JICNWII ld@lBDly Vllljlt. many " (1 warns still, old nth tn can an an .2 ,0 I has: to one. My ndyloe In, - I` II _ 5` bh not In ` ' :{:lo l.lndlverqroldoon- Sins . ; sqmut weigh heavily. hp It lpelling and aomonywhlr .-' y) Ilqtlny mitten and other - l'il.`.U ',`.`_` ` rwidoof ` u Hnumutl uliu uml IIUIIII IIIICII lnnuuvu. ' M< S1'luL\|.. July `.3 -Fmt-olnu passen- ger r a by Canadian steamship: are go~ mg to be increased. An Agreement has V just; been gigngd whgroby the mininmm rate for (`mt-clues puaongdn in to be '60 in fubure, inqtoad of 852 50 as in the pan. The now rognlnbion is supposed to Lake elfecu ho marrow, but u in in impouiblo to put) it. into effect at such "alum notice. the change will an place no thoouliolh pout-,__ blo Inommt, probably bofolfo g nut -P. nAin9I_ mo momma. pl week`: sailing . balmn. .. Theminiator of milibialma decided to appoint: in each diabrict a principal medi- cal otlicer with a view to docenhriziug the work from lioadqunrters. Thom will liq no compensation except: for special du-. ties. The new ollicera will be charged with the ndmiriistracion of tho modical eer- vlce within their respective diulricbs. Thn n-rnhlinhmnnf. I )! ll indenendanb VICO Wllhl K4101!` reupucuva uIIlUlII.Z'lH. The establishment of six independent: rillo companies in `aha mining diaorictn of Britith Columbia has been authorized. They mm to ho locabod an P.-xcklaud, Kam- Ioops, NeIson."I-tavolutoke, Ka-.lo and Ver- . nnn, Two breac 1 of promise nuihs were enter- ed here. Mrs. Jane O`R.eilly wants $2,000 from Patrick Hickey as damage caused by his not keeping aprotnise to make her Mr. I . Hickey. and Sarah Ser- Hce wants $2,004) from Robsrb, H. McKee for similar naglecb. and also for defama- tion of character. IWUBLUIH lrl IJUIUIU um Wluvua. I M. 5 .........~..... nf Him J-".-.h hntfnlinn hm: I Mon 0! character. No. 5 company of the 4:35!) battalion has I been tranferrerjghe 46511 Durham bab- talion. rm.......:...'..s,... -6` -..:!.'Ai..l1aa rinr-Marl In Mlnlnu-rs To Make Tours -(}ompanlea Form- ed In xlllnh Culn|nl)l:| ()'rT.\\\`..\, July 2 --'1nore are some 800 (Lxhciun immigrants on their way to ()an- I adu. It is under:-t,)od thus the department _ ofiuterior has given instructions to the! ngenba not L0 sqv-1 out any more of this ell?! of settlers this season as tho depart- ment: has more on i`a hands now than in can get. cumfortnhly located before winter. Sir lulh-izl lnanrinr infmvia to visit weat- I get. C )lIHOl`[ \Dl_)' Lucuuzu umunu vvluuun. bir Wilfrid Laurier intends to weat- I am Canada Meet the h0lldl_Y8. He will be | accompanied lby Mr. (iibnon. M I , and ` probably luvid Mills. Sir Charles` Tup- per is expected back here in September. and in is understood that be will also take A western tri before the winter. 'I'\..... |......... \ l'\` ...-nmenn unit: warn nnfnr. Leroy Consldgi; Some- . Unconsidgregi Tries. H Nearest Agencics~D. W. DOWNEY, Brockville, | THE.` KEN N EIJY. C0... Lin1iLed.Montreai. A (Good Asortment 3*`, 69 and 7] Brock Street. g f:\\ TAILORISM f MCKELVEY & BIRCH, shoes are ready Lilauwu nanny -vvow-I ---v--v -vv-v-- I--vl -- - v--~-` .-_...j twice the price of Fit-Reform" garments. As carefully made-as perfect fit` - ha t" . " 29% 353. e3_*s,""g ML VA i-Indian like mules tor lounging. but no not. becoming, and they make the toot look large. Then there is a good ltont boot to lace in front, with wide soles l and nther at heels. These are for the long tramps over mountains and rough roads. They cost as high as 06 and 07. -They no much affected by snssioty." In addition to thmo there are several styles lnbuttoned boots. An thuau aroonly to be worn'tnvolin or coaching, they Me 0! 11! qunlityan exquisite nish. When ____I wt:-anling, I nmnn railroad and semin- that traveling. Neither requires as much mnnzth an elegance. . \T.-A an alum: nAf.n1-AHV nnmn the ho- Au.nsu. -- ----.r- _ V.-. Brand d size and makers price in left breast pocket. ALL OTHERS ARE IMITATIONS. $l0. $12. $15, $18. $20 per suit._ Catalogue from Fr !-`Reform Clo!/any Cc., Montreal. TOO MANY COMING. 9W$Thv_Wao oz For Bicyclists-- (Dunn [nun Ballad. u u .. Il,__A. ..I. v ` V 3"~`3:*i~ Ice-Cream Freezers. 7-\/D Wire for Window Screens. 