7 LHENDRY & THOMPSON, Fancy and Staple Grocers. !'4TRTNbEss STREET. Tbouhoro uoliloqnyhncditadfnpon-A ineouoquonccdthntctnnoluplingvu ticnudu 0IId'lIl|0QtOIl1Q.~ but tint UALUJWAY tag it int. and |8tnwHatn.8ocrdokoI-Contact vorylovprioon. 'l`icu.8hirb 'l-`bur Hundred and -Twemy-,Five A Pieces New ` Rich and full avoured. wholesome. stimu- lnuna. any of use. economical. the general favourite. no cheap substitute of poubwhont or bu-Icy. but Genuine Mocha and Old overn- menl Java. til-`or sale b Grocer: and Drnggists In 1b.. 1b.. } lb. Bot! on. Trial Ike. 5 cents. Imnanssaoons SEASONABL Pifnv. KIOVIIXI KIIIJ uxu In-I nut nun u.-ru- winter. The car! ' up that Do` 1 un him To II-up for table uni felted newcomer. \\'hic:lboaun it`: no light] return to But E0 to the Croften` thatched hit of Kilhnn. TIA! the I}! sauna linen may crap tlno nqydq. _ Isthovolcono Nut Hut. luau: hghhr ck-.. gn- hnhoiduxbdd Li- O&.1.Q&QU.I&X~ An &a-13:1 Plyshes. Veluets and Full Stock of New Trimmings open- ing up daily at -HARDY S.{- Bordon tony head!-an the [Mr Cupof tinbr, ?PmcEs LOWER, A A VARIETY LARGER, 1 STYLES amen, and A QUALITYAWAYAHEAD ` DORLRNITS. ACll1PTlA&BRl-LES l'ASPECIALTY.i DAIRY GOODS. otthe Choloeuuwnu the Cheapest. received deny. CANNID GOODS otevery nude at OAIDOPTIANII l'1nI(`hnbuluhonnocuo'L` 1.l__L__. `VA 1 J. (Ill? 6 K. Illllffll. July 97. KEEP COOLI Cool as a Cucumber. It RATTENBURY'S. nd tons tor BLAO KSILKS BLACK OASHHERIBS or my other Black Dress Mute:-ILL Ourltook is always well u- sort.oda.ndButOuhVduo. IIORI IAIIAIXS TIE Will G wavsuaepnmmpsi` Opened and ready fer inspection. OF LAST SEASON. nit? ooonsk n.\'cI. `E. '63.: AI.PI'ID I `IAITIN. z A` `*#ALW.KY5 ARRI\'l.\C--L A Flue Hams; Iftc-Me Hams 10-., tn |m_mnnn mm. - Tilll `I1 wx1.Lt'XIi" nan. Atalanta...-:30 our soul: tn:un Wuhan! .?L_._.---$gLlI- . I -j. .. .':-.'.v-......--..:-.......[ . 4' Li?` Iauuoaa-u-v.'hrnnu-you LGIILI. - Quunxsuur . -03- me wncws cuase, `Gilbert and Sullivan's 27% j I.\'Sl'IJ."Cl 60') . LLLJH \I&JE`ILJ&U& ' COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDER Humannnuunm. Ga-a yudhauohd Ainandl blots thoplq Jim lutguilhd. Voeu soon-Pdutl. Pnliulnry Report 0! the Gnu-Eng painted I: III l`|i\-ad: cl Punqinnh to unable IODIILV SHRRUAIJSI ha- eudnuwill the Ionian olthlntollenry Iu`IIt.8l.I PRG3R&1.\`DR(EIIl!Y. Alanna lo lknr;-0onI'ue.h`J.B.lillur.Iculs. now htloluhlhc Nun ."..'.I`~`--.:..-: f'hoIoruIIn-allI. III I103`! .::.:'...:.;':'s:*.:.".. """...:3.'.**:'.*. mind. \\ ounnIln|ushIIhtoluIi~u:- Princess Street. May .11 E Spiritua/ism Exposed. F. NISBETS, Vigvis of Kingswfiiii and Vicinity. ._'_.--...z . -___.._.;...~_._..-u--..-_. THE MILK RATE ()1-Tunas! Church. ,_ \\ more suitable memento than a (war the them not to an that friend. J. Henderson & 00., SECOND~ HAND BOOKS BOOKS AND *-*?`-'?' 