Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Oct 1899, p. 2

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MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Ilolav Wong: UI'C-T IIIC IIII ICC IKIZ. J. Button in eonnuud to cant use scrimmage for the Nationals. .7 Leup noon at No companions. Tho lhird coda-age has not no bun chosen. BIIMI. Onnibhlvnn ountn latitu- aodluo nun-up-uilndlu than-nun op:-In. Jnnulcriuullh Olhnhtol. bu HUI Ul IJFIIIIZE The colloghu Inniiuto and no upon: luo you, sad no not Iihly to have my during tho ptonna lull. The institute In Inning behind In thin nnpocnod not hop- ing up the npuhsioo tho nlool once had. Instance public ochool will linly have 5 "upon day. Wbllo running with the Nnionnh youuday Ihoruoon Shaky Ont; not with 0 hvnlighl iujuricu tho will lay him up lush! days. In hdolq hdly urncllttl sod bio he: kicked. J nghnn L.-.._...A.4I L. ._L__ AL- uuwu IIIII uuu. ll VVIIIIII I! no! I Inc~ can on the dolonco Merrill will In dropped back. ' Thin in am math: unnagu Illiobl man to have Intended to before non Sa- turday : lunch. sad that In to bun his turn properly unllonhod. Some of the phyon bun lot yous neglected to pro- vide lhomtalvon with thy ngnlnllon um - lorn of Gnnluu. TL; nnIIn-I-L- l_-A:L-n- ;-.I _- __-.A- If You Am lot: i Dr. Hang : Southern [gap pme. mum in uuntru. vvounornona Ill! llold down Mu hall. I! Walton in not I one- nnnn nn than ('Q`AI|nA |l---Ill -.'II L. .l-.....l Ill- Wnlkula. I gndunbo of the Gnnite toaIn,vilI be mod on Queen : ball back lino. He Is ll.-on ol (ooh and n nun kick. Ho ought to pron I among hip to Cape. Elliott to centre. Wuchothond will hold lln-n Infh hgll If Wglhn-u in non . -..- PIIIZ I-UIl Ill I xuuu UIIII. Queen : loothllmo Ind uholr n! bum wnecloo today. Capt Elliott does not) know ya! Ibo pa-oonnol of the Nun; be In own my ol the lonmolon ol the acrim- uyngo. bu! bu uvonl good mon in unin- ing. Brlbhon and Eahcnugron. 0! lat anon : Gnnilo tum, no on the wing llnc Il7-lI..- - _..l___A- -1 AL- 11,, -. wunu up: on guns Iuu III pllyaa. II in the lnluubion ol the uninnlhloc and colleges to low: so into: collegial: hockey nnloo hhiu lull. A mooning will likoly be hold in Klnguoo thin month when repro- oooutl won from the oubor tutu ol looming will in MN on football "bu-inou. The ORA. will have to non luoll now so plsoo llloll on I good hula. Oman : Inolhnlllnln hall hhnlr rn Inn-In I311 11 Vii tun T `O X picked upon by IOIIIO. An uuul. Quads in 3 duh Iona. Nobody knows wlul the pononnol at Ibo collogo noun will be or whno nyh 0! guns wlll In played. II in Man int-anion of Mn nnivnnlhha And LUI'\llTg Cl IIIIIII 9"` PIN` Ul UIIIU p|IC'~ Not much lpecnlacfou has you been nude on no ulna mun will be who winner 0! the lube: collogltho olnmplooahlp lengno Iclm. Thu Innenn hnnmnnanmtnhn lUl' TI-lull! ll[lI'IIl IIIU III` $1` balnod that n. than adding lmulb to In- jury. Such is the noomponno [or origin- nlltygnouhing good can originate ouhddo of Toronto. so think the p1pon of that plus. Nah much pnecnlntfnn hu van hum 1| IIUU EU IIIWNX I III, WW` Ill UIIIIUI la in rooognind aa a leader in original oporclng thought. having a tendency to improve upon in Canada. and the man uh: (rind out than ideal do not anjoy from day he day acting Iboir anidna clipped and diahed up by oulaldn papan aa odginal manor. Only a day or two ago nawtpapara In all part: of Canada clipped a certain arllcle from the Whig`: I ng column. but fun of them ondi II to thin journal. Obhor papa:-a rooopiod the article and In none in- atanou cndllad It to journal! using lb Iooond-handod. Now a Toronto evening fart nlipa Ibo lunch-no ad article, can t alroln another journ but Oahu crodla lmv nriolnnllu nan:-Inna lnrah thn hing: an-._ II II HUT IIIOUKK JUITIIII IIIU VIII Off for originlllyjondlng lo:-oh the Idea con- Mlnnd Honda- than uldlnn lnnnlh In In. 2onBottIoBvoryvhoro. FUD U flu] LU UIIIU. While it is the gnetelt compliment that can he paid a newspaper writer to have his Articles clipped and lnlerted In journal: other then the one he writas for, at the same time the journal: who than steel eu- other e ideee end dleh them up an origin! are guilty 0! gross unfairness, both to the new-pspar from which the steel is taken and the writer of the nrfichl thus stolen. With ell due modesty the Vi/big claims to send forth every day a column or so of eporting nutter, cnoteining ee great 3 vnriety of hound, original idea the ((l'lIl if not the eupcioc of my pnpet It Oamude la in rnnnnnixad u I Inndnr in m-ltlnnl '35!