WW IEIWVVII I Illluvwu -u-an -:-vv- `.- --.,, WM. Nh`.WLANDS,JlL. Jtncmrncr. corner or Brock and King Street. a ver Wade`: Store. Entnnoo on King street. nut to the mo Omen. _ .... um-nus A\Y'\ o\|I'l`l.l bnnch n pnying one. ; Aguin only those found on modical enmi- }mtion to be in sound hulthccn get the ` x._-a.- ..c m. in-nrnnco in ordinnrv oom- 1!: Butt`: (cl nu: -u `can: u... .... The paper many of Peru, par value one dollar. pace: for tour ants. -u__;2_-n._ 1. AL. I1.'IApO, I-nh-gun in lhn `Kl- Tnveling in South Anxocu is more ex- pensive than in Europe, but let: expensive than in the Uuitcd Batu. I, n__.n .|.- I .:__ 1)` `W|llhmB.AnnI'ldHl|oAwortoI-tuno as an dinnbd nine of fun oao.ooo.ooo to NMWLWI , JohnJumbAnoI-lclt to his son, Wuuun B..II0.000.000.-ml by b-an-It am In: dutntm. In John W. Hutu`: diamond: and _._..-_. -4.- -Innhln than I.hnL\ nl urn l'l`Sl`lllulo um |`l|-\n u-.-.- Remlution savored! nvolutlon in mono! the South American countries IIUIZI} [huca IV! unu xv...- Pinchinthn h the loftiest volcano inlho world, 16.!!!) tat than the level of the sen. lmponuhnnunndheenuo Inn] (opt luhouthAmeric1. and no uunlly ndnlber Klllnllll-Ill! huutu uuuwscu Astonilnuds Bx-uil.tho Argentine Ro- pnhliv.-|ndChili are far In advance of the olhersooth Ame:-icnnotaun Wan with Brazil have almost extcrminated thounk-popnhtion 0! Paraguay. Woman outnumbrrtbonadxtoouo. AUUIII o-v,v-av --uwcu-r---~-. -- J- -_.? umnnny. `Duo C:hb-Dove route is the shortest Ienu the eontinengbnttho dents! and _..oJ..n John w. nacurnuuu is compuud u 3 un.ono,ooo. Ir. Willhnanol-is-id Inpnnatho abnlilgulddhnu-an-vicoln the-United 1: ' |Tl:. Illlllr ll! III!) IV u--V vunvvu SMYTHE AND smru. ` Soucrnons. Etc.. 102 Ontario Stnaot. Is`. it. sanrrnx. LLD. CRAB. Fnoxrnxacsuxm 'ul\I\IxI'I'I\ (`II A II. an M. uunzsgyu uuuuuuun un- gcununnorovdublothnn Ihosaotnn) nnnmnla|InIIIl& ' !~`;us ou the Iqnnno river are said to much resvmblo the hike! Nhgtrl. -,-A. ___.|..u... 3... nuuonl Calnb has 00.1`!!! inhabitants Tho new harbor will cover twenty-awn KKK: About 230,011) trnclu-3 pus thmurgh Calais ...__-ll- ` A W|LD-Wk$T EXHIBITION. GREAT FORTUNE3. runiuion on the pronu,u ptupowlf. mg `gun : intent: to make hu unwind unQ_ OALAIS casli-53 SOUTH AMERICA. Street. um stranded to. ve French hotels in Linn and - n,-| -1 1.. I k. or ' VERNON H. BROWN & C0., Or to J. P. Gilderaleeve. Agent, 42 Cler- ence Street. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamships. rm: - snnmsf-`s1-u - mssm. AVERAGE TIME 8 DAYS. 81'IA)l8HlPS FRO! MOXTREAL PRO! QUEBEC ParIaian.... ,`.27th July..... July Snrmatian . 3rd Aug . . . . . . . . .. 4th Aug Clrcuaiun Jlth Aug . . . . . . . . ..l2th Aug Sudininn .. 170: Aug . . . . . . . . ..l8th Aug Pol esian ...25l.h Aug............28th Aug Pu-sian............. slat Aug . . . . . . . . lat Sept Sarmatian . . . . . . 7th Sept .......... ..8th Sept Rates of Passage b_y-the Mall Steamers: From uebec to Londonderry and Liverpool : Cabin 370 33). Return-I1l0. 31!). C150. Intermediate - N). Retiu-n -). Steerure 81). Retu.