Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1899, p. 1

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Q\IU.VVu NV. 3 VII... 3 uuvwu. lloyul A-Inundnlu. la nlkion Io vanndnqlioumud nooanwuivoln nnliuog nu-Innnonlnlll Lnhnhl-Id- nruuuvuu. uIpI- 3l-l'l|I ppltol Bcookvillo won uhoohd Ion onnlu to Inn of the den!) ohhuoo Roymlh. junior judgo ol Ibo Inlhd eoumu ol hull unztvillo. which look nlnnn In 9.5.` ml Ln-nngl Il- IIII IIUI TI T W I3. I. Ju'y In, but vu not sounlly use up In- about oil wash ago. whu dyoonloty min. and he nocunbod to tho :0- O-AL hldf an AI nnnI Ln J4:-g A- Jul Jun or node an ' Inuvluo run away. D_.-L...'II- B-_A 31.- __,_I, ,n Inuun UIIIU VI II]. IIIOII II no IIDIIIII. "D: I think hho Filipino: no 60 lot all govommom? Wo`l. no. not jun now. Tiny probably will ho In a limo that `tiny no a V0!` quot pooplo--a vory quot mixture. my of than no qnlto oivllind and good pooplo. but I do no! Ihlni they on as for id! govornmonl just you Bill whoa I uy uh I nut Idd that to the that It In my candid opinion that tiny no more ltud for Is that the Onbanl. that they no A honor poop`.o than an Ouhaoln ovary my. I do with. bow- ovcr. tin! Ibo whole buainou van ooulod. uul I nun! nun -0... . uni. .5- I-m..n-... IVC. sou: E. WIOIO DUI")? VII IONIC. and 1 max um um . mun on. rmpnuu will into many to us. uuuy Inuit]. `um pO0plO nu: 00$ I0 bcdly truttd [or tool: a Iongth ol that by me In-dt thtt they no diamant- lnl. Th Ila the grub dlmoulty In dul- iog with them. Whom wo but mot than and they but boon In contact with no onongh to lam tint '0 can to front than vnll. when thoy IIIVO soon that we mean what In It]. then In no tmublo. "D3 I Ihlnk Mm rillnlnnn Ara u Inn Iulnu III II III] to IIIIQIDO I00 lnll. "The light In Mn Pnillpplnoo uhonld In oully ended. The pooplo bud boon to built Ircnlld '0! nnnh 1 Innnth nl than -1 uwugu," um no uuuu. "Ion Ihla thing In tho Phlllpplnu would be over long bolero this. n It would have boon. I curb Imagine how they hue stood on anti! now. 0! OOIIIIO, than In` tho nlnv mnnnn_ and I nnnnnnn NIL Iuuuu IIIU uuul now. UK ('DIl'-, IIIIII vol` tho rolny oonon. ondlmpcooo lio- blo woo dono. Ono gt-ooh Iron lo out tho:-o hu boon bhol Con. 0:-lo klod bodotoomnoh. Hold Mano. Ho worm in bogonorol. vol-nor. juduo oud ovory- ohlng oloo, to no hold 0! oll tho lrono. No man on do bhlo. This In tho gnu broublo. 11 lo ouonah for o mon to do ono oblng. to boom thing, out! whoa o non em. to do ovorythlng ond to to non- thing in lo my to Imoglno tho roonlb. "Tho nhh in Man Phillnnlnno ohnnltl In MAX FOR BALI- Aj m (VA I 9| UIIU I IIIPIIIK III IIIII 3 . "But then follow: mull uqnur lot. They won amply wounnbu und oublunoo and Agulnuldo w Ajunlor cloth In tho nny yard. Ho! .probo unurl follow. I know him pnl \II. in two we were groan Manda a H for uh. manor of hen. but ha ha: .0 the brains. Thou no pooslo behind bun. name 0! than lur- nua ablo lollowo, whomhnbod of "x"luu.|d' s.- uld no udulnl I5 5 ' I III IHIIIII In IIIA phlllnnlnnn n(.m|rI Ln Downy Doolnu In lnonld llno Bun Indod Long Ago. Nnw Yonx, Bapb. 27.-'l`ho Evonlng Posh published an lnhuvlow with udmlrnl Downy on bond tho Olympln. Speaking of tho Fnllplnon In said "Bah khan fallow: mm A nnnnnll Int lI'UI'|IIlII'o Alonndor Goulleh. Portngo La Pnlrlo. Mam, sgod About twenty. low nll Iulnnoo while ohrouhln nod Ml] into who cyllndot. E0 was hon-nby Imnglod. and died about an hour Alunvudl. UUIIHCII I0 DUIUUIL Euxouo Dulroonl, Bu`. Hysolntaho. 