1- '.uaa u`pingnu-Lana;--p. up-p nun. l JIDII. It you are taltldloue nb6u__t your Cup of Ten we think our ENGLISH CONGOU will um A11 > % T I & 53' _..a. stxxoxns. An. T NEW` `OPERA aooxseuas, 'l\oCuIotBukuIn. and Ground. July 18. Kingston nE`n`"-"EiIn'i'5 fu' '-'"rit1'1'rsB. PRINCESS BTRIIT. Fregh Butter Always on Hand. nmuhuaomuansri of men which. hkntt.hcl|ood.londIon to fortune. L`Y]5.A..`N"S Oonpentrated Extract of coffee ! INCREASING TRADE Robertson Brothers, Cutlery. &c.. I 78 Pnncess St, Kingston Tl;O;NTREA.L- "*1T1r'-__'- oocms. looxuuur uxcv1uuo.v : L%3'&`L? m ,5,=,+anJ Trude Mu-It on ev-u-'y-pncktgo. `."..'2... ..":l'x':`.'I'! COIIIIOG HQ". V$9CIblG3. 3511105 Gold fhunt limrnvngnl Thank. ax-In; Rolled IS A PURE FRUII` ACID POWDER It contains neither lllllll. lime. not unmonh and may be used by the most delicate constitu- tion: with perfect safety. It: grent_ Importers and Wholunlo Dulcn In COFFEE 1 THE CELEBRATED wwn4_ ` {AT CONVENIENCE EUR? 01" TH]! DAY. 4:: Sister nun ` Jun ' uuuun. PRINOIBB BTRIIT. 5:, Bacon, ~ FOR THE EEASIDX-2. I-`OR PICNICKING. l-`OR CAMPING OCT. mn 'nuv:u.Ixo. ran suvnxo A! non: `uquons. and be used lay the most ueucue consum- tlone perfect nfety. I oucoeel urbintromiu E IN THE ARKE1` an wells: that ouxhly mama to the nut. o'm.e um hen. nu excited envious lnnutlon of its name and up penance. Beware of such. __ --... . _. `_._ _ A__ (PC. * ".\'ow.uyI tho Tina, what in going to be done about it P \\'o doom it of a very grout importonce in tho oort to chock and uproot thin dangerous uul dolnonlizing crime 0! bribery that the conspicuous port which thou IA:-you took in tho infunouu Sharp buoinon should not go unpuoinhod. The logo! profession is concerned in thin matter. the judiciary in coucomod in it. And the public is conconod in it Whot can tholopl do? It can purge it- al! of the dlqv-on by condemning and dia- oounuunoilg the conduct of thou lur- yoru not cutting than ol tron snook- tiou with nolnbon ol the hu. us! the up. pmprhto agency for thin purpose in the but uoochtioo 0! this city. What on the judiciary do? Tto upuuo court eon, by proeoodingu lnltlotod by ital! or on up `I-nun Oh; Mgr 1!. _._AI_- pmulnllu. `llocnqniu-ylnpu-that uhhvlu|bvyunnlo|ygoludI- nothgaolnlbwplounlhulthhv. ludlqaprhnutvbo In. at that ouudduqol his and h cuhbuhoundlc I|hp.niIh uupuplubhvio lhshuub Inuu. Augupuur dthhcd lulu-vhhhulql lips about -, L- A___.I ' :~?.'`..`.`{: 3:?` .'.1""'.1`.f..*`.`:.":'.'.: :;:: 3 35 a..**..`:...'.-.:.*.....-.........L ...:~:.:>.~a......- *5 scm notice: in main; oonummm aug- ed At extra rates. no wnnxmr nRTsn mile. 3 mm: columns. In published every Thunda: In I . "`l!t:i3.a: to tllo`upu- 1: onto! the heat Job= villas in (rnnuln: nnld. stylish and cheap tut lull. nun ncnuvvcu . The consumer doee pay the duty. undet certnin circumstances. but these circumetaw can have not been experienced by the Wolfe Inland farmer. The buyer of whatever th. Canadian fnrmer bu moeell, in the United States market, At the current prices, does not pay the consul : fees uni other perlimin- ary expenses. met in Canada, and the Spec` (ator know: this us well u