'uVXI7W-lZiUIllqT' iuipthnd. umumtmuni nun. 3..-..a L--d--4--gun.` hndumou;ninuAIHl4nByIo." hItI'od5yhnulI;d|ln,ulIbuinl ou|.ungivhhM.hnPrdd|It,udlu. uqu|ohtthQIIn. 'l'hI4lh.Ih &duihovulIuiIIoCI.0uI. n;__. __; .n.._ _._ 1......) C- Tjirjillwui-"flit? dcu.ndnAnt:uih-indbhwrht h-`AL.-n-J 4IIALnn-`-nnd:- anal (111 ii W vuu-It Iv-v CC chngud. undoonpliuuhhdcndn Imhdd. Thou lIlAIuiuiHIt|I- nu-umauu xinpouimholmoh I|n.nloIgdhlu-othogglllnvillqo __cL_ .u`J.--.IL-ml-Liuni1Ln|ninn--- uvgvv uggw it u Inn--uI nun-lulu-nut ul ` an-his. nnlun unit! not: with of the tiny : iatuwuno. Th Dual} ,1.,.a --mu, Colnlntis, and "(Bad ll... oh. .._.n" (`Luann nuns..-- ICC 3W1 WUIV UIlIZjlalK ll Ill-II lab pun, ududny lonuduplu Ian than In I plenum intu-clump tn! 1, -_.._A..l.. ._.L_..-1"-E.-mi`.-J-is ...u........ .... ...,., ........,.. ..... .......... were" high priced, got up with the expectetion of paying expenses ; far from it. u the lodge use et an expense " for every lady and guest on board. The dinner srse It-ll scrreil, Mr. lien. Folger being on heard sml Iuperintending the l l` ettendsnce, in the nine sgreeelnlo and un- tiring Inenner as he strove throughout to anticipate the pluzuure and wishes of ell present. He is is [met un the Maud, end All ercnrsion pnrtieu would do well to I one: him on board. Dinner eu ncercely over before (`erletnu Illtllltl Wes reached sud e lending ezfectod in the chsrtuing hey ml the nurthiu.-It side. Thin is on the pm;-erty uf Cal. llnuce, l'. S. Consul et Kingston, who III gene:-one end lree-hesrt- ed rnnnner gave the party perniiseiun to lend, and the perfect [readout of the Is- leml. He elm meet agreeably iictg u cicemne. sml piloted the party through the picturesque spot which siirrounde the [slum] residenoee. to the height shove, where stun! the histmic monuments ol thonld fart, winch elm: in the occupetjon ul the French over I20 years n-go, mule (`nrletuu lslntul at cuntluutiliug pueztion st the head uf the river. There In e feeling--f hieturic interest attached to the rumble over the tort, ecnau the trenchee end ruined stone work, tn the elds be- yond, ehere meny of the lndisn brsree elm once held the furi in proud strength, _ end the Frencl: who eltoceeded end cnn~ R quereil ten, lie huriul .-aiile by side, e ,. grnntte tllder Innrhmg the sacred repute . of the deed. Loulmig sit the else of eome of the stone be-slquiltn. and the menner in which they wcns iuihedded, there ' cuuld not he s doubt but that the lndiuu l were pretty eelely meted seine ysere egu ' in their little MI. While the sntiquerieu ~ reeeerchee Ieru going on in the citiee 0! I - the dead, the men -xlthepsrty to e large ' number engnged in ethlt-tic epurts, in ` Jrhich at good diepley of muscle and speed In made. The S. W. dnitingntelied huneelf en en slhlcte. lining close rivels ui some of the .-hnericsn brethn.-n. The soft brconee I`lIIl`l'I l.|l8I' thru the trace- ee" tanned those who suught the elude, end reetods pace {ruin the burden end heel of the III . After about two houle pleeeently spent hel penned the ehhtle of : the returung .\lm-cl euumleil and en ul- 1 nnce was nuts tue-uds the point of the I departure. At air. o'clock ell were on I boerd, and the steenier Iterte-l down the river. their heing owl and the eoene true thsdecli damning. This use sfter all the hint delightful time of the tiny. sad thoroughly wee it enjoyed. Dancing II _Iree ineuguretsd. the Bend which pleysi ` d throegheetthe dey wlienevc celled ml: excellent gtusie eight lnilu ` k dveethe rlversndlieei. sndtltusze-` tuntothethpsessiude. sreellthei _..s. __.4 ..I.._ ..J at..- Ir:.._.4__ _. ll 8- I `1 I` with tho had up the village to mu 9! tin Honda, Iuuvli in piucudou. Hun Rh Canadian: ion ontnrunod by thuir I In. -...o. and u :1... n.......I -5 an` i I rungs scene-uuu nuns n {The iiivitstions extended to Iister -Iwdges in Kiuptnu end to than in (`spa Viiiuiit and .\\'ntuuwn. run _indeoIl'_$` liberal {or ii lodge which In yet has Ind I , nu usiirtesies tn retuni. The Wonhiplul l : Intern at .\'i. Juhn'ii and Cetsniciui 1` L04-`lglI.KiII'It.uII. accepted, in I lnteriisl ; ` as-sun. . spirit, nu belulf of their brethren, and I twentyfive of the genial Meson: cf the` Cspe end the cit.) beyond it came in-er in rasponee u the invitations, by wt` morning boat, arriving in time to witneu ` e psrtiou of glue pretty lnstallnt.ion-.servl- can st the Masonic Hell. They were cor- dislly greeted, end at once mule to feel that they were honored guests. The cars- nuiiies were conclii-led shout hell-put. twelve o'clock, and the bretlireii llIll Cl'tt`d in prmsssion to the ferry Ihsrl. liesdi-I | by the Bend if the Htli I`riiic-ens nf Wales` Din lliiia. whim they joined the ladies who llld alrtsdy been gathered on the Maual. whose docks with {sir King- iitnn ladies: on board is a must nltnctivo spot. About Iisll-put uiieu'clec|i, with I bright aim, and the must refreshing ol light. bred-us. happily not aiitlicient to rock the boet. The trip to Culelun In- lsnd nu made by Iny in! the Between Channel. uid sroiiinl the haul of the la- lmd. peeling before Cape Vincent. siid heading direct. for Carleton Island. The nil across mu s most beautiful une-uel- dam snrpnecil. he aurwtioiiu new con- aidenlily enhanced by the spli.