* gnu} Porters. _._._.-_.-`##3- Composed of tho following nt-cllll ' Iron Stennuhipo :- QIVITI Ah \lvnWA\` All IIO follow: :- Sooruln. . Dun. . . .. Nunu. . .. ~ -IOKRD CH DIRECTION. Clo. PIIOIVAIJ IIlDUU'l`,BoQ, Gournlf. run PA1'II80N,Ioq.,_Da ..,~ Gnu-nu I. II. nunum,_ on.WiIliun Clyfnhnnu Thoma , .Hu-til, Dq. TlI0$'l`Is_`.ES : Th Hon. Goo. W. Allan. Thai. 3100! HI! `JI-HUI Lnkin lhbunuon, um, um; cu`.-out lkoyd, Elquru. :0: Marina Dopmmgnj, WI. Sluwud, 3_Iq.--T. W. lliml|Al|,M|nIg|q Dinoull. ` HARTINB CARDINAL FOOD II highly rouonuuendod by the lending Phy- ` uiciuu of thin country for the put IOVOSI return. an HM moat. nutritioua, wholeoomo Ind pulntnble food for infsnta, invllidr nnd all persons with wank dig:-cli6n.conf.|ln|1I[ All the unwary ingmdinufnr the hnlthy growth sud duvnlo mvant. ul body sud mind in child:-en.In the tntrengtheuin nf tho digestive `power! of -dultu. Chou rs and h-utimnni.\:.- mm on application to tho undeniyrnotl or any Druggmt ur Grocer in the Dominion. mnRI.Rs MARTIN. _j_..:._..._.._.__._ ._ fumuun. Ucbec and Mnnlrea|,| 1-.u.v vn rq DILu...............Hntunlnr. ll: Sept Nvulu ... . .. . . Wedzmdly, I'M: " -Tiara . . . . . . . . .. Saturday. 27th Known .....W.-int-hv, Bib Ucl. And over} nltunnto \Vodm7ud:y uad Snmrdnv lhcrualknr. 1.4 r.......'uIn.'hw`. r... tnwhn .- Til Brmah Anonm Auuruuoo wu- pnny uuuna Sui! and Slum Vouoln. .aou Fnight or Cugou. by the trip, month. uauon. or year, a aim: ban or Dunuo by Pint at the annlu of the Navigational the Lowest remuucntivo nlu. IIHI. This Com!--n" contibuea lo INSUIE Buicnqo and all other leuonnlionao Pro pe.r.Lun n|' [.058 or DAMAGE b HIE on! M0?!-' ` VORU}'.E TEN. S. Ind It Ho LOWF;~"l' llA'l`ES charged by my good Com . Pm ms. swim` .: xx, aluwuu, I *ROYAL ` Insurance Uampany. L1VERP00_Id LONDON. dude: hull. Wolfe lsluul J _ nllloqie. prmridiug I :11 lus_nF,tI,(`Il:lnl mu upenuu, the mm o 95,9o5 was put by to in- uuua the 1-unuduiulund, which now amount I.u~-- Ruerve rnnd - - - - $1,571,530. Chaim Paid up - - - 1.446375. lunmncofund - 6,603,310. ni.l.. I.-In-11 for Three Yuan on nnvun Ill! ISITIIGIIIHIE Qo,vuo.aav. Rinh when for Three print Dwelling: and Contunu on very reuonhlo hum. 0. S. STRAN G E, M. D., Mmliml Enminar. IAXIELL I STIAIIGE. ~ Assn T. xmmon, Jm. 12.1372. no. ` r 0l'I'ICI--CLARENCE STREET. (Uppoaite the Pout-Uce.) ___. Being-thelau-geotumuuntever rooawud by theuompuy in I ,' r-Ir. Now L: e Puljci-.u issued for. . I3,C02,740. Total Annual Life Premiurnn. Qa,uuu.r.nvv. pmviding nll luau, clniun and expenul, After pnfmnt of the uunl dividend and :':9_:":.: ".`.h'. .. ,.".': nuall`-IWCW III II}! Fire Pmmiulus, lea Reinsur- SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, 1o.ooo,ooo, wrra UNLIMITED LIABILITY or HHA 1m:u1.u1uf;.s. I. !.'{F.'!.lE,!;..!!!%E; zu rE"%"5i=*"72"Ae5. n..-L.. 1.. l:.-4In.- smmsu___1 noun. June 2011:. I573. Snmrdnv murmur. `tn I'rom'QUh`.BEC for LONDUH u '0 Il:-- After dud ucting` Am-Al . . good Com I Pu Agents. 3!. Lummce Wharf. Kinnlou. May, 2573 1 mm ASE Animus. con- 9 ....... sun... sail .n.I Snanm Vunln. nun. . . .. . ...Tueuduy,:8rd Bu-pt. Lu. . Thuhdly, ml: Oct. '.lllA.. ... . ...'l`uenh_v. :HIt " All . . . . . . ` . . . ..'l'l|urI-i-1, lth And awry II:-runto Tuouloy illl Etllldny lhorellhr. In ;ll!III.1 11!`! n: 11-I1\ 1/1!! BIJNINEHN 0|. I870: 'n___. . .....- I-.. Ilulnmn-- I011 'cmuu.1s`.s MARTIN, .\lunufnctuI'u, 48 St. Peter Bu-oat. lluntxul. L lu`7'-I "*-'*""':'..'."".',".;:":'..'......,' ' mm, mu 1. . so-hind. Ila-nu.l-9-dhgllufh _}nd8tuo lnrmoutionthh Iunou.hr$:0nhIutl `.431 . ood (3 13! LED: Iwvu anal`; nocunoh:' ..'..... fur nun-anon: Incl fnnilien who Inlv _ l_)'AIIJY_-BRI`TISH ~WHIG smprmumazn 24. 1373. 31 .103,920. $2,-569,|8(). WEST! ll Lluursncoompomy ALICI-:.~'1'Iu:|-rr-uoUru SIDE. No. 4, 5, o, 7, ll, 14.15, l0({u:noach.) AIJIIID-8TREIl'-l'TUn.'