcely a quarter of a mile from where the latter took, the beach. Shor:_ly after they went ashore fire broke out upon them and soon they were wrapped in flames. In the meantime their crews had got ashore. The Vizcaya kept on for two miles further and then she, too. started for the shore. Almost as soon as she grounded there was a terric explo- sion aboard of her, her commander having determined to blow her up to prevent her being captured by the Americans. The Americans now devoted all their at- tention to the Cristobal Colon, which, ap- parently unin'ured by the American tire. steamed a sad of all the Americans with the exception of the Gloucester. The latter vessels meanwhile had destroyed both the Pluton and Furor. Of the sixty men who were on the Piuten. twenty of them escaped ashore and later were taken prisoners. Lieut. Wood. in a small boat, rescued six men from the Furor and captured her colors. Three hun- dred prisoners were captured on the beach, including admiral Cervera and the members of his stall`. He and his captors were taken on board the Glouces- ter in a small boat. The wounded prison- ers were also taken aboard the Gloucester. The slaughter on the torpedo boats has been frightful. As admiral Cervera went aboard the Gloucester Capt. Wainwright shook him by the hand and congratulated him upon having made a most gal- lant fight. He placed his private cabin at the admiral's disposal, and he and his staff retired there. While captain Wainwright was talking to the admiral the latter wept. The crew of the Gloucester dressed the wounds of the Spaniards and procured food for them. They were all hall-starved. Admiral Sampson. on the agship New York, had gone to Siboney lor aconferenoe with Gen. Shatter, b t he returned in time to join in theehase hoChristobelColon. '.l`hemorn- :..... _-- 4...]... -...l |u.-..I>.'l..l and MI- -ukul- aecermlnou ll POEEIUIU DU avuiu. Ab 9:30 o'clock in the morning watch- ful aye: on the American vessels blockad- ing Santiago saw tzbe torpedo boats Furor and Plubon coming out: of the mouth of the lsrbor. Close behind them followed the Alminantae Oquendo. Vizcaya, Reina Ma- ria Torus and Criabobal Colon. I..........I:-s..I.. -0-.. I.....:..n Hm kn.-kn: The Olnrletobal Colon Escaped To see -The Vlscayn Wu Blown Up on The unch- The Bolus nlarle Teresa Ana Oqnondo Were Bun Ashore And llurnod--'l`he `torpedo Boa s Furor nnd Plnton Cup- tured-Account 0! The light. On` SANTIAGO, July 4.-Cervera s squa- dron. which caused so much anxiety to the American overnmenb until it was hot- tled up in the arbor of Santiego.attempn- ed yesterday morning to escape the fate which awaited it if it remained in the har- bor. The fact that the Spanish admiral took such desperate chances indicates that the lull of the city is imminent. Had he remained. his vessels most likely would have fallen into the hands of the Ameri- cans and it was this contingency that he determined if possible to avoid. Am nan n nlnr~l.: in him mnrnimr watch- CONGRATULATED BY AMERI- CAN8 FOR HIS BRAVERY. lcsnvm ralsnnsn. The Spaniards Destroyed Their Own Vessels. m.Ew urinein sisi A Choice` Building Lot veu;-y ` Cheap.

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