mntnwmaccnv} Thin morning Aldermen Betty end Gildereleeve preeided et the Court. The only eeee on the docket wee thet of John Doyle, who wee ehnrged with vegrnncy. `Yeeterdey n we:-rent wee ieened for hie erreet. It wee pleoed in the head: P. C. Bnodden end Hoyle. They did their duty thie morning, capturing him while et hie fether e home. The wee et 9-45 l.lII- lie but only been in the oelle _ ebont fteen ininutee when the hell no; for the ` prinoner to he brought up. Doyle wee pieced in the dock end hie lnther'e evidence tnken. John crou- queetioned the old gentlemen, end eeked ` him if he wee notjeeloue beoeuee he hnd . e wife, but the fnther told the Court thet hie ion hed no wile. John wented to be remanded untilvtovmorrow, eo ee to ellow him to employ A lawyer. He wented to prove thet hie {ether wee perjuring him- eelf. The megietretee naked the Chief of Police for John'e record, end thet ooer etnted that during the lee: eeven yeen he hed been before the Court ebout twenty tirnee, end out of Eve year: end` ` eix inonthe he hed been cook in Outle Corbett four yeere end eeven monche. After thie evidence hnd been given the Inegietretee eenteneed him to eix month: in the common pol. He will be there to prepere the Chrietnne dinner. ..- _....... Cw: v-u. gy-Duwuoyb body In Ivuhod uhare the nut 11:] that tho wu_ok of use -chr: `PholpI.'md buried in the nowrlon Ar- bor cemetery, being the link in urlnont 3: Hunt nl-nn -005. F. Wibon, -I A" Bil-Inf], Cribs as lnngth to an `ail; nuting the dllounoc botwuu honq and eld MI-in in tho Brilioh service. 2. --any uvluuill Ulllll IUOIIROI IIIOI that an uncut, 430 human, and 34 nth, s and ot 826 aplu, have ontoud an end. r ._,__, ._--..-_ -, - .-saw _ -lr. urry llluhiu bu bow in- lonnul ol Illa dooll `ol lain mother in Iqhnd. Wu oynpuhho with him. --Rathbun 80100 preparing (or I new deal at thdr, llnhut yard. Part of Gluten they ban now has and in. -Dr. [L W. Bruce Blmli in doclnrod by Illotloau Journal to bog grout ac- quisition to the with 0! St. Thomas 53' I rand-o nu auvau-nut Ian-plull ll um coll- v land to M: homo, and ouluing from in- juries toqdvd by: M1,: `W;-I'M uni `ulolfhpoilg mo uhutquuunhu. gtcnrgoolcou villhotnuiippul`. -Ouoooal (lulu blanked will mtdvuupuiuoundthoninnoohno than in un--g--.-.. -0uoolll:.'l. Wow". quay... vcyhvittloolgnltionoltloluigi. _`I'In D.A..I.......L 3....-.._ 1- AI VIII urn. nu uncut DUIOB up, on vnnooq ---Tho` Riduu Ouul luohgol nhov Imaun......._ AM 5...... ---I01 .;.. ,no pun. ,,v as I mama Bonn! M Stdoocph Isl In-ant. -!V'Ioog`u|iuIi-0-1:-u`u`vill boullod ,,-..'_-..- -Bir Aldxlldu Oohplloll II um con- ul In hi. Inn... ....l ...l_.;_. c___ :_ A Cool |'I-honor. .__----oooj.__ Polloo Court. :-r--:'-..-.'-2" .........'~ I ' ` 3 0. WW... ml; `, `I. Wlllbun. runyna; I. Alnuur I Uttlo; C. llonry Ulilt; Cu ; 0. Jun Boll; n_a 9.Lna.u.._: Hum Q. nonry warm; I. Italy It'- 7. llourhua Hui 7:5 Divld 1:.-I. Bvbonillw 5 I. OIO Burnt; I Ilolnlll $1.... cu-mm HmnJ- 5. .1... ram 0.1.... 2.". an ' I. lull Inudliz I lial. LII: Fhlz I. I009. fnyu. Ill! Duuiou. l,.UI`naIqI0 ;. I i 30"; 3. Junnh 'hIlIn: dz AIn.nn:a'; `um. rim BEBIHLINLI 1: Division. -1. Iuubocu Honlidp; I, Tlolnu Io0onncl|; I, lush loam. ` dy; G, Jethro Unhuu; 5, Jun A-lama. , III DIvIIion.-l, Agou Lyon; `I. III: Pnynu, Cnklunno Ikwuar; 4 Alma onmidgr 5.84nh Adamo. 6. ham- ` lotion. Dhin'rm.-|. Chrinwu Bnonor; I, Hobo Wuhan; 8. Bush IOOOOIIOII; 6, In`) J. |IoWuu; I. Julltluhh; 0, Ruth Ikvm. 61!: Du- vhl-~I.-I. Intel lnouy; I. Wnlliun land ;I. Ola: Walla; G. Anbruu Pa 00. Thou lune; I. Mound Uo nu. lthbhbtou.-1 Donlillu; I my Lyoa; 3. In: hsogooa; 4. ' Incl; 5. 0 no Lima; 0, Ohuluo Hun. lib Diviuon.--Mu` 4 muxnlhn I I Amid dam I J I Ilene Iyyuul -aevvu ul econ. Hi: can clearly exemplies the - nlaa ol reputation. When hie ability became known appreciation followed, and the last twu andienoee he hae hadhave Iade up 1 their warmth for peel. indi- r. Corbett la veraatile and idea a well cultured voice he 2:. vua-wove Iu man'- eeealal in the interpretation 0! Scotch Inuaie an try, hul. hie rendition ol Engliah, in nd Canadian aira in equal? 1; -tfecuve. Above all he hae a nice ' onmi-ption ol lhe Inc! of ahadinn, and ` in hll pauiouc aeleclione throw! lire. vim and will into line aiuging, while in the aentinentel and deacriptive hie softening oi aelect paeeagea adale to their pathos and beauty. 