-l` S1 D3. No. l}|cn).1l.4.6.0, 7,3,0. 1:, N, l , II urn Duh.) AI.l'IlDB'l`llIET-S()UT Bl DI -`.. No.I( min). 2. I. 4. 5. o(;.mmJ-). (0 5aau).lI. 14. l6,`I6(u-hunch.) tnuru mun?--Nun1`n sum. No.1(|u:I'I). 2. I. 4, 5. 0, II, II, II, II` ({IcnoIch) Niinh of 41 euunnnmfuus. The British Vand North A1'ue1'icaIi Royal Mail winllo ninth tlurovn pmnonn. Iluuhrplnlgnorhdghcnlunyuhwu` chnlynnyotlernnh. ~ 1- It will Inobflboilhnu ofnlnr -p-.--. nnwnn sruxi-1--sov'ru SIDE. No. l(iIcru).1I, 5,6,1, I`), I3. 14.1. ), 11 (J, new duh.) Al.l`.`5-3TIE1`-NOB'l' EIIII. No.8 (I lore) II, H. 15. I6 hen ouch.) . ~rno1lNlIr roux. 1 _ may NIIVHFORK. '8001'1A.... Wodnudny, Sept. 24. `val A BYSSINIA ...`Sut,u Sept. 1 .'ALGl'RIA ......Woduooday Oct. 1. 73 H.-(TA VIA... -. Hutu ny. Oct.` 'RU.s.IA_ . Wodnoadny Oct. sch. '71: 1'44 LARRIA .. Saturday, Oct. `IA VA` . . . . Wodueodny, Oct. I5. 7:! PA RI'1ll.4.. . . Saturdny, Oct. 1 `CUBA : . . .. .Wodnendny. Oct. 22, `T3 SAM.-lRl.,1. . .. Saturday, Oct. 2 Shannon lurked Hun (in not any among puomugen. And ovary lollowlug Woduaauny and utuulny from Now You. No. 1 (lu-n),1, 3.4.10, 11, 12,13; n,| lb, 10, (gmmhp. AL8ER'l`-3l`RBET-.\'URTH 3! 0E . No.1 (hen-).a, s.4.10,n. 1113,14, 16,16 ilscneoch.) ALBER'l`-STIIEI.-I'l`-SUL7T|l 5| D F. No. 3, 3, 4, 13. )4, I5, [5, (jars each.) ADELAIDE-8TRERT--NORTII S! Di`. Nu. lune:-a),3, 4, 5, 13. H, I5. It, (; each.) I hlAH.Y~8'l'REET-NORTH HIDE. No. l,2,([ncraou:h,)3|nd {(1 mm toga ux.) 16 Glen.) `much-n oininhh` thocln-on eounun, ..... __ W will, IncuI;II,hIo 1 u:n'c.t|n comic fat 3! muons Tu. ,...`,'_" `I -- On the untnnl Pa-up lion Quoem-tmvn tn D-0'! York or Bownn,gn.i.' I...-1. dim: at an :1 0! Lu" or nothing to the N-mh of-43. _ __()q the Hompnrd Fangs, cs-min; u: Mo.-x._hn of 50:! 42 Ln, or nothing In th. ERI-II.) VI I-Cnnrloanuiai u Clbln, 330.00, 8|(Xl.(X)nud $l3l).0I),GnJd. srcnniing to u-oommodggjoy, 'l`tokou to PIIilI,.I5.U), lIold,IdIiIionnl. Rama Tloleu on fnvunhla Icrmn. ' Stooraga-.... .. . . .. :30 Currency; R stump Tickets from Liver,-ml and Quoennown Ind nl: pnru of Europe at Lowest nun. Thmugh mm of lnding given fur Bcltllall. Glangovr, Hnvre. Antwerp und other porn on ulna Continent ; and for Modilolruneull pom. Nfofyvlijlll and Cuban Puuago npplv M the Company`; Umo, 1 Bowling Groin; QW nI' . Forjlll mu Ulnm rungs nppn In um vuu-puny u u-nu-. 1 aw Now York. For Stump Pun-go, at H] Bmnuwny,'l'rimtyBuu|ding. New York. (`MEI IOI An alien oflhe De Int. ml] be It I Emu!-mm`: llota.-I the y before the uni: ID i iurclllph chin to may of the Itid buds. R. W. HUOTI`. l hnuvn ulinnav L- _ I LVKJ I.J.\J.l._`Jc' -w i WHH ih Iluw oflininiuhing tho chncu o'eol|iioa,Ih Shanon olln Ila hncuhonhuka up-o.n-z all om. ycu. ' 5 n.. u.. uuumd hunt: Quoemumwn !~__-I lod- dbl! of ill I` '3 LII... Cl` IIIIIIIIIIQ EU luv On I Nanhouz a II n A I 1. MU5"-5 IIIIHEIIIIITB IINIJ 1-`- gniu-Infaul to In-o satisfaction. R.-nsnn- ublo charges and prompt nuumiun to amino. , In hruby giron aim the undormontiunod Tnvm Lou of Foldvich. in tho Tuvlmhip of Horichin than Coumy of Huron, with th oxoepcion ohou that my bu n| 1-\ i- only dilpond of. will be nITOxOd for nah: It AuoIiIn,n Foul-ich,n I0 o'c1uck,nn the I 26th ol nul month. l"IEhIliI_f`n.|u Hun I'\-nnulmnnl ruIn-r\`- ZUII 0| I'll IIIOIIII. 1'El1KS-Cuh. the Deporlnnom I ing to half tho right to make one each M. A .- nlnnn nf Ilnn fhnnutmnnt -I W VJ-ru-27 - _Between NEW York `and Ilverpool, -4A_.____.. -_. __-- -..-un4-. DEPARIKERT OF CRDVWN L.-\ND~l. onion. vm. mmmum ERY, l 71 Quoon Ftroet U `ta: Rona"! B holy `Mir 21.13-n. ' "M " VICIORIA-8'l'RI.lT-SOUTH SIDE. ADELAIDE-S'l'REE'I'-8UUTll SIDE. No. 1. 9. 3. 4. o, no, u, :2, 1:, u_ 1.5, lllu-Juan-h.) \ Ion. ; than uldl-nun, I-I . IE3. . Imam: EDWARD-S1'RIE'l` -N(lRT`H SIDE. OF CAlAD\. rm: ANB uumvs. hUU[SA-.`XTREEI`-SOUTH SIDE. Sept. 24. um. E No.74 , 11, I2, 15, 16, H acre oh-J lAIlY~8'l'RER'l'-.