Qlh. VVIITIT-TI W .*..-:".:.'.-:...""".... '.:......."'"".....':1':.'.' Ilu nnvcwpuy uruuy-an ccuu mtlno Alowvnokugoyouoonldhu` mg. than It can n outs. Ilbr vudnluuutougnovltcutuuqnrtat; II In 70! lb ldVC,Hl uiahnzhnnnnlhnnr. nnlkthn [Elli IX II IWIII UXIXPI BIKIIIIJIIIIU IIOIIIII` ondgrograooond Porortyorouforoport on over. In all ol tho largo oumo oolloctod ` not one penny for diotrlbutk-u unoug the poor. not o mill for tho ooooido homeo whore thcoickond nil: of thin grootcity got o mouthful God`: pure oir owoy from their hornoo in tho olumo. There on noon and women hero by the hundred: who hove non.-been inoido outl- ' vorty llootin but who do more in o w to onuogo tg`onr- rouroond crib olpovorty thou oury G and his nolo coodjutoro have done in their liv-on y vootonothno I thourloo. 'l heyoct.ondtotholr houourholtnld. that every pohny ouhocrihod lo diohurood without coot G oonnloolou to the poor. ondthopoorrloeuptohlon them. It the chilnlrouolpovorty wouttohoortheopootlo ol Anti-poverty in Brooklyn thh rook. they will hovo to pay tvroty-In cook for the molding: A for Inohonnn vanaonlul hon OI `NU IIIK I prllll. I uu quite villin to Admit with Mr. George that poverty not a duinblo con- dition. but I do not seen I an nd the dic~ tum that crime would 1! ppm: ilpovcrt ; wen abolished, or tint it is pouiblc to tho - i inh it by the financial system inaugurated by Mr. Geo , when ve or Ii: thousand dollut are acted In ve week: and ovory I fcngnz of it exp! eighty-nlno dollars. rnrtv nm A: far ung-Q -v_.-~ -..- -__-' --.- -- vuw ._... -.v `-. donhud hi: nbility or honut '.bnt xu your! nllod on it -and in hip to a uulunont. and his vklovorl rrin-Int. who wan ahead with horchlldun. and who I'll to have received over A half million of dollnn from the eoumlonnd some of General Cutting : dnlb od. which holnduenthor copay rexpouen in Europe. Mn. Cutting hurried out from Enmpc. An investigation was ordond. and the malt In: the dinoorory oi I dccit o! nonrly two million: of dollarl. The allega- tions undo by the heir: nppenr to he nua- tnined by the investigation. and while the hair: my not feel dolironn of pnnocuting him for family reasons there is no doubt that unllicient hu been discovered to land this nriltocrntic niillionnire behind the burs of the ma`: prison. I An: nuiln willinn In admit with Mr ll IIIIISI3 0| {WU IIIIIIIUIIS OI (IUIIITI. A queer case that of Cuttin '3 which. if it were not for the hid blue lood of the fxnnily, would nrour very much of mi ` robbery. Among those who have h gh sent: in the inner aanhedrim of fashion we have nothing that rates higher than the Cuttings. lhe Astor: are rich And to Are the Vsnderbilts, and the name mi ht be said of the Goeletn and Jones and are Hummer- sleys, and a hundred others, but when it comes to the real old blue blood that um-- dntu the remlution the Clttin clnim precedence of them all. Francis fl; Cut- ting died some you: Ago leuvi a fortune of some millions to he dividx among his children. /Hi: eldest son, Gen. Willinn B. Cuttin. In appointed executor to Admin- ietor. t e truut. And at the time no one d btodhin " '. on an