3%? Lawn Mowers. \ Garden Hose, j g % Water Coolers, ' Refrigerators, .759... III tuuguuuu. Next to shoes naturally come the ho- dry. 01' this there is liberally no end to the oolors and combinations of color. Tan II ptill A favorim. but black is in favor with many. Aside from those we find blue, pink, yllow, cream, rod, plaid. ow- cod and striped. Tho varinty is dazzling e and not in web very good v mm. _IhItlIl'or garters are works of arc. Ribbon, gold and silver and precious IMIIU are in thoho littlo necessaries. Em- and lace also find place on some. M. Inll: is ample hnmoss, with its clasp- ` Inc hooks, to the encircling garter there is Iuntdlaronoe, but some like one kind ' sud lane the other. and therefore both. Inna -nun: mn he bounrhb from 10 oentl I D---yu- and F"rices Right. uuu ll Ill.llI'l:ll uu The three regimens in ouiip pnrndod through the streets yesterday morning. The men had a hole march over duty road! and as a consequence did nob preeenlz as smart an appearance as they might) other- wise have done under more fnvoreble cir- i cumsbancee. However, all things consid- `I e-ed, we parade was A creditable one. ' 2:2- : i you can re: g'--, the lfenet of. this ex- ricncc. I you are suffering you now ; now where to Iobk with (mainly for relief and cure. nolhin like DI . B0bOl1l'l Treat- ment or effectually putting I Map to . tired feelings, unnatural losses and the various sympt resulting from ubuu or excess. ltlre only lmumellt that has ever been I I; to cure lmpotzncy and andldonhood, If v'nn:nro weak :3 IICTVOIH of. perfect cer- . There is - ccss null!!! "R. leueu. _'I ` : forwarded 16 points he 61' . duty. Cd! or will mndodyqzis Atldu" -"K .- h 7 .." `.V"""'?' .7.'.`;`..,. `-. [ while Coasqlmion , neg ,\/`Insole nunluu |luIIIIoIlIt- . was mailed n, ml-ed. -'macuaem ' fnruullv'A` -IA Pgnulinn nrinh n. Al ` 4'... \r-I...I.l. W3. ' Inouooa one young 1-dy MWII` thM- mg an ....a hunk an vol-I much madma- Ho ,A+-res. End a March Ou Kingston. ' X30011 young lluy uunuuuun-. Sh! did not look so very much ovgrdmnr d.lIIt am that boltmulo of staunch - -mu. In:-an lmlhon tumnolno In tho d.lIIi sun that Dolimulo ox sunuun Vlthn imitation turqnolno Inning imitation diamonds nuns:-1| It ran IllI||IAhlV Vllr. M31], XX IX Nlll muuuon ulnunuuuu "fotllldttwal undaalnbly vnlgu-. Many 3 4`, ID!!! I! name to tune nor Wu. "" `First there are the shoes. One nds n 1 Wlrtety to choose from of unusual extent. The tan Oxfords are probably more worn 1 than any others, but it is not because they ; ` "are no elegant. for they are not, and n0th~ hi] can make them So. But they keep Ihelr color and the best ones keep their J lhape better than any other leather. Why Teunnot tell. The black Oxfords are 111- ` away: tidy, and those now oercd in the zbest qualities are really handsome. hhd the Vamps and the too pieces are prettll-y ylnkod out in patent lnnthcr, which shows ll clearly over the duller kid of the rest the shoe. The toes are not polnwd nor too Blunt, but rounded gracefully. `Inc tannin thnm nu-A nnmfrrrtnhl hhwksl ~."tq.. IIuI.,' qvdduyii. wndrownod mo owner, uuu uwruwn: uuou. Q _can` be bought; from SOME UNCONSIDERED TRIFLES OF DRESS. ' way. `T1115 18 more CI a [nu uuul u Iualuuu. Stickpind {or dresaeumd hats are beau- iiiul as a general rule and made with as t can and delicacy as if they were ` real . jowdiu. There are hatpins whom the . center is emerald, surrounded by pom-is or diamonds, lomeiiinlcs both, opnla similarly ......+...1 nm In mi-.r., all the mociuus diamonds, lometinws both, opms sunmu-1y u-eagpa, and, in met, all the ppiocioils stones are imitated thus. Tiny hsburts of briiliants, four leafed Cl0Vel'_ `puma...-a be- twaen two bits of gin:-is and bound togeth- er with gold and positively no limit to the ennmoloci patriotic iluvicos carrying the national oolbrs. Many of these are ur- .........1 cm at-nnfninn. m wmr with the crowded str(\.1'l3, the stacked mtmkots. the pllos of lmggmgn and mascots, back will) the lunch, he just, dlvldcxl lt; nround ns fur as it would go, k(`1`|Illl[I only one npplo and n samlwlch. I thlnli such thlngs us that ho-ruln, nnd all our boy:-n, lll(`.`i lhmn, they are lxeroes ow-ry (me, only some nuvcr gut a chance to show the world of What, stulf thory nm Imulo. \\'Ml.