Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1877, p. 2

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`I'll VIIAKIII Inn. Ald. Me|celfe-'l`he petition 01 John Holfinley. liking fur e dunetion (in lieu of hell rent) gowenle the (and: created by the lute chunky bell for benevolent pur- u a precedent but es en en- oonngement to the good and noble work in hand.-Referred to the Finance Cona- _:u.. mum to report. _ Ald. Drennsn wanted the communica- tion mic:-rod to the Msyur, ' with power to sci. Ho did an because Int Mayor could then enquire incur the cue, snd, ii nooassary, have the detective employed to have the mother of the child surcliad > up and tho child returned to her. He did not believe in the Cqnncil being mul- dloil with its in-cpin;(. vile remarked that ho hurl been informed` that an idiot child lisd lately been brought here from Oornwsll and plscad in the Hotel Dicu. Bo wished to have the child returned to the place whence it came. otherwise it Inight become I serious expense to the IYIIV. 8175. ` . AM. Dnpulu-Tho petition of Dr. Skin- ner uni 399 utlm-I. pnying for I aimilnr thing uythu foregoing. Bush omionu won referred to the Li Court 0! Ravuion. ' Ald. Motcalfo-'l`ho petition of Patrick Fallon, raining to taut.-Referred to the Court of Ruiniop. Iad'aquu'-.3 to do rnnhbninn it. m` `I _-gld. Prion`: motion being put wu ou*- I III UOVUF II" vol inuudilho u the diluent. it I-.. -- 0 `PI. - . .'....'.i..`.aa'. T-?`-" lvnrouupuhwollolltmodtbooo chain: but than CID punchy tho pluupvudiuvuh. lniuununryto oddthu nnlortothOolloInu|olloIol1 ouohnhmmu. Phlhlulylh, PL! ---o1..;_ IIIII If] III III! Uutfuly VI tuvuuuuuv -nu b an all nurpriud It tho ruult ol the cm.t.:pt of ynkrdny, u reaatod in tin.- um at ugura which nppeu oluwhoro. ~'l`hu Cunmy hu nimpfy proud ital! to ba an inretorstoly Tory constituency. Thou urn. however, Ipocisl lutmu in cm. 1.-nioulnr oonme amino: only no. nucod Conservative Iuoenl to 5 podtivo ooruinty. but bonded to null Mr. Onl- -:..`- -n..{..oOu mun`: Iunvnntl Dhnl -it TD. IQ-PI. WU` `II IX IT` ad down to I Iotbodiu I who sun in jun In sin to Inui- oould sin; :1] of Wm : I II. to old Mlonsn mod on ighly um: -i_ M: print, but IMO the dam- nuhhln H!` M `In M DI" `GUI Ml Ohio: up III pl'llI, III Ilwu Illl vuln- pnhblo Mrdpnld Nu pulldon Ilia nut and 00-300 co havoc. to went but no unhnor not would in A Smaomn Pnmr.-A monnprio E: told at nuoluonhliu 8:: l'nnoLt:: In 1 o . A all you It , ma l:m,nd|`lgo no Contac- , and dnllu-I. The n ouur node 1 ml hit with thoputot : ow, pun, ` in mono! Ibo luau purohonlbo America conduct. anon lih I Bu- Iury-oout pinto. hows the who]: Int Tootalonl and can dig the Tn]-loo llh Joan; Lind hnoll, but lid: hoisted fun, In sum; gnu you don't know J IhM'r|y|II'. `Call, In, dado I II!!! II. who in butter`: an of y-urOoI- nuuon, no but `Inland. why gum lao hop Tunynon all by hour! |nc|'ll ` ontlun any -on In tho qua, just ` tho thing (or Ch nhildnn. cal In NH bid." ouluotop dco chunk, ,|nd look to :1; upon the wand. 11.. no lull hook- id 3:1. Irn`or ' JIYVII Ill IIIOIIIIY.` III )1! IIIII "III I. gm in rrpouaity lm; man: for the deal tojpoo and in the Ontholio Ohunh of wnbrd, nu void, 1: not bin; for 5 rnbuo charilnhlo purpose and u 3 ho- ng within the clan Inning ol au- Iuto. l x uunu on or-nun. -ThI Irish Manor ol the Rolll, I Ro- am: Ontholio, in the 0600 of Bonolurd v. Jarvis uad unotllonhu jut. hold that I am in nnrndtnilv Mr mun: (M (Inc (had I l"Il'llIlllIlllo -Tho Ottun Oiliun think! It would . be nudnou for Cumin to attempt to oomspxoto with Grunt. Britain god tho Unit- ed sun in the nuunlnohuo of pig iron, though Sudan night In baton in pok- ing noel. -ln tin Court of Oman : End in mg emu. -In the Court of QneeI'e Beneh in Toronto, on the 9lh inst , the brewen' li- cenle cue of the Queen VI. Severn ume up, Ind udgmont wee (cruelly rendered for the town, it being lntenden! to any the cue to the Supreme Court. The one njeee the qneetiun whether the On- nrio Legislature he e right to lnpole e lueenee on lmnn. _"l`L- I-hi. amino 1:, AL- Dnll. g D.` I TIIOIC D ! ydnqlo-- tho bngndc pazchuo ox manual `i W nonl OVUII OI IIQIIIC TICHII II '0I'K Illlfl` n, that _tho onyinoor be onponnd 1 him [main to draw tho angina. Am. Power moved thut thy IO L I roooivodaqdhd-xptpd. _ f`. . _ Ald. Allen moved lhnl. lbln hdriu-I bonu room mt nu uprn-um u. 5.... gnrptiu, hui thi ml: whfch England new: to ban lat. ha-all bun woun- pluhcd. Thu throolbld object, the Hp-ooh inlurmu us, In ten nuinhin u-............ ....... . In imnmn tho nonra- menu. --Lnrd Duorin bu none I hmdlouo bronze modal to Willie Fnnoin, of Wmd- nor, N.S.,s Ind who rccony sued the life of I child. _F|4II--ill; nnnin Hun "nunnh nnnnl on me or onua. -Bl|ovilIo Inna the Mnrra` canal to connect the Buy of Quinta with 0 On- urio. A public meeting in hlhd of to mime the question during the union of Pu-Humour.` _-n... nu... mu... n.a..|.. n -....m I I01 "10 II. C De uompany ll lion 0! H. $10?! u 00 I mandid I no gran atom. of horns hainn n tenured nqa luupupu. _ {. _. Ald. Allen moved that lbb hq'nu_-of the Fire Depu-uncut be not oniployod onui-1: the city limit: lot city pu In reply to A'|d. Gukin the chain-mun ' lunlll Iurruusn. I AM. Drenmn Ipovbd that the Con` mince on Street: and Improvement: ud- vortiae fm-'lumber.oodnr, mill, to. , re- quired for the Iidonliu. &c.; and shut ` such tendon include the that and, do- I livery cl such material as the pbinu ro~ quiI'0d.-C|rriod. nv_v Aim unsung. " - A Gnlcutta douptoh Npottl fty per I IOIII killed 1! Adholnlbsd by 1 Inge [un- pgwdor explosion, and I thouund wound- G . ea. --Nu rain has yet fallen in the lamina stricken districuof India, llld the crops in Bombay And Mudran show no ilnprouu ment. _I.:.nI n..n..i.. Inn -ant 1 Iunnumnn 0lllll'lI I09 IIEY Illllllvl I0! Cllv) pllfplflo reply Guin oi the Uummithoo (lid the boiler rah!-` rod to would not can more that $100. `Ill, nnnlrin nxnhinml H55! an Ilnrnnn roa no would not cost more may. uuu. Ald. Uulrin uphinoal thit the hone: IQM employed on Ftidny. Ilion the tin broke out, in lling in the hrukuutor; thnt be hid obtqgnad the pormiuionol the Stroeu Committee to an than fur such plitpdu, and um, At my nu, the Peuotontinry qurgrry, In: no` further at!` thm Grove Street, om ivhinh tho hone: Ind been omployetb Ald. Allen. .AIul. Dunuin uau that Kinnhon Ind nu neon ompwyeu. 