* h re [an ya an an-ny| cyn- colonel." Here mnior Y~`nr1im~t.Ii Rnicf` "H in mvite true. In his Ins`! imc-rvimv wit his wife. T`rm'fIIn -snivl `Fur he-r nnd for mv childr:-n T wi'I nnzlorcm tho tnrmrn of Uynmrrowf " _ The dwlnrnfinn nf F\rr~\'fnc l".9 N9 Hfv was clue tn his wife looply ..o;--...-I ..lI his hnnrnrn nnau Iuponlmnu. The-rv nre endless suporstitinvm ut- luvhvd tn \voddnnpzn. A unnlnul ring was the holmthal rung. nnule nf tun or thine uops. mu uf \\hi'h"\\`n: wnrn In) the liunrn-. mw by the fut- ure hushnml. gong! nno hy the mutunl friend. When thuv were married 1|.-.~ thrw rungs worn unite-I uml given In the hrid us kcogvr. The mnlden rlrclo I.-1 .-xumvusod In In-il_\ M0rn|I_\'. or awe-rlnstinu Inn-. and often heum Illulltuei amch as l.i\e Iuupm nr "1 bring good fnrtmm In the wonror " .\ln_\' husx al\\u_\s Iuou (`nnai('--re-d un- lnrky for Iuurringv; the Rmnnns doenned Juno lhv most furtunntv .......n. (n.- ...u.nuu..lu It nun! in he |m`k_\` mr Ilmrrmgt-; Inc nu: ma must month for spousal.-I. l.t unset! 10 be tl-- fnnlninn In Mn-w u\\or.I nml nzruins of \\ hvnl. ns Hm hrulo pnssotl` and M me time cnrmrets 0! turn wvrv urn h_\` hrirlm. Rico is nym- hulirnl of nlvnn. und in Jnxn H-- hriclo nml hridegrnmn pnrtnlm u! rin- nm of mm dish tn hotukon that thov null qwncl HM-ir future tv~m~l|u-r. The !-hro is n siun of the snlhmissicm ..1 nm uifn Ir. Mm husllmnd Ihv lvft The nun who pltchd the shown gnu! bar luv '5 um up HI,-1 stirred all his honrors, -T----:-:.. ul Insn In lIPIuK(`lI Inn: uup smhmissimv uf tho No In the hnslmnd, lhv shno is'lhrm\n ns n !I_\Inhnl nr rvuvd luck. nml. nnro 0n n thrv. it a .nmnv-r sister mnrried rst. the vid- c-r nm-s worr auppnantl On dunrv lmrvfsmtwi ng the weddim{ It-at tizoy should hernme o'd maids. wuelul um; cuum act. nonmng (.0 turn: me. I then tried Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry. and I {NI that it named my Iile. It restored me 10 houlth when e\'er_vthin else fail- od. I consider It. a wondertul remedy that should have 3 place In every hnnun " Tnront 0 World. The man wlm hhrwd awgv the hay. T nu-n nvhn nllrhil Qhll l"$lIVII Th! who nlvnl nwuy uw n-_\. The man who nlu-had the nht-nvrl. Tho man who made the old [arm my N39 rum!-d down his sleevell. The grain in ln--lt'I almost full. Ila-`I comimz in to see us all. The mun who Worktll all Iunum-r. He saw the yawning tlm-her led. ll saw the stark upgnnv: No new tho good that runolnz run. `He saw the barley How. The gnnary ls locked than nlrhts. He`: coming ln to no the nights. The man who worked all uugnmor. The foal will lulu him at the Ihod, 'I1le cattle at tho nh: The valve: hy otinr holpllrl led Will wonder. Wilh gut] well. His holiday is nice! and small. He'll in lo-Ilcht to no on all. The mun who worked all summer. IIIO II-I Wnu plwju urn unusua- all hr. Tho not who Illa! the bin. .5 hi [H'Y\'_ I ! t fnr vv rm I hml I hm! undonm cnlalinr noun: Q` Uuc- mt n`.| $22; 3?: th Jar- : ;`;`,,{u` face. UseGoldDuct `'` Wasling Powder the nuns .. . , duke `ox Jxenmcordnng to `dine- with his 5000!: .. .`.......A A I'll! 1Jluu.`.\.IJL \llll6 av `anyway wi is the name of Gen`? Printed "on Of the \\ 0llH.hl(`h} ackage European uristuc . iun [estates nloxfie _\"ioI(.\bC pleased nun mvenue o 5 .0Ut,_ owned the entire town 3.f'ult3 and mulimz centre of eutenayt the with a population at about At last tour 01 the old duke'\!'_- ran were born in this Cu\llll.I`)'.`uf]..`. are consequently. although tit princes, entitled to citizenship ol United states. -`Y Prince h`ulkowslti's eldest son. th-. present head or the, ln.mil_\'. is just 'u in an extruordiiiury slit. brought uminst him in the Viennese courts by u. woman of the name of (.'hm'lotte Friedlumler. She is suing him for ll sum of $3U.t|0tl us her share of the reward which he solemnly promised her for helping him to escape just `ten years ago from the grout lunatic asyluiii at lloohlintr. near Vienna. where he hud hecn placed under restraint by his wife and his brothers und sisters. lie is one of the most oxtraortlinary characters of the 1-juropenn nobility. llis lirst. wife was his sister's gov- erness, a woman of the name of Vic- toritl. Lehman, whom he |ltl`Sllutit'(I to elopu with him mid to Inurr_\* lor the avowed nurpo:-as of exuspi-rating his father, the ex-Shaker. His tuni- alile intentions were crowncd with sut`ce.