0:10.. was instantly killod In an nooidenu on who lntaoroolonlsl railroad on Tnudny. Bl: hood wu nlmoun nvorbd from MI body. A Bl-Ihhh form of man hnmnllnnn. mo IIIIU VII IIIIIDIU IIVIIIQ HOE llll D00]. A Brlolub foroo of two buullono. W0 Inounbod Inlnuory And the lam Hanan. bu boon quiotly movod to Gloncoo. close to who Dundoo coal olda. on oh: Nam! frontier. . Al---_-I-.. l1....Il..L `I)-_L-...- I - 'D_-l_.l- II} CD Xyllll Wllulln Tho mumnxonal Oongrogsbloml conn- olltodny bu an Invionuou on hold one naxo council In Sydney. Australia. Rnrn Mm AI in nnmmlnrna Tnntlnv Ah IIU IBUIIIIUII III nyuuuy. IIlII'Il|Ic Bolero oho Mann oommlutu Tnudny to New York I number 0! judge: dopoud u no one pnctic 1| purohuo of oholr sun on the bench. NVLA h.nAAIn1n.A-. ..u..In-.- `I D... U--- UIIU UUDULI. Tho nhoologlcalmnlnny 0! Sun Fun- cllco. whlch In no he placed under who clnrgo oulplclnno, will out 3 ml!- llon 0' ' ruoluhlou has been patent! on tlg` coo ol Bnudny walk on tho rall- \ .4 L-. LL- I..Ag_..-snn--I IV ....... ..-AA-_..I lntionlnluunl. XIV You ~.Tl-1II&'.lh [duh and unit in The Americans but at hand tho Fill- plno ton: in the Island 01 ha. FPWIVU UK III! `III. WUIUII M. Hnhnnlul--Knnhnnl- n fnnu-AI hnnk nlnnn torn run. so. :25, VII 1 IIIUIY. UTUIIIII IIDIIIIJK I WKUIIII Thirty cues of yollow lover no nporood tron: Mmiuippl Ouay. The dluuo nu and lo be beyond oonhtol. Thu nnnrnnhmnnl Oonnnnnhlnnnl noun. PIIIU IUKC Ill IIIU LIIIIIII UI \.EUUo M. Hohounr-Kuonou funeral took place on Tuuday. Droytul nding I truth. Thlruv cum 1:! nllnu lnvu no nun:-Md IIUII U' . tlf wqu by the Iuhonmnonnl Ooogregmond council an Buabon. ll!.......- I\..l..-... u II..--l_LL- n..- Little mum-u tut [nu-on laundr- Notu from an 0nr- Lltllo at Inn- thlux lull: Ind and no-unbonu by the Don! PINK Ix-mayor E. P. Wuhan. ol Bu-nlo. dial Tuesday. `rho wnlbu In Sumo: no told to be up- nnhannlvn of lmmhnr trnnhl; prohonnlvo of hnbhor trouble. Tin Amnrllunn hnvn nnnhnl lcnunsusmjfnncnnrns. TELEORAMI FROM THE IARTWI FOUR QUARTERI GIVEN. What Comes `To U? from An Quarters. [NEWS llF_I_ll_E Wl|R|.ll.I PIIVATI CALI m n L` J U005 REYNOLDI DEA D. IIXICZII X UK I.` .l-SG Nzllblld bodooo D hlnlih awn: nnnnnltlsn OTIS LACK` ABILITY. urvuu u-uuv act` I v-vw- Aumuowx, Pu. opt 22.--Bounce Inrlovchulolooouhuod No viuin. L`:- I'olny.ndIvutyyouo.ndulnbu. shunt .ycnIudayuokndouulpohoo uddhdooonnhn. I CUTZCTI W CUT` Tonoxro. Bop; 27.-0onm0 0'Bdn. cupid: ol the shout: `Mylo, ooulonhd auhopolia court soul-day Ionplouol gouty on 0 chu-go tolling liquor on his boat Iuwu6nodU00uuloooto orhno until. `I've other chap: ol the nun mun qua Mn Inn timid:-urn. Bvnsol. B090. 97.--Rv. Dash! 0000- noll. put): at tho Roan Oolholio church at Oooportown. N.Y.. that 3 lingering Ill- nooo. did In this city Tuesday. B0 In widely known in northern Now Yeti. an unuwvu ant--ugvu. C muno, Sept. Yl.-1`onu Rym. olninnnl 0! tin middlg M o ou- ohlpo! Ihowolld. Vlllll luo night to box Jock Root. the Wu! Bide Bolton- lm. uni: round count as 'httcrnl|'n u wont tron to-night. Tho cunt will be tlu wind up of I show under the tapioca 01 ch Anon uhlotlc ollh ----v- -w - win:-U -vvunw-yo Cu'nxu.t.. Bspb. 2'I.