Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Nov 1899, p. 5

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unty ox tenure now .-* "Yes. your honor." ejaculated Pot. "and I'd be Ini htily oblipd it ye'd evict ` no.-London (ndnd. L! Ulla! IICII. "DoyoIInlhninIonnIntdI" __ I ,, Glllhcrlrlllthelnnthoflpdng Hm pint that In the ntery mold. And I have seen U900 blonomlng Bald: the |noIrbu:k'| edges cold. ._.__,-- Wlenbeoehubudobqlntounll Ahdwoodlthoblucbirdf nrblnhov, The yellow violet`: model: bell hnn-lmnthlutyur'Ileuv||hloI. Thy parent nun, who had: (bee View Pile lkiea, and chilling mollturo nip, u bathed than in NA own hrlght but `.4 .....|...| with in (IN ulowin Ii). Y Illzt thy harm and low thy out. And earthvnrd bent thy gentle on. Cmpt the paging \`iL`|V to meet. \\ hen lame: Bowen an thunung nigh. --Williun Cullen Brynt. The vtoleru modest neu Y9epIlI'onthohnyur'|lecnIhIluI. Bu bathed that In an ungn: uuu And Itrenkod With jut thy glowing lip. BNOGGLES. THE SNORER. THE YELLOW VIOLET. VII? I` I3 Uvlllg CICMIILWI. The next thing in order. ll` you with to become a tirst class shot with a revolver. is to get a good one. The cheap ones are liable to get rusty and out ot order. clog up, refuse to revolve. fail to explode the cartridge and in various ways prove un- certain and unavailable. If mere accuracy in target shooting is sought for, the heavy framed revolver of 22 caliber is easiest to become expert with. The recoil is slight. and the ten- di-ncy` to overshoot is greatly lessened. llut target shooting with these heavy. long hnrreled, small caliber weapons is mere gallery practice. It is not or prac- tical use and must remain simply as an exhibition of indoor skill in a particular branch of revolver shooting. Target shooting with the 44 caliber revolver. when practiced in tile open and at dis~ tances up to 50 yards. requires great skill. All such shooting is done oifhand by the experts. These large weapons cannot. or course, be carried except in a belt. A soldier. expert in their use. would be doubly effective against an euomy at close quarters. for the shooting rules. giv- ing comparatively hriet space between shots. tend to produce quickness as well as accuracy in the uiarksinen. The men who are skilled in this kind 0! shootini: can plant 4-} caliber bullets into a space the size of a man's body at 40 or 50 yards in rapid succession with rarely a nnicu Americans are gene:-nlly unpposed to be the best shots in the world with I re- volver. As a nation they probably are. and 'more individual: among (hem are doubtless better acqunuted with the pos- sibilities of the weapon than among other rlces. But it remlius true. nevertheless. that the ordinary man who buys 11 re- volver knows nothing of the art of shoot- ing with one. 'l`lm mu-.linnl nrinninln in hnnrllinn ro- IDISS. The long barrclcd revolvers. 6 inch. 6'-'_, inch. 7 inch and 71$ inch. give greater accuracy than the short hnrrcled weap- ons. Being heavier. they do not "throw up" so much and are capable of being hcid steadicr. But the difference between shooting with them and with` the short pistols is so marked that excellence with either in A separate and distinct art. To shoot well with n 255 inch. 3 or 355 inch barrel 0!! hand and at ranges from `:0 to 50 yards distance is a very uncommon accomplishment. By shooting '0 I mean shooting quickly and with a fair degree of accuracy for nine shot: out or ten. There is nothing very diicnlt in tnking one of the short barreled revol- vnrn in hnth hnnda nnd mnkimr noml by practice. But the ubility to shoot 01! hand with the short bnrreled "guns." holding the weapon in one hand, `is I science. It is not to be