-. rwnrvthlntr we see and nvorv word F ,0:-nver chain around the n tlo change purse. who do ot wear the ohatplnlhenglebobs have a long gold small gold or silier chain mi uric" hung to it, where it swings about awk- ' wnnlli in tho owner-`sand everybody else : `This is more of a tad than a fashion. Qtlnknini for dresaesund lth a . the nations; colors. many or. umuu uru up gcd for scunfpina, to wear w iw tie worn twice around the neck nnd simply crossed down the. front. Eiuzlvs, shields, stars of the three colors, tiny [lugs and the dierent insignia of rank are all cleverly imitated in miniuturo. Qh-ilrina r-nnlh to wmr in the evening cleverly lmmatcu HI umnmuru. Striking combs to evening hnve a row lot 13 stars on the points, and each star is outllned with emunblcd na- tional colors. The star 15,01 course, 3 large strnsa dlmuond. Bracelets have open spaces wherein to slide aphutogmpll ln mlnluture of one of the heroes of the day or perchance the wearer's own particular hm-n thory Inzuu-. Whilu everything we nvory we hem` is mlun-d with pntrlntisvn mm must be forgiven it one does forgot about dmnsns and hats. rm....... ....n hm.-n nnm whnn nv-nttv fnnnn 5.1.. um-gum; Good) About Incl -rung. an Ihou. lntplu, noun : and Bulk, H With an Uunoknowlodgod Parson}! no!- ndluso to 3 Boy Who Volutoond. `.72 [Copn-Ight, 1898, b{ Amerlcdn Preu Ano- "`;f ` c anon.) - _, u.._.: .1 .1 ____ ._A __.I I.-4._ -_.l ...-. um-mos nnu mus. ` There um hours now when prvtty fswoq gnzu u|)st.rnctml|y Into mirrors mid soc, In- ` stead of tho dnlnty, loose m-pllgnos, rs shndmvy tanned {mm and n snhlivrly Llgurn ` In blue. Tlmsn tu'c' tho girls thlnking of thvlr lovers, not; Inothvrs whose suns Pm-vu ` gone. They do not look into mirrors, but into empty moms whvrn over_vfhlng spvnks of the one who has gone. Even the (lug whinos when he looks in nu-rn. But what's the 1190? (jmnolnwk, \v:xn(k~ring mind. _ Toll nlmut th:-._11cw silk pvtticrmts. That's interesting news. M0thcr s.gr1t-f is (mold as the hills. nnd besides every- body hus tmu|)les of his own." V Nnnrlv A" nmh~rs'klr1,R. mvn thnszo to Ul [JUL hero. 'l`kn hero. The other day I discovered that there Is mom than one way for u soldier to show himself u. hero. Them Wns u regiment; go- ing out of the camp to active duty. All day long, from 4 o`clock in tho murnlng until 8 In the evening, thoso boys toiled like l()HgHh0I`(EH|(3Il luuding tents, lmg:gn;m and stores into wngnns, out of wagons, into cars nnd out of cars, on U; the steam- buut; uud uff ngnin. nnd on to H;.;ht(`l'S und nully on to the wlmrf. l`h(-so soldiers for thu Inorst; putt; um young lads of 20 to 23, brought up in cluminess and conlfort. They wum dusty, dirty, hot nml wvary, und, worse than nl-I, hungry nnd thirsty, for no provision had been made to give thum fund ul` drink, n-S thvy bud vxpccted to hnvu In-on in the fort bx-f()ru xmon. Not mm word of mmpl.-lint` passed thuir lips. .l'hzst was ]l(-!!'()lh'lll. I tuld one dusty, dirty Ind, mm V'(`1`_V dqnx` to HR`, to hurry up mu] mm pmnmtion an Hm!) ho(,-nulcl I`1'Si!l. Who wunts tn resign? 1dnn`t. I like ` uony nus "u`0uIm::4 0| ms uwn. Nearly all limlvrskirtfc, savo wear with sheer white (ire.-zsos and dancing gowns, IQ of silk, For this purposupluid. .st'riped or iridescent; miluta is suitable, more so than any other, as no dust. will ml- hore to it. They may be tirimnml in vari- ous ways, but. ruillos are really m-cussury, as the object is to soc the dress skirt. our. full and yet lightly. All silk skirts am made on yolu-,s,_ White mfrom. pink, blue, black, and, in short, every color and com- binnoion is soon. Whim inrm skirts for dancing are simply smoohored in Inca, nnd they are very honutdfnl. Fiat lnco lam!`- tiog is laid on in zigmgs. key pattern or in nlmodt nu_1y.d9sign on the Spanish ilounco, and the rows of rulm me put. at tho but- tom of this. 1 ...-. A...-an a runny nnnohina uni-sum] In mm or min. I was shown_a now coaching pamsol no ocntly. It was of ivory whim mfiotn with `a woven cave! of white tluwui Inca, ho much largvr than the fmmo that in form:-.d 5 sort of ruiilo. ()n the contnr oi vnuh Iloparnto pieoe them was an exquisite me doluon of black chnntiily. The handle was otivory; with 8 uirquqine ball at the and and a bow of turquoise blue ribbon oh I M handle. A .......| ......-m 1-gm. in mndn all In one mm. A novel cot-not waist is made all In one place without darts. The tabs in tying will adjust it/io the figure pcrfectly. This can be made of cnmbrto or soft washable -at It`: pretty too. Mus LEROY. 001' pl'UlHUllUlI nu IIIAIU it!" v . g; .L,.__ ;L: AL. IL! ' I lvft there thinking thn.f.mm,horqJn un- der the (-i1(-,1nmat.'