Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Oct 1899, p. 1

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For us when you wnnt I good gun. rio or rcvolvor tint you can de- pend upon. All had: of nowder. eholln. Ammu- nlcmnryb In cmsu mum uxmj yunw IIIEY Inrgun Ill AC1] DIII II rlilrmlrllluurg Iuu IIIII uuuu. Ool. Badon-Powell hu `nut cool: I throng Bmaloh force from hide in: toward she botdor. with uid guns and unhnltncol. prouaunbly with I view of occnnylng ud- vnnbugooui doloulivo high ground. Ool. Brion-Powell : tnonmonu In hold be in- dicate that In In not only propcrod tor nhup ghting but probably upoohn it: uh than polnh. Th. On-nnan Iran Flhnho bnrnhnn Inn Arnoud 'I`lI|I Dutroyod. Our Town. Oct. 13 --A don toh from Vryburg ya that an Arm bnln has both doom-oyod. In in (arid than much loan of me will ruulb. The non `ha: L..- ...I:-n.n.s ...........:l III] IIII mill! 0: vi! l logogn without nlhhneo. jihfilfo unos.ou. u-wu-uni-u nuuuniolvuwlinuhluc -J---.g-ngb -jg Jnji ll 1.1. CLOVER. RICINI` GRADUATE II An: and Theo my 0! Quoon'I Oolhuv An unnclomnn In-nnhu nml moat nnooonnmf The Boers And Burners Pour- ing Into Natal. tooling AI Inning. -.._ II.` In C-Il _ I In Iona]: :OIIl'II. ,_.._ I\_; IO TL- KINGSTON. ONTARIO. FRIDAY. OCTOBER I8. 1808. _;____n____A puo on uupu u. A (ll: Bob on Dubon. dohod Thun- doy. .433 o olooh op. onnouoood thou lulu Boon Iolpd AIIICIM Simon and den nuodod tho top. which was delivered to than by tho union Ioltor. who noohod Lgdyunlhh on I no! '. Tho oxolhonoou no Lsdyunlhh II Inc , 1:3 And Ibo ltoopl on moody to not n o moment : notloo. 1'1. n mu um . mn-nondnnh Ah Pictor- run: Io lol II I Quaint! noun. `[39 D dly lull : oonppondooh no Pictor- nu-mburg up it In runorod :0 Now- onnlo than the duttuhlon ol docnmontu Inorlualnablnafronld Knagor and other nomhorn ol ooxoon _n body hu oom- -gnnml at Dnghauuln AIROG KHAN . 0VIl'f' DI Ull UDLUII sod Brlhluh high oolhmluloner in Soul: Amos. pnlldouh 8 n. 0! who Oran Fm Suuomnnounool. Mun than I nuke common man with tho '1`:-souvnl. vm... nun. um`. aunnnmmhnn uh La- Inna common ouuo VIII! EDI l|'IllIVIIh Tho Dally Mull : cunt ndonh n L`:- bnhll. tolognphlng OI odnoodny up`- "Tho Boon no on thtbordor pups:-Ing no em: :0 throo o'clock to-dny. A Innuen- nub to tho Boon uklng hhoxn be apart ta women And ohlldrln hu boon down- -4I ll ton, It is unuhnpenglhh sum : an plnn oi uupol II. A dlnmmh on Duhn. dshd AUCTION SALE, ouulnll Furniture. Etc . Satur- EOIIIIIOII DI IJIII IlIUI-V' Ilvu] nun wu- Inoncod at Pnhorln. In II I to tho lolunl In nlry of Sir Alltul Inn. onvunar nl nun Onlonv Al:odnn'{|n< --ul Rplhlnh WI! I IDKII-II] llvillutuue Jonenxnsnum, Ooh. l3.-Wer we: {or- Inelly deelered able uornlng. lleuvee Loyel to lrneln. CAI`! Town. Ooh. l8.-'l`be repl of the imperiel gomrnment to the reneveel nlblnnehnmle published here. In wee eo- eompenled b Instruction to Uonyngbem Greene. Brio eh dlplomehie scene eo Pre- borle. on elk for Me peelporhe. The re ly wee reed by n megmrebe eb bbo even nu perede of the bown gnerd here end evoked Ioyel end entbneleeuln domonnbrehlone. Oeoll Rhodee bee errived eh Kimberley. A penio bee broke I out: en Tryburg end e hurried exodus bee begun. owing to B:-Ibleh rehagcee from the Treneveel de- clerlng then e lerge lorce of Boere wee ed- venolng on bbe oown. The rumor bheb Neweeetle bee been occupied by the Boer: le wltboua oonrmetinn. NIL- n.e-le.I4.-e In` ILA nnnlen ll`... nhna Not a Breath or WIn-Iho Io; In You tint. ' Nxw You. Oct. 13.