--2; W: P101-:51. - l`ho back bone 01 Ian- morin nqt broken. Pb" I Ill], DGPK. 10, Ar, Jo, Ann: LII- Azuwu. Snow oflho County of Fron- tenac Agricultuul Society, at the Cryuul Pnlnm, Kingston, on Wudnudny, Oct. 16th. HUIZII. Clxnu. EXHIBITION It Guelph on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thundny Ind Fri- thy, Sept. 16, 17. 18, mi 19. A--nu Rant nl Hun nnuntv nl Fran- ' Canada, uoounlulroa no onalnuu unan- ud inoupuaitiifar the `cnrdn of judiainl . _fnot_ions. in Honour. honour, in an . jxubqruisoe` 6! ipi-its which Irinu fun Au : indulgence. in - undnntood to hm ! uhibitqd nlhor Ihrtling ooeontriciu even on the Bench. Even that I: not the Aunumglnnm -Iuinh nu-hurl. mmiun him Ollvllluulluu Ill umuu III luv Jun`: aw ..... ..- ing on the soquitul of the gentlemen in the dock. What 3 npoctaulo for gods and men in this glorioul company of whiti- wuherl plying the hroo ol trying the men who Appointed them Commissioners. and who have nllbalnntjnl ponoml reason: for nding tho culprit; Not Guilt}. ._. _..1->-`- Puovmcuz Euulrrlon It London on Scptombor 22nd, 23:11, 24th, 26th and 26th. -'I..._._._ I:I__.--_..... - n_.l..I. .. PC.-IUD (II III! IIIIIIIIDIK In` IIuI|.Iuu- ` It in 1 one of you Icnbh my back 1 and I'll ncrnlch youn." Sir Joni! may: to Judge POLl'l"'l'I: "If you will whitmvuh mo, l'll|ce that. even if you no incompe- tent to ll the duties of judge, ind though you are fond of indulging in taskh'x" you lhnll not be ramovod from the Bench. Our Cmndinn Tuned-in-hnvoly iiuihting his New York uemplu, like him owning his judges in an English nobleman own: hi: cluplnin. Judge PoLl'!'l'l in ndmir- _|bla littod to sit in judgmcnt on Sir Joint. their chnrsctan burg much slilco, mdjho continuanoo in uico of tho judge defend- , .i.- _--..:u.I -1 n.- ......n....... in the Bench. lsnu um I not In ciusnlmhnoa which. perhaps. nudun most unlit for the position which but boon chum`. u :1 him -. or, rather, it is 0;? 5 Kurt n! I a circumstance: which p nun in untnun. We bclinvo thnton wooe- cnionr, within twnlvo In-untha, tho Bu of ' this Dmriet hu had occasion: to oonnidwr F the propriety ol romonotrntfmg Quinn hi: oontmumoe in oloe, on tho und of hi: I inoommwneo to full in dutlcn. W0 bo- ! ill bicuno no Ill ulmuua I0 nu Ivu. apncticarhichhu ooouiaullybuotxun i not glut ability; but which. an-opt in Cmuis, isooiuidlrodtoooaltitlhunsrb `Id inoapuai for Ihowxordu judicial I. In-minnn {Ha Flnnmuv. Iminv. In G ' oontinunnoe 1n omoe, um um: 0: ma inoompounoo liovo. also, (Int. 5 tition Inn to but bun presented to t I Lqinlntun-pg, ul oounogdn not vanmrl to say In}! of HM of the gmunda it- Mr. Justice Palette ; but In not reunt- ` ed, owing to thy ill mount: ether ` petition: nf gho same kind ngninut delin- quonl judges had met. with from the op- position of the Minister of Justice." _ H in - nan: nf vnn Inrnblt mv 1'0!-l'l`I"l uur Lvuwulpuluzy unw- ".'1'hia tlamnn non: abhinoid I any I pomidars nputuion, either :0 the Bu izr in `tho Homo ul Caumonl, ll be I! over Ialpootnd ol oomidlnblc talent, it bocuno he to Ml evil . ..-.H.u 1-hinh Inn nmumnnnllv hit llllll ""`.....'.?..1'I'I.u..'-' .z."..: .I.&... L}. AI.--_l AL-`._I. - _I___ ` no I: J'III`lIIl.dI-1TEf-- -- --_..--__. :.-Our information was t. Thu Brawn Jay cum I, showing n-It nu nil- an aunt _3ni*r1su,wn1a,AALvaw n. 137}; n -uuuu nonuor. my nun mum :31... ha but k out, and tho villngoin noted for the it non] lone HIDE V'IIlI0lllt]' .llldlhO IIIAIIO d Ihlldlnlhtlfnoinn I uoouuu noumc upun,Ind than an unyielding urfnn qua (I: D -hulod Immor. I] this mean: ncnvlau hnnhnt mt, uul um lo III 1'. 5. 5;. L0. Lug an well puma had the villlqwn Ind nltlen. ltld price: 0 not dilur much fl-um whnt pro- uil in`,-on lroutiar towna. The pupil]:- tion in utinulod n Ab-ml 600, and prun- In hvonblo for II many more in aim of I nu or two. Building: III pin; up on ovary hum], some of them of tampon-try duip, but tho nnjorily u Iuhuutlol u uluslly form the nuclear uf `lulu town. In Butt in [nu- riunr o( the lot portion the vil- K`! plot, but in hnu arc Iibonl, and nut] mum mom. in ginn what in- on country dntl-ion In on. Om future 0; hi: u work unnll npoci-I mention, and must oonlndi No not] thoughtlul :- till the ab ol tum :- ilgiiquotl would, in Inch 0 community, I30 I30 nun much Mbllllll uni away- Inno. and hung 5 ohmaio antipathy for porua In a km, to mornin- dlto pun-r about nah ahnnotan us could In rdlod d th tin u unhidiu ...`}':.. " r ! was 0! va'nIIoIIuy.