mastered by simply thrust- ing out the revolver. aiming and tiring. Most revolvers of this kind. and even the long burreled ones. are built with n rib above the barrel and I high. course sight above the rib. to make up for the tendency of the weapon to raise or throw up." In deliberate target shoot- ing by the novice to much time is gen- erally tnken to get aim that the bond of the shooter "vvnbbles," and his shots go wide and high. The rs! thing to do utter getting I good revolver In to clamp it in n vise between two pieces 0! wood and find out it it is absolutely nccurnte. If its live or six bullets Ill (0 Ibout in the same spot when the revolver is tired. the "gun" is all right. Next (0 to I first class gunsrnith and have him reduce the trigger pull." Nearly all revolvers pull too hard on the trigger. A i...x- ...t.......- hnlnnno In of c-nurse tn j REVOLER SHOOTING. lug \\'IIJI ()lll'. 'l`he cnrdinnl principle in handling re- volvers is never to point the weapon in the direction of any one, whether the re- voln-r is loaded or uulonded-not even when it is being cleaned. 'l`hn nnrf ihinn in nnlnr H` wnn with tn l lnklng one or we anon uurn-II.-u n-vur vers in both hands And making good scores at tnrxv.-ts. This can be learned by practice. Rut lhn uhilihr In sxhnnt nlf lmnd with up in the trees or unrecuy uown mu. Learn your wenpon thoroughly. Finn) out just how much it thzuws up and in- stinctively allow for thnt rnise" as you ....u H.` lriuvanr Don't use I rt-roln-r i SOME ADVICE WHICH MAY HELP YOU ` T0 MASTER THE ART. - ' hard me trigger. ` A hair trigger balance is of course to be avoided. but I moderately easy pull is highly desirable for the sake of accu- racy. The next thing to do is to npply the principles of snap nhooting" with I the holgun or archery prnctire to your shuoting with the revolrer. Shoot with both eyes open. Don't try to drive tucks with n hnllet. but do try to get so that you can hit in spot as big as I mum-r in 10. 20. 30 or 40 yards. Practice shout- ing in all angles. up and down. sidewny ;, qunrlering shots, on the water. straight in the trees directly down hill. Inns-n rnnr wnlfllh lh0l 0IIKhI,'. stincllvely allow [or mu. Hunt: Is ,u.. pull the lri-,;ger. Don't use (hut shoots to either one side or the oth- er. Shoot by intuitive judgment. not by liking aim. but simply by holding the 11-- folvrr rmly and an-ttinz the angle with In/sI.| ...-... .. - wlnr gdml does with I volvrr rmly and xx-tun: we uugw wuu both ryos. as a wlng shot does shotgun or a skilled archer does with :1 how. A man should be able in this way to .sll00I a squirrel out of I tree or even :1 duck on the water I good, long distnnue In my. It takes the using up of quite a lot of cartridges to attain even tolerable pro- ciency as n revolver shot with the gluon barn-led "guns," but. once noquired, it is a usetul accomplishment. You may not happen to have occasion for your skill more than once or twice in I lit- timo. but when you do need it you are apt to need it bed. To be n good all nronnd shot with n revolver in I pnctlcel way is to have n knowledge which nec<~s- sarily takes nvmnn into the woods nnd elds and gives him outdoor trnmping which will he of lnstinx benet to him. The greatest care Ihonld be taken while usina the revolver in these wnmlerinys not to shoot in the direction of live stock or nelt cocking revolver is not productive of nccnrncy. but quite the reverse. and n donhle nctinz pistol. ewn If the best make. will sometimes stick and refuse to revolve. which night make it nwhwnrd lneonieeesen. lthhettertolrust to eoehinx the weapon each tlnie. even it you have I double nc.