\`0Ul`ll SLDE. ST EM` u I. 1. II. I. I. H , ldocnuch.) NOTICE ROCHESTER. No. l lcrr.) 15.15, each ) (1,-oo'm;7-n :uu.; lull -'IIlIa|an uvu-u u. No. I0, I] (-1 acre nth.) '-l`or-Imn. August 99. 1873. O.;I:I.iNG IT CORK HARBOR. II. nu): I . Oonmmlioner. BATES 01' PABEAGE : ,1 ..u-unnn I-,..|.l ........_l:..- n- . u 7 nb Q llllalllilll. Itlltnt Cu-run Bvul. 'W li#lb5lVI GAIIIWIKIB EA -E--- `alarm: .'.' i In 7 one ' '3' 1 " }'n!m`.'x n". `' T`" '.'::".`.`."v%;'E"'"""* Urn: 8 lelodeol Warn-no-. mmccm snnr. . A..- I II ?! NdFEQuAEL:o I for rum: ml Putty at soul FOR SALE IY ha Boxuzn STORES :--London Doch.-- Exrnur Suaru Rom: ;-mh In-yAu, lmulanllall St. E. C. ,,,,_._.:__ L.. A- n.._;_.'._ |Sinm10ns,Cl0ugh&C0-s uon1IanuuI -15.. n. u. Wlwlunla Rrpmnnlatikfm IM Dominion I uf l`nmulu.' 1:] I(IN1|IHl.' | D. J. 1`. Anna, 210 Grnttt. Junut. Mm.-...l .1. `I, !e`um lmoalbuugh at on ddook, p.m..duIy. (8: run excepted.) or accrual of tuning Irqm Dunn and the iI,III m_Iu throw: 5 IoIilw\uhg.(.\|- ago And` mu Into porn. vnhout an-ID 3 005* Evening hut H Clonllnd, Table ind his Eric Put. no raj : lunch I-ma Use! This limits Ihiulusnuuat plu- -nnl llllm. min. H M 4_i Iml um boarun, Iuo aruupu Ina hull. VAR and OI-'F|CH-Btwun I` Kingston Foundry and Wnlor Works, |` {grin Slrudl. I H m mu A. I". HACPIIIRSON mum PUIIK \\'|u1`I Iulr. \'m|.rr mnmll. _, IIOsP.).urn' Aw v.:A.V1`uAIlDusl nun ms lUILl-Fl` \ |.\`r.nAl. AND Imu-n` DIICII or '|`UILl.P sour. AM) Plllulllf. Itll I LCWOII2 32 a 33. am non arm - . nommtonoou I _ |'|Ivrw-PnaI'. -- `I 'mu.e.;` sou-. Mu: rnru--x. , em, 7 .y,oe:.h, '7: t',1L.4RRI.l.. lllh, '18 RTHIA. . 18th 73 SA M.-I RI.,I. 26th, '78 } Nrlv YORK. Vlli 'lung. 0, 1813. __.-- luv '0. I873.` """ "' txxulrm-rvc mum-L nu.- I.U`0.\'.l!`H ll` `NITPR-FUHDII ILQ-' rryys 2:. * IN!`- J`. iii:i"r"1&'nn iii 0051 TT time for phaaglu and families who my wish in math drown pminionn. lnlnnhr nun If hdahcnlnvubwu I 51111 rnyum J. I. ALLIF Months]. on A8. G. rmxcnvx, Agoul`. OR G./INS. `mama-v om nu".-*1-u. Cluul. Inxolrm-ru IKIIADI. II. I \l'I 1`l'I'YI'II.l'{)I)I._ mL_ SHIPS. IP`-`E-;,-*~: ......;1-...,....i ..%..............` nu-nu ram: Ihununutvoulic wiu. -uni: 7nn-n Inmra.noo_compuLy Kiln! M ' ' ' mam }uvmou, moon 3. i`.i."oiE nlulnttunror non.---cuwn` loom. UF'II('.'|*'r-3I! SI. I4:-nuns. Mlin 5%.. l'Al310lY--Caner Onurzo and St. Chu- Ittrlmooh, Mutual. l..--`I'M mam iuproumentn nub 5 n 8:I::|:too up.-ilor in lip- ~I'IvM mun -AI-0 Al -Aft `I uh: W I -uvvu vu in -v' Ttiitillu llre and Iurglnr Prul COMBINED. 130, Iron Vnult Lining. Burglar- } l'I-ol~bni1I Hunts, |-`in-.Km..z tx...r.[ [mu Shauna, [mg 1),. (Inc nhlir Build iu ) In-eupn (flint: Ind Brod Boxes,` 0`? Dootg and Drain Jail. Safo. Balk Ill Ivan Dno- lath. Iron Indy: and Ghdul. Is. A hp nub ofslll) HAND SA]-`Rouble:-out mum-,n.'nyo on Lud.vhieh will be and cheap. Ala llnnlortlnrnf Dion.-.-Cuua-rs Tuoll. nEIlr'l'_liI SIL I`:-nan. Main 5%.. Piro Proof Safes ..._. _-._ ..--nu T `- The Genuine Iartt. Gnonlufs OOIIIIITIOII LOCKS : Arc uni on my Snfu. I 1: 1 Q.X_.P__ c1ii:`ini1T1:'uAPLA`0`,' Dominion Safe Ilaaufaotory . I IOITIILI. Jlllsa IIWII I, up:-nu `HEN furbunnoo of uhippsri in nub U 8` l`""' ' W. :'r' 0d whilll than Isl?! Iltintiouu :13 itu- 1 N05 93- '373 , nAvEiiF'tiFIAMns Ilhu incunnnionco Ihbh mum hit an null u the circulmtucu will u!- ` Sum OOHIUNIOLTION -H d' C. J. mwomzzs. r3Tm3?I~`_Y_ --J -v.--- _, __ V., Iumvgulgtsquu nro ulo nuw nun; dcliund, and by the end of October the Company will ho in puuuuinn of I much la:-pr numb of Engines Ind Cu-u than they Inn our Inloro had, and II the `oondiuonolth lhilluy, b,-us. nub-If-3 union ofntull for imn rank. and the ld- ` dition at I lap ugonl nl nidingn, ha ' boon very (hotly impmnd during tho 3 unqogt yuI',tho Company ht-[Io to heia ` I position hdon the 0nd uf (Dumber fuily ` In nuomnudnu thmtndool tho noun-.3 try uod by the Grand Trunk RsiI- -I`. Alnsnran-as Oompany, on the nu-mu guano :41 wen. u! nun- trul. and uh {hunky large number: of new nurow guugc Can Inll In brought intonu. A Icy largo number u! now nrmvpngoliauinu duo nu! being dalinnd. by it cullfnnn to the utnanru nmanmn gauge. All thi Honing Stock working Viv! of of Nlllllnll Vin Ill hie lu he chm Id ham `band In nrmv nu,-.