--l`or tho Iixth time the nos hobwooo tho Bhunrooh and tho Oolurnhio was doolorod OR at noon ho-dov. From only morning the iodiooiziomworo nitogobhor ogninoh I ooutooh. Thorn wn iou wind to-day ohm at my ohhor time since the nose oounoocod. AI night o'o|ookIhooIIIuuhoo fogud iii who impon-ihin to no my d otonoo nhnd. Tho on was on unooiih so glut. Excur- niou Ilnmora surrounded tho ynohho which wore on anchor. Ah one time I lihbio nirrod. hut in died out hgoln. Tho yoohu did ooh move from their nnohongu on ocoounb oi tho log. And oh noon hho race was deciarod o. IIIL- ......A..I ..L.. A` gnolu `ank gwunu oy in! Unlwu uunwn. Blr Lash Davin: aid: "The tonne upon nu simply 1 [Inc drown nnrnu in-od Ohllkn Pun. dnllnulocl by tho [WI sod mountain top. It bu sbooluloly no algal- Ilnumg In! an hang thank: to nvnl Innnl UIDX' -I` W` TWP UIICUU W I71 ! Ijl motion, 0! count no u val an aunt mpponry nquouont Io nudutory." ad Iudlv down I nap lllll bunny no not that. Kn. Baouyjnupod hon IN 63 unduulnlud wry nrioullmnnl Injuries. Bho vu unconscious who picked up Whoovlthhshwlo ol Ibo ntor tho 5...`; uoannntl I-in a mining ball on lllopwllblllly III" In nu UIIIII. Inn Ilnatotoy had Ilooollu bun hobo. Tho oonchnnn Ill sloo Inn. ZCITIIW 3771 C-`.5: Bl 1..Il0lI\. Oct 13 --Tho nutli henna bacon: Ida that hr no tolls B lupoponit uollho cityol Bath MI 51 sliding down NIL Tho oviduct olli huunoun union! lap bulld- lup and ulldooou, including Ito county can but and Ibo nddcooool United Inna: A. M nybousllurht aqnnnndmng In pIno(l.V.lu-Iorlullt. Rnlrclotlu un-tn.-nglsng nun...u,na.r.n.na. ll WIBIIOUU OODIIIIIJIFIINI. The position oi the Oman Fm Shoo to him prouut juuotmro in pooullu-. While bin Tnnnvul has virtually dociurod war. technically Grout: Britain and the Free Shin no on lrlondly lama. In In nllnnn hhgh h wr nhnlll Roan uuue no on Ineuuuy unne. In In ellegod than the Free Bhebo Boon have been endeevorlng be induce the Ba- euboe to erou the Oeledon rlver and con- eenb to I conference In the belie! um they hvor the Tnnaveel. bet it Ie nndeubood than we Baenboa rldlcnle the Idee. A n - 'n.|4 nnahlnan A. Sign nnrnnennnh token` Ullll IJIIO DQIIIDOI HIJIOIII IIIII IKIOI. An I lube moobln ol the pnnmounb ohlol of obs hrlbo wlbb I: o ruldlnt commission- or of Mu-cru the ohlulwn moot pronounc- od In Jaoertlng Lho rm loyalty ol the Bamboo. and. slhbough plunno word: may hnvo boon uehsngod. the nuthorlolon are condonb bhu an nllhuoo bobwoon UM Boon and Bnutoa lo lmpoulblo. II noon DIII P800 VIN (ICBIITT OH. The repeeted uke: c Beudy Hook heve led to eome egloablou for e change of the couree to Newport. where where in uunelly e breeze. or to Ilerbleheed. off the Meeenohueebbe coeee, when no difficulty would bn ex riencod In getting plenty 0! wind. I) in erdly Ilkely then my cbenge will be undo. Tho reqehte oommltroo erguee then um eorl ol weather oeunoo leeo eh thin time of you. Dir Inuit loll! Davin lnlounool tho Do- clolon of (hands. Imauou. Out. 13 -81: Louis urry Dnlu, Onnsdhn minister of mu-Inc And nhqiu. lnloum who pron that In In: glvon Oaundfu oouunl no I tampon: ur- rsngouonv of \hoA|uhu dlapuho. Mn bu noclosll uwlod tho whole IIIIOI tom 0 him lug. ulbo nuln tutu:-on of tho nrnngomonbwon oglully II`- guhod by the Unload Bum. lr Lash [kiln nldx "Thu Iona! WUIIIXII Wu II III Ijliw I0 I|'II|' names. but we hops that to anti local human. 0! noun: an n val n was lujuod In A II-$.11. Bnovxs-n.x.|. 00!. la -1`. J. Ebony. manor ol the Ounds on-lingo company, with hi: wile nod ulnar. In. Buiop, Ouuncqno. were driving hlbiotl n IIOI Inn of bench which Mano nonun- bio sud nu uuy. The uniusln nth- nullv down nap hill loading to the piano. Mn Sunni innnnd hon lb: Ha '7 WI1'CCIUW ITU I- 1. WOT Ill` houavnndtnto nuooovnll. In. Rhlop In bully Inn In tho ouch. and Ilpjunnv ha! hlnanlln Ian I-nhnn. Th pIIUq.u!IsII IIIII. nu luau. uuoouuu. Inhale: hilt. mun-lam cum (xmd._hn.IvolIitunn lugrlnpud l|IlwInn;urpeu.l'Io\uns.'l`hIhtl|II.cInoI. 017. Ohduuo. 000071. Ibblr and otlor lA$.mr\uIII.0IIhIcn. Islgfvoeqcnn Esnlujnndnlhnu-gulch; DISPUTE T! M PORARILY IE1 TLED Dill! Illllj DOD! HIM. - kI-_; l\-n II QL- - an AIM no nos. Rh: llh or. governor oi Ipo Colon: oodululener I.I__L lls._.. - aL- l\_._-- CHILDREN LAUGH'NG AND PLAY- ma IN A am wmaou. IFIIIIR MEI THEIR llEMlll I-`ast Train l(llIed Father And Three chlldfcn. lmntnsnsrnnnusnnrnnm HAVE YOU SEEN Ilo Iunlort so the loose With the Droid. lot Knowing what MM! I-lnpponod - Inca I'o| II Wu u luau) Who Ilsa Bun Iuloa Inc Wont lnd- lie In low Uncut 3 rlnlolnnh Ouo. Rnrnsmn, N.J.. 000. 