Imczmrs or run 651.] nuomwm mq-kin ur av oun uusv naronrzna no. Tho BcownIo:, tho Bmwniol will win bho victor . `I J D.-oI-n pghn;-ugtl last night fnarn llnlpllo 0! III! DI) l.I!o-'hIIIII Ionic An lfuunc noun-latmng D and no tnanllcl It Ilia who An Dunnuu Io-any. Fin Brioinh wmhi uilod Iron Hnllhx tor Montreal sud Que .0. `R-h -ulna: tun-in unv and plum: '!Il' I0? HODIIGII IOU HIIUIII. Both uploo-. corh. wax And ring: for fruit jsn. E. C. Mitchell. Ilia: Jnuin Knnklrk. 051111;. In vipilximr : lumber [mains in reported in Mun!- III ICII ,0 I. III E. C. Iltcholl. -LA-5 D I`,--.I?- L CHURCH COURTS. .' Bunion robumod lul night: from nu-III.-I Iluluy ano Wuill (`unit out on the music nut and MQII to listen. llrr nglpi would vibrate with al- most inronroi\~n.hle npidity. while on-ry now and than she ytnuld lift her anterior pair ol Ivan and wnvo than to and fro and up and dnwn. Just an hows-wr. u I rom- muu.-ed I 11-5 or nl she would lulu In Mr huh and urn! In her dhmnomowhrre in the interior I the mar). whom the would Unit um} I enticed bar term with "1111- norol" or Banal`: I4!-no." --y-u-u--uu-us j. During the entire summer until Lat! m llr autumn 9! large l-lack unHn spider (l._n;unI dwelt in my piano. when I played nndante move mom.-I 1-only aha would came out on IX mlnir rank and -gnu: on ll-I... .n Iuuuuaul. IIIFVQII`. nl ll` alk- .--s .\|n. nnd Mrs. S. &lv~Bri(ld-. Bat- tersm. nt H. Jack.-zun's. Mrs. rrmhrr! and son, HI:-m-ale. at Mr lafhg\r's. H. \\`n|bI"3. ". [Aim `Ind wild-. \lnr\'nlo. at J. E Scorn.-I`; 0. Storms und !nm|_\'. Wilton. Jnrs 1., llllnlllllll'!_ ll lrlomls last Friduv ` .\l \'nnlu\nn_ ilurvnlo. I _ I. I nrcnn n 0 ll I ~ Florida. Sc-pt. ll.-)lisses A. nnd I -`,. Wnllufe. after I wq-ek ut lake I-`loricln camp meotinu. have n-turn- g-I home. J. E. Storms und wife on- lerlnihed glow friends last Wed- m=nda_\`. H Jackson's little child Is not expected to live. J. Hunter in- tends In hurn no mnro linw this sou- smn llisn .\ -llin Priest. Pnrtlnnd. Miss I-`rnnkie nnd Hattie Lake and Mrs: I2, l'Inmnumq \\|Itnn .~..II.uIn.. nun.-4 lnw \\vvls lur H`llHI.'TI\|In`l` mud lumkkoo-[hers ncul haxe tilled the Vnrumio-.-x snu'c(-s1.~!ulI_v. Tlw fnlluwunu .utudvnt.u haw` =ntvr- ml fur the evvninu cmlrw illuun Horne.-I. .\'. .\1(`(`lvnd. I-`rml. 1.:-uuott. and .|. Iluoy, city. A largo number n! students nn- oxpocu-I to cum- monw next Mnmlay evening. -u-uIr- IlIlllU'U l10IUI' Jznnos Bnrluml. u ;.n`;uduuh` nml sun 0! ('npt. Junu-s I-`. llurlnml. (`upe- Hnrenl, has n \`:-r.\` rq-.~;m|1.~allv pu- Hnliun In the (viro of the lirmlt Ilvur .\'prmg \\.n.lur v<>nnpnn<\', .lo-r. (`it_\. V J. [Ins (`Inna-urn frnnnnln \|'Ill I... Iii` CITTU CVIWI T in ca! fawn `huh In tho nl rnlliynlll). nml .\lc-ssrs llnnnnh Yhvir hnsynlnlllv for tho rrvut rrlm \|s`|tnr< {nun n \ Inuuls lllllll SIl`ll(`ll\'(` trip. TUUIIIH. '1-`he oxtvnt of tho \'9ssel's (`nrgn rnpuvitv may he imagined when it is stated thnt she is nuw ('urr_\'ing to Hmzlnnd the lnrgost (`onto that ever wt-nt out of the St. l.nwrenc0. and it is a matter of szrent interest to (`nnndiunsz to note thnt u portion of this (`nruu ronsi-as of no I983 than um` millmn nuumls of fresh (`unndinn lmttnr in rnltl ulnrnnn [HIS ('i\TL'() (' blntor in ('0 Hofnrv Iv Qllolwr the inn: in the s u urn um cunt` unu lnt).'