|I|l.nowblAhIIIIco hnhovior. No , I1 village carpen- ugu in Ihslho townihipi . to Oh Diniin Act but ' " h lil IL` - clan-nu... To luv the am , old woods Away. And givp tho virgin eld: to day." The rogrou In assuring, eapocmllly so when I 0 obltacloo to contend with gun: coluidorld. The Iillngu man by dogmas from 3 more hunlet to present import- anoo. WC End All tracks rapruuntad, Ix- oopting, pcrhupl, u for minor onu. There an hill Iloau," AI Inch place: are nau- dly, onllod, two of them bung II Iup~ plied with A. guard Inurtmont of guuds oi nllnuct every dilcriplion. Una of than I bolongto J. & W. Bonny, And the other to GUI P. 3. L. Co. Th well puma I hid In l'i.Il!l'I mum. And I I eoma dietenoetu the weet, and which in WIIUIW JIIUWIINV U1`-C `III! Elven ubneeuvu eoalee, we preenme. The church, we are informed, belong: to the Weelayan Methodiste, who nuusber muiy adherent: dreedy, and who, with characteristic energy, ere spreading the glad tidings of Salvation throughout these remote perte ef euroountry. `fender in the distance we oheerve a oommoclioua residence, oc- cupying e preuinentveite. and surround- ed by indications at wealth. This in the home at Mr. Win. Beetty, the piuneer and chief benefactor of Parry Sound nntl the neighboring [me grant Ier:tiun'. Nine yeerl ago he came to this rough and ap- parently inhnapilahle region, interested in the lumbering bueinees. At that time _ Ieareelys eettler could be found in all the country bordering on the northern sh_ore of the Georgian Bey, and not even an attempt had been mule to survey or open up the wilderneee. Pereueded that It the mouth of the Seguin river were every facility for meuufacturing lumber, and intereeted in the preepeots generally he `began operations for the l-eoemplieh- lnent of his purpoaee. The water mill previously mentioned was erected by him, ` and an exteneive area of timber liruite ob- teined from the Government. The ven~ ture proved euooes.-`ful. end a handu-um income rewuded him for the mesnl ex- pended et the stert. After several years` operations he eold the mill, with thirty thouaend neree of timber, to the present Parry Sound Lumbering Co., and then erected the Erie steam mill which stands the int object of importance to greet the visitor when entering from the water. In the meantime lie was actively engaged in puehing forward the settlement of the locality, ueing every inuence to obhin Governmental eid es lar as practicable, and refining no imliviillrnl asaistsnoe in hie power to give. The ennsennanoe vaaa, e repid development of the country - reeds were opened, tmmehipe located and e general intereet Innnifeetedin the eettle~ meat of the Diltriet. A village plot Ill elrveyed and late innned-'stely tslren up by hopeful parties, who menlully wont to ._;_L _Ioonutobonkim] 0(Cb%|lg|I(Il'IinulO` \ l ' DU. 3. . ' To-mono! is Sudny, and in mint Ind qunrtun tor `ruling on that day. Lac 1:: follow this m.nin\I.rod Ihicli wind: nound Iho bill oltln hill, uni wlxhli village. Thu whnr! ind nurohoulu at E the landing no snug and IOGluil)`ly [wheel of oonnidanhln buaincu. [Looms are gamma main an harbor, noloaing lliauundn 0! uw-lngl, ready to be cut in- Io'bou"d:, IlIC1ill"l. joilh, plnh, tiin- _ hon, Ihinglu, lplhl. &c., for :11 than mnrchnnhblo [radon urn manufactured at tho Scguin Shun Mill, before mentioned. and tho mumoth Inur mill, fuitlaor up, belonging to thb Parry Sound Ltiuiboring 60., of which llxi nun hmmn A. U. I . Design, M.P., in the ruling spirit. '-Mil- lion: of foot of luinbir Irupoen in stately pilot, waiting Iliipinuntto foreign Imrlseu, whilo Inindndnf lnuy man no turning out note. But we mull follow our bnggnga, mil lave tho bu-box. nnd it: nun-uundingn {or another time. A short distance from the that Ind '0 come in full view 0! the villugu, which in built Iminly on tho right bank of the Boguiu River, A conuidoi-able ` strain of valor from the wilderpou be- yond. The Iito duoondl ' towirdn tho i cut, and i. not unplmun. The soil nl I I nndy, than ensuring dry footing aven during wot. Ipnthar. The human II13 scattering. and mostly tempornry in style of Imhitecturo And insterinl of eumtrnc- ` lion. ' `Some show indications I! settled intuitions, and give forth a cosy-like u post. Un the summit. uf the hill, to the left u to go up, in a nut littlo church. and in chi diltuice we use the Court Home, in imposing wooden structure, when justice tin with evenly balanced -...|_. -- up-annvnn 1'5. nluln-li In on runs -GIA.l'I` Inuit: T.I', ` - L ;. wwiluuuvwrnvupwpgnwun _QIu(|ryKz.ldIu. InIu|n- unhubytndo. udvuyilhngcuoh |.s.|..uu oununqulnuvuogu bu+od.udhohun-Ilngunlec-liar.