Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Mar 1877, p. 2

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10'. ll I0 D&, OIIIOIIII PIOCIIIIIIMI, lnl to the Hanldl of tho north. thn dress, and etntml that me l.U.U.l'. had 49 Grand Lodgoe, end branches in Porn, Landon. Germeny, Switzerlanal, Australia, New Zonlnml ed other foreign places. Every province, etato end territory in (fanede and the Statue had nu Urend Ludge. In one you they spent 81,700,000. n-Loving 6,l72 widnwe, et en uxpenm of 8lG.'),00(), burying 5,500 deed at a cult of $`. 85,()01), relieving 52,000 hrothere by 8l.l50,000. neerly two l'lllll|0l|l in one you! And , yet theee duller: were small in com eri- eon with the other good bf Uddfullow ship. And yet whet A nol-lo thing to think that not en orphen but wee cared for end educeled; not a widow but wee helped , end nut e eick brother thet night that heal not two brothere eittina beeide him toeeeo his pain end ettend hie every cell. True, it wee eeeorot eocioty. But ` whet lemily, in Iteell, II no e eeoret eo- oiety- whet lentil] hed ot it: own eouneele nfe from the world. He hed no objection to tell Oddfolluwe worde. They were Fri4mdeI|ip" lor ie lellowmeu Lure for hie hrother, end "Truth" lor ell. Other Virtuee ere their-e. which ere eo pleln the! than who r a any reed: l wee en hue red," &4:. it: true ejae which e hrothernever felle` to en- ewer, be it frem tlie aeetle or the cottage. When it aeme forth tree: stricken Cli- oe It hmuglit beck fr-on*('lddlellowe , OTQJIIO; when eeut from lever-eooereed Ilenpble end he deter pleooe, it brought Ioeey nereeeend oaters, endnow ee- 'eet'eI'honee to 21wldoweeudl0or- pleee.A helpto eed ~ row,t|iuign All Oddtellewe levee the neeehnm, It bree M 348 ten` 0! d- kept the: elln. feethee wee I itreee," e " leter, when Keeeee wee tle- l eeeetrleten to-her-r eoeldeet heuhlledh` V IUI'I3V8I', Inn [IO CCUIG IIUB OCIIO U18 Il.|Ot`l'I of towns of muehruum growth, though of ferieee solidity and strength in these timee of business trial. It wee by no means whet the Americene called e tinlehed city---played out, that in. [ta progreee of lets your: deni `d that. As he draw near to Kingston t et day, his thouaiite were drewn to thecerlier hiatu- ~ ry of the eity, end the prominent plece it ` has filled in the gublio reeerde. it wee here thet, two end e helf ccntnriee ego, (1608,) Chemplein landed, and eew for the first time known in white men'e vision, the,blue wetere of Onterio. Here he built the liret fort` in Ontario; here in 1753 Frontenac mede n reeting pleoe end conrmed the eite of hie prede- ceeeor end etrengthened the fort, lendie it e neme thet ie held in high favor, en ` ie being perpetuated; here the Cantulien end other Oounoile were held regulex-Jy. notebly the ret meeting of eoneultetion between white men end Indiene--in Ohelnpleilfe time; here the tint Court, with in powdered wige, wee held in On- '0, end here the rntfee wee collected` y the well remeznbered Sherilf_Mecleeu; here the tiret eteamere were built that - lowed onr inleud wetere ; here the tint Eigh School wee eetebliehed by Biehop Strechen: hero the ret daily newspaper in Ontario wm eetebliehed, the Human Wnm; here the tint benkin inelitution oi the country wee eeteblieh -here, in- deed. wee the cradle of the whole eeetern eeetion, end chiey of the Be . Here it wee thet thoee breve U. . Loyelietl. found their tiret refuge in nndieputed Britieh eoil. end eettled to relee up e com- munity of breve end lnyel henrte, who will not feil to be inepired by the heroiem I of their forefathers. He wee wood `to be e deecendent ol one of theee veliete, one who in the tight cut on`. the bullet thet hed pierced hie own lleeh, end red < it beck et the menu . Proceeding, how- ` ever, to nettere of ( ddfellowehip. he re- ported the etetieticsof the efternoon ed- ` dreee, end stated that the I.0.0.F. hut All llr-eul [Adana and `IIICIIJOD CXOIPI INC UDIXIIIII 00 I'll` CUE` ' aunt. `rho aumplioauon ol in than cardinal vi: tnaa, Frtandahip. Truth and Inn, Ian the baaia of aooialhannon , the hatbiaaan oi paaoo and comfort. ' vaa aoqial bacauu it cultivated social tooling, diaovuud social mama, enquir- od into tho auto 0! launiliu. and saw that uona almond or-Jan: of a halpid; hand. that no call sent unheard, and that no-widow`: or on-phau'a' plea !or help was unhaodoql. No inatitution could aa- aiaq like this one. Lat calamity botnll a `bmthar and 1,000 hand: are ouutrolchod Ir Iulp him, providad ha ha: followal the virtues of the Order. It protocta -bun also againat gocuqiary right,` and it does not do aiv.hor'of than out of charity. but an right` mutually aha:-ed and paid for by was won wan. _ z ' The tanaioal progralnma in u da- _callant. supported an it waa by Pro . Old- ham and the _|loa-1-a._ Tandy Broa. The P:ofouo,r,, boudpa playing the accompani- nanta, oontributad twova laadid aoloo aaloctioua from Fra iavolo" and a fantasia of hllf own upon tha "Blue Ball: of Scotland? the la_at can unite an auclisuce to that are com- p!imant,,an ouoore like but nlght'a.nt all tuna. H-Bro. Wm. Tandy sang with aa lino aifoct as we have ever heard from . that ever,`oapabla a agar, "The Bay of l3iacay,"and fur the inevitable encore tang tho inapiring "Ready, nye`Roady." Mm Batu sang two anloa,; the Wood Nym h`a Call at bar band Ncaivin ao Inclusion: 8 rendering, an to call fort an "authuaiaatlc encore, and the Magic oi Music" mu added thereby. Mr. J. Craig did juatioa to a very dilllcult aong to move the feeling: of an audience with, Ilka blndcol graaa koqpa ita ain drop 0' daw." Mr. Bu-kei-`a aolo, Where la Heaven," in a pnttily aet piece, but hardly uitable to hia_voic.Io often heard with pleasure. Mr. W. 0. Craig aang the "holy Friar" exceedingly In-ll, }nd '3' ` an an encore anng clioaa The Greon,'Y a. wry papular selection. Ilro. R. Tandy, who is alwayl sure of an en- core in his ballads, was loudly applauded in The Village Fair," but did mot ro- apmnl to "tho reca l. 3m. Dr. McCain Innn read the familiar, but very welcome. opinion of Kitty Mnloney on the Chinose Question, and delighted tho audience nloro than over lVllll`lL ' - (1.