Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1877, p. 3

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ulna nxnnniu (lama; girl: In i5o'Wor|d Angus` mun Handbook. ' uni-ponu blah`: ldltbu.' w: mug a shunt am." mun. chum. Tlupein qatpol Thnuu. nukineum cum and In. Tina.` tv Lxa} pl` ` 7 . 9 I131 o ,` __ I oloubu'n you on :hoJuM`1 loloollao com for I877: . ' Purina) llluwhul Wqrh. llhoicesimcetles Provisions. { lluunun um-a-s knhnnuryir. I aming`: lulnis. To Let, nmlhuallna-ah: rnlscnss. "stunt. RHIBIUUS HUUKS urn : Luna! snu. ON HAND ' ymbmbbhuovd. .050 S. WOODS. mum to-mu Illfll upuuuumnunauunu IRIIIIIIIIO .3300: again`! dnblnnud thnnkr. Ir. Wm: I vu-yingptulunhuu. an r with violin nhlntlpu. lot D Wood on! udncnuioo ounltlt. :..-o1o-.-- BIm:Iru.|n.-h would be intomtin; to how aim olononu brought abou- nnoloilluion between Mr. Waggoner and the Nun. hon the olaetion bom- pkl opolod, Ind Ir. Waggoner anvil. and hinnllu I ourliduo in the Com tundra Intmit. our oontomp.-my ro- ftfllll to Nil I: "cook" Waggoner, I prism": dud host. and all that kind 4:! thing; but on Irish) Inc the mono wu thud. Ilr. Wugonr, "nol wishing Ioupllulo Oouumivo puny," migu, and tin Now. think wnplnlnod pn- viouly that M and that mmnum . G0. was M. and 0! vithdnnl, uh. gulls willing to audit him, and Hum in- dmh little 6056: with in Saturday onlhgh have It. Wuunuot in alluded to by thoduut as having done "3 very lgnnhl ll`!!! ntihnj." Wgouor'I annual! no hdonqh, due non, but tho New odlpn `q. [I will hnuoubuul that ma Ilt. Wynn II Ibo use when the Mn .'.'.""` " ``'``...`.'...`'. ,`'.'.'.`"`..`..'~`'.. I an 59 mi and has the can It `nan 1311 .........u.. man `-1 .1 ----A-- - -oeo ~ - - - Hove: ml l.IDI1e1'I._Y. --- Last yeer (mo of the Director: of thin lnetitutiun did the Ineyor pert 0! the work oi lllprvilivll end Improvement forced upon him in noet ceeee beceuee other directun behi- tuelly neglected their duty. The rewerd at an`. industry on his pert wee paid on fridey leet-the election 0! mother [on- tlemen in hie pleoe et the Board. The ihen hie frequent visits and lehore ere enutreeted with the utter neglect ol the Home by three at the directors throng! out the yen, end the irregular ettend- eeeeoltlleethere. It in e feet, we be- lieve, thet ehe e! the directors. re-elected, e geetleqee et tsieephrietian tune, to in the leblt ol procuring the eervioee of the tee 0! the Home for the euttiug at peed eed eleenleg of woe from the velke on Me peeuieeu, and yet he dial Vnot elell the pleee eeee lent yeer. Thing: ere qeeerly ueeeged on thet Buml. c--_-o1o---- ect eppeere u e very uugreeiuue one i F1|I.-Al:out two o'cloclt_on w..1..... ' day morning Inc, I lire nu discovered in In unoccupied lioou belonging to Mr. Alonndn Boo. nut the upper dun, Gnnnnoquo. Tho nut houu In occu- pied by Dovid Patch; it was also burncd, and Mr. Patch loot considerable of hi: furniture by re and damage in removal. Ir. Soc`: lurnituro, And especially his crockery Into. were 517011 from the fire. but at the expense of much loo: ii: l.l|.0 way of bruhgo. The origin of tho lire in unknown. Tho 1. .-jxurf--r up there won two policies on 11: burned houses; on of 0200 and une of 8.-`:00; also 8.300 on the house that III `loved; all in tlus Agrioultunl Mutual. -----.ooo---. Tu: Rxnpx \\'nY.-'l`ho Mu-a hm. vory limd.'to iiy About Mr. Rohinwtfl polition in `she Onngo um; delnto, though the Mail feel: it worthy of"itu blunted rilrluhbing. Thin would not have hnpponod ufowyurn niio"/o:mha i Nom- when Mr. Robinson wu black- gurdod in every issue. But he walked in coolly and gun s.lnlo iolu" nnmebody I solid ldoo of how he wliuldpot in future The Rev. Mr. Burke having reached that point wluro charity ceases tu be I virtue, might apply I like remedy, and liud it Vtlio only nodieino that will nu-iko At the root of I virulent nml pontilenunl diuonlo. ...... .,....,....... . - I Mr. Simpson wag appointed honorary ' Soonhry-Ti-enurex-,' and the Mayor, Hours. Fnur and Robertson named I8 1 Finance Cotnmittu. After plying nil nooounu dol'voI-od to duto.'n bslnncp re` main: onhand of $216,000. ' _ - w-.-,.