UQWOOOGGWOOOOOVQ I931`. A bailiff was ahbacked by A woman upon whose good: he nlighbad about two weeks Ago. bub the rest of the abory gnlng obs rounds. lnvolvlng A ponderoua wholesale grocer and his broad back. la nob true. Tn Mm nmnnnnhln ornnhlnnn at Mu. uruuruu IIVUIH Ullly 0118 PH! I ll0lC- A traveller in the city yoaterdny abated elm bhare was no mow whabevor In To- ronto. bub uhnu I hundred miles west) of oho queen clay in bad lallen co the depbh of two loan. A Kalli -..-.. ..LL..-I....I I... _ -_-._.__ .4---_ UIIJUB ID WIU UKIIIJ IUUKDI K01" 1033. Why don lJ you try Carter : Libble Liver Pllla? They are e poaihlve cure for sick headache and all hhe ills produced by die- orderod llver. Only one pill a done. A bnvallar in M13 uihv vmmardnv nhntnvl I00. III V` IUU I IIIIIK SMITH: The lortnighbiy "Au Home" of hue Kingsoon bicycle club nuke: plsoo bo-night. A large sbbondnuco la expeobod for bhe lulu dance ah the club rooms lot 1899. Ikn t'AI|, run: A-.. !`|.-L-.L. I an. I :....- VIIIIIUT U Wlllllfllv UK Xuulnl. On appeal bhe ueeaemenh of Rev. J. Mnckie bu been rodnoed on his summer home in Sborrtogton, on Longbboro Inks. so 8400. Thus. nnnlhugnnnn Al DnnL n (Va... D-l.... W oiuu. Three application: of Peck : Com Salve willcuu hard or solo come. In big boxes 150. Ah Wudo'o drug store. Thu Inrtniahi Ah "nmA" n0 luhn llrl. Bl. U. IYIILCIIUII. I In Sh. Lam-once Inrd there new loub II-onby-one places where 1-quot is sold either by wholesale or reunil. On Annual hhn nnunnmnnh nl Raw J Diff- Porfumery in our wrong poinb, use our atock if you want: Iomochlng nice for New Years. E. C. Mitchell. In C}. tlhnun -...4l 5|.-.` g... .6. I--.L ' returning oioon chosen for Scor- rlcguon were: E. F. Danneo. 0. W. LsngwiOh.._ Loomrd Vnnluvon And A. A. Barr. D--L ..._--.. :- -.._ -5`--- -...:_I. .._ ...._ FIKU IKE` Ill UIIU UV BURL If your (very day dubiou an 1 burden in is boenooyou are not well. Miller : Oom- ponnd lron Pills will count that condi- Man. 1. `H`;'BRE6'R,"?Z:?Ll Zivvliiri Ilu auras nuvununuu Millet : Grip Powdu-I Ours. `rho dopob can not luld cl! !or I whllo Int nlghb. A Ilnmnn nhhnlln Iulv IIAI nnnd ho Ill nuznu. A Roman Catholic Indy has oaud 09 take stock In the new hotel. Tl -A..- _..-u 4|-.. Anni`. gag - Ln-4|--u It ' PERSONAL MENTION. |(iDNEY BURDEN3 INCIDENT! OF THE DAY. HUIIUG All CI. . The Montreal Harald published I fairly good out o! Huh.-Co}. Dmry In in Wod- noodny iuno. Mn. Wnlhrou. Burl Khan. bu ro- movod to Talnoohorg to made with her I00. Ill ldtlhlukbglln .la.idt- 1:: Iqolgfbuu Iain-.3'uu Iloau-ny Glonhtnh, in nu- ouly m mu . nonfat paulym [I'll flI|Io ` Colonel Bomby, ol tho Royul mllituy eollqo stud`. upocbt to be mulled on his ngimcno, the Gordon Highlngdon. Ln South Mics. IIIL- |A......-I ll--_I..| __|.|:-|._.| - n_:_n_ _.__5_.j_.___. Tbab Mud fooling will dinppon ; your nppomo will lmprovc. your diguoion will boporlccb if you can Miller : Compound Iron Pills. n..I.....| n....L- -1 u.- 12---: ..m.-__ guuv-any v ur-nu UVIIIOI Moat. puoono medicine: emeneue from people who know nothing of medicine or ohomintry. Merrill : Byeoezn Tonic in skil- lnlly compounded in one 0! Once:-lo e lug- eel: drug stores. After the nnggeebione of three eunlnenb phyalclene. In puries the hlood. hulldu up the eyebem. eta-engthena the nervee end requletee the bowels 50 pleeunt no-take done 503. Sold by J. B. Meheod, the drggieh. . English . . 99.??? -ies," Horace Wilson. secretary Kentubky breeders ueocinsion, IDDOUUCGI who aecond pnymanba in the 820,000 Kentucky fuburiov for fouls 0! 1899 hue been made on 843 0010: Ind llies oub of 5 poulblo 1,083. the largest: number since 1893. This is the tomb lutudby. and the lending colblrolr hlng shake of the world. The nnbrios come from twenty-olghb ababea sud Canada. and ropralooh the cream of breeding In-ma. Kentucky leads with 344 nunoe; Onnsdn name: nine. Dy UB6 CHOW. President: Armihage, oi the Victoria bec- Ixoy club. Wlnnipog. has challenged for aha Stnnlay cup. The dance son tar the much urn Feb. 12th, Hub and l6:.h, an Monoreal. Too parlonuol of the beam which wlll con- test: this your in not yet issued. bub many of the old veoerana are gaining down to prnonico and are ably seconded by new blood. 11..---- nun.-- _-_._-. -__ yr--. ,:.,,, IJUIEU HIUIJ Jeremiah Miller. son of councilman Ed- wnrd B Miller, Ohabham. N.J., has been adjudged lmano and menu to the sham boa- pinal. Miller is in nmnbeur football play- er, and during 3 Thsukeglvlng day gnuio received I blow on the head. The docbora Annirlgd H..o. H. ....x..4 3.-.! L--- ....|.-1-........I TCCUIVDU I (NOW 0!] [HQ null]. '11]. UOCDOIU decided that his mini bncl\bcen unbalanced byvbhe blaw. pr:--ldnnh AI-rnitmnn nl LI`-A Vinhvui. lmn, I-l.lLL'l|UI. A number of Hamilton aporba inbrodncad a rimzer under the mma of Jones no the road race on Ohneomaa. Being A stranger, odds ab booting: wonb aumnao him no the ratio of twenty to one. Those in 0113 ring took up all the hem no bhore figures. The boat: Jones could do in the nee was to finish loh "I ..._-...l-L ll:Il-_ --_ -1 --_._._.