0 am. Anon. ,-Md. Dupuil utgu thnt Kinpton Ind ruched nuch npoint that they would be juntied in'k_ooping tho hone! in._oon- ' mat` attendance upon the oixgino. alone. He moved a rnnlution to that elfoct, lnoonndod by AM. Mooon. " The) Manor mid tha motion Inn out of Ns n ona ncqn-i;`\i1_.h tho politionl bin -17 of the County of Fmmonu ull L; .5 ..II -nnnuh:-'41` :0 Hun Innullnl an Llvannnn. Md. Metcslfe preseptad the repgrt of the Committee on Licenses, recommend- ing thst J.J. Hurley be remitted the 82 of his csrtnr's license, sud thst Mr. Fer- ley be remitted the esme snmnnt. They submitted e by-lssv to regulste the num- ber of licenses during the ensuing Aer. maxing she licenses (or esch t'e"`vern (200 and shop licenses M75--tbe number to be iesued to be leftvto the License Com- missioners to comply with the statutes.- Reeeived end sdopml. nunnmll `IITIDI III ul-Hanna. Ahl. Motcalfo submitted I by-ln'w'fb" the ragulcmon of the lioonuI,. which by` luv was read A first time. ALI Mnlno--4 nnhminml A Iunlnu tn luv read nu: lune: Ald. Mclntyro nubmitted 3 by-ltv to ! may by `w-y of low I25 for municipal F purpoaen, winch by-luv wu I150 road 0 tint. time. ' 'l`|.. nnnnil Hun ulinnrnad :1 claim: hm. umo. I Tho Council than ndjournod at Olen: o'clock. 1 O06-T1: - 1.500 lwotlcry I-1-m-d| In on strike in Trenton, J. _lc`n-nu Enluinn canal: iulnnainabn '1'reut.un, nI.J. --Forty nhi_n vouolg belonging to Ipwontolu sud innnouth, In Engl|nd,u'o naming. ' " A cnmu donntah nnoru Mtv nor- uonnuoa ny mu. mooorl. The Mnyor aid the motion VII am. order until Inch Qiaxo u the-Council mg ncindod the report which said that the horse: Ihlll be otherwiio engaged tlun (or omzima pu:po|sn.- , . Hm-a the dincuuion took 3 wide diver tor enamo puzpouvnu Here the? dinouuiou took 3 wide uonoo; far I limo Aldl. Allen, Gukin and Mocnmmon debated on tbs brulnutou-_ Ind the im ronmoutfon Grovdtregt. Alt! '1: ham rnnmnd Hm nrrhur nf urn. And my in: rovomautron (Irove Bu-99:. Ald. \Vu ham rofumod the ordoir of pm- `I ooodingl by rams:-king thnt` the uugineq should not b0-|ll0'lOd :0 leave the city ,1 liuuva under any circumnunou. 4 Ald. Allun | Amendment was lash } In reply to Aid. Mclntyro the Mnyor ' I ' said the new huneu wonid be mule apo- Einlly for tire duty, and would be nun- pendod in I place ready for nogvioo in A W moment`: nutnoo. _ - - In I-anlv. An Al/I nrnnnnn Oh: Mnvnr I mmnem/u nohoo. In reply. to Ald. Drennm the Mayor aid that before any boiler wu purchu- ' ad be nhoulul report in con`. and Ill pur- ticulau respecting it. _ ' Aid. .\lcIunra. seconded bv Ald. Cu`- GGTIJIIIK], lnlh Ianucu iv IWIII nun. var Vin'l majority much beyond wlnt -it would huuvboon under ordinary cir- oumutsncou. W0 emphatically deny that the result nordu -tho Inst 0 1 AL. __..-L A..II.-J ..I --45}:--u mon. Ald. Walkom, seconded by Ald. Mc- Rouio, that the following words be addod to Ald. McIntyre : ruolution : l`li|t thin resolution blull not prevent the use `of the horses` for the completion of tho` repair: to the breskntor." Ald. Iliazmlfa mmed the nroviom question. ' The Mayor docluud Ald. W|lkem'| `motion out of order.` Ahl If:-`nII1In l mnlinn III] than uni. monon nul or order." ` Md. Mclm re : motion wu then put And Ion, mdythe origiul, (or tho lop; non of the report, curried. u ulnunnn ucuum reapecnug u. Md. .\lcIutyra, seconded bj aon, than moved (but the re rt be smondad by nppondiqg tint the ororm (ion hone: be not allowod to dork outnido ` the city limits. Ald. Price vein. for mm-iotimz the IL the city mum. Aid. Price vein for restricting the born of the home: to the Innllut poni- bla limit. ` ALI Ylnnnh Ainlnnnnal . similar nni. repnm to ma orouuur." Ald, Mncnlfo mm ed the provioun `question. The Mnvor Ald. William : no lmut. .Ald. Dupuiu exprouod 1 Iimilu opi- IICIII. "`II`-U up 50 `U. do borrowed ona; they Ono vorf chap. and wouldxr. Hiupurchuo. The Committee add the pnmhuo ol two Inux-I" I. at L. Commnv. On "the noti- radar for during outih {mun -u-It n to the peasant not an horropued ans: tlnv manor NICO IIIO PIIIBIII . xi la. Compan} . act ; nu Go [Flu IIII l'III-Ill nuuunu nu: u--- pruul of the much tnlhd of rotation. Bypniring ul lluln. Bordon And Dn- Ion Against Sloan. Calvin and Murray it ywnll be nun um the Iunxntc Reform .; . ... .._ ._ nu _|.:|- n.- n........... ----ooo--?. FURBEIICY. u on nun, in mu 1 at rotk during 1 beamnoiarnd In . --TboI.KaM'IN nnouocodtld choyhoduioundth amine-at un- luly nhc khaki Clo luguuh -n nods, ullh Inning -rlu Nouutin Iaqhluu-I nail mhuudq. A an Ipularlnoto clonal. '|"""" """- "' "'V "`-' r""-r Iotily. -A uauaouu In put an. In untolhouuulllhbplouthbyur |uIu\nnl,ovh_ghdop@uIaIIlool balsa. un_...x-_n -_;....I ..4 -1 l1..._..I ..... ... -`TlNIl0 Polk; Conninluuu an ouuudh-dnyhulhvutlpdouot tho Inna lulu: Obhl Ouuuhbbupu. --Tho Juqut Cmkt election /trial huboon Ind lotlqluh porcup- -1'|mo new bulbs an lqomd nip ring In: the Icon Oocllo century, Ouun. 1v__,-|_ _--n ...._I Il'..._A- _... .._ --Vanni coal yud,'Toton|o, ill on- mod Int akin: and on hudnd dolhn utolon. ' .. .. 1. . . ,-_ tiorlrihol euoh vuiteuonnior the tuturei e proeperit en u o In coloninl empire {cumin ::I)`|rOt:kOd, I - though the proceedingl of the Govern- ment of the Tranevul Republic and the hoetililiee in which it he ongegocl with '- neighbouring tribe: have caused some *' nppreheneinn for the safety of my lub- joctn in South Africa. I twat, hnwever tint. the manure: which I have taken will Iuice to prevent any nation: evil. r . flnnrnnmlx or `Nil Howl or Col- 1. A `ruluuv. Cm can-m. zhl Hutllgalipj. Bulb! Aulcu: loath; Kugoug lunch Anon-mu--u-7 um. _ _ IIII, [III IITIVIU In urn-Iva --Mndnao Csnobolfo nuuiul `at homo. at OIIII, lat night III one 0! the noun 0! the union. n;___ __..- L_Al... -_. .....A-.l _l- IIII llulllllllll IIIVIIVIJ. --ThQ :91-in going on at the Latino Onnnl onlugomont m the noun ol ru- liovln; mg:-at Jul 9! Iuloring non; the labour: thin Iouon. Bounl eon- tnohtl on in good 3! hbuluu, who no uuppliod with cool: to york iitb. an n 1.. D..ln.L lV-I.._ --.r.,..._ n... ..-_ V7 ._.--_ ,. -Bunnhr, l.P., he BI-(Yul: Colan- bin, knownu "Brluoln Bovonp Bun- Itn," lm arrived at Otun. ,u_.|-_- n-...L....'