-WulIu- Finch. I nigh! onginou n Obs v hon-Io llghh union ban. in killed Int nlfhl during 5 than- dot noun. own ding n dynunoud In supposed to but boon Ihttlod by I Huh 0! llghhnlng Lad throwing I his hand ouddonl can In makes '1 the uuohlnoty. In mu wu lnolurod. IIIWUT KTIKII TIIIIIDIII WIII 3.3%` III this lntluuoy can never In rouchod whllo Ibo pronoun unit! luv In In hroo vvuuu - xvii UlI---II lurin- WA.-mnurroxi, Supt. 27.-8oMIot Vut. thorn lengthy vldl In Otmdo. loll: the pl: ol Ibo Unitod Bum thin non loudly bum in nqnlnd to stun Ibo s_.A- -1 f\._-.n_..- ll- .._-_ nt L-n___- PIC OI [DU UIIIKHI 0113.`. `Of. undo ol Cundlnnn. Ho toys: "I bollon our country would has an gclnor by oloeor tr-Ado rolulono wl Canada. in thin Intlmuw nun nnonr In rnnnhul -lull: III-do:-`I am To oooon. Lonnon. Bopo. 97 -'l'ho white Arohioo no which lotd Klhohooor lo oondlng homo on o pronoun to hot unjooty lo oxpoobod ho roooh London It bin tho noxh tow duo on hoord tho Brm Iudlo oo'npony'o otoonot Doho of Argyll. Co bin Nloholu. of tho royol motto. Backlog on polooo. ho: had Inotruotlooo to roooivo oho onlmol and hovo lo oorolnlly loohod nftor at tho royol ouhlao till the qnoon'o plonuro in roopooo to In hu boon known. IU Ull IIIU IIIIIVII KIWI! I'IUI'W) UIXIIU. four or SPAIN. Trinidad. Boph. 87- (knonlu Mnroono and Bonn. who have been in oomnmd of tho government town In the state of Bsroolom, Vonuuola. huvo joined the lrovolnuonlm with all choir nun. Tho nvolnhlonluo undo! (ion. Hutu uhckod the cons guud n Rlo Outta. A gunbon cu onpbu-ad. wIh:rdI!&III|d IDIIVO N wonndod. -vu'uu -rv II-ICIC' -CIIKCII-U Camus, Vonuuoln. Bopo. 27.-Pml- dono Alnru. ol but than of Barcelona, bu jolnod the nprluin union the gonna- Inouu. Goo. Cuuro. I 0 lnurgoul loudor. la on tho mu-oh Ionrd Pnorho Othello. vnnn nu Dnnuu 'I`nl-.IJ-4I ll--.A 0'! won on! npmpnu I-ponlnr. Anod root won prooontod Io Blr Wil- frid by Mr.` Lolnborr, M.P.P. Bit Wil- lrld'o reply woo hrlol. Ho rolorrod to tho long and hohonblo oonloo ol tho ro- tltlng mombol. and oloo oolnpllmontod tho now cnndldobo. Ho ollndod to tho ovi- donooo ol plobporlty which nboundod In tho country. upqolnlly In tho ogrlnnltnrol oentlnno. Ho bollovod that tho` govern- Inont o onoanrogouontjol tho dnlry lndnr try hod boon jndlolonu ond oootlvo. ond qnotod tho Amorlnon oononl'o roport ototlng thot tho Unltod Btotoo dnlrymon could not compoto with tholr Oonodlnn rlvolo owing to tho Inonnor in which tho Oonodlon gunm- mont hnd ooolotod thou. Tho govrommont hod boon rcprooohod with oxtrnvogonoo. but thoro woo In tho oxnhoqnor n unrplno of vo mllllono. and no monoy hod boon -pout {or other than noofnl pnrpoooo. onoh no tho onconrogomont at trndo ond prodno tiou. Agrlcnltnro woo tho prodnoor and trodo woo tho dlotrlhntor. and It woo tho mm of tho fnnntlono of govornlnono to no tlnt tho two ohonld onrloh. \ Ir. Iloluonu ohoon. Bu Cnolx. Qua. Sopb. 27.-HonI-y Biuoon. notary 0! Eco. Orolx. vua panor- dny about: u the libonl cnndlduto to: the county of I.aotb`nIoro.' I none; in tho oounonohqving been around by the op- polnhnnno 0! Dr. Rinfroh. the 1:00 mun- bor. to I won In the Quoboo cubomn. Aim 0 0 convent-Ion an oil Inocu- lo... q... halal .5 .-Link IL. Ill-AA I...`-I-- ""4':3'..'o1"L7.vJ;'e.:on .3"""u}"n'.".'.' Ing wu hold. :0 which Blr llltld Lander 5 I I I I . '1: p'.nn'pl.