-u trurlny I In have this rolnplol-ad by the time the page of tin llnf it ullond, it will be nmounry tncolnlnonco changing the truck; on we 22nd Bnplozubrr. 'I'I... numhnr almn umrlmm bqtwecn and Bnpumoer. Thu number ofoun Iurkillg Ilolllrul and tho tut munc--nuquontlv bu daily dimiuilhod beurouu the 2'Iml Soptuuber and (uh Uctuber, and the nbil< `lily of the Cum -my to airy trullic dur- - in {Int lonuig 3!. till he greuuy lacun- Id. Every ohm will be mud: to reduce the inoounninnoo within the unulle-st I14 naihg and this Iolico is issued lhnl the publw may In much mm M tho Ip- mnhing much; u! Gnu du:-mu the night nuaod. -' On the Gull Uchbor the line will be run Ila all tent of Mun- Innnl gm] nu tlnnlnv luuo numbers Ulltll TRAVEIJEF fumlhu awry- llhglndnhlo In hither Uh or Smi- `.".a` 5`:T"z'TirI` u`.'. ."."..`.7'.:s E21: Iltila,-`Wu I Uxdougumh ` Ind. . o rt- moa I.Illru:|.'u|nd Noll Y0:'t:`%l,1 ` Rallnnl. V - - . RETURNING. T`-Iv . `l.KAV.0 Vt an 'rnhus- ' `nu mi SIX P`. .........o:.. such eh. Haul uni: Railroad. with; by Hunt ya: an-en yarn. II in Life Dopu-uncut, it has written 11,750 policiu, and its low mo 0uh'l'|u lo uhulily moving in furor with the inauring milk. -___...._..-- .#!#E` an Inn I'D III! II IIIIV .l'*ln!w-Ir -lnutnu um suuaoru. Inn In changed from in pmrul width uf 5I'nk-I 5 iughu to` foot 8.} inn-hu,oo`uto nuke it confnnn the standard Amam-An gauge. All elm inning Stock working W pnenlaccuu I pouaeg, - Fmnunoundahim far dc:-t-lanrii lb ol_l0Int_!lnuro1uI-nod to boilhn It Iboul .\E\'l-23' II ND!!!) ' . DAY Ion-rah` W I put furs. Doputngont, |_a_u>uLr|-in:-`u F"""' - 0 ' 3140.000. TH08. I. FOSTER, Montreal, Gnnornl AAVIIL T311-T its `LT GIIAIID TRUNK RAILWAY. Ili`IilTA'l ' i_i60i'si#s, 1l-- __.I Z,,__ A... I.__`I Llgfaau or u.m:mnn, can Auffi (JULY nix. o1.'u.1umss. Clint UIOl'_T-1.-h-L-7.`: Ilglinhlo in` O and Accident Insurance. on as non Iivolllbi `runs. Wanted. Ikthl ouma. an.-sq`:-1. a nun. Ilouuul. Scpumber lbth, I873. \.J-L.|..I..\l..:`4-`.r- And .11 palm: w..c. Norm Wall And bath `Wm. M! IDA?! All NIIIT loll !- Qc 1--vw- ._-_._v wxwxn rum. AND IRON Ill? GAUGE OF THIS RAILWAY, "`In!we*uInutn0l Mid Suuuorda will -I....a..4I fun: in nrumnl width Ilfubfllrl IU -_ -UVICIZUI IZl."$m\ ~ 1 IX nu Ann LIFI NOTICE.~. Us. 5. nJn1'n.n, Ilonsnu, Gonenl Ape!- IOLGIR I KAN LE1 , I'\n_A.._'.. Q` BRYDGES. If -r. nvlwl |.r\I|z\-, Managing Director. -.L.- Ilnlu IR. mnnoetiu Nu: the Gnu! Eight ldlzutl.` Royu!InilHno,lnlIhlIInIlRuu Gun! Utllllllfl nl lluplou. The noun: calls :8 an Island `on In nturn trip in tin aging It I b'olwH; ; - 5- r ` l10IVO_ for Wolfe & Harlan llllldl UONDAY: - 7.00 o'clock 3.11., 8-1!) mm. Hall MI. 1' 3.. and I -Ill. inuuum :` 7:30 o'c ooh mm, 9:] run. I p.m., 9:.'I')p.|u., 4:31 pm. TUESDIY : E"'u'."-".'.';37-3 in !1in.'l' DAQHIII. ll. CHAPLIAU. `TaTn"`.T.i' I , H-ndhvdu , In u.........m.nu......"5 -an -.:..":"'......." 1* &bu-Wla Pllnt . , - .' J us...-rs... nu: o'n..u5r......._ :- I mdulgnvncu In nu-none mmuuuu um na- Ihurco, to. DB` J` 3'-LL UIIPSUNI PU-L"u1 the oulv otlbeluol one: for the gholg Inga, Ind :70 man: IIIOIII lo (III. Tlq hwnkuuly rmod buuduodn in lho lulu. lubon Anhurputinhg limit- &, l In hi! remuzry by llmr In. hlemuhin unl rlpid in u`lIm=.I uh:-rt I I1" prove HIM! eloa. Nu -noror updduumw of him nviiud non lb I-I-ML! ....-u M Noll-I bun. Tln lb:-cilia IIIIIIJ I oun.-go. 0IovoInId. `l'olo'Io. llolrcll. Pol-I III:-on. 'lIllnI`ILoo. "'-71:.--.""."' I-2 I "i--I:# '.`.'.-`.'.'