. .....x..I 1.: III III! II protons alnuuy. -A crowd 0! men united tho Levin sud Konnolaoo nation A! Levin putordny, and took pououion ol nlooonotivo un- der leisure. The main Ill run out on thy ne for tho an of the prcuht Inna. n_n. I .-L...-I. nu! nnnaoinliinn III`. I'IlI' IUI' IIII III In IIUU flu-vi-U -'-v-n -- Both Libordn and Oonurntivu slain thonhow ol land: it the Inwar- nh nomination ynhtduy. `Pk- -...Iu caning an Al ILA LMIIIIIA ddvioepnd ueielnnoewof my Pnrlienoot. _`1`he hautilixiae Ivieln before the clone of `the lat union M Parllemeunl had `lirokdn out between Turkey on. the one ' land and Serbia and Monwnugru on the dgher enraged my won serious attention, end I 'anxiouely nwnited for the oppbr- Luuity when my goqd uieee, together -with thou ol Inyplliee, might. be usefully v inmrpneed. This onnorlunltv nu-annual incl! bv. uwlr mum (`I Ixln Ill mu on us . --Dinputan bolwoon the Irish Nntinnnl Societies Montreal, Inn led $0 the formation of one orgnniulion to Include all those at preunt uinting. ; ........a ,.o ...... Ihnrl (Ian Levin -'l`h'o City Snrnyor hu onninotl all public building: of liontnul to uuruln their mum oi nit in one ol In. . ., . .... __ .\.- l.-l. .n.m.l \- The Iollawiughio tho lull text ol III Majootfa-Space at the opening of Ibo lnporinll`ulitmont on `flrnlndny luI: - ;. My Loam u n` h:`.<.'mu-:--Wil mThin .opporl.unily uuncod, iuoll byl oncertainogl by [tho Pom. lath: pouiu of iiegoiiuioua [deemed it axpodlonl. to In down, And, in `eunuch: with the 00. or Powou. submit to the Porto certain bun u n which I hold tbs: not anly puou Inig t be breuglit about with the principnlitien but npormnnonl paci- licntion of the dinturbed proyinou; includ- ing liulgariugnd the amelioration of their `condition. might ho oeetod. Agreed to by the Poion, th required to `)0 03- pandotl und work out by ibgotiuiou or by 1 conference, -ncoornpnniod by an urmintioe. The Porto tlxoughl. of not no- ocptingtlao bust. and proposing otlur lernu wu willing to submit them to ill`.- equitnble oomiderntion ol the Points. `me oolioimion ol ' !or_nu_r uodin-' tiun, the 08;: of which Ill ultimately Whilb m-ooeadinn total. in this Ilbdll-i its cum ; mm. Country Cnum of NM country. lomnmeudto you then And othu Iouuron which Imy bo unbmiuod for our counidcntion, And mu am the louiny of tho Almighty will attend your Isboun And direct your eom. eqimeoie ooneiaereuon or me rowere. Wnilb proceeding toeot in this medie- tion I thought it right, elter en imlniry into the hate, to denounce to the I one the exceeeee ueerteined to hue been committed in.|iuI.u-in, and to expreee imy reprobetion of t eirperpetreture. i p An ecmietioe ' gen-enged. the Con- -` yferenoe met at Uonetentlnople for the comiideretion of extended term: in eq- oordnnce with the origiuel bum. in which Conference I web repreeented by e epeoiel envoy. ee by my Amheeeedor toTurkey. le tnkiug theee etepe my object hee throughout been to Ineintein the peeee of Europe and bring ebout better govern- ment of the dieturbed provinoee without -infringing upon the independence Ind integrity of the Uttomen Em ire. The pro ule reeoinnende by In eell end elliee no not, I reqret to any, n accepted by the Porte, but the remit of the Conference he: been to ehow _the `exietence of A general eggreement emgng the European Puwere which cannot fail to hue 1- materiel effect upon the con- ditlon end government of Turkey. Meantime the ermietice between Turkey and her priumpnligiee hue been prolonged, end in still unexpired, and may, I trust yet lead to the conclueion of en honour- ehle peace. In theee ethire I hue ecteil in oordiel um thus ntlain Lhuo cordial co-operatinn with my allies," with whom, u with uthr foreign Powonnny ulntionn ' continue` to be of a friendly clnncter. Tim nnnnl-I nn than Inbinch will bl Ioenngn. I It in with deep want I have to un- nounoo I calamity in that art of my dominion: which `will emun the moat osrnuv Intchfulneu on the put of the Government there. A hmino, not lou serous than that of 1873, ha oumprud 1 large portion of tho. Proaidonoiou of Mudru nnd Bombay. I Am condant avorv ruouroo will be hlndru And Bombay. 1 an condent ovory ompluyqd, not merely in tho artout of this present famine, but in obmning froth - expvnonco for the prevention and miligu-_ tion of such vinitnuonu for the future. 1')... m-...n.piou mul m-noun: nf mv I suffice lax-mun ovu. (lnurnnux or uoxs.--l hue dinctod the ouimnuu of thin yur to be prapujod uni preuntod to you without delay. _ ' My Law: an G:un.u|u:-Bi1h ] without doluy. : MI Lows no ' relating to the univouitiot of Oxford and Cambridan And for unending the luv u 00 bnlmip and letter! pllont for invention: will laid bolero you. . You will be aid to comtituto one Su- pnmovourt of Jedioatunin Ireland and to confer an oqniublo jurisdiction on tho Country Cnuru of that country. I cummand to you continue` to be 0! mommy cll|rIc_wr. The paper: on these Iubjecu forthwith laid before you. - Mv naumntion of the Imperial title It forthvnth law before you. My uaumption Imperial Delhi wu vvelcomod,by tho chic`: nnd people of India with profession: of Affection And loyalty molt gritaful to my foolingn. It. in -in: Ann mnnt I hnva Kli- -g"l'ndn" mind on no unvpool - 1.; '70] I-7! I-II. . OANADILN BUKHARY. nu-mun r.\a\l.I.ui|:\'1. On hi: hi. Iv. Maul ll. Trlvotln` plan bushes Olborlmln-day. - "...._.. auuuuiaun: -- HIII l(.QIlI|l- 17' 15 175. 15 II 110, I -- V. , . QC Calif I I iusmi I DI INC 3 II IIII d (autumn--Ix Div 121, no ll. (hulk I|lI-l. 101 $4- Inl at (`ouuuno-l: ulv In, 1:) I I. On llnI-ltI. 101 at 'lbuuoo-l I }~2} In 3-4. gig huh-N1-4 9! -1 rah `lblqgi co-"-11"; us 1.1. can 3-33.`: 0' ' ' 2'... -- -AIIlr0w Ilooro, ol uowuulown, ll ninoc -nip: yuan ol -30, and Inn taken tho clone Patriot our nines it Ill pduud. `has an noun pooplo whoa nothing will kill. . ---of-6--u -.--. ' ` Ioutvul.Pob. Ia. nut alum:-- mu m. 1 u 115.: as us H. Au Wnnuun-AT:-'1`ho (union to- Inornw will In :-S. Goons`: Catlin dnl,H I.I'l|. {ad 3 D.ll.; St. Paul`: .Ch1Lu:h_lLn.n. um 7:30 p.m.; St.Junu' Slmroh, ll LI. and 7:30 9.3:. During Lent weakly Ipochl conical will be bold st 80. Paul`: Chunk on Woduu-by non- inp, and at 88. Just : on Friday ovon~ Probtblp Defeat crux, opmmmion `4 .__..._ooo-..._ Til! llE8|ll.T. VII! 01! in lvllllv IIIU D'lV|IUv o-nun-u mm fuck! up to 075, whilo tho Cannons- tiu: oggrepto in 943. Tho ourogoteo om mentor than in tho pol-ollol voto cg Jnmlory. 