\.rn:n'nhn(I H! ir WI]. church. OOOQOOOOOOO-009090000060 O O UWIIU VIII is In UIIII II IIIU WI donor of tho oono. nod thnt. hlo oor to plooo thou in tho nhunh hoo hoon nupt- od hy tho vootry. Iloooovor. It to oxpoct- od thottho hollo will ho in pooltlon tor Ohrlotlnu doy noxt. Within tho put two yonro thin ohnroh hno hoon onl-inhod h o oplondld mono:-lo! orgnn. tho gm .1 Jouot Orothorn. `rho lnotunnont lo anon! tho noot In tho nlty. hut notwith- otonding tho hot Mr. Ornthoen hno about dooidod to onpplouont hio gilt by tho orootton o! o 83.000 addition thoroto. Thlo oddition will oonoldonhly lnoroooo tho pan: and roooorooo of tho Inotnunont, and will oloo onoonroao moro hoorty con- nlunnhlnnnl nlnnlnm. A: If In Infnnrlnrl IIIAL A urn valor. owners. Ito church In III I Imun otlgp. -~` _ N . 80 21-4 '$blInn0 :tn:u`iu In {to Imus pm to 8. '0 church In this city. In I: under- ooounmr. G In ungonuou .lnnnr nl.1|u nun. `:5: lhh. M: 4:32 I: I UIIU Viv` sun. cwivwlvvv v: v --wv---n-u-. ':III ngnlonnl sin log. n It in lntondod that fa Ilull In pound in Ibo hunk of tho -L.....\. llllod It A mango Accident- .:.-n- n C-_L E% II7_IL._ 1:..- Inn! A Ion Irlondlt Tu-II . . _ . . . . . _ _-__ n-,,. out In Iobolu an (hung Ioonlll. .. ..... \1-_-_..-I_ n-_L uh `I lino! Into foot Pobo __ n._A an I A um Anugoc. B-_s 0! II._. no-n lunch and K)` l\--___ l\IE_.l av...--..| 'l'IlVCiIj.-IC IIVI T W ad :0 Nu Oahu: lot the Mann any. I} Inc: uni-I Ill pu III wolunolnolnuou-. CL..gnL.-_-J --In. I 'KV`3h NKIICDT AND IIUNEVT I 5' can to rcpt-wont nu an Inn on In n. .3 snd alone by eountln. `lay a yurcnd ?o.. .3: .??y.'po. '"` '3'.?.$'$'.? "` w even. an hunt In my Iowa. 1!. In mum d .9:.-..:.:...:.-:r-:.# r -w~......,.'*-~-.*;.~ o In an r-"- Doluuon oonnn. lrghkqo. g FE1; `EB. 94.! Sun` VINVLIIIN on mun: wJuI'l'uH upoolol work, poduon panning IO- Ilablo am. with bad n-Damon; npuhuo nnuoeuuy. Adana H II ll? Ilnldlln-Anna. IVE WIDI-AWAKI MIN WITB GOOD nulclrnu `mum! to not as permanent loan! or travelling nproonulln an an Intubllutod whnisuvo and manufacturing homo Itllln dlreas tooon amen at wlmloulo rolm. BI e Immodluoly to Ooorln. Dunn 58!. ndon. Ont. SKVIIAL WRIGHT AID HOUR`? P -' Inow In um clam In eountln. `luv rnrnnd woman. letter to Inn-um Wm good plunoool lor mm In kc Illlh nned mnuyornvo wuulbcoan o'?.`$L' uh 1 IMKDI ATEl..Y-lXl ElUINUlD E. and nppronuoou. Ina nun. ` maker. Bqol. smut. non Will an. ALBBIRN PAY WIIKLY PIBlA- nont. umm run. llpoolll lnduountn I tn new man. Bnown Baotou. Blown`: ou- unxu. Om. Muuuon--ln Kl-$30 on ops. 20`l;"; mm. mm, widow of the ma on-33 Iuriab} Funeral pmm. VINPLIIIN on M013 WAIITID `J unoom work. mduou remnant: ._.___._.___._...._._. ~~- ' IAIIIIII. Ooxuv BAunnuu-M 8|. Ila) : Onio- dnl, by the Rev. Into! Ion. Dan 0! I Ool L. I. OOH mgm .ln';'.r:.nk|n 8nIndnnf,;n-:-ll nuglupouu uouuqi. A. I. Ulllloyg DU`- chum to ma lrnnklo Bnndon. Quad daughter of J. Bundon. lul mo. Idc'3n1-uv-BAnnu--A0 It. I '0 Ouch- ` ` I dnl. on Bopanullor full. by `I; an rm: .|r'|M. of :30 XIII} :16 'Ath& Ahnf. `H, mllhnl B-EOOIBITT. F`a'5`..`:f.`..".`u....'`":."u`v.'i`_'.E.'." DRAM! IBTLTI. I BUSINESS I` `I'll LATI II!!! Bruno. tad or snguphohhur. ho osrrlod on at thuold Iundon holnll cl atom. I`. Bull. Admlnlllrstril. U Pnnoul anon Thom: :-Wuul I0: Bu1dmu.0l.,0pnnunndu1l|t. T` at Iolcphonol JAB. RID. I Luann Una ?."5..'-".'&$"J'n`n"al1' Without boasting, we can say there in not a taste that cannot be suited, if new and up-to-date goods are required in thele goods. Poll and g-.. 1` .n.I- 6:. "f1' and see if only to see. An exposition of Style. Style-:he at considerat- ion with .dreuy women- io embodied in every unit ix/1 this stock. It includes perfection of r, workman- ship and material. Prices $10, $13.50, $18, $19, $21. V '4 rs;-.I-:4!