Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Dec 1899, p. 1

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REBELLION AMONG RESIDENTS OF NORTH OAPE COLONY. -I-brnoooouoauuu. PAus.Du !).-A Duncan uguncy hnnnmhd hm Wnhinntnn thn uh. `Ibo man}! the rustic. (I41 -. woman in nuance. \'-__. I\.. In. rx,--_ m Kmesruu. osramu, Wm-u1~ucsJu:Y. 1)o;aIsisn no. 18:. o'clock lllll momma: W0 God that the (coder in In In not I50 509! nnihhlt, that the upset] o! tho on to no Iron us to to loeooniovonl with ooh- I to lilo. and that In responsibility tot Ln condition: run with the pond bond of nuncomsv-I ol Ton-oou: ulna! railway oonpmy. W0 God that the notat- nun dud -his duty. Alto that that in coat.-ihloty nnglicoocioll lhoprtd I50 driver of In owgh " `I'M: verdict of placing his nlpouibillly dthdnlhol Hrs. Rogunupoolhoboud ddinacon ol tho fuvnloouul rsilny ennpnny hupochi to Iohllovul hyac- Iunclnhpunol Ihoctovnutuuy. u-cu us v-w-rs 'l'ol.u.\'*ro. Dec. 20-Tho coroner : jury in Ihocuo o! In June: ROQCI, killod on Bntuduy night In: ohtlo driving neon Obuoh otroor. by being run down by I shoot cu, roturnod this votdncl cl ooo o'clock um morning: W: nal thgl ILA Canals in non nnn nan OI {DUI E00. ll. Bsnii praises the Boot olooro. Ho admin: their contact uhlch they but dioplnyod in dying In prolotonee to unto dorina. bub oboorvon nn oppo-in loodoocy on *0 put 0! HM Brltilh ooldmro. ll Ru-gil hnliavnu lhnh In in nnnnihln ILAI Don't you think it tdvisablo to look at our stock -of OHOICE PER- FUIE8. They cumot be equalled in thooity. Prices range from 850 to $8 per bottle. Remember that we hunt Inge stock of Toilet Cues, Oollu and Cuff Boxes. Ilnionro Sots. Necktie Bonn, &o.. wlnoh yo inton calling my low. H G9 Dr-Ila-ghgeint. % II- A-____ L_________ I, I IIIVII V|C'.0I y DTP! lfIDCO- Tho Pals up that Franco don not wnnb war In which she has nothing to gain. The paper warm in vudon cguinsl thou vhn no I-hing to overthrow the republic by Ionian Int. RAIEVIAY COMPANY TO BLAME. `llo ( town Ouoruop II Llloly To Tana no- u|__ gt linngg Invtu I U vrvuuu vyuuuvun Pnus., Dec 20 -Ex minister Bunil, in nu imorviuv In the Paris. an be boliovoo (shut the parent I-or will cod in 3 Boot viohory. The English no dlcpiritod. Ind whilo they vnll uh-woo. I-hay tool thn Ihoy no bum: befarolnnd. On him on: hand. Ibo Boers have him in tho diaclpllno of their man. u n--_u ....:... AI`. 11.... ..m.... ll. on In part 0! Inc Drluuu wlmurr. I. Bnnil believes than in in pouiblo that England will cook to to-'oro hot pnuigo by a naval vic`ory over Francs `Pin P41: nun thnb Fmnnn (Inna mi Inn! , (hr! III For `one flat`. Nlw Yunl Doc. 20 -Chn|oe L. Pierce, consul In Ibis may for the 011030 Fun Burn. in opening of tho '|`r-muvul wu-. I- qnnrod as saying : The British can and 1.800 000 troops down more intend ol |8U_000 of they Inn! to and still they won : go! who nppor bud {or 3 your or two. In`: not the side with tho moo! troops thus : going no win. but the side that Ihoobo straighten." Ilp plays` dun --nu ha Inn: n nnnntnnh IIITIIKIIVTI Mr. Pierce the up he Inc a oooouno serum 0! men coming to bio oloo who sum to go no Booth Amen to llama With the Bonn. Ir Piano boll: whom the only urn In no Apply on tho Bane and pay shou- own upomu to South Mrioajhloh would in 8400 per mun. I0 `I10 IIOPBlll'IOI- Alnalordun nod The Human Iadiu no offering hhoir union for collecting money. And mnny young man of good lumllu in Tho Esau Inn docldod to an to the Tnnavul Iojaln the Boonln we add I r! vruuuu-. f I-yunu. Nlw Yonx, Doc 20 -'l`wo grolh ouyar moomogu were held In`: nights at R)M.aI- than by the church psatora gnhorod ll-om nll Hollnnd. an 0 an Antwerp cable no the World The no-vul hymn In ulna. Ind 6.000 I! nrlnn wore collootod for the Boer wounded A roooluvion wu pared no and I circular to All Briuioh puuon. uiing whom Io punch and pray lot on and to the bomlnvioc. A_.