-uu1.IrInm-cu-cnuciv-ueunvin-tin:-. 3 chub: nrnyinungu-at-ch: hf ndlbouuuln-I-pluvnnuumdo am! 1 ul me am ol rubruuy 25, I862, lor v llle pun:-hmem ol counletfenlmg and Inu- r dulonl allenmm of mane muss, applicable } Iu lhr anal" "cu in pa rnenl ol uuua on Imports. log` 6. Prov: use [or certain douila relative. i Io the none of ma band: and notes nulhorir | all by the HM. I "7. Immune A In! M nun nnr ....u ......z | all Dy me UPI. ` *7. lmpoaea I I11 0! mm per cent. lami- 1 ugnually upon _all pirculnung note: iuued ! by bunk: ur uoocillionn, beyond the : nmoum thus not Iorlh :- ` nu ma Ireuury bmlmng. ` 5. Anthunzu vocoupt of deposit: of coin nnd bullnon ll Ibo Treasury Dopulmenl, `and aub-Ireuuvien W! mlninod mm 'u-olaly for repayment ol the curtilicalcu I nuuod lharolur, and which are In be re- ooivod in pa mom of (Initial imports. I `6. rol|li_ve 1 In I}... ...u. ..l uh- b......l- -...J ..-._, _ ,.L 5 4. Aulhnriuo the iuuc of fractional cur- { reucy to In amount of not more than I50,- : 000,000. imluding that not in circululion, Incl pron-`idn for engrnving ind preparation in the treasury building. - vacuum dononiuu coin nu-Ilu. . ' - I ` 3. rlulhoriau lhu iuue of O300.0M.000 1 legs] tender demand nolel, of dennminuionu _of8l and upnrd. convertible III option of the hoider mm six per cent twenty ya-an The Manage way has ivw half-I-re mm c mnlnh aulnn pr! tun per ulnum. Incl! noun Io he couvrnble u pluiure of the holder into 20 `_\ I`II'lI' nix pr-r cent boudn, to be receivable ; for I payments dur the Unirtd Emu. du- livs uh imunrtn an-1-ulerl, and mm: ha n. : Iur nu pl lDl.'I|I!| our ")9 UI imports an-rpltll, ` iunued aim having been I` ` mt-nu. .' Aullwrilca the iuut.-d'C3(X}.00lJ.(IX)' m I'-~ an r_\- u.uu.-av, in tlrnnrnitlllinm J not ` In. Ilnm 310. hating iumou at lhc an of ` ljpt-r can pvt day nu the M00. N5 {7} 3pr: cent per Innum. Then note: to be I culwrrlible n nlnuure of the holds! {mm on }, llllll may 0! IC- I ru-rived for pay- A YORK-SKILLIIG A WEEK- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG In dalivomd to Subscriber: Every Evening fora York-Shilling a weak. E, OIIIBII mav be left wilh lhn Currie-r I, 90 per r-.l.. I I, H0 per cl. I \, 70 per cl. I 1,60 pet ct. I 50 per L I I per ct. 1 oer ct. I I ,I V. L. thcreof L. thereof I. thereof I Hm.-ant I. mareol L. thereof L. thereof L. theme! I. thereof um: apparatus. IOU Ihl thy bun Ibo nnbuna ofn Ideal. ou.-[l UIIITED ITATEI ITIZJIS. paper announce: the death. ll 8!. l'iem:, on the :|lnI ultimo. of Dame Ru-alie Gngm-, widow of Francois Tnlbol, in her u'vcul_V- eighth year. Mndune Talbot was martin-dlu her fuurlm-mh year. She had -rvrulecn rhildrcn ; and, at the time oflk-r dull, lzlt the Iurgr numb:-r of I88 grand-childnu and you grmd-childrclu. all ufwhmn. add: our coulellnpoury, me in clay circunlnllnu-:a_..Jd uveral are very Ieallhy. Mniclr P:-ni.u.... ..r.L...:-,,..- I -.u..-u an: nu IEIIID . ' Major Punign-w, uflhr Caryl`:-dent: arm}. died in Wuhingh-n un Mundny Hut arch. and mu buried will: Muouic hulloun by lhe Fr:-rnumom of 'nuhi|mmn H`. I....... In the lint of Mayor: rI9ceuI|_\' ulaclod an Upper Cahda, we muice mm rlua-we lluiv name-A ol John Cnnghlon Ea-q., or Kmgulou. and S. H. Merriil ' .,l'or l r-z-coIl.(EdIIm al lha Telsgmph.) Ila are well known an connocled wilh Iho prinmu: buniuen in Kilngolou many yearn ngu ; and by Indlmlly lml abiluy Ihey hue auwee!unl-u my person can -In by pun-wing lhu name c:-ouuu. Thu fan! 01 lhmr having been ck-clad luy wclalnalion, n-how: the unumumm III which they we held In) the-nr fullow cllin.-Iu. ` a|nIrl I|:I, nuccecdn Mr. W. (5 (In- the Branch ll Turunlu. .\lr. 1'4-`u: cc--nor in nul 31-! named. A Luna: FnIu.v.