0! Englieh ain, "Nancy Lee" and Tim Village Black- eraich" were the beat. He was moat fortunate in hie lrhh songs, and it were a delicate matter to diacriminate between The Minstrel Boy," "The lriah Emi- grant" or Waarin' of the Green," but the latter proved awet popular, and cell- ad fur vigoruue applanu. The Scotch eonge were moat nutneroue, and were oharaeteriatio in their nature. "Scotland Yet," Land ol the Le-l and "Soul: vha Baa" were particularly hue. and allowed Ir. Corbett to be a dremaliet in aone decree aa well an avooeliet. He alternated lua aonga with hnmoroue anec- doue and pithy sayings. Some 0! the etoriee produced roan of laughter. So lar an Mr. Corbett and hie aeooinpeniu are aonaerned. they were the mean: ol `baking a eritieal as tall ae large audience paaa over two houra happily and plea- aanlly; and on returning to Scotland they will eherlah pleaaant memurice of their laac greeting in the Limestone ally. Lic- tla need he laid ol the excellence n! the pulorulllee 0! the Baltery band. The uadlrye el lngliah, Iriah and Bootoh air: were Inapirlsing, and to each an extent ea .3, a.. -4.. .. ...... TL- ----.._-...-_a .2 . WUUW III'rlIlDll|" jl IV UUUE -II -lm u to Ill! an noon. Tho unngcuont at the nude on callable. The ban: of tho Opon Houu won I numplod, tho It. Gonna`: Ouduly hum: two. ()n he plulorn III I bouquet ol huthor, to with It. Cubs halo nppropu-Mu ll- Indnn IIIUIOII sun; 0. uonuo hmlo; ll, hum . Dmuoa.--Mu 'ulI]IIo,' I. A lulu lulu; I.JouJz Little: 4. Hour! Inith: `I. Harv r Tho audience at It. Andrew`: Concert in tho Open House Inn evening was large, n the merits and objects of tho on- uttnlnnont deutvod. The pl-ognnmo oubnood but um !onturu-Mr. Humil- ton Carbon and tho bnnd of ``A ' Bar- tory, but the munical resource: ul then ` Ion II uunuvo u shay were plouini. , Dump the oonlrut huhnon the tint and Inn] nppunnou of Ir. Carbon m King- -Dnn "in that ulnnv-Ii ninninga Oh; I f H`. IUIIUW UIVIII IIIU -UIIIUI IIIUIIJIJUIU Ill thapreeent rm of Kirkpatrick U Ro- xerl. In 1863,_ being dazzled by the bright pruepectl hell! out by the CIIII Service of India, he left Kingston and went to England and, alter eyending a couple of yearn in severe atudy, he euc- oeaelnlly paued in a brilliant ninuner the neeeaaary examination: and sailed for India. Hie departure from Kingetm ` In greatly regretted. By his gentleman- ly bearing, his love of Inuaie, IIII clever` man and numerous non of kindness. he earned the goodwill at all who knew him. Mr. Hnrkneu occupied esverel poaitiona of great importance and trust in India. and It the time of bin deuth In Ilia Ociating Collector at Moulfanager. At lint he greatly enjoyed hll life and dnliee in India, but the insidious climate told on hie health, and when he visited thin country auine seven yean ago his Irtonde {mind that he had Already Iolt much oI hie buoyancy o! Ipirit. He en one from ehnm hie friend: expected [teat thinggbut an Allwiee Pmvidenoe hae seen lit to cut him oil` in hia thirty-eighth year. In 1875 he married a daughter of the Rev. Canon Innee, Rector of Lon- don, Ont., and now hi: young uiduw and bin little one: are left in a etringe and foreign land to mourn their greeuud irreparable luea. May He that nlono can comfort them be with than: in thin dark hour of trial. rorlnoul Iolul llcur loll. ` hi, and tow envied his uuooou. an: uncut: an ICU ;u--u-nun vvquuuuu Gaul ulukopho. H9 ootuodrQuoon`n ' Collouo in 50 (all 0! 1850, and although ' III dun no tho In-pa}, that Qnuugg hnd but nu, Md ho ooo"o l"II6 younaor ' out, he quickly ulnoyod himlf facile pvincopa, and rapidly to: bdnh tho er ; loom And ngud of the prohuon and the uloctionl of his clsuuntu. Brillunt` III his other in the Uniunycity; his nuno ntood Brut, ii to lorgot not, in every qluo, hononnnd priuo fell ibick upon Un- lortunuolyill-health prelvonted hi: hi- ing his degree in course, but it an cun- Iorrod upon him in tho fall of 1861. In tho summer of that year he began` the study 6! law in the uico of tho lute Mr. Thoma Kirkpatrick, Q 0., and had u had folluw olorlu the nomor member: of AL . ` _ _ . _ . _. A-.. ,1 l.r:_|.,-;_;_|_ A. n. vu nit nut VUIIIJUI, In Iuvvn nuan- Ill '0 know n! the In! and of gun who, by In : nhillly, ootmuy and good nu-m hud ondouod hiuooll to ago`, in thin plan. Mt. Blrknlll, vilh hi: Inothor, (no and empty ngnzggg my .1: know but nonoanyun qu,'}*`iouI`.d in King- ltol than in vagina gho , lining loot hi. I-Ila` at tho nnllnl Do-judiu nnnl nnlnnlunnlin "A AnLnnn(lI(\nnAn'n . V IIIIIA-Inn nnu or A Milli toru- Lu uuosroxuu. VV V I; ma, ..