-ting nrn. nnd lire one that at n time rnther than grind out} nil ot the charges in Gntllnt an tnnhion. ` Onehnlletintheohjeetniliedntishet-l terthnnnzristotthetnovennronndor AD now to Practice with and Ilnndlo I Your \\'upo;n In Order to Ioeouo 5 an A'ei:Il-ate l:ot-'l`he Vnrlou Ooh I Ibetn and Their Fuel. I ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS upon. whether uthourguotnun opesiteuuhonadoutul.-iutincnd an anal: n excreta an rile oodli- nndnntioovliclhuunu-rIl!5!|l0 ::lti.o.nthhIknoct0orrvdvwnv` aowhkhefnlnlel -&iI(_?_I__k. I Orrnu, Unm, Nov. u.--: -ouu u photon the Ouudinc today and John `Tutu. ugod twenty-eight yous. wu `killed. Danlh In; almost innuahonoouu. i'l'l|obollorwu|ubo.ehId Ionlholiluuthu ......a hut} w R.-I; John Buunlml i'l'lIo bout: wunumonnu Ionnuuuuu-cur. good by G. W. BJII9. John Buqnln. I who wu clone bosidu the boilu-.wu Inven- ly nuldod. Tucker III daiving :- .I.,..-.. ma can name diuuooo Ily nuldou. `runner In uunug .~ hono sud out some uuy, shout nlnoiy hot. when n pwol oi the driving wheel from I.hq_. honor muck hi? the neck. Daoouod II....... .....a... A 9.1.... nhildnn. Hg to In in all coudmon. Thojnry nppointod ho aide: tho od- ciunn cuhide explosion h Adj mraed un. ml Wodnoedsy next. when I vudiou yill boglnn. The ]'ll ] wnnoo some than to rad up the evidence. Thu denartmonh of mains and nlurlea W A Iollor lapse no In 3 KIII on the (Inn- 4 n-an; reed the OVIGODCO. The department 0! he been advised of e Mg seizure by com- mender Bpsin. at the shery service. end customs surveyor Power. ol lobsters illeg- elly breaded end peeked out of seuon. One ol nbe lergeeb Eslilex firms is involved. The lobsters were peeked sh Whlbeheed. where the violations ers seicl to bus been frequent. The seizure was the result oi esvursi months work. In... nmhdrl n! uh. Innel branch :1 the Orgsnllod lot The Wlntnl. Ah oh. I-Iih l .W 0. riaa u-motion Wod- neoduy owning the orgnnlnbion 0! `'8' company was veoctod lor coming winter and drill neuron. A large number of mem- bou unomblod and n very cordinl muting was bold. proeidod over by Uipb. Cunning- bun. A mnnngemonn commibtee wu lonnod, compound 0! Sargca. Wnlkev. Slclch and Partridge. the lunar acting as nocrebnryltrouurer. The oommmaoo will hue the aaairtance of Cnpo. Unnninghnm, whenever necessary. Altogether n rs"- clnu time is promised for the members Noxo Wodnerduy Caph. Cunningham will give I hulk on bbo prooonb III. A npocinl oncorhninmona of some now will be bold ......u -..\L .-KJJLULIL I4` LIL; 3 NOW l'AR- PAIR! BIRIUFAB. with cable no-nnnnlonuon and eqnlblo winner Iomporntmo ofuvenly dc-green, bean- um nouory uni vs Inlks-ol goal muu,heml- unnen or the Brlunh u-my -nd h un- I tuncdlu Its nurumlvx-nun. hath b Ibo -n` on: Iron v-lumen ("hate or al- c- In no Iy-dun In--um from New York. human on-rw In -hu Ihh winter. The lupin-I Iunndl, Inolndllusl Tnomu. bum: vrumal. Kim. Iullulq . Luci: and lhrhalau. also uovd at-out ml And Inu-nu lug man. all nulmd by ncnnuhl of the Quuhoodtcnshlpounpony from at Yntk bunch! urolooosolho Input MI III lint oevunl months won. The otcus of one locsl brunch at the Soldiers wwos lnaua Ire : Trouurer. Mrs. W. E Hodgin,-; ucrohcry. Mu. May- nud Rogers; axacubuvo oommituoo. Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs She:-good, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Canton. Mrs Hudgins. Mu. Echlin. Mrs. Mnynud Rmgora :1; use lot on. 'l`nl'no_ N 3.. Nov. l7 -Wnllun Lynch, A young man employed in the hub factory. onrrowly oeonped t terrible duoh. Ho loll inbo J no of boiling dye. bend nta. huh junta boloro ruchlng the dye and his bad and bho upper pan of his body by cuchlng I not pipe with his bond. The lower part ol his body nod logs were lur- f.:lIy ncoldodmlxo skin being pnllod off with nbl clothes The boy is in I aerlonu con- ditlan, anlloring untold agony. Pearl [Inn rerennnee The Jury. Pzmrzsux Ari: . Nov. l7.