-A lmwcr (`m paper announce: the death. l'ie ultimo. of Damn Hun 3- 1 wrn Iorl-mumng week. cj- may be left wilh the CIni boys, or II the Briush Wing Oica. muou game. Hm hbormlnly will In 'emba!ed by all hen Cunhm, am ahauoloriuua of lha munagemenl : (Bren Wonlem. Manage: ol the Gran Wu-tum Rml- 1 inurncliom I-bchlmu unly Curlou when In-rcllmg lo a , mulch Thu hbormlnly he n:m- lembated by Cullanl. nml .. .; ' lrouu eourIe,l:u Iuccacded in unplug, nd I u now probably in rnmuu with n I. booty. Then is no doubt ththe will map- mnd, llo nnr, u the authorities have a cer- uln pauou on lab Inch, who will never run until in anon: hlln. Than no olher pnrtiu, I130, IWUIMIII Illinoil, who will soon be brought balbro the Committee ' I MI. 3. Taylor Ina: Brunch ul I Inn-rinm -- - - -- uuucu vmn Muouic r--mason: Wuulnillglun. `nuthcr paper [hat the Fa-I vrrlmmolll ul IV nnhlugmn. We I1-Mil paper F4-dernl wldien wd ill llilton lb.-ml and Port Ruyu|,iu L'.|ro!ina, ru-rmlv unnlind In I..- ITEMS 0!" Nl~ZW.\. ur, lane Mannga-r uf'|lu- King- ! Ilw Bank -1 lfrili-In Nunh tecdu Mr. Cu-ml: in l'... u. 1 , - mu unenmy Wlll he ` , 1 Lunlar-, and ;. I lhu mam-um......n ..: II... VIII CIOII {ID I"fIl.1I.I I1 I PJII. ` Ulnol HIJUII-`DIIII, Sunday: nap!- od. from 7 mm. to 6 p.m. Pool Oflico. 3 Kingston, Jun. 8, I853. -1. 1- Lu-nln in Mr. I'n}lur'u nucv ('nI|ndian n K: l-;...... _. ullullll by learn rnl ....| cot- htltut by In Jun. nu; or run; -mama." I `I'll! ENGLISH Plld ON Till IATTLI UV FIIDQICKSIUIG ...uua nuulul use In and took 0 mm drip. Finn: ill I is valid and Irish In I: nulls. Th Is- Ihinuuh nil in trill Ill Iolh hi-, Ill II , In niunbd. Dug . III Muoulohd J Ann` Ikonn" ` IS] Inna rum, 9 p.m, 10.30 pm. ` Mnilo for England by Cunndian Htealnen, will alone Friday; I Huuu--Dm|v. .sum|n. exclai- - Kapgduu. Jan. N. If A woman named l)ouhrll_r_ aim in. jun ' . come on! of Ihc Prnilentinry. when the hu ' trrqutnlly born innate-rrutrd Int dM'rnrnI: trim!-. mud: n eompl-im Ihil morning no mo l'nIin- lqinnuv. that the lhlmn. un- ` ` do: what: charge` the Incl been plnwd that-. ihodu-fnscdlo rvndrr up mm: cloth" to 9 laugh; to luv! Ihrn Oh: look bet congd` - 9 1 In Police u..i.m. nivl In In mm.` ' ` Ilutevn In do with the mltlrr, and III: J cumqn an rrrommrudrd Io nuke Ipplirn 4 j lion to the wml.-.. uflhr l*nam.a.._.. I n . . ` with drulollou. Both of that person and . I -_ and Louis Curran, chlrjld 3 L . . . . ... .. .1 n v I t ' rantuu Galop. VIII! grch Quulvlllu ` Pan ud- Uvertnm. .l.a Pouilloo do Loujcmenu. [Ad Pnnluin. VA]:- 4I1n> Programme Band Band oglmantp January 15th. 1803. | _._ lnvvvlu u ww mnwu gun:-II Irnm In! I02!!- lu Sonics. nlm nun! civilians not con- nacled wilh lha Aolin Force. Thu dimm nu a good one, and Iho speeches hotter than one uou-Hy hen: at a dinner Inble. Acrivr I-`o:c:.-Tha Officer: of mo Volnnlerr Force of thin City dmud Iogolhor, at the British Amennun Hotel. yenlerdnyi evening, Colonel Sirlnge prowling llld l.l.-Col. Brigade Maia: Shaw lling the Vice Chair. The uuull Ioyul, Ind urenl volunteer, louu Ions given. Thorn Inn proton! u for invited guests {mm the Inn- lu Sonia. nlnn ...-..I -:-:i:--- -_. ___ . {O10} n-nu Tun: Du.um.-1`be Wu!- ern Tnin Ina dellyctl hull` nn hour Ihic nt-rnoon, um! I mm wu killed on the nick, belie!-n ._\"upnm-e nnd Kingalon. He can Isken back In Nspnuer nflcr the arci- dent. Ulnlliln If fnin, l.l5 p.m, 3} Trnin, 0.00 ...m, nu: I nnnua --u I I T I go | `Fun Wnmu.--Nolhing but diup- E poiulmcnl.-. Lul night I hrnvy full of wow took plur, Ivilh nary prospect of good -lrighing. Elrly thin morning, I umng noulh wind took nary particle of the mo- oflhe roads, and left nothing but I little of the ulcl icr. Nu preunl prospect of any Ic- Bfidgo. I! ha rained hrnvily I" dI_1 - probability nf Dr. Fonnor, or Mr. Solicitor | Genernl Wilson, as likely In be his aucunnur. ` We -huuld nut hr nurpriued In hear Ihul our fric-u-1, K1-um-Ih Mlckrlltit, Euguirr. (.'mml_V Judge 51 Kinpton, will be nfertd lbc Ippuinnm-nl. Ili-A uncuuing lllcnlinn to him judiu.-ill dulieu. and his application lo bunim-on, are In-ll hum-u In the profession at large, nnd huh jmlgnnunla, since his lppoinh mo.-nt. hue nheuvn great legal resent:-I1. and givan gem-rll nlicfucliun. , , .- --vv-. ... V.-In.-nllla ul nu: nu.