` lluhnnlhIIIInbnIIU|.,IH% uofuonl, nndtihiounhu ` IIII IITIII , IIIID ` I I `tholunlnu-nnlu ;dnty,ugl val luhlqylinl. ' V A 7 V 6 vrlu _ cu III Mn nflny, chill [I ~ II In-hr ml: In. III loan-Isl. Aug. n-u.:u|;n. ' Ill) Hhnnrindnll ndfouunnnotiouohpou ; am 3 fnqnaughld ollpl an a dunno - :31 ltudnd bh-I lob !'3`_C;rrmoo.--.I:;.7n. L. a tag; I ".:~+.-*~2.'..`-*-' -W. :-. no r not . I ~ 1IvhrJnWd0. uh. -11- :1 ciynzutxgtzgnvuuauu Law. I v - ' `!,}Yr".l `IU|Ol"Y -C W H H '1`I-I00--PM uh Oi glu- tnll. II-I ' it , 10. ub':u?:u; -I`: lad on-. I (I! In! EYIIHIIK XII 50-418,. The following mombcrl ol tho Bond of the Clnnds Pacic Rnilny into in mun thra I: ttho du :-8u' HI: Allu Mosul:-.`('3`::u|bu-lanai Wqlku. ` llld Bandr . with n. Ir. Abbott, Bo- licitor. and r. Doallokuilh, Iomuly. Whnt In: den ut the nu-in d -citing: held In: not tnmpind. Birlllfl Ind tho nthur dolqltu to lqlnlll. it in un- domund, pl-culled tboir lorlnl upon. vrhiohilunybnu ruloinlod until in one. It ' thu t 0 Uovorlioll n Minn uni that man will In ngainhdtohrliunmlwlh nnuol mono fromtlu Inddhhgilhh Sir """ l~~~-II ll nponou mat and Uuul III" I000 25 strong battalion: in the laid in Spin. 1 ` -Dr. Kouuly tho lad Gonna! fnr ...a, * the Tichborm cuimur, hi: ni- ` dreu yesurdny. . , A I)..:..I..u.. ..-. D.-4.... J.-nu... ' DUI`, I0!` "16 OOHIIIIIDPIIIIUII 0' `DC In. of ovidanou. Tho Iubptnuu. it h nude!- nwod, have boon iuuod uad In undu In; for urviul upnn the Iitnmu. Cannin- uionen Day and Puloth lalt for Honlnnl by tho anninghont fnllowinu munhcl-I of tho Band of wonuugol mo uunm. lnoy noIIIII'lI- od npnu Tlmndny, the MI! all 11! bar. for the common:-Imam J the inking l Iubnmun. nnduu 01'ruu.-'I'he Pnaic Smndsl Commit- ninnorn had I muting to-dny of A couple of hours` duration. Thur prooudinp were understood to In prints, luring ru- fenuce merely to mom: for tho worumgol thu Board. boy howdnl Ix- nmu Thundnv. dnv Sunbu- |,|Ni|jXI. 'Il1i1.`uI:;I.-u|r I In 0%. ll.- --A may puoonaor on III nun Inn! mat with the loci am at the Welland Cum] cluml 015.1% dlllloi fit IVII ` trunks the ha in the anal, nil to cm- tain vnluablu Iruriu npplnl sud jewel- lery. She hn lno,o|nul'| hsir. uhuvla. diunondn, tupnll, brillilnll. Iilk dresses, to. She Ill going to Europe to 3 wedding Ihll I-NO Ioudont occurred. --It. in proposed to his inititw mn- Iuru during tho l'|ll,Irih nhuon to tho work to be nu.-nhd hr the Gavan- -nun uuun may n--u, ween eueouvu I1 I the b Govern- ment in Nae neighbenrh el Wind Kill Point. The old eltnnoe It the nine] will be deepened end widened, en en to allow the passage of Inge need: to the docks. .1: .|.-.1. --..-nu. III u -u.~.u.. uu-c. -A nnInberofpiok- ha uni black- legs are being into}: at Tm-onto by tlll doteztivn; they no Iron Bulalo and Detroit chiey. Quih 5 number 0! par- mua lnvo bun mbbod. Ono mu: land 3 gold watch And $150 in gold tlioll. lure: aurmg U10 III], WIIII PIILIIOII I0` oxoouhdulg ` ......o ;. u.. ...a..|.I.....|. .1 win: um I usuu - uun.uu noun. 9 ---The Mnplo Ian! but ball club of Guelph arc nady to play my Crinkd Club in Canada at oricht. ml their ulevan will be chosen from the hit nine taken us they count, md the Int in sub- ntimtu of tho Ioooml uinu. -'[;||o Mail my: Lord Duhrin "Inn tnkeu his stand upon the 0onm'tution." That in rsthor an uufortunuto position, :5 whuever a man stand: on ho noounrily tramp: lmL'ar foul. 'I"|._ II.-J- 'I..l L--4 I-`II -I-I. .l uuuvn at run nu`:-nu. -Dr. Palmer hu bun oluctld to Y!- preaent Albert count in the New Bruno- vnck Laginlatura. 0 in Q blotlll of Ir. A. L. Palmer, M.P. for St. Juhn. ~BnnI: stock to the Amount of .3,7,- 000 ha been included this ya: in tho 'l`un-mo uneumont ; Ln clot! II (0 In made in the City Connuil up Inuit un- celled; urn nun-- n--uu-cu. ~-Thero in I grul scarcity of VIIh' women in Muntrul, nnd it in propoud to no induce I cuupla of hundred In Iulizrulo hither from Englnnd. T]. I)-l...-. L.-- L--- -I-..a-.I 4.-.. - luuu Alllll, nuuuuuux. --Tho nmwor of tho dafnlutinn in the Trinity Huulewhu been fully lnid bdoro the (iovernmcnt. -MoMuIlon hu iuuod I ucond writ. timt tho Hail for I50,0C), Illkiu in l Il00,U00 for libel. -II but been decided not to begin tho ,wmk of duoponing the charms] bo- ' mean Quaboo Ind Munlnnl till nut nnnmnr yin: -uivlll. -M:. Gerikon hu noontly upondd 820,1!!! in inlprovemnntn in tho 8:. Law- I rem.-e Hall, Muntroal. 3 tips: In I pun. .-uuuu., T omluaunoxeogaauooanu Ian lqjotityhruunrnn m. ._-a.a3u:....._ --The Tu:-onto Lsrouo chub hnvo oirml tha Montrotl Bhunroch (N to py Hum. , , . . , ` H M. 1':..-;I...... I.