\ Wedding Presents voulsldonlltoecllu TELLS A 31 mm: `hFDi.lY. T ` ` -urruu.JnI II.-I`Io privy Q1! hunluudit illhnule `cup K lion Jot Innhtppulinlhnnol i Ptivyoocnolluchooollulanvoto Ionltnnqlodl-cut. |l...._.-.. l..I_ in II`. ,4, All Inn quiet in London nthrdny. with Ibo military in control. Tho council ro- qnlu tho union men he bud in I wriltua onteuonb baton lo a n. to mount to lay bofon thoeouncil ubifnuoo oounituo. Tbioouncil alto mist the urn! nny am: to run their con nnnhon and our t boon a day. according to con- |tI\.lnO%`0lI(0ppiqIU7P-1`: II at brutal. LII owner lnlurnry nope nleu. In the in `nu! home ol commooe on Ilonduy J ph Ohemberlein titled that e provleiooel reciprocity convention bed been made `with the Uuihtlpsleten on be. hell ol Jennies. He explelned that no prefereneee were. however. given to Unl- ted State! (node over Btltlnh goode. Clarence J. Shunt. one of the pro- prlelore ole lbllllerd room eh leer Illle Greek, neer Erie. PA.. wee that end kllled yenerdev end lale body placed on the tncke of the Erie molot line. Hie wlle. Elle Shell oh. la locked en lo the Erie 1 police use on charged with unerdetlng ` utw Iocluy Inlatqllllo. Unlou within I luv Inch pruldooo Knunr not only accept: the Brltloll do- mndo bun oloo ulna anti:-factory gunn- Nu that bhov will ho curled out, 3 lug. proportion owe n-I army corps.` Indoo- od uh Aldonla n. will In omlaukod. And other military nope taken. In Ih imnnrinl `Inns. AI nun-..-4._- -_ pcnn!-VI n 1' DVD 500". I`. W. Cluk. apooinl nphh 0! Mn` Unltod Sum government :0 Soul hlmd, Behring nu. nah: than real Ylh in not om-tomb u in former yours. The damnation of the herd It will programing undor pelagic nul- lng The provieiono ol the Path tribunal no Iohlly inadequate. Union Iilhin A far -nnL- n-.lJ._A F CI . Imt1'uu.. Jun pg -.l....4 In- ;I mun mu nnnclpu rmropun courh, Ctph. Wnttlnc. in his report to tho Now York board of steamboat lnnpooton. bu admihood that she otonuding ol the Anod- mn `ion Purl: van aha recall of n mlohho be u ` '0 In cnlcnluting the position oi the shun Hi: cerelcno bu boon mo- pondod 1- are I". W. CIA!-E. nnnohl sodium n' u.-*n..n..| WAUGIPS GBOUEHY, 79 Brook Hll'!I`L uuu rnrry oounu TIIIWIV. A hologram lrom Sb. Potonburg IIIOIM them The Hume conference will udjaurn uh the and of July. the wxombors canola; to nunomblo In Mm sprung. and tin! dur- ing the inborn! I-vnporor Nicholn will viaio tho nrlnclpnl Enroponn QDL wltllril- in hi: runny-I M 5.1.. N-.. mu uru nnrm. am mum. wore klllod. Ooppor ore of nlmooh incredible extant And rlchnou. throwing Into I-ho thndo any nhhor copper dn it you diaeovomd. hn bum found vim: two milu of Putty Sound and within 3 Inllo of tho 0500': 1nd Parry Sound nilunv. A hnlnarnm 'nAnn 9. D-5-..L._.. ----_A- am w. 2"ia366iIAL_5_Los:o. um-I ol I.l0U.llll l)Il'rI1. Tnlnn carrying dologaoon of we national odunuionsl A-aooivion com-ooNon\ to L0! Angglol. Cnli! . collided. and two man- gurn, Mn. Thom. Sonoon Fnllu. , Y.. and Mn Hun-in. SUI` Louis. killed. Connar on nf Allnnnh :......In.I- -...._. 1;nrr go of Mica Turbo. daughter 0! the H r. Tum, hohor cousin, E Rim- illard. is announced to bake pluco in Sep- tovnbor. Il-..-l I -...2-_ A_Al ,L,_n conurouou ny uoonlollor. The amount of rened man told on who New York mutton for the than days no- oudinz July 05 unuunhd M 2.0(l).()0 Inrrola. Omhiu the am in orodibod with aloe of l.25(M)00 barrels. Tr-nlnn An-nolnn .I-l..__A-- -2 AL- _-Al-, I UIVWUU 0| IXUJKVU COX- John D. Rockefeller bu pnrobuod tho `Panda Island Iron minu In British Golan- hla. The mines will in oponbod b tho Monro Ohrioho mining oompmy. own and conhrollod by Roohfollor. Tim nlnnnnh nl -unaul ._...-.. ...I.J -_ -I.- Monbrul'o cbeooo ahipmouu oonblnuo at :5 mod clip. and the non! for one human in 529,292 bone. ngninoh 408.790 born for oho ooruooondinu porlod law you. an In- oreuo of 120.000 boxoo. Jar... h D....I.-c-n-- L . . _ _ _-u---: -- KUVVIDUT. Henri Ltnrior. Arhhnbukuvillmt young- or brohhor of Sir Wlllrid. has auooonfnlly pund his oxuninubion for admission 00 him Mr. Il.._L_.-I|- _L--.A A I Gen. Hutton : orders on blue nv'io\3 of the Hh divhlpn no Levin ompbulz-3 the need for inaorucborl who can innornob In French. 