Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Mar 1880, p. 2

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1! 0| Illyllllg II IIIIIII III pun.-u--v in: tho Bone lining: to pcmqo sfpolioy >olohuuo\|m|ivoulu|nrdyuon Inbo i~ mi. at at .7 vsulod lauhou upouuu vary qua * " ` lint: of obstructing tho buiull 9! GM ` Fun. And, yet, with an unmount- abia oautndnull In than. 050 Ho-0 Rnlorlln goingeodo so much thing. Porhqu this non-niiuun comic is in- tended no 0 uiloai upnIIion-il to my porpotuto #05 1 bull-of ooulunpt lot the club of III Oounuoni to hupot their opclltiou in the Bonn. Ratriot than an the Uonnunoui any, In hn hill: in the ability II nil u in the dia- pooiliou ol the Hunt Rulon to gin troablo ; ind Us by no man: think that their prudent quiet suiiudiln lndieatin 0! I rcoolillinn an moi: pork to abandon thoir habit ol oboitnoting the bulimia ol Pnlianonl in uhlhtion lor` Govern- mental minnow or indiloronco id [loan 2- ,1. |-_x-l_u-_ - Ftuh account: 0! `rally inonuod diotnu can. from Ireland. -'l'ho loan to tho Now. BI-unnicl pulhnuuluy libmy by the Inc Era in nppnhod at us,ooo. --Ool. Bob Innnoll In unnounood to loclun in tho` Roy|l0pu1 I-lmhu, "l`o~ -nnnn null -3L roam, nut nook. _ --Hoh. W. Malhlut, Truuuror offlho lriqh Rulicl Fund In I'urmun_ hu nontri- ed [tom the Durhnnbl Mnrlbotough an 0oIIIoI|0l`u_nmt hvr 60, forurdod to hot fund. - _l..Iu.m- tmuhlu hno hrokon um loolun In no ` Isoyl nook. ._Hnh W. Malia hor fund. -L|bour trouhlu huro nfruh in tho Uniud sum, sud urihr no uuoo non tho order 0! tho dny. In many can the demand lot incruud Inga has been conoodod. --Tho oroliminnry trial of tho prima- has been conoouoa. preliminary um; Ofl in tho Biddulph can In ruulnod nu Sum-dpy morning. Wm. Donnolly run in the box {or six hours. He idonliliod John Kunody, 'Jim Om-all `nod Joan Rydoru thru 0! Iho nun cunoonud in the shooting of Mo brothu John. ooo--~- - Ottuu, March l.-Tho Su promo court he bun niuinz :1! morning, and Ohio! Juntico Ritnhio bu ullhcd hlo jndg H men: in the cue nl Churay vs` thb Qnoon. In this am tho plointilf claimed Onlnio (iovorumont pmporty It Onin no, P. Q , sud tho claim in loundo-I on Unlurm circnnuhnou, which involvu I grout dad ol nboouro matter, no ohucun that the 0000 will probably be dug mined with `Another I)t'):a;-I`! Cate | lhuruuion. A 00093 U! A wuluh Unnd Rn Ids, Mlch, Muchl ~Wm. Addln, won hall a million, obtninod a div vmo, proving hi: Iulo Lihy of In- timacy with I couohmnu tn othon. IAAIIIIII Land--n, March I -Sovarnl mouldcrl olnpluyod by tho conlnctnn ul the TA; Bridgo tutlod tlnl lho quality of the iron mod for uh c In vary info:-tor. Tho colmnnl um uquontl dofoctin, cl tliiokuou, ouch nnd scub- ol unoxu bod. ho ouch Mid holu wort llod with putty or comonl, painted our. ._._.., Sumo Further and Startlulg ltovclauona. cum 0! no uovornmum nunpuug u .- o\n Mr. Dolby`: Bill I In the day: nl ` the Ian Gontnuunt it mattered Inn. to the Tory Bantu shoal the Gounuoufo ulopllonol any nououto whkohamm ` why In the locust no oppond. In tout the Bonus III III oouict with tho Gov- 0l'ImI|nI_|l| through. and undo it In apo- aml bniinul to clog and oholtut` the -hula ol Mminmrntion tn tho utmost 0! no point, not at all (at tho public good, but in tho lawns: ol party. Tho Senate than ha`! no oomponctlon Ihnuur about each; out lcghlhlton-whuhor Gunm- monnl or pl-iuto- which no at all ob- noxious to in Tory instincts. With tloir , ._u_-_. I.` ..-.u Lnnnunl (In fl `TILL 'l`uurhnu. Ark, March l.-Eda|rd Murphy and John Hill, duporndon. Ion aunts! by u rm-ifs party on Saturday. Murphy wu killed, |n.I Hill surrender- nd. TI! LOUD uuvnuuu Illun-1 Sun Fnnciocu, Much I -Kurnoy'n watch on land lulu yolurduy vu blood thinly, but loll short of neural expects- tiom. -`lmoo prominent citizen: ruolv ad that Kurnoy'I agitation munt Imp. Agitator: hum c nmmunoad backing drum, and arc working morn ucrotly A no unvutsuu`. Nny York, Much I.- It in ugud that the improvomonu at Booluuy beech will cool. in uliann The most cupc- ciom and oooy uuido haul in tho Imrld in being oroctod. Tho dining room will out 13,000 porum. n ._.|_-.. L5`..- n' ll-n..|Inn -AI In `III XII I),UUU IlI`lIIu. | alm|lnan Mono, 0! Brooklyn, In nu uraouoly baton yesterday by I crowd um his recovery in dqululul. ..-- ..-.-unn n-IA n TII Uluwu Auluu. Tho nlioo Inppnoud tho upon at uni lur lut night at the Torrsoo udon. The uudionoolhon liuonod to 3 Monti cononn until midnight. when the open begun u I pm-V ITIMQ a. nun. up--- The "nnld lvznd II C26,`Jll). Tho Actuary (Hobo Lilo lnouunoo Company upon: a decit of 6|.000. nnhng us In-puuiblo tn nun-0 Inuinou. Jnh zncluvlllo. An IIJIII vagrant, Joh Zlclnvlllo, Ilnlla ngrun, quurolled with Jon h Adouio Int mghl. Tho lotto! no ly that the {rum `in Nohhnuudsn. - ' I1ioon'n Electric Light Coupon] no pnpuin In begin nporttionc in this oil]. IIII Ill n-noun 4` I.I'l -I Earnings. N. Y.. March I.-- Stophon Toullou, Ibo dud but In high. undo the (In! nutapopor in dnminumu roll. It won for tho Albany Guam. ulunnln to rluora. Now York, Much I. -A II-It of hulcu mvpnu hu boon diuniuod. and Row. Hr. I lllvlu. Cowloy, u! the Slophu-A`: Fold, Ila hon r oucndod |u pmou. ...__._.._ llnomgun Iutu.