-aurl Mnntnr Par-nv IIII inf!-nllulnml more imn over IVlln'll. ` . Grand Muster Perry nu introduced with a high oolnplimenl. paid to his dero- tion tound popularity in the urdor, and knowledge of n1l.iu workings und princi- leu.` He nddrouod them as citizens, shun he felt as one, owning it to be hi: birthplace,_ so nut to it was his childhood spank. To him it -ms a joy forever, and he could not echo tho tuner: nflnw-u 1.` uni-hr-.mm innlih lhnnuh nf uuuuwuuuv, xnuw I The cqucod was no: the buluul 0! than I moot! thlull u no Analinli --ul . II flint IIIIIIUIII, IHITBCI Ill Pllu 101 D vinlt. to in Udd'f'ollou' Hill might make ` them more familiar with the principles tlnl dwell than ' `Plum Innninnl nrnul-alum: -an uni-a iv. both paths, pmvorhiully 5 dimoult tut. Ho could still: tho Donoontmby con- lh-ning tlnlr Governor: in thou Sutu n which each party chimed tho undoubt- Od victoq, slid the Ropubliunl with tho Ulliduutlon that thin` patriotism, in iuivina gubuulotinl hououn. uhnuld be I-unrdud by an oven non Iubotutinl pod. Thu tho Lot President In jut n.- _... I... ate. m...i.m. Ho Along um uapunu uuuuuu .u mght. Thq appear- in inprovod "undo! :1 unit halides 5 vary u~rl.nmInnnL. Bra. Dr. pmwo nrvitudo hulnghoc ofolgd to the nnnnhotun al the qwuriou 2!'.??.."'.3".`.'..:"" 'J`. .'. F;'{.'``'`' u....,` 2- v~:::... .,.*'-....."x.. -`E -2* can . | on - Inpho have ht-hlhl I well union: my united (at tho Ollflvllj and inn. "lhnlnnn In an it Ll- UIIII um WHIC- --'l`ho ocnpooltorl on the Globl job room Ilrool work yesterday, DIM] to 3 nhunduuhndiaIitMholonnunprd- has I to-u-no non! of the prion, which they chin to choir loan. .----~-~-90 Lord Darby Int otrrolorro-J to Her Ihjcntyi Minister u Jspn n I-or cull- ing nmntou to truck aunt-mod In Ja- pan. both on tho rovclmo ul tho odlnlry um] on the qr:-prhlorl of Dr. J. Collin Brutus`: Ch nrodyno; and 8ir_H. Park: was inuruocod to mnihu inqnirhl into the umur. and to uhnoh II to night oonnidcr but. and Hi: ' Iww mean that `hvi nurhhd that gnnurunor 01 no nos. -l-`onr hundnd thousand pilgrims no expected in Banach tho ocruion of the Episcopal J ubiloo of P0 H P. -John D. Lee, u onnon mutdonr in mumbled Gov. Tildon in fouuro. Ii domestic We be had tho nduntnxo our tho Governor by 18 win: And N chil- dun. ,, Th. Kalb-.. -1 l`--|.-- _.'j_. . _I.lA_ PIIHOI B III-I IUII OI ODO POI 1`. --Tho`-`B . rooklyn, N. Y., dotootlvn. are hot foot Alto! nono party who stole um hundred thouund dollars worth ol Uonrnlnonu bonds. _'n.A -I-........o.. 4-.:...... .......... - -1no `mu-onwo uugmus nuuu o bruibnnd for the Cornea": `In in- rovolnont upon jot up: n nt- flu. Why nod. and: to Nvvrcuthf Then : Dr. Tuppbr-why all lot -on bran and wind. _1`I.. ..._....lo..- .... AL. 01.1.. a..|. to: n anon anon. um rm. 1: 3 upon`. Id, on the It]: at June. - - ho question at a mounted ' (area In: boon dincunud by the olion Conmittu at Monvu.-nl u I noouphy jar which prolinlou nus} shortly ha a. ~ . ~-A Countv oonahbln mun Kinnau uer norm. ` --ix girl hobo: Ian born in ondhonu in Emanuel oogpty, (In, in on: night, nud one podr mun Ind `to own he III gnndfsthor 0! the lot. thousand uilninn no CITUI1. -Tho Salim of Turkey rides I white hone with ngold nddlo. P. Donahue, of Sn: Francisco. own: 070,000,000, and A ninety mile rnilwny. --Tho two houau of tho Ponuylnnin Loginlstun have and on I hill taxing the emu nedipts of tnnaporudoa con- paniu e` M-tollhl of per out. --Thu rooklvn. N. Y.. daunting. cm 01 u canuuu lol` we rgpuy. -'l`ho Chicago lnur-Ocan publishes I lint of mcnboa of tlio nut Oongnu, givin I Donwofltio uajoy-icy of 15. - eroafter fsir maid: who duiro clerkship In Washington will have to undergo the pun: civil service cumin- tion as the morn rugged men. -Miu Dnnien. I vounn lndv of Polan- non me ruggou -Miu Danica, Q young lady Paton- ville, is ill from the oeotl of an elu;trI'- cal shock. received during 3 Mount. thun- der worm. ,,;- aid Sn}... -.-.. `\4\Dl| in ..n.`L.....- signs oonu npxoo. -'I'ho Archbinhopu of Nnplu sud . Pefuvil and the View ol Roma an ink- ed of cnudntu for the Pgplny. Chimuro Intu--Oman bublinhnn n gar lllIIII: ' _ `An unogiggl apart of the lap n t o nvoafntion of the anacon- Iniuiouon into cha against Ohio! Cumuble Draper, of oronlo, '1: public! - ad. Suuu,_of thoohn ` put to but been Ill buunlinlod, :nI:f?5o.E'ul;nIlion of Mnjor Duper in expected. ` '--A man meeting of Protuhntn ill IIIJDI urnper ll upooloul. ` --A menu nesting of Protssunts no lulil in Monti-se,llnt nigh under the nuspises-oi the Protestant Dslenos AI- linnco. Aldermen Glendenning and Ro- bertson. Revs. L. (lusts, J. F; Shvonnol A. Bray, md_ DIhOl"IIddfQIId the eu- disnee, wliichlilled the lull. `ll wns' re- uolveil tacliunge the mine of the Asso- cillion, lhltill would be known lierssltee `II the Civil Right: Auocinlion. The following Wu uluphd M the constitution of the Ansocinii-in : The constitutions! resistance of etforts of any organi- zstinn to violate the principles of civil liberty; the guiileuoe and protection of persons whose rights of citizenship may he inpugned by eoblssieslicnl agency; tbelibersuon oi nelionnljunds from the control of any religious establishment; `the abrogation '0! all publi: tronsue tu exemptions, privileges en were which contravene thrspix-it of In igions equality; the nppointmsnt of commit- tees to also cognizance of All, public logislniion so in ss it me] aoat the objects of this nllisnce; thy publication of any nuthcnticnted proof of the viola- tion of civil liberty by any orgnulntion and all such other method: an msy by executive bc lei-maxi either expedient or necessary. Rev. Leonerd Gusts closed ` the meeting with an eloquent nddress on civil and roliuiulm liberty. The fee ol one dollar mimics a member to the Anne- ciutiou. u nnronu genorauy, In we country. --Th(_9 Mary of tho Em tor of Ambit : prolnlud support to ue ope lnwtho non! of txonblo is denied. __Thn.'o -nu pan) on lung - -all-.