1L- .____z--- .1 |n:__ In . - - - - Orders Taen '1-ho dnhh noourrod on Sunday at bho wife of Rov. R. L. Bdunrdl. Msbhodm mlnlator. Ponhypool. Pualyulu wu tho cuuu. man no pouclu In oouor companion. Nuzoolnhiono are in progrou which when oomplobod will remain in tho oabablhhmouh 0! A big pulp lnduoory at Calumet. Qua. M. Flnhnon. mrmnmr M uh. an U: n my pulp IIl(1|lIDl'y no Ualumoh. QIIO. Flulayuon. oarpoubor of the 88. Lmroncian. wu irownod on Snburduy on the vocal : m.,. I-om Montreal to Quo- bun. KI(`lAll'UIlg YOUTH. [Or .2 [KI]. The house of assembly of Tammi: bu declared ibcolf in favor of the propooed Auatrclinn lodenbion scheme. Th: lnhn nnnghnr Qgnh-..A ..-....I-A Inn nnn nuuuruunu Iuuerlolon ecnomo. The lube Iounbor Sanford curled 860.000 inoumnoo in the New York life.-- In addi- hion no pollcluiu obhor companion. Nuroblnhiom ll`! In nmm-an -hm. -5... l.I|IlIl- (III WU!` 'V& Rivers in oubora Silo. no overowing hholr bunh nod oonudonblo dunngo bu bun dono ho the crops. "lb.. DA... 5....-- L..x_I ______ L- A 7-, Hun uouu no one crops. The Rovoro houu hotel property. Carlo- bou Plano. bu been pnrnbuod by J. A. MoLu-on. Perth. for $2 700. Thu Mnnnn AI an...-v.LI.. ..l 0I|--._-_2- L_- pnwmcu 0| nrunuonourg, rnuns. II and. Pomborbon Obambon. ad ninoboon. at Aylmor, In drownod will 0 hcthing Mon. day. Th Rad Oran nI`AAI-nAr-.J).-n-H- I... L`-.. vibe Red Oron steamer`-Portia ha been wreohd off Snmbro. fboou milu out of Hnllfu. All wars uwod Dinar: in Annmnnn UNA. ._. -_--n-__:__ um: Inner: tun lnenu lvenbodr -- lolee hon Lllovu--l.lItIn or Inn Ihlnl IIIIIV I03` Ill IO-I-IOIII II fie Dear Publle. Another 2,000 Dnnkhobore have reached Cennda; bhere no new 6 000 here. The government: telegraph line will be lnbo D-uveon Oloy by October 15th. Dr. Von Aohenbech. the governor of the province of Brendenbnrg. Prnuin. ie dead. Pemherbon Ghnmhnn. mad ninnhnnn of Osn pure no Groceries ' st our Store, gs good value and receive as o courteous attention as on w nld yourself. ; TILIIIIAMI FROM THI IAITWI FOUR QUARTER8 OIVIF. lcnuneusan rnnncnnrns. laws or nus mm What Comes to Us from All ` Quarters. 01 C y lI.-'l`hi privy 1 mm. (1 In.-n...|.` wvwy or too noun. anus and Mitt pl- pcro. Two bop. Huold Malta and Okr- Ioco Iluou. found tho analog vs silo` uudotnbouthouo our tho 01`. th- Ila Inn: Button. BanhIo|dJIt'add to Ian todny to Qatar Ipaoduiu no a nun In 3 Bolton boopiul , I3; \".I' I - W. Bowm.\.~n`Iu.I July H -W. J. Joan. moot ol Ibo Bhudani bat. in paid the C100 rownd (Hand by him still Ibo burg- luy of mount on In) lath. hr the die- eovuy of the noun. draw and uh: tn. hon. Harold Malina -ad ran. wvuuuuulnn.-GIG. l'IUIl0.0lDO@Olol` tho In line. throw No nun around harem nnpuh Inn an-ma lath pntonoool I author at puma. `nu bodiounronoonnd. Late J. Craig & Co. no ms nu our mu pm: at noon to!- dny. Cramps uiud bin and In 0d for help. Human Iannun. and nucleon. wool Iohino.-out Ihbuqonhouuohr I `II. n IIIXD hh Arno Ann--4| Bull Insvood. |lm'2~'1' C-ARMIL, Pm, July ll -RIdolph Punt. agod nvontoon yarn. an on ya 5! Locuotduo oollloty. wool in Iv! Ila; cs tho dun our tint plus at tot- dnv. CI-unnn ninnd bin uul In ul 3.. uouyun nnu nuur IEIIOII. um oily. Tho explosion ooh On to Ibo chop and Finklootoln Ill hnuunod in by the Guns. The bodies of Mn. Finllontoln and hot too luidoro won tnbuqnnlly hand In tho ball :0 tbs fool of the thin Iudl to the Hubs: and ontnnoo. Both Id boon burned to death. lcnnod In .1 llama. Nut Yuma. July ll --Abnhun Hulla- omin Inn bully burnod natal-day through the explosion 0! come lnuorhl In bio minlor cup in and null paper shop at Ionylh an Hutu uncle. this any. unlonion on an In ab. Ihnn nu! Old In --Iullnlod. " wl.\'[NOR, Ont" July Il.-l"ol'ty moo picked from tho local companion at tho 9! Emu Fnnlliorn. under command of Capt. Gordon Gauthier and 1.5013. 