fl PHILADELPHIA. *Ql|_ nonol n_-..A. 1---" A Pnfria INCIDENT. n. ngod owonby '_ ,, _. iloy throw, uhoo ` imtnnoly killed `I. Gertrude Gill, ngod hwonoybwo m,of 2921 Gonion nbrooh. after which oommitood suicide by Inoahina I-I---ll .--on-nu uI_lI'[I 0! I null "lot curvy." Wunnno. Nov. 8.-l Lndnrumh Inland. 0.1--` A nu uni I not: guilty. _______- I III Osman! not pilot 3; hold In n-u._n n- In A Dwunp, nnh KY`. 0 Found By Hunter! j-`nor i:mm}" 7 A ;Y8TERY. /nuu uuuwon you: old was [nnrinw ------ -The kolobon lam-n nl.-I .--- `Movma. .a no} an The ohao Dr. Leyds, the Transvaal European agent. has recolvod an lnuhnuion Iron: the Dutch government: two discontinue his mm bo Hollnnd dunng the Brlbiabboor Inr. "JfM" POPP WON. Product of the price In low M highest grade. such 5 our) DI long. - , --.. - ..-uuuu on! now oemg OOH - ed wioh newllu. no they lost everything in bhe rebreau from Dundee. The coloninl forces are Alrudyghhing in their ehlrb-nleevea. and in in expecbod the ) thin wall apreed to all the forces bolero rn. Iiubuu Fusiliers no :1` new km, la colonm 5...... -.. --- ` >,__ ......-v uuv yuan urea on [DO min. but no one we: ban. The general in going be Cape Town in order to bake oom- mend o! hhe cevelry. The Border regiment arrived here on Friday. Bub-inapocoor Pebley, of the N am police. eeye bhnh his man elono, {arming one of aeverelbnriel parties, Inverted sixby-{our Boers who were killed eh mhe bncole of Ta!- Age Hm. I Thn n..r.|:.. Il|..-n.---- - ' II 0. K dorm !]wN,Oape , No . 6--It lareponinthao the fave blown up the llaonuburg aprece In-Id aa a terrible , exploalonvvaaheardi `the lreetlonol we 1- bndl` A ` .. Eamon:-r. Natal. Sunday. Nov. 5- Brlg.-Geu. Wolfe Kurre . he received In pernanl deepebchee from-Ledyanlth bye runner. but their eoutapla have not yet been divul3ed.. . The armored Iruin with a detachment of D rlin Fuaillera and a railroed engineering elelf, which lelh here for Colenao to repair the line yeeberday evening, ardwhieh also y Intended to go through 'to Ladynuxith. if poaelble. hue returned. The commend- ing oicer reporha than he proceeded ( beyond Coluneo and found bhe dwelling! there untouched. In ia reported glue the Baera are non within 200 miloa of E ere. The bullet holes in the uni tonne of Dur-` volunteers ehow ube narrowneaa of their eacepo from Fort Wylie. which was C eecosd afoer ohe heavy tire of the Dublin Fueiliera had iniehed revere loan on the g Boera. Gen. French managed to leave Lady train from tzhexe. Four mile: from Ooleneo the Boar: red on the A800! Poucoly 35; [um 1,, ` :.~L!..-H... \y-,, n . 1 now being nerv- kle, tohov loan nvnrunham. 1 Get Out. Offering our strictly one had Muni- tobn Wheat-Flour to buyers we do a. with the guunntee Shut it in -.. ....;g V . ........v, uuuca, DFUV Igoods, only 60c yard. 54 in. Black Bism: nish twill, regular $1. value at 98c yard. :5 :n All I`l7--I I` bu Bismarck Ser , regular $1. m n....|:... GOODS, `.Ck hard II -113" $1-50 quality, extra Wool Freize, Brown and. . I Q" lnrnnl .-...I-- U`- r. \NA%I;'i5f$(); JusW%Ahramsnn s, N0. I74 PRINCESS 8' _______,_____} 4/9540 r///3 Y. rl\:I.n's Kid dome Yastener, F c u uul cased M ocna I in Black and Tans, su $1 hair, Ladies Heavy Kid -"fastener, black and self ' Ladies Kid Glove laced and clasps, $1, $1 Undressed Mocha in Rlzml. --I "`- Gl TRUST nun I IIICIIIII to 3518C` cm at Lowest Prices in the City. A call will convince you, so don't miss the Bargains in the New Store of To Show in our New Store than we had in Our Old One, because we have a $15,000 Stock of Men's and Boys Clothing and Gent's Furnishing of the Newest Styles and Patterns to select from at the LOWER! prion: in H... (`:;.. A A-" FLOU We are all comfortably settled in our New Store and wi.l be glad to see all our friends and Custom- QII, Doohollors. Kingston. V ilill 416 41 ldg Ready For `L Business. UMI FED. KINGSTON. W e Ha ve Better Goods It. in ! it? ST. --._j_..j._-. IoGuin. donocnl. oloclod mayor ol lvncuo. N Y.. by 2 000 nnjotily. -.._._._ u-uuu IIIII IIIOIWCI. II I nunfo. 