nu-was-uuluullluolooli. DIOIOI I nuns. untold. and uyphllmo cont. Ihun gll othcnudiucouhhod. Bonidu Io- mgnnollpovcthl bloolpuilailh an Ilmlhnlbniennd -nun: In ooougwititil vuugo pnyu will and tin can Cu). The noun; sdjou-nod and! no Thursday in Ilopunhnr. in bond nu hid bu ovootng. I.J. W Ioollridgo. B I. Oahu, #h.Wiuinnooo. J. nanny and R Baa... ncnhry nponod tho the unhool building land but found lntvtitlhl. no- oudinq Io tooluton. TI! outlined on- milun tot tho protons you in about at which tho vhlago 0800 and colon Ia. in -nun ..n_.....a 1171` annual ITIC and skin abouts. noun onmn. nmhh and nnhnma. m... .5... uluuu. nluuul. Dlillulllllcl I0 NOOIIQW; Lina Woodn. Ncpuno to Don-onto; codoo Walt. Ilolmui to Gunncquc llngoun Ploobylny. The loliowing no the coovonoru of the otuudlufwconmlnn 0! who Kingston pron` bylu-y honor: Augmentation oom- niitugl. Iuglllivnyz homo mmvion con nines. ll. W. Inclnn; Bcbhnh school oomniotu. J. A. Uhnon; Y P. uoclonon. W. '1'. Willtno: church Mo and work. J. lhokh; Iupounloudnco and uuninnrou o! mudonou, J. D. Boyd. The proabytory path In Chnlinorfobureh on who third Tioodny ol Soptomlot. Bu] Esme to :n;;:.VhIt tho mur- ta" e'coun por4y.Ca- . hlj`:ci:m::tn:lnonld tgcforo lo onuoiin the purchase of property. ,'W6 hue 1680 and houses for ulr. which no lo and it nny be extram- dinily remnnorqlivo inventmeat Yo` znightru Isllhnvoxom as my rn~rk.~z `r ".\'n. 1 do not. (H (`0llr'0 plninla hnro come n`m_\' vur. I nmvr mu-sHwtIu~d Hm I. It `In? emu}-lnlms \\ull|lI lune i am, ,_ . nni in..0.x.I llll'l Q! rumnr. llmo _\mI um` knnwlvdpro M Mr. lh-mun`: ntulmle towards the ('||`l"\.`4 `F. ` -'\'n `I 4.` .mo an ..........- ....._. Inspvnr M(`l`l`i(`k \\`nS uslu-I In)` NH`. _imIm~ if he know nnythimg ulmut the conduct at tho nll`co 1In\\n.s'.h\irB. or uny friction. He n-pliml llmt ho did not. nmtltillg he luul hvnrtl \\'u.-a ` inure rlnnnr, unnc. nnqnwon to Tnnton; Uuupb. Oran. Snnburv ho Gunnrqno: Ouph. Sloth. Pnooon to Nupuno: CpthNy- lmd, 0.1000: to the "I.-ghthouuo." on - rul; Lion. Banal. Cootioool to Don: onto; Lino. Hiollnnn. Pruoott. to Naps- voo: Lint. `Liddlo. Push to lorriobura; Lion. Randall. Bloomuld lo Ronfrur; [Junk nal: Ngnnnnn In l`|-.4......... llllll Ill!` IIIIlIl'l` (l||]\`ull`\I -10 UN! ;~uI_\' tu inte-rlvrt`. Mr.(`uuninp.rlmm-.."\\hut (lid Hvlllull (I0 2'" "Ho rvhnsul In Imvo unyuaing do \\ith Ilw nmltvI"." Mr. Jnlmstuu---l`vrh.\|Is H V hotlvr lhnt Rontun did nut imvrf: hut Iv! mutlrrs tnkc Hwir 1-mars `'\\u-`_ it mi_n:ht lm\'o been Irv! .- ' mmon an-any 0h;:gu. in M0 Salvation urn`; atcbiom : lcnt. Ludlow, Pnrooton to Kin slou; (Xpo. Bosroholl. Dourooho to wood; Capo. Ruth Crqzo. Trnion to Brockvilloz Capt. Ongo. Guam no to Odessa; Capt. Find- lay, Bloomod to Sunlmy; (kph. Gran. Twood no Puctoo; Capo. (iron. Brighton to Tnnton; Capb. Oran. Rnnhnri Mu nAnnl|rnnAn l\.._n 0 lollowing clnngoa IIIVO been order- I h 0 uv ru I m \\ he-n ` thorn 1 clerks `. ' `Hutu lllIH' IN` I103 (l"l`Il5l\0 LIHIIUCU: "\\ hut hus l`luunburluin`s uuitude Ivoon " .-`u_ YIVIVIH . ".~`~mm-tinms ho is ull right, ulhur linu-5 he is very uhrum. (imvs |u- llllvs ul-nsl\o |.uIu'lIu1 --\n... |..... m......|m.-|..a..-.. [MM-.-I I ` I knmw knuthllm nlmut tlmt." `Julnu.-x l'0I|.~'e stated that ho had hm-n in the |\'inuntnn [mat nll"cc sillw I875. R:-mun nnd L`m'hrune \\'rl'(.- I`rimuIl_v us far us ho know. llo nmcr hourd of any trouble |`vt\\ovn lhu two. At the limo of the us.-mult lw nus u\\'u_v on his Imlidaya. .hul;:c- MUl`pIllI---"\\h|Il In Mr. Ron- tun`a dvmuunnur tuwurcla the '|urI.n `)" ` |||llL In nocnruno. - "\\lN.Il l`hnmho.-rh\in asked you to lake his place ut the \\'ic|u~l. had you nished Htuuu-ing the letu-rs which it was you` custom in ut- Jvml to `F Yes. 1 hm! just nlldwd." Judge l\lorguns---"Du you know ||l`I`8()lHI_\ of the [mat unm-. hang used |v_\' nu olllcinl for immnrul nur- pnsvs '8" ll1Il[.' Wnmas was tumble to ghe any sm-cilic cusvu uf cuntunlu-rnusuosa and shirklng of hill wm-I nn the putt uf l'o(`hI`una. "luII l`hn|nIuu-Inin nnl-n.