---.I_._ --ml TL- gnu- Indian ax II IU ITUTUIW XIIUVC-I IIIIII EX DT1 ICVU on oil In: wngunluono In the not and no audomuug to not. him. ca. Mo than ha a moon dcfonnivo poomon u tho lloddor river in It the Boom should inoronoh themselves In ufroox numbon bohind him Iorioua complications urolluhlomonmo. which would prevent: ninfotoomoubo and supplies from wnohirlg What About nu `Xmas Pusan? Mnny London experlu think Ihah Gen. Moohnen ought: to (All back I! he is too seriously manned. Th. inhnnh I-nnnrbu lrmn Lndinmifh nvt: mo conouuy mannooa. The Iubooo reporbs Iron: Lsdyomith uyt: Enhorio but nnd dyaentory no spreading nmong the troops Iorlonnly weakening the gu-thou. VI 337`. IDCIJC. Dvnnu. Doc 20.. deluyod-An otcinl umouuoomouh rays that the British are now smelling the Boers poolllon on tsho Tags]: to prevent ubolr oros~|o she river nod -npmring the gum dooorhod by the British on the Ionian bunk. I: conornily holiond that LBOVBVOKOLI Inn nnl all M: mmmnnlmhinnn In thn ran! And `T Major Cecil Is the soldler son of Lord ; Salisbury. England's premier. and was ~ among the llt-st to see ghting In South ` Africn. He was under Colonel Baden- ` Pwvll at Mnfuklng. This war is not ` Ins lirst. for he was with General ` Lord Kitchener at Omdttrmuu. Iuor Loyd l;wnI-I Conn. L llon'o A French Oplnlon. , l\-- nn I7- _:-:,.__ D. I to Illorlnj Punt!-u. ,_ n, nn IIIA. _,- looping Ho.-n Back .. I\._ (\ .l-l..-.-4| A Xmas Gifts,| 1'--ug nu v-v-Iw. Qrnur. Don. 20-Tbo looking bonn- pnrdlng uh sanding ol tbontood nonh- nol In on 0! umhction and plants. Q-oboe In Inhooolyhminh and III nouns moo-nan LAon hnnn Inn: n-ah [AID L-in VIOUII I Inwnolypilunn and dc III tonne hnohoavuy nnchtolthcn. Lian: Rama. of Ihnnnvnl M IIVCT XVITV" -'III FUNK`. Uou Baton. cl Iholloyul Ouulhn dnoooo.'l'uonto.vuinQoohoe!oIIb puuvcekonluvond bonpetdtovr usinhlho dly until Iovud nal d J.--goo 5-0 In nnnnlxil unnhnaulnn goal... tho Oahlnn Sllll aw VIII `Ila DOMIII 0! The Oontlngoot. O'rr.uu, Dac. 2t)-Far in solid hours yesterday duo:-noon, who csblnou on du- onn-Irg we qnution m" the dohiln he who aandwm ol the wound Csnadiun contingent Iosouuh Amen Wnoo tho council roeo Hon 1?. W. Bordon moonocod lo the nowrpspor cononpondonto thst than In no statement woody for the press, has (Ian on would be ready to-any l.\rm~_1'nnrn in var: Inn]: in uld In 0|'.`G WOIIIU 00 IV!!! POI, l.\ter-Tnoxo in very mug in add to what in and in mg-rd to tho domilo ol the contingent. his union for gnotod the man still be. no alnody said. than uid bunch-. sad the blues unsound inhntry. making In all 000 Ihormd. `hm dnnnnnnnl nl -ulimn in built -5. IDYIIIKU. UIIIHK III III II}. UIIUI`IIIII- The doncrtnont ol II!!! in busily II- ngod in gutting rndy lot outtiog and aqnipplng Ibo contingent. I! I0 land! that Ihotouny be none dolny III locating hr-nnnnruoim KIDIIII DIX! I00 if 000 OOTWOIII. Ldnyeue Pryor. .-L fumer noer Vmdelie, Ill . wee aboo dud In his bed on one night 0! the luh In. His widowend two sons, sleeping in the name room profe 0 ignor nnee. The co!o3er e jury lulled lo nd evi- dence n to who did the deed. A -u..-4II4u.- --n-..&..I ....._..Lla._ --- _-_ UUHUU II C) WU!) UIU U0. TV: A marvellous umzenl operation use per lormod an Ohvolnnd. 0M0, when Dr. N 8 Scout nmovod his wife ! otounoh and can an opening from it to the Intention. which had icon closed up The uonnoh In the roplnood and Ibo lady is now though! cured ol her stomach tnnhlo. Ill VXXI IIUIIIIU X [null The Oundiun colored cotton oompmy mu Incroneod tho wuau of no omployoon so Hunilboo. Cornwall, llonioton ond oobot plncon ton par oono. beginning on the Gut do of the new you. , Rrgnl A dnnnnnrlnnh nl akin. RI-Ant IIWUUUI K) "'1 INK!