-n 840. Rate: of Passage by the Extra Steamers : -_- . g... n,.,.___ Ann Dll `| nurnuny. wave: nun;-wn on .n w-...w..., -. 1:15 tun. ` ' The last tmin connecting with the Extra Steamers nlling on Friday. leave: Kingston on Thundny at 1:45 `pm Passengers den ring can be booked via R. 8 Ont. Nu . Co. Stonmeru. enjoy the scenery nnvmum Inlnndl And the Rani not the St. gxegtodl at 5 Km. for TOHONR). II o . rt opeunq won or ruulng` and on SA I11! at Km. for ox-rnmu. and %ll! lBEC. cuinng nt(`lnyton. Round Island. 1. Inland Park. Alenndrh Bey. Brockvllle. Preocou. Corn- wall and Cotenu. mulnctihrtfxh the benuuful e and romantic scenery of e of the Thou- ennd Island: and the Ronald: of the 8!. Lew- !) deyl ht. m tflenmeiflhgnet will leave for Montreal every Mandel morning at 4 o'clock. . Return Tlc eu ll. Greatly Reduced Renee. Excursion Tickets to the mny Ports on tho Oultolst. uwnce. . bortlsnd. Bacon and New \' Iron lloketl And any other lnlormntlou apply CHEAP SUMMER TRIPS, n,ooo ssuuos a BOOMESTER aoure. j 1 _ Ava YIIIH.lI'DlD nu ` tnno K0 cnouao lnuu. Give In A call and look over our 3 tmuhlo to chow good: at nnnnnnntnn TRY! DID an--we V. - ---.`.. __, -_- _..-__. ., (`nbin-~$50. SN and 870. Return- 110 and 81!). Intermedinte-8&). Return Stee at very low rates The lenmshlps of the Allnn Lino come direct to the Railway wharveo. and passengers are torwag-ded on by special trains to Montreal and the West. The last train connecting at Quebec with the Mail Steamers. ailing from that port on 'll`in5unday. leave: Kingston on .Wedneedny at : run. I"&1IlKl'D lllclll Du uuunuu vu: u. u. onhelnl) Island: and Rapi Lawrence. run o-vogue:-..uvu-., ._. ....-_..,,,_ _. THOMAS E:lNLEY, World`: Ticket Agent. Corner Johnson and On- . arlo ORAXD TRUNK CITY P `OER STATION The Royal Mail Through Line, 7, __ A__ _ -_. -1)- Composed of the following nbclln tide wheel Sunmouz as-rwmzx uoxuuu. AND qvnnc Quebec. Capt. Nelson. I Montreal. Capt. Roy ma-wnx -ron oarro AND IONTBIAL (`orsk-An.Cn t .S1nchlr Alerlnn.Capt . 1`:-owell Zorinlhian. `apt. Adn. ggutun. Ca Irvine. (`ommoncincon THL DAY. TB NDOF JUNE. and unt1lfuI1.bornotleo,oneottho above Steamers will leave Kl on d y (Mondnn excepted! at m. for RON . at 7 2: Emma York. For tickets and any other up y to the undersigned. at the um... foot 0! Jo - can Street. May 10 1837. C. H. HATCH. Agent. lmlluo. NJ (`u~oIM. Que`. .______._____.______ IF YOU WANT THE 1 0heapest&BestI-'u,rniture .. 4 u rasr EXPRE8._MA'Il. 35/mot. . \ AURAI\'I.-\- . . . . . . . . . . .Saturday, July 30th U.\IBRIA- . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sa.turday, Aug. 6th SERVIA . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sa.turdny, Any. 13th ETRURI.-K . . . . . . . . . . Saturday, Aug. 20th ` AURANIA . . . . . . . . ..Saturda . Aug. _2Zth U.\IBR'IA . . . . . . . . . . . . .Satur ay, Sept. 3rd SERVIA . . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday. Sept. 10th ETRURIA . . . . . . . . . . .Saturd:y, Sept. 17th V RATES OFFASSAGE : Csbin-$80, $80 a.nd8l00, accordingtn sc- commodation. Intermedisoe puaa.Qe--$35.