tenvr Grocery, JQNES` EH-`G.\'0Izl"A, lvsr m~:cn1v1-":3":- I YOU mi-rr"cTooD Um misc 1% ....n-Ian.aiI & _ srmu BOILER: NEARLY NEW L Annh in Jsa -` mm on-I L`.`..`. .'.`........."" "`........ ..u..~ Bu-mp; nu . Apply to m THE 33:53. Everybody :30 so by unlng I72 Prlneeu Itrool. BARGAINS I very brgo unuhunl ol J;pnno'ui"8i1k, Willcrw, rum Fin Cantu upurdl. TRY suur oun (A-`m an qua.-rm sq-re.) LIQUOR STORE. PmNcr_sas srnmrr. aura-Aims. V vvxnrnp. I.aIQI7$EC (Newly Roeoivod.) It`: at an dot. on my. Jun 8,101.1. son _AL:. :_n_uL-ui-aaI-np-- Jglcxzw n,xu.s, cnuovrr ems. Inc! M: r ___n. ; us A ll and In will con- J. `W. J()l\'!-`H, ` Landon, Out. I Uluu, 413., L$'C. , 4'6. I `IN! |'l'I. | A1` URIGUB38. 1 Tn: Euvmun Dlvl.-Ion oclxrv 8unw.-The Society in making 9.-vary pro- pnmtiun fog" its summer uh nr, to be held on Thursday of next week, July 2inl. \\'u `W hope that tho furmor uhibiturs .uu] 7 I may 0|,11(l'I \_nll contribute ljbornlly to I ! the uncut: dapm-tuumlu ~-imlc-ml nuke an extra exertinn to com: up the enact- - A od deciencies in the Ilonl department I` * though the drought. I .....oa3oo--- `I I TDII In nvuryguuu nu-an nu .... r- the furniture was not then. It Ind boon nmovml to Bcllovillo. The iron shout tin vilhgo an still smouldering, and no- ouionnlly hunk out. to all forth (In so- -1..- -.......0..nn nf (Ina Iillnnnrl not App-Iv. Wu might hops h but tho pntlnmn ` in Kingwon only for him audition: our congregation: an perhct--thny unnoc ho ;_.....-..I U003. -`THO |1|'0 ll bllrl I nun: ulu not, we no happy to lay. -lutmy tho hur- nituro tn! the Bur. Mr. Muolxlonlan. Thu Ill unrygood union for thin- , L.__.'....._ --- nab kalu It hg L Olllonluy lawn: `run, UII -._. tire procnutimu of tho vilhprm ---- O` __ . l.U.U.l'.--'-Al n ruguu. u.-...... u. Kinglton Encampmont No. lb, 1.0.0. I7'., held on Mondny avonimt. thd following . ntlioon were elected fur tbs current term. U00. 1409. . W. J. B. Iclver, Scvibe. G. W. Andrews, Tron. W. Mocllnlwu, J.W. The ollaon will be imtnllod on Mondny, my um, by Dr. F`. Fowlor, D.D.G.M. ` A lonlu MAN.--Tl'Ie Rot N. B. Komklo, u! Amiover, Mun. ulurtinu himull in the Oongr-mtionaliat II fol Fur Bah or to .L4t.-A I unnu- tor, pnuuud of 0': unhtg which any *ehuI-ch out duiru. Ii I mounted hy tho tint A|IpIiI:nlII. A perfect church and [not apply." nu- ...`...I.a 1...... t. Inn :1. ....u-ma , , .. Exqmu:i1-I Cnouos.-MuIn'I. Onngo Judd I. Co. are duing the hnndlnmc thing by their Iubocdball. in pnmnting than with we uquinito chroma. Tho tnwborry Girl" and "llinuhiol BI !!- ing," on holull cl their two toll-knoun papon, Hunt and Han and Ancient .1gn'oulhm'a. `nu ohmuu um printed I! thus. in colon, to [India Ah hug- Aonpyisnow within olynndd wry home. The Journal haul! in main, Ihilo u Agricuhuwid in he vol]-known to ho pvsinod. ,_....._.....: _. ---~oOO--~- PIuam|.- Inn goth and vandal: Inn `for two `IQ `h-u:hou\hovlInIoH5oI.'l'.` Guy. Iuthnnchuhd inthhwmby hgtqobugud no-nli yank:-Ia. Iiunhuoudinouolluapiniawnluo bIIdiu'II,Ihld|nyIrquo||I Ital-IIII"IIIV~ F'|iI-IiIl'I,'N! | humus! Qgthoobupofulullflqllli. tund- tynunayhountlnlll-nginhlli villbonducruinolq. IIdI001`0HLI.lL 1818!! PORTER. low: l Halal on Beau.