_""'*v'-1` Igullununs ol haunt N.`I`II\H`l no: In thl oiu-u of Htll-I ban. The Specic ` luau In Druyuiin st II-WI bu. HIIHOTIIHI lu|tNh.|lc-lhikftz` -Illh-1l.huuniluadn1I|lu Inllhofcnin Pill: ntllhn Lt-1.0953 VH5: -t by U|i1.P"l|P"l`| -n-unhwmwul Imn uh-chuwnan II- F"|'II'I-3T HILL SIIIPRON I 00.. DFIIIV 9|. l`.U. luilbn. B-all In all whom... no luui|Dng- ns. lhnplnhll not punt-Iru on app.)- akin. I .\vnoul uIn1ut_\', tnnul Emiuinmn. We-than-In ol the Union- Iivo Ulann. I'll \ltIl.i0lI of ID "RH. Tmllbliugl, Sh-Q nan:-Q. lhaefoct Olmst- I indulgnvncu in I rholir stimulants and In- nhnrcu. to. "R, BILL inn. J. Inzu. SlIll's0.\"S ` I... .. ...|nuU lhrruur Cu moo LIJIIA . . . . . . I411) (lissuu .1800 I lIx.\':uLIsn .. `)lX)0 1 Ir.. I. t..n....I Im . '(lIl!llAN ... ..|Hll " 1'!!! June " I70: Juno Tu ho idle:-pd by equally `Stagna- on Al roguhr imoruludurilg '|'|(I$llI. I For lannn ul Fruiuhl and Plllll ID- ply in l.II-or;-nul In An. Jcamms. sromm` mm. I hi '31.-p Banal. 2| Walnut Slum ,u__\. JKAJAHE. mum-nu an-75.. M WM;-r Strut. 2| Want Strut & In X)nln'|l. to J, H. HIDIY. 9. _.i'13i'G.9. .3 5 ...n|. II.-I n Till GREAT FNULISII Rillbv 1'01 Nun om Uohihly, ntltnlrhtt. Noo- Innul F_miuim|n. W:-Alma: Q 3* `lalnnuu. .1870 nun INK) II regmnr IDIOVVIIIIIIITIII nnvlguunl. | For lenmul Fruigln Pang: up- pl in Liver;-nul In A X. RAMMIK. Helween5l'i;e'rpuu|&VMuntrea|. !THE following l"Il-CIIII Slauucn will a.` be dnpntclwd In-nu Lirorpou! n un- Thu Company has been doing bmineu in Cuudn fur neIr?y M yarn. and during f thll. time [In In-cured the public condence 1` by prnmpt Ind hbonl settlement 1:! ovary ; jun claim. It hu complied with thollwl 305 Canada by the depocit uf Htoch tn tho extent ul &';(J.(lI0. sad in prepared to 4` inn; pnliuien um tom: :5 luv u my utlwr lint clan L`--mpnny. Jill`)! DWI!` U`, IQOIII. Laurence WINT- I In .1 an Iowa E Cuh Recoiph. . I T &f.u .gm. Locus pdd in M yaut... . . .8'.i9.00l),(I()0. Lune: pud in-16 munthl. . 9,000,000. Subscribed by Stuck- lmlden nines December in, Inn 1 nm (III if. cmm. smums N. 1`. COMPANY. recon-um ' odissin-c:.ranz.c1u.up;.:` lI<-men sumo Ueoaluuer nu, \ 1871.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &5ID.(H|. Annals--Ian-I Int. II!) (II Illt I'll-0.) Cash in hand and in Bank. 3867.784! {-0. II.-I ll-O-On `(K [II] fl) Ulul-ll. Dllll um t Ivy 3 null uthnr Securities. .` Lanna nnl Rod Elulu Ulln ll) nnnu Raul Rama. . 1l.....o....... IL. H-XI XI-IUD . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Murtgngo Ba-uulu . . . . ! Bunk Stuck . . 1,! Unila-1 Bum Iuul Cny Stuck nntl nthnr Hm-|1riIieI. . . . . 32.3 A3 T N A Insurance company, -F-vv----- --~- - v-~--- - urulnouuv an noruLr.aIcn:6 "in ..,,_-_n_ `L . :v_:n...| ua_a-..`__?.I Incurpnmled I819. . Ixr|.uInuuu.I usu r-an-an--gun-u gn- Canada, the United scan.-usual Inn-olu-.. nun. Iuehlllil Bfockvino & Otta.wa._ nAn.yrA'srs; % STEAMERS I-vvo 13;: :37 1.1333- 0GD1:;'N"1'3"U1aGH, RHPIIVE- Ottawa. I99 pupil p-.. laminar, III " IX -ItIVIllIIu " II: " II-F " Than. Rood: an of lh mm (In; ug-Gum `l'runk.Iud than in conm;uont- iv an uuuhipmc-ul or might. when III at louh. ` H`. ABEUTT, llnnnu mm Ior pulrrll lnIll'll0lIUlIl.- Agonoy lnoponlllunlen nan. HENRY URIST. . Uihwn, Uganda. Iochnnic-I Engmoor, alirltor d eI1l'|.l'|I1'DI'll.[hIN'lIll. ' - ~ -BY YOUR TICKETS l'or Ottawa via It-oekvllle. Palm! (fkarangd or no (`large -max: xirnncs rnuws mu. El my I9. 331:.` Cash t`un|m.-o_5.ood.ooo.oo. 3 sun! (or pcinll inu;ruol':on.|.- unnmr lnonellllmlell nan. Brochulle. Feb. Mb. 1373. the a.M.upp'e?nahu Slwnu| . mm n._1m OI` IIAIITFORID. CONN. Ahtents oflnvontion H nj 1* cum 'aim:i| .nn--v ulnnlnlunnnnnn nut Ifllllf III TONIC` PIII-I. L ETV E. . l. n.n.. lo p.I.. Ln 5;. an 0* an " . I'll " III " ARRIVE.` nu n-.1I --.. .u. u. uuuu, . 3GlConuuinion. laud II.` IJIIKI I`. Europe. 7...... 201:. April. 