1). J. Ohoyno. loll our the C. P. R. {or Lon- don In rupomn to cull hon the diaries office: for troop! qubll tho disturbance In that city on run writing that cu-omployoom Goonn 0nnI.I u-lnt of compsu No. 3. Wnlkorvlllo. ' int blur to go with the Ioldltc In don. and on inhunntoo bu. born Md 51000 him ohuglng him with "to {uni to join his onto: to am lo us! In; the civil pour." Ho wlll unwu bolon the mqiunh on Thursday. uguuuu um Iwoniy-IN; uoooulytor ohlldlon nmlod non under thirty, and nnmun-lod.bobwoon bwonby-ve and Iblrty. and thirdly. for all men liable and nonlin- oludod In other culls. Then an exis tionn In (nor of _volnntoor polloo. eon- fuvq Inlnluhen and modlonl mun. Sub ntltnbou will nob be allowed and am one nluolof to oonvo may be null And od compel to nerve u yous. Loxnonly ll.-`l`bo mlllhl ballot nob. lnbroducod Into the house 0! lo Fuidsy by lord Luudowuo. ulna the gov- ornmonu power no dooido on the nnlnbor og men nocouqry. and ovonou-I In nrlov\ counties or unlrdlvloiono will pnpuo link at the non llahlo than Tho bill all: n tor umnu-rlod mo bobwpn` tho 0 ol olglnnn and Iwonly-Iva; Iuoood y` lo! nnnnlnrl Inll nniigr mi.` nuul nun _u uuuary uutvloi. J IIID II IIIIII. A'r|.AN'ru` Crrv. N J.. July ll.-Ohlo!J ol polioo Eldrldpo in on tho loohonb for to` ` prooonbotivoo of froudnlono; employmoms ononoioo in Ptydolphio. which hovo boon duping domomco in oooroh o! Ablonblo Cihy pooihiono. According to tho oooty told tho ohiol by over A dooon nnlortoooto girl! who hod been duped. tho ogonoioo aw. ooilocb o loo ond hhou furnlohlsho wiping- moub oookoro wihh tho nomoo cf hotolo uhoh hovo no oxlotonoo on thin rooorh Tho ohlel. however. oon do nothing in thin city. on also mother lo in tho juriodiohion ol tho 1 -Philtdclnhln nolino I II N10 DION? II II) D -Philldolphln police. yum! IKU. The Inbiu an girls and no joined by a link 0! uhbighb inches long and boowoon throo and {our Inobu In dlnmobot. The union In porloobly rm. Tho bublu no hot to hes. and all tho orpm ol their YOODOOMVO bodtu an por- looolydovolopod. In In fund. honour. obey will no! live. _____. A loonndrcl tuning nu loan of Donna- Iloo by Fund. A... ..._.,. rc___., 1v 1 u n .. 4-u . 1 Thou lulu Girls on Jolnod and an foot to Fun` Jn-rn.som'n.u, Ind.. July ll.--Mu. Junu Huffman. living near hon, gno birth to twins." which oxocl In onrionlby tho mnoun Siunoeol bwluu. who around Inch an inherent bhrough the country any y.I7I `R0. Thl hlhill APQ alt]: and Ann {Al-`AA L; _ DI DII'II KOCH. Dr. Bull. Henderson. was annunonod. bnbiu wu boo 1:60 to an tho woman : lilo. She acid the docbor it oh would live. and on hi: replying In the nogntlvo nid bhab the Inn nlrald the would. and naked for non at tho poison. Her dumb onmo ab 1 p m. upulnllv wnun one noon not own mo. Mn. William: Ind beta in Ill hulbh lol- uomo time. Snurdny the culled bu husband and asked him to klu bur good bye. to the inbondod outing her own lilo. Her hubcnd sprang to her nldqbub rho was boo quiet for hlnuud baton he could pnvonh ho: had drunk I cup of slcohol In which the hand mind I ublupoonlul ol oou-onivo nub- Hmato ol motonry And two lnblupoonlnln of unit (run. hr, Rnnll Wnndnnnn - . . . - - - A ---I xuun Auuu MUTIIER " Thin wu oho hou-0-hrohn note which Mu. Burl A. William. wilt of Edvard J. William. of Ellinburg. lulu hohind Im- Bpturdov when the hock not life. Mr; Willlgmn 1...! L..- 1.. an L--IA|. 1... "my van uonI-uIuu no! your Ino- Ohor. IIIO bu nnlforod long cough. You do not vs no any more. I am a burden boyon. will lorgivo no. And! Mn bind and not to run. 80 good-bye for n time uuoll In moon in hocvou.-l`n0u You: Tint Moruxn `Phi. -.. uh- |.-_..;,|....|.-_ __.- ._Ll_L V Inc:-town um luau In iuhand and II-I-bn Dglggg Drllll Poloou. WATER J I ll.--0 I I I but tho{):l\viNn' June of tag; `M. M! r Son|-Bluna not vnnp Inn. rEru`'6 iv _..---v-v-`,1;-u nn.--val Q nuw Iulllg ms the hold A world onoring: ' "My 8ooI-Bluno not hot. IIIO bu Inthnd lnnn nnonnh. Vnn LIKE THE smuEs:_?wma. run our tho Rural`. _.____ v n us up u to Inna-ton In 0:! Iothlmlunl O E: oupzoituiiaur emu. ____ ` _ TIRED AN 0 DE;bN DENT. llllury IOEVIOO. II IUL- mu..- ,..`."l" 5; Our Enamel Cunt Pins give/theconect if g __ __ ; akes the Sailot Hat . noonlu. 4 \Wlll'lll 3 Weather Ionooulovcuuucs R:nxn.Julyl|.-I)nyfuulhI ath- lyradingllodoauuuhrdubcr bio bvylfl. which In all: In nun. his haul` my In cans.-:3`!!! at -I u.a."".:".}T"&f"'n`a'u...".'."'.'