`2`.`.`. 6'v.'.."'! ;.}y}':} an Th: PIASI _..__. ---~..~_.___ ST. AIDIIEWXS CONCIBT. --.4- It in with deep nan`: that In ch`:-oniclo &-nddnh ..I ..... q`-L. -mm liu. nxmsu `WIII_(_i{ frvmsnu , Dncnunnla, 1379. -u uuw wr union . ;hi|nIpu , ick -. n... ....... Ivvul vn run-pu put us` IIIVY cry in Afnoa. M they had boon con. polled La nunox In India. In the ; uuuthmg badlupponod in Atria. ml ' tho nun pl-noon no taking place In Tm-by. luau bad uh: pho which can 0 dunno Onllulllld to [0 and youth the world . boom-o they hm! undo I: g pnncip|o`\o puuou no wall lot Ohrin. Bo nluod Ibo nypuomnu d tho @ In. ] din `Joanna; sad the smash Oontm * meal to uhoiou Iotl in India. nod to the qimho which lull] onnnno It. Ho panned out Ibo! dtbougl the tooth ` `uuhulopodoulu Intel chain`! in Tuthy And lupus no cu-ml on unduly nude: 060 ptotoolbo 0! ti ` Inuoh lag Thh hdldll Ipol Ibo- gnu mpouibilltiu Thy in II- Ionhyoluolahlutillm 1 ad thounolnc runny at It. huh : I Ihy us. as, nut in onus my run 1 gm-opt than on: purple, I iulucudlboulonlt unsound- .._ -1 l_...;___, M :1. AAA __A ljgiuu-vrvvuuuu it-UII jif- lmdbugrhuu to at IOIHIIO D 718!!!` mlbloi 0' `PII WOII-D ' lhotod um to use Anglo-Gnu udlul " boon outnuhd the and duty 0! bob` ` a blown; to Inuklod, relating no (lo mlluonoo that non III oulohiu moo` lho nui--no ol the world. 80 non!-loud tho Abolmon of Ilnury by Out! 311- ` Mil, and by tho United Ildu, nod IIIO `nod Iofk of NO `I IIIVV I All in "IIt\A A: than L-J Ln.` .._- _ once 0! rollgloul lilo from too plooo whoro | n l l l l , Tho glory of tho nodioovol ohunll bod , hod boon ootohllohod In which onothor ` pouplo woro ontruotod with tho divino .--..-.., ..... .... ...... nv-u nu uu-Io ,.... cuuntrioo Ihlch on now profoooodly Proteotont then in vory httlo 0! thnt liv- ing Chiotlonitv which thoyllound through- out the Britioh Empiro. In Goruony, tho country ol tho Rolormntion, zhoy lound o groot dool of intolloctuol intldolity. Ho believed thot he won right in ooying that omco the mnddlo ol the oightoonth oeu- tnry thoro Ind booo ooonploto tnnolor it centred during All tho proooding non- turioo to nnolllor plooo, whoro it bod boon oinoo. Tho ohooon pooo now won to ho lound in tho Britloh and A-orioon pooploo. Anongot thou tho] bod tho grout oontro ol roligiooo lilo in tho world. doportod, ond o now condition ol things `look of ovongoliolng tho world, not only throughout tho Jowioh but throughout all poriodo of tho divlno kingdom. thou had boon o chooon pooplo. In tho oolto wny noGod in onclont (ind huhoot notnooo to do oortoin work, ho bollovod thot God hod told Groot Bntoin to go and occupy lndio. Bo mointolnod tint AL- _ -o-r--&-o-. A ClI'(n)nI.dTAl.ILlS1`0Nl l!wWl`Lg.l:: ` I , on t nfgr Kill`-8|-P969. uOln'ot J01!!! -.....r._..........._..... _ ito cnro. u Huron or nuoxol, ond aolicd if it woo not true that thoro wco o untionnl character to religion: lilo which they could notdn without. which wao cnipluyud by thc divino wiadon: for the working at the groot purpoooo that God had in view in the world. Ho ho- licvod thot thoy had coutinuod to ho ` chosen people. He then rolorrod to tho loundoiion u`l Ohrlotianity, to tho doot.ruo- tion Jcruoolem, to tho acattcring of tho Jon, and to their removal from tho pooi- tion of tho chuarn pooplo. Aa coon no Christianity waa ontorod upon ito hiatory lt Income contorod in tho city at Rome, which hocoino tho dovooitaryol that faith which had boon tranalorrod tcnur timoo. He montionotl tho obligotiouo tho modern Chriation world woro undorto the Ronni: Church for the nannor In which it had preaerved thn uracleo of God ontrultcd to He pound on and collo to tho time when the Christin Church bocomo so corrupt that it woo nocoooary to intro- duco a now order of thingo. Ho rolorrod to tho lourtoonth and hltoonth canturioo and mm to tho oixtoonth, tho lino at tho Rolonnation. when thou woo an opparont trouolorouco ol tho ucrod truot ol reli- [ion to oncthor nation, and ho thought there were: claar Iigno that that lranllor once had novor hoon chongod nntil tho proaout day. In tho wholo hiotory ol Uhriltinnity up to tho tlno of tho Rotor- rnatiun Rome waa tho contro ol tho roll- giuns lilo ol tho world, but hotwoon tho uneanth and clghtoonth Rome bocomo gradually loco important. Eton in thnoo uhmlu ..