--Poerl Hare. the nlleged woman bandit, charged with holding up 3 than near Flornnce, wu uqnittei. Min Hen sddreued the jury in nor 0 en delence and pleaded pnenionebe Iy for freedom thn the night return In Toledo, Ohio, on her (no lnnliug mother. lmlmdinely the: Lee Mquilbnl the women wen re nrreeted. charged with interfering with Unllei Sula: nuilo. nnd will he tried -_-l-. UOTUDIU IIIUII every inch. WING IJIII again. . A II-onchlnnq `Inn. Bnun. Nov. 1'}.--'l'hn|ong oootutod Silonan inheritance at date L0!!! 01 Sum Valoucay, the emperor : claw Iriond, has just been zuutod. by in rial Iovtoro. in tall. no the French pnuco non do Perigord. who uroro tllollnx 1`) no Gar- mnny baht: he Ins nwuded Ibo mvonuu oltho dncby. whizh are WOIMI "$0,000 nunnslly. 4 CIIIIOI III! Jllulptvil GUI!- Nr.\\' Yomc. Nov. l7.-Rov. Ftodotiek C. Mooney. pane: of the link Methodist: church, Rnhvuy. NJ., sud Mn. Alioo Whibuoy. Hnckohhowu. when sdopood can he it. won untried yubordny. The presch- ot in hhinylour sud tho bride may-bwo. Moonoy bad lxvod wihh tho Whitney`: for many yous previous to Mr. Whitney`: dam. ` I IJIIIIC UIIIIC ID_I_iC II! IDVCIII. Loamox. Ont. Nov. l7.-On Tuocdny Inc I little child cf Mnrohnll Muller. ol tho and coucoeaioo cl Mcilllvny township was no seriously burned through its olobbon having union the Iron a lighted stick with winch in was plnylag during tho Iompoury Absence of lac Inozhor. that no (had A male later. Turkish 0010 ru-out App ' woo 00!u'r.\x1'I.Ioru:_ Nov. 17 -1 an unbor- ibauvoly announced run the Turkish gov- ommoou bu npproved the cmcouion to Ibo lhuuob bank ols nnlvuy extension to Bm.-ornh. a frontier cltymd that port at Asiatic Turkey. 270 mile! southeast 0! Randal, VIWIIZU III I I -c Mox1'nr..u. Nov. I7 -'l'ho ouponllon 01 mo couung rngulnloon upon the upper lab: has already rewind In who dnnmon 0! undo from Bndo IoCundnn clnnnolo. Than: the Iocaimony ol the nouhn of the Manual corn uxehnugo. Qiiuhoodhnshlpu-mpdny New York 13-: Jnra and Snood lluu robust: Fur due to n um .'ulcn ot ml. u` up. Il) NA. :57 '1 oU`l'I$BRllJ_ul-`5 O_t`_Q;. VII n-U133: II.-on-' ---. BI:Iu.nt, Nov. I7-The Fnoklcnu Zzung announces nus D:. Belch. the all known Gonna kuvohor. upon: that glninghuukou plsoo human mu. uouhno and Kurds in the Yuan! ol I'nuroIu.Anun|n. am ponou hing killed. Lo:-mx,0u. Nov. I7-hoodu'I 00' boopsed.cnoIdu 1 noon at ovd M00.- w0.vu lotnnll opood today. Inyu Wxlnonvhldd pun hyndtuud Ihhildiogovclohlohuphnltnu. HAlnr|ua. Nov. l7.-'l`|o new cf Ibo Hnnhuganuicnn lino shunt Putin, oargnnubmrdbhoooup-ny'uuoou Albania, from Philadelphia. Nov. 22, lot Bllllllg, which is noting the Putin Iowuda Ibo Elba DOVII. lio(.V. u:-nu'r uu o(}u-nnecnnlpunl tuPcuo Rho, ubovnnpnunogInuIhotcnnPuth. intlnnil C THC`: an--3. ~..'::s.,:r.@ jholw. Dovln. Eo.Hov. :7:-11.-2 nap:-es. 3. (1.... ......| ._...| In Pu-an lung. JII::'ld nuc lrltoc Iouv vvunnu-T .-uv ykoA. 0U`l'IB|lll)l)P. O 00.. LE'u|p.D Iroadvnyuev ort; J P HAN- btJ r. OILWIVK K114 . om. A'llURAu Jioauoury. c';'...z3'$. A Lltllo OM10 Intact `lo DOIOD. A . 1. an I'\ |n,,-. om lnouloo ailing lab. ,,,__ IV,_ I` TL- E|.._LA TIC QOIDII HI! 1 $11 `V T , Iuriod Ila! Adoptod Boa. Iv \V , `II II__ II`. .-., . uxplu Landon`: low I __.