. an 1.. wholotulcd good: dulu in Klqum. Ho cod lb? oolloolot but bun bled Mood: ulna I855. atoning lb Atlantic man than In oonpumlnvolling thumb Eogand sud vhitinglanollofnooouad rnluihl l;.n.rin. Aw cl lino uni y vi noon, up nddudq mnuhhovilooloooolounodpnpuhl you; Pnnbyhu-In clivlau. UUIWI rl1`Ol`!`OHL Juno W. Run-ll. oi}-Iniunn. In `cud Min RI nod to dinnot 1| the Gillnou . and Mn. Iluou. Kingston. also 1):. L. Minus. tho In young phydchn IMO city. . Ilnnnn in IL: I-- `.'.`.`.'.`.."3 ":._:_... En. l'mlI~w-or lielhlb` mImvn'xlM-II. A (in l.KN'H8l0r0, J SIX ROOIIR IORTBEBUIMER AESLY uvuwu Runmao.-vs Won-om`: M, or Adaren. Ibrumoulh Edd! j._._._._.___-_:_.:j_.. IVER VIIW lBLAND(7(H'l'AOI. USUAL- LY orollpied H Prof. llowat. A UNI- nllud loo-houn Mk-rue rent. Apply to Hits. How A1`, Unnluoquo. ...___V:.:__..j._:__-...._. 1 Im 33%! bIIo-AI Than 5: Worst. lulu. AIRooIoont7:In1htd 5. Al lyneno 6: Sptioglold 7. AI looms! 7: hwviduoo 8. Noliaul by:-Ash? 50: Plus- I0, AI Obit] ;, ` `C. ` 7: I. M Bu .____:.:_..j._____..._. DIIDINCIE ON UNION STBIBT. NRA]! lfnlwnlq Awnu-. lnloly one by Pmnumr hclulb. mg) be had mr or Apply It (lnnnmruon A I " `E nu. STREET. CORNER OF HYDER- ` . Imu|.nmu ml by In Thatcher. Apply loM('Kn.\ unt [311. tum ublo hum 240 Klnglslln-or. -_j. .____..__.-___..____Z_.. Fl'llNlsllED RUOMS "'a`l`H WARD. Olli- Irnlly lot-Med; nu. but water has [and All modern mnvenlouool. Apply Illhrth Etlmut, next to \'.I.(?. . FIVE LARUE FRONT RUOIIBAND BOABDI but dinner All modorn mm-omonou. Alnu unblo board by the 0 week. Apply Nuklng Hln-or. an r ----_--...-- .__________..___:._.._..__ A HOB!!! NR DRIVING PUIIPOGB. Mum In nnuml nod mllumo. lb or In hands high. Adulman. with pnrtloulnm. "Box 0." Wluuon-*1`: " I .-._.______:.___. FIVE LARUII: l(($|lSAND QAIIDL oouv.-onu_u!o_. Al-n l-hln hnnrvl Mn :5. .|-.. .... .---L n i hen Street. between the h .__.._.__:.._ ILL 0!` LADVNG 80.41 0!` SHIPMENT nfgcnnluln H. Bontnna Hon: l.|vur I. lmrlaud.uu-n wllh amt mun Jo-nph . r- rInIun'u b Iudor ur nu r will plruo mturn to owner and be row GITIWIIOOCHIT. n Knowing to frown narrow than pay poor nfann no hing impound upon by Innttpulou q Mr. Onhun conodcn it his duty In gin `hilownon Ibo hood! of III oxptrlonoo sod unt than to an by inlotnlap anyone who will win no hit in uric! oonlldcncn vbonoolo and. Nonuunllonecaho givonhlhooo writing out cl can our!- osity. but nnyno who null, uodoncun loulvhod Ionddnn Ii. Gabon an `Inn; B-B.OORBI'l"1'.\t I F*%.".*.*:.w.'..;.;.*-2.v.*:.-.*..';.'**%!.`:-;.-.;..-* I }U Prlnoau stun. 'Pin6nTn:V um 00: Buudonoqil. Opudumd night '----'%------ - no ourrlod on At. an old and Min um. I`. nun. Aamuu. (nu-Ix. .__.___.-___._.___ unA.l IBTA THE BU8IN 0! TH Bruno. Undorlnkor ha nnrrlnrl nn no 05.. Ann ..- vials! `l"m gist!- 5 [Children's Headgear. '1`. I. HARRISON OOIPANY. lnlruxuu Arm mum Illa! II I PM `Phonon . W n: nuu'3?.:o. oz. ononaum.T'm.'a`.'C'""' L.&_..& .:h...:h. nu WINK II rvquuua to pullllh M0 followlog : All men who no norvou nod doblllhlod at who on nlforinc from any 0! tho nriou trouble: ronltinz from ova-work. atom or yookhlol anon. no unto um non medical nnn udvortiulbg to can shoot :ondiIlono cuuaoa be nliod upon. Hr. (lnhun. I nuldlm at/boudoo. `Ont. living an 4379 Richmond atnonuru for I long time u aulfuror from above troubles and After trying In ulo loony ad- voniood mnodiu, olocuic bolt. on. or nno Alcoa oollroly discourqod and hopolou. Finally on conded, in mold clu-(yum who dirootod Illa to In (ml- MM and rolinblo phyuoin. thmnuh when olillod troulmuolj rpcody and porfoot cnrovuobui . I--.-&-_ 5. K- -__ _._._ -n_- - L\ \ Pij - . '5 _""'"IIIi\gu, lnnovtz... 250. Thu: `ltodwlftlrty womu. Obhnmdt. hnpnoo (upper) ll 10 LI. - Ilodcnh winds, la and very warm with gnndu nhonn In t low loullllu. wntud n6i{ioi.nuua. '1` I03 FAMILY OF TWO. Lll` Must. have rmemuoon. Annm. In '1` ml! FAN] Must 1 -eat. 4 `r.u._ nnihbn. _. _____._.-_.