..- - _ ,. This In Not the Flying Wo- man at the Fur- IL- Alwuyo I-oklnc. ` The Boilondon oro pen-hope of on tho uorthom people` thooo who emote tho moot. Tho humidity of their climoto mokeo It olmoot o oocoooity. and tho modorote ooot of tohooco with thou: roo- dero it oeceooihio to ell. To show how deeply rooted in the hohit it In enough to ooy that tho hootmeo of tho trekochuit. tho oquotic diligence of Hoilond. meno- un diotooceo hy omohiny. [Prom hem the! toy. to ouch end ouch o piece it to not oo nony mileo. hot on may pi When you enter o house. after the rot oolutotiouo. your hoot 4 1 you n dyer. Whoa you take leave, h ` hood: you on- othec ond otteo lupioto poo llliu your A-5 nan; ` _ IKIICIIF UI'II. II~ `nut win 1 who oolbo: who. when no unto: Inked. " by was It that Ms amt dloeonry was ac! proud: appro- ehtal um! long the Oolnnbu wn dud?` pnnll lihltd. It was In- onnnn in IIIlIl'l lll `I. -lb dour pnnpuy cant be dklrt V I033 Innis "IKWIIZ It."-I|O- -jjjjj , V :1: I I3 W1 Imam usury. xtntion?" I119 nskeu. ` The omcel-`I tnco tool on I Item ex- 1 .....--l..-. ` luau Iona lot Ionloo At ones. I - ..__.. A-` A 7. n- |-_._...I AL..r. :$j _, AN ULYIMIYUM IIIUID. :--J:-:-u-Q III! -IuIu. mg. 346 BAOOT BTRB I1`. SHE WANTED A TIME TABLE.` conning onlclt. ___ - _l.. .4 --IL.n 1K; 0130000.` Chi- nngun MOTHER mnowa nil mm AN gnu. lurch Oloou and the `I !-tho lollovu In 0!- Iu-Ing ol Buns: LII. lnvod an Iron Donn-to appouo tho uovu. -- 7 ,- n-....\.. nut .1 ._...An In- DOI|I|-'|`o uppuuuu any any... Turomn. \'\'uIh., Oct. -L--An In-| dlun mother surrlllchur her child to y uunouso the wrmh m the evil apirilu * In one 0! the mcidema of the recent earthquake in Alaska. Dr. l%rusvun- or l.o\\`r_v, a. prominent New Yorker -who has how in Alusku fur the lust, alx months, hni arrived in Tuconm. He says ; "'I`hn most remarkable (hing (hut "The most. nccurre-(9 In (`mmoclinn wnh Hm vurlhuuuke was the sucrillcimz of uu .lnd1un baby by the Yulxumls in ur- dur to stop the dread Visilutlnn of the powers of evil. The uhnck \\-us more severe In \`nkmu.t Buy. I bo- llevu. than on nny other purt of the .. _....; an Inlunun. con.-at. 'l`hn \'nl.mInl.-2. nulw The Ynkutnts. notwithntuntling the eilorts oi` miaainnuriou ntutiont-cl umoiur thvm, uro un tntum-it-l_v super- stitious trlho. It. is their comic- tion wlwn (\ shock orcura thut. the evil spirits urn hlIIu:r_\' ulltl dt*'nutm| loud. and unions u sucritlco in nmtlu to them the 1-nrth will he dontro_\`od. "liurimt the first unrl l\on\`l'st shocks in the recent. eurthuuuko tho Yukutnts Hot! to the interior. Thu um \\'n..-I rolling mountains high. the shore line was di.-xumwurimt ho- noath the raging waters and torrihlo forces 0! nature wum ruckiiu: thou: inlund as though the tivatruvtiun of u. ll()()lllNl world were ut huml. ".N`Inl(Innl\' tlm lmliann were stop- clnonuru worm were in nunu. ".\`u(l(lc-n|_\' tho Indians pod in thoir lltpxht. 'l`hv onrlh own- od huforo them and 4; crc\'iu- (`um 0|! tho}; nnlh to nnf0!