` UK] IQVUDVUII DU FIX YIIII U1 captain. later on net death in Alriea and are enrolled upon the eooetoheon of lane at British heroee. In 1882 Capt. Car- ruthere war one o! two delegate-I rent by the military college to Toronto at the formation oi the Ontario rugby ioothall union. Delegateurere aleo preeent from `Vanity, Hamilton and Qaeeo e. making a {our team league. The rulee then drawn up for the guidance ol the tennis etand al- Inoet intent to-day. It was Capt. Cer- rutherl who euggeeted the determining of the winners of a match by pointe. Prior to the introduction oi the eyetnm a goal ~ counted more than all the longer or touch- ee in-goal made by the opposing teau. . The late A. D. Stewart. ex mayor oi Ham ilton, who died laat rpring while on route to the Ynknn,waa one 0! thedelegatee from Hamilton, end he it wae who put forward Capt. Carruthere for ret vine-preaident. W. Hamilton Merritt. the now well known proieeeor and mining expert, was the ret president. A. H. Campbell. Toronto. was the first honorary reoreoary treasurer. The union hogan it: career with the eeaeon of 1883, when Toronto won the champion- ship. Capt. Oarrethera held the preridenoy of the union in 1881. Although not an active participant (or some yeare. Capt. Carruthere ie etill a great admirer of rugby and ha: been [or tonne yeare an oicer cf the Granite club. mull; (Ia In QLA --g-Lgnh -nazwsll-ag-at Akgh "W1"; a'.'."u.H' 'y'2'u"'s'i"'. ""n.a:.a"" |iIIIo.::yovbon you and Toilet Atti- nlnn Dun-in-Hana UII5`W | WUUUUWI $l"lIII.lllIL'I Ill DIRK` villo tun lllll yon, tho sound the iconic]! nun but In 1880 and Inn slut Inn in the utmost eon- llinnonsly. While I at us the Royal military collage Capt. Onrrnbhon had A: team mates cadou HcK|y cnd Shin, who sfuonm-dn entered the Imporhl Anny. charm that ndnnnad tn ch: nnk of I ooioy llnloa. - It is not [usually known. weep! to noun 0! the "old boys." Nut 0IpI.'W. Btlelhm` 06I'rI.|Iu-0 in on; at Itudoouandutnd loot- II in oil . out , nq cleanly with tho Inhynoy and growths! the nuns. 4IIDl'I|yyIltII[0HEOl|0Oll- Iundlhopno. At that than thorulu wuonotunou-Ally known as bhoy an to-dny. when ovary conch Arab can glvo thir mun point: on the gum. '1`. G. 1 Muqull. Nncoutn Icrinmaco of Brook 4 will. tngnn huh cur. `Inn nnhmd him UUUWU KI"lIII_IIIL'U III DIRK` AIQIA hunk in 1880 Am! X'IInOI1WlC wt-r.o.u--. 3 leaned in |.HIusIhaIIIuh'Ir(p bbuilo Ildiililihnnjn HENRY WAD E. Druggiat. lldnnlt Kilian- (ht. -'fIEXIo flul and all dngghll. a-u auxin IU Ip-ZZp Thuoiano Illnit to earthly Inpplnou chat I rhnuntic Infant but can and Dr. Hall`! Rheumatic Gun. John Clarke. Pittsburgh. Ont , unload with -ueulu rhouuuthu in his lap to: too months. Ho tried deacon sod nunuou potent nod! ciao without nlid. Ono beetle :1 Dr. Hull : Rhunnm Onto and bin eon plotoly. Rt Int notnlhnd with tho db- ouoohoo. This pnpu-awn in and in- tmnuy. One bottb eootaloo In in n-uh-t. 9.5-ma I-.. -1. .. w- - nuuvuu nun yin . Tho Inolnbon of tho oonnmoo Inn drivu out by county ongncu Gnome Smith. at when plaooolnnidooa my partookoldinnn. v-ny I1-I IIIII Hull. The number: of tho proporty cunuiotoo ol the county council drovo to Gnu: nl yootardsy nhomoon to open tendon or oonnty toll nun Nos 1 and 2. The Don- dm for the ru -mentioned did not eomo up to Ibo rourvo plaood on II by the coun- cil, which body will be and to don! club the mutter n It: Novolnbor no-inn. No. 2 gnu priviluo wu sold to In. Doughn- ty. pnuot Iuoeo. lot 81,000, the an realized Inn Inn. vvuU- Z 1-Il CDC XCfCH Ara unrrlod. romnnoo cues: And history begins. When you goo Cwnnbczno and use in your nahrrh, bronchitis. uubun or hay