\..I`l u. was reoonuyanu-ncu. -'l`ho luqut on blue gla--a follow in nctunlly going to lactate abontll. Pano- ful to oontnmphh ` --Strurborrin no ramrhd chnmr in gig gm;.;;amg. run to oouwmpnu. -Strnwborriu no reported cheaper in N on York city. They now notice only eight oontu npioo. - Thu Aruhbinhonn of Nnnlu and -.A` Count loonzhblo nun Kinur hui _t.im on prooood_ ions qpinnt Ohio!-Con:tubloD.I'9pIrfo|-illogsl unit ud uuuitr`-- ` }- __| ......'~ .1 DZ... ......'o- no..- uau unsnm=`;7-- , , v-A uunimmod R1 It ounoto Otta- wn yuwrdny with 1 pr for the purpose of mu-rying hcnad ihilo In us _oII purohuing the lioonoqo tho run III] and got mu-rind to an old lonr. --But in ponnnn Inn in Ililig at OBI. -11"! amull-pox intermgnh in Montreal Int wee}. _n.. n...m.'....o,... ...c..... o- :-:.. Joavlnq the Uablnot. -G0!'ll0ll Brown, of the Glubo Iowa in June for I your`: relidonoo in Europe. -Dunkin Act voting in York: n! day : nujurity for tho Act, (48. --Nurlv' all our church choir: um nay ! may-my tor mo Act, :5. --Nurly all church choir: am rohorning their Enter music. -'l'ha mu! knnln :1 lb: carnal. -nun runomng Inolr nuwr IIJIIIIC. -'l`he postknuu u the carpet worm in abroad generally, in the country. -The ntnrv of tho Emnamr oi Auntn'n'n ox uoumo I8 aonua. --Don`t you want to buy anilrondl Twelve are to be sold undo:-_tho hammer within a couple of month: in the Signal. I --Mina Bruldmfn last book in entitled If thin in Rough Winn Beyond." Ilia: . B. was rooontly,Inu'riod. -'l`hn Intent. on bin: nln--I {allow in -An eiwrt is In tho dime-:1: button: the boudholdgn Kano- _.ua.u-cx mun: hogan- ._Il.o E9 -nlnnunlu Al N.- III! W88 . ~-Dr. Hudnunglon nfuson to join Boocher in raligionn exorciun. --Evnrtn and Schur: nu thaw in not WIDIDDAV. Tu lutuo us Collluby at 7 p.n. `I'll Bun In lh Olly Ball at 7:N p.-. I . I SllVIo.Colya" In Com pl. ' `. . -.....-_ .1 la. aeonufl. Ba. Puuh and T IS. - 4' --113: Sfuokooch, ol Nov Ydrk, in land u Academy of Jluaic, Ilontml, for about neuron. and cm. is in upon. Id. obouon z unrnoa 30 us on Ionr. in penmn in IAN at Moutmonncy yuherdnylo reoivo on. Mr. Langevin. Ho l0QIIO$>}\ night (or Ottawa: `A. ......m.i.I Iunnrb ..t 4).. ....'......u..... DOOCIICT In l'0llgl0||I GXOTOIQX. -Evnrtn and Schurz up they in not Yoavinq the Cubinot. _.nr.Inn Rnmlh nf In f.'1..h.I..-.- -28. 13717.` IOVIHIIIIIIII D0110 -'m Toronto .i'dqv;nn -mun . uruibnnd for the Common: II nu ha- --Tho '(;vernor-General i_n' omnid- >n|\0 uunxw sinnun. .-r -ooo~------ Truolnudhlapnn. _. ._j..__._.._ (7AL"Hlll-INCY. 'hIIllrl' u I:-I r-- I l lunch u It 09411!"- Juiu` Chunk It 719 P-3- ' 'l`llIIIbL"- Dunnuunqu A Ian Gun.-- Ocnnidcsblo snacks: in old In JIIIIHAVM Ilndudonl Ir. J, Ooxnll Innll, I9- ouiv hlb OTIHOIMIIIIIIIIDI. n: nnzlijd cuaumIAn:o|I.' lthonlyhlito uudiuo thou- Idhufocthhnou ualwooulyild humans J ho nwnN|dvl1|..- ch! in Illusory y, handh- dutriII.\III a built) as ocu- jsnimu. L nnsrmnm III Inn at my pwpu IIIII lholr hrliumonury npnnnhdvu ullod. Sir John A. Iudould In unnbln to [in a mu blow tohia nonwpolky. mm! It In not likely lhuh will soon hno I better opportunity. Baum dny'IIivHuocnI'uucondHowIo tloaintn, who magnum.-nl their `Ion hlwlu. II In lslly _ tabla Ibo Ouullu Por- linuou and um thy mind A ulna: In. II n trvlhn duo. ulymg V` penuvo um, nut o Wll oonoo of |-rutectmnint triumph, lroo Irodolo gaining ground ntudily. Binco tho oo- ooooion of Mr. Iloolouifo Odvloot lp povor the policy of tho Donlnlon Gov- onnnonc ha been I ooutiono but ood; nugget! of fno tndo. o probation blade at Otttovo on tho bldpot gun on ' unity for on stuck on tho Bond gnollho Gonn- Iuont, sud ooonod poooiblo enough that thou would boo Iojority no! tho (cilovou-uncut. udotvit In; tho proud 1: echo: wind: 1i.I"lm`:`l" our oi tho undo mi [rue `Times on many: normal London. Much I7.-The an an tho otubbnrn ght which ptohouou -in making In tho colonial Iulnut tho Ir rulatihlo ndvnco ol (no trade in oho peanut intonot In I had. The dint- gnnoo botwoon the pollcyol the cob niu nod am of the |(olIorOountry in dun- gomuu to the unity ol fooling whlhll In tho Itroupnt bond ol the Eu `:1. It in gn- tilying tn penuivo that, at 5 long node: of I-r.-tectmnint triumnhn. [no truth. In wo boy as all nu lpodnl atouuon .1 our` radar: totho Mlogv hie nmnuy ol the Timupxpnnjn of rltibh opinion on tho tori! hook and Qivhious in Alto Homo. ` Tho any Authority In quolod with much uppmnl" by `our Oonsorullro conbmporain on the outta: ol delay in tho plouculion ol_ It 0 Pnoillo Railny. We shall no how loyal tiny will be to Brlthh nblio opinion now. cute. 1 .- Hsmplon. Attolfnoy-Gonenl Count and (Ion. Bulls: nrvdd (hi: mu.` Au hnnnnu crowd, noomupunlod by: bond. not than gt thn depot. In I Ipoooh Hllnpton uid hi would uh no - nitiun at the hands of tho Pncidont. u had bun hirlyploctod, and boliovod if the Democratic party administered the govornmont of that State , pron- perity and lnppiuou would ollow. nq onlngo u nomx. Wuhingtou, March 28.-'l'ho follow`- ing hue uccopted II umonnood,` u the Uommiuion tn Louisiana: Jud 0. B. Lmvrenco Illa. :19}:-Gov. Brown onn.; Gen. Geo. Huvloy. Oonn.. Gen. no. N. I:lu-Inn, Ky.;\\ ayno McVeigh, Pennsyl- unit. Wuhinon. March 2&-Tho Ti-euury Department In: iuuod [circulu pro- hibiting the inpormipn of cuttlo or hide: from Germany, Eu lund, Hoilnnd, Belgium um! lnlnnd, an noolnllondlng that horns. sheep and `swine {Nu tho count:-in named be qunnntinod. Blooded stock will be udlnimd on Connulu cartil- cute. - lI......o.... A u.....-- n'...-..i 0..--.. annrmng about a mule from her home. Wuhiugton, Mu-oh 28.-(}en. Augur tel phn to the Secretary of Wu thst Pszfrrd Ind Nioholln tn strengthening thoir mpcotivo ponitismn. Beyond . lhh nq ohnngo is noted. Wfuhinntnn. Ilnmh 9,.-'l'hn follow`. |m wnmma nu-rzcvL'm| . --c _ Oolnlboa. 0. , Hunk all-The Int`- hy~tunponnoo uoumom has touched M Nunx ind Cnotlino than ' noon; um`. bun cloud, uga nloou nop- cri hue joinod the monrncnt. Ont km Inn lho pledge In `F.-._... A-:-_-- u__-n. no rn._ 010..