\IIr:(-2-1 u,-ml worth :\ bzutkvt of R1u1dWl(`h(`S and fruit-, n.n(l whon, um-1 lnnito dilculty, I hm! got through thl "The way," said the Iwoef young thing, to a man : heart I: through hllappo-. Q. N V > ` ` 1 II that ght?" sharply responded tho DVIC. bachelor. I wanfto lmow who ll Illntaxpeotl the och of the couple to buy loo mun, candyga umn: sort of Still` Ilhrlnlf"--IndiInapolla Jon:-nuL JP` _4__ I.:|n.uuu.; '- I am tired of dressed and hats and am Egg` to till this latter with the small 3| that are almost unconaidered gener- * filly, and yet they would prove very con- _;,;_Ip1unouI by their absence it left of! by any `"%_'1` when she went out. to take the air or 1 at home to take her tea. In... ohm... nu. Hm almnn nun mln A ` __`% _,, no `nun -rur-_.a. _lLAI_ .__-_; ___.. [H0 HHHJKHIR ll|IlI]). The Imvul mglllmlons provldn suvt-ro punimmum, for uny sumnnn caught; with nmtchvs on his person. Could in have [won px'u\'(-d by tl1mWS;)1|I)lHh bnnrd Qt" im1uir_v that the sailors of tho M:1lnolm hm-n guilty of (`m'r_\'1ng mntr-.iu-2-x uhuut, with `tin-ru they wuuhl hum hm-Ii jxlxtitlvd by Inn`.-L1 v.\'pc!'t.~`. Um world (Awvr in dovlnringg thntu the dv.~'tr11t`tim1 of HmM:Lin<~ wn.~H1uu to tho ~u1'-lost.-41)vs.~; und luck of (lisciplim: on lmnrd that ship. Hm-h \\'.'1s-"1mt Um vusv, lxowvuvor. Nu suilur on the 1Vluinocnr1-ivd 1nut,<'l1(-H. 1' In I x . . 4. ~ .`+ H. .n..\l-Inn luv--n um l The` Mun-o -war`: Man I: Never Allowed to Curry Mntohej Ilhln Potykets. so the Bmokln Lung II I Wail Put]-onlzod In- stitution. III! IWIl G@ I Df0lIZ9"IllOIl.lIl 0-" U Sully, gudph. for prornptltado Ind cool- consplcnoqp bu-duty imuving m...|.."m...an.....nlm_ amusing in the nu ma coupucuogp mmry u-,1-_-vwu 0hrlaI"Olnodo'nnn has In r.v_o_r 8903} pt Gnolph pa MI! 90 0 , n,\.._.n _; A.L-_..A 4!`...- ONLY WHILE IT BURNS MAY JACK LIGH7 HIS PIPE. Like the doughhoy ashore. the man-0* wm"s mun aoat` likes his lmccy. He mllsxts have it, too, or there will be nuiiny fnrwurd. 110 mu work without eating, ho hus long since become used to being (In- privcd of grog, but no naval blccr has . yut had the bmnr-rlty to deprive Juask of his ` pipe and plug of tuhzuwco. Hf nnnrse the (luck of B. wnrshir). below plpo nnu ping ox t0l)ll.(',(:U. (if course the worship, which um storm! tons of explosives in tho shape of mnnmnition, is no plum for n careless smoker. Thom um hutches, um~ mnnition hoists and other cunne(~i.ions with the nmguzinc-s. Bun Juek must have his smoke. und in order to do so ho Illll.` observe un L`L'l|)0I`ut0 not of re;:ul1Lt.im1s. One of tho nmteriui o\'i-(iexlcx-:4 of the many su.fe;.:un.rds ngninst, iiros nhonrd ship is the smoking lump. It is one of tho timo honored institutions of the navy us well. To iumismen the mention of smoking lmnp has no more sigmcunco than it mention of tho Jack of the Dust. But both are n nr~ccHsm'y purtof the nquipnlcnt of any w_r'\r:-Ihip, ho shu Iix-st mm or fourth mm. Upon the smoking lump the crew, inriuding that Iilystoriolls udjunct of tho pz1}`1:1u.st-r s(iepnrtment, Jack of the Dust. (iepend for It iigiit; for their pipes. Jn,ukof the I)u.s't dives down into the depths of tho hold and brings up the nnvy ping, whieh. being: eut into hits and crumblotl between tho hamis, is put into A pipe uml tired at tho smoking lump. '|'hu nnvnl rnullifinli TH`O\'l(1 ,,j .__.._?_4_ The Royal Canadian Immune uoocinion Ina Awarded bronzonlnodullao J.-- C" 9.11. n_.|..I. 1... ...........LI-I. Ant` nnnl. UKPIQ UIOIIGIDIJIII IIDIII uruw In vuv nvor Spood at on May 280:. Tho duu onllccbd it tbopon of1`q3B$- ' 0 `- K111! [)ll`.|UUS. 1lll`.'1U V'lH'_y nu glnubly unw It loam: every one a _(-holm. Many have `gilded, lllfnred or hronzod heels and no ;' and of fancy lace rosettes or qulllcd rib- ` hon with shining rhlucstnno but-klo4~L ,Blnck satin slippers and bronze kid um . I! very dainty for uvunlng wear. . nHnta'nf Ihrht. tun nrn nmnnu fhn Ime- l`II\ lit. hip lit. his 3.11.67 13. , `.124: 11:. only SHlUlil`(l (luring tlmso thin-n` 9-hub Hm I-nnukiluu lump \\'u.-t lib. Ho nuvvr tlulwl 0.. 1..1..uv Hm-ks: withn]iL'hH`(1Dll)(!. It nu. Hlllulilllgt lump wus llb. nu nuu'1'u1uru in go In low dvcks with n lipzhtvtl pipu. In hml, Jimmy Imgzs Vvnultl l).'L\ u hud him aft` ut thu stick nnd tlhc cxccL1livn oivur wmxld have dc-pri\'vd him of show luuvo for n month uh lvusb. n`L.\ .......|.u.... 1......