orIh-::nuthi.bnthm-y-`ax: 0 WEEK? ["9 WUUKIUIIIG IWIIEII. But it does not follow an a logical to- queneethatif 'ou abolish poverty youoboliah crime. The ledrlderniexguwedsentp to an prison were very \\ to o. iah theieng bunker, vru almolt I million- aire. and Ferdinnnd Ward ind til the good thin of earth sud rejoiced in gold gnloro ; Bud enseik, the murderous nilder, was worth 3 half million ; and Jacob Sharp could sign his check for at lent I con la of million: ; the preqideut of the Fldelitynnk lived an the fntnesu of the llml : Ami lutlv IHIIIIOIJI ; Kile PIUQIGCIII UK Ill! TKUJH-'y DIRK livod on the fumes: of the land; und Iutly comes Hen. Cutting, who is now before the court. for having defrauded his own brother: and sister: of two millions of dolllrs. I ........ A--- oI.-o Al l`..LA....\. ...I.2..|. 2! In I Omce, INC OIGNIMIIT5. [UT `TICK uuu blil ; ve hundred dollars wens expended in booming Doctor M'Gl nn. and the rest of it went in one wny an another. can-inge hire not being one of the nmnlleet. items. so that the bulk of the ve thouund dollars collected at the nnti- rerty meeting` has gone where the wood!) ne twnneth. But it does not follow an n loaiml ne- Isl u\' DOOII ll8l(l IE 0|!!! 0] I110 "I15 EX- nnivo theatres in town. the Academy of . usic, mud in a few night: between live and six thonumd dollar: were collected. Over A thousand dollus went for rent ; over two thousand were paid to Henry George : priut~ oice, The Slandarrl. for trlctl sud - x-n Iunnrlnul rlnllnl-I mom nvnonnlnrl ._.__,` llalalng Thoueende of Dollar-A - spending them In noomlnfaeorge ad Ielynn ` -A Blue-blooded Ariatoont winche- freed; nan r....n,_n.. Chime ofthe Walk and stray: Nlzw Yolur, July 29.--One L! the most telling point: made bylfolitlcal econnuniate fro'm Adam Smith to elg&y.Georgu is the gage: of poverty on crime?` general iufere enee being that if you aboliah vcrty you 1 _,;h9,ufo1mdationeol on Arc ` temple. w ere all the worahip re are 3004!. where sin is unknown; 11 no evil: and ills that men euffer and rave eulfered for agee...die- appear as tbehear frost vaniahea In the beanie of the morning Inn. 80 Henry George and Doctor 3l'Ulynn have eeriouely addressed themaelvee to the business of deetto 'ing poverty and of malrin every mortal , man and women. an equa share- holder in the riches of the earth. In .....In..- on .9. Gina Mn-innnn (.3. ennui. "PUM P8. nolaer III we rlcnoa 0| um Isgnn. In order to mart the bunneu fair, meet- ` iugn have been held at one of the moat ex- nmnirn thantren in town. the Amdamv of A vnaw or THE Anfifpovaarv so- } CIETY NOT OFTEN 3_EEN. - J ~BROADBR.I.\I S% is. we-up-. -p-'-'35 / Inuupl I pun-In mt; `ltooalu Noounrybytlolhclcl hit: Iuotiorhlolnttoovonuonl. Loxnox July .-Ir. Glnduououl a.....a ;LI..a.. nu-.| maul:-h urulluw vlluawlt II `bynfuolnlnl-Inlqlrlt. mpeulu -DUW-IWIRIJCIWY. |u'yuv~ tired to develop tholr [nouns in pan. The loolswltnrlnndhullnon [on- most nlnuintnhllgpnmot tbounetime gsuhohduqhhrdoovuynuizu in r toptnurvut lndcpuodoooo the country. The wnmcn\ol8viInrInnd would coin an-lunar to plunrvo tho tnllly tho ......".'."...... .... ... 2'34`? ' IIIQUC iv! on-1 -:vu.