Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Sep 1899, p. 6

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Every Success Has Its imitators. I`l'_V I`! ~`{ll|lI Illll l`nmpl\a~ll ham` Ilw mnmunilr. H:-\ .lI L... u.--mIsu l'hur|0.-A 1 nllvmlml Inlv Jullll mm. TIN` he fur llwu` I `dun the .1 .. n. ms Ill mu- \m. .-\HQ`l` (uuk lu-nrl- lhu,_\`m|Iu: slnppvr in` hi` "\\illiIu:' Inn lln:\l`\` II l\(P" hu m :3" hnnm Nul- mulvh |Il:u`t`. In nnn For sale by all druggists. Large bottles 60, trial size 25c \\ Q`TI' Ihll I-Illa I.`.~.\._ T 1 Z .I.\.F__` `.0!-'0: cl I Iulwwripnll It It I Non-ht do-an`! tank every line Iobapokvntmilhuoniglthnthob duck in. `Ho may it afn at um-3 `.:wK.;ImM' __ 1` .__, ` ` ` -.\IIT\II IUIBIIPT. 0! writ th ridor who Inuit: Ila eyrhuor breaks the Node ncu~L- \ Phlladolplia Reveal. lo - u.....n.- .-..,._-~- ---A- ---~ -- um I llI'I`I!I~ Itsyem an a time any: this year. but the Non girl: are as door u not. -NIII 0O Rustler. 15. .___..__ .3.` _.n,_ (n - -- J All Hey:-In n;aIr than thou! and pudurr-I time at at ntn.-Bodin t.\hl.o llenld. ln-__n__ A__ _ nu. n .-- yuvan. William Waldorf Astor rs-not-ed his eitixouhip lo lngland. but he will prob nbly mminno his real estate iurrstmonu in New York city. Even Eutlish dukes and earls have I-we known to draw divi- mls (mm pnvpcrtv in the Ulild RI. vu nut in nun.-I|.-\ u`II'IIlIIl I uun I'I`IlCl'. ll us an I-Inglithmun who mot the trnnlble to up-no William \\'nl.lurf As- tor`: sham n-noalnxy. The Anwrirnn pn-xx vrhirh he no dmplsec. nrwr did him such an in mm as that.--BInlo lu- The English paper: an having a lot of mu with thvir new Jnhnnkx And they liko luvs! of all In quote what the Ynukw jnurnaln ny about nur priwf ovvr lasing \\"x1lio \\ n|ulorf.-l`lm`v-laud Plain Dulor. In mm. -.. l\....n-L_..... __L. .,_g .n, Tho Prince of Walt: says William Waldorf Astor bore: him. This alumni vnlitlu the prince lo the glory ot .-\m-ri- un ciliuwx.-hip`--(`hlrngo 'l`inwa-llu~r:\|u|. Mr. W. W. &\F:0l"I poqlignv. for which he paid so much. was I take after all. .-\vvl yvt all the pnlimroc in llw world ` woulaluft make a man of him.-Allauu Cunslimllon 7... u\ .- . QIII. The Windsor Barker Co. llhllnm I II. IIIII IIUVDHJO CLU'1`lIl.\'G and GENTS` FUR- NISHINGS. .-._--.-.. _--v - 7-- _ - - --.-_ .-. ._._. -.-. - ..- -uvvvu `nu! uuvvuus ow nun Iv: \ulU\o II|UIl\lIio 'Tis true that the Coupon System has been abused by some merchants who have given Coupon, to credit customers ; but this is not the fault ofthe system. A pair of so ales is not to blama if a men- chant places an ounce weight in the scoop before weighing his produce.. Even if the Coupon Business should fail t morrow. the holder of a book would lose nothing. as he or she would have obtained value for theqzrnon.-y expended ; if not, it would be buyers own fault. A eavihg of 3 per cent. is I effected by. lecting Coupons. By obtaining cash for your lled book you may procure the article which you most need. rn n I . I 4-a _. VI IJIIIIJUII BOOTS Ind SHOES. A. Abernethy. H. Jonnings. W. Gourd or. DRUGOIST and CIIEMIST. Fred. W. Sills. CAKES and PASTRY. '1" D I`- _.u....