-Ir. In: In- 10oIl.ghloulI:ud.iunnn|hnoCuv- IlhnnpImiu.vBoinhIulIi,InIi| shad I-natal. hilnhulrdn.-I uululdluqi-hnnpi,unud_lutti| ugly Iriltlpln ldnf-U30. E ggulhnuuu ghllyndvdd AAL- .`_`j | jli unnuy. gnuqujluuuuu -u uupaupuuu-. 4-can-amt-I 2lIiIjO,qjVlXplI%I' g|"`IndIuInDnlin,Iu_vljgi- ? * udqnsuinhiunniuniy dlstuillrsl-lqludcl gnu..." but-i-t no cheap trip -tvn` `Vzint `hi! week, the Mum! boing ungqod lor neur- nium throughout the Ink. On Wallet- dny next. the excursion will be held. Wmnn Mama`: unions are nut. rm quinrl lure. Thu new Inspector of Li- muaeu in no vigilmt that can u! nailing after prupur hour: an nf daily necurruuco in the police court. Thin morning Ignin s ne of 320 Ind emu wn put uu. ..oo-~:. _ `No Run.--'1`hc farmer: no eompl|in~ in; as they never cumpluinotl bolero of the had Inns of the crap: through the drought. They any they are irrt-tricvably ..._. 1 ; injured. Till Humor Mum! is nfl to-rlny on u1~ other nwe|l" uxcuninn ul I00 gentlemen of New Ynrk, frum Capo Vincent down u thu river to Alexnndriu Bafy and l')gdInI- ' burg. [N 'l`mr.-r.--Dr. Hur Ind Mr. John (iliddon,v him on short visit: I homes. . l Ic-Nun. -TM]ny the children of the Chrintinn Schmlslmva n I iv2\'u: our to the lalnml. They Iuticipulo lino npurt, and have 8 line day fr-1' it. ___ _...-no ,V_. l ._..$,,__....__,_.. ,..._- . _ How Bm.|.s.~-Mr. John Hcndonon hag received Bow Brlh, Ind it in I olpilll ruimbor. `A . - .101? Tue BAI.l.-TlleI0 no thelong;-1 duo 0! the your, 1nd yet it in so warm. Thu time in Ilnu.-It wanted. .wr}Ds"sD.n' E\'EN'G, JUNE 25, 1373. ______._.L.-.-_-`_-_-. ._. Goon.-~'l'ho lira M. 01:11:`: Mill: did ~ I --~.,-- -- --- .!..a..n-n Hm fur. l`.0.0.`!-`.--M I regular muting ol .. _ _. .._,-_.....-... 93.. In Inni- Armr Exp:-cu .. 2.) mm. Ilprnl .. ].l5;.m. Mind .. 1161:. I !. J. i gxilg ritilr awxiig. Ixpl-on Film-9. v_:. 1}. Ion & Go's. Tu Cnnr Ex:-1'|uuoa'.-Tlnero will be no tn Cape Vincent thin u .1, |a__..l l_..... ....-....J In: --nun- JSEE FOURTH I .-ll-`E. ---t-- lllum of Lrm;-mTn.}.uuza '1I|nntnlI llllhll. - FORAND TRUNK RAILWAY II ' Sale Lot. -A pa-fact minis- r. onunuud every qunhtg I Ilborndnrlfer, C`.P. W. D. uuniun. HP. 11... I`. RM Fob. M. 1878. TOWN AIiifq59ui~qTnv.3* er unnu um Kingnton Mulch. ` `CINE Wklf. lulu. 410mm. ' .. 3.45 p.In. ' 0.30;. In. ' Iona L"lI:.' I Arvr .. 9 l.'n.m. tl. Ill. . . II. III I. u. .1. nnvnans` Mlnaulng Dincl lurnoy, Hf Uhitu, u, of Clovnlnncl, an .1, 2, : _.,, :..r.nuIu.m_a` . - Mlnnulng Duoclor. .., _.- their former 2.1;-nu` 1.35 p.m 5. I5 mm. In HR llmh IU5 H bl II I unn nvuuwu to 11: per yd. ' lllnck Skut 70;-eryu1l, Iurtlx`J0c. Black Silk: 1t00c., wurth $1.26. llhsuk Silk: It ILUU. Imrth 81.40. B||c|i Sllh It 31.75, worth 2.25. Blue, Green, Brawn. Slate uni uther Shndn um! Colu:-3.31.013 per yml, wutlh 31.26. I I (II) nu FAN(`Y DRESH l;`H()DSc )- i IJXK) pl l;`UODSc\ from 15 uulltl to .50. wunh from pit yard. ' 90 doun I'ARASl)Lh AT COST Llamas 6 remg/iclrl, 1.n3sTi?ui1;1xvEn ` I ` V ' `Ell VIII`! WIIIIIY. ` H: CunAdian-qudo&|?:ciI- ugh .4.