` Steerage at Very Low Rates. bteerage Ticket: to and from London and Queens- town and all other parts of `Europe at low- est rates. Through Bills of Lending given for Belfut, Glu w, Havre, Antwe and other points on he Continent and or Meditermnpm ....._A_ or the L!!!) lllnnal Inn um xupnuum my on w Ln ; F`:>rn'l`i?kets and every information apply to .______ .... -- .-wrw-air Riche1ieu&0ntmo Navigation Company. CANADIAN PACIFIC RA|L Y. Rl:'l'L`R\' TICKETS FROM KINGSTON will he uoki by the and: rushed at the following rnlQ:- O.:IM_I3ED.)' A `NEW. YORK AND UVERPOUL W I ,;.~,_1,1T._1T.7\'v r" __ A - i From Pier No. 40, N.R., New York. Y. J(.'LY -27. mu AantQP.R;C!auuu nu.` xn-nn-. Ihh nu. nu. nnnnoon smiina. unnon aurnla. AND BIDIBOARDB. Tlnlovchofonlnlbodlyu ism-. ;.T`l'>V.V GILDERSLEEVE, D0118. For freight and passage apply at Com- >_An{'I Otoe. No. 4, Bowling`,~Gnou,"Y9w (Rail. Lake and River), % 'I*3AvELLINu. % I to - Mayan r-11...; 10.25 Oldurchud. 0 18.!) gvyryouada 1 15.70 cm. . ....."u.as Thousand ohu;;:ny ualnucy Jvlhmndoulcn. which an Linwun oulnnhubulululliotudtli auvus` IIo\II n.|uuI- _ . - row 3 AND son`, ~ 7 Ancunwvnand Surveyors Omoo Nelllngton Street. Klnllllou. I IVI I3`DII\Y'I$ MONTREAL AND WAY PORT8 Put. Commodlotis. `Upper Cabin Sauna:-~ A,_m"A1.ExANomA, '% an ROI In obit!-k aw Pun: ncoomvn tnmodl no-and I332 \I...a XL oluuu uun; n u I ` _ - .. ' .~......"'-..':.*.a.";`."'.?'-" "-' .*.:r.m3.:.`:.* glint. leaving llglz to: an trulnul v kouudol In monlln at I um In 0- 04: It ucodlntu. A an Iowan. to AI 0 6 Anna. EXPRE88 n_o__r pnoens. (C. H. NIOBOLION. IAITKHI. W118]; gall} further ntiufe. Iago 93311;`: What! at gun. (Ihlrp or o to no 3. Arriving At Picton at 7:!).lm. and through to Deoeronm and Bollev 9 every t except Ih-idny. when the no at Picton over night. Return leaves llevlllo Monday. Wed- nesday and dc at 6.1!) mm. sharp: Dacr- onto 1:!) |.m.. Plcmn 9:3) mm. - leave: Bel~ levme Tuesday and Thursday at 4:5) in. : Do- se:-onto am and Plcton mo Mn. 0n urday leaves Plcton at um um. On Bum y. during July and Au t. thin ntoaunor on O Ipocinl excursion I Sta MID lnlnndx lanlnn Klnnton at 2 p m. an rotm-n~ `R/DEAU; hill: at 12 o'clock p.m. Return] . will leave Smith`: Fnlb cur: Monday. ednaday and Frldq morn! at 5:45 o'clock and Jmoflockuu 6 oclock in; Kingston: uul wrmodlnt u.un-1 1 zialocllzack In. `wt u. And 1 pmivlnu op unltv ones! the Iple scenery of the can And other both ways. Puoenaan will have nearly two~ hour: at the rlctureoque Joneffnlls. onto! the moat roman (3 spots on the continent. Evan nmnuon mid to the contort og poo inhnt romuntlo oh the oonunu. I: tau t th con! 0! .. ""m7`a `.`E`.`.`.`.n.`. a .7u. c..2"...a S`: nun uh patch. Through freight consigned to our an will have mp! nuonllon. ' rm fur narticulu-I apply _I_o the pg-o|gI1> (arr. until. Hunk.) ! '11! Ian" Gina`: wharf awry Monday oun- \ In; It! o'clock. for Montreal calling :1 Gun- ` unique. BI-onkvlllo. hoIoo::..