-racy. Gzxnzu, July !).-At the opening 0! the International rie mocking ban a I win nude by H. Dru, the ' out 3 (ho fedonl council. Ho aid owing to the Irbdoin ol the landing Runyon abbot: pucowunown-and. Tboluionolr mmdicl notwidlom Min. Thovdo IV . lZmUl mpodid notwatogo Iowa. Thytk nirnd tn do:-alon (Lair rnlmu in nncn. no Youth 0! no nu Io be `ruined And Fund for Any Inn-gooey. .\__._.. . I_.I_. ll `A AL- -____l_A `I AL- 1 IXIIUIUHCIIIIHIIU 1 W, from her clentod position the I hum down about our ecu, 0--Ales. N` fold and :11. Solo! week they loved thoold lady from the summit 0! our Hon! do Ville. and now we no ring tn have one ol htonu. which, it in opal. will Int till the Anti Poverty-society e..-cts a new city hall.- Bnmouun. IIIICIOIICT OI PIIDIIC WUTII, IICVYIIUII WK` bu long been tluioched. that the (oddcu ol ' t` t ft cit hall .;"'..'...".'.T `. .';."....`;. 31.. ......"";.!"'.`:`..`.'.' `CTN Ill]. IIO COW, ploahl ttloehildwill lih lut- unconh .wuonoof the Inootnthutlvo objoctlonlilwoudway. Itvucntby\\'uid. t.hoIculptor._l;t.a eoutuolh. Ill) town] an unit: a grown rich zines are-2, tho Iqvonofnrthornoodol the nngo|.uov.hcy vohkenberdownndpnt her out of sight Gen. Newton. the con- mluionct at public works. dhoonrcd that In: Inna hnnn nnlnu-(ml Ihgl tho Hntltlnnn nf JIIILICU IE (UP 0| lll Kill llll WII F }oldryrot,|ndtlntifnox Ipoodily {nun Iunr nlnrnfnrl Innillnn din lnhvhl 1 Iellllll 0lI%ll'IIEECmj$ I . '. " """...*`.'.,............""""""';...".:"' .' cou c ot our ' ' I130 ofC 'ty Ilnpci for you: uhonnd the front of the nibble llilnnco com puny. and the do: of Justice has the up ol the cl hall. `no Alt: of Charity, (`ICU . T e eociety for the reformation of juve- nile delinquenu was founded in 1824. Its original patron was James W. Gerard. and his connection with it occurred a most e larva. Hewasalawyer y es elzguand heywu called upon to defenarhd boy who had been detected stealing a canary bird. There was no question about the the. The fact waa pr-oven, but Mr. Ger- ard made anch a powerful appeal to the jury that the boy wan `trod. Ho afterwards hecieaeonrned ' fanddied in gaol. Mr. Gerardthen eonnencedhiagrveal re- forlnawry work which has saved over 8.!!!) boys and girl: from becoming criminals. and made of then onnanenh of society. ll`- .L-l _l..a_._..a..l .a.an.. Conan a mu society 1: me: tney cmm mu engnry r cent. of the children are reformed and neoomo honest And useful members of so- cie_`I3{. - -..-.-s.. h- L.. ...l`......_-A:.... A` -urn. Dy III IIIITICKIOII OK 0110 _0I we Pm llll the keeper wu induced to enter the young milieu`; dell, when he brnined him with a piece 0 lend pipe wnp up in 5 nay!- peper. The wonderful t ing connected with the society is that they clnim the! eighty nor nan! nf tho rhilulnpn Are I-deformed Ind ouutuvntn e Ieenng perxecuy unencu- bohle that I looked upon thoee boy: and girls. Stopping before one of the emnll oollel noticed I etnin upon the floor. It was ' ht then that one of the keepers hnd hie b ne duhed out on] e few mghte be- fore by one of the you ul convicts. The boy wee only sixteen year: old and not in for I long term. but he wanted his liberty. n-nnfuuu n` Ann A` Qlnh In-Innn rilll fa? ."