- __ ' I unv-vu -nu an. III! I II. Appuinted by the City Cuuncil : The tyor, Alderman Aaaelstino, Drennanl and Cnmpboll. I ll. lilh...-....- _.- _......:..n-; n.,__, ,, I _...___...-. . 4- Hovsl or I:m.'s'nur.--'I.`hu new dim`- ton acted 9| are ; Maura. L h'impx-an,` D. Fruor, G. M. Mncdon_no'l. J. M.` Mnchu-, A. Chown, B. W. 'Rohinunn, 1).. Gibson and Dr. Jan-in. , .1 .... Ion In a Ithaca of the mlohrntod linu- cuu-cuu-onuvr. u Nknnl madam tro- Inland: lanounndlnot luoauintomnu Im on [aver (`-Mun Empire. ,- - -A---~ -V - 5 WVIIHOR.--\\'e Ire Itill umred by: Vounor Hut we are going to have lhu promilod cold dip n'nd wo hr.-ljcvo wow Ihnll, though we, like other}, are uncm` ; . min About the day. Mr. Venurf says 3` the winter has turned out "pro- ; oiuly n be anticipated, but as an _ur I w clamp obuorvu, ho expraanea I dc-greu I . of uncerninty. with regard to Janufry i than and Indian Sum morn, which leads ` I III to thik thut thin wiute: in precis.-Iy as he nnticipntod, and poglmpn .1 Jiule . mu-Q." ` I .-.- I Tu" Rum-rmx.--Sn much has I-Nan; nuntod About the ruclion in ptitlcn 1 Shut the oponing of the House was 91- ! p`o_to-I to` produce I wonderful Uomervsr tin diuplAy.~r.\,'l-Mn the tima'ih-rived for the introduction 0! new members, `at I when olootionn the macliun must of he I acuity be produced, the count told I: to 4 in favor of the Gov,ernmom.. . I ._ --... , , i' P6ucI.-Goorgo Elliott, John Gibson, I um John C:-inley,,dtu1ik. nned_s2m- m. "days; Patrick Cuodmou, drunk, K or 60 ; d$yI; T50; l`opplewill,,drunk. 82 or 15 ` dbyl; Two ouu (infrnctionn of thmcity ' ordimou) wrq aa_-mmed, the defgIul- V nnpromining obodienco to law. ` .1:-> .-._.-.-oQo- lunnl _Mnmo:a.--ThiI owning Rev. Mr. Tinpony will addruq n tunneling` '0! ~ the Woman : umiopuy Society in: the 1 4 5 g, Baptist Church. Tho point: 0! the` rar- nnnd pntlomnn'|"uldrou will; be _jllun- tntod by ox"y hydrgen light. _, ' ._..._.4.__. an-v gun vvnlnyrv I Pu_noxm..--air. J. 8. Cu-us-right. of Nupnnu, nnlvbdtlrom the place this |f- ' In-noon to plat ii`, A plumper in the 'l`own- ` ship 0! Kingnton for the Reform nomifg -L:c1'v`n.-CoL Kerwin, en. cam 015 tho Kontral Thu Wm-m, will lecture in Kiupion. under tho uupiou u! the; T25 Vinonnt do Paul Society, the llth"n-, ; Much ; - I ` ` , ,. ll -V-----91 - -- ` _ I `In DoIgn7Io!.-Mr. W. Qt, hold,` .5 of tho Inc J. t1.upa.ngr~1raaaa. ir- liot, ondoruau-ly'o! Kingston,` is can-.: vunln tho city" {or Tun.lo'r Illupknfed 3 Hillary oftho Dominion. : .1 peas in No.57: 3 o'olo'cIs nos; I -- -01.. --_ U11 ? AND VIOINITY do do Orton Corn .......... ..3 do do Linn Dunn. . . . do do Wlmrtlin lion-bu do do Com Oyster: do do PeMboa.. . . do do l)naupoa. I II nnt nailing than pod: st coat or bdow out. but I buy for cu]: in the but mu-h_tn and not only: nlnll pmlhl am Iheretum ob- it nquoat All my ountmaen to pay Iur mad: when thoyxal-I man. My books are $1: rennin. I the guodn no of the: var: qnlny. I -'0-.[ can will an no mgstin. Dr. Wil- li:-nol Ill] occupy the chair. Then` that vojlcun In: tho Quota? Oollql I `hi 53.07 ' Iumul. ...-, ---. -u-av. uuuguu, Dvuuri IIII I:rI~q 5*...` `m j nil]. , out--u In _IuI UIIIIIIIII `Ill! I031! .3 I390! 00 both! Idunl . A public debut`. `will uh plgblu ll. Allan`: Hall on Ibo um. iIm., Inab- you king. "in the notion: than n In- dd nil! Ilnun. Ilqunin. (Junior had mdllauviil IHOHOIIIIIP` um. and loan. nd. Swan and EM _.... gnl A-L- -|._ _. _ : A uric III |QInin' Co. .--n.l ._ gluuv nun uluuny w ill! IHIINIIIDOIII. Pref. Muulhtru will leetun under tho noyiuu of the Mn: Mun `com: on Fruit], Och March, on Stability ol Oluum." ` vs- u-urn Tic union will clone with 5 Conan done, for which the fullou pnpnnuom In lacing mode. Tho College Oounoil will then hno.s aiming, which will lulu; hither n unnbcr of tho Alnmiai who nlght othorlilo nut bqpruninc; and the student: tho uzlidpolo Ibo pn- uuoo of the Chancellor. iho wllllond [nan nod dlgnntjto tho onurhlnnont. ` B...l ll.-V_.....- -:n |-.A.... ..__|__ A _ cur lavnulv win Ihongh they can Iuch oontiuuod the lat tum pen Tiny no to be pix .