| I':\II I1\ (H !hn{3 |\.| nu.- ` *- f - Mr. Jnhnlton --_ "Are you` and (immherlnln not` wry 'lntlmnl.o frlemln ?" - _ ` l I "Yes we are." _. . r ` "You regard Gllluborlnln an (1 better man in the othce than either the aoatnnxnstvr or we deputy ?" Wot`, perhlu-a I do." "You would rather see Gllllll Mid - Ronlnn lurne out than are (`Imm- horluin dismissed 1". "I can`t say that. 5 V "`ll'+ll, you would rather see Ren- ton tum:-l olht than (`lmmlu-rlnlu?" "('1-rluinlv l wnuld." . "(`mn|l Cm-hrmw do all lslnds of work in the Miles 'P" ' He has the ability to do an." Are you an unxcl 0!-llghllin tllo oll`vce'."' ' I\ F8 oll`vce'." ' " ( ) h . that " `bu Witness caught tibfdl Kenton and advlnt) him ' not t0IIlI.I'!)nm- borlun` an ihqro menu: 0! settling the dhputp. my warned him to remember Inn pnliuon in the ot- l i||l'll .' `\'v.~I. I mink so." "l`Iwro mm friction : run the hour: wen; nrn Inn! 9' ' 1l5a.II`jI II I 127 ramcnss sra1=:.mA `\ I`llrN. [I0 "1 ('humlvrlnin ~nu.n~ nln ..uI. I I was (1 little.` .\'.~t....L- aha- I N`I`l'1 u.W mud on Page Four.) I 'don ft claim V'l`ltllKl [Hill I nrnra umvnlml .11) the n Illlll`. k lhiu murning tho `nuliluwti, .\lr. (`un- pl upon John Drixvr is snpvrinlx-mlvnl, of `as Iwvn in (ho nllire llo hvurtl lhc r0\\' vrluln mu! (`n<`hrum`. nnI.ux1nnI 0.. I... .I.. xmd at nrv nhrnnl Nnnux. L tho tnlk utiice m smno"limc nun (`hl\l\_L"Ol|, \\ us little quick it ulm-a not u I Qhldl` . I` ll \\ III in! <`rfvH`. l':xIII'Qn\'}" mrso1' hot I vr nlmut nu an-_ I. Find: aciuuu now Illlly openeu at C A L E D O N I A SPRINGS ; direct train service via. C. P. R. Guides on nfplication ta Gnnd Hole . nmco l`l||l|' but Mr. RllII'. do- U wt! Int! DIZQIITI] IX go 5 not out this block`. and two ptnnhlhu hovlolobhln H . Hrufuuldiu-{vol Ihluno Intnunc-uur.Iuon-coin loved no In-d uh... A-gag: u. an. .n IIII mu IU:"lu. lo will Moo I-oqiooror Gildotoloovo Ito yooro 0| noro to oauplouo Mo oak. no to will hovo to ooomh tho Ololu on ovoty plooool lood oonoolnod wloblu loo No. 94 book to tho oc lnolovpon Uopo. Mlohol tlroogo U B yol`o0, woodadodlooo. Sbbylho govovononu II eun- ptoodoll l lying Iolwou Barrie and .oooooootoopainooIovonoo~ ' Iocoojag mcunlo Bnnlo wont. to: Johanna onu Brock moon `I'M Ioooloohelodod that io now lot.-Ilonold potkond tho bolcnoo olllo loodoo Ibo ooooondoooll ol Kmqolrooloolor org Wooooiooh Sohocquootly tho nominal look not thin Maui and IVKII IIWIIIUGUII II DTVCI IWTIC. In ehoolfl here ended there, end no further trouble would heve been experienced. es the origins! eetterly lune of lot No. 24 continued nu-eight eheed iron that polne. Where the lerther mlotehe occurred wet in eccoplinf the continued utterly llne ol lot No 25 for the eerttrly lfhe of lot No. Qt beyond the pomt where the two lines lntereepted one mother. `hie continue: llne ol Colllee' bet elnoet entlrely been eeeepted ee de|Io~ log the eetterly limit cl lot No. 94, theegh the lete erehdeeeoo Bznu-t elweyt hein- teined that the ec yepted line not e Inleteht end thee it thonld continue In e ecrelght line teyon.l the jug in fhrrie rrreet. Ieny he eulte were loeuht out In the court In eerly dun over the ntittete. end no end 0! conlutlon ruellei. Ir teunt to he too Iete now to remedy the error. end whet pro- hehly wtll have to he done will he to eceept the modern or prove-ling hoe end dene the pereele therein. In -HI uh. In-inn-up lliltlgnulgn-A A-A annual U,` lurvuyur uolnnr. Oolline began hie eurvey near Golliue Bay and worked outward. The law parallel line he laid on was the eaalerly line of lot; No `. I The miecaleulaiion which follow- ed was due to the erratic hehavior of his eclmpeea, which we: aectetl hy mineral depoeibe If a glance In taken an a map of Kmgqbon in will he nob`c.