-I-_._ IS) vvunu Iur vuuu up no :sl,UUU I IMO. . As Frontenac: are puboing three tanma on him lco there is an unusually large num ber ol vacancies for ellgibloa. Every man poet-easing any sort: of ability will be given a fair brial by ehe management). Already several promising colua have been occured. Frontenac: will have plenty of p.-actzico matches. A .......L..- -1 u-__:n-_ ____;_ .'_L.._.I_,.._I Iuuuuml calm uuring nus pnau DWO 80130119. John Nilh-on, Milwnukeo. champion skater of the world. WI make a Canadian hour during hhe latter part of Jamnry after finishing a tour cf bhe middle stmcea. He will be in Kingsbon. Niilaon is on!) with a challenge: no share any mun in the world for 8500 up to $1,000 A side. A: lrrnntnrmm urn nnmsina hhran fnnmn wlvu one waggoc mu uoumng nouo WIID In. George Bmibh and "Buck" Assobohine. formerly of Ohio citzy, have become mem bers of the Cardinal hockey team, thereby greatly strengthening the orgamzmon. Aaeelnblno was smomber of who Urnnlhe football tenm during the push two John Nillnnn Milwnlnlrnn, nhnmnlnn gen as Home praomce on one mngauon rink. The non two or three days will see the ambibioua puck-chants brushing up their skates, looking up bhair loan winter's eweabor and buying a stock of new abich. The ice has come and M hhnh the man with bhe waggoc hnd nothing Dodo with it. George Hmibh and "Rnr'|" Aunht.inn_ us Luf, wl lu,-Jun; urtnonue, onU_UUU. Qaeelfa hcckey ueam will onto bheir eaacorn bonr next: waek having had very Iiocle prachlce. Merrill and Carr-Harlin Ind a liotalo chick work while in Oboawn. To morrow and Saturday the players will gob A llbulo practice bho Kingston rlnk. Thu ncxh hwn nr than (Inna will In: Hm un wmuu nlugalon DOW BOBBIE. How {orouunte the lane duke of Wash mineber was on the turf is forcibly poinbod out) when it In remembered bbsb in ten yours he has owned three horse: which won vouch vnb amounts: Flying Fox, $200,000; Orme, $l70,000; Ormonde, $140,000. ()nnnn n hrnbnu mmm -.i|I ugh. mimi- wueluu us pruouounlo or 1101). What: Toronto needs In A first: plan rink for hockey. For I city 0! Toronto's bonan- od greameu in Is very decient in rink accommodation. There is not: B rink in Toronbo with a wheel) of ice as lugo an M13: of which Kingston now boasts. Hnw fm-hnnnrn Ihn Inn dnlua nl Wuh Linn IJUIIU Ul- (ionl nous wlll be given I trial In Monu- real Sanurdny night: In A game bobwoen bbe Shamrocks and Viouorlu. The O.H.A will have repuoaonbulves no the march hr bbe purpoee rf discovering whether the scheme is practicable or nob. `Nhnh Tn:-nntn nnnrln In a Hugh nlnnn ul..l. usmnuuu players. In in animated than bhero are between oighsy and one hundred hockey teams in Toronto. Kingston omboasb of twenty Ieven which in a greater peroenhnge in pro- portion to population bhan che queen city can bout: 0!. l1;..l ..-u- ...llI L- ._I...._ _ :.._r-I |_ |l-_. IJIILIUK PlI|lZUI- A picked Toronbo hockey ream will nborbly play game in Buffslo wibh bhe Iroquois aoveu. which is made up of ex- Canadiau players. I In Allimnrnd hl-nah hhnnn urn hztmnnn as a sum: no us me new m Ioronrro. Hurley Dxvldson is preparing for an ac- tive skating cnmpalgn. He expecbs to give exhibitions `in Pmueburg. St. Louis and other places. A ninlznrl Tnrnnhn hnnlynn tau-n mill tun yur. George McKay, the We|l|ugbon s new caponin, learned the game in Kingston. He played with Queen's four years ago. As a shoe he is the bean in Toronto. W...-Inn h...|A...... 1- .........._n..... 1..- -.. __ mum is wuolly locll. Guelph Nablonnll dehnbed the So. Gecrge'e hociey tesm uh Guelph Christmas dug` by a score of 11 to 2 ha Winnivmu hnnknv hnnnn Inn nnnnnnln uu uy a scare oz 11 to 2. he Winnipeg hockey beam ho compete against: Shamrocks for Stanley cup will be an leash twenty per oeno. avronger than lamb year. (inn!-an Ilnlfnn lulu. \'DIll-.nh..n - ....... mil? bhi cold weather holds oub, lcoynhtm men e pooh that tho lmbor will be _"ioed ovar" on week. I2... '.. ..I-..- u.- R_..L |_..-|.-_ __...- -1 u__ _jv j- In it and enables them to use it with increasing condence. Give us a nbonoo to prove this tq you. i uvur oxu WOOL. Bern plays lbs n-ab hockey game of the season next: Monday against Proabon. The beam is wholly local. Gnnlnh Nnhlnnnln nfngharl Mun Rn I WI. The ouch cover-poinb of Toronto. -George Carruuhen. bu retired from hockey play- ing. > If hhifnnlrl unnhhnu hnldn In-uh ln.n..;l.l>. uucluy league In Ioronw. J. W. Manill, ctptnin of Quest) : hockey hum u-rived In the city Do-day from Onta- WI. Ilnnlpeg loch) late Age! After The Ilnlor I`l 0ph!