-.'-0 at In :0 nights. MILLINERY and DRESS GOODS. IMMEDIATELY -323 AL iVAH'I'o Rennnenocn mm! I91! I Home nu. IMIDI A'l'ELY-IXPIR.lINOlD HAHN nnnmnlloon. Inn A1.l.An. mu-.. lTai|nr-Mhmtii tot? wt vvtc Cu 3 CIZIIZCCI IIAVB Imllvln IRSIBUOTIONI 10 uellu ndduoootb I-Iowan lloh-rt. on II In anon TIIUDDAY Nlxl` -u'*r.au.umoo-ea. what nnmm o} In mrullun. unluds In llama-non R. [author Dining mun. rum; 1 Dachau. hi Noon thin, Bids but-O. nnallihlhl. lhvc-upon. III-var. an Inn. Clvorvuv OI-$.30. I-r~J2!I2!!92.m_5 DICCCCIVI W * V that any pnco vn unto my be depended upon 19,! ch- oolntely rock bottom. OINERM. alnw uh`. APPLY '10 III. A. snucunt. an Bigot st. CLOCKS. FIT 0! WHY. I. OBI 3 \ Factor 1):. Wlllhln A. In- Ou-thy. 0! Walk Inland. to Kath. third dglghuy ol Goon: Bu-mu. ot_ Klug- I . no Insertion u. xxmnudwdum '1'. F. HARRISON OOIIPANY. nnraxnlaunnluuluwa ll Prlnoul not. :- Hanan. ;nun_n:_nr.-.:nn_u.nn.in. Vu: wniici Ilohiul. Alruuun ROI m to coxmucgg KVIAIZI T CILI. II I WANTED. 8. I. FRY. I rnonnua ' t 1; 'I.-'.-.--*- A 7 I)! I0. I109? vvnou IALI or l'UIll`l'0l.I A1` Ixurluunvulunnu. THURSDAY MORNING, :1 K nhinb :-~-s\-o-@-s>-@-@`-4>-@- [IIAVR RKIIIVID INIPRUOTIONB 1'0 ollbr mt nlo o-1 . FRIDAY. SEPT. 29th. .n than nnnmlmn that vnlnnlun u-n.|.|...... BY JOHN H. MILLS. Ihtnh IAID nn Irnnvcvnuu . {Lemon ulo ol uomhoxa cum on no In: nlnnn an ?k-n-J-- `(LIB - 3 Ln has I. l I. Jackpots : Iallllnory open- L Wadnndnv and following data. FULL FLJ PORED. TUCKETPS ORINOCO. Z VII CC. .I. LIALTII. Auctioneer. -Tzj-jnj run than. V. IUIIRAY. In , Aneuonnm IKAY. JR Aneuoncr. `ll KWJJ. d|)0;I0l|OM`. ` U] UK IISIE UIKIIII. WIIO VII In ziongprg to gelend hlnuell. Evern en a up. urine drew hle vtson In end Ired eh hle hrohher. The won prohehly lnel. Oueine In under eneel. once or .....n;. Jourr. Ill. Sept. 27 -IrwIn Fuller Beeh. e yoen men 0! Jolie!-, wee eenvlo Kenhehee en) un lent. Ieroh. pronounced y Ieeene To day thmegh treet- Inenl with lymph Iron alende ol goete. Beeh In eh hone completely restored In Ieind. Thel mph weedhoovered by?-. Roherte, e yeluen at Urren Guy. 0. he epplice one Iooeeee ol lnrenloy wee nedeel Ohieeqo lehoretogy. where Bush vu eehen. no hed heen ehowing e needy (fun until he wee dleeherged lee! Tneedey. Illld. The Ireetuennn rnid to tho er- reet eenlllty. Dr. Robert: has gone to Europe to Iey hie discovery hehre Prol. Koch. ol Berlun. end other Iorelgn teleol- ioen. with e view ol heving then adopt It In hnne enlnne Ihne ICC. WIX I VFUW T X7 in lane uyluno IIIC Inn` 3: corn: mu. ~ You Worm. `Duo. Bopt. 27 -'I'bon hvohooonorodouln inlxulnuooo tough nodduh than Iron II] om: onus. Buy any add: any viotlno Io thonhudy It. 1 day Ibo ax- yur-old can ol oh line. In Ilia county. and lock nun on cl` above thoolbov. unddhdaqlotilno that tho molds. `no not shooting 31: sodium conu- od In Abilene. Wilma Joints. and IL tmngnmldnhlh nllnnnll -.4] fall Tu Ilujllllllu 1` TN: lul sud wont uunlb In: our the dlvloioo of 3 tan (Inn the no Nathan b 050! that. Ono! . II I .5... ...2....... .. ....l'.T..'..`L`.'.`.'. " 1 j Ounlu Illoon lion: and lanai!) Wound: Ila Brother. Dmnunx. N.Y.. 80]. 27-9 Lsonu. nix mile: south of Dnnkltk. Ounlu Wilton. od wonky-eight. urban and totally wound~ his brother Luorn. opd twenty-u. Tho Ono on non: ol Ohunooy WIIOOII. an aged and pocnllu hrnonwho bu accumu- labod I mull forum In fun property. 