_\'. " `It In the devil. thov cried. `Thu tho}; nnlh to union . devil wants fond. '}`hvro was ll puune. than an Indian mutlu-r ml- .\`nn<`od with Mr bum: in tho hrmk nf thn cult nnd ung the child into me uhyaa. Bronthloaoly the Indium: wultod. There was 4` romlinu nmmd .... kn rm-\|:n worn urnllnd Qnnrolhm` wultod. There romnnu nuunu nu tho -rnckn wort` around together nnd tho crovlco clonnd. l`ho trllm rushed across In nufoty und amm rmchpd tho upmndn from tho dun- vmr line. They are rm In than In No! that tho nnorlce nlnno uwod the tribe from extlnctinn." UIUKIUI AVIIIIWUU. I-`lnrixln. 0 t. 3.--Mn. ll. Walker hm-n gone (0 ho with hor dmmmvr. Mrs. A. Annolsllno. \\ m4\lr(mk. H. nrldgon und tumlly have rt-Jnmnd In (`two \'mu-m. G. Hmlth prupnava Roll- ing or renting hln lnrm nnd nm\'ln to h`_\`d(-nhmn tn llvo. Miss N. Rm- dmn in (M10 HI. Mrs. N. 1!. Hnicler Wilton. Ln! rmnovwl hone m rvntdo with '\'.`l hrnther. W. Martin. lkw. Mr. Rn`. \\'lllun. Intevmu in start a .-vim ul Ilwollmxa n-.-.\t h`uhl\uH\ o\'vn- ing. J. Ih\\',\`. nfhxr am-mum: Hm nummvr with his duunlnh-r. Mrs. W. Hnllughnr. Punlund. hum rnturmvl hum-~. Vlnltnrn. Mrs. l.. Storms. Mhn I-1. h`tn.v`Inn und MI ll. Sn\MI\. Wil- hm. n1 J. I`). 3"lurII\lI': W. \\'n`lru~ um! wo u! U. Hmnh'n. J. Orrvr mu] wlfu. Wilbur. ut G.Wnlkrr'u. j-.-?:-:2 awn for link: '1`. L. Snnuk loft. lu~(h\_\' fur .\'mm- mm. when` he appears fur pluinlm in the sun ul Hturma xn. l`urruH. Ixcunu tor dnnuuzra lur nlnmior` Ik~ tc-ndunt. Pnrron, was llnod fnr hm`- `Imx mlulh-rutod milk mom in u vhqw-so |`nMur_\'. nut! in allomwi lu hnvo mm in nuhlic lhul plmnll. unrunnn Ohrnnnh ll|Hl\. hid I`0`l`l| Du3lm\~n. Oct. J-l)o|In fuir wun . fniluro un nccuunt 0! Hm ruin. II-`rnnlnlllo tulr on Sc-mmnln-r umh ml awn was \'or_v unlu(`k_v Hm. It was thw wouthor tho Hr-at tiny mul uuvu pmnlo (1 chance in us! the-Ir alum nn (ho ;.rruum1n.nml Hwn H mint-cl nll tho n('<`nnd duy. Luther Hun-nnl hnn rmurm-d [mm the wont; HER CHILD A SACRIFICE. \ .. "ll hrutlu-w. llninhnd hlu\vvr_ 1 TXIDII$'UIII. Mnmr-ml. ON. 4.--I-`nruory and than an the rhnnmn c-n whlrh E. II. Imnhmn. prnprlrlur of tho Hu\0_\` lmtrl. Vlnorln nlnv-I. hm uhminr-I .; wnrrnnt tor the urnml of Mn Inrnwr mnhler. Minn M. Nnlprnukr. tvxinning fur sumo lune. and mm aummnnl l0 he trmolllmr in the N- rwcunn nt Nnw Orlu-Inn. The uumum tnr wmrh Mr. lmnhmvfn ammo was ullogod In hum Dun tuned in mm in be In Sgt`! neighborhood 0! several hundred (I Inn. IXII Vij--u-----s New York Oct. 4. - Radio Wino- mnn. lormor an inmate M the note indunirnl Ichool tor mm. oi. 'h'on\on. N.J.. and now in . Jonphh hospital. Pniermn. hut made an unto-morlem Iuiu-nu-nt in which aha doiniln iho hmiimtll and niinhmenil she neeiwd mum hlrn. Inc. who. until N-rently. wan mu- imn M iho lndhntrinl I-hon. Radio Winmnn in About in im on hoemuon from which ihn also-neon: say she mu not rctovor. ruim-cl all the M-(`nun uuy. mum-r Hlovonn hna rmurm-d his hnnllh in nu! much lmprnvnl. 