-|.- U I \ IIIJIIDQ Wnddingttsln Bron, Juuca Dlakey. Anderson Broe., Janna MrCulla. J. Haffuer. I\:\:\UI\n I nvirxv-an By the cries of those merchants who claim that Ctsh Coupon busimss is I fr m]. It is founded upon a business principle, that at cash discount. It is nrecognized fact that the mm who cmo puy Cash for his goods can buy cheaper than he who asks credit. Every one who knows anything about business understands this. If Mrs. Jones can pay Cash Dr her purchases she is entitled to morg merchandise for one dollar than is Mrs. Smith who allows her account to run for three months. III ..| I! I` A """" _{_c-ail;>'vv-i;:;;`n'1amed merchants have Coupons. Coupons : i==DON"I` BE DECEWED; U11 l\ Ihk) Ill '1`. R. Cnrnovsky. !Y.1)'I`llI\'l1 ....| I .I lA\lL\I\Jl\I Lllhl D. A`. Weeso J1 Co. BUTCIIIS RS. \IY-..l..l2..-A.._ I')_.-- I_... ENGLAND'S NEW PRIZE. THE nuvu. Tnmlm 3EAuTm TIRE buncrunss. ` PIIOTOG RAPHEBS. \l]_-.... n. 11,. AVOID SU BSTITUT ION. All Books Payable at l'lardy s Dry Goods Store. The largest and handsomcst Range made, it bakes perfect with less fuql than any range in the market. Ask for the HAPPY HOME HAPPY HOME RANGE, ! Spence & 00.. lhrdy & Co.. Crum- loy Bros. ' FAQCY GOODS. CHINA and I . `~35 " GLASSWARE. I Q I` I'VI.__I_. Co.-I AJVVDIJ (V Ulumnnv. R. D. Baker. DRY GOODS. Crumloy Br::a.. Hardy & Co. mum Y hvhulu ouvqnuunu vIdI:|...WoIhhk yhuwulll enjoy It fhuhhllhdwitluvldoundpnuy dulnlnhnlhnvo think would In- Iuuiyu, Yonwilluobtunhlllopu-~ OI Quad h I ma |nIll.C&3'PM.m.I:qI.. gm Yuan. In-.. T_.If`.Hai'risonCo. * UIJGU` Cbules. IV` COAL sud WOOD. B00) (Q 00. I n nuvnnvp VIIIILIIUJ Iilyug -l.IIII\I Funa` Goo. um. 83 Co. IIIII c\9lah Howlnnd Bron. E. P. Jenkins &| IIB [U \.IUs MILL] NERY. C. (L. Il-...l.. I. I` Give them a call ; pay spot cash, and demand IARLD Ill UH I'D. Goo. Mills & Co.. E. P. Jo: .& Co.. Howlnnd Bros. MEROIIANT TAILORS, 3 'mm..... I.....I..... n_..|.....| I 39 IJIICUIIUIII GROOERIEB. Junos Mvculln. J. Ilslligun & 03.. T. J. Lonhy. Anderson Bram. E. W. Mullen. W. I1. Keene. T. R. Cunov sky. B. MrCaroy. W. H. Clark. Mn. Pu-kin. Hi.-o Webb. '1`. A. Oatlor. [FATE -...l nn DD H u\ no lull ul\{UUl|D. J. Hnigsn .2 Co.. T. J. Lnhy. n 151. _g53|ANoIe;'~ lhvhn; Inn A1311! Innuunanu-nun A\lI.`AI\Ullo'\l\ 1 LAIIJUIKD` Thoma Imnlwrt. llowlnncl Drol. \\)l\H.`n _..g r nnvnnu HARDWARE. A. Slnohun. I1 I\I\I\'3"\IllI befoI'0PI||'h35i- JIIIDB Lllll lK`flg IIUWIIHH WINES sud LIQUOBS. Ila";-onus (~f`\ W` I 1.-.]. ultra vvvuu, 1. n. U! IIAT8 und OA PS \ IIZII- I. I`- I3 I ! \JI"| I CD. P. Jenkins To Our New Promises at the Old Stand. X30 u.-u Illuhotulu Oahu. `tomato. on. j u.a.uu....a:w 1.3.` Iuutuunn. :o;;'I-';.,nAvI O tom-umu-. lacuna. L %%%tu%s-iI&Iiil'ia7?'" Imam. mun. ` IlITAiiOHlAIl8'1': " pk INFANTS And Invmna. 'fVu1 uulhlly pnpnrd ad hwly nui- ' Ihus"-l.aNcn. ' Kqully Iuluhlo Io lunlldl And Old People. V Nwncu. NAIBAIIII iwia 9:3 Dhajoruuliuukrn mu. -. 3.. 