~as. The old gent-lelnun died of (I. fit of apo1>le.\_\- on lit-ring that the wedhm.r had tirkcn place. llavini: come into the possession of his father's titles and estates. the duke decided thut he had no further use for the ex-govt-rncss, nnd di- vort-ed her. after settling $]tI_Im0 a Ntiiw` upon her. He then set to work ttf seek another partner and connnencetl travelling from one end of Europe to the other. as he still continues to do. uttended h_\' the most extraordi- nary retinue, conipri.-aim; secretaries. clmnilx-rluimi. cooks. serxnnts, (1 hand of niusicinns. smcrnl it-mule ucrolmts. ll cage full of nmnkeys. two lull-grown lions, nnd st-verul` tlunscusos. etc. 0! courst`. this enormous suite necessitates the use not nlone of one special truln. hut. frequently or two. while the duke is usually olpligzed to hire an entire hot 01. 1.. now thzuring tho nnnrun nl shun hn Inn!-I-ind IIKU UI 1.WIKi.`.L\IL\. (kn . nl aha n-nnlthim. mo]. In thp course of time he llH1l'I`il`d mm at his hnllorimm named ldu Jaw- ger. first in -\`\\'itn-rlund nnd nulmw uuont|_\ nt Bonn. The union ro.-mllml in the birth of a little daughter. nnd the-n nu the duke-. vomnwncod tn shnw signs of hocmnim: tired n! his \\'it -. and them we-ru indicutluna tht he wnuld mlhjort her to tho 1-mum tr:-ot.n\ent, an the nx-gn\'0rnt-Rn. shu- hnd him put in u Iunutlt` ns_v|um ut \i(~nnn-n0t n tlilcult job. us it in pretty cellerully ncknu\\'le<|m.*| In Europe that. to use n I-`rench uproa- Hiun, there is u very Inn: spitlvr at work spinning oohwoba in his upper story. In oh- lnn.lo:.- nmvln... I... ..4......l.....I Yuu.yollrMII of one ol ydur lamily is liable to be attacked at any time Just. now. An um xirennred to deal with In the lundtic tmylnin he remnlm-d fur thrive years, during the cnunwul which timc there wuru lmvsuits by the IK`0l`6 in which his nnpie ilgurui. To begin with. his brothers and sisters. while mzreeimz that he ill! in ovary sense 0! the word lit for u lunatic asylum. `Mnsisted thut the dnchoss hnd no right. to huve `con- trol of his furtuna while he was un- der restraint. They took the ground that she was not. really his wife. owing to nllmn-d invalidity of the di- vorce from his first consort. This Was. however. decided in her lnvor. und the courts declared that he was his lawful wile and us such entitled to the ndminintrniitm of his estate while he was doinontod. I-`.vnnlnnHv kn nunnuuul Ian... I... "X All IHIDIKKEU WIN (INK. HIE -mimm. mum no um. up `...-us pun QIn-l lnfn IQ null L-Id Iuano Iona : Anne: at u Inllrooc Inuon. A wunmn about thirty )o.|rn of mm. rm n(`tahl_v (In-spud, unh he-r hnlr (Ms mulled nnd a wild luck in her I'm-o-. nmunlod lhv '.-ah-ya ul the c-levnu-d rmlruud ntnlinn. ul. Nilmly svrunll slru-I nllxl (`ulmnhul anenm-. rvrcnll). nu}.-a lbw New \ urk (`nmmr- riul Adverlilc-r. She rnrrwd u but of gm-n pnmt. \\Ithm.I. mu 3-n=Ihn- mnrms. she rmmnrncc-d lo Hpullvr [mint li|aru|l_\ nlmnt Hm .