|__ KILLIO A MAN. `Xmas will soon be here, and what IS prettier ror a gut or more us- coming to a woman for street or evening wear than a nice black. We have them in many sensible, serviceable and fashionable weaves. Black Crescent Brocades and Blister Crepons 50: to 82.50 a yard. . Black Venetian and Broadcloth Suiting: 25: to 01.50 a yard. Black Serges. heavy and line, 25c to $1 a yard. Black Henriettas 25c to $1.10 a yard. Black Alapacas 25c to $1 a yard. Black Silk Gloria, Soleil, Cords. Nnneveiling. Black Beavers Meltons, Niggerheads, Velveteen and Silk Velvcts in great variety. We invite inspection. l|lI;t0l `I Doulirolto ind Cag.|adl.III _Paclflc Railway: _. _ .__4._ _._._.:...:____. WATER,SMOKE $5,500 Men '5 Furnishings and Hats I III3 I3 (I \oIlIl\.;`o V: (I --u....... .v- -..- I, `, ever ocred in Kingston. No Goods Reserved. All sales for Cash. No Good: Exshangd. Africa is called the dark continent because many black make it their abiding place. One section of our store we might well call Africa, for it is the temporary abode of many a black. The African blacks are a restless lot. So are ours. never contented to be quiet, but with a constant desire to get out and associate with the white. will be here, and what is prettier for a igift or more be- ` - ~ 7 --~----- I._ -4---. AD nunninu lunar Ohn II nit-1; hhlk. We Damaged by Fire, Water and Smoke. Every dollar : worth of Goods must be Sold by the zoth November. Nothin reserved. This is a chance of a lifetime for the public to wean the values N- J :_ I!:....-a..n JAMES 1 F REAlD S, |Lahau's Lnm Ale and PIlI1eI, You Will Never Get a Better Chance to Buy FURNITURE ' At The Front and ; Leading Beyond a doubt ELi_E` MciEELvEYk & BIRCH. $90.00 Sideboard for $65.00. 05.00 Gold Oak Sideboard for $50.00. 50 II 00 II 35- 35.00 Antique Oak Sideboard for 825.00. 25 oo " , " " 815.00. Fave O'clock Pea Table, Fancy Chain. Fancy Tublegjlnjniere Stands, Parlor Sens, Bedroom Sens, etc.. at your on prices. J. M. McParland. Agent. Washi!i9_* !? THE HOUSEKEEPER S FRIEND 3- Ihe Happy Ihoughl long: Woman s Best Frl;n'd. Dlrt s Worst Enemy. THE BEST FOR BODY. NERVES AND BRAIN. TRY IT. . 254 and 256 Princess Street. Ian YOU Iumclonl pvoloeuou? DC!!! Omaha `your puma union-uly. und 3 u I! nor thin-so. or go": olnqo In or 3 rdhtrgm 0! amount. plan runnur ill I Q A flll jtj-` v ju uni7lBu&I@Ia.I'q|n. On The Corner. T_hE Bet nesscin is the friend of ever one hundred thousand house- keeper's. It's inimitable features are known 'lrom the Atlanticto the Pdcic. Satisio faction, economy and Mp`): __-_- ___ L- `man CHEAP. BOSTON Tickets good going Nov. 28th and returning until Dec. 8th. (.1. 1-. Han-Ls 1. '+u\n7iA7i iiunoT IAOO`l`;O`l`RBB`l` XOURIKIIS T0 PACIFIC OOAST AND `,KO0TNBV FONTS. KINGSTON `Ian 3.6.... ........ .. [wmnalz Is comma Ill SKI , TIIAVILLIHO Apnt. Oonolulohnnon sud Onurlo su. j `-- Very lrr-clan convlli --4 `EXCURSION T LIVIBPOOL SIBV ICL VII Iaulondury. Shunt. Frocnlootnul. Iron Quito. '0\&oInnn.Nm-. I"th,dayl|hl.Nov.l7| I133 pun Dominion Nov.| . un,yI1nI..Nov mm. -153- .a....... A an nnl nu:-rv nnnmnlnrt ALLAN LINE At lowest Current Rates. STR_A_C r_1gm~s. FALL IIILLIIERY. cAmAC7ci>"Tnns. 8/7A`5. . O T-. ROYAL MAIL BERMUDA- ._-_. _.- -.nn-c. In-Ian: I W ITKVZT IlI.|.S I CUIIIROIIRI. $7 .00. il:liU`liA NCE Lllllllllon nuvuuun, u-gugu-nun .u......_. "l`lmd||n1or d en not carry punonpn. liq. Ivan Pmtluad. has Halllhx I nromu: Nov. 29th In.m Vunoounr. in-o. Mb. 2 tun. Dec. lolh, 5 pm Iblnllon. " ld. " Nth. 6p m $343` an` -pw-nu," -a" mu "'3 nooonnn ll: ntnm::':d (humans and um dude: E2 *a......,:""""_-"-....,...., .`:.......] _% 2; M P... Vhpl M35. E30455. and Return] Hrii: |uEijg1i"numun.