` In nmmh-nr~fnd nnnn for mourn up lvusn. l`h:~ .-amnklng lump in oo.n. upon th sumo linva us :1 lantern. but the globe `ARUL'Nl) THE S.\l()l\'IN() I.Al\H`. ls mum) of shvot. iruu iI1.st('.'1d of glzxss. In tho side there is 1; sum]! round hnh-, lhruugh whivh Jack nmy stick his pipu in unlvr to cutvh lhc Hzunv. If; is the duty of the ship's cook or one of hi.~xns.~lst:n1t5 lu light, Lhv, lump whvn tho word :15 glvvn by tho prnpvx` ulYh'c1', who is g<-m`ru1ly the chief lmntH\\'u'H1':-1 nmtu. No in turn guts his-xnr(1-x'.~: from tl1oulYk-orof th-udn-vk. A failure by the gullcy (-.001; to light; thv snmkhug lump withnut, tho loss of at Sun ()XlL1':i limo uftvr the word hz1.~;h:-on glw-n .._ .. . .. 1....I.v.. o.\......u- nun \|"1v\hn'.-7' Hm. 1)nLl'n` {Hun unvr um \\'(u'u nun Ill`\'.H guru I`()l1st`S Jm*k'N tmnpor, and \vhut~\'a-r lim- itvd HI()(`k uf in\'vct'1\'(`H h(`. 12-: p0s.~`1-s.-`s~1l of is m1|(le])11hHn with pmmptitlulo and ado- q1\:}t(unnphn.~'I.~1. \\'hu-n Jnvk la m'm1sa-(1 in tho curly morn by the nntvs of the rv\`(-illv, the shrill pilw of tho lmnts\\'u|n s whistle and thu gruff voivv nf tho lxlmzter at mwnsmllimz, Shmv :1 lug he-ro now, my lwnrtit-.u,"' his ill-st, thpughtya are of cnfYce and tn|mcm_ A hull hmlr is glvvn him to mnko l\ hn.~'t_v tullvt. (`rink n [In of stwunlng hut; <-ulfuo and smnkn a pipe. '.l'h0so pm-lhnhmrivs nth-mlod to, at 3 hulls the owrln.-ating \\'l1i.~.`lIu is ht-urd Jlgnin, and t-ho'huut.s'\\'nin:-I puss the word. 'l`n1'n to. Thnt, nu-um: pipx-9 nut. and go to mu-k. Thu (wok puts out, Hm light. in N11: snmklng lump, and until lnwxkfust. ls pipml nothing Isa ls ha-nrzl-lm& Hm swLsh of \\'mvr uml tlw grim] of Hm lmlystunn as the dvcks um ground hmm \vhit4'I)uss thgt wuuld nmko u. Ncw Euglmul huusu\vifu Wild with vnvy. Au nn hrnulu urn ninr-:1 On hrmcfnsf. tho wnu with envy. As nil imnd.-;,m'o piped to brmiicfust the cnnk. getting a light. in: tho g-niivy iin, pmstho siuuking iump in mzuiiiicss fur 0[)(`l'I|(il1.\. Tho ilrz-zi: relief of tho order- lic-.~:, cm-ks\\'nix1s, qtinrtvriimstors and fire- men, who gvt their i)rcukf1Ist:\t7 bulls, in Ul`(1l"(` 1-"nut thvy may he rmdy for duty at 8, urn allowed to smoke during the re- nmimior of the half hour which is uiiowmi them for hi'uiIkfn.~'t.. 3 When Junk hiss nishvd- his rn-t`i oi soup and bully." um-0 and imrd tn<`i;, ho fu-is in good koijt.-r for u snmkr-, nnd thou the smoking lump is put tdgooti 11 until the (rock.-awnin, that enemy of 'iis1in~, smmds 1 bell. Then u-ro is (I gmmmi shaking out of pipes and tucking up or trousers pr:-parntnry tn is good, long strvtvh of wurk,'i'ur Jack will not not nnothvr chance to Sln()iiQ,`l1llIi1 6 bclis any way ho can gm-o it. Altnnnthnvu tho nvnnl.-Inn hunt: nvnrha VSBTIOKING `LAMP. IIU URN] l.I\ll'U lb. Altogether the smoking lamp works about six hours ntlny. Smoking is por- mittod at intervals up to 9 o'clock at liight, when tho sound ofill bells nmi tzspa by tho bugle: makes a sailor mun put. out his pipe, fool lonesome and hunt his billet. Thnnn in nn half hnnr nn hrmnl shih IIIU plw, Il\.'-I lUl3Dl|llIU llllu Llllllll III5 Ullllflw Them in no half hour on board ship around which clustexs more of romance mid tender memory than the half hour after taps. when the tender notes of tho bugle. dying away in the darkness, recall to heedleos Jack the image of sweetheart, or VH8 and the home on some fun distant shoro. That is Jack : homesick hour, I! he ever has any. fir UH UUUIUI. ;.b Then there are the dainty sllk, kid and - satin slippers for sumnmr hope; at tho wu- "- toting places. Th(*.~m vnry so gmutly Hurt: It lnnvm nvm-v mm :1 nhnlr-n. Mzmv lmvu ` Amutolir Pinotognphy. naughm--wuemhmaumaaaomge gone? Fathct~I'vo sent thom Into the duh too to develop their noctlon|.--Har~l nun- Fla-nah 931131 s;A?rtJmn{ ` `Ari , JULY` 2} 1858. -ill--n ` .7 . --_-_ ` _ , , Blohud Snvey. Who naked Our Flag at I Gnnlitstnpmo u-bur. Ti) haul ddwu an enmy s ag, roplnoo it with the (mg of your own country and with your own hands misc in the face of a powerful and hostile fort-0 the cmblmn which you bun? sworn tolhouor and pro- tect is indeed a. stifring deed, one which it is sc1d0m"given 11 mm) to perform. Riclr rd Silmy, color sergount of Company C, Firt hattullon lnnrilu-H, is one of the few Americzma fortunate enough to have done ` this in the present war. \ Rn!