-Iuuy created by the dl`L'l!I|` ufihf II- mauled Mr. Jullicn Burn-. mentions the. Solicitor] t2-..-._|u'.|_,.. . I'I - V - __,. Mr. Rot-m-on Hm Umon Governor of? V KantuL'||y,PImn-lent Luu:u|u'u ulhvu 51010. I like! nmm-_- gmuml an Inn Message In llw , Legmlnlum ugnum-1 the Enmncnpnlion Pro- ` ulamuiou. llo rely uufy uyslhul it wnfl null further embiliur the aunle-l, den-Iruy all hopcul rerovermg lho Union winch in ouiy pombla by ndhenng lo the commnliun u nl in" and lure Ihc whole ol the South Inlo " ono |l:ur1-mg man 0! inuhuuuible hauod_." P: r Robmwu nloo lakes Iltung ground mannul Ilm Pmnulc-.nl`n u:-orpulnuuu 0! panel and rnlln uu llw Ltnpnlctulo In place; on rm-unl mu promo! ugaiual Ilm rm tl:vl'Im`uInon.i _No om: zn Quinn]; walll tony r. .mcu u 1: good In unlluur ul I nun we coma in luuk unto me raau|ls ul his policy, I and want lur Ihelf domlupmsm, we cnnnol I bu|I gudanlnzjd Ildll o|tl:.em1ou's ktollyl w am: will: It. us can not I e I shone: slap Iowan}: drivuuz Ihe Fnionnoln I oi Kentucky nmouue Cunlu-leuu-.y. i I . , _..... -. ,.-nu-muuon, IlM'l'Il`|l:f mo } l'I' . { Ible tlngv ll continue to do Ilw Mum`. Um ` r h. yam] the lmuol Illa Federal um), qlnv-n ' _ J Ii I cunliuuc iullu nud ianpregnuhlr 3- Ila} _ rock ufibrllllr. ` ID- ,, E- F me, can nrnrna nan on rinlndny night; un- du unolhcr commander. We Iincorely hope that our sdmiuinnlion uillgive n dy and full uplnunliun of mi. lnir, whic ,5`. pre- sent, wears to us in a man unfuortble light. 1:, u-. . .. .. -I Iwnmnr mlmsue on we count ul 1'-um. Th-- 4 ntasmer In-nlgolnery rhued Hm Iluclur, alli- po-cling he-r Io ha I nubel vu1 5!. run Away unlillhr nclunlly grmnplr-I I\ mm but 4` ooen III the Munlguluen `o l..n' IIj-|-l'unrll- in] lb-y let ro llnemmlvu to .he ruul, nu-I we in cuuunud. The spulah government J mule 5 dulund for rcpnnulion, and I: learn ummgn. the Pub 1.. mm um Pruidantl Lincoln bu dlounued tho commander of ma lontgomery, Gnpuln Hunter, from an oer- vlcc, to satisfy Spain. We a! course did not plnco nny mlinnce upon such an uunion until now, when we nd Ihnl the lonlgomery ha been clllad nwny iron the lobllo Mock- nde, and nrrivnd hate rislusdny Iincorelv hum: mueu m um! nun yuunnl, Ln l aLr1-.~-u pen!-ucill yrgnn of III: Vnnch gave mmem, The Pattie announce: Ihul. Ilr. LiuL oh.'| .4. mininlnliun Inn rr:_:alI:-d Ibe culnlliuudzr gr} lht Ilonlgumu-r_v nfnn Apology In Una .'-'|nu.i.Q. government fur lb: lIl.ll'!Ii[01H.r .\ng|u-rebel 1 uumu Bllnche the I`-u..., 1'0... ` Ivvq uu `nu--".1. Tustlnun lonnour l::.uu.uu nnu ` `I'll Ilouu |!x.ocuu.-We Irw gneul; u- i `tunuhed lo B051 Ihat the fun uslinp tur Ilguncr the Ilanlgonery nu. rrrnlled by our government from Ihn labile b1uLkndo-u palm when she Ill Io much uudcd--1he Anglo-tubal nnuner Unto, n In nu um, Ming there uulounly -Itching n opportu- uily La ulip put the hlucklding oqnndron and l proceed on much I pinlicnl canrr u the AIn- ; hnuu. We would not be able In urounl fat I ugh recall hul for Ilse a.-uu-um-nu hm-I-u ...L|.. unr unuu my null hand: on. and, Inna than or no proclnmulion, Ila-cu--u Illa; Fable lln.-_v Ii continua m An uh. A|`|.g HAIL! coma um By Through Tnun, 3 p m. B} Mind Train, England hr (Tun: I Inn. 110 pvoclamnliou which lhr Yuulrru hln iluu.-I, ur uu_~ incur, 1-i lmr lhcy Iiightoll rice-1 upuu Ihc uhrr pupuluiun Hf] cwry m-gru I_V Hui! hand! I 1.- Dl iI','I|u|u| Hm. -I......... they could ation The Tonmlu (Hi: r hit`; an umy in the eld no IIfl_\',|I p blc Ippfnarhlug thlt nrf [he a In-nu" in | lhou. No Woclaxgmliaun -hi.-I. II. v.. .\`I'I`S OF TIE lI.'. `nu-7; \'M;AN1' JL`m;r. Op. Sllolio. . , . . ` . . . . . Uerdl. ybil . . M . . . . . . . . . . . ..D`AIherI. ..lnuruIhnuI l||1ihiIlon..Anbcr. `Cl. Pulrnbur h . . . . . .. AIhert. `Op. Adelaide . . .Ba-uwvon. ..Raulbn I'n|uIA- l 0l.lCl'I COURT. 3 url `run Qrlu. O1on'2 ...-nu` unit 01 Inc In mm.- J u.-I. am a..... -;u 1...- ..._ ` in 4-puking of the .. .I.....___.. ._r.L |_ 1 ....a'oa uulohly l`_-__ ..