--Onnodhn trauma `to Isle A0001 lhoulnx-Hauler Ieuon In weenie Ontnlo opened -Kle;eton an Inn: Hockey tome. " Bam" Bu-enge he: hit lceyeohb ready ' for the winter's eporh. Only three of Queen : hockey team are on recent In the city. here in none bulk of orgenixlng a bank hockey league in Toronto. J. W. Marti. nnntnin nl Danna . Iumlygn HOOKIYIITI PREPARING FOR mews. or sponrmc mm] Qnucluy VOPIII lolunoo. .._;-._A __-.I:-xA-- _,,, IEAIONU GAME. IlWXI'IlJI'I[IZI. Tb nun-you-dd son 0! R. 3 Play- hlr. Pluyldr. can an halo; drownd .. Whilo playing around I Ink on. It! will wplu. the halo follow h-Noun. when dkouvcnd Iyhhp nuhuonolluolnuhowu Iuouiuo audition. ' |l:h..I. n..._n.. ._.. .._...._.._; nmcrl uululcui rowan" EIIYO DOG- ulo In In mioutn. In hues I0ennd25c 7 Gun possibly be told tor, and these are muons why our regular customers up---44.-.A._.4 II II Ivuu ploiluuil Ina IIIOBCIVI I'll IIIIPIO] in my on: at lrrinbto throat, Mwil truth. bronchitis, estnrrh and asthma For uh uh I" dnggius. Prion II 3 trial outl loo cents. u-v v-uu-u-u an-- -:1 Vuruil. You man an 0 non up-todslao Ild Inou npprovod no od 0! treatment. This can only bo bad in Onlmrhtzvno which can: by lnbolnlou and in sure no roach the right Ipoh. Treatment: requiring the an oi aprtyl, douchu, Innffa, omtmonll are I thing 0! tab. pull. sad tho modicabod ulr truunonh uperoodu than all. Thoroln no doogor or not In ulng Cuuthumo. It in both plounh dud coctlvo to employ in In! aim at lrrllnhln u-nah. I-mu I.lIIl AIIJI EZIIII Q IJIUIIIII-n The property committee of the board oi eduomon wreetled lust night until eleven o'clock over the eppointment oi I new ouebaker for Victoria school. There were six members preeent and the urionl plum oi selection iiennineted in tie voten. The commitiee decided to remit the matter to the full board end tonight thet body will likely make the choice. The men seeking the position nearly all poeeeu nuperior qnalicntiouc. -.u uuuuugu an an nun I Many people enjoy chewed kldnoye. Did they know aunt: in la the kidney that oh- icreohr till the soluble impurities from the bloed hhey would not oeo them. Merrlll'e Syebem Tonic rooonatrucbe kidney tieene. bones the kidney. end by ebatraohing on the bowels. makes a complete cure oi ell kidney complaints. 60 pleeeenu-to-beke doses for 603. Sold eh J. B. McLeod'e pharmacy. Deecripbive punphleb tree. Eelzed In Iliellilolllll. Louie Yehrea. tbs Greek confecbloner, re- ceived I largo qnenbily 0! confectionery from W. J. Crothera on oredih. Tneedey nlghb the candy wee shipped to ' Quebec and bed been loaded in the car when bell- i' Gardiner. under inehrucbi am Mr. Orohhere, eeizad it. When turning up etreeb with the goods W. R. McRee wee men en route to who nation on e simila- errand. The Greek will likely be brought beck to the city no um. rnatobere. -more uruuon euro onnplu. In. wan... Wright. woman). Ibl. Had A urry `llml. The annml Ohriahnma lonblnl in counoc- Liou with Williamavillo Metahodiu Sunday school took place Tuesday evening. Tho church was prehtlly decanted. Moinborl of the junior chases rondorod the first; parb 0! the progrnmmc and the seniors the co- cond. um: from A wolllnden Ohrlaumn tree were distributed. The teachers of the Sunday echoool proaentod Rev. W. T. G. Brown with n no cf five books. lillon luduebo Powdun `cum bud- nhn In I-n -.3-on 1.. 5.-.. |n.-..a on- Formed A chain Vlarltnr. Under the psbronnge of Litub.-Col. Mon biznmherb. D 0 C.. I chain lam: bu been formed here for uho boneo of those dopm denh. upon our Cmadinun serving in Boubh Africa. The officers are: George H. Allen, necreturv; A. Harley. crguurer; commit, hon R F. Knnh (` M HM-nnnn II 1 HHI nrcrecurv; :1. nanny. mauurer; commit. bee. R E. Konb, C. M. Sbrango, H. J. Wil- kinnnn. IIIVI IU I;I..L I In low! over with ma There : always H81 It In! um I handle. Bonn! lngnoonrloonl Imsunom. Ill LII Inn` A up n.` uuu. n A kinaou. All 4.. IIUEUUI All oommuuioatlbna Do be addreuod to the secretary. ..-quu vnu-I1 nun: unuul rl. Ab thtrlnnb meshing of the Loyal Orange 'lodpe.No. 6, the following cicers were oloobed: Master. R Marshal); W. M, Joseph Tait; R B. D Brown; F. 8., O Atowood; brensuror, D. Hayes; director of ceremonies. I). Graoger; foreman of com- mitoeea. Joneph Talc, B Bnboock. J. Mc- Cammon. D Harrison: bruoooo. J. Gould. The lodge in in u very ouriahlng condi- Lion. --vunu nlucr many IIIFI. Charles Bmellridae, Sen Francisco, and George Smellridge, Chicago, are queen: of their aieber, Mrs. J. Lyooon. Alfred ween The reb named has nob been in Kingstcn since he lolo bore tlxbeen years ago. Hie brother George beats that: record. Twenty one years ago he left here and settled in Chicago. and ohle is his first: viuih homo. Both hnva been very successful. - ......,.u--up nu u-uunnuuu. A lebter bu bean received from David Williams, provincial land surveyor, of hbia city. And who is now in the district) around Fort) William. He is uhgro proapecbin-,5 and has dlacovored several` valuable leads. He describes who looalicy in which he is ab preeeni: as being very rough and precipi- mna. Mr. Williams will no: return no the city until next spring. . ~ mm Lao] save: 0.00. Mrs. Nesblt. of Gala, wu sure her dnughber was dying of oonunmption. So were (me two physicians and all she neigh- bors. Three `.353. bobble: of Four T : pub bhe girl on her teen. As a positive, sale and speedy cure for coughs, colds or con- nected lung: nhia Four T : can n be beaoen. Large boutlos 253. an J. B. McLeod'a drug snore. undo A late Trip. The steamer J. G. Nrchola. Cspb. A. R. Hinokley. cleared from this port: yeeterdny lot Cape Vluoeub wiuh 3 load of pulp wood. This will probnhly be the lean cleunnce of the eeuou. The Nichole undo one more nrip than wee expected. Bu capbmu was prompted to do so by who pre- vailing ne weather. wuuu uuuri. IIIII Du nolu. The spring sessions 0! the high court of. jnabico will be held an tbeee points on these dates : Perth. April 24th; Bellavllle. March 19m and June 215g; Brockville. Much 5m and June Huh; Pembroke. May` 2851:; Plchon, April 30th; Nupanee. May 7th. - lpoolnl In onotnmfnnao to Order. Provoao, of the Now York clothing Ibore. has a gross vnrieby of unibinge, ooueiauing of Scooch And Engliuh owoodl. Also I ne celecblon of serge: and wouteda. In pant- ing we are showing extra ulna this souon. A rlb-nluo the guaranteed. r _An Iauvappnuuu. Ovq {manly opplicnciona have been to ceivod by the bond of education to: the position undo name by tho roeigonolon 01 Min Marty, of bho oollogisbo innionto aba. The plnco will be lled by the bond Do-night. Product of the highest grade. with price so low on such a --us, --all Illll IIDII Hun oonvlneod people that Putnam : `Painlouhc. J Rnnclor should be -given the pro oteoce. Get rid of your coma; got: rid of Imam without pain; use Put- nam : trnotot and no other. buo Onunh mud In: Olnd. an _._-n __- ml.` _.--A __ L- .I-;_ Vile W._ 0. Only. & Co. are delivering but BOIIIICO domueic coal. Ill sizes. to any pub of bhgoity no 85 per 2.000 pounds. Ion lads: `Inn The very luau no Abernthy I. Did NOI BIIOII A Dtclllol. __.___g_ .__,_:A... ,1 1 Lays] Orange Lodge 0310: I1. o).-l...s. ......L:..... .1 .L_ I ___| I\ An Illdneu I'll. To In `P ___-_.I_-.I., ,A, ,I|lI Home After many Yarn. `I-.. D_._I|_;.I_- L1,, 1-: , Prospecting ll Lnhcrlons. Wham Court III] Be Hold. .__:___.._a,_, ,;.n I. I w Ooring our strictly one hard Mani- toba Wheat Flour to buyers we do 5, with the gnu-mteo that it. is CITY AND VIGINITY. hot. luau Ind nblo -._..l_-.J _--_|- AK_A. 1 IFIUUUI. Dr. Bmyhhe. ehelnnen of the bond of governore. euted ee chelnnen. Thle pro- gramme wee rendered: Banal by Mlee Mlldred Mnemorine. John Shea. Mlee Muriel Knight, W. Keeley. B. Bpeneer. W. Shoe. Mn. Bethe; reoltoeblone by Mlee l Nichol end .7. B. manly; club lwinglna, with electric colored clfaohe, by A. E ` Sheunou. Then the min leeeure ol the enheroelnrnene took pleoe-the ueloedlng of the Qbrlmnee tree by Prof. Ienhell. who nude en ldeel Benee Olen. There were gllea lor ell the peueebe. nereee. h aeeergeone end ololre, none ol the le oer reeelvlog very many erolnlee. Ilee Flewe. ledy euperlnhendeno 0! nnreee. re- eelved e pet of silver "Wlllle" Glenn. t lelchlel etheodenl. wee well remember . Dr. Imylhe heqdued I vote at sheets to the Flower mieeioe end to the nureee lor the work they had done In eon- Ilee Melt. the motion with Ihe e Jr. Ieeder of Ihe Ilieel . wee epeelelly men- binned {or the eenl she hed rendered. l [TAXES j-j Ohrleunu Tree llnertllnment Al The (hnenl oepltel. The enuuel Ohriatmu breeenbertelnment given In the-Flower Inieeion to the peblenh of bhe Klogehon general hospital wee held Int; evening In the nmphihheelare ol ohm: In- stitution. end In: e very planing ealr. All bhe petlenbe able to move eround, bo- genher wlbh bhe nureee. occupied cube in uhe ehudenbf gellerymhlle bhoee unehle to be around were broughb in on epretchere. end occupied poelqlone on the ground oor. There wee e mood eloendeooe of city lrlende. I\. __u.- _L_:_____ ,. .- . - - UUIU [Illu- Aftzer taking of I wedding brenhiub, eurroun ed by hbeir iriendo. Mr. and Mn. Anglin book trnin for their future home. Mr. Auglm is e former Kingnbonien who ie held in high re:-pecu by his boat: oi iriendn here. He in 3 grndnebe of Queen : univer- eiby. Mn. Amzlin wee for many years connected with the buaiuere aim? of we Whig. ehe wu A general ievorite end the entire Whig Ion forward conqretulebioun end been wiehos for anoee.-e and prorperiby. uumve worner In I00 DODIH. The bride was cosuumod In 1 soylinh Vaneblnn trnvellin gown. HO!` uulauanh was Miss Mary ll, Sb. Paul, Minn, whose dross Ina of oaarnr fawn, brimmod wiuh npplique. Robert: W. Anglln. homb- ar in Dutton high school. broohor of the groom. poxhrmod bhe dublou running with heat: mun. Ah.-- ._-_L_L|__, .: u .. . . - T A Bright Inn at the dome of Mr. and In. (Hidden. A happy evenh nook lace yeebordny afternoon at the home of illinm Glldden, lloenee inrpaooor. Univerulby avenue. when hie only dauzhlaor. Mlle Edith. was mined in merriage ho George Auglln. Omaha. Neb.. eldeeh Ion of thelebo Wil- Iium Anglia. The ceremony wu perform- ed in the drawing room, which was prelmly decornbed with awers, emilex. etc. The guelbl were ilmioed no immediate friends of aha contracting paroles. Rev. W. Sperliog. Bo. James Menbodiet church, Montreal. brother-miew of the groom, performed the aunplcloun ceremony. He was assigned by Rev. E. B. imnceley, Sydenbnm ebreeb Methodist: church. of which -the bride was A member and on acvive worker in ion behalf. Tho Ln-Mn -... .....n....._...I 1.. - -l...I=.L unuu.