(monIbur[.Ila- rh In-3 oto.. mm: In I1 and Arriving I "'n.""7""" :"a'.`i.3.`a'%`u" aux . no u nu Klnmgnm\ \` MIXBQ . . . . Express Trains Nos. 4 and 6 Included. No. 6 does not run on Monday. -.um-- OANADA PAO/FIB RA/LROADS. A ROBEICI.` Shaw, Bnuus'I-Im. Soucnon. Coxvtnxclm. ac. 0Ico-Oorner King Andgllrock Streets over Wnda'|DrunStore. XIII- Kl I 3: In. E an-11?i`\ r'e:txmb1]1ttA`l:::o at =35ol:!:- ; Relllafew .`'?n.p`m' recuven Kingston at 11 .m..oon- .P.R. N E press M 23935 $.91 gr ml nniga autxand went. SIIDTDOL 1310 I( J. H. Tnmn. Amt. Sunt. . DAILY LINE T0 PICTON. DESERON'.l`O- AND BELLEVILLE. The Fast and Elegant ` sum aunnu uuy nun nu nu. lau- tr to LII Iulmds. leaving Kingston I p an vrotm-n~ Inn lava Klnnwn for Bay mm at 8 pan. (D. IOOIIAX. IAITIRJ Wllll ' Kinnton v Tucnd Thurudh ` and Saemziny at u o%l:r.-1 n.m.. .c a'\`l]lna ll J lntamodhu cud will uvo at Smith Falls 0' och Rntnrnlnl. will leave cur) Mil ha re Iipt attention. um to proprio- pnnl plan M3. ; (`upl.A. Fool er. Smiths I -""'"*--`W - -~--'~"- '- - co and` British Columbia. The only lino nmnln u-on h Pullman Cub from Kl ton to the an West. . "l`H0,M SCOOK SON` Tourist Tickets to all its of th0_WUd n s -lnlty. lsltors Lothe Sen-Side esortsot the Atlantic nnd St. Lnwrenoercoasta can now avail them- selves or the double daily train service. old Orchard Beach. Portland and the Islands. Irnln aorvlce. , Old Orchnrgl Bunch Caoouna. Rlmouskl. M . Dlmcx. cnnnnctlnnntmm J3 K lccetodb with the following trains from . ob-. tranl: Day EXpl'0I!lL8:l0B.m. NightExp1-ens at 10:15 pm. , . ` Cheap Return Tickets on sale and good for \ return until Oct. slat. ` Pullman Pu-lor and Sleeping Cara runthm i to Old Orchard Beach. St. John and Halifax. I ltxinndnd fncilltlea offered to tourists by u unllnurnxn 1. . C. L. Cvlrna. u.n.. uuooenor to Dr. Ju-via. P olnn,Surgoou.& Ol andllooidonoe ..3r'1': onnouno mo ?3ost (glee. Wellington Lakes unnm um um: ueurge. Pnaaen er mine have the new City Pan ger Depo . toot Johnson Street. as follow: :- nnvun I A'l` nmm: WIRT. lcxprou '1 hot Luke. Na. 3 Ex! Kinnton I Ind rouu I lo: I B: rt; ng` V or y gotornt In lenvclllnpton tot-any poruuapan. t Aoeouunodsuon for passengers and lowest freight noon given. Full lnfwmntlon gven by applying to the nmnln on hard. or C:`I1H Il; lllI:ll0l`I'g\`en Dy Ippuuxx LU u-v 0. 3. BA A. GUNN & 00. J. P. GILD I-`mam Arts. Pop. Anna. - wmmnu x 1lIJ.L'D' BETW.E?N1K|NGST0l & SM|TH'8 FALLS. snomsr. BKSMGIIELPBST noun" ` Mhmesota. Dakota, San Francis- 1:1. calling an outing Poll?-. OIIDO. Paul P.lL.nnd0lnrlotu0ovI. Ell. ~=--W" ruouunndcintonounc QIIAW. JIM . IIXKJIIY. and 0!! Blllllly Iouxnju I u: -vvv.-...-. -..- zizono Ill J. H. CLARKE. M.D.. D.D.S.. I..D.S., n.-u-ma-, Graduate of New York Qollego o I. run ; or J1 Hay I2. run July I. `I iEY- . "*13RAVE`.i.LII#iG.' j (c. mcnomo. In-rum. .n L._AI..