1875. ohon tho Into Mr. On- ,qom mcuived 884 Ind `Mr. Dunon 599 voteo. The Reformoro, howovor, goin by the cumpurioon. oinoo in tho largor oun- _t:|lo they uro beaten by n omollor majori- ty, the pmont Comorvotivo nojnrity be- ing 26!! no oompnrod with I Unnoorvntivo moj--my uf 285 in tho lut olootion. Tlnt thu T--ry ruhtico-not to Any oomo of tho 'l`.-rv pulnia.-iouo-ol thio locality no not utuotorl by the loltioot promptinuo ol prmciple, luoto lurnilhocl y thin olootion ahuudnnlly provo. During tho con- vuo it no hduotrlouoly ciraulosod that the Reform Convontlon bod boon packed for Mr. Bowdou lil ordor ta ` throw Mr. Doooon on:-boord on on count at Mo roliglon, tho Mm giving .outr-may to tho hbrlcuiou b'y oonoivoly ` imlnuotlng thot "no Irioh nor! opplg-.' In tho loco uf tnooo niool-oblo tantlu 5.. A fun Ibo olcction, whoa polling do] or- rlvod. tho protomiod oyupotlay for lit. Dunon no at oonroo thrown to tho viudo. Not only that, hovovot; tlm gontlouon woo donoonootl lor his nllaiol. Pntootont lloionnoro mm losplototl on our tho Ounoty tor oooo to olnk thoir p~lltIcI lot tlloir Iolljloo ond voco M- Colvlo no tho only podhlo toy to hoop `Ir. Dowooo out at Porllouoot, oiooo is too Iloolorodlloolultnt virtually log or hvoon lint potlouoo old tho Ooooomr tm noutuon. loco thoo tho nonl omonnt ol nluqooontolooot tho (hu- I-i.. Own-ouoot no todolpd to by tho Tury_0ItQoO in: Ho olty.vIo.oI out ouotouput-up aid. nightly oolol logth with `||lflIII' on `to oolgltoo Ibo olumnnloho Ouooty. Iooyol ooo pony, planning on wlot thy tioo ohnolully onto! 3 to ouodlll-`no at am udhouuonnooo- toll}!-wgotilot Illllo to -Iothood moon: to choir loottooottuh'ooo llolom Atlutotwotloo. Thou u! an ho nodhvhlt-bolod tlollr. 0oMo'o lcnosllva III 'l`lII?.' B0'l`0Nl I -1'1`) Boston, `Fob. 13.-Tho` Itrih of the nilrood onginoon continua. Ti-bin: on running but much behind. They throu- on to atop ovory trail: running out of Boston it they porlilt inlnllowinn tluir mloym to uni the Boston and Maine aonuu m_mcuny mu (null-lr'I._ In mo Hon}: yesterday it um resolved that tho counting of the-`Florida ufontoul vow should not be |nroceedo3'vi,lh, hut that tho Vote of Call. Ynngb, Hilton, and ` Bullock. he oouMo.l_ u mm fut l n|i~ don! and Vice-Pruidont. At the moon - ing of-the Homes to joint uauiam the dr -oiuiontworo doclued. and the promhng ofoor ruled lhll II it had nut been ntherwiu ordarcd. the dot-ilion to tho EiectoralvCnmn1inion shall utnnd perm vohd, deeluiug thn l"]uI'iuh give: {om- vote: for Hayes sud Wheeler. No uh joctionn Inn uh: totho ootticauo of Georgia. Illinois, Indiana, Ion, Kon- tueky sud Knnmmbulonlhn of Loniuinna ' coming up, allowing eight vote! for Hnyol god Wheeler. the objection In akin thnt tho doctor: win nap duly elected. 'l`hI_ objooumu and othor paper: worI`Iub- mam; to tho Elooioral Uommiuiqn; and IE0 Seinto withdrew. \!-_\'ml. Int. 1') 'm.- l...`L.._.'. oamnouu. ., In spite of the diltincl uaextinm of the loading Deunocrnu in both Hamel. there continues I uronu '|nIpicion that the Home Domocrstl do not mean koal- low tho Court 4.0 he completed it Louis- innn Ihould be declared for Hand. Tho common view iuthu. in lion in the power of the House, under 0'20 Electoral Luv, to dofost the docluntmn of the romll in I perfectly legal way, by mean And from dgy to dny, And thu the Sauna pououo` no clouly lawful remedy. ' , Wuhinntnn. Fab. 13.-S. M. Rhnllnn It is Ihtod that Paton will probably not nnIwarR.-unis`: circular. Pnpontionl lot In go on Ictively in Turin . and it in reported-from Bolgi-ado that outnu- gro hu not giocoptod Turkey`: peace propo- ulu, but (hit I now inunruction hu hm- kon out in Bolnin. Ruuin ha inuod no- than in Poland that all peruml joining she 'l_'nr|iiuh may -tall ho}, puuilhod. The dominion: of the Our u-of troubled with interull diuontionn, the arrests of Communist: nnd Nihilist compinton being on tho increase at Mouoow. ---- ~ Troy, N.Y.,- Fob. l3.-ln 1 oollinioli between I boon and oloeping our on the Troy & Boston Rnilrocd this morning. Cunll, nbnkumsn, In hllod, und,` Human and Jana. employees, word badly injured. ornmous. . ; .. . A iuewapapor correspondent naked Buy- ard i! then In: I possibility the the Domocrntn would prevent (ha completion oltho count if Innininnn wont ngninnt `thong The Senator ropliid uith grelt omphuiu :- "N(u; they may defeat _uI. but they c|n`t disgrnco mu; they may brinrul misfortune, but they can : bring us iuto contempt." Tho Wuhimnon Elnctm-Al {`...n:nniunn mm contempt." The \Vuhinat.on Electoral Committee not It. 11 o'clock. Mcbonnl-1 prooaedoii i'n Iugportol the objoetinnn to Hue : oorti oatou. . In nnhn nf H-In alinnnl -nu--l .'n-u nl Washington. Feb. 13. -8. M. Shollon Chairman of the Democratic Committee of Hines County, Min. tutiod before the Senate Committee to-dny the ho hnd no knowledge of duplicate ballot. box key: being furniuhod to Domowntic judges of oloction. Ho Imav of nu-mod -Rnpublicnn hand: during the politics! cnmpmgna uinoo 1870. N n can not intimidntad. but hononl. y oonnrud to the Dcunocntu. Wnhinuton. Fab. l3.-Ranl-I-nnnbxhva ;..':.'..":..".:.::- DUI IIOHCIIIY %IIVIl'IC|I I0 `"0 IIIEKYIKI. Washington, Fab. ._13.-Repruentat|ve Hurlbnt spoke for the Republican side, md wu follond by Senator Howe on the some aide, who wu uill speaking at 3 ` D. II]. lllemslng Runslfs Circular.` |nAILFmi"TnIx.| mo nenuo cmnarow. New York, Feb. 13 --'l_`ho 7n bmu`a Wuhinqton correspondent u_ mg the doouiou in Louiniuu bi Saul: A1. The quontion of introducing evidence will he qnin brought up. 1! this lniil the Democrats will attack the Kellogg Gau- rumout. - .. A :..-.n...-. .................1-..o' .-|.-.: n-.., . Wuuumon. .rg dontinl dlicuhy 1 Hanna rultardnv il The Big Mix Up Worse, rue" Pnaslnmv. _Anlnw Moon, of 6::uohv`n, in :3-bn.ninA on-In nl man, And hi: QAKIII `w_..mn_n_--. lnnunl xhn-uh mobs-W. uhollal lat-In an. 1234 7: NJ 101-no can on uuin-4. whim-v In-h--l III cl-ul. Pollhuoycuu Quay : iytup In hulduoonuhad inn hon gtllnollylocnuiughpublh [am un- til ithl IQI h|nono_tho Donouh Oouglvudy d ovary molly. The hnlhgnmlduguu nun In an thyiplluonolaroyi Syrup at In! Ipnuooun than Ihydoo! :11 the otluoouhtptuhupoo lunch. lllolhuuhulhythomulnalpuuul uhdqlnnhnuoudhugdluu-,* Olbtloinihou nnody Maho- ln.....lnl...L..g| r 'rnf:"Ii:"E'1'. ---- 9&0---a IOITIIII lI'O(`l IAIIIT. IAIIIID. |._.ul ll D .