18 -In 5 gndo crooning sccldonb yootorduy um-noon Fndorlok Guoral. for-by you: old. and his ohm children. Freda. M glo and Lana. rupocolvoly seven, nlx nu`: tour you: old. won klllod. tlgnnnl ; hnnhnhnr hmlllulv HIIOIII II tluoa. Goorgl, n hnnhbor iunlliuly known "You-kc." had All bl: children. except: his Ion Richnrd. nino you: old. in his II` n when ho turned out: this nlounoon. I wnntod the oldouh boy no go with him. but hho Ind nn sway nnd hid. Whon the hbhof. who who driving. up- nonohocl Lipplnoowl atoning. on the Am- y dlvioltn of tho Ponotylunlo road. the children woro laughing nod playing in the big woggon. George nw 3 long lroi hb brain puinq ulowly toward the cm ng and out-bod so orou. being oondonb um ho would olonpo In. an lnhnnh -n ha in wnohlmr tho irolnhh would in. So inoooh wu he in watching freight train that Ho did not: nobioon pnlongor bnin coming awiftaly in lab: oppouibo dino- oion. he engine shrunk the vucgon in the middlo,hm~iing Georgi on the buck direct- ly in from of the height: unin. which cut his body in twain. The tahroo child:-on um bhrown In the air unid hho ingmomn oi the wnggon and (all dying or dad he- oido the truck. All the bodiu Into hsdly muuiintaod. u.. n.......| mnnhmfl 9.1.. nhlldrln- Inn Mrs. Georgi. manner or me onuurun. wu- buying some wonrln uppauol for the llbtlo onu la 1 wore only hall 3. block from the oroulng. While 3 curlonn throng wu ocking howu-d the scene of the accident: aho cum out 0! bho atom and inquired us to In cause. A woman who did not know her blur-bod out the news ohm Goorgi sud three ohlldron were dud. nun. . 6.-...r.I.~ ..u-um Mn. (hm-nl while nouly ovoryono In one orowu wupu. when the bnln which had ouuocl oh: death ol her loud ones Ihuhod to pull away from bho orouin . Mn. Georgi tried 00 throw honolf nu at In wheoln. 8110 In: rutninod and pub under 3 physician`: Ausnnmu. Oct. l3.-A doqpntoh to The nndohhlnd from Bunk, capital ol the Nuhorland lndlu. Jun. an arm - ..;.I..A...aLan.luhnnvhlhd Ilnnouih luv:-No lunch uhooko. Kums-rox. Jsunloo. Oct. l3.-JumieA. with u not orange crop in night. In In the worn you at strain to nulin the proc- porlly dnou within its group. Thu na- oon'I onogon will 5" go to the Unlud lulu. in when market they will con- pon with tho (hlu-ah product. but Ibo nnnnnrmn rm: of tho Unlhd Eula no VIII! EDI \A|llu'uIl ylvlliui. III In: coo am: at the Unllod Sun: In to Ilpply enough band shook: lot Ibo Junlcuz uponon. who an now out- lng tboll lot out othur mun: oi packing Ibo lulu hr the tonlgn union. I IIIlI(] HUI nut -U31. 81 Jonnrn. IQ. Oct. l3.-A Ilnglo or- der ol 850,000 llu. ol dcuud ponltty. mot- lnq Ionian ouloodo. bu jun boon naiv- od ban by 5 punk! hon Inn: London. long. More ma 100.000 a latent will be olnnhhnd thin took in lling the odor. Bone ol UM: ooudcnlnuu will in and by 050 BI-Nah any und any. Biullu ordculronllnnuooouoo mupoo . U-Cmllil WII [DUCT C III M -uovwm 8 Hunt: oonpuy ol Byncuo. X T0 YE .S, nuns onuuron were uuu. With 5 frsntlo scrum Mr-. Goorgl darted (toward the croulng. Effort: were mudolo hop her uny. bub aha hrolo through but crowd und ch: her chu- dron, on: door the obhor. u but u-mu, while nouly in bho crowd wcpu. Whnn Hm hnln vhlch Island of OIIII. Ono or no Iolnoeu Do- nomad. - Is-` III A .I___AA_L A- no Nunouonu LIIUIII. unvn. Icy: nun on violooboutbquhohu valid the couch tide of the laluud of Ocean. nun to the lunch 0! the Molnoou. boblnoo Booroo And Pnpus, completely dutroylng blue town of Alnhol and kllllng. In In outl- mnhod, some 4 000 pononn. us well an In- jurlog some 500 ohhon. UaUCIIIDCI u-v---cu` n u--u. Co\'n~'(n'ox. Ky.. Och. l3.