~'( n()SptHlDl_V entortmnvu. The Bmuriun. is the largest. steamer with the exception of the tin-nt Eastern. that has ever come up the St. 1..-1\\'n=nco. She is a twin srrmv st:-ntnship of 1ti_mi0 tons hur- (lvn. is 52!! [wt lung. hus [L beuni of sixty feet. at depth of thirty-si.\' feet and mm run I\\`(`llf_\' milvs mi huur. Ht-r n(`(`0mm0dutinns for all vlttsses of puss:-vim-rs um of the vc-r_\' highest d0`S(`l"i|Iti()l1. vsporial pains hat\in|I boon taken fur the (`mnfurt of tho .`4t`(`0l t(l vnhin and sto(*rnm- |n|.`1St`ltL'(`l`S. who. (IS well as the first class pn.-=s-n_::ors. ure nut unly pro- \ilo(l with most. cmnfurtohle ale-ep- im: unnrtuwnts. but also with stuck- im: rooms. sitting rooms nnd bath rlllillll \v| nI.\|_v uvx. u um ! ncvmxn ptIs.-at-nu: dv: take ; via an nu uunnarnru . \\ I`! I` :1 ml ran < 12-2: - I IO-I POIIIO hunt llnuuhnl the Ice Illton lo.-suppunu. It takes some people a. long time to become educated to the provisions of it new law intended for their wel- tare. For instance. citizens have not yet Iull.V mastered the provisions of the school-fee system for .the dis- tribution ot supplies among the pupils of the public schools. All . kinds of construction are put upon the system. For instance. a lady in paying: a forty cent fee for her child \V0~'"vl d 8- .i{302ruph,V .uhd urauunar included in the supplies; the one C0-Qt S8V9t5'-tlve cents and the other Iiftv. As it was she was getting about eiuhty cents worth of supplies for the fosty cents she paid. Many people ask reductions in the fees be- cause their children have Waders, overlooking the fact that the fee system is so reizuluted as to make the cost its light as possible all around. The pupils are not charged so much per article, but they are asked to pay so much und for that fee they are iziven what supplies they require for the term. If the pupils take what they do not need, they are dishonest. l\lany of them take new readers when their old one is perfectlv good. Oh thn whnla Hun fan :\-etnm fur nun, um-up.-,n1ru nunn nun ll unu Inc stvunwr. Tlw III(lIll)(`rH of the party were the LVIIOSIS nf the stvnlnship ('un1p:u1_\'. under thv vhurge of Mr. Hnnnuh. nlulmgxvrund .\lr. nuurlior, general \v0slorn |Mlh`X(`TIL'l`r mrq-nt. NH-dlrss to saw lhvv were .'~:hn\\'n 1-\'vr_v ntlonlinn und lnost hnspnubly enlorlninml. 'l"hn nnrnrinn in thn lnrnmut um-nnwmne ine cniiuren nave the use of the hooks nnd supplies mid the honclit of tuition. us no time is lost. n()nl_\ in one instance has n (`iti7.0n l`0f1lR(`(i to pin the fee, and his chilil \\".\!4 soiit, homo: the pupil will not he nllnwod to utti.-nd school until the fee is paid. `rho Luzon Imp lint Ono that Ivor Ngu- gntod the It. Lnwrcnoo. J. I`. Hildomloeu`. ruzent of the Allan lint! \\-Inn fnmnnal nnn .\I ah.` cuts. on`. An are now Iurnnsnou me pupils by the teacher. Since this sxateln (`lllllg into force the number 0! nmxnlicaxtions for free books hns an-utl_v lessened. m fact. it. is rarely the secretary of the schools is ever asked fur free books. In (`uses of poor nvnpln who cmmot pay all the fee at once. time is |(l\'Pll them to puy it on the installment plan and when [mid tlwy are clear of furthor oxpnnsm (lurim: the school term. But me-mtwhile the children have the nf tho hnnlcq nnrl uunnliuc till!` Ihn .u_ 1-, unmomlmxo. rm Allan lino. who formed part)` of agvnt.