1:97 Pnnoon moon. _-__j:..j_: You 3;:-Tnvitod Nutlotouru colobn what Urll[Il Ibool. oolmpooo our limo ol Nd wntctight bnllb I. 145 Princou sun: In oxpootod from Qnoon n. from noohnnfcu and cloth and one from IDOD` tho buokou H Obs huuinou non`: olul. A good league will IOIIII In IDhl'lf- lug Illtchu. _ _.______.i A halo: am Leann. A bu_koO ball league in hing It nuouonnla park can duo in: th nnn:`n1e'r- haul Inn louoning oonnidonbly. When the people begin ho realise that it must be Iluodonald park or no boeol. they will drop Str3.;_c`:%[*'n1 .v"*a s` touching the others. Thom-not in I wrong. Inbouuhlll looking ntfatt wloh bnainou bustling Iron I" put: of lo. from thin ho tall board. In I: quit: a mannmonb to she , 1 pa cu uuu Ill`!- godo nod oi linens nliko u long on it lute In in bondeomely painted and provldod with running board: on either eido lor the ooeommodetloo oi remen. Theco running eleo form ehielde over the wheels to grevent tbom throwing mud over the men. he trunk In no oonutuetod that any per mole: ledder nqeirod me) be removed end ropleoed without the nooueiby ol handling the othere. Hitherto the only loddor which could ho liltod with expedi- onoy wise the one ` but now -nu; won on! no Ildlll any on Ldder any HIGH sod rlnlnnnd -I A run Inn. The new fire lnddor truck. or. to ho morn 00! rocmno old ttuoi remodelled, II I thing 0! bunt And my in he 0 joy to the bri- no cilinos at reman, -N--n -----~ ~ --- ............ -g-mu a.1z,uW,0()(J bushel: lost your; ryo. 704.000.000 bnaholn, Ignlnnh 584.0U0,00U bushel: luo your. _-_T-.___j__j Broomhnll oooimnoo the total world : crops of I-be conru gnlnn u Iolloya :- Oorn, 2 608,000 000 bu-bol-mninah `3,4l'6,- 000,000 has you; out, 2 696,000,000 bub- oln. uniuco 2,676,000,000 luo your: rye, 1,352,000,000 bnlbolo, uninnh 1,288,000,- 0001310 year; barley, 712,000,000 bushels, ugaimc 832,000,000 hnahola last year. Broomhall also uporto oaoimnteo of the European when crop of Rani: nb30l,600,- A 000 bushels, ngnlnu 332,800,000 bushel: I '. n; [In nun |...-s-I- L $u}."I,',..,` Brnnm IIAI to mnonro plus for d In-lngemont on not The bank P. clouding alleged In? righha. nut. nlrnnlnhlnn -1 n...`.-I. 1 THINK or n`. M Entetprlse Meat (hopper FOR SL25. .... uuguu uxvormou no medicine man, some of whom apond even at much u Iovenby-ve per cent. of their yearly rov- onuu in ndnrulning. H. Mioohnll. Onmdinn government wont. Linn-pool. wrilm Do the dopnlunono of nude and oommotco nqnolhing tendon from Oanndinn nnnulaotnrurl cf hop pole: for IOIII Englioh nu. More hhnn I'm 3.... x_.____._, . .. I - uauxcnllll man no Information venison will be vety plonoilnl this It In in already coming Into the city in large quantities. The largub advortioou mod Ihnm lnnntl ..... -. .._ .. uuuu, n. n , anion hnvo whipped IOVIII culoada of cloned bluohorriu to Ohiosgo. The {night and duty nnounted 0086.000. _ A morchnub con tho Information that van nlonmnl gm. ....-- "but man the Dominion Inn , unaroqpoundn. ' f 7 W"- P1-I-la umounocd that the Royn_|` Onnadlnn an :Iohn, N. B, dulon hm cltloadn of mnn..I.L-..-L---r-- -- Ian : Wutclglt lion. `pg Invhgcl In I-<----` `:1: Hgwn not THE MOLIONI BANK . p, m, , noaam. _ :-:2-- L} ,,, 5-----I oomuncm. uqrrzna. W N 0-!-M |- ` x ...____. udlhorrhonuhtl Ihtloobgcuhxnolulnua Wald. unable 0 I I m `At: o , __ voc- Jut vb! you um I Then: I nu-unman- u vuul IIIQ l..U.A. oxpooood from union club. ....a ..-- .....uw any no anon from the replaced without the mod 0! be Thihrnnkin . .o.---- IL `I 0lldl`n:Il. ...-A ...