-rno uouumon un- gruph Cnnpnny hue oomnound tn chug: nduood nun bounon sll ol um: omuu ud tho any at Not Ynri,,Boo~ um, Pliilulolghls, Boluinoro, Waiting A..- AIL... unln n Jud llknuln bl- Pliilulol his, Baltimore, Waning Inn, Albany. Ilsio. &o.,nd likoviu bo- inontinit stations in Ouuln, and in the lolluulng Emu Iluro Clo nu- oun Uuiuu Toiqnph Oonpu Inn ol- ou, vi; BCIIOII Onudo so Ibo Bum oi New York, Vern-mt. Connouimt. lhmlo hind. Hunuhuutio IIJ DJI- nn. Tho Dominion C-npu{ also In an M Icuogu hunts :1 Chair a- oon in 0 Provision oi Ontario and Qu- laoo Ind their olou in Non Semis and New Bruno:-iol. II uooty cab for lun- oun oi an words, with two coma Mdoti lot out nun Ionl. and my Iihwiu can sign mango: holnupluu in tho lamina Pnviuu and tho plastic the Unit!!! Sicko thou nouliolod at lull ' the day mo. ' CZ Iollolll III III nor] nu-nu-u-. vv .... ...... ompuduu in punt, howovor, the who in abugod. Last action they throw out tho Bill lot tlu upon] ol tho luolnuoy luvs, but thou ii III not I Ouvnnmcnt __--.... 1.. a... in 5.4 I... mu-odoeod r. . .l. H. Hurley hn bmght half mount `in Noh|o'I (ludsn. lu.....'. [In-trio LI-In Omnnnnv -.- 0} Lastly Ii-Dunn mun: from If. ||d_ making lmpnoublo In NIIIIO Dullnuu. Zuclnvlllo. 'll|'llI|. .......n..I .m. .ln..nh Adouio .:___. ...._._.-... Bumcm Run. --'l`h Dominion Talo- .---|. Hnnlnnnl hnun llillllllld ....._.___. LITESI T_El_GMIS. QVUII 01M.- 1 I`II`I -`mu; work. etc. hm, ..I L. :5. nnnlrnnlnll ll` lhl Tl` .____...p -V..__. surneggcount. .._.._._.__-.o-oos....--- I` on anything It wouldbo pudoublo 1... AL. In-A Inlay: In nunnn 1 V 0050! _.._.... .____. nnegupau. u "$49" TO- Fluff!` cou ou Acetic?! -no Unsu- plogod and (haul Labor-1_'Ao Gunman Incondoarlu. Och:-.lineb i..'1 gnu, onlu. Itudhd I ugruvtp hon Indo- MIIIIIMI law: 3'. . If dthoir ` , 4 load lilo. through and main niuhl. Thu II the (nu laud Iilofllaroogll nod and an. an au- umhy night. tho lnlmh nnoidont ol I Iinllu lund that has oocnrrud ii: the ' nun home within the put two nonuu. The dinner Io Ir. Dopdhl, Auinut Libntinn. lulu: plloo on Suumiuy. A dnnnuunn. oounnoood of 11510: day in bohnll I-I HM nnonpwyou uywu V iunln. 'l'hoy,, ulud (In: I I. In nnlolorthdoopatilgohho nlutllo lDop Cut, III!` the cluninn up at tho ` Buin. which would give onployoont to was in need until the upting opunotl; u,ooo would sour tho when 0018. lo prolniud to on uiu Into tho hunt. and Ikowori one In mini` be undonuhn 51 ouoo. 'l'h. lint. alahatlvo odlnlolcd by Ir. Saunas}. A deputation. compound Ihyor Mociiqtouh, the city mambo:-1, and non- nl monbun ol the Council, asked on n.. ininr nl Rnilvnn Ind Calillo Io-` ol the Cannon. tuna on the Miniuor at Rnilvuyn behalf -4 HM unemployed yak- innnn. `I'bov,, put ntouoo. ' The lint douotlvo oaployod b It. Illud to watt up the Usunoou noon- diuy can nu Chubot, of Quobu, who want to up villngo u I manhunt in lurch or I good place to open up busi- nnn, Aner roumnmn thou lot I shun IIIO, blll WU H II no: | uovwuu-p IIIIIIIIIO. In Int it had but lnu-odoood in nu Oouuzu by n Llhurnl, un Incl- dcnl which In into any in not forgot- ton when any unoorononiouuly rojoclod the Bill Now, honour, tbs: the Gov- ernment which tho Sonata majority duo - A__..- E. ..'..l In ha Inhnring [In place Duei- ` neee. Alter remeimng I time he gut in with the pertnere, but hie mieeioa wee eonu dieoovered, eed he could not eooomplieh much. One day he Ieye Lengloie ml the rieet tried to drug him. They invi him out to drive one elternnnu, end after leevin; the Village Lengloie but whet he Ieid 1 wee e heir of brendy out of hie pocket en-l reuod ittn his llpl. 'l`he detective observed that he did not ll:-inli eny ol it hineell, but merely moieeeeed Illl lipe. The prieet lullowed euit end peeeed it to the detective. Chebol perlut-med the eeiue npertllon. |'lIuy lied elxty drinlte out of that tlnls before they reeohed their deetinntwn, end yet it wee quite lull The detective wnuldu't be draw. He won left the villepze elter this. In Mr. Ellnrd. utter I great. deal of herd work, induced Dnyle tn Imke e oonlee- eion end detective Fehey wee celled ln to work up the cue. lle visited the villege u e nchnolmnter. hut juet belure leav- llo union in Hung: M 5 Ichnolmntor, just lug I womnn rocogmzod him. It. inu- puotod that some further dovolnpmonu will be mud: in lho cum in tho couru of tho p'roum nook. It might nlnu be added tbs! Among other lhuuu charged ngunn Lnnglnin in lhu un ono uccuion he nid ho hnd nude pill: to prevent the Guru and other: lrnm aver ting brand it he Ill called on to uuund thom. The quo- tion 0! bail in bamg_ diucuuod before Judgo Buurgnin at Aylmer t0~d|y. -:-----QCO Ht. Vetornburg. mum 1.--- um -10!` uuhlaluru nrrnuod II. the muome nl (ionoul 'I`erhn`,. but lnldldod victim who rocugnimd her at tho thulro. Sn, Pnmnlmru. Much I.