-. ........n- -.......I.J Advice: frmn Rio Jmoil-o" link {list diiculmi botwoen the tampon] And spiritual power: have ulumod I gnu! ` upset. , 'm.- ...|..u;... :. 1...... -.. Im...-I.a -n1r. Wlmlley, ll. P.,hu Ihrhd on his return home . Ho unto: lhs; his visit. In: nuccouful. up hr at collecting ovi. dance fur the chborno chimmt urn con- } corned. ` ,-_,, _ _ . . . ._ A _ .LAIn.___... --Tho urn menu for en] houn- l3'glin race. 1: ich am tn hue Oahu p`uue on th 28th ind... hue hllln through, causing much dinppoinumnt In Aquatic circles. TL- -l.'..&`p.._-. -n.l A3-- 4|` th- '-..W_ JUCIQIIIC n ` -A Putin limor nyl ' Jammy 1 J.`_!n;m_luon hn mule a,'lo;1nsl dunqnd fur his rlutorution to hit flak of (3 `of | 'n;.:.:,... ' [III l'-IDl'l Divinion. .1- uputl. -'n.. rebellion in- .1.p.u tn Imugm to n ounclulion by two wash of Illa. which prevantod tho roboln {mm nnlnng 1 their mgditahd Attack. I D!-In-lam l4ll`\4IDCu --The nuuiouj md omen!-I of tin Militia in Ottawa. in conjunction with I bmzo number of citiunn, intond Intu- hining ex~Adj1Itsnt-UonInI Robertson I Run on blonmluyjvoning nut. - - ---ooo --- -- - 0Ill'|'.Il]. um! I N _, V '**.,.,.....= .. ., .... ... bid in thopu-lot [or our noun-Him. `And buvlotu inindlu Ilu lib "ninn hast," Ir. Kn-inn, Ivl his uuisblo alert and intonllbg ily, will do ucrything pmnihh to uh oomforubll thin you visit I13. I` on Homily. Annual 15. 1873. ` J. B. A. Avvna. A lady puoon r thotnin that not ..-I ..`|-..n. Ill nnn .l-_-_.. I... _-_ HUWIIY. ICBIAII Bt. I.u ne-.32! II 8:. Ann, 131 413 Bt.Antoluo,S no Tohl:T; -:5- _ Igjgohq. Iikbggoodwl ooauntuanko In. nt. -'n.. s...;.-... fol-out chin {a brilliant victory our tho Carlin: n I Benn . The Pullc lnvutlgatloll. I1eu-ed In-[$8. Ill loamy. August 15, 1373. KIIQ V ---II. is npouod that tho Calida III! 25 nramt Satin. LAST N lGI'I"8 INIWD. 4:.1ivUiAu] V EIOALI. 3 st! TIIEII - lolnul. suction. ' snooxn nu. Honttull. Aug. H.---'l'b Enllovilg in an min at the [talk In! the want.- I\1-`.1.--I I'I nun ~.- |aAcK. oomsswrf LCCfI'H' ZCCT. nun mm.`-um uh yu- Qlhfhl Nelllllb A.._..lI lenlcomsl TIE AIIGTIOI Ml-E Bunion & Phaeton. `I!-IJHI. u I W . Chunk. t Ibo j-.. 0 LI\u'T,wi`I.: I} pgglog scum. ' punt Iona! u u (Hf Inn 01 III I! any. can IO puma n r on my borhood; it innnchnoo than out and 0 nyuom Q hniq Id- Mre tins`. Iirh boys lroqunly do u Inll ma non. Pnmoulnn Inc. A 1)..-. WA`d'1'l4JU. ':;;:;;'_" W lllalneu that will PA! `nu!-lair: lumen Iupulud h micro nfQ_ bor|:_;od ; in: pro_ ....-vwvvvv-F1 53.33.10!- myp 1.1 ml. 1-- . ,Ur.lA IU||IlllUIl I-III - ' ` T131 Tho Mail ulllliur U. Pro`. paper: will copy he one with and "dust" on J. J. C. Abbott for pqynnt of their aural ac- oounb. -HuniIIA Tina. W:`TTE1?- m ANTED--TIN THOUIAND bnlholn huh burnt Wlmo Linc. Also, "twenty I-houulnd" bushel: of "in- fcrior" quality. AIIu,"t-on thousand" good Whiuwuh Bruuhu. sud " uonty thou- und do. of inferior quality. All to be dolinnd nut luck to the Rays! Com- lxiaiuuorl at Ottawa A "lurIhor" and similar amount Oil`. in all pbbubility be required on the "nut Emu." `PL- ll .-1 .-.J -4}... IT ll-.... ..-.._- -ll mun. Amy. I, lOTI.' ;uu uusuoyn I--.u nuns Pg uuquuuqJ I um:-noon Iltwo cfulock, than in lulu:- n _...I-u... I11 W2 Aug. 23.133. lll IWUTIIGDI II It. 0 CIOEI, IDOIIJII Alfnd, non of Mr. Thoma Ichnloy. and 8 month: and 4 dun Profnnor Win. who in soon going "up- urd llld onurd" for fame and for Europe in his immuuu Inlloon, hold: fut to the fnith. The day [or hit dqulnu in clutl st hand. llld tho carnal Ind in- trepid nrnnuv. in going forum-d without four to undoruh an uporimonl which mm: to other: one of nppnlling rink. Tho non pom hut in nun lnbomd to now tho Iring Pmfouor u: than is u nhnoluto nuns of oviulonoo of tho nisunu of such air current as that on which ho but: his hops. It will take sixty honll with 5 hi: wind, but than is I pnuibility of landing Anywhon from Africa to hp- lnnd, up Pmfauor Win. --BIn, vhnhu and that Brown will row Biglin for [$0003 lklo, Inna to know how any tidal Biglin In. Alrnu, ot nu. IJIOI.` day: `FL- Inn.-.l -.`lI 0.1.4 Atldrm quunn, wmre a. noun. Str laud, Capo Vincent-6 ball. 1 cut, Manna at Wnddoll ; 1 box, A Churn & Cu ; N6 III." chub tau, 1 pkg. Fonwick, Hondry 1 Co; 2 nun. Town; I In, W Shunhnn; I pkg,J Hurt] 00; lik J Browne & On; lpkg. Cnnbull D : 1 halo. A Mnclann: l uapnou I luau ; J pkg, M E Willom. __._... .u-u, . u... u u-.-----... . ,--...- ...