fever diuppourv,- and health begins. Cauarrhz 2 mo will ouro-nb|a!uholy cure- cnrnrrb. Then in no dmqor or risk In using this pluuup And elfoohivo rolnody Iacurou by tho inhsluuioo of modicutod nlr. which in soul by the air you breath to ma mioutoso calls and puugoa ol the lung! and bronchial tuba. In cure! bo- onuoo Io onnnae fall to ranch hho` right spot. You broutho ; it does tho run. I] no ull drugzlnu. or durecb by mnil. Send l0c in chumps for nuaplo outdo to N. 0. Poluon & Uo, lnsnulocburlng obomilh. Kingston, 01!. Sxld by H. Wado. w. Tho Ipochl Iminn will run through (niuhouh change of con) bo Grond Oomnl pmhion, which in in the coasts of New York : hotel. rooidonoo. Monro nod Ihop- ping dloorlou. Call on I`. A` Iolgar. agent on Kingston. or wribo G 0.` Grfdloy. gononl ogonl. Woboronwn. N.Y., for do- ocrfpoivo loldor conmning lull pnnlonloro. map ond nlusblo Information regarding the mohropollo. lleert Inllol song Beoenee Booth Amerleen Rhcnmetlc Onre ee lleeled ller. Far tho bonet oi enering humecity I consider it my duty to inlorm you of the great end leatina henetl hava received iron: the use of South Americen Rheume- tic Cure. I tree as greet euerer from jenmetirm for e number 0! yeere. All remediee I tried ieiled to cure nnt.l I com- menced to nee thie wonderful preperetion. It worked e greet cure. I trnet other eul- ferere mey tollow my exemple with use eetielectory reeulte." Ire. Bates. 71 Glouceeter etreet. Tomato. For eele by ell drnggleh. the New York Ixogrelee. Tender. (Deto- her use. Vie New York Centre! RR. by four epo- olel dey trelne end Ionr epeclel night train with veetihuled oaechee end We`;- ner perlorend sleeping eere. Rete 87 50 round trip. Kingetonto New Ybrk, end you een retern my day to October 27th, lnclneive on any regnler through treln ex- cept e limited Irein of the "Empire Btete Ema` A rent in the nrlor oer to New York for 81 50, e douh e berth in the sleeping oer hr 82, or is state room for 87. ML- .....l.l e..-:_- _:n ___ eL_,_.__L Thovavtoloclsotnhvowonrlbon. The vuytnionn orumr wearing quuuu In -IIV THEE Illl uuu nuuw or not puoncl. 01:`. mt: mm. W. J. Paul, William ntraou. The occasion marked the GM: Annlverury at her birth. The liublo gnooha were unwed by unmet, 000.. and depu-Nd in 1 hlppy frumo 0! mod, delighted with their mournin- mnnh. wvun 0:: we olplnu on llonaay. Lub evening limo Min Gnoo Paul I torcained I number of her nnnll friends the home of her puonu. Mr. nnd Mn. V J. Paul. William Ah-nah 'I"h- ntuunnh KUIIUFII worl. The engagement is announced of Mia: Ada Hart. Toronto. to Aluundar Oar! wright. Townbo. third non of Sir Richard Oatnwrlaho. Mlaa Hart: is aister to W. D. Hart. manager of the Standard bank, cf this ciny. - Mn. R. E. Spa:-kt, Mra. W. Mcouie. M|'l.A. F. Cbown and Mrs. W. Wright: are the delogaoea no the gathering in 03- mn of the women's miaaxonnrv society 01 she Montroal Mauhodiao conference. They went no the oapibal on Monday. LIEU nvanlmr MIA Mina an-nan pan] an. "WI:-nlol Taylor, B. umna.\ an}! Rowl Hunt. Sidney. vnll be nudonbo In the school of mines. Thoy will punuo I courts of ohndy of mines, mineralogy and genorol work. Thu nnanaanmnl in `noun-Inna.` Al |lk.. up an: uuoluu 0! ml MI onu poumon. Victor Brno. non oi Rsv. H. Austen, Gnnnncqno. And Mlu Liliu Gnnb Hall, Potorboro. were married on Sunday. Mr. Anton in in the insurance biuinou in Da- min. . l \...l-I l|--I-_ n_.I|___2n_ , , .1 n ynuuuul. IIIIP p:rcl'IuI -cuoo. Bu-go. Blmou, brlgtdo c|ar_k in bbooioo of Lleub.-0ol. Montlnnborb. D 0 0., will leave for Montreal Monday night so bake up who duoiuo of his new olvil position. VKOUQ` Ernan. Kill 0! R917 R. Annfnn Inuxvuu Iul pronoun. "Jnoh Sun returned lull night from Laughboro Inks. whore be upon oh. pnh week in shing and hunting. Duck: were plentiful. bub psrtridgo scuoo. Bat-uh. Hlmn nu, hrlnnrla uh.-I: in n.-..a:.. vueurl :9 III Uolirllll llll . ~ Kev. Dr. Jotden returned yeeletdey from Alnaonee. dime He preeohed eon!