` VIFII INT` An 1 hbonl convention for unborn Aumoboin held nmuouomin J M Douala. the pronoun membor. nu nnmimonnly re- nnmimtod u no ocndndoho 10: the non uononl olocl ion for the common; I .l..--bo- 13.3.. . I . . _ . . . n.- Il-..A-I:- 0125. 01.50, 82, 82.50, $3, $3 -5. 83 so. 84- uu II! Inc uuw your. 5. Brant. I doloondanh of chic! Brunt. nu oorod NI union: to who minionur of unlim lot Bouhh Amos. and Inc also oot ed to ruin: lnrgo nnlnbot ot his lndnu friend: to go along Vlhh him. An A Inhnl-1| nnnnnrninn In: nnnhgrn OI"U. Dun Noble. notoriouu bank robber. In roles-.od Iron: Auburn none, N. Y,. prison Mondny Ho Ion for Ouvogo, nho eoouooi the cruise which ruulbod in his Ilnpl'll0C- monh. `FL- I ..-.I.._ -A_.-; __xI_.- _.......'.__ __ IIIUIIU. The London utrooh nilwny comphny An nonncon thn II: will dutnbubo 8500 among -he otnployoon an Ohtimnu u I toward to mono who otood by no company during who unto. E :17 II_--_ 'Y._:A_4I D;_A-- _l_l_n-_ A- IJUU I|l"IU- H. W. Bowen. United Sum mlnlnor to Penis. In nppoolmg hr oontnbumonu to nliovo muvmu In Ponil ouuwd by a fun- Ina Iliunoounoa than no lacing du- eoungunooo. Word ha been rocoivod Inn nuon D-...I-__.- -0 3L- .._._A__ .g.._.. ll-_.l WWII DII won IUCIIVX "T IIIICII Bonlsngor. ol the ontouo uunmor Moral- Imc. stating that all vowel Ioundond nu an. Inn tho our use Union 08' by I nil- mg vouol bound to India Th; nnnndinll Anlnngvl nnhnn nnnunnnu Ill IUUIVIOII I0 500 IIIOIIDTBG 000'-IWRUDU Tno Bron on Sumrduy celohnuoo Dm- ann a duy. the annual toeblval oommem orning their victory over tho Zaluo. Tool: camps echoed wioh bymua nod pray l. in H M. Winter. Berlin. 0nb.. who Inc found gnilny of ememphlng to defraud hie crodibon, but been eem-enced to eleven tnnnvkn in ILA n.-nth.` npl-nn ant` `:.naI uunluu. Tho war otoo has placed an order for member 3,000 tons of hay lrom Onnuda lor use in Bomb Afnca` Th- -.I ..\D...... C-..-_ I'll.-.II nlngh ll: Icumu In nu ~g\ry vllnou no )1 o.:U.UUU A chmy 00:. gold ore shipments from hr boll: Imus no Unpplo Creel. Col , is we hchuo in the world`: mining history In In womb $`JU0.000. 1*..- -....._I ..6T.-m;.._.. :..:~-.\...o...m:.... ni IU WUI'|)l.I QJUU,'KJU- The Ippou` A-8'.-ouingz iui;"_ombahion ol the Duncan mob in Ruzhmoud couuhy Que . wu argued before the privy council iu Lou- aon and judgment) Ina ronorvcd. Thu anvnrnmnnh nl Nun. Hnnhh Wain.` WALDRON Sl uuu uuu Juuglnul) Ina rm-ervcu. The government: of New South Wales hn decided so sand I eld hooptcnl corps And a banner) of orclllbry to Snub Alriou ll] Addition to sun mounted conmvgonb Tn: Rm:-n nn Run:-dun nnlnhrgh-n Hm. INEWS [lFlH_E WR|.lL! What Comes To Us from All.` Quarters. Little lotion that [moron Ivonhoay- Noloo From An our-- Linn of Ivory- tllnc Iullly hand no Bomcnborod by the Don! Public. III I WUII WI!-ll UUIICIIJ 0| LVUI .lU UUU- In in reported Dhlb one Iteaznnabip Damm- lon will be chute:-ed to transport: one con- tinqonh. Thn -nlI nmnn Inn: nlnluu-I an nunr `nu IKUIII IJIIU IX 0| HOWE ll] UIIIIUI. The ugtoomeuh been-on the I hubor oomumaionore and we ' Iynduc-are bu been nally nomad. E. P, mm ! C R, Km-.v.|u. nun I_VllI.llC'Il.'U lll! UBIII llllllly IOILIIQ. E. P. And C. S. Kuruly, owo Chicago o|ectr.c"nne. no and no havo inhomed on 1 `come in Ju guy vslnod no 84 310.000 ! A rhn-xv hna. unlrl nrn ahinmnnn ll-nm Ian` lcuunmsen rAaAcnArus.E TELEGRAM5 FROM THE EARTI-P8 FOUR QUARTER! GIVER. London. Ono . council concludes the you : work with 5 deticw of Lvel 810 000. In in rnnnrhml nhjh Mm gnu;-.mnhin Human. 240 Fancy Tweed Dresses HID Ill DUIIEII ll'lCI The nal :e'urna from Gimll oloco nlr. Baldwin-on. oonunnivo, for the Munibobn loghlaoure by wgho In.-jonty. Ohhnun hnn hnan -nlamnd Al hhn nsrmm I IUIIIIIUIIIU ll U'8llIl lIl.`]UI'll. I Octmn bu been eeleoled u ohe paran- neuh residence of the apselsoho duleuuze from the nee 0! Rome in Canada. 