-A sonn- hionni uhoooing anlr took place how. The victim can Oilvor H. Brown. woil known In nlirood cirolou. Two can Ago Brown Inuriod Ion Wolf. no time ugo they oopanbod and the wife brought um for divorce. Her lather mot Brown on tho utroeh yoabordny uni. droning nrovolvor. red uhrao shots as him. Two oi tube bullolo wont: we of obs Inork. but the third look 06000 n Brown : chock. lllkn -"n on! uh. wlnhhn in: tort III Ah Th; wlfo of tho vlcblm wu vory Ill no hot homo II the Man of In: nhooulug. Tho non of the unit an oonununlonod to hot tho:-My that In ooonrnd. She Iucruod Into nnoonaoiounuou And soon door lad. jv; no-uu.wu c -u-uwu. Nil You Out. I) -In I it III libel 3 jury lathe Iridium. put Ionian. ol the prone court. baton judge Holdall unrdod Bold: & Nichols. eundlo unnu- hnnnn at hhln city. 850.000 dunno. [I Inclined Ibnlhollbol wupuhlinhod by an wan A Hanna nnnnnnv nl int-nn Iox'rnu.. Oct I8.--I.uliu tron lou- hul. Quboeud Ottawa dduud hdlo ho-tho Tu-onto. lloudnlo ud landed golf club In tho Incptoviochl and yutudny. bylny-than bola up. `I'M noun no. Quito nvuty-In Oucuh Q-nno.h-n. TU VT!` sunny-un.__ !u'.`v-""3i."o-'n.'.' nununou. y Mu. Gun-gl. xnohbcr of the ohlldnn. wn mulna mmn -nu-Inn Annual for EARTHQUAKE KILLED 4,000 lonnslonl Ihonung 4-8:". ,,.___._ Ir- n.. no A Poultry lot tho drnl. ._._ kl- I\_A I. A -1. Iilurabcm ,J\_- IO Q_.l.-_.. lnlluroladco Ion. , 1-5.. In I-.I:-- 5.. Tonozvro. Ooh. I! -'l'ho honlly ol the Boyd oollogootdonhl onrpono In 3 In ol 830101: upon about forlyoto Io. Ionlou` Ind jonlon. who pulol In tho muhlmg or hum` of nob- nnon on `Monday dcotnoou. Pro- vident Glut loollrod hho Ihdonl Ed`;-oqd told thou um tho dlroooonbo .I-s..._l...I on ....n . no. to chaos wild ;:g';ug5'5I3 ou'o'E{'o'o oI'd1xo3u6ciu determined to put a stop to that wild and Lu-hnrmn l'I`Al|Il8l_ Thl DSIHIIIN :-u---1 tony ltndonll at no main: oouogo an T CUKKEIDK T50 POI I II)? T HIT Wllu and barbarous practices. The D _ tn Ind unblclputod n vholudo oxpul had had undo all ptopcnllooi [or I umko. They wore ntprlnod at the llgjstaun at the nnnhumn_ IIIIBIIIM. ' Bomcof Ihc chcdcnhc hricdto juccity Ihcir action in thc iccc oi chc tcculcy. cay- ing Mm trccbmcn hndlo hcvc "tho cor- ncrc rubbed oi! ohcu: in colnc vcy." They inbilnnbod mm. but prccidcnl Oink inionncd Ihcm um chc collcgc vu bcctcr chic to ctnud cc thing likc than than ihc ctudcnb bog . All thc ciujcnbc. including thc "huchlcd" ircchzncn. contributed to ply thc ncc. Thc hccciin; concictcdin gcwin fcy ircchmcn in I ncrrow onto an conning then: with wctcr from two big iiccc of hocc nd in upcbnir windowc. Albcr rhch ohc ircohmcn kind to run ohc gnunllch cud wcrc ccliy bounccd out An cighq-foot wcll. Oouxhnd Up Ono Wolahllg Inna [III (In-_ l`I-If [Inna-I U3.` IICII IIIIIIIII. Form Du Lac. WII.. Ool. 13 --In. Jo- hanna Ball. or thin clay. who {unpar- oxyun of moron. threw up I [in (mg. full grown. sud weighing three and ooo-hull ouncea. Mrs. Boll ad boon n rutforor frornopooullu form of abornooh trouble for yours. and nono of the phynioinnn by whom Ibo bod boon bronbod were obloho dloguoee her out. Mu. Boll hue hbo fro on uhlhlolon on her home. No. 22 Boar - man ahrooh. ML- nhunlnlgnn nl hhn ulna In vn I!AlI'||l`I- Illl The phyaiolnnu of the clay have cumin- od the pculonb and have boon unable to solve the mynhory. Tho lady OM00! than for lovers] you-I aha hnd been convinced that her Iroublo wu duo to roam column objoob In her uhounch. hhn uh than in would now And jump porooptlbly. which uym nouns her doctor: had ncrlhod to aru- modc muscular oonhnoblon. Tho :03 Inc upparonbly hllnd. General Young Inrouou larch Driving tho Iloboll Baton Ilun. MANILA, Ooh. l3.-Gon. Young. wlhh hwo bahtnllona of the 20!. lnlnntry. ulna troop: of the 4th unity and uh noon 0! we 37bh inhnury Ion Bulb: Ann yoshrduy morning and occur piod Any door I |k|r- mlsh Inning half an hour. Tho onomy. oohtmubod M 300 men. rlhrlnhd toward Diolnllnnnlooulvod. llonn.nL.OoI. l8.