- Vereety eeunooe In Snndey. D. J` Welter. J. P. he received I ep- pnlnomene Iran: the Onberlo government. Hie time will be occupied in tnvelling through the province. ` Jeni Run I-nhne-net! huh nh-he 0.... A. ll. lIII'Ill. Ila Ella Iruor. Iinguhoo, oaphnd a gust nnuberd prison in oil: nod tam onion at tho Godot-ioll hit. KAI nr Jnnllnn ugh`-ngal -`.4 -_.I-._ 55.1.... mg. mo cu. naming lot Union. N.Y.. to visit his dolor. Iln. (Dt) '1'. 11. um. 111.. Im. II..... 'In__..__ .._;._..I BUY TIIEI IIEIIE. plouulvllh Ibo ulpru-inn o( Ic=Ihoy hnvhtho ugh: ha.- phut I. .. 2.`... '3J.'`.`?.`: .... villnnnd the roughul IN HUMANI fV'5 CAUSE. What A In And Iona _____I-.I A." - I to unit to Ilpvlnno. :-... u_x. .- ---.u- . only on non son _L___ -1 AL- , . nnoneme PIOKED UP IV out: I "9' IUBY REFCRTIR. elllng the `route: at lvel-yin) l.lre-hI lie People Are tunes Abate-lotus: leeepee the Are-rune: at than who An renal Inez lliller e Worm Powder: make lube child- ren healthy. Blue boner overooabo. 85. 87.50, 89. :10. GI-end Union. l "A"-better] will return lrom Deeerooto before the old 0! tube week. M00. We hue good. comfortable glovee at 50.! . 750., Cl 03} Hell. English beevar overnoehe. teilor mode. hell ntio lined, 39. Grand Union. Lime Giant Ooro Killer. euro remedy 30' for come. we. McLeod : drug store. 0 I The manila no aha nnllnnintm I...m..o.. :. cu-cu-11::-uII,wIwII III VCIIX I Iyuluunio in this loponul repose. :-uu UIIIIIII I! IIQ 1 [ICIQW would uhotwudo nd in. The duly kick was the dgonl {at great opplnoo. Tho nunu. chm; on In the canal: lloo in the W0-an Pnobyhthn. n foutalguly of Winnipeg. pnbliohoi by Whno Elit- rkou In using: oxoollout botinnlog in pptlnaa oi Iuthllobo lull - `DB1 no-Q. nghhnang oh... BL:..--4'-.- K; {A{I3Ei%iiE;f-H Y A A: x:3Lo:.au ::;:.-- Imllhn In this I-nnohn-t -non.-A nuuuu rnaoocloo In AIIoI1on."laI|oIog uhn lcuoooo an active which. unlou oounhuoud nub land to actual canno- qnooool the out dhuhou olm-uhr. A0 tho Guy Bron pndorncnoo lo the y boll loo! nigh tho uldgho-ol hand on- nonhovodoruollrlllnillugnbou lllouiu the Bonn thought luck. and than turned It into In gnnouthoy in. '1'. Hum- II KIWI . II II III ! lnlboonh Lucien Ruhr bishop Poem. ol Now Yuk. dlooounu on Boat Social Tndonoloo In AIIorlon."|nIming uh solve which. Inlann unr-oounu. In rno noun rtgolll It lunar. The luau Chicago clay dinclory l own a cnnhlna bunilinion tor the John Samba. They run only 10 plus. The Jphooou. Browne. Imam and Joanna boob Mm igoonlniouly. How onoouooot In gloty. at or I" ! lnnu.-uh]. A_...x..- n-_x-_ Ln-L- rulun uuu Z! I) III`. An oxeollool rocsploulnrbon ol the Dray- lu ouch contributed the Inow of Ration by W. '1'. Stud with | code: 0! Iheohcl undo by Boner Danoport, Ibo csnooni. in ma coon Rooms. The man Chlnnnn M... .u........- .|..._. u-cu morn prove um tort Try thou. In ninety-nine canon out of one hundred oyo gluon are hocoming. if propotly ud- juntod We poy special sinoution to this and can gunoizoo ubiaiuotiou. E C. Mitchell. It was W. J. Shit-lay. nophow of doesn- td. who rot diocovorod the body of tho late John Dmnolly, Hurowtmlbh. Ho wu follo-nd in o few minutes by bit hro- thor. John Shihloy. The Bay or Qmnll R`) now than lino ior Tuned. Na Douronto. and all local points. II luvs City Hsll depot \t8:45 in. R. J. Wilma. 0.P.R. tolo grsuh 00. Olnronoo Chum If tick hnsgiocho in miaory. vhtb oro Cartor'n L-bold Livor P-"I ii thay will poti- oivoiy cure it 1 People who horn and thou rpook ironhly of their worth. They on until odd only to take. An umllnnt uo...n..|.m... -0 n.- n..- nnruun ma pncanro at Inc now. Will he found an oxoollonh nmody for dck headache. Carnot : Lmlo Lint Pills. Thousands 0! Mom from pooplo who hnvo and thou: pron this fact Try thou. nlnobv-nine cum on! n! nnn hnml.-.3 Ulululll U0. Headache. oauod by eye ubnln. card by waning tho mpor on gluon. If yap cutter from he: hobo loo us not your on: free. I}. O. Mlluholl. The YIM O.A. aubhorluu {min the par` oicipanu In tho grocers parade ho dlgho to visit their building afoot the procession In over and hue refreohmanta. wrath lAnh nlnln. 