-:.lutinn; nut fururettanu lo paint strip: on the clothing n! the lh-Mu nuonl unul the nmn at tho ticket-<`hnmor`s hux. The two men were an nnrprum-d .11! her cnndm-t that they did not ut- tempt to nature from her. l`ho_v ro- mverod tholr pr:-onto ul mind in In few minutv`!I. hoxvmer. nnrl trial In hnrricudo lhevmloh-ea in the waiting room. The wnmnn nnmahod the win- d(I\\R 0' I! Ufk nlfv nnd hmimr dlstribmodhlotchca of green mint around the Int:-dor, also made an ul- nault on the door of the vnuung mom qnd carried the fnru-ran. Ilnutnv-Inn Inc-nnlntinnn nl lnnnn Tliil (`NU TITTIQWI ll'lI' ll)TlITH.'I. Muiinring inrnniniiuna oi sumo Mud he pursued the railroad men nrmmd the small room. dquivimz them with her Mint M-nah whrnever they who within ranch... .'l'ho nor- inrmnnco hurl Iunioui in: some time when ihn iickot agent Inannrnd in get into the mm imoih and iuion the door. He then non. word by win along: the line that he and his ticket drummer` were in dunner 0! lo- im: painted to death by an innnn-3 woman. Tho menace ruched the mccixcr audio: and from then was transmitted to police hmdqunrm whare it was nut to the S I00 wired noiin station. orrt. Onl- lnaher neat policeman lamina tn 1-uncut tho paint-ha-dnuhoil I-nllrmd mun. Lollillll piclmd up nnothcr Io- licunnn on his war and men they sand the woman with en paint not. Rio strugrlol dupe!-atoly and 1:-ht was Ian M her mint was spills! on IN uvaiiorna M the milieu- n-cn. An smhuhhco was called. and -o-nnvnlnn Q-`I1. -5` Ilalnlnn IL. ZIKWIIWI. `HINT Of ICIlI'- `I? wanna Inca tlrd Into It and hold down by tho two policemen. `hat the woman ruclod lb hoo- wmw no was uolm-nteu. I-Zvcnt.unll_v he e.-walk-I from tho aaylmn nml not m\'n_v to Switzer- land and from thvm to Germany. when` he nmzunnsd the neat which wns him by inhc-rltnnre In the Prus- sinn house at Jurds, nml thvn, on the strength thq-root. socurvd n I:-(`rm that ho \\'m Rnno. than ruurtn nu~ turnlly heim: mlurtnnt to prnuuunce mull :\ memhor 0! the moat august. Inuivly of their nntiunnl legislature. I-`rum thnt timo fnrth until now thorv hna not In-n n mnmvnt. when thn trihunnls nt tic-rmuny. Austria. Ru.-sin nnd Frnnm huva nut hml ho- fnrv thvm suits` ul nnu kind nml mn- nthvr, nillwr mzninst. the duke nr institntml try him. lle is .-u-pnrntod from hiu nrtrc-sea wifo, frmn whom he hus t-ndouvnrml in vain to serum In ulhnrrv, while` she is him: he-r host. to) hnu` him (`OlI|IHiIh`d mrv nmro nu inn.-uno nut! to lnrro hum to pay ha-r .rYIm\ nncos. PAINTED `IHEM GREEN. don't act-`ab it and` _ R 41.: 1.4;; `Vnket Sale. Prxluct of ~, price as law | I-tuna uy you In me nour or nueu. It gloee not check the disease ton nuuldeuly. as some of the cheap ro- medlee put. up to lmlta.te`It do, and t.hua.pmduce Inllamnxntlon. It. does. however, promptly dune the pain, allay the inammation, brace up the weakened tee settle the atom- ach, soothe the In laced bowel. and curethe bowel complaint. nu.-um: the nest. 40 vearll Dr. Cm possibly be sold . reasons why our to; 4 \llJ IISQ TR U `Lad Sllver In it and enables them to mnce our increasing condence. ` GR ~ chance to prove this to you. `F 0 [he FHUNTENAE M|ll|NE"uIj I ! I HOUSE ON KING ITIIIIT A1 Pl mm. ooruplod by 001. Iouunnbai. pCl'tIuulIl"|pply In Walton: a Wulkc. _,,_ ;,_____ -.. .____. _..._ __.. 0 Eulnuniruuulnuld lulu from one lhonnnd to b I oonnn. lwnnuuhnwpmn Il_`__.L.I_ I_-..-.-.__. --.. ilullntn nut p-I uuuu-nu -guys};-I Godwin : Inn:-amt 0'vOII1(1.IjT | LAWN MOWBRS `An .....n..4.. cure_tno Dowel compuuuc. During the put. 40 years Fowler : Extract. 0! Wild Straw- horry has saved thousands of lives ut both infants and adults. Ilr Juhn I. (`nu-lnr nf Pith!!!- BRIPK RB:-AIDINOI. I50 J0lllll'OlI III`. {II modern lnprovomcnu. Brno! 0 an. cv. HOUIB IN VAUGHN TIIUIAOI Pv-new on at once I! wanted. Na 0, m at muomco. ._ ..:_..__._,.... Roman: 0?: KING "TEE A1` 9 nnruuulumnnnly Allan: DHDENUN ON UNION !rI'lwl!.'l`. II llnlvnnn. Avonuo-. buoly mcngby Prove nor De Ill). my be Ind turn I or nnfuru-shod. an I It Gntnlwoon unumxmsunre. hnltonstnot. Anon noon ovnn nmmum OI- nno ilxm with anal] room. ha ouugxun nacingn. Imus: wnnhotnur Iul Ih|O X o I bout! 'p m:":'g::zd aunt. `A391! III I ALKII. | '.o|doI|. Liverpool and Bio): Flue lnnruee Company add! mum noon 1 -5-.:n*.*:".'.'..."":':.'.'.`:.'.'.'.*"...."'.....sL"' '* -- 'rRAc:HAN's. -- '=A'::=W"::.. .AlDI 1'1! 