7 -. i~_|,-:v-._a-_- __. REMOVED. rII"&3.to'1-afnaon 50 Can`; DA M--1--T--------------- rxrm1'ruu no Lama.`-Inn. -_..4.--_ _ "ICIIIFIN Id! 30 HI 1 . mum and 3&3 PoI:o::: . 0 ` I M (Sn L, CLHDIAH II I`: Iliotluoudsunntnnml Iluuvcu-lovuun DA f\l1\ nu um I n; ruwnu." M on A Cannon. NJ). , . II OI` u "31 \\\lv-u\InLI N Ins Halo Ann ulwuu-rim um. .\lr l`n3er~ muuhv-r nwulwe cu (hf lhrw M his [rmudn Ilw av-tin` sin! in In` .\inu\|o\ and llunu-h llw dual mu vutunv nmlrul cu` II nullumu gxuuwt NI (0 Iim. II an all nndvrnluoql that unit! cart)` nut mo nislsat nl thrdunnr. 3: wk. Inunnv ruulcl lnws hm ullnlluwnl with mme In lI\uI1|sC hm: nr make Mm nfmid IN! `N was fuutnd that lhon us In lmlo in lh \\'hII`h. at lhniol IF`t`um- nrll on-o um. um could ulnu) I (`oath and sit Invite lhrmwh-sn nnnlhor Ell hm! In he IUrI\\'\ and lhhh` is h~r\ lunlr alum: I'M! it \\;n III lint I`:\\\~r\\s~uIk~\r`.I |m\\nud-on in Ininc In Ivan tho law in wt..- diq-nillnn at big: mmw-_\* mu hnumhl am his audition doc-Ch nu.- law mlnmt-r In auxin. nnvrnl .\`u-\\ an L. Wmulhw-cl. h-luncs to IM- Nlnl rm that has chart!` ut the l\w-r\\nIh.\g Into. 1100 Ram! wt- rinc so tar Dun-0 nurhod $1130.!!!` and lie can is varied In In n- nll about IN time ol the MIME`:- Ikvn ol lurk 1V:uin`n last hunt. a hunched nu: have; that note basins ol Ir. l\Tcrvnnl `an al- _ ,,, ;2,i-,A__ IU|I`f\` I! `'``r' I In rrum-am. - .\'-\\` \'urk is nut n-.ml_\ exrnal An ex;-luxticm Iluu \\uulIl Shula` a country tmxn like um mruuumlc-. m N9'\\` York \\nuld .-x`nn`o|_\' Lo natural- as . pnpmlu. Ye-l llw ummnnx`wm~m M` NH` ulll Iunnrfu dauh dud mu` Hnlhzuu A mild ~l`nSuhuI\ \\ V`.-`ll at mu um!-r~ Hurt M haul la-N nowml uuilliuns nt dnllnrs In-mud him and (hut hm wlnlnwa luul llnl pr. lihil me |-onn_\ In the I.-urllow ulxl nnsI~r`n iurlnuc`. but Im haul In`! it all In rullqxwa and r|\I|rrl."=, IIl\I_\` nunkmg an imIim~n~nI |\ru\|.\Iq\n for Ins puur nhl xule. Iurrutlimr that than wv-rv any aurh lhlnus a-= ulmwr nrtn Tlwn. Inmm. In Ihv hunt M ll Halo 0! New \ nrk. a man mm nut lu~ on rh.\ru_\` mun` than \\\uHhInLn nt Ins mule lhnr |||C`n\nrin- thug \IA Ir-n nnru un 0' IN!` S(\` dl`I"l\0l|"\ ` ` `Y.;IMln II-(`Jung II|owI_\'. mm: "N|Inuo'. did live mur hear how ,. mum in (`hlcmro made . tortum ol in million of dol- lura 1"` No. Dan. I now: did." said Nun. "Now, il I should tell H100, would that over tell anyone else?" "Oh. no. Don; not on your lilo. \\'oll. Smnuol. that mun in (`liirnvu mode a million of dollars by mind- inn Ma o\\n lmsinosa." Smu made n mall. for ho was lx-Mun. M was the next day after $nm'a interview with Old Dan that nous touched the nwmnn that old Ihn Fu'oI-weather was dead. A sort ol mlld nurnrlao was amen amount the old Ibnixena 0` the tun _\`iIr1l.I. \\hn lmd knmwi Old llnn all ol is lilo. and alumna whom existed in tradition lhnl no dmd tanner should luck in clristinn hm-lnl. The aoriety was in \-er) old one nnd it non-r nu-t M- mpt \\-hon .\ mnmlxer dlod. oml only lhon to am that pro;-or n-lirions rilm xwro pnid to the momlu~r`s Int`lll0l`_\'. `That living done. this 9 rioty rm to its rooms. honrmg lnoloro "will u .