5111 May. " l7I.h Mny 2701 May " 7th June _....-ll.. .... ..l 80...... .1. u. anon-, uunuhinnn- Inn fm.-m Perpetual. 16,030.86? its 15,042,497 oo. ..owa..oa uu. .. 405.000 00. 9'.:n,725 on. 1,331,050 00. uu:u.u`|, llnnuu -at 1wl.lnh n-uproot 3! Q3 II} uliv nu. ll . TUESDAY: - 7:) o'clock n.m.. 6:80 u.m., ll:I) n.m., 3 p.|n.. 4 pm. llurcmmm : 7:10 o`clock um. 0:15 n_n., I. .. %`I9p.n-.4-.Wp.n, 1: subs? =' - no ..-.1... .... n.:m ....,, an mm. VIVIIIB IIIIALLIFLI HIJIILIHIL L, ululsqnnu-u-nu-uuuubnn `n at ad 5;:-pron: db-nu hr uh htiuum .30 untied. I! no ($3 Iii and-an Ill upon: all obi iulagndnupdy can any In uh: -.AAW[.|.l; W, BI I-Illb. It'll!-N 1' 009-, Chum Stun. opp--mo (Lo Poul; '1`."..'.T'.'; The Grim female Brawl) -A-. nA_._... cum: - . . --.- -.sm.uo[ ILXWELL W. lTllAN(i. AGENT ling Plnrnmu Klm.o an-un...iI.. n|... Pun IS nrvu.1:T"u uzmcmz 1 -. _!'!"E`,F'E'_'.`9",':'1'!f'2 _"_"'.'1'_!!*1 ' ""'W`1Ti`if R F` `Assurance Company Bln hII'l`V`lll'T V` l'I'l Jun. 137?. The Sluunorl of lliu Lino IN 6m:-ndrd } banal dua-in (In kayo uf f\'nv~'.yIl:nn uf In . flll NI -UV fur lJl'| BEL` and MUNTIIIAL. on Io owl :- W nuxnsua 1 . 8:30 o'clock l.I!I-. ll:30 a.In.. 9 |'lIn., sad in pan. Hlrvlxllax ll.~l5 9';-.lork mm , I pm , 2:1) p.m., 4;-`I) pan- ' ' 'l`hUISDt\" : " " 5:00 I.m..D:lIl .|u.. ||:8lln.uI.. :.'p.m. pt`. ht n:l3U'o'clock n.:u., 9: an ,1 p.ui..` 2'!) pm ,4'.!0 pan.` unlnnv . I I-L4 I|.\I' ! .\n.uu nlnn In um I lrmu lnlnnd I'urh nu fan nah! In-nun. hnmpnmptly Ihlilibersll} ..g_;...-mi md F hi UIKCI a`ul'Vf|'_V JAN]-'14 SWlFT_ I,.-91. L. J. Winn. Pruidom. MIIMDIIH ARTII-`.9 Int:-mlinm Io nuulxr np tira- Liun to Pulinunent fur P...-1.-.,Yu.I|.. uillust lnr grunting uelusiw pri\nlmgeo.ov inferring mrporulo puxn-1-I for onunmm-in` I'll olbot purposes of pmt, or rm duung nay-I lhl tondinglo amt! the right: or pro r- lw o ouvnputln tn-hen-bvpmilio-I 1 I. day an I-I-qnind u Rufus of lhu um Houses of Pulilment, (I I-inn arr published in full in the ('uuau!n (.'a;aH), !0 u:v-- LWU UON'!`llS' Nul`Il.`l-I or lhu npplimtioll (ulna!!! uni dhtinrllg lpv-(`i_v.n( `nu nntnm ind obj:-ct). in In Puuudu mm-m, Illd aim in u newquprt pubhalml in u. Vounzy u{ Ulial oi Uuunuon nk-ml. -ending ru wu 0| `tho Plpell cnnluinilu llm lirpl And at 0` web not-was lo the I`rnIh- Hull Uico of ; n.:.L Mi Pe.nu`..n. fur In-am. mm man (J- ptuulul wilhiu Nu. hrlt llnie In ll M We , Sou-"on. ovvnq uu. HIJBIRT LIMUINE. Cfolk ol the Senate. III-`Ill-`I|` Jul Insurance vonapnny 0|` Ilnrtfol-|.I)ouu. ' E.*"i'%s` I Utuhls nl we I`|~|nl."\l 0! |'rn\I-mull Ilhvuon mock luck: ml! be npvll ml uni um-r MOND \\ . :30` 2h! IIUUIIIY. for tho- nuhacpti-vn of 9;uck II the I lw af.\l:-n- Irl. HIM-hu In Alrumdut Iml M Clark nnd FieldO,SIo('I Bmkn-rs. Ton-hm; -II-\'1rllh_\' I Htrllllv. Sunk nkorn. l\louuonI; um! loan. Kirkpatrick . linger, S0Ai`AlurI, Kingston. A. J. CA'I'I'.\N.\CH. PR1VA'F13: BILLS. __j- i872. I\i;cIx1:Ix " FRIDAY: .. B-{I} o'eIo:k |.n|.. ll.-`Illa III. 2 pm.. 1 pm. Rul.-uimz` 9.16 o'clock n.1n., I p.n., 2:2!) p.m.. 4:30 pm. v BATIZRDAY: -J-.nn ..*..I....1. . .. Illa .,.., ll-M n,ln.. -_ filll C3u....0O Aura Il.IlO.IlI `ll. H_f HE n-cent Mum-;Ir rf this pO]`u|ll' , lloh-L Mr. C. F Ihnwm-, hmjug norm- ad I no plrtm-rIIHp whl Mr. J I), I`:-rh-_\, the oohhlinhmenl, will d`1.:;:.u lu he -01- - d'uE`h`v d unJe1~'r`1I; rln of '8. 01 n.- .\- rm.-_. ,' they Inning I. am! it r--r a trim us _\enu. In as-umiu; Um pro vrirvnnhip lh:_\ may Ital! llxlt the Hnunr In umh-urono uumy ilupl'0\"llN"lIll. Ind lh:-_r5nn-M hv mnnlnnt , nu-nuqn m we wanna nl Iln-"tram-lling.. n..I.l;.. um la. l`.u...A.- .~-nu. u. n.. .....I..:.. I... ._._.._Z.. _.__.__._ THE rsnsnni BANK A D A H A BA lllIpl'0\"lll\"lIll, Ill ll|l`_\`1llll`I`J'l V Pllllllll u-'n-an-lling. . public and its fonubr rain us lo mlluin the plin-I11. rlmrtrlrr nf lhv Ul!n\tn," I: 1110 chief leading Hulrl of Muuln-nl HHUWNE IQ l'EI|l.E\'. u...I. on lu`.'