__ .... Thno Insertions. No. olfnlrty RAII IBTATI [NIT nn man I A- am, ho had mrnldnul waif unnxnrool C ~. ell ngumultvol. ` ` WANTED. UIII -Ilo AI om o'clock tho oppoomon on an udjonrnlnonl. but the gun would not ogroo. u no lqjbslo had boon done. and the proopocb for u Ind-tonpond I"- nighl mining in good. nu. ulna. 3 UIDIIT none M14. Opln Day BOARD. us. nun. nInIl9A rnn_: L081`. We usk inspeotio|_ of our stock of these goodu. Price: low. Auorlmont large. For Indian we are showing novelties in New York Bnilon und Alpiuu. the New Felts for outing hats. Inn` 0!` TWO. . APPLY: ll '-'1';-B`-`I..A'l`l Illa vrw . rl run bolnltd [mum (mu I lllollo I Mr. Mnlock, in mum: to Mr. Roll (Ad- dingboc), aid Huh to any the poet- mutor of Sydonbun. Out. had been dis- connd with I ehorugo In bio can!) [no an outinly wrong idu. [mound ul hoop- ing all tho out in unofficial till. he had M118 all: in III own bill. Tho Impoctor pointed this out. and In his ucncotho poovnlnlntu pII the noun he in oh] I . ` AA--- -I-I--\_ AK- -,, mn- mo." 0UEIIfU0\ KICK Dr. Bordon. In roply. juubisd the action at the govomlnono in reading stoop to the Yukon. II- ll_I..L 1.. ._._.A- A. II- F` -I an porn In all that and: to improve ch: mi Ilia, , quohd [rod the nporn of Nag major-ononl in support: of his contonbion um um public monoy hnd boon {noted in sending n dohchmont oi the pormwono militia to the Yukon. when they wore. in docluod. noolou. h. n.._a-.. 1.. .....I_ i_-.zn,.: .;_ ,__n_nd alto chain In tho duiro of govofnmono to but the whole force trained annually. Ser Chuloo Tup ` r, while promising hou-by on port in I I that. bonds improve Ininulstquoood frou\ M1; -.-_ .x_._-_.| uonusnmaskaut IJIIIGIIIO l'I|00IIDl`IU|fI. In unpply Dr. Botdon oxplnluod than: it ill the Intention of tho govu-nnouf to unto the Oundian milinin I ulholiono. col!-ooohluod and null] nnilublo Iowa for tho dofoooo of tho nnory. and to that and wu anon Ill Iulru running. The comminiouou rolectod to sub un- der the bill woro All jndgu ot the high court 0! 0nbuio--Hon. Bar George Bur- ma. chiol juntioo ol Onhnrio; Hon. Sir John Boyd. chancellor of Onhrio, And Hon. Mr. Junior Fnlcoubrldgo. In Innnlv Dr. Rnulnn .wnI.ln.A 55.5. n. Icon! Advloo the to lot. The Whirl tad so sr OHOUIIII AIl.m':(nlI.;o Al . :3: IIIIIB um returning Do the chamber, bho ro- dhbribubion bill In: onion up. And door nu nmondmonn. doalgmd to mom clouly no (cm: the invention of the chino rotu- ing bathe npronnonion of the county sud oily 0! 80. John. N.B.. roopocblnly. wu ulna in third rudlnu. Thl anmmhninnnrn nnlnovul on nn ..... vi-I-luui II hill . 0'l'!'.\\\'A_ July l0.--'!`ho honn ol com- mon: you this ultoruoon oumnonod ho blxo unnto, when hit ucolloncy the governor- gonerul sun In nobondance to give guano co the supply bill, which pnnod the house Int wash. and no u larva numbor of public And prlnoo hills. which hnvo pnuod bobh haunt And an now onrollod in the utneubo books. AC5-.. ..A..-..x_- A, AI- -n, I Ihdlltbntlol Blll `rhyough the loan or common u not. I\--..... |..I_ nn -In, n - , .u. wAl.I\ll,J.P.,L`0l\lMlHHll`Nl'.R, It I o muuou A m, Lam: Ag:-ul. Anal A] pram-r. Mnuvy nl.onn.lu'l.v. omou mu-nlnlc tho Law Uhmnheru or MPMFH. Wullvm Wulkum, Clan-non bl root. 'l`r;.Vul!:lH ARll:lN\`l1`ED FOR ADDITIONS Mid Alterations to more and Wnnahouw Proportly nu Bmzot tmw for A. 13`. Chown, Enq. P In! and speclnumonu now ready mr Inn non 'I1\nuIor.~4 wanml borure 5 p.m., W "N EUDAY, llm l`..`lh lnut Lowest or any - ol. uvvesanrlly ncmr L` 1|. Ullloe, hlteolnow llrnll Hall. Kvmm-m. ARTHUR l12l.Ll.`\r1'hll,0ol.` w `in u - Inn -9 l"\lll\JI Tmznnna ARE mvmcn FOR Annrrrons mid Prnnnrhnnn llnam com... a-.\. n n-...... I Rbibk BROS. :_:-v:-v j $CC nlnolhir Ml lino of cngnving vnhnnho hid at tho shuts: I. I " ew and Pretty. Sa}ad..Diahea, 25. Berry Bowls. 25c. Cake Platea,`l5c. Fruit Plater, 25 a pair. Bread and Butter Plates, $1 a dozen. Come and see. noun Iottloon rawuclniuo Kjlflngnnlu-:1. .'- TO CONTRACTORS. Irvnm-n.: Ann inhuman nnn . nn...:..- PRoFL-:=s|oNAu cA,I3D.: -_.l`. \V"AI.Kl.l..l.P.,Ct)MMLHnlt*Nl-.R, IN- u_ :Iur|}goo Again}, An- av `WI 111211 '7: fmnunu On!o-Ploolo bukou. Put View ruhunm sad at noun.` Una QMAQL nnnp lm n--Ir "ii-inno niiouiao PAIGE-.0. :05-(titan ns.` Loon. ntinoruuna; KllIH'l`_llGl'8. uunwy, um 00 "III 000 Mien do-udhsL.auL H . And Also lhnln In I. LHHIHNI-.K, IN- Lgt-ul. Ap- muulnlng nu. A ijlpifi . Prrnutm."JI.l'y laid %hlll huh! h II.