0-... _.o.. 1- .L- _:_- on-r uuu nlvu rureonmonu. F:-on Int night hot: water In tho oiuv nice, the pipe: lacing Inid on the lawn ol 8. Kirk, Brook canon. Tho Iran burn through the procure of tho Iron. Wall In Innnd an nvnull-nu -.-.A- I-- Shoes That Please. U lllllla See the Slum boon tor lull. Thoy In thud of any provioun your and lo man I shout thud of anything yob. Hnlnu & Lookout. ..L.I. A_-_.n __9._ n Social : tweed lllihl. heavy weight nun till lot non. up-no-dam psbm-nu. Into- ctaing brand. (I0, M2. Grand Union Olothlngo. h.I|IA nan:-A Lu -..- -L_.1_ -,-.J uompounu lron Fills did it. We undo ID eorb to ocean bho boot 50. nndorwonr Mutt the mills ever produced And In have got M. Osk Hull. . The libonlu nppliod to have our seventy name: Added to the Pilmbnrg vooon lien and the judge Allowed may-ono on. Pick out vour lull -nu. nr nvnrmnh .m- [Ill] I106 JIIUIU IUOWQG Bl`,-On. your lull mm or overcoat: now. Dodo unit [or 5 more forcible reminder of cold weather. We have in here. Gnnd Union. ' H.` LL- DI-A._ |___._ ., . .. -. wu ION! uolvn no day. No mun In Kinglton mod go without: In full overcoat. We have them av 85. 86, 87, 88, 810 Gnod Union. go, will urnua union. My dnnahbor has improved I0 much that you would ocu-only know her - Miller : Oomponnd Iron P-Ila did in. WA mntln In .`.-o. s.--_.._. AL- l--A -AA 1118 SUV I. You ohink I look no muc bother: van. and I feel boon:--MilloI I Compound Iron Pilln did it. E n.4..-l -2 LL- 1.1, I IIII [III] I'- Sovonl of the fair exhibiu are still on tho grounds. The Inn aide about building Ill com down too day. No mun In Kimnn... ....a .. _m.--- - 'rn$1*m:mouob council mocha ho-nl M and the public school bond on Than ny nlghb. We Inn 1 very light knee rubber hoct. jun the bhing for full bunting. Hainu & Lockohh. ' V-.. n.:_L I I--L -- VII XIII. Oh my! how your complexion haslm- ? proved. Yea. Miller : Compound Iron P1"! ` did in. rm... 1) ._;_.._ -A -I and you will be pleased. We are the headquarters for the finest groceries. Trading Stamps or everybody. ulvu muuncmo I0!` omldroh : plounnu 90 take. Full bop costs, $6. 87. 88 And 810. Then prices make in expoulive to buy oleowhore. Oak HAIL I'M. ...... I I..._ .__,H- - wuu nommg I oonvenulona thin lull. Norah King leaves for Rochoher at 5 p m.. Sundays. J. P. Hnnloy. Agent. Miller`: Worm Powdon the boob lan- tive modlcino for children: plounnu Iur norm. we. mound drug pupils at: the collegiate lnomnbo in- tend holding oonvonuiono thin (all. Not! K'nn Innugn Imp D--In-`tA- -* ' mcmms or nu: Inf} a , nu any-Iv-IIIII [WEI I! KIWI WI` sibh pi. ' . Nonoodtouymuoh nboutourotlh tinudnuoouin out dispensing do- putnont We an accurate in our workwhiohnlvnyn imuno `Hy to 1 w --uu Intuit UV II`I W0 on continually ronowing and usotting our nook of PCMIIIOI, Alomioon. Tooth Wuhan sad Pow- ders. Brushes. Combo. lhntlinon, Koniouto Ind Toilet Artioloo ghoul- ly; All up-to-duo goods 3! poo- man. Coal will soon be a neczss- ity; buying now is an economy. Combine the two and get the nest Coal on earth from BOOTH6: CO. Foot at wuisunac. To get Fancy Dishes and Crockery at bottom prices. A large assortment to select from. Buy your Teas at Economy zind Necessity. Even though it be not of the best you'll nd it easy to remember that the Coal you bought here was all right in price, quality and quahtity. A BIG BILL or a small one In I queltlon of whotlnr you pnrouoal or not And It makes mmo dl r- onoe than most poo lo uppoce. Price: may no unlmvm but qusln on no nol. We buy Ind loll high grade 0011 only. Ef. EVER nauawuuc. I'll- -_- --._A!.. .- - II- - Polnwr No. -1! you poo. A small boy chulngn bumble bee. when you hear him you. you mu know he bu caught It. 'i=6oi'6ien'I Vvaugh Good Memory ? ll\Il'1\l. I.ll\v III II56I$ Orv. PI-Incas: A lhrrlo am, Kingston, "Kine to our store wll convince you thnt our statements no well founded. Iuvurnu llul] meuuune OI H16 GI]. Fll Iinu of all the newest and but Toilet Bequiuitea st low sud popnlu prices. A visit `ll nun `l|nA nu `noggin... WIII It We would call ettentio to our fresh ock of Paine`: Celery ponnd.the favorite femily medicine of the day. Fl ling: nf all Hm nnunnt and Inn}. I272'r7m.