-4 \'i.s'itin` Huvurinn. hus return trip. delighted lmth wi ct nu Innr [)Ifl(`l'll\' guuu. On the whole the fee system fur supplies is giving" sntisfucti(m. The teachers like it. as they are en- ubled to make better progress through huvinu their pupils equipped uith uniform suxplies. There is no more sending ho e for books, pen- cils. etc. All are furnished the Since s\'nt.r-In (`nme intn fnrnn who numlmr `N A MAGNIFICENT STEAM ER. IT II OW` NB INUIFAOTION. If}?-it'll Bu-uuoc Oollogo Holoc- .... n.wn.,...u .. . ( l'l I' lflil l' mu! thvi Inmmh nu ntnlnl \'- an -um! nlnucn 'UI(l Hl1)rll_I[l'. l~:|\'inu the stoulnship nY ` mrvnls cnvwmmtl IL INN`!- Hlllnkinl! rnmn at which Ml re-solution.-' of ht-nrt_\` *ru- thanks to the Allnn rnnrncuvu n I | I'nL' I Iuguuupllh. NI) ad l'Ic.o`:sunlluIoehIuuln, 53!; Udld Sloth Idntt Inn no stock to captain: thoonsdhn undo. Attho tjnlmnvnnnlnhtllnnnllinnghldlnm-I old a\-hl- lIH'|l' r("[\rl"Q'YH'[\l I\'l`.`3. s and Ilourlic-r. for r- and uttnntirvns, nnd {unsure do-rivml h_v Ilw d:~Iiuhtl`ul und in- :'B\ C`. elll formed one \'isitinp.: the : return!-d fro kl\.k ...:cI. :9 . [VIE IQKC` Inn Iltnn. rnllovl nn Visitors .\lrs I`. M H. alk- .\I.~n|-illn lint- [(18 of the steamer mu tho und the In lot only `no Plountout But no Suns! Ian 0! (mm In All staunch Tronblu. .. XIYIIAIIINI -AIIIII EEFLT luv uppwr put! III III Iillulllf II Qnoon o. oow ooouphd on o gynnunon. will ho and honeoforbh on on oddluoa to tho noohooleol wahhopo for which -on upocoin noooooory. Tho onoonl donotoi to tho building by tendon! oooiodoo will ho rolondod and pin Into Ibo now gyI~ onion sumo; to ho oroctod. looohul on. hcwovor. will null hovo tho loo 0! tho huouool at tho hrnor gyunulon holid- Iag in which no tho ohowor holho. oto. [THE PINEAPPLE CURE.l U` IICIIP BU CHI XVI UK -IIIE. aoat` (men! of Canada. Mlognphn to tho Tlmonufollovn: "Tho govoruot noon! bu not roccivod III Invitation to the Chi- loollnl. His nootphneo would depend on bl: Oumlian ongngunonlo. I-lo Inch uppnoiuod Ibo nag-and oom- pllnool Sir Wllldd Lnrior In not oomnnnioncd win`: the vohnu anach- Ioa in any way." No INC `lo Lord Illlo. Loxnox. Bopr. 9.--Oopl. Lucollu. nldoo do camp to tho curl of lino. govurnor nonanl 0! Canaan. mhnnnhn In th- .v---uv vn -I-count: zuvzutu Nnw Yonx, Sept 9 -Iodorn oolouoo will probxbly Iooomplilh tho rooovory oi Wnlm Duryoo. thirty yous old. tho non ol Edgu Dnryeo. o wonlthy manufacturer 0! Glen Ooxo L I . Also: 3 long bnltlo Igoinol duhh with neck luohon sod body pOI ll} 8~ 0d. The young nun. who III on obhlou. dlnloootod his spine whllo diving In ohollow unto: om month ago to dny. Phooogrophu ion with the X ny hon rovoolod tho fnclmn. His phyotoiooo bollovo shot by onobhot oponoo hla lilo any nllhnlhely In and. Vllu Accordluubo e deepebeh to the Delly Mail from Bmnaele. Dr W. J. Lsyde. the plenlpoborlary of. the South Alrleen re- public to the European govornmente. doee nob believe there will be In between Green Britain end the Treuovnl, but the Boers null ght no the end. he eeld, il en -oeemps le made on oheir independence. -_- __.... -__ .. -..._....---. -.v vaun- - . . ,, .. on nine effort: to expedite I oetclecnenu." he Cspe Town correspondent: ol the Daily Hell says: There is no doubt than Mr. Schreinor, the Cape premler. end we Alrikender leaders have thrown In their lot with Sir Allrid Mulner. I0 is reported lrom.Bloomfontoin then u Mlloh will he ukeu hhronghonb the Orange Free State to decide whether the government shell re- tnein neat.