'I2......-nun Wnml in hqsre from Rnmp_ mu lululu-run-u mun m... .- Hun pln.inHfl. Storms. through npilo. had mils from him und had also emp- IIMI water into the milk pull: 0! du. ta-ndnnl. Pnrron. bltnruun seeks to recmer 2,000 dmmunu. his ht-nlln Ill 'R||llIh`0lll Wnml V \' nn n \'IH M-nllh nu! murn nnpruwu. mm . nn u Visit, 10 his nmlhor mu! now. Hourgo llunmn has just ml mlinnr his silo wilh tho vr. H In A nrnnd nm`m-nu. ._.:__...__. OM00 Ihononluuooub. \--..1. n..A A ,_ Il..:u- IIO XOIBI OIIO. I}..- Ilorlds Nouool. l\,A n 11.... I Dayton: Hotel x... I) l\..Io.. ywuwu nun- ct. r on . \-nru nnlnmhv Inn. H Fleeqe lined, only 15 1;: pair. _ V 1 .LADIES'KN|'l`TEDRlN6-'1 % woon 8LOVES. 3 `Blacks and Fancies, in-' cluding the newest Plaid Designs, 2 5c, 30c, 35c. . ` - - - - _ I ' Blacks and Tans, fallg;1"i_;;li3H_;n8ks_Sl<;n55. weights, only $1 pair. 75c, 90c, $1, $1.35, $1.35, T3153 cnsnniana N031!!! 0038 35 Wt`-ll. eLoves. % Md, only g Nothing Is More Stylish pair. i V T-imely talk taout desiribleg AAAQ uhonasseo um GLOVES. R. X llAl...DRON. 39c, 45c._49c. 75c. 93c and up- btylnsh and attractive. 2 Ladies 2 Tailor-Made Suits. But ssnsihls men ought not to In foolo:I.~ "'AoythlIg| to nll goods" sssms to he ths msxim of sons unscrupulous Cloth ug dul- ers. They no ovorl-asdsd with truck. sud how to got rid of it Is _s problem. But every infsriot gumout thsy ssll. ovsty good an thsy dups. mskss ons mots tun customs: tot us. OII` tnds thtlvos by the ouing at such housst. gsnuiuo vsluss ss thsss : __ -_ A. .A._ _-g ' -. . .so.ooIn.tmxo.m. )u(::::lBil.:?B,nokBuvu0unsuMMl0 05.00. MN. CW- .13. `W. M OVROOIII. no 079 I \ 7 n wotkubont tclothiq. when m}: It you can a..'.a"ou. Money It you nut it nlwuyo. f\'| [Ooh -.5:-bgq In nlnln Holman- cup uvpouu vu. nuns; math: in plain Inns. ,Made only for Lldiu and only in the very I! ` quality. ' ` For a Lady's Shoe at $2.50, $3 or $3'5O % The Empress Leadg. HTAINES 6: LOCKETT. n'I4'i3-- ; \JII\4 V IVE)- Styles fresh from the best maker of this class of Suits in Canada. Prices $6.50 and $12.50. Be Quick if You Would Share in This Saving as the Prices Quoted Ane Much Below Their Value.` JHN LA|DLAW&80N The M Full of Trade Lies Remarkable Values. New Plaids for Skirts. glnthlng wgars As wen. We have them in ail styles, 4` iricluding the latest ,Scotch {me u.o.a}np_v cm,` _ 49c._ _69c. 75c. Scotch Twxll Sumngs, 49c and 69c. TWEED SUI TINGS. The materials to wear and please in varied array. Cn:C:r\ru- Qdafl lJIUC3\ .lI.I VQIIBQ Gilli] v` bumn Cloths in plain shades o the latest Autumn colors. ; %..:'.::'..':-. ':."'...".:..:'.:1 "saa'.2:;;.'." ust received a small lot Vomen Stylish Suits ChcX_io_ts. A I I j-?.::: Mlsoos Ilannay & Harold. Pan mlunory 0p0I||||l- _.__ _-.un.._ 1- an. and. nnl A IAI-an III` but tum 2! Imouolvn nu um lI!PB"l' Ibggah nlhtdoftho plo use our line 0! or Shot. ocnn noulod about at: 33:33:` pilot Iobbu|v"0\'1u In no any. boron ny . ON SATURDAY . --W'.l.!