Kid nlovoa for Indian. boys. and girl's. boob vnrioby and lowest price: at Stacy ; coloreddreae you wnnu gr I! In is n Handsome bhck c O t.oadqunrtere--SDeacy a. An ucepuionnlly handsome taunt. mm M Rh-nu . ano-mt. cupulunluy nnnaaulne out. one of Stacy : ontrvch aprloe$5.75.88 75.313 75. Ullwou In--An, If G ` Oahnqnllodgoo. 10.1.0 |', nip nothing has night hm lunbcc. All thooou-afar yurvuo client! I] no A Oinncr lot loqutol. Bonn truth was ape-hood no Vlctotin school In connection with one want nut MPO. Thin Inn unnninod youotdny by vorhnln. TM in! thin; drum on In 3 pair of ribbon. Nut can I link girl -. dun. lI|oohdlorntionuIhooroo'_.'| nhnduaco night to required. but '35. non uticlo drawn Iorth use only I girl : waking bug. Tho Itonhlo was `noon to- IX` ZIII. Not how cheap. The nobbinb nook- vou In the city. 500.. 75c. - - _._ _,, _-- _ _, __-- nun - vuuvu uwcsor. Merrill`: Syuhm Tonic don not omllnto from qunhdry, but in In I I-clootluliy pnpnrod and ulnblo prescription, or- lng all dloouon having ubolr origin In Coootipntlon and weak or vihnbd blood. In purifies the blood. builds up tho Iynum. atroogthonatho nerve: and regulalu the batch. Sold In 50 bottles containing 50 doltl. at J- B. ll:-.L)od a Drug Scorn. Doocripvo phunplot froo. TBA008.] tn: II I novel U100. Kingston poueosoa u very clever chap dunner in Hurry Borrymnn. Ho can "shop" I coon rag-time dance as clovorly a many of `the noted men tnvolllng wibh tome 0! the big undovillo companion. Cunt. Olvin. nnnnnlv mm-rhwl M Min was my uuuavmo companion. Cnpb. Oztlvio. notably mu-riod ho Mina Glcdyu Whine. Quebec. bu boonordotod to proceed to Amos Immediately. Bo will join the Iocond oonoingont no Capo Town. In. Ogilvio. and her -iotor, Mina Dorothy Whluo. will nturn to Canada by hho out IDOIIIIII. vv u-cog It I! llIll`IFI'. Edwin Hnll. one of the proprietors of obs Toronto piste glut company. in in one city wporinbondlng the work bin employoot ate dorm: no the new operating amphithea- tre It Pobel Dion. III-.n.m-... ...- - ..-__ -I--__ _;__ If]. Driver Thomas Glenn. "A" eld beh- bery. having completei hie berm nl eervico. bu left the can-pa and gone to Montrenl no encer lobe employment 0! Henry Joseph me butler. l`.I_z_ II." ___ -1 .L_ ,, _ v . - nu win Iuavu EODII I10 llll ma DOW DOFIDIOD. Mine Mnrgnrob Hunter. B.A . Toronbo. nn honor graduate of Toronto university. will be Added to the that? of Kin non Indian college at: the reopening in gunn- ury. I\.K-.- I`|..._.-- I\I-._._ nA'I 13.1; g . KVU nu. Frederick Jenklna, clerk In Cmmley Bron` dry goods anon). Ln Accepted I poelolon as G 'l`.R operator at Dsnemnm. He will leave noon to ll his noninion. Minn Mnranrnh Hnnonu D A 'lh.-,..J.. ulye. Roberb Geakin, eon of Thames Getkin. of H.M. cuehoma. has returned home After spending oho eummer selling on the upper lekee. AIL--s I ...... --:n_.. _uL n,_; nu Alizarb Lov , nillng with Cnp. (`Hus on tho atenmer Armenia during tho push veuon. bun returned ho his home on Raglan Road. lP_-J-_z-I_ `l-__Ll_- .I, I I I`- IVIUU CJUKUBWUU (ll [I10 HIHKC. The name 0! Lieut -Ool. Cobhon, I). A. A. G. for nrt-lllrry, is Inonbioned for the commmd of club arm of the oontlogenb. GOOPIYB Beam and MIA. Rlxmnhrnvn WILLS UAPSTAN. uuuuumuu ux LIIIU unn ox line uonuogenn. George E. Sena and Mn. Hulnphreys. Toronto. have lrrlvod so Mr. Soars rosi- danco, " Heatboki." no spend Chriatmu. Miss Hnrhrnda (hnlr nhnrinnh gm ()...... . uuuco, " neanuuuxu. ' Do npoua unnatmu. Misc Gertrude Cook, abndeoo no Qzoen a, loh: bhin morning for her home in Shrub. ford, Oah., to spend the Christmas boll- days. D-L-_; n__L:_ _-_ .1 un , r- uuuw yeuceruny. Mr. and Mrs. Joesph. Montreal, arrived on Snrurdny bo spend Chriaemu with Mr. nnd Mn. R. T. Walkem. J.-ukn 'AIw\Ivnnr\ I .... -.. L:..-._nI. _:.L Iuu Inrl. Is. 1. vvnnxem. John Lernmon. foreman timmlmb with Phillipa &. O0. is conned bo his home with cmgeatiou of the lungs. Tha nnmn nl Linn}. .nI f`.nMmn H A WIJI I IV U Mlorxlicz Doyle. Glenburnio. visiting Mina Jennie Noabih, Pine abreeb, roburned home yesterday. Lurunuu cu apuuu Ullrllllll wlul menus. (4. H. Allen has been elected a represen- bative of obs Mldlnnd colbe` curhng neocl- ntlon. 'I|L.-_._- n__|.:_ I..- A,,:, .1 I - IDIUU. Thomu Gaskin has arrived home from New York to spend the Chrlatmaa holidays with relntivoo. Ill`. Ali-.. I'\....I.. (\I__L_.__:- _!