`-nl or shell eullb the Tune- -nnn-uuvli vvvuvu nniwuu LONDON, Bopb. 9 -'l`ho Cape Town cor- rupondcnt ollho Daily Ohroniolo nu: "lo wu the Tnnnvul unmade nguding the Inunlnby question um caused the Amhndot loader: In Cape Oolooy And the Ornoge Free 80:00 to cool of! promphly. I`ho Tnnovnl bu now resumed I prnohloal bono And the Alrikandern are exerting a supreme ootclomonu. Th: Ann Tn-n onn-nnnnnrlnnn nl mlm IJIIIFI. The Chroniclo avers that lord Salisbury : modorablnz lnilnonco was loin throughout nho council. Thin is exceedingly probable. hub in any can hho cabinet was unanim- ous in favor of Mr. Chamberlain sending a atrong dospabch demanding a categorical inner so the pro ale Sir Alfred Miloor submitted to who loemlontoin conloronco. ponr no. In ls undorotaood bhnh one result ol the ca bluob mooning oohubliebod than hob: Pu-llunono will not be nmmonod. The rescue: will not be called out. Ten thousand troops will be cent to Soubh Alrlcn. A ..-.....---_A-Ll..- ..l LL- A--..-l-L-4I D...- See our assortment of Guns of all kinds. Largest line to choose from in town. DOIIDIJ IIITIUI. A reproeonenhlvo ol the Auoohtod Prou lurna mm 3 coronal y worded doopuoh ha: been sent be the Transvaal. which win he publlohed hero ilnmodiuoly on in delivery uhero. NIL- fIh-....l..I- -..--. AL-L I..-) D-Il.L..--M II F- u eddition to the broops from Indie, 3 brigade 0! Ion: bahuelione of infencry in under orders to stern for Souhh Africa im- medlehely. one from home and three from the Mediherreneen see. A semi-oioiel abehernenh oomee Iron: Pre- torin through` Cape Town. 00 the effect that hhe Trenevenl government her ex- plained to the British diplometlc agent. Uouynhnm Greene. thntlbe luh defpntch nu IDOMID an en nooepbnnoe of ohe propon- odjoino enqnlry Into the franchise quea- oion; in uppurn shun bhe nenoohtion hes become so involved when the Tnmveal government IMO" has beoome confneed. or perhaps {or in own pnrpoaee wished no ep- lllf III, -w ----on - wyxjucuj The app: port of tho building It )n$n n_ not nnnnnhtl an A nunnnmnun LIGHT WEIGHT.` WOOL VESTS Am: DRAWERS, BRITISH TROOPS TO MOVE. AM ACCEPTANCE OF THE PRC- Imperial Oublnot In Ooulon - Oon Pun Inn In in Lou lilo J-solo: had from. on Already--'l'no `tunuvunl Bud Doc: Not Want War, But um III! Indopon. dance. _ Lormox. Sept. 9 --Tho Anglo~'l`nnnvu| aitmaulon to dny noun I more peaceful Anna-IE. 4oc to $2 per Garment. 10 different styles. Nature 0! Iraolun Iovulod xv , n . . POS -D JOINT ENQUIRY. Mitchell's Hardware 1 fan`: Qlx lo lance: A By-mun-. ___A_ _._A -R ALA L_:I.I` Atrllnnoon Oooiod Down. no. on - R WALDRON. Comeasageptle reminder that the fall season is at hand. How! about our to coat? There isagreat deal more to be thought 0 in a oat than cloth. That is the first thought, but what of the lining ? Did you ever stop to think that a difference in lining maltesadifferenoe in the Cost. The Top Coats for fall that we sell are different from ordinary Coats; the are made to ours ial order. You have our word for it, or or $10 I all we t, Whi Cord Top Coat, Italian ining, correctly tai _ in the atest mode. `Other qualities at $6 and $6.50. We give you top notch in quality and rock bottom in Y C CIQIXII IIl\C KIIIIC - Our Shoes are {He correct shape. We have the largest stock to select from. We can t your feet with Shoes and make them Ip- pear small and dainty. ' I\... Chang: - `kg AuA-An` -hQn\Q L`... `h GHILLY MURNINGSWT AND 0001 EVENINGS 'HAlNES & LOCKETT. [Make Your Feet NEW JACKETS S Knbthor NEW JACKETS. NEW "" JACKETS. Very large stocks. Prices low. Fl Combinations, Ir-Quwun-In -In...