Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Nov 1899, p. 5

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to get oil. 1 can`: spend III [III Iuurulug over you. Leave out the coal; that has nothing to do with it." Benin y`r honor : pardon. it hnl tint." said Mike. gathering courage with a rush. Ye too, it was this way: We had to carry the con! to y`r honor`: cel- lar. and while there we was kind 0' lookln round innooentiike. and it I0 happened that we--eI~-n.s l was snyin before. we was in y'r honor`: collar. and"- --vmmo will .In " mid the man aulcklv. "You are duscnnrgeu." They went on their way rejoicing.-- Worcestor Gazette. Ilo Wan About the Fulton! Actor Thea liver Played. At that time he Will, I suppose. about 22 or 23 and the huudaomest man I ever saw. Alna. how he changed! Mr. For rest. was never a good tempered man and wad apt to he moroso and churlish at rehcnrsula. But he lmd many noble qualities. Ile true the "fairest" actor that ever played. it the character you auatained had anything good in it. he would give you the ncst chance of ahowing it to the audience. He would get a little below you. no that your facial expression could be fairly aceu. lie would partially turn his back. in order that the nttentinn ahnuid be given eu- tirely to you. This will be better under- stood by actors. who know how differ- ently gnome plnyers net. 110 was not without appreciation of a little "joke" either. On one occasion, at the old Pnrk theater. we were playing as an after- piece "Therese. the Orphan or Geneva." He. aa Carwin, rnahca with a drawn dagger into the pnvilion where he be- lieve: that Therese in sleeping. Imme- diately the place In struck by lightning. He then atagxera out of the pavilion ex- clalming: "'Tis done. Theron in now .... ..t.-..... " Than 'I`hm-ans nnlnrn Ind `rho Plano Plague. Any one that wonders how it la that all the piano makers in tho world con man- ago to make a living can tlud an answer in tho atatlstlcn which come laborious portion has gathered concerning the "pl- nno plaguo" of England. In the Unitml Kingdom lire 45.000.(X)0 persona. living in 7,000.(X)0 homes. and there la in that unhappy realm one piano (or "try eaten houses. The average coat of a piano in 8100. an that there are invested in then iustrumenta s1oo.ooo.ooo The average life or a piano la tea yeara. then-tore taunt En llah. lrleh. Scotch and Welsh pay out 8 0.000.000 a year to keep them in thin kind of music. But thin in not the wont. Suppoaina that over: piano la played at" two home a day. 2.000.- 000 honra are given to It in the two ia- landa every day. and it the atatlaticlan la correct in aayina that out of the million or plaalata but 100 really knew how to play thh lnatrnment wall. imagine the to- anlt.-l4ondon Letter. in y'r honor n couur. anu - .l`hat will do." said the judge quickly. "You discharged." rm.-- ..~..no on {hair wnv rnialcinz.-- claiming: ""11: none. luunrsu ll uuw no more." Then Theresa enters and rushes into the pavilion to rescue her hem-rnetress. On this ocvu.-loll I. as Therese. rushed from the lmnae before Cnrwin had thus to come out, and we met face to face in the apartment of the murdered countess. who had hardly nished screaming for her life. 1 was horror stricken at my error. "Oh. hor- rors. Mr. Forrest, what shall 1 do?" He smiled the beautiful smile which il- luminated his {nee and said. Neva- mind; l`ll no out hy the buck door!"