--- lCo;l k ,JBroInne Capbull K. e!) halo, Mnclosn; oh. Iloboruon & Sun: 6 cans, Huonoo t Wuldoll; 8 an: main, '1` Moon ; 1 an goods, W Kirk ; cash, 8 bbll. bu qhuwno, White J. Bonn. Rh IAIIII (`Ann Vinm|nIL--II Inln, I tr Ucuqinn Tohdo--H0 our Mgcklouon C 00. `M I now. pun-h..'I-s-itno. ' Sol: 15- , lnlhu-.)0 """"?.`:.3.'*o. '3...` {1} 0.... Bohr I can . Kingltou (11:00; 370IA&I corn mu], R Canon; 66 haul anoktd corn, P'C0;|{0]. Ann. . acnr uoquu, uu:.c|'o-uv,.uu uuln corn, II T Uo. - _ Sohr B Folpr. Huniltou-5.l0l plpl, 36.424 W I Inna, Calvin & Hn-ck. Shop Jun-io. Chippun--3,m with. Calvin & Brock. HE lnnnnnin Ilnnlvu-`l3I I'I\l nk tinn- 1 vo; :5 uemu nun: Go; 1 bbl bwon, W cniu fruit`. R D Smi ` A Hillel. .. Bohr Flying Cloud, I con1.J Sum 00. an. m I............ 1'. 4| "U-Uoy. . . . ., 011030-129 bu E00. , Bk 8! Lurnnoa, ToIodo-l76 pen oak timbr, lcAI-that at Bros. (2 "l` R. Mnm.n1l--ll mnh mnr. G mnbor, lcAl`tlIllI' as arm. 0 '1` R, MonI.nsl--ll nah uugu, ur..u-n . -1 ..... .,......a.. 'r "nan. . 1 ..... lurny. 0- T R, Hunt!-I|l'--1 W ; 3 can, Ipaoo o G"fl.1. MonuuI-I ouu. D E Hul- Ang. II. Bohr Iontioollo. MilInuho-N,0m huh when. I '1` Co. Q4-,I|r Han! I-llnnn. Chimm-2l.B75 UIl\'kl C UTELM N B An u, onroo-236 pol tinn- hr. Cdilut Back. Ell Lake Uutl.l"lo, TO|0dO-5, 5lllI shut. Cmulthnrut l Mmnhin. wnou, uouununup nuopmo. Ser Punpon, Chu-lottowl liens hum. R Canon; 3 tiered hum, P Clint : l tiomo luau, G M Wi|ki1-non; b tiuwou hum, 1 Hal bacon, 1 timzo lmd, A Gun I Go; 3 liemu hum, W R liou I. n,..1 km 5....-.., w n...... A n.- In Mn. 4 aounnueqamuunqa uuuu-unu, C Beripturo. ` Bohr Vienna, Bay Ci|y--0,050 pipe aura, 1,794 pcnoul plum, Cookburn I: IITIV. ' U IVEMUGHQ, lll Wild II. 0 T B, Manual--I ouu. I; vo1:.lcIIo|ul\obaouJ.S0butndorlIt. G '1' IL Hnnuul-4 ans human. Aug. `cu. GT R,TotoIto-1oxhu'dw|ro,J llucklcuon I 00. In I.|-'-.-`n .- 1'nIndn...1 IIHI Inur. II [AID Ullllnfll), .lV|XO-U what, Coulthunt Mnophio. SH Plllnu. Chnrlotti---I Iii in , ` Hit Corinthian, CIu.r|o&-I Bib, 3 Ila Inuit, Ilsa Ba.-0 ; 8 HI ua1uia..,abd1u1m,Jadd;1 ,` C Berinlnrm .: lllvlnuuu -1`: 1 up`,- The funeral will Inks p`-MI an Stinky Allan-nnnn nli-n n'nInnI hunt H: Inohu- n HUTOHESOWB HIKE Thin Ihurnoon It 4:11) o'clock, Thomu K":-and nan nf "F Mll nlnlnr gnu! House To Let, l01:1il0Il'I0lBuJ.u uwrnuoluit. 0 1` ll, lonIlInl-4 nun lononq, Rnnu-. --cu, 1'10` an-u-- r----., -..._-_. `me. 3. c .7. "I ` 1!, '1 ~ . D II: 2 Coakgrllul Iil1l.i1`;l:i .'oImnu':u_n1to-In inn.` v""n'.Ta'., `cT"' m.u.."."?E'."; is Elm-idsn. Ohm, C Iqo, vbl: nun.-un, II Gin. Kinnton. nun: J. LAT!-`IAN I 00.. 299 Wuhingwn BL, Boston. Inn. 09 'lil`."3 The Graphic Balloon. Llano Wintcd. ; o'mg.'._uo uni l ` , Co. . ml 1-`!!! W ISIIISIIIIC gm 0.; 1o bbll, 4 :61 Mill Ipphl. I gin men , r UUIIIU} Aug. 91. 1he-lm IIFICUIQIIU In I 121: -'MjCIII. Ah-I Show in Id Ihh,oclo`ohak. ueenan uo mount nugmuon. nono- hriq the Innuvidouu * um llla|`l`A!`l.'{ BUIDUED by Paul. Put`: New and Wail lvtg. veuezeetetvpss M nu; __" _ Free of Charge. :1- _._; 4:1- ,_l!L:-.l_A 1. _|-_ [llAlllII;l_,|Al_I:AI gnmnual l!""'.`.;'_-".9_.."':"l n.nu:x;.{.i.'iQ.m..... UN IARTH. ' 5-.N.lI?l. Suhn Aidan, Clubland, Tun-unto, cod; ~ Illa: Tholplm Chnluutl. Twonlo, and ; Unribulaii, Buy Oity, Oolliu' Boy, lava : Ounnoh. Olingu. Ouwqu. ooI'II_: Don- mrk, My City, Kingston, unbct; Rmhnr. Tmv. Ou-on. and; Lynn __.*-v.___-.-. `www- 11: may Inc and dlcult trick: pun: hr- ton Ithlphd. 1._X__nQ-.___-A|__L|_Q-.A, , ,_ _- . . __-_r,_. -_._... -- r-...r.... lE8T_lIIOIl lI III!!! II TI! ll). (had-ul Grunt, PI-inn Albo. Fin F|y.III Ind tho Woulhrful Talking H lhnIhI.A-g 3,33. E2 " at an. WQNDEBFU L STA n'n.mn Indonod by I rung! nu: nonfat ihifon 0? TH] WORLD. I Commencing Imulny, hi. 25, I --403}-- `I'll WILLA! CANAL Per Konrad Lina. Pn--r nmnnlin, Ann, 9 [Opposite Bra.niga.n's Blocki II-Inngan Khan. A- |WM.BEGG&CO.I suokzm SALMON IN GOOD PRIME ORDER AT THE [Italian Wa.rehouse.I PRIPAILTUBY CLASS lldcl` In otciuu mute: will be opund an HONDA)`. 25vh in.--1.. if I Iuulnt num- ber of upplicutiom are received by (In um. deraiguad. 'l'Inln at. but must he secured. H nmlms usuuurv U! mr. Luuuma ul- niatn ommu Brimn and Chair Huh: `'1. (`-em-go`: Cub-drll. In-on tonn- uounm to him pupiln. friends and the public that ha will re-umo his lesson: in Mudc (on Hands)`, 25:1: inst.) _. .. Ci:-mxhnu wtenmlo Inland At Mr. I. LID mum); sou: mu. 1 Cimulunu Mad At` Mr. '1 . shay`: Boolutora. Aug. 21.1373. he ROSE Brand Bacon IITALIAI WAIIEIIOIMLI HIRUII-My un sill nunnuu uuuus Lennon, Ana. !.-'l'ho tutu (or at the Scoot lxohuun on Gout-uncut neuritis is lonr thus the Bnnk of Eng- lnntlnhby mount. Th unomnol bullion withdrawn hum the Bank of Int , had on hohneo Io-dny in M,{Il). Sugar-Guioid ' GOLDEN LION . HAL: '1'ilA(,":'n m`u.. Public - label of the Villagers! Pomrnnueh. 