-a~. uni-ac me u. 0. sum co..; Appear Small. zsc. soc, 35c. 40c. soc. 60"; 75c, 90c- IN EVERY GARMENT. Duck Season Open. Xihl. 7.-Q,IwuIloII: Pltul ttlto : Punt sumo &IKlIIBllII'.IlNIoII- non Loaded Shells, all numbers. Cartrld 5. Be ts. OOUUIIIOIAL. -0 9 Powder, M ATuvcnuuovu. Ahnuthnluadutho uupk-and lb Zion Ptabyutinchuotwululd `us Llihh-'0 punycucdoynltcnouo andhnllghl. Van lulu): ehnnhul ma IIIV. -In -lm nuance I-an--`mu -nu ul It Illur Wu: `"1, IIII cmnpumonury concur! toudontl by the lvh battalion hall to the dnm drew a nty big` crowd Io tho city put Int owning. Tho nutter In nll sun nnnhl A Docltlul Danced. Ahhongh only a couple 0! loan noic0 ol the slut In (inn, Ibo complimentary by 14-5 bnnllm. A 1.... and Itobhod. AI tho Grond Trunk ototion ot ohoot nlno o'clock thlo morning two young lad: Ioro playing. Thoy woro Junoo Pnrtoll. Johnooon uroot. ond Mofvillo Pipo, Onto rio ohoot. Tho hoyo bod o loothor otnp ond Ioro oogogod In ohnrponing tholr jnck hnlvoo on Io. pontory to cutting their nger nnllo. ortoll ooyl ho told Pipo to lo oorolul or ho would cut the !onnor'o With that Pi hit hi: compon- lon on tho right oru. 5:" tho olbow. in- linoloa on ugly wound. Tho young Ind otortod tor tho polioo ototlou to got rovon out o p)liooI| vhonhogot tot B N.A. Ionk oornor ho ohongod hi: mind. and oonthonoavhoro hohodthoonu bond . Tho hlodool tho knlfo ponotrotod through oovorol Inohoool ooh ond oomo vorynooruvoringnnnrtory. IIII Iuuln. IIII Upln nu [XIII polunl lilioo beioro than. and if givontho ro- quirod |"'Pl"II" Ihcy will win out in tho uorioo. Tm championship shit you In on nnolrhln thing In dul with. Hunilton and Toronto lino npid hum: And no going into it to win; everyone know: wlno Onnwn colloao in, and no aha noun that win: the Intel Ohio your will do hard work hogot is. But with bud proot-loo. good nnnngomonh and plenty of hocking Ibo Gnnitoo will low the ohunpionohip homo. Tho gonoo this (All will be well potronlud. no ioobboll mutton In bolng only diocneood. I) WIT IIIU Gllh Ill. KIVIIIK UIIC WIIOII history 0! but trouble. She is I bright, good-looking girl. well connected and hitherto bore 5 Ipotiou ropnnmon. She hols hcnnly hot pouihion and ulcer being placed in tho police coll: aha wopu continu- only. & IIIXI IUVUI UI IWTI VII III III UIIIIIIK shout football Innton. and declared than Klngnonhno Ibonld buck blue unnlton to tho lnluh. Tho Nunbu gnu pouihl HQ balm. Ihnm. and If nivnn Mun ra- DUI. "Bo Thnndny the went down to Wuh- burn to vllili her uncle and Aunt, when Ibo intended to recuperate. There uho Inn Iooaud by police countable Aiken. to when the oonhuod nll, giving the whole hlnnrv nl ha: Irnuhlg Him in I hriohh. EIHIIKIQ Next morning bhe moaher aroee. wrap- ped the body in a napkin and then in paper and hid inn her room. She then wait about her uouai work. but non beiore the had removed all articlea like- ly to betray her. She performed her day'e work and an nigbo hook the parcel containing the body of her baby and Iain the home. Why ebe eenb in to Dr. Bell she does non know. unleulb was because rho knew he wae connected with the inianne home and knew what: to do with Na. Bbe open a day (i anxiety during Monday. no! knowing what: to do with who body. untilrhe hit upon hhe plan which abe carried out. A- 9l`L.._..I-_ .1.