-Iln lulu Go- hlor. an: oil]. uooldonhlly ovutu-nod a lamp. sad In at log to oxlluguloh It her clothes enngho 8b in badly hm- Qi and died" In Noun Dunc booplhl. Ooroocr Iolhhon loud unloquu not up III. Tho unmpy clnnchr of labs country provontod the an of tho cavalry. The man of the 24th olnrgod Ibo tnnohou. The enemy an the town on, llro nnd Ino- coodod In burning nunull nooblon. Fin dead And Ihroo wounded Flllplnoc wan lelb on the Gold. The Amorlouu land on nnn wonndod. Gun. 8cl:w|n | column ll IIIUIIVII IV -UIlII'uI Iiuotuvuu WATBRTOWN, N.Y.. Ooh. l3.-Tho lol- Iowlng ordon lnvo boon rooolvod by Oopb D. L Howoll. commanding oompany I 0! tho 7th lulnnbly. now Ibhiouod at Mudloou bu-rook: : 051%.- .~m.u-I hgmnllnn nl Hm llh In. Inuloou bu-non: "Tho second bahhnllon ol the l5l.hln- lsnhy. oonalulng of oomponloa E. I'.(}. sud H. will proooed by the Unllaod Bum hnonporh McPherson from Nonvluu, Onbt. to New York about October 20th. Upon unmog n that plan will Immo- dmnly proceed to and who station an Mndloon barnoh." I 1-..; n-.I..- -will panning A am-dlnl DI`. You Will Like It. inll. lhulnl, St ..u.LNcsoN. We Want You to T MICIOOII DIHIOII-" Llonh. Bu-low wlll receive I ourdlal wol- oomo at tho hu-bar. n he VII formerly auctioned than with the 9.}: Infunry. The 7th will lonvo Mndinon bu-non lot n._..... 1.. -lunch . -ah. Puu.AnnLru|.A. Ooh. l3.--"I sun In bud Inch. Nobody cunt In: no and own mi awoouhonu ha dourhod um." um (hr! Mclr. nlnotun your: old. ol Gonnuy. very uorrowlnlly u he lay on n ncntohor In the Gamma hotplul. ulnar lnvlng stumped to and Mn III; lb was tho third obrt In bad undo during the pronoun month to kill blunoll. The lint time In tried the top, then polcoo. lad nu thou two noun loll- odbonoorlodioihnknilondtiodtonl -_ --L.-c In DJ: AI-In ' luau: Iruuuu. Nations! Io-AI Boston I; Phili- dolphin`). As up 5: Bdunon 1. AI Omcioonl 0; Olovolnntl. A0 Wuh- lnpon (ant pan) 7; New Yotl 9; (sound nun) Wnhlnnhu 4: Now Yuk 8. .."*'.., sa".:'..'<.:.':.f.:".:.'.v:.'.'.:`% Illlyounpo with Uptou'o`l`|uddrlnt hhhulbh. Bola that vulllhlo In outnloicll bocanbuu $00.50 nutuhup. moulohnludlhylonhu Bhduilbutnononn. : I.` Il--A. D... l1.I.In-c.l- n-Izod "KI. TI ICU` been no ghglgg IE. [Ill WIN IUIVI llllu | 0517030 In about I wool. In 0:731: Luv: rnoa an HER ITOMACH. RT` ""!`. Y2". .",T.'- Gcnulng Wl_1ltc__ Castllc I ,_-_.`.-,_,!,,_, Ordered to Indlton Inn-toll. > ________ _. uv n-. no IDL. IIIOO Allllllptl ll Illdll. n-- In Ill ._ I AGAINIT HAIINII. EOE IN RETREAT. [A Stock of Dress Goods. hlund nun. #0:. Irouoh lilk Enbmldond Deon Kohl. bnntllullg unbroldond in ~ u out on lroooh Ln- dlu' Uloth. In choice oolorinp. no two ulllo. excl oolvo nylon no 813 or CW cull. Fllcll Broldclothl. $2 per srd In Petunia. Four hodu Blur-k. -wy, Bhunrook Green. Uyrllo, Fuwnu. etc. Now Camel HIII` Sultlnu. -n |_ -u._n_- _\.-.n-.. 0| IIL-\nl -nu-I New Plr|c.Flnloh sultlngu. nu- ...|.....o.u... uI\n.v:nn (I In New Homoopunl. 58 In.. M. 850. For the choice nr :5 new drama from $0.10 3! perylrd. you on: get. more value for ur money tron: Ill than aloewheto. yo /- /D - Ifll hlouiw-lost. `Ii-nuns: ' V. Illlt U. .1 Anal New Vonothn snltlngs. .. 1.. All ._....| no -Aln-Inna BEACH -ElQI1 El Bulli 0!` THE LA Elli T Bruno. Undertaker and pug. VIE ho carried on at tho old Iundon bohnll 8 III! auto. 1 nnull. Admlnlntnu-Ix. '1`. F. EAIQHDUIN Uuurnn I. uni:-I-Axial Am) RIMLI II and II Prlnouu Stunt. Thom: :- antenna. 90: Bnddonoml. Oundu and night. U33 EZIIJ. T'3..':~`i n`."p'i.o`. .``1 .'1'."5nqy""'..5'3r'.'! 1_$ uunnsv was Ann OIIIII mum mom non: of run education to who :40 a mom a would be an inducement. I oou also mgngo 3 lav Info: at their own human. T. 11. uNacor1'.'l`oronto. Ont. AFIRVI` - CLASS OHIVLISIB WILL nuver ran-ut. undlnx 1 mm card to Oonper. Dmwor am. London. Out. 110 will obr you more opportn mun to mlko money eolllnl mood: or omploylng cub-ogonu than any other mun In Canada Try hlm. 9` vnzmu. muou-r AND nouns-r rm- ; Inna In ropmnont u: an Inn on In thll and close by couutma `nary I your nndf expenlon. ulru;nI._ oouvndo, no morn. no lean nlnry rouuon permanent Oar uter- enros uoyonnl m my town. It In munly mllcts wont nonauolad at homo. Bohregrou. Enuooe sell-uitlrlu-ed sum envelope an l)num1ou(}oxp.unr.l)!vD1. Chlollo. N OCTOHIIR '.