'I"Ln -..-.......\.A L..>._..-.. 1|... [lane--.I IIUUIF. IIII XS] KUIIGIICXII EU BIOVIII uh: in the Central prison and nbd 1 N ) DEC HON YET. Italian In 0.3500. '\__ XI FL- l..|l. Montroxl r Uuunors I gMq'_=_n'5 '93.. IIIVIICC I Illpll OD IDFIIISI nu Luann ltrvuo qnu-In `hunt: All On nromndthononoyltlltdhlooun. In W. an-nu Ihnaluvclunonc-Va Inn. ' Io Inuny lnlnct. Nlw Yonx, Doc 20 --Icry Bun. nine nun old. died yesterday ol Iuribh harm nhieh who nooind in tin nnomam hon-o Ira. eomploung Ibo extinction ol the hlnlly. ha hlhot. umber cud ohm: bu ing been burned to death during tho n. IIICOIADDO ohrlu-an fnnnl. Saw You Doc 20 -Tho World to day Anya ch Juno: R Keene cloned up 85 000 000 through tho noun ululnp h Wall most and II! in audio his I'M 3 Christ- an panel 0! 82 51]) 000 0! MI winning: -lIvI.IC 1U-U . PAus, Doc 3) -10 is nuanced tau Club the butt 0! Ruoin lundnnood the bank ol Bvglood 40 000.000 224 Princess Street. 3 Door: West of old open noun Belst Set of Teeth $5.00. Gold Filling I.oo up. Silver Filling 50c. Cement 25c. Painless Extraction a5c. open Every Evening. A woman who has spent a good deal of time In Japan an that she has often kept cut lower: to: an abnormally long period by burning their menu will I piece 1! root -wun:u. an I inun- Sn-rru Wub. Doc 20-Dnrln oho lamor pun ol Anmuh Ina corporal Shin- ing. ot ho north nub nonnood police. and two comndna were not on: from Dunon Io couch lot ill-fund puruuon who Ed. monhon trvl. Nothing bu boon hand from the runners, And It in fund abut they have per shod I`nI-[ct Illln With Pulls. Yeo." nid tho benevolent min. "I thank heaven for my happy disposition. I am ulinod with wbnl the day bring: forth and quickly forget the pnin and trouble (but have passed." "Ah " rnnli-4| Oh; nhvnlnlnn Clout gs. IIUIIUIP lull IIIVP PISHVU. "Ah." replied the phyulciln. "that ex- plnins your overlooking my little bill."- Cuhollc Stnndnrd-Timon. I10: 130 land boon`! Play on. One of the queer things of a great pro- cession in that the band alwaya ceanea to play just before It panes you. ao matter what your location may be.-Chicago lav tor Ocean. IIWTIHIIKIUHU Ul INXIIIKUUEIIKI III III. V'- J Runny ooh eon y. wu shot and lillod yonordny by avid Pueroo. 3 colored unployoo Ploroo ohon ed to tho llI(.lIn- mm, followed by an angry mob. Ho Ill dirootnod In hvdmg and riddled with bul- Ignn Tlnnlh -an Inntmnlmnnnnn IIIPIK out-ux-cu nan. rIIu-Ivwu-uu-- Anxnuun, Dec 20 -Junoo Bryon. M. P, m u ppooch hero hoduy. unruly smacked Joseph Cuamborlnin. roontnry ol unto lor tho oolomoc, and dooouncod his " Method-. manner and whole oouduou." Hr Bryce aid ho ho `u would not: much larger be po-ullolo or Mr Obunhh Inin to do his boon to excite hom|o- lul- inga in Germany and ullemho Illd Ihrow back and do all pouihlo injury to she cloc- --o Indorounduog between no and the United Blame -vunv-wuvu ---uvu III -w r-vu. Dmlun Pa . Dec K) -8mdford Wblht. unporuucoudool 0! construction of the W. J Rninnv nnkn nmnnnnm in nhnl and 1 over 8,000 Bola; to Isnlilqoo-Jpponl for loans. " ` Nnw You. Doc. 3) -A phuputoh how r Pow of Spun. '1`:-intdod. my:--Man new: has been received Nb:-ro thun 6.I"00t'xoopI Mn been Man by Franco no Gnudoln and Murllmqno. In In hollowed um I I inert-no in moopl in the outcome of rotor- i once in the lunch ohunbor of do union to ` Jooep`: Ohm!-origin`: epoooh an iconic! and at the demand {or pconcnlonol col- omen. Lanoon sun to Go. HALIFAX N 8.. Don &).--Haj nr Hon. L H. U. Forte-cue, auiooam mlllhary Mercury and A DC. to Gen Lord Wll I-am Seymour. lo-um by atoamor Dominion on Sunday lor England to jn Ina rem` moor, 17 h Iancara. no: at Abdarnhoo. The l7ah lancon have not: you boon ordorod to A""M. but: are almoal Into In-30 with the m xi brigade. First Ali lo the lljurod. Customm (nu-rring from burnin counter crnsh)~-llc~|p3 My leg Is broken. Z.