__-Ax, A. F. Farbhingham. Syracuse, N.Y., la I-pending a few days in the city. S. Lee. William 1-trash. Inlh nanom-A-n on. I-puuulug a law uayl In (DC DIE) . S. Lee, William 1-treats, Ieib yesterday to: Toronho to spend Christmas with friends. (I H Allan has hnnn nlnnhnrl n -nun... Plthy l'II'l[l'l[Ihl Atmnl Persona It Home A-5 An.......c LADY uruu. U. Ullrl llfl D. 1500]. The musical treat: concluded with tabs national anthem. The promoters of one hdlea musical club are t.) be commended for nrmnging such an excellent: rccihal, which ehould have been attended by 8 larger assembly. Their {utnre Llforla will, no dcubb. be batter approciatod. xuuuwura or one musical communny. But: about the programme ol laao nlghtfa I reclt*al--bhnb comueted of eleven numbers. A chorus of forty volcee (all ladle-) rend- ered {our number: In a moot pleasing man- ner. under ube direeborehip of Mrs. Dobbe. 0! these Soar of Glory (Armstrong) re- volved I-ll encore. aluhongh The Orion Gross Baby, a preohy ebaracborlaulo piece by Lynne, and "The Bplnnlng Bong" (Wagner) were tq-rally well rendered. [he share of the evening, so use a very common phraaeologv. were Mona. L. Au- drieux laud Mlel Norma Tandy. Mr. Andrleux gave no numbers. "Romania" (svenduen) and A `Ionaoa for piano and violin. G. Maj.. (Grieg) Ills playing waallauenod to with rapb linen- ulon. and be easily proved himself 00 be a manner of his instrument). His accompani- mente were played by Mn. Oampbell TOFOIWO Imlioll critics have elroedy desig- uabed Miss Norma Tandy as a player of note. She gave a maaterlul rendi- tion of Llobeebrantn" (Lilli) and "The Wiach a Dance" (slchowen). There were own vocal aolue on ohe programing, I soprano and a onntrelto. Minn McCart- ney song "Chrinu Raieemer" (Kleln), wnvh vlolln obligate by Mina Ethel Armstrong. Mien Macglllivravh number oonslabed of "The Blrbhday of the King" (Noldlimzer) and "Spring NiuhL (Bobm). Ll-:z'. e symphonic poem "Taeeo" was played an a duo by Mra. Ohown and Mrs. Campbell wnooe rendition was well received. My Prehty Jane" (Bishop) was sung by a quar- t.-eooe conniatiiig of MIMIOB C. Bajaa,C. Wall dron. 0. Clark and B. Tandy. The musical hrnnh mm-lndnd ulhh Mm A Very In: Attendance In the cm Enu- PI-ogrninno of One: IerII-Vloll.n' end Plum Playing a lento:-e-l'ronoten to Be Oolflretluued. An Audience olm hull lled the ally lull amended the reclbnl by the lumen muaioel elnh leeo nighb. And no one regretted having spent bwo hour: In the muslcel eb- moephere. The orgenlnalon. whose mem- ber: performed lean night. In yet: in no lo- fnncy. an In only on ego ll concerned, but in la composer! of meny eingere and players who are I orediu no Kingston. A mualcel . orgeoizmon has been along lelo need in Mm nloy. end this luuobion as now eervcd by (who ledlee club. though not wholly. However, in time lb will no doubt expand. and lb: doore be opened more to the male members of bhe musical comlnuolhy. the nrmrrnmmn nl lean nInhl.'n BY THE LADIES MUSICAL CLUB [A mu: nwslcf mzcmu] Ilncoclyleohu ....._.) I-.I__ X- Ill 1 PERSONAL MENTION. lot A onset Doctor. I`. ll_-L__. III-_x_ 1--- ., OF THIS CITY. Pica SA] : Hal outt Ion coals. Wlll CIIIW*IKUIIIVUI, UuTU"*IIII'II'I"l' III II 1 very plunnt. remedy tlm: an 50' I without any danger or rlok whuhovor. Whoa inlnlod ll npidly volnuliul, and ndl in my to the my none! the din- ouo. wlnnib kllln tho ulcrobio life that OOIIC culun-II And at tho not tint II- Ihono All lrriuting monbnnou to thdr noruul condition. effecting a purnunnl cure. You Iinply In-utho; Conn-bosom the rest Ono mnl will domonunh In wrzoh. For ulo by all dnggiou. ||U\'\l'\l'l' Hll HL nr HC'\(`I'I'. Stuarts |_\'.H]u-[raga l`nM.-In nru made by lh I-`. A. Sluurt (`n., M Murshnll, Ifh . mud urn nnld hy drugglals o\'er3`\\'h(-ro ul 5!) n-nls [WP pnvkngo. Lhlln l\nn|( n! at nanny-In allnnn mm '7 \ ---u ul v-un--o In In qulto any to cure yourao of ouuurh or urban if you use Cntmrbc mono. the uneducated Mr treatment for all diunoa of the and and rotplnhory at- gun caused by gem: life. Cnuurholono will curo-nbeolnfoly euro-_-clbarrh, sad in 1 van nlngnnnt. nannndv Ihnn nun hi nnul Have Atrlvod In u frlca. Mluoa Van Camp. Burke and Roynoldu. lobe throe Holineso movement mioakoonrion who left: this city some mime ago to do knit siamry work in tho Boudnn. have reached thou deshinnzion. Rev. Mr. Vnn Camp, at J pueor of this city, bu rocoivod 3 Ion tar from his I-Inter. in which she says they urlvod no Alonndrin. Egypt. uwo watts ago Snndny, and would immediately pto~ coed up the N110 to Auluon, which is to be aha church : headquarters. En muuo the yonnc Indies spam: a month In England and Ireland with follow Inombtm at their hlth rooldmg hboro. They were onjaying pom! hnlhh and hang! In tin nu-nlrn uunu ruuuzug UIIICI. Lucy warn In]-rymg good beam: and hopod to do eocalvo work In the Mun:-'9 omeo union`: the no- onllghbonod of North Africa. nluguxmn. Ln! nursing Ital" II In OIIIPRO 0! I Canadian. Miss Hlblnrd, who our eerviooin Cubs during the Spmleh Amari- CID III . \r-- can. Onmpnro nockwou. Compare with any other store in the city. 50.: . 