---'l`ho coro- roctlgnimd hor at tho tnoou-o. NI. Poterllmry, umntoo nu tho nmuion of the 26th anni- voroory nl tho Our`: nccoooion will ho vary llmltol. Tlaaro will bo o lull drooo rocoptinn at noon, fallqwod by tho colo- bvourm ul mooo, ond o milltory ooronodo in tho evonlng. All Gonorolo and nin coro will oooolnblo at holl pool nino in tho ovoning in tho opooo (routing tho wintot poloco, &n.l tho Admirolty. with dotochtncntonl uoldioro Ind bqndo, wlll unilo with tho olngoro lrum oovonl dlvlr iono ol guordo out! 3010 drununoro, whoa tlloy will all lurm o loniily cirolo boloro tho polwo. During tho oinuxng ol tho nolionol anthem onluvo pl 101 I153; lull bo rod on tho npP0|il0 Inn of Non. 1`ho_ Czar : "4;.:;>aa.n(mn to the 1Ag;uw-1`he (`elem-auou_ Inc with umpunuy nnywnnro sun. A letter from St. Polonburg roporu III the lugiuu Nihilist prounl It tho lnlmduclion ul tho dynuiito In the Win- tor Pcloco in now In Vunua. O00 Illl Dinrvu uu luv --yr:--: ---- V. NHL. The Wimor P-Inca hu always how a ninja lor nmubcrleu ngnbondl, work- man, lriandn uf naruntn, and others, many without. pnuporu, who could not with impunity nnywhnro also. A Intlnllhum Polonbum ropom Washington, Much I.--'l'ho Sunnis, In round to the human Avurd, olniml Ihol Mr Haul` nnd tho Innrq hy tho Muno cluuzura, urvunm-d by l`Ing|und | lnuh, utnnd dutferonlly frnm uthor ullu-en, by war, DOUIIIII than nghu uuro purpnuly luh anprnloctcd and unrolrouod fur Ihu moral pnblno hcnofu ".`.` Ind .4 no- ! cur umnut England long bqturo pnbllr hcnohl " 0.; nu: of cur unit England Ion Shnndooh alt Ilolbonrno ' 0 did not mnknil bocuuu In could not have two can nn our hands It moo. We bought puco with England for the time being A: lhu uxponu at than men. mud Ihuy Ihollm be indomniod. lthink Ilno we should indonnify the urn: ol propony for the nu promimm paid [or In innit- nnm " `Nu Peculiar 'l'u-u 4.; smalor Hoar. nun Inn nuns: unqu-u, ..... not opoou, in aid to be laboring Bill which in! lohoducod thin union by I Conututiu uumbnl, It. Colby, no upocl ion. the Toqdoutdn oi tho (lon- ulou "Lord!" oooofng the Iiluohon and putting Rvpool. ll they dun`! tho country will he very much nu-priud M .L-:- ...._mnul nnndliol 0` indmondonoo Hr.~oLl!1'loN oluusr n|11I\lv1'|nN. Lnndon,Fub. '..'r| ~ln tho Hnnoo,ul ` Uammonl to-day, shot o Ihorp poronnol duoonoon um um! I no rojocliun by OVOIJOW orinu Inownhu uf omondnonto by on- to. U Donnoll, Collohon ond Ommnoy, Hit But!--rd N oIl||onl0'I rooolulum ogoinol llbfllrlinll plod Ill'll'I.NlNu ru nu run A doopotch from R mo Vooyo it lo bo- Iiovod ot Iho Vouvon Ihot mouy ol tho olorgy whu Ion tho Uhurah oo (Nd Cothnlmo oro doonrauo nl romrmng to tho Md. luouunuono Inning boon oolsod by oundrv Gornon ond Anotrion Biohupo oo to tho odmooion ul ouch poroouo. it hoo boon ropliod tho! oll an] be ncoivod who Inoko on on plicn doclorotinn ol onbmluk-no to tho Holy oo oml to tho dojol the Vonoon Ionmoninol Council. onunoun CIUICI. London, In-ch l.--Two on-hoovovo hold In Wootlniallor Ahboy yoototdoy In ' oid cl tho Mon nliut pct-eoodo. . - nun. n AIIAIII. AWIAI LYVLIII. The `I cum an it in an at gun- um to rouoidor what the (man nuk- nonl ol Mghanmun will In until Ohunl bu bun Iuhdnod. It wunld In imprudent In mum lhll all proopoul ol lunlur ruhunm in M an cud.` ' ruuu nuonuli. Tho Tmmnyn the progn no lo: the A In umonont. publuhod I the (`ml llmmy Unu 1 ul lmlm, h plaid] Iuglun. No duiolun has but urrlv~- M M on any ul the paint: lnuliolod. IOIAI nun I|I.l.. u... u.....: ._1'n. Rut! noun lnndon, Mulch 1. ~'I'ho Rcytl in boon given M P Nnlufl 8004 Pan- Ioo`I Bill. - vA9lrAh nl00A`I`lIINl. CIHIX VIII III l"'|"l' ` ' ' ' "` G 4 NH 0IVU.IIOI0. E!l"I:o av! `gill In hmhn o II" In Hahn ol llluiuun ----n--V Ionrunn utuu-nu. Psm, Much I -`l'ho municipal aloo- on us 8!. `Fiona. Dlguul qul . III` huh]. uunlhd In tho mum of Bari- tholoni. loupnmu. ...3.._..._. vpuuuu .-r->----7' R mo. Much l.--T0 mild um tho mod-not I u.. nu...-I, If an Flj III Iuuuu-. .~ `I: 3'35. lootin- Velinburg. Mlll 1.--VVOI ...I.o.I ... mmmd an. the mun .\ am From at-rojn the Ocean. -3.3. ` Inn: l.nou-loamy` uuunr HI .I-. nun luau no rumor; suuy-0 I-E - ' Ianunv Iunlo at I I CA` 4. g. ' wnmv mac; n. ::`..-_.'::3`3.`r;=:s- `ll. vnlcuu atoorun--M. , Vatican is die- | M the Brui- uun-nl. I! 0.-mnnoot -k- _._L.L|. .ll.|m-Ade rqhog. .?._._... .__...- GEIIEVI IWIID. ..'--_.3...._. uuuAAu3:u.v. on_ggA.T AuatEcnTis. `ii_:s'p'n._ n`-`-:IKu|:lu new` IT DVIKIZIII r nlutou will be II ) Iluon nu-pn-u - thoir unwound auction ol indqnndonoo Inlet put. uupupu; wu-u--.~ Bupeuoc cum 6, 0 up 6.15; am II- piICnc6,(IHo 6. ; KIM). 5. 005.: am not mound, 5.8 It I) 6,100; on . 6.5610 b.Qx him` 6,! to 6.60: In EN In 5 : nkldhnp 4.45 In 4.50; pound: 3.20: 3.36; On 0 hqI2.8O to 2.90; tit `hop Alolinnd .10 to 3.36 \\'|.-n .... m Ila:-No. '2 cu-uh -ma. .doHm-pd 3,10 to 3.5:. \v|uu puoo lh|--No. 2 sprung 1.39 to 1,40; Iluik Illlllf 0.!!! Corn pass III:-Octo me duly paid. Pun pot as lb-70. to 77. Ostuol raooluu-.nuuo .uu. Ounrpu ll lb-20000 3.96. BuIhr-Quiot and stud ;`\'cIum [be to 18; Brootvillo and oninburg Inc to `Zlc; Inca-u Towuhi We to?2o; onunoriu and oolutiol to We. OIIOOQ`-`C6 lb 130. ~ Dunk _..-nnA `In "I In Auhu pot I00 |ho-pou 3.5:) no tun,` q'uioI; nu 3,80 to 3.00; polfll nomin~ I . , Unv , lurch I~ lour-No. I opting 6,a6 00 7.0); un- bor Ilium: pl 7.00 to 7.26; white Iimn at 7.26 to 7.50; double oxtn7.60 007,76; now procou at 7.75 to 8.75; Gnlulu 7,) In 7,25. \\'|uut-study; whim am. L119; rod [.89. ` Cm-n-du|l; Mind \'\'oourn 67 In 6?; Sure 5') to 52. B-orIoy-~in liiht dommd; Uhoico Cn- nulu hold A! 95; No. I Could: 87 In Mr Na 2 Cnnndn Above undo 7'. In unt 19,1 pot ton. Comm: Oornuul per < od 2'). Rn Qua! and cum null 83 to 861: bond. an lnnd-.