- Frnm Autohlogrnphlcui Skstches ot Mrs. John Dr"! in Se:-ihner s. Glance gr 0 Playwright. Enrluuu uno units tho potion who will write I my play. who will frame 1 plot wlthuot a villain or 1 uln- porlug heroine: who will dlnpcoo hln chuncloro In tho Int act to tho tour cor- nn ot the world and lot tho cumin no down on I cloor nus-Kano: Olly I'Uw*II cnlndnonn. ru. Ella lather died at Lyons. $. .. on Thuny Int. 1% the no I 100 nun. like was born III Duu-been con: June 180:. 1799. All 0.. 1' nu nal, hgvn nrrhid . walls: to olao. Inn! On _0oudoctu-8u. will no kindly gun in the dub? ' Du:-jg I'll nn- II II III % inoludl :1: `I I nloona, olcoub light; Ipnotoun pro gtmm tum-union apply to J. D. llunoy. J. D. Olldonloon u '."&T o..`t.'2'.?.`.'."`... I10. Dutch:-on Juno lull. 1799. AM we I: that have nrrhul in Run I-`nmclu-cu. lbs canon Loin; mt-r. The upturn 0! holes 330/ unusual; busy. ".;..e.;%;.. an an EDWIN FORREST. l~@~ GALMAGHER. w FIRE, WATER, SMOKE! ' $5,509 Men's Furnishings and Hats Damaged by Fire, Water and Smoke. Every dollar : worth of Goods must be Sold by the sbth November. Nothin reserved. This is a chance of a. hfetime for the public to secure the ct values ever oered in Kingston. ` No Goods Reserved. All sales for Cash. No Good: Exchanged. At The Front and Leading Beyond a doubt lahatfs lundun Ale and Pel, |`\v`\\r\%\vSQv\&\I\vU\9#\r\r``\&\4\`OQ\4U\GI ROYAL mm. s`1`zAMsm`Ps 1 The Slater J uvenil. The "Slate most took ditto youth, when 1}`. the proc` bone of ` nun: UI nus. nun... Boy: who wean the "Slate! Shoo" will IIVI be troubled with too:-mg V ` _ . mule as carefully at the nhoe for men-umc w In "Foot-form," "Dandy" and "Com- ,,- 5, .` _ -, fort" nhupu, all colon um! styles. ` ' " Sixes. Lime Gents : 8 to H}{ Youths: 1310 xx Boyl: 310 3}` Every pair Goodyeu waited with m|kcn' mum and price lllmptd on the soles. 02.00 AND 83.00. BIRKS ASSURAIEQE You nsslllln` no risk by ordering jewellery from no llirl ((`f'M\\lll-l`1`:ll) cut:1lo;:uc. llims make or sell no plated jcwclhry. no gold jewel- lcr_\' under fourteen carat line and no diamond mountings under eighteen cam`! ne. 310?- |\ l\o Your money will bx`. promptly rclunded if you feel the sliglntcsf disappointment with your purchhse. Our lac.-uutiful|,v illustratml catalogue sent free to anyone rcquc.~.t1n[,: it. ` . ( ontuinsa a mint of hints for Chrisunasjewellery shoppers THE BEST FOR BODY. NERVES AND . BRAIN. TRY IT. Henry Birks 8: Sons JE WELLERS AN D SILVERSMITHS MONTREAL. ya. -....-`v.- yuu... ....-. The iiirks stzmdard quality is not found outside Birks' E NOW l'All- FAMED BIBMUDAI9. with vuhln oummunlonllon Inn eqnnbfe wlnuvr umparnum- or seventy dunes, bonu- uful Icouory and 0) mile: of toad rnu--,head- ` uonarno! the rm-h army -and nnv . In an- r vnlm! |u nu nurncllvenau, rmch b we mum` . enl lrun summon Iltlnoeo or 0- I\f_@f9\vO\%\@&\Q%\Rv\lIvO~wO&@1 ` I.. [MINES I LOCKETT. Solo Local Agents- "Slater Shoe" for boys is made with the knowiedpthnt dintortiom ere the result of wanting ill nhnpd chum In the bone: of the foot are uoft and putting thmqh R the process o! developement from mete (lth to their: \ bone the adult. .._n . nL__|l _.III -._.