75:3. Moo. IIIIICIIIDHI III IIIU HUT The hospital Ibip Maine. being du- pstched to nhe each of war. will be "Amari- cm more than in nnme only. for. while the expenses are boing dolrnyod by United Stones Indies, two cf the mono importnnt amt! lppoiutmenha mvo been given to Cewndinne I).-. J. Alton L. Huris. oi Montronl. who has been nppwintod unbu- lnuce aurgoan. in A well known achieve, 3 member of the New York ltblebic club, and a graduate of Queen`: university. Kingston. The nursing mi? in in chug. Cnnndinn. Minn Flihlnrd -hn nan uu uuu mcmvuu uuuy Ip[)II()ODl0lll Iron: man formerly under his command who volunteered to ngnm get. lum she saddle and proceed be the Trsnavul if Lleuh. Col. Irvine wculd content to tako command of chem. 2 u u--nu u nugnuunl. Lleub.`Ool. Irvine, warden of Sooney Mountain poniwnnhry. and lste commit sionor of tha nnrbh wash monnbed police, while In the city hob week award to node former members of the rnonobed police thnb if noconnrv ha nnulri rah: A rnalmnnn nl prr [mI'hA'lL{I,`. Little hook of stomach dint-nsm mailed from Acltlrosn 1. A. Stuart. (70,, Marshall. Mirh. nu max mumuula Ul uuu luUll0lo`8(l POIIOG lull) necessary he could raise B reglmenb 0! 1,000 men. all ex members of mounted police lorco. for service In South Africa. Ho had received uuny eppliceblona from larmarlv under Inn nmnmnnrl whn ululuu-Ivluuuu. Lucy HQVO [Jlly OI WIUU -acommod|cy blurb eubora gronbly into bhe make-up of some alderman. Seven] judges of horse ash ooogrntnlntad chair- mm Toyo over the good showing his horse: made Inn night. .uu nruvullll-ll uuugruxu-uruu. The new fire department team was given 3 been run lnab night when mourning from answering the false alarm. Tho ho:-eon wood the test: well, and are nob. an elder mnn Bell has allowed himeeif to think, broken-winded. They have plenty of wind -I! connmodlcv hhnb anbarn anmhlv inln Mm 7 Two may nvuugonntl. Two lady evangelists of the Holluea movemoub. Mina Coulthart, Lunenbarg. and Man Evan-. Ouuuwn, are in the city conducting I-pacnl eervlcca at: their chapel on Division screen. The hrmar wan um uuuuuuumg rpwlu services an Lumr chapel screen. The farmer was the rao of her faith 00 open up the work in this city some (mo years ago. The growth has been npld. uuu nun. u. n.. a;r;wco: . owns In no rtquired to purchase clothing and ther nocetsscitlea for the inrnrveq lrom lac turera or dealers in Omarin, in ad of grains; into the other pmviucea {or III, as frequently hue baan done. Ilnu Buy In uuurl A lehber has been emu to the Lho pubhc institutions of bho p hbe Hon. J. R. Szrabcox ohm th -.....K-ml 9... .\.\....I.....- ..|_\u 14.- _-.| why noun 1 When there is such a remedy as Newl- llno for all kinds 0! pain. In cures neu ralglu in ve miuutev, toothache in one miuube: lame back no one nppliceblon; heudecbe In a few momenbu : and all pain jueh as rapidly. Give to 5 me]. Bpoolnl In owum: lane to Order. Prevoeo, of the New York oYothiug store. bu a great: vnrlehy of auiuings, consisting of Search and English bweeda. Also a ne solactlon of sergea and wort-teda. In pants in; we are showing extra value nhia eouou. A first class 6 guaranteed. To 03.: A Olnnanco. The Granite bawllng club In afbor the iron woxlxora with n chnllemzo. The law named team won bwo gamer: from the harbors and tho Grsnices would lllm to go up apnlnah them. The bicycle club And the Kingston yscln club are also chnl- lengod by the Granlbas. "Wlthnuv. any mm.-etlm tho nnfent, must ouctixu ( (Hum-ntiun, hlllnusm-nu. on nnd ull dornngzq-rm-um M II however Hlhzht nr no-xoru-.' Qllnrl '1: |ruI..nn_\.lu 7|`.- (Juno Iron Young rrhnds. The lntaeb thoughtful conirihnizlon to him Whig for him {and ior "articial hob for the lad Lnrulieo comes from Miss Jonule Van derburg. Onblou. being I collection taken up among her young friends, which she made with her but eympnthieu. `era for lpI|l'I. The Itounor Tccnmnu arrived so the Kingaoon foundry whu-I on Tuoldny She will have ropnira made no hhe machine- ry during the coming winter. The Tocmn uh hu just: returned from A trip up late Superior which is the latest: on record. Inn Ion Boon \ The gnnd display of neokwou. glom. smoking poke `droning gowm. Iill handkerchief-, ck acute, and ngvolcioo ammo for X Iprooenta at Gsllnghae. vv vuuuxuuly U-uu For my lady I nice psi: of our boat: jer- ny legglnu. We have then At 81.25, 81 50 sud 32. Human & Lookout. Ollltll. Finest not-kw: In the city. Huh no mistake. We never bake a back out as Christian. Cum: The (nulrmnn Ouugrululmod. .. ..