\d than hhere la a dvI00n in the line of King etreeb ah the eorner of Barrie. Tim ve where the lmu~ ble began: King nhreel: ab ehle roinh wee originally intend-rd hobo eonhiuued in a euraighv line. which would have eaten in directly to the corner 0! Ontario and Went etroele. Lay a rule on the map and rhia ae once becomes apparenb. Bah. ae aforeoaid. tome magnetic depoele in she vicinity` canted the eompaee ho dailies and chin a jog wae made in King elm-eh. In Itlrlinl ohe eaet- erly line 0! lo! No. 25 the name thing oc- curred. and instead of the line being carri- ed on earaight is headed on` to the north- veek Thedieie thee Weee eateea ie no! h._R.-nl- AA-g.L ..AL4-L...L..I.. l u` 0 ot Won root Iuhoontu-IyTlhool lol No. 25. The Inn oontlnuod onuu-on lot No 85 until II inhnoctod lot No. 94 on Bu-rio we-ooh. hnnodiaboly no `point: troub- ing the to-Menu o! William Dorry. when in will to uoticod then In I jog In tho nrool. `Phonon It In: curried vonpoinh on Princooo urcob. mldwng boowoon Earth and Dnvinion strata, w em. to I) well known. then also oxiuo I] . Thenco in headed uorthwnrd. divma that old Quoon nrooo acbooltnbo no put: and uornok l)m'oion attach an I point on the north cub eldo ol Pine Itrooo. md on on l).violon euro. `run In how lot No. 25 came to In wodnnhnpod. hula; in broui had so the water fnmt botwoon [hrrio and Won nroobe. nnd running up no naming as the jug In Bu-n'I um. M swoon Johmmon and Brock aunts. I. .o.....|4I 5.-.. _..4l.J Ak`_A -..; ..- now. In proceed Will) bho work;- Yoatordny there inetmciaicns come to hand. M-eoupsnied lo eopm of origin! unpo. dnwinge. jn gmeniao eonlnnlog the boundaries on the block. and other. neoenuy hintorio data with uloreuu to lob-No. 94. Then hu nlwnyn been a die. , Plnnu to who enooru boundary of this block and it had in origin with e nerve or named (Jollim, who laid on the towns lp lone lor the iunporiol government. and aim whom Oollmn Bay was named. The toormluplohe begin our Oollioe Bay and exnond euhwexd. conned within pnnllel linen. bagiuoing no tho waver iron and running northward on hhehouodnry or oonoeoeiou line. All she lobe are properly toned had laid ouu, one the loan uwo--- oe. `24 end `.25. The easterly line oLloh No. 94 nhould be hhe westerly aide ci Bu - rie Ibrool to n poino midvuy heuweeo Jnhnuon and Brock menu, when no the loom dwolling ooonplod by Wullinm Derry I jig oaouro in nine nreec c)uNo. the line i taking a slight: nntoaly direction. The , bonndny line of lot No. `J4 woe origimlly intended to follow a nu-eighc line In keep ing with hhe lower or original path oi Bor- ` rie siren, which would he in otniuhb ahead and Ilriko the concession road no I point: nearly own block: out oi Divieion otreeb. just for enough em-hw.u-d In bake In Frontoanc echool. the westerly aide oi ohe bu-ldmg being Immediately on tohe line. Then in oho orivxinnl line As shown on the I earlier governmonb maps and it would have been iollowod hub for e mleenlonleniou ll mode by nurveyor Colllm. Uolllnl bnunn hid ounmv nmr nlline Ru: I! Itl at Don- wnpov-Aueh than too nu luau. be may now; thou: unuhuon M Ma county oi cfoltnno` hwboon unfur- lng tor thq dividing into EOCMOQI of oovm an-p I05 No. 24, for ubumai 1m-pnooa. LI-h-your I committc ! wninppointbcd bu mrry rooolutiom of Mao us-ocmt-ion into 0``oob. uni the elm: nl thin com umce will noon boar hum. For rgm;.'_3uaa'rn haw- vero and r orlnn alum-ink to March fur viola to lnnd owned wiohin Nun block ml perienood Lhb grantee diculty in tracing uwnanhipg ar other information mucmng land.-nwinpfo the hon that the block was novor divided for ab:-ouch purposes. The _crown land: demrtm-rub bu taken hood to the requuh of the bar uuooiuion in this mini And in mud lmknurlom to J. P. GI-Idonloovq rginrrnrfor bheouy of Klug- -tom Io prooud with him work: "AIDA!-(Inn mkgng hunt-g-.-s..`.