!1 GUAllDlAN' Assurance Company, , E`-uteri! cs iuifj. .9. Tom] Turn! Fuudl up- Fhnef . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1`: Anna! Imam:-.... ... . . ._ ` i`....|. v-........n :- n.....a. Plumber: and l`opf)ersnilt`hs_ OTTAWA HOTEL, sum. Iunpuon. Jul. ll. IITS. o- ._..,. ._.._ _ 8.11 LKUA I : 7:0) o'clock 1.31.. 8.80 mm, l|:30 3.111., 2 p.II.. 4 _-.m.' Efullllo: 7:3) volnok u.m., 9.I5 a.m.,`l p.n;., `I30 p.|n., 'l:J0p.n. BUNDAY: ` 9.430 o'clock n.m., ll:.`lJ am.. 1:16 11.3.. 4 ma. Rnrvnnxo :_ 10 o'o3ock n.m., I-1:30 n.m., 3 p.m., O p.|n. Inn HANANHOHI culling nl Horn i Tnlnl I-n ran! AIIIIII Income... . . .. L'i.DU,l.ll) sq. I"I1I.lh Innate-d in Canada. Il(l0,00o INEUIIHTE AGAINST LOSS KY ,, I I3 accepted It the l.UWESTcum-nl. noon and Citiun ultlud without, n-trrucc to the Bond in L ndun. Illllll. 11'!` RI MKIQ . I'M . H) I-no INPUT. In I4 Ddll. IIOIIEHT SIMMS & CU.` .` ` I`IIKHl1L.\l. ' `. _' Qnqnl Agents for Lhnndn. 'J.\|['8` ll'c.\R'r[lUR. A .nnIl fnr Ii...o.... MZKELVEY & BIRGH, TIN SMITH S, urn: Sept. 1. I813. uuv v--suuv -wuur-r-1- -as-vuvvg .lDB u.-mar lII!0DlGA .l. PILLI. Tonnlo. July 8,1873. um I Match 24. I873. ` llny 1,1873. l'LL AND ('.\l{li(l RIHKH In sud 4_.... l..l-..:| I'..-9. nn fur. ...l.ha nu-um |.lll., J ]l.|ll., D pull. FOR GANLNUQUI culling II Home llhnd: 5 o'clock Ell, TIMIIIVI. Wednes- dlyulnd Fl: I- IIHURNING : 6 o'clock - In Wain; nu : E AJII._ Thnlithv And 6 nun orrTZ?i, Y ORDIER nf thr Iimrnl of Prnxininnnl lllhanlnn \"Ina\L- -..-Alt. mull MA ......I\ nn it. James 8%.. Montreaf. `rwnom. | IN`l'I l l| .11. !!! INCURPDRA TAD IA I.~`I.*i. N. 2], BIN! S'I'IlI`I`. ID IABIID I-ADIS, haul Joi-` Loxnox. xrL.an1. [lacuna-ni'Iu|.| F nun! Iguu. Agent for Kingston. (`an (in; and Pxinrua 314. l. 1873. t Duly mm. at cm. in uteri nu tin uphuuy period rich mg -II 0| um acute. \l.|-`HI-2|) PA'l`NlCl{. u.un.. Clrrk :1 lbs Hvune I l'L'ounuum. : dnyund Ifwlu Iusrulmmu ooolocx |.m.. Woulno y; 5 A.m., Thundny And g,m_.nn>`l B n.m..ou Frnr. or oumna. H`IIl'N'IPV JAM]-LB SWII-`T_ a,.-9:. SI. Lurrv-Inn Vivi A. J. CA1`|'.\N.\(`H. Seer:-hry. In`-J E. 1 . Hull, He-r-nl Ayunl. ITLIJ IA l\`Ill ?(;.Y({.. ......I ma Inrinl -1.1. .. TURONTU. . . 19.7 Stg. L`:.w mo 81:. LXI . L`. .- mg. w,ouo 82. I100.000 |.m.. vvouno-any; oA.m., uununy mun |.1.|l..Il|'l B m..ou Friday. jb For Pnnugo HI-ny uh! lnfnrnglinl lllf D lb Cumin K `lltilutlollvl. ._..'.._-_. CAPE VINCENT," .....'-.*~..:.".'::;..'**"'*.....g.. E.-A llfl ')ns'or xuirova srnuxns `will llnn linplm lol'Copo Viacom llnlmhn uonhd) It 6:3 L.M., I Uo- Cllllly-I --Iup-n R';1A:, Ila-nu. Vlluhtfphu at E... __j__..j_. Till BFEAXIIS -_-Z % town & IiANI.nv, Foot of luck St. J:'.nn_u. Pan. T. . ,__I-ii-h ` II. II! N. I n., has sum: an Policies nod I-`nrIdIh3,%| l Auouforoutyllm d`lJn%:'Iio 0 Do on Otun media): " . .'.: *'c5:Iu Bothy-hol1b_u.' nun Ihnrl-Iollllol nun. D-an-Q. Hg: 1, ujm. I.".. h. Lu-no CuIul-Il 000,000 A sum CIIIII XIII`--IUIIIIUI XII.` : Eon. A. llclouio. I.P., Pm. .. .....-*w...g-.:-.: u, ' . I o . 3.3. Hwhnd. .Iq., worn; bu-qua. Tun: . lutofoounmo, *0`! N In. I. D. D.D2`Pm. ll 3 n..oL. `I..- Il..n| [ifilif LliVF;i LIVIIPOOL, LDIINIEIIY All Ind lulu` molmnou u runco `Whuf, (out of Johnm nan A .-nln-uh]. Ind WDIH, IOOIOIJOIIIIIWUIIUK. 3' A not In conuniontl Wsib Icon kl . in and pntloncn oath hart. C. H. HATCH. pnxnnaur A-`Ill. A LIFE Insurance Company! llllll A-.- gOl.YNElAN.4I)o`I`ou,Ca .:'"': ~-~--3. ." *'-.'.`*v3\, V I ml; .:.'L'.v4u :.`S...,;,_ _ `nu, in min! 195 r--- huhn, hunky: uuu-du- n.n..m.nu.-_.Di-|-In.n..m-!v- ICIIT3 IO! Ouulcur. . . .. . .. . . ..CqHnB'1|cInir. HIAITAXI. P . . . . . . Dunlo Pun-on-r Show Mmnr . . . . . . . . . . . ..`. M00 Uuuzrrnun .. . " Fu I. lhuuax. . . .. " Cu-nidual At 5.30 -. 