-u-nnl\f. Rilvnv hi nnrfnf T-I]nf.inIItv(')T]`E] I 1 [H15 1 IJHU pI`L`>'L`lll) VVKIF. Sergeants Silvvy is 0ne`of Huntington's brave 1300 who lzmded at Gunntmmmo har- bor, drove back tho Spmxish untl haistcd the stars um ! stripes over the ruined fo_1'ti- ~ cutious which the cnmny had ju' n.bzm- doucd. tiuys as news account: The 101:! luv \ uapunu .........v..n. A mcmhnr nf Lhu H011-;e of (`nmmons cannot, .'\t`::urd1ng to tho .-mvionn law of I urliumnnt`., resign his 5:-us. Um-u he is duly nluvmd. hu mu~tt rcbuin tho t.m.~'t9' nonlldud In hhn hy his 4-mmcituents till tho disnnluxtlon of I urli.'um-nt. unlvsa ho is rmnoxml hy du.-nth or hn<~mnn.~a u hunk- ru 5 or n lullutir`, or 1.4 uxpellvd from the II .0 or acvupns an uivu of honor or prullt under the vmwn. 'l`hu luttur non- dmon, however, ulfordn .1 practical though ruthor ludicrous um.-uxs of u~'(`upu fur :3 mvmhur who dH.~lh`I" to rid bimsulf of his ruprcscnt.uivo.1ml 1.-gi. r1*.~'p()IlHilnli- Mus. He um'npt..~x tho ni(`u <)fr':-4t.u\\'nr(l of thu Ghlllern ll11l1(1n' lb no-unls lhut. ycum ugo the C|)llt.01`n IIiI|<--:| portion of the high hmds of Inu-kinglmnnshire, huing COV'0l`k'11VVH.h tirnhur. nffornlud pm- luctinn 1.0 num.-runs` h.-mdiftl. and it \v.|s tho duty of the smwurd of than (`hnurn ]lllX1(Ir0fH tn promut. Lhn 1Hh:|')iP..'Inf OI thn nelgzhhoring district.s` from \`.hv1rd:~pre- dutions. Thu (IIIHIN have, of (:()ur.~`n, long SHIPB ccnsud, hut. the numixml uivv hus been retained. 1).. ......,.noIn... ir u vnnvnhnr urhn \v'Ic:hnu I ' A GALLANT COLOR SERGEIANT ' neon remmuu. By mt-(-pt.ln;z in (1 member who \v'mho.s1 to resign vucutos his now, and .1 writ for a new nlovnou is in oons(~.qu<-nvu iS.`ll|(I1 ... .1... ......Hm.Hnu ..f vhn u-hin nf thn IUIIKLHI. I Ilrl unnlu u 1 v A\. u 1 y \Jl .-4. Elm purpose in vimv H in`:-uInpli~'.h?-ml. It is in the gzift. of Lhu ('.h:un-n-llor-ox" Mm 153(- (`huqm--,r_'. It. cannot. lw mxxfc-1'1-ml twice in one day, hut. thuru are two nt,hn~r (lIH(`.(\_q of 11 siimlur numru-"~n~wnnl at t)m_ Manors uf llundrml. Nr1flY1 and l{emphchm=." .-mxl "I`I~'a`|w.'HI)r nf Mun- stor,"-.'1t tho H of mm \`h:m(-,o1lnr of tho Ixvhu-qm-1' HI mm: hu .~;hvn1lnl ruveivn more than onn .'u~[:1i:';n.im1 on tho same day. lie (`lu-vrful. ll` we .'\ru~lw?51"fi:l mu! r-nntuntod. nil nnturu smiles-1 wit.h uvs, thu air somns more balmy, Lhu .-'k_v umru r`Iu:u'_ fhn ground hm! n lirigzhtor ;_:rv-n, tlm trees have l`l(`l)0l' fnliugu, thn llowurs :1 more fmgrmit. smell, the birds sang morn nwuutly and tho sun. inwm and stars all apprtur more lwllllflll. We take our food with relish and \vliunu\'cr in may be in pic.-isus us. Wu feel humor for it, suronszur uncilivx-lier,:in(l1lt for ox:-rtion. flow, what happens to us if we are ill-t.-mper--. ` and disnmitcnt.(-.11? Why, thvro is not any- thing which cnn plunso us. We quarml with our dress, with our foml. with our companions. and with ourselves. Nuthlng comes right. to us; the wmthor is nithcr too hot or too cold, too dry or too dump. Naither sun. nor moon, nor stars have any beauty; the uids nro barren, the owers luscreloss. and the` hirds silent. We move about like sonm evil spirit. _noi- Ear loving not beloved by anything. -I? Vur .uuluWy IUKV UVHHlHg WEIIIX ' ullcta of lighz tun nro mnung the use- _ Inland comfortable shoes for home. A :m.;__.._. ll Ill`-\\ {HUI mun L`! In luunx an the npplimtinn If H p.'n'1.y to which the retiring longed. The oim i~z 1'u um mu-nnun in vinw H um COLOR SERGEAN1` RICHARD SILVEY. were run n)m`cr `tho still s1m)uM(`rll1g lnngs of the llorr. As its fnlds vnuuht Hm bI`v(`x,u (`MU nu-n {mm thv tr..>up. nnYh-gr luld mz'hi11v.~a, pi:-ks. |~hu\'.-l.-mml lent pulml u.-ialn to lift; thuir cups uml Julll in u ...x..I.<.. .~l.....r " I III IIIU IIILJI lillln |.|||\.5 JIIIII I xn1,:h1;.' shout-." (,`.n]m- b'vx~;.r . hu.~1\\'urn tho hlno fur nu-u1'l ' ;.`.3 yvur.~\, mud in that {inn-, ho l1z.; ms of lmrxl work for slnnll pay. Ilv` lm.-4 luul no ])Fl`\`i()llH nmm1'lunity1'nr luimzd:u`iI1;:dm-ds,um!muvhut'l:issm'\`i-0 ] 11:15 bvcn u nuumtnnum; grim], but when ' thuxu ch0v1'xs` 1'cm~1u~ his unrs ynu may ho . nun \'ih~..u .-uh] tn hinn..-lfn -'\In I H1080()h(`l`l'Hl`Ul|l`l)1`(l ms mu-.~s pm Luuy In) sun: that .*'`1l\'n-y .-mid to lnim.s.-LE1 "Ann I glad I \wnLum1 Look on uguiui Wall, you jL1st1wtu." Silwy was born iu Okvlxl, N. Y_, on April 14', L554. 1113 VH3 an-r\`1<'u fur tho gm`m'I1nu'11LYu;gnn S3 yx-u1'sn'.