__ n-- .|_..__.._A,,. .. Onnmllnnl `to `tho Ion. 0lI;~BIllO I Bnglnnant. n! l-..1.._ .___.|__ -1 ' I3 [L LS` nuuluny nean. Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tah- leln are ud\'0rtise(| nml sold in drug stores. yet I consider them 11 most vul able ndditon to any ph;y'sicmn's line 0! relllodie, ns Lhvy nrc [watert- l_v hnrmla-su and can be given` to children or invulids or in may condi- Uon of `tho stonmch with pa-rfiwt qulfety, being hlIrlll|('.'-IH mud contain- in}: `nothing but !ruil. unil uguvtulylu mnences, puro pepsin und (inldon Hen]. ' CITY lND VIOINITY. Wolululnuy Dului I-)_ _ ..l-- _-l_ -1 -... Iota II II onlululy mun xnown to loom. Iron prints eonrun count: the intima- uou than than in not any donbl but than "A" eld bunny will go to tho hoot. Tho moo hopo thlo lnlonnuion in correct. Bt- cruiu have npphod In ponoo at the bunch. ban on than on no onion to Data no more men. the npplicanh are told to hold annulus In rudluun And to ho ulehln all of the tomato, u the odd to tannin tho Io in MI -oqngoh In hourly upoobd. ton dihe- onh points in the diaries Ionian no pounng In to the district at command- Ing. 1':-on pronoun uppunoeu than will not in the Ioundlenlly In goong Ibo do- nkod nunbcolnomud bhonry ohoieut apoeinul ol Ilood II at. (ll-on Anxlnly at tho lIllt8cII-IDol'llIll Plonllfnl. Expoouncy hold: away sh Toto dn Pant: bunch those dnyo. When the call to Arms In oonndod ovory mun will ho lonnd with his nrmourncklod on and prepared no mower "Rudy. aye ncdy ! 80 deep- ly no the non lnoorootod {hub Ibooo who no compollod to runuln In Mr- noh by the domondn ol duty nod out an every opportunity during she day some one of their nnuhot to rand the bulletin board: and rnparblho nowo oonhlood thoro- on. They ncognlnotho has that should the govommono decide to and the battery I) Bouuh All-Ion tho now: pan will IMVI received nohiouolon of t he! lon ho- loro In In oioially and: known to them. from nrnntn wanna: nnmnn thn |'nM'Inn_ B 4 4} PILLS EEEZR{ " '8 v- -anal. 25c. nockwur you can get suywhoro. but (or the novroob. lnooob. nobbiotb neck- won you will ban to no obo diaplny hero. WH-ll WIIIUU BN5 II` uurrouuuocl. For meny year: prior 00 1898 commit- manba increesod in Cenede eh I much greener nbio then populehion end such prncbfcal politiciunn as above no not: un- known to lune even here. Progocbion seem: be broad than poieonone lung! 0! do caying civllizuhiom. lor experience benohu than they disappear in ohe bracing utmos- phere 0! tree ends like we dank nnheelbhy exhalation: of night) before the heel:hglv- ing rsyl 0! 01:0 morning um. _ '1 an nun-luv V"iI'L[.'"' 5 9:: Wind =1 P in .1 . Stomach .;:'.r_'9- I.-.' W'UI'\lI H18 llll lull VIOIOIII. WUUIU I'IIIO. For over thirby your: post commiomenin have incmesed seven] hundred per cent. iesbor lzhsn popnleiion In the highly pro- boobed country to the south of us, end in is e nobarinus hob then with e iew hononble exceptions their governments. booh muni- olpsl, acute and iedersl, sre now in she head: oi poiiblclens who declare ohemselves "out: for tho shu " Men who thus dealers themselves Are, in plain English. represen- hebivee oi the people who are willing, for personal gain, ho connive so the robbery oi the iodusorioue whom they have sworn io proteco. Such men cxll themselves practi- cal politicians; in reality they ere herb- lens in spite of the clvilivupz inuences with which they Ire surrounded. For mnnv vnnrn nrinr hn IROQ nnsnrnih_ KIIIJO You can save from 30 to [nor non} u Iu...2..n. ......_ KTUIILUIU IIIUIIUIIJUU Ill UIIUUIUU IUUaUIo As I mebter of hob the degree of civilian- rion ucbnlnod by bbe people of my country la measured by bhe degree cl proioohlou in Me and property may enjoy under their reapechive governments. Now as increas- ing crime involves decreosiug protection to life and properly ib may with truth be said then in a country where crimlmle ere increueiog lb I greater rutlo then puls- cion ishe penple are reverting to bar nriem. In le self evident: Lhnb under such conditions with the low frenchlec now prevailing iu moat: civilized countries it. would only be a question oi mine when iahe robber or bar hario element: in their mldeb. or in abhor word: the idle and vicious. would rule. wnr noon khh-ha nnurn n-uh Anllleuulhrnnnln IUUH LLIILI III IOU`. The hon bhsb crime increases in on country after the imposition or increase in proceccive dubiea end decreases sitter such dn:-ies are reduced or