80 in ur Ignorant And illvoohanoootloonlly notv Inbollovinge sh tho won-ldlonh. HI: Ions, nix In number. labor the labor`- dlupoohlon. and the hmily quu-uh have boon nolotloun. 2 IILI- I--. -...| _...s -..._n _.- -__.. AL- IDIUUII III Uplllilillu II in I ulngnlur {ooh that in bho noun. uulnu whore oonnunpulvoo go for mild. oooonmptloo unong nuvlvoo lo non, no- oomnon. Prof. Lmdor III shown u nun who Ill nld to have lnuu all but u umull rt olooo long. when on old In- loll ed lnnruoolooa. and lo now uoroog and tobul. Other oonnunphlvu on using tho lonnuh Ilth bonololol rouulu, CI30llI'I&l ouuuupuoo ot wlmkuy and oolruolloo of ruuolovoukoo. Tho pnoorlptloo oallu lot two bonds of melo- uoukou In oquu-u of liquor. tho hood: of tho nnukoo. hop. poluoo bugs. sod ull. no In booboo up lobo Ino povdor. and then looked In Ilquor. Tho liquor ll thou baton to nodlolno. dist`, oobor guwo hlm u pnuorlpuloo; ho o north Olrollne lellvee Ileve A itnnge cute for The Iundv. Coumnu. 8. 0..8ep0. 27 -Prof. W- 1`. Leader. of Williemehon lemele college bu jneh returned from e bicycle trip through the wide monnoeln reign oi Weetern North Carolina. and reporbe that the neblvee up In Tune lnnle oounhy have found, or believe * eh they have found. e cure for consumption. Whebher the remedy to worse mm the dleeue In I newer 0! opinion. [I in I elnnnln {me then in hhn lnnnn. grown). up , ritoin on union or uonoaonn won on tho Gonbinont. ond oi tho onor tin work dono h tho fnvornmont hnm rotlon ogonoioo, no oroody hoon ooon n tho lnorooood Imnigrntion into tho dominion within tho pool: two or throo yooro. That tho nnlnhor oflnm! rnnto lo rtoodil inorouingir to ho noon rom oho loloot rltioh `hoord of trade rotnrno ro~ ooivod at tho doportnoot oi tiodo ond oonunoroo. From oolonlotiono bored upon tho hoot information ovoilohio. tho ozotolnont ohowo thou tho totol num- ber oi omlgronto who loin Britioh porto for Brloloh North Amorios dnr- ` Inc the Iowa months onding July 3loi~, I899. woo 202"}. no oom rod with 15,- 767 durin tho oozno pori loot yoor. At tho Inun gronion doporunont horo tho numhor of lmmlgronho to Oonodo during oho prooont your in ootimotod no hotwoou 35,000 ond 40,000. with tho prorpoct oi on lnoroooo out your. whon largo number: of prootiool lormoro from Woloo ond l'Inlond oro oxpooood to join tho hoot oi ionooro who no oooklng honor in tho nodlon woot. It in not nnlikoly thou tho lnorooood onorgy which lo hoing thrown into mining and rolotod indnoorioo will oioo drow lorxo nnmhoro oi ortioono ond moohonioo from oorooo the run. I61 $-l U.IU ZUTICI O-U `CHI I-I ! Otrnwn, Sept. 27 -'!'bo uoulu of the win; up nlon ol Ounds In Gnu -_--__hl_ ---|- 4|--- I-- ALA ---------~~ In lunuo or nearly 5.000 lnnlgnnn Iron Gnu Innis Alone - Upward: at 40.000 Inn IIIOIOC Inc oonun Iron luropo DIIIII no rut Year. I\-_ . ... . -_A 1% TH! EFFORTS OF THE DDMMION. APPRECIATE!) ABROAD. Immigration from Great Britain ` Iucrcasinz. [win as semen NEXI mal I IS HSIEAIIY INEREASEJ SNAKES FOR OOKIUMPTION OUARREL BRING! DEATH. KINGSTON. OIQTAIQJO. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 87, 1800. Imijlk Iiiwta i;'..'..`?."?."'.u`I'as....-..""""`2 .. catsh. canned thunk Iuuuuudhghawuythnptc-lulu any and nchheuty djutuuldtho pm. i,_._ _____ 1..- -g___- arms no (hint lunches. Otrrnlul, Okla . Bopt !7.