-u. uy W. 11. MIIODOO. J under. Liouu.-Ool. Skinner Thompson. jr. Hanan Inn: nnnl-.u-ilmlml ha Thom M. I I IIUUIPUUU. Jr- Songs were contributed by ham. Cunuin hum. Bklnner, Alexhndar nn uvonl ohhen. nun u. A. Illllllla I00 11!. uernla. Oober noun were : Tho Oiccn of Sn. John's Lodge," proposed by J. Hewhon and responded bo by Broaphnw. Minuoe and Rose; "The Immediate Puo Manor of Sn. John : Lodge," by Bron. John Nicolle and W. B.'D|lOoD; Our Brethren in (me Unload States, by A4 Shaw, wlbh ro- aponnea from Bros. Wheeler and Oldhum; "Army And Navy," by Thomas Danoelly. Lieub.-Col.J. 8. Skinner, Capt. Cunning ham nnd aurgoonlieubounnb Herald; Tbs Lmdleu." by W. H. Mmuee. James Alex- nndm-. Lim-m.nI Rkcnmm mu! 1 n i 1 . reuse Inn A In lrepo: nyler. 114'. mu. Ah the Brioieh American hobel luv night. a dinner was given in honor of the day by 82:. John e lodge. and a large num- ber pen down around the fesblve board. Worehipinl mutter Morgan Show (cmpied ~ nhe choir of honor. The mm of The Queen andhe Graft wee heartily drunk. Grand Mentor end the Grand Lodge oi Canada and I reply name from R W. Bro. A. Show. W. B. lhlbon proposed "Sister Lodges. And John Nicolle and John Hewhon responded. "Visit: ins: Brehhren" was ooutsed by H. J. Wilkinson. and responded be by Bros Oldham. of Cleveland, Wheeler. olBoy City, Mich.. and Vnndorvorn. of Belleville W. H Mecuoe proposed "Meeona' Wives and Meeona'Bairns", res nsee coming mm J. A. Minnee and Dr. ernld. hlmu nun. .....n . u'l`L.. nm_.-- -1 c. The chairman propoeed "The uv.m., aonn uoruon; 1 1 UL. Tuomu W. Gibson: 8.W., John Mcllroyz J.W.. Wil- liam Jackson; treasurer. Juno: Shannon; oeorehary, Robert Hendry. jr.: LG . Alex- ander Anklun; S.D . Edward Wright. J.D.. C. L Wheeler; D.C . I. J. Hogan; 8 . R. P. Pearce and A E. Frape: bylor. E. Ball. the Brininh Arnnrinnn hnhnl Inn IIIB IDDDIIIIDIOH an Ununnqnu lodge N0 92. A.F. & 3.34.. 0.11.0. was done by R. W. Bro. A. Bbuv. The oioen ue: W.M., John Gordon; I P M.. Thomas W. Giblni KW , Jnlln Innrnuo I I WEI, IUU 1.. I1. DTBOI; D 10! . IJGWINI Dllln Mindou lodge, a. 263. oicera installed hub night: by V. W. Bro. F. Woloh. were: W. M.. John Nicolle (who wu oleoood for nhe third aims in nucceulon); 8. W., W. Mnndell: J. -W., C. Wright; hrouuror, William Baillie: Iocrotuy. T. D. Minuet; S. D., A. Ellir: J. D , J. 8 R M00500; 8. S., A. T. Smith: J. 8; W. O Tilloy; D. C . M. B. Mnlnnlms I, n, L M, 93 .F . ;. nmwn: a. 5; . Txuoy; . B. Malcolm; l. G, . L. M. tylor. Edward Bull. aballnbion no Cnouraqnwlodgo No . 3.M.. G.R..O. Dan dnnn hv 3 j r lletelleuon or Qllloere In the `lunch l.orIgu--tenet on the In-men-A-ea-Ion: -rhe route no the speetete. Sr. John : "dey wee observed yeeterdey ' by the vuiona Iodgee ol muons. The in- ` eoelleuoo of ooere hook eee In 80. John : " lodge eh noon, end In Of qoi end Min- den lodges leeb evening. T oioere of S. John : lodge inebelled ` : W.M.. J. Morgen Bhuv; IP.K. BW. ` B. Dalbon; 8.W.. James A, Mlnnee; J-Wu Jemee Rom chepln, Rev. G. R Baemleh; hreeenrer. W. E. Maooee; secretary. George W. H. Conner: S. D . J. E Oonniughem J. D Dr. W. '1'. CW"= 1- G . I J. Crone: D. (1. J . Dun- can Thompson, jr :8 . Wlllieln C. Derby end I. H. Brook; 0 let. Edward Bell. Mindnn Irvin. n 05.2 nhene-A `nntllnd lnnar DAY FOR M_ASONS.: omuan m HONOR or or. Jon-ms DAV. HONIY AND Illlb. -:-- "The mmmm MILune5n.,I umrw. Kluesron: \*\ GIFT` FOR THE PATIENIB. WEDDED YESTERDAY. and Br-0!. Old- Thompson Com- BOOTH }nlE..sA._._. ___ ___- -- --.I,.--. .v w.- I: the secret. or Iucoou, dom entio hlppl nails, and comfort. when your soul an pply l concerned. No Lhouglxirul man would buy coaljusi. becluno it In cheap. A oonsiderntn man thinks of Lh who lmvn cause it. and ondeoworsto save L am trouble and I.nnuy- anoe by seekln quail v. We have the com- bimulon onus I. mincd,and the very lowest prices. v &\.l\lllV \II V! lllbll uJlA\4 sLV\3o ` I have used B.B.B. for impure blqod, imples on the face and sick headac e. I tried a great many remedies and spentdollars for doctors medicine but derived little benet. I then started using B.B.B. and only took four bottles when my skin became clean and free from all erup- tions. My other troubles disappeared also and I am now in perfect health." orthebit. obi]'1nliiil,'iiiid {B43 - EHAWHJHIJ, Foot Queen St. , `Phone 0. 0999009099990 The Art of Buying` Well `I Ihn nnnn nl nannnun 4|.-.-- . Pol mar N 0. an rea-hoA1I up: was One `mm TINY TABLET after eech meal and before retiring will give you new Ilto. ll you feel tlrcd '- -lT'S NERVE3. vv---v --.-vs --u-- v- Dr. Hope : TINY TABLETS are doing exactly the name thlng. They are helping thousands ot unfortunate nervous. broken-down people to get strong. A..