sboiished poinbs no line conclusion chub this system 0! bexetion tends to destroy she eicreaoy of 0iVlllzld uovernmenne in hheir first: duty. ie. she probeooinn of bile lives and property of the governed. In is in order bu ohhsin this service sh the bends oi s govern- menh then the industrious submiiz too be bexed. We should keep in mind when considering ohis subjrot, ones the iegitairneto business oi the barbsrisn is to rob ohe iniuebrious. while aim: oi civilised governmenh is Do prooeeh the industrious against the sutscks of one idle end vicious in hbelr midsn. Experience proves when where governments sre mosh sioieob in bbis regard hhe governed will oer the greetesu resisiaenoe so oubside snbaek. Al I mentor nl lush than rlmn-an nl as-llius. ULIU UIJPUUUHUB Ul TUIUTIH Wlll IUlII||l- In In a moat: uignioenh not no nobe that in one reepaoo whau book plnoe In obher oouutrles ulcer elmilnr movements ouwnrdn lroe undo bed been lneuznnbod bu lol|ow- ed bhe movameub ln Oanndemunely, e Inb- stnnhlal decrone in crime. In spite of no inc:-one of populnulon much noon the avenue of preceding you-9, oommiomenha for 1893 show A decldod dam-one on 1897 In all we provinces exceph Brlbluh Colum- bia and tho north west: berrlhorlee. Even In tzheee lnbbor diam-iota where coodlblone are abnormal owing to ubo gold exclbomenh and a large Inux of settlers, oommitmenbo in proporhlon no popnlnhlon npponr to be loan than in 1897. NH.` 1.... p.L.-o. ...l...- l_-_.---- 1.. -__ III 00!. ::1cel896, I! most people know. we have dude I oouniderahle reduction. in Oil! own protective term. a reductlou by the way. which he proved to he 5 good deal more to 3' than Apparent. Al the Hon. Mr. Patterson pointed out In e reeent epeeeh In the houee cf commune. the twenty the per cent. preference on Brltieh good: In nearly cqnlue (er I! the Oauudlau oomulner In concerned to an all round reduction of duty to thet extent-. This feature 01 the mm. combined with the large number of psrtlculur article: on which the duty wee reduced. makes the step we hue taken to- wards free tredeelong one. The change indeed in A great denl more ndicel than the opponents of reform will admlt. In In A mnuh nianionnh not an nnhn that Winn Prozulln Duuu llansu ll-Inc Incrauu-unbulun Allah; In the Ualud 8IItu--tho lane oollllloul rreull In All Promoted lionnu-I00. OTTAWA, D-so. l8.--(l`obho Edloor): In Jnnuuy. 1896 I drew public auction to hlio vary curious hon thn crime Inc In- waning In all tho highly prouoeod oonnbrlea of the world and was doe:-suing in nhona countries where such harm`: bod boon abolished. or were In count at boing reduced, giving wall nuuuonblcntod lgunl ln nrmf FREE TRADE TENDI T0 DE GREASE CRIME. paorncnox Armcmnz. THE MEN ALL READY. jwALDRoN's Special lot. FRENCH __A_\_rd_9_ ENGUSII Q 2-C.ZIlI IIII |l3DCCIlIlQZl`I'l1c ` pond! 31 PI] W Pun grnynl h.n0I'\::'d flu : {rJf:: `IMQIIX. (in. nu. ug: Oolunbu. or . rhrnuuulnnl tillnulmalulhsuutn. El. KID GLOVES lg wc_KIr Heap Of Cour fort \r\v\Qr`\*OK\O&Q`I&9`l HULINU &`a`a;'u$-5;: cu. Block and Pant hue: BOOTH 8: CO. Riot of West Stlitt. Pll 0ll'I 9. 3980! 31.25 quality for up|rIIu.runcel lu|I_V Cureu. There was no more acidity nr sour, watery rislngs. nuhlunting ul- ter meals, the t\p|>o.-litu \\'us \-ignrnus and he has (mined between ton und twelve pounds in weight 0! solid, healthy esh. Alihnntrh Hum I-Va I11-nnnng-In 'l`nh_ Tho Loading C_lothien and Fu- \I\II4I\I-4`! JIl\`I `I If`. CC? 26:21 inches. No old chrolnos. Fit to adorn any house. 6 sub- ject: to choose fmm. Drop in and see them. 900000090 , POINTS 3 root or oumg smm. Will give a beautiful HAND- LOLORED ARTOTYPE, size nA....u I...-L-.. `Ll- ..l.I `L...-.-- With every order for I Ton of Coal, at regular rrmil price. from now until Christa _ FOR Christmas '9 %VdM-`nan WANU; PICTURE Coal That Suits. 97c uuu BIOCPIOCHIICSI J` Illl. "I gave him powerful nerve tonic: and blood remedies, but to no pur- pose As an experiment 1 finally bought. a 50 cent. package 0! .5't.uurL'a Dyspepsia Tablets 11!. a drug sum: and gave them to him. Almost im- mediate relief was given, and after he had used {our boxes he was to all appearances fully cured. 'I`hnrn u'nu nu nun-n nr-iulitv nr Order now ; no 1 no short. wolghuu. 1 .... . ..u........ %'l dllil Ilig pl!!! 5. 995% In A inn nf IInnl|\': (Yul, I 1 In 3 ton of Booth : Oonl. AI! youonjoylnlgltf Order on; wulu: no wolxhuu. uyupeplul. `IIIDIGLB. He says: The patient was a man who had suliered, to my knowledge. [or years with dyspepsia. l*L\ery- thing he ate seemed to sour and create gases in the sttiiiiabli. He had pain: like rheumatism in the buck, shoulder blades and limbs, lullneai and distress after eating, poor ap- petite and loss 0! esh; the heart. be- came affected. causing paipitulion and sloeplesanesl .u night. "I Have him nnwsxrfnl nnrvn tnnh-n CIIIH Br. Bedwell relates an interesting account. 