-nilid din- ner served on board at. the expense of the lodge. It iii certain s liner looking able was never leiil mi a bout III Kingutoii her `her, and the spread was just as nice as it looked. Thu miiiern ul the Hand feirly 'threio` tlieriieelivea in their etfuru to here s nice epresil. and in hair did so tn their pecuniary loss. but tn the permanent iitrengt.lii-iiing of their rupuutiun. The Excursi-in we: not, Lhoiigh the tickets L:...L -;nl. ..._.... .._`.\..l ...;e u. It-an- -its-'1` v: u u--vv uu--gs. - - -4-. us.-- -- Altar an n Ierimenl of shout one . thousand yumtooiooo! bouo hul " boon .t.on.n.d .. neodlun in the pain. uf -|mmg:on. In . I -A I-scent ngliuh pupa:-Iutomllnl an , uncut Capt diamond hu rectntly arrived ' than. In mlncin 95,000uurlin. and Ivoigha 288i ants, ur I02 cant: non ' than the fumed Koh-i-nnor did in in |' rough. Tu lurnm. 00-1:-an-In not an Pal- I.`- Ilsuuuu-In nun-v I|y,I`:';hNIghih non ! nvchdlhll. 17 159 lIlfIl$Ilj$'u'W""-'jI . pang may-hid: 1.1` gixduddanMfI1&rnt.- ` V` Ur I IKFUFII [HI "I'- : -'l'ho [night pomn in the employ cl ' tho (h-ul. Wald-n lhilinyconpsny Inn mud: lorln. {at In inouuo of I Thu man not main '1." pordsy. ] nut 01.25. Tho lhilny` Company an ya undocidod nu tn the mans {Indy will ` pl!l'I|l0. I __`I"I:nnln.InnD Unitul Inn: an; Mun; nu oonu-~sn III: u-cu, our double uoullud than inglo in-rivudufunulocdoput II Om-nntinnnl RAI.I.I.l on alllldli. M CZ loaned. Jun 8-118! p.n. Fleur-nuiu nun study, but tru- nnion liniud ; mm nuld It 6,56 and hue] M6 lo.l0; one lot ultho lunar pin. yuurhy. Juan! 3.`); Ida ol nu won neatly lot luml no ; ` ordinnrr noinnst 5.45 mm! 200 Wall- iW:'1'-Lucy-can Unaua Imus I `Inning nix ho--two hit . not dmnhln null sad duh nil. Inc I -Tlnainreui lion mnoemiag the on. "Northern" in c mod. Tlu iccidonl III In to her bad iloorin qunlltiot. Ind ' hoping her too clonal n?! into the `shun. Thopilu will ihly oupundod lot 0 couple a! yours. I -n.- c...:-|.o mu.` 6.. 43.. ......Im. ..l `.1IIbkIItIv.`WOID1IIq`l'g plninnnlunim vlllhn iugorduoccfilff -futnro hppyhtamolnc, Thotnehaun 1 ` ' `nu?! ' ujmu`. Al nv at 3 ;hping nu 1|] nndiin Kingston $1!` ...a A. ...aLnt 2 jntluvi IOKIIN In! 3| I-Iunuuun gm----w - tboclqy, uulvl spat} not hniguql by _tl:e hqth of (hp trip, but with: cut]:- .un plan-ndgvithituvurmy, inhnucul. -Adfoyuont. By lluponntion nl the Grand lpdgu. Muolu Iron: their rcgnlin. _ ` Tu the awnern of the Mu,u:l the Ind`: , (duh Aurel! `mdobtodfin uncommon km!- | man, and the ntpannor will have e rs- ~ ooumondntiom of ah its members as lhl molt oom'[utubio_hud enjoyable of excur- piun beta.` No wonder it in | lnrorile. ---- -- -ooo- -r I . futfj -IIIHIHIII. Alli u I`! -n-- ` In oullldrgliy dndng. At lfi n__,m:.._- _-- -nib m-tliin Kilunlnn `H you n Iculucur It I----!- "-"-I peaurndtlnnu-tluunilurnplouuud .- , 1-- -_.l..Ja}.-9-new run! huld hi ~~----ooo- Q The Inns lniew York. l -uuvun; nluuusu. --TI:o (`My Council of London hue been nouod by the Mihli: Deurtmont thn the Government. II not upon ul ordnance landn. Hur Hm. I an , _- __,___.__. -1 _|_,__. 5 lipucnpnl, New Lurk caoaou IG|l'f"~"'f'` ' ; ( lggion b tlui umnlinu-I MI?!`- ; i:r:';_.?h:ui 91: gidiogjl Pg gm - i _ I are to in M` i , :33 .m'i.fiI'."L.? .71.... mi. and cur--red 1;!-`;,'. "*z'*:':: :*;:*.';:i:`.:::: at K`! Iey Mug: 0 I _ s like their teachers, with uf chnntyu `W ` which they givo 511$-our or two of Iuwlng avoty week, vititing n poor And nick far .6 ilv or two. Cu.l`f\v'i!l.|l bnlwll 0` Wllvf "'3 TLEg3_APHIc.| ' E Mary Hurbert, mm to the ~L|d{ Earl of I amhroko. bu onttrod the Ronny Fntholic Phunrh. -u A-v,,,n, |__ , `- 1 . The Silun ut St. Muyi, Protuum 3 Epucnpd, New Yprk closed their Ichnol : hit mum: India by uuudjngnl prittm I nruunuu noun or Imuumg-nouns. The heldqulrteru of (hi Silurhnnd Al ! in New York. from which they rmmify. They no about uudmgn clopuutiun to ochbhsh n brunch in Momphin. Ton- um suck up 6 ily two, curving balm: relief, Iooumpnniod Nil '0 by | Sinlar. Thole two oouiutioa IN! I 10 `-'Guild 0! plho Holy I Child" and the Quilt! of St. Hilds." 'n... 1...... nr nhakurhuuul. like 2. con- m Ivory cruul a nu I blue mmlngnm. The object: nf the Siltarhuutl of St. Mary Are the cure of the sick. the ueody, and the fallen. Ln-I the mlucnuun of ynulh. They luv: change of the Home of Mercy, which is I quiet mtreut fur uut- out M-men. ham I lmapilal fur ehildrvn, And hue prcfoctoal an institution to $0 oullad "St. 3 nary`: Home fur Innnlidl." It will be In em-cl I hospital when in- vnluln cw have skilled nursing, quiut. n cuiunc ulnphd to Lhear runs. and the utwndnnou of their own physician. instead of bemg uhlngunl, n in the private roolm I of -hospitals, In weep! the IBTVIOOI of I utrnnger ; tho chgen lu render the home loll-uupporung, but zmll Jul than It A, rIH:lu- howl Imuing-house. Thu hnndmnrtr-rn of (hp Hinlu-hand an ' Child" and the "l\iu1ld 01 st. nuqn. The house uf lh6`%I huu1l, vent, has its own little chnpel. It hum- ble: I Cuban church in hning no mu, except the null: for than nineng-n row on each side aszlillsl the hull.