-1'Il thulnin . Cu- Bio-`:nu.x, Oil. July ll. - Major Wqhh nuivd I hvihdou [ton pt-coin nuiduuu at Pawn: up pay an dlynvikuod Sin ouohuto option}: will unvinco IMO Ibo noju-`u uluhptnon bl main in tin ditch! ' 5 I1 `ho It will auto! og_______ ; . ol alumna hard ::`o':OI:d:wP" I hustling- iuqlonoko compo. `ho burglu-0 drew nvoh-on and csvuod the nuluhyucnnbjo to nnhpod that nuns T L ~ " A Dunn: Iuraluy. lnxnu.u.. July ll.--'l'bo ash in the London Iaouo. mu Bonuootun station sndvithln 3 block ol No. 0 poliol uh- uoo. Inn New by hrglm you utdny homing I anal! nu ol annoy - nund. AeonnloolmIsm....L...a wurumunu sonogram Ibo Yotoumo vol- ley. They won ohippod hon Int wool by I Mandel ncnuryldnnu ol the hictotionl tooioty. ' In-nlllod Iilnnloon And Inll. . TH`RK'A. July ll.-'l`boro an on ox- hibihion at the run hi-oononl ooclooyh room In tho Itch hanu tho mummied bodiuohmoohorand iohnl. The into in olnpood In tho nrnoollu another. The othu in air but night inchu lnhogth. and but phyolqn i-odieuton am the ho- Ioogvd to I not 0'! gins). `u bodioo vnnlouod in u out in the Vacuum ul- ki . II DQQ nhlnnntl Lgn. Igm -..L ITIKIITIII ruuunc new the ouronmnuneoo under which Inodicol non ' gin ohm nor. vocoo to lodges. The council decided to uh no nocion. rho gononl view holag mumod up hy Dr. Buy in H1" uh nobhinx could he dooo ho map 0 o`vtl.:il mcmhou o! the protuoion rocliud that they won foolc!no0 to rcqulrd their regular foot. nimiii. ra'iFIut.:s. Iv. ALLN& sqzv. , hi I.D. AMI tun pan Tnncmn). J III`, I l.-'l'bo Indies! coulioil on Sunrdny dobnbod the qudllou 0! Iod pnotioo on I upon o? n npeoinl colnnmoo. admin that inlonnnioo hoobtainod tron In oociodoilsto the oironmnuneoo nndu Dhfnh mndhul I-nnn ninn nL-t- _-_ rqunmu. . ,1! was I cuuhcln of bio tg nd nry rogu- lttly Io tho` common: chamber to noon- znut ol rod and whine ran: to: the mini,- ton and the members. He `no .\ libcnl entertainer. will In much miuod In oocinl circles. nuuny. ' OTTAWA. July 11 Hr. Ssnlord was one of one both known members of tbodominlon Munro. Indeed. more were very low boo- Mr likod Inn in parliament. Alohonuh nppoinbod to the combo by n connnrvativo novernmonb and giving I M1-nnppon tn tho party that I polbod him. be In nob A very Irdono po wtoinn. Ontcldo of the tmduo policy 0! the conmrvauivca. ho bung n pmmcoioninb, he would have pund hr I libonl. He book a duo inure in com~ much! manna more 5.... In polluqul rqnbblu. . In in I nnnh-In at M. 9.. 3...: __ _.__ mu cnuncry my noun man. 1 Mn. Sanford it on her way home. antb oxpoccod to urivojo Hunllbon on We! nudny. n1-fun-A Jnln I.I . \l- G-_A.._.l _7A - mon-rod. Hi: u-on wifo dlod in I860, and In-mun mnmoht mu Hon-loo Bo Vnu. who rurvlvoohim. Tho don on no Hro. Tudor. vilo of Capo. `g dor. Royol Enginoora. England. ond Min or- lol. Tho fomilyh all away from inc. Mn. and Mlod oulord having hoof` In tho old country to; oomo Nmo. Mrn. Hnnfnrd imnn Ian: `An 5...... ._Ann mu no grout} mum. " The Inn manor lofb a widow and him lughhon. his non. E. Jackson Snnlord. buing pndooonod him. He mu owioo mu:-rod. Hi: QI.IT.m;` I'll "all-Inn In-.I PL runny. The dooouod In popullr In this city, when the non of in death hurboon a grab chock to all clause: of oihizouo. Ha wu u oonuidornbo employer. and I crani- bsblo man. being gonorosu' donations to worthy c-uooo. He was ctoorln Oonumry `Mobhodiub churn where he will be groitly Iniuod. Tho lll lnnnhnr Inlh n -hIn- -_A A_._ ucwrlng camping. umuoa. The late nnnuct had been proeldeubgg the Hunilbon bond of trade. vicovprendonu of the Humbsg providonoaud loan an- cioty. one of tube Tbnfri" 6'! regenho of Vic- torh uulvenlhy, ` rooldenh (.1 who lace Ihdzilaon luqiegco logo. Be In: I dino- 410:` `of the map`: newspaper. sad I pro jecbor of tho. cnlboln &. Norbhwuoorn nllvny. Thu elm-manual um. .......I... I... :|.x- _:._ ululiun. )` B0 on and in_ bho foundry bum in Landon" I whu ` uh came b no Hnmbon and veal: In the wool buniuou. In 1862 he 0 orocf inbo pirbuorahip wiuh Mr. Mclnneo I aha munufcuuum pt olpblr Ing; Ind onnbunlly ho Mhbliuhod the grub house of we W. E. Sanford mann- hcturing compang. limited. Thl 11$ Qchlhti` hAfI Mann urn-(A--uh -0 moo. "v.