` o...`.".iZ'!..K'e..e.. .. which nonccundhn Whitley in sub- Olt . , I` ,7 I08 IALIII 3|! 0I.`B' LION. AI `GIN ht ;'--GVgN"l'I.E7I'1EN S ann'z"'1'- '3-rm. . --..... .-an . nasurvnn Liverpool House. PRICE. `)0 Juana LIAHHI [TOM IN ALL FANCY GOODS. Other Linen will he ulvortiled in n for dag`. tj- l00l)uL H001 HKIR . 20 each. `Gold Jewellery! Ill-ACILKTS. MIC Int qmy OI Vnlhll` THUS dvayn on hand. n xmxrL'rn1ox,| Dlnll. Black Alpncu. from 20 com: pgr yd. ' b bnlel Umy Cuuon. He, worth lilo. IIOO1-1. Printl, light and lurk colors. 1322., worth 17c. , * 7 V W "' &`.',' "x'a:.'n`?..a"m"L glass: on _ _, ., uu:?nd%=l#D%S?sMC: .._l..Annn Drlnnnna Htmll J: Dnloon :,| us. JonNs'roN's,f f Of the nu-out and man! Elegant Designs I rm: com .u-zwmznv 1' Silver rum Wm. &c., i 5 GREAT 3.41.3! THE PENNER CIDER. mnnulaclun- on the old runuiw-. LACK]! E ALE uud PORTER, well up. carefully Imulml. CHll'I AW\ WHIPIKIE9, Mn1l,]Fu1ni|_\ Proof, Old [M 0. 111...: lflaim Winn. Mnnallan. (`Imm- Prool, um In Clnrel. Rhine Wine. Mmellau, (`Imm- pqne.-, Uuundian Nam: W | s, &c. from 2. snimzsy Sun I` i....c..:.....;..:.`.:.; HAnnAcK&Co.,` 3-R3633-.1`:- "NEW IEADQUAITEB8," J um 5. 1313. I `I'll lltl-'1`) BIUNH uuvn. urn unr corner uf West and nnlnritn Slrw-tn. ` oppouit the Water Wmh. cunluiniug 13 rooms. The ailuntiun in our of U1 plan` Iauloutiu the city. ipplv at the Bnmnu Wum (Jinan, arm HRH. M&(.`MA.}'AMIN'. Kingston. Inna In `R73 \ _ WELl.lNG'l`0N S'l'REE'I`. June ll. I878, Great Reductions IIII.I\l HI Ul-nu Int qlllity oi VIULINB nu CONCER- HHLS nlwau J uno I3. I873. NEW ARRIVAL. :1 vi ' r 200 000 rm-n`-QUu.ITv un . _ 3 mucxs rm 9.1. by I! Klnaltan Buick Colnpnwy. in [om/o mi: patch:-nu. Applfm T ' '1 Jul-IN HEW, \I I 01: turn. \ LICE. 20 uluwn Lldiu CORSETS from 30 .5. A new lad Qludid unortment nl Jun. 19. 1373. | ()Rl{0C'KS'S CWITONH Reduced! ...u.....- ml I June Il.'lM8. `Hi name FEE: novel: on use 1-nrnsu-nf Wan! -ml nmm-in Srru-tn. IIINHI unduns IN TEAS. UUCLUI, 50-: `'7' C II MARAE &Co'n JUST RECEI VED Bbkl 'J`LB. | PURITY GU KRANTEEU House to Rent. PRINCESS RTREET. K13. ucuma, ms. RINGS, &c.. u. nun r.-Iv, \ mgyg, \ ` R A! `the Ynni. COMING, COMING. OF THE L.-ITEST STYLES and Best Mlnlnlhttlxra, which wall be sold M Inudo~ mun npln-n }_1I'li_pAIIIl. -Ilqeuupuuu. Incorporated {loyal l'IIIl'If|'.' HE COURT nF'1uREc'TnnsIm.-a.v 4 gnu nmioe thu I HAl.l"-Yl'.'ARLY mvnmzuou ||'u- me as 10 m cu-ntpor | nunum om thn Papital of tho Ink INN be ; pgyaboo on the 5th day of July. I37-1&0 I the Pmpuoton oruaueo rrginerod in the Colonies. The `Dividend will be pt} able st the nu NEH-hung: current on the 5th div oI'Jul_v. 1873,10 be xed by ch Lou: Baud: or Mumps-o. ~ I3- 'I".._.l'... 4.. In: nnn4I.. has-mm Ihn I i Oahu in ?Boot & Shoe Store,). `.3111: or narrmn NORTH: I uunro; Iluulgv-1'0. No Trumfen on he mu! bourren thn 24th 'LmL.Ind tho FRI pmx.,nu Iho Hooks mun be cloud during Ihlt period. I D.. ...J-an ..I' u` Fnun-1 from tom: _Agg coumv.