|3'n "i'.'rJ{."B}Th'e'7r}n:Id E` 1i"tn-I By an ' A-action of one_of the prison rules thn kumnr I'll indnnod tn nntar the roam? OI CTIIIID 0I' IIII, out In? W INC] `II Illltlll look old and pinched. most of them have that keeh, kno leer that Inches youfeel nncomfortnble on unmet you that if it were not for the wetchfulneen of the oiliceu in chnrge and the content reetnlnta thrown around them. oqr watch or Qockethook would Icnroely an ode while innhng a tour of inspection. In the Itete reformntory nearly 3 thousand boys sud girl! are conn- ed. All of them IN picked up II vagrant: on the streets, and here In committed the lone and dnughten who defy paternal rule and elnndon their holnel. ' It in A terrible sight to see the grown orirnindn in A late : pr-icon or penitentinry. but ltil `til feeling ff ll ind '- Inhln thnxll Ifrnknd nun? litany lnn..::d (`ll . t is~-not a pleasant ` ht to see these" walk and stray: caged be ind prison ban `and subject to prison discipline. The long lieu of narrow cells remind you no leasant- ly that to maintain anything like iacipline and order it is necessary to c these in- cipient criminals separate] an that fre- quently the hub has to be b tinto ru es. . eition to secure obedience to the prison Panning through the workshop, when sev- eral hnnalred of them are congregated. you recognize at a lance the dilfeienee between tlu-m and o `nary children. Han and tlxere you aee a face that been no evidence of crime or sin, but the great body of them Innk nlrl and ninehanl moat nf them have THE SWISS GETTIIQG EXCl*ED. Illl Ill IIIO IUII IUI UOVOWII I0 III! I'`' oitv. forlintory and clnritn lo ipntitutimnq of the 4 IIIQ ICU ICU`! U10 GOO. Randell : ielend, the least of the group. is divided between the state and the ts. the ants society acting independently un er in own charter as the society for the reforme- tlon of juveniledelinquente, docnpying about thirty ucree at the south end of thgnlnnd. and all the rent he! devoted to the re~ C...--Gxnbn-u .....l ..L....:p.. .l.. :..-s:e..ei.-nu. of Oh- 3 meories of the home which their fathom had left` across the non. `D--.4I-II`. -l-...l Al... I...` At` sh- ._...-u in OLA%TONI'8 PIIWOIOV. *..'.'::=-9` 5"` `Ibo nun rlun out In Ono! Quantum -noun. Inn 9-any hand. \' W. I. Icuuqygqgunt lot In jot-In dlr&nd.vbduucIdIt~ A L-Ln-nllnlgn -In-g-no. GASWELLONAMHERTlSLAND. Loxnu.\.J 2|.-In tl*oIonudcou- -unlike I.onu uodouthnclnuo 4,uuncndoul.uandunpnrIolIhol.nd bill.Hr. Dillon nondlhnjotdu. Tbomolionlorouh IhochuII'uou~ riodbynouonumnln. Loxnos. July !|.m-l- Nana-on ct: Ancndnonuh the W class? to Is. inclusive. can 1 withoutdiocuuion. Clnuolind wan elilninutd. Iloctvnnldu-stionolehuu 9|. tlxlinn nil` DKA In-3-gin. an` ant.` --.- un nvrultuluau III IWZI ~E E-..nn..o..... :~ll|ngInoI`: landbillto a: ` D...I.._.4I .u.....a..