| The Inn Without It. '1' I The wqkht ot ccnturiel he don not nun . I; To feel. no lie: upon his back and yawn. . Iqburlthdutotuuonhlnlnoo` J` Without I murmur, but In leek I thirst- A thirst tint will impel hlu presently, With grunt reluctance. to up end hhmall And work tho town to quench it. book at Mill Who In Mn that connugnlng man When d lncnrnunod that non? Who put tfnt look Otcnnultnhhdnd. Inckluterquf who won the clothu originally whgch . Hung In Ieuoonn nbont Mm now. and who Turnod pin out to [rant Approach lld uh MI. "I: rlly Irhnd. I17 P012. world wary lrknd. 0 er whom the mod_ern cnr ol Juggernaut so ruthlenly doth Item to have been drivn. The lnnlin wifhn thee crushing out 5' And until; lllno I attened Imluuon 0! n hunnn being. wilt. thou tell me Who In an author ol thy miseries!" .- "B'ouh. I dunno who!" he nun reply. All I can ckollect In that one day. When I win hoein in tho leld I seemed To hear 1 voice that aid. `Throw down that hot!` I dunno who It wu-I never knowed- Ilut. hon, I dnpped that hoe. and I Min ! nevc run like workxn ducts. and I ran: 'q>ect to!" --ChIcmro '1`:-Ibum. Give the Girl I CIIl0O- Hicks--I should think that Tom would be bored to death having that girl of his bnnglng away on that piano of hers ev- ery time he culls. u'l..L-gnh Hm! Arman ! tr-nnhlo 'I`nmY 70II.lV1llI)I..Al.I.I.l.A?IOV'lI.l.l lullnn. nun Iontnnl no Qno..'ov. zzlst. mun " PotlAnd.|I-o.2. Hum: Doc :3 umudnnn " lam. ltllfmnhn. " IIII1. " " IT. L|l.In`n.Inu. cabin I-nuonzcn only. Immu- dhn. Il0lU. 821571. and ""' %".'2.`..f."'*,... ........": ` .83. mango. K0381 J. P. KANLIY. Aunt. Gnndfrunlly 8Inuon.Johnnrnnnd(hunoBI.nIIn. 5. OI1I`l.FI.llVIs Anti. Ihtuc `Inc: tune no onus. \Vlckn--Ob. that doesn't trouble Tom! He know: well enough that after he and she are married lliere'Il be no more piano playing. It : the girl who never had a piano before the was married who be- comes a terror afterward.-Boston Trun- acri pt. LI: Unlorluunto Brother. "Yes. lull." said the old colored Inhab- luut. do welther giuin mighty chilly fer a po oI' man like me. E: I des had money `nut! ter my house rent. en coal bill. en grocery bill. on gas bill. en butch- er bill. on all de yuther bills what come In. I wouldn't have one word ter say ergin dat Providence which allus do de bee` fer nu."-Atlnutn Constitution. Courtesy on the seven. I be; your pardon." exclaimed the man in the automobile. --\t'..n oI..a'. -n immnnr-man! nnv. In ule Ilummnuue. "Well. in I : an improvement. uny- how." mid t a nun who had been run over. picking himself up and looking around for his but. When I tellow with I delivery wagon runs over me. he new-r , Itops his horse to beg my panlon."-Chi~ (`ago Tribune. Dlplo-ney. Short-1'ou were at the races [tutor day? Lung-No. 8hort-'I`hen you are (In very man I'm \ looking fur. ` l.ong~-\\'hy so? ` Shurt-l win: to borrow $5.-Chicago i I __._ A long Fol! Vail. ` Ilou-l Inn just patented III inven- tion that will be of Inucnllblc benet lo the human race. Jou-Whu is it? lloax-A phonognphic collar button that will make it: own pnotlnily when it roll: under the butenn.-Chicuvo News. Want: Ila Whole Ora". T50 Young Wile-And how much mon- ey 3 month will you allow me. dear?` -n.. n.n|nn.I-Well. I nee nboul `NIL Ob. psluw. Fred! You can non than fat. don't` 3ou?"-!oIhn 6&- _.o 0` PIIUI I` News. Ioodlecn. `Win no you going to who up this campaign?` nuke-I a native. "Nothing 0! the had 3 nccery.` animal the I-`lobe [QOQIIL `We on __ ._uL._a 5.3.- -wand nn"_w.g. . .u-.......n...... I `not I no round trip ueond elus an; av. 7th and 2.: . 1500. an and IN. lb vs nuowul on going journey. onumonolng ouduo orlulemnd must be exeonlal for no- tlrn mun std-uuutlou not law: than 21 u date 0! halo, md fur ounllntlom nnnnnn (mm lhodutocxoomed by k In sum- P] month will you Iuow nu-. ururx IIIHI The Husband-Well, [sen about` has-pa-an-c-cu;-III-" -- _h.jQnj carnal). -Duud\Jnud Viij autndhaunly gs:-Illotutlclnq No Populm (o nomad the drum 4}` And all the cynic`: uneerl - No talk of trust: to be cfercomnl No octopus to (Mr! None of these street tunes which they play! No Filipino mwl "hren nu.