0! what. he copsiders u. re- markable `case 01 acute stomach trouble and chronic dyspepsia by the use 0! a. new disco\cr_y, bLuurL's Dylpepula. l`nblets. 111; name: 'l`hn nnlinnl me n rnnnl Alou Muuvu" Innuaoc I rnuul nua- TRY lllhnlly lulu-vac anal rununtty turn by M IlI`I uppcpou lnnuu. Pdiivoly unlnodicued `Q ll Xmas`-O TL- - --v-vvvl C$TV$&CIC` in an aspect. The lngi ledouia linen] \II.n... n.:-. _.S____- -A I Ery Smoker know nd Ilkos them. IUII can save Irom to . sper cent By buying your hristmas gifts at BO I DYCPE"IlA AIVD ITOMAOH TROUBLE. When In Doubt about his Glfts buy a Tln of Mild. 260: I 60. on- Medium and Full. 101:. 200. 400. mp umokero prefer ~uArI'ca-an SlLVEB S. lH'('ll\l7 CUT IUT 1"- oss. cnnsllluntiu-II, man u! Hm .-atmnuu-II sun urn " iuv. 750. Hwy nru rn fur in- buys I homo cough In we coma nuance: odgod by ml] in oxinhouoo. M_clAod'o drn; B. SILVER & ml I:-:;u.tonI|dl pockohnod all Unto. Prion my low. 3. C. Ililohdl. flu Jlnlin n. in Ilhnln-I r. anal-an OBI Bull. Wall how: not In: Christan In waolh hlclon In In noekuur. Thin yo: Iolrouny shade! Inn. lo hula for thin. lhonly that olglu o'clock Int owning I Iolopllaoo to No. I in notion on- noooood that 5 had btotoo out abort lubed`: drug soon. On arriving than 3: Gnu: could diooovzhoo oohnzno lot In. nonghoboyna od 0 place thocoughly. nnvununuuuu at` VII. Invlhllonn no out Announcing tho or- ringo of Ilia [do A.. dnghoor ol . and Mn. 0. V. Lorin. Odoun. no Frodoriok 0. Hondonon. Bagel touch. The ootnouy wlll Into phonon the `.?7Ih Inn. Mr. Hon dorooo In onglnoor on tho Ioounor Bannock - born.nnd lo wollknown In tho city and astound vol ) highly nnong Innrino moo. The brick in one of the moat charming young India of Oclouo. -v u vvulu hero ! I Itrlling Ilmllu-icy in than words. Both no to ho dreaded. Inc can any dollnra when-on 25 3 homo ol Four '1' : and euro: the twenty-tour hours, making the nnnocouuy. Four '1' : in unknow- go be the but long remedy Largo boiblou 250. nt J. B. drug thou. |.IIuIUl.IIa The oicor who received the letter ang- cuah aim in would in n noble deed lor Canada to and a lnlly equipped ambulance corps no South Africa to aid the Bribiuh nick and wounded. Two companies repro- oonblng Bold hospital nod carrying oorpa could bogabherod from the rocoudmhird and Goal year modicnl acndonta 0! Laval. Mc(}lll, Queen's and Toronho nnivorsihioo. Thu-o men would have the finest lralnln pouibia for Inch work and would be of immense service to the Rn. ah army medical corps. Tho liotlo nocouary drill In atrotchor work could ho pub in on board ahip while on room to who front. and arriving than the rorpt would be all ready no go Inbo we (laid Many aoudonbo ahlondlug these univoraihien already have had uporionco in ambulance work through connocbion wlnh come of the cioy bat-baliono. The suggestion of Mao of can is worthy oi consideration. Y :jj,._:..___. If you buy it from us you will know that your present is the best of its kind. Whether high priced or inexpensive the goods we offer are always the best. Our immensely large stock of all kinds of Ladies` and Men's FURS is replete with.real genuine bar- gags- . ...... ---.- r_-_, III UHOOF 3||IlI,l&`| This Danna: send out iomou man. All 0 ' Jr in I loonl corps bu rooelvod a lW3.I- torn a brother oioer an pronoun I,M blonod no Aldorahob. Eng and the wribor given I lluble lnlormnolon wnchiug oho daploblon ol nll who hlg mllitary bar not: in England ol choir brave oo- oupnnbo. He dwolla more pnrulonlnrly up- on tuho nood of the British an my In Bonrh Africa 0! surgeons and hnlnod ualnrnnta All the avnllnhlo Army curgeons and has- pm! ordorllu In Eoglnnd have been gath- ered up nnd sent to one Ironu and still the supply in In short: of the oobnol Mode. The wrlror Inahonooa a one which shows the extremity 00 which bho umv modionl dopulnuonh in England is no pronoun ro- duood. Upwudn of 200 wounded ooldlen from South Africa ll l lVBd so Aldeuhoh (or treatment. nd there wun dearth of surgeons no on d_ than. 0! hnlnod ordorlloo not: one remained ah the army depot. and the oulhorlliu had I.) ruoro to asking the oonvnleeconu ooldloro to wait: upon nholr wounded oom- panlona. Thu nir-Ar uhn I-nnnlvml Hm Int;- nu- Iumuluuu ID|' lay orumnry tire. The chief also holds `abut the ro_ do pnromsno but certainly Improved greatly under nldermn Toye'e