` Thu raiding In (xrclinnry worship occupied but eight. Ininutes, and fur innger Iervices chain for the sludcnln no hmughl. m. The Lltar, n|v|Irua1:hL~d by three step. carpeted in red plush. has in the middle 3 Hrecinn nrnls. nn ancln uidi of which nre 3 all in liny amen. vmn lure m we ordinary nmnm-r It their homes. but pledge (Imm- Ielvon to upoud one month annudly in name imtitntiun under the ch: eof the Sinton of Ht. Mary, during whit: month they van: 5 guy hnbit and Arc plodp-I tn n daily prayer. l"`rnu| thin manthbf do- votiun they any aumetinml led to come- crutn their live: to the Onlor. Thy nau- hn xth I blue monognm. The uhiact: nf elm Sisterhood plush. has 1:: the middle urecun crou. candle and mullet candlau in "(even gold- en L:nndlulii~.l(n," by which St. John nym- holtzed the seven Aniutic churches. Uvar tho emu a whim dove I`lLh out~n Ifld ...'..... ..|;..... a.. . mun nnruin that orun front. and than (`run plum ebony. lna_v Are l)0VICt'l nu years, previuui to which tlwy lmd pan--I six month: an pultlh laulla." vreanu; the my my show A little of j the hnir, um] Med with hluo strings under i the ciun. an ordinary black dnu and Iinun collar. l`..nn.mnul -MI-a Iluin ninlnrhm Ali th-I the Holy (`ummnuion. The chapel in turninhod with several Inge picture: : the "luimaculnte (`uncap- tiuu." with an arch-nngul un ouch aide -, the \'isiun at St. Bcrnunl ;" the De- scent from the (`run ;" the Adoration J the M - i uf the lirlt Chriutmu ;" snd over A litt 9 side altar on which utnndn tn old motisl cross, nrmmentetl with ronrl. hung: 3 rich carving of the dead hrint and the bleued Mother. an old Spanish lie , which. and the mulul crou, have Leon revered by the dew-ut for probllily hundreds of yearn. The pupils thruw u veil over the hold when entering the t`lI}\]>l, and remove it on gr-ingnut, reminding one of Roman Catholic wunru. wliu fur the moment lift the uuntilln over the bonnetlenl trelil. or the poonr Ivmnon tie I handlwrv.-hiof our the hniul. The Smart ol the Order uf St Mary hour at all times nthick whitu cap, a black habit with 3 little cape, mad I very large white linen rnllnr. extending dawn nquun mar the brunt, u cruu udumod with ulver, and is girdle around the Iuiat; fur this street. I clumtting black bouuot surrounds thc lane, and a black circular i-lunk conceal: the figure. In fact, there ll little externally that prnt4::Ia" uguimt. the Roman Catholic Church. 1"..- l..i..`a mu... luv 1|... nnilnu diurl Church. The lnbit Iorn,hy the nnvices diian little from thnt of the prufeued Sintnrl. The bmad lmen collar is rounded in fmnt. and then plain ebony` They Ara nnnmu Inn vn-earn, nreviuul llnun collar. C--nnectod with this siltorhrmrl III the Guy Sisters, whn lure in the ordinary Annudly nnlua immnliun under charge of the While dove I`lLl1 our: man win clings Lu ; bluo curtain thtt the `I: gmnnduf the nitar. Twenty-one candles are hghted during the Iervice J Tim uhnnel in fuminhed Lennon. Jun li. LgI-nn-inlnnnljlm ck j--~- 000---- --- T0-DAV8 (ELISA _l1\'l-S. ..-a3e /W. _. LIIIC - ' UAIIIEM ~ I` AND ruidoncu of the brick`! -ad:-r. ' unlnnp 251.13, by the Ru, J. F. (lor- . ` mall. Mr. H 7'] Kurnl, of Chic city. I ` In lflmlm, third dnughter u! the Inc _ t lutl Andaman, Esq, of l\'orIich.Unl. \I I !TIIiI)'. In lay at July pron. nu. Iluhpulthdthoailyh uuudly Q-4.` ' ' [Paulie Holldcpl DOMINION oAv.| 1 nu no Aun.l\t\l:-I I l\l.Ul'.. I Pu-u'e| tuning qirntitiu for preserv- ing can depend on in; nupphod at the luvoll qnouuum. REES BROS. .._ ..-..... .... _ .-.-an -ulul F barrios are we -and tn funm day 3! MA K `T PRICES. D--3A.. _......;__ -.._-. -.: IITHE Bubocriber:|:nng mule arrange- monu fur a. rogulu nu;-ply uf Straw- furmnh them ovory day M A HE uudonigued hu sold out his hr 1 unit in the busineu in tho Mlrkel uu-o to Ila. Emunu Enxu,towlmm 111 nooounb he must lie Mona. and all accounts ugainlt the mines: will ` bu pain! by huu. J L. a. llDONl:LL. v 1 7s:srAoaFs"- CHEAP ]3o0Ks'mn_E,` I - .uqZna-_IIwu|I-II av nIu__uIv uonofIr.lbddyuBurlingun._K.O. oauhudny. Roddy oild Ighgkillod 4.... Ana` -.dAII.n -an-Anal ah. IL!-J For J uly--Magaiines algunln-Int at ch. itv IA. OPERA I I'll"! , , , , __._,, -..`. -...-- vs -uI}q 3" The Soulb Leech Bran lhnd wnll bu present. ' Single Tnclmutuccntn ; Duublo Ticket: 75 cents. To be had from member: u! the Cmmnitleo. --John Sunilh, Ruben Hunter. I Rub:-rl 1`:-um-r, |"ranciuA|-nmmu , J D11- lnn. Juhu I . HoIveru,John Nutte y :mdJ. Blfllnlllglnnlu. PSTRAWBERRIES l`0li I RI'2il2RVl.\'G. ILICAVE YUUI: URDISIIS AT 7 zIiamas7'}}$.iihlningnam ] A'I" 'l"|\hI\L-I nu imam. smzm warm 1} VTEA MEETING lush: and New! lbepol. vuv-uu-um . U-vv-I on-vvvu -U.--. -u tvonndnodallyvounddtlnthh-I. Q.-ngl.