__ L McParland. Agent. WOMEN WHO 4 LOVEj Bounty. who who unt. wile` uppnohh economy, had poonllu utiihth in I ' j 11. %at7s;"u.';.m3fa; "S o..a.. ....nnnul-nludhnlalc V U-v vr--vq--_.._..,q.,___ , `,, uuuuuuu_nuol~unudn'ourI-L` Inlxn` em run!- on-- In (0 ly-cum hour: mum New York. Bullnp even an dun um winter. The tropic-sI|aInndn,Ine|udlnq8t. v-omu. hum: 0run,uL Km. Month . Lnclu Ina kn-bod-In. um uord boa rm sud lnvenn - lag won. all recon d by ldnnhlpu u! the Qnuloo ouumnulp U-vtupony from New York, uooooun unnon so no rvupuu an and III: lotion and in not IGIQ Iutvinn. For dcocrlptlviaunl an and thin of mag up- toA. K Il.I H UUTIIIBRIDUI-I A 00.. '-uh-_.'IO'BmsdIrufy_ on Yorr J P. HAN- I 9 III -ILKIVK I Rnnnmn SHOES- '_ _UALIT3.' .53 who wax or manna.` I OOKWAY. nmmmlm. Am.Gu.hl-AI` ' Gnlnnuur. x\ytoA. KHILIU1 UUTIIIHRIIJUI-I O C().,\ `0-uh. Bmuhn J. .Y or J. I . (H KIVi, Klnxulon,` Ont. AR`l'l!UIAnl Joonhry. Qmboo. LIVIIPOOL IIBVIOI. VII Londondcrry. Bhunor. from llontnol. from Quebec. .rna---_ 1.... viii. pl;-ulinhl `Inn I7II| 9")!` n In Offering our strictly on bud Inni- obo Wheat-Hon! to buy: we do 3 -.'II. II`; an-gunk. I|\nQ N {n VVIQTUIVHI GI IIHJVII :3: the guanine that it is Krvuuvo on UIU ngnuu ptioonlowutnoho I-lullllullru nuvuolu, uuynqu-.;wvv nu-u. Can! -1111: name: d on not curry pwuxengorn. Danna. nom Povlllnd. from H-llrnx (hmnromsn Nov. mm 2 mm -Vnnoouvor, boo. 9th. 2 p.m. Dec. 10th. 5 p.m `famlnlon. " ltd. " " 240.11. 5 p m n_... .4 ..._-_. nun-n Ilnnu-nh Flint EXCURSION BUST EN `arm mam ac and high. gain. with ngn -A `A: An -1;`: A Ifitandusalbntouoitwith banning oanldulln. Gin III a dunouojnanmiohyou. Th3FR0ITEll1'IllUlB to., IJHIUI. KXSION. 0unpounihlybou_v|d|II.IndthIuuI -gg-um -Lu mu nnanln nnunnn [WINTER Is comma sums om Iisvi1.} TRUST FLOUR YOI IJVIIPOOI-. AI` IUVIIJL '.S'I RAE;IAN S. ;.g..._Q._-n ALLAN LINE BERMUDA- FAB-PANEL! B`BMUl"AB. uh u-nhln nnlnmunlthllon eunnbfe ..--_--v-.. ___ '_--~_ -._-r.._ (III DIE-EIJIVI. AIOII. I8UIIrOn- $7.00. III 11! rnwtrnr V asoonav mun. KINGSTON _-I' .".`i.:! &'.:` .?.'3M`i2 II IDIIFIIQV. GJIIECIIII III }$z9.s5. }$a4.s5. eiuml Tickets good going Nov. 28th and returning until Dec. 8th. (.1. 1-. HJJVLE r. AIIIII-. Ibrnorlohnnon pnd Ontario SM. 1q~(l. WI` lt`('l In Ill! l'llLll'c`I_\ ll|IIl`ll'lll lllc-ll whc-In we nro inthnlginu in |-h.\sI- vul vxn-rvisu-, uml whu-n we uro prun- nuz iNll*('(`ll|&I| nurk. Hut lh~'!`<' 1.-4 nu uuvh time 1-! dt'll||lH`iuliull In-~ lwea-n Ihn ljc-ru-nL I)run~h.-.~`. of \\ ur|\' The nuuh--nmtlcinn und thv urlixt urn fu-llnw-\\nrko-rs, hmh \`h-\\'in_r lhv lhmun uf the uni\nrs\- from lif- I.-rvnl slum!-puinls. So with thu- nix-h-rlnn and Ilw phIln.'m|h1'l`. \\'.. |'\n\n h..`.n en.-nlnur nf Hu- suys. "And it is the` SI`I l'h nit:-r this real truth," continued the dlictnr. "this living personal faith in thi- iiH'ill(' that is I`l`p{ilHl. 'lhi- world is too much with us. l'i-uplv uri- --u-*|.v amused where the iiiluri-sis or their muntr urc iii stake; IhI'}' will fall into a (we of painting; or thi- uni:-t study ni sqiviicv, but '0 inust. iidinit that real I`t`l{i0|IS {i'r\'nr has uiino.