- --oln. lnavn nnn ra um` 00! ..ac 1:1!) p.m. No. 2. .. ..nt 1:25 s.m. No. 4. ..nLl:45 pm. No. 6. ..nLQ:l. m{1. TEE BTIAIIIR j ,3u. Done. Donor mm for the Spring rush. The wart can be done better now. An elecnnt lino flhnginzl to select from. Always the best Ioloetod And most Ityliah stock In Eastern On undo to choooo from. m--. ..- - ...n ...a hunk over stock. No "u)13i'SI~AEY:i` 1\uxn'='ux1-. Aunnvn. ` ` Suoez.n..u-Kings`. ` nunirvialn n\vn unxv lERO, goods at ROBINSONS WALL PAPER DEPOT A-._. -n__..-A ua..-4l 0Ioo-Uorner lung Wade`: Dru! Sl0|`~ rxbk up in A t\I'.\'I`I CLARKE. M.D.. U.U.5.. 1..u.o.. College of Donl3stry.' Olco-Well1nton Street. between Prlnceasand Brock Streets. Particular anon. ion ad to anon of the natural teeth EVERYB0l)_8{_AN usm. BRONZEEEJR ALL I For Gliding and Decorating It In recommend ed tohotho but In the world to keep its color. Coins and no the Show Card of Sunplooot the dlbl-en! dudes. Try it. Eon]! 8 cents I box. already for me. at BETTER BARGAINS attention to. D:-R. E. SPKRKPSr,h D. D.sS., b.D.S.,` V11 . t. tween. - mm n'IkFBxde m su5ooT; !uuiaenoo_$'.">. 21 Charles Street. Omoo hours. mum. to Gm. `clock. er and Saturday evening: `I 10100 nhnna Ill IN THE DULL SEASON PAPER HANGIN_G The Em. w. u. ANGLIN. M.RC.S..' 3110., I orncs=-5:nu-1 Street. nu ma: `No: phone communication. ~ I/\II\V ;\IIIl'h I \VAVI.V I I I) F. O. MARSHALL. umommn a mint nun. Puunn!rrI:A.vu lornond undo mun nun an to. \VlOllll'II[DI.uI'u. __________.__.____.__ DR. ELIZABETH SM ITH-SHORTT. C..\l.. H.C.P. &S.O.. Lnteolnmmonh. 63 West Street. Diseases Women and Children. Feb. 5. .- '1-cl` \n,nIl I` Il'D \\ DON'T WAITI ` ` R; GAGE. _A_mmI1-act. ,0rnc:-)louu-anl3t:oot_., ..`- \lIAI|lIlIIV`Ih . `V DIDUII IIIIII blulul vu. DR. ALICE McGII.LIVRA\-. ` H of Women and Children A speclnlty. Dluuol on-nc:--230 Princess Street. at Dr. Spark: mud. Tolenhoue number IN. uv1\\lt1.VI\I) A IVDV J uly I8.-` PROFESSIONAL cums`. OF ALL D$}RIPTIONS. CALL AT -, auun 51 xgguun, 141. 9-0 podtolhoPost Oloo. MONEY TO A. at` OWQ OIIITOIII PQIJQ. _ I u...---nu- A nuvgII_'I_V\l Hi""BiALME's, July ll. ?umuvsn & umsnsun. TE LEPHONE---38. 5-: 1-mucus nun`.- ' out-.I1tIhI-III-out Ai%iml:1.1.iY{ nnauli -....__ 91.4.-n-ban-ngd - OHLKE S, . Picture Frame Factory, 315 BROOK STREET. aruuu -uuv-us-cu. JOHN s1`R4NGl-I, 1.1.11 . snug An. Lllnaglnranca SI}! (`heap I"urm'lurc mod Upholatcrerx. A \\'ALKE`.:llM& \\'ALK::.\1. b & .. ' I . posi:ot'l::Px='t Dulce.`-on , c` mg, on 1). Iucluun wAg.u:u. I JOSBPHB. WALKKM. ` _._----..- - .. . t. u. 1: \I V\ll`\l Iv:-j- --_>, 22'?` Bagot Street. luuuuvuv --......... -... ___________ H0)-l(EOPA l'HY an un, momma to no. nan. V-nu..- .. .. ROBERT sH.u'v." rn Onrwnl-Inn PIIVVIY no.-a .- ...v... -.. n Qnuunrlnnn Dnvvnv cu with` ...........v_. L. L`I.F.MEN'I S. II:-nu-Ilv nnnn-inn [ha Have your ' as max at. r ALLAN \QUAR7TERMAIN.. d 1. 1JI.r;n::1 13,.` Dlx'l'ls1'. lroctly t 1 Put Ooo. \g:)llinton street. gnpubvaxodoln Kingston. wn-mu-uu.wopnu'onn-n u-;...;.-... nhnln-hi hum:-In. WOTI"CI""II F I I$ Il0l'_Y. ' "Porhapo."unId8r can. tho lurch pal lmuulnylmheuo, In `In Panes. Bulwlllnygintaculnnocgnlutlvflu 5 Oh; nI-hQ " Ineqluuuun." "Woulnnuo."