- ...:II -_|... S 'U'AI I) '"'X'.n:..u um held In! -5. hum. the reruns: and the opposition. null- inll the mlidlihn amounting Innllmr W IIIIUIII CIIVKIUIL The sitting in cozumitloae being rvesntned Mr. Chance. nutionnfut. none to . Hui intonjlpted he culled tho attention ol the c an to the jun from the govern men: aide. (Ca-in oi "l)oLiIh.") Sir William Vernon liucourt inpluod \thochlrnnnhexu~c{uhhnt|ontyto nntent nvnhnnic innnll nu] hlnnuuntirn IUIIK UK LWIT The speaker nuned .\lr. Healy. and Mr. Smith moved that he be suspended Mr. Hnly immediately took his hat. uni stand in iuthoeontnofthchouu. befonrotir in . he said: I beg that nme of my friends ii I vote against this motion." The motion to susnend him was carried V V I III HITCH. I `Ihe suspend him carried without division. 11. .:a;:__ L. _.-...._.:--,. L,:, _ , , 1 nwes er dennianiing an explanation. .\lr.H uidhefeltnoregntfotthe course he had taken, And was willing to nbidn the connquencan. Tim nnnnkar ngnu-cl Mr Hnnlv `ml \I: um IIIIIIIRIIIII Ill! lpl W0 IIIO chair. The chairman, than nporhd that during the last division following the Holly inci- dent; Mr. DeLi:lo cum to him nuolr stnmod for not being allowed to`:-xplain, whcnupou Mr. Holly nppmcchod and nld: Come out. Deljnle. if you an a nun. youkinurrupt me again I will break your mac . . 11- __--L__ .l-_.-__ n:__, ,, , ,I ctuvull wlul Iouu oppouuon cheers. After further diocnnlon I pungent um occurnd bemoan Mr. Hedy and the cult- man, the former complaining of conaervm ve 'i`1lntorrl\{Iption. po'l;he ineidongu undo} y . r. I ogizing. o e:cite~ men: conti:ul?ng, the chninnun reproved Dehislo ,(oonoor\~uti\'e) ndinordcrly. and. nefusing to allow him to make any :1 ~ ation. suspended the ning in commune and summoned the spots: to the chair. Th: clnirnnn. than nonnnnrl lm: Anni-... Au`. ouuul nuu Iucu unonannnu. ll pol-~ nhrd in, would endanger the page of the hi] . Mr. Parnell returned that it than was no timotor discunion of this than vu no timo for the discussion of any other unend- moat. `PL- -_.-_).__-_A _.-_ _-_-__., I I lg. . 'c3'i:E`ho`$:`i'r?'5n2n":.s'L"". n..!.'."'` ll-IQIII. The amendment I'll rejected by I64 to M2. the umounoemout of the vote lining re ceivod with loud opposition cheers. HQ` fnrthnr dnnlnn A Inn-nnngt Arm. wuunuarulunu until the hill went rough com the liege eerly next week it would be diictlt to pue the meuun at all. Mr. 0'Kelley moved to give the tenet! nix months for redemption after receiving a written notice of eviction. 311-. Smith said such amendments. if per shied in. endunmr the enema cl uh. "if. Smith then doclucd that In Illlt :.r...a The Lnnd umsuu Undo:-' Dlocnulon-A ~- connntoo tho llloun ` y " Pnooodn to Supoudn lonbaulnr ' court C6-phln olsptonnuo Inuit: n... un-_._;_,, [ TURBULENT scam-: IN THE lMPER~ uu. HOUSE Or commons MR; HB.&L1'ISW By Ionian. --T--7'7-7- XI. IIICG with the ..4I Tholaldlllllbhtlulo. u-uuulluucujtl. nninion of run. to NO. 171 -. IT`-ll` totllot ._...J.. 0 IL iussssrrucclumfr IL'1\.`nK AND 0' IAKIl8- nn-inn not 11]] f : IE1 - @ TIIAT (`OMMODIOCS D\\'IIl.l.lN G. .\'o. Q mun. 3.. human Sta : run moderate aly. Ap- ply tuI8.\.\(`.\ l.\l)lIDlA \'-.A Young (T-`rl xenon] servant hr n Ir vru-ks. 1.33;. .\p Is)!` I! Q Knit! slll. ` lot IE!` rm pLr at It Barrie sunset. \\'ill the lld` Kindly HIV`! I` or `till! 3. Run`. Ouanqni. A !`L`R.