-at died out mid is replaced h_\` u, pun-l_v secular spirit. in the mud- i-rn world. no duubt. this 54`[)lU`l.l\i(Nl in-tn :-en the spirituul und thi- sucti- lur is no llllift` 'l`hi-ru is no giivision hot con lhv !hin;.'s of Cm-sur unil thi- things ui Hod. llui. thut. is because- thc things of (`m-sur have ho-on brought to tho thimrs of God. mu, lhzit. tiw lhillui-I of God huw hcvn in- Hlilli-(I inio the things of ('iu`Hilr The ri-iigimla lift`, iI0\.\'-\vl", its` ruu|- iv nut ii thing apurl. nor iii-.-x it consist. in u. lixnd numln.-r of iii.- Hll`t.ll`l proimsiiions; it in rculiu-d Ill lhv \'l~:ii)ll hi all things thruugh l3..1| hull yeslernuy mu,-rnoon, nut. owmg In his non-arrival in the city, Prof. Wn'..s'on spoke in his ate 1 to `at large unxlx-I of ople. s subf- ject. " liglun in Ivory Du Jyile " nnd thv address was a purt}culuri,\ Heep one. The Lguth underlying our religious doctrine/, said the professor, is not dead, but "a lhing thin: with hands nnd feet," as Luther "And it lhe SI`l't'h CI'Ip9 IUD XIII ? public thorough bur manna ndlnn nu. nuuuuua-an-nun-p -3-... -- rocnnon lulol IQIIIO and but Invention) not. Inluumlldnlu II Ocnvouuun I|lI-loII[10n In Ivon- uov Into. Principal Grant. was to have ad- `dressed the students in con\`ocat.im1 hull _veslordu_v afternoon. but uwing 1.. his: nun-nrri\'nl in Hun cilv. Prof. I In III? pvluii ll uwullwzxliu inuence in our nidu. eome 0! our go chine: propose Ieplsm eootherle the oupe at e none: hotel. on our beenlllul leohdd perk. Dayoe not see the de vfellend In this? `hit, 0! on tpote In oer chy. be the non! lavgoly lnqeeolod during Iheuunnet loath by all olnveool out cluno. upeehlly ere yoeo%`:eo end boye line are Inge union cg the ne tenant evsehp. To lake! 3 liquomelloa plewellueweeld Ieloopeo ...mhu emneullne-n in Lleneindnuh II n Ipul the min (1 not have 0 an Inotlould tVtIlIlIIrIUIIyoII Iluru -dqhhn boy,c|n -lglolontuodby ROYAL. MAIL "' Ilominionhinesmamships IUMR "|D1;'IL IAID TO IEIPCH. Mllndloolth .__..._ lL4| with this .-\I 1 |I.nI. Int` 14!-m-nu \\|I| unu- \\ilh the cmlvts, nnd nn hour lute-r he will nnspovl the lmok.-4 uml u<'- cnunls of tho cnllopro in tho <'mmnun- t|nnt's tnivo. At 230 p.m Hu- (-nth-I9 will pnrndo in rw'rc-Minn vlmlnmz fur Hm g.\'Inn.-mimn fur |.r_\m- nnsium e-xvrcisies. In the I-w-ninu u! 91.`; u'(`|n(`k lhv cndt-ts will unv an shurl ;:_\'nnu\Mi<` porfnrnuuu-v uml \'nri~t}' t-nlvrL:\innu-nt in hmmr of mu visit u! the |un)ur-g:mwn1l. an own No Sin: ot Iulqno-In re 0! Nlllon Touched. I.omlun, I\'0\'. `.3U.--'l`he \\ur >4-mus |... . .. ..al 4- \'..-on-i.. .. nn\\ V II! xuuusouuuinuuuioouggo-Inn II III! Do sxvords. Thv m:\,inr-;zvm-rul has nxpra-as--(I u willingnorsa to accord an interview nt 11 u.m.. in the mnnnundunts ntce, to uny nh-or or czulvl. AL 11:15 11.11). the SlIh0I`(HIH.ll8 sln will parndv in re\ia'\\ order for inspection 1... on... .m.m.~..l AA 11-RH Hm null!!!`- I l . I J) p rnrlv I by the 1 pzvm-rul n-an-L-' ' B?ll-I. llvlll -uuI-nu-u auvuu `-v-own '0\lo|nIn,7tov. l'n.h,dAylI;ht.Nov.l7Ih.2:30 p.m Domlnlon Nov.lBIh. unyMnl..Nov l.Bh.i:Du " I31. -OAnn\A- A nu nnl 4-nvrv nnnnnnnnrl, hy the general. M utmv um nIu_|In- \\'l im-upevt the cud;-ts :11 \\'nrk' The lira! class in thpir cl:xs.<~ mum undo-r Prof. Butler; llw sevmul clusa in the modal shed under Ilieut. S_\`mnns: the third class in lluir clus's-rumn under Prof. Martin '|hv nllicq-rs of H10 lung cmlrso will be In their rluss-rmnn under (`nl. Illlrm-.