the \\'IIm. That the Canadian: pnid the duty on coal goes without saying. It won admitted by the nance minister in his budget speech, and by the local coal merchant: without regard to politics. And if further evidence upon the point be wanting it cm be supplied in the fact thet etesmboeta end tugs fre- quently went to Oewego. when on their way up the lake, for the fuel they required for I round trip, and the duty on which would ` have Amounted to A considerable eum. an-nu -lIlvan-\ u u u. y-.....\.-.._.,... - The Wolfe Inland farmer knots that he paid all the expenses connected with the , export of hia goods. He would not have eold them to the Americana at all had they to pay the export feel in addition to their market valueo. He realined more in selling in the United Stetea rnarketa than he could have done and sold hie produce here. and he feel: that he in out the coat of trade ohatrnc- tione represented by the conaulatee and cnatom houses. IF FVUUUIuu`- nun-v-vvu -1 -uuv- vu - Iaotion proceeding from the hu: ox- pol tlnuunnltonthohnhorpnctlce in (lb auto 0! thptduduvhou honour thcyhavohonycd,wbougoodnnnthoy lnvodhgruul. Aunlwhucu bulonoou bohnllol thopuhllc! 110500 men have counmod urinal by controlling. Aiding. ,, n .L,-AJ__ j-) l___._.. -..) L_lL.... I-II ITIII` 3:-an u--aw-J --- cu.-.,. tlnyuhouhlhohdictulndputontrhlfot fund I! locndgutyobouldbopuhhod all thoyludnoIlnonucungu- durthoclukollholoplptolu-ha. It In thodltydtholrltgnndjurytovhonolot ltlnlhtonoh Inqulryhlncrlnucounlt IdI|l|ht&jubrduto;uh|plhh mull-utlnllhtcvnuo Ipouvhk-In hlilhut nub fund. and it it tho duydopI'oooIdngoIarcl\Ihoou- Iyblullbtothnuk. \|'onh|Inoqnl- low thbdutylo hlol-pin. ning will not hvhdlutullot g Hanan thud Iduluq uthlsvynnvlo puchlpud hub: 30 Indian publ- _...nW yv-u-uvv. -vn-v v-v._.... ` No addition to or variation from } the ample name: \ -lI|boIa\'I||I`lnh&iuau'ar at your dqyhdnhvohuluhlulluvux mjggmublr. Ilaliqynv nhnanununh` ..-__4 5 T"x.':.`:':'t.::'.a`:`.3::.::.%*;...'+..t'.s-.z..:.'.:* ATEIXDOLIAIIPIIYIJR. 1,, ouawuu. tau ouv L"!LLI\IIvI .u.u.-u -- . We thought it was the consumer who i paid the duty. That in the free trade con- tention. That in the assertion reformers have been maki for the past ten years. Did not Mr. Bl; e rove that a farmer could wear It shirt on y seven yard: long, wheres: under the old tarllf he could Alford one of the re latlon length of ten yards! Have we not In told with weariaome iter- ation that sugar would be two or thre`e cent: a pound chat 1' than it in if it were not for the duty 3 \ "are we not told that price of coal would fall half A dollar a ton to noon at the duty was removed 3'` -M._ --..-.._-.. 1..-- ...... on- Anon mi-- ` ,"Kt tiKou 101110` I "uttn T omceo .. c....a. -"'.`.`.';'.'uT1'.~u.:. .3.E'?5.."; A "*= ".:&:*a:-`r3.'.:`M.'=.:........ The Spectator make: merry over an item in the Wino to the eect that I former on Wolfe Inland. wlnobld pnid seven! hundred dollars in charges on egported goods and stock, would have been the richer by then hundreds of dollar: had trade been nnre, stricted between Cnnadn and the Llnited Statu. And the Speclalor remark! : -.uI- -| , , L. 2; -___ `L- ...._.-.......... J... The New Yohk Tim taken the petition thus the lawyers. who meted u Jacob Sharp`: counsel. should be punished tith him for the wrong they urged him to com- mit. Ho committed the crime uni they cvu-nwu uuuuu nu; no-u--uu-., .-.-.. udn dlggllldluuoynudhrihtry. A-.. _n_...|.| L. x..n...I ..J ....g .. o..l.I I... dviled It. 000l( '8 FRIEND /8 GENUINE. A -'I_`.I-IE DAILY WHIG. Opi/`er per Qrbtnl Di_cor." 1..4 n rt;e.Z :4 rrsxrzo. '. ANNQUNCEMENTS. - , \ 172.4 DE ass rnvcrtoxzs, noun: umrur. % rrxin BR1T1sH wam; `ii*t;D>iEsDAY. `HIIIIDJ lKullxIN'l.II:vu c_---- -----.-f andtho pf the lihcnl puny. Ir. Mackenzie and )Jr.~L|urie in puticllu. undof.tIocordinlendonemento( cun- didnturo by us... gentleman. Not `u it Ann that his ojsponeht, Mr. Ferguson, - - . _ __ :_.I._....I__L (HUI clergy. " GROCERIES I1 Mlhlllltl WullIX.0lluZuu. Intuit: county. 'l\ocNldI1nuuI|Iyhtnol.Iot touctunul-uo!oI'tIo\\'ilIh-h|vy. Sh auoudod to but duh: h to uqlul B nnnuu-thnuhoh:ltohoa-tnuyu.-oId- od. Ahornncolu QOQLIUOWIIOVCF huldnutbdugb t|Ionn\ gohgtolaotbotwitltlnlhhyuicl-at Aha dnnnhurlhh eunuch-Ihdlvo ...;..V..{.%:m..sa,;: hom, ier with his stand!-100% ` 3| rhowcrlofbnn for out: Mr. . MJHUN may ho elected, but 0 ml! not "1110! the grit plogrunne. -n~L- I....n:.........:- .'.... .u-u3{o (J tho in- IWIIII unit nu uppuunus, an-. .-.-.-...., has announced himself II en independent conservative. `clue it {would not 'he\'e At; tempted toeeo Sarcastic it in oru.'e:~ naponuw munxtmemaida-as" is quite as good gs tint oi the other, \ and the condition of their pay au.~epw-co" are precisely the name. Of this feet the lamb Iigencw was not conecions. 9! dunno. or it would not have been no compromiuing in in remerke. ' D I I __.-_I__I._ -.. moxie, ne sxulx: h nneve at the 3 ~ on which bu-e heard I have bee:ren.:-cnud of onyx: nndmiodeedn. some of that uccuntiou havebocnutnpid in the utume. It ha beenuidthnt I In the iuulter of the Roman Catholic clergy in this Vince. that I Ind Inn` iunlt that inn 1 in the {Ace of Cnrdinl Tuchuun. I wish to n::e|cono;uhi:n udeuty zith no the a nation t gomlpooplo Igpnino.` lwinhmopntunendnt once and lot our toshosttnch wlnichuo bah; nude uviug U to!` .".3'.2"""`s':".;`."' """` :`.......' of ouoofiu nlndhnt Am` A Ago lforwudodtobllolinun Pop lao "`3}`.`.!.".`.:'.3;.`.'.`3 :i`.`.'!`. .`"..`...u... ...a... .\I.!:.::O.l0ll0I'l3 :35 3. thobinho ofthio Vince by lngthosziceyot ecu. [would 0 know before Saturday Whit truth then in :_ oh` -nonnnnn " 1 uvvwu-v` V..- __` -..- "To liosuu .\lncIn. Manned: ` `Noucnnnolhocdknlnnhcl ` tun b binhopuol tho vine: of Quohoc bu-in; incoqalgantoull e !4odoIyotJuu when an \ Holy nhor allowed in men}-on to soak i l- .. "smmxl." "In thin clear enough 3 Lotvl; In the hut. ` thonfon. I Enrol that Iouuuiul u:cIu- \ `tiontnfboinginopolnvoltugninntlo 1-Ins-av `A Coloured OI:-l.I'ho lhboood I Iub_v_ Int 8100! the Faculty. 