-mmll lmt \vr)' -\lI\`iun| llun. mode ol the llnml 'l'\irkish ino- nwro On It Wm: lusrriluul lho into u\`wt_\"s urminimliun and un- dnrnnnlh Ilun nnnln. r\.\ulIlu(. .\o\\, mun. ulu. "lIn\\' is it, u humlrml thuusnnd. I-Il`A' is that about right. (Mr! lN\n`.' Now if lhorv wus unythhuz on this oarlh nld Dun I-`u\\-rwmiher nhmnim\.loI. it was tho vuhtnr l`nmllia\ril_\' 0! this name hour kmpor. who insisted on culling ponpll with whom ho Imd only the slinhn-M ncquuintnnce. '1`:-d, llarry and Jack. Old Dan Fa\\`vr\\m- lhor lnukud ur [rum his pm-~r. and nrmking nlmu-3'. mid: "Smnuoh did u `an onnr hnnr I\nn- ,. II\nI\ in l`I\h~.\.y.\ Ill! 0! 0|` "URI. Fm mm morning .\`u_m xwm down` In old l.lnn'n slum ml ho tnuml him sittilm all the door rwuling lhc Iwwa. -`mu thrmhod ulmut (or sumo Hum uml M. lust auid Dun I-`n_\m~ \\ oall.\\r. tulks ulmut here any you Arn I-irh " I`Iu\ nlul n...n L-nnl -\I\ V.-at 1.1-r. l`l\ IUIKIN rirh uulcr l|lI0 um llelmllmrs used In won- der huw ultl Dun ll\`\'ur\\`|~ullwr li\\-4|. Sumo u! the knmxinpx um; said he was rich. Then vmno lhv question, How dial he mnko his nmIm_\' `.' and Smn "ll!-`H. \\hu km! the Saloon on the corner. mid ht-`I Rind out or must. .\`n nun ...n-min. \`..... ... \\'nvn no urrlwa. \ var in mul your nut .l|u*I`1` was um clmmzv. Uno day was just likv liw other and tho neiuhlmrs used tn dl` hn\\' nlll Hun I~`n\-urn-.\..IImr u mu an-u-x_\' 3 urcunmun lurnonlh lhr umnu Nuthlmz like lnuu-r. Mnnnw mukm the mam. \\'nm as! it Ihv fe~llm\~, .-'\ml all Iho rim! is In I`:-mu-Ila. \u \\nul nnnlrv Inun Iilm ..n .\..-1 N.Ul`ll'L\' Ul ITIPIIUI. "l`hor1- nuuxr smnmtl to In much ucti\'it_\' nlmm. the huusv. Tllunms Monks. Hm Imukknmvr, urriwtl M 1019- shop hen the hands uf thv Muck nn llw vil_\ hull uoru an thv hour uf now-n. wlu-n hcw louk I|u\\n tho shmlorn. und SN at lurgxo ultl urmrhnir m-ur thv lunr. Sn us In hmo it remix` fur Mr. I-`uyvrwmllmr wlwn he urrivvd. Vn-pr in nlul I'(u|r ....o II..u~.. ....\.: ...\ lllI pnruuuu uuy to race II we rum- or: of revolutlons throughout South Aluerlcn. `lrom (`ape Mom to lhmil. was llkoly to aect the prlco ul hldon. For old the Lumer and currlc-r. l`ud made his money In hides nml Icutlwr mud hln ezluro was in the amnnp, which had been the l`omo and alhitlllut plan) fur l lllu ` an-ornl yzeneraliuus nl' Iunm-rs. non rnllmvlng the husilwsa of un- nnhor wltluout um ls-sire ul rlmmro. 'l`huunh hruluzht up in llm s\\-um;-. old` Dun ||\}`ur\\`m\tlIur lmd nu tri:-nds. uml this wun mom roumrk- uhlws [rum the fuel that ho Q|"t\`ll`(l Ilw qunkor dress. and il he had um In:-liot \\`hnlo\`or. it lvmul lu lhu sm`l(\L\' 0! friends. 'I`|\nIv| n.\\ .u~ .`.........I I .. I .. .....|. Dan I-`u_\'er\\'en.t her. ` Iruuiuuu uaUUII$l'tII'I'IIIUII'I `IWIIII loan an -low 1:. IIIIOUOAIIII D I- vlillollhto-IIO Olnloo Io Ind Iuloclhll 000$. Ion hind (mlul Oornspaulonoo. umrno. mm New York. Sept. 8.--I-`or may or mty your: old Dun l~`n'ur\\-mlher sat in the doorway or his store in the uwgmpl und conned over the mm-s (.f .010 previous day to see if the run.