-nhorlI l0. < tar nludo nu-nnaot; rooolpulb NOW loll, llllrrn u. Stock: uoluuing. lovomh. Conan dull, I3 1-)6 Flour du|| nooipcd 16,000, ulna IOJXXI; f>,(ll lo 5.40 lapel` mu and Intern; 5,65 to 5.75 o0tIII"'\n to chain our: sun; 5,5!) to 6.85 do uolorn; I"I our wudy at 0,80 In 6.26. What--Iprlng qlvist, gnnchahgod; .000. l76,000; No. -:_ M null 1.60. dn. Corn doll; rot-oipu M6,(lli, ulu '20,- 20,(XX); 565 to Barley dull; two round -ma 5ln'.'5; nu rowol do 80 L084; No. I Conn]: 97 to L00; No. `Ida do bright LN) tn 1.08. n--. .|..n. nminu .000; ulu -vp- --.-,,, , , Tho ohm ol Contact-Golan! 0! Can- sdc_hu cool our pooplc ours Milton and 3 hull ol dollars during an put tnlvo nun, being n uongo ol slightly out .1263!) tut any you nun 0on- lulontioa. 0! course tho Gonna!- "~~~--` 5-- AL- mi-an L-inn dn do bright LII; In 1.115. 01': dull; reooipu 44,005; `.24 (D0; mind rectum and none 461 to 47 ; to 6'. whito do. ork dull at ll.8H lb 00.00. Lin! rm at 7,7 . Butter 16 to 40` Choose II to H). .- Chicngo. Much 23} Inch; 24] April; Conn 40} to 40} May. Pork 11,62; March; ll,B April. Monhul. Much I. Bunk of MonI:ul-N0, 139; Inlet -25 II D. hlorchmlt Bu.|k-9.`1l-2. 9.! 1-4; Ida `AU M. 3, 220% I 2 Bank nl Commutco -1. ll? 34; |Q-'7 ll hm to am. 4.-`mun Inna-y. 6: Hum n . ,._.__..-_..i_, `I At Punon. on lob. %Ch.Ir A Sync. of lIoonluld,Io Ila Inn: In-til. of uhol. AI Pmmu, on rob. `)$th. Ir. Innulcrnn, to Ilu Amnndu I Null. At Uloonbulh. on Pub. lth, Ir. Sta hi I. Ionthurd. ol nllovnll. to lino Inn cl In, ol North I uhurgh . on Fab. almh. use 3. ,C|u-i,_ol__W__ollln DI Ill In Ilnplou. on March In, Cluro Iorguor Ito, dngntnr at Anna Ind Idltl Ihllnnd. up-I Io months. In llnrmn. on Pobrury Nth, um: n In- gorlng M an Junu Wulluu. you son ol n.u Inc It. Joesph Julian. and you: I In tum-3| will Mo was him Ila moth on n roudouoo. III; Strut Won. OI `Putin: aft-ornoon n halt-put um o'clock Insult nd nrqulntunooo In nnpoothlly lnvnod In ullond 1.. |n....mn nu lurch In. (.`hu'|o|lo.w1lo w Ohuo-Mo lb mo. Pqrk -1000 I10 60 to Il7.N.' `rm 4-`1ows1oizs Dnuud hop pot IN, In-5.25 no .70, Toii`iiii"illd ' In Ilngnon, on larch lot. (flu-lamo, Info at Ir. Duml molly, qua 53 yous. mu. t___--| ..m |..-. La hnnlnndh mg. cl II . DIIIIOI llilly, I.Uu J ,..... The tum-ul will Inn is husband : row donoo. Pnncou Dual. cu We-luudu u 2` a clue! for Cuanul Cannon F: and! and ooqnlnuocltnruoonuullv Inmtud lo onoud Al on Fob. `did. lot-on Lwluo .1.Iuuonol hr. Wu. Ilcgby. g(u| |_f\`(_OAI_`I- | n,7u. ` . Baoon-9o to Ho. Hun|-ll on No. - ' Anhu I00 lb-pou 3.86 lo 0,00, |_uiot; lulu-scion. 0! comic nu Irvv-u-vu~ Gounl tor the tint boing doonnot ub- Iorbthowhob of thin and null. Tho bouonriun uhchod to the oloo of n . 1.-- \n..n .. a. ....|- Int!!!)natu- Guunoqho. Fab. `am. I ohluuonol Ilcobv-I AI oounoqu. on fob. `Ju|..l Gonuogu. In. `an. Ionou luau - mum. oh M Ocnnoqu. am. J 0` lo. gm 3) nun Mun lnnolooo. cu, tn Iobmuy. Wu. Iohnghlln, Iornotly ol Proton, Ind -'1 you-I AI llnpunomon Fob am. Lulu Ind-. `I OOH. As ontuu, on Fob hi, Jam Nudum II II; 7'Jrd you. At Punbroh, on Fob. `Mil, Jan A In- d1noII,ol Iuuvs AI Imohillo. on his. 25%|. Halon Illa-In Dumuud 39 yuumvllo on now Inlet. Ooaonl Inna! CIIIIIO Conn! Idlvuy. DI-I'l.';|;I Ifyuou. III: on Anlur Bust lung`: Idlvuy j ---:- I . T .".".`}n".J..";.I`Y.'.` ".'n'1.". Inlay. Ch 5` `HI. _ __ ____- ' E."..`i.':`..?..;-H-'-'31 lfudgy` L 0' IA. w, nonmsoxgj I use. ` II ! Onanuui i-.I.roA GLAIINO. PMNTII . PA IIANIMIU. IALIUIIIIIC. '9. to non vvo;E-nouunnp A1` wwln fllll III on nun-Io. 8 annual uuu. I-gh In I` 't.(i:)rI;_o:a society}| lir. .%i'% N ew houonnun Ilquuu to .... .._.- -. Panda: Vmll -y in only 000,!!!) pt n- nmn TIII in I ma qnlh toh largo lot Canal: to pay [or the Iuuutlvo inn haul touch, but it no the snout- 'l0.lb--hdud upon by the Itmuh Gunman! in IE7. and who out far- Iluul Iuhuqunlly protutd that It ~A- -4- I---. -- can mnilld In it F'?;'*`!_;!1`!_`!* w o. x Rye-Qubt sud acute; Cnuodn nomi- nllv to 86 in ..ihn'I"tia 7835 sT.`u..;a.a. ill lood--IhoI-tn 10,60 In '30; ship- mxo 19.50 to 20; middling: 19.60 to 20 adds V mom I-1. XIIIIAL IIIXC IlIIIIo Ldn 95; No. I Unnuu o. u 88; No. 2 Cunads (rude 77 Iuplnmlsnl Ia, |$. -_.- tbcupgllnolouuu --us-.-...... hunto puyunuh cam and at tholr Oonnnonul I poojalo forty mu- ` hon aims; do just ollilth bordov. Oumlinu 4 not grudge Oh IIMIM who the Mid privlhpo and perquis- Ilu '0 Mn Monti to no ooqddoud. ad puntoululy than. an at punch. the rays; luuy at u live Pduuu It hold- --I In as human. II will in social Inch III. III. 7*`! IE. ill 10,00 In `.11; Imp I 2 Inf! nnn.u. Ihcl nun. .___._-.-.. ('lIl`ACI CIAII IAIII7o T|:%ui'"_|gTRv. OEWIUO .lAIII1I. II `V IOII IAIIITI. n. 1. lh 1,00. . 96 lo '98 unto uni Can 1un--b0||0d 93; unbnlr royq lusty cl uvo rnuuuu -u IUuI-u- oun his mum. bouociul nu.` Ila. Duo-II`-nu : nah!` amour M 1:01; York, March I. ulna lnvnrhh. W IYIIIIO nu - nuou an. ad . in no olalavo nu biota. A uu unu- In neural. > dd. I. J. UIIII, I no notice that oen nun 1-C {I r .:___ -AT THK-- Itlglt it of Ivory! Ilnj. ud In Your Vloimu 0:" Raising Flour. V -u|>- ALL `nu: LEADING amnns, A'I` with |Toronlo Store. I u-ooh. u-cot. . M. MORRESON. in... nu. In-uh In! In Ollil II! Dlll. II IIII -u unsw- use like Italian) : uluy propot ~ not nah up Iouly we . tho and n- pndlun ndu this had. Tho blue: -- ug-an-I In an unusual num- auuudouuohugu "loci-but co tho who-up! ocn, rddouu. and new nub. Anoagtholouu vorylrcquulh ly oppu pally-dud Inn: for tho hound Ila Oovunotcunl, that ol - ,,- n.A..4. .. unsung for unnnlo. \c5pn5jg3;u n.