-auuruu IIDG only mod ron top. now IO baton Ihonh Mu. ......a ..a 3:. Al: |I In-nah -. I. u. uunn Kolnrtooo this - clind iotolligonoo hon Ionlntl In the 08000 that his Ion. ll. Roborbon. onploy- od than. was chic. Ir. Bobcnlon aural. III annual lino Tho quutiou d can put." nur- ouin '|ii{ro"t.'la;"bonrd.".- pausing was in '-and rounding the horn hall, was dioouood. but it via ducidtd Io allow win to thud un- til non you-. . _.:-;.--_;-____ |)'Ol|I'D "A5I.fdOII rpnndiqg hall. was dIm....a L..- to run In New Union. A! |_ mooring lub night of the at-pu-no mhool board lmlo bncinou -u tnnooctcd My mutino In-inou The couunmoo III E! CNIOG I4 0! the nyauu. .. --u or me ucuonl A concon wu held In Bolbol Conzrogm ' tloml Sunday ocbool roogn lulu night. the procoodn cf which will be devoted to u ` worthy objoco--the gononl hoepltol. John Vulo occupied Ibo chair and lnbroinood tho following programme : Solon. Rev, A W. Riohordloo. Illa: Mc\'oh_y, Mia: Hot Ind And Inter Giooing ; rociublonn, Mm ` Moot, Mica Moxloy, mm Min Allen and Thoma Glllnn; lnatmmonbol oolocolona, Mr. Tryst. An sblo address mu delinrod 1 by Rev. Mr. Legotto. who now pastor of Calvary Congrogonloosl c rm.-h. D. Shown: Rona. nd inlnllinmu. o.._ In it and cushion than to use it with increasing oondonoe. Give an I ohmoo to prove thin to you. 1) Ulylonu and Min L. liberally pshronizsd. I hurl charge of the flavor oociaolon rullzpd 1 non label: olforon. .____j_;___ TOO Y.W.0.I. ll none." The "Al: Home alven luh nlghb by the young yomen a nhrlaoion association no bbe residence of Mrs. Hnzue. I17 Earl Intent, vru largely P"' aided over by Mrs. (Prol.) De Kalb and Mrs. Drurmnoud: Den table. Mrs. Mc- Damll, Mu. Chown, Mra. Sparks And a bevy of churning young Indian. The cmdy table, under the one of Mre.'Mc- Clyvnonn and Min Fr'-`zneon, wee . (Bro!) Roan fhwer table. The ac- mm M I recall: of IIIVU UUII oioy of E `H? H I A (If. A vary ploaunb incident: occurred log the Ldrvioo. You-A ago Mr. Lu ._.:.__ Oholr Bung n nymn the Putor. Jnnu Lunon, Ind Oompoud. Ottawa Journal. I)... '- ' . ul A women about eixby o|dl}'.Z found in the Beever Meadow swamp. Eu! Fle:nboro.'yeeherdey. by James Hood end Jemee Role of Freeloon. while out: bunting game. On ebe romaine were e e dre, Oebbollc prayer bend, a comb end A pookebbook, ooneeining conaidereble money in bille end silver. The esh had been eeben from the bones by wolves or dogs sad the corpse bed eppnrently been lying in bbe ewnmp for name months. Therein: Inylbory about: the affair, and the crown nborney he: been requested to order an lnquoeb. 4 ll lid of! __-- lkolcton or Woman .....,... 5061 uomon maroon. | E. by choosing himself. ' The wanna had been aopanbod from her husband for none time and Inn being supported by Roougen. On Snbnrdny nigbo they had a quarrel About the rent. The Fnbiiii Minus co}, ;au.nus1.rtllA. ` gran. Wiley In. Vnn. M 992! (1...a.... ___.___-.:... `I'D Inn Auonot Your. gggnnn-u -m . - - - -r " In A lwunp BA.\lH. !`0N. 0nb.. Nov. 8 I I womsu about mud Banvar MA vuty uuronmy to every word Tho jury uolnd up ll:30 o'clock. lmpnulon in that the judge : elm-go wu against tho prisoner. The jury loud An- dono. ghmy." - - . PR;ERRED DEATH TO M j---U-Z one u. noougon llllod no In-an-rs-... wmxnvnc. Nov. 8.-8o condent were Anderson : trlende that the Malena`: beak robbery trial would and Inn night that they prepared a banquet: and Invitations were out. but In use postponed. on the judgo e charge wee Mo over until ohle motnlng when the court room wee oqein crowded to uoeetion. Judge Beln begun llll oddleel ehonly alter ten o'clock M end book up the palate of evidence, very carefully reviewlnqih. The jury lleteued vety carefully to ' Tbeiurv nhlndnll-Sm an-I.-L -L ' BONES TELL Can possibly be cold for, and these are reasons why our regular customers