- orn of nu-nlutinnn Ihrnmrhum snmh | on msaa _v_u_ni nnuuusxl mot ivonruuuv umnmo ms own uunuuu. ` T._"`.!,`.`!* -_ fl: nail of on Payer- '& 1 j snonnnm, usmsn.| 3 H00! ll(`I`!.` _\'|I|I l`ho uld Illnll kvm nn H." Bald. Sum. "hn\\' Vrnal Qhnnunvnl I-`I-. I in It` H`IlI\\\'. is lnsthrr and llllll Ill! 9 - i ; ms lIl'Ill l'||I`l`Ilul\1 lur up hating: um of the urr \\u|| ruauuwnrr in n fmx dm-s Imr fuulw In-llvr. Mrs 1` hut. in Run \*rr\~ lsutv \n unnum- Iinn nnnr and tn-I mill has stollml at Iirnu-rs N Hrr and J. Fushor haw nish:-4| whim hay un Jun-ssh ll .\lumIn~ll`.< Nun-. Mr and Mrs. J \mbr sq:-nt last Sunrhx at |\-try hm. Hailing Mr: J kouuy Mr and Mrs Ruhon \m|rr<--u spent tuur db!` at `W. .\m`IH'mn`s_ Smith`: Falls. Inn `wok. Imus: Iublhos Wnnhhuru. >`<~1\t >1 --I:o~unn` And Roll has purfhavwi mm p! the tin: turning lmrws III the` hmu .\l Jo.-I:`|~h llnrhu`un`k vs homo nfl s|h\ndin Q :14. in lnwn uh I sishw`. and is nmrh nnprnvod health Th!` Imrdvn |\vrI_\` ul I.nIu:\\ iIh |\n-mus-ea tn Ive a sum`:- R. nuktv has tmmd an mm `mm- Mc luv-In ow-rnhunn fur lhr Inks nu! nf Ihdu urn \\nlI -n.nm.....-.. .'.. Ill` mun srnu h\h`NI tn Im\n`V\ l`l\\`1'1II`d In an n lmht-I hmtvru. I lbw` vwrim: rrn\\ :1 IY`lVI.\|lN`(I HI II In!` l"" H` ht` su luv The lnnlx srhulur '.\lh~-u. on ......|. on... .\llH|!`IIHII`H ||lll\l.\llQ`(I {I1mw- unvr Iho um lnlluul a |nu_v\- rwl .\|mu. awry srh-ml um. um! sonar 1 `.-L..- " u I...I; .. .,... .._.. ._. `V, lit S ta `I. vukvcul I01` Uitt IlI'Is Boys and girls 0! this am` lind the mml ut |c\\rnimt much smoother and plmsnmvr than lid their lorofmh- era. A hllmln-d yours nun the fn\`ur- ilo lo m Almost (`Va-r`\` fumil_\ us --h`mr:- the rud and spoil thu child. .\ mw hula nr hunch ul hirvh huuu nwr thu mantel sh:-It in mum: hmmw. In ho us:-1| mum the [mm 0! llw fmml_\. lhv usual rulv hmm: that n \\lnmuuu nl srhuml mus! luv fI)lln\\`HI in mm at lmnw 'l`husu- given M srlmul xx :-rv lI.~`II.nll_\ lhv mun` scum` In nmm` uh! .\`I`hm\l.\` lhv hirvh Imrw" Is pn~so~r\wI us an vnrimiI_\~--n hmh \\muIt`n traum- . like n uuhllv-. un \\'hu`h lhv dvhnugmml new .-urn;-pa-I um! rwm\- ml his ln.~Iw\* Ihrls. as \\vl| l\.'i Isms, wrm \\hu-In-I an the` "u\r;uImnios lnr uhu un\ulr_\ ` u humirmi _\mrx nun II! Iunr Iullulxhnnunlnl u 0 |\.u n ...b\.uu...... ucrunmx was a u-rrmle s llmno and tho thunder on dmndml roll. than lasted n as! am hnnr. slmkimr ourlh ml The rim" nu-vv-r was so rlmn. Pnliliu-I urn nattinn I|nnv~q\ nu \t-Inn`. .\.~a smm as nll that was mortal of .\l9\nm|i-r 'l\Irmw .\`t\\\ urt was laid in Hui vault. the iiuluo put his SOIIR In vhnrmn n! Iho Inmzinoss. Then tho |Iuhli(` was infornu-I that tho hlIsi- nc-ss was In-im: run by tho Hilmns. '|`hnt l\Y\llu|Ill(`(`|IIl`lIl was its tlvath knell. ll ulIl_\' tuuk .3 fvw (|a5'.\` to sim him up. Tlwn ho was liko Mc- Hinlv at the hollom 0! 1h sou : An` luv -4 him: Hwrv _\'M, An` ha-`s lvliur thorv xiii. )\n' his clothes is \-vry wot. I-`nr 1\lcHim_\a at tho lmuom 0! mo say. Simdnx night was one of tho nmst. terric storms of rain. llmndvr and Iinvhlnimr that .