1 Appliuthm Illlly ulnry lo ho mud; on or bolon lbth Bopteber nut to M1. an min, See.`. n-0--unnlh Inn `XI IE7.` 1000 ` Fl JR HALE A \l\I\,J II.` J. K FUJI SALE AT `II Ills Iuruur OI Ionmd St:-oo1.g'." iiggsion Collegiate lnsti-tit}! Aum 2l.1s.- D-1-I-ha plrgound nu.) TOM THUMB, lllll 1--I nun:-r unuraruh. STABTLING, AU HITUL. IDIAL Id IDUCATIOIIL FOR A SHORT REASON ONLY, iivgr ;:r(:Ig'il bofnu Ch people. Aug. 19, ms. lr.u.n'N wnnnousn, Pnnmonlh. Aug. 90. 1873.5 PROF. PRATT, I3 I-IILl- IRIYIVIPIIAI ms-n.a.lIo on Bnunhy lun- Fmu Ifokin Iu'tln'I Oryr llukmu-ncr of Prjnoou and unlit-Q` Illlnlll ICVIYIC TTWIW Wuunutol, Aug. 21- Pmbnbiliuh For New lnghnd, Iiddlo Suki glad Iota lah ngion gnduily. diiiniaung puuuro, light 3.3. In IIW. windn, partly cloudy nsthnr, and Anna! light nin, especially on tho Atlantic cont. Inunnn Ina K _'l'Iu run: `(If ll. uvcirfunlh .' .I.lnoon turdny van-"i mat rfnlnnk in In-tin : Dru. EIIGAII IIIIWARD, un-9 nu l\III1 1111: .3:- The STAR Brand OW 0!` THE COLL!!! OF mun}-In nfpunl High: Anti Fhnip '&haPnuIndC|enguth0 Wanted. Povfs svoun cumin F AIS -- Vary duliciou-- /A no`m im, 3.1:." Aug. :1.-fan aljb NO! Yolk Olib Qi!!,I|jn bduyfcthlouohllnnglup, Ah oouiu bah; jinn Fonllqulnnnnd Bhuknhndbuoyludhok. unuq us Imam niI., animus. hoh8nuIholIindhn-. Sr. hum, Aug. ll.-Axlviau has l`u]hI.lIa, uytlm. Shari! Lou, who nndntbyllolynchctudl lnlornfnw dnyIIp.iIiIulyinoud.ition. ` HIV Yon, Aupllf-The Hun will ------- -A--.-...-.- .. u.. ...a.mn..I .1 W. R. lIcRAI & Co`: Nu! man. In `Lillie ml. WIMY I WARD. Anntinnnnn 8. WOUN. sous;-ra.:a-nnnnan `Kg-`KIWI. la. anon um. l"*"`E_`:`;_!'?{'`~4 0El.IIlTEBI'|'AI8OA" Al I Onh HABBAUK&Co. TELE'gr_`2_APHIoi1 AN: CILIBIATIII {II rum. I IO! M H ti LE3. Of QIGIIOI. II. Guru 6: Co`: lnnnl-nun Ullollctuvhnug 3 nun--u `Aug. ll. IUII. w'Iuuu Tanuho. 6.-In. A. I. HcDonlI nu ma qua TAM NIL 7.-Ilm Knfh-`IL Mm, nun ulna. TABLE No. 7.-In. Inbuu-cu. Mm. Idionl. Mn. Dlvlln, In. Nohmln. lhrdn Id In Xdonoy. TABLL No. 3.-In. P. 0'BdDy and In. P. IAINQHI. REFIHIIMIN1 TAILI`.-In- Juan Hurt . `y Adnidon I0 null. Ant`. Iv mo JVVII. TAN-E No. l.-\ln.'lkrIny Lad In. Cruumlnp. 'l`All H. 1 II_ I I lL;_A_g" Uu.1 uuuu I IUJI5 In liq-eotfn v no ' a II gnlelilli nmivvd if til hlhvilj Elia: mums Ho. 1.41.. 1.. 0'Roilly and In P. Browne. nan: No.`9.-Sl.Iuy'uBuringSo- cioty; Mil HEN:-il. Socnolnry. TAHLIC Na !_Mi.. ll.._.. and Il.. nnnua no. a.-.vnu ual-In Ind In. A. J. Mwdoaull. FABLI N .I.-KII. IIGN Ighlnlli Mn. Wm. Pirwu. . An. In. mm Immou, Aug. 22.-Dupachu from Alcnndrin gin ponienlnn qt tho lull 0! 1 (righting Ikuncr bound hum Singu- pon and Bhnglni to London. The un- nlwuvnchdlnllnlhdu. ncutho uuhrn uutnnu. The capuin. ollmrl, and touch! thou-ow won last. Thirty- nix nun Iuoondod in gaining tlu had, but fall into the hand: at the Bonnulu-I, a Muhonodnn tn'ho on tho than 0! tin Gullol Adan. by whom they an hold u .-_;.4...- IQINDAY. September 80, '13. The Home 3f_ _:_-o;1r_idonco, | It Innou x '1-nrxnn nu or-nuns: THE GRAND BAZAAR R. 8: J . Gardiner, FOR SALE ualaen 0| Union to choo-I from. - The Nuns} qvelliouin Luca, lllulioll md Kaolin Ilu'lin[.Nur Shade: Ind Style: in Lu.lieu' Silkou-ts, with I pmluion on` nwgum cannot in nu! lrll rlplinl. A liu-to Iuuful and grind unnu- mut on I e Nova-t Mllorinh. pnoduood the pliant nuou, ouitod fox Dunn god Gunman. ' " Suing, Colnndv Silh, Black u.d4`olor- ad "0! nml other lama. Frinnon. Gianna bums, Uo|nnd' Sills, Black u.d|`olor- other hon. Fringou, Gimp: and Unnmolnn Io mulch Ill ourbnu Goal: 9 ~ ' Skin quay...------ -.. _____. Mild lhipol 5| 1 pm. :-Hunky Int . Il.Ik.-. Ilnnnnl Ilnllnnniun I1 All oftho ghovouuoorodnonow CIIITEII FBI Ellll FAIL WE: Elegant -Novelliet. NEW GOODS! nu , nu- --nu.-u. aucvuury. TABLE No. 3.-Mi|l HOIIII Ind L J, .\Iuadon|nlL fa. J; J. cnnnmsn 0111/ HALL, aocio ngnu WONTRIBUTTONS `IO TE] TABLE I up nnnmfnllv mli.~h..I .4 -HI 5.. Kl-an-. A... 10.1373. .1 M ,.{....`......% ;.;.. IrnI.hinthomunnu!doloilolhnIIil- li0dDll\ilhOTr&lI]. .. -;A___u 12--.. 3` An Inlpoctioo mpoetfnlly solicited. meat IN PBIOI sad the Stock of such ;'gE.}.7i.' {.7'.o.L.7.iIa"s{.'.i:'E an potion of um and judg- __.-_A unlqi ijklj rt!!! BLACK (BROS GRAIN SILII. ulllnduomo Eldon Coloured lh. Elma: Shade: in Raul Irhi Poplin. large s-arid DI I'll-ll 0" Ilhllfll, Oncmo, Aug. 8l.-ldwugl Bun mwnductngof train in Ihonuac uollinim,` In not yet ban npprohondod. -no aGIncI"|l"BupinhndInt of the mud to-du ofotod Ann:-d of om thousand dnllu-u for hinnrnu. _ u You, Lug. 22.