|.:-._ ~rTlu,_ l`rni- I -I.-a., In the had that |..o..-.I ...... Also, Ilnuclrnol Innudcr (khan: Unt. own was no you to ouno u . 1'5. In none son on: o tho Bloom- : n|0unmulon._oro mm; Oungroooiu all chum for tho porlotnnnoo ul non Latin dud whxoh luuo boon cru - uousoloighs y tho Proddontiol pm . No: and III attempted odlunono. Many tool] but lmpumnc manor: no boing d . ol among other things tho Inb- J 0! tho i :-outdoors uluy. Au ourt no hot: undo, in loot. a bill In pun-1 Milo onoo, Io nduoo In Iotho --Id ` no$.0W. Anothor must no Ibo: I tboobohonnout o( tho PJioo Band ol tho Dhmct. tho ball (or which on utood by Ibo Prcidoul. tho ll-moo our ` tho vow. but Ibo Bouuto may I! do oo,I|oIuud otlll undo. but this nqhotol chaps. Wulington hol- juyi Indian Manor nochor. Tho I-hot , oyoton plonty, sud no non to 7 opytooiotod than ovorfrou Ihodolld tlonm buboouotpow ooeod mo winter, and ovorynhlng soon: I to ho lth; down with tho opproool 0! I pdtlilll Iottlolvnt. Ho con. N II hpd. not oqahhooounlq `lucked - hlnoollopllf s'p.otac" lea I run! uivp III: III! In nirrn snot um: 140.00 In luv on-alts Lugunu um .T-can-1 _ 3.13 u|'Ilnu In-I`. oh bun: oltyhu I ulna but :.a.!;-:s'.'.t-.'.1.-.F"'.,',:.."...-*'- -"W Jan 8!. |U7. Av aanznq . "an namnc: on nnocx mm M nuuIueuphnlb1IrI.0 . has tullnl the hunt lppnnnonu. aogubogtuu no In Dmonlnr. III In - ""`-""""""""i6'l:n'r canal THE ITOIK AND DWELLING `RIVI- on the nornor of Pram-on and W0) Imou. low olvupbd 11 Hr. WI. Grok Ilu. Pouuulot. on Am in. Applnoil - DI] : IAOHAI. tell. In . I377. r.` Ill cu. I-III WI. I III IICIUIE 1' Ind In wt :11 any acumen 9 hr tbopoduv thy tunes. I: no closed (at Npllrl. I tho pd: Ind iii iv: but qnmg. cloud for npun. vary qumy. IAI IA '2 do do can ()_uon ...1 no 1 3 do do l eu>hoa.... .3 C075 3 do do `l`ounuooo....... ...1 100 I on not nelug ISO! `and: 3 cool. or `claw eat. but! may for cub II Ihnboot mu-I00! Ian on only: Ill" ptoII.l un nonfu- nan nll thenodov shunt. then. 1 u :5? Clnoou. . . . . . . Ynrnomi Blouen Blnll Oyulorr Loh-an lmm Win an M uuinoedy Mniuina mu Ittocliiug the ~ the lulu:-_o gunmen of tho Ftthee Lend ` lupetod. To be auto, your otntumon are out yoteoenxiout About posterity u tiled-_ - - ptolge wee. On Ipch I point they would ' bentber likely to inquite wlnt poem-ity Ind ever dono lot them.' Still, though 3 the gtatumnn spirit, and eouuted` by it, r line I prophetic eye on the coming time. Oonurntivu jun now, that the ruc- ' tiou liu neatly ripened, and thet the - Ind utterly unworthy of Liberel Cnneer - I0 eeger to obtain, And which they hope _pcou:pti,n' tbodetominuloe that unit bi . -u-:- Opposition jmrule en` otllt- yin: don-the Ontario Ilium:-,y {went pub paiqendoettou or their one htulee canonically with the iadouitr to u:on_ here.` lulu `am `actually totiI|IIQmoltbo'. Oppaeat.-otoeur Illltln 9! liuiaton. Now, no `ode need , mount bo umled by such e8eet- edaiaeradty. Lot it not be enppnuil that than to la the brunt of time Can. ietiltive olulptono one lmpnleo of syn- pqtby for poor Ionrworlud Minietdn eeluhe dull nuein ultonobod. Not at all. It in e um iiulioulon of datum Ihlp to [pravidtl for the to. Inn.` The on- Pilnler of Inglnnd did in tlioee cole- bntod speeches ln which be troubled for who tho Blitieltcoel lieldo ehould ybo oi- lt any not on-ry them eo far, they have They share the delueiun, hugged by Imny nthor impatiently hiding in rend the air with u-- ea tha Tory petriote oountry in `time to clungione ml. theirplocel. Jinthere, the rnunn ` for their_coneidantion for Cabinet ult- riee orupl out. ltefur Minister; un- now regenlod but no mere worming pun` for their Tory euooeuure ; the olcou will, it in hoped, eoori chungo ocoupdnte, Inu it would be shun-eiglited_ policy, indeed, votive Iletoeuienehip, wore the Hun. Iteuro.` Cameron, Lauder and McDnu- gellnow to redueo the aim end thus lee- Im the Itl.nction'ul the prize they are In noon to reooive. Ther:l': mnnyn -I:.. " L........- u-..l 0'1:-A n;....l- nun nu. J Loboton Inna l'Ie each. And In other kind: of PM In proper-tho. -w v- - rm.- *.::- : n ur. Inctutm. ' ' \'u.mr1-lines fun as npnm. Ovid I Tull at 1. Cult`: Ililhh Lluratlul Blnll Oynlorr ' ........ .. Lobster! lmm la PM 6oNsUM'FrT3i. * INDIGESTION & wussirmo Duusnu. The non: rmmrxnua lmnodlouro AIIUKBA I IU EIVIULUIU and } ANt`lIA`l lll The` Original 4 Gnnuinn prepared only by I`\ V \I l\ I `L. AV` \. \JL\I-O. M3 New Rom! Slrm. London. Sold bytho-uuml nll Chnninta And Monk t hrouuholt Clllldl And tho United sumo. Gems; on In the World Sluhpur Dick`: names. \ Buy ll-.uoh,Journnln. lndpu. Bldmn, lulu Boon. &e., to _s. woons. : Tho Elotnorgl Cnmmilfon in nil! hard at work upon the Fmtldo no, and has boon for a not. Yeou-`rdny, huiuvor. qmto I point Ill made in the decision, by I veto of 8 to 7, thnt no ovidouoo will In-nooivod thn wu not `uh ' .I.o tho ' joint convention of tho two outer b tho Pruident of the Senate, with the dn - foront cetiuooeo. except in roluiun to tho iuol' ibillcy uf F. C. Hulnphrioo. uno of the lqoo olocton. in nlorouoo to ohooo oooo tho Omnuinin hnboc do- oidod U) on olmouvo m_enIm ovidonoo cull bo uooivod. Thin ll conoidoud by Domoovou no u onhotuatiol and important. victory. no, Ilthotlfh tho slnouion only 1!` an 0! tho pvnl uinury qnootion that boon rogood on to tho oduuuulsllisy uf ovldouoo; and the can qnoo-Ion cm coco o no not-in yo: noun lo lu dood- Btill, tho docinlon ha boon undo not to oulodo Ill oviulonco. and this my in- und in Into the wool ol in on-no. othor ouoaotloolouyuttoouno. ` Thhnnnuulnuou tllnllumr do Cod - - . . Flnnanxllnddlu KI: Ihchral-. . . PI-uni 80!! Watt Ilarringo (flnoou ............. . . . . . . . Qad Sp;-i1cGum.""3'* ,TB\' '1. (cf ' o T .._J."'..?.'.','.':'.c.'.o "{'a3..."a'3~n in In ooagpkn noIi|unn.nd`I all um nnlr. Expectant and Bnlunlo n rtlum ` fully prnaornl. hum able to am; 0 rcsun cur; igunughs. Coldn, to]. uni; `um nronglbrn weak |uI;I.` - ruvlluvn - _ ' fl-HIE 'AN IYEB8ARY of tho Iu Jun: Church Tampnoun `Soc-knv will is hold In that l`bIr_fh D.\'.; 1`()-IURIOW, (Ash. Wodnondn ) oven u at 7:1). louboro and the gamer: Iynn: Iugud humid. A Mike` lion will be tahn up on I-phnlf of the I'D: Fund of lha Church. . ENDERSw{IlberocoIrullo_yuuI|donlgI- ed on SATURDAY.Ihol71h,nuI..u noon. (at the Human. Clmflll. Puluuru. 0|-non. ` Plumbarmu-um men and Tiuunuh work mqulnul in the rrncuuu of A DWELLING OI Want Street. l'o|- C.