6 `I: nc wummc nluuo N . L H was at M Natural C IUUBN U0 not at an. . I117 IllI&l_ UD `4 ul haul tnnmu Ana auuul. Mr. John 1.. (Tuner. of Bridge- town. N.S.. In the lollowimr letter tells how it saved his life: "I had auored with dysantory for [our wuekn and could get. nothing to cure um I Qhnn or-ind hr I-`nwlor's: Ex- "m`uk``o1 ` '1-um oven pondlu nun. Dunn dvlu mi run a W. J. IAIIL -um Aunt. ATHREE-BIUBY Iuuux nu: eonvunluou. umm than at nan-Io, oppodu B1 xpplym lL0n.AvIoIu>,!oot Qua I . V... 0! RICE. ookugnuar xmumtnn 3&2: raMa,ovIr `I Info umommodALIol:`l>D|;'{o J. I comm. and King St. .._....__. n........-._.:._.. ._--. - .. rwo IURIIISKID nouns A!` D II!!- 0:33 nu. Vuuhn `htrun. T ' ` R U Lfys rxluct. of ' m_mk_'=.y last, dxrgct from EULA `THREE-STORY namxn convmluoun. I tho come upon you unnxr-L `I me you I bottle 0! Dr. I-`owlex-'9 Extract ot Wild Strawberry In the titans ? 'l`I\in in thy nnlv ramadv \-nu know DIIDENCTI`. ON UHION FPREET. lvnlvnnnv Avonuv-. Ilhlv oecnl 'IiuoNa.-v AND ausm let. UFRAHCII O I ";.. ...`.."t\..!l.' % The cure of Liver, Kid- ney. Dyspepsia troubles and Rheumatism have made CALEDONIA nu-\r\I\ItRn f.____-___ I)__. IIIIUU \I`l'I I4 lb LI \I |Ll`l SPRINGS famous. Best accommodation and most accessible resort in Cag- adn. [MI [[0, KINGSION. ABOHITIOTURAI. __ 767:: art. III homo. DENTAL ~"':*'..'3.A'~=*"'<~':..`~='.-.. U1. Just. Are yum girepnred to with these dangerous (HOl!llB(~l should the cdmo upon ttrnnigr-t `P l~ z n'n run l hottln at D1`. norm? This In tro only remedy you know will absolutely and without fail Mum! by you in the hour of need. It along an: nhoak um disease There are vorswigiv human in Cu- nqmr mam dint` ` dguuntery or nnggner connplgint wl not eptor this hll . - J. R. C. DOBBS 8: C0., nnlpnn Alp An] Av vvv ' ' mm or ALL Heirs In-lac QII1 tho a-In-In nl an-Iv lnlh nnh-II` _ 83 Princess `Street. Bicyck: Duhzrs and Repairers. J Finest Bicycle Limp Mar de. "i.:.'.;.;.'..;`v';.1.;`3. , ;;.:' .9 s.o ,,__& ..a-LL. FLII UUIUI 1' I1rr_I*lf Ihe .1 N9E_:| lull IN)IlIllI0lIDlIl`- The commonplace woman I: not the In- terlor woman. The commonplace womnn comea juat up to the accepted atandard ot what a woman should be when all la aald and done. Each of us may have an Ideal. but we are all quite conscious that In some way. an time has posed on lnto eternity and Mother Eve'a daughters have llved and loved and worked end emlled. a atandard `hoe heen xed. To alnk below It h eadly disappointing to thoeewholoohtorallthatlabeetln womanhood: to rlae nhove It puts one In . the rank: or the unusual. Our neatneaa or our lnterlorlty ae men and women only atanda out promlnently hecanae there h a etandard. The commonplace man enter: Into the daily routine or hualneea. attenda well to all lta demanda. encceeda In his elorte he- canee he la not above "putting his shoul- der to the wheel of commonplace thlnn. Maybe when the day eomee that he Ilnda himself at the top of the ladder he will hear it eald that he la a genius. but then he will only amlle In a qulet. know- lng way and any to hlmeelf, "I am nothv in: but a commonplace man. jut an or dlnary man. and that In why I have ae compllahed on mac " 11.. mm `meld hna neat need of the IUIIUW IIUVCIIB CIWIJI IV-III IV DU. ioarin; in the clouds. don't you know. and while he may admire the extraordi- nary young woman he nda it such I ahu.-3 once in a while to discover hlmaelt regarded an no awfully ordinary. Vanity . and pride ollended? Well. yes. perhaps men may be accused. of poaaessing these shortcomings of character. and yet you know that all of no like beat the people we are contented wit.h-contt-nted with ouraelvea and the world at large. but our- aelvea particularly." Now I Irnnau Qhni tlan wanna hnnhnlnr Ivihlaiiilliih I`l'I&Eo OLD hl.0OlD0.