|n|Il&llnry. -wax vouwogotobtd. I an and um. and wululnotlnelnhoputhnouhudntl I-oelhunlght." Anduowndlnlunlvuwdlupotily nonsndcknnviilnhoohunndhu -n...--an-Qnmnnjmn Wmijg jrvudvtl-uq Whuovundlfaoahl llbuh. whudohnnuolh. do any human. whuudohlthnhumnhonnthcuthuuh. mlerooeennngnnh.-n.` bin in pluck 0:33. I plucked one, and Alan; mesieuls. it picked my a 1'! She was A clnmbenjg mud. her name nnctte. her nguien v his, her (mean mg:-l.'& her hen-v-samw easieun, that I should have to own it- auk and slippery as I patent-leather boot. `I loved her; aha `Ins `so spirituous And nhundonodm (hero I have lnpued Al- phonse`: original version. Sir 1! mg- gutathnthowu trying to tnnslute si Iplritnello at shoudonnee). "that I could not choose but love he}. _ I loved to duper adored her to despair. She trans- !` ,1 - IIuau.._`l| as-as-us. nonaag. 8333.: me-tn every , me. _.\'ever have I cooked as I cooked (for r [hurl been promoted at the hotel) when Annette, my qdored Annette, smiled on me. .\'e\`er," and, hem his manly voice broke imon sob. never shall I cook so well again." Here he melted into tears. Come. cheer up! said Sir Henry in French. smacking him smart! on the hack. There's no knowing \v A: may happen. you know. To judge from your dinner today. I should say you were in 1 (air was` to recovery." .____._:___.___.____ 0! Annette. t The evil moment came: I had to go. I tried to run sway. but I was caught by bruLl soldiers. and they hanged me with the butt and of nmskets till In)` mnstnchlos curled with pain. I had a cousin. 3 llnen- * duper, well to do but very ugly. He had ` ` drawn: good number. and sympnthined 1 ` bloody eld. when they thumped me. `To thee. my i cousin.` I snicl-`tu thee, in whose veins ` ows thehlue blood of our heroic grand- parents-to the l consign Annette. Watch I over her whilst I hunt for glory on the ` u o\l-Ln u-nun Inlntl Ann`! Lid `IQ: Till! ` soup. lsmanuneumau uuu - puts u, nature, and I suffered tortures from the coarse horror of my surmundings. Then wuu drill sergeant. and he had a cane. Ah. that came. how it cm-led! Ala! never can I forget it. ...-._.- _..._....... --nu. Oh. nnwr IIIV t can I (urge: n. "One mo:-`mug cunotho news; my bur \ talion was ordered to Tonquin. The drill ` sergeant and the other ouarse nmnstels re- ; juiced. 1-! made inquiries about To - M qnln. They were not satisfactory. In Tonquln are savage (`hlnesv who rip you IIIIAVI \.l1: artistic ta.~tes-f0r I am |L=0 In IJZIJ. JOHN HERALD. M.A.. M.D., C..\l.. (Successor no Lute Du. McCuu|o.\'I. ` Pmucux. SUnoIo.V.&.c. 0mco-.\lonn-onl Street. between Princess and Brock Streets. .-.-- nvnulivl Anvrxu In Tonquxn u'esn\'ug\- tnxuraw wuu -my ,uu open. My artistic uL~tes-:or artlst--n.-coiled {mm the Idea of being ripped open. Thc an-at man makes II` N: mind quickly. I umde up my mini determined notto be ripped open. I D .--5.3 sense. "I reached Mu-semen disguised as an old man. I went to the house": my cousin -he In whom run my grandfather`: hero to hIood-nnd then sat Annette. It 11: I-honouonolohorrlou. They mukndoublo .;.n. no -.