`rlI, A CARD OAS ` (X)!U- tunlnx three mono Dlunhnd and um: and Pat! tuna. [Inward will be Id to- lo- lulrn orubovo to A. C. Jomu-ton Jon- 9 cm. Qunnc. on. us no. -cum-u. wlnun arrived Wodooodcy night. pound within 3 niloolvhototho Sooilnnn wuwnekofl. and although the washer VI! cloth . noth- lngoltho wuolvu non. It In hand Ibo vocal may Inn hindered duh; tho neonbplu. Tho new at. Anunru rnuy-un-u church 0 Manners bu bun tonnlly 0unhrlund.Bu| pnuntudau vlndonlothoooognpuon. Thin olnrchwhleIvuoneIIdudIhoIp|oII- dldntudaauvvtkolJ.ln.Iuu.lu'I8|) nuuqolWno|IyhothollIIIu. Mr. Kelly In withdrawn hon III About that Knllyt Idhry. Hiopnnou llurtyoallobo. nn....J _.a.._... push AL.-Mn AA Something New Aac nu-II 5:3: uuuuryo HI prion unycl Unix l. |uood nndorvuualuth holly It m..|.c.|. 149 [Ian an-nL l'lC% Inuurwut. Iuu I Blnchlfn. 842 Kb. stunt. no u. uuunu nr. FUNIBAL DIB.ll7l 0B. Bl ` I! Klnpton. Inooouor In W. I. u. Ono Inuruon 25. Thno lnuruonl. Do. llmlhdtotlxlny words. . , BYIA YOUNG LADY. NOON DAY IIAL AT A Prlvnln Boarding Bouts, oonuuny_ u- outed. Add B. A," IN! OMS. 7 LADY OR MAN WANTED TOTBA d v. an an an nnd::p::n-'2. zigziu & oo.'.'3&auss guulalphls. ` ---~----~ ----- . ---' ___'-- .4.-. lI`.no.looo sell-manned sum envom; Donnmon Con runr. Dept. Chicago. \..-. PRIVATE BOARD AOCDIKODATIOIC ll- UI Queen smu- _ 0bhn>nd It. hwmm) I 1 10 n.n.--Iutorly and wlndo; hlr nnd nodunlllyx. Buurdny. Jonth-vnmtly 3 1Inll:DIA'l'lLY.A GOOD GINIRAL BIR- vnus. st um Bun, nuns Bquuo. Icon-an 0000. QunIc.OoI. 18 88. lot mrhnnrl Wulnnndgv nlnhl. lhl 1:- `FIRYP-CLAS8 OKNVABSIB WILL nuver rum: aandlnx I both! card to `IW VIIIUHIII u7Ul$lII.U. M tn., all wool, in oolorluu. zun. This mn- terlul I: simply exqululw. 52 In. . choice shades, 31.86 per yank. Cw ruli-I IIIIUII an--u-.-. 52111.. nineteen shuuomtl m WIITHII ----:: T. F. HARRISON COMPANY. .-__.--.- Au-nI!unAInc-n 1:1! 4 mm. not rxox.` ; mum; nu IIII noun:-uni: m; drum. DRAM! IBTATI. nauunn nu mu`! LAO low Iolory Nuts. Now flu. New Onpu. ow Apples. No doubt. about men cxoollonoa. 8- B. OOBBITT. nrn llvnnn nu D WANTED BEARD. LOST Andrew : Pnobyntlna mu hu hon lntnnllv ...`:'.:`:'..'s'......"".e.':'.`.`.:'..`: .`.E`"'` FIDIII!IIlI!I|IOPI'III-'I'I3!I?I!IllIUI'IPl PIOFIIIIONAL `OAR TIAOH III WANT ED. ugth Innnnnn -'|l.nIIn A IIIIHU VIIVI VIII 8 cache for 10. Uetrn rm. 110. 239. x....;.; 3385.. Genuine `Olive Oil and Cucumber, I `Aha `An `AA BOYS COLLEGE. U44 U, nniiim. Uptown Pharmacy. (hr. Prlnoond Wellington an I `I-3. LCXI C. III 3' I1` TIT`! T. J. OLOVII. IL. Prlndptl SOAP BARGAINS we no offoring ? C EMS D I-'IiIIi?I?IQ!IIII Q mun.-nu-urn | K In: Street. aoso| Q lsduno Rpm 8 cake: in 3 box. 10o. w-`- ....._..- ..w-v_._. HE ANNUAL PUBLIC IEIPING 0!`. mo Or hum omv and \\'l Frlond on V! Ibo held at. the Orphnnr Home Building. Un|on annex, ou`BIt\1l'dcy Alter- noon. umobor um M. 4 oolock. `rho Muyor wlll pruldc. The children will be present. DIIIIUIIIV `IIIDII hotel. ` 0.`! RAM. RTBII1`. OPPOSITE CHAL- Ml:IlI'UHU8C}l. new ouud brick house. twelve room not water host, can and don- mom nndsl other modern onnvonlenoen. Apply to DJ. mourn. In nu-I stroot. (`IO VII ) Ialhll KIWI Olllotl [IUD All OVC I'll Wulld. Ohu-lot Rnnholur. {or the at twenty yous oh! :5 Doc Ilonlou. In and. A nowu-uotylo to be around no Ou- -npn, nhlnh -III Mun mung Ilfll. IIIII IIOIKU OI VTIIII. A humor hotory in to be 0.-tthlinhod no Posotboto by J. W. Vulcan. proprietor of the Omond about factory. Alllll nunod Bnrronghn At Iudvillo. Pu . nu oontoocod to sly ,ou-s In tho pow ltonliuy for having Ilx ulna Annnl-dlnn tn Ihn Landon- II`.nn.. Rach- Are the nest Lamps made. They have a world- wide reputation. We are showing about 30 different varities inBanq'uets and re- ceptions, and guaranteed every one of them. A `anus.