-u--._ 32,100. Hi: stock .1 cumplntdy pcrinho-1; fool llmukful that ho lored no personal In. and Mr. blnmhpnh and hutch out in lir loot sound by the ham Ihlclmnb ha been hvin within as cuu Durand out no ion :11 lju do Odd ...... . Mann HnddIun..... ll: lluckonl.......... "'~'l'IIh Halt Wutor Hanlnglat. Ohoou. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . uvuv ulluuluu ua uzu pruvauuon Ol "10 L ame: spreading to the wooden building! r on iho rim-th laid.- Thia mute mu nuc- o'esAful. The two teneguantu adjoinjug: occupied by Mr. Joup Dennis and Mr. Mnrchamb wem unwed, bgt ,in n .mnch dnumgod. comhtion. In fact in da3frnc- lion no complete, and at willfbo found an cheap to pull it dawn nu-I rebuild It at to think 0! repairing _xt. Mr. Smith : Ilyop And dwelling mm :1`: old time erection, put together Mme yh.-urn ago, and unlidly !_.; .......A.....n..l .. .... -.. ho`: worth al-.1` A-duyinxukoa 1 the Queen my : day and Fridu .dolivu~rud by [. Judd and l\'.__Y. _ ---_-The lJe_h(= ; II . N. Fonwiok, bu ptoooltotl lollqc lth Im oullootioo 0! CI- -ancl tho lihruian, In whor- , an the is hopod that III II- _as. Untnnittwlli `away .5. [Allan um.---I _"1fQE mm:1s*n 5 ` f` .',".'i .-...-..-00...`... qnm-. mum.` -a-- - The 0.1 .1 uuruuuuunu nnnnc ronllnu I cdvonity. mom had an; ,1 u I] r 0 gt at I good do thu lmttnt. re `elk fur many a day. The m1..-nao--au niuch no u to utors lmrk, and make the we as -they mlnuood to v I}re. The Chntlnnm vs` a llnlinh Amarioun corner, _, _ x,., -vwgvu I 1 :11`! I a" 3.'.' a2`-I will In olmh nodorn , Ag, ,nn,,,, at 5.15) .o'clocL', n re premises on ,the cormr ing streets, mined and `.V Sun'I.h. 'fr1IitdpaIer. the moat popujur and uu. lnve been burning` `um I! was diicovorod, ` hat the iumntea hid I ` >, same of them hu- ` '9 their bed chambers ' nu. ,.. u u I . ... .....-u -uu vngnw the building In} v. and the efforts, : prevention of `the `he wooden TIN: hluln - . . . . .4 .... - -vuuuu Ii II `U -Id rs at 'un'o geuontinn. rH smaoned that ,..., V .. .. - .,........_...... nn Wedr.e|dny,'l`huru-~ :jt.- Addregaaea will he ' :21 clu.-csuaxon -J! Can- no with him, a the afoot of Ncithot ol __ x__, LIDIJ L IIIIII UUTI When the alarm mun Vnnd~enxin`o .. I....:l )1..- -_.- mnoml of the. G.rAnd cllaville and Brock` nmtory to {ho noting u WING" 7' will bhoou, hmu the church spani- tho Alumni him} or nluul. basin in not ohoieu. pruont: Ind A mun my cum tobon hwycr, and to non! can In one anlnl to math he will lond about to main to it. Dooiolol ol chu- muiumont. any 1; muggy. What I noble loc- I`_lN'" *5` Into this in In I nun, to bododdod In r 306501! 00 uhuonr In undo:-hp: sud one who 5955! 0' In In crfor. ho`_b rupouod ht his III- ...., and am. in Idling In dupuuo nprullhd 1-nun uthonuwho hon Ihlugb` uion I or 4|. nd soothing oluo to-noun. Duo in Ic||I" be: let an vorll another for 001. haul nggiuounuchdlhiununi. lnpow 1 buhonlybo gum; nplru-nu mall at thlrpopo * pl?-50 chain-(named. `hanvunnuunuy at I.. than coobaoqbauun Ibo: uuuuno nsm III!` eodaadchncldulbonnouomui |, 1 1 I 1 molar 4.up|oIoohnulIInp'uIuulnIi : I I `mm ilxtilxlrltellut ; place is not ivhn `ngstull nlioflld have "lMl\!'91'kR. That'- `la-month Bloom-3.. `Shell Oynlon ---- - - . . Lolita: from llo ea April; Um `6-[.'ln A pr 'J`.u;-ntn,i| muno, but cauh now- wvn1e;~=1\1o.\?b;ur, IfEBRUAaR\'. wall by 9. King` lrvumn ..-. ..mu5 uuuvu xrum Ill llllll, IVlll, i 21; How long helt ye between he opiniune. If the Lord be0oI follow lulu, but if llul, then follow him."` Bullet- ed thin the people at lenol were in e beclelidjng condition el the time line can refer: to, end he referred to the ' character 0! Heel and the euiielileuu of ' the tan by which they onnld mekee choice, Bee] being topreeemed u the Gudol Five. He expleined that _'0lIey lied ' the power of deciding whet they would = ` an. end in eome thing: Ihey were ee lo' \ I not far themuolvee, ulher thing: they 1 ` could hue done (or us`. To Ineke e I right choice lupllee Intelligence end: 1 knowledge ol ooneequencee. ll ie enh- lelsenidee chehtlalue erelelt tofeee 1 endllonennlellto begood hewlllba I good. They bed the elllilylereluee, I endlluerevee the opponnuy .1... |g I tbelehrelueqeeepueeteetevhee be | uhehleeouvhec panledeeot tndebe 1 "eltooee, 1550` e bilityo! releeel. eoleloolee.