\. .\o 1 nhl Hm |r|\lIl'l`.'I| will (`Inu- to lune glxen queen Victoria u neu lO.`&|S(` ul` Hie. 'lhc tr_\inp,r cermuunioa at Bristol wvru preceded Ivy :1 lum: journey from .\r<>!lul1(l, yet the (.n(~vn Sh0\\'v(l no sings nf f:nimu- uftzr nu (lvrtnking \\'hut \\'oul(l have tried ml lnuny women of hull ht-r ngc. lh-1` uhnro 1.-Iunwhnu mnnv nf the-1n in- inside tha enclosure. ()1: Friday 0. guard, coimlslinig of one sergeant, one bugler und six cadets, will be mmmwd ut the gau- ol the inner a-nclosure at 9:30 11.31:. The gentlemen cutlets will parade. under cmmnund of (Tupt. Logan, in review order ul 9:30 u.m., untl wil be formed up in open order facing; the main building. and will recehe the 1.', L'llt`l'lll - uicer - cmmnmuling at 10 n.m.. with u generul's salute. The cadets will then march pust in column and quurter column und per- Iurm lhv lnunuul. tiring mid lJu.\'nn-at @.\l31`l`iHUS. At ten the olcers uml Rentlexm-n at the mail will recc-he Gcn. Hutton nu .lhe steps u! the nmin building. Olcers in blue with S\\'0l`l,lS. I`|... ..i..-_..-.u\..rnl lulu .xYI)ra-.`vX!~&o*(l `WWXCIIC-it-v-1. .._- no On "nmrsday and Friday Injun- en. T. H. Hutton, C,B., .A.l).C., commanding the Canadian militia, will make an inspection of the Royal] military collqm, oi.-much ronownedl institution he is president. Every- thing is in readiness for his recep-{ tion. On arrival he will be received guns. The batter) . under cuininand of inujur Struuheiizie, R..-\., will he drawn up in "uction, facing lhu city and south m` the entrance gait n.. i.`.-'..i.n.- n Lrurd. with {hp usual salute of thirteen- II IIIO QQGC. Tm-unto, .\'nv. :.'I|.--Anmhc-r gimm- Iic lvimrle company has been lurnwd lu operate in Toronto. The now rnnmrn in an n.-hon: ol the Ameri- can Nry-Io company. and will he kmmn nu tho Nnunnul cycle and automobile cmnpnn_\. with n cawiml stock nt :2,.'>Im,nun_ The new cum- pcny will nhanrb .Iho Htowru M(`y(`l- rnlnpany. (hr I-I. & D. Iuiryclo cum- pnny, lhv Wheeler muidle comp.m_v, and the_!.,`hr8stio saddle cumpapy. London. Nov. 20.--The omciula nt tho war nmce. honing considered tho- orr of Sir T1mmnal.||\lnn 0! his stmnnyurhl Erin for use as n how- pitnl nhlv. ham decided that she is not suitable {or `that purpose, T Iouuullpfhoou-no. Landon. Nov. 21.--lady WMN`. wile of Sir Ge-or-go White. Brit! commander at lzdycrnith. was edvod In audience by the quota at Windsor castle nn Rundny um-moon. 1|.` j-T 8' (`mfij 'h. Imam players are uhlnu port in In. J. 0. Homptnn. ml at nu; the New York cute w-Inn. uooclr pup.-rinu-ndont 01 up Iorth Aunti- um: lournuuient now going on at . can u-leqnph company. Duo:-onto. syrucuac. )o'.\'. `nun in tin lint died this ntutnoon. um woman were plnntod to take Two can laden with raw cotton you I . Iron: I southern lnt rurlwd `he 1% two height nhovh an o\- gr ty this morning the lnc|l_ cot- 'm M` ".'.:.."::.':'*...-".3 "'2 . 1` M pm on 1 . ngnmn. o )- aupomu 9: n. " ' .s:unn mums at com. nrriwd ""9 u. L. Pontoon. noun-ilky_. ups: to- .mnrMhI at the Ioocfi" COIIHIJV day In the city. planter. - ' T HE QUEEN'S HEILTH. Dec. Dec. 10th, .5 an at pnnnzo n-om Ilonuul: mm In-[D Ind upward. uncle; return,-gull upward: Iooonltnq to steamer nnd bum. aooon oumn-sm um 3.1-1.50, Iinglo: and L to nu to JR. ;'i.'l.;T.'