-b. .....I -.n' n pharrv XII` Ilenouonolonernou. uncyusunnuuuuuv stalk. At each end was" u cherry. My cousin put one into his mouth. Annette put the other in her`sL Then they drew the stalk: in till their lips met-end AIM. niuthat I should have to say it!-they kissed. 'l'hegumevrunprettyoue,hutIt niledmewithfury. The heroic blood 0! my grundfuther boiled up in me. lrnhod into the kitchen. I struck my cousin with the old man`: crutch. How could I tell that hinheud was like on eggshell! But his skull was thin. The crutch wont throughtt. He died. Annette Icreunod. Thegendnnnea came. I ed. I reached thehnrbor. lhidnbourduvonel. The vessel puttonu The captain tomd inn and beat me. He took an opportunity. In I). -...e.4I - lgbo-u hymn n fnxlnn III` Ixfj. IIIKIZCII Hopostednlettorfrom a foreign thopolleo. odldnotpnt no cnnuleookcdloarell. Ioookod Illtho way to Zuulhu. When lorpqrlnent heklckul me. The heroic grandfather boiled wit nine. chooktnynstlnhhfneonndvovnd to my revenge. Ho kickcd mo mun. lnnnlhnr lhpl-A Inn A IQIoIIIll_ I H0 IIGKEII Ill! Illl. an Zuulhu there In: I Oelegnn. I cu-Id Hhognmoune. lcocapodfrontb pl-hon. nlnhenfulfolwou. But! ntnnuot co `Franco. Buturtorlnkulrllhlnthcu \ horrihlvplnconlun toknow the ham ol \ laughter. having to tan our (goes away. ALI nan nan:-n In-nlnllk yd `DI U.\'..|uu up: In fhldhcnt on " ' Alphonse stopped Weepinit. and com- menced to rub his back. .\lonsieur," he said, doulitlem menus to console, but his hand is heavy. To continue: we loved. and were happy in each other`: love. The birds in their little nest could not be hap- pier than Alphonse and his Annette. Then came the hluw-saprmit-when I think 01 it. .\lessieurs will forgive if I wipe away ntear. Mine was an evil number: i was drawn for the conscript ion. Fortune would benvenged on me for having won the heart ` of Annette. u-mm -rtl mnmnnt. tame: I had to no. N As the sequel anowu, nu mu. `'1 went. I lived in barracks on black lsmannedman and a poet by mom. and I suffered from hummer. having turn qua away. All! you woqgne-loan. hould. "No vendor-It In I and nary." nn...L-.. n ..n.| 1. u._- L. ha-cl. bloody eld. `Make your mind easy. said he; `I will. As the sequel uhown, he did. 4-! .-.m I livod in bu-racks 3 98! Prison Stunt. oounsydcnhun Strut. "Como. chm-r up! said Sir Henry. amok my Mm on the butt. . THE lR,l'l`I.`\`H wnm; \\'%fr:1).\tE.s"..\\%-'. nun-I _nud`u-arse Vh'ebrMaaIn ~- _ I-`-Dlea With a (`tree Upon Illa uh,-. tzrnggiu Cm. .\'el-. July $&-l-`o';__ 2-day: manor: had been aoat thaxamixb ` would Inahe an attempt to lynch Lee Shelluihergar. Innrderer of his little daugh- ... On Friday night an attempt was to ` have been made. but the sheril having been - ' forewarned th`lIll)b was dispersed by \the militia. The vigilante: secured aneutrance into the jail last night and hung shellen- ' berger. An eort` to break in the heavy ,. iron door: of the cor-n`dora was irnitlese, and the uheri ; ooe, which is directly over