-.J.-_..u, .-......o-.'-. --- -->- .._.. ....., ........ ...., nu uuu uuu nut preserve all nation: 1 That in I quen- lion with which they Ind nuthing to do. They mun. ulna thing: at they nd them. Tho Bnblo nhou tnnt thoy were I ohulon` people to be A blaming to mankind. He came down further In ' . -vue.e\rIw vn -en we wtvjr BIIIWII of eutiquity. One viewof the Jewieh religion wee `thet there wee eunething peculitr end divinely given in the an of the lereelitee, whieh wee the foundetion . of the religion which wee nltimetely ee- ` llbillfltvjiiby Chriet; that there wee e long eueoeeeion of divine reveletione given through dilerent people et dilerent tiniee in the hielory of lereel, entirely difterent In their cherector end purpoee from the tr.nth,`which mey heve been diepereed Among other netione of the world. Thefe wee e greet deal of reliqioue truth which wee found einonget other netione. el- though there, wee e greet deel given to the lereelitee which wee pepnlier. He referred to the Hindoo, Mehonaet, Cheldeen .end Egyp 'en religioney end to the truth which hey contained. eapecielly to the Cheldeen. the plece where Abrehem hed lived, end which he wee directed by God to le.eve eo um preeerve the truth for poeterity. There wee among the other netione e greet ten- dency towerde degeneration, which the J:-We eleo ehowed eome eylnptome of, ee- pt-cielly in the older pert of their hietory. Why wee it thet they did not find the same tendency towerde degeneracy emunget. the Jewe thet they found emungut other uetionel There wee only one enewer, vie, thet there wee edivine pmlel` working eunonget the lereelitee preparing the wey for the eetebliehment of divine truth upon e univernl beeie. But they might uek, Why did God not ell do` 'f`la..u mun In. J.:..... -- .L_.. A.'..J .n__. ,-_3-- --ugu us 3- nu I `II uou boon by 5 book. upnowlpi skeptical in in ohulolnt, written by I distinguished niniltar ol -theology in uropo, who llbnpbd to show that than Ill nothing puouliu in the nligion `at local, thus than was nothing word divine in tho religion ol lnrul Iinn in tho religion at any at ilio othu nation: nf nntinninu 0... -i.- ..l Ah- l-..:-i. uuu uuuuqululf, Bu. Dr.JA'rdoo aouuonand by N- lorriug lo the plenum uoollkdou III land 0! In In: uddnu Io thII.,INoh an on an "Khyber Put. The nub- Lu: outing` Bu: Dr. India Id- druood tho Y.I`(L_A._oI_n ch ubou nub- JW` nail. Ir,0. A. Dickson oondudod tip pmooodinp. and char di- votionl cumin: intmluul the uptak- cr 0! the oqoniug, Ru. Dr, _l.`uu... ...._........| 5.. V... man: It uv. in suit 9,1,, 1:! "1'-nuouu1_1 or nausea: nu." i 3. .;. I.- Call on an ro;:.`:ol-ti of its 0 CK . nuuuv `INN. Otnuluhr. 113" 3 cl n In his pm] on cl. an uamy. pay up-no WI. IIIS. Ilugllon. lhmu. D8. II. ll. ma: pomuo vomoon ll ICU TL" Ildooppot Ion: IISGHHII`: _._..r.._....- VERY CUIFOITADLI IIICI DWIL N0. quit carriage but .0! -54 mm, will he sold or lot AMW vnnnuwnazu I. B , (Nlm-0nurIn tnal 'IsonIuu1lIvQ-i;;-uhylugobvbul WM- ESUNN. PIIIOIII ITIIII. (LA 1.: THICK Co! Iowa | &".'Z.'l$'a`.'n"3...u. ...?. ..a".`.' a. u`.'. lmowuluvlory Wood Cook stove. Colllll tooth` JOVIIII blo flu HALL AID (OI ILATII IIDVI, t ICQ IIIIIOIC. 2 Ivan lsrovlssis-1-ovnsTl RI: IHIOICIIFII: blhhd II lnuhvtllo charter Journal In _ at Ya! laud nd sullen to null Maul hclhu. For shut. and Internal: Adina `I J. OUIIIIIOID. Couriot-loll-ul Bllula, Louuvglh. ly., or llrundvI1.I'1 I Au luulouuvollbnunubouldu Iran by |ul'dIihu"pI-In. Urdgfggf I5 and upward. iy upnu, on Nun at out OIIIOOOO. ' .2, uny ul Till IOLDOWIIO Plllla. I Prise .... .. Il IN HI loo-`noun I Pm. .... .. Io.oon `I30 dc, uohlodh I nu .... .. b.UG00do., I-onwoo I0 .Il,lhuI|0.NI ltt. IO Ouhlllm I) Q, .'1lIhuI10,N)' 1.3 Print. Wink `flol [fl pr-aunt on non. Applyto 1,90 Prue. |I.'2,Ioo Wholo `Hatch. I1 lid! `Hatch. .1 rI'mhou.0. a l`|ohu.,I0o All lhuhoo 