|.n \J lulu, lube nil than u Iowlock I Tin Jim. I... 5`... VI-FIIIIIJIIIIICT )' ll-P l'uIm_ hr I-1-rl Slur Inul Ju: In-I Ilnh -nvnnmnann llll` ll Fe J . in] mu 1 nln `III AI III new. , . [Adam nan... F . mnr Inf '"" "N-' W Iv... F` . I III ulnnuud. 1 npulnlmn :::.u";? "in... mu .3], |IIVI('n...}.q. Iv I `run, jugrenled Dell: TY The ulna malt Iuy ho `- |""" tho Iur cocaine: or ICI- tr l||o.\ IN`: .uI-]_`, ` Tb. Imwrhl Uh gxl un.a-luv-ry 1)! during hills of ueh: 4.1. Ihr 5 ruI1owln_; counureiol pun: P n Ute`! I513 I o'clock . M. Tho Hail: fur Engizwd vi: New York And Ioctol, will cleans an Iondqu It I dclock P. 1., until fimhn notice. IAIIJ l)` -LI`. I--m -uurvrv I-I; -Iv! GUI! III IC1 "II kfrl ` lI :`y uuinl`udoralpi-uuuhquulo [being-dinaolytulauda-Jhllvuilu Ihockobinrunnabgtiiul. Allulduw uouln(:uInl-uwbhnhnfavi aulu d Poul` Ioluury - nll(1cabJu ruo&'rIondnu nhun' '1 Incl holllillll, I? In M ] Th! Ila nai * ' ::.'.'::.t:."'..'.:" -..~-r '- ' '3- . I I0 I _ phu fun; g --"M_ liltl lb Uuuu lulu. uh..." I `u luv: In-cu nu nhu-Iu cl :5; any... , -.... ..,.u M ' Io intercept than. The In prou:h.r|c|pI'nglbrou`II no 9" ; prinonrrn captured my (hit 1 ny commands ll lulh. Tho M cumcndl than the battle: of were vicloriao for the loath. '10 viclory in by fit the mom can -nl our mm in the Ioullluul. Gov. Luck In to: N Pruidnc Dari ; prod: II- ouull an ninth la the cum 3. on the Forth Omaha "Inc: may lunch: I: uudlrntln. Oil " Fun I! ma Icphio qudmrhd urlvod u River. PAH. of It had - Ibo rlvn nccouyankd by 3 ha under leclenuud. Gnu and rived at lemphh. Holly Spring! htjpodod III1 ,4 lbs nil:-and time in main us` Odro, Jan. 13. " Puougvn npuuht Porn-`rs nqndtonhul that haul of Win- oflthd eonnuoaod to uagd - buy I`! (too In! bl u- Illooaotnodg ,4 up and uh nll: L I brain In lclplin. hi-. I v In-rulion OI Inc (My. ` The railroad bra the che tint on lha Weldon and ilminglou llllnul hu a teen nrbnilt. The Virginia nombn in [it I at V` ans. lo Iumiuh Iln nc nniclu. (ien.'1`iIzh Lee : nnlrz In I rlitribrd Inn in Illa ` -4 -- - - Posr orrics ~01-:65?! Lue mince: {mm In Antonia, Tau, I -me ulm tlu I-Jsprou In-n umnuau. land I btoun intarmulion Ilul 4,!!!) French `lump Ind landed an Iluunonqul Illa: f poauooion duh: cily. 1 Ilridna own :5. 8.... -L..- Halt! Gen. Butler bad I [and and I Noopliol to-dc . ` (`Inn-In-1.... I I` ........,r..;. m up unit: county. The I [Imonm cI:)lI.'I`n:d::I :] ll-11:. Cnrcornnl ` mrmmlu II In I . T uiru ulil lf.'L..m.a. liurmnbom In an [MI viclor coupler: ion by y ' uh In a 0 .Lueh Ionnquolby 1-...3... prochnnlhn and raunonrg. Jun. II. Gnu. Pryor encountcnd '5 Dollllld rienum the miles from with two Icompanin of cnnl . and round then. inicting comidenbe Ion. Gen. Pr at remniucd in Hm: of llltle Illllll )' morning. but Ihe enemy Iould no! but Inn utronghuld. Learning that 8.6 Ylnleu In: it Cuenille. Gen. Prgorpmhedlcrou God on our - prowch.r|cIpI'ngIbl'oII`II nnoounly. `L Gen. (_InrcorIn 1 cnmlnnnaln nu I.._:I. 'I'l- ' 3 Army oflhe Potomac. Jun. la. The Ilichmoud WM and Inquirer of Iii dntc are rucrivml. `Hwy contllll III III!- Iowing : D`. I_____ . -- _ .,-. ..w.-.... .......u-an; me Inland nun ol North Carolina, for Cart. Alex. Mun: Hon. C. H. Footer u about In up n I benulilul tulimonill from tin In North Cnrolini llqimuu. _g___, 1.: - I ....u,.. urn rupuuy pouring; in. urd in- I porunl momnenu nu pondnng. It II ,poud to establish an independent Ivnl I Hrplrlmenl. embracing the inland nun Mann; I In mu... . Clllfifllllll. 8 Late ndvicu A [III Ihll III: Elna-a l-.- I Plnilndnlphin, Jun. I3. The Bullalin oi Ihm cal] publishes I lauor Irom lha blookuling uqoulmn of Charlumn,dnIed the 411:. nnnuunoing the cupnuro of n Confodonlo bud Iilh 1 Mn}. um! imporum dupuoheu for Europe. I Inn-III nu CIIIJCIIIIIIDI1. : I The Timu devolel matbev editorial Io lhr d:-mum.-iulimn of Gm. bullet, and any- ; hi! conlinucd iuoullu cannot be lokrlltd. _ 4` and loudly call: for hi: mnonl. I I ll nu tenurtad um 11.. .-.