1 l`u|.\'I'u.I.. S.C.. July 87.-4udp lind- unn ha unwound Any L . ncohund ghl. I2yoAnold.t.oln on Ihclh `dmonbtwonududthhhnld Mr. Anon Williams ollutlulo. Enroll ...._s_ 1`; ALILI neg. -Q-I Lu Lao W We have the umufnouou at numbed? with cum W K3.-.A3r"19'on A:"\'Vo hnvrnnlo the mud; lVllIIl'C$ And by the way our friend ovetloohe an important feature in the claims of Mr. Me- Intyre to the support of the electors, i.e., that he in a commercial unionist. Aa such L his depreciation by the Iuttlliwncrr will be 'more than eet-ol or counterbalanced by the appreciation of it: foremost allies in the cause of coneervatiam. In this teapect hlr. .\lcIntyro in a/wallowing that which the In~ lIh'ynctr would be horried to prescribe for him, but yet that which will yet be the salvation of him politically. It is tne one thing new upon which the people have been asked to pronounce. and the iaeue has been [_ made Iutliciently din.-ct to warrant the elec~ tors of South Reuflew making no mistake about it. -I ._ |.-..- L--- _L...... ILIJIII Ils- As for the abuse said to have been shown cred upon Mr. .\lclntyre he does not appear to be so much worried about it u nomoof hi! pditictl oppbncnu. The best evidence in nupport of the conclusion that he has not regarded the criticism of the schema of the f`-__.I- l)_.}`. ...:I.....- an naynnnnliv Ah!` l`uI\IfI III` VIIIIUIIIII \M Quin Uauuuuuvu Canadn Pacic rnilway u pononnlly o on~ give in to ho found in his nnucintiono, and than are entinly libonl. Sir Donald Sinitit. an an independent conservative. hu otoppul at nothing which a party leader would in- pose upon uurlo follower. If Mr. Mcln. tyre`: indepomlenee in of I zimilnr tort, and 1 he connects himself with the Iibernl party. us it is aid he intends to do. Mr. Lnurier no .-xl have no uneasiness About his Allegiance. IIIOV 0010!` Saturn: in the necuation." II IO IOCIIQIIOI. llosou Mann. Pint Minister of Quehoc." Thu answer which I nooirod. it both htin and in French as follows: "Rome. July 22, I&`7." ..un\ In , , II _ _ _ . __ _,A_--` gnu pnqtnuuuu. _ ._ . rho!-mlligumrianos at-n_ of the In- timacy exiting `between 3.111 3`1||3YN _...I n.- |--.I-._ .3 .L. lalnnnl mutt. Eli-_ '0 IIIYB UIG Iluunwuuu II IIILIIIIIIIII? wuu our tron new cutoncn. ARI REABY FOR A mwo hnvunulo unorunont our stock in not excelled In the City at PRICES WITHIN THE REACH 0!` ALL Get: Authol-Icy from Home to Don: some Accusations Mule Agnlnu llln. .\lI\.\l'RlAl.. July 21-In the speech undo by Hon. 1!. .\lu-cier, at Lnprurio, and in connection with the election now pending there, he said: In pg`-Aral tn! Ohm ll'1`.|- \I`hi|`h VIII) MERCIER AND THE CHURCH. "SENTENCED TO HUNG. `lohvcmlcnuvqlubs . up on...` I\.__._ I Suno.\'I.` ls'.`%i4""'.~;`."--=`-~':.,~;Tv.~.___` won uuuuu \.w..--v . `iv-. Ilin I call at AA l\l\I|Il\l Crockery, China, Glassware, Lamp Goods, Plated Ware,