\'i\w Ynrk hm: (`X- II`l`il`ll(`l`1' lnr l\\ iM_\' _\`om`a. This liuhlnimr was Ii-rrihle sheet n! llnmn nnrl Ihn OI-nnnalnr nun ';\I\kD nno nvv nu-wr rlmn. l`nli!ic.- urn` coiling: more and more llli7((`d with tho zmssinu In,\'.-I. It is nut snfo to \`:`nlHr1' nu upininn nu nn\'!him: or :m\'lml\'. The-n-'3 n0 mum mm` 10 do hm drill. __llI)l\AhnDI\l sumlm no son! wura In ms nu: nun-I, "M; Joxxs lll`(`d nm>l_\'," and they (Iidn'l. hm lhvy tnukn sweet ro- wnxn-. \u u.\..n no nll oI...o u-.... .......o..I ..n ur x~'I:qIIl'.~uul` III [III Ln!` -`U'\\'ul`l Hill- limits in mm of >`uru\m,Lzu's nuu:ni- lin-ut hulols. mid while he livvd h~ IHllul`l| In Al;-xumlor l`urm\\' Hlowurl. hut which was Lrnllu-rml into unim- I|iltnn'.~a plolhuniv suck with millions mun` nml mhvr Inn-onsidvrml lrillos. l`l:-lily n! has pnm` Irish rt`|-uliulm turned up. but thvru was nothing lv. Jlltluv Ililtnn haul nll. After he I-`It himsq-If safe in the mnhlln hn mm u-urd Ia\ hiu hi... I...o..I Il`H. -IIINLW` IIIIYHII INHI IHI. smhllu` he sent wurd In his hi ; hotel, "Nu .la\\\R nnnnl nnnlv '" nncl lhnr HQ` |[\`IIl l'_\ (Hlwr punn \oIl"n\ rulllnlllnl owr ulnulru, re.-usln-ssI_\` Iu _'l1`l`lIll_\`. lust um-Ix Ihu wutvhors am! by the In-d.~'iIo uf Ill!` dying .\`tu\\`nrl inlu~riv- or :~1.-qllt-stur 0! all the .\`tn\\`urt nul- liunn in nnn nl .\`nrnhuvu'u Inn.vni_ V V" -""'. ""' lot Heohol. II end {her line. The onfyphmouiue outoe in lhhrio. Bowueo! ` For M] Qenionhn qaply The Keeley Institute. ' `susterheet-|eSt..Tereeto. art. - "Great. God." he cried. "I'm blind. I cannot see," he cried. in hopeless uu`on,}', un he` fell back on the pillow or oidordown. Too Into! Too Intel 1 Too kite" ! 2 ! What did the dying niillionuire mean by saying (on line? What vm'a weighing on his mind just at that supremo lll()- ment. when Time wus S\ll`l`?h(ll`l`lIlK its claim to the dopnrtimz soul und eternity was waiting to n|(`ul\`e the trm-ollor and - '10 pilot it uh that lremmldous jnIIrno_\'. to which there is no mm `P No nmnrncrs in. the nu- inm man's ' iwdsidi-, no weeping friends or expectant rclmivea-onl.\' one man except the scrvuuts \\'n.~4 in then, und he Blood ut tho foul, of the hed winchimt the slrllinzles of the (L\im: mun growing fuintcr nmi fainter no the tic-rco tide of Ii-(us lluued s\\iI`ll_\' nnxurrxl in nu` grout uccmi nf e-lvrniiy. The wulchcr lnokod na if he wins `:\.\`t In hrnnn-. Ilia tooth worn lirmly sat. ron'mci- nu: his Jhin Ii Is. His cyes wvru cloned as he slno there holqlin the (loud mnn`r4 hand in his. um thi- (loud ninn`s pulse had cc-med in record thc slum oi H'Iiu~'.~a swift lliizhl. Thu [misc 0! the liviluz \\`uu`hcr was like i\`m~- \\'uy`n R&\\'{\L!0 lidc. s\\'copimx un\\'u'ri. cvcr mmurti. resisllcssly to etcrimy. Inn! n nnl. thn u-uh-Inn-n nu. In ah.` |H(\l\'l`(l II TN.` '4 lir In 8l0U( nu] I n rnnnral t Mn for-av will ho pluokin dourponn Iron: nlud Stu.