-_.. ---A 5- I `IIII 1 1. :---: fun n.Imcm.t_ tux on THE purv Ig_:mrrnAn. I to m up [ma] BIC 1,01] LC. 008858: ($0., I flue 1.1-mu no lat not rnlloloqp U1 Ilnhn (`I-nnonuL_nAno-.n|.x wuuu Ill pit`! mnrnea. If the child in roehlon at night. bu coated tonguo. allow oonphxioo, I don ol Miller : Won: Pardon In whahlu ro- quind : plenum. lmmlou. Ivan: man I... |...nn...n -n._._-... ` nanny. IIOIII Bane Lubsndo can nova N ntCIlod- they [nnblo pl Ihoir winouro with auto md ulhtivu when they cont homo Into n night and tiny Illo prunbh if Obey happon to In lap and objool oo entering Into a oonvcrncion on pohueu. _ Iilllll llllllul. The Oentury company has printed out 100.000 copies 0! Kipling : "Cnpnunn Guunzoou and "Jungle Books" than far can your. Plank In Mun nnqlltm Mu-0. nun]... . ...- nr ulna )'I|r. Much is who qusllly um union I than look happy when Mn draw doesn't help him -mull pair my. In in the who he has when no you mnrried. If thn nhild in In-hlnnn At night L.- *3. 2""". ....n.." ...":...t,' Iuuy nut! uono IO." In in not known whoohot the Klnpoon nchb club wnll hold vastly non. Bonn! gundrod dollar: ol prim money to nqnind. nod nu pnnnl um In not fwsheouing. owing to voronl puymonh to ho mud: NOINI King loom for Broukvlllo Bun- dnyo no 0 Lu. and for Roohootor at 0:45 In. Susan: Bu-o Inns Tnudnyo and lmrodnyn 3! 3;) mqconnoecinplt Brighton wash Noni King for Rochuor. J. I`. Honky. nous. bl-um. I..nb.-..4l- .... _._.. L- --n-A-J l.|DIl' |DUl'lJ. The R. &. 0. both: curry orovdo down the river daily. Scores go though from the not wlohono halting among the Thou- nnd iohnda. IDA- I`-_L...._ --_._..__. L44 - r 7- - I uupurvluon ol lire. J. U. Ithmd In tho uooud round tor tho Waller trophy ol the dominion bowling sou-on uoou Dr. Wnaon. Kinguon. dohohd J. L. Onptool. Toronto. by Many ho to eovonloon. Ensign Brno Robert. Snlntion Anny. Burio. aye: "Hut and Miller ! Oom- pound Iron Pulls when phyaioslly ruodotn, and cm plonod to Conny to tho gnu! good they have done no." Illnelllny II} CW. C3! 3 uloepleuneos. numb Qt verhhd an on until. In-nun` .n ' . I ' Iuchliltv-r%"..'1Ind-0...`. an tlnuwulittlquu-cngtlrorvmh my Nod; I` III than jvc ICU I! IDIITCT. H. Wnldorh milk wuggon van badly nmu-bod yosterdny and much milk loot: by the Force running n-my on Union strut near Alberb. rm... D L n n.__.- _-___ -,,.,L - !':`.{.'x".`.'I."."'.=.""..`; !K'3.'.."...."" (aintneno. Inn ol unngtt. and huh. nv non` All nnhtrul. Iv nhhnn IIUEIEEU. Porch has a good trotblng meeting book- ed for Ju!y 25th on `$70!: with 8300 In purse}. Frank G. Bmlnh. of Bonon. will I new no -barter. ll \l7.IJ-..I- __nL _--_-- _ -- L --- Dr. Wad`: Iliad and Reno Pill: huh done no an iucnlnhbh annual ofgood. I think they on in hot. smut and quickest sex can for nervousness, unhealthy: cult bourdnor ` nloenlesunng munnh 2 vefhh l nu nu nun Iluuln III |UIl A bo;:iwalk um boon ma Ilong on." urtlllory park lance. hub in oormlnnou in who mlddlo of two blocks npd in practically useless. l|_..nL I.-- A A_-J A----A menu If` good for turn dnyl. `PM man lmuinnn of OM Inc John 0. Motmlfo will be continued at the old wand, 6i Brook snub. under the poroonnl nuporvlolon of Mrs. J. O. Iobcmfo In khn nnninnd I-annunl lg- n|.- \I7-IL_.. uuu un pl$0 E) (El they no." In (a noun Luna. -| nuns [wwmwy K them` In-:'I'nnu lnvl on yntonhy. Tho Now York Consul RR chap excursions to Kingston y Rah mud 22nd and August huh um! ll9:.h. The oichoa no good for three days. man lmuinan of Mn mu. .m... n wun {nu lay nlra. is. 1'. Flowlr. ` The Intern around Wolfe Iulnd are much frequented by unnlon. an wellu the famous Eel buy. noun Olnyuon. N.Y. Linen cows. 81. Gruud Union. I Iln'-.'.. I1\ 1|... ....... ...u.,. | ....._, munv. III II urnnu Union. The Aumm Conoury will be u midsum- mer and mnvol number. containing mnny articles of uuonnblo Intorocb. Th. flnxh ...`.--.- -.......-..._ L-..) urwclu ol uuonnlo Intercom ' The 30:!) sapsrnto company baud. Wntortown, N. Y . bu been prevented with 35!) by Mrs. R. P. Flower. Th! DIEM An-nnrul Wall. I-`Ind ... unclicuuats Gouoneirqtunn I I Iuuu Iculin - Ac: um grow: old rho got: jun n contradictory and olmlnoto on he was | when he wn oong. I LHIIIB WIID h 1-\nt.hInn. Oh: Inn-m A-Anni. I WIIIII III WI! Olin`. Llano woig c moshing. tho but-uoow menb. M the Grand Union. Th. Anmnq lV....n....