| gm: BLANcHAnb cums I: :Ruttan Baillie. : `rowan.- No. 124 n` how. S1IoI,W|l|1l . l;xndon,i(...lldJuu, I87). H 5 IIIAIFRIINJB. ' n||o,In nd gull P0 1` I |Fai'ming IrI'1plcments',l BCTTHIII,-3:TH8, HAY FORKS, A A. , 1- , I __ ` Also, THE FRMSER AXLE URI-lAb'l-1, the best it. uh. EA. Chown & C0,! Another clues for the lay." To mu: fifi mu LARGE QIJANTITIES or SCYTHE, llilllf, Ill runuus, BAKE, It, In, Now urivip. the hi-Idbor on co Cuh.UauenI-Ilhhduaul Uu EARL STREET, in lho (`ily uf Kin,-.,n mon. 'l`hu~ Lot huu u fnunuqgge of H! mm by 264 fl---I dump. up--n whirh is (`I v`(`lI`d I1 la-rgw ml. lunliunt SI--nu` Builqlin: -l(J\`. !i, two lIl0l'lI!8 high. luurlhur with baaenwnt and mlic Mil nuthluhlms. 'l`hn-ru in in L`-nnm-Ctinll tlumvith an exmllentanh-u 1 in In high mule of cu1l.i\'nu'on. Terms of payment :-Hna-four-lh of the pulvhrtue Iunney mall. and tho lm|nn(`4~ in me uqunl n.nnun.l ins-Inln:r~ntn with illh-rt-nl ` I at -n-um 1wr:`o'II(`. l luv ---u-.. I"! .1-xu`. The highest or my under not necessari- I y uccepted. ISAAC SIMPSON. Hon. Secretary uld Treasurer- Jung `)I II`.',` \ i`i:is;-9-5~Y I (IT :i!N|, on |'r:I|cc-as b'trt=et. nenr Di- \-`islnu Strm-L nu which is 3 Hh-Ina I)wu|lin;_v II--u.-us and Uutlnnlding1!.|I 5" guud sum of ropnu`. The home at present occupiekl by Co]. Hwrsotluau. Mun, Hm-.e lluilchng Lats uijuining the u|x_wo pre- nnu-n.. Apply to I-`RASEIL .1: (.iEUl.(iE. ENIIERS Ivillbc remaivml nl lhv i of the lmderuigured until no-nu .- I-Jlh Jl'l.Y m-xt,fur the purchaaum Pruperty known In the I'M! ILBI. IHIIRIH. House of` Industry, IVALUABL: arr?" 1>no1>iii'r_Y [ 1!-on SALE. P ernmbulntora scry the-up. Also, I complete nsaonmeptrvf HFIEIEBY and LILUVES fur Llg.li|'u nml (.`l.uldrun n Wear. 7.... c- :..-.......;.... ;... :o...1 'U..n.-'m.1.In P. HARTY& 00,} Boots & Shoes, rnplmu. . milk: and Sulina All oulura fbr 1.n'uuning purposes. ' _ ` Blnrk and While R4-nl [A01-n.nl[ widths. Em-I. _qun|il._\' uf KM UI0\'t.~II. I COINS. Nut lulsulu Iuul l.'m|)n']las. lixtm Value in White illld (`nIlnnn, 'l'nhh: Lino-I1.Nn pkiIIA.TOIElGId 'l`oml|in::, White and Culorul Quilts. A .VE\`\' LUT 0|" LACE CUR'l'.r\INS, . -..u ..I..~...n chi-up. Alan. Icov IIIIII I-U Inn-can u-u-. -4.. By rn-dot uf tho COIII1. A ngniggnt Stock uf Elam Ind Fancy Glilnadinuoin nlitho New (Ioloru. M..... an... ...m l`.'nIr t' . nllnl Is-i.l. 3`"f"-153-"-?u LIIITIU Urjnulinuoinnlltho new L0l0rI. _ New Black And Uulr d Silk: gnnl Inah Pnplinp. Hillu Aml Sniirm All onlnru [hr trinlnlllin no. 1, lane 27, 151.3 uuu. June 24, ms. l. M Iu'1rA_~x. April I5, 1:-13. I IUUT Ill-21?]-2l\ l'Zl). new/r'Ancv nness nouns, :- Junu l1\.1:5T3. INTER 60.000 SOLD IN THE UNITED ::'l`:| IE5`. l.L'S'I` M, M 31 'SLlN5. ' - BTIUPE LAWJH. M.\RHh`JLL'E.~:, J Bl{ll.l.lANTh`. " B.\'l`l.s'lfE.s', And PRINTS. London Warehcyruse. im `G009 ? I . kg`: AI. ha Quu-tn nod Pinn. Quanta` " " mu, 3:, ms. Martlnm lfrysuu lllork, PRINCI-`\'~4 S"l'REF.'l`. vest. gr An inspection innit:-d. Nu lrvuhle D nhu\\' Gouda. 