-. |Now IN STOCK.) GRA.\'l'I...-\TED, DRY (`l{l`SHF.'lJ, (`l{l'SHlIZl) A," l't)R'l` RICU, DEMARARA, `in. &c. W. It. menu: a C0 : New more. 1 " GOLDEN LIUN. " llummmc ounomum. ' Italian Warehouse, | WM. BEGG 6 C0. 1-urxcnss mm. Juno :3, ms. ` PRoc.7\TIX7ruoN2 no I"n:! by huu. _llcDONELL. ling:t`oi'n.Jum 28, I373. On Frfdai. the ill: of July. can 'm... u.`...I. I .. . I. am) my VE THE o('El.`.\'. June 25. I373. Izm Nu `Ian. Jl 91.--'l'ou dunks: ju- Iormanhnclouphlno-day. noqind lauul-n Ohumh,BpriI[- Ioldl0hlo.III|h'Ink|rylightningthiu; `p.Iu.uIlIt|IIlI'o. Airaununod 'D_-_II .ll_-i--3.} IA --maul IL- Inlganinh J an: 25. IH73. J um 25, 1373. From 'thn German 8 rings. SA LE A9` iiiusiness Jotiif {( ) \\' BELLS, 250 BARIIELS SUGAR : YOUNG Lr\DH'Th" JOURN \L. H\'HH'l' MU.\"l'H. 1'E'|`El{.\`l).\ S L4\DlES' MAGAZINE. :-;(2HlBNh`.l:`S MUN'l`HLY. ` NEW M|'."-IC=-Uhanp. ` .\'UN(iS-|I:s'Hunu-Ill. I, 1 MU.`-:11`, with u|n'Ir.ionn. ` MUSIC BOOKS. ERA u:.As Pu.-;mn m.Ass'E<, 'I'ELESL`0PFS, smmzoscorss, PlL"l`URES. TEA BIEETJNIE AND l'lC-.\'l(` _ will take place in And of LXI.` PIC-NIL`. GT1. Illlilll-vwln noun, Ulyllo. So n-0nlIInl, F , nudanon, Hnvnnn. Hnnlnnlinn E_ S'I`ACEY S The Best. Value in "The TO BE HA1) AT THE 82 King Muel- AT TIJIJDSX HILL, Fl Hi 5" ""* "'J! """ " -" _ ' 5- the will um N ..-.._..- T.;.......m.... ' " guthunhu during mutant: in land _. n .__ __._-AL. .1 ILILV 1 .1 Ta. uonn - FI Human, lontpdior. Uounphu Mange Pregnant nah ` away. Now and Phg-ldurlnhnnt. , New And Codi Uouunu. `New and Tknnte-say. (`I IACF. R6311!!! (In (ha) 1` Ind 11:. 090.com T, [An- ........ nun HORNY IV y `.u_,[, '51:--1111: \-5u- `-Uuiav u-1; (I and r.Guo.(.uo ,. , an-- um mun HONDA? .... .1... mm Iurn llnholur ofrt-urban tllll Iunvall 1 run: In: they willluro tlnhouor ofrt-up] hg in this Qty, after Iihud G v`nn.I'b-n thov punt I-hair. 1-we mum oi}. Iondny and 'l'llOldl!. Jung sonny 1n. cm: scmows} I\lNlI-`IUIV l`Il|lUH.4l'4 IuVItl\n, rru|- 00!! and Sydonhun Strata. Splendid Scotch Unniu Munllmonh now on roam um daily upochd uurrivo. An cnnmingliuu ul out linillu-I Wurk on Innd, or erected, will explain Ivhynur wurlnuunulnip in cnncodod on nil huuh to be umurpunml by my in Canada. 1'.\l\'D`I' Bl{U'I'HEl=l8. I.._- an IIPII Bl.-.`. l`UIlN :3 CANADA- Ilthusluic Welcome lack 2| -- I I 3; RE\IDEN'(`.F',. | T whining 15 roomgoorney of Brock - -.4! I .-:linn1.nn mun. diaimnu W- 3- I 5 Uvalu a co . sum. App `TE! um; nuns |(IA'swnn\.r., oullunmg roomgoorqog-of Brock` Dd ..We!ling1.u (lth. djlmuung ` I J. A. BPUONRR, On Iho Prclniseq. `|_ -` v.L-_ an 11:10 I -c- --v- -n -aw-1 5.3.11 .u....'.Za ....m u.. a.....a... ..l 05.. us}... u-kl. Ln`. 4-L"-u Inn. ban Irillgal J Householi Furniture 1 A;{{Giiif,%TsQ., .runl 1.-vu nr1mI.' \ |a.....`.I. Ho we run .v--------) ---v (Dl`MBLE'b' 1swcx,) Brock Ht.'.. " `I on rhur':-oday Na-x't. June 26th. IIIL- l..II.._:.... --Mal`. :1. -,,,I`mn.. nrlemllll uuply Ul fju -nn'Lg` Lrd, Humble and Richly Clan:-ietl, nnul Ivy fur the large!!! and bolt. Mlvct-.-cl -\'to<'|u' over brought in Kmuntun. -..-r_.- -u-nan-v-I|n -nrulI1\I-1!? la the only Depot fur this llnnntiful Marble in Uumnl Cnmuin. All orders puuctnnlly tilled lur modems: run It KINHSTIDN HAIUILE WORKS, Prin- n-n nnnl Hvnlnnhnlh Rlrnntn, The Ynlloyiug Ix-ticlou vu. :--|`umu, Luuugu-A; Cu-pol. f.`um.nm, l'm1,ump_(_Fu- tm curl Dining Tnblon, (`.sna. Rocking. Euny andv other Chairs. Bedroom Hutu, Hudlkwzll, Building, .\'L-wing Machine (now), 2~`i-lehonnl, Box a1u!L`m-kiug'Sto\'ua, Pipu_ CI-r>eke`ry, Mnmzla. Sir. Alan SHOP `I-`l'|.`1'ITl'liE. cnuuistinq 'uf (`ountcrv nnd Plufonn Sedan, Men: Rack, Flour lingn. Barrels and Bim, '1'..hlnun Clnnnilln. he. 0]] I IIIIIi`WIl$_f Am: 4|!` wuum -vwy_.`| I TLNDY FACTORY I puck, rluur nngu. I. Tnhlea, Curuinn, ale. 'I..n-nu nnnh nu GA R I s 0 N Drangatic Society CITY HALEA KINGSTON. Tuhlea, uununn, ac. 1 Term: cash, nu rourve. bale it 10:30 mmh l `.1, E. HIITLHFISHN. JIIWUII Dlvvluyll UIJU-villa nut ullvlnuu 0! tbs spin with limo IHUI ha nu killull Inn OI- falling h'-I|n- 'I`I|.n.AI|nnnh -IA` Scotch Grank Monuments | nn'rnI'|:snn umre:u:.In'|a,l iT1M 1: TR [ES ALL! Prlhrnu and \3 alonluun II:-. llngllnmul. I Dlnrhlc anal I-Jmum-Ila-(I Jluntlcl l`h-rt-s, .u-., (ht. [AT R. TowN'sJ RIVIEQSTU-llZl1iATliBLEVI0lI|(S. ` MONUIIEHTS and GRAVESTONIS Dnon open at 7:15 pm. The Band of tlw Batury will be in utendnnoa. Ticket: cuu be obtained at .\`1Ic~_\'| Book:-tor--. where plan 0| t.b..- Hull may be um um! .\'enls you-urv-I. Iv IIIIICIIIIC -uu --1 an-. I - Lmliu us-siring Strnwlxerrien for .pnu-ersiug wou`d nlu well In cull varly. 5|'|I"`5 4 UN", AIPCIII, $35., lumbar; Goo Bhol, Chimp, Onwqo, cum. Sloulo --Wutlonl,Bny City, ()[dombuI1,l|Im . 8uhn-GibI-nllnr, Tnlodo. Kinptou. tin_|bIr- Now Dominion, of Quoboo. Clouhnd. |.Ininn_ nan] aeuu: sovurv-n. N.B.~- 'l'h-- Managers bl-g rc-.pnctfn}l_r lo iuionn (ha puhhr in gonerahlmt as a full hens in nmmpaml, thuy win .1.) well to. 0hI.Iill1i(`l|I'lH!'I`ll_\'. Ra-at-ruul Seats .50 cents: HR `.25 rs-nu. G, (.