-A hound ooh- uy of Ionnonihn from sin Clilil ....- 1.. n..I..u. vnnhninv. Thu hr ARE NOW` BHOWINO PRINC388 BTRII1 . W W Hall? "1 3' `' """' cum by Hollltil yIlll| dl!- Th`! f3 cln4|Bf1niliIIInd50pIlI0lI. and. MI- .L_:_ __.'J_......-. IL-n Ann` '1 In n. cluataxsnululunuwpu-.., ....., .. chair prdoouuon, they no` wall to : bringing that uoo,ono in gold. `rm use today lot mum, Ind. Sohn a Union, wk` Gnunuootl, ra- Inu nil. VERY l:_AT_E8T. u 1.-u. Pour Couoln, AI`. 21. . u}.s:un. Kcwvnr n ma 0i|y'. 1 .1--&`U"NlHbWi'iII plhlhllgpnd. luqmuuh thin} ` vulpah-bymgzl on-um-mu, iiilhlnh A. `uidly II:-I lab}-..III BI -nu) Juhl. lhulaikh 1% pg` E--I-iiiniih. |Z..'..v-7-rm. EWTTTZTVTF` r ' ' uh VNII .'.'.'%`n"a:`.`u-a..me".'Z.m"'\3z3 -u-a--tM=~--rm-29-vr galiubuin Inlllhalhcdq h'."lQ*4v W Qldlll 1ilIlInIn"hqb,hpiI"'I"|"o'|""I""'` in-U-no pug` in-nu. tam... -m.;-deli-rd-dye-I-t l*!-a-.-.!-._- lazuli all Indus in-Ir F""`l"`7"""" """"""" uunn_n-luul,-uundnhin. Ifl-i-ii--I'M!-III--i-r ' ._._._.___-, -Judah II.-IQIIMIIIAIJEI-ll` I TIUIIIC `It'll; WU [l'IlI uhnhpupuonhowingvhun I- Kpdlutu clrmbuguu-yin. `III I-|ovnxcIt" hon nu- Ilu-hy"b||InI|oEouo doounou `dlhhanhhnpu-nr unnnho vit- j. Iiu only! jugld t lqpu-hllllllv nnnlannnin in xdinll (find. TKKJITD it |nl-I1 uwululn Ilalruhundnlt-pnnry.thoKinp Inbay Hnmthnt ulna: sabbath) nn m `Audit: It bhlnyuu-uybuytlutbgl oluuauulk hhu Knuth oolnnu .1 -._. ..A.._..I .._a.:_.-_. AL- III..- Ujllllj n: WWW: vvv in-vv mhdosh thcil uuugimion against Ihbdhhunlynuunuuuu dulotlhoguundty oftho Pmuhnt uh-y-viliutlnlpyonlod tolnniu, hgqoqithynhntotuurn to Ilhliahg will Ivlionthoir culolhlununl undo-N-Haiku ouduluntithlhualnlalilooofthp ...L._I.___l_..kI- U: Ivuuuu aw -no rviuvuunqu ----u-., 2 mom, tin It in gun, ma Colman nhn not go; but, luving pnoroluly [inn it ptobationu In an it lqnlly night In the N. B. Choliu, Inuit not allow than to Iglnt out tbs bottle on New Bmuvick pond. The Act In: bun nllintln jut-udld:an' " at Nu Provision!` I-an-oat, Ind for in Inodiation or lvpuhh `Jntlwlla and upponlto lhu say. u Ilquill continue to ngndit II thank: and opptn. W0 Inn nu|..1...L4 ILAA ll 1].. .-iauhn gnduua -In Iv: -Illlrluvnulvwl -uvuw-4, uv up-nu .cu mule b an Fotlonoy. l u-um, Kan-Annn aL.- It L`. 43.11; Oh: l`n-nuun- n- un-nv--u-av us: now u. ucurnilil up-J-un- tho time who the ounotitutinndity ol `ho Act was uutboritntivoly settled, :52. Ham 1 ._. _...la a.. oh- l..l._._ `I.-sh... Iallniwlv wuu - uau-uuuru-u Iv-pvvs for lodallighu. It In thought by on-othuhoylndovm pun looluln odor to protoct I I-oligiouo minority in an magma as be its rights, but u in lnmfounu hunt onondnd beyond `L- A:_- -|.... lI-- ......o:L..n:-..-I:A- .1 AL- Illh N.B. Catholic: fool disposed to will hnlurl-stilt the School Act, thnir opoluiou will Iun to ho oonlnod to the Lou! Lqhlslun. tho ouu of Common: Iuvinj done :1! in in pow:-to nnintum oonointun with I constitution! Impact :.... I-.;....| nun. n -.. .;.......a.. 1.. LJW IJIIIWII Illu LIII Juulumu uuuuuuwvv on the constitutional point: involved. The LII Onen` opinion we: made pub- lic lut April. and pronounced let the cen- ttitutiounlity of the Act. The ROIIIII Cntholioe, however, contended thnt thin opinion Ill ulueleel, being at purfe, tho] not having been invited to subunit an ujuuent irolnlthoir etnnd-point, nnd Hr. Cos-nun. on th Nth Mny lut, again brunght the mutter before Purita- Inent, uniniuved that until the Judininl Committee (which hid up to thnt time mud to dn .4); uijudiontod upon thn ceee, it nu the duty of the Governor- Genenl to disallow attain Act: puned unending and continuing the qriginel ; BuhoolAct, and rendering it still more oppnuivo and obnoxious to the Catholic minority. This requoet, which we no- pl-Ihi at the time, Ind It-ill ngnrd, In nenonnble, III grnnhd. although the Gpvernnent attempted to mm it down, the Premier dellnring e vary shlo Ipeech ngtillt it. The Catholic, however. an we heve eeen. have been unwcoeneinl in thiIlIet,uIinthnirothOtI|I|Itlln,nnrltho questions involved in the NB. Ihhoollotnny he npnled in net- tled. thn hlghcet trihnnnl in the Em;-in having delivoregl its opinion. ll .1, u h a'\_.L-I:.- Iuuru Low rip-uuvv nun-an --`nu. nu qucglion was brought _|gdIn'r-Plrlmont Haring the Sunion of 1872, whun 3 rue- lution nu ndoptod upreuing rogrot nt the conduct in this matter ol the Provost- sut majority in NJ}. Leginlntun, recum- aunding . modication of en. obnoxinun A1 .-t, Ind nnuuting tho idviuhility of .olm.luin' an opinion from ch: lnglinh Luv Ooou Ind the Judicial Committee , .