-: aux nan, Apru wan. 1858,. rouovp: "`l`lu.olcer in `command of score in hubby ntdond to no tlut ovary mm In wollprcpuod with an unltton mdto luv it Ind II the til: you n;o than tonmuton I undrd mile: from the at- tlunont. Pruidnt Young Advises that they Ihould be nil killed, to pnunt them I-turning to B_rldgor'to join our amnion. Every precaution nhgmld be taken, and no tint not mo o_o-upon. Secrecy required. The document can found among the ptpnn 0! an lulu ox- Chief Justice Titan. 0! Arilonn, lurtnorly . Chic! Jmtiousf UIIII`. F New York, Mural: 28.---Tho Praldont in An interview with Chamhorlnin'|nni- luw grout uym athy with the Southern Ropublicqno, M) the Itn-ngut dociro to secure their political and porwnnl righu, in luch a way an to cmmuund tho uppmv- nl of muonablo min of both pnrtioo. Ho uinhu to counbinc juatioo to the Southern Republicnno with conciliation to the Do- mocnto. 'm.- n...m....o ..........a .. .1... - 4:... awoenoy. ` , Wutertown. N.Y.. Much 28.-MrI. Luther Honkinn, wife of I fsrmor nut Rnchvillo, arose from her bod last night, hnckod her thrmt with a razor and left her home. She Ill found dead thlI~ morning nbout mile from her home. Wuhinutnn. Mnmh 9R_nn_ Ammr nonn. . Tutu, Arinona, Huck 28.-The Tw onnbiar publldua n `oopyvol vb! ur- p9l to ho tho onginnl order I _by Auiotqnt Adjnunt Goon] Fonzuonn. :1 Salt Lake, April 19th. 1853, II fnllowl: "'l'hI.~oner In mmmnml nl nann-1'!- WED!` l4DAY I'V NG,IAROH'28,1877 IIIOGTII-I. The } ruIdun expressed to-dny I Inn doterminatlou not in any way to surrou- dgr the nghttbf the tmthorn Ropublh cum to white loqguo union: or cut throat rill: clubs. - ' w..|.:....n....- u.....|. `on n.....a- ....| nuo uuna. . Wuhingtnn`, Much 28.-Moody and Snnkey will hold union in the out portion of Inc CA ital on-Snndly. Now York. nah 28,-Goo. 8. Jin- mo wcols. ` Paying teller Hall, of the Brooklyn Bank, in chnrged with complicity with lho book-Imp r, Wbitnoyrin rooont do- talcatiom. e mining 810,000 lino boon traced to Hn1l.. 'l"--nA'. nnnnnal 5..-. L. -51] An `Enid.- neon traced to nu_1.. Tweed`: counsel `say: he will on Friday prupuue rnupplement uf Tweed`: out. No ulfer tn expose Tweed`: tnnuetiom with public men will be made, though Tweed might cement to appear tgtinlt Sweeney. Wltertoin. N.Y.. Much 28.-Mn. lnnln-at Plnnd `by jrlglgn Young. poruoo OI Inc was not on-unmny. York, not 28.--Goo. 8. Jill- kinn, I clslm agent, hu bobn Arroutod for omnplicity in lrouury frludl It W|Ih~ ingtnn. Tho Sum nun Wm H Vnntlnrhill. will mgwn. The Sun uyn Wm; H. Vlndorbiltywill * double the amount uf boqnuu to olhor member: of the family before the clean of `the weak. D...-3...} 0-9!..- l1.ll n` I}... n-AA`p"n nu: hirr cmcss. wmmumoioIn..ur,.uuu. lj NWO. |'II'c`- #3? . on "io.......uuu..\..l IAHAI ` .I( `III ` uauonhuc. ldovlhicuaud lofp -lulqaocaodlnd Qaaonn, Dyod and Soon:-od RAINBOW DYE WORKS II; CD Iuullvtg wo`.nuo--9 Onduovo cl Na Oalbp llvo Icon than lnnlllhinnn Pitta boll.-Ija. uoh In anal:-I-tn. Illlorl H50 Inn I-pnnuuh. Wndu . hptovclnnlo . J.1'AYb9I'l. In Indium In Abs incl Llkovlulhlauolpool houonho nun uwmwhu Unnhlnht sumo IAc&t'l`Il|%f ALI. mm: "-M-.....-s ..'- -:-..a-...::-- auto h` luhhu. w nun ovum 1- Q. and mu. Canon Mondohoumunnnur Illa: nvhtlnon. Inna oIPHuau8tnos-- And Inondhvlu lnahilor. n -. "332 ..` .'u.. u'.f.'I.'." luo|dou.1on Imstlvaruksur IM,yl'|h|VOIIIUIlIhIIOIO'0l' goto an lbloulhollvnnsovnyud bought that ' muupu. Tnmu ncalud lot Staci 0! 1...: I... ..u\,n- Intnl Wm, Putdl u Ton` cnou Orangu. K{ Onion Mndohothhtnndnut nu. nnuhll-an. have your orders curly I` olther of our Scum. wumoml nun on nun um Iuoul. J 2 Crothers coon gjninixr. .-._4. BPEOHL LITA!!! SERVICE wtll bi , hid |D.V.) " [IN IT. JLIII CIIIEICI, on 0000 nun! lzvxuma `n. man u olumouux, umua. The oollctiliul will` be on bohol! o! the Ho- sioty (or pronoun} Chdntisnlcy mu; lho_ an. BAZAAR. kunordnnudhvnho-nntbouolntino luinnttnu. REES BROS- received In!` moon on u. v- ....,. Inn at City Into! Wm. 12 noon`. , In-rnnululn `pt Y,l.C.A. Inn. at I pm. Pun. Luotl. utlinb Ihlr Dnuer sud Sorter. 50 the B. A. Howl ;`Inu'uuvod nus coda. `. r . ` TI: nlliuo what uhgondby nah unonptoniaing _ oppdtion hon than than M upoatod toaoutolu bimbo! uppodnn. But has lies the dilculcy. Thy supported his with the upooudou that, will bin. thy should dthldnk 0I'IIiI,II` tbn,` llshqduhtlllmlouslhr by who -ouI.thnonhonl|`udcn0oodrulo, tluougoodhtnduuvu ninth:-.39 anPrc-llcnthoulduunlmtho-inch. honuvllhdltho povu at his onunud. Bohnutlahudopv with haunt: apuhut cl dolny. Tlavonnybono Ilhnht noun in adcouno. lllpqboulolibtnting onlnnoulmulutnulla baptis- iq. Iuldohyn no daghou, ptlinhrlylullh Old! the Pud- idionplw. Tbohuautliupucy til-t Inn" but dlvd by s pnulllguuoupnq touristic Iu||,.v|Ill:unnIIud hgPrddcn- lhlhloddon l'u-hpiuuuolur Ddaantuuldly uiooit and 1 Imullgl auulnu-uuulhhuiun Prddutid Ulhdoud puma: tonal slhhuohullnuo pa-pay any qnlbuudldulvonlqvdlhopp pbuluhllillul to hph. In Qloloiilildvtd Ioyuu nulvh; Us manhood captains .1nooIln-ngnlaulnou divin- unto-tuna-macsqmuuaa, uduonawuoodlnndneuho-ton _. 41...: -...u..u... Iuuvbuhhon nnormu M M Pnonril. St. lmvnneo (`oumy. N Y . on In-oh ilrd. Ira. In-gavel In-oe-to r. ngocl I00 year: no! I8 due. 4 HOT x BUNS '03 H01` 0303! DUNS DELIVERED TO to my port 0! ag cm for bruklut not x nuns I-'0|I GOOD FRIDAY! , Chicago, IIL. Imus --m3o ..~ Want quiet st 137 I -I for April; L1! 7 18? hr Iny. Corn quiet At 39 fur A 471 3 to 43 5-8 fur Muy. Unto dull. um doing. Pork rm |3,G0 for April I177 I 2 Kay. ` `- I r at the Lonishnn 0;:- '-niuion but tumfnw. louriiag and anus; Vice President Whaler, Goya-not Brown, ol Tonna- uo. and Gun. Huhn, of Kbnlucky, no nondoood u bcin; time of the appoin- 0-st - . ----.-0-0 " Ann and Nqvy nllocn mnko thcir haul-qnuton st lhg Colnmudo Hold, Phihdolphh. So do India; buniuou lulu from notion, while {ur hmilioo uul lnrgi pu-u. of tnynllon it Also o'cl'l unoqullod om-options. - llopartncnt of Inrlno and l'|u|Ier|-`u , llpo 1;! oburv-:t;:1uI taken It King- ston for hours, opding Mmxh 27:11, ._____...._~.-> .With qhuutcriuio delicacy our local ~-------- --..n.. |.:..a. .5 ll. nmibla -OI.1!UIIII- 2*` Tina. Bar. Twp.