- ..m I._ _ _.u____ IIIUCIIOIKICVV H. Ounnlnghum. pinno Iuuor from Chlokorlngh. Onion rocolnd at Mean- Ioy a book store. Ann nun ovnnn nld .I.- ...n. :...A _- 1-..... , V--an-nu. uuuuluwu. live `mm hulpnllllntobnnorn, | A3u s': _ I ll) `- o dyo to hold in non dudes. or nou- 0000. I-hln Mngnotio Dyoa. Pnco I00. for t my color. Mn. 0. "rural! n...o. n... --_- Illl Ufa Kim. 0. Hgnwau, Dante. Ont. nyo mlesii-;in`I3||lorn Worm Powder: I good I! n..__x.._n._... __2_-- . - WU: Donor mum follow from the in 0! Miller : Compound Iron Pull: than from nnLohhorI. ad... I; ._l.l l_ .__-.__ _L I-- 1` uuunuy wlll I3}! I00 clllldlill IIXIUDY. Bsturduy at too Ornd Union`--800 weather gnrmcnwoho nmctiou. All wol- cums. Il..u-.. .....I;. n-n__ p,__, .. . - u-y 1-slur tun cuuplny nu pn-ma. Acfy mm otu to I plnlouopnr I! h only think: enough About his own foollnhnooo. A does of Milton: Worn `Powdun noon- Iiounlly will hop tho childfnn hulthy. Bltnrdh! Gmnd Union'_llm puuuu nruu run. 00 00:0! 250. Cnchucy hon suite. uho mm Ind. with ultra huichen. U-nud Umou. . A mun llnncn im...+... -5... La. -11. -m cuvuu Iulcnrn. `uunu umon. A mun Always wonder: who his will will my ugtu the company bu Iopcmd. Auy nhxlnmnmr N ha ml. u-uvu IlUCU| VI. uruuu Ulll0IIn Hon`.-4 in me man who knnwn It Ml; HI: anlor noun onn quell; He Ivnrns lhlngsln Iwu svmmln wlnol ll. taken him hours mm: A |_,,_j u n . -.- - rum II au unmu Umnn. The ban cure for ocsona In Minor`: Cour ` puuud lrou Pulls. 50 do... 25 I`.-.1-Imuy 3... mu. .|.. n..... n-.| ..-L m-as?` i \\'itn('F--NOQ to In_\' knm\'lod;:t\." MIN. J. Fhnmhorlutn was examin- `lw Mr. (`tanning-hunt. llv hndthoon tho other since 1886, nml in that imo hnd nowr rt-rt-iwd a n-primnml. o clork In the olce had is hotter ro- cord than he. Witnrns proroedv;t tn rtvo nn urcouut of what. ocrllrrod nn Mnv `.`..'itI in cunm-ction with the lritish mail hnus. Ono of those- vns missing und he naked Romtnn 'h(`l"t` It wus. nnd said that it Nhutlld not he tnkon nxx-n_v until (`hnr|\NI n. t'n`hl`t\nt`. \\".\S there and romnrtlod that hv tl`hnmhr~r|nin) wns nut dc-IIut_\-. t`m*hnum vrmtinuvd the-so` rvnmrks. tnrthu-r saying: that he was nut. ntrnid nt the 1`u_\-lnr jtumz. \\'it- Iwns tultl t`nt'hrnm\ that My wmlld make him mmlngiwv tnr tht remark.-I h\' n'm|-. Ho np|waln~ tn lhmtmi tn svttlo tho ru\\'. hut thn luttvr nu tum-d. llotnro tin` n`u|nck ho nntirml his w-to nut.-aid:-. nnrl ink:-d Dunt tu take hiu I-lure ut the d~li\'~r)' \\'ickot for in tow minutos. "0 \\'u`nt nut- sicto and tnhl Mrs. Vhnnnlmrlnin what hunt nrrnrn-rl. mut hnth thuuvht thn t`.-rhrt\nt\ 0 ed thmn nn u|\nlng_\'. tho nwnnthno t`m`hraine t` and thinking ht` \\-am \ mm In tho t`lnr1ncn- runnnsz tIu\\'ll t`h:unh<-rk\in \\'nl rwt unto. rs linmnn at l urnnml thu WM white It vrnvr, \\hvh~ \\`illlt`t~` hmxv in-t (`m-hrunv. Tho lnttm`. u~,n:_ A _... A ...._...I W Info - On July on l_`oIpe o Int ouriod our ` ,lll.!.pnnnn. Koo wuthu am to: an my (2 50 "pus:E:md 1 mo. an an 5- no 1 com: locidua. Bnmnmynderwur. 600.. 755. Ind 01 3 mil. Gnud Uniuo. Rhianna n.-\rh`..- A- -.._L_L Il-rV._.._I_ nna. urulu UIIIOD. Bmnmor oomgo to man at llcCano~'o. 332 King urn . I... m ....... 1.... L....-~ _._- nnA An an lxuur urn!-. ' ' l.e.'.m worn to; bnye and mm. 76c , II and SI 60 Grand Uuma. ` TL. 1...... ....... 1..- ._--.__ x. n:--._-. n-- Dun ' [ mawmn mist 3. ,. -Ulnln which I [I'll \\`I\I I0 I31` \\l`l|'\\'|0 I0 l|l'1\|n- uvitv llv poom\`n~l\- dvniod strikimz (`urhmm-. T80 latter as wrv ol- I':-mlvr to witness` wife at dionnv limes. The no morning whrmwo ramp in (`hunt-orlnin and Mnlodt I Inn was sorry tb-mint had on-nrrod, and arm n n was an! named Rm- n~nnInI In; Ii Inn-ltinnn II was There in lots of wood ` that in not fire wood.