the prisoner`: cell. was _entered, and an opening about three by _ux feet Iru made in the tioor. The door WI! broken up and ` ~0Il$ilLIh.A.1:nun.4:arsl., and aorope fastened around his neck. He never broke down and remained nervy to the last. _He\`aa.Itri1'ngup dying with a curse on his lips. The mob. Domposed chiey pf German farmers. left si `ng loudly 3 German song. The crime for w ich Shellenberger was lynched was the blackest in the hietorv of the state. - The victim was Maggie Shellenbe r,` a bright chm; of eleven years. An ' 29.1885. Lee inforined the sherili that .\l `a had committed sui- cide. She was loan at the bottom of the cellar steps with two frightful cute across her vthroatmone almost severing the neck. Shellenberget and his wife, stepmother to Maggie. Venmegxgstul on the `den. and the father convicted.` He eecnr another hear- ing. and his legal execution urn put 06` in- denitely. ' IN SURANCE CONSIDERATIONS. '.{...:.'.; M. aha" .....e....u.. box a. hduuunndhbuugluaudbpw ...u.u_..u-hhnn mnhlnchnn.` IICHOII be In $33!! IIXIIII (XII guy Luv benets of life iuaurance in ordinary panies. Thia in manifeatly a 8 miafor- tnne to the clan that need 1' 0 insurance moot. The Budget advocate: the insuring of impaired livea. A cloee examination of the ap licant for insurance should enable a phyaician to aa almoat how long the per- son will live. an an average could be struck in theao as in ordinary caaea. A hi her pre- mium would. oi courae. be paid. e thing much in favour of the company in this class of buaiueea is the great care a man takes of himself when he knows he in subject to dia- --.. a~..-....|..-..h- an not-nllort use: of ner- himself when he knows ne Is s_.m;ec: lu ulr ease. Ewrybody cm recollect cues of per- \ sons who have lived to the full avenge of life even with im ind constitution. The suggestion is WON y of consideration. B B1. lhnnuht: No withouclunlth. 2: (Inch Aqua. d war Iulth W N optic. our llfl. In A bottle. 08!; KIVELBII `I JILL Juan: u -. V... .. u. | .. .._. D...E. MUNBELB. B.A., .\1.D.. `s..\1.. Pnrsxcux. Summon. &c. Olc.-e-lme Dr. Mcounmon I. .\'o.2$ Monuenl Sueol. ` -.\nuv a PI\ -jj. The Comnnlpnlon Buslnen Not Approved of -ll!\`lIl'II. of lnvalluls Reasonable. . The Toronto Budyu, III insunnce jour- ` nnl, condemns the system of paying Agents by eommiuion. Under the commiumn sys- tom the man! in mid a much for A bad risk ` Under the commiuinn tem the agent paid as for I good one. and n the company want: good rink: only, the inhexut ot the com _v and the agent do not run on the name ine. Pnvnu-nt of menu lav mm-uateed uhry, i the hgll do IIOI run Oil Inc lame uue. `Plrylnent of agents by 31? with n commiluon the Pl`5v P"P'dv I _.|.:.... :9 an mum : intent: ' ;'..`u"aI.`.`2'"."nI.".`7.."..I?'.` brunch pnying .\..i.. nnlv than to: M` 1-` VIIIJIHU w. `I `-- "' "'4 fawn :-::..-- --'==`o"<':..:.::' ';'.-'~=.......v -I-Id Imam ll Idol and to the Pblnt. M. IlU\\ Al, mnmnm onlcnom Coxvsnxcxn. &c.. loud`: Block. Brook Street. Kingston. Money :9 113a.