-3' '31-h ' ' '_ .'i";:;rIt-:z.ghnus and prgcision in the ebrnponnding of modiomes and put- ting up of prescriptions is our great work- YOUR LAsr CHANCEE y.;.; Eu. Z}}.iL'..$'..IE.I..I: to with AI much `pleasure and are ea we devote to the Ingest orders that come before In. fI'IL__-__I,.-_.,- - `I V `Who Is Your Ilrnggist? vllnx 91.1-DQIII-"l?'ltUII (IWOIIHJK and don. lap Ihodo sud outbuild- ing. ghoul thutunu ol good fertile Ioiluuiitble for morkot gardening. You my hsvo those and other pm- miol on hrgcin. 0:11 for particu- - ausavnuu urnmnx. UUII. Ill!- GKIT 8'l'BEBT-AV-don dwelling Andllion. luv: nhuln mu! m.um:l.I_ -14 .__'r"J " .-" -'l"E'-"'1 "V," "F" 5 % n15 xma s`rnua1'-,g- no... u. I'i1lonu,l8 rioma, hot tutor heating. modem imptomnunu, ohoioo lou- um. .,. . - A 900 DIVISION BTBEE1`-Fume dull` , 7 rooms. lugolol. ' .1 0883 STREET. 003. BE- nlznrn swvnnnm . ..-.._ .a_-..;__ Wu no initiate" ingpoportyst 1 opguisllylfownditoz in rim: n`MzIm-n_n -.___ _- 79 BROCK STREET. Lute James Craig J: 00. HOA0. the Drugglst, `I . lhrrlo EIL. Kluuslon. 01 |l"\l vvrilllog Illll Ltlutuln. Kitatou. (ht. J. S. H. MBUANN, Real nun sud ruunneo, an Inn: at _Y!I: Wlv Wants. II'!III!-I-Islsiirolifof .'9t95~`! X99 1 ! ry poled ow any uuuuu-in-;I$I'il-DOIHDI do-uyunllotn canon Who: pink. 8 !:ro_`d_g_'l'cnGury.nndIon|I --awn alrvu IIIU Instruct! 0! II unna- dion dngooot Into vidtod: the onions sod non no Goo lollovt. and will chaot- hlly. no douba. do any shall favor that it utod. Ilthoy should hnppoo to In or- dtrd to Kingston. on tho forocutt (on. wall they toll out thtir uitonblo ttoot ol lath! Too gondnont prooodoodhornd lovnon nhko (out lol and Iolltopt. undo vorthy 0! too oo roddoooot unooodlng thou. `I'M city cu non tloetoollyjy tho tvolloy rooto, including tho lothodbt and Ptoobytox-in collqogtho gooorol boopitdl. tad tovonl loo tohoolo. Tho objective mint ml` Ill `L Jnhn n "Alan. uuu wvwu urn TIC. AH 0D)OIIVO pdob Iuinrd Ill 8|. John ; Nun- QIII I13 till Ann hhnhn-uaoghlg -.~l--A. .1 would III Indiana now nan; Ivnoly-Ilvo lanluu` lndionlnn bllov up tho good work. The dvio reception was oohnhon. Tho pu-by Inn um about in that open Irollnu hoclociod with hp Ind um than uhonld in doubt ol ulna nniunnl satiation lb city : onnlloul ni lay inn hand wall along. Wino In doubt it in: uh:-Ilolo cnllounho nbrigndo. and the pllopiuginoho any angina Ind cut run I putty tight The lknhnnot govunor Function In cnllud upon no govemnoct. bonus. and into vuooo. no Ital. of the och: political party who shoot hln had not! can-dinlly. Hi: daugh- & In Iulltod In ncdrlnn bv In. Each --out IIII Ilnllu IIUUI uidly. nu caugh- nothing by In. Hugh John lnodoosld nod In. Gall. who no linked to Kingooooinna in kindly roman- brnnoo. Thou the bunch ol the Gun- tlinn (I -2- -a.:...a. AL. -1..- vutilulu llIIl0@lO&;IDIIoI lint oonhino 63,150. a growth ol nearly ten put not. put you. rm; qmnltunu no- oiodu In Innlloh hold lain; Ivnoly-u lnllnb hllov an un nnnd xumu Indy tlonu BIIIIIIOII min or "runny; dghhun yuan In: there as 2.187 Inna within lb linlln. Winnipeg ha 47.!!!) noonlaand innhndllv nmwimn 5.10: min: wulnll IQ IIIIIIU. vvlnnv 47,!!!) pooplauod in nludil growing: in province Ihrino alto; in 47,898 voiuoollh Iulloosloloctlooglhonow H mxnhina 1 IN} a punch}. nl nnnrlu 5... uuuuna pruuuu-; HIV IlU.Ull!,|Al|) IIOIIOI cl vbutuo upon-tad. calls on wall. 1131871 may undone ndnd Iniluol IIIIDII: dnhju noun hm. sh... .- |-P- Bub Winnipeg In: a you ptovlnoo and 3 grunt eounuyu laden. The OP. tummy ooupnny did not build woth or plneo twenty nilu cf hiding in IN tnin yudflr mu Iconic purpoun. In 1885 the my Ind ptovlnoo won Importing ugri cultural produch; now 00.