| Amuston'-i % V mm v,T'yAncu'm.7 ~[ FAnIw5i._I. -TOUR. Iii. A. Ilfolv. lnupr Brand Uuon out, Toronto, in In honour to noun-0 Ibo uppnnuoo ul nu dlulnguhhod fuomo lmr. scon SIDDONS.| |A I I`llAI)'I`I\'l PIRIKIILIII. Monday Evening Mu. larch Inl. Tho Buecnurv will vu nu uomunt 0! his trip to the Rn-u`hM!!I` `nun-nun. Alan go--I Healing: and Hlnging. V L|TERARY Mmine trip Kn-`hula-u l`nlI\'r-[III Ih-Odin I All \ mung Ilvn Mr lnrlh-1|. \\ II N HI sltritiiis, FElIlIlE AID III FOR I. IBIIEIP. an-nl-puihnt, uni-up<'71o9 '5" ......-.o.h In -no nnnlnmnnrlrv OI I Upper Cnbtu Steamboat, `J i`arrlu,u|d I `ha mu goodeondnuon. Puruonlulnpnllod by human I-`lyuu. onunl Aunt Amman oer. lama noun, Ind Comumlon 'Irohun. ::pc;|.:o, Um Add:-an oomnunloutlonu to 00! . IIIIID l[IIu|.. I hnpuoo. A: 30: `IN. Fol :':.th. I88). b'Eiiaj j5ifiIii.| FVIH SAl.I'i~ Iho Laue, Furniture And Good Wul of the well known BAY OF QUINTE HUURE. Sluoctury rogmu. -rivnn lot ailing. _ __ _____ _ A IVI. IVI\llII V1 Kingston. luv! In. IQ. .. ... __ _-. Q U h\`|' Il iYIIl Io] F Lo u R, Ininnou Bids; !Cheap . _!{_ardwaro !| _-._-_ `Fur. riuborrmrn has I:. nlllmtll Ihll III? lmvo puvrhnm-I the .\lm~|I ul Julm Ian and intend Mrrviml nu Hm hnclun It tho nus plu--c. Ya.rker s Old Stand, -urul\vr1I.~_\_, _1.-pump yn I3 uOVU'IlIl'-UCUIII, mu` '- Lotd DI! Io lunch. '0' 9.P"- - .__ 1.. .5. ..A.sL..L..a nl mo.ooo. TC 3- vow. -vv--,. PR|NCE.~`~ MREKT. Winn they Vi" loop ||I|rI.\| hand I plela man 0! and um bu hnppy to no l mo old cunt-nn und 5: Imny mm to Inn luot than rub 1'! HARDWARE Ml-` ALL DESHHP Tint;-5, lurw DINNER sns :| I Bohamgag __1`Ianun,| ( `omuhlng the oholoul `MEI of lmlhbqil liun. Ioportolrv. luau Soul`: II ` Aduluiou 1-0.- Fnr uh at Wu 1` Boohmro luuh Int. ii i%iL*1c1V E`D| `noamseu ms. NEW GROCERY BT03}. ouinmo T ' Building & Savings Society, lulup loll apu-C;-y Inn I0 an lo 9 pa. lnlanu slhvoa on locum Ian Dopuj_nau--Iguy o_dvn_g on E LoMDI$|l|o,IIIIInuI,uwu--y-., . king in &oIdIbuhoodolIlo.000. We Call luhgII|yoHhohdtuh' at numb; up thcucunpwhbhm GIG! `F990!!! to Ioloull tho pihllttcd. `I'M lad mt alluded |o.IQIIVI.h|I|InIIlIoI'|*nbIIo lo the wall-could thoolrpuau who onuuutb `fol! Ollllduuq In (It -~-A-I--I--.-..Anhu haunt... ' chino! -n nun qunmut 0l`bI(`l~ WIlJ.lll0'l'0N BTIIIJI`. Uvpr-om HI Oonrul Hull. . . . . ulllplun I.-mm-um: u_pTm. ouo.ooo| pi`. ' 'I a'[u3ic inn-`:3: oooouu odnuol I-50 oorumy at hr: at cm Prepare; for out In Iuluruouou apply to J AI lulfllll. mnuow uz IULLOPIIIATION, OI HAND POI ILL`: Ilnlela. I-sleetluu. Oilllu-tn. Inn. to. .._._..n -.... ..... . ....a... 1... Inna: :4 Non `nouns a nun: owl |<=%i_=_x..?!2%?.1'!9:L!,`..%*'| lgoilbo Bortollnll Kinptun, Fab. nu. ma. Iko ?0n1.lI\7u_ W W I-- ----- --. ~muuIIouInhonoaupu~ uaudlynndcvdl capstan ol II union to on on North-ivy! I: Kilgutuu. Fab. lh, lll IIl'Iu I00 Iymol umuu an-mien he lama; lulonl nduuuuo to Ibo undo. I50 ILII 93- '.'.'...a. -37-: use .8 In ' -nnnnng _ `, Iguana. Ilsa. Ice and hot` at tho May lat! IIWTOI C IUCIII [MODE `I38! "II, |.` \ IIAIID, Iguly output by Vnorun. I IVDID, Pudduu holkmor. .. . I1III`)o-'rIlurI (Univ mnrhnlul AN l`N1'lIll'l. I NEW und n chnmo ulocunu ul null! In-can unto OI! [WI h m ,,. gun-Gerald lulu go gt his hams. I IALOAMENTAIIIO. TO-DAY: ' G. McCULLOU(i H, Pronrlotm 3; HHANNON. I`-l'I`v-(If) \` M.(' A V1-n Mrt UN IOIIII. . Pnnonu Iltul I. DOIAII, Woo Pnomn. ..| I IIl`l'I`Ul.Q1' apply JAI IMITIUI. lnuut Linn 4 Pn.;m'nr. WI BOVIIIII_Y FIGUIE-IIIMIL nun. coum links of cmmi. I HIV]. HID. Ilu.n|I Willa. luv u and Inns. ad ooh: Fury lmma. V WI ARI snowum A nut uno: STOCK or 00006: IN `ran novl DIPARTIINT. Ab Whit and Uuhlouhd lnmug (`oi Ion at tI`o'|nu Iumlnuku. Houlton and Point laoo Bonding: and In Ilrou. . By Industw We Ilie ! R..&.l.GARI)lNER lion Io nnnonnoo to ll: fruuil and Ibo Enhho In gonorul ski in vnll op-n lulu now than `$5 Pris clnnt, nu With 5 Ln" Clock M Mull Ind llulldon Ihrduun. Iltl. (Mk, lo. . when be upset: to roulvo 3 ultra of link pun-nun. Agent for lloxon Brothorr Outing: And other lschlno ro- pain. Ullf ) V I], ,IlSIl` w Jnllvw um it I. 4 mun scuba .4 ch- Jllal," talk utlnt it ad in Tacoma luck: Jilu non lnqudll than $0 _ WIuniOlIh.' All mun; I dun lob: kiln` the count vlvp IO bcuno moon to an Mn--ua no an (ant tannin um Ho} hlghd Hltorhl lieu that Iypll u the lad Iullly dpllo the union at our oouonpourynday or no loll. Tho nun! "push into" lbi Wm II nngnnin ndnl Q` Iuildorr sud Omntnctorn Hardware I lpoclslty. VI. M. DIEIIIIAII. Fol ?.`>lh.'|$l. JOHN LABATTS LONDON ALE. MD IIQIJAI. nut l l'|ll'I`I. unasn lllaar and Sparkling. J as. ORAWFORUS Iul Angola lnlmng (`:;uou ""ii'riND1*;ii'S"0N'S I A (III ingot of Dnrinnfcbnoln lllluolhn PnnoTw'iuo. A hll Root 0! Omaha! (Fallon: FOUR FAVORITES. Fob.".mh. Id. W.M. DRENNAN, lmrgnt and 30%. And uvory mum d|d|y luu-mud. _ M can not. or 0150 pt: yur mu mntvod L I III. ruin ..