-'l'ho Radzon in Beaver county. Ohlshouo. and tho Ohlldvuu mu. I-nah In tho Pun Bundle of `Pan. moulding $0.000 nun. sod upon which 800.000 ouolouonlnodud no 00' (rump, Mn huh pcrohuod by L R llllooo. ol Ion Worth. Tau. tot tho Bum in; houo lnunlu In Ohi- ougo. Oays for any. up tho puohuod the 0 Koofo ranch In sloo- nnnnlr. 1523:. nnnhlnlnn limit 1'!` -T T Lonnon. Supt. I'I.-lndluIou pol h nupodyculuucunhl Iuuiuuoltho n-nnQn$nhnIhnAhnhnnhnn.. III III! IIIUIKIC -I70 DTIIIIIUIKIII IIIII cone to town. Ind during his shame the wonu: vent to 5 cluster at willow nplinn which lrinnd a pond shout 900 yard: from tho homo qgd wound tho nnplo bought uouncl her neck. Thtowinq her wuigho hcolxvud the bound until who ohohodto death. Aooighhor found her dead with hand: ohll clutching tho ood- oi tho honho which the unployod to con- nil nicido. WUUT 5-. `I31! I'I III Um county. Tun. containing 1811]`. `Pin Swim and Noloon loan will ruin outlo nnghonqnngk :..".".'.:...".:.j: VJ:-poi that A (III. Xmas:-ox. ll Y.. Bopl. 87.-l'rl|hno1I by n doc. III on Us by I Inc who objsoh od to No pthotingjnnlpu hub. In- uIovldIrudo.dq|syunold.opI-nng ol a nun: hot cm! at I-`hoilncpb and van lulntly hllld. I chad Idwunlo. Ivdvc nun old. uh curiously Injurod ahonpo 3|`: Ionndllo hula : ddo. lousy chouoa non: Inn 1'-In. Donrnn-rn. Not, Sept. 27 -Windlng willow villus thou her not until the Ibnuld honill. -In. H. Bhdnholdu ondod Int life :0 but homo. Iwo nllu out n, this horn III hnnlhh -nu Oh. Annl CIVIC II III` IU DUI DOC. IW0 1"` XUU of thin town. Ill health In: tho OIIIO to! hot nioklo. Ir. Btolnholdn had In Ah-|A Lg: .- .I...l-.. LI. The rowsn o! hhh myubionhion In than who just 6')0 loch holow who market the hour can In contact with something chub wunoibhor rock not and. Whoa chip- ouno up Ihoy were found ho he 3 cyprooo log. and the pipe through which oho into: his ploroou thin I . II union the hula: ot the pooplo at Al oodulo may trying to looks: how sad who that log got Into III pnnnl doop hod. L Won louu nmn Iona. Cowman, B. 0.. 80pm. 27---'I`ho am` not 0! Allondnlo. Bnrnwoll county. am enjoying u-tutu: mm to a louun change iron the unluhl non of Inrhoo walls` Bah out blmo I man or womcn orohlld Minn rink ol tho now want. which man from I dopbh ol 860 hot, ho. Iho.or Io he pnuhd hhouzhbo. They My to coin the problem. and the more they think the more they no pun- lad. nu! uuupuju III`! IWIIIUII (0 W3 IE I olcionod nootln vol Job-nlolhoo. Ibo olx-ponul Mm" oil to onoo whon ononod, ropklly golox bod. And much 0! rho woohhot on Bollobory hoo boon htoglo-Ilko. Dunn: or `rhroo Ion AI `rho lloorohot . Onnp. L'\NnoN. Bopb. 2'l.--Nob o limo oppre- honolon luo boon couood omongoh tho mllltory outbox-Moo on Aldo:-ohoh and oh aha Oombridgo hon lool on tho obrongo doom: ol ooldioro w 0 hno rooonhly rc- onmod from tho Solnobnry Inonuwuvroo. Two non bovo ouooumkod to dnoooooo um: All tho oomblonoo of puomoino po|oon- Ing. Thoro on now loft olghboou non In hooplhol. ond. yoohoodoy otuornoon on- ohhor Inon nolnod lnollo. of tho 2nd Royol Highlondoro. dlod. In in Ihonghu by Ions in oubhorioy taboo tho moo huo porllkon ol olnnod (oodo whiloh on bbo mow-~n-roo. and looro oro onboroolnoi thou moro of tho AH-mood ooldloro will die. In nlll In -gmgmhg-ml nun . -m_u-.. IDID IIIOTI 0! I00 IUSOIX IOIUIITI `Ill GIG. I: pm In mnoznbond but I man at the hhlltlu from typhoid n the NH: nnmnmlonnnnnhhlhnhd tn uh; uh: IJ Wlll WU UUUIUWUWCI `HIV I YUTUIUH (tho