{n, whom he c-nliatml in tho n-;zulm` army as nu nrt.i1- ]\`X`)'ll1`lll. Uusv1'\1-(1 Lwu villi.-stlllollt.-i in `L A I .... ..L I! cl... 1nn.| f.nvm.u -nul than sit lvr)'1nuI1. {ms01'\-u Lu u ruu.wnu-nu.-u An {hut lnrnnvh of the luml f(II`(`('H nml then at tho (~xp'1mti<,m of his tinm onli.-.t1-(1 us It pI`i\`:\tu in tho First: lmtt.ul'mn Uniu-(1 b'tzm-s murim-.~'. Hiln-_v Sl`l`\'(`d throw vn11.'~:ln1unt. of vu ya-.-n's t'.u.(`h In the marina mrp.~:, and on July 1H, 1.\`.I4', \\'.-wt A-n1i.~.l-(1 fur tlw I'u-urth timu. 110,13 now n-`x-rvilngz his HI`('UH\l M17 li.~`t1m-nt ms mlur n~:<'1';:wm1t, lmvimg In-.v11 pmnmm-tl to (hut. mnk . ya-n.r.~a ugn. (`nlor m~1'm-.-nut` .` hus c1'lli>v(1 an the Indizmu uml l\l;L..~*:u'l1\1.~;<-!t.~:. On April `.32 of this ymr Silxx-.\' \\':x.~' wins with 701) uthvr nmrlnvs Lu mun tho \':-.s.<<-lsut Lhu l>]m:k:ul- ing Hvvb. 110 \\'u.-; xlctzxilml to tho trmlsport lmnthvr. ml... ~.`m-mmnr Qilrnv nnxl T rivnh\ Rm rumm-r. Cnlnr Ht-rprvullt; Silva-y nnd Privzxtu Bill Anlhuny, lulu nf thu |)uft1ns4hip Mninv, um \\'.-n`1n fricmls, having lwcn 1)::-ss11:1t-.4 for 16 yr-urs. Silv~_\"s n-curd an thu hunks of thonmrlrm mrps i.~:.s'c\'t-111inv+<,which nmuns cxcvllcnt. i11"u\'~1:y lmrticulur. -'1} is the best plain chocolate in the market tor ramuy use. Anetr Gcllll Sweet Chocolate is good. to eat `and good to drink. , It is palatable, putt. 1nd. healthful;n great favorite with childrqn. Consumers should ask for_an... `-e sure that they fit the genuine` WINK` Baker C .Co.'s made Don In . M185. 5. A. - \ nhhrnnuhu unnen A H.....n.I an Ilunn..I_ . FJlablid\ed I180. Rialter Baker 6: C0., 2 nnrrhnclnr. Mass `U; S.- A. on this Continent. No Chemlcgl-s Eire used in their manuf/aclmes. r"l'heir Breaktast Cocoa is absolutely ure, delicious, nutritious, and i costs less than one cent a cup. Their rcmlum No. I Chocolate - i isthe best plain chocolate in the market fog famify Their 1 (Ierlnnn Sweat Chocolate is mod. eat and azood 1` `I30 mum, nun rounueu gruculuu y. For tennis there are cnmfm-tabla bin :1 shoes with low, at 110019. The Hh()('S:&\ '7 Jlloyolllts are ocrod both high and low, ,1 fhdolow ones being out and nlshed like the oxfords with the exception of the heel. *; high shoe will not be Worn as much :-during the` summer months as the low shoes with canvas leggings, which are . much cooler. 'I'Iuan bhnnn nun fkn nlnfv cl"! I111` nnr` , pu%n%, HizmaRAoE Cdcoas .;.... Chocolates lnuqun-nu U lnsul u Ihn whip Hf the ing nu-Inbvr bo- mgxlnnzxl 4:4 anon as n,...]l,\v- nu" !|\u I-`V. I Dorchester, Mass.. `U: S.- A. The Oldzsl and largest Manuhcturer: of `l.lhl`l Iluu nr mulnl vn ounu nu-\,n un uuuv In promptly relieved of all pain by using Grillibha` Menthol Linimenb. This remedy immediately penetrates` to the painful parts. relieving in a few minutes. M93- tbnl Linimentiu superior to plasters of any kind for lame back. pleuriay, cold on chest. etc. All druggieta. 25 cents. A QUEER BUL1CFIGHT.! I contended that there were no new wmnen" in Mcxlc0-thut In to say, among thu natives. B t, " said my friends tri- umpbnmly, you come with us to thty l)ull,v.2ht next Sundny and see whether them are or not. hvforo making such wild .~:t-znmm-nts. Yuu'lHlml that Mexico is, it anything. ahead of your Anglo-Suxuu rm-es in thu matter of `nuyv women. " 'l'hurt-fore I wont. run... ..m....l,.n u-rm Hm nlmf. nf )1 run. '1 l)ul'(`IUI`0 1 wunn. The occasion was the debut of u cun- drilln of lmy bullllghturs, um] in big crowd hzul mngzn-gated uuc nt tho liucnruli bull ring tn S00 the fair s('nurlt:xs. l`1\ u-ry one was on tlptou of cxlwctutlun until the In- dies untcr(1 for the prumomadu. and loud was thu npphun-yo whvn they did uppem`, uurlninly quite fetching in their toruru costumes. '.l`hv_v uru rutlwr pretty. all .Hp:u1i.~`h, untl lho mxnbinutldus of colors thuy hud scl\'(`t8d wore ccrtuinlyrnll that cuuld lzu (Ic:-sired. ` A . cl... ..5....r AN unntn nnlhx nv-nffv urn!-1: CUUHI HU (lU5l['l(l. At. the arms off some quite pretty work with tho oupn was duno by Lollm und Angvlltu, tlm nlyjuot of tlwlr uttentiun bo- lng n frisky. young bull. '1'lu-crowd llkcd this work nnd upplmulml thu svnuritus loudly. Aftur that Angulitu "wry lJ1'zu\'dl3 lcmrlc In tho rlng und rlmlltmgcd the bull. Atthl.-1 every one ycllud und uppluudud, ` the baud pluyud tho Dinnzr over and l ()\'\!l` nguln, while up an tho sunny sido tho ]ll`Ul1S Hl]I'l(!k(!