` -...A .l--- 5- Il7-.L_ OI nil conuunuu. Llll poo It! It): wuuI.I.| she worked were in ooh: ignorance of it, on were nlen her uncle and not, whom the vieitod regnluly. On Sunday night [no an about ten o'clock her inlnnb wee how. The mother wee IIOIIO end unattended. In consequence of being nnnble bo glve bhe child the proper care nebnre required, hhe poor lnfenb did nct enrvive the shock, Ind died in I few minutes. \!-_L .......l-... 55.. ....-ml.-. gum. --an no uoxu ulung. Polnuo ooonnhlo Alton wu doluilod on tho one and tho public my judgo ol his hoounou whoa loan night he unckod also girl to her hiding plnoo no Wuhhurn. whonoo uho won on Thuroduy. She was brought hook at noon to-dny in company wlhh tho polloo oomnhlo. Prior to hot do parouro from tho ole she was employed on u dolnoqbio no n no duuco on Earl ahroot. Hot IN)! is to tho ooov that undo: pro- nlno of nun-logo the was lod sonny. The young mun. I prouman. hroko hlth with hot And loft: the clay. When she found out the condmon rho use in tho visited a phyulolnn and volun moored ho undorzo an opontion but the phyololon would nob do unyohing for her and dluouudod but to glvo up much an idea. on it mount: the sacrifice ol hot Me. U.` -I...l- Ah! -5- annual! Mgr nnnnnh fhnt. II II manna Du! Ilcucc ul uvr Iuo. Bo oloooly did she guard but secret um. noon uvo herself and bbe one whom lb! loved not wisely but boo well wore IIIIO 0! hot oondlbion. The pooko tor whom -1..- _....L.A _... in mm. {nan-nnnn nl loll]: ll) Lanna Inc In the loan: at the Dual nuns. II II: tsltuliyinp nod ntmoonoblnt nnrdu will on. The old ndago had tactic onupmloubion Int owning they nnllnn mnnmhln Aikan nlnmd nndlr aoat Il|0\'o2II' III-plluuulon new IVIIHIIK wuuy iioe ooneceble Aiken pleoed gander ethie Sly, 3 pretty little loee at nine-. teen nnunen. charged with the douh oi her new! born iniont. Tho bringing to light the baby : doetb and ihe finding its way to the eqrgery oi Dr. Bell on will lreeb In the memory of the public. The oorooer e inqneee over the remeine wee nob oonoleded. e postponement lnving been land upon` in otdet to eppuhend. if pol- eihle. the uaoohet oi bheinieuo. She will eppeer before the jury Mondey night on line next eilling. Palm: nnnnnhln Aiknn Ill dehiled Ilnonld but `u Onnltu. A loan] lover ol upon was to dny hulking nhnnh Innllinll nulls-Q. and damlgrnd hhnn room no: M73?Hen. -- uxn iii. 2! I |:.::'.::..=.:~.'..-.I-.""-* ' -uj-wu-:.U:j Throcxll I mistake the nature of Ihr dunno lrom whirl! a bone ro- tunly died on an (arm quite near |\"in(son. was not disrovand until two dgw nltennriln. The run: nl the nnilmlin dt-nth was nnllrux. ab- milat In eovuumption. and which cunts dldtlt its that unit - tour bouts. niotnh in run an o urrinuu on tho boqv Into hora lvlrnpd in-lint o pntvnt the thrust trou- ol Oh hr-. ylrvtvlt HD out hrs. nn. nxuww I uuciuuul round I! III $V~ align an and mod: no non ulhblo huunony ol in money to cope with nod ounthb dinnno an lhl not onlnoni divix an In. W. E. Without. Inho- I635!