'l"l-3ll(ilIH034`s Bl.I)l`l(. Wlwlrnle and Retail. An onmly Now Stock ul mlrunnuumg mo... -n SuulHrr5 reggae. , IlAG( |'l` STRE ET. -I VII`! OLD IIAIIDIIM )m_u own Inrourmou = nn4'lii8lv'a V 0. Bunny`: T_hm sun-. 1': Single Btu. Il`..a-I!'. Ann IIIIL 7 l-`RASEIL `.--2 THE zi1'w-' R. W. BIADI-`ORB, .`-hcmury.` .. a. , . IIn.|.1, I #1?-'FI-I r- "men .4` nl... ul lllr ml the frmw GRENADINES. Efresh STRAWBERRIESE V smwaennuss ` lI|JVIIl.lI idvluniivlnp an----v-r--- | An llmilulion In: my I Hgh rlputntiun ` for honuruolu rnndurl am-I [Ir-ll:-1mi Arnng Stlrucnn, J. H. ll|HJUlIl'l)N.H.D. ` Elya tor Ynuru: Mon ru-nl hon ul mhnrga.` Address. Hu\\'.A.Hl! :\HSUl.'1.-\'|'lU.N. No. i 2 South Ninth `ixn-M, l'|ailnd--lplm, Pu. ` i In 6 I872. i ITH IIIEDIATI POSS]-".88[0N, FAR` of 160 Anni. on Walk Inland. known In Kmpp'I Pain " nlnrlv I in Plun or l l-ngplmi and m r culI.i- , ration. How are n nun and Mg Huusal on the !'l'np-l't_\'_ no well In Barns. Hut , Imilnlinu-n nml. ()l'17||InL 30! !!! U0?! Cnwl i . ; Gflllr-"' Cuuun, Merino nml Silk] i(`unI'u-t-Ilom-ry & Fruit store.+ ` glow-vn;i_:so:i_n. tion. Philidnlphls ` `_,, t.-. c..- - LL.L n-nulutl.-n `on the 2'1-ups-n_v_ well In turns. um, builcli - and Dwlmnl. Seton Miloh on tho an lbr ale Ilm. The plan in yo mlilnbll [war I nunnmr luidam-2. AI it in guutifullvnilunted nu lhu t. lnwre-ncu ` Iliver. Irmxila splendid ashing qround.- rll. Apply In _ WI. BNUPBY. Iollhgmun 5:. II71 form Ii It--ulna '15- I` 1- YOU war A man bxucnocs mu: or ac: can: fun. [in : _ Biuiiaorsull. I a has of awn`: mun anmuzsoxa Lu APPLl.'!!.(.`U0l)A 140115-4 !lU1'hul .u and * may apply at mun `AIDIIS IO? , a "61-`u scorcn _ r... ...., ni-hi. ! Brown. Black and White Yak Lace L IIIIBERGLOTHING, U. + Richmond & Boyden,l N sum 10 HURHFIEJWIIS. nd pynlnle If inch $39! in not inkl- mnu unybodnud. Immun- nlldlle. . l slrrma a PIICI. Llhihuu , BRUSH DOOR MATS, luiq..nu mph. Iudmon. V'ux:. ICE CREAM, ' ICE __CREAM; yr .1 . nBIn l.i {JUST KECEIJVED} Cocoa Mattinga,` CW HLWIH. LVIPUIIH If every nluucriptiun. EfIj_']I.`lh and \'un;u|i.nn `- Homll mark--I .n\n: um: L` n\`I \' lmulusa H mus hlluen IIam:II-cun'I|wm,r-uu- . Iucnciug at I34". em-h, .\'v. I New .}lmwIn. Mnmlus mu! [luau-r.\` ufr H of A fllllrib/tlflllllllll nfl liomll llIl|rI(I' f . . . I 0. 1}. I-km. 0.\l.'L M .c. :1 pair. Extra Hmwy Ribbed St--ckilugs. in white, in-own and Uxhml, at l'. ._\c. per pair. :\rhm': (ixfunl an-I ('muhr'.:lgo lh-guuu Shirts at 500. euch. Hnod |':ulurm4 In Lace and Muslin t'ur- 4 taina, at $l.`.'0, :El..'HI and 8|.7.'r [WT 1-air. Twin: Twm-(In. nmluhlu fur Ii:-ya` Iuitu. ~ 1!. 171M`. per ya:--I ' I.:.Jmn White Linen IIumlkurvl|iofn.cunn- J Athmliun is mp4-riully clan-n`lu'Il tn the fa-lluxriug very dcsurnlslr aml L`l:.uu.p Lllma. ` vi: : --Wl:ilo (-`nu--un. 1 _w\ru| und fuur iu- . elm: title, selling at l`.!l_gc. per ynrul. Urey I l Cuttonn. 1 yard and four imzlluu wide, u-ll- I ing at llcl per yard. Fusl. Cnluurn in, Prmu. new styles mulling M. l(|c. pen-ynrd. ; .\nlnwn'n uul Hnj',lo'u l rinln, new nlyln-n. I selling at 1254:. per _\'l|l`tl. ` .\'wA' llttmmm .\'lmwla, silk nml mwl, M` an '.n 3-) -.