-Q` ' ` m.n n.mu. my 1: -Hobz wim.m.Ji:n Bnulord. some I one domlnlon..'wu born in New York cl y in 1838. His parents dyibg when he was quite young. he was brought: no this any by his unoln. the late Edvard Jackson, wbp roared Hun. At: f- Mou year: of Age no oubordd h hlighing (inn 0! Fauna, Bruce & . w,YorIw whom he remained nix you _ 0 returned to (thin ciby on the dohoh o the oonlor purhncr. and -he married bl: min. `in .,L,-, uewm You !o1`ry 1 the ALLEN Shoo. Yep is_m Ljke It. gnu wnvu u yuuuK*uy VIIIDOI. VII upeeu. Two young lrlynegr by heard hhelr cell: for help. hetghey elved obey and- Ieneoor e body, Whig could eeeily be reeched with en on." the managed no gob In uhori; bum were nneb e to _.,t-eeneclonte him. Tbeyjahen oroued ohe hey to Mr. er e iulend for help. Mr. Baker imme- diately tent: on Wdudermere for medical Aid. Dr. Ooocon, Toronto. lefu so ouoe 1, the number : piece. but when he reeolh Qqre. in was boo the no reads: any nam- Luge. pr -' q. Anti:-nnu T..l.. II n7:|n,_. Inn ed no new the you lady. Seeing bhe` -,._ 3- men lhoak u l'I|'o llnddgnnou or my Ind-BIO um Du not Wu Iron Bnlnt . VVlx|rsxm4nI~:, Ont . July 11 -- While shing ;nou- an on island at olovon o'clock yuurday Ionphor Bunford. In con- pmy wloh u youngkndy` vlnlbor. wu dpoob. `glrlynut '1-nr|\AIn L-.. ALA- -..`n.A..-.I AL-.. ___J w Ipuu may on In. uunn I00 81 * Jschon. II- -....-...-.I :4 .L_ p_,___u,,`L `lo In Iojonj In Outing At lIl\:8Iln- Indr Island In lluloha-Ilo W MA L nan-4| nnnns AI 01.- n..;4 ____ -- ... ms a'o`nv Rscbvgnzo aur RE`-`~ ~ amorranon IMPOSSIBLE. [wAsAursEFwu"urVIshIuc.=l lions W; Iasaunnm nnuwm] __._._...__ __ ,_.. hi 1.1)} no; .._ , ` I` ZR v v ' <`> OQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOQ` i Q10: IQIII4 Ii` mm Found A Wat Gravc. " ameswoli.-%`o:nVr4;:1o. rmsnir. JULY 1:, 1899. -r-r oz pawn-uonu UIDIII pohuoiun. Kb `lb. which II biog him away by Spuiudt. to good can and um unlu- ly union to Spin for invuhoul. vhllo uouowtll none In Motion. Bpnnhluor chain and plunuo not ban upon tho English on lung III boldnt Invoooon not in Onboud dooluo tho Anode.-an no link! and Inn has bu-V lug. buinonu was um hlhn nus` can) undo. vnny m0.noo.ouuo: Sptnilh lv'Ill ll hunk!-OI noon; to 0:50: Oltlq " With `flair kpltll. ' Tm` or Maxim. July ll.-8p|nhrdu formerly in hum in than Md unhor Cubnu cities on now striving than looking [at invnunonh and any that by October Mvohoonmlhdnvu lroolho . Q Spouiudo ol would: do not vnni `to rich 3 long porlod ol pointl- enl Iona! sud pouiblo coming into` nt of ptohooioosl Oahu pohuoiuu. '0 W. II (ID hing: A..- um no nuonunoa no oartridxit. - Th) woman ha | nocullnr history. hub 1 goodropnution. sun has named with uho Lana lot more thun I your, sad wu lnhod by ,1: sh. noighhorn am um pa. Iiouclgly food 0! tho Lune children. and tho hlisdoou with which oho ututod thou wont wry hr towndo inonuing the hvorin whiohoho urn hold. She in o! E ioh hlrth. and baton coming to Gann- dn doom` nponmon ll nu-solo 1 ho:-pita]. '1` whole usirhuonood \ho gI'0tl00O.|I0uibIO nonunion In Brandon. Ho abound hoe how an work who Iupon, And ho idontiod lha oartridgno. Th! -ounnn has A nnnnnn |.K.s.\._ L..L - tnagu. out no would not coll para o! I box. wcuvu vnclri It VAC. ' '1` Tho clock in Wiunump nnombon that tho nvoi In told no a woman. Sin Innbod amp oho. and only A low ours- ridgoo. but In would not coll of box. I hl` HOD II Dari uh: nnnnnn '|'|IT%_.~Ilutt. Sn I`-mm-m. July ll.-Da|| ulld }. In-I (L Id-n-lg . _.n.L_.__ my puuuuu Iuu urvu II not now. 500 sound M run. sad '1 pub the revolver clo-I no her book and nd `again. She ran ouuido um loll In the hall. I hid the nvolvu In thoiioohon. and that nlghl shout olenn o'clock! pullh undo: the bnrnl. when I Afton: I showed tho do- Iochivo I'M!` it run." 1%.. ..|...|. ;- u:.-.._...._ .__._n.,,, .L,. uuuu uowu In wrluuq sou turned. She nld oho bought a rovolvor In. Wlnnl- a for the nrpcn of Hllirg Lowell. p.!"0n \Nonuday I don't: know whit : cum out me. but: I wn mind with an im-mo til 0! jnldnay. Irena uplhniu. got: the revolver. sud whoa ! cum own lwoni into the klbohon. Thou! went to In. Lnnohnd liuod bar. Sho wondored whoa nu tho` nnhoor yith am. `Thu I pullod the hvolvor `Iron: my pocket sud tired at hot had. She lhl-lad an rnn And J an: 55.