-- IIC IJIII Vlllivu unuvvu up--r-_' -- -_- I tum. Tho Bold of the nlnlnlnnn lndnmy in n not one. In n In! nan. whon the mp- plynnnu who demand. 5000.000 born of nlnnlnan will in oonuunnd annnnlly. AI ptounl ununpply In limited. Thin nubal will soon hand largoly In oloomoal, nnul and nllwny oonunohion. GI-nnnlalod sugars won ndnnod 55. pct 100 lb: Monday. u Bu. Lumnco to Indy announced that out. an to a weak: mu In the onhldn In how \ oonplo ol dnya ago. and who oblm lnannfaoau-on in- Inodlahnly [all into line. Acadia nngnr In 50. lower. but thnnll none of 10 on the on A-`uh n IIIAIIIII. Anomhor oi iron proopooto oro hoio o up on proportioo oitnhtod oroun Bottorooo. It hoo `boon iound thot tho wholo diottlot in rich in iron oro. ' A Inoot ronmhhlo oorioo oi otrikoo hovo boon Inodo on proportioo oi tho Britieh Oolnmhio ooppor oompony. Doodwood Comp. iollowinp up tho otrihoo oi thirty. oovon ioot oi oolid chaoopyrito on on Prilnrooo oloin by tho roilwny cutting. On Ioodo loot minoro at tho lqnitohlo iron nino. ttorooo. ohot o now voin which ohowod o oi: inoh ooriooo. Imoglno thoir Inrprioo upon olooring owny tho do- hrio tond thot tho voin o rond out ond ohowodindlootionooi h min; iurthor clown. Additional hiooto vroro ohot. ond ot n diotoooo oi oi: ioot iron tho onrioco tho voin woo oi: ioot wido and ovidontly oxpondo lo wor down. Groin Iron Danton om. Tho Lohooi tho Woodo milling oom- pouy. Iiontrooi. boo in Ito omoo o oomplo ohooi oi groin iron: Dmoon City. It oompriooo throo voriotioo oi whoot. iivo voriotioo oi horloy nod ono vorioty oi onio. Tho vhoot ond horloy woro oown on Moy ed. ond thoooto on April 20th. Tho horvooo took plooo on Aunt 11th. or lose thon throo Inontho iron doio oi oowing tho whoot ond horloy. Tho otrow in no out! bright. nhont two out! o holi ioot in Innnlh. and tho nroin io as good couple, 4 i l mulch st pmonh. WIIXI Illol Uncut . uv cu-.w .- .__- ..__ -and lush. and groin good nnnplo. hot and Inn. bu who ylold Io Ibo onto I: not outed. WHAT IIRGT. IUOKLEY QAYS. Toronto World. npnngnh Thai It um lilo two Inch: to lulu; Icon to flat. Bu-punt Thoma Bucklcy. ol Hlnchln- brook. Och. non Klnguon. Inc In tho oliy`, ycuorduy. Tho Iotgounl In u Orinoco votocoluhuvlnc jolnod tho 7th hrlgodo Roy- nl nllla-v Ocmhcr. l8l0. Ho cum to Quo- bcc lo lnol, nod wu uhorwurdn drill in- ctucoor ol hot unjootyh royol I-oglnonh uh Klngccon. Ooh. In l860 ho brought lrom Klogonn um and uumunlllon. which ho pluood ln ronho. Hcmllton and 8h. Oath- orlncc. Bomb. Buchloy won in Qochoc when ho voluulcorod lot oho OI-inoo`. Tho I rpouo oonc Mun lo South Alrlcu. 3 ho nycll tho Brluch rolnlorcomouu won Ill that It would huh uhouh u month to In-lag tho Boon to tholr conocl. bus on Ilrct. undo: tho prcuol clroulnclnococ In tho ght hoglno now. hho Brloloh will llkoly moot wlch coma rovouu. but u oouplo cl month: nl tho utmooc wlll ooeolo tho wholc huclnou. Ho any: 1 Onnodlon cotpc could do [I-och worh lo tho Tnucvnl, on tho nun no uood to honoc. cud could llvc on almost cuylhlng. "I would go Inynll lll could." cold the col-punt. u hlu on gllcccood with culhullulu. II would put ohlc country at chc lovor hon cl cxcitouxooh ll u Ounc- dluu ooullnpub won on tho lrouc." A BBANB SlllIE[SS.I new You lnuuon. 