` We select t e best and de- liver the beat. They say our wood burial better and lasts longer. ,~ Try some. " 3Q9T~.UEL9- ' 53.5-i in-rno_ _-7-73.? rauapnonn mo. ' \ should "pupa mr vmrl lumen of I ``' . lie nhoulll prgpum mt mud wnllnor vb "' "_' not by ordurlnj `lun Wlmor sump`! "" now. You'll vb Ilbnry and Mill! |' vonlonoo by being an early hlnl " - _` )l`LAA` pom gg;iooL " :Uhg| giggn mi L`, .4 lwiloulr yllptq-`glut. . V ' llaiuu nah |!fr'6|s.l|;` , Also Wood. Llmo}e Emu T -av --vvvp - :- 'au}'d lath P. wAl..sH, RR R ! II--u-`ab no.4.- and that W ll not noun-cl Inw- wmuld Inca (hit fnxthltiuns. It wru nwnw-ll hf *iRIN. `mm! (In nnrtln calm Idao Ch unmutut. VB and- ` K -`. \ J . :4 - .\'Irl"K IIPI svwrnll KIIVN`-` `H III(`K- mg Iim vontnlw-rlnim. During this timo RI-mnn was nwnnnnu vorx nmth. and c|'lnn-1| he would kill (`hnmh--rlnin. lhmt rnmo nm and nzrnhlw-d R1-ntnn. hm. tho Inner mute nwuw. to-at-int his shirt. Tho rcunn Phnllnhorlnin wont. imn Hm xvd mm to at (`urhmm In Involu- nivn Iln nnniH\1nI\- `Inning! nor-ilinn u|n(HlI llllNIK98. Mr. (`tInnin':hnln--"Did Mr. (`Imm- imrlain `Interfere with Mrs. Hamilton in nn\'tjin;.r outside his own busi- mvaa`.``` ` Q-llllllk VH1- Mr. (iunn. poxtmustn-r, nlso Lvnvo M/Idl`lI!`(`. Ho know nmhim: nhnllt. the unsnult. llogunlimz the min- iion.-4 of lhrnl-in and Chnmherlnin, wiln IS stated that they could not hu\'o NBOII \`0l`_\ frimitlly. as one limn ho hr-urtl (`hmnherluin call the do-pun` n suouk. llu did nut ranmnihur ova-r hearing Mr. Rvlitulil-I uuthnrjly ques- tionoll by (`hmuli(-rlmn Ht` hillmn non`-r hml nnv trouble with (`hum- horlnin. nnd ul\\`n_\'s {mind him to he II good and useful clerk. Ho was not in in position to say who was in blnnm for the nllerrntimis in tho ollivu. Mr. Darcy. of tho roq|sr_v nmro. was next 0\l\lllilN`(I. -Thin \\'itn-ss said he thew mvhim: \\-hmpwr or the ass.-null. Mr. (`unninuhnm nskoul hlm nl-quit tho romplnint. mndo by Mrs. Hzihiilton that Phmnlwrlnin had nrrusq-d bar of nmkimt niistukea in her wnrk. Mr` `l)nr1`_\' mid (hut Phnnilu-rh\in bud cumpluinvd to him ul-nut niistnkoa. XII` l`nnninuhnn|__"l'\hI \I l`|.nn\_ K`3Iln._lAl lDIlIVOUlDmlD3ll -nelulidoalhinhtho ulna. him: am noon. porwu mr not uumg m-r work. Mr. Juhnnton--".1 um not Falling lhc-no wxlnessos lu formulate any chunms unlinst. Mr. (thnmlwrluin. but simply an currohurlltixe of the assault case." Mr llnnn II(\u'lI|nn.ul' n`ct\ .-n.-.. 'IEm||_ cl Ihdl~n:: Instantly attachable to any tecl. very handy, PRICE soc. ll Whouls. Wllll l'IN'IIl"llHU. To Mr. Cunninghmn witness amt:-d that nn (mud 1-`ridny Chamberlain ohjo-(`ted to her huvink a holiday after she had been grunt:-d uno by uh cl:-nuty. and that he had stated she did not do her work well. She threatened that Hhl` would hu\'n him n-ported if ho interfered with her am! more. She had never berm re- ported for not doing her work. Mr, Johns-tnn_-".l um um rrnllim. munu mm courteous us mr as she was vuncurnud. She had trouble with Mr. ChaIll|bt l'h|iI, who had in- terfured with he-r in her work. "I told him what. I lhuughl 0! him," said the wilm.-ss. "for 1 did not com uider him as gcnllunmn." Wiuiess then told what iihu knmv 0! the us- sault. She never had any trouble with (`w`hrunu. '1`.` \l.- l`unnin...Is..u.. u-H-....... ..o..4...I nun-mar. . Mrs. lnuholln Hulnilton. g ck-nk in the registry oxhm. wua next examin- ed by Mr. Johnston on behalf 0! the dt-puty-llustnnlslor. \\`itm'sa stated she hnd he-n in the post ulvc sinus 1.-t2I`.3.v Hho newer hnd anv truuhlu with Mr. lhntun. but had nlwuy.-4 found him courteous far she Chmnbvrluin, in tnrfnrl-I \vith ho-r in hnr wnrl: I nu. noon 1.0-au..V_'. Mtor hmarlug the account by Cochmne ot the nu: ult, _.3jesL9rdu_}' afternoon, Mr. Cunnnghmn` stated that on ha!ll__ of his client, Mr. thumb:-rlnin, he denied the usuuult nl$oxNher- Curl-rune sum that Chum- berlmn was a good worker 1n the umu. The former had some trouble with Bum. n (`lurk in the (mica, uml the latter had slupped hi; taco on pm: occasion. but the dispute `mu.