Iv Iivt*--v---- Tnromo. Du`. `.'|`.-.\li-himln (`vu- Irul rrtigm agents. running from` lhtaln where an nrnlrrruer of nmrialq was h-M \`osIordn.\'. male that it we d-kin`! In incnpae the trrlxh than an Iron and iron prodncuItr:m'n lhlu Co Al! point: In (`until in naturally with ream im-tutu inl ulndhn nun. __ I 1-. "'.....""".u..'T."...u ..a oIlh.; dXnupIoouIlnI0ch':;`s Uh? lbchehb til now. ID no but an has sung. . j A or.su1'cu mar usual to mason: sucn. |rnz cAxan_15r_m]'c11on] ; no. 'l'olo|I'IphI Illa Juan that lots 0- an IIII" II II was In A hot An In- ns:-cnl than win In: is Don Argus ' Inc IHOICI. St. .lnhn'n. .\'d., Doc. 30.--Hu\'o:l`- .....- \:I;-l`nH|IIn Vn\\`I'nIInInnlL n 1'0 Int-Quint-Q ix-` nun \I :..l_.` r:...".:';.:.............| lhllll A Iu|l`nll`r ll qIII\rll'r (II |I(Ir\ \uIm-1| at $2.73. `Ow tanner us inslrucled In deli er the uncut and H-oho |m`\~m-M. hon the tumor called a! bum he rullrrlnl SI mum to \\'n.I clue him. )Ir.l-`nil:-n was 61 at humc an the Hum but In looking for Hm Ihrmor. C1: Iwtpuv -u - :w- ' The ch-puty n-gtsvmr lnr Ontario has nntiu-1| I-My clerk Dnwmhn In Minn-Q the prmiudomn ol the regis- tmllnn nl hinhs. nurriugrn and (Ruth: in the an M ekvrgymon who nqzlttt In-ring Inn:-rings. The city clerk will htqin prosecution of cbllnqoontu In January. -II-fIUUUIU Toronto. PC. 20.+-The Mlchhrnn lun:~erxm-n f_\'le-I vapors ut muzmodo hnl to-dn,\' ummu ing the (Ix-clslon in the famous nun--|n5z msv. The On- tnu vnurls. it will re runu-Inhert-4|. dvcldod rm-1-ntl_\'-that lhv pru\`im'iu| ';_vm1-rnmum was within its |m\\`or in ins:-rtimz in lhu luusos uf crown lim- lmr rm-surn-s a pr0\'isIun rn-quirimz that tho timhor cm ho suwn into Inns in (`umu|u. It is the inn-miun nl Michigan men to curry lho (`nsv In the |=l'i\_v rmnu-il of (:rvuL Brit- uin. ._____..__.. flo Ilohlnn Lantern to earn mun D lulu! Donn -In . 1\ _ nu . 'I`L.. llbalninnnn Ono! coop us-u nu. .|_..-.... _...l-n..... l.... I Am-um. ucuneo. ; nrrium-n --g.,u||".| lnporhtllnuoapnlllo Iulnpurhd munpnollte lhinund anon pd In II. Tloopuhuothhouqumy. Iolcolns.0a|:|cnUcs. -V-u--- .-.--v. .\ Ind mum-d hlcmnnis. v\|\ilI`pI\)- .im.' in the ward cut 5!. Mary`.-1 scrum! E1.-nk\)' m'N'n.ncm. toll M A fence 3 I hr:-lxo his lot! arm. The {rur- ro Tan Mlenc`-od to by Dr. Mun- I dun with I ool an: aunt In (annual -Avnooo uuchuu DNIIIII I u on- lllrp--lnu; Var: Intuuulu `lhlugv, ` (`Imrleslun .\'r\\'.s' and Cnurivr. '|`lu~m wus u 1||ll`(`l` gemus ul Hu- Huh-l l'nlhnlm \u-sh-rt|n\ nml hu hml CURIOUS PCINTI MR. NCORE CAM-. ACRO2!U.: hour nu; ma csNIunv.| Ibodyuabl 31! H3949?! SiI'km'_\. pnlliu-r. \\'ns IIIlI`I(i mun :2: lwi .~'umIu_\. mnrnilur mu! hi! u-mix nu. pm in the null! .\o-st-rai.u_\.~ uni-rnmm. In grimm serum in he quilo` pnnulenl. lnxiinliuns am mu fur u \\odciiIu: ul SI. l.u\\'rt-nro this \\H`|\ 'l'hc-rn nrv rnmnr! nf more in i`:-Ilmv in Iho nmr fuiuro. _\Ir Rod- cirn in (`In-lull}! his H'l'll\ nl lonrhinmz Inn is: \\-lhcmiun \\`| romnin nu. min-r In-rm. .\li.~.n Rnmlhmmo. :\IhorI re-||o`|:o. l|o\i|lo'. in spending \ l\- Pllilun wiih MN` SHVN`. III. T. I-`rit-ml. Knlio Key:-A in nunw for me hcnlicinyn. ueurvro Porter. i-`.linhunx.' has been visiting friends View. umrszo ll. W01.`-\`. .\'ow Ynrlx. is xisiiimx his lvmiher It the Iflh mm. W. M. Poarro. (`ape Vincent. is rnomving nld nrmninlunroo nn iiw i.-lami. Mrs. Vanna hm: Anmow)-at l'I`(`lI\l`l`P1I {rum he meant ill hnlih. r ru-nu. um (31 ...... u M [IREMENDOUS snmni BAncAI ; FOR )(MP.5, V C'|"}Cf3C'P3C'P3C'I`} (#3-3*} BO\JRlL:` B lnvril, limed,_`il;nlrI;I|.I X on n.n.pn-x no In __- ---. -j--:-_j Ponltlvohaucdbythuo &lIoP|ll!o `l'kyahorelicvIDIIuItouDyupepq %tbIuId'l`UH&*tyE1tin. Apes Ittnnn:lyhriqllua.Druv$ oin.nnd'l`u2cmhououL.Caaud'ruau hhh\hSl|g'l`08P1DLIVEll. Thy Iqhthlov. Pudyilquahlu. Q_.-$:j .;-$ Q--- '3'."-an...-.u.a.. ls Innitely more Nourishing than Extract of lost It Home-nude Beef Tu. 1 By our special treatment of FRESH LEAN BEEF ' we restore to beef tea the nutnment which is compledy I destroyed by the ordinary process of boiling!_lheh unt. < 0 Made in twelve _ do fool-model shapes, all sizes, widths, leathers. colors and styles. ' livery pair Good- year welted. is tax n-`A .2 run V HAINES 8 LOCKETT. Solo Local Agents- $3.50 and $5.oo. Head Office. _ so Purlulou st-. Lulu. ha. j ,Xma:and New Year Ho ays, For Ibo above mud mp tlc:.c wu: be I014 umuorn. BINVIJU I'I Odin duo. Doe. II 1;. I 3335 II. In! Jun TIAVILLINO usau: nn nan Z Ilnn.