} A enln -n- J-.:.. A- |-- - I , new much encnnregement to coiitinae um euunue Ire VII , I700 . In the evening Mr. Timpnny epoie much of the dugreded condition of llindeo women. Home is unknown. The wo- mnvu in the due of the man. (Ihriu reinee her to be u God intended. the cumpeninn of men. Uhrietien women their Ipeciel work among their degreded heietere of the Enet. Hohoole _!or girle ` were an impneeibihty A few years einoe; now their velue in being eeknoeledged by many heathen ' ` ' ti.-in home in e teetimnny to the truth. A Ichool for 300 girls ll now iwoonne of erection in Cooenede. iiirrilu. cnncn.` Rev. Mr. Peacock pmeched in Bethel Cougmgllionnl Chiii-oh, the enbjeet 0! his text being taken iron: let Kluge, uiil, "How long ye tee nnininm. ll eh. I4.-4| Inn.) l.II__ u_. ...- .f.... ..u-, yuan nuul, lull nun] Hf` now rejuicing in Chriu Juan. In tho nhuruouu Mr. Timpany npoko to the Sub- bath School, and told of Sunday School: unnng Christina children and shoot nchoola gathered in the uroet, where the miuionary touches the children to sing A few varm. Mr. Timpcny Ian; I for ` lines. The sound: are vary "900. In Hm annni-up ll. 'l": ------ ~- ' 1 ....-. ucalulx um umlalnnary pt ones 0!- clnimed ;""I`hnt in whnt I have bcieu making no lonu"-n ]urt God and I Saviour. The Tologoo land in .on the eutorn side of India. Goounndn, one o! - the miuiongry utatjonl, In on the. River Godnery. Eighteen millions npoai the Tolcgoe language, which in the Italian of thoEut,~ phonetic: having 80 letton. The mission was ouuunonood in 1842 by the Boston Board of Minion: sanding Sir. Day, I Cnnndim. For mnny year: no result us soon, And many thought of nbandouing the work, but Mr. Dny on- Vtfuted them noL.to do so. In 1867 the Canndinn Thptiatn lent Mr. Timpany, nnd Iince nut time two nthen, to whom God has gralllcd largo blusingn. Thousands have cut away their idols. And mm] reiuicinn in Christ Jun. In H-- luv uruuuuru mu nearer: of thcimmemo nmnimr of lmulhen in tho world, and of their dogruloi cor-htinn. Sumo nay "nu hue I1.-ulnen mrluil us." llut they no wilfully ignurnnt. `Tho truth is within their rench,and "on in the f--nun of error in this land time in enough truth tn lead to nlvulqiqn. There inVChI-int, but the heathen, though groan- ing un-ier-sin, knows no Chrilt. Mr. 'I'_. apuku of one Teioguo who is now I Christian teacher, with FW@7nT _hnd benp"asi(ingllio question : How. canl _ha'vemy sins pardoned and yet God ontiune jun." ' rooted to mnny forum olihoatheninm, but hearing the miuionary Monet clnimml 5 "'l`hgt. in mint I L--- I ' Slloll Oyuton ................. ..l. x- do l9|o each. And all echo: kinda of Fish In proportion. Ioyorh canned` Goods. Qqnnnal `Nun DI-. A....I. 1 A'-- M ulrlll .IunMu.VlI,l.V INDIA. I The Ram. A. .\'. Timpnny. the tint nisaionnry aunt tu India by` the Canndim Baptists, preached in tho Haptist Church ye-olerJn_y In good congregations. lu` ` `Um xnnrnig`Mr. 'P.took for his tn! the pr(_r_mis'o `to (`his Mouiah fuund in the ierczmd 1'alm ' "I will give thne.Jh hemhen for mine inheritance And the nttermunt parts of the earth furthy pon- _Ioui>M." He reminded his hearers of 1 world. nml of tlmir .I.......I..: ,...-.:...-__ V, nr. -'_`lIIS`l. _ 1` , Yetta-rainy morning the Rev. 1'`. W. Klrlrpatrick Anticipated Lirhy n pun` Heal eermon, urging npou `hie mngreg ti->n_n mnre earnest conlidentlon of the H uinnrnuf Illulll`ulIlg. and ncloeer` confor- .gnity to in nbligntionyend nbetinenoee. The nnn_uIl diocesan miueiouery meeting In ennuunced lur_ Mondny owning: ` the 11annlepeciel' service for Ael: Wed` ' neulay m )ruin'g. amlv the ennlvemry meeting of the St, James" Church Tem- perenco Sncioly fur that evening. A npccinl weekly eervice , will be held 1:5 usual throughout Lent. ` I`-\l'l`l.I`I' xmuumm nu mm . ..u:wuu,g vuu uu mm: 0! ! llM|l'I'.|I Olin ing. The Roy. Mr. Allah is preparing the turn congregation! for the n;`pruach- ing revival nervloou. V `........ \IllIlU"g prvncnnn In U10 Frill- tivo Molhogliu Church In: avbniug. Mr. Jdllio in yet. ill. ' ' Pllllfl. . - , Divimty student 0! Quux:'n Collou. `pron.