- Iuttlcd uu the advice of the post- nmater. Ilrn lnnlmlln V"nIv\K'ln\I\ _ ..l....I,- :.. UTTZTXUI M. llchlllrtlulr nu:-ruuonoo In urea noun. The post. omco in_\*eati;.rntlon oom- minuloner amt. [rum Lou o'clock yua- terduy morning nu ten o'clock Inst. nixzht hearing evidence, and then an uuuurmnont was mule till hunt-punt him this morning. It was expected" that the enuutry would be cumplt.-ted at. noon to-day. khan` honrhi: tho an-vnunt I\\' Osnhuhll Iotuu Rona`: IvIcIu- .:L`jQLh:A`:h an -5 not, own` camera to A . not or biioivirui. ' `'*.*`"-`` '`I" [Post We? I V I VI IV EV (`aw turnout \\-nut n I`||II|III\' |l\I\\`" unto, .\|rs \\`itIu`SS and 4\II \I'nlIin.O.\n Pl 1`c% I / BASKETS ,U|`lIr{\"I`. lnl` |n|'l(`r. d (ill \\`(\"inL'I nn III` In tho` I`t`L'lSlI \ \"iInnuu Hid nu! I:uI|' momml an to use poumonn~gInoIul'."' `TO. I think lnuqv til should to hpu. be small `ft on. !'.'I...'................ 5.. "II! ,1 IKW C I BITE OI thug. which should low hero Oil Q the mall I." "?"-w"..' 31.... '21`... ."..1'..'I."`....... D` In In`. I\lII'I' 7' "BBO CIHBO I think II Inl M tliuipno in the nlhre. the bend om- duh hlu hmymuuslhle for thin." "line v~ you yr:-1' complained 01 (III: 9` `'0! u did you complain -"' OI r. Iumlnanld. whom I (howl! wan Iiitkln Ila wn-In." "hn vnn -hunt nl nnv hm-rh nl "nan \-nu on-r In-n tnnmnu-mm dofIincnlr!_\- nmurn-I uh n rlvrk "" "III. I hnvt Int." "Do you know Ibo cans: M the My in this the ~" ' mg ning I thinly In I-35 on. l.IO\l this 7` "Van uun Y Y; I have done so `who D! whom did not: mun (\lUl`(`. "What in tho cumin 0! Hm trouble in the post nmro ?" "'l'|u\n\ has hm-n no prrmt. lrnuhlo fur tlw Dust fmv }'t':\l`:~`.." "In snonkinn to (`hnmlwrlnin wlmt. tvrm did ('m`hrnIm usv rt-lutixv to lhv 'l`.I_\lur.< ' "Ho uid the 'T`n\'lur u'nmv_ \\'vn- You N\'I`[` NH` t`a|lI!~'(` H` truul-la` in (hu ntro "" Uh. thorn \\'ull trmI.hh- lulu! hut Hm! \\`n.-I .*(`Hlml, um! I vnro In .-nu" nnxt'hinr uh `\lr. .hl1n.-aQn---A" " um-(I llur mom! to (`nrhruvw '.' "l cmd --nu... . \un hvnr the mo punnc mum. (`harks A. llnnl nnill `hm! lnlol\' Poehnun had been in:-Iinul tn shirk his wurk. At times he was shun to MI fellow cl:-rks. LnQOI\`_ it sccumnl that (`uvchmm am!-urn! tn In like one fun had an bin: l'r0YhI`r ho- Mnd Mm. and roulul thorol-are [hw- hu-I `chin. " IInv-Q \-nu nun. -nan I"hnn\'s1I-sin l'IL'` IH\\\' I"fI.\_Ll*`V'|Q` V` THC`? "I Inn` nnkl- 5 in N10 paper Ivmntinnml has Nasnn tn know that Hw }'T!\Ill\d.I 0! the pun! umre nr tho lmilulimz it.-ml! lune horn n.-am! fur Hm ym.-1-~su< Imm- llnm-(I I will rlmllr` hour 0`\i|h\n1`I' in that NGp\'(`t, and report it in (ho [o\-o-rmmmt I cannot hunt up llmt evident: nasal! and I mnln this mur- Irostinn fur the 3-urpuno M satisfying the pmhc mind." I`nnr-In. A `hint Qnhl Olin. ImQnI\- H` II. I Ilrup th: wihwss` 1 und ho I was the I nmrn. --\\1...o "_\n, I know mun about H." Judge Mu |'nV\R--"' rich! Imw thn .i1-hs- ` nnkl-5 pnnol 0|.` .....o`..~.. ._- oh- nuuuue to me. Mrs. (`humhvrlnin unvo r-xidvnro in re-lntinn to the nsnuult. She t`nrru- hurutvd the slntvlm-nts nmdo by lwr lumlmml in rI~fvr1`nrn tn Ihu ussunlt, mnclv by Mr. Ill-ntnn. She did not 500 ht-r hualmnd strike` (`n('|\rnm\. .~hurI|_\' uftor nix 0'clu(`k lauzt wen- im: the in\v_~:HI:utinn wns ud- _iuurn<-(I. und un its rt-smn[\tim M 1-hrhl n``luck l"rum`is .\Iuv wus culled to nhe vxhlmwu. Mr. (`un- nimzhnm 9\nmining llv was up- gmiuh-tl to Um punt nllivo in Nlnrch. 1875. No never hnd nny truuhlv with (`orhrnntx On Hm nth-rnmm the nssnult took 1-Inn-. ho In-nral the dispute lwtwoon (`hnmhorlnin nml (.`u<*hrnno. As to how tho rmv or- igvhmlnd he did not know, hut sup- pnsml it wns on nrcuunt of some hard fooling hetwoon (ho two mQ_~t_ ins. \\'itm-sa sun so roul rmv in it ..o nll H. ...I.-am n........,.1..:.. ... muo nm Jmhrv ` lnnnld. ,1 diM`IIs.-rim l~T\\`ninz lminlx use II..\ in rail YVHIV I 5"!` III It'll \\ IHII true. Lust lliuhl `Mr. H: mm m_\\`-If tulkecl mvr th and M.-: .