Nile ompslgo won nttlbubd to U}: an ill aunt! nan In urn-3n|vnII.lnL_.nlnhng Vlllulloy Ul IIII Illvlllllllll 0ITU|lI(|ll,- Tho unolu ol the groom. one of whom In his gurdhn. and I vary promlneno morchmo hon. n well u a member ol the loglclnonru. have naolvod oolnmunds from the oh I: not: to bad the nzurlogo coreuo , and oooloh has In wondering whouhor who] will 0 oy the mundane to ufnlu from wlbnuolng the nupulnl ocu- mony of their rolnolvo. with whou choice 0! a bride they Ind ull provlonsly Ilpl'OIIl- ad their clnoom planar. and ubhtaobion. DUI DD] ll DIPUVIQII II DE I'I0flIII'I. Bo nu conrmed u 5 mambo: 0! use church at Enalsnd some your: ago. but: In nover robapnd. u Nuhop Wllllum. bha lnoo bi-bop of Quuboo. rocoquud the ulldlty of hi: bnphiunul ceremony. Thu nnnlna nl aha m-mam. nnn nl -hmn DFIUI. Bxhh bho bride sud grow: an Inomlnra of S`. Muothowh Anglican church The aroma`: fnhor. who diod whilo My son wu q-zlno young. In: Roman Onholio. and one boy tn blphiud M 80. Patrick's. RA in nnnrmnd us rnnmlnr nl Mm UIIIUIIIK IIIKI W IV? CCU WWIUIIIW Tho mother 01 this young um: onllod upon tho motto: of the Imdo oooxprou he regret: to the prohlblolon that had boon laiuod, but was oomowhu Invprilod when rounlndod that: hot own husband-and not: been provoohd by the nnthorlhlou of hit church from uobln II grooumnno an the nodding of obs in and uobhor ol the bride. \hK Ah- Lulplg gntl nuns-1. ... .........L--- um quoneo. Quito I lmlo ooooolloo hu boon oroobod hy tho onoonooolnono of tho foot: that the young gootlomoo who hod oooopbod tho groomhlnvmolonboooo on Rroooumo - oooo! tho hooo-known young non oh: 5 town,-hod boggod to ho nllovod 01 h` nranlna. nvlnn hhnh In Ind mmlnul .. LUWKITIIIII WW I I KLIIIVK DI II` alto. saying that ho had received a other from I prominent ooolosluulo tor- hiddlng him to Abound the woddlng. Thu mnhhnr n! Ihln wanna nun nnllnll Ulllu IIIIKIUVE II III!) UOIIIIUDCII WIIII n ptouluono Inlmnry orgnnluuon hero. and bu shoot at mundr. bout In Montreal Antl nnhnn AUIVIIUUBU-In Qunno. Iopt. 28 -0110 at the inhum- ohlo Oaiohu voddlnga announced but In ulrudy evening I good (In! of dloonulou in uooloty almloo. Tho bride clout. who In Nu dnghlor at n ptouluoob nllltuy om- cor. hobo ouot tho pntulou And most papnln ol the aooioby IIOHII at the unolont mnlml. Thu nnmm In dun nnnnuslnd pith `O'l`l;::)'C'Ih-:`I'n;|.:l:; oaplnl. Tho mom In duo oonnoohod with I nrnnlnanh mlllnn olnnnlnnlnn Inn. And Quobeo. Onlhn n Ilhh Ioolouot Quboololuh Puulod out I ` to Ilooulln PIIIIDIUIOI. 7777 TIC ll voumuuun. YIUI. TIIDI, 85- _IhALLl:`N&S0N, POI IONINO OF SOLD! ERB. WTHE CHURCH ffji. ||..__. Asn I._a. UWUjEKIUlW%PZVIVC E- uooul vih nu Ila Bu-shun. dnghm cl 1):. Bunhn. at 0-1- 8oud.who.vhhouuI.0urvivu. `ho douuulwuwvnuunola hllovo. LOU.W..lO.l'. 00. Raoul Lomnnn dln In talking Ln '1 K Qwljv polities Iuhunlvlll IohIdo|l`d- dnn. Imam nu: `XI. WW XI '3' Z-IC an hi: lib 30 Va u Into Sunni Reynaldo. and E0 was Ihobu in 1858.31! pncllood III In Brockvllbln 1887. do: ban I that due. than Pcuoxh. vino in nnuaod Iuul tun you-0 no, win he Broekvillo. In 1866 In poinhd juulot ildp cl us. `hid povinon lo lino at his dull. Ho `.4 It. Inc -:0. IIDO nnnod III C III! IQ} IIO VII UT` -5!` r!od.linInIwifoIuuIinIa- lane. at Bnukvilh. by who two ion two not. both at when ouvlvs III again.` -15 an: Inn RA:-L-Q |`WoWntY Nnnnnnz:

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