-an bondo--1lIo his good mt soon that lay: the golden "{\vmgy yearn no one 0! the rich- MI men In New York lay dying In #0 most costly mansion in the city. 0 war a man whose mm: was woll~ known in this conunuuity. Cast- ing a hut look (met the trial bol- uncr shoot at the day, which a trust old` clerk had prenented tori his inspection. In paused tor a mo- ment and held the paper nearer to his loco. "IL is dark. \\`illium." he mm. `'1' cannot see. Light the nan " w_.. "The an In all lighted. Mr. Stew-. n .g IIIII SUIIK` ( \\hwh nus` M .<:r.u\|n-cl nnd urn n -. -,, r -.'-=W, I , . _ `-. ~ ,- - , - , . . ' ` -~ ~. , v-- at ."\.z -` ;-- II m nixih? m rininniat` 9.93499.` HI! \ I\I\'\\\`I` { ` T sher ` IA \`nn-axing: -I I\.9D\ III! "VIII. --l3R0.v\DI\RlM. ---:p:- -...- -1 c-nrln` .\ml:-r- ` I` Ihmsl to Inn in \I-. I UKVVU-'--V`\-Q *""'7I "'V\ Ipnaltnnl unwm tho Egan In an 1;! .....R.... l.` RIM ?! one long l uunru-r [and sky. ml n 1-twiulrl am. no; .._ mgr tn` ruhtn. 82.35. Adjourud to mu! :1 :1 |un.. Ionhy. Oclohot 31. Ir.-Iuulu sjviriiltul |`T|l."`\ fl. .\. \kl`cuIllI-u. jnh nmr ulmnr. SH: 1:. 3% Vlah. K-uh aver nuldu-II $3. 1`. Pnomnn. juh on I`:-rvland haunt}- ary. N. x. job on lhorn Inh- rond. Shift lsrun Nun: hunk nun! mar llnillnn. I? :II; I! Cut. bu-akin: scout out :1!-Cuban and and In! can-anion mar (`nt- ncvfl. Q1; (lurks Ionic. jnb on sultan`: mu. cm: in. tor fim. `Hi-n` In 14-! loochuoohvuln kn`. S_ul-nh.\nn. Sun. 4--\lm1-I Gm- Innnxills. and nxrri-I1. that urn-art M ln\I-B. SI-`"3. rharrrd ollnil In! turn. mum rumvssqun. and rt- Iurvn-d Ilt`ro~Inh v-rror. lo romnu-d. mm: Vutnl. Jnhu `halt-_\*. mu-. 8I\..`0: Herman link. stunt. $1.0". ll. Thunmn. huhm-9 on job mar Syntlillou. 3;` Thunuu Ilnllan-I. nuvnirint .\)&nhmu mug,-u-. 3|. .\. lh nnyur `nlnxnr CI l~ Invmr-out .~_>u\-Iuum lxruzr, M5` I! H. \`l-In mm -..... n\-|A.... I`I'\"N`l|`.l I ".` YHIWN urn`. [HIS T} -unwd his datum an |mhq~r Iu\\gn~r n||"|fI`V' and f:\ml[\ PM! INTI` fur INCH!` 'I\\lNI` in l\lIu\\`)|Ip un |`ric|n:~ R--Nth` n'""|"\'hnm but rv-mrnrcl from .\l-min-I. \\-hv-rm hr sgvrnt n nu!-\` I\I-utnnl timn Hm Incl Inn VFI T \\`!Qls \\aL`l \.*IlIII\' ITIFIIIXV l\\`KT` ISL`! \\ l'1`\ .\Ir.- ('|un\nro Sh-\-~n~nn I: wry nll uh mmummun M lwr fullwr .~. .\lr \.mds-\\uh`r`s\ \liss M%l\`llnn:xIl in IN aural ul .\lrss lnmlrr. \m~ |m.\I.nn.v |vnr.'v` \\`u\llumn. pmprwtur uf Ilntol \\pllnnm. Intvnds Iunlxing :\ wrnu m.-um nmsrnx-mm-ms hi hi! hm 0-] .....I nu-.uunlu l.u- ah. .~.nul..r| ..t |``\\ up Sm Ill"1L\\\`. urn h.\\ 0` .. .... . `.-n. ultra AND unans- Second Hand Clothing, -'-5??'5= 33" A x__ _. - _-.._ \\l|I`'1. Ur. *`I\I\llk|\` \'L\`Ill`1'I (IT svhnol Inst. xveok. uml nun` n {mur- uhlo report. IQ. J. (`urhll has n-turn-, HI In his huma in Surnm. utter nxmndhur lho vuralmn M his um- thor-'s. On h`umln.,\` .\|rs.`lI. (`ump- In-ll [unwed n\\`n,\' uflvr lung illnnss, Sqxrxiw was rnmlm-hwl lw Rm. R. l.mrd. uflrr \\hn*h lho rvmmnsn \wn~ s...l-..... 0.. :5... .~.\....u.-n~n um. \`.....I Ilnll In In It sup||1'r. unvun ny um,_\-nuuu: hulk-G of this |I|uro.`. .\t'l:-r crvnm \\`:\.