\"S IKIRDY lolllh Itewdays will make-an old Iunol bled n` yI|nyo-[tt. I\nueuhd.oulIennlnIdn IEIVPI DITIICUIIHI. Now, I know that the young bachelor admirea brilliant women. and far be it from mo-to say that they are not worth admiring. but I do ao much want to en- ` courage the commonplace girl. and where is the harm of my telling her the nice ihinga that I think of her and the nice thing: you have said of her? Th. 1..-um... ....a .....i....u ..:.n ...o. Ulllll IIIVO INC 0` her? The brilliant and undaual girl `eta. more than her meed ol prnlse. but we iuat go on loving the commonplace girl for the nice little part she plays in life nnd seldom think of telling her what we do. And the commonplace girl in no apt to nndereatimate her worth. You know that time and again she has come to you for comfort because she declared she was auch a nodal tallnre, anch a commonplace mortal. II. J... Incl- ....._--_..I-... ..l_I lo I. lIIUl'llIo My dear llttle commonplace glrl. it In the commonplace men and women who make up the greater part of the world, and it In the commonplace men and wo- men who attend to the small but neces- anry matter: that go to make up the great sum total or our livea and the world'a affairs generally. The geniuses are too busy to look after amall matters. and. besides. the genluaea are no few! hlayhe out of a thousand folk there will be but one unuanal one. The balance are Just commonplace. Th: unnnnnnnlnnn unmnn I: link tho lu- complunaa DIICIL" Thahnqwotldhaagnat med ot(ha CXBOIQIIGODIKIIIICIOUOIQIIICOO-` duty cannot aware the commonplace girl. Onal ganlnaaa wa need. and heaven Ia kind to and than. but we shouldn't weep a hit when va awaken to the (ad that we onrnelvea are not to stand among the --.-Comb J: Ilene and Ioolaay-Ina noun ! iou In no claims. Inc an Inn ! by Any Ionna Inlet-lot. ' It Ian`: thrhrlllhnt cm. I: In`! the unusual girl, lt in just the commonplace- glrl who ts nicest into the home and la. Inon oolntortlng and dean-able In society; The eomI?tbnplace girl alzhn and out when aha takea note of the accomplish- Inenta and the dash of the manual girl. "Oh. I wlah I conldho like her-I wish that I had such` brllllant accomplish- Inenla!" And hecauaa aho often tlllnka and up these things` I have aunred her no OLIJ nu--.4-A cl.-. OI\n-ncnln nun-unnn- gldnalhlnc About one Ila Plain I lll`-,6|RL Mao wine um Aub- ` A-vmou gvgnvggov u__xu 4 UIIIII -II U III`-C IIIIIIIU I IIIVI IIOIIIIVII II\-I or tub moment that. though common- piace. -no in -dnunuo. no 1 have an- covered. and so has the young bachelor, and for the further cheering of the com- monplace (It! I will tell her exactly what he bu lately aid to me. and thh in It: uA o..I'I.._. .I...._u -I_-.. _.-..o On In; IE IIII III-El IIJIA I.Il luv. luau tun: I. Is. A fellow doesn't nlvnyn want to In. :.-_I-- In 0|.` Algal- A--J5 -an Linn- .IVnhIug_ton stir; I '.I`hc ha worked woaberwomen -in the. we at`! tho-Koreunn.;'l`huy have to w sh about a, an druus .for their "hushallds, (in . inasmuch -an every man wears Inntuloona nr xdruwers an bugs` that they come up 5 .to his neck like those (it .1 clnwn, ` `they `have plentyntn do. The washing is usually done in com water. and often in running nromns. 'lhe cloth- es an-3 pounded with paddles until they shine like a shirt. fresh from a. Chinese luumlry. "llui lnunlnhnn I-in "(HY Dffnfnts Chinese ll.l\l'nllf_\ . i 'lho Japanese rip t1.-air garments upon [or every washing, and they ` iron their clothes by amending them on a, Hat hoard and learning this up against the house to*dr_v. The sun takes the wrinkles out of the ciothw and some of them have quixe a. lus- tre. `The Japunmo womnn does her washing. out of door. Her wash tub is not more than six inches hinh. and is about as big around on the nver~ we dishpun. She aoinutimes uses Ju- puneoe soap, which is Iuil of t'rou8e..' and works uwuv with her bare (em. The Chinese girls do their washing in much the same way. vn... ..-....m.m in I-`mmt. is usuallv nlevmyswtll nut-.