.'::.m..:.'.' x..:.::.'::.:; 2 In. In or Glugow. Including KM In 3.50. nouordlnl W homer. * In rent-\\ uruer Ior |n.~q-uunn > general. M 11:80 the nIu_|ur- I u'|ll inumu-1 lh I III Eh la Oulhhlo. 1\.\ on. Am U the from A Ibroko ol annuals. A nothing of ab: protector: and utndonu body will lb in mm in the old Iibr y from noon untzl tho time for the funonl god who prolouou will stand in Academic dreu. Tho oorponhjon of the nninuiby In mating this afternoon for the purpose of pllllll rouoluhlonI,_ot can dolonco. I A DIINIIIIIIOC DOOIOJIII - III CIII3 I Ink Ioc lounlfou 1. non mu. nu I 0IoDoo-`l`ln Quit AIIIIOIIIIIO to : AIIOII u lfnnonl ' MA- _ n__ nn :2. umu... I AIIOII IIII ljilvlnl. ' llozu-u.u.. Nov. 90. - Bl: Wilma Danton. torlmt principal OI Icill. did on Bmuday of nasal dohilibv, Bjnoo hi: roblnlmul. In May. 1898. ha ha been in poor hulth. but until two duyupgo he wu able no dovono Maul! to IOIIIO mm In his hvorin utudlu. During Ila pub wash in van changed in vribmg n colog- Iilc Dentin upon gold-honing rooh. but In use onion III on Friday, and doolincd rapidly until 60 day at noon when he dud from march of on-alynln. "' A -Innnn M [Jan nrnfnnuun And ntndlnhn loam or me rormtn Pmuci ..-. -up -man n Ilnnunllfv A Plan! That DPIIII tho Blood of Living Anlunll. The octopus has hitherto been regard- ed Ill the most hateful and horrible or all created things. There has. however. been discovered in Nicaragua 3 plant which is as fearsome as the dovlilish. It 1.. .. ..:..... -..|r`...a I... cl.` nnolngug "Ohm WHICII I3 III IVIIFIULIIU Ill lllU IIIVIIIIBIL It is a vine called by the natives "the devil : snare," and lt scema- literally to drain the blood of any living thing which come: within its death dealing touch. A naturalist who has recently roturncxl from Central America relate: the llndlng of this singular growth in one of the swamps which Iurround the great lakes of Nicaragua. I-In u-nu nnanand in Inlnno flu` ha- Iaunnllsn from Mnntroal and Q,ue..)Kov. `:`.st Purl-Ian " Pmlnud. U00. 2. Hum -x Doc 3 Numudmn " " " lillh. w|f(,fn|`n' II It II II II '7' Lnuromnm, uhln pnuanun only. Hummu- dun. Ilmrup. 32L6u~ Inn 0! nm Ocun, and up- wuus urn, gm sad I: it Second '&hln,3I. olaongqto J. P. HAIULZY. Anus. Gnndrmnklky BuI.kn.JohnuonnndOnhnoBuoe\I. nu. nu-nu --o-- A--_. Aan|-.... Krlll (`Xlll|lllKIUll. ln cutting tho vine the twigs turned ` like living, sinuous lingers. and it ru- 1 quirml no slight force to tree the hand from its clinging grasp, which left the floral: red and bliatc-red. The gum ox- nding from the vino was of a grayish dark tinge. remarkably adbeilvo and of ` A dlsxiizrpeablo nnimnl odor. powerful and V nauseating to inhale. The native serv- I ants manifested the greatest horror of ` the vine. which they called "the devil's nnn|x" nnul u-urn full nf nhu-inn nf lta l H18 VIHQ`, WllIl' IUCI CXIHUU lu Ul'\'llN snnre," und were full of stories of its l donth donllng powers. lu vornoity is ul- ` most beyond belief, its power of suction bvlmt contained iu I number of In- {luilosimal mouths. It the substance lt seizes in animal. the blood ls drawn ol! and the carcass dropped. On 1 lump of raw men: being thrown to It. In the npace of five minutes the blood Is drunk off and the mass thrown sside.-Scofush Nights. . -_--:..-..