` lay Illa and I'll! Inn on Doctrinal fouls. In In Join land In Ila- 31!!) h Producing Ila VII-Inca at Dr. Acton`: Ihlonml PODCOI. Court. lbs! dread ncuooo to humanity, much tho high. the luv, Ibo rich. the El . the btrnod sud tho illitento, bu . Agni`: Ouanlnl Povdot in :50 our nuns can Anal hand: an nan. uuuuununj. uuwuuug III Iona! way X` from his uolhc. Ho w'ouId not annular]. and run khan inln Wgl-0.5 |oooIno|od.|nd wu taken into Wnlotfn -tn-clot until his annual nluin can hand up. ICI'VIVT- A little child dl-and In 1 blue unit with Na yachting esp. gm loci on the nukol thin naming. knowing in some way no nunhd from M: nnlhn. Rn wimld nnb -'TI IJUKIIIIIIU i`U(' II In uC0"~ Dr. Georgi F. Emotion. dental Ipocin|- iu. Boston, was drowned nut lloorehnd. Inloo. on Thlndny. Decca.-ed In any iwoycnn of age. Hovu hornlnfbnr lov\ownahlp. sud chdiod in the oioo ol ILA Inhn I, ahj Anguilla A -11- CIWIIIIIIV. Ill UICIIIIII Ill U"? UKHX IUV DI the Inc Dr. Gilbci. Bollovillo. A wih survivor. A Iinnlg ALMA Ann...) I. - LI_- ...:L _.lAI. IIIIITTJIIB IYIUIIUU HUI !- Moyor Rym bu rotoivod 3 letter from Sir Willrid Lnurlor. stating that Ito will be nubh to come to Kingston on Tnuday to open tho hir hon. Tho honot will full to we Ilnyot bimsoll, who will Inn the Hon- hcnl Highland adorn u an escort. Dr, (Inn:-on I Rmnrum dnnhnl -nu-inl. IIUI. B. U- -IIECHUII. Hubert D. l`o:d a half tutor Louiro won the nee 0! no: clue at the nnnnnl regatta of ob White Bear yacht nlub, Minneapo- lis. Hlnr. Hr. I'm-d in n lm-mar Kimnrnn. '7! III"! VVIIICU D?!` yI0lJU lllll, DIIIIDQIPCF Iio. liar. Ilr. lord in a former Kingston- inn And hi: vietorv (Viva: nlnum-u hn hi: III` CHIS`. 1| . IUTII II I IUTTCT IXIIIKIKUKI` in And hi: victory gin: plounro no hit numerous Moods hue. Kl--.._ D--- L-- -..-:....l _ I-L.._ l_.__ IIIU Ill DIIHOIIK Cornwall in no build a new general hoe- piul. HcKol voy & Birch. 0! thin clay, have second blue comm-0 lor honing Ind plumbing In is a $7,000 job. The King- nhon rm In to be congnbulstod on its so Iororiso. School duya an hon. B I no the cbl|dnn'I eyes? Do hhoy pain on 3 Can they see the blackboard dlaninctly. Bung nhem to In and we will oxunino their oyea free and toll you it obey raqniro glance or no]. E. (7. Hltchall. VVIlCl'|lly [TOT .2011! -TUII D0 rlcuon. John Collins, a tailor, Nutty-vo you: old. aupposod ho ht from Unica. Ill kill- ed by John Browahor. I tuner. in a tight only this morning in In our: aide resour- auh in Buklo. IVA-_-._II I- ha L...2I.I - _-- ..._....I L`. WUTII UVTPKII. UKIKITU IITKIL Onllod at Craig : what to dny : Steamer Alexandria lrom Montreal; steamer Lsko Michigan from Hamilton : ncocmbugo Wnotlily from Montreal no Picuon. Jnhn (`.4-nllinn A an-flnr hh| Ingr- lull XVUII CIIIIIIEJ up. Saventy-raven cues of yellow {over In seven deaths in the record than hr no oy Won. The weather in proploioun for the spread of the discus. W- V llama, nuunnnanp uihh him K h 0| DIN` IWUIU 0| VIID uYlI"o 8' V. Moon, mo-longer with the K. & P. nilwny. has resigned to accept: poni- Iion in no oicn ot the Ontario powder works company. Ontario Itrooh. nnllnrl 1| nPniD l Ihnrl In dun - Hfnnmnr uulu uuuugu. Another urionn can of table: In: de- vulopod in Erie county. bhia aims at Ema Lnncusuor. Slxveou dogs have been ehob and seven chained up. Haventmpnvnn tune: of valloi lnvnr WT`! III IIIIU Ullya Miu Flo Cnrnoveky, Wollingbon