-... Lug Fur, Lap |n Oh! rill. Out Among the In Vu-Hint. Io. ugly I5 Conn, or I` 60 put you. The Boys` Own Paper. Tho II :11 ill the Pnpon lo: Boyn; Iho 30`. had Numhu 3|-Iou aunvluu-mud. _A H In jnll nudvod Fohnuy part nut in muhlnlng marl-o. Tmuhlnolnchlnusnn OI Ihjut `a Train in. nu , Lap Y-u.'roIL Km.` igh Lu. Iulmmlnl. Vanna put. mat u-nml. "Itolu sh-_ricu by DI` taro Ihn (`hurl In Clblll; Bullncnn ln Storm. by how. A. Harlan, ol Muwhoo In, A.|ounuy llmmd the World; Tho l`u|~ #. Atddl and Iodotn. J) Futon Hood, lulu. In-I-lieu. Snow _ In Ollvu, Aalourluy nmwu vuv . , _... . ,, . hdou (arm Olhet, flobhuh tn. P-Mr . P on lot the H.-- u....L- Inllnau . Oc. Kooonuundod hy the MAI lemon! pum- Ilnnnrl , run I. you to had. Tho bu um pm In ljlld Vllkty ol lniorlnulon In Yang Lola. LONDON PAROIL, Wllb You Wo|dID'I In-y In For lilo only by lob -Jam. W0 -. an. O.l`.fnI8. jnhlonconl opoocln Iuu"mMN 5J lap" nnolnwoo. . _u saga! pint -hon Ino.doamauIot`If.in_u--ii`_ unohm|tluh'noI'bl0h!nl- uo-. III has Interact-I_tco do uhulchoprnpupydptuonwoonphd, `tho Iouq voulljno ull inuupd an hlpin; 06 ucutq llqpumunoy ol the ` Fodcrnjqahn _u|_ patenting: man, to ,0 lqhluin union. TM: indiostion Imu- `su um. mama ol Piablio \v.,m .. -quite Iulaigat to slow tlul the" Ontario onnnou Io dun to the dugor Illioh, Iron Tau want: an oven had. in up- using Ibo "Inno Rub" plank ol0oin`- `Ind.-nnn lion: Inuil lnhll llll III KlN0'l`l)N & PEMBROKE TEA DEPOT. The Leisure Hour. Iuumuuuuhuuavllww |uIYouI .' :00: at 1:-rnu Tub. Nth, 1&- a Tho bnnday at Home. ARRIVED The Girls uwu Paper. Saturday. `mu lnsl.. KQ III FIIIO nun pun: cu vvur ldandon. luty man Iuoly sun .|.:-_.n._L- an. 15:55.: 5-. main] to BOOKSTORE. lit, Your. Folk lane` mgn Luo _l*`:. O. uq-u Juuul tot Ion-Ia, yilounal. 'Iu-Mk: Inud. Ntw pun `VII , IIIJVU IW -uuu -- `ITHIK. thiqudluby tbs Torin bu undo-I W the bollcuouoacoc the Loon l.q a.I.- luau and lid ditrlpuunt of thou- gog-t__,_ Tug _ pcuaiouic, loo,lroIn `on In iauuiib '".;ii`rnsi tho Mad 1... .- 1;. _..L .L....- ggntngnnnnrv. no nwvueueewuug --- ..-- dowe to In ueet oheonee eeetenpetery. lee lete leeee of the St--l_ohta e (l .Q. Newe we led: The Toronto Heel de- eervee the thenhe ol the whole `Cute- dlee peopletot the ejltetl all whlsh it he ooluneooed lot _whet we `think every thoeghttel pereoe neet regent In unmet needed return." The. greet relorm" hen hleted et h e ohenge troy ennnel to hieeeiel eeedoeelor the Looel Le[iele- tnree. Otaouree the ergnotente in levor it ere eteted to be "It Iegleletion end ` lea expenee." Pleneihle reeeone tlieee, but very epeoioue too. end it ie eeey to reeo3ntie.lq.e nove ot thle kind the thin edge ol thewedge which our Tory triende would like to eee driven home, to the utter dieruptlon at our Federel eyetein. But our 8t. John e ooeteoiporery pee on: "With the Uoneervetive ueution whioh le eo heooetleg (l) in the or-gen pl onumlt lteell fully to the ehenge. `* ' ` `The only leer it eerie to heve ie thet il Itiie oblige were introduced it would work en well thet poeeibly it would he nede the pretext for tluiviq away with the lam! Pnvliamenh tlltoqollwl ' Precieely eo, end juet ee we heve etetetl it. The delicecy ebove imputed to the Man! ie touching in the extroine. Ite of`. poeition to hiehniel eeeeione le hampered by e leer leet it might eneue III the deetrnction oi the eiieting Lofll Legieletureel We hope the cuuecioue gteetneee oi the orgen It" not prevent it lrote eppreoleting end eci nooledging the ootepllreent. on tlie other hind the hen ldee ol either the .'li-til or in p0liti~ cel ineeter cering enything ebout the rlghle ol provinciel eell government Ie imply . too oomicel lor enything. But eee how the Iolcel Newt pnreuee the er` gnnentr The people might be led to reeeou thue : It e eeeeion in llu yeere le hetter then one every yeer, why would not e elngle eeuioo in Me yeete be tset- ter then one in ten yure; end it the provinoee could go on for en long e period without loqel legieletion, -vhy not do without it altogether P" But, we urge, why ehould theee legieletive ennihil -, tiouiete etup here l Why not cerry t erjurnent to lte logical oonolueian l By ell neeee let preoieely the eente logic be epplied to the Dolluion Perllernent. Why could not the number of it: eeeeiutie be lint reduced, end then the viliole ouuhrone eml eepenetve inetimtionhe eholiehed eltogetherl There would then cerleinly be tut legltlat-on end luvs Lrprner then now ' p The ergulneut, ii euch it out heoelled, tl louioelly epplied, would eweep out at exleteuoe every epeoiee ot perliement, Federel ee well ee Provim-tel. Abolition ol locel eell-government le, it ie pleln. whet the Toriee ere elter. Fi- eeeciel emherreeeieente ieey lend force to each e movenent in the Province ol Quebec elthough even there ere better renediee lot Tory iuiernle then the env- render oi eell-government; end en [er en Oeterio ie ooncernetl thie hulnerlt of po- Iltirel liberty mnet be jeelnuely gnerded end delended by the united energiee of e lree people who here proven them- ulvn worthy M I) iouti-ehle e boon. Donlotan Government the Mail doee not , Tho lllul` in nvivod that H. K. H. the Duke 0! Uoanouqbt in to be |ppmuI.