--I -------- - -L- I `IOXIIBNCING nu Ilomlny, the lam J IIIIII. lhe llniln for Illa Uniimi Eula: I nlvu I mluun Inal ' IIJIS nngn-n are run! (u rulers} but evw) bu-I3.` cl-u II warn.`- ll `nun puulblu um um Hula-n may nu- pulnlt Ill Illa re-nun Iur Ihu n-Ianlnuu 0! some [unied lnubot mlhar ul Cmlu on an puma plan: an Ila: ncmllv. Lunuoa hue burn apuluu nf. l uu|.'lllll1Pl0I'l, 1!. L, Jan. II. A v ry monmful cstulm he at [inputs- nllo, `Broom Co., oocnrm-fyuunln . A plauure party ul 3'} India; And goal nun wens nluimg on a pond in nu: vicinity, when Ibo ice gave luv, and 270! than were dmlvned. l)|:u,I - -- T ` mm! In IIIMIIII their huh-pen k-not. II` (3 _ `uugln. to lend Ihnnu who have Inuence on 4 Amcrlcun upinlun w I link that not also III `` Inlved for cuumelllng Ibc Ilnljdonlnl of I H hupuleu enmprl--. I: up an In on an Time: nun. vmh lama: tho davcbpnonl ol `I In CC on Ie - f . ` I cl 1 u \'o no Unhn journals Iuggcu Ill it may he _ made the key nule for mediation and com- _ promise. L. LI France nyn :-- .-\er Ilse hunk of tho ; lath, l`rr-idem Lincoln had I long conr- euue mm the Mininter ol France. Ind the pence party con-ider this prep ulna II I lain: fat cum.-iliatiun. I : .I'i'IIEh. tl---h-- -'--"`` ` "' E IIOLLY lr'Al"1'L'HE or A 1 uume Inaquau-lion of the . ` Ionian Illlmll. Mu. Uladulonc, in I -poo: culma Ii.-Inu, on and lhe cnoiu hid nnnau uni 0-- ,,,._..-, us - uyuucllllll III. I`- diulnu, mo that , Ind mat by -rrh I. decided um uovomonl :11 trade: mum on o.lpauen4.`eJ. `l A MOUHNFUL CATAST|l0PHE- { PERSONS DROWNED. ' __. ` .-,- nu,-cull hll tlllll "ll pfif .' uehng-I In pononl not '` 5 rullawlnlg c ' I pl:-uiu. The ollovlug inn nynopuh of Inc an . 4` per city of Bald-on, wlmh left Llnrpool Dec. 31a, for low York. p! Tho Hunter bu been oolol by Auction 51 ; Glhmlhr for 8195,01. uh: will bcnoofonh .. bougspd in Lb Lherpool and Indiana- . my I1?-Ida. z-` 1 sun -oumy um lbr hi: reported thn the conforms: cl Ibo repremnlnlnen ol Iho prolocling Paton of (in.-ow ml! nhorlly ho hold m n, in ionic Ihoqunoliou caution of an f BX] Ifl. The home of Fndoriehburg III the than or unlurul no-nut In the lnglllh jouull. Hon! ngud u"-out dhuuvu fat ill . .\'oa-ch, And othcrl opal in a non qnlllod none. All -dais tho gnnuuq of up lush- ` 1-rn troops. The Man an um: glning IO! uni upuIIod,Ind never surpuud 5 and silica; ruling algully in their object. rennin II \ an end omugiu 5 great and powerful but. Ir. vllll the hlllo on nu Inupuily of the \ Federal Illderl. _ 1'he1`Ina-nnukuil n u-cnendom dlnltn lm llu` Norm. nml conllruunlory 0! Inc ulna! umverlul It Hal Ilul Illa Coulrdanlel in II!" `uhlu In nah: ll 3 urlvled forcuumclllng lllndolllanl J - mlmg all then Slaves. puls an em INTI-IRESTING-J nu TI oopo 1 Orllnl mo : 1 Imp-oriul Ukuo ulendl llu prir j :ruI1w|n co-nu-ciolpuuiu. I DIIDII-I in n .c...._.z- -I --- urn noun or town pnluu. an an I no! menu; Thy Inn, eunu- , qunuy, run:-u to lb cu, 5.; g. in seals of I-rug-uqhg, upoc rung conne: j `Tho Gnuhl editor at th an runlimud Iffe lulu with Ann-In. no up, when the var Inch ml, A-cl. hold I-no neck: of Iordn pnduu. I pnoully Thy nu: ma... THIS I Cllrf W` Tin `Ir AI... `IHIU m. nu pomouorllo bud I-MI]. Europe. Neuburn, N.U .J|n. 9. `mops urn rapidly pouring and II_nl paladin. In 5. am. l..|'l`E A FROM` TIE SOIJTI . _-- SPRINGS REPORTED ALMOST GONSUIED. , 1;: P33" i MORNlNG .\' DESPATCHES. nwwu, all I]. I umnuu. lay. Chrtntun. 8. (`., Jun. I I. II In Anlnnh Tn-- -3.1 Binxhwp-on. N.Y., J... mnnnufnl ..-a--._-_; -- mu Wm sov'rmzn~ wm-:ns. Plnilldnlphin, can nnhlid... A OBFFIDERATE BOAT. -1 'Ioon10ru. Pmbnru. Ju. nonnul I\..l_.1, _ Batu, Jan I]. II anh-nun , n. \ ., an. I I. n Tu-xu, u Brolltvilln 5.4 Ickly bonlh Lu- xnlu hm: I5`-' -gro labor, In unlmuum had cumparaliva run llY.._n l_ l:- I, \ Vc-st India Islam is r, for haw I : I a pmbleln } -Thc rrlirrmcm Inlnml luun `.: 3 0| Iha Conled. and Ruben their plan. ha ..-...I.- .. ` .-u o-u~uuuu- ImniMwIlaItQrI|II $0 `tithi- ln_\. M I.`1r I0! If (H Inyd .\mu-ry.