-r.. 1: sm 9;. I mg-.5" Uumlmu -`lH|WH!,l i.f..')U, .275; $5, 82125:. Hl;K'k17IutlI Junk:-t-1, Np: .....x mm --. unuw Mn! 31.? Dun. 1 I Illl" uluull lllvlcul, .1 |uu Juun nuns I So. each New ntul Funhiunmble Dl'r\m 1;`-nods : lc. A ynu--I` White Cuu.nn Stuckin-,gu, (full mm) I All 71- n nmr June 3,1873. umzss (:ouu.<, SILKH, SH A ll`! H Kingston. lay ll, lI73. Iluplon, Jun 1!, Il. Trix ruu:.rrs.~a'r Nn\'EL1'lEb` or! I THE S1-.\su.\' IN , [MONTREAL Hausa} MM 15. 1873. 'Gn9A1cnA snow} Haunt: I ungu- I'll/tall : Vory Uld. Ultlld DI : & Cu Pinon Gun lion. `ll-n llnninrl. It HM`. yan--I LuJm: Wluitu IInun:lkun'l|icfn,cuIn- . .5 |:.. .,...I. .\-.~ (LATE IACIEE I WAIIDELLD Received ever)` : Hm-Ia Money _t_o `Leigh. H. FOOT'S "ion me on Iii RE,- New flojods .' In-bl: Block, Princess St. nml liq liflk Hull.) L` 19, M73. Jlull. Muslims in Self Colors &c. FRILLINGS. r1u.wr:ss sml-21'. L. J. ERLY. A LARGE smug uh` um, SHAWLS, M A .\' FLES, - _1uImn.\'.~;, 1-` l.()\\' I-.` mi, H1 18] PZRY, HL1 n\' Era . l ll|N1`S, 'l`l)\\"ELLl!\'(:S, J1-_ cnuma moms &c. mnrning frum the Uardom-nu. u '1'-Mela, an full ynrul l -nl 5-Hlhn 11:0 lthn. wml ennui? I um mu: 1 full run I TWULNIH nun-. hihiton. (II V (pf ' -E NEW Goons} urP' [ llml uuliluuun. ` Ilsulrlllgnoul f i ma L ulninium smw an mmnnsj ` G311 and See the Large Importation of Slajile and Fancy Dry Goods, 4'1` %ALEXANl)ER l{()SS . _---_.?.j. " JAIAIOA SUI. `1:r<:r \'ER\' mama- A gull,` nmntad ton ean I 11* uni rsauaws. nw at-urrsn room, an mgqcu mun. uw mantra. ` SnLo-s-<-OllerquounlIf- ` Our Great Clearing Sale Commences on SATURDAY NEXT. May 17!. And L'.-n1iuu--.- uuhl turlhvx` none.-. 'f-Tux, EoUsIN:AU & co. ;Grea.t Sacricing Sale of Dry Goods 1 ,5" Clll-l.lPl`I5"l` (`()'I'i'l)NS IN .\.\|El{l(`.\. Fl - . ` TE in` now Ih0I"TlI.|! I 3 undid A.-`. nl MEN'S UNDER-."lRTS Ind ' ` DRKWERH, (BENT-5" II) liLU\'l'I-5', ('-ilmm-d amd IN. ck-. Alpnou and Silk Uulbreihls. Alan 1 Gus III worsted Cuntmg.-. West of Hazgllud Br-vIdc1ollh,S00h`h, English and Cnmldinn Tm-ode. pun~|mna.l exp:-u.alv fur uur Unlur Dz-pI:|IIIh~ul. MARTIN'S CARDINAL FOOD _....._ .....|..| 4... ol.-l....lim- Phv. ni-Alnrlyoullbnqtllfulbniniiui sum as ntxxmsj For the lllllon. ;.-.-mas... 1373, A sUM1v1iai1i' WEAR. 1373. I ...._..__ l) I1{ECI` lMl ()R 1`A'1`IONS. % AIVII _..l HIIIIIILDIIS II ` ( l'l{ ENTIIIE .\"'l`(`K OF .N`l'MMl'Il{ (HIIHSS hlnva lwon Re-llmul to ulmolt , 1'l|\l' |'|Hl'l`I R-atru nlnhgn-I tnlnnnr lhm l`II HA1` .\"\l.E In enable III la ....n |!..r..h l'nu|| 1.. mm.-I n-nlnlnu munu-nu. g Great" Sacricing Sale 0}` Dry Goods. NEW sU1\-11v11;R GOODS `- June 20.13, Apnl 2I,1n7s. my I6. 1813. u BLAFK un:.\'.\un~'ns. numx umurm-z cuurus. saw uuzgumouls. sxw uncanny wwsuxn. new mu.un1's, xxw nnrmn uwss. an IA11~rrIsU|'r|xus, mo. up ewvzs. suitable for French! Be-nun. j hu |. N11 lmfuunc, \Iu_\', I873, 1873 SPRING TRADE. I873; Juan 3:. 14473. n . gar FOR .\ .~m'usn AND noon Fl'l'l`lN(i .-m'r, L-..`m ,. 1Io!\1'A'U(J-ETCDAT C"o`.. If , Cm-nor nf Kim; And Princug Hlrnlr. rn-nulllvll Ilnhh` -rn nnnuu unnxr \'A!UE'l`Y |.\` FA.\"(`\' _I)Iu-`.