'l\oNI| nnnul New Yeti Quinton villus no at `hullays October 17:5. I blow Ycti-hrloro pi. 13!!!!` will nnIuu0qn\ nIoIIO. uh-no njnm ub- Mitchell's Hardware. nnAunAruI noun or 3! con Iulv gunman. I hlhl Elu- Tho Q.0I. hlvtnow tho Isjotlty at Ibo Kiapion in. 03:90: In cllnleqhovo `Inn Inna II the -...l Lnnnhnl- In UlI|:.I.IIVU IUUII ---- -- v_- ' Dr. 12. 1-.' Wslkui mama um. um- nooo tron Toronto- hnlnn -Ink! IEIIQIIII JOhn$Ip uomu wlluut uuwuuu. ------ -v---~-. oll. Brook moot. - `rm 0.P.R. noohioilll. at Wlnolpol. qnli work IIIII morning. Branded : population in 17.8, 1 do- mm of 1.905 Inn 1808. Groollm bod only olghi non out to PPMMGO In tho rink Inn nlght. In Young. Q1000`! tun ha | 5 log mun um: going In develop Into I umxrvol of Ipood. In the chaos: of muglnu-In Dal nsyor Ryon pnuldod st tho polloo court thin morning. Vunoy will In In I-udlnou tor Snar- thy : much and will 50 on the wing Ilno for Grunllu. . x Th Potnnouh npulho oohool bond will moot no-night. Lat nighh a quorum did not Attend. Thu morning the but oi Bplnolng who now work on the demo 0! I. George : .. L\n-nInI -An hnpnn. DOIII VIII ! on uni uu oathdnl nu begun. Eh. In-Ar nnh of II oathodnl begun. Tho lone put of the city was almost duorud obi fmnoou. Everybody not no the grace plonlo. anrrn sun. at thin olby. WM but man the grocers ptonlo. Goorgo Sun. olby. man st 3 non-has in Toronbo on Tuesday 0! W. 8. Elliot nod Mm M. E. Lniloy. 11...: ,1 u..u...hmn_ olonnnh. hill ] sud Min M. H Lumy. I Prof. J. M|oNuhbon. of Quoufn. it ill in Montreal cad will not In nblo to rumno |-l- --A-L ah Ilsa nnlvnrllhv untll IICX. - his A grant any ol mun : nnnvu-my mn- dum u-rind to-dn giving urban and onbdrivou oomidon Io undo in hauling Mango nod Imp-. ` The not oion Ah Ooponlngon wn unrated 1 burglar: Tnuday morning nnd 0100 In money and 8100 in pouugo lumps Minn. Noolno. mum. nnlu rah nmnlnllv nnooinbod. DOI- Minn. uoolno. While not you ololclly I polnhod. hou. Grmlbo qnurbor buck. n nouns cup- Mln. The nppolnbmlnh ivill be oonnnod before Bum-duy. Ann nnnnhv ll IIIOIIIV `I .'|.b'. U0 Wore Bum-any. Any qunnbllzy of monoy In luck G1-nitu on Baum-duy nnd than In 1...; -. -u-nlu nun.-. lnnnlv to OOVII` `U. \I(I|lI U Gunlu om..- . G1-nmo sum-any mu mun .- Im at much Obbun money to con: dd: our boobbnlnod on Oolmn munch l1--_l Grnnlhoi. The npposl In than one oi Nu! VI. Natl. board an Oagoodo hull yuborduy. was dis- mlaood with noun. 1): Smvhho upouroi for the npphllonh and Dr. Wslkom for the rupondontn. hue Zsch wlll appear baton hho rolloo magistrate Duff to-momw morning: a connection with the buying of wood: from 5 nlmnnn ropruonolng an 0561': rm. n..