'ro}'6o'tm , Port nap.) Bowman lu,'I'oIonto Ind umiluonpduly (Monday: excepted), wnther pormming. M II! L3. (or 6 us, Brook- rlllo, Pnoeou, Oonuburg, onunll and Manual. dnl1y( ondny uoupud), oun- j noting ntliouhrul with the Shaun lot-~ Quebec, Mm-my Bay, Riv-ion du Lou .Cn- enunn. Tldmunc. And tho In-hind ivu EIITII. I-IIIUIIX, Illll IIIU lX'|I?III IIIVUI Sagan: . Puungnrn going to the Wu! our pro- nto Ticket: un Grout Western, Dcuui! Ind Iilnnkon And Michigacantrd Buil- wayl for Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, (Fund Huou.Lmi the for ull tho pal bin IhoWoIt,|nd |looviLPuI'- lid ' md 00 Ullh, Ncbruh, Oulondo, Haw-An and n.I"trlIiL_ """'""'""V i Farina `Iichh lynttho Lab and int kunboot HG. Lpr -an... \l'hu-I lam nl` Jnhnnii |'rhe NATIONAL! Tans otmrmY77.1Nu u; up. cd of mo nulornnood hll-!'ovond- n...I.I..Ii'_n-land, L`lnlg.Inx_ [mg saga, l of uulomma run-row-um . 7 . l'5ll``a,!:'1I!-lll-`NI Shun. akin :- III! ll-Illl IO UIII, LII Nonda and California. n.9.a.. -ra.|..u indnnln Nu-an and Cuilomm. cam: -ram: mm Ncnllsnd Berth: going Eu! uni Wl: ' For nuunmn`v.ic|uh tool; at the -g----r-_., , , mu. onuunuu.uu.nn:: PULYHESIAN . . . . . . .... 30th Angult 180 IBINLVIAI` Oth Hcpt. PR ssu\N....... ml 4-, UAHPIAN '* HA|l.\IAT[lN........ .......2':'lh " q:m;.ms_xAu.:......._:.... rm " Inn m..ummr..- ' IIIE UF Dll'AB1'UllE Illu- , KlNGS'l`l)N,oonnncing 1211: Sep- tonbcr. I878. n_a.:.L a:..|.:- """" ' -1: 2-- ' Tbaauumqiolma Pivarpool Mail Line A l__.lAI"I .-'Ii"'. in Cumin or um Unuou sump. ~ ` For `Notch mud any fun-that pdllolhn Apply to H. IIOURLIIR, Gone:-:1 udnl ol the Allnn Lino, comer of Soon nnd Front SI.nol,Taronlo. mmrm 1. HANLEV- nan m..-1.'mmr.- .\ _; _, ` MA1~u.mnA.\'s.pt.na. mm qf PIuIE:`rII Kinton: . n __ n_-# can on .-l71 In Though Booth: :1-|'van;.-ounonln has boon mud: by which pornonu within; to- Isring lhonfrignd; can obtain pnlgo ou- tlcatu :1 lower run he Engluml. In- land or &:oll|nd.to any _ ilwny Bulinu Cumin an Unitod Sump. 1.`... Tinknta uni nnv funhu uilnnhrn lemma mmnou cars] nu: or niarunn rnuf ...|... mu :1. .22.-2:.`-.:.:..*-.:-.m:: IUK ITWD STATS- W-ET! `Panto. Ink: nan `I hhplu 0 us- !` * . -un.m1ul. rll igggp, app. 9. I813. loyal mu Lino of ltounon. Aug. Ella. ll. Ivvu U . a-----.. ..-- -_, 1:: Can! frnm 887.1!) In 077.30. STIERA-GI 020.10- II II IIIIIHUII IIIII uni Hutu-I-n nu :9, ., Tudounc, and In-bpod OF AMERICA. |"|lf........._-..... is`! non GL.'I84'}0W.:i I K- .\v Ellh FULGEB & HANLEY. Anna. Oco. hm Bn;-18. In: - 1 II. n A 11; n. Pnnongar Apnt. I73. It I pm. Allvmlrh-nine 7 p.u.,uI lulla- dlh pm. &l_lB,1a-um n.__.|-_._ 1.j_...I_-n A W Sui!-It I-'IIi; can-U` w-1'--tu- VIII! unuagqnsasuiyggnunuhm m.wqg_w2.- at-IN . Inn with tinnitu- __ i In Duluth: calm. am; & isnuli ` 3; Mac, kick a mmu. 1 0` gun: I Ihfib :licilhlquA|itiu n-I nan.-nhln Inna-. in animal Chi {Ln I1 I'lIEI|lII uliun I-I ylvllulv-u with I-U Ildlltfhlyfrllldlqlblcl fffl ;FrI:Ang_uAnuu.: ._...._ 4.... __ _...____.., The Ornum mar. All nub! er. in prupml I`-5:.`--O L ..:Iu1 `Iliad "an-ihnn Wyn}. *2 For height or Punaf.Ipp`v to `)1!- I'll].-EYE currxu mun. :1 In. burst, Lollon; kuastu0., Quin. M SAVE) SHAW: JA3- IWI.I I'ICO.p` Inntlul. lj Comp-any. Oldul ahartcrd Canadian Company. . ood O0I.'I'0l-0-:I_l.0hl`1l'0h In-not Corner of Court Itrut. `uncut up u.I. in Puucxrn. Cmzo, Town: no Vu.:.aon unannou- CAi_nIu. Illlu uvciulalllyu .' S(X)'I'[.AND. Ml*'.DWA Y. '1` HA 515$. DEM` \. SEVERN. N Y KNZA, AHBASHLDOR. (Clnuii I6 `} |_yInoulII Iulnrd for PM- FI:!I._r|'I`!.) n..-. u.a....I..- am. Gnu \oI-.l . . . . . . . . - . . . o . . . . . . - . .'uv vvu I Through tk-hob hon I" pout: Wul at `relluood mu. ihrtlulu iunod to par `noudnlmun of hfinnring out their lriinda. Through Bill: of Lndnguuod on its Oun- nnl and In lnudon All pan of Gun nuglnlh l.h_Uui1nd sum in Dunn. alllu pohmin nu and hnmaoguq Wool In no I "H hohinliul-ilnluvingduvinn. uwulnhngt-uuou. om. . .3 or. think 0. l- RUH19 nL\ I. i