-had in tho Prim. tin Mnlhndin (`.|.u...|. I. -..'....'_,_ \n_ I ;'l"('l'hnrch 4 guy-. 1 nu. J `aauehyuegreq net and put-r: nun... _. I A ----wu v URlDIl9AYl0Ll..- iev. Mr. Roche , ol Brochnl rm! ....:.....'.. n.- I.~:-.- rv j iii f"H('lll`. C5131 TIA IOPCR. n- : 'T .1 up u-an rut` ninth; ma Tun urn; uulylwl | Thur:-Jay even- Hnn Ila nun .... ...._ ..-. - .-.....5`.-vu- morning` and cum - . u . 01-bit]- -2-Qfo-bI|TI`;..IN ::I,.I:..|I` the n- 3;. cl: uh: suntan nu nu- W? tho on no "um my 5;. II . Vu.n1nII.-'l'bo uni tutor- clap nl vdouunnotbcu the Aunt and gun nun. Injmhd found with naked 03800089]. The unity: in not Mauls! with the utgnlluna 0! lane! In-nu. . you plum ohouu an ooootlnucnuodb ti olau uainl. but at d:m`nm|- nu. -nu-- on union In III . DIIJG. lu.oInu|o.-'l'|on In an uoolloni ' ` ion In rd out . ""` .... .14. ...'u2. c2.'...", . I000: . Roll and Wauour. H: Indnltoaluwa. H. Hindu, and J. Dal (alubunio). span in tho ` iuutpi d r. Burden. , .;.._._4-.____.__ How: ln.nn.-Dr. Junk adduced I -v-nu` -UIV VII XIIIIIII UVII|u`|', H. ` I-I-cool 5-H-and -mu mol- Iou uldnu on bowl 0! II. n...;.._ lnnunnnnn _H_. ..-- __ _-, n` . upon. can v: u vvry IIIIIIIIII Ill- juiuhd noun. It principal olunctoriv ` II: no in riolouubuo ol the Gonn- ornuout. ' I a:1Iuiiii> s - ___ *1 -` Iunln nun .'-6:: . - -v - vv-w-- . I. ' vmunun` noon D HLI. -*':.3-L': :; I',.";,,__' All) I `W; ......uu--vu ele unique: or IIIIOIIIIIIOIII. Ml`. .l.A. Allen followed. He 1-eluted the etetement of Mr. Molntyrs respecting the Government petrouege, showing thst in Kingston the Couservetives hsd been ls- voted es no Reformere hsd been fsvored during the reign 0! Sir John Mwdnnsld. Meyer M.-Kelvey. being present, remsrkl ed that it would to some eppesr rsther strenge thst he _should edroeete the elsme of Mr. Cslvin, es he hsd never_ given e Coneorvstive vote ` in his life, end bed slwsys been e supporter of the Ontario Uuvern-- meat. He disapproved of the eourse of the Untsrio Government on the eelsry grsh question end their Hill which hsd the effect of whitowsshiug eertein unseat- ed end disqualified members, end inter- fering with the judgment of the Courts. He considered thst theeetwo sets sloue were euioaent to direstlsfy sny Reformer. Although he did not think the Gunth- ment forfeited the enndenoe of the country, yet they should be punished by the electors, in the present instsnce, send. in; Mr. Cslvin to Psrlisment es en opponent of them. 4 Speaking ol Ir. Celviu's quslicetions, he said he (|!r.,C ) wee sound on Procee- tion. The Ontsrio Ueeernmont hsd no- thing to do with the ts:-ll, 0! course. but in sllndlngto Mr. CsIvin's lities he toohthe pppnrtunityto rem k thet it would he well ll there were more cl his md thieklgg in the Daniele: Per; ' et. Touching upon the Orsnge Bills he seld he eoesidered' tltst the Or-engenee were e body at ado who hsd she been reevlyto ssslet the,eoentIy when it wee In trouble, sud he held the! they were entitled to leeorporetlee-thst they would sever eesse eglletieg eerll they got it. Mr. Bswdes seeeeeded Ir. Ilelelvey, tetieg eseept. oe to whet the Isyer hsd ssld on L " , \ leglsg thetlt wee slebleetwhldshonld not he dheeuel ls eeeeestiee with OI- tsrlo pelltles. ssd thstls wie esfslr le st|enpMeuesteeeynpetlylor' the Op- pedtlllw nether nwdet then sheen- stseese. Ir. Ioleme nsle s lresh sued eyes the Gevereneet. Ills ....,....u . uguu nu ululr I.`lAlluCtOllOO Illd Ip- provnl. He gave `forth nn uncertsin round. but clearly stated tlut he Ihould stead or fell by lain Reform views, and by the opinion `he held of the present Ontnv ed, and though I general oppoeitlon we: expected from him, it run not supposed he would deel ea bitterly with the politice of the Qnterio Government. Hie criti- ciem wee far from .'eir--it went beyond L even that of the meet pronounced perti- _ ,nuL Nothing. that the Government ` ever did pleuel him.` Hie _ chief ` grienneo III in to the diupenution of patronage, holding thetthe Oonurvntivee were not properly oaneidered In olcel of emolument. Mr. .1 A All... l..n....-,| u. _.L.-.