chnlrmnnahip. II In alao did when odor nldermnn Mlunes. During uho put your the department: has bun wall tquipped and the brigade in- created from owelve no sixteen men. In ia_ In no bud plight. and In In folly for an AM ermnn to holmle the work done by `oho proconh ohnlrmnn whom the hrlgtdo {cold like to ace appointed no the sumo /fxoehzion out you. I . r wuu n moynle pump. A: no doing away with `the ehemicel eo- giue chief Youlden thinks that such on ides le elmply rldlcnlone. Thin engine In of uhe ubmoso nine to the de rlmenb, end no wise civic oummiotee won d remove in. The chiel Ineuenoed eeverel re: no which. hed Io not been for the chemical enavlne. eterrlhleloee of pro I-by would have occurred. Thle wee t. 0 one in the re en Celderwood lean summer where the hydxente were no In ewey iron: the unee, than it took over owo hhooennd leer ho goo neer chem. ' The engine In heken beyond the re end greveohd to from epreeding Au smell roe end in outlying diebrlcta nhe chemical eaglnele greatly in nee. Oa able engine le curried 500 leeb of hose. and lube hose wumon cenlee 1.000 feels. this being quite euiolenb for any ordinary re. Thl chief lino hold: lm? than rn dn ollel Yeulden (Iembete Ald. lelI'e mete- nenee-fIe II-kale outee IIeIeee- Would be Ildteuloue to do Ave: lth the ohemleel gclne. Obie! Youlden doee not teke the am View ee eldermen Bell don about the tire depertmeut. The able! thlnhe thet hie brlgede end lte equipment ere quite up to the Inert. end thleldee le held by hun- dredeo! people In Klngeton. Regarding- eldermen Be l e etetemeute which eppeer~ ed yeeterdey chlet Yonlden wn naked for hie oplnlon on the eeme, end he eeld that they were elmply nomenoe end he could provolt. The etetament tbet the remen were uneble to relee end men oeuvre the luy-ve foot ledder recently purcha- ed. wee entirely untrue. They bundle it quite eully. end the men would give en llluetretlon ol thle by releing It lor elder- men Bell e benet At my time. The horeee purcheeed for the hoee weggon ere Ill right ee they were cerelully exemlned by e veterlnery eurgeon. If eldermen Bell think: they heve not enough wind. the men et No. l etetion will pump them up with I bloyole pump. Al n dnln minv -lhh `Mun nlmmlnnl An- I SEND ARMY MEOIC Ll THE FIRE DEPARTMENT NOT IN BADPLIGHT. 0 ma ksrnygggs mmmn. A Oolnh Loam no 3 Dunn. _.1. _ _;_n.n_.. _l_.n-_:.4 1, Invitation An OII. y___ ___ _,.. _,, .51. : huluuoluul CHIX lnnnlknn If Inlloubt XIIU IX `Ill. EU VI- Holy and Iowan ptiotl no 8:010`; Bill: hr Isiah, but vs- II nnll In-nah nrinnn gm fconps. It enables you to resist the disease. Even if your lungs are already affected," and if besides the cough you have fever and emaciation, there is still a strong probability of a cure. ` The oil in the Emulsion feeds; the hypophosphites give power tolthe nerves; and the glycerin: soothesland L._I- IICS. thcrc is 1 history of weak lungs in your family, take Scott's Emulsion. QLAA It nourishes and invigor- CIWHCII. The Canadian suntan: athletic succin- oion It it. mooolna in Montreal on llondny night ninuurod Ed turd Bnyley. Toronto, to the amnion: nun. George Ilnckinnon. ol Queen's. can also roiuvoahd. The 0.R. I` U. will boslluaod with the O.A.A.A. Bunch to no such. Bnutifully decon- hd bani tied with ribbon. conuuinlng Ccloy I Eoglllh ohocolnhoo and boo-bout. Pri from 203. to 82.251 box. I. 0. MIN ll. H1- l'V-_-Al-_ -__L_.__ -Al.I-AA_ __--_n, "T I The dz-emetic club of Queen : met you- terdey end completed reading the play which they are prepu-lug to give in Merck. The committee in chuge hevo dnwn out I eat ouhe. . 8IXl 1 hh IIXK mntifnlltdumx, E. A. GERTH, Agent 8886 St. Cnlherine B6... .`.!ontv LUIIIL I`llIUVIU|Io urnull Union. A grub mun can no to be soon on the new gowns. hey button ncrou bbe fronts of jnckeoo and gowns. they fatten one side of no skin no who other. sud they are proo- ty ovotpiocea 0! dark trimming: or far too In light gowns. out! In VIII loll. U. mlccnsu. The I) at L. Emulsion bonona mosh hhooo hnving lung trouble: with tendency Do homorrhnaea. A few bottles union regularly -v the I wonderful hnprovomoob. Made by Davis & Lawrence 0.3.. Llmitsod. Dreu hho boy up in I new null: for Onriub~ mu, all boys und chlldron'o mm 25 per ecnb. nductalou. Gnnd Union. A rnnnnh lnanu tab. --.. A- L- ..--.. _.. AL- You are tiny: nfo in giving II purse. We have bhom Iron: be 00 $5. No) a poor one in obs lob. E O. Mltchsll. `Pt... I) L l. I.`.....I.a.... |....-a.