\`ISl!ED IIOFSII`. on \\`d:;hM. ~ lunhonnncrueuononxheurnlericdgr. hr 1 Inll lo PARK`! `PEI. P. 3 KENNEDY S,] 0lISlDR the Custom llouan`ln`(:0l.D BLVD RING. `lb: dinnlou-I our. lldur will he suiun mjatdod uponleuu it at the Cu- Imn Iloumx be suuauy nu tom Ilouax 0.\` M0.\`DA\ . J Slit. but between Ki on and (hlursuni. a (`\\``l`. 0;` l"U)l'lL \\'il the Ilndcr kindly Inn word at lhinolcc or ring R. RILEY. (hunonl A \'0l`.\`G GIRL us houseluid. Apply Io Mas lltxntnsnx. m in! street. lhurnuwunsfunuahuiu lmmunbni 7&1. ~IJlll. JITITII qlulllbslll, Asia! 39 3110, I I Iuomhs, M days. The funeral will leave her late residence. 49 Earl St. , kI~lIG'l0I' dtermon at 3 o'clock. I-`rienuls and ncqunintunca an nape;-tfnlly invitoul to and. ;lll.'I0(, .\I.r.r.. was no I! `$11 The nnonl will like plus: {mm his fnlhefs ` nsiduncouruonov afternoon at 4 o'clock. Friends and acquaintance an N-sptctfullj invited to am-ad. . _ J0llN.~II.\`.--Ill K` -stun, on .\`ntu\h_\'. July 3.hh.JcrudIaJ usnn`. ngod93you-3. ll Innnzln Iluhvx lldlinlu C`I,_u`I.:.\;L1ewchnd. om, Ju Close, fol marl! of Camden, MAnnx.-.-\t Amputee. July` b` Sxh, John 8? Ilnnnlltnr nf Anulmr Lhddan- soul 8 Int: I 3l.\nn;.\`.-.-\t Nnpcnoe. July '!9th. um;-. dnughur of Annlmw Madden, aged 5 yuus. Wn.Ior.- ..-\x Pituburg. this (S-tuniao') morning. J N. Iluot. son of Henry Wilmot, .\l.P. '.. aged 23 nus. Tho fnnnnl will nko nhno run his fnthefs .\l lu.1u_\.\'~i&.\ Iil.\`.`\ --At 3101;`:-u. Sfvth J uly. John W. Milligan. Xapnnec, to Miss Jeu~ nio L Jenkins, Xapanse. ; \ .. -" Il Anal. ._. Sta. Ptlnu (or Toronto :1 .'u.u. M Stu. .\`oasu|.ns down .lhe _ri\`gr an R6 um. fol-(hu'|ouo`al8n.n. , , :`..... . up '" "'7'" 5"" uTm'.u. ' 4 Dn. W.\sIm37o.\' at the Hotel. - - ` drslanti q MILL` --.-\t .\'a[nnc!.\$7th July. wife of My:on Milk. of I dauglmir. um` Goons sanwunx. J. 0. niam a: (`(1 \ ()'L;- M`: SPBQIAL unsu. ' In-uh Old ind 051$ hmuIl&.u|lLo: Lg Ihgnnn-nuns.--L --n \\`|.\'.\`lr-In. Ia. Jul 31-Hour. .\lr. ` Wlih. ncnhr ol tho cabinet. doulnnubuthlot the lnhltii: ol the Duiugovcunoutbhiotl inctiou bpnvosthkadllinrvnllo rnilroud MI-uhvbcnonlnndu. think .4431. _.... 1- _n.1.L AL. _...-__ I-illlnqochlydincudtoconpnienovn` iqhctluiulltlowcuhrnptovmoen. his upochul tht the counnniniuu. acting in pa ol the than of March 28th. -illncan-nxdlhnlfnchuimhe clonal nr F"jIIIIUIIDKII'III'Y!IKIl|. villnoounundthu hecloned or tnIduvodiolh&nnI:joch. Ilia or In-olcl Olnpotlllol. 0 St. l rnnnrm. July I) --A oonuniaion o or I` n .."."s....,.`` ' """""...;.1`E.`..;.' 321"" "'3' h R1; athntionuthccuninbn I Ivy:-v con --un; -nu-u--awn. l1\xnnx,J n-xm: Snli.Ibury.sponk- ` in; nl N hwrunod tdzlnrntivo to pupae I pa union o! ,...a......"'" c He aid pnrlh-an had olgen sound Ilundnquul. and that the consor- vativc putvnnnt organise to imtrnct the pooplonglhntulldc-criptioaoloepsrntist apostle. who vcnonly ho lustrous. tau 3 `I T.` WW` IXITI XIVU. Stun] Guns: ton prmtntod with heat. Qphh lhwlolornnd John Q. Adam: dur guouly ; and lo. OIIIMII). (.\su`.:.un. Ju|y';.-\'ennnla; am. uoonalinouGcItotroot, neu'lIu-rict.