- ed Via Roy ol Inland than lloo Duh ul Marlborough : tit: nl 0500 upnton Tho goodly Mt: vioultboo. -lunnt IL. dohuo upon III Mudonlnll bro. -4 nrivilll ouo. roumd nu Moodomn ll an Iuodonlml nruu-.n --I ptivi ouo, nu Iloodoa-mll I ah , Ad In know him "nntunuo Iy." It in rough upon no Secretary at the UK. Club. The latest dculopmonu m tho Loui- Iinr out slot that tho Muqun ul 1. -mo and solely on the ndvioo 0! hi: Monic- ION, and am hi: ponoul [column luI'0 throughout quince diaunnl. "0 IA] -Ulll IN boll! lnuml guilty of huslnn other women than than viva ptonn that you any roll; nun under the vital: at theology lur your ad you-I.yot you cannot Iquouu all luau nun on: M his hum.--I`hdu .- Nauru--o yu- ucuuiu nabs. Bit John in a II. slur all. Is don not uontlnuoh sum of humor to nppvr duo the hunt: cl appointing rqinnnu ul odd adjunct in prior to the ra- ....I nl In In-ahola! Act. Thou wlm jun pflor on ma ru- pal 0! Oh luulnuq lial Inbound: `nu dn not Ilojoh. Iowovu.-A w'.`licn'. It why the public announce um iloou 0,0tlHorIMIo|nhmnoo, -00.. cl lgodal Hall ulna month: of the yuan Govunor Ia-II : occupan- oy. `IN: E I good round can for the Cl Ollodt to loft our, Inn of own: il we want mm, and not-my uh], pad all an lollon behind, no and to pupal to [any lot ac. -1`u-mu. Islam-n. Acct-u this menu odmsiu that luvuollndau blah: n In Da- hit, Q undo! Ibo ` no Gul- llli ii. In! CM out; and that nudog no `Pu-caption Au pun ID:-cl Ind. `I'M: can ts nun`- Uu that put nuts! induouncuu on ond In mnlgtnu tn duals in Anon- `nnltulwytbu Ioulurthoulouh up lb oh-do ol Cudiu luds--0l- 'mnllnu. . , Clolniow `nu luvnuumm llmvu.--I-`won a nun bong don ulrntnnt would Inca and no can Id u (hold unt lltuvdouhi Iuhny lot out In human an In hop, I073. ilhl IUIQBI, H79. TI: qncn utydnulooldoo nllhoruul no. no January, I 5. to mu April. II", no lu out The noun: 0:-up! vm Ind no out 0'29, Wluln Ann Hl'u-out Rno-r ~ A annual at noupu and Olpnlduunl nit Ibo Wughu hm! Mounts; And lo! lhobllil with of I679 win Ind II!-an IN IoIIo&Dhtd|y. TI mu! nlpbnvo. , and tho unadu- mlm Ill. I an 313.60; ` II. `Ll in In ha nnmnub I OPICS. _-n rumba ul u..`.. but . up ugh & mm. ul lthnoo flu Icy Iolll = tho pttlotnoloco 0. the unna- lit"? . jooplo udimut thou, Ibo ugh: in ' to tho nu; Tho nnou ubund the hull Ion lled` gjtq I III I'll "yUUlwU-w, wvun -run-.-..- -_. toriel peregreph in en: eontelnpornry oe eturdey evening betokened the nneeey leeling which Innet hue enimeted the ` editor when he reclined tlset he bed been enacting the Winn without I aeuee. "II"' he had not been the leilhlul oopyiet ol the Hall" he would hue eeved himeell en expleeetton witch ehnuld be, if itle not, hnmilieting to one who, in impugn. leg the intelligenee ol enother, given on mietekeble evidence of hie own mentel weeineq . When coneoinne ol right thie _ ..._.|.... n.- ........A .....'.... kn nu: DIV. nun nu -nouuu or -tin manua- no" A ' `M ughthil-tint Io uounou` Ina unou lull Iliad` -.. .umm.I nrnud. In [III IOIOI I16" 350 IDS} the -ICU. JOIOPI ' tut lot um-Ago. ...Nnulv Il.(X)1 me lot nllnqo. --Nurl( 81,000,000 no given out an- nuully in `.8. oolluu u .priuo. -L|dy Tuppu hu boon ill yuinoo tho mm M Fnlnunl. Battery, ha been onpmrod It muuu-cu. --A mulhouniro with a boil in not I bit happier shun a bout! in tho nmo pndi ounont. __()nu- nnn lillh 0' "IO. IOII 0` Iuld. -Jnpmculndiu was huh only when M ninn. II. novr rum at the thntro. `Bumpy Jwcn! I -'l`ho lodn ol Fol-uteri rocontly upon- boon Irnlgnou, an pa-up In not have utlllod than, tutu. -hilly Hippo! nu IIIIII tn 1.... ...- 12th ol Fobnm-y. -Born-cnd.tho dnurtor [mm ``B'` onpmrod It Muutrnl. --A mulhonniro boil Rulo Ioa|p19':_ Noun` __ I ouinnt. --Our one Illlh (ho, Round Inland Fnrk hnvo nlrudy bun ...u ` `lluppy J won! lodgo ul In Hrockvillo II incrouing In mom- borahi . Ly. u..n...n nl Pin|loI'o" lune. -7! I. Sulhun, 0| Pinnloro" hu cumpnud 1 now much, d-dimod to H.R. H. the Princes: Lnuiu. _n...... .n...... in com. Nmuml Hftho Lama. -h III I than in thyu Nnmlin hlluu to go and blow up that rnyll din- ner; lhoy should nthu hue gums nnd blnln up the cont. ~-Unnn Vnotuns won't be lot-kod at cont. ~-Qnun with c-porn gluloc. Eur] nno llllod at tho opening of Pnrliunont wuoonliocnlod by tbs uohbn. -Wuurn iufnlll are talking nui -Wuura jnurnull out loud Ibuul tho tdunoo in the cool. at printing pnpor, which. they think, in the hlqhcn plpll` aim-o Fmnkliui kilo IOIII up. -Rav. Mr. Hunmnml nu prountod with two hundred and lift; dollar! In I thank: nII'orin for tho good work d-mo by him In Hal ville. --Yrmnu mum: diunnn-I pin luolu Hclkvillo. -Ymmg man. I Iul nice and ghuonn brightly, but Ihtll font dollu-I I rock Iuppnm 3 man und pin both. am or the othor are not [onu- me. -ubucriptinnuuonpull owln in I! In udnn, Out, tolurdo I 0 bnil in; fund of the new Roman Outhnlio cathm drnl, which will In cummuncod this Ipthm. and coat Ib0I'II (X),000. -AA mmolny hu bun Int-mod wjgh I about |1w,uuu. nnmpuny with cupual of 815,000 lot oiporting Nova Sooliu cattle to England, and Irnnqo moot: hno already bun undo fur stup- umnt nl 1.000 hood 0! cattle. --Thoro in conndonblo tnlk nvor tho mnoinl uubnrrutmont of n gontlumn lling nhigh nnd Iucuoivo put! in the Civil Sc-rnco Hi: Imbllilioa [out up to the Mupucublo mm pl Ilb.0||0 --1`no Imnll-pox opldonuc Ihll hu UOIIIIIC. VVl|Ill couuuuul ul lI'III nu: paper, under tho pnunt rqinu, hu buhd down to no um. and In "l'0O0l d in Abovooblpnrhon with tho jonrndl which, at this `mount, in nowllonuly in bad _-_ _n|. _-..