`I..n.-m-lL~n:~_\`..u will nrl Ohg nrnnh ulFI' ('T`IHI.Il'I""I. NI In .3 urulcu. Flnorwnlkc-r-Yuu will nd the crutch dc-partnwnl. air. on the fourth oor. II the rear.-Jmlgo. A Doululnl Iulo. Loxnou Do 20 --lr amll eczema doubt- ful wt:-_-mar the nun! 0! Gan Bullet than mmed at Co|onso no to the possession of Bma. Acom-dung no I do.-patch hour Dnr` ham, sent: - ti` on the evening 0! hubtlo and ju~u received here. the gum romninod here way were low by bho Btiuiub troops and were cvvend bv the heavy guns 0! Gen. Hvldynnft brigudo. orcnpylng an cnbrenctud poeition. The (`oz p-u-vb adds (turn the Boers have thus In no u tempted to omen Iha mar sud curry (IT ha gun-n Adv c I from Pretoria. un- der the name dale. ny the an oicnal ro- pvra derpu-ch report (huh two gum. Ibu- teen waygowa nnd I q .t.ifv M ammuni- uon wane captured. be on 203 pnsouoro Rnvhul M. M Rn-inlnh 1-uunlunn Ah aha Appealing For Peuee. New You. Dec. 20-Leormd Oherlee : Veu Nappen. member ul uunverul Nether- I Iende union. arrived here Dordef on Stsaetendun with the eppeel of unloo to the neuoue repreoented en the peeee conference eh The Hague. M-ling Enplend hoonbmiu the Sonzh Alriceu quee- tion ho erblhrellou end end the wer lu the Treueveel Bignelmea to the eppeel ere being secured in cormnentel ooumrlee end the appeal wl be cironleted an America. llll WOIU CIPIUFPII. OQUYIIPF '-7V0 pl Il`Ul.'U|" Revised Mata of Brihhh csnmhlo no ohe barbie 1.fCo|oneo show that: 137 nru com- . milsionod ciceu and man were killed. `IOUIIII A UIDLID on ulsusi Lg I .- su|-. n_.-4 n_..,n_- Lung- FRANEE SEND! TROOPS. Wilh lls I'IIUl.`l III IHUIIIK IDU I'IUlllC'.l Dov h was lnamnmueoul. Innlcror llllcd In no lob. In -\ an n -L .n r From now until Christmas a Set of '|'hea;nhuovI|h- oldonnlnnt. All Ink and tau uneuoluh-aid. Any .Iady would. be (harmed with these. |A.l}.J0hslI&Bu. They` are set with Pearls in combination, with Diamonds, Opals, Oli- vines, etc. Also all Dia- monds or Pearls. Thar? is :1 st la and nish to our cndants lthat ishard to surpass. A"l"EE'I`H \..unlunI- groin nun noVOlI$. unoc- vood & Gilko. non`: lu-nlahn. Waug- Ion nun nu rbocloyolubhudroppodoutol suo. Laud gonna us. want. lacuna u puuuu In so: poms coin II: Inc gougo ..rnou.u... Ibo Onluio nodloal |\{ Tho Innpmnvo, whilo ool thinking that tho pnctioo ol this uolonoo wu century to Ibo 007'. uid thus the an o! the IIIIO ol doctor by the ddoodsnl no not jpmod In On- tulo. Ho Impound tho IMIIIIII In. An nppul Inll ho coined. c-v-cg --- M Ito pot uni. olf."ou hll noel of Ctvrhtnu gcodo and novoltlu. Onto- ImI`ID.|lI.n_ man`: lnrnhhnng Id]:-a onn Ptncueo ootoopclhy In list not 000 II: flue Dodlor. A_. ,,, I\, cuts as -- 0'rnw4, I . .0. Clout. a practitioner ol the count. 0! nuoopnlby. u pound In tho police court on Ibo gbugo ..rnou.u... .___l-A_.n- _L;|- _-. .L._Ln__ .L_. .L_ FIRVI` Cl-AHH (`VANVA-lll!'URA FULL llnoof an <-In awn duly In way In no. You can call nnmethim lo evrryouo on out] un. Uh`-rnl u-mm Wrho quick. uorll. braver 661 London Ont. PE NDANT8. D0lllIl.!.Y-Io this any. on liolr am. May Gornloy, talks 0! IN bio John Donnolly. upd eighty-Ilmo yous. Funenl prlnro Bvnmu-.-Kl||od in action at Cape. on November 25th. Cylnballno Alonso ld~ no, and 0-nbtoeo yuan, nnloc Inldahly dun ol 3 II 8. Dana. South Ahlclll Ib- ulh inn ll, IA`: AIII` J--nnn Il..4I4|-.n BT01-0 will be open Tlannduy Ind Friday ovonlou. `L_ ' Vrj7 mun: IB'.i'-A'rl. I Tm: nuumnua or ran: mu alum la.-tmo. Undertaker md Unhdnhnt. will earn Yum. no. me. ' E "" {%n . '.'.`u'..?..'.`...'a'." "1: runs, . e or An be canted on at thoold Ihndon baht)! Ht tune. I BIAII. Admlnlnlltrlx. In In KJECVIDCYVIV \l\ ZI $I. Irnxn-rAlIn.\1n>lu).A Sun Ii- Prlneau Strut. 