- .._..I...- l --|I---j- , the Inrdereee Iekee A tllenn Oonfeulon , -0! the (nine. - BR.\.`ilb0N, Mm . July ll.-0n her vuy I be the police ncebion the Blake E I. bhe mnrdereee of Mn. Lang, impio the chief to eliooh her or kill er in pome wuy. She even naked permission ho poison hor- roli. On arriving no bhegbation she pern- nlly broke down and began to weep. She wanted to go beck ho bhe house and bid the niaiidrea goodbye. end on being in- `f0l'lIIOd by the chief that the could no he minted Inch e liberty, elm became more ythericnl (I promised the chief thnh if he woul let. her go to one ohe chil- dren for w Lninubon she would make n clean in got everything. The chiel ted her pqnoeb, informing her theta he. _ course. could not lob her out of hie eight` rm lneoeno. Then bhey wonh back to the Lane reeldeqce, e dletenoe ol own ploch. Arriving there the clasped bhe children one after him obher to her breech. hieeing them many timer and weeping vio- 1 lonely. On returning to jnil ehe nude 5 I lull ehehemenb. ea ehe pl`0lDl00d Thle Ing- inken down in writing and tinned. I Shh IAIFI eh: hnnakh n Fltllvr in Man! auuu II Inolo wuo aauauea the maps, he liberal: propoeo ho nllosthroo of the highooh judges In the land. men tho the shadow of luapiclon. to undo w h is hold by unuy on have been aha grano- eab Injustice porpocnbod during the chcquuodosroer of the late government. `5`1vo hhoxn '. "gluon a chic Inupia til t::E'Y7;;$I/ury Ito lb;W the n uuuuu |u u!'q'_r u9,(lllD )6 01000011 500 mohhod in t. dual, of t. o iniquiboul counorvauivo (arr mnndon la _ deli bgrubo way in which tho thy `sch __woub About thui _work. no alfoo of hhdtrnudo than nbhduood will um. nd the ooneorvnbivou are raising I howl of indigntnlon booauuo oho government propoou rcnrry one aha mmdnto of tho mopio in` boring oouuhy boundaries. Ioaond oomployiug polihioal hriclubero. much u those who daaiqned the nrouooo ho nllnwomhm. no hhn ' by the men who olelne to hive been in uvue.wuIpuI VIII ' KJEIIIIIII UI UIIKTIU .in` _ wee dr we. no deeorlhed by John " ngue. yeeterdey. wee at onetime kept in the department. but that itie no longor there The deeorip- tioq ol the mep. ee given to the Herold ooreopindeot, rorreaponded to lhet given author. The Hll'I|d oorreeponclent made another discovery. however. shut the Hague map in not the only reprerentetlon of the iroting geozre hy of Onterio thet wee mode under the ireocion ol the oon- eervntlve gerrymnnderu-e.. lo the do Art- ment le 5 lnrge me ,meeeuring e out eix by ten feet. `on repreuinting the province of Onterlo nnd the Quebec coun- tiee- of Otteiu end Pontieo. The mop iteell ie I well nished one prepuecl by the dreughtemen of the poetoioe deport- mnnt in will. end repree-nt-lng the coun- tiee no they exiet muninipxlly. Over . thin ere oerefully dream "the lime of the cenetituenclee no xerrymindered by the nr-M1882. The work In olehed with n.,ioety of dc-tell. Keith townehip, town nil village in thereWwlth the voting efength of the two pertiee marked in blue ohereotere. The eveilnblo vote and the eotunl vote polled are each marked. Then follow: the coneerntlve vote (mark edC) And the reform vote (mukod R) Altogether the chart in e moat ingeniously oontrivod nnd neatly-executed piooe oi political machinery. evidently deelxuod tor uee in the gerrymendor of I392. when an attempt wee made to make the work of tho weeping gerrymeudor of I382 more complete by calling into Iequieitlon the Illflil knife to eupplemont tho on used in tucking tn piecoe the oounw argon`: etlone in order toptie the oleoaorem and V. hh innihi -A inlnnnn -0: Mini. .in 1881 Unoullod Ilpl rnpu-ad for Donut- ` ntlvoeorl-.1-Icon-of 1301. ` . Ornwu. Jul I0.-EnquIry at the do- puomo 5 o! I inlonor abound than than w 0 an mpnulon tun tho map tromxiuioh 0 gxrryncndnr 0! Ontario jnhn " ._..- _._L-._)_ _ _ fxoouu mo}; ouu. THE ahTrT:>?J7TnT.7hoER. $3 Are uccur tely lled; O promptly delivered md never . -3 {Ail to giio ntisfnoti r. . K , \ (