(I)0,000 Dutch nl uh-nun nvnmliul, ..4| mun. .. ...n 1 wnnu IIII new I! pnuonu. In their -ghhe ol lnncy boomuere cell Winnipeg use magic clay. In in not. Inch nu extravagant gure of speech eher ell. la in netxnlly the getany co the womb. being no the junction of the Red And AI- pinnbolne then. in the eon-epol: of the Winnipeg lake region Ind re :0 the thresh- hold of the prairies. But: beyond Obie than was nobhing to cheer on the early erchlbecte ohm lortnnee It was and hole, and each mud! To him day, efuer heavy nine, e buggy cannon be driven lor dnya upon unpevcd atroeuo. There wan nooeguod eizocl area within the burden. boa necnnl bunny in creative and eeverel puke hue bloeeomed forth, notably so all. John : end Fonz Range. In the lath! Ieclion I tangled growth ol Inell. elmoql nlneleee poplars had to he one down In crease building loan. and it was quite common for I ne resi- dence to he hated on eiolier ude by thick bush uniting the next unbitiou builder. The bwo muddy rivers could have no chum. yet chunplonlbip crew: have gone brill from their make. The epirll 0! pro- greee liuknownno bu-rierlu oonldnoo Inn will lipi. Dlool puomonta nu D000 lsldfotvwo mi onlhln lunch (which Idhond to the broil from Fort Gnrry won, nun In the honde), but in Inc now unizheoory and now in I! being dug hp and the anrheo uphultod. The coat in gun, but that can no `gure In the veil y who tho mod in patent. `II Ihnlr H-nhh nl 'Al|I Ilnnlnnhnrn no" cnuuuux we can ruuunou; now I wollbnilh clay o! Inotropolluan chu- wtoriuioa in aolid bnolnun Bloch. unper- lor nrchihocoon. IOII-paved ohroounnd I than on union that in up to duo nnd oven 3 Hula In-her. lbs ranch no I municipal achiovomsnb. so wide nod 00 wall kopb. Block puomonta had been Inldfnllin mihu on Main nnmnh I-Mn}: -nu uuugn-pa pan on In: pl-uupoonu or) no oouqg; II pictuod I hooonu town; in park nuns: and public building an worotoysl in pronotslonuhhhora amnion- od Iholroonu not to ho bogllllod Into buy in; iounnd wouuo Ihouooion room no ho outjdo tho! they didn't. but thoy thon- Ioluo ought tho wouorn favor and plug- od. All hhoy hon to show for that in- vutuuoinnohos dood lot oolninoo I unoilpuohinn i clouod action. with 3 low poverty-oltiokon iron: homo. n uooliouoot an pinch ilko 3 city on 3 onrdlno in liko I Iylnphooy. In in. shot oil. I good plnoojo pug in tho dork. for than who non boudot Ihouotiou oopocinily. Bohr- day and Sunday won upon! in Winnipeg. bu onob low pages irom tho nob hook. iorhunoolhocnuyhoonloruqzunorolo country on open book to Ibo pooplo of Ontario. in loan: mocha! Even to the now come: of iulo hmllihnho ohooo who invaded in in bhoprou trip oi 1882 how chnnuod ! Thou l boom town. with hunt on in chioi avenue, with and Mum- nhnnh And in bnntlnlnin dinnpinn Ull If UIIIII IVXIIU. WIBII mun Urlllln` phlnh and in bonduloin diouricb chiming the but naidonou; A tall Imilh nihv nl lnnfrnnnllhnn uh.-- --31-12 UC1ZIWTUU { IlIl3-l llllol Dollar In An In 010. You luv. `I'M I25 nib In Wlyipq Pacing: vunduood to uni` dud Man of night. would out-iouly intact ' gun nod EQ 1 IIKX WDJU `Ii JUII III do rations. in j kn: TH! on; war- II Movtuc Aslpua. uUuuUI|ry3lfll'I F; do. Now In tho fun Gurpnndloauiholod [I11 1 though; Ah;-.1. `TC 1|! lulu or II--.1 _L._. -'-..d.o"y-0`! buy Pine : Cday 9 We all Icguqnntitioo llhjl. Ennnhr lnnininn -I-nun Now onion upon MI lonnrly nooopolixvzd by son. at who luninino ucvcluouillborl sud aha nits hon loothuhn. Tour to neounood Newt |ino-nun-0-pain cqro-cIrco Ioothcbo In unolnout Nonilinc. I50 -000 naval- lou pdn ready known to taboos. Nor- viliu any to Ind onoiouly In all ntvopnlu. Ohldo Phillips. u dbingulobod "phallic. ooniihbnh the Non! An- not--ll.-|.--|...;..-L_-.n....:.u.. A lccel ox-merchant intend: next yen: in .pvI en enlomohile on the l\ep|nee- Kinqnon mete in oppoeilion lo the have liege es pneenl covering this run. He intended heving Ihe Inechlne here [or net- vioe thin runner. het Ihe New York len- toty Iron which he ordered ll could not Iendllelnnginlilne. Thenechinqtohe ten by electricity from ange hetterien. will nuke Ihree roend tripe e tiny and will carry height u well u peuencce. The eelouohile will be capable of oerrying three Inna weight. uncut Iliruy uucoingou sod hopnlou. Hull ho ooudod in mold clu-[ynuvho iuchd him to nonl- 31: and nlinhlo pliydclnn. I: when I hcnmanl 3 a-pond portal nnvuobhlnod: Ipaa Iy Inccupulou qnch, Mr. Gnlnm ooncidcn It NI duty to give his lollownon the boom of his expo:-hoe. and nut than to can by informing unyooowho will writs II him In uric!