'Pbcnu :- uwouu 00 lutdunomol. Omudutnd night. JAB. BIKD. T-:4-""'......'. .:'.'..'.*`o`.::.~,*,".:`='-I Aul 3"` -I". $1 I 'I V W III Lumen . bl--Im-' arm lIzm'- Mu`-... (homo and Mun; 50, 600, 750. 900. CI. `I325 I...diAn' Huh,` {`.n"nr- Rn`: and Run. DBUIUI cuom \mnnn-, nun` Illu unpo- rineo. 35 5" $6 50 $7 50 up In 825 ouch. Luann Cloth Juohouo st lptoltl prion. I ndu-- Made Up Silk Wnlllr, .8 95, 5 50. 87.50 each. D:-nu-n HIIL Wain}: gIl nlnin nnlnvn IDIIII, :I'vc. par plur - Mn-no-' Kod Gk-vo-, largo urge of colon, 750. and 900 per pun. Lgdm-' Kid `Mann rnlighln Inning, blank IDUFOF` VIII! .1-KO `I 00 'InIU. Silks for Want: and Drama. You know the ropntmhigp we hold for showing the newest nylon ailowul prion. la : the nine with Dru! Goods. Shop only. in hho morning I! pouiblo. :0 av. won clan. Roman Silk Wnm. nll pluin colon, SI 90 each. Almost. tquul to silk In up- PFITIHCO Kid (llnvan lnr Bwvp. in Dank : Ilalh cmura, um. um um: par pun. Luann KM '}Iovev, roliablo main, black and colon. 8] |.`Ol' pair. Thu Run m rim Wnrld Khl lnwn Lloy- IVNI 09|(7I'F. .1 DIII'. The Ben an the World KM Gian. Alu- nndtda, Park 81.25 Cl 35 OL40. NH: '.|D I-min and sung. van BOYS` COLLEGE. PFITIHFU Kid Gloves for Bryn, in Dent ! but muh-, 9-kw. par pair Minna` Karl lllnvnm Inna PIDDQ nl 9. s. qqnnn-n-. URI}! 1. mnlcro 31 Pltmtl II`: F lI$Ann.noomnI'nI'o V.l.Dru|m. :-.- uuwun-LY A nu'1.'r1cs1' omni- ll serum no W-uhlnn Annlv to him min 0! II - D uunu. DOIIIII IIVWIII X- Iloo. I00 0! Lola and Jun: Hlddntf. Euthou-no. London. ul-.'N-.~AL aunvmr wmz nxni. mm: A My after 7 pm In III. JAI- L. Mcl non.1 Icu rlu 'l`orI-nee, Iloutnu In. new Now Rrylo 8*ook Oollon 800.. (In Kiln 0- 75:` `I nn U0 . DUO . 0"`-. I09 U` U!` Luella Silk Milk. 700. to Cl 60 pct pdt. |.nm-nu mu-um- and Man`: Man... Hmvln E-.?dioo' Sublet Culhn, Bull : and Cape- inns I5 5'| IR M] I7 5 nu In IE5 nnlth. IIIDIATILY f`I`\ll"l.'TEN1' 0r*!"R- washing Apply to In . P Rmnwr. mice at. -` Othtnundt. hvnoenhgl) "" I0 un-Won to monk undo. ne. higher bupontnro Iodvy And to narrow. rcacu waua:-r:nT 10 Imorunn, 0. Throl limited lolhirty worm. GENERAL ~EI1.VAR`l`. APPLY AT D _ 0:1l.Arlol3l...from0toIo'clncIp.ln. In; .U `IAIO. WENIHEI ;i"lbBAIlLITIII. .j Wbfwa . 63103 vino.` 'l'. I.` HARRISON OOHPLNY. .:--A--_A L1'Iu.1AII.11- `A24 LAST EDITION -vau11DI:;900C` `WANTED. nrym woo: . 75: 8| uv Ans. en. 0-! Xmas Hulls. %`THE DAILY BRETISH WHIG. Dr. Waugh s, VUA (J9 Dru};-gvist. Up-town Pharmacy. Princou Stnet. for $5.00 at __,4 r_ TF3: tau. | NR-g (mtg I`M>hr-rioltnul |:":""nu-"-7-u'."-T'..."I.'u-'."n.'!3' | IVEII (\)lA)RNl) SPANIKI. I-`E3IAl.h`.. Inn; lnlr on In -d And MI. tall. Any per a -n dnululrg her unr um nouoo wlll be pm- ntenlul. 1` A. cumon. 1' y Ian Iva! , new-eon me how: ol kl 1; um, I brnwn vapor pnrool con- nlnlnu n lJ{`u lune: laoo hronlug BUDICI . with Io...n 3- lrhumluun. Any-`Inc hringlug than-mo|uRooho`n mug slow," or gtvzng. new Inrmmulnn nuvnll out to Ila |'ecu\-cry wul be liberally nvnnlod. The finest mad but uaortment in the city at A. q, REES , uuucv TILDOE QAIPH CW1. M) "NEH ['8 DRUG !`l`|'\BI"0N WID- mu lust between the how: ol lt ~L;nn\., I hrnun u-Anne ngrnsl nan. Buy 1 season `ticket tor a Ohrtntxnu Pwoont for your tunllv. 0000 open for Halo ortlokou SATURDAY, llth Ind unul rlooo or loan ~n. family on. Gentlemen. mule 34.00. ` lady " 3 on. l`hlIdnnuv~der I2 you 200. Funlq on .\Iembon MIL 0| .l` 3 I. !.L Fancy Boxes nnd Baskets for Ehucnlales and Ben - Hons. IDIVGI Wherever I one or unnil pox. chnloru. acnrlotinu, whooping cough moulea. mum pa, [Isadora or other infections um-no exist! in Any household in which then is or 5 o a child or ohiidnn unending school the householder mutt, wilhlueixinoen hours an." the discus in uooruinod to exist, notify the head teacher ofuoh school which each chi d has been at tending and lh-3 neemlary onho iornl Board or Health 0 r the uinlonooorauoh di~ea.