- IlA.AI_ Fillnvll vlIAl)l ISIII `AA-.. How many 01' us have I nt 3 de- clous hour with Dickens I ttle "Tiny Tlm." Hepleuoul us because he was tor ever helping, or ready to help some unfortunate. rs, n_n._ u, -an-u-n -AU`. I-Quinn -__ nvvuy factoq return II 1nd we will oxohlnko It or nmnd {our money. Send my our 1 I Illuuntod ocu- nque. quoting the lowest p on on booh.l`Il`l. We can nave you money. Addreu Ill olden to -nur 1.1::-nun-n rnnonuv n NU (Z11 EVE Hlvll) - JIIRJITIII I-HVJUII HI , THE WERNER COMPANY, 9 hblillcn Ind Inunotucn. Akron . ONO. {Thu Wan." (`nmnnvm In Ihnnuu-hlv InI:NA.|.-lldilm. I ()|lll6I' N` J} WW \ -`s . +.., __ All!) in. Ml|frouID.l1 M333. Co.,DLml.(d, Ton-0:80.. IUIIIIITI IIIU -II o QJIVIIQ VHIU [Thu Womcr Company I: thoroughly n&bu.)-EdIIa- TAKE on iou-rs 'rINy_:r1M. :&v43a Rdwntrees - Blndl III H101!` lltllo nut H Ingfltihlsbiapour policy to Una:-J Iuuuu nu Ilullbllluo Here's the case of Mrs. John Douglas, Fuller, Ont., an ac- count of which she gives. I Inn). near` R R R (`nu 2..-._..... I IIIIDY POI IIIIOULI IIIX ponunnmmA Io Pllooohl Rn '!'o.'.`2_._9'!!_! ?! _0__9!_|I8_I.or"poIIg Proof aftera/proof we have been furnishing how B. B.B. makes bad blood pure blood and cures cases that even the doc- tors failed `to benet. any n u nu; Ulll Luaulnl UMIIAJUJUK D 713R 5'1` %F..LQj&ULR bitors. Qollars //` 5 MYRTLE = NAVY 4,5 20 Cents. T See T. & B. in Gilt on I Each Plug. _ . ug-.ovunvuul tn.-annual. W. MURRAY, .|R.. local", nu ounmunn um-an-n `P-lillU'I""'Fb RD'N`l |v\`U`\*S`\\v\U\\'\v'\/O OS I M IIU w `manna can-72 jj l-nAn_4 40 Ct: Der Pound at (Pri_rmesa Street. cczlrulnglu lu-lvu lllt I boudllt {III also and I.l.I. \III' CI` Id lemmas n on TIIIIVQC I`! II HI` I s - '-"-'.:'.':.-""'-:.=' I [At m! In-llmnie tho (`XDODIR9 or Imm- dualng pm or elev- ulcny Into your house. I have the lulu! dulgns In x- tures. cm, and can supply whalovol ynu wnt utloweot pnoes. 5:`- nn House L _`I|luminati0n. 7! `Prlna In at. I 3.-::.nIHD uonwcn aoooptod tron Ptlnlony, mh holhliomhtbo Inn- ....*.....`"':':.*'."1' --.'-:2 *- . . 0 on - non oourourv. 05:30 M. - Jana only we . Inn. losvolutoc. I`) clean I. `huh-.1: an oorponlor-A"oId bouncy. To Turban nombcn at ill! 41 battalion, Bronkvlllo. tppliid And olgbh van Iooopu. ad. vAnoog Ibo nnmbor In Borgt.-Major Eng-no. bounty . Iudnonw. I Nth bophllon o limihf noise. than QLA Jul. 3...... ~-r noaory-sorgunb-major. Bomb. 0'Gr|dy. "B battery: qnrbonnubor- wk Bo:-3|. Shdo. "B" bunny. Quo- o} olgbby-two nmnbon 0! "A" ma lub- Iuy ouniood sixty have boon soooptc 1. Thou wcnahwothou lohoouminod this chance. uulu uutory. D" bntery-Sorgonnb-major, Sorgh- lnnnctot W. Melnbyro. "A Bold bah- ury: qurbcmntor-nrgunta. 80:30. W. Cliard, `'8' Gold Inthuy, Qnoboc. "I" bnohory-Sorgunb- Jo bntoon: ::|r|t;.nrInAnIup- 'I&g2;A;c;un.!Amxn ?.Il|hI'IIIV'bdh` " ' Q hAQQnnn_- 3-.-.`-I... p Iuu npprovoa 0! In lollowe : Divisional aM'-Sorgonm.. mu j Jr. Chulot Long. A" Bold bnohory: urgunb-hrumpem or. oorpoul Frank Kolloy. A" eld bab- Iory; orderly room lurk, qd|roor|nuber- at-gaunt Bmmni. garrison division. Qu- hoe. U. `'0' bnIotv--Sornoqnt major. Sorgh. -|n- ahruolor Glmlobb, "A Gold buttery: quar- bormuhr urgunt, Burgh. Brunch. "A" eld bootory. mu pay 0| we DHDIIII army." Tho nbordinabc Italic have been made up and Ippl'0VOd of lollowa Dlvlninml nmG`_Q..-......a _-- : -- I`!---'-- law. D0 llalp E6 U00. "1, ----, hereby declare that I am willing to nerve wherever her majeety the queen may direct in the Canadian contin- gent for active service, under the provlelon of the militia not ol Oauada so far as it ap- pliee. under the queen : regulation: and orclere {or the army and the army apt. for a term of all moutha, or one year ll rtqulred. or until aoouer lawfully discharged or die- Iniued. at the rate of pay tixed for the north-weft mounted police until landed in South Africa. and alter dieeuaharhation to aerva in her majesty : regular loreea at the ratea of pay fixed by the royal warrant for the pay ol the Brltiah army." Iubordinata aaalfa hava 5...- .....I- uuuwrnee 10!` um second contingent. The osth to which each mm subscribes is as follows : "I, --, swear that I wlll well and truly serve our novereign Indy the queen In the Oanedien contlngent for notlve tervlce. until lawfully discharged, and tlnt I will reeiet her majeety e one- miel. and cause her maJoety'a peace to be kept on lend and at an. end that I will in ell matters appertaining to my service lalthfnlly discharge my duty, according to law. 80 help God. "L _._._. ha:-`Inn algal-.- LL_L I -.., Major Sbnnbonzomprofensor of artillery. Roynl military college, in quarberod Au Tobe do Poul: bu-racks mulching Lioub.- Ool. Bnone In the formation of the three babtorios for hhb second contingent). such mm mu...-H... uunw umnu. Edger Birch. son of 8. Birch. of the firm of McKeivey & Birch. is A volunteer for the artillery brunch of him service. He volunteered for the Gran contingent: but the number required had already been chosen. 