-\ an uqna`nn-n `silicon I ROBERTSON BBOSJ A FIIBNISHED BOOK. WITH BHTING roomlr d -nlnd; modern oonvonlenooo; plenum. location. Address "J.L." um omco. I I|IVlI'llIol'yIl W III Irlluwu in U wage. which will con lone $6,000. The ocuncil ot Ounpo. N.\'.. has given mmqug tutor; to ho uubliuhod more U0. IIIOIXINI VIIIIII 0303 "II IUIIIUU monthly weanling to I upon: at the Bug- Iish board of undo. A L..u4- l..st.u- I. 5;; L. Antaklinhntl an "945.-_ uonuuy IOI mung an Inn: According to tho Landon. Eng. Bagh- Ior. Iobunlnodnnlun nnpun to to grow- Ing ngldw In Brimh Wm Aldon. inn Vnnnhnn dnnlnnd In 3 rcomh I l'I III In DFINIII VVUIU lflllln inn Vaughan doolond In 3 Mount uddnu at London. Eng. . shah 60.000 pc- Iom 5 you puiahod Illrolah dnnkonnnl. I`:-ndu-Ink Ink. ion at A. J. Int. Ibo I3? WIIIOG IIIIUIRD GIIIIIIIIIIIC. I`:-ado:-Ink look. Ion o! A. .1. look. noud bornunn. died so Ionnhln View, In tho Adirondacks on `rulduy. He `II twenty `oval: you: old. In Illhr. forty on your old. op|lop- No for alone you: an lnnuuol the county helm at Rome. N. Y.. in Inherit- ?! 07.000 by tho that o! rolulnn In Now '1'}. III` INCWIII. Ilfbpf 0% III In law olnol J. 0. lwghvhuoh had you to Inuut noun buincu yutudnv. Ilr. hnau Ind hon smug for some mm. but tho Iuddclnuo 0! III taking off in check- cd tho community. who 0 a thin with tho haunt! vita and I Ily. The A.-gs.-I -gash-nan man from Pnlmn u p. udnn Ibo nuluuog P.. Bndvillt. will dunguodhnv. J. 1`. Huh: -on given oddnn on lip hfullolihaolkhnhtlun-not unIn:uIuiIIu0u;nIum\b. Jain . yduhnnhnu unto Iago: , unload dudlu had an Iaulnv kn H: in: B0!!!` Iohunnnnuvo It. Out! odd Ivuu uh ul Illa Grand ".':";'.`.""" la3..':.':.` n A 3 a tag one An wmv-' Ind Boston at 4 In. Auction an o! houohol furnmn st Hurray`: notion room. mulch lqun, on Iuudny n no doloek. Dublin mnnllnn in annual! chnmht thin ll 'I'.J. CLOVER. RICI1\'l`(iRADUA'l'N III Ix Iona: tnsohu and most annonn-mi nrlvn lntommll noun 3 count for bun In accuracy II no oroaocx. Public ncctlng in council ehclnbct chic cvcnlnp ob clghb o'clock M rccclvc the II- you oi tho cocnucu to: tho propoocd `I-nanny lumen]. ls. AND H.LAMPS!l A lamp is useless un1essJ it is a good one and made by a reliable maker. You know that by experience. in mm York. `@ uuwuuu n--.-v- Pnnnon. Oct. 13 -Goorgo (aunt. lotus-Iy nunpr for in Pbuhoh lumi- tun company. droppoddoul in the law nannl J 0.I`nrnh.IhuIho Ind noun KT QT Klan! ICUHJXZ Q-DnnInn-nnInn II. Aovjo 'Phnm} M FOU.\NU. Om Ihonnnd maul: area the Atlantic -....n.|.. ........n.... .. . ........o. .0 Mn l.`..m- `BRICK K0033. N0. 8| DIVIQION 8l`.. near Unlnn. Anni! nl.I1 Unlon at.- Ionood |l'Iohr and nnoouu-nil In Imor.v'lI n count buy. Ingulon on 00%. It . IQ. Pusan will have An nprounlly cunts puing their hon [hr the Un vernulon. B. 0. Mod utbudncu -lthom sending than we the Nb in lane! or can-gm. lnnltno. , `no hlllnlu ammonia. lnthonuuu. -sonnet. launch. (`Janka and Ilodun Lun- umcoswlll ho taught. and a boy any Inc an at all. u M; psrum on-In. . um nacho Iml hullven. `fauna nuance: and all Inmvmntlon (Hon 1: bula: rm nods:-Ito. Oi . Ptlnolnl Gnu. Pmt Our- 1! - m oouua nm. 3 1 mum u:gytrh.o..Cn!Iul1i |uno' :3: ' I (I'.O\"- IA. Prhninnl oRFuANs' HOME. .-on . .~--. . nun. nn unnmln xv: A . Large Hickory Nuts. New Brazil Nuts. _ Satinsi - `A ; BRICK HOUSE. N0. 8| DIVISION near Unlnn. Apply Z0nly 20c Der ib. at LXAL HIIOIANDA` PITH OF THE NEWI. `C Ildl `I'Il|I|-OI. .-.._ t\-A IO Ii..__.I) Aim Straight Prinnun Burnt. Ihrnlxo. 005. 