` 4-37! 29.141 19.0 jqnnu . - ' Ioufnsl. Iuuh. Flour nodph I873 bunh;nln I00 moo; bchn At 0.155100 um uI.: W) dtrb. ;200 Amnrlun HI.-`II. nlu sfd |l'V_Vidd||l unchanged. I! (.10 n LI? -1 ' -UIIlT'ZI'V-I Z*lI '0 I--- ' Bush of Inna-ml -168 34. IE8 14. 50 ac 1683-4. llulll I-9. ~ UcmhuIh'Bnn|t-74 I-I. 7|, 5 M. 731-`. 5 at 7| 1-2. 1005! 1- - Rank nl Commerce-- lit. H7, Bank ol Commemo-- 118. Ill . Ontario Bnk-l0l. I00. Bank l`l`omnto-.1731-2. -. Oily Buk-N. 9|. ` ' Ionuul Tel Corn y 4% 1-1. 105. IOEMIN - 70l\I 12. 705810511. -nu _ruI:' at -L133 `Aim! punching man in in domed. -An Abyssinian an of 50,: In marching on U pl.\ -130 3- ' Hoop` of Pm joonc yIIOaldn_ mm the 5:1 --Autrh decline`: to `unify H pledging `haul! to _non-intern the aunt of I III with Tm-kc}. -11 In! two dun` Ilnnillr sun was or in: nu: `Purl-'01. -'l'lu dun` polling Dalila Act hr! in use Cu York (in: majority of 901 in I an In -Inn. _. r-nmhnnnlnu- t,...:.:. rune. Bar. '1`:-mp.` 4.37p l|.02p. 29.054 88.9 7.51: 89.533 38.! Rnhs nahoo-00-. chclicu BNIk-m, 594 cm 1- Bu:k--,15 1-2. 7 NW City no--152 1-2, 151 1- `g. Iuttul Tel Com 4 1-2. l05It1 11705810514. Dominion '1' 00-4. 00. Union Bunk Nation! Bank--0o0. Onnhnn--ll]. land I. IUT. , ouxn nwsx RAILWAY. IQ `III III In! W.J.'|'AY|o1 Upon Ihluvlu umts nu snI1tMfu Ian. Much I. I877. 0| Good Frldny Morning! W. J. 'l'lYIoOI. S._l.I. at`; g..(3. ...|_.A- - _ s. woons. -Z-----&-2--.-- Ioinnl. noun luau. . Cl`! IWCOO` lv-Iuuluo. `XUIIJ PIINOIII ITRIII ,L -a 1:11 IXUIIIIO Al1'[Ol.II Ciaivlto. UL. lush $1--IOtJ0 mm. st nuietnt 1111'-liar Am-ii: 1 H t M81` ilaurs Isygs. Flu cues Lomono, Just To nun. . -9-- ' IoIttul,l!uuh 28-H15 I-I. |l;..n...l_IAj|A IAHIA an - I ll 131m. 0 Rah: 0. iunlnn. Q up on rmunou mil 6th pmx. o Ronni: by Ion-intancntion in Mlny ll.- on the '.`ouInty of`.- xfu-onto! IIMINDSRI. ATIIII. Ellyvu Vuulu .: .pronrbiAllyadi|onlH:: .u.l- AL. Th-may-In In mm- `.4 'U'!KIn[ DELAY. -. I.I sn|'o naszf goon. lllll mi Law rrluluuiu w- `III! the an {or the oocuion. Ho done could lnnnoniu I jnn-mg intense: And Inn! the long nailing wound: oi war. To do him jvutiol lain intentions, without ' doubt, to puiouc and pniuwprthy onongl. `But, like all noolutiona in dil- Iollt lnthn, his one thing to form than and on until-sly difonlt thing to gin than did. Clmnhu-Iain and Pnclmd. Ropnbilnn claimant: he Oohnonhip of South Ouulln and Inuiniun, no, no pity think, junta uuelulooud a rug Edges Niall, the Intact of this pn- slonon Inching lb duurniudou not lo and`: ll-all highs: 51 amps- lqaIytcnh"IN null null! in tho mum of the Italian conne: nphnt In and h-ally. which be npllobnuunohcuhlyinl upm- ..... n..|...u:nuInn| Inno- 7 :30 p.-. x QM Council 4' 1. `Pl!- b at lnln`. um: . .4_:iO pun. Elli! 3:19? `..6 III `no l;I-oniotpt-:_tl.Aool Ihhd `question into: nut Ihdl lath` `MI ioociu: riapuhon the other pain _ u damnuutntod Hush i-pun Int`; .1 --.. m _...n. .. 5...... I.n-animus III IMO UOVOIIIIIII II-Illtluun. yu- -htvu and local. Ital to the Government dopomh in Inn . sud Oh nun cqnihblo Iyuum uloyhd by that: noanoun in ole. Ho pointod out than _., .._._A L_ ...L .....-.nnn-xininn U$IH|$lJuI-In U-u vuuu-ggv --.- W In proton (Iona-out ad In Not. by Mr. Pllllt Ila] Ir. - um am. noon. 0nhtb).' u }nIl| A. national! nlnhlltdpnll Hutinpbyohtiug thnuoblnnooauld oitultolbbnucu Uhut II: hluuonoudunvtlh Ihoold Bunk. '{bOI0|i0IdIIiCI'I':b`. uquhu`. uodou I-Imus. . Inntbonhrumnnoug than an luv` Io,N|Ilho\oI0d|lIol|Io` SITTW - -u~ uyweuntnpu inn and Imp menu; Ionlllql-cbuu isinrthopriaoononllcoucnon-with-_ outbuoqdugtholionlutbodhidd cothuxuncoia dndlnon. no hr-_ limp? until in hbporia to gtonlhuho cup} dunlngo, 10.. ol and hug Non Booth Iotho Want me": dilutions hdugu h_loInd Non -imtoccmiumn.-ampu-.pu Jnoutod (081.74, {or this In the ' uulindbytboonn-. tcvnoltnoticii ooIlnt"l`ot9nIoou the` unit dab. Khxol INA hrpunounz Iould Ibonloro ho upouuuy to cquliu nnttan and l.oplnoo_|.h Nov; Bootim prodnoan thrust of u Luciana. T9 give the format u` lust sdvnutngi, therefore,` I . x of, at any ntp, 02 par {go would rcquiiq, ta be imposed. Would notthnb nu exorbitant impact on [ad be ll Ilnuuoubkn hud- uhip uiu the recent In on oul_oil, which tho Ggnnmont In: no jddicjounly . '1-mu-wed! Our Imritino ,eouIilu no . voty willibg to let Iupoj it, but vl_:on it I | in Iugguuyd thnt otlur thing: which tho; oan't..got ftoru the cod nine: or from the in, and Ihldh they Inn to buy, must be [axed iujordor to koshoir msrkot. upon for Ontario product, than they instantly 1...- 1.. :-;.o nun -ill ntlnr (ciao in tho mun. Sir John Ilulolold oonddund that thddrcnnctuunl coupon! uitll the to- lulou hotvuu Ibo Onhrio Oonnncnt nudtlu Onurb Ink IOIIM but unn- ' Soda. u bolbvd that if I pronto ad you iililrthrhw court: at the time that tho I Ionhot for South Onuria vu data! the olnotbn muld bun been not aid. on. the [round that. the gheoh Ind boon oornspootl through the {unmnu of otuotslnpnouk cinn- ! . "Hf. Bhh timed tho load of the Ognpooiligtn on his champ do him: upon the with] 0! midi tho III Unb- I-to o In I176. not on to thou the Into Gonrn-4-It dniulotntiou. Do- I0 `UIIIIIIO PTWIIUS, envu envy nu---...., In feet they will rether !o`togo the duty on one! then than than pay more ` deerly for the meny ertielee 0! daily ne- eeeeily which they elk to be permitted to buy in the cheepeet mu-kxet. In 3 mixed ooiumunilyevith oonictlnk, or et leut ve:-yin; lntereeu, it ie nnleir to enrich the few euhe expenee ouhe nuny, end egein we reier to the unleir proeperily of the Ldndon eoel ring .`. e. one in point. Protection to everything in, on the other hend, beneaeiel to no one, since every men must then pey I higher price (or whet he buye in order to obtein e better gure for whet he hee to_eell. The plea of etending in the tnhend ettempting eelf eleution Uilifting luetily at the hen- dlce in but e elew process of getting up in th_e world. evruuu nu -Ilrruuvw .-- -_.