- __-; She who docluoo Oh the would not marry the bean mun llvlug never gels aha chnnco. Than Indlvidunl I! Always discov. and to he the husband 0! IOIIIO other WUGK- urnnu Union. Hardly my woman cln roluln from say- lng "trslned nurse" wlnh bho omplnala on ruined when she enjoys the paid aorvicoa of anyone when she is sick. Hnnnlnl All In! hmllv us. In inn. -Ix Mn I II III) I- Bbonge companion gnu-nntee 00 move you eoywhere-even bo teen aomehlmea when you discover that they heve broken your neel piece 0! cub glen. I UI IIJJUIJII VVIJUII lll IS IIOK. Special ale (or hmlly mo In kegs M) Ma- Pulnndh. DL-_-_- --..__-_l-_ ....._____L-- A- Beaver oven-cosh: In blacks. blues. greys and brown. `2; > per oono. rednchlou this week. Grand Union. Y1..."-. ..... .-........ ..-.. ..l-.:.. 1-..... --_ cluuy. n. `I. MIKCDBII. If Kinabon'e boat: clthena uonoh eon- cornod enough 00 amend no the cioy s buai. now than obey must put up "with any old nhlmr. R..-.. .-.-.-....n. 1.. |.I--L- LI--- ..--..- nu, uuuur. The citizens: Anybody can an: in the council no long as we onn criuioizo and lamoub hhe way our baxoa are apenc. McPa'"`and a 101' Christmas liquors. New York chocolaboa. 350. per lh.; 3 lbs. lor 8|. Far auporior no any Canadian candy. E. 0. Mitchell. I` Kinonhnn'a hnah nlfiunn AI-A nnli nan, IIIIA \Il luII%\IlIILI.I Wills Capatan and Tra- veller Tobaccou are for sale by leadiypg dealers, or tent by mail, poatpaid, on receipt of price by IIIIIU I "II? 0DIH'O!l_VIl0." Everything t.hno a been in perfumes is to be lound here If! lowest prices. When In doubt give perfume; In is always neoph- nble. E C. Mitchell. No dye is sold in more eludes, or ner ouu. bhnu Magnoolc Dyes. Price 10.. for my oolor. ML- -:u_.._-. A__|....I_ -__ -4; :_ AL- nu uuug nu nuy are low In me nag. A ue old Amonlzlllado sherry for con- noisseurs ab McPnrl|nd'a. IIUIHIIIIITI II} QCFIKIIDUVU. There no obher ohloqs. lb may be no Mood, bonldeo 5 green Chriebmse, which tmko n "In churchyard." I1.-gnnohlnn 95.-. . L.-. 1.. .....-t....._.... :. .._ v-_ r ' fLbuy'a with :0 half price In one of tho Chrisbmna gilt: we are giving. Gnnd Unfon Clobhlng Co. rnh nhnancnh nl nhnrnnhun in rnnnlfnniuul UIJIUII \JlUIlllIlJ \.lU- Gronb strength 0! character is manifested by the peuon who can stop eating peanuts to long an my are lofo in the bag. A na nld Amnnhlllntin Ihnrrv fnr nnn. Iuu uuuuuu-s, u n. u. mncuolrn. The oxproounnn and hue messenger boy will noon be one moat: lnbereabing members of obs commnnlbv. Florida orange: Ab Rees . If hhe wind would paint: only our choaha and lab our noses alone It would be tuba bent: rouge in Ibo world. ' '53 ` Thno olzommh trouble will code if you will hate Miller : Compound Iron Pills. Ono Ilber each meal. D..omu n.......a.- -..u-L|_ 1-- ;---x.___ Probhy pruenbo. uulhoblo for belcheri nod Ioholnxs, at E. C. Mitchell's. unu IlD6l' anon IIIOII. `W Th: Arm-an-mun and Mn: manna...-.-. Iv... i run nun or In nnolr ouoro no wnau. Obrlstmu shoppers mny gob muny nood- lnl tips from the Wblgndverhldng columns bheso dnyr. Fina chocolates, we. I lb.. an Gllborva. Some dogs no so friendly chub they would plnyfnlly ucorh I burglar from room ho room. Moat mild or medium. II1'I| n /\ The Crown Poumory Co !. perfumes. I full line of all their odors an Wnde a. nhrlnlmnn nhnnnnrn man man um... -....I use In uouulc Iuu Ill wool] In morn-Innu'a. If Bombs Olnue brings a sled lab no hope hhnb he also mnkel some unngomenb with the ice mun. In... n_.._._ D-..i__.-__ n_v_ _-_.,,,,,, `Uzi! Qho Iudlng band: of Rachel: wbla-H Hoe In bottle And In wood uh MoPar|nnd'a. If Rank: nu... Innlnnn - -Ind l-b. -. 1.....- muuuu ouguu vu nvuuu no jlll. Imported sud domuoio cigar: and ciga- otbu Ma MoPulnnd a. Try tho ulna. O! the original bunch Gen. Glory is the only one who hasn't got: his bumps. Sweob cider, 25. a gnl., ID Gllbon. A Pineapple nilk handkomhleh with on- brolderod edges are about and pratty. Orange: 12 onto per dc man an Rose`. To occur; absolute Independence sud freedom from lnoomnin own no one I dollu. Thu nu-nhr.l-KC.-nu: "And. In 0.....- -... L. uvuuom [mm IIIIOOIDIIII own no count. The prenulooh` fancy goods In town are to he found ab E. C. Mitohalh. Pricu the lo:-uh. All -I.- I-_.II__ L_._.I_ -1 n__-_1 :- IIU WIUI I. The Jo:.g nngo nr crieic hu more than he on do those dayu. Rich onuno. we. I |h.. :9 Gilbert ; The pol-Ion who dispels the Shut: Clau- lllndon ought to bemoan to jsil. Imnurmd And dnmnnlsln aim: and niau-. I-II IUUW Iyllllll UK If- Al{t.ho ludlnq odon In nebula powder: II W|do a. Mk. I... n u... --. --u:- I.-- ....-.. aL-- -UvIIIuws- can A-CI: :0-Int Nnvul orange: :0 Bean . . Haw for person who discuss piohurgu full know mythlng of arm. Al Innrllnn ndnn In nnnhnh nn-(Inv- INOIDENTI OF THE DAY. C VHO lb. lb.