`REEHA.\' H. H \'III-`._ is - Mnlnunynf Fair Haven Oysters, t`IIlDA'l`l!.\(`A .\\`h M|\:I.`l.'.|l A!\`h v--- :- -- .d..._._._ V - GARRATHACA AND MINER.-H. AND \'ELT'/.F.H W.-\'l'ER-*, uh-0 PUP CUILV \Vlwle|ll1le Ind kc-u|i.l. -- I 1- , u._,,,|.,_:,, L, Plm-. Apples. Tomatoes ml l`ucumIn-r.-s. BAN.ANAs.olcm::rnI.EMuNs,(.-on I tin:-.) l`( )(`U.-\.`\'l"l'3~,`, PEANl'TF, and NL"l'.3' 01 All kinds. Strawbfrie s, I Juno BI, 1813: I` cm unujtlucsrou. June E1, I873. n|AML\1i Zl"3lZ"l` numivn} T010613. hlhl. llll,l$i!NI' Dllllil, gmdchvdand, unlhon, coal. "`=:.`3."i1`i..3S2Z 5 .l|||l|'|-|||||I- B`I`:;b_.Pbrt0olbomc,|ow: BcoI-Nov rlnnnlnnnn all Fm-I f\n||\na-u- I-nI`.I.. in mum To cummonce at 8 o'clock. with the 2 Act Dmuxl All June 5!). I873. mm; s..h.itmT.Tnu+um.a to sell by] L Public Auction at the ruidouas of ._. -.-.g iITOTl-6i"Si\'I.lE aid of MI I"Inul.s uf M6 Kingston 1 urnd Mmvpilnl, nu! mulnr Hm ..I' II 1",! L'\.....,.L I-'lLUlT AND uvsrua nxspuf, xina Strnol Mark:-I Sunni n this (my, srlrr I Iuunou un- | ,l:r`b-n II: `051 New AREA EEITIJIJU. TANDY BROS., I,IIII$.fC"U\Kl_H'IIC.`0'I "'1`.' Dominion at run Oolboi-no, sumo, Port coako-no.1` c. 8ohn-Aoontiu and Prince . Chimp. PI-noon, -5-: Follovu-d by Ch Interlude, L'auuuli1lI, Amerimn and Italian Mnrhln. and Freetune. ul Mlmplnll, tllul umur flu MI`rmnry~ uf`l.l.A|`uF_ I"'I'c!u'lu and Offil Hf Mr S4140` Hf 1-'InM4n u. To Concludoz with Farce- 1'9 Lou HA , President. Ih A.\lJ UIBILI1 unrul, King Street. Marl-t Square. 373. I. u- Iuhhr u`IptII(1d,thuy WT ln vnrlv. i -Strawberries. If ' 9 `.1 ...."".-,uT'..'.`..:'_.'.'.!.. . changing an I. = _ ur- :-..'..*~...~.`.*~.'*..-.1::. ...w_..--n 80 n- , ' . '. uuqu.-n-u'nq-wick. PIop-~8ovu- ohm. Damion--Wm Homo. Oink. 9:` -4l.: h for Wu" `J. E. HUTLHESUN. Auctionocr. Munger. I wmuut 1. cant?" I" minus lad Apd, .&gnI-1-Illelaaudlm Tlll III IIl-j'I.-`'f`` ` ':.'..`*.:.":<..*'.:'.,'".:.'*.': * `1`.':& Oqi annual indlimenila Vill Iukli Q nmun blhdnnol M11-1- ,- QQI Illllll llfimfl VIII Ilf X lMm' ,- Il `X Pf F iii; .5 'naIL-5 A`:-`Ii: 3! ha -.nJ.n.I-j ` U1 GIYEPI Ila: Ill] lull`?! M-em M IIEEHMSR II`)! on I 5 ' Iain unreal by Nah. P.L-n big llln aid Auctioneer`; lama. _ nun ulnnmi.-0-F unt V nfth-Inn-`Ann-nnnt In .hiX_ )hlHJl} IIIJTIUI h H I` H. on \I!`.`I3N!m>AY, 21.. 77., 4 JULY nut. at rmo.~1. cm in -nu nah. Willis: Manny. Aiothnocmd Ito GI: ufllnglla, A large Nullof IIl%1 . - 2.-. I..1_..._.|. nun or-at -nun nuns In by the [Ailing Iilhot. VIII .--ul .- ---.....` I vnuu M0110: nuns," A gun a wmaxm>n,.:.o E1, of l].V I-ail AI IIIIWH -IIl L. -Id Lu" jonmucs unit an. [DRY Goons, of dmsn in: nu! dhuna ulieidnnn . n..n.n..a.... I new spam Iurontnllr. ' `Which campriau u complrlouceuu J" tho New-on and moon l~'ulniombh Good: nf Ibo Solmn , `K _g r Silks. fj- an msncmic nssgtmuuv umm m.rmuuu .'\.".\'UKl'MliN'l` Urlul Irilh |'np|iIm in_a rnriuly of hnndaonn Shllden. At It. as J. Gudinwl. f'Cl. The jury in thowllwwth enuwu oom- ploud wuight. Eh. -'nI-nIIlh ung` . on-.. 1.... :3, nor? 1 'AND.\'UMF-I I-`H|N(H".S, (HIPS III (IX'.NAiU'.'.N'l`s. Plllin and Col.-and ` Silkn. New Shanlrn uf Hnlinl and HOIu- uniqm-s.nH out on the Bin. In D A. I lI_...!1,L ENTRIES may he made It In ll frum this lute until the day of Elk! "an, ll. Hun Hmoe of the Soc-roLa.ry,l.'}lIhrio I Street. All entries mun be made an or . be-fun-. 1': 1-'rlucL, July 2nd. I gar A u......I will be prnunt in the ' cvumnu. T " ` cwmng. 1.... lludouin Striped .`~'lIaw|I. Bluvk Ind White lace -haw-la. Hluok sin: Ind Clan. Inns and llnllo Clollnn. At R. a J. Gudinofn. 7 HE NEXT E.\'Illl%ITION of IN! Sucmty I) be lwld On THURSDAY. 3:11 of JULY. SUMMEE SHOW EW IIESIUNS in mark J Whih IOII I.Iu~e>s. Frmw]: Flowers, French KM (Hows. New "9'||lMI`.I 04 Ribbons. NOW Slyln o1 Collar: and l.o\r:- Sena. lo `D tn--m-_.a- Z` " V V b'F()l'K LARGE AND PRICES LOW. illvlll Ulrulillv. The WIIIIIII CIl0- , ' NI! You, Juno I6.-The Hun up tint the Walnut Jury with one `ump- tia appear to In hothulpooublund in- ullipnt; IIIO that Hoary C.` Bonn. un- oompsniod by H. B. Obflin, Jutlgu Wood nnd Raynor-0., and anal othir pcnom, osllul IIponViauIri| Wcoihu llluvuiug and requested thohtton Irma: to her by Hurry Wm! Beecher and Theodore Tillnn. Judge Ruynott laid shay hd coma to obtain this an! othnr dominant- pry ovidonou in order to vindiouo Mr. Bowen. Woodhilldoclinod on hot hw- yer'I advice to loan the ducumolm until thfounduuiou 0! her present` {rial on c mtg: of obscenity. ` A Long Branch lpooinl yn . Pnnidont II `lb-pl. .-.- LL- .a...-.. 1.0.... .-.in.- In in. & J . Gardiner, 1-non-rzmaifazvc war- I MINT SOCIETY. l'H|I`5, Illll [Hill VI)!` .5! the Nocio-h '1- Uk I NE-SDA Y, `. ud I . um 24, I373- cm of xinusm. Kingston, April 1?, I87-`L. Elm-lornl lbalon Society lmw. mug; :u:\\" 931,15 ve, p.;._d.... `ik Punk, Amber nnd Bzoun Sudan 0 I. Kingston, Juno I7. I878. ur: av. som dispatch uyl I11 odnl lilo of. `Mi|_:iItur .151 will tcrlninnh on tho olou of the Vienna Exhibition. on In hu long been marked by the Pnlidom. for N` -.....uI 1') III (.51.: C333: CI >5IFIIm`ABL_7l:-T811133 GYITAGI L on (Jun: Mn-ul. Apply to VILII KAT .