\ . Price, liaq. ` Plnn and nhnmmnlnnn nut 1.: man at -I ` I 'I!uuIIII. I nu mull lylturuml IIGIINIIOIOII PANOREATIG EMULSIO Pusruu-rum A: ' u-minn urannnui nnlr In "tnshofught. W. Irving`: Shula look. I Illln` Political Economy. III IIIUII ul luvvuu. nuuqu. .u....,.. Ilip,"hoIover,-In-1 the people may un- docoin u dreunan at the noxt-olec- IRON, BATUIDAI IORNINO. I -`In. IOII. null Euler Sunday I will all good: at tho lollnwlu prions: The (In.-vi: nudes fun; the lad Ipr on Two has law but bio on Innhnblo to-' 3!` UUUIIUUI ` HI! REGULAR ANNUAL IIITING or um Ila-In Smrlbt Plusptar will in hold on WBDNES MY. the Hill hit. at thlr Lodge Room. All mnmbon of the Urdu-an N}itic6 6 Cohtrts V'.I|U|- Blrcul. I0! 0. I rnw. lbiq. Flinn and npeonlcntgnnn nu ho nu pl I] om.-o The Iowan. or any Tea or not tycoon- rlly |A`,0_O:p%0,d- u ' ` n B. GAGE. Kingston, Fob. I3. 1377. ANN`?- SAV-O'RY 8./MOORE. II3 1\'on Raoul Rlrml. Tannin-, Tnnnlntiolu of Virgil. Xenophon. [Quota nd i ` (tour. . . Polouhnfu Ham on tine Nuncbv nial IQ~ noun fur I877 'l`1`Imey'a Gospel Thonu` numnru cm-in an H]. `Nun. Washington, D.C., Feb. 8_. Thu wnthor here for the [out not bu boon moot; delightfully warm and sunny. Society 'gnyei'y um puliuml ucitamom hlvo ruched their high tide, and the who will soon be dincoruiblu; unit of ~tha fur- mer will duo {nun the depu-inns ol the tmoplthnt hnvo been numonod into ninw induce the oloctinu, and of the lunar Ii-9m the doc! ng of the Elect.-mil vote. The grand NVIOV at the Anenni, satur- dny, (on tho Indians In opp.rmnizy of Jriuding ulivu in their milmiry fnoritel. to whom they are indebted for m unu- ninlly guy bnu on--as well u tomituou the panda, which In by no mum unin- knning. (lunmnl Sinirmau and the ocnury of Wu renewed the lroupo, doing Iulutod in true military nylo upon _NlIl| nmnl At the Arsenal gate, tho soot-story with seventy-ve guns. nud tho Gonanl litll 5 bugle II. The puny than proooodcd to :ho panda ground. when the Iruopn went through urious diloult but must enieruinmg ovnlutium with Ills rauulnrity and perfection of old Idiom n- n._ --_... A-.. n_..---i .._z n._ Angus` Bible Handbook. WEDNESDAY. Chill Lodge mpmbou the ()1-darn-0 mquanud Ionteml In buunou of hnnotlloo` Lodge Room. mguznbon the Ordnruu, nomad hnporlulco ` vi Icons boforc we Phnplmr. JAR LATURNIY THE NEW BOUKSTT)-R-E A RECEIVED 'l'0-lMY :. HAIBLIN RMI'rn'n An|'r:y1r.mrrn*1 Flam lag`: Annlvoia. F-N'l'lI"I lilo of Ch:-ht. Pu-kmnvn `I Hllwrioul Worh. Itvut. In IJI1. On the nine dey Genenl end Mrs. Iyeu ueve an afternoon reception. her eerde turning vi-izui-e-by the deeignm tion "from 3 to 6"--tun more was a lixed time for departure, beyund which eli- uette would not allow them to lin or. hie weeeell put," lnr her circle _ e charmed one`, Illd I0 loner ietuly. `Mrs. Myer: in I right pleeuul Indy, lining the nu leculty ol inking every one feel weloomo sud ei. cue. `she wore e rich tuilet of eilk end velvet, with en exquieite oolluetle of point lace and pearls, end I Genenlueieted her in receitin with tune that did hung: to "Old rob" ell hie lriende. In the beck room ` their teble wee heudeomely Ink! and landed with eemde, ioee, ereeme, fruit: and elljuch good Ihiuge of life. end the -event wee riiouleriy we'll enjoyed by ell. Sun ey wee as full day-l.he even- ing we. euuwliud by e re-uni-an of the Literary Sacioty :0. Mn. Dlh','r.nI. Thou gathering: are elweye delnghtlul, end on thie occui--n it wee rnadu doubly so by the preeence 01 Mr. N-miho`, hhu re.\d_eehei-min: paper which he called A Vieit to UINOH of Paradise," meaning the Bendeioh hlende. Thou who have read Nnrdhof I work: on UL) end Lower Cnliloruiecen imagine 1: in tree! it was to we and hen IIII. nu. ne_,A.-_| n,_,_, 3,,-,, p .-n w IACI v::.:,.... .--4a-O~" "" _8_g_ectaclu I o. n. a_co; Nulll I IUN C. VVRl HVII lmucnu. The Ronedluoro I\AlInD: A fun Elllll Qnnll layer : canned Goods, .........4 -re... m... A....n. 3 r... n us not: um nw:I.Lnio lion. nu [ha nornnr nl Prlcrou AMI Womllf Lu ; D|noIu.uqip ours are tilnoar mosour. "ROI_1l_1_|Od. soolty oulp--Electoral (,`ommIuIon-- secret sessions. _ ....-.2---_ Fdr ale. In an arm If n I-and Inst. canal` uler lundu I um all lollowhg print: a Plus Maple ..... .. Put-bun . (`/In-non. . .. . Gm-n Cam Linn Beau. . Wlsoro Farr Cove Ouurm. fi" WLHo'{.v, II AND wll I II rn-unn Au Iiotic. {IV I-IRKA R I nl th Notfc. IYLAR ANNIYAI. '171c1`I'" - nu nnm IMF. JAB LATUENIY. Bonatary, ----.- .. . .:...._-.;.-- foams. Odds, . OUR `WASHINGTON LETTER. Uwuurvuu VI -I--0 AluqI\bor.IIdndIhlnItotM vlhllaludal man so auhod cboghnununuuhbihucnpi at thunk. llovluuyvudtllyun. odadlqyyol HIUIUVIVQNCUUIM pubnnmpdnucpuou 1 g-e1m's ..l0o do` Mepatdalb 1:190 do SYRUP." Ivw -- ..aru-"On 1 new Looms Man. Cu-yum Wu-|.. lulu II.l_n I-n lho on Oh: at uvl which IN paid by uhldllufdtbfrlhubilhh P nun uhlbh ucntcltlo hqdo II:- Pnlllhg. . . Furniture. . Dada! mind In: human . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.3 II) llalnunqnlu. ...........,II N Im-.L...-A-an-n-I Jnnnnnnlnnlnln g.'..':'. IITIIIHJII. A. nuHuI.0uuuuo.llM I! 3.1`. IQ I0 John BI'0t|O`I'-I .. 1:m:sBTG7EirT{u'-o. I13`! 13.13-n. ------ *-----~- ~ Thu an uuuajolthqoityooun-*, pi! us `:4 Int Tbaowm "pgupul. :- I on; ny A an A|loa.Auolnt1 oo.Cuuphdl, bum. cw. mum. Dnnnu. Du uh. Outta, Hutu, Maudie, M 9000309. |lcD- mou. llclntyro. cllouiyoblo`, Penn, Power and Wnlkosn. , `Pin nsnnuini nl Hun hat mhnlinn Ian: Aunti:bniT;onnui AIOIITHI . ....... m .. I W 'r3.'.'a loq. |I!uo noon VI; U J.Ju-tiuon, Oontruh... lull-|IorI_.......` rower nun vvgsuu. . ~ , The mingle: ol the In! muting Ian. rotd Ind coparnod. I_ ` ___ ._._... -.__4 llll LII I IQAIII. I A communication In Iron 311. Minna, Colloowo ol Tu , aiming ht. nozwithotanding the olloct. of the 5 ` 345 -cunt. uddmond lay, the axon o! 1 . Ind nut null ltcuusnllootod, and in- uyg for In qxtcnniol ol than until the us of April Iortho collection 0! the bulnnco. On motion 0! Ald. -Mclntyro, vlqrrquut cunuinod in the oomnunioutiun wu guutod. ' In! In: India rvluvu IIIIZ A` letter ptuontd Ind "Ind. Iron [L Wellh, tolho oloct tint In In in _onmpsny rid: ole Dandy Ihiu unaud- . and lined 060 for dmnkonnou; that .tho oircumntnngsu ol,,hu ouo won, prooiuly uillllf to than of Dandy : duo: that u Dnndy had 8250! hi: lino rcniltod by the Council be (Webb) cnnd for 0 lim- Iur oomidarntion. On notidn of Ald. ` Mclntyrc, the omnnuniostiou wu refor- rod to the Mnyor with In: to not. , The M: or truntod thus this woulrl be the Int 0 Inch communication: untur- uined. v AM Rankin dinnnnxvntl nl nmlhllinnl . cnrn-tn. Jouu Boon. Oout.not...... ...I2,250 00 v p " Inn val-kdonoud l to|ndono.......... 