-ct to dream the hour: nwu `nu twenu yearn (mm now! --Wuhlmt Btu. An Ideal ot lndoleloo. / `I H I could Ilnd 1h- mountain uprllu V Who gtve the Ilecpy drlnl J. To Illp Vnn Winkle In their rites. "hvould plr.-use me much. I think. I'd lilo to dn.-am the years nwny, No! question "why" not "how" And lee what chungo earth would dllplu In twenty year! (rom now. III nil: In much on low en Ill`! lie nah do can turn out do sky. GI. my day. plume go yo II] In let` do dry Ian` whn we stay! -Auanu Constitution. II-C Dir:-nu. How dull you loop your lent`: kn?` (hut goodies! I`: no an atom. llen`tbohoo-bgntuptll-- Jdlovchinuholawoomrll. -l)nmnhnPr1 Erin" H (H n'I.du-uuuuou later mm 11 Cu due pun lrom lhoduunxoomod III III Advice to the Sailor Inn. Oh. the day: In mm at hand when the nilor man who nil: the day: :1 mm When the sailor End better 1 on lnnd. In... In I. do with the rnlnl Tho runs In rolling high. And the winds in unmet blow; Them In durum: In the sky. 'l'|mnn nun rnnnlnl death: DIIOI oh. -not man. Bonn! ll you'd an In nlety. shy Anhore Ind do It them. While lhn Irild wind: howl away. 7 -(?h|nnnn 'I\IeI-HI! `rwinhlo. Twinkle! Twinkle. twinkle. linle nu. Looking down frutn heaven`: bu; `Brink a trill: uln. dear; Don`! you hour that Danny`: haul -(`lneland Pllll Ell TIC III-1 rupuw `TI! on! this conic papa." In: the room no could put; `And do! I5, nil now I iv hi ` In u hie!` -WI` If End hello: Inna. Then to 110 with the [Illl Them dukncu In the sky, .; hen an yumlng depth: Dolor. . ` in; polnt lnllgill III. 0?. lIIdO.P.R.1'|lIl1I I` OONWAY. I W. IOIBII A-LGon.PI-.An. Gcmlnnngox. The Rainy Day. vnlny day, he nln so long. v lotch dc nigh on drown do toy; I nin much low en high . _.-L 4|. ...n 0...: (In! th xiv flo lhhl rlnuou. . __-_n. A_A .-A lg}-al- In runs} Papa! 00$ or that Deny : uni -(`lueland MOO. Ila maul howl away. -Chleuo Tlnerucnld. on now! -- W hunter` -Onvnln IL I Tricks Played by Illa Tent Coupon- lonl to like Bhu Stop. One of the worst suorers I think thut I ever had the misfortune to be person ally acquainted with." began the white haired dry goods drummer retiectively. was a Chip named Sum Snoulen. Who was in the same company with me in the army during the civil war. The poor fellow in dead long ago. I believe. and I don't want to say anything to injure the feelings of his friends. but the truth of the matter was that when Snouies slept there was mighty little rent for my one in the neighborhood. l`h- Ininnlu hp ['0' tn Sl(`(`D hC Wlluld in the nelgunornoou. The minute he got to sleep roll over on his back, open his mouth and tune up. He would begin with n ` noise something like a man gently Cl'.'l|r lug n ddle bow ncross the strings. and as he went on the sound would gradually rise higher and higher and spread out and iutu-ease in volume until the whole l tent was packed so full of it that tho sides bulged out. and then he would suddenly wind up with I terric snort thnt nearly shook the ground. --n.........n.. ma. xrnu nnhpr wearinn Dominionlinesteamships mm: nearly snoon lul: gruuuu. "Naturally. this was rather wearing on the rest of us. nnd we tried various schemes to break him of snoring. but without success. Finally we hit upon tho plan of tying A piece of hard tuck to a string. attnchinx the other end or the string to a pole and then. after dangling the cracker over the yawning cavity until it was exactly in the right position. dropping it gently into his mouth. This would tickle his palate and set him to coughing. and as ll would take him some time to settlo down ` and get his snore foundry going at full blast again the other occupants of (In- tent would manage in the meanwhile to secure I little rest. l n... h ..