| n..n..... Mann:-ml. mnldooh ol Obhwu tlrm. Abel Gnibnu. Montreal. ruldouh oonou-nblvo worklnamonh olu am: in oh my lab uvoolnq and wont wrote no Syn- ouo to duty. Non wool ha will return to Klan-mu cm A Inninn villi. Klngohon on o huoinooo VIIII. A mmhor ol oho momhon oi Cohoroqul lodlo No. 10. 1.0.0 I'., lofb ohlo ofhornoon for Nooonoo whoro uhoy will oxompllty tho oooood dogroo Io who hro tho:-o. A honqnoh will follow hhol mooning. Tho Iloroonl wt:-olooo tologroph oyoeom Ivorkod odmlrohly oh Iho yoohh rocoo on Tuoodoy. Ilooooaoo woro rooolvod In Now York olxhy ooooodo ohor lhoy woto promnlgoood Iron oho yoohl on tho count. An tho nolioo oonrh hhlo morning o cm- U GI]. ll! WUII III ' Klngnhon huincn villi. A nnmhlr ol We desire toitiniink our friends [or the libernl petron e extended to us on qnr opening any and ask all out old and many new friends U; cell and inspect the multitude o M oney- Saving Bamelns ow oered in Clothing" and ent'vFnrniehinge at ptomnlgnod Inn has noun on In noun-r. Ah tho polioo morning nn sun and 85 1nd coat: for union In- uulhlog languun toward: 3 dining room girl In clonal hotel. Ho did not nppnr po'roonnlly huh wu npronntod by con- II . ul. ul. llru. W. A. Ho-hll at-rlvod In hho olhy at noon today from Boohon. Bho will vote pououloo ol hot rooldonoo "Rou- lown." which will ho uoohd tomorrow by L. H. Ohrho. who rotnrnn with his funny he Toronto. `Mn noun nlmnom of tho Kinglhon lunuy no woronoo. Tho nun: nlmnum Kingnhon mncnl hoopiocl hold A mocking luu night Two ro Mm nppointmonbo won undr- Illu utunn an pruidonb md Min Dra- per 1: vino-pmidoua. Sons prints bun`- noan wn considered. 9 n n......-.| .n|.|mn munnr of won Oholu wlntu lountlnc N150. Ina!-L I`-lmioh nnnl. comldorod. R B. Du-gnvol. uuhhanb manager Quoon`i too\b3ll_l hum Iuh you-. will noo In luck to collect him loll. Ho bud been cleared to who nun poclulon luh oprinu. and his nbuonoo will ho much hit. n be Inn | good nun lot tho numpononh. n n nmmlg on. 1:! Onion : noncon- [000 D5!) I0? IIII IIIIIIIII-Ilnuuvu D. M. Salsndl. one ol QlIOIl'l r0pl'0IOn- nbln nthlem. nzul-nod luo night to one any to pnuuo hla undies. Ho spout the Inc In month: In the old country, and sun I puoongor on the Ill-(nod. 88. Emma. mm. Mr. Balmdu Ian In his oocuon cm: out m-nnm as. aw. mm. It. Bolundh Ion otfocuon tho ntounohl . in than that tho norm about than on robbing bho puooogon an much augmented. Tho pnnonron chndonod their menu. and than were nnnnlly ukon. Thorn won an foreleg than any tron their owners. --.o &----j Manor Inn clued Ian: Ilu Inna Vm-oIqA. 30.. Oct. 4.-`l`bo scams: 0? mpu. In-logo noun 0! the loan ol he at 0 what stance WNIII Cloud. uh 0!: ma proouding tron Bong Kong to lulu undo: an Auction chance. on. .....| o.....4|..uI -hm About nlnnlv Jos. Abramson s | New Store, No. I'M Pnncon nnot. In _ - A. 3A..