-41ur\' clivrwl from mine` That as nll linlo nmvry ut it ' 1.. an Klnnun nu_,_ ` '\'nnv "ghrthoiu|Iutw0Iu\~_o pl ulu _\'(HI '1' "Nu. I (Hal not. but only nwnlhm this inntunco to show Mr. Ih\ntun'.-A nttituqle to me." Mm: |`h.....I....-Iain .....r.. .1.:.l.......\ :.. A. ABERNETHY . Ann 1-u-nth-rnv-nus on-ans-nouns UIHCU 74' V .-\lmut oiulxt hours a ~ Mr. (`unnim:||:nn--"You yvluined uhout working ( um you -2" "Nu I .I|.I um mm .u I llru(`~q1Ia\l`u*l` "llnw Iul` om u 1" ` ` .\ hunt nln "(in me good Friday ho me hurl.` uftur I hm! (lmw nu} uml kept. nw (hero for un In lhroo-quarters uxtrn." "IIn\\: Inrr urn vnnr hnnru \\nrN. J1u,vo---"\\'hnt \\'us his ;:1-ncrul ut- tiuldo towards you '3' "He mldronsu-(I nm in It \cr_\' of- fonsixe mnnm-r." .ludue---"\\ e|l, I! Mr. Renton hns dnlw what you have said. if 1 was 5mstnmstcr-m\m=ruI 1 would dismiss him innnmdiutuly." Mr. Julumt.on.-"(:i\o um nn in~ stance n! t.h1s 1-xlm um] unuuucvssury work ?" AIII . I 1 "lln . you `I ' ".\ n. ho ha! been vnnlinuully giv- ing me the Inust, \u-y unplonuunt. \\`urk'in tho nlllcu, m'\imz me the moat inconu-nicnt. hours, and extra \\nrk." w It'll n. nun. I nenoxo no unxmu.-4 to usauult me." Judge 1\lurpzuns--Wh_\'. ()0 think (hut. Nu? he nut [men In you ?" ` 5 "Kn LA I`... `nnxnn ......o:......||.. tutu. uu_y ( v "No. l lid u0t.',-' Judge Murg-mns--"\\'ug mg n upon you by Renmn em.iroL\' prox nkvd '1)" .3'\ m: ll \\'nlA 1 Imnu... I... II unuugt 'r'_ "I dun L renu-mhur." "lime yuu been in accord with Mr`. Ru-nu-n during the puasl. few )eurs '3" "1 have tried to buck him up in o\1`re'l puasiblo \\'u:.'." - 1 " y Hid ypu go into the` poali 0H'u'o Hard 9'1 V-|- IIIWIW -I Illflf IIEWIJ 0] I105 WXUIOI` Weommrtwnrl vnh ":-.::'::.,..,`- ~'..u -'-?'-:::'r-...':'~-..':- QC DI OI` . though to hive warm v:|oyl.M: %||h.:lI00u, wouumluuunuund the not once. uuy mu _y_ou mm Hit`. pout _\nrd ?'l ` "I did not wunt `to hone any wurdn ullh l'I)IIrg|lI8 on the strain." "Did you call Cox-hruno u linr on that day 'I' "No. I did nut '-' O! you rnmplain `V "Di I. Inning-Id. than once to private matters. . Mr. 'J0hnstun--.-Wu'e you over re- primanded Irv iuBpo1',I.m' .\wmtnnun? \N'iuwsl-"`Sut to my klmwledgm." "\\nll you deny culling Mr. Kenton I emeuk ?" n "I Jun 1 ...........\|...- -- ' .g-4,; vlaid Q; not t. .BowQvur. no- tlunu Iymo ` ijt.`-V The fol- lowing wttuhl was 3 Al to the statement that has (C ber- lnln) had repor Benton d ox- Duned MIJIGPODR. this tha. itnena denied. Hc did-. not~'su_w he wished Kenton removed and not din isaed. Witness lurther made daniul um Anl,nt.-nnentu made; by Mr. Renmn that s ' M-dinllked Cuthrane because the lat- ter was favored by the deputy, and that Oochrane would not sign 5 no- titlon not up by witueu. ChInul.wr- lain said that no trouble wouid huvu 04-curred In-tween Cochrunu mu] him-. self hud nut the former made ruler- to private Llr. Jnlmutnn....\\.'..-.. u.... ...=-.... .... 1. J nll. t In)`. , PRO RIM f('`1in|! In NH` 3-art .n|wrluin n|::\h\.~1 lh-mun M the luvr. u nun m.-m. hm! -vll [\l.H`vd mrr nlclvr rlo-rk.~ " "n did nut mm-xhlnr Hmuhun nu nnrry at ll mt Mnr~L'nns---"`.\'_n\\', d. Jhoro hun lwin 1'0 Isinn uhmll nn nriv nu 'l`snu-s nlmnt tho 1 Hand fur ilmnurul r...n nI\|' L-..u.-|...I.n\ _\'nIl l1\` the (`nsui Ll Imm h " .. n......, Nitm-sa saw 10 L No udviso (`nmnhorluin tn the muttor. 'l` o lutlor. (ho ssh anltl, was n mmd \\'nrkq-`r . 0 did nut `think (`lnnnhc-rlni h he came of any (rnuhln in the ,. v ow nutlning \\I\to\'vr During the healed torm (hug |I-`In Inn -9` you will wnnlto POQIN f I :m' wool nu? -o(::'.``u n'`o's"i;,1.`K .. I .I J unto Antndy or hot weather 9%! '3? I W lb nA.a -_u.n_; an, ___` ._ III|lI|l`T`.|I k no IHIW` ,.. Inn nmmholnin nl nhh - p-I.\pl- I belioxo he -":`\'\."l1_\'. you fair to i uni ngnnr ma. to hours in the thn`. n: n... Mr `Slur; m.-Iulvru hlv` nln i u O in. III` I TUHHII` s0l\w\\'I\n1 I u .... .. Shoes For Comfovrt. .-...q . pnrpq .nl 1 (hooks brnugllt uy Int ion mur mu! (`T (`I hm nssnu nu _\ "that I I\.n- is, R. FICCANN.