__j_..__;. R CU BIUGH T DURABLE BLACK (hos Gnin Sillu of tin but uh. ` A; n A. -r n_._`.u.__.;_ supsmon .-xssorrrmwr urn-ul L l'nDlinn in I I-nri.-lv nl Innalnn-- )|-`.AL LYUNS, Silk M-nllu Voluu. b all at Low l'rm.w. um.-1: i. his-ruby given undam- dond of Four and n Bonn: Ono LL upon the Capiul Hock of [HI I I- 11.11-r Ihv vnrrv-nthnlfyenr. hu boondo- nod. and nlmc ll... umn will h. uuunhla 1..-.-, ..-ik: -SE3!-nu. `r... PS DSUME 1 .41i}/Ev sluuus. N xumur ~A.\'S()RT3lNT "or Colourod Gm; Gain and (Hunt " At 12. J} J. ugrmnd; Arc New Showing Ih PRINCESS STREI-2'1. Nu York, J um 25. --The I-lonnun hu srrivod st. Boulhnnptnn, and the City of llontrql it Quunntown, both from New Yurk, sud tho Hibdninn fmm Quebec It Liverpool. Tlio Humboldt, from Stottin for Now York, sailed from Hun last night, ad the Punnlylnnin hon Queens- tuwn int Philndolphin hut evening. The Austrian ha arrived at Liverpool from Bdtimon. In ,I- ., in u_.u an nu For 87:.1?eT At R. as J. Gardiner ; I-lll LIIIII III II "A; n. a J. -1 Muuncrlnlp may 00 um on n tn Hm Rvcrutn or my d K I the Hm-nny. nr pununllull Luz, to ho Ind ol union. -w I 1n I.'a. WA": n. & J. amunon. --f !\h~mhcnhip be had ' I Fwerutnrv nn H 1 `I! l`lllT!'nl nnu _\'t'l'lP, IIII RPICG 1 that llw uuuo will be pnvnblo in-t\ Uice. on Ind shot m '|ul flll nf Julv II~\Il I.m`:- noun. At R. J.Gnrd1ner`I. IIDW. H. `ca. on Ina ul ufJu|y nut. nu I:\:V nu. Iv $uInI.Inl, tn I.IIl.'-l'UI tut Culluv Emu, clan or pnrtly cloudy rather, with null V of light ruin hiring th (by from Dolvnn to Virginia, And pm]: to fllh And ooouiondly brink wind: mostly from northaul. nod -outh-out. nyyu - n'.u'x smw. uu|_v urA|.. THUS. BRIGGS, [small up Grant on the tuning hcfuro guing In Wuhingtun wu viaitod by uronl pullo- mon, who` ' urpd the roman] of Mr. Richudnon from the Tnuury Deput- ment, and tin: they loft his pnounou with tho belief the hi: decilion wan mud: to 'do no. r " nu-nu Par Honluul Lina. VERY I_._ATEST. ":;'"I-IIEEI:-[`0II, 11 I. m. -For the Hxddlo gig: n|nAI- nvr nndlv 1-Inntlu -nnnnr nowi. Hahn-SJ but, A] Ogdolub , umhr: Stool. Dung. `Ell wnmunp cunt. WWO lnnhn Juno 9l.l_'l'|n. n-Iuuu normal. rrop-uovu- lluquuu--Wm Homo, Clydo. -Orunul. Fen-kn. Snmlunnn. - {Irv ----- _._. Ponesfnourn, Jam 94.. .l f1.,. T IT! XIUZIFILV UIICI Uncut 3 pvhlhwnltklnlu Bill maid ihndinlnglud. and utiuthup Ionlqptllaplvunuhuintaonducs Gin hqhg Burl did linden: bod Illiinhtwdl hdinllnwi 'u`ud- vuulllh hglinlhw Oufqir `inhiqult utunh-no i.An..d.-in-up-nnlhhpi-n- vi-Iv-r-n-; guy- in llunnl Outumt, Lhoclnirnnnd ohdlt u} Build vnuub III that mnbun ouuctino qlhliqlht In Ind lurid In: E Ja::IAoIoIaI.lp'tl-I than was _,,n_|.nI._ 4,; AL. i`I_A|.- n:lI _._lA L- It. A. G. Anrmuu: ha been np- ` poinhd Judgu in Equity in Nova .s`cuu., wounding the present Lio\n.onun1-Gnvar- lord Hut Province. The nppolutuu-nl I in bid to In i|lQa.| by Halifax pnpon, E owing to Mr. Axcnlnuv not huving boon . uupgod in the prumcen! the luv during : the put n yearn. no required by the Provincial minute In Hut; holmli. Alida from thin, however. tho appointment in i uingnhr om. Mr. AII'llll.|l.D in one of the Cundiln Pacic top-_pur3-en, being it thus moment on M: wny Immu from Eng- loud when ho ho: ham {or Um put {our ' mouths cngngod in Attempting to negoti- no the Pacific Railway loan in mmpnny with Sir Ht`-un AI.u.\' uul othon. Now IO nd him Iiuorung tho ltniluuy for `tho Bunch. tor luring nu-ruted tom nl thou- Iaudl of dollar: in the Cnnadinu l`nc$t'm~- that in, pntanding to Invest. for no! I ; ooppor hu bun Puouojnla l.ll$`ICQOd hy one ; 1` ol the down man uf nun who gure u I , Cbodinotorllouf the bogus railroad. If 4 the not of then gantry think an lmlo of ` the Iago pnjuqt on Mr. Alu`llllAl.l), who : I Glenn it ulmout before it in born. thorn in ' 1 little Ilopo for its Iuccou. But who could ' utidpgto otherwise than faulun. nfur glancing at the [lumen of tho diructon, ` Ivhoin Indy Guvormnout to--In withot I ( I doll|r'I ilhnlt in the concern, Mad 1 I II Ih hlul ll Imoh About m.l- lug; niluny intend II of the Binomhl 'l'honnl We ounce but npplnud Alt. Aleutian`: pndouoc in one rupoet. Ho unlhinlulon the Bunch iauunuu-Ir llhnltianlllhoouwlubloulopnpor nilvqy. I0 in union: that the pan iohglluluht guuuioodnbingold lhoinntnid. and Inllolto gdqnilof phi Union. Nounurill hhmokip }_ fol-nklngouchnnp. IIthnJudnIhip I w H lihtly III! tannin and llhllbt 1' lathe tin til Dilintonhip of II imagi- -.-n -Ik...I To lat. nA_, _| -fuvunuu . . . . . ~ . . . . , . . . . no; nut-. `I'I|_Iootingand l io~.\'ic . Binninglun. Ital oltur Witnr.... ,..!\lcRu& Co. em: Inailp Tnriiijiifnigi wlbwsnn n"nm.p mm 2:, ma. inning. in -IlV- nnt or mum scum: 1'm.e.'.. mg. -\ BALI 5! Ir J. A. .GrInt'u. Brock SI... in-narrow Incming by Mr. llugcheoon. (humus Tuuruzcnu M-marrow eu- lln, City Hull. A jourlnlint. when seat. VII contested by in Irish Ronmn Cnlholnc. n`tm|l]_v pub- 1 hubs in the wlmum uf inn journal A list 0' I11 HIOIO who `med for his oppuuenl. with 1 picture of the unnnumeut lu tho Dundiln Iluinb the Fe.