151-831! I heohery oi artillery from Kimberley hen jun en-ived. The police en the onblylng unions heve been ordered to concentrate within the town limits. No one it client! In Ieeve einher by med oru-eln without npeoiel ponnieeion. which in not gunned to my ehlehodied mele. Neerly ell the women end children heve lelt. Oondeuom in oheir ebllibyto repnlee the Boonie in- ereeeing echoes the Briciuh. No Hood lot um-. Lorwox, 03!. I3 --'l`be zmnblon of Nnwl need canon no undue slum The force in tho vicinity of 0100000 In uuiciouh rump any cotton invulon. It comma ! u buhlionl ol lnhntry. and 3 Iowa ol about 500 volnnboon. Bone 0.500 men. with olghtonn guanine nsllnbh to deal with my Boon lncnnlonn. It may bu dimouli to stop them doouoyin nu ma IIOIIOOII Gloncoo and the front or. n It would not In prndool to punk: who troop: now .mn.uo no Ibo mm nn-x-| -..-`Allan nl Aha AQBLIIIIJ D0` IVBIIIIII KI IIII l|'iKlU~ Oioinl conrmation ol tho nonsmo- uunl that the Orange [no But: bnrghon ban ontoud Run! by my 0! Van Rococo: pun bu nnohod hon. Advice: from Lsdynnith yonurdn CTN!` noon with an 4.000 Been around tags Not pun nod sound Noni yootudny. They look pouunioo 0! Chulutown and launch uhhmal nnhlnneo. "T00 pI'$u0nI nu Iumvvu u up uunbu 0! pomlono ulguod 5 many dunno of dlalnclon. nqunng lulu to (undo: the Icdlnlioo 0! sh Unload auto: to Ionic Ibo dilu- onoo u existing khan the govuanonl ol Urn! Britain and that t! tho Q.._-_.-I A LA: nnnnivnrl QHAD IQ. VIII. III III IIQVII outpu- tltlooooushonnnnbjootuonool that: damn; Mu touch cannon can with Gm! Bdhln to ndnn Ibo Inongc ul- Iqullobuolunnluod by \hUIund- uqsndupouhyyydnuduaduxouln IIo'l'|-unval. John: Itching Unto uuiuuholouonplnunllopdncgnuion. In an nulnnund an uh nnuldul umunouun u "II in ndcnuod that douuonllptlloxpodhnotonhouilon lnnyol Ihuudlnctioos AI honking ddududuprzluuhdupmloh uono Iotloughl Auto nqdhllon. Ila nuivulnolnuustion lnnnllh-dlhnunaiiuhbtdihsl of powder. sholll. uitiou. oh. us well. COL. IADIN-POWELL IENDI I-III FOROEI FORWARD. . `Ibo loony Io loxlouo Io loooro lcntogto Polnto nil III! out 0!! tho Io|a!ocoo- mono of no lrmoh-oonIIaonoo I: III! Alum og tho lnponu `hoops to Do- lool o loo!-o Io lnoroulng. Lo_M>oN,Oou. 13 -A opoolol doopowh tron: Lodyomibh. Nohol. up that tho Boon ooouplod Lung : Nok tho Inomono tho ultiunobnn oxpltod ond no new pant- lng into Notol_. lngogo Holghho hon boon ooonplod. Thoou lntond no ooo in two oolumno. hhooo from tho Tronovool working from tho norbh oud hhooo o! tho Oron o Froo Bmo working Iron tho wooh, whh tho objooh at hoopla?) tho Brlbloh (anon on Lod omlhh ond nndoo occu iod while Born oo 0! Boon ollp pub to outlay hho rldgoo along tho nllwoy forming bho llno of commnniqoblon hoowoen tho Brio- lnh booo oh Durhon. Nobol. bho odvonood bno ob Piohonnoritnburg And hho (rout. ml Rmhn-Pnnnll hn inoh noun 3 ohromr u can pomn. Tho Oruugo lroo Bhubo bnrghon hnvo onberod Nuhal by way 0! Van Ranncn Pun. I! soon: lmprohablo. hhoroloro, ah the club bobwuu thoorcon 0! [Mn- uin and the Boon cm long he dolnyod, ll lndood. to hu not occurred ulrudy. The Flu State burghou. nooordlng to I prlnu mun , have crouod the Onogo rivu lnho Onpo lony and dcoupy Ph||IpI- cown. Tholr objooh. It In uuppoood, In to can the nllwny Ah Do Au Junction, which In oonoldond an important ohrnhoglc pain. In In mun-dgl an nnnlhln hhnh Ihl Boon ll oonuuona lmporunu Inrnnoglc pmnu. In In rognrdu n poeulblo that the Boot: will Attempt to com: 1 Euboonrt. whore than no ouly 3 mm rod man of the nuul In-lam-I.-_ An any mud onnnachu Enhowa more ouly I nnnurau man 01 (ml uuvu hriqndo. An any tong opnnoch E-shown sud Eutuonrh through roybown sud Pam- poonnok: and from Groyoown It in sloo nu my road: so Howlok. to the south. It the brldgu slam: the Umgonl rlvor were duirond him would` onormontl lnonuo out dlioulhy of roinlorolng the rihhh. |'l').. nnlnnlnl nlm nnnnnncnn nlolnllv IIIII aunolmy ox rllnlorulng IIII Dnnlu. The colonial otoo announce: omclnlly that Mr. Mucrnm. bho United State: eon- uulnh Probotla. with the content: at Ma govonunnub. hn taken chap 0! Brlunh law-out In the Truuvul. l boon olliclslly conrmed loll 01 Ill! WIII ruuuu. Wusnuuwou. 000. I! -1150 lollowlng omcm ointment in land by the that do- nnnjxul u vluulun tun` CORBETT'SllARDWARE]

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