-mm-odiaahh city. -uh-out -Irpurd nciculliobo-Idbli rlupr|a(lr.nndln.IuauJ-I-ythd ,mn,am..n.n--.InuIg-..(asu ;uldIur('h-hr).cuynui|yp-uIl mu-au.umJq-nuumutq .-.u-whr1.a.-uhuuuuma-- thy anal: duh undid- `-auodcunui-cbnodntlo-. Id Jvbinpnuunuouutnlbauudlit. Toul from Britlnh North Ann-riu. .Il 17,85. - ',' Had mu lnrgv um bean am home m the uhppe of [(104], ll would have pruved I nu-al In-lp Io lho nlarung 0panuvuu- many ur mom would have had I belly lull. lnulaml or whu:h,Vi| hu boon Added la lhn I-{chef Fund. Ind u dolnd out In the unfor- uunnlan in mm: of Ihno pence and nix pants I weak, not enough Io hop um] and body logmher! Haw d.'muly mu Iha goo-I lulhhf New York Ind Iloolon lclod. ; I'M-y buy n nhip loud 0| provilmnn, land 1 ! u--net wnh man, and thou and II In Luv- ...J \'.. I. L. .. . .- urunllur Hrenu Western lhilwuy.` Uxndua .` Mar in IUIIIHSII . . . Quebec aluanbruoka . lhinnm \FII.| Ayr . lun- We reeent below a lint of the grater pen a the contribution: which have been nunhe by Cmndinuu lo the fund for the relief uflhe diutreued Luncuhire opcrutiveu. We -in not pretend that it in complete, for that rcrnrm have been mule so irrqulnrly, that A"? have found it im ible to make an exact vrcotd. A-, horn-vrr, it in dninble Ihnl we nlmulll know the amount contributed an Canada, we Ihnll he glnd to hur from the '5rcrt-(grin or I`rc-n-urera of those plpcee in which cull:-ctiulm have been made, il` thr_v um p.uppI_v u: with edduiuml information :- ,r n_:,_, r.-.-,_, ; V -,v, r_. -- - -. -......v.._. uuv. an H. of Prince Edlurd, iclnding mum of PictmI........ Turunto Township . . . . .. . . Turunw City . . . . . . . . . . . . llaunillon....................... `LI:-Il`n-I pn-Inueu Inc: I in Illa conclusions, ind the whole lecture, from beginning In end. in: II!!! Ira might not nnjunll term I ice: of unmitigated lnlderduh gin H is evidently an admirer oftho I Irioh oulur and unleanml Edmund Burke, Ind Ippenrn I0 hue adopted him u_hin model; but he dun not pause a oucicm Lug) Minni- 1:\:l to comprehend that pro nd Innulinl and Ihinkrr. We nra'|orr_v that Mr. McGee ever consented tn daliver Ihio lecture ; Anny tor himncli; for hip countr_vmrn-Irho In responsible in 0 mutate for hi: illibernl expmasiunn uf opinion toward: llu French race, and wrry that we should be compelled lo 1-hung: our opinion ofonu thorn Ce held in much rm.-Ipevt, and whom we regarded in Hitch lu Dllf I most imnorlunl nut in nu- yet lhu In vnlngr our upnnon ol om! Irnorn regard: likely play imponum put in future palilicll history oflhiu county) . THE CANADIAN LANCASHIRE FUND. mum on man, Imue III planted the American llerululiou of 1770, Ind the Iuolivcu of in loandon. an productive of the preset!!! cinl vnr. 'lhrrr in no solid I c'nnuhing beneath Ihe uupcnhundanl ow of Iuldn which he employs; hi: argument in thppnnt -nd irregular. and his lope execu- hl-. In Ihc diwuuion of his subject In: evening, Mr. McGee In in error in the bin- torical fact: he adduced relative lo the English rovolulion of INS, and the dDOIi- lion of King Jamea; be ill Iron; in his pr;-mine: and IIOCI. in his eoncluubno, and Isclure. hetinninl lo and. -as n mu m n with-Iamliug l nlrungcly tn lunun uf I61! ] so; ...a mu he found through In`. am the I line nf c--nduct he hnd laid do!!! for himself hm lu hi: Idvlllccilll. Bill. lot- that uneniou, R eomnou nlrunm-Iv bar him Illnl who nun- . ..- ...-_, .... nun; uumgll u|-.- the public lovgcl hi: lllll. of -Iumdrdugu, and hi! lllrnll In of raw It to rcndm the Idlninillrltinu oi -or-r pnrnlly hrnccinl, hoinw un- nlc no co1nn-Dentin. 0! Dr. Lul- It thunk mun clIotiuhly--he in at \ mod nun, III4 bu I pnpnouo life him, If he II. du lht rib! thin` ROI no both Dru: mud ll:-nor. (If the blr H.-nlrn. the min mppurl and M hand man nfthr lid-hop. I! an ` 1 ....-uuyru-qr -urt In In-P1111! aim-Ilm u clvugn mu ;.l`.....-.. _- - |...___ ruugt-I_\' Lo nelr nun Itlol [no N Mun of H338, while Ill pkllltd II-ericau 1716. Ind We maintain om own opin- Bnloop h.u pincd the tiny, .