-e, and until the child or children in or on oniiuul Io rvodmiulon. ihr. ugh tho proper modiml oortinoau N:-quireci by the utoiule. each mam- hor or the hmmlmid and the launcher must, use all nuonuhio mum loprevont the mem- lnu of the niraolud household umciniin; with other children. A-.. -I;.l.ni..n no` Oh; A-urn-nlnn nvnwtnlnnn wuu usual vuuunvu. _ Any vloluunn of the rorqnlnu pmvvuouu Iu punlnhnblo bv a nun not exceeding 32). I11`. WALKEI. W M. BRENNAN. l`|.nI-an-n HAIn`InI-C lcovem-:0 RINK] HI BHARD OF HICALTII CALLQ THE ultonllon 0! the pub lc to tho roilowlng provlslouuof the publh bemm Act. the ob- Iarvanoo or which tue Baud wnltr|ot.lyen~ A_-4A . `llollullyloh look lot uuglauai Iotuotflonndvu Iv. loath: ol I`:-`ontonu: ileum commie- olonou so Wlnduor bowl on Wednesday. P _A_,_ _, _ MAR IROBERTSON BROS. Duo nouoo will bu nvul or oponlnx. A acme Anna. nu otyou: ' \`o rich. :0 poor. ye old. _n youu. Ilnnl Volvo-9 ol yu joyous magma. Alslullinnghd lohnrytohy To Nrd upon _n holly guru. And it you do I-ell:-vv yu "II Q I MN luld hrnin to you C. IJ-.l nun; pa hnllv gurus `vooa horror. mu. now A need. Suns. nll ol you` \'. nk -. h4\.\D is null r Io I-In! upon yr nou_v spay n]! Iuvly my to yum lulu: llnntl -.\rv-nn In-nah IIni' n $4.50 A bird upon I boll: spay. Inn; nrootly all on .\`In: shy: "Good tom. Now do you do! A -son-in `Inna nll nl rnn"' nu! Iunly In lulu: "Good -ornm. Ir-rich Nor do you 00? Ihcludcoulmlltoyou-Iumlyou." -|hnnonoI'hld BRINGS PRICES DOWN. A cHmsTMA's some. LOCAL HEHORANDA. Clrlunun Iona. Oyalen. Cilx-tea (iunht limo. ol Imam: Emiltdshld. ts.....L... Princess Street. 5000 MN9T_'F_'-.. 97 PIECE DINNER SET. I 1 0 to lo Mombon 'l`mHVEm LUST. or. A w, Wlnnclt. jgg.LnA-gAgAl&:-Ah--gin :4 urn .1 an . Soorelnry. --1 `tic vi nun ntwuiuvs Losoox. Doe l)-'l'ho Morning Poet`: nlluury upon up In nod-3 : mu: Tholililryollhovu Iptothoprnoohio uhhtoryol oooocquonoonol the ulooeool Ibo eubiooi Iron May to Octohor Tho Bnthh govunucol In June. July sud Anni. inuund ol potting tho urn; rudyaod on thonpoo. wutrying lo polioh up in ooonoiooco Ind one III Sophnhor it could col ring ind! Ionodnon than l0.(l)0 Inn to South Atria Avlcootybuorurgcnllyuodod. mdthunnnuttolohdprouinonoboin NH Cl] ILLRY. Table Furl!` and spoons. Colnlold and Ivory Tabla Knives. Plated. at FAIL`. ll `.l- UCIII X`. I 1 ho. Wuhington than the A--inn cannon-3| hhndn In in-no uh. I9" 4/` 51; LP s 4" .0 "' I M `ad , 9'. 5% Dxjnnu. Natal. Dgo. l5.-(doluyod) Iv. Mod. proprietor at the Tnmvul Critic. upollod from tho Tnnovnl hy bho govunmonn. hu urivod hero. Be an that the Boers no running Ihorv olunmnnit on for their Cruoo cunt. Tho gonmuom lo numhchuring Ihollo lot tho uptnnd British u may. An Qnloo Dlolorll. Ql`lE.\'I1'0W!l. Oopo Colony. Doc. I5, (-10- Iny0d)-NollVOl no looting enonoivtly in Ibo horriuory in tho north than bu not boon onnoxod by tho Boon Thu porn of the colony in pncolcdly without my govonr uont. A town gland bu boon In:-nod n Cola. tho mombon Hllpplilziug their own onno and ammunition. ho nilwoy bo- Iwoon Stothctoom and ludwo boo boon badly damocod by tho Boon. rrnnerumxu ("gun nlnnr has I}! DIUI, KIIUIIIUTI U, (DC 5}?