\.._.. on Mount Wuhlnxtol. The first home bull! on Mount huh- lnmou (or the shelter of truyelern `II n llttle stone structure called the Summit House. erected in 1852. The Tip Top Ilouue wnu bull! In 1853 and In still amndiuz. but not now used. Next In or- der of inlprovomont came the stage road from the Glen Home to the top of the mountnin. bullt In 1855-01. soon followed by the railway in 1800-(K9 and the pres- ont Summit House la 18?`) and oponod to the public ln 1873. OI LVICHFIKUII. He was engaged in hunting for bo- tanical and entomologicul specimens when he heard his dog cry out as it in agony from a distance. Running to the spot. he found the dog envclopod in :1 network of what seemed to be I ne ropelike tissnn of roots nud bers. The vine seemed to be coniposed of hire in- terlacing stems. resembling the branches of the weeping willow denuded of leaves, of :1 dark hue and covered with I thick vlscid gum thnt exuded from the pores. Drawing his knife. he endeavored to cut the animal tree. but it wnq only with the Kl`(`l!.`st ditlieulty he succeeded in sever- ing the eshy. mqpulur bers. To his hm-ror nnd amazement the uaturuIl.~t then snw that the dog's body was blood stnined. while the skin appeared to huve heen netunlly sucked or puckered in spots, and the animal staggered u if from exhaustion. ' l.. ....ao:.... oi... -:-`I: 0|... In-K.-n 6u...\n.I Wlno Thu! ls Nero: loll. The most costly sud precious wine in the world is thnt contained in I cask named the Rose. in the Bremen town hall cellars. This Rudeshclm. ot the vintage or the year 1653. In of the color of old nle sud has a wonderful sroum. It is never sold. but is uscd'cxclnsi\'ely for the sick of llrcmen. the only exceptions having been when I small bottle was presented to limperor Wlllism I. another to Fred~ -rick ill and one to Prince Bismarck. The supposed money value of this wine is something: beyond credence. but. as it is never sold. this detnll is of slight Im- phrtsnce. Old as it is. it is lmprolmhle ` that nny but connoisseurs could get it down. ns the taste is something terrllle. Glrulo an Actor. The nirnffe has met: powers of mlmlcry that. although its niu mum be supposed to make It I conspicuous object to In on- omit-s. the moat practiced on bu been docoirml by the animal`: ruelublnnco to one of the dead and bland tree trunks j which abound In its hunts. -(`&l I Hll` hr the I`- "A D033. The Ionnon In-. The meanest man In the world In the husband who placed his pnrne In I noun trap no that bl: wire could not get It In the only nornlng without llbontlng I HUI` Inf` lrllllllllli lI I"l'- (`apt Hutu-n. llnrrlu-u-It turn:-I {rum u hnmhur Inn with him tun m cnnplu of (Ont:-n [airs nf rich!--1-. Thnm rl-`Hal:-an n|ll'.lll|< l'llI"F. . Thrw rhildn-n. nursing 4: Huh- lmr. and mmtundud. disturbod \ nr- xhi||u~rs in Brock slrevl (`hllrfh Ill n\\'oninll'. \ mamher of ma conun- Rluinn had to take them In hand. The nu-amors I :-rain frmn Month- M. Alexandria In-`om Brluhum. and .\h-lhuurno (mm 1"urmms. an ex- pv-cle-d (`nigh whurt 1n-niuht. `In! Irlind Ohm nflnrnnnn. i III: vuu I-vuv---- wu -- - Y. _-._. ug-Nov. M can I n ,'I5ec. iii: and Wm lb uulomd on smug Journey. ouumonolng Undue oracle. sud us! has executed fur re- [urn puugg nldul `anon not later than 21 4.