-ninna at its heml. This is done, a u ubuurvod. in mm 1 blood, lhln the cuuh.-It II nver, and the 1 jaumnlint. bu gniued his elocuon. In tho 7 dinhnou vary grul betnuen such ultim- nityrnnd tlm puuum which lead to civil m I . _ I And the nun who is guilty of Inch pa: lilies] Iuvlgary as `this would mbukej other: for Ihrring up religiuuu um- nmitiu! - run Bun in chT:>_.r't um evening-T to 8:3). `u-..J- --n.-Lu_un 1 m__.,-,. .|.:_ Lionlonauhovetnur HUILJND. at the roqmltol tho Govorumem,` will, it in aid, continue in oioo until n ht No.- umbor nut. It in In bu regretted that tho Government have uh-(unnined to ad- opt tho mutiun nyltem um! dinmin go~ tumor: 1`. tho, expiration of live yuan of OM00. Such n system cannot but pru- dnoo nil ruulu, luuroring the digmzy of the oon, which will be tilled by |llf\`riI\l' Inn, who will melt it u the rv.-ward of po- litical Iarvicen and use it for (bur pcraunr nlprefcrmom. Mr. llowuxsv `Inn made an excellent Chic] Mwiutmto . Mid nu Idoqulle ruun can be nduncud Iu favor of his removal. The fact. n! his being ul- od in raisin oioe for thruo nmuth: long- or nhon that the Punnn in timing with rim] upinnufior it--nn evidence of the vicioulnen oi the n you-1` nylialu. Tho Leader deprecueu the Introduction of thc religious elemnnc intu the u-Intent not being fought in Scull: (Inurio. Tho llnporution of ruligium nu-ifen iuI.o party politics ll much to be mgr-ottod. but at hardly lion in the mouth of our contam- ponry to condemn tho pncliee. Did not Mr. J A8. Bun` rid: the Protestant hunt in But Toronto lnt summer l Did he lnlpl. Itigmntin All tllolo vrhc voted for his opponent, Mr. Jun: ()'Du_'1uImIl,` an Foninnt I So long In I Cnthnlir when for s'I`ory mndndnte ho is urerythmg that A: lovely sud wlumumlnl-la. Whan he Vulvl } for n Ileiurmer. tha Torin: huld hum up : II I Ieditiuul maul who enpouaea Foniur E inn. Not only did Mr. Bnrvis orgsn denounce hi: Catholic opp:-nonu u dim l loynl, but when lhs contest was fougl1lI out, And put pusinm hul lime tn cool, In publiallod thus nunu of Mr. ()'DnNo- Ion`: Iupporton with a cut uf the manu- ment orocud to the memory of the vnlun- : turn killed I! Rt-lgt-way at UM head of the list. Rona:-mpg on thin at the tuna, Hr. Gm.nwnI'Sm1I in. the Luumlnlu Umctlnlyumte u fullun .- un :-____I:_. ._x .-_ ,,,.,,,,, . ,. n mnIn1uuiruIIInII|Y- A 8PIBlI':-HIEBTOR. "U!-if-rr-rvrivc-bm`. nununnii an it \ it-jnt'|_ in ml 7HruwLds n. -'1'-`p--17-:-ct :-vv-`go-u-runny. ` -I", .5... 5,, 1..., .,h....,.,._ Icntjuu, Illlk` the tiukau tin plwul uln- ` Commluu, but than in strung ruaunxiur ` U0 hid 10 1" |I~ii|5`d- 2 3"` `h"'-` `"" _ lot udjoumiug without proceeding with klor oath. It can ouily bo soon that such !'hhu...oay:i-7..l.xm.:gius ml!" unmummltunumpuwu ` ' _ i W, ,m'mum [utkhn hm Iuoniconuruinnouunn-u_%"` oqntldnool tho!` qty 0iIty`le-.' Rut unlyuui`|Rnir.`luoII59|"': an 5. .5. ..,.'..`othor-riu, lnydouplol-`U&':5*:1;. cl. 'l`IiInndwrin|InlI0u|IIImwN`|"5"` the WWII |I'~l"""'!l , nay, amt-pa-nu. tomuunnfully 1,_i_tb-l"u""'" I-lav nmni-:- N-*-`t.'I!',~ chad Ilr. ILnIiI- cvo-on`-indict. II . "'l`.'i"'- "'0 "I000" "3 `IF`l`'`.` .; Thulinllonnoool a-onus ainmd 5 h-ch-v xun than ul`~`ii-1-I to ch-rue. -4; not noon-nnrily ilupodg th. gmtugw .,(_u.. , much In to be upoctud, mil that per 4 inn peg nu which to lung n cumpluinl. `Thu ucuniou Inn gilt up in style Chit I the ` v.ui.;.u.m. If My (;.....-......m '- I--ill-tr ch-P I--irn-tr." IN` N! mom ul tho Cummiun will consult, J I`- '-l'|0d- IN` 935 P``"``'`u3" " `, I the inquiry may go on, and tho wimouu : i` ' '`"" in '9 ""`" F! ""1 `hr , my 5. .'., .-,._ ..,;,.,3;, ml, mum}, cam. annual Ilcltrlionn un st.` .luhn': Dny line l pulled to give their evidence `qndor unth. 3 1* hMu'l3Id 3 31"`? _ T 1 1: muy mnku mu. dionncc whether W" The uitnouu an umrn or" not. If any ``"'`1I``' ` KiU"" V '" i?` C``"`,. 1 dz. dngggulud -u;u"u.u.'.IhiuY an III ! Jndbll Bndk can not interfau with 2.1.. rowlro. -yttlm '1-4'1 And if they refine to give tatimuuy um` ```'"i` ` ' "`""` w"hi"`l_ 3 ` Cltlruqul ` ' i..dg.,xi..'.'.E,` 4 : lllulf ] twunty.-ve paid the 1 Impacting thnt it till he mule an shun testimony will bu worth. for poopk who tcll the truth have little objuctinn murmu- tn in n-pa. ugh-a_.uisomtn,auwunmu' '99`! __ uu,.n.,...nA '*""|"-'"""-1"""P"`|"a '1'l.inaagoodyau!oi u.-mmion. A HBIOI _:A___ ._ F III . Wm` lillm _ , `N IO- nltlo E U the Hi! In -.4-n.-m-Jinpnii ` I " """""'"l I nu-witllh, HIV ' Ao- m:n-:Z-"3'.- *1-2: IL Bognnihllhutlbgniu-@.I.ndIIn Ella ggqluuoquu nnhn olnhribofcanlndt wh &lu huh-uhinngudin tho hlcin. an thu.Iipnviniomlhn'I`IutyclWuI- in-In-niuhllnucnnnhd. Hanna--L - movoauououmlnulmgoc unounnlu bum Gunrunho Bill. He explained. mm. noaoyhlu mid bylcunna Hobonppnpptintd furtbowndruoiionof the Panic niluny. Ho pniud tluCA- uuliml for their Uioqiriund Iuyulty. uuhhnicdlhho gnuuhu for tho loonhdheoa unngul fnrunypulitinl I-uurmninonnnooticl rillilho tnuycl Wuhingluuotih 8ir0:n. Dllh III :3-uc- guuutni ulhljtlin uchlorvhiohthaunhviolttyd IL oildlhg-mincllh Inillnnlnxdll-nnn.j.hnnn&-us .. um I-..;.. u. `-H... -nag-uuuu IIII to be r-..