` STIRKSTIIOOI, Cape Colony. Doc. 15. (dolnyo-1) -ln eonuquonco of the Briluh tonne u Storming tho whoio country to the north ol this place In in n sun of n hollhn. Tho nulivna then and in Bunio- lnnd un lacing condence in tho British. EIII IIITOIWCJU Ill DIPKX VUIICIKIUII Commenting on tho onporlorlty in range 0! tr 0 Boar nmlloty II Oolonoo. the Tune- uyn lh hopeo It will couvinoo the Brltlrh mnllbuy nubhotihion "um than no gun: in oxiunonoo enptblo 0! being cu-nod about, Ind making oxcollonh pnomco at n rungs which our Gold artillery csnnou commmd. In in non too much to any Mm our wu oioo in non the only on In lnropo lino Ignom thin Ilnporhonh taco." llUII"I 0|] U00 I030. A donpuch no the Timon from Lunleubt. Mnlta, uyn ulna tho cruiser I-vie bu been ordered to embark Gen lord Kitchener 3% Alexandria sud convoy him to 0: Town. he cruiser will umnmn mxhuo noun. ` ho London corrolpondont 0! the Bit nluszun Duly Pool rays that in wu too on Dooombor man than Goo Koborh In going to the Oapo. Be u at who loronoon 0! than day at who war 0 co, nod unnonnood bio caning dopuburo for the Cape to hit follow director: of n uhip ping company In one dhrnoon. `Plan Rnndnrd hinm ulihmhllv this plug oulnpouy In IIII uvuruuun Too Blmdud hluuo editorially thin naming than ll Pufhil oouclnuooto ul- Iua oupplln cl an Inrotinl and loroigu vnlnnteu-a no mob Ibo Trnnunl olnough Dolagou Bay. England wlll luvs lolnlllhlng to us; in Mac ummor. Rndunnl Kunlinn In nnhlvnln nu-nnunhina IIBIDHUTIAI. AND DAY @8001. NI luvs. `I'M t o! the sound In to mun Mun mum l nlvonmon. KILC. and an: undor tho but bk Innuoooa Tlohlluwiu uh] c In bunnies, amoam. English. Clank-9 and odorn Iannocu no taught` ~ toying) uh ugvnno tall 0! this man Iluicnvulldodro an anion note In raga nun- Iu mob lIuonI- u-alt. vuto lpuom uonlno glwu. not-Ink. known and III Inna!-nu. lion (in: on o=p.IIcmIom alumni at my line. (Va nhnuuh PI-mo-pd urns. Plot. Cur- IIV. T. J. OIDVC. I.A.. Principal. lsagnlaluh \ [U F`, I IIUU TIU|3"o Rndyud K-plinc II Ictivoly promoting the onrolmouh ol Sane: volunteers. t`.__-..n.l.... .... `L- -.....-1..-ln_ 1.. .._.. OI VIII IVIIBOII I'lVII'. The latest mails from Natal describe me lluooh rooidonbo of Umvobi country so thoroughly dluloynl no the Brlmh. The govormnonh In u-renting nod impriuooing ohooo who ucbivaly dleplny sympathy with oh:`Boon. .-...... I. ah. .ll..-sI.... l\` I -.l-....uL --. D(-I'I- uinng In the direction 0! Lndyunith `I! hard on Dec Niah. A .l....-...L. 5... .s.- 'l|:...-. l..- I -...|-ms. IIIITIIVIIUD There are being plepu-ed ab bho Wool- wioh nnonnl.hr umpmenn on De-oombbc `Alec. night: live Inch guns. on epooinlly damned eaningu. `Phone gum no uduptod lor lobe III! of I yong column. In view of hcillby of notch. pnroulo nod ro- trut. They no of long range, And re fhy pound nhnpnol or lyddlho shells, or common shells. The nronnl to glue fur niohing olghnoon Inoro v0Jnoh howluoro Th: -nr ninn dnnltsnli dnninn hhn rn Illlllllg U'KulTl QUIT IIVCIUULI IIUWIIIUTU The war oioo denitely douioa uho re pxn than Goa Bullor It on one north side of the Tags]; river. Thu lunch nmiln from Nnhnl duchn hhn A ung Oolunu auto to lqulpood Um: Upeclully Doelguod 0Iue-I`hu born an lulu to be luuulug anon or Annual- uou- en-oeuot than who noun]: me- play ounpelhy emu the Isoerl. LoNDoN. Dec 2l)-'l`hI vuluuuoriug ouhlmelnem oouclnuee everywhere In In remerhbly wrong ln Scotland. A colonel in Edinburgh eaye he could leed u abou- uud men out of then cltyxu u week. Among the pnlniuenh volunteers on the curl ol Dudley and lord Arthur Groevouor. eon of duke 0! Weazmineter. The no moon on no wen ueuunl nlnholoub nhoon lngjeolobo. not necessarily umiorm. lelb heu. breeohee end gotten. All muehbe gaod ndere and Inert-men. Th: lard munnr nl [nndnn AN:-all Aw [IS mum eurnuslnsml lcnn RAISE MANYREEIMENISI K301] TIUUTI IHU IDITIFIIIQU. Tho lord mnyor 01 Lmdon. Alfred New ton, to umnu nod equ-ppmg 5 Iowa 0! A uncut-and volnoboon nmoug the city corp. Tholnrgo city [inns no oonerlhnt-ing the nocoanry umuuoco. Col. Sir Charlot- Howud Vnnconn. ounmander ol the Queen : Woomnlualor V0l|lDCO0l`O.'|.|In al.-o offered to nine 1 rcgimonb of A obonnnd picked unrhmeu `Bk-.. -.. Lg] . n h . . ..-...I -0. AL- man` In Regard To The Volunteering for Service. STLE3LAN"S-I

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