80 ier chore but been I scarcity oi suitable horses. Agreab number oi eni- male have been presented bo veterinary major Mannie ior examination, buu they hnve not: been of bhe deeired alnnlioy. Good price: are offered for uuibeble ani- unis. II.:._ n.,, I - ville. Uanrlel 8. No:-webb.`J6: 47oh bnulion. Kingobou. Frederick Mclnlosh. 22; Mel bubbnllon, Brookvlllo. Frederick 3'. Metallic. 26- vnhm-in.-a .n...I....g. In-.. 9.-.; nu naounuon, broolvlllo. Frederick Mocosllo. `.56: veterinary aoudenb, Klug- abon. Edward A. Filaon. 22; yooman, Am- hernh Island. I`A...-D1__L _-_ _.n 2.. . -,. - um--u-uu I01 uuo noonnd contingent). Up bo ve o clock luau night: Lieuh.-Col. Monoiumberh, D.0.0.. bad administered the oath bobhoee volunteers for the mount- ed inhnbry for service In South Africa: John Sparks, age, 22; nbndenb. Klngetou. Juno: 8. Harper. 26: Net Inbballon. Brock- villo. Oanrle blitllion. Kinonhm-A. I`:-nrla---'-Ir M-'-'---'- IJIIUIBH. '3 Major Gan. Hutton, commander-In chic! o1bhoOanadian forces, desires to accom- pany the Iocond Canadian conoingonh as commandant.` Surely bhero are qualied Canadian officers for the poll). In would be a alur upon the oioero of obs Canadian militia to overlook tahom in choosing a com- mandant for bho second oonblngenn. U0 five o clnnk Inn ninhh I.;....a. ,n..u uluurulp no wmcn may might: be aubjoobed. All the local rocruioa for the mouutod in- lnubry will be Ieno so Toronbo 00 moblllza with the dabuobmonba of that place und Lmdon. Only bwelvo Ire wanted from hare And already aixooen hnve been selecta- od. Oub ol ohlu number bho owelve wlll be cholon. u.:-- n-.. n.,..-, uuu norm or an oruer. alruno eemo Mme in is generally believed that the gum, hernoee nod horses of `A" eld babbery will go he form 0" but; ory. while the guns and herneu ol who 5bh Kingebon eld beboery will be dnlhod mm "D" batoary. The zone, human and horses at "B" bebtorv.Q-aebeo. will become`bha property ol E bablzery. The guns ere of obs lanosb pabbern. breech loading nwelva-ponndare. oho arm wlbh whloh ell hhe Canadian ortzlllory corp: have jueb recently been cquippod. Being per- fectly new Dhey ougbb no wlbhauand any hardship bo which they might: be aubjoobed. recrnioa lnr aha mnnnrnrl in. uruu 01 we won: expecbod ol sham. The cabin ambulance corps of the Hub bnoballon have volunteered tor Iorvioo in bhe Tnnnvnl. The members bsudod In their names to aurgeon Herald, who added his own and forwarded tho applications to Leluu.-Col. Monbizam- barb. D 0.0.. through Llano.-Ool Skluncr. Mob battalion. Whil- ....s.Ll..... L_- _-L L- V rnu IIIIJHIIOKJ. While nobhlng In: yet: bean received in the (arm of an order. atrhbo Mme it: in Qonarallv hallmmd uh-r M... ....... L .... -- unvu DID vary IOU anon. To perform the nooouary work In con- nection with geuolug bhe troop: bogother in no light work. Ind all the oicors, from Maul.-Col. Montlznmberl, D.O 0.. down, are obliged boupend may Addwlonnl hours out choir dosh in the attempt to keep nbroub 0! the work expecood 0! them. Inblra lmhulnnnn nnnu nl ml... I A use of Ihoee lo In lwon ln-'l`IIO Gnu for the Ieruee-`l'tIe Becrnilinl oillerre end pnruene Imp: Very Buoy -lone of the Ionian. ` With regerd to the ceeond Oenedinn con- tingent int eervlee in South Airice. it any in All trnthiulneee he told. "many feel we called; but few, indeed, are chosen." Surgeon Du and hit ekiliui ee- eietent, hoepitel Bergt. O Hegen. are working overtime in on attempt to enmine all the` volunteere who present thenmlvee ioretervioe nt the iront. There in n notiueeble improvement in the physi- que of the volunteere ior the second contin- gent over those ior the ilret. The percent- Ige of rejection: at this junction ie in: be- low thetei the ionizer oeeeeion. At the tune time the come ltnnderd of phyeieel periection it exeeted now no on the once- Iion of selecting men for the tint contin- gent. If the men accepted et the other recruiting etetione are the equal of those penning here. the tneeeoi the contingent will be equal if not the euperlor of the tint thonennd not out. Any men showing the lent hlemieh ie eet eelde. and no ier there have been very few each. Tn nm-Cm-m ah. n.......... _....L 1- --~ NO DEAR? H OF VOLUNTEERS FOR |m:cnu1rmE In raocxnssfl `III of fdv. -.Il.; lg 'UBu:uumomA ruoooms. Pcnnr `ol Ohm or I. not ` 3:-3 v:oJo(;,z'-:3 . mmvmuoutloal luv. uncut: uplnllou fninihr llunn ---u--u wu uncut] Ipllli. IOI|I IDQIQU II$$CIII. Mn.-w. a as cause that. to. wanton with nvoropduia Inlunllolhu book which dootou laid was 00:00; by 2001 Vnnhh UIOII Ibo fnntnont of `nu onuuc of Inna lpoulllu. loath lnlndlnaon--n nu pun: III we wane or 3 low days. Tho Moobodiu lasagna and Revlon for January begin: In any. no volume um) I nohoworthy combat. The initial paper of 8ir John Bonrinot. one of 3 min on the " Progress of Canada during the Quota : Roign. m-Iku n philosophic and patriotic 0000. ul vuu uuuuly IODOOI noon. mu Jobnnou. ldlobugh. Bcoolnnd. in tho (not!) 0! Mr. and Mn. '1`. _ J. Wright, Frontenac shrub. Ilka Johnlbou nag hon reconuly sud on-mud I tnonblo im- pression. She will Apps: 30 I oonoort to his plan In the amino 0! few days. Manning and Rant... 1... Iqzu grlsauuo. Dr. Jordnn. In In ndduu in Ottawa, nid be liked to think of the Saviour u Inning been I real boy. not a nun imltr Mon running by mnhlnory. like the hero of the Sunday Icbool books. Mlujnhnnm. l!.u..