` RATI OAUII A FATAL WREOK. &----1 under no Annncnn content. The vocal lonndorod IIIOII about ninety nun hon Bong Kong. nod onvnn son were drownnd. The our hnd Jul lino onongh to go! any iron the Ihnnu in- let: one mm down. Tho unto bent. containing nix buidu hinonli. was drawn Into III vntlu untied :3 tin sinking onto and onnid nod. to napkin`: tool. containing oi: pnopk. no pintnd n by n China jnnl no can In `rho dinner in acid In hnvo Non dun Io iln nuns oi the thin in The wand : znun opnnnd out. and uh liincnlly oollnpo VIIZ1 vuuuuu Iv-Uuyo I FIEIIIII tutti- lo-!mnonu.Ibvu-nnnt. an! inn rtkuluwcnu. , wullhqilhnhllulowuo oltpou-tIuIInr.-l>oIroOtJu|I-ad. not. ol mun nnlvcnlby un- Inna: u-rind today nlvinn In0IIO;l| OOIAI1h ..In.---A-I.-II-noon `Fm ouuuh oocol tutu. -5- ..-l...-gln- -no-Ad QIIA .A__- _._ A It-hho flnot. L---4-.-`-4 an Inn not In IIDII w ru tho nulnulby untll an um In uni - VI `UV II. lpoelol to tho `M1. - '...*.*.`:::-.....-- '..-.::-.:.-.:.::.v-v-......-:2 Inglood rogudinc tho wluhdtovol ot tho toopo 1%: tho moon: wiohI|:.Io;::.I:I|: oon. popoco on [Kronor tor comm; to doololon. I | Iolnvo 6: ea; Lozmox. Oat. 4.--'ru moot oooooiloool ooculrou South Aldon this norolngloo roilornlou ofyooOordoy'o roporo oi thoooo olololoo by oho Ttonovool Ioohormoo 0! 500.0001: gold which woo on who way to Oopo Town tron Johnnoooorg. Tho Ro I o! oho uoory oonoo Iron owo ooorooo. ho Capo Arman on-ono thou tho Boon undo Ibo oolouro on Vonnoimng. tho ononnt bo- lng tho wook o olupuooo of gold on no my (mm also Road In Oopo Town and lot- wordod to tho N-ouury on Prooorln. '-II -9" -T -IVIUU II IIIIIIU. Loxnou. Oct. 4 --II In learned that the Btmuh govotnmonu Ian M M ublod to who Onnsdisn govcnnono IMO mum moons: Ounndah loysl offer of troops for nth Al- riu. Aooophumu have dandy bun um cc! to Quumlund And New Zauhnd. Illn- lllon tool (but not an oppm-unity oi `giving Britain : omunm 5 nqnlonno objoob louon in the nolldnlly at hat on- plu cannot: be neglected. In In nndouuood om 0und|'I Orto- polll Im not tuba tho tune as tomnl gown-nmeno clot. but van on- lino.` in a punt dupnoh from El: Will: id Lmrior no It. Ohunhorlnln. with 1 vlovr to learning Ibothu Gouda : oo- ooorsuou would be uouptnblo In dolonco of the onus of equl right: and of Bnmh mpnngoy In South Amos. nndin whnt tom no-opouhlou would ho no unico- nhln IUTHI ` l able. In tho Poltcouu: Thought Ilia and Another lolono In Vlovv. The his policeman at the foot ot the stairway loading from the street to the Reading ru.tirond`| Spring Garden Street station had just nished telling that a guardian of the peace had more things to attend to in the line or his om- clnl duties than appeared on the surface when a good looking! young woman. pushing a baby carriage, in which was seated on infant or perhnpn 8 or 10 months. approached him. um-..m vnn mtmt noeinn that no one I`-II I'III|IIICI' TW-U-.w our position In the trade. not Q Inn line, but I oholoo onomot. an cxhlbmnn lino. gm vnupnnuul one. not I ohnp um. but in Dr your money In Luella ind rm : Mu noudvur. nun dulgm In Imry. A - 4 _.