~a suld by the \\'urkors." rvnlirimz u\'1`l` ton Ilullurs. The wnrkvr.-A` vurts lms in rm.-um: mom-_\' for elw |mr|4~ of tmildmg n public shut um prui:-2: \\'nrlh\'. A Iwo was hvld tn-day In lrnwmrv tho Hmlwr. W. Mum`. l~2. lhuymnuul. It -Ilmrhmm H. urnlmm and II. K:-um-|_\~ lnuk mlvnnmgv of tho owursion to the IN|rl'l\\`!`:|. I`lw_\' h`|l0l'(. luls of work uml good xuunw. Dr. -"|\nnku~ \'uxiu~d nur (`urhll ...I on Li... kn... 1.. \`...-.u.. uh... r.nnI:< \\'us llIll(l`1l In lnul`II`:i mun. Thu` lvridv was ullvml .\l|s:~1 Ella Stnlu-ss, \\In|v Jul hvrts uss~i.-atmi lhv pzruum. '|`|u (`nu ulv lo!` m-Vt 1h\_\' thaw In Vilmur. On -\`uum|u_\' lhu Imrv tnulhnll u-mu |-l:\_\ l`fI u \\`ilh lho lncnl lN\lIl ul this mm as rosnll ut four puuls in lnvur 0! Nu` lmuw In-um. thu umum both teams purtuul II)` 0! 1| .~`\Im\vr. uxin-n h_\` llu su| urnnun \\~uu m.\Ia. I. ml... - Poul loud Polllon. I`-`Nb Rnml. .\`q~|\t. (%.--)|is Inms wus \mitmI In .. .I nun 'l`|\.x In-id.` u-.... .I'\ll"'C|I. `\'I'W"V` NI` R|I`I\` No-aunt time the last I\\(\ (From the Canadian Druggist.) Q There are forms of substitution which are quite as reprehensible ns a deliberate giving of something eloe for thepreperetion ordered-nn one of the latest of these has just come under our notice. Abbey`: Eervescent Salt is recognized by the ph_\`xici:m and public alike as .-i valuable remedy. Its sale has been almost phenomenal-e fact which is due to its real medicinal virtue. Recognizing this fact, :1 package has appeared on the market almost similar in nppe:\r:nu`e, size mid style of bottle and package, nnd with A label as closely imitnting it as possible. intended, witlmut doubt, to deceive the public. It has unfortun:\tel_\' l)vcn puu`li.i.~;~il by some druggists. possibly without considering the evident intention of the makers, am! also the loss of custom which must inevitably follow if an attempt is made to well it in place of the article which it would suck to displace. That is why a palpable imitation of AbbY'3 "* 561% has beetfplaced on the market.`-;The perpetrator: of this insult to the intelligence of the public are printer! 05 London Ontario. Their object was to reproduce as dearly -an possible the pagkage used to contain Abbey : Effervescent Salt. The cheap and _nlsty powder which the}: p5ck gm. talned did not even have the good point of being PI1ItIN~ The High Court of Justice has issued an injunction against it: proprieto_rs, and its sale has been stopped, but still WE WARN THE PUBLIC that when buvimr Abbey : Effervescent Salt to be sure they get it. Shakespeare's head on when buying Abbey get Shakespeare : the package stamp: it genuine. Look for it. There is no efferv-scent salt but Abbey : Effervescent Salt. Abbefe Effervescent Salt is e success. in preventing diselses grid In co":-In; Successful in geining, on its own merits; theendoxutions of the leading physician: and medical jam-nah of Great Bdmg Did You Hear ABOUT `me Keeley Cure .9 M `lnnvng A-ul AOL`-

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