85067 not out. " Ald. Prioo ropliod that tho Council ohould not throw tho rooponoibility on the Moyor. and o wrong should not ho ro- peotonl because it woo once oommiItod- rothor rectify that wrong no quick` to pnoniblo; othorwino, logo! ntlomon av- ing cuoo bolero tho Po neo Coclrt will have petition: boloro the Council: for the rumiuinmol liuoo. tho odminiotrotiou of ju.-tioo wlll bo thwortod and the power ol the Police Mogiotroto will be dootroyod. Ald. Allon-Hoo tho lino boon paid in `l Ald. Ilclntyro-You. ' Ald. Allen said pouibl; oinoo thy ne woo imposed cortain`lu:to Ind cnmo to lnghl. which oox-rod to mitigoto the olonoo for which the young mon were mind. out! which juoliliod tho rolniulon, but tho rncommonduion_ol|ould oono tron tho Commiuiouen. who ohould onqulto into the on-ouuotonooo ond ropon to the Council. mvuulululu 5-: Alvin. Kingston. ob. 12. 1877. Sn.--The mum of the Kingaton oonqiao Iucium box to pmonc, through you. to the City Oounoil. the ID- oumpm nu unhmontolu ndituro in oohnool on with` tho I1-bail iur or the Uollouitlo Immune, and of urninhinz name; also the -uponun inch:-rod vidiu noeomuodunon lot up ool pending the re-budinu and oouuquont thereupon. Tho total expenditure in: ` 87,247.89 From which deduct iuunuoo monoy.... ................... .Il,409.(X) Leaving balm` . . . . . . . . . . . . .O5,836,BO L--n nnnnivnd `I'll!!! Cit! Clum- _ yaifyailg Qritiill Iuol. - J. &J. Nowllndl, Uonlruh. ... ....II,8I6 W. Euro work . . . . . . .. IN 40 tuned. Md. Gnkin qinpprond of meddling with `uducitl mutton, but u the Council hud salt with DAndy I' can they should and all.) were equally oonooruonl and mmllv uuninhod: And when the line via bgdiwosed of in `tho umo uy. `Dnutlj uua noun were equnuy eoneeruuuuu eqmiy puninhed; And when pun-Ii ly remitted in one one it Ihould be no remitted in the other. 1 AM Dmnnnn Innlr-tl unnn nnnn un- be romuuu lll mo ouur. Ald. Dgtqnm looked upon notion un- der the cimumnnnou u tending ,to on- ublinlrdnn mun ruoodonu. AM. Me ntu-n 1 inlinnrl ch. ' uLnhli|h- Ald. Mclntyn than novod that hair After all communication: or position `to this Cuuncil, relating to the remission of [inn imposed by Ch: Pollen Magistrate, urging any interference with NI dutin, bo nu: onvorusinod. `I'M. ...no.i..n -nu nnl nnnnnd. Hr, Mn. ........... .31 but roooind {mu City Chun- borlcin. . . ... u-. -3.3... unauuvu vv -w ruv-.-v_ w, v.` city . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ..... . 31.83889 1: will ho ohurnd from the Ihtomont that the tmuau have not nlloud any at tho uponditpro for the nth` preparatory clans: to be thrown upon tho it}. - I have the honoufto be, Your Obodiollt Servant, (hotel A. Klnuruvx, Rnmutnrv _ oounury. John Molnlny, l'oq., Mayor, Kingolou. Statomont showing in (Mail 013 entire on 0! nbnilding tho Kingnlon Culb- iuu Institute, dutvoyod by in in ny, 1870. and 0! fnniuhlng nae; also. the oxpunuu unuutnd in old- ing Accommodation !or the Sohoo pond- ing the rebuilding, Ind oouoquool thonupon : FAIIIITIL FIJI William Roblnnoa nntlnd_._ _____ __, ubmrnunfemuu raooaonu. Md. Mc nt nsidilod the |-lhHlll- mom of p nu, but ho pointed out that thin can nu pl-eciuly liio that of Dmndfu, ind duo:-vod tho nus conni- |h:l'lII0lL vlnlmn. - - .. . a -null bit: on llnrhtchpccr. A:u;u. Itch: I`. Inllvny Ovu- PIIIJ-|`l tfrlaul. ` - Cuniuuu hung:-ldjqgud lacuna it 9 . . I frguoun Lonou.-Iuu|u lusty; I 7: FJLE. , Iuumum Annlnuury of It. Jana Chub Tamgaunuce Sock`: u 7:U p -. - ..._?.__.._.__._. ,... -_...._. I.|I:l'I|I0l|. - Md. Prion ugnod Nut tho Oouncil had up jurisdiction nnd tint if thu prio- cico Iron : continua! Ioonor or Inter the \l.u.-.9. man in -xhhnunl in I'll! Is-oi nntn we were oonunuur Ioonor or Inn mu Mayan my be obligvd to _] back unto the Treuury none pii out in tho alupn of romiuion o nal. . The Mavol--1! tho Council onus thin nlupo ol romuuon or anal. The Mayor- If u pun: this resolution, and tho Oily Sulicilul` tell: me that to umit" the tint `in illegnl, I uhtll AM Prim ranliul that (ha Cnnnoil bu onvu-tuned. Thin motion up not proud Ir. Mo- lnqro boing`;'_ll|ng to unit duo opinion or the Solici rumod. Balnnoo m In provided by tho- eitv . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . `.1 William iwblnnon, Oonlnoc... ...... ... 0380 W mun yon: 1: 31;! rouxm. "ran an ugxul. -uni.-Ding: -an n-gnl rm: Barman wme} (TUESDAY; FQBRUARY 13.1377. 'Wheu this docunioqimprdpnlid II it okay: In by Mininkririifriiud by Ih_o_ Lord` Chanoollar, it in dilicull. Io no in whu mm .it' is dunvmg at tho sbovo nppellativm. Thu pi-Mont uuion,ho_I- over, was opened by. tho Queen in per- no, and the Bpoooh konuho Thlollill, _.. I-.. - l.)..'..I nun` Th. of -no->1 Ia.aof:: "W34 Jmoo `. I0 .. III!) IMO no . 31.838 89 I nl.Alnmnnt '-2,685 40} 1'47 15 AH. Point submitted the ol the cannula `an n, Water Gun, ro- ccouc-dhg that an Iron nllnn an whirls lnllpkdl-0 no required {or tholonrdthuauo honnlonthpu at the mum in ad 31' .u'.'.3'.:.:..a. n'1"`6 2...a&..- nauuqy win Ito pmbbloonuvl h,5I|IOOHr-`OIIIII that union hrlhtorl nlrd,houkotlunud- Ilqlo ThIOoInmu` tldivoumdhuuauboi rttli. hd oulndvolylor Mll- Ijllo nut ` udnuo at has I iununnnodhunlclcullt 7"` out not-nn. All. Dunn hadud in the of the Uoummn on Om Pnporty. that `in ad to the old uhool ban on W||- I "I luuutillo um Outlet at bugdun a lens. hr 002, Md the couplou neon] ol the acne. be uuptod; that Mr. Jon. Wilton ho ulutotuu behalf 0! the dty. In the bath! 0! nlnlinz tho vopo! monuy holdbyllrsnrty I , hy|un,u- bbuby Purim. WI aorniugto Ibo city` on tho upinuou at all lung, .1 n nludon. -Bouoind and ' galnnngl ' r I.Vl.VV rm. Ald. Dnnnnn introduced the Finance Couamittooi rm-.poH ., recommouding the ymant uf the following: PI] lint, xtlbl; L. Lokichouu, no r! patent, 01: R. M. Honey, :nndriao%'sI.9(); E. J. Buhr, sundry tutu-chu, 05.40; Dr. _ Olinr, lndionl onminntion And attend`- _ mu-ling louudling. C5; .T.R.. } not at inqnua, BIO; Mu. uncomln, u r , 028.70. T. Mohhhon, `nigh 15. 