-an old Iunoltolcdzo` ya: . astsen|'OI:ioIlI'e"nQIp3:|:: an on ages. I one but wnznme medical mks iuilh. that lo cut and what to avoid. ty. no inspection h`CICI H1. ltbh much the The washing in I-`.g_vpt. is usually done hy the men. The 1-`.yvu_1iun washerman stands on the banks of the Nile und slnpa the wet. clothes. with." ..noise like .the shot. of n_ pis- tnl. on the smooth stones an the Inc of the rulmimr water, and such lellnh women as wnsh pound the dirt ' out nl .their clothes in the name wuy. I`:-nnrh xrnlnon nnunrl the (lift \\`l(l'l this olulonol Dal Ionuvhnl Incl an In the title funnel. New Urlans '1"inm-s-lk-mocrnt. --v.... ..-.. hfhan receive orders that Orleans 'I`imes-In-mocruu. "Yes. we `often receive orders puzzle us a mood deal," said an old- time bookseller, "end it requires very much the surt-0! ingenuity to decip- her them that is brought into lay in the (lead letter (mice of Wu ing- ..... A Inv \vhn lava claim to con- in the loan mu:-r mute on IVul'u|Iug- ton. A Indy who lays claim sidernhlo culture came into the store last evening and asked whether we had :1 copy n! `Eugene Arum.` `Not. nlnne. madum.' I replied. `but we can give you :1 complete set of Bul- wer at n rousmnahle plu(`e.' 'Bul\v0r! she exclaimed. `Why, Bulwor is not the author of `Eugene Arum! `He certainly wrote a novel by that title. I said mildly, `hut perhaps y"`n|l are `thinking of `The Dream of __.-.. - I\I- n.m.: -1' -Mn nn ' _\/I) tmnkimz 0! "Inc nrvum I-juzene Arum. h_\' llnnd `P `No. no.' she answered. `I mean in novel. You certuinlv must huve heard 0! it ! It's quite recent ind all the talk. `What is it nbuut `P I ventured tn ask. `Why. it's n story of country life. she replied. `anal there is (1 very mnusim: chapter in it nhout .1 horse trade Then :1 light broke in in me. but she had been so [io.~iitivn that l thnuzht I \\'nlI|d tnke her ilmvn 11 her: or two. `Pardon the mmL'estimi.' I Suid. `but of course it is not ymasihle lhut you are confus- ing: `huvid Hnrum with `Ruiz no Arnm 1" `Yes. that's it P she cried hriizhtly. `I said Etmelie instead of hnviil. Give me in copy of `David Arum. I wilted, It served me right for beinz a nrig. By the wxw. the emnnmn wav 0! pronouncing the title is `David's Harem. It is no small honor to write at poem 1 t could he extensiu-ly nml udmiringly quoted {or many _\oura as the work 01 Robert Hrownimz. Such nn honor hefel u _\oumr woman some years ugo--Mi:-s Ophelia H. Hrowninat. the daughter 0! a Metho- dist minister at I-`onlhnm, N.Y. Mia: Browning. who was not. much more than u yzirl at the tin.-3. assisted her lnthcr in his religious work. and upon one 0(`(`|\siun. in I879. 2-the hml endeavored to hrimz comfort to u mother. who, like another Monica. wnn p.'reutl_\' distressed mer the spiritual lndierenre und wnrhllinvsn ol her children. Their rnnu-rsution tog-ether left. a deep impression on Miss Browning,-'3 mind. nml upon her return to her home. she wrote the ft>Il(I\\`il|l! xerses. which sinre then have In-\n so widely printed nnd quoted under the title ".~`onu-time. h'oIuewh('r0" : of .their clothes in me name wu_\. French. women pound the wigh paddles. ntten slappinu the clothes upon stones as the Egyptians do 2:2----d-jjju "ununswc-rod _\vt. the pru_\( law; hnxo plendrd In ugnn) of hear! these \ Du ro 9 IN IEARQH OF A BOOK. hly. noinq-1-cunt CI! II Jgblg c'`-"C@Fl!I- aklvnu In -mu not make mining was ISEDICINRGL P.0 B0: II. 067. Mural. PQ pru_\rr _\nur nlnurh-(I |"H'I&C`|lIIIIIO A III|.IY I03 IIIIQUBAIIIIZ. Bupnrodlng Bllur A I Puooohln. Funny- roynl to. Order or NIIIIII or post {nu me non-nmnv uason 11mma,xon- It and '1\:ron!o, uh tn Vlotorls. Bd- um Oolumhln. or ruumh. Harman-uucu Ohanlnt. I-nmnmwon. Ina. --u :1--- v..`-.