__.4:;..u-.._I ....:_i- :..-..1....l III] VII`! !lU|.II'IvI'J In III nus A, sq - n .v vincid Act which Ira I0 hunt: in in pro- vision: thn tho Catholic folt justly Iurinod, uni, undsr the Confederation Act. Apponled for rodnutn the Governor - in-Council, who docidod tho! the Ant In eolutitutionnl, who unto-Conhdontion nchoul privilege: enjoyed by the Romm Gnthullm boing hold innucinnl to justify the claim of the minority thut. they Ind bofon 1887 upnnto school rights. The .-.....L:..... _-. Lanna-LI Lain:--I3-rimnnl To Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JLsthun&Co. Homp1`oInt......Applyst thi|0I:I. suna4nonu................can;m.I .........-.- .. ... ..__ `It will be rcmombeud that, prior to Confodontion, tho Roinnn Catholic: of New Brunswick enjoyed mruin school privilogu which, if not giving direct. Ir zinhtiro uncliau to their upu-no schools, at Ion! indirectly authorised their exiutnnco no such. Thou privileges they Into dopriud of in 1871, by I Pro .:....:.| 1.: ...M.h -u m Iunnh in in ma- ,Wo nd it mud In the Mininkrilll print: tint "Ilia Gavomnr-Oman! ha rewind I dnpdch Iron: tho lmpcrisl, Gonrnnnnt in nply to Mr. Couhgufl Now-B:uuIick'-nnolutionn, and tho du- pntcho! thy Govu-nor-Gotwrnl which an- oompuniod Ohm. Th: Imperial Govern- .._... m.- I ..Ai.-4.] n........m... nf thn Pri- companion IIIIII. IIJII nnpunu \lvl'vIu' Input [tho Judicinl Conunittoo of the Pri- vy Council in ovidautly mount. -Ed. B. Wyn] onaplutionlly pronounces. the School Act within tho power of tha Locsl Logiuluturo of ow-Brunswick." ~u n, _,___.\.._..I AL-Ir ....`..u in TI! 3?: uumm sonnet um. numv nvnrm. mo. 22, 157:; IIW AIVII`l"IlIII'I `II-III . ' "UPHW PI!` Otbom Dioor." I WELT I WARD. Andaman. ---r--- --I--' Idt Oath!- ..._..A\_.n:.-hnn 'lIj'j|`Z1l\lII'?VU?I,7".| ofihouuhlluhhthonqhnpdupug lghnplulllloui. vhnrtthgggpg. m.`.da..n...n.I A. n....'....a.. Anlu WI VIE nniann -In-U; -----u-war-v-II GUIDING ! hIm`~`3%Iq ofnngivu Iillnty vhlod. The nknnilll hd Ooh `opp! .uu,uun A Jtlibunlh _ i_ A..|._....` and no 'l\.AA.'_ lwuvlgyvuuruunv H? 1 III; h l`udyI|:|RaI|D'lIihI conu-01.: .--nA.In-JAE-I-and: IS.--_I.. Pnuol Own. I :-idny.--'l'h urrioo opaudvithlhpod an inn (ldby up-an-.1. ti-B-out--xi-.-r-us-c-e I|II'l'II)'-`GM-ll Allllh. tlndlh 0 I'D! IND 5! 4114.-" 1! an-vi-gunman: ht n -II-n-6,`: ' qlngv-I u-nun - yu.-u, In 'AVv` q~ gdthtudnckohooting. Ouollhhlb In: An all duke which in In: Iboul lou- HIIXII IIVIIZIIEICIIVII Imulurl tins dual-iooovggnl, Ighi-1; !dnknoryuu.uIMhodnIuha`Hlud nah iqug-uuxu-auuna`. v-cw u-ufurvy |.....auup which lnnhoculour L..-)-.1 u... -Inga ALA an-A-ant Iglring How to Do Ir.-'I`Iro well how: upon- iu bnohuion adding on K11; Strut noun . ting up onhnd into I cannon not to -ndulpin the unool intoxicating liqnot-I, cqnouudorn you-legal 0100.01.- .:A -In- Anni nlunnlinn u.-I A3. Quin : EvmncI-'l'hq Uctruit. Pm; Pm: In: I utnngo story. being tho Aliq- od confusion 0! n convict in the Klnul Poniuntiny, vlrho in aid to in dying. ll- .'.....l;..5_ . ....-s ...-.... ..--..'.. .'- ............. , ...... -.-.-. w v-...,..... Ho impliogitd a great many partin in Ouulasnd thomoof Michigan as M- in; guilty of honutung. Ind OQC nu-hung -~ 4.-b+-.- Bnrrlsn Noun AIIRICA Bun.- Mr. Ponfnld, the lat Kinpton Manager, In now At hi: an and man important put in Hnlifu. Mr. Orchard. tho Ida temporary numgnr 1! Halifax, and one of ti: I youngut yet. moat oiciont Imnupru in til Bonk`: urviou. hku ohllzl lore. Sr. PA'l'l.ICK'l Pic-Nu*.-'l'ha Cnmmi`.~ too who managed the: (wan to wall were Mann. P. Longhorty, John Hllligun, X.OoIroy, P. Hnrty md Thou. Bullh- Ywnr Rum,- not quite correct. itugood Iooond, I in; qualities. l`nclns.-Tho Tuclm-|' Audcintian of Lonnox. And Addingtou will and at Nupnnou on Saturday, tho Ellth inn... for dilcuuionn. -------aoo DmcnoIo.--'l'hou pononl who iport- od onreontn Int not huo hang them nnynpin. 'l`hoyoou1dn't nuke them full. ionnble just yet. Tn: Pourbnll SAL: of Buggies st Mr. Buchanan : to-marrow. RIDDIN at Raw: an making a nun- enu in Ivory name of tin Chin: Ton Storm ' Inch inquiry nu nnttlully Ida thin the Innuoltho Boyd Ooh-idounwln published an to tho July Pobll cu, null why Hun uelouodalolny on the Ivhitonai. Thu Kantian!` Harold fur- Ihlno tho gentleman with n chnncm ihih ions how judidonn In ii: uloc-'-' { lion for en. mi in Iund. 01 Jump f Pourn our cognuinponry writes : I aIrm.:- _...ol-...-.. n.-.- nhlv-innrl nnv I Excvna:o.w.- I'ho mnm of Wau- tmrn will Arrive lure to-man-ow on tho Hand. :11 , 7a'lDHIInI chi.