- -- rio (lovermnont. Mr. Mclntyre_!ullmv- ` luvrnlvu vvnv Iuiy. Ill! lllll ,lp0l|(Gf was Mr. Hnwdun, yho delivered I vigor- Olll And pv-iiikul mldnm. Ho deqiwith mnny of the quogeti-van nl (Yin lav, And in roger-d to Ihu pulicy of the (Juvernmont "gen them pininly In umieretnnd tliu ho depended for Lilli!` lupport, believ- ing that the Mount mltniuiatrnti-yn com- mended Shell to their cniidence and pronl. gave forth nn nn.~..o.:.. -u----wuunt.-Va Hatmdny evening Mr. Uawthn held I meeting nt`__f:prl_r month -0110 of tholnrgonl and but of the noting. Mr. Hoorgoexton, the Reeve of the rulings, -uh-upiod tho clmir, null presided verv abiy. Tho ul pponkor ldnh. Dhn dnllunvml - -Emu and Inn chin Ihuicd :0 bus `I'M: noun wimld ntnno - -For her mambo: to x-boon _ This Pet Chat for glury in pmllqu. Bu! (ha Cock ' has hukod _duwu F Mchlhud will not um um 1-gown ur w up: o - llodI._:lblnI 1%. Fl: npun " Have hum huuml b lmrn In this no It uni: ` To the "Cook" would say "Your clunou am `done for` Inn-VM` ` "For when lqdioo once learn -. "Thu: a coward you turn , They will non-r forgive you-no noror. '_ And hi: monuuoho.--ho iooka uauctnun i ng` Thu! hue nuek atnoo the All: iugtun 1-gnu.-at. For the lsdin on Ion - To the pull lxullu til throng, And by them vnll um u-d be prenatal. With in. am im, hair ` And hln chin Ilufvcd uauctnunin I nnnn uiunhl vnfn-. hlnvn up apoko Du; 4. -Vrn plainly I am Thu! Cock Robin will ya-1 be-' ' I-`ur (In Inn.` .... I P0llTn.\ll)l/I'll,-On In Il-._.I-_ 1 u. .TlmI. " To go! .i|l`IHOI'. nu Any Inorlllr and bind ` . Won lhu thiagq In Ill fond Of taxing; -u thibdb RI Ina hubby. `Then en-sh npoulmr upreu-.4 `I he view: he Ilwught hen Qu the stale ul' uhinn in our uuuon, Aid (`oak Ilohin darn-rd "nInIm!uuut" um mm! ' `PIOI BAHIBDAR HORNING. I-`Ill. lath,` until lunar Mnndny I will noll goods at an (allowing prion : . . "ordl Inns. in would at ' Ayn, tho olullau on their inn-In I 1' they won Inc or too nnhb_y.' _A_5n_a nprunwi bond mom. - And I! this In thud: Nu II in` cwulnly mu Thoir dado vol`! 50 puulod to Mun lboln. .1 II chm Ipoenhcl no gnu: vod tin! "loluboro Mime (`mam be undo cm: of Fruulollo I`u-men ' the may I! I" no toguvomentll} J .; Would be Ingm lo um: out patient ehomu-ta. Perhaps tho: but aunt , um "Daulnl duoona qr That their (Auburn wet-o-wol| rmwou thou. Am] links. 1. .L-:_ -.._ Pmuy `iii , Tn amt lmi their I ' W'In- In a , v 14-4 I-mu '1'n'3c'o3r.":5...: And one Anclinnm-r h r Wunq OI IJIIIGI` . . (`I obm will be elec- For India: D11" bu'hu I'H '|.'lu.\n uxp a`pnh Dnpnin _-V_nr:\ p alnly Im- -`.:.'..':.-.-:. HI.-ct-Ion Meellnn. ..___ V|ll|.'('HS\_|( `MIIl_\ \Tm\, rmuy '11 ! II the heal" I sun tan not-no{o1 Ibo no-tr! no an Chill their {am ly lmo man In hug bun dun-...|..n 12.` 1877. Kow In-um-`a should for-I "h I in the heel Llml nu nun-n ` `Tho feeble oloi uni An-I mmriu nun mgnluulu that tiny `rorl:u: gnu` --and In 1';."i'i.'}'u'.i-`.`:'3 "" ""'x "'nunndnuut" um um! good lc-gialnlinn. Ill IIQII bully halt boon ducemled ._ Batmdiy A nnmun no D....A.. FRI !!! HADDOCK ch 05.: ...... ._ fun `again plqwhg. H... j T a II D _ mzded I -?lack.Slll_:s,'Sol1in3 .;{I...;. Price. rnwnnlulnu J` \DIH.'& -rwHl n'tnI.`t:on invnllrxi to I|.n'nplevulnl nunrlmnnl nl Tnrlalarb, ,`s'1-an ` U MHIUPII` Nwlnunu I-' uwrl-, IN-nu Makmz, KM (.iln\`fn, unhhln fur lh-' maxing` Ila F:-h 2, lH_T7 - -~ ~. . _; I-lnilll I . - I - m . `Q l .- , . z.?:3m Great 1/lean mg ale at the Hlrnnen J1 . tohnnm-ra. an K E_L _T;H m; srm. lid . I ' -k ' . " . iym` ` AS WE ARK HMIVMI-I.\'l`I.\ TI) l{l'I('l~2i\'l`.'. ()I'R NEW U()l).'i I-`.)|'{ ,S'l'Rl.\'u, J and mulmr ouramlvu I-roam! Iur wan, to mu uaornmu any on nfuml _. n ' - u , _ . r- our Wmter Goods at Extraordm y Low Prices. mud ' - WE llA\'I'.` A l..\II(llj AN!) WKLI. A8.-!()lH'l'Il* ST1H`K DI-` ' "`" If:-mlllavle ('IoIIalu4I.-- 3;" ' l.'t'uI'.v I-'m'uo'sIu'n uml.-I, ---- 7-. ` ` Nuts and ('4: 1.1 ' - - ' ' ,,,...; 1 m II1LL11bd hf;/lot. IL ['7 W.` have c-nlnrgu-.1 anal Innpru-\mI IIuI.`.f.I: xlnn--1 fur [Pm m~uml'.u'mr.- :-l'>Ux;."m- Work In pouugqmunrla nl _nu|' ll|1`T`h|'4`IUt: vIl`I~`l!|v:--OJII I'll. lo-paring:-nt. um] nru nun: |.wp_1r4-ql in lr(`O'Hll maluru nml ;;lmI-`um\.v A l'l'.l( Hi I H1. \\ HM` I` IIHI-VLASS \\'()KK. .