(l lirnvn, bravo, An- gu1llu."'aml lluwc-rs. (lollurs, purses und spools of thread oumu rattling into thu ` rlnu. \`nvr nrnnn tlxn Imnrlnrillns: wlnldml hv rmu. Next cmnu tho bnndurillns, wielded by An;;cHtu nnd Incurnnciuu Owing, I sup- puso, tn [ho fuab thnt n wmnnn'H mm is tum.-1` what it shuxxlcl be, in <-very (`190 -Ax- cupc mm the lmlulurillm-.' wvnt. wry wide of thu nmrk. In fuvt, tho limlu Lurutu to rcgnrtl it in the lip,:ht ul 1) frolic friskml nruund in Hm lmppivrat munnnr. '|`h.\ nlnnfhuru xvnrn nHInin:|i:-ll Inn` {in uso nus son}: or nnnons. (-i[lI`t`IIll uuc U101!` llllllll HI ulurmuu uvru turn us the hull, who nppe-:n'u(l thoroughly dtnnfuumluxl and utturly ut n lo.~`.`~' to know w hut it nll nlvnnt. ,\;,{uin Angelitn was cnllod upon to tnko tho sword nnd kill tho Euro. With Spun- ish grnco sho howml and bovkollegl nnld wont. through ml (-110 usnnl prollrninnry motions and then mmlu tho {Inst whack Int tho Httlo bull. Sho nhnml, from In close (Hstnnnu, M. the nook. l\'ntu1-nlly the sword tool: tho nnhnul stmighc in tho rihs. Tho hull went. for hor,hvu(1' down, horns out. nml uvldnnnly with tho ldvn of doing mur dvr. If the mun hulltlghtvr, El .\'m-gri- to, hot! not lwun in tho ring just than, no Ono would hmu known whnb hzsmnoncd, Anuulitn hnvlnp, lost; hvr sword. It took qnim n thno togur. tho hull 'Sll`l(`i()Ill.]y l>ilIL()ut,h(',(l down to {,:i\'n hhn nnothur &hrn.<$.W which took him in tho nu-k, Ixonrt-no1n.{h to the Vital spot: to tumhlu him. But . he was by no nu`-nns done for, mu! it was ....u.. ..n.... ......... -)....-.. u~m-L- Hmr. Hm In: In i uy X10 HIUIIIIB uunu 1ur,unu Au nu: umiy after HUIHU sharp work that the little bull gnvu up the [,.{h()h't nmi stretched him- sell out on the sand. '1'hu(iu<.-oratcd whim i mules drnguod. him out a moment uftcr umid tho plaudits uf tho crowd," to join ` his cumpmlru outsidu in the corral, whence 3 next. day would bu sold nice bcufsbcaks and rosbif." The third buil wns brought in, and tho cupu work connnont-ud again, but w did ` not; stop longer. I admitted thut the new wumon"`uf tho United States were not in i1"\\'iihth0 soouiied too feminine nnd cuwurciiy women of Moxico.-Sun l`runuiscu ./\i`{!,Uii_n"'.:D. \ ~ I Dangling And (Drug! Alleged Sport Thu: $ made the Alqkuenco screun Wm: D3- Hgln. and Shbwor the Gaudlly D:-cued Swordummeu With Favors. ` tllill llllllll uuu nun) u I1\uurIL Linn uf purple and sii\'u1' umi pl-utty illviuwi. For ziimut in Hill) inbormi with uii iwr mi; nuughty iiitic buii f|`{li.`(`(l to Iiu frn-.knd nbuub wiiiiiy um] llli|l'lliil)({|Jl]it.`1'!|t/ Angviitu in utiontiuna with tho rwwmi. '1'- n|.....+...l".....l -i.li.ul In this ()Vl I' U(`il(L Again the audience shrlnkcd nnd stump: ed and lmwoml, and mum dollars und owers nl1(lHpn0l9 uf thruml tumblml down M; the fnir Am.:elitu`a whim Hlippurml rout. Hhu trippvd lmnt from sklo tu sldu, bow- ing with bnnds on her hvnrt to tho ml nnd than to tho sumbm It. \'.'us~: rmlwr funny tn H00 11 womun uprouri)u.~ npplumlud for work that n mun would hum llmall lllsscd and hootod for. but it: goes no show the innntu gnllnntry nf thv Mr~xinnn[mu]1lO. Tho next bull cnme in, mm! ugnln two of tho girls tvuz-Jed him with the pmbcy ..~.....L Yn OI\|.: Ihnu u vnrv LUDH In WOMEN DO TEHE KILLING IN A CITY OF MEXICO ARENA. DHU HIHU UK 11111]. no uuunu In nun ux-I mm-h uf n F.l|!`}Il`iH0 to him us uny (mu else whn.-u tho fair turum Ilunlly did tmmh the vital spot, and the poor limo toro rollod "nnuv alum] F ronbonac Cafe. Pure ice cream. -imite,d. `W Uug I was-. ` - can bellbe purchased, for 25 cents audio! as many dollars no you want to y." The prime favorite at present la the ,lplllliIl'y buttonhelt. This is arranged in ~` Ivan! hnolu. One. and the most. oom- non. II a leather belt about an inch and n Wu.0,`Wl.h inch buttons sot along It at intervals very close to tholurfnco. Natl] all everyday black bolts have heavy .0IlI]I, some b_al_n| nqlm-10 onowhansl. 'l`honupnarro.w kid bots uddod with J luuttomund others of linked buttons. Thy always have aomewhem gbout them , onhI|}ae:,.|o that each potrlotlo wonur : yldhonor tolo xcclmcnt In ; `Q _"` - In `Then there -In the dog 7D1Iu bolt, an and) prototype of the big ; u oollln set with aplkoo, not sharp count 16 war ooot sleeves. though. Thgn f on many bulb.-` but than. one -anutuu, no lam-ypooctuvotonmoo . l `