-,--- v---_-- AS OPENED AN hI'l`I0'l"8 ($103. over Oroonw _d Glllen'I, W0 1 ton %I:oeI..wml:;r: qll `Vllyllll. Designs. `gpprun 51:1. . not and ran: an In. hnuamatlun may-nntutt P ` D VICTORIAN ORDER NURSES. LE BAKERJTURBI 0! I V1(.'l`0RIAN ordnr. Thou ul Er norvlocs nap Dr. '.l'hud. path lead, 1 _n t Guam , IITI Xrittj stun:-vuy. A Brook not nominal u for `thy: Ago nddnuod 5 communication to chief ol W Jaznioaon. Pioton. The chiot wu y and any: he did not roooivo yonlotdn the lunar. The morount believe: some poopio on In loo inquisitive. and elm to this hot Ihoiou ol Ito lotto: in duo. Mr. Jnuluon errand hon van to locate ul- docoo In so ucunlt onto to ho mod than this morning. The victim. Iliu Inggio Soidunn. accompanied tho chin! homo ...n_-uh: nlhnumnn. That nd. languid tooling. and indic- poddontooauolnnyoorb vl hon d- ly touond by tho. no 0! Hills : - nn-nd hill IHHI. n. Y. auto, By: than Vlnonn\.. western. land Iuiluuio do Douala Toodinluilt ftoliuuun. nimb- ginn sully rotndlod. but nqlooud. non mull to nnovu. The hm. ul- lowod id Moons lipid and Insulin, pun thovnylor s Iouoi Chant. eooodpa the giving way In Iudipnioo. until u Inn Ibo udnnuun victim he to Iulcrgo nllohobonu-uoluahdyupo In. No randy no opoodil And with no cabin ty cannon all of Ibo Iim and ttounch and Dan I u Bnmi|Mo'o Pm: of Inndnlo sud Bnltsmul Vogouhlo In oonponitlou and nlnyn nh Bold by :11 danlun onryvboto. Ono pill 3 dose. Price $6.50. On: bohldouly ham` _ Eva-yd: fresh` tufmoo to the emu olLLh- int Pills got db:-den of the Ich, Livernnd Bowels. Manna -nhn ha. triad than: Inna nnhkn A OI [IQ IIIICl!, l4`lVl' Illll DUWCIL Noone who has tried than but Iphhn good word in their lhvor. They are mall in sin. do not gripe. Iicken or weaken. and always produce the mo:t.n.Iisfnctory results. _ Mrs. ie Bevin, Charlottetown. P.E.!..haa ' tonynboutthem: "For was time I wu grmtly troubled with Sick Headache and Cons! ion. [used . ..- |_...n_ .l I -..-,l I... mg -g.I t.......I 3% IIIIIO I VII grttly lIUIlII% wlul one bottle of Lax:-Uvcr I13` and found that they helped ma now than any Ircnady I hndcvcr taken." _If {on are troubled with biliouuueu. Andnunlun on-nnnnnn duct-Inilan. IICI neaolcne. cvlllupluau, uyspupsu, heartburn, Inter. bruh, nausea. Iour stomach, coated tongue. bad breath. blotchcs, allow or muddy complexion. Lu:-Livqr Pills will cure you ckc lhnn nnvlhinw elm. I-LIVE!" runs WILI Cllf ,I I-Ix than an thing :1. , Trv m and be convinced. 5 E. M. smnzev, Architect, A q nnllnnn Au .nnn|...I'I\nrvIVl nIlI'll`I! IA_!! _5:.'T-E .'?-:- *e::.-::::.:'-~ ......,g lhpo Wollem. London... south lmmrl. Perth central. Ouuwm. . . noun: Lanna. rs central laws... I Ly ` H mm... ()0=nl`y. Addlnllon &Ilnl.' TE!` \II' X53 X` '-led tnauheelecude-nytutyquacuy not to robust health. manhood and . lad Ian hematite Deny. Went cu CI. Irmnd `null NI-M Inna: Ynrinncnlo, Ilillug Icamunpum nuuurdny shuoooo. A lottotnin. P..'B.1.. lot that II.-_ -..'.- vvv --uwu`-`--u y --`-v Auctioneer and communion llemlnm. 80 Hark-t onnm renoott.|own,..................... Woltq Illlnd ...... .... .. nounho-uonvuov Pbu\_`Isoro.0onInl.......... ...... .. Ennow. BOIILII llannuw tune. Bnnownulun Norm [An-rk AlInonto.. lltnnvw. No . Ban-hunts. Sales Sollcitgd. ` asco!-I County. Vnnlleox um. llovulo. cmmty. ......... . . . .. Addupnon County. 'l`unvonh.. Nanonoo ..... .... ` I] IIWIVII II) nu , pound Iron Pnllu. \ lnomunc (Lb g ._;_-_A;.LI ,I_ ,a-n Oonoigmnonts, hnuaohgld propotty. Prompt. rem! sttentzon. . Oourtoona treatment to all. 10 IICI rllll. Irootnoao (hlo-lhiln. enaltoonon. Acetylene Gas, Non-Explosive, Easily Cleaned, ' Light and Handsome. '_"l*IhvrlIyitis It.is ' ch: 3 SnnlI0I"5 W. MURRAY. J Ru 4%; p._.__._..__ n -_.L-.. Sonlnndoec. Tu-E17. 'um"" An? . `AI.-_ -hJl..I_- loco loath; `raunchy. unI.y.VnnlIeek HIIL. the over to;-.' IIIIIQCI to Iobnlt health. manhood and cs Iauhaockrreunlnre ..l'!'r:u:-stgfd `oath. Nlt Lona Vuicncelo. 1 BOX OF ME ICINE FREE. 011) In nnl nnv-A IIIIIIIV Inn Int: 0. ITOIIIIIGC WWII UIIIUIIIIBII. , couti t` d popsu.' grater. br::h`.n.nAu!;. sour .;.-.