600 club nun than! to man haunt-Q00. . IJVVVIIIUVI UIOIQ IV! On Thu DI-nu unbound by too of who ughlntun oll .Iud uuulnod by I Ibo Court: of Kentucky (all [V-uudulual .4-4.... mnun uf olherlolury oovnpanlaoho :laln| the mic on-.anMp 0/ "all the prom an Inn hwky," to Me cowtrvry nuhtlddawdlum. no on rogululy on um Inn by of ovary Iuuulh (llnidnyt ueogctodt :34 an npenuod by Err-mlnonl Hula oohh. vary thiohbolcloc on in III on Iuurv vuor, all on In numb: and no It placed In the Ihnol. no lumooun oollqltdtiol Kollopund ogporunny pnoonud ol obtaining lot only 0` Jay of mu. nun I nznnn n---_.. --or III- I Commonweulgh Distribution ' Dm?1TE?.I'..??mi7IL1u?9;l s'rR;L___Ym1:; no invited to loud lot the College Clmulu. `which. with my-canon or Penmlnlhlp. :0 km. free. Addncl IUBINIDN L JOIINRON Authuriud hf Ihls Comlarnvoth of Ky., mad man In t wot . ' 7 II Z1lZlZ`VII.aIIE. qloundtri by 8. 0. Douay In l!&I.) In noted Ham bout the Dominion for the ftsc IAICAL INIFITS o|f In touching.` ta ta can an than puod . Pnouool Aooouhnla to l:f:o odp" man: J: conduct buslnou lot sholulvu. o oonr-as co-priotl Boob in all In he-o. Peu- muuhip. Commons! Il.._. ..-_- I`..-... .. .._ co-prince loot-hoopla! all bIuI.Pq-n- Conn I rm:-ado. Grumman-. Buunou Corroop ouoo. Bukiq, liuuinoun Papers, Cocnnomnl Luv, 000.. oovunng the whole ground of 5 Friction! Commercial Educntian. ..`-ls. Ill:-scan-107': Thontto. In tho City of lauhno. on I\ I an . III-It\ V I IW`T`lCI'W.`*~|I~ piml by Ir. P. Barty. Panama (inn on In Jununy nan. Apply to Hall! For- [unam- C --"`**Cf |<'moun;o_|Ianv s 9_uAnmu<|, IUIINIUN U. JOHNSON, Ontario Buntnou Uohqe. Bellenllo. Novombor -mu. I379, Heating by Hot Wnter or Rtanm on AIM! mon approved principle nnd wnh the lawn: nmprvamenxz. alum Henlngofroporly opnliod In the moat uuooeufnl men: of ventilating "wading- 8o).mnl Rooms, Public Building-, to. Spoon! nmnwn given no the A5010. Slum HenIngoJ)roporly opnliod In the suhllll Rooms. Rlblin Bnlldlmn, in Rmmul Paumto ind Young Men (N. l![cNEIL.[ ECOIOIY In W|n.rl.--It : always economy to nu the but. Arnie: an ' Oil Linineul. in noknovlodgod by all who hnvo used it to Info no equal for Rheum Iium, Neunlxil, contraction of tho Mu|cIel,3ti' Jninu.BruiIu And Spnino. Snnlhctiou nlwnyn gusunhod. Pfico 25 cents. _ Q'Sat.iafno(.ory tofounno given. How. an, iv? on. In, us: 3 B_Rl(.`K~lri1`)`E. root. ' promo: oooupl-d hy I. I Iuool Am-Iyw IHEATINGI no uvqnvu um qua: m we ouuoror. It in eminontly tho pooplfa (rind, and every one Ihonlll have it with thou, 0! when the can put their land: on it in tho dark nut! ho. Pun DAVl_I' Pun-K1u.n..-In oi- focu If` Almost instcntanoouy nlording who! from In none inlonu pbin. ll soothe: the irriulod or inlpnod m, and givqnuc sud quiet In an an one. It in uninnntlv monk : (rind. And III: IHW TIT 3 III . JIV" dine : Midas,` and novel I vote ol tlpuh, which III uoondod by Ru. Ir. Iehy, to thick Dr. Jirdino rupundod. Ru. Mr. lulu pnnouood the hou- dwtion And Ibo mdiouo dinponod. - Heating by Hot Wnter non approved nnnemlo Wlr%IlOfIIII-KIWI! tho prindplu of righuocununnd vlro man the ligluuthu could pun --22- 13$ -:1- PUHILAR lob THLY DRAWING __n- can. rvwrvdvll ZI'$I ill?` -F lI U-j- -I thy did notgo to can nub-0, uh: npuodn mgln coco In tho, int on, tho Oluuu undoing in Bdthh Ooh-Ho, thonunoulhyhl loud in Audnlia, In Zuland. and In West. 30 uln- Iod todIo0Iinuo tlhIioa,uqd non- ooodtlnnhixduty Iuhuoelhu [ha nninninlnn nl pinlui --ul -I-- . Quanta in `can to .n..._..,':.. ourytlalnghul todbnclulon yhhh houwponcithlhlvutchoqhont the Cu? Th` ilnnnllnnnn nllhgip nnlinngl UV!` I'll! Ititji WT` MCIVUI [III world. The inponuloo ofdpir nation! position nigh! island upon than. I! aL.`..Iu...a...o. .aL-- _..a... An... wv. . Ill. I-rm i\uTi.iit7aT"*' r.-A I mad or II. P. liar. P nd Unllcr. Phil Flqycr H nqulnd. NnV.07I.Il, I879. < luxrvil. ll ulc Wvrlu. __-= 16th .-_-'_ IIHIIIH .AK HHLTHLV DIIA Illln dibnutol on Dr. Jar-' n'...'. .41.... ....| _....a - -..p- .1 VENTILATION ind IOBINBON In JOHNSON, Lnrln Bunlnnnn Colman. lhllnul ON_'l_`ARIO WM. MONTGOMERY bu I nm-clan lo Band for Bllllm l` on And gmvravmn Julio/action. Tum: moderate. | Address-II PI-urea Ilnrhl opposite Walsh`: Muble Score. h .