- _. ._ __g 1`. -._...I..........- `Elli ! Ur Ins runmsu run..- PAL OF M 0|LL UNIVIRIITY. l'l'l`l\aIll!. who l\l'|` 5-n'|IuIIux (`hrismma trad:-. llnrrlo-u-Id. has rm`- Hip. rmn- th door and n plump unn- THE VAMPIRE VINE. .-nu- ` \ f-1-no.1-as-are-aonamudunaz ca-nth Quoauonlnu. On one election-day. a great man years ago. a certain town in a state in which i the local option law was opentivo voted against grunting licenses to sell intoxicat- ing liquors. In the you that allowed the authorities were indetnticnhle in their efortu to detect and put A stop to illegal tralhc. and one of their methods was to question those who were tore the court (or drunkenness as to w ere they had obtained the necessary material. It be- come the custom to ask the man on trial. Where did you get your liquor?" _ `He was generally given to\undentnn<$_bab tlcularly it his case had mitigating` cir- cumstances. that a (rank answer would gain him clemency. Sometimes, if there was no previous conviction against him. i it earned him his dlschlrxe. hm. lnnrlninal Hmrn nnnunrod hnvfnrc (bl it earned run: nu: urscnarxe. One morning there appeared he'tore,the magistrate two coal men. who wore the hlaciiened garments in which they had been working all the day before and to all appearance: had been taken from their team by oiiicera who a pgehended them. Neither had a moo , and. or course. their clothes in themoelvea were evidence that they had atendy employ-_ ment and under ordinary condition: were hard working citlaena. The judge Inti- mated that it they would tell where they had obtained the beverages that had brought them into trouble he would let them go. They were not familiar with police court methods, and the meaning of the judge`: worda, dawned on them slowly. but simultaneously. They looked at each other quickly, and each gave a little anicirer. which he immediately hushed up in a shnmefnred way. Then they acrntched their heads and looked at each other again. and each put his hand before his _tnce to hide a amile. 140.....-" uni.-I oh. indma: whom did before his _rnce to mac amm-. Come," said the judge; where did you get your liquor?" (Inn nf the nriaonors nudzed the other. get nquor 1" One or the prisoners nudged other. ind the other nudged back. Go on; tell him," whispered one. No, you." said the other. Why. ye see. y r [mum-," nld one of them. "it was this way: Mike and mo wlnt out yeathordny with a load 0` coal. nud lo and behold you. It chanced that we had to take it to-_\'e see. we was on the loud 0' coal, and when we arrived at the house whom it was goin, why. thin we"- Here he stopped. Oh. come, said the judge. "speak up. You other one, use it you can`: tell Ilmut It." o-\\v..n ..'.. Imnnr V nld tho nthor one. Ilmut It." "Well, y'r honor. said the other one. it was just an Pat was nnyin. We win! out with the load 0` coal, and whin we not there. why-y r honor mid. didn't ye. that we'd be discharged it we told where we got it?" -41 an Ant :0." nnld the iudze. but it?" I did say so." snld judge. you must tell it pretty quick it you want MI. I can`: spend all the morning ....... rnu Lnnro out coal: ornlomud us! be executed rur turn caudal dun In duo of male. and (or or-nunnom Ls:n: ot`roInlho dun ensued bot: to an- n .

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