|.-...1. H-..u-_.I ._ nuuu In IIII l'rllD_VI0f|M) onnrou. Capo. Hotlnrb Smith, Dublin Funlllon. late of Quoboo, bu boon sppolnbod a spe- ohl oioor to Accompany lord Kitchener to South Amos. He II 1 Rays] military col- Imo gnduuto. Dr, Jnrrlgn In In npI.l.4.. X- nu-_. .-?.L,___;,____ WANT TO SELL 7 RIM! blkltover with max 'l`ha runs Icnvmg I0!` noun Amen. Rev. John Boyd, B.A., pubhr of Znon Presbyterian church, has given 8100 no the minlahorr oonbribnblonn to the century {and of tho Proobyborlnn church. fhnh, I-lnrhaph I.-`Ml. l\..|.Il_ Il|.__nr-__ DI-IB FINE: ` There are some people in Kingston who cannot: be convinced bheh ohe twentieth nenbury commences on Jenuery lea 1901. They laugh eh the Idea. Oahu nlnrh ')rAnnnn ha. DQQQ`-en.` -..--- LDC] uugn III we won. Ow) clerk Drounnn bu received nonun- shlo greening: from the Htghlsad csdoh oorpu of Monhrenl. Ilia in the form 0! I photograph 0! tabs corps. Andrew Mintrnm. "A hm"-W h----- puuturlpu 0| NIB corps. Mintrum. "A buetory. former- lypf Cnrlobon Place. In on luvs of nbunoo no say farewell no friend: nhoruboull be- fore latvlng for South Afrlcn. RAD. nhn Rand D A ----AA- -1 l--- uumpnuy. Soroen rsllway motonnen have been notl ad that herufeor they will be fined one day : pay If they permit: their car to love the rails. ll\I....-.. -._ -.._.- _...n. L wv ur. nurnuga. nus pastor. is 9n not leave. Miss M. Weir, Alfred `screen. left: on Tuoadsy for Sndbury 00 visit: her brother, who In time-keeper for hho Sudbury mining company. Rm-nah rnnwnu rnnfnprngn L...... L... __Al apuuu uunaumu wlm ma paronha. Principal Grant preaches next: Sunday in Ha. Andrew's church. Obonwa. Rev. Dr. Horridge. bbo pastor. is sick leave. M. Weir. All.-ml /uh:-nah 1.1. .. IIJ IVIUUHU War- A small birbhdsy pnrhy was given by Miss Jeanie McKenzie. Point: Frederick, to I number of be: friends Im niqbb. Cornornl Hnzaltnn. "A HAM I--M---v -- I uumucr un nut IFIODCIB man mquo. Corporal Hazelcon, "A eld bautery, re turned yesterday from Toronto. where he spent: Uhriaomu wit-b his paronha. Princinnl Grunt: nrnnnhnn nnvh .Q.....-I-.. WUUR. A connervnoive alderman bhlnka bbut Dr. Duff and D. F. Armstrong will be elected in Ridaau ward. A .._.II L:-A|..I_.. _--L- --- -' VVII Autumn! u uuu DUOLD, nnreu snreeu. T. 0. Marquis. of Brookville. bu visited Kingsbon and old friends this Christmas week. ...... --_AI__ ,I.I_,_,, -I- I -- A -- uruouvlue, III In sne Ollly. Mira Connolly, Yarker, is the guest: of Miss Booth, Alfred pm-cob. 'I` H M .... .. -5 D-....I_._:n- |,,, u -. . Iovononll at tlu rooolo -- What Ihu Are Iuylng And Doing. Mina Lottie E. Walker, Wilton, is visib- lug city friends. W. J. Wood. cigar manufacturer of Brookville. is in the city. Cannnllm Ynmr, in Hm nnn-I: nu uu pusua. ary mom. One Princess unrest merchant, who has kept an on on those taking courses in horaemambip ah hho riding school. aug- geabu bbau such men he requlaiticnad for service with aha second Oanadlan connin- gcoo for the Transvaal. Some of the mer- chants have, among obhera, been learning how no oil: on an animal without: falling on". I ___._________ uuuy wuru uleccau Dy Iwcmmamon ! The aculon of Carboa Lioale Liver Pnlla la plouanb, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver and regulate hhe bowels. but: do nob purge. They Il`0 aura no please. Try them. nnn printing: uh:-ngf rnnrnhnnh my... D... UUUKUO A prospective alderman for Sb. Law- rence ward canvassed an nrbinan or his vote. "I won't: vote for any of you, ex- claimed the mun. "you no all mncnls ! Perhaps here is found the reason why no mnny were elected by aoclamabion ! The nnhlnn nf f`..urf.nn n `Lihtuln l.iu4-u- D.Il. uunulug HI puu In or wnrm WGBDDOI IHIVOB. A quick cure for coughs and colds In the Diamond Oough Remedy. composed 01 wild cherry. horebouud and eleonmpane 25c. and 50a. I bobble an Wade : drug store. A .....\....--u.... -I.l__, __ t__ :1; I new Ivar. ('4. U nuwneu. Abonb tzwanoy five men are employed In and around bho new drill shod. grading an wlchoub and straightening up wibbln. Very little more work can be done until bombing ilpub in or wnnn weather orrivoa. A unhilx nnrn 'nr nnnuhn n!` 4\.\`pln l.. 5.}... euuu caru un one IIHCDIIID munnelplece. We desire bo thank the public for the very liberal patronage accorded nu during the Chrienmes trade jueb pub and what: one and all a very. very heppy and prosperous New Year. E. C Mitchell. A hhnh r.mn.u... am. ....-.. ...... .......I....-.: 1.. KFUUUT IIULI HIE DITJIIU 950'. ll DOD Hue. To bhe noasouable greelngs of bbe oicore of the Richelieu and Oubuio novi- goolon company the Whig oordlolly re- eponde. They are I eat: of jolly good fol- low: and in in pleasure no pun their hand- some card on bhe eencbum munbelpioce. `V8 desire ho thank hhn nnhlin lnr Mm LGSTEEL _ 5. Pm.-s