-L Ilia high outiun, Ind F `Oh? my country" Inn` He may liro [mag lnough .- p m.Mi.- 1...... I.:- ---- r-fun-d ilihfflill tn-dny lo I rt~ hnrr on the ward question mm ICl'tlor_\, we Isle occasion unless wry serious chsngrs Isle -ulumul urr clan-d Iu 1'-mhrv n-_ ._,:,-w :1 Lyon: and I ll DOUIII YOU`. . .. n and Hemmingford Vil- LE AND THE [DRAIN -urrurl -INI ` nf [hr 1 lhe above. Iho lollowiv, rmnnonn which Inna hot I nlu-nu an lhn nu-Int nu mun wmcn nun 0 mm: an Ihe rum-,r [ IBUZI 01 1|. Jib-at. 3-a-n cl? dado: daliuup any, RELIEF u-u F-Irv: Inn. . Jung B00000 Ibo hill: of lr'uvIuneh- 1 I50 N Yuri CI to ` .*"-..... r...'.'........".'.'."""'* ' 'u an 04 tum`: Mcuee II linh d :1; , p f . TM lamdnll Timn ulpinh H i- plain that I G4-soul llua-wide ml:-u-d n dnnqmg rp- puho. and I! In nlrirvru by iota-at llltu ' V an III has It-ct, nu um mm himw . . ~ gnu gnu-rol. llnnual -Inch an my n-rug, um 1 Info imnnl. do an! clam wound: htklny pa-itly earn lhl rating 0! I50 clan u an than. II`, bouncy, uhuhoull nannuvo.lnvilIpuIlua.- `aciu oh you tho-Ina;-o-icing tuocm tooGvunLu-Ian Hugo-on-u.~ lrulllollallhl ruln nrfnrr, Q t ; lo dnlny bin. Inna nu-I hot. "l'h1'ma npm dunoull mmul Auction dapbuulnc eonvqnndanoaunahl uyghqundryh-ud can-uludhaql own npulunuln would an lnnpu-uh-. BQydIiUIr|I'0IOrI.IhnlInn:n~ : Isl . ' lib H Ir`.-I....A.-, \` pwlnbly uruhoul negn Io Ihem. The wrulche dil|o.I of [he Hull:-h ` ....... in` nu... mu uurru an In 0 Emu and Inn nunifntuinu ulth-r nding ,` Amnicun In-ling upward: England. and It-In I` n ` Ipmu Ihrno lhu many bclIigu-rcul Ihrnlu ` having nothing on them bul Ihr panic-n of - the Inomcm. iflonnnnl Ilnu-nah]. -R..._A - ..|._._.__ _ man I In the noun on ma Counly ul he-mria. ' 1 Neil Mcbougall, of the Tuwndnp of 111- ' don, Esquire, 1:: he Shen of lhe (`oumy ul Violaria. `nlllnnu I ........--- V I -I '1` - " T Illllllllln Anlhony Llmnurra. ul Ihe Town of Lind- uy, Esquire, Baniulct ll Luv} Io be Clank ' of the Peace of lhe Cuunr 'of Vicluril. _ Wnllmm Glace. nl Hm rm... .1 I ;...n-.... Y pu nunenu - James Smith, oi Ongooda Hall, I-Inquire, | Barrinler M Luv, lo be J udge of me Cuumy [ Courl 4:! Iho Counly of Vwmria. Mcbounzall. nm 'l'um..i.m ..r I.`l, Secrelgryh Office. Quebec, 8th January, 1863. ' Hit Excellency lhe Governor Ganernli ha: been pleased to makelhe following up 1 poinlmenln: . Jnmnn Smith M (|.my..l.. u..n |.v.....;-. I , ..---_` JIIIIII` luu! I ll!" I1VCIl' ings since. The guy Lolhnrw is lorly, ur `` lherenbouln (all Lolharm.-ii are generallyi about Ilml lugs), and the young lady in ow-us! Iixloeu. The walls: fever in not the moat lunl epidemic. The invisible green, liter all, is the popuinr discus It ptnen: I with the kit Iex. <~:-7 Au 1.01-nu::n.-lI In on II1 u gnliam oicel of lhu Acme F ..;aI. .. _L_._~, in culled for to-marrow night I 7 ,-v-...... ma... - pernuce Hall. in gel up: Hint c I A lurbidn any he over but manta I Mr.-anwl.:le,: - ._ .... .. -....uu- u- with I chmming 1 ? I- ) UH-ou'nonu.-Nu mom: in the new Sh. ; ting Rink in operuiou, than a new enterpriu ,` ofllw same kind in art on fool, A |[|p(-gs I I in 1-nllnaal fur tn.mnu..n. L. -. .L.- '1`--. Mm-un Omu-;:..--The night befote lot, I Lirutc-Inuit of the N. Y. Militia. ll- Hl%iod by three ut` his men. C139 0"? to Wdfe hhnd, Ind prlncecalcd lo the house of: taunt, Ivhu live: at the luvrer end at" the inhnd.and then and thrr broke intoj the house, and wjth pistol: pl ('Il`lllI:*(l. nr- ` rented I man (`In-ruvm-d to be an .-hm-ricun ` D:-aartcr) who had In-on living in the lmuue f lime Int -ummer. The party (with lhr ' prinoorr) then let! thr island in .. bout rm! Cape Vincent. 21-5 1.-lI ma lupin Illa! :f Fotca elopdd ' ; young lady a few aven- ) lnllnfnroo or r..n......... -.- _-.._..-II..| "-'"" ""' """"I '-"~ "1"-'W '0 Ihr mm. It! Icffiiv-.3:dW `:3 UNI1 III. Kw: trllvrtfl L... :' . |'-,"r_'.I J I: I ` ` _M, "W 6 '1 I Wvram - Ir>|-"10 mu -.nIu.