` oonlldcooo when to be cured. No attention on to sun rung no nquuuu no pawn in following : All nun who no nurvou And dobllltuodavho an alluring truancy oi the nrlou trouble: rooulllna hon: ova-work. auto or youthhl anon. an sun that no Indian! bland Iocunihuoeondilionnoumobhe relied upon. Ir. Gnhun. a ruldoolol London. Ont. living on 487} Richmond ntnoouvu for 3 long than a what {mm nhovo trouble: and that In vain mnny ad- vutlutl nuodia. some Dolls, 000.. be- ounu almost calmly dlaconngod and bull flnnllv X ltll In III nlrl j-r. Ln:-I IIVII II ulgnlhd I] The Iiollnora Algctlnn and Hnmllton no Ibo only R Q 0- acumen now running from Hunlllon In Montreal. A low pu- nnpan can continue to trawl by nix, but tho hna ll Almost onllnly ln frolgln. Ell uwrulug. Harbor mum Mounmon I-apart: him; the water In We harbor in :0 who IIIDO lovnl now no It won at Ibo name him. In you. This lovol In duignnod by 1&0. IXKPD Allhn and Hunllmn an vuur mun a cargo ox annoy. Tho schooner Tndowind. from like On- tario poru,'dioc1m-god a cargo of Whoa! nod ryo II the M.'l`. company elevator Ihia morning. Harbor mono: Mnunmnn nna-an Mum What ll Tnnovlrlng In Kingston Ilnrbor nun um-2 Pout. Thu tug Bronson Arrived this morning from (hnoooe wliah two barges of cool. The steamer D D. Galvin was In the government dry dock yoanorduy having her boo lightened. Tho nnhnnnnp Ill;-vilrl `Darn Inn unth- Wlnbyonr Dnggiot ? Thicin an impotunt question for only family. When people speak of n well-quit id dnggist is in about ungguhn of acute: and /3153! -ction In every- Ihi W! Iron him. Donal; in IL. 3:; nuuu Ilglluiuuu. The ochoouot Illowild, (rum bay porn. arrived this morning ab Riehnrdnoda ole- ubor wioh A cargo of burloy. Ti mhoonnr Trndnwind. fl-nvn hi: On. puuuc Ilorlry occupying Illa nru IIJOI . Bullding wu u brisk no ever in bhe henro ol the city. A number ol wholeeele rlne wore erecling bloch. Fin had pond the wny lor the O new llclnlyre block. but hnd not: deal! on klndly by the city cnennho Hobo! Mnniholn. dnoe mo ne hocoelry in not likely to be re- placed ln lie old propormoue. Bub nnohher ma 3 greater neheme ln under wuy-s mil- lion dollar hotel und etctlou for the Own- diun Pcclc nilwuy company. This will rodoem u deeplued cud rejected section ol the city. and property in already lookin up. When than company seize out: no huil 3 (real: hotel in will he grout; and to will be well couduclod or on experience ol 3 month all nlong the line hue been I dream. In the we on nournoblve haul in Inch n puhllc consider-union than Winnipeg In to ho cocgrutulnhod. Bleee you. precocious I youngster, you are In the twin 2 QIDIIIIHIII UIIIII CIT WWII I 73 cold air nu Winnipeg waited tho marrow wilh doapolh anxiety; Sunday morning burn forth lino and warm; the grain crop and provincial procpacu wore aalo! Too nounpapor oxcuraioolou all wont to church and gava humble and hearty thanks. A number habwoan times vloiwd 80. Boni- laco. in oahhodral and hospital and Lonia Rail : gnu, not forgohuln uho oaohodral hallo lnunoroalind hy hibhior. The masonic homplo wan admirad greatly. Kingohon mode just. ouch a block with a public library occupying Ibo ru oor. Bnlldimr In an brink an an: in him shout to h utondad the winter. nhvonblo future or me blah puohuu Oity have bun Th: runnin- :ia:',*-... I... ..... laounonoo Iroofo I-. W W {I I I0 Ulh `K nuoilllnljigll Illghn nun IE:-`urn-A nun! Iho so Ibo coming campaign by tho ont- Iholuing Injclity Itnovboldl. sndlhio ortnioniulupnvsulogouonr thoro- noo. llohuholpod Int:-hllylolowor tduhooullrouhwootw onouanillthoyusoh ton nonhuma- couwill noibo I callmihy. Homngh John lhedould dldnoo uyhhin, bathe aid any plounnt thing: to than old friend: who not him nod with whom he will our nlgn u 3 prinoo of good follows. Al Snturdnv nlnhl nlnnnd with A war- nu our rugu u I prmw or goon law Alsnturdsy night cloud with n told llr Ill Winninnn unitad thin man In Auto-obllo roe Ilngntoo. I4-ngl -- --_.I.__n :_n._.l- _._A "' '" "I

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