\\_th' (all new NEW mu.\'1'.- mu DRI-2.~_`.\`_)l_l`.\`.1.`|.\_~"_.` . _ ` Mzw Imu.u>t`l.u rlI.<, MM mA|I.\.-.~. M. 1. -n.. 1...... _.-.....n.......o ...-... ulrlhn-A In-lure in NI--I'lIlI."rn. I` THI . IN THE MILLINI-IIH l|h|'t\l(Il!..\I nt'1mm~n Bunuoln. Ilulr, Iliblmun, bacon und 50 dun-I BRVSRELS and '|`Al`F.\'l'RY (7.~\|U'|'.'l`.\ (|n~nuu'lul 1`-at-pg-tn, Flour Uil Clullm. Hulls. Hearth Ihr, .'-`9 Anolher lnl. of I..\UE (MUD- jun: nrrin-a! hr lnxnmu (sun-:.\'.\u11~zI ::-5, 5 WE H.-\VF, .u ml n..I l GLGTHIIIG. uI_rrs. I Gupta, (`LoT'H1.\'u MADE TO onmzu. [.\.\'1>.su.\u: um~:N.unM:s. 1-m:'rr\' :.m~;.\' mu;.wm1:u;.~, cnsnw I~ .\.\`u\' 1-nu ;nm>.<. L`Hh`.Al E.~'l` nL.u-x slpxs, (FAN.-\DlA.\' n|.u~x :.1'.<'rm~:.-, I.'vIr. \`n|nn |'I luII'unl nml Man`: JUST Ill-ZUIIIVIIDI A. 15. 1\IAi;1>11E1:s0N .C=o's. Iion 0| M4-urnlug (-'nm|-- ` _ _ _ m[,1,1m.;|n nHI'AI:TMls..\l n.-mu. n......-.. u... Im.1....... [Amen im- , HA \'lI:.~u "IN . Mnxmgz-I DI!` Id In In! I In Just nuyoorlmrnt (`|' ing, Tnb`;r- Lllwl \n |lYlI\'INl1 I .\lnnu.'m-lun-r, M 51. Point I-ltrwl. Mu-my--A I.a.I H livuanlm mans. \l.mm..-Iun- lh wank mg.-anon. containing nry inurwli--nl.| fur the he-n1l,h4\' d-u~Iup~-m 11! ul bwly and t:I.Iml. the rlwunglhruzn on powrrn ul ulullc. Cilcu Iru ml! n--m --n :lppliL'lliqm to the 1 any Dmggml or Umc-rr in all Ihe utventinu of the Public . lunar Lllwl IDUIINING I .. nl \l...u-un ll. WALDll0N S, Ila |'l\.'l Uuun I: run I-I`. I-ul fur our Hmnd-Bull. with pm i l.\IPl}Rl'l .|) 1{Al`l|l-Ill l . n. .-urn .u-nr Rut Nut Cairn 1490!.` l"\'I`vY l'"I'I'I] l|!'l |t*n|.TIMu Nnf F l'l`|_'AHT.\I A4 .... 1......l_ AN.-\D]A.\' HI. wk I.I'.~'I1us:s, V l~lxIr.s Value nu Lxulz--I mul M-an'n IIHSIERY. Extra Vnluu 'm'|` \H|.E l.lN|{I\'-*3. Eum Valm Ill >'hevt.1ng.u Ind Tirkiligl. I`.. In r-in.-.1 Mu .lI~4. ,rr\ u\`(`l ml} I111. nu llm mule htm JSLI .\h'. v,A'|'l.V( :5`. N HV (2!..\`.~'l\{P`.RE\` And 1 WEEDS, I--re in .~|u----lm_ru, Pillow Cul|onn,'l'-rm-la. 'I`uwe;- pl.'|u;1_(/'-'llhlI[|l|nI'n. kl`. A1` null ln- Iuuud wmph-te in awry dw:rip- II ullulu 0 Grown. mu`: e. Von 050'! F. X. ('()L'.\`i.\T.AU & C0,, Umnge Hull vliuiltlinp. [COAL 011., 1 emu. 011.. GOOD JAPAN TEA HNLY '.%5CIN'l"B PER I'()L'Nll, ll %Plour Store. :6 RECESS STREET. Jun: I2, 3:. + 11 AB1)_\_yARE. IABGII. McMl|.l.Mt, 1 an lI...n...__._. HA-A.-A IITIIILY III I106! or lhdf and luv: Inruhru-0. mums. um. nuns. wrrv. uu\'1'ImI. Inll In! mid.` .......'""- -.'.*.-g.:.'.:.".';.:.`.r*- ~' I L hymn- M. MORRISOI-T A. B. MAOPHERSON 65 CO. xm._I_=_Iou .". ll, \'n|<-In'I'n "MIDI I0? `J 3 Han. Lou-7 Hmuim for '. -5 1' '. 1iIhu. l'Kl'Nl'IH1or '1. IPA May 29. `B73. .3. I -,-;.. _._..._.- - -rim -1:-chow-Q-o Juno 9, nm 0.. WATER \\'|lIl`l:1--Un`y-'5Urv-nl-u ,..-r ,,..nm.. hull` FIIIMNEYH. . , , .. I '...... . _.., .,.- .-......|. as-': ill Th.-n Sun! Curod7HIu. in nu-nu mum: rum; UATII \L. Hedi: le.,Ie., hub. r 10 (`can Sum-Cu d Shouldcn. `.HEl.