- -at-ma-:1 twuuty in old building And - `flu nun: rum: lining-I div- -; a car (`II IIIIL, UH! I&'-ll FIIIC UTITCI u thooouou exchange this . 'rHlalo' at Auction: cotton II` thonnrkoh thew-orldiallulllbdulcu thn|ntyI|r,thononpn1dontoflhobnll.I to out y. August drop- ?!-o 4 and to Ole. Luxnox, July 19.-Mr. (`-Indatone Inn` night Attended the porfonuanco given by Snnh Roruhudt at the Lyceum theatre. A in than to thognnd qld man. nuclei the conservatives patent and and Mr. Gladstone ntind to I D X? 22I ...",7:'u'.'.`...' Itulu for Luck of llniI._ !\"r.mu (`m`. Neh. July .'I).-Reports tmuu `Jttoc count) . in Southem Nob:-talc. any that near All the creeks. wells and cis~ term are d ` up. and thnt the stock is unf- ferinn for want. In nnnm Invnlitila Hm DCXTAI II` (Tl Ill!` Cull III III! IUWK ll llll` Iain? for water. In some localities the com dried up and ruined. CORK, Jul . 911--The ' nest into the E cause of the of Mn. Wu con- cluded to-day. The antimony of the physi- cians who undo the autopsy was tq the etfect that s chnine and nneulc were found in the d woman`: stomach. (inch: Troop: Flgltlng rm.-. A'nIl.\`& July .1).-Tho wood: behind, Mount Pundieuuo on lire. A hurricane is blowing enormous volumes of smoke far ovettheaa; Adctachmontof uoopu ha hoonuonrto u-nut the of tho program uu-o--w wn o-w u :-uIu-InulIIuo Ln.\'Do.\`. July !9.--Colonel King~Hu'nusu, ` under unhry Tor Inland. intinsta that the gorernmunt has proclaimed -Dublin only under the action of the Crimea act dalipg with farcible nonunim and Assault: on tha llllllff Illl TIIOII (I (DO KTIIIIOI ICU unsung fomible pouesaion md Assault: on the nnlicv. ...- .,... --......_,. box nus, July 29.~--TlIoCuIeuquiry ends in a muddle; Ono journal declare: it has vindicated Mia Can clnnctor, while nu- othor insists that Miss Can` clnrnctaer Ihnds jut when it did bofon it begun. lil ll-I.\. July XU.-'I.RlllCI DIIOGHIII. R ne- w of Mr. Shoehm. Mil . for Kerry. has arnttod at Kilkenny under the Crime: Act. He is charged with uuulting the , htilis. .\`ovr um` lhewu-m weather has come cm you can at KILLWOOD an the Ruthbun Co`: yard for 31.60;: cord. before it ispxlod and it soon all-lo: 1:: for line. (.'artod' roan: unotlhecilytu-Sioenypcrlond. KV\l'\'I` III.` n`LIYI'_\$\' l.V'I`I'I'I_\ I ! i_"\'I`\.VVI \l'\\' _- - , -___'_ T`- --__ bi` STREI-ll`. K_fI\'(lS1\)X. NI!`-`:3, July i9.-A tho count t ' %...........% .:":'..... I-`gr Itickoh to all ointa_, md`infor- zupuqn penuninz to all Routes, apply to F. A. FOLGEB, '- General Ticket Agent, l`_.._;. l\'I.-_l` IF--. -1 I)_.-I. Os..-` " i\3i.;-."' . :' 1-:.o'c`o'1};ci:':Vvf:'x'..'.L: xmcsmx. onrr. 11sT.EoaAPHnc FLASH ES. .. 4.-.. _` _ Aunultlng tho Bnllllh. Di'nu.\'. July 29.-Dnniol Sheohm. ne- hai nf Ur, Shnohnn, \I P, for Kan-v. lung Octal-uncut 300 to lnluhto. GENERAL ZIOKET,AG";I_?l'.~ Propane Int 31-!) Dlooluuon. .._-_. l__L. Zn Oluolnnnu Visited by u. _-._..._.. I_.I__ XI \'__A__ I,._ Punk In the cotton In:-lit. , MILL_wQoD- Fnturo I the PI-ncluuauon. .__._ 15,454. nu unv- fie: Found the AI-Ionic. 't__|_ an In` A Scout In 1 `Theatre. an \- 1\I u The Can Enquiry. I_.I-_ an 11-1`--- __ K_INGETO;\'-: C.\..\ .j\I)".\-4SA TlIRD}f EVENING. JULY 30,1 133:.