- -_..,,,,,, Rpilll. Mr. lake introduced an amendment to the Poet-olce Act, with e view of meeting cue: eimilsr to those which re- centlyooourrod during the Grand Trunk etrike, h)-the obstruction 0! nuil treine. end en Act eupprceelng betting and pool eelliug. After roceee. - Dr. Schn1t:'r motion for communion- tione from the ret Council of the North Wart Territoriee in regerd to the preser- vation of buffalo we`: carried . After lame dieenheion. Mr. Bowel! moved for oorrcepondence tolpocting the Government dopoeite in the Ontario Beak from the let of Nov; 1873, to the prceent time. He went on to charge thet n corrupt bergein hed been mode with tho Preeident ol the Ontario Bunk, by which the letter hed received enunduoehere ol Government do in in return for it: own politics] ' unu- um. _ . `Mr. Cartwright ooid `tho? though he could not ho bold 'rio'ponolblo' for lotto:-u um might ho oddrooood to him, ho in perfectly willing that tho oorroopondonoe should ho brought down. Bo donlod Ihot tho Ontario Bonk llod loooivod undue luonn from tho Govornmout. Tho do- pooito won not my Inger thou won to uirod by o but hung on ogono st rinoo Arthur`: Landing, through V ich it tronooctod o buoinooo of thno or {our million dolluo for tho Government in tho North-not. [lo doniod omphotlonlly that my corrupt botgoil hod boon Inodo betwoontho Govornlnont and tho Onto- rio Bonlr. u. as. {South onm-in noootod the Bulr. Kr. Gibbs (South Ontario) lvpolhd charge undo by tho member for But- ingl, thnt I corrupt an-an uont hul bun undo botwoon Bantu impnournnd the Govornnonk. and thnt it Ind an that on South Ontario uluno to hi: election. ` Alo-- nnlnn Iununlin hi Mr. I. of with the old Uommormu mun. Hr. Conn-ight ooid the hon. (outlo- Inon hod inoinnoeod who! ho dorod not over, tho: be (Mr. CIHI ht) bod not doolt loirly with tho Ihotoh ol tho Commoroiol Bonk. It no rothor iupor~ tinont to rolor, on tho Inombor (or Hoot- ingn hod done, to o motto: of that kind mm om: tho ohoroholdou of the boat on Iooood Ihoir oppmul at M: (Mr. Uowrfln`I)c__oI(Ino\. Ho toitotolod in tho olnongoot lorllo lib doniol ol tho ohrjo me o corn horpin Ind boon nodo button tho vonuooot out! the Ontotio Bonk, old ooid thou bolbro tho moot Oovon-out oouo Inlo powor tho i Ontario Bonk bod no Gnom- uonl opooitn. and it no null-ol whon they tnok ooo tho; ohould took to equal- tho Iotlot. la. La... nuannld mnddnocl chi (G105!-) Mon on.-At the opening of the Home -euarduy Afternoon Mr. Mnckenne "rough: down A Inge number of ritnrnn, nmongut others Ihroontncu entered into rat Pacic Rniliny construction and ex- penlen iuunrred thereunder, nl well an n r-nurn of auppliee for the Interouloninl Rpilug. Mr. his South Dunno uluru to an uouuon. Alter Iona ulnuh by Mr. Ron, 0! Durhun, and Its. IIcQnudo, M. u..-.n I-onnnlnd hi. lm-not much. l and Is. llounudo, Mr. Bowen reputed his forum upuoh, and ended by making the rather Irrele- vhnt intimation that the Finance Minin- tor lnd`4`loat nothing`? by hi: connection tho old Commorcinl Bank. v. I"-r0-I-i-hi. said an hon. natio- joo HOUSE .0? COIIONS. _mruu_gusmu. hooldnlol Ilounilnouanl Ibo pc:lnoIIOo-nun I 1. VIII I-1uau uuuuu an-u v-uv--u nun-uu . 3,. Bonsai the not tho bnmn * nntoonoouqnuouothnr Inbou- nloncoudqmyg Ihnco,uIpena- _ nhl touhh no to low thn tenth dvunu-l can Muinllp. In [Indian nuopluuzthuin tluqniot mm! III lohoonlulolllonlonu, Ihioh uidgudluonohllnutbrnthngnd puny at my nodal any binding luuhvonlnlhogoodu-ode! `huh hnnyhurluo yield hphundnd fold. llotuuuuithoihuplc. shadow. on oobjuunnoo bvlndtludoy. Lgjitho lial cloth lull Indhilodbglllalutnlln olootill Iohlllupb clluulhdlzythou-and latrloI_Juv-u-- j- lI__j !I.._I.l_ AI..- -.I...I 0.. hi H? IUvp_:uIv--- noun-1 aqua we squid lot on, who llugi-3 and 3-an-, -5.. ton... Didi: at In 33-3151-nulu III- I . i in; adding etlecl: to their eppeerenca of 3 mounted by carved ornetnente; nc-at pe- leehte. hush ~eH'~.-i- ' V at , r _'be,n-feeuerhdel ` 5hIhpteq',*. eat I; hit eritleeceot ` yderhyhy the` ` eeltllee cl Wereqnl badge into the 012- ` eepeeey u the Ieedec`-est ledge Icon in the Purine, own. at Toronto, if in- tleedlt one be Ierpe-edtbecit Klug- etcn Indjn, .,le ID, Ill Corned eeven yeere eieee, eed new no repltlla. tilt in 1876 once of in loondeu Jntl-Ictive Ienheze (eeeing neenelty cl e new brneb hue) emitted with line. `Sir John Ieetloneld end Dr; Barker, Inern~ berlnttlhetveqni loodge,'He. 'l0,'ol ` teeetrlveyeue ego. eppliej to: e return ` bl theolil ehener, or erelqene ol it, in M nhlch petitlen they wae enoceeeful. The Lodge he been worked withp-eet enccen ` ea fer, entl pn-eeeu e greeter ' at eetive, eerneet member: then perhepe eny eeeretior other orgenintion in the ` city. lg` roll cell can ennnnon over In-tyeerthey resolv- ed on netting up log thennelree in house keeping, end the erection one meny new building: enrded . then! D (rend choice nfledge menu.` The building ehoeen tor their hell ice the epecione block of Mr. G. W, Wilkinson,` corner of Princou end" Kontreel etreetu, the third- (kt V of which they excluellrely occupy. The iteirweya end epproechee ere wide end roolneere elegantly iurniehed. The ente-chembere elford Inn almost` can- tinuone renge_by. ecu el ulelding doere, making thenrhighly convenient for large" getheringe. or entertelnmante. Grates end oth'er comfort: give them room: a home-like eppeerence, end will be decid- edly pleeunt pier.-`ee for spending the lei- enre .end writing hour: of lodge nighte. `_ Theee ere but plain introductions, , though, to the etrikingly hnndeome llall, _ where good teete, end not money alone, _ he: been expended. Ill nppeuunco in one at rlchneu and elegance, To the ; well proportioned room, etched ceiling, ` lofty windorre, handsome blinds and neat pletforme provided them by the owner of the building, they hm Added the rich- ncnee of cnlnominenl wnlle, gold bended cornicee, gilded centre piecee, relegent bronze ye-nlier of twelve grouped lights, hpnnlronie aide brackets, rich bruuehfcerpnta, of criimon, gold and ` black, eight clnirs, which we noticed` al- ready as fer eurpnuing my yet introduc- cdhere for etylo, their varied upholster- eolidity nd` tine workmenlhip ; scttecs with rich blue repp well end beck. dur- deeteln displaying the emblem: of the Order, end tinelly twu canopier at either eml_ of the room, - , _:_:_.. _-__A_ In unru- nnlounly not upon to the pnrpnun of Oddlonouhip. The Grant! llutor thoro- upou in nu oquglly nu` uldruo nbooptcd tho slurp with plasma, aongnlulsuuig tho Lodgoou the norm: of the object it Ind no udontly hoped and Iulouuly la- boand lot, ndapoa an recognition by In hnllann in ||l quartet! of the not on-pk -luau to tho nub at than when voalionltlnovlliuho nick. ro- llou lip dunnod. bury the dual and halo up otphl-dutlu which do not upup:Ion:udol.Ion|ur nlmon obllpunu. Thohllvonldbo diein- htlblhuoutdhnlvhulnlthoordoc vhbiliylllulnldilthh Imam!