\' mid Spring in every Depart: nla Hum-la urnil non Mm-nu. we profe m-1\i||\yrv.i-rto clllwl Lmgu I-Illll Quick` mums Tu mains: mine nunrnmmv. ol 7- loworu. Fulthnra. aluu-n |'lrIuula and Sun Umbrcllu. m'Iu| pum-rm-.1`: and 3 Ply. All tool | H u-_-u. I1! DIM! uunrr I I1. Prlnoou Strut. II Prison: nu; ` '1'lA!'l'IA! TIA! , auuzms 1125 run: n. ma. .'I'n:-rnll_v In Ihrir Il`W Shdrn.) Fl. ~cI Irma tho manufsclurvn in PIIIOOII MECC- R. wunnow. ....`a II: n !.I\'. 4.. E()--. IP11, Mn JIIL-, rlly ('-rrdoxl Mm-lin.v-. I'M-1`_v I-"re-m-h Mmlinl. uws. - Aotaonnlomx` . um uuua, if ltxllilnnsm loot nun. 5 a gm-Iwrul (`In-mug Sula 1 IIILFII Al. A1` A. J. REES." ail this Inuntln. 'l'ha J. REEL` I\I II In n.u Al: iiilllirl Ala ll with nrlltiom. IUOCT U ISIS. IASY PIICEL MUHIL` DUI DIS, 1- `FDA . |IIu.h\u I Nmalts. WALL ;.-2:J.*-.-*w-- ---v -I-g Ia.- , W. B. MGRAE &`Co'u New Slur. W. I -`ORA! & Co'n. Nn- Minn ` - PVDL-1 nvvnu, otm-ea-__-mu {Oil IISIIIIIIDN. Pa-heunmot. a. W. R. KcRAE It CU. I55: WLLLIN. nunrlr IULDRILLEJ, _ SOH01'l`lE3HE& VARSOVIAN AS . lcRAE a cg. Na-v hlnm vlh I I. Now: : \II at Mn N! Slum. ' V CILNUIT I : 1` .'.'."a'.'..'.g' 22'. Bookstore. U5 I U0`! New sum. I I LOI. New sum. ` ' | -III UK II-VIII` `II PIIIU DIl'I Ilfllo | u TEA8, TEAS, TEAS.-Uur small -0! ' Hysom, Japan: and Twnnlrnyn In: just. been na-unsorted, along with A ohnioa ll` lectinm of BLACK 'l'l|.A,which lur avour nnd mneuuu I.l'I unequalled and a! pin: Ckoapcr Hunt any other Home in the Uitg, Alnvn on hmd md Chuaoor thnn the Cheaper Hum other name nu me (My, Alnyu hmd Chuapcr Cheapo PURTO RICO SUGAR, DEHERARA SUGAR, . ` BARBADOES SUGAR. Joseph Donnelly. IWVITITIK-I5"I=I5 cnoL' IX` -ULEEIER. v {ITALIAN w1Nms,! ` U l"l'l{E MOCHA. I- l`RE LAGUYRA COFFEE, PURE JAVA COFFEE. The above choice Colon an routed on the pralniael anon. rook nnd ground daily, I therufuro the Irma of at good cup may be mm of having I pure nu-1 fresh. TIPAH 'l`l-'19.` 'I`l`.|Q _n.u- .n.u.I. nl CLARE TS, BURG UNDIE-S, In of th GOLDEN LION. HIDDEN & ROWE, GIIIIA TEA HOUSE, a snow a semi II-unis of Inn ulunnw` SHUOTHING, Judi. llld noon Juinllrl, Had! an lluu omu and Bonds, Dues, Phuglu. harm and Boech. Alan Ibo Iron Smoothing Junk and Jointor Plano, with I large stock ul On-punter`: and Joinm Tool: which will u iubllbonp. I B. Ohowni 8: Sons,` ] nu: bottle 01 which will preserve purlvclly lly d..u-n of egg: tor any longth of time. Libnnl iuducemrnu ginn lo Agnmn Iu all it in every Tmnmhip in the Dominion. Agent: mnuvl wholunsle and renal nude in their territory. Samples um-for $1. |LIbomI discount lo the trlde. Apply at as-en, cnclminx Hump {nr pm-u'cu|nn,u1d name v.em'tor_\- prof:-rn~d. I III Inr Pu `sun enocnmng iow to o%ouI`5:_vbun ubusii C. GRIGOR S,,' nuzsu suil-Lv---'.n|:ArI:n 'nu.\' Illt. BASE BALLS. mu REW FARR, J nnnmun T6ri{E `mun 'roP B.acx (roams, New Styles and Prieal. ~ u munm PRINCESS STREET. Juno 9. I871. liEFr|Ln nous:-:.| C linpton. June 2|, I873. CI. Apply to R. XUNTGUMERY. Steam Dyan md h'ouur0r- Priloun 30., Iinpton, Icy I4, 1811 lJ}16 . -Halligan & 00., Ju. mm. June 3), I873. 1l)0THlNG, Judi. Old 350!` \ t..;...... land: in ulna. ollnvi Ind. Iwcn. nu Prlaegu ac. up my. sonnnx more. June I. 813.. ,._..__