- No. 66 In-wk Strut. Klnxuon. `halt Plllllnlllol tlovuuo J King Emu. lulol oeouplvd by.I.OIIIIvI. Scion: taper. tn the lune: lailwn 00!! J. BAWDIII h l CIIA Fulwl'.orn,Goon Linn Bloch July 80. I379. 4 ,\Vhon Puma .-.-. pa all Qua` ""5' .. ' '4`.!.'.'`",'{ Iouothtu `I i` W. Mtontgouu-ry LudrrT N. McNllL,. us. cuwronmj loh'::'ooI.: lolrlahwo, who ngdv : In t. III. (locals Iovudl-Iuuhu. hbhrgh nuuuoloni-hnwulau:. hula sbo|obo|uuurboMhhnnrhdJn|n|n- THE BASS! ummunxxj . IE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE on . It at luau, ndjoualng Wnl tho ronlv name I Cwlvn. Int... near the Cu Put Apply to DA DE! 0. IACIIAI. 80 Dollar: II` Ibo low uh! Oljllll Clo -vv I~-o I-char A hurt so cw:-7-: cup. lxlnudnury banana will to given to up new no the we: am your pan Hhonuuvoouoluunlhpl-covvry .r.. Iiv1{Po}Rr7x 1iT _r__"`_>_g=u+<-'H" ER Y`TA3Pi:BON S- 200 Dozens New Kid Gloves Just Ra:cAai\`1-I nQ"I_ In `Int received 5 new lot 0! FANCY OLOAKINGE. which he offers ornlon cutoault tho time: Al|o.huli.lADY ILDB IA 38 no bound to ho cleared out. no Luliu, MILLS BROS . sou-1-H sn.A.k sIIAI. Iu:o:a:n:91\_`rJ_3 J BILL OF FARE lovba IOII. ID . 1o6 R.INcmss s-I'R1-:n1/aJT, Will oer for on non]: Ohildmrn, linen uud Ladies Ouhmero and Lambs Wool Lldlu` Unmorclozhmg, sud Gents Ioobh LI-lIbl' ool Undorclot . all at 10 ...A '- Per COB. LIBS THAI TE! 03.! INLL * 0051'. `I'M tndo pluu copy Ad- vartinmnnt. 4 -15-1-. 0-vhuubohnpncudnla chat: at 0-sub uni - um-1-u ; l\d.'._A_'I"I'Il\TG'r-S Ladle!` Iwoiunou ltd mans. Inullul Inns; and lino! Ila-la. lad|u TIIIo Inna KM Gloves. hull and Dark Ulrho. lama` Four But-an lud hung, Huduno Tluu. India` N: Inuon KL. -I-nu, Wmhuul Llgll. Colon only. l4d:u' Two luv u. I--glut (tau-I Gloves. Chap. Outs` Lnvutlu Km mono to! luck` Wen. Gosh` Vlhm lid Ghan- Llght Color Int llnot Glenn for llllhry us. Gnu` um hut ulovuud loan, Run Chop. lAIIu_ L|ud`lI1l Inn. Ionvlhl V . |.'I0up. about Lind llugulunu. Inn . ' `uI|IIl'I III Inauull mac twill: In M: ova soda. and lung 3- uur aom-mm-mom 0|./I` FUR BARGAINS. ,,___ .._- .._.... vulvx ordered Work or even Iucrlpclon Carefully Attended to. Hovonbot t]. I879. Extra nan-gains in Black cashmams I PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, PLAIN `nun rnanv \vnv.~I.~vu Only BB Goats per Yard.- The nbovo Good: no I uooul Bunin And -all w--nhyuf i-mpeouun ALSO . NEW FRI OIS TO MATCH all on-lun-vory ohup. l.J Imgwond 8lroOt._llA CHAR. Klnggcomly 995.1379. 3:162:31? 9 11.25:-1--1-`s. TWENTY PIECES wsr REClIYED:(-kmprining an um... .z..a.., um ...:.. Nov. 95th, IP79. lcbnonnn clsnnmnns Holt`: Wllto KAI Gloves at 85c.` Wil 75. . Gout : Wino Ill Glows. la/t quality at 50:. A Gent : lavender Olovu._lu_t guilty, Soc. - cur". Ihekuacoluu nudalom, nu qumy at me. .0 GREAT BARGAINS In An. KINDS or Goons wlllbo vent`-as the Illllo stock mum ho Disposed ot III]: III " For the Best and Ch-e-;pest cashmeres IN THE Cl'l`Y-Gl) T0 vuuwluu "Vin CI T or GANADA. l _ ls .7 II _"l"IhLI ` 1 ` ' .i M . 0 f | HrLv.(.MIt,r.O`Y'x N1. in} IIIO1 Horn uent, bmwmn Hhorll |`ol-nun`: II b - I 1-` ill . Tum . n`A'v373nE'4'v' 2'u4(':rI'Xu. mm . W rhll ALVU IALVUI WILVCEIIS. ~uNl`LEs' AND SHAWLA`. f` Our do:-rmin-viou.iu to clan the at-on G-...dn Ina umum, m.,r.,..,.-. L005 )L'l` FUR BARGAINS. 7i.3TnTr* mTum i.[J.u Limocliiun Fhloud an my. ms. OII IIUIDIID IIPIUOII CAN IOW Ill TAIIH IIOI (ONE. QIIGINAI, V :-9.3. November 27th. 187 9. swung. at 1:: sound Involriu -not In-ml, coas- C that 1: In not only um dun-bhh, my .. .1. at Iluutln an pa-Mao! uh vqdu-{II uour and mu -nun. FRESH MADE Goons ' lovti 50. NR. GEO: LAING, CAPS. MUFFS AND BOAS. II In bani uuoupluuly pd:-ed than : '- ":dIIHuathuI..|ap&m.;=oLIhh iQdfI||ao:ndrnndhI;no`-gum` I ~ - I '| 3, V I d I V 1 no` In -at tom. No. latter` and Po-":1n::u. rr..'.."':3 v - us. . an-aim. uncut. unis u.b:l'<'>` onunu . llhnl .... aUs;:r- RECEIVED lawn 'uul mo Folwu-t House. 1 HI DEN U CHAR. An Et.ininI.v sum no; KING IITIIINCI` W `Count! Dawn Inn" BAND uvxuja III nounn to 00 owned Io ` 1: you um . 3%: Hum! wmi: JAOIIT 0 . um Rudy lulu orin the H000 call 5: GOOOA AND Artur! j LLHLWHIGE no-G Lo'vEs. Iu! UKDBII uuu , PLAIN `AND FA `CY WINCEYS. MAN T0 38 SEEN THIS WEEK AT U. "I;IN(0N. 'II-n .- Ilul dim. V T For 8a_l_gr To. Let. I! ALI; WllH`ll.