attach, lulu on the noon trsin ho duy lor Obbnwn, when tho will amend the Presbyterian ladies college. Annhlnr nan-inn: nnnn nf rnhlan In: (In. UuVlV.illll.i|m J. Maclood. Itowu-d Ah the Dor- chozto: penitenoiu-y. will leave for the out: to Inorrow door nponding I couple of week: in we city. Min Fln u-nmnkv_ Wnllinnhnn urn-nah. Ill]! IUUUIIIK 0! V IIJDOKII IllUIUI'U- Putnam Taylor. wnnbod In Chicago on u uhu-go of killing 1 mun on August: 30th, In: arrested uh Bomoahond. Pm. bodny. Dritnhnn-A Mnrnnn II D hug hnnn nu-and WII IITUUUWI III ROTC-XIII. KI-. VIII,- Pritchsrd Morgan. M.P.. has been urged by the Chinese nnbhorioioa to hurry hr- uurd hi: development schemes in Szo Chlllll. IIIHII.-n 1 Il-nI-.uI -5...-u--A -6. 65.; ha- HO! l'Ul-(D11 WI IHIU VIII]. The by-law to loan 810.000 to the Kon- aiugton furniture company In: carried in Godorich by 3 uujoriuy of 187. A hnn.mmr.nlrI nnn nf nnu-an Tnl-nor. WIT!" Illu `VII! QCIIUCU U0 Ullll. J. W. Fnliok. proprietor of the Windsor babel. bu obtained an option on the lowing ol Vicooria thonhro. Pnhnnrn Tnvlnn rnntgd In Chiman on Illllll IUIlfICUlVOly IOW. Oommoxcial travellers no scarce in the oiuy hhia week. They are nearly lull}- ooodlng tube lune hill. {lacuna R nnmnhnn hrnrmllina lnr An main "D5 |.I"` l.II"u George B. Oomphon. travelling for In Obbun boot and shoe rm for some wash. has returned no the ciuy. `Flu: hv.Inm n Innn {I0 (HY) tn uh. Ran. UOUUTIUU By I IIJIJUTIUY Ul ID]- A two-you-~old non of George Turner. Wulkervlllo, lull inbo a pan 0! boiling want and was nodded be death. T In II'__l:-L ........_zl-b.n.. A0 6.5.. Olive oil And cucumber Io|p-boIb ulna ever rhown-3 cakes (or 101301. E. 0. ll lt-I.`lI lll In pncu. Brownie and name union for little {ol- Iovn. Hue u look so our New York nylon. Grand Union. 8. V. Campbell, of Campbell Bx-oa.. bu returned nfoer hnvigg visited Toronbo and ohhor western cihiel -s...J..uu gin lulu. I]-and IT-uh-an nluilol-an . coon. Andrew Carnegie. it: It add, will be the nut libenl candidate for 8ubhorhnd- shire. nn... `H `-3 .._._-.I... ....n L.-O. -In`-IA UK lllU' UV I Mitchell. D4`; in EIIOIIIII. Rico is needed In order to food the [Amino nzrlckon people. In In now ndvnnc in; In prica. Rmwnin and vantnn unit: for little fal- OM30!` WOIIJCHJ OIDIGI. Bubmdsy at the Grand Union, children : suite nhhnctlvoly low. flmmmmninl mrmnnllnrn Am momma In hhn 1- ll. DIILIUII lvllluuvu sun: I.u'uu IIUIII Toronto. George Oli` and wife have returned from Toronto. Aldermen Toye received I on load of banana to-dny. `I :-n Rrlhhh unihhlnn nilnd [mm Hnlnr KIND Jlfl. 4. - Zl|3UIlUllo Ilia Jouio lilopklrk. Ohhun, ll vinilziug nfnivu on Clergy nun. Rn-nunln nnd vutnn nnih. $2.50. 83. UPIIIU UIIIK, LIZ KFIIIXOI IUIXIL Soo the lugs bowls of good perfume we no showing for 250. E. C. Mitchell. W Him: was an -nrk tn dnv uh tha fair OX IIIOWIDK I01 300- E. U. .IIll|lDllU||. W. She: was no work to day :0 the fair gronndu putting up Iddihionnl deconoionu. Annhlonnnr Mill: nnld hum horn`: of the UIIGI PIIIWIDK up IIIIJIUIUIIII UGCUIIDIUIII. Auctioneer llille eold two bone`: 0! block` this morning, realizing 825 end (18 cash, U-fut nut ----u- A (main: lobe. Brownies. lm vichog. 5 J. . rel Tn:-add n remnvu on Ulergy Iurou. Brownie end veltee unite. $2.50. 33. Grand Union, 122 Prinoeu street. an Mm Inrnn hntuln nl nnnd nnrlnrna in