- launch the tin wero : . J. Han. Perry MW. 0. Hum. F. Fowler. 31.13., .. R. w. D.G.M. LL. Ho:-don, 5- KW. Gnnd Warden. J.B. Mclvor, u KW. Gnnd so y. ' W. Kin . u R..W. Grind Train. ' Rev. 1`. . Jollilo, 3: KW. 0. Chap. W.D. Gordon, an R. W. G. Mnuhsl. w.n. main. 2' E9:'h&'_ D. Heralds. J.P. Lncoy, Thou oioon dilplnyod tho new nnd very oleannt. regnliu of the lodge, the u- riety in Ivlainh "u giluunt. next to its riclmou. ` an , n___ ,1 u-_A-._ L..a..- -._-n..l An Hu- - The Grand Mater being ante}! on the thmno, tho Onnd- Chnplailx said the IO known prnyor Prevent Ill, 0, Lou}, inqll on; ddingl," otc.. And tho. bnthnn lung in load ohofus : Bnthnn of our frkndly Ordcr. Hunt hon north but may. An within our mend banks Hut bu high on-nmnda obey. Join, Odd Follovnhlp of btuthon, In the non: ol Tmth ad Lou, Loon dbpulu And mile to others, Wgln harmony n man. hum` III" UVIVWV V" -v-... In reply to the dread Iieuhel. the ex-Mute: up!-cued hle Jeni:-e to pro- ceed end dedioete, end Bto. A. Mac- elintec, RN 6. end Clleirmen of Hall Comnltbe, adveeeevl to Announce that the work wee leielaed end the temple ad) to provide ill V He would aotdaeeuhee tee hulenu burden ol than-Inhale, we! properuem of styles. ehletepenk let tleneelno, baton be- `A. A ALA, M W. 8. G0lDON l Grocery Ito reinlln. Utratfondfa old uand Princcu street. will be found all Mada ofarocorlcn mod Prormona `I outlu clove on may Ccuh prluclplp. - men 0015, nnu in II wry emu on buy _ beetin even the eheepoet in the end. The near completion of the hell In-nntud the extending of an invitation to the guru! mule: ol the older in Ontario, 11. W. Bro. J. Hum Perry ol Witby, to dedigate it , end upon his eoeepuuue the omoefe called their- hnethren and friende 0! both uxee together yeetgnley slternoon. The ceremony in one .w6rthy of the large ueemblege which greeted the preeiding other upon his u-rival. The greed ooen upon thin oeouion Honor to he court: hvlhn no- Wurtl Iuhjooh lot 11': pmvo-- 3!!!!` I club Sistine unit: 3- LI: ed with l`r|endIhlp.'l`mth AIM` Inn; 1: our In udlrlnod and chariuhad. p """ ff." 1'.."....u.""""J 35 ' ' I um .43 ! intend the hub." - , 14.. `L. H...) Il_._L-I II: `DUI fl III ultluwlvvv, vuu vu -N gng-I In than nmrnnnm of Uruur, Iuu uu-av Iwv ......(r.... I_ - lending richuf. hsmwhixing clean. 10. would nppou lint tho furnishing: um ulootod more with vibw to tnm than out, and it id very true that the L_.A :. ncnun Ah- Alunnnnnl in IA nhrl I; 0 mJ"ua.hr. Ir-nod on... tlql uuuqv . no. lo. rum Lnmv1*1snw_'mG. WEDIIESDA; MARGH ' CVO? IV; OI` IONS!!!` llllll I0 0lI-U IX! m a pole ground with dirliut . ind Mm wearing his but than clot ;or oonpolling him to walk bauloohd I very wnumk lled with nib LII inunpw .sndtoearryAndlaot ulnono lunar sud III Halo In tho othdr. No. they won not to boliwo that-but ho onulrl Ml] than that In hing don. Tho Em qnation uh! oh noting III, In that nlnothocdck at In diunu: ind It then pin, the lid Cfnlfhilu Cllly Uu: unluo oontotnponry gontly hint: at lL9_g oiihlo inoocunoj of tho 91050 in tho words "He Globe lien. How dooo the Nqu `know I Tho oouod-=16: in o_ ototemont to tho elect that Sir John opproptiotod A portion 0! .lho Service money to bio own bu. Tho probobilitioo all (own: the ouppooition thot (or some pnrpooo he did do u`... Tho only ovidonoo agoinot it in tho bu-o wood of Sir Johnjnimoolf `in Iovour ol tho innooonoo of Sit John, and oven hmthrou our tho dud iuuo" tho ohroud of rotioonoo and nonunion: lorgotlulnooo. Sir John : oolonln anore- totiono oi hio lnnooouoo of tho Pocillc ROHII] bndnooo in tholight of his nub- ooquont|y_ootohliohod gum; his bout 0! doon hands on tho Kingoton lnlltinp when thoy won ooon shown to ho mk- :.... ..m. ....-.mAinn- And his Putbrbom btqo non Qdlol nu Ill ovuullg. Otlc hntlmn nu lled lpon lot Nuns. and Burn. Pavlov. Hor- doa.dNupuou, who has dluunry uhono of dhllon hon) lun- lhua Inch, 1:! fining. nnnnntlnd "'3?'(:;.Ti'oI17.uT. Eh") .....-"'3. .L*'::-.'...'...'.A... dunno Ho uni moniluruwnuu ovary ducuy Md Inca Illlod. bubthp Qdku mm. onai . ml... hntknn Inn lled unnn v in; to threu hour. The rend Master than eddreesod the brethren end visitors at length. and spoke of the gratication-it abrded him to be present, in pleasure he hed looked forward` to for eome- tyne, know- the preparetiona which Ce- terequi Lodge had been making. He came. with all the more delight, because he wee et en old hum-5, and where he had `won the fair partner of his life, thebeet wife in the world, every other merried , men`: opinion to the contrary, notwith- standing. It - was here that he remem- bered mekiuge trip to Kingston with hie father and his "st, which was sold at the stmeof John ounter, now deed, on Store, now Prlnoees street. Out of the proceeds he received the present of hla tirot suger Itick, being yet a mere child, and oonleotionery not being e muntry luxury. Whet more netural than, that Kingston ahould have always ` esweot meinorylor himl Butlno: elone ler thin, but for meny happy, if 'leee ro- mantic` reminincenaee ln matnrer life we: it dear to him, the good old limestone city. It vgee expected. ol him to meke en eddreu on the princllos ol 0ddfel- lowehip, end he should li e to at a greet- or length than a bed cold would allow. lle sketched, however, the good work that we: being done by it in all qunrtere of the globe. eleboreted on its system at charities end hrotherly oeree, end onu- oluded by a cleiru for it of unexampled . progreea, eepeeielly sinoe 1870 in Ontario. He began at the ee- tnblishment of the first Lodge of the continent at Baltimore 58 years ago by he former ,0ddlollows of Eng lend, the anniversery of which event they would douhtleee observe on the coming 20th of April. Since l8l9 the one lodge hae edded 6,500 living enters in Amerloe, with a roll-eell of half a million of broth- era Theoontribution of 3 pioeyenee, or ` 18) cents. at the first meeting. he: grown men ennunl revenue of $7,700,000. Be- sides this there are 1,800 encampmente. 