- .. .M.mnL nl in min. eight million bunlloln. -A young mun ll Omaha did not wuh to xnury tho girl to whom he In engag- A but -In would not ulouo him uuul ho gnu her mo grocery nuuuuu nu - componu. blue: no: rum tho noro, 1: he work: olullhoro on mull run. the bargain plunu both. -'l`ho Bounn nowapopon ull uf n :1 bu-pin plouu bom. -'I`ho ncwnpupon 1 lhngu struck Inlnnn who got u du nun: lnun I-at husband in ordor In hue ma N: no- Ito.-I, hilml diunully bohind the tour liahu. returned to her homo. and bound to be mud. a wile Iguu. which In drum 5.. - onnunrrinlll d, but uno noun: not rowan nun ho her hit grocery buninou u mmmnu. blue: noro, I0 DI IIIUII I run by I recurring. I-Thor: doc: --Then not appear to be my reunn to dcubt the upon thu Sir Loon Ird Tllloy bu main lound hunull un- oqusl to (ho but of pnparinu Ill budget upooch, and that Sir A. T. Gull doluo his start on the English nnmon in urdnr to and up the Fnunoo Iiinintuh "nu ml" for him. ,, nu.-no nl nu don "' oooooially ll girl whom In no u d, but nho L. ..--- s.-. hi: urnnavv 7 -- "Boston 0! mo dog: oopooiolly you oro o convict ooco in; Mm on on}- oor. A ponitontiory ml onguod In this buoinooo in tho uppor port of Now York mmpod out o lonoo into o cnnoqo you-d. whon o_|oI-go Nowluunulond J. -_ pain. him, hold him until tho oioor II no up. Tho oomol In-I oluody pr:-vod huuooll o uoolnl monbu nl tho oumumnivy by ou in; o ouoll b -y Iron drowning. ----<-....-___._ F "V"'U"V--v--V v prom Irina` "I cnnnul rolniu Ir-un dnppin; you c Inn tnupnu my amt dug-not at tho dhgruulnl Acacia practiced by uunl ol mo members 0! the Oily Ouunoil, who looms pncuua uy uvoru oi the numbers Ounnoil, nil on the Mayor`: 20!: hand, on the mod- mg ol the Counoul on Monday owning Int. and vim penal-ally uluno the mic ol the puny of purity, when the resolu- Iiun named by AM. Boner, no sin; Mu hush In quutinn no in II` dim union. Sud ohnldul pmoooliu Hunt in but-uldom upon In the Con Chu- rn. \\ lnn mnlnblrl luv: to uluto lluuonl Iuuoquuuy prvu-wu ..... .- was be large to nu remind no tobuqudodmotutlcucrunluy at an Iujutfl ropnunbcln. but u the pact ol Brmoh oonnuuou and Id- `ibh ptoluon. In this and they boon I4 wont Clo noun. though it dong on on pace had no: lhpnpomonh tbcupplntlh olhu nlllhunhoou L-- In nnnnnul non In the Uoettott unen- her When tnetnbert telte to MIDI! heel: end run In] to break up the qnurttl, beneuee they cannot `tn their punt, their oeeee nnet Indeed e poor one. It tnnet have been en unneie though ludtct-otte ole toeee e III ee All. . e|her, Trees, Der ling. Mitchell, losing. Love. end otlen, ` led by thettttotteutteu e. m. Htuun, In Indian Me, not It; for the door. \\ Int would he thought 0! Hot Mejeetfe Loyel Oppoettutl in the ielelttre it every the they new they can not pt: their point they pm r-I their lute end run away 0 It vodldbo e tony eteteol .1..." I trult. however. tint than who ,-\\'omnn'n nijcnoo in like gold. vary ucueo. -lbv. Joseph Cook luoru 5 radio; an In? nnlrmo. any! II Indian uuuou alum. I trust, louver. that I cad nu nu M my Nu to ght on or cluy.". ..- - -4 - -....... ...... _._ Tun Bomumu -1! Hunt souhm- nun did not him; the panic heating to Ittn es.-oopllnoo ol nu unnl , at u mail In pond and the u-Ntnton nu lnconpolanl 0| unlmhlul, nl it hnppuml ma ubuquonllv to I50 nu- don 1! ch. nnra Inch ovidcnuaono Ii|moloIOI Ionghtu to Alan the 4..m....-nhn than would be none tnllol out ouamu no can an dooma-o-Ihn than proprtay II Sir John A. Ihodouldb ndmnn Puiiouomtohhr III unla- mu ol tho Uawm Bunduy map- .....a llama arc: and gom am. But only on cl that and: nuns --I 3-ocldinc cl Ii CIOIH VII!- 1ug--ma Ibtfl all It In 0%\-for he (halo. uwulth Dunno uuuuvy u-ruugu-'J \ 1 I 1 1 T0-[MP8 NEWS AND GOSSIP. A ourtynpondout-o`!-`tho Toronto Tale- ..4.. --Inna - `ho ncolpln ul what :1 nun lnnr millinm hl II III `lloucns, nu uuumuuu, m u-.. gnu with may on account ol it: uh- Itucmontl. ropolitiou of what tho Mail my ll] ortoncoucly--|nd It in not above uuploinn-in oluniu mouth, but tho oh-ounuuneo booouu tho man ohjlotionsblo when In no loc- tund lot that ol which our Mondl In umuolvu nut guilty. Aldornnlc sh-ludllu. L--TI`-`IE BRITISH wa`1G,noND.w, MARCEH 1. whilc n. and l`l`hcCouocuuo' and Inland no-I .......-. A Danni nnannnnn let tteeenupeeduegueew OI _lOl'I, u deereeee 0! I101 .002. The leue deoreeee in Ceetole end lnlend _ Revenue etieee lronthepe heat at duty in lellrnery 1879 in god: in bond in entieipeuou nl thenee elinn P--hay mil end en en- peoud iucveeee in duty on epiriu. Ieenn. the ' hlely ueeted by lnhe Wil- Iieln Sewing Ieohiee Conpeny, in the my. end ere not engaged in putting. neohineq he the Iennleotere of ` wotbe, lee deye, end e large number 0! heode will be enphped. ; ~ Then ere eouleele in [our wade in the city in progreee to -dey lor eldernenie honnre. The relulne u to the pteeeet indioete the euooeee ,o Alden-qen TM henll, I!oCord - end Roberta, end It. t"..-minahnn, (hrkeen ape. Ieve Iehn: which ll ieeonneueed Vickie e : hum, Aluuon Cunninhln . Comlound for-lTc uhu _.i- In tho ncilqol Insolvency upul Ihll will the Sonata do this union in the ol the Govornmunt ndoptlng u nu 4 u- l`aI|-n`- mu '1 1.. Han dun nl

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