|( Ihu luwmt hvm,-4 H, Lnrul and m a`eo(t_vh-nu-.~.nu:<| tn ll-`|lI<` m thu Uunlilllull um- us l'('nl| um] .....\ gm; W, N" J, o-{um gvvlrrhunlng I-lvwwl---rv - lnron; ` 7 pp |.V x'r\a~m [{5} M 00` mm now, in tho d'.-u.-lining yonnul his life .' Besides his tom trance lectul-cl, Mr. (laugh hru dglivrn-I hu loqlun upnn Lnmltm" 2'25 Iimu; lmglonco sud Ontun," 281 times; Poculint Pooplo." 317 Ifnnnu; abit, 152 times: Circum- uuoo` ` `limes; cgriouity " I00 tigg;'\\'|`lITil Pay 1" M8 liuoo;"`Now and Thou." I0 timing, and lu.....a.._ vv 013:; tho Du! rutnn. nunulaotuui in Key Wu.l'l9I1da. m ' Sr-rush II lsruuxwl.---Mnny monil uucoouiin business can be Iraead iq 5 non uuuuro In thoir good health. A duh um: ennnui 'ul'.k. .140)`: mm be Au--4 A...IJA:-__ tincu;"'\\'I it Mason; "Now Than." mum. and Blundvr_-u," MIIIOI locum-, 77 times. -1_j. runny. mun: Cciouity," I01} null aonn 11. uuugh among the heme: L! tho mm mntury. for be In: done incnl culabla good to his fellow-men. Mr Inn lnbrnrn in th- cauu of tonnornnco hu- inlnily mu-a him I `ggmt do t. In Mr. Gonglfn prints library are {our large `vulumea, or-nuining thomuneu of two! l40,(l)(|men, human and children, uh-on. by hi: mvn elfnrtn ho Ind induced to aign Chg pledge. Whnt n re-`ord On luau Illh him in tho dolivr hi_a_loqtun . HI .....I..._!' that druid Do-n`icVl;ntum in Oi an.` mumfactured in Key West. tori- ds, WM. 3300. 13 00.. Agent. QC. .-;a . I Fob 9. IVN. -.,_._.-v$_. OUR PANTH. \'l-ISTS an: ore pun-luvung elnowha.-rt-. 1 TO GIVE Tl-HG (`OI ) by the (IRl~2A'l` Mnmn 3-'1`-AS433 A ( lf#N'fK'0l S in am nlvivxm we willoomlnun onrlflmnp 3431 tin of Jnnulry. SEE OUR PRICE LIST: vmwrnv I`-I~?U!'Ll A1"; 11: by UREA1` u.um.u.~' gun.-A .. V - McNAucToN&co s Jan. 2. 18713, `THE OHEAP. a r. mnlon" Elmgnonco stun," Flilllfl; "HAUL" HIIJCII "(firmin- ux Ill mu d'a-u.-lining his] AtV Felix Shaw`s Chem \ lL' Black and colorocj Silky. on Good: at specxal Paces. 0 Special Bar mm: m Winoeya. Cheap lack Alpaccas. . . Wool clouds and Sontag, Cheap. special Bargains 1:: weeds. - V Very Cheap Wool rlannela, Grey and White Ooctons. Cheap Blankets and very cheap. Quilts, Table Linen: and Sheeting: very cheap. 13-1.-._ .l'I`I_.._.0- 1" ALL `W IN'1iIa1{- my m it )3 AT .:|u:.n1.\' m:nr.~.~... .... ma-u-_v u -- Ev; an wr; .uuc `Im.\n:.\'L'1.\`n III-`.(`l-Ii\'l 'N|-:w mmm ,9`:-m.\-u, uu\n_n~-n our Prices, '8 HA\'l'.` LAIHII,` Ihwulul lhul. I ~)..n. :.. .. $13.00 costs down to.. 0000110 do 14.00 do `do 12.00 do do .. 14 00 Pea. Jackets . . 1100 do do 10.00 do do 9.00 do do fh'0l llE \' | no man " Notice. ITAIDIIH Allljll OHBAP s;;1;_;B,` (`Hl'\"l`Il\' I-mun u mew xfonx m.ri'I1I.vu .-mm!-1. 1-:77. . ' - ` A SPEGIALITY. I? In Simple: and Inn ynnr order: an , .-. -150.1. LI` GIKl}.l'I'IJ' vIl I'}||l-'('I:}lD I'I('I a'.' 3 ' AT-V ` : "lil Ccionity, ' muon- -ml n In Gi'o'at Cle.-thin; Sa1e- the Lon cgju 1 min Bf. ~~u In um Bl-wk rr-In-ml m nrnpnrlimn. I\'1l|;ji\t'_\`v`n um has: value n u only. BIORTAUGETON . Cur-nor l -`-- -v `I'll! l`0laU)Wl'l'I OIOICI I I TI In 7, III. iimE%smLn`s AND saunas. ]aIc%uMuun unvum the Cam Mourning Goods. one (tow Ian-r lturtnlnn. .-. __--uvonuuu HUI frst Arrivalnf the Saasun! ONE OASE Black and Colored Sitks. [Hi JENNA], .\lE|Zl`l.\'(L NI!-umc ko`IIrlkll1l`)I|lioI the \Iuu:|ir Hull Kingnll ll,` MONEY TO LOAN. mt.-wnlvm Lmnr ummcn : nvzmm wun. I-wnooauollothln bong. " A rule ohin Can any,cu-efmlv observed bytllo Ugpulnn. roqh m tlngt. In line one of . tho wan: nsrlao ro`n1dI::\.:`o dud Iluv. ybohgt so a man on. - `lkbu nmlner In (amnion . In 1 an ply to I. IOUIIJEII, Oornqrll Aaam, or nun. On. FOLGEB E UANLEY. Agocm. , Olen. loot of lime Enron! Dan M. I876. - - -...,...r. Glasgow. Wa:reh;>u se, IE STDEII yy moors, ~" (`tips in f3J4d . .- Just Aimvtn: IJ n f_ Brock .'u'ont,4 ouui ifiiu. 1.-imlm for mmufu-tnr: 'du-pnrunmlt. and AH mm FllHl`-(?l.AS$ \\'UlK.a union. (Jive real! and . cxvlc noun`.-.1 `I naonllm um. ;l'l(lVPLl)-FX H i lIlNA\'lAN. ll? muss 0391': E `I, 4 door: from I! n M L nnmdod Hun Imnlldductmny. If not unit '- ,!'!