\`! A FIN! EXHIBIT OF ----- gr--v-urvu ' IN. THE ClTY-GU T0 ROCKWELL BROS. u|- I601 a II. II`. "l'|IIro-~- ll'(`'l. `ind BOYDBN. -_.. V.-. cnu. 7'|'I ll Glut Cj$A X.-`V4134 bib; M I Uh:-IJnlht'n. foiomoum. Inga. ll Walt. Du ht. wnnr l 34 I nth. and U. Kyvu. Dunno our ...a.`L. aim Conn. cmuh., Ilacdhn and plain when liq iaio} not that push: no out a-cur-oi Mnbwu albino: rm Ibo 1 no I .. lazuli ln"Dlww.l1'.l:.( UYI: I Dlljnnl ' WATII W250 NOTIOI. 8Al.3AMENTARlOu Ann at Ipgsiol. 8. WOODS. . `mm I HITIEET cau. run run aunt` I31; rm`, -- .A.. ROSS , I. Innullod lulu Qum- - nah. tbnyoobdonq mm... '""1' n mum: Iago: LIV. J : snlucriho tum. Oppoolh Ibo City How! aopc. mun, ms. - ~' r-ht-ov-J VIVIIE BRICK HHUUI. lie! of Pnool Biron t, No. 35; Alan the sun? uuolnlng. lo. 39. Apply 3 .. wmmjv on. Nov. `Nth. Ilf. ago am no Golden Lion Groitory yuoltw Lu Mb, I07`: . ' nnlnn nu Boll: my an. H. v he i r tgunnzoouuolfu 1 . 6,. ` '1. my uhruml _ ' IV IIlprf;al" Ilu|' than; ' 1% ` ' > 0%] gm` um: I mntanaunnnnlo unanunnqn minluvo u uMI an Ida! nah upsu- ":1" '.'::'.':.'.::"'"! 3 KING W- BAWD W -C 3 . ----, 1 IE mum: nnuu. I301. Princes: 1rm!_No. 3.3; Alan the SHOP nillolninn. 1.Anrn' I lbu mu. W '; . ".2: 32; `W3. IBIAIO 00. sco1s 1 5!"-3'9?" .,-1 4-uuinuuinn ~p..u.,l-_j_ft":;r. ll . I . ,..'.::w... .. 4 !'!"" FBESHINDNEVIBIIIJJJSI m` Nmmlll lulu. wait or at I 'l`mgwood Bu-oot.. HAWDE E I I . _ .~. w. nmuws, I,.;|:. . I`.i:m- u'-m..n... la... :=&m1;% -. u. mm-rwuuvvwp _;`- rmor, ,Wol|II[lBI lfuu. 4 JUNK IOIAHON, Wolnnon luvs! mm IOIAHON, wellington lune.- 7.17:" `Cu ju ....o......q'j'. Ilohohhlhulnlnphnunhoul dDa1hc. flolnondluiaur .-_ .- AL.L _._ n.I I.|...l L._u;z_, ma Im- Ing in that In ru I Iulotlfuc. n oh-nun .20 `&x';[I7lt.I0 is n nu AMI`.-I-young nu uudhnv Nfclt I50 JINIOO I. I. Sindhi: Inolldlooodihluuugnlu. U!!- lqtlohqhgdllo hi Munitio- E"""" "'""""'"' and ....A _-.-glI.J in AL. .L__.L 1- 'm`j.1T W and punllol in the church. `ho pagan vuagtidhwthcvatlbulo ndvunlhduptnbyhr. longes- amuhooupnnututho cunt. no -g---nnnQn-n2n-ad u1I'w`v;z,ii '75- lauu.A. EAL I.-lat cnthonunnloluuooololnuuloc IinlIIla@botphno, with tho bl- Wl I &nAjAnn .CH .-- ---.. --u--u nu-v ouyuuuuu 2000-rbhbuluibatugto INCH & now Oncunoot lunch at I.A.a h..._|._ lrudufohtbooghl. ----01.-._ Pnnuu Bu1.n!.-|luitoho pu- llononwlo Iaujunt u1I'vo(llI'oI`II' liolnnnylbu thoooId|100lIIoPon- NI! hand in but much inptontl, and b not giving pun] ouhluou. Thlmonhncbugod thunde- I-lvlng u wu.1p`.oo.oou,Iuua ol nulglu an batons: they propose to rucbdtlnilnloto Ilolndlyahol I$OQQngto jznnl .l0,U~'. . n_._ 3,1... IQ Knuth-r "7 nnonihl to .1511- _.,,.....-__ Cm ComI(rn.. -1 In puosponod rogulu looting 0! Hon City Cnlmrol nil ho hold thin owning. To-night tho appointunnl of tho Returning Olson nod polling plus: for tho non nunicipnl olootioou will he nude. It is likely the School ` Gill have the Kunming Ucul kdbytbo Ooudloonct forthnn Ibo ullool olootionl. Tll Bonn Bcnoun. lmuon In an il~ luotntod papot, udihd Old` published by Mr. O. Baht, King shoot, Bowman- villo. olif copies low on our HUI j?l| O In llounooding it tn mat Bulay Duhool Moods. A nipple- mont, containing notes on the Iutornt tiontl Inuonc, iI"Vou llth rich num- Iago N w Fruity ,. condiments, PrJvx`i;ioni;` 5 wma, M. ` ,_ Pnonunnu COIOIII`. - To-mono: tuning: pnnaudp count lull in `ivgn _in oouuotion iitln tho Sydoulmn Oblroh India Aid Bun: in ' Ii]. Tho prognnno pub- lished in nothuoolnnn in 5 uuiohnt guuntu that I plenum tuning in in man In than an. .-5.1 "DUI"? CHIC I WI` .7. .uun!ct|anowhoubod. vlvuu IUI I UAl.-- II I30! I'D! Oh dty Io-day lakiq arranpnonu Al: the Opus H0000 (or Wednesday, Doc. mm. M Anchnm A Ina. .........u. n-_ nvun, vs a-n|nuvu,QnlIIl IIICUOIE U!` ole Ton : Odin Oonpuy. The Don- Dnl 1!0|IDOI,od 9! about thirty porlonl, than putt-moo in u niahod nlsir. --._.-QT. On bllglulu ropruut tho U. E. Olubn I ulou ol gunblon, and the the proooodlnp an no immoral and vici- ou in their bududu that tho police should nah thulub noun thn subject (I nil an Tori Ilnnnjnnr- IIIIIIIIII IIZI IXIIID I-I I-nl IUDJOOC lupooiu. Ruth `Tory headquar- mi cons to thin! U-I vfwi IIIIIZ Ill WZIIXIIJ, U06. IOIII, ol Anthony J Ellis In-noun Un- nln Tn-'n H-Li-n l'\..-_.-_ ML. 11.... ----o1o--- I'll Tunis: TlAlIl.-A gontlolnca in the city has olnbnrkod in I new busi- uu which pl-Quinn to ho uccaulullor ooauoi. 