-`-4-5: :3-$121 approached mm. Vwould you mind seeing bothuu the baby while 1 run up to that nation?" she asked. rm... ..m.....-'. fun; too! on n I L E UH: presulon. "\Vhnt "What do you want to yo up to the station tor?" he questioned aererely. "To an the trains go by?" "Oh. no." waa the reply. "I Just want a time tabie." "llumph!" responded the blaccoat. "I'll go up and not the time table for ; you. Just wait and ace that no one bothers the baby yourself." But the young woman was halt way up the .atepa by thin time. and there . was nothing for the policeman to do but atand by the baby carriage until aha ro- tnrned. She was gone a little longer, a apparently. than she ahouid have been just to obtain a time table, and the oili- cer's anxiety increased with each pan- in moment. Finally. however. ahe came trip wing down the stepa. " bank you very much." she ex- claimed sweetly to the policeman. pre- paring to push the baby carriage up the atrbet. "I auppoae you were afraid that l waa going to get aboard a train and leave. the `baby on your lsanda. weren't mutant '0' thought. and the young womun uI.'pIu'u-u. She win right. though, in thinking that you were utrnid aha wnl going to desert the infant," I said. "Come. now. own up. Wasn't she?" - The poiicomln grinned an expansive grin. "Well." he Innlly answered. "them In a good deal or that non of thing going .... mu Imnw. nud we can`! he too c|ro- ; Ielvt! w you '1" 1" The bluocont muttered something to the effect that he never had any such thought. and the young woman depnrtod. --m.- urn: .-mu. nmmrh. In good deal or mu Ion 0|. uuu; gum. on. you know. nud rul. Remember what I won telling you about the mulllpllclty of a policeman`: dntloa. don't you ?" Wm: which query he utmlled on down the street, uwlnglng hll club` and softly whlalllnx a bar or "Pack 1 our_'I`1-uni nd 00." Too El; 3 list`. Colonel God: was not averse to church- golng. though he wnl llnblc oven In church to be curled uvu luv the rolllck- In; Iplrlt that wu ln hlm. 'nItInco his visit to tho llulo temple which he Ind helped to build at North Plntte. In. win and nlutor were In the count- helped to bmm It noun rmuc. His wife and xntion. and thin ought to have not only kept him awake. but it Ihouid inn |n- } cured perfect decorum on his part. The ` opening `hymn commenced with the * wonln. "Oh. for ten thousand tongue: to sing. etc. The organist. who played "by ear." started the tune In too high a May to be tqllowed by the choir and con- [rvution and had to try ngnin. A nomad umonmt ended. like the rlt. grwetion end mm to try unm. A eecond attempt In tellure. Oh. for ten thousand tongue-e to elnz. my tl`0lt"- mine the opening wnrde for the third time. followed by n eqneek from the organ end a relapse Into pelntul ellence. Wlll could conteln hlmeelt no longer and blurted out. "Stert It It 5.000. end mehbe eome of the rent ot ue can yet ln."-"Leat of the Great Scouts." by Helen Cody Weunore. `cqnnuouu. IfIILIa IIOIC IAIIIII. 001`. AI. 1.