88.000 petriercha, and .`)0.000 daughter! of Rebekah. The Order hee initiated 980,0J0 meznbere, aaeisted 97,000 widows. relieved 729,000 brothers. received ea revenue 000,000,000. and expended in o`1erity alone 092,000,000. When King- ston Lodge, 59, wee instituted here in the year 1870, there waa only one lodge out of Toronto-Uld Brook Lodge, No. 9, at Brockvllle, which he: reeerved its charter through all the bu etingspf yeere ainee 1846. Now there en 38 lodges in thie eeetion of the rovlnoe, where for twenty rs Uddlel owe would have been a hlen but tar Gld Brook. ln 1870 there were 25 Iodgee, with 9,100 members; now there ere 170 lodgve and 12,000 memberl. le I370 the sum 0! 03,200 wee petd tene- thlz hot new 020,000 was zine to aeelet 80 widen and 908 brotheee. The Widoee and 2 hene' Fund hat in- ereaeed from I .000 to eio1,ooo, end the Oeeerel from 03101!) to uekooo. No wonder theughtlmthet oa elloweteelsroedelthelr emu. - nl oethe .-"7 4 ~ an ',`.'\v,v. , ..``.V ; 0- eedwespleeeedtoeeethebre - renot other end especially the fair ledlee t. or their eoenteneeee wee on In the It heet Bet |u;fue-ponn. wnmm the nth. go up. the tribouol thd It-rd, unto tic Italian; elf!-1-`:1 to gm: thank: unto the an at g ` . . ` . lJ..._.l. Il4.l.m Fun OLA . An. uni. ~'--...,.....' ." ..;.~ ... '. my ur I pout aruulamz they shall protputhulon 0'0. r:....;.: u...:..,. ti...'{. In ..m.:.. 1-5.- 1 us: now. ..,,.' _ h lcaponu. not chad m: in `Ting 3:50: 0 amnion! .1111 kl . Jnnnnlnn In built u A oma. uaiur. rnum no at` throw: of ju'dgmonz,. the gluon the Man ol Pgmd. - It. 140': I` D..uu.- punt fur liq` ragga. Al Manhsl to the Henldl of the north, tho Inuth, the out And the west. The n: of then oicon npriukling Inter, dedicat- ed in tha `nape of l."'rian'dnhip, u on And-life giving :1 the Inter, tau lug men to help and be hoipod, blouing um! binned; the wound lighting an than re, m-ml-uimnd the dddicnlion to Love. world nau. . .. - Gram Mada. Ponce, be within Thy db and ` 'ty iichln Thy gallon. ' Bc;ponx. w.Flor my bnthron in com- than may win Iuuu um... .. .. ..... in] with corruption; and his Putbrbom wish to (lod ho oo`)ld c|toh'f- the rebel ho Ill puylng hnndaomely to hoop out ol hum`: way, nthnr Iluko our faith in Sir John : ovidonoe` in` (non: oi Sir John in Shh Sou-It Borvioo Iintur. M my race In Inuit ulund or oxploiu that 06,600,` which no land no man right to handle than Ind o mouooprol tho Home or my ouhldor, baton he an be entitled to consideration [u a radius witnnu in the um llll pron my mum; - - ,~ Bczpotuc. or In bnthnngygg on . pouiom' nukes, 1 w 1 not uy, pg. 5. within Theo. D-.u..J Iln-hp glans: nf Hun Iunnnn WICMII TDOO. Grand Master. Beacon of tho 'houu ohhe Land our God, I will ink Thy mm. bleueu; me eeoonn ngnung on new are, proclaimed the dedication to Lowe, world wide and ever enduring, nod praying l the: the tire kindled in their been: any be'u perpetual or that which burned in the eecreuebernoole of the moat High ; the third proolniined for Truth-, ' and 'noan.ering groin, hoped it wourd Ipring up one hundred fold for future binning, and tlm. the ennobling virtue devoid of guilo And hypocrisy. may teach sincerity and enrneetnui; the int pro- claimed the dodioplion to Faith, Hope l And Charity, which, like the ower: he mowed, till the Air with*frngrnnoe, And edoru all upon whom they fall. After " each n. theee four ncgytho brethren in unity res ondod in well .known um : Behold ow mood and how nlunnt it in vluvu u. Ullvwv Ivun , ...- ....,.....,.. ... roll good how plnnnt for brethren to dwell together-in unity," &c.; Though I lpeak withtho tongue: of niouand 0! `angel: And hue not ohnrity, &c.; He that wnlhth uprightly, Ind workoth righloomnou," &o.; A good man nhowoth favor and londoth." 0. 'l`|.. (Spun! 'M'u-nlnl Annmnnmsd Nu-ir euowetn In-or Ina usnaom." an. The Grand Maribel announced their proclunntion, that ell men may know 7 mat the principle; ofOddfe|lowuhip had there a dwelliupjplaoe. The, Chaplain rayed Again for bleuiug, that the good- ou might nink deep in the hurt, so thnt it might be no idle ceremony, and that chu-itiee may be extondedgzat the edi- cu mny be b.l!IA1`d.i&._J1'_r_k lidod And the brethren pmwcted, made fnithful And abalone. Thu 'l`nmnIn -nu than xlnlil-Arm` hr (ha melons. The Temple was then delivered by tho Gnnd Mater into the bend: of the Lodge again, with the preyer that joy mey be V_l!_l_hill it well: And 1010) neon~ aunt gueitfthet an -angry and unkind word may never echo there. v Afmr {ha eloeina ode. Illtul bv ul. the word ecno mere. After dhe cloning ode, lung by U], benediction from the Chlplain ended the ceremony, which mu henrtily entered in- throu ho_ut. The rnnd_Mastex- Spun. Iilgtnlucl 1 run! U . Jorunlo-hbailtun Eutizu. `uooppact wpihcr (ut unity In Tho nodal!` I: of boll: poi-tioo on tho oliit silo Ion dolighud at tho lint imonoooo of tho now Pruidont obout (mu-nuynd oouuiuion. Hiya sp- jaointuoul by tho O to 7" oonmiooion la Ibo Prooidonoy woo uoincot onoo to prove an olmool provldontiol oboopo from tho Boullson dilouuuo. Ho could do whot, for lmtonoo, Bloino-with his ottong outi- robol proolivilioo would nol try to do, and uh Tilda, with onopoclod pro- Sontliorn oynpotliiol maid not do lud oithor of lhooo ooplrum {or tho high of- Iloo boon oxiooonlnl. Hoyoo could ploooo ; .|_ __.n.. _.....o.:.n. . Amhmlo ink.

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