1.0., the Ahiplnont ol turkey: lollnglold. Bonn! Iota have boon al- ....|- .La......| --.I -..u -. _________ .:_- av 3-.115 IIUIUIC I93 IIVO IIIIII II` Mid] shipped and told utnnuuuntin 0:1... :_.-..___ BonvnVouo --Nnnonoo yontuday vo- ` ad I bonnu lo thINupuuo,'l`nnwoctlI And Quebec railroad cl twenty Ibouund dol- lnu. Tho Innjotity in (now of the by- bumo 117. _ Wu Fwvlu.-The India of the Oongnguionl Ohnh an linking ox- ulnuin pllpuulhnu for tho bunt to-uonoo. A bountiful an all. in loan! cal (Idol lunch: {non brought ` hon Hound. GHUCEHIHS] ----o-:o-__ [nun R3vuIuI.--`ho lullo-ingio u ti-c-and colbdou at tho Inland &2- *`PI'0Il.-WIub fuonuing in (ores And shifting tout!!! the north. cloudy and ooldor author, with most. pnoodod by rain in uontllona diuricu. -2 OXIAI. Owun.-A Iohgrun from E. V, Bodnll, Iplhtutlpuu at ca. Wel- w, uuu,ooinl|y,Ihst the and on m rm. iunt. To `Tn hunt udulod luun by the Putolllbtll Id in beta postpon- ad, will uh placed the lath. UICLI Ton`: OAIII.-- ht agent in .1 did X-A1 mafia. --.--...--.4- -1 VIICUM `E_;ll to-narrow. man also I: Non-but : HI! .............I 7.14673 grhuuo . . . . . . . . ..... 7.8ll.(`l) anon -r-a a -nu vnvsavna I `;1'h "7r':Iy..un" nnlnndi-n. Toll Inn. ` BOIOQIIM. Hum, Bacon Ind Pork ol an alolunm bulb qlnnmn. DIYTIID 7l'INl1'Y.- JO-~: L Dun: II 83.009110 : 1.3! 034 73 ll0.N 3" unigod -----o-j-p---- Oonnunoua. luau open Iona- pi at It 0OljI'O Bill A In You Iuuuut. -lr. has Gnu, o! Tannin, Ibo Oundiu manila, bu the any [outlay 00506: :30: You-iconpuybtnnbut uanmulh papa In the ash; ,_g,.-,__ A. __n -3, - - . WDCII tlIltlIlII.--jO nonuni- ` Iullouhn nhlppod our 000,!!!) bubdnolgnlnhontlaiapon Illa Inl- `X. Tlqanu pnnou loading In uhoouu.ooolot0npoVu_noundn- ouhvqo. Thu will In all poillyhtbdlh ulipnonln by` uh. lino QM bulohd buloy Ankh; pm In on lot upon. It mll V; pblonpvhhnhu. 4o1u Em: Bngmlnt in nu Titian uh XI. III .hbIImIIMbIh unun tho Oonpny have had tiiyuo. IIVCI. --1j T Ill LVIIVZU `HUI dials! In badly boon idlo on day. Thy MN Ilnullppod nearly,ooo Mahala ol gnu. 11 Company hue duo a large shout at ohipphg in tho Conan and Luhlu -Loin. non) d shit lap unnonhg Io Klnpoanduring if WT . If W ' Il"wI' Ill In:-`anion hid up Inn. l'nuApdlI6I,lhduooltboImu- I-A-`I ...n| AL. `AL -1 ---_L._ .L_:._ -uvtuilit-.jIIIXIlIIIIIlGIl" idnl. IINHIO 15 ol Novonb their .I'...A.. 5-- L-_.n_. L--- ul- ._- L, -Tao.----i 81'. Lavina: All uncuo Icon- u-'o oo.--'m. ooupu, um oouludod lid! nth lot tloyou. I nunhu o! chain L.-on Lgng L.4- I-hl ..- L... CIIC IUCTI III. Kw. -I'IV'II UIIU IIl'U in loud to ho In an uppor lot ol tho_ Inland Rounuo olloo, ling aunt. Ion Irohopou the door and noon put out no blue. The In uppuu to Inn uuglll from n upul lnlllng upon the chlnnoy bond. Tho dungo In very ` alight. Pbopb pnnlugbonotrontho` canton [us tuning any thoy aw n light ` In tho noon, but laughed the pun cl ' Ihoolnp Ion rocking. Noun 0! tho .' olnnvcnlhuolulnlglll and` In. ull' ptobobllity in nu Ibo In : nhotiolu I` pkg; ..._ ..L.....J I II it I ..... not won ohonod. + In: Tin IouuIo.-Th|n morning tho n alum sounded Iron box No. 13, and when the htipdo urivod tho in -.g In...) 5.. L. 1- -_ .._... 1-; -1 45.- ' duoion of both wrhu. Then he gun ' hi: nnhlcl. Thou Whoa Chalet 1". Cunpboll, ol Lon- don, nppund bofon tho Polio: Magis- mu hi: ull-pououion And non chnlnnr cannot won nunu-hble. Tho `oor ha 500:: infornud that whan hoing Onion to tho Pcnibntiary ho gnu" Bhorlfu Olool Young and his other hoops: an Illnuntion at hi! nbilily. Whilst riding in chuck from the King- don nation to tho Poniuntiuy, Cunpv boll. who wuoulod botwoon his hooporl. suddenly hcld out hi: hnnda IIHI r tho to Young, and inunodintoly ntooping down removed the nhnckluinuamly lrom ho ulna handed tn the ooet, with tho mnu-k, I might hut go`. qyy it I hu! felt inclined, but you uted no lo good that I wouldn't gin you nwny." Ho than uighud from tho huh and with the grown! snug haul Iulkod into the Pnuitontiu-y gnu nu- shnchlod And unloturod, to nbido lot thrwo yuan. In in uid that when the hondonn, which were ol the now nliding pattern, won huldod to the ccer, hit but was: observed to non uvorhl inchol high: at tho nndncity of his prioonor. u buun hulluu In PIIATIII OLD