-nmrml, when can a BI! use In placed! Thu ouneri inn]-I be glad to In-u-_u! I site, If al|unubJl1:litIl|lb|e can can unly be presented. 'I'Imu the no ` Lhnm-d at the nlnnger of the nngunuo on E l'niun Street will be surprised talcum that it ha.-Ilheelt cult-rlulry to Iloru more ' f powder III prlrale llOI'\`I_ llnn in the ma- ` ! gumo, lu save the Ilurngo in this build- I ' ing. Musan. I-"r:uu&' Uaurge have built the mngnmeina hbenl apmt, not for the ufaty of am: nuns .10.... bum an public. I F -----. coo ~#- --~ -o-_.. TIE (`A.VADlw`P_l1`|I`l(` IIII. U u 9.wwo,w lot million In unto. um mu; 0,!) to 7,3 for cannon tuoboioo oxln nI0a'|., Ry: bu dull In-I hill` at I,U to 5,. Vi Ill min; nod; H.111); Ila 8!,- ulllhinhut 1, I010 ' H08 : us: Noilyuu. kg. `min to En. Om-I Irnn: Indus um laIulon.Jnno u.-_'n. the uo......r I Cnuuou to-dqy, Ir. 8 n.........-.:..u..r:.1... a...L.g.L':T I Gu-rm; Thun- ilday evening. ---4-1-9--_ . ....- -V............ 1 3" -I.-Ayn. Hnlip .\`l.:-nsnn paid $1. 1110 Tu inxhihntitm. Two day! cllnl-god with nluling pig ir--n were honunble diucharr lnd. Ilichml Kully lad Loon hull] hal- lon by Wm. Carroll. but tho can In I named, an an dun I clurgu ol vault `i bmught by Wm. Robb Tlwl. I Dunn. ___,..`- % Pnuct COURT. \\'odneuhy.--'l'|m\ Iru g healthy docket to~du_v fur Inch 1 I dull hum uf the yen. ["r|cl.ico at that bu I mull. he smut], thuugh. Jnhn ).lcFolrMI[O. far having been drunk And nlilonlerly, pm! SI and and hi: I5 days, whilo Catharine .\lun-hy and Ellen L`li'nn| had not a rod. and therefor` in comidorr non of their I-nrcrly new committed fur -on .I-..- lIL.I;.. un-....... .._.`.a an _I-_ I`..- I Don t .l:I.e.ai:fi-1no Tries 1 All by the Garrison Theatrical 80- l ciety on Thursday evening - -vww 3 Tu: (irsl-uuuxn l\[Auu|sI.--A-ior- i respondent vrinhea Io any that than in !twu nude: to this qm-Itiun. HQ nun. ! that the nmgume in a null prococtod an ; my miliury c-no, And no alarm was felt I when the umguino in front of the City Hall, at the Market Ruler) , wu nook- ml If elm -.--.....a ...-i.=-o- ......_.....- I.-- ---u, `u -u- ...-..u. ed. If the preulnt I when mule: an Pnasaxrawloxm THE rut . MI. LEWIS. A ilteply inluuling muting Ill hold in the Primitive Methodinl Church lac night, tn ulna n fnrumll cl Iheirilue pu- Iur_ `Rev. Goo. Lewis, ll. .\.. who bu nude lumaoll nu justly pupulu during In: May in uurcity, and who lunren by this evening`: boat for his new Iphem of la- -lmr in Tomnlo. The following uldrua. engn-auhl on parchment, together with 5 puno of n hnn-lnmue amount in gold, was presented to him .- I?vu nun ll:-An Hun fun L4L-Il AI - . .... uu-uu -u -nu Rn`. uw Dun 5II.--On hehsll of a few if ynur friends I have tho plenum to proaont you with iumnll token of ourlovo and claim for ynuhell and your unizble Indy. Yuu will please roceivu it u 1 null mark of our doep npprocintion of your In- hon among l'_{ To my In deeply regret the I.o,rminnl.iuu lml faintly upnauul our deep surmw at the lo we Iintsixi in your reiunml. W0 have nlvuyl found yuu, Dear Sir, comtant in your endosvon to do us good, both spiritually and tempo- rally; xu times ofnllliction I kind u-snot nuil It Iyiuputluting friend, ever ready tn clieogpud Iuntuin by your counsel And pruyeni. Ron. auurc-I, dear Sir, we will lunr cherusli sum-I mamuruu of u.. rim: llt(|30l'IC'IIMll]0llIl$[ld'|I.IcCl|l; ordimryriuguti. |ndl)Woll- and Canal .60; Noiuouinulot LI) tu4.!l3;TNnoInld at 3.85 and I1]? choiouu4,00. Grain--nc|rgoal U C spring :3 1,29. Pcu--no noont ulu. Aohndnllntlnhnhn pruyeu. nun. aunt:-I. uur air, Inu uwr nu-.4.-I nuvnlunoa 0! {J19 time you uni your luar lady hM`o.- spent with us in Kluxmun. and that we will ever pruy for your iwlh and happiness, and nhnuhluur Hoawuly Fathar. in H|s'nll- wine provldenw. nee: m to return yuu to n11rl`Im:c'I an Knnguror. I farm grovung mu be ynuru. You III hv glad to know l th'nt nmnna lhnsm nhu mmn-ihnvml urn I! n V y I I v , ...-- ,.-..--..... ..-- ... ... .-...... _,.... .. :n1:r ('lm:c'I v will v- thit. among them: lhu com;-itunod gm 1,] Q mmu of member: of other Churches, who Imru thin spontaneously uholrn their deep appreciation uf your lnbon in am city, and who uuw jnill uut sorrow at your de- | parturo. l'r|v|m_- that God`: clminnnt hlnn.|innI- Prlymg Hod`: choiout blouillgl may ever shower on your pathway, uni that no uluk clnud may ever dim the rp- dinnuuf your pcrfvct {nut in Ilnu. we Iwaeul you unlh Elm small token of out 1 It-via. an-I wuh mrruwing burn any, fur \ In I T I .._..... 1.... LIV0. um tell .-\lII\'I:ll.--The II. Austrian uvod out Tu mu. Run A Bums: Till. 1 {I11} Ilrock Slroel lhl. (`hm-rh. rm: .'.o.4.v7:Tr.4 RA..\'1'l l. T. TI`!!! $IlU- W IIZVVWT >@Ihuvwi`*I||ahud"Iu[h\u,and ' Ihlwdw-I at.-may euxhpu. up:-mg us 1 av. nu-I Ashen dull ;t Ink