-:3 '-i Renna. A . 31.-- I'ha court mu-' Mal ofnrgwus opened` mama closed doom to-day and `lasted -until 9:15 g.m. Injors Hm-tmunn and Jlucroe and general lleloye, all of the ar- tillory, wet-3 present. ' The public was admitted to the court. at 9.80. The rst wilness railed was Capt. lmbrun-Lenault. of the republican guard, who reiterated his tustinmny given before the cuurt 0! cussutinn, repeating the terms of _tho alleged confusion of 'Dre_vlus: --I nul innocent. In three years _tho uuegou coulusluu 0| urquus. "Lam Innocent. years they'will rocuunive my innocence. The minister knows it. ,1! I deli\~.sr- ed documents to Gerxnuny It was to have more impor-tum. ones in re- turn." . ll:-nvfun nrninsxfnd lhlif. (`ul)1. [lb- turn." ` l)re_vfua protested that Cupt. run-Renuult should hn\0 repuiu>d"'to his chiefs his utterances, which LL gun with u protestution 0! inno- cenco. without. asking him to e.\- plain his "words. "These are men- oeuvx`es." cried the prisoner. which must till all honest men with indig- nation " (`iu|nnn| Jnunust told In-m`l`us that which Dreyfus repuea: "1 did not. give three yours as the tnrm. I nnly said I hored that in the course of three )'e:\r9 my inno- cence would he recognized. And I wish to state. mv (`ulmu-I, that. .us my letter to Lveneml Gonzo showed, my words did not Have the sense evil minds huve 2 ch: 10 give them." M lnhnri than hud com-ral (Ion-1e ullezrcd cmm-nsinn. 1 (`ol. `Jnnauat nsked major l-`or7in- otti if Drevfun had ever nnd ideas 0! Hzitilk}. and the witnes.~'- I`tS[llI(`(l that 1'1`--\ ins" hnd naked him tnr n wtxnpon nml that nlso nlter his (`()nd9|Ill'H\- tirm wns rend to him he was with dilu-ult\' nrr-vented from (lashing his hand against. the `will. \itor the lust xisit of Du I nt_\' the (`lam to Drovfus. cnntinuart nusjnr I-`tr/ir`otti. the nrisnnvr wrntp tn the mini.-:ter_ nf \\'nr n letter. which ('mwlml\d with the \\'nrt`|s: "When I am cnno. let them so-(`R the rullsrit " At the cnnrlusinn of mnjnr Fur7.in- 1-tti'a mitienvt-. "N'_\'fIi!. on (`nlnnol Jmmnat'n invitntinn. and ntor re to-ronm tn the last. interview with In: Puty do Flam. spin. looking: with urrutitudo nt the mnjvr "There is n mnttor which mnior Fnrzinotti hns just rt-culled. which has Prnotlv mow-(I me. um! I wish to recall. tor I wish to any to whom I mvo the {not thnt I hnve dune mv duh`. to whum I owe huvinrv done it fnr yenrs. Mtor m_\' cnndenmntion 1!-termini-d to kill lll\(`". mnda up mv mind not to tho trirvhtlul torture of El soldier from whnm thov wishnd tn tour the insigmin of hnnur. Well. lot we say this. that it -I want tn. that tnrturv. I run say here that it wns thanks to Mndnlr-0 "11-.tI'n. who shnwod mo mv clntv and wlm told me thnt it I was ivmnr.-nt I nurht to V0 tn it for the suite of her nnd nnr rhildrrn. `If I nm horn. it is to her I owe it. my 11...... ......;n.- Yfnr-pinndli nnicf` It uution " Colonel Jounust. told Dreyfus his had not explained why he 1:5-n- tioned the term of three yours, tu Dre_vI`us replied: --1 did nnl. aim three vours them." M. Lnbori then hud general called to the bar and asked him it he hnd not used the ulleued confes- sivn ol llreyfns in opposing: cnlnrol l icuuurt`e urguiuenta in fuvur of .0. revision. General (lnnie replied that he hud not. \\'herenp0n.1\l. Lnlmri asked that the lelter exvhunged he- tween general Hume und colonel Pic-quart should he read. l\lninr,P`orzinel.li. uoxernor of the (`hex-the Midi prison during the (line Drm his was lInnri.~mne(I. and who teeitilied in behalf ul llrexfus. declar- inu than he had never heard of the confession Ilrexfus is mild to hn\'e inmle. win` the next witness culled. He repealen his testinmnv ` hefnre the (`curl of cnssation. nddinl! that he hud lreqnenllv met Cunt. I.ehrun- llennnlt und (`ui-t. llnttel nnd that neither 0! them e\ er alluded to the ullezrcd cmifensinn. g (`ml Llnnnnnl nkPd mninr . ---_-:&_._ THE ARE new