-lll lnfofllllion till be given by tho A to u to uoaur aarwlouun to be obtained f.T'.'. dot to be can to this ' of`thinCoImnnr.onmrn1lv aha..-) 4; ssju V `J01 1,1duorn llm Marks`! 91 HA8 OOMMENOED. wn mr um running yr: I K. 0l.l\'l~I|l. Ml), Mu-nIur_v x.u.u.a da co-en. r King mu! IHvm.. St. jj "?`Ol1 KU1-`IT . (O I Ink` for all me nmnol. ` I IIANDI [ll I II] he hrhl I I Tl'l'ZH|)AI , ' Hm lllnllmn 7.50 W. 10.75. --w'uI- v-II'u I'!fllIl'II$a Pomona whim: to lot`! for h>0`l'.[f'lOIdl Obtain Pump ifdnlmtu for .95. `lg tlohnu AM good for mu your and tho unonnt II nmndod onulldoductmn. given bv Anm. III! 5 WLIIATI IUITAIN. "`n'.'l'I.`E3 }'.'!'am. Price. *3?!` Work in `ml to Iran! n tsq-uglll . imsy : Hardware House. Flb 9.1877. ..... ...... ...am taunanof tho Glugnw him an lnmr `dndrlo all botwuun um (`Lula nnd 1'01-tlnul It lnbrula during the Reagan of Wlnhr Nu vlptlan. " K ~ vain. n-anon no--can weanling` to an-umodnni`on. luutnoduu. - .....a un IA cabm . FRO` PORTLAND: Now 530160. .... . . . . u.. . .. Pnnnnhn new main Peruvian. . . Polyomiun. . -n9ur(lI'nI'an. . --u--u- wv- IIIfIl- EIII` I llnu -um Llvarpool ovorv `NIUBSDAY and Inn -Parud avcrv !lA'l`t7lll)AY.calhn on local: Foylanngi llulffu to rmolvoon boom and land lniln and Pnueuen tend from Inland and ootlnndarn innandcd to be doa- N 1.-nun` nun... .-... noymouu `KII IIIAIIII 0' `I'll: LIVERPOOL l!A|l. LII! I Hm: fnnm l.I-n .._.. Irnuvnn-\ - -- T?'.:=.-*.:.,~:,'-*~...,T:E::..:.'z:;-.;.'~'::;.;~" giraullan Cansdinn ytynmian` ulorian A ` ' Jardasiaa` Known N: on and {iboruiaa irudah W _ '00` _ .8r;udIiI o'n Itanuoug" co.-mm. - ounauuuonuurowau `- -ow. 7170 : {Jnrpool,I.'ondbndm'y,5t Glugow .._._. ---. dlllfil; fll mum! um um? nun nun. ........ J . `W. W. RIDEOUT. "'00" PI-nu (`mm-um. nan: nl-In-.. 4.. .1 rs. .x;l_~., , . *:f'" mm. mar undny I mg pricon :` Pl A I "-:J., .;..'. .` ' (`J11-I-run-n. ucwim PIAOIUJ I00 do .310 per dolon I21: _do nw cuuun'I' nun oumxnn rum. IITIA '1" UYIVPU. OAIOLIIA and AIIACAI I10! %I ILAOIWIIJII PICIIJI. ..;.l"IbJ7M. . . -" 24:). "March 3rd lll Illhllllu ..$?40And Q70 lion. ... .'....W 00 In lnlon. ' OIIIIIIO I unveil. [Joan ovsnnml llooolvod huh Ivory Wat. A full uanluut M be had M :1! Int-dun room: noun: nivaullu.-Inn Dual! pm It!!! bozo :-Is `no lollowlng lowing Ilu-hue 00- In nnnnoul their nu-nun and no pt Io to In Illa C0 I10)! TIIIIAD ONLY um their `DEMO I Inna: h. Wu`)! Inn`: (30. ,_,_.._._ ....., roIu.annu.ouu uuwaau. nun luau lano- nhumA """ ' IDMIIO Wnpnun t Wino: Inn`: Co. `pagan lhllroa (:01. Now: Ihonuuu Co'r. Inna-n M an lmmn 0o`v. 1`. W. awash` III In- `I. ~ L1 Ill TH] IIOHHT TSUTIIOIIAM IN I'll KARI. \ cums Emunui 8_lX gconn SPOOL COTTON, -wt: ' I|l.lI7. u > _ rig voi uumt `tn: Iunnum IY IOUII. OI DILIVIIID I! ll! out no nu ant. Dhrounnou Ialonptlon-dull-an Robin con. to`. In-. OI-not Thought: of n Country Pnnon. Btnnu Crym; Om. By hm ..r umm htory. noon-an \-um; u run. an em. m'uu.:mu uootrugnua dull: ` l.onth'n Trnnlauon of lnhh. Bponu-2': Thing New and 0ld-9 Volunoi. New Compnlon to an llblo. Degn llovuorn Companion of 8:. Paul. 'l'lm.l.lgln of the Wut-c lllntory of In Pru- bytotlnn Church in luluul. :n -it'll ..l0h HADDOCK l|oD|I'I hielnoirs of Olivot. I Angus Bible nncilabok. an-noun at kTlAl.bnIn|aoa$r q.....`.:`.`. `.'.:$ '" "".....' ":.'.:.":."..." .I up n ' unlnpnn Ilauluhuuoo. . how Cyclopodig or lllulnuonn for Puuharo. limo Daily Bible lllgqunthno. x -Bollll` I Eurlanting Righllolnou. I119`: Christian [which of that but Century. - x Giant Cltien nl anlnnn. Word and wmior (Incl-by `:.......... Kama`: Ancient. Church. 'l`nlnu(a'n Som_mm 70:1; 60: pet Volume. A . A Foetal:-pa of III M uler-by llnrrbtvlooohor Btovru. . ]%HendeIsnn'sBookstore. nisrnrn cum TEA nous: JOIIIOI I `l`III`l'. [AT 'HENnERs0N's] do Prophet cl Flu. I V.::v1:x,pox`- a Almanac] 1`hqGron Snow scam; and (fold Nlp Delayed for n` * few lDay`u. ` Postpnnad on Account of the Waatlm; ` % D51 Roch. Journla, latlgon. Btuu, Index Books. lam. tr v VALENTINE! from In upwudn. Ovid : Tuti llopl 1. Call : lninh ldtontun. um. laotum. Hills` Pomlul Ioonany. II IOOI|yuIb|`h.mu`I.u. on vboouuy

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