-.A In nnuul Slnnoplmn nmnllr mue rest. "But it used to puulo Snoggles (really to know why he had these sudden chat. in: spell: in his sleep. Ind he nnlly consulted the company : surgeon. who examined hll throat and told him there was nothing wrong there and that his choking must be nil in his imagination. `I tlmnnhnninn ha hnmnd!' nmwlml club W0 mm to u] [or our nun. Snuggle: wont to the cnptnln next morning and entered I complaint against III for disturbing his Iloep. and we promptly entered I counter complnini against him [or III: diabolical snoring. and the mutter vru tinally settled by giving Snoggleo and that double bass more of his a tent all to themselves :1 the extreme edge of the amp. "llnnp rnnrq hnun nnqunal ninlno lhnl me extreme eugi 01 Inc wimp. I Mun: years have passed since that time. but never have I forgotten Sum Snogxlo.-s snore. Ind frequently on 1 summer night. when I um awakened by the loud rumble of thunder overhead. I spring up in my bed. and for an instant I have nll I can do to keep myself Irom imngihing that I am back in Company 0': ton! on the Rnppnhnupock listening to one of Snogglt-s' slumber nnnihiluting midnight solos."-\\'umnu'I Hum: Cour ' panion. choking must be nu In ma Imnguuluun. Imagination be hanged! growled Snogglos. `I reckon I man`: imuginw lion don't set up night: trylu to choke him to death. o-n'..n L... 5..-... On gnu-umo uhnt u- mm to uenm: "Well. he began to suspect what the tmnble Ins nally. and one night when we were trying the cracker cure on him as usual he suddenly shut his teeth (In it. and the next instnnt he was lilting up spitting hard tuck ind harder lan- guage out of his mouth. and as soon as he got tully awake and hnd aehurod a club had to II: for our Ilmu. I4R...._..l... venue in Ihn n-nnfnln null Long Haired Ion. The native inhabitants of tho Mnlav peninsula nnd u-wral of the lndum tribvs of our own c-nuntry non-r permit their hair tn he cut. TIN` hair of one ut the chief: of the Crow tribe grew to 2 Iength of toy foot. The men of the l.n tookns. one of tho .\fric:vn tribes. never cut their hair. but. nllnwinz it to grow, weave it Into the mn wnmlvrful shnpcx The thick. crivqu my! is woven with nr twine made (rum tho bark of n troe until It roprt-scnt< n m'!\\\rk or ft-It. A: the hlir grunts it is .\lllj\`("Pd to the same process and trnim-cl into the Ihnpe of I hi-lmrl. A rim nlmnt two inch:-s deep is formed. and the hunt part of this hnir helmet is proto-`to-I by a pivot of polistml copper. while a piece of tho mule metal. ubnpvd like the half of n l>ishup`s mitnr and about one foot in length. forms the ` crest. The helmet is then adorned with numerous nricolorod bonds. Flatt! of `lbuuro. AI Irish tenant tanner returning from a aolnewhat distant market one after- Ioon. relates the Neweaatle lluglandb Chronicle. missed his way and got into it boghole. where he atuch taut. The land- lord. who knew the locality well. ehaao In; to pan shortly afterward on hone- i back. noticed his tenant's dilemma and. smiling. ahoated. Hello. Pat. you've got xity of tenure now? -or-_ --..- am--- W -1.-ulna.) D-9 Inn:-n Chan. Be waa jnstws yoarn old. and be can vary proud of his new attire. ao when. aa he can standing on a Bovrdoinhaln (.\lo.) aidowalk. a an calno along and aid to him. `Toll your father when he an randy to all yon I will give kin a qnah let for yon." the ttla fellow was all ready with all answer: `Ba-pi! y ontana can has than that."

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