3 C. I. Wronnhall. national , 011.25; D. J. Huzgorly, clothing lot lg: uglili; u|`)movl::nd carton` sooount, . ; .t". .,pau rpluqu, 02.3); '1`. Oouloy, ptid for win; engine dawn to In. 02 M; W. Allomymdrioo, Oh] Buildings, U3 9'1; E. II. Ilotuy, Manhunt 0! Bu-glury Oon, 837.50; . Dr. Fonwick uuuduoo M. potion nation, 1 Il.W;Dr. ionviuk, medial attendance 1 V inqlut. $.00. The Comniuu Ind baton thou the IIINIII tor brohn ooonmbutuuiu roeonnud any par 1 ohuurunl ch ovpvopriutiom no pound 1 by tho Ooudltonoot Inch noun. 0| thocouuuniuuoa ol W. union. Ili, loo CIIQI Io unkind in soon- quouo cl I tlohotlu ddonll, the Oon- ' nuke nnthdud Ibo l tonulo ` will |lr.< Iudndd pnv ed it ion` :0 gnu! OI0.-Buulnd and lope,-H -lull, and mo apouu l!ol|I__Iuu uuuu-`I-.-, .. oofar.`nR.u'ynl emf`? The proportion is amok in ducted to an hum dim-_ `culc'y imiicatoo whnt In absorbing inur- out Nut quontion Inn `for the Bx-ilioh Miuimry, it not (or the 'poopIo. An In- urenting outlino of the put Grout Bri- tn`h,hu plnyod in- the nggolindoul with tlm Pom And "II Potion in tho two ` ouufcrencea conclude: with an expreuinn ol rout-4 Um thoinlandod objoothu pot been nmnisued. There would unruly hue bean [or n oxprouion ol gin: .: x_.| `L; -1. -I.l nh Knalnnd nun. ld. Iecmmn A . Peo. Ills: '4 .t|u 50:-rotary of the I be rdornd to the Fit upon. The IIOVII` 1 tin Iiclmol invited {ha me ncnool nnvueu me uuuuluv. alumina- Iiou ol_ it-elu -eguteiued in the eletement. The muons economy hid been eutuiled. in every re: and no unneoeeury expenee Ind n in- eurnd. Ree ting the Girln` Dpu1- eut. may the city`: (and: were ex- puded Q31 It--the upnee of tting up would be borne by the gentlemen inbr- eeted in in lornnioa. ' ALI nu-.. ...uu....l...l n..v nu (3. m.m~il uon u n. u we uo` meinliii no gnu event of hope: being I tire, I I th: received nqdhdupted. u b city limit: lo 1.. ....|.. in Am n..|. - ll'0ll.lIl urllwlsuru In. Ald. Cu-ion-Tho petition ol Robert Wynbnrn, akin; to be rolmbunod to tho extent of $12 for tho loan of n quantu- ty ol ntnvborry vinu, douroyod by the opcniug oi Corporation drain through In: pmlinu. Ikfmezl to rho Finunoo Uolmmu to upon. . ' `TH. L'l!l'IlIlIu - Md. Moltouieukad iluny reply bud `boon roooind tome` letter: W_l'lOl| to Olulhnnr about the Item: angina Y The Mnyor- N0.` . V i'o'.'u-vunu nun .-nnunnn, cuy. Ald Price dnid unless they Itopped 511011 the Council will become the chief folyorploverytliing Asked for, and so on u they took up ench etitiune they would be lnded down wit them. He explained the circumeuncan ul this cue. with which he was flmiliu`, end ublted that the petition simply uked the Uoun- ` oil to av whet a mud party owed and than! pay, and glut it wu not right to pey out my public money in the mmner nuueeud. Th. Mam: uh-I Dun umlartood that Ill! bilnnuo duo her was paid. Aid. Dnpuin said the remarks of Aid. Price wqro jun. und fair. He gun his colleazuu to undrabnnd thnt if they on- ublinhod I rocodonm of _thin kind ghey would be de ugod with similar petitions. AM Pn'n-, nnnnmlnd hi Aid. Dllnllil. CI!!! to an Ionnuo.n. . - A, Ald. Allan contended tint the Co|u}cil had done wrong in ooutrgbuting any mopoy tn tlnchool. He expressed his non -conlidonoo in the School entirely, sud 19110:! the Council to grant no lnrthor dd to it. V . . mu. Aldinun llcCunmon'a motion In on-riod. I ' cu. in nan-av III. J\'w`IaVlv ' ' From .\Ir. Agnew, Uiif _Solicitor. 1 lotto: mu real, that, in the euro! Far- guoon u Kingnton, judgment Ind boon 'inn mi me my. On mouon of Aid. ckouio. it In relornd to the Finance Oonunittu. - . _ VUUFUI-IN UIIIIIIIL ,, Alrl. Nclu!iro-'-The petition of Mn 3 Dun. poiuntnng out that I child ad been hit with lust to keep. and rat: tint the mother III tn pay nix dpllnrl a month thorofur; that I balance of 064 an: outing hat that she cannot get this balance how the child`: panntpnd boing nnnr -kn nnlnul Um Cnllllcil for I E73! I0 IIIVO IUI IIIIIIII DIIII .-uvvur Tim object, Vllpc-ooh maintain European puc. to impron the R070!!!- nmu of tho Turk-Christian provinou, &ud `got up prouno intact the "indu- pamlence nnd integrity of .tho Otlomnn Empire." When to much III nttolnptod we camnut vandal int no" little In no- - otimfalml mi. in _tho punggnph on India one reference Ioomsto {nook the other. Tho Iplunduufl of the proolumnlion of Ha Imperial Mnjeuy up, Empress of lndin, on New Your : Day, urn ndvortod -_.- .1 ....am....l... hut, hon bnhnoo [mm the 0h|ld'l pnronmunu mung poor, nhnuukpd the Council grant. ' loud her in her'exu-emity. Aldnrnmn hiclntvra moved {hit "10 maid her in heranromlty. Alderman Mclntyre moved poution btroferrqd tr} the Finance 00 my nneo to ropdrt. ' Aid. Drannln nuuooud. The Mayor said he undertood other wuitod tn uh her child, but Mn. Donn would nut give it up until the bdlnnuo duo her paid. AM. Dnnnil snid the Aid. would be deluged with uuunr peuuom. Ald. Price, seconded by Md. Dupnin, lnovnd, that no action be him: on the polition 0! Mn. Donn. Ald. Mclntyro amended hlq resolution, polition 0! Mn. Donn. ` Melntyro leaving, it to the Mayor with power to. Act. " ' no ...... ..... . Ald. MoCamInon-Tho tition of R. V. Rhgrn mad the uni: cioruy of the city, asking the Council to reduce the li- oonuo to tho nnnllut number allowed by law, nnd that the tavern luoenun be in- grvuod to 8900: And the Ihop license: to nr. run 3175 ALI thing uythu (ongoing. fictitious B083 come ummitho-or rather laid over un- oil u pnnnrt nf Hun! Cnmmian III rand`. ` olnu CumInIIuo-ur rumor Illa our un- til the report of chm Committee was rend`. Aid. Prion-Tho poti.ion of Robertson Bros, routing to taxes. Refund to the Roviaion. na u.o..Iv._'n.. mminn of Pntrick mail, new lulu uly, urunuw..~.. , cu, m la-nu ol gntioallon, but, by I pmnrul tnneilion, we no tphn in n In wunlu from thin extnugmoo of Oriontxl grandeur, to the hutrnn of so Eumn lnmine. Tho Empreu upnuu the do--put nympnlby [or her far any nub- jeam in their widuprud diumu and dot- tit-uuon. Culnniul proupority imam: pl-ling oongntulation. Rom:-ning homo, Iluivvfllly und bnukrupoy mouuru no prumilrd, us well as tho ouublinlmont of Suptemo and Comity court: {at In- land. The speech nonoludun with the 51- um]: Iuiublo upinlion` that the "bleak inn elf the Almighty" may suoud Mill- _~`huura aucrdmct tho oort of tho Britlah ' Putlinmout.

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