`ua ur-aura tuna amp. _ Thcluhu (tho. u-tinge dlpw lrp-loam -Iflr, Ila]-cw Th Clnnuod puui untold Int Lorry hub _`h_ 5 nouns Ibo hsli on uwdn , can u Puynazry taut, by it: xx: l.l'wILtioIoc oft)lI.0(lJ.llI:nfu`1 lbropdIu,vbkIQn|iIlhIIb.ll ` - :'.::-.:.:':'.:.".'.':'.'. :;-'......=' *.......-'~ ;:.;.;:*.:." -'.:.-.':.-.:*:-*...:.'~'..'...:-: -----~,. 7,: ' soul ursmpo fucauuuc--nu r -- """'...." "'....."':."::' ....." ""' '".':.z -,. '-~-- N. & huh! nun-v up `T C'.`* ` h .- r *h L:_`nauu-o-.-m..q..'..'mum can "'-' " """""""""""""':: 1...... `F hint logvrIcvanuontthI`i?o_@.-l -* I `n I In by icuil it t CH. Lo: b`."`_'h.___..."-i.`Mb'...`!I5llvIIuI. Th 2|}. I 51""! aoolguocuuuqcouton-at-an-I1 inch-no-Id- : The Not Yul $7-:1 nl Saturday pub- 'IidIIhonn 'l`nau-7 HIL rrpnned [It- rum: Ila:-r or uq...m.uum r_.... up `-..--;u.. ..l_-.- -_1 , ,- "rm. xlw r|r.m:Iuu. 'rm:..s ' IIFIIPVIIII Kiugnwu llnnrlvlllo Tauiio. Jun Io, m: , ,,,,, ,__V.....,.. to any Iecouc|I`n1:on of me Union. They I I conlinued nsxislerlrt-, uu pun. To Iamphty the cllculaluun. I will cum- pulo the expense {on Hues years, II Ilse e.x- , pinliun at whu:l| lime lhu wtllemenl, ll |ju:lic:'ouuly mllllged, should have nmvesl _ V [ at I ulage from much 1| would be able lu i _ programs wnlhoul any exlram-Dun lill-I 3 ; nnco, presuming nu onmnmmemeut w;Ih lweuly famalies :- .-u_ _-.. o ...\.. - - (To the Editor of the British Whig.) SrI,-lu my lullct ID you of the `wthl I December, pwpnuiug n uoherno lor ooluni- izalrou by government on the Allotment. [ uyolenl, l promised`, in 1 future communi- lcaliun, Io chow the mennn by winch the | E Irauesnlry outlay of neuling the emigrant l ' and paying tor Ibo land would be met, and, 1 under proper management, I pro: could be realized Iharaby. I now rsdocm 1|. l The cool of Ieuling each fumily, by nup- plymg lhom vrllh a home Im. In new of `cleared lnml allsu-In-d Ilrerem. l slated In ` bus 86!. 'Wl'2DNBSBAl' Eh`!-:N.l!;G. us. u, was. F uojulgelhlp n I Janice Burns. 1 L1 ~1maq azsriti,-st; 1%? 1 Tan Tncnr JL`|IGt:8lll.-Th n-mu or Dr. 8. Connor Ind Hon. Adan Wilwnnru the non prominent mentioned in connection Iilll thijulpllllp ucaud by the death of III . 1 1 ` a W. 3., at 0. 3., Qucbcc; 1.. :1. Boston ; 4 `li. I, Uolborno; 0.1). 3 0., Button; ll. 5. 0., Now York; L. W., 1.: balls, lll.; H. I '. IL. Hopeeld. LETTERS AND `II-Zl.B(u`rRA5l:i. " Upilv.-r per Orbeln Dlcor. The Wu in me South alill rages vmh unabaled fuuotily, and III: dctltuclionm Jill: sud properly increueo rltber than dimininheu. Tuu more bloody and brutal the billion, Ihe more numerous they br- coma, and lha pm:-peel at peace Janen- Iho longer Ihe wurcuulinuee. Gaining all our iulellugcnw lhrougll the medium of lhe _Fmlurnl Iuavnapupern, we are lml enablo.-ml lu hulgo ol the real Male ol affairs among Hm Cunfederalen; bnrcnough nu lold, El'rlI lhruugh Ihua auupiciuua -mm,-e, lu bt,`llt'i'r Ihzu lhe,;.Suulhemer-s alill lmlal lhuir own The recenl pI'UCIi.HIIHl'4II ul l`msnlenl Ln`- --I.. n L ,_ . _\z.I up , ., , .; pet ICIU . . . . . . . .. I send Inner, ll. 51!- I, for 20 {mini [Fri , Iwll ll] , MID II] :04 Jun I. nun. Itgiulrsr , Jim April , rub lay , IIIII lay Huh I.- Dyl; Iyuqundvc Tluhainu-d lkqoocldchub Ev Dal Iunyo I-II mu an ' thlrll of vbuvy it-I ritual] in than am. can In lin- nahu huh loin ch- -.uuu.u- on-nu. ' Itching `unusual In III. no math; 0 (.211 to win O- *-'r- *- U can h I! .'.."' "' -I tr no may-rind Iadtyrp cm; and. `I: u-lenuod that upon its pan: of all its pu-lion u-nnld lholcncbuhol ulcobh old wnlchu, db-all all pun, hondcinlugnnuouul ." -.nIu.nn nrnnnn nun n-|u, I ' no uonnuut data not `mind ny` rMII'- play. Thu M Oodvll pt-not in IN: c:nn-co1upu aouulnknr In to an: nun. II. b II -muq halo, and in ion nonldn-an to